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444 lines
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444 lines
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<view class="navTab">
<u-search v-model='keyware' placeholder='请输入工具名称' bg-color='#FFFFFF' :actionStyle="customActionStyle"
showAction="true" actionText="搜索" :animation="false" @custom='seacrhko'></u-search>
<u-tabs-swiper ref="tabs" :list="ornamelist" :is-scroll="false" @change="tabsChange" :current="current"
bg-color='transparent' active-color="#1578ED" inactive-color='#666666'>
<view style="font-weight: 500;font-size: 22rpx;color: #FD8A1A;padding-left: 15px;margin-top: 15px;"
温馨提示:请登录PC端-工作台使用购买的工具 >></view>
<div class="navTab">
<view class="prdertool" v-for="(item,key) of currentoerderist" :key="key">
<view class="oerdeh">
<p>{{ dateFormat(new Date(item.payTime)) }}</p>
<view style="display: flex;justify-content: space-between;margin-bottom:15px;">
<view style="display: flex;align-items: center;align-items: center;">
<!-- <img style="width:55px;height: 55px;margin-right: 5px;" src="" alt=""> -->
<img style="width:55px;height: 55px;margin-right: 5px;" :src="item.imgs" alt="">
<view style="font-weight: bold;color: #1A1A1A;font-size:30rpx;">
<view v-if="item.priceType == 'month'"
style="font-weight: 500;font-size: 22rpx;color: #999999;margin-top: 20rpx;">
<view v-if="item.priceType == 'time' || item.priceType == 'times'"
style="font-weight: 500;font-size: 22rpx;color: #999999;margin-top: 20rpx;">
<view style="font-weight: 500;font-size: 22rpx;color: #999999;">数量:{{item.amount}} |
<view style="margin-top: 30px; min-width: 150rpx; text-align: right;">
<!-- <p style="font-size: 13px;color: #4D4D4D;">实付金额:</p> -->
<view v-if="item.status == 0" style="color: #f4a42f;margin-bottom: 10rpx;">
<view v-if="item.status == 1" style="color: #54be77;margin-bottom: 10rpx;">
<view v-if="item.status == 2" style="color: #ef6461;margin-bottom: 10rpx;">
<view v-if="item.status == 3" style="color: #8593a3;margin-bottom: 10rpx;">
<view style="display: flex;align-items: center;justify-content: flex-end;">
<p style="font-weight: bold;font-size: 12px;color: #FD461A;margin-right:3px;">¥</p>
<p style="font-size:18px;color: #FD461A;">{{item.fee}}</p>
<u-line color="rgba(153,153,153,0.2)" />
<view class="submitt" v-if="item.status == 1 || item.status == 2 || item.status == 3">
<!-- <view class="button-g"
style="background:#FFFFFF;border: 1px solid #1578ED;color: #1578ED;margin-left:0"
@click="delOrder(item)">删除订单</view> -->
<view class="button-g" @click="againBug(item)">再次购买</view>
<view class="submitt" v-if="item.status == 0">
<view class="button-g"
style="background:#FFFFFF;border: 1px solid #1578ED;color: #1578ED;margin-left:0"
<view class="button-g" @click="goPay(item)">去支付</view>
<view v-if="currentoerderist.length==0 &¤t!=0" style="font-size:46rpx;
font-weight: bold;
color: #9D9D9D; text-align:center;margin-top:100px">暂无订单</view>
<view style="height:10px;"></view>
<u-toast ref="uToast" />
<u-popup style="background:#66666;padding: 20px;" v-model="isPopupShow" @close="close" @open="open"
mode="bottom" length="80%" height='60%' border-radius="15" :closeable='true' :mask-close-able="false">
<view style="background:#66666;padding:15px 20px 80px 20px; ">
<view style="background-color: #FFFFFF;">
<view class="horizontalline"></view>
<view class="commodity">
<p style="color:#333333;">{{}}</p>
<view class="commodity">
<u-input border style="width:60%;height: 40rpx;" v-model="typeName" type="select"
@click="typeShow = true" />
<u-select v-model="typeShow" :list="toolInfo.deliverType=='SaaS' ? typeList : typeList1"
@confirm="citychange" mode="mutil-column-auto"></u-select>
<view class="commodity">
<p style="color:#333333;">¥{{toolInfo.price}}</p>
<view class="commodity">
<u-number-box v-model="cartnumber" @change="valChange"></u-number-box>
<!-- <p style="color:#333333 ;">Kinterface接口测试工具-软件版</p> -->
<view class="commodity">
<p style="color:#FD461A;margin-top: -3px;">
<span>¥ </span>
<span style="font-size:40rpx;margin-left:10rpx;font-weight: 800;">{{allpirse}}</span>
<view class="submitt22"
style="display: flex;justify-content: center; ;box-shadow:none;background: transparent;padding:0;">
<view class="button-g11"
style="width:80vw; background: linear-gradient(90deg, #5EA6FD, #1A81F9);color: #FFFFFF">支付</view>
import {
} from '@/utils/util.js'
// 订单状态 0未支付 1已支付
export default {
data() {
return {
keyware: '',
current: '0',
ornamelist: [{
name: '全部'
}, {
name: '待支付'
name: '已取消'
}, {
name: '已完成'
customActionStyle: {
color: '#808080', // 按钮颜色
fontSize: '16px' // 按钮字体大小
// 其他样式属性
orderlist: [],
currentoerderist: [],
// 弹窗
isPopupShow: false,
cartnumber: 1,
typeShow: false,
typeName: '使用时长(按月计)',
typeList: [{
value: '测试服务(按次计)',
label: '测试服务(按次计)'
}, {
value: '使用时长(按月计)',
label: '使用时长(按月计)'
typeList1: [{
value: '使用时长(按月计)',
label: '使用时长(按月计)'
allpirse: 0,
toolInfo: {}
onLoad: function(option) {
this.current = option.current;
this.http.quickGet('/my/order?pageNum=1&pageSize=100', true).then(res => {
this.orderlist =
this.orderlist.forEach(item => {
item.imgs = this.http.baseUrl + item.img
if (this.current == 0) {
this.currentoerderist = this.orderlist
} else if (this.current == 1) {
this.currentoerderist = this.orderlist.filter(it => it.status == 0)
} else if (this.current == 3) {
this.currentoerderist = this.orderlist.filter(it => it.status == 1)
} else if (this.current == 2) {
this.currentoerderist = this.orderlist.filter(it => it.status == 2)
methods: {
goPcDetail() {
url: '/pages/personal/setup/guide'
tabsChange(index) {
if (index == 0) {
this.currentoerderist = this.orderlist
} else if (index == 1) {
this.currentoerderist = this.orderlist.filter(it => it.status == 0)
} else if (index == 3) {
this.currentoerderist = this.orderlist.filter(it => it.status == 1)
} else if (index == 2) {
this.currentoerderist = this.orderlist.filter(it => it.status == 2)
// this.currentoerderist = this.orderlist.filter(item => item.status == index - 1);
this.current = index
shopping(type) {
if (type == 'cart') {
title: '功能暂未开通',
type: 'info',
url: '/pages/user/index'
seacrhko() {
const str = this.keyware ? `&projectName=${this.keyware}` : ''
this.http.quickGet('/my/order?pageNum=1&pageSize=100' + str, true).then(res => {
this.orderlist =
this.orderlist.forEach(item => {
item.imgs = this.http.baseUrl + item.img
if (this.current == 0) {
this.currentoerderist = this.orderlist
} else if (this.current == 1) {
this.currentoerderist = this.orderlist.filter(it => it.status == 0)
} else if (this.current == 3) {
this.currentoerderist = this.orderlist.filter(it => it.status == 1)
} else if (this.current == 2) {
this.currentoerderist = this.orderlist.filter(it => it.status == 2)
close() {
this.isPopupShow = false
open() {},
citychange(e) {
this.typeName = e[0].label
valChange(e) {
this.allpirse = e.value * this.toolInfo.price
// 删除订单
delOrder(item) {
// const data = {
// orderNumber: item.orderNumber,
// }
// this.http.quickPost(`/play/cancel_play`, data, true).then(res => {
// if (res.retcode == 'SUCCESS') {
// this.http.quickGet('/my/order?pageNum=1&pageSize=999', true).then(res => {
// this.orderlist =
// this.orderlist.forEach(item => {
// item.imgs = this.http.baseUrl + item.img
// })
// if (this.current == 0) {
// this.currentoerderist = this.orderlist
// } else if (this.current == 1) {
// this.currentoerderist = this.orderlist.filter(it => it.status == 0)
// } else if (this.current == 2) {
// this.currentoerderist = this.orderlist.filter(it => it.status == 2)
// } else if (this.current == 3) {
// this.currentoerderist = this.orderlist.filter(it => it.status == 1)
// }
// })
// }
// })
// 再次购买 tioazhuan
againBug(item) {
url: `/pages/index/toolleasing/tooldetails?id=${item.toolId}`
// 取消订单
cancleOrder(item) {
const data = {
orderNumber: item.orderNumber,
this.http.quickPost(`/play/cancel_play`, data, true).then(res => {
if (res.retcode == 'SUCCESS') {
this.http.quickGet('/my/order?pageNum=1&pageSize=999', true).then(res => {
this.orderlist =
this.orderlist.forEach(item => {
item.imgs = this.http.baseUrl + item.img
if (this.current == 0) {
this.currentoerderist = this.orderlist
} else if (this.current == 1) {
this.currentoerderist = this.orderlist.filter(it => it.status == 0)
} else if (this.current == 2) {
this.currentoerderist = this.orderlist.filter(it => it.status == 2)
} else if (this.current == 3) {
this.currentoerderist = this.orderlist.filter(it => it.status == 1)
// 去支付
goPay(item) {
const that = this
const data = {
orderNumber: item.orderNumber,
payType: 'W06'
this.http.quickPost(`/play/wait_play`, data, true).then(res => {
const info = JSON.parse(
timeStamp: info.timeStamp,
nonceStr: info.nonceStr,
package: info.package,
signType: info.signType,
paySign: info.paySign,
success(r) {
icon: 'none',
title: '支付成功,请前往pc端工作台使用'
that.current = 0
that.http.quickGet('/my/order?pageNum=1&pageSize=100', true).then(res => {
that.orderlist =
that.orderlist.forEach(item => {
item.imgs = that.http.baseUrl + item.img
if (that.current == 0) {
that.currentoerderist = that.orderlist
} else if (that.current == 1) {
that.currentoerderist = that.orderlist.filter(it => it
.status == 0)
} else if (that.current == 2) {
that.currentoerderist = that.orderlist.filter(it => it
.status == 2)
} else if (that.current == 3) {
that.currentoerderist = that.orderlist.filter(it => it
.status == 1)
fail(error) {
icon: 'none',
title: '支付失败'
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