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2611 lines
57 KiB
2611 lines
57 KiB
<view class="zhongcePage">
<view class="navTab">
<view class="topnavbar">
<view style="display:flex;align-items: center;margin: 0 10px 0 15px;">
<view class="typetext">金额:</view>
<view class="selecttype">
<view v-if="crowdobj.feeType==0" class="actovemode" style="padding: 0 10px;">全部</view>
<view v-else @click="changeamount('0')" class="actovemode"
style="color:#4D4D4D;background:transparent;padding: 0 10px;">全部</view>
<view v-if="crowdobj.feeType==1" class="actovemode" style="padding: 0 5px;">2千以下</view>
<view v-else @click="changeamount('1')" class="actovemode"
style="color:#4D4D4D;background:transparent;padding: 0 5px;">2千以下</view>
<view v-if="crowdobj.feeType==2" class="actovemode" style="padding: 0 5px;">2千-5千</view>
<view v-else @click="changeamount('2')" class="actovemode"
style="color:#4D4D4D;background:transparent;padding: 0 5px;">2千-5千</view>
<view v-if="crowdobj.feeType==3" class="actovemode" style="padding: 0 5px;">5千-1万</view>
<view v-else @click="changeamount('3')" class="actovemode"
style="color:#4D4D4D;background:transparent;padding: 0 5px;"> 5千-1万</view>
<view v-if="crowdobj.feeType==4" class="actovemode" style="padding: 0 5px;">1万以上</view>
<view v-else @click="changeamount('4')" class="actovemode"
style="color:#4D4D4D;background:transparent;padding: 0 5px;">1万以上</view>
<view style="display:flex;align-items: center;margin:10px 10px 10px 15px;">
<view class="typetext">周期:</view>
<view class="selecttype">
<view v-if="crowdobj.period==0" class="actovemode">全部</view>
<view v-else @click="changeperiod('0')" class="actovemode"
<view v-if="crowdobj.period==1" class="actovemode">小于30天</view>
<view v-else @click="changeperiod('1')" class="actovemode"
<view v-if="crowdobj.period==2" class="actovemode">30天-90天</view>
<view v-else @click="changeperiod('2')" class="actovemode"
<view v-if="crowdobj.period==3" class="actovemode">90天以上</view>
<view v-else @click="changeperiod('3')" class="actovemode"
<view style="display:flex;align-items: center;margin: 0 10px 0 15px;">
<view class="typetext">驻场:</view>
<view class="selecttype">
<view v-if="rescount==0" class="actovemode">全部</view>
<view v-else @click="changeresi('0')" class="actovemode"
<view v-if="rescount==1" class="actovemode">无需驻场</view>
<view v-else @click="changeresi('1')" class="actovemode"
<view v-if="rescount==2" class="actovemode">偶尔驻场</view>
<view v-else @click="changeresi('2')" class="actovemode"
<view v-if="rescount==3" class="actovemode">定期驻场</view>
<view v-else @click="changeresi('3')" class="actovemode"
<!-- 省市区选择器 -->
<view style="display:flex;align-items: center;margin: 10px 10px 0 15px;">
<view class="typetext">地域:</view>
<view class="selecttype">
<view class="provice" @click="proviceClick">
<image class="xialaimg" src="../../../static/index/xiala.png" mode=""></image>
<view class="city" @click="cityClick">
<image class="xialaimg" src="../../../static/index/xiala.png" mode=""></image>
<scroll-view @scrolltolower="lowerBottom" scroll-y="true" class="scrollHeight">
<view v-if="crowdobj.crowdlist.length>0" style="padding:0 10px;">
<view class="notice" @click="details('crpwd',item.taskId)" v-for="(item,key) of crowdobj.crowdlist"
<view style='width:160rpx;height:160rpx;margin-right:39rpx;'>
<image v-if="item.testType.split(',')[0]=='static'"
src="" mode=""
<image v-else-if="item.testType.split(',')[0]=='function'"
src="" mode=""
<image v-else-if="item.testType.split(',')[0]=='performance'"
src="" mode=""
<image v-else-if="item.testType.split(',')[0]=='security'"
src="" mode=""
<image v-else-if="item.testType.split(',')[0]=='reliability'"
src="" mode=""
<image v-else-if="item.testType.split(',')[0]=='development'"
src="" mode=""
<image v-else src="" mode=""
<view style="width: 58vw;">
<p class="leop" style="margin:-10px 0;justify-content: initial;">
{{item.projectName | ellipsis}}
<!-- <p class="typej" v-if="item.testType=='static'">类型:静态测试</p> -->
<p class="typej fiextypej">
<view class="lefttypej">
类型:{{findLabelValueByPropnew(tasktypelist, item.testType, 'dictValue', 'dictLabel')}}
<p class="typej">工期:{{item.period}}天 I
共招<text style="color: #0066EB;">{{item.needPerson}}</text>人 / 已报名
<text style="color: #0066EB;">{{item.companyAppCount + item.personalAppCount}}</text>人
<!-- <text style="color: #0066EB;">{{(item.companyAppCount + item.personalAppCount) +'/' + item.needPerson }}</text> -->
<p class="typej">语言:{{item.language?item.language:'无' }} </p>
<view style="display:flex;justify-content:space-between;margin-top:20rpx">
<view style="display: flex;align-items: center;">
<p style='color:#FF8A00;font-size: 24rpx;'></p>
<p v-if="item.price == 0" style="color: #FF3200;font-size:30rpx;">面议</p>
<p v-else style="color: #FF3200;font-size:34rpx;">¥ {{item.price}}</p>
<p style="color: #4C4644;font-size: 22rpx;"></p>
<view v-if="item.processStatus == 0" class="buttonyz">报名中</view>
<view v-if="item.processStatus == 1" class="buttonyz"
style="background: linear-gradient(90deg, #FAC024, #FD9B1D);">实施中</view>
<view v-if="item.processStatus == 2" class="buttonyz"
style="background: linear-gradient(90deg, #1EE2F9, #14CADA);">待验收</view>
<view v-if="item.processStatus == 3" class="buttonyz"
style="background: linear-gradient(90deg, #FB9A78, #FC612A);">待结算</view>
<view v-if="item.processStatus == 4" class="buttonyz"
style="background: linear-gradient(90deg, #3BF199, #13CB6E);">已完成</view>
<!-- <view v-else class="buttonyz1">报名结束</view> -->
<view class="more_text" v-if="crowdobj.showMoreData">没有数据了...</view>
<view v-else style="font-size:46rpx;
font-weight: bold;
color: #9D9D9D; text-align:center;margin-top:100px">暂无任务</view>
<!-- 省 -->
<u-select v-model="pickproviceShow" :list="columns" label-name="name" value-name="ProID"
<!-- 市 -->
<u-select v-model="pickcityShow" :list="columns" label-name="name" value-name="name"
import {
} from '@/utils/util.js'
import mixin from '@/utils/mixin/index.js'
// import {
// plist,
// clist
// } from '@/static/cityjson.js'
export default {
mixins: [mixin],
data() {
return {
columns: [],
proviceName: '不限',
cityName: '不限',
pickproviceShow: false,
pickcityShow: false,
current: '0',
crowdobj: {
crowdlist: [],
PageIndex: 1,
PageSize: 99,
feeType: '',
period: '',
onsiteType: '',
total: 0,
showMoreData: false
amountlist: [{
name: '全部'
}, {
name: '2千以下'
}, {
name: '2千-5千'
}, {
name: '5千-1万'
}, {
name: '1万以上'
periodlist: [{
name: '全部'
}, {
name: '小于30天'
}, {
name: '30天-90天'
}, {
name: '90天以上'
residentlist: [{
name: '全部'
}, {
name: '无需驻场'
}, {
name: '偶尔驻场'
}, {
name: '定期驻场'
// crowdobj.feeType:'0',
// crowdobj.period:'0',
rescount: '',
activesty: {
background: '#1E83F9',
borderRadius: '50px',
color: '#FFFFFF',
height: '30px',
lineHeight: '30px',
fontWeight: 'normal'
currentcrowdlist: [],
plist: [{
"name": "不限",
"ProID": 0
"ProID": 1,
"name": "北京市",
"ProSort": 1,
"ProRemark": "直辖市"
}, {
"ProID": 2,
"name": "天津市",
"ProSort": 2,
"ProRemark": "直辖市"
}, {
"ProID": 3,
"name": "河北省",
"ProSort": 5,
"ProRemark": "省份"
}, {
"ProID": 4,
"name": "山西省",
"ProSort": 6,
"ProRemark": "省份"
}, {
"ProID": 5,
"name": "内蒙古自治区",
"ProSort": 32,
"ProRemark": "自治区"
}, {
"ProID": 6,
"name": "辽宁省",
"ProSort": 8,
"ProRemark": "省份"
}, {
"ProID": 7,
"name": "吉林省",
"ProSort": 9,
"ProRemark": "省份"
}, {
"ProID": 8,
"name": "黑龙江省",
"ProSort": 10,
"ProRemark": "省份"
}, {
"ProID": 9,
"name": "上海市",
"ProSort": 3,
"ProRemark": "直辖市"
}, {
"ProID": 10,
"name": "江苏省",
"ProSort": 11,
"ProRemark": "省份"
}, {
"ProID": 11,
"name": "浙江省",
"ProSort": 12,
"ProRemark": "省份"
}, {
"ProID": 12,
"name": "安徽省",
"ProSort": 13,
"ProRemark": "省份"
}, {
"ProID": 13,
"name": "福建省",
"ProSort": 14,
"ProRemark": "省份"
}, {
"ProID": 14,
"name": "江西省",
"ProSort": 15,
"ProRemark": "省份"
}, {
"ProID": 15,
"name": "山东省",
"ProSort": 16,
"ProRemark": "省份"
}, {
"ProID": 16,
"name": "河南省",
"ProSort": 17,
"ProRemark": "省份"
}, {
"ProID": 17,
"name": "湖北省",
"ProSort": 18,
"ProRemark": "省份"
}, {
"ProID": 18,
"name": "湖南省",
"ProSort": 19,
"ProRemark": "省份"
}, {
"ProID": 19,
"name": "广东省",
"ProSort": 20,
"ProRemark": "省份"
}, {
"ProID": 20,
"name": "海南省",
"ProSort": 24,
"ProRemark": "省份"
}, {
"ProID": 21,
"name": "广西壮族自治区",
"ProSort": 28,
"ProRemark": "自治区"
}, {
"ProID": 22,
"name": "甘肃省",
"ProSort": 21,
"ProRemark": "省份"
}, {
"ProID": 23,
"name": "陕西省",
"ProSort": 27,
"ProRemark": "省份"
}, {
"ProID": 24,
"name": "新疆维吾尔自治区",
"ProSort": 31,
"ProRemark": "自治区"
}, {
"ProID": 25,
"name": "青海省",
"ProSort": 26,
"ProRemark": "省份"
}, {
"ProID": 26,
"name": "宁夏回族自治区",
"ProSort": 30,
"ProRemark": "自治区"
}, {
"ProID": 27,
"name": "重庆市",
"ProSort": 4,
"ProRemark": "直辖市"
}, {
"ProID": 28,
"name": "四川省",
"ProSort": 22,
"ProRemark": "省份"
}, {
"ProID": 29,
"name": "贵州省",
"ProSort": 23,
"ProRemark": "省份"
}, {
"ProID": 30,
"name": "云南省",
"ProSort": 25,
"ProRemark": "省份"
}, {
"ProID": 31,
"name": "西藏自治区",
"ProSort": 29,
"ProRemark": "自治区"
}, {
"ProID": 32,
"name": "台湾省",
"ProSort": 7,
"ProRemark": "省份"
}, {
"ProID": 33,
"name": "澳门特别行政区",
"ProSort": 33,
"ProRemark": "特别行政区"
}, {
"ProID": 34,
"name": "香港特别行政区",
"ProSort": 34,
"ProRemark": "特别行政区"
clist: [{
"name": '不限',
"ProID": 0
"CityID": 1,
"name": "北京市",
"ProID": 1,
"CitySort": 1
}, {
"CityID": 2,
"name": "天津市",
"ProID": 2,
"CitySort": 2
}, {
"CityID": 3,
"name": "上海市",
"ProID": 9,
"CitySort": 3
}, {
"CityID": 4,
"name": "重庆市",
"ProID": 27,
"CitySort": 4
}, {
"CityID": 5,
"name": "邯郸市",
"ProID": 3,
"CitySort": 5
}, {
"CityID": 6,
"name": "石家庄市",
"ProID": 3,
"CitySort": 6
}, {
"CityID": 7,
"name": "保定市",
"ProID": 3,
"CitySort": 7
}, {
"CityID": 8,
"name": "张家口市",
"ProID": 3,
"CitySort": 8
}, {
"CityID": 9,
"name": "承德市",
"ProID": 3,
"CitySort": 9
}, {
"CityID": 10,
"name": "唐山市",
"ProID": 3,
"CitySort": 10
}, {
"CityID": 11,
"name": "廊坊市",
"ProID": 3,
"CitySort": 11
}, {
"CityID": 12,
"name": "沧州市",
"ProID": 3,
"CitySort": 12
}, {
"CityID": 13,
"name": "衡水市",
"ProID": 3,
"CitySort": 13
}, {
"CityID": 14,
"name": "邢台市",
"ProID": 3,
"CitySort": 14
}, {
"CityID": 16,
"name": "朔州市",
"ProID": 4,
"CitySort": 16
}, {
"CityID": 17,
"name": "忻州市",
"ProID": 4,
"CitySort": 17
}, {
"CityID": 18,
"name": "太原市",
"ProID": 4,
"CitySort": 18
}, {
"CityID": 19,
"name": "大同市",
"ProID": 4,
"CitySort": 19
}, {
"CityID": 20,
"name": "阳泉市",
"ProID": 4,
"CitySort": 20
}, {
"CityID": 21,
"name": "晋中市",
"ProID": 4,
"CitySort": 21
}, {
"CityID": 22,
"name": "长治市",
"ProID": 4,
"CitySort": 22
}, {
"CityID": 23,
"name": "晋城市",
"ProID": 4,
"CitySort": 23
}, {
"CityID": 24,
"name": "临汾市",
"ProID": 4,
"CitySort": 24
}, {
"CityID": 25,
"name": "吕梁市",
"ProID": 4,
"CitySort": 25
}, {
"CityID": 26,
"name": "运城市",
"ProID": 4,
"CitySort": 26
}, {
"CityID": 27,
"name": "沈阳市",
"ProID": 6,
"CitySort": 27
}, {
"CityID": 28,
"name": "铁岭市",
"ProID": 6,
"CitySort": 28
}, {
"CityID": 29,
"name": "大连市",
"ProID": 6,
"CitySort": 29
}, {
"CityID": 30,
"name": "鞍山市",
"ProID": 6,
"CitySort": 30
}, {
"CityID": 31,
"name": "抚顺市",
"ProID": 6,
"CitySort": 31
}, {
"CityID": 32,
"name": "本溪市",
"ProID": 6,
"CitySort": 32
}, {
"CityID": 33,
"name": "丹东市",
"ProID": 6,
"CitySort": 33
}, {
"CityID": 34,
"name": "锦州市",
"ProID": 6,
"CitySort": 34
}, {
"CityID": 35,
"name": "营口市",
"ProID": 6,
"CitySort": 35
}, {
"CityID": 36,
"name": "阜新市",
"ProID": 6,
"CitySort": 36
}, {
"CityID": 37,
"name": "辽阳市",
"ProID": 6,
"CitySort": 37
}, {
"CityID": 38,
"name": "朝阳市",
"ProID": 6,
"CitySort": 38
}, {
"CityID": 39,
"name": "盘锦市",
"ProID": 6,
"CitySort": 39
}, {
"CityID": 40,
"name": "葫芦岛市",
"ProID": 6,
"CitySort": 40
}, {
"CityID": 41,
"name": "长春市",
"ProID": 7,
"CitySort": 41
}, {
"CityID": 42,
"name": "吉林市",
"ProID": 7,
"CitySort": 42
}, {
"CityID": 43,
"name": "延边朝鲜族自治州",
"ProID": 7,
"CitySort": 43
}, {
"CityID": 44,
"name": "四平市",
"ProID": 7,
"CitySort": 44
}, {
"CityID": 45,
"name": "通化市",
"ProID": 7,
"CitySort": 45
}, {
"CityID": 46,
"name": "白城市",
"ProID": 7,
"CitySort": 46
}, {
"CityID": 47,
"name": "辽源市",
"ProID": 7,
"CitySort": 47
}, {
"CityID": 48,
"name": "松原市",
"ProID": 7,
"CitySort": 48
}, {
"CityID": 49,
"name": "白山市",
"ProID": 7,
"CitySort": 49
}, {
"CityID": 50,
"name": "哈尔滨市",
"ProID": 8,
"CitySort": 50
}, {
"CityID": 51,
"name": "齐齐哈尔市",
"ProID": 8,
"CitySort": 51
}, {
"CityID": 52,
"name": "鸡西市",
"ProID": 8,
"CitySort": 52
}, {
"CityID": 53,
"name": "牡丹江市",
"ProID": 8,
"CitySort": 53
}, {
"CityID": 54,
"name": "七台河市",
"ProID": 8,
"CitySort": 54
}, {
"CityID": 55,
"name": "佳木斯市",
"ProID": 8,
"CitySort": 55
}, {
"CityID": 56,
"name": "鹤岗市",
"ProID": 8,
"CitySort": 56
}, {
"CityID": 57,
"name": "双鸭山市",
"ProID": 8,
"CitySort": 57
}, {
"CityID": 58,
"name": "绥化市",
"ProID": 8,
"CitySort": 58
}, {
"CityID": 59,
"name": "黑河市",
"ProID": 8,
"CitySort": 59
}, {
"CityID": 60,
"name": "大兴安岭地区",
"ProID": 8,
"CitySort": 60
}, {
"CityID": 61,
"name": "伊春市",
"ProID": 8,
"CitySort": 61
}, {
"CityID": 62,
"name": "大庆市",
"ProID": 8,
"CitySort": 62
}, {
"CityID": 63,
"name": "南京市",
"ProID": 10,
"CitySort": 63
}, {
"CityID": 64,
"name": "无锡市",
"ProID": 10,
"CitySort": 64
}, {
"CityID": 65,
"name": "镇江市",
"ProID": 10,
"CitySort": 65
}, {
"CityID": 66,
"name": "苏州市",
"ProID": 10,
"CitySort": 66
}, {
"CityID": 67,
"name": "南通市",
"ProID": 10,
"CitySort": 67
}, {
"CityID": 68,
"name": "扬州市",
"ProID": 10,
"CitySort": 68
}, {
"CityID": 69,
"name": "盐城市",
"ProID": 10,
"CitySort": 69
}, {
"CityID": 70,
"name": "徐州市",
"ProID": 10,
"CitySort": 70
}, {
"CityID": 71,
"name": "淮安市",
"ProID": 10,
"CitySort": 71
}, {
"CityID": 72,
"name": "连云港市",
"ProID": 10,
"CitySort": 72
}, {
"CityID": 73,
"name": "常州市",
"ProID": 10,
"CitySort": 73
}, {
"CityID": 74,
"name": "泰州市",
"ProID": 10,
"CitySort": 74
}, {
"CityID": 75,
"name": "宿迁市",
"ProID": 10,
"CitySort": 75
}, {
"CityID": 76,
"name": "舟山市",
"ProID": 11,
"CitySort": 76
}, {
"CityID": 77,
"name": "衢州市",
"ProID": 11,
"CitySort": 77
}, {
"CityID": 78,
"name": "杭州市",
"ProID": 11,
"CitySort": 78
}, {
"CityID": 79,
"name": "湖州市",
"ProID": 11,
"CitySort": 79
}, {
"CityID": 80,
"name": "嘉兴市",
"ProID": 11,
"CitySort": 80
}, {
"CityID": 81,
"name": "宁波市",
"ProID": 11,
"CitySort": 81
}, {
"CityID": 82,
"name": "绍兴市",
"ProID": 11,
"CitySort": 82
}, {
"CityID": 83,
"name": "温州市",
"ProID": 11,
"CitySort": 83
}, {
"CityID": 84,
"name": "丽水市",
"ProID": 11,
"CitySort": 84
}, {
"CityID": 85,
"name": "金华市",
"ProID": 11,
"CitySort": 85
}, {
"CityID": 86,
"name": "台州市",
"ProID": 11,
"CitySort": 86
}, {
"CityID": 87,
"name": "合肥市",
"ProID": 12,
"CitySort": 87
}, {
"CityID": 88,
"name": "芜湖市",
"ProID": 12,
"CitySort": 88
}, {
"CityID": 89,
"name": "蚌埠市",
"ProID": 12,
"CitySort": 89
}, {
"CityID": 90,
"name": "淮南市",
"ProID": 12,
"CitySort": 90
}, {
"CityID": 91,
"name": "马鞍山市",
"ProID": 12,
"CitySort": 91
}, {
"CityID": 92,
"name": "淮北市",
"ProID": 12,
"CitySort": 92
}, {
"CityID": 93,
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"CitySort": 93
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"CityID": 94,
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"CitySort": 94
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"CityID": 95,
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"CitySort": 95
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"CityID": 96,
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"CitySort": 96
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"CityID": 97,
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"CitySort": 97
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"CityID": 98,
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"CitySort": 98
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"CityID": 99,
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"CitySort": 99
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"CityID": 100,
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"CityID": 101,
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"CityID": 102,
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"CitySort": 102
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"CityID": 103,
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"CitySort": 103
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"CityID": 104,
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"CitySort": 104
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"CityID": 105,
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"CitySort": 105
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"CityID": 106,
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"CityID": 107,
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"CitySort": 107
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"CityID": 108,
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"CityID": 109,
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"CityID": 110,
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"CityID": 112,
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"CityID": 113,
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"CityID": 114,
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"CityID": 115,
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"CityID": 116,
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"CitySort": 116
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"CityID": 117,
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"CitySort": 117
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"CityID": 118,
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"ProID": 14,
"CitySort": 118
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"CityID": 119,
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"CitySort": 119
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"CityID": 120,
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"CityID": 121,
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"CitySort": 121
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"CityID": 122,
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"CitySort": 122
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"CityID": 123,
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"CitySort": 123
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"CityID": 124,
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"ProID": 15,
"CitySort": 124
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"CityID": 125,
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"ProID": 15,
"CitySort": 125
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"CityID": 126,
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"ProID": 15,
"CitySort": 126
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"CityID": 127,
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"CitySort": 127
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"CityID": 128,
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"CitySort": 128
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"CityID": 129,
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"CitySort": 129
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"CityID": 130,
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"CityID": 131,
