用于EagleEye3.0 规则集漏报和误报测试的示例项目,项目收集于github和gitee
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#include "stdafx.h"
#include "3dlib.h"
#include <math.h>
namespace IMAGE3D
// storage for our lookup tables
float cos_look[361] = {0.0}; // 1 extra element so we can store 0-360 inclusive
float sin_look[361] = {0.0};
void Build_Sin_Cos_Tables(void)
// create sin/cos lookup table
// note the creation of one extra element; 360
// this helps with logic in using the tables
// generate the tables 0 - 360 inclusive
for (int ang = 0; ang <= 360; ang++)
// convert ang to radians
float theta = (float)ang*PI/(float)180;
// insert next entry into table
cos_look[ang] = cos(theta);
sin_look[ang] = sin(theta);
} // end for ang
} // end Build_Sin_Cos_Tables
float Fast_Sin(float theta)
// this function uses the sin_look[] lookup table, but
// has logic to handle negative angles as well as fractional
// angles via interpolation, use this for a more robust
// sin computation that the blind lookup, but with with
// a slight hit in speed
// convert angle to 0-359
theta = fmodf(theta,360);
// make angle positive
if (theta < 0) theta+=360.0;
// compute floor of theta and fractional part to interpolate
int theta_int = (int)theta;
float theta_frac = theta - theta_int;
// now compute the value of sin(angle) using the lookup tables
// and interpolating the fractional part, note that if theta_int
// is equal to 359 then theta_int+1=360, but this is fine since the
// table was made with the entries 0-360 inclusive
return(sin_look[theta_int] +
theta_frac*(sin_look[theta_int+1] - sin_look[theta_int]));
} // end Fast_Sin
float Fast_Cos(float theta)
// this function uses the cos_look[] lookup table, but
// has logic to handle negative angles as well as fractional
// angles via interpolation, use this for a more robust
// cos computation that the blind lookup, but with with
// a slight hit in speed
// convert angle to 0-359
theta = fmodf(theta,360);
// make angle positive
if (theta < 0) theta+=360.0;
// compute floor of theta and fractional part to interpolate
int theta_int = (int)theta;
float theta_frac = theta - theta_int;
// now compute the value of sin(angle) using the lookup tables
// and interpolating the fractional part, note that if theta_int
// is equal to 359 then theta_int+1=360, but this is fine since the
// table was made with the entries 0-360 inclusive
return(cos_look[theta_int] +
theta_frac*(cos_look[theta_int+1] - cos_look[theta_int]));
} // end Fast_Cos
int Fast_Distance_2D(int x, int y)
// this function computes the distance from 0,0 to x,y with 3.5% error
// first compute the absolute value of x,y
x = abs(x);
y = abs(y);
// compute the minimum of x,y
int mn = MIN(x,y);
// return the distance
} // end Fast_Distance_2D
float Fast_Distance_3D(float fx, float fy, float fz)
// this function computes the distance from the origin to x,y,z
int temp; // used for swaping
int x,y,z; // used for algorithm
// make sure values are all positive
x = (int)fabs(fx) