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// stdafx.h : include file for standard system include files,
// or project specific include files that are used frequently, but
// are changed infrequently
#pragma once
#ifndef _WIN32_WINNT
#define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0500
#define OUTLOG_LEVEL 2 //large than 1 to disable OutputDebugString from soui system log when not use log4z module.
#include <winsock2.h>
#include <souistd.h>
#include <core/SHostDialog.h>
#include <control/SMessageBox.h>
#include <control/souictrls.h>
#include <res.mgr/sobjdefattr.h>
#define SCOM_MASK 0xfffffff //使用SOUI静态库时,可以使用这个mask来指定加载哪些库。
#include <commgr2.h>
#include <event/SNotifyCenter.h>
#include "resource.h" //APP资源
#define R_IN_CPP
#include "res/resource.h"
#include "../controls.extend/SWkeWebkit.h"
#include "../controls.extend/gif/SGifPlayer.h"
#include "../controls.extend/SIPAddressCtrl.h"
#include "../controls.extend/SImageMaskWnd.h"
#include "../controls.extend/SRatingBar.h"
#include "../controls.extend/SChromeTabCtrl.h"
#include "../controls.extend/smiley/SSmileyCtrl.h"
#include "../controls.extend/SChatEdit.h"
#include "../controls.extend/SFreeMoveWindow.h"
#include "../controls.extend/tipwnd.h"
#include "../controls.extend/SProgressRing.h"
#include "../controls.extend/SGroupList.h"
#include "../controls.extend/SAniWindow.h"
#include "../controls.extend/propgrid/SPropertyGrid.h"
#include "SInterpolatorView.h"
#include "SPathView.h"
#include "SCheckBox2.h"
using namespace SOUI;