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"CitySort": 131
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"CityID": 132,
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"CitySort": 132
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"CityID": 133,
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"CitySort": 133
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"CityID": 134,
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"ProID": 15,
"CitySort": 134
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"CityID": 135,
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"ProID": 15,
"CitySort": 135
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"CityID": 136,
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"CitySort": 136
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"CityID": 137,
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"CitySort": 137
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"CityID": 138,
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"ProID": 15,
"CitySort": 138
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"CityID": 139,
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"CitySort": 139
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"CityID": 140,
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"CitySort": 140
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"CityID": 141,
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"CitySort": 141
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"CityID": 142,
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"CitySort": 142
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"CityID": 143,
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"ProID": 16,
"CitySort": 143
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"CityID": 144,
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"CitySort": 144
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"CityID": 145,
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"CitySort": 145
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"CityID": 146,
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"CitySort": 146
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"CityID": 147,
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"CitySort": 147
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"CityID": 148,
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"CitySort": 148
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"CityID": 149,
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"CitySort": 149
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"CityID": 150,
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"ProID": 16,
"CitySort": 150
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"CityID": 151,
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"CitySort": 151
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"CityID": 152,
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"CitySort": 152
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"CityID": 153,
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"CitySort": 153
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"CityID": 154,
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"CitySort": 154
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"CityID": 155,
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"CitySort": 155
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"CityID": 156,
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"CitySort": 156
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"CityID": 157,
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"CitySort": 157
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"CityID": 158,
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"CitySort": 158
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"CityID": 159,
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"ProID": 17,
"CitySort": 159
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"CityID": 160,
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"ProID": 17,
"CitySort": 160
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"CityID": 161,
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"ProID": 17,
"CitySort": 161
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"CityID": 162,
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"CitySort": 162
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"CityID": 163,
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"CitySort": 163
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"CityID": 164,
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"ProID": 17,
"CitySort": 164
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"CityID": 165,
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"ProID": 17,
"CitySort": 165
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"CityID": 166,
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"ProID": 17,
"CitySort": 166
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"CityID": 167,
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"ProID": 17,
"CitySort": 167
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"CityID": 168,
"name": "恩施土家族苗族自治州",
"ProID": 17,
"CitySort": 168
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"CityID": 169,
"name": "神农架林区",
"ProID": 17,
"CitySort": 169
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"CityID": 170,
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"ProID": 17,
"CitySort": 170
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"CityID": 171,
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"CitySort": 171
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"CityID": 172,
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"CitySort": 172
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"CityID": 173,
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"CitySort": 173
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"CityID": 174,
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"CitySort": 174
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"CityID": 175,
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"ProID": 17,
"CitySort": 175
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"CityID": 176,
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"ProID": 18,
"CitySort": 176
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"CityID": 177,
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"ProID": 18,
"CitySort": 177
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"CityID": 178,
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"ProID": 18,
"CitySort": 178
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"CityID": 179,
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"ProID": 18,
"CitySort": 179
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"CityID": 180,
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"ProID": 18,
"CitySort": 180
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"CityID": 181,
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"ProID": 18,
"CitySort": 181
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"CityID": 182,
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"ProID": 18,
"CitySort": 182
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"CityID": 183,
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"ProID": 18,
"CitySort": 183
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"CityID": 184,
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"ProID": 18,
"CitySort": 184
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"CityID": 185,
"name": "邵阳市",
"ProID": 18,
"CitySort": 185
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"CityID": 186,
"name": "湘西土家族苗族自治州",
"ProID": 18,
"CitySort": 186
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"CityID": 187,
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"ProID": 18,
"CitySort": 187
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"CityID": 188,
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"ProID": 18,
"CitySort": 188
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"CityID": 189,
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"ProID": 18,
"CitySort": 189
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"CityID": 190,
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"ProID": 19,
"CitySort": 190
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"CityID": 191,
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"ProID": 19,
"CitySort": 191
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"CityID": 192,
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"ProID": 19,
"CitySort": 192
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"CityID": 193,
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"ProID": 19,
"CitySort": 193
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"CityID": 194,
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"ProID": 19,
"CitySort": 194
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"CityID": 195,
"name": "惠州市",
"ProID": 19,
"CitySort": 195
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"CityID": 196,
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"ProID": 19,
"CitySort": 196
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"CityID": 197,
"name": "韶关市",
"ProID": 19,
"CitySort": 197
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"CityID": 198,
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"ProID": 19,
"CitySort": 198
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"CityID": 199,
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"ProID": 19,
"CitySort": 199
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"CityID": 200,
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"ProID": 19,
"CitySort": 200
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"CityID": 201,
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"ProID": 19,
"CitySort": 201
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"CityID": 202,
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"ProID": 19,
"CitySort": 202
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"CityID": 203,
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"ProID": 19,
"CitySort": 203
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"CityID": 204,
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"ProID": 19,
"CitySort": 204
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"CityID": 205,
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"ProID": 19,
"CitySort": 205
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"CityID": 206,
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"ProID": 19,
"CitySort": 206
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"CityID": 207,
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"ProID": 19,
"CitySort": 207
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"CityID": 208,
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"ProID": 19,
"CitySort": 208
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"CityID": 209,
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"ProID": 19,
"CitySort": 209
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"CityID": 210,
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"CitySort": 210
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"CityID": 211,
"name": "兰州市",
"ProID": 22,
"CitySort": 211
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"CityID": 212,
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"ProID": 22,
"CitySort": 212
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"CityID": 213,
"name": "白银市",
"ProID": 22,
"CitySort": 213
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"CityID": 214,
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"ProID": 22,
"CitySort": 214
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"CityID": 215,
"name": "嘉峪关市",
"ProID": 22,
"CitySort": 215
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"CityID": 216,
"name": "武威市",
"ProID": 22,
"CitySort": 216
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"CityID": 217,
"name": "张掖市",
"ProID": 22,
"CitySort": 217
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"CityID": 218,
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"ProID": 22,
"CitySort": 218
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"CityID": 219,
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"ProID": 22,
"CitySort": 219
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"CityID": 220,
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"ProID": 22,
"CitySort": 220
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"CityID": 221,
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"ProID": 22,
"CitySort": 221
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"CityID": 222,
"name": "陇南市",
"ProID": 22,
"CitySort": 222
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"CityID": 223,
"name": "临夏回族自治州",
"ProID": 22,
"CitySort": 223
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"CityID": 224,
"name": "甘南藏族自治州",
"ProID": 22,
"CitySort": 224
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"CityID": 225,
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"ProID": 28,
"CitySort": 225
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"CityID": 226,
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"ProID": 28,
"CitySort": 226
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"CityID": 227,
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"ProID": 28,
"CitySort": 227
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"CityID": 228,
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"ProID": 28,
"CitySort": 228
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"CityID": 229,
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"ProID": 28,
"CitySort": 229
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"CityID": 230,
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"ProID": 28,
"CitySort": 230
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"CityID": 231,
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"ProID": 28,
"CitySort": 231
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"CityID": 232,
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"ProID": 28,
"CitySort": 232
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"CityID": 233,
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"ProID": 28,
"CitySort": 233
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"CityID": 234,
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"ProID": 28,
"CitySort": 234
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"CityID": 235,
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"ProID": 28,
"CitySort": 235
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"CityID": 236,
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"ProID": 28,
"CitySort": 236
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"CityID": 237,
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"ProID": 28,
"CitySort": 237
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"CityID": 238,
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"ProID": 28,
"CitySort": 238
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"CityID": 239,
"name": "眉山市",
"ProID": 28,
"CitySort": 239
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"CityID": 240,
"name": "凉山彝族自治州",
"ProID": 28,
"CitySort": 240
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"CityID": 241,
"name": "雅安市",
"ProID": 28,
"CitySort": 241
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"CityID": 242,
"name": "甘孜藏族自治州",
"ProID": 28,
"CitySort": 242
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"CityID": 243,
"name": "阿坝藏族羌族自治州",
"ProID": 28,
"CitySort": 243
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"CityID": 244,
"name": "德阳市",
"ProID": 28,
"CitySort": 244
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"CityID": 245,
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"ProID": 28,
"CitySort": 245
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"CityID": 246,
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"ProID": 29,
"CitySort": 246
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"CityID": 247,
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"ProID": 29,
"CitySort": 247
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"CityID": 248,
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"ProID": 29,
"CitySort": 248
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"CityID": 249,
"name": "黔南布依族苗族自治州",
"ProID": 29,
"CitySort": 249
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"CityID": 250,
"name": "黔东南苗族侗族自治州",
"ProID": 29,
"CitySort": 250
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"CityID": 251,
"name": "铜仁地区",
"ProID": 29,
"CitySort": 251
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"CityID": 252,
"name": "毕节地区",
"ProID": 29,
"CitySort": 252
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"CityID": 253,
"name": "六盘水市",
"ProID": 29,
"CitySort": 253
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"CityID": 254,
"name": "黔西南布依族苗族自治州",
"ProID": 29,
"CitySort": 254
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"CityID": 255,
"name": "海口市",
"ProID": 20,
"CitySort": 255
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"CityID": 256,
"name": "三亚市",
"ProID": 20,
"CitySort": 256
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"CityID": 257,
"name": "五指山市",
"ProID": 20,
"CitySort": 257
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"CityID": 258,
"name": "琼海市",
"ProID": 20,
"CitySort": 258
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"CityID": 259,
"name": "儋州市",
"ProID": 20,
"CitySort": 259
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"CityID": 260,
"name": "文昌市",
"ProID": 20,
"CitySort": 260
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"CityID": 261,
"name": "万宁市",
"ProID": 20,
"CitySort": 261
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"CityID": 262,
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"ProID": 20,
"CitySort": 262
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"CityID": 263,
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"ProID": 20,
"CitySort": 263
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"CityID": 264,
"name": "定安县",
"ProID": 20,
"CitySort": 264
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"CityID": 265,
"name": "屯昌县",
"ProID": 20,
"CitySort": 265
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"CityID": 266,
"name": "临高县",
"ProID": 20,
"CitySort": 266
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"CityID": 267,
"name": "白沙黎族自治县",
"ProID": 20,
"CitySort": 267
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"CityID": 268,
"name": "昌江黎族自治县",
"ProID": 20,
"CitySort": 268
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"CityID": 269,
"name": "乐东黎族自治县",
"ProID": 20,
"CitySort": 269
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"CityID": 270,
"name": "陵水黎族自治县",
"ProID": 20,
"CitySort": 270
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"CityID": 271,
"name": "保亭黎族苗族自治县",
"ProID": 20,
"CitySort": 271
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"CityID": 272,
"name": "琼中黎族苗族自治县",
"ProID": 20,
"CitySort": 272
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"CityID": 273,
"name": "西双版纳傣族自治州",
"ProID": 30,
"CitySort": 273
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"CityID": 274,
"name": "德宏傣族景颇族自治州",
"ProID": 30,
"CitySort": 274
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"CityID": 275,
"name": "昭通市",
"ProID": 30,
"CitySort": 275
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"CityID": 276,
"name": "昆明市",
"ProID": 30,
"CitySort": 276
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"CityID": 277,
"name": "大理白族自治州",
"ProID": 30,
"CitySort": 277
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"CityID": 278,
"name": "红河哈尼族彝族自治州",
"ProID": 30,
"CitySort": 278
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"CityID": 279,
"name": "曲靖市",
"ProID": 30,
"CitySort": 279
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"CityID": 280,
"name": "保山市",
"ProID": 30,
"CitySort": 280
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"CityID": 281,
"name": "文山壮族苗族自治州",
"ProID": 30,
"CitySort": 281
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"CityID": 282,
"name": "玉溪市",
"ProID": 30,
"CitySort": 282
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"CityID": 283,
"name": "楚雄彝族自治州",
"ProID": 30,
"CitySort": 283
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"CityID": 284,
"name": "普洱市",
"ProID": 30,
"CitySort": 284
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"CityID": 285,
"name": "临沧市",
"ProID": 30,
"CitySort": 285
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"CityID": 286,
"name": "怒江傈傈族自治州",
"ProID": 30,
"CitySort": 286
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"CityID": 287,
"name": "迪庆藏族自治州",
"ProID": 30,
"CitySort": 287
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"CityID": 288,
"name": "丽江市",
"ProID": 30,
"CitySort": 288
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"CityID": 289,
"name": "海北藏族自治州",
"ProID": 25,
"CitySort": 289
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"CityID": 290,
"name": "西宁市",
"ProID": 25,
"CitySort": 290
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"CityID": 291,
"name": "海东地区",
"ProID": 25,
"CitySort": 291
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"CityID": 292,
"name": "黄南藏族自治州",
"ProID": 25,
"CitySort": 292
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"CityID": 293,
"name": "海南藏族自治州",
"ProID": 25,
"CitySort": 293
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"CityID": 294,
"name": "果洛藏族自治州",
"ProID": 25,
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"CityID": 295,
"name": "玉树藏族自治州",
"ProID": 25,
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"CityID": 296,
"name": "海西蒙古族藏族自治州",
"ProID": 25,
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"CityID": 297,
"name": "西安市",
"ProID": 23,
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"CityID": 298,
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"ProID": 23,
"CitySort": 298
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"CityID": 299,
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"CitySort": 299
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"CityID": 300,
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"ProID": 23,
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"CityID": 301,
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"ProID": 23,
"CitySort": 301
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"CityID": 302,
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"ProID": 23,
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"CityID": 303,
"name": "安康市",
"ProID": 23,
"CitySort": 303
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"CityID": 304,
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"ProID": 23,
"CitySort": 304
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"CityID": 305,
"name": "宝鸡市",
"ProID": 23,
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"CityID": 306,
"name": "铜川市",
"ProID": 23,
"CitySort": 306
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"CityID": 307,
"name": "防城港市",
"ProID": 21,
"CitySort": 307
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"CityID": 308,
"name": "南宁市",
"ProID": 21,
"CitySort": 308
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"CityID": 309,
"name": "崇左市",
"ProID": 21,
"CitySort": 309
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"CityID": 310,
"name": "来宾市",
"ProID": 21,
"CitySort": 310
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"CityID": 311,
"name": "柳州市",
"ProID": 21,
"CitySort": 311
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"CityID": 312,
"name": "桂林市",
"ProID": 21,
"CitySort": 312
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"CityID": 313,
"name": "梧州市",
"ProID": 21,
"CitySort": 313
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"CityID": 314,
"name": "贺州市",
"ProID": 21,
"CitySort": 314
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"CityID": 315,
"name": "贵港市",
"ProID": 21,
"CitySort": 315
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"CityID": 316,
"name": "玉林市",
"ProID": 21,
"CitySort": 316
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"CityID": 317,
"name": "百色市",
"ProID": 21,
"CitySort": 317
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"CityID": 318,
"name": "钦州市",
"ProID": 21,
"CitySort": 318
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"CityID": 319,
"name": "河池市",
"ProID": 21,
"CitySort": 319
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"CityID": 320,
"name": "北海市",
"ProID": 21,
"CitySort": 320
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"CityID": 321,
"name": "拉萨市",
"ProID": 31,
"CitySort": 321
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"CityID": 322,
"name": "日喀则地区",
"ProID": 31,
"CitySort": 322
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"CityID": 323,
"name": "山南地区",
"ProID": 31,
"CitySort": 323
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"CityID": 324,
"name": "林芝地区",
"ProID": 31,
"CitySort": 324
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"CityID": 325,
"name": "昌都地区",
"ProID": 31,
"CitySort": 325
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"CityID": 326,
"name": "那曲地区",
"ProID": 31,
"CitySort": 326
}, {
"CityID": 327,
"name": "阿里地区",
"ProID": 31,
"CitySort": 327
}, {
"CityID": 328,
"name": "银川市",
"ProID": 26,
"CitySort": 328
}, {
"CityID": 329,
"name": "石嘴山市",
"ProID": 26,
"CitySort": 329
}, {
"CityID": 330,
"name": "吴忠市",
"ProID": 26,
"CitySort": 330
}, {
"CityID": 331,
"name": "固原市",
"ProID": 26,
"CitySort": 331
}, {
"CityID": 332,
"name": "中卫市",
"ProID": 26,
"CitySort": 332
}, {
"CityID": 333,
"name": "塔城地区",
"ProID": 24,
"CitySort": 333
}, {
"CityID": 334,
"name": "哈密地区",
"ProID": 24,
"CitySort": 334
}, {
"CityID": 335,
"name": "和田地区",
"ProID": 24,
"CitySort": 335
}, {
"CityID": 336,
"name": "阿勒泰地区",
"ProID": 24,
"CitySort": 336
}, {
"CityID": 337,
"name": "克孜勒苏柯尔克孜自治州",
"ProID": 24,
"CitySort": 337
}, {
"CityID": 338,
"name": "博尔塔拉蒙古自治州",
"ProID": 24,
"CitySort": 338
}, {
"CityID": 339,
"name": "克拉玛依市",
"ProID": 24,
"CitySort": 339
}, {
"CityID": 340,
"name": "乌鲁木齐市",
"ProID": 24,
"CitySort": 340
}, {
"CityID": 341,
"name": "石河子市",
"ProID": 24,
"CitySort": 341
}, {
"CityID": 342,
"name": "昌吉回族自治州",
"ProID": 24,
"CitySort": 342
}, {
"CityID": 343,
"name": "五家渠市",
"ProID": 24,
"CitySort": 343
}, {
"CityID": 344,
"name": "吐鲁番地区",
"ProID": 24,
"CitySort": 344
}, {
"CityID": 345,
"name": "巴音郭楞蒙古自治州",
"ProID": 24,
"CitySort": 345
}, {
"CityID": 346,
"name": "阿克苏地区",
"ProID": 24,
"CitySort": 346
}, {
"CityID": 347,
"name": "阿拉尔市",
"ProID": 24,
"CitySort": 347
}, {
"CityID": 348,
"name": "喀什地区",
"ProID": 24,
"CitySort": 348
}, {
"CityID": 349,
"name": "图木舒克市",
"ProID": 24,
"CitySort": 349
}, {
"CityID": 350,
"name": "伊犁哈萨克自治州",
"ProID": 24,
"CitySort": 350
}, {
"CityID": 351,
"name": "呼伦贝尔市",
"ProID": 5,
"CitySort": 351
}, {
"CityID": 352,
"name": "呼和浩特市",
"ProID": 5,
"CitySort": 352
}, {
"CityID": 353,
"name": "包头市",
"ProID": 5,
"CitySort": 353
}, {
"CityID": 354,
"name": "乌海市",
"ProID": 5,
"CitySort": 354
}, {
"CityID": 355,
"name": "乌兰察布市",
"ProID": 5,
"CitySort": 355
}, {
"CityID": 356,
"name": "通辽市",
"ProID": 5,
"CitySort": 356
}, {
"CityID": 357,
"name": "赤峰市",
"ProID": 5,
"CitySort": 357
}, {
"CityID": 358,
"name": "鄂尔多斯市",
"ProID": 5,
"CitySort": 358
}, {
"CityID": 359,
"name": "巴彦淖尔市",
"ProID": 5,
"CitySort": 359
}, {
"CityID": 360,
"name": "锡林郭勒盟",
"ProID": 5,
"CitySort": 360
}, {
"CityID": 361,
"name": "兴安盟",
"ProID": 5,
"CitySort": 361
}, {
"CityID": 362,
"name": "阿拉善盟",
"ProID": 5,
"CitySort": 362
}, {
"CityID": 363,
"name": "台北市",
"ProID": 32,
"CitySort": 363
}, {
"CityID": 364,
"name": "高雄市",
"ProID": 32,
"CitySort": 364
}, {
"CityID": 365,
"name": "基隆市",
"ProID": 32,
"CitySort": 365
}, {
"CityID": 366,
"name": "台中市",
"ProID": 32,
"CitySort": 366
}, {
"CityID": 367,
"name": "台南市",
"ProID": 32,
"CitySort": 367
}, {
"CityID": 368,
"name": "新竹市",
"ProID": 32,
"CitySort": 368
}, {
"CityID": 369,
"name": "嘉义市",
"ProID": 32,
"CitySort": 369
}, {
"CityID": 370,
"name": "澳门特别行政区",
"ProID": 33,
"CitySort": 370
}, {
"CityID": 371,
"name": "香港特别行政区",
"ProID": 34,
"CitySort": 371
onShow() {
// this.crowdobj.PageIndex = 1
// uni.pageScrollTo({
// scrollTop: 0
// });
// this.crowdobj.crowdlist = []
// this.GetCollectList()
// if (this.crowdobj.PageIndex * this.crowdobj.PageSize >= {
// return this.crowdobj.showMoreData = true
// }
this.crowdobj.crowdlist = []
if (this.crowdobj.PageIndex * this.crowdobj.PageSize >= {
return this.crowdobj.showMoreData = true
onLoad() {
// this.crowdobj.crowdlist = []
// this.GetCollectList()
// if (this.crowdobj.PageIndex * this.crowdobj.PageSize >= {
// return this.crowdobj.showMoreData = true
// }
filters: {
ellipsis(value) { //value就是当前值tool.toolDesc
if (!value) return ''
if (value.length > 12) {
return value.slice(0, 11) + '...'
return value
// onReachBottom(){
// console.log('已触底');
// },
methods: {
pickprovicechange(val) {
this.crowdobj.crowdlist = []
if (val[0].label == '不限') {
this.columns = [{
name: '不限'
this.cityName = '不限'
this.proviceName = '不限'
} else {
this.proviceName = val[0].label
const data = this.clist.filter(it => it.ProID == val[0].value)
name: '不限'
this.columns = data
this.cityName = '不限'
pickcitychange(val) {
this.crowdobj.crowdlist = []
this.cityName = val[0].label
proviceClick() {
this.columns = this.plist
this.pickproviceShow = true
cityClick() {
if (this.proviceName == '不限') {
this.columns = [{
name: '不限'
// const data = clist.filter(it => )
this.pickcityShow = true
// 金额范围筛选
changeamount(index) {
this.crowdobj.crowdlist = []
// console.log('----',this.currentoerderist,index)
if (index == 0) {
this.crowdobj.feeType = ''
} else {
this.crowdobj.feeType = index
// console.log('----',this.crowdobj.feeType,index)
this.crowdobj.PageIndex = 1
this.crowdobj.PageSize = 99
// 项目周期筛选
changeperiod(index) {
this.crowdobj.crowdlist = []
if (index == 0) {
this.crowdobj.period = ''
} else {
this.crowdobj.period = index
this.crowdobj.PageSize = 99
// 驻场需求筛选
changeresi(index) {
this.crowdobj.crowdlist = []
if (index == 0) {
this.rescount = index
this.crowdobj.onsiteType = ''
} else {
this.rescount = index
this.crowdobj.onsiteType = index - 1
this.crowdobj.PageSize = 99
// console.log('----',this.crowdobj.onsiteType,index)
GetCollectList() {
// uni.showLoading({
// title: '加载中'
// });
console.log('省市---', this.proviceName, this.cityName)
let area = '';
if (this.proviceName == '不限' && this.cityName == '不限') {
area = ''
} else if (this.proviceName != '不限' && this.cityName != '不限') {
area = this.proviceName + '-' + this.cityName
} else if (this.cityName == '不限' && this.proviceName != '不限') {
area = this.proviceName
} else if (this.proviceName == '不限' && this.cityName != '不限') {
area = this.cityName
// return;
res => {
let {
} =
if (code == 200) {
// uni.hideLoading();
this.crowdobj.crowdlist = [...this.crowdobj.crowdlist, ...rows]
| = total;
// this.currentcrowdlist=this.crowdobj.crowdlist
console.log('页面展示的众包', this.crowdobj.crowdlist)
lowerBottom() {
// 判断是否还有下一页数据
if (this.crowdobj.PageIndex * this.crowdobj.PageSize >=
return this.crowdobj.showMoreData = true
// 让页码值自增 +1
this.crowdobj.PageIndex += 1
// 重新获取列表数据
details(type, id) {
url: `./crowdsourcingdetails?id=${id}`
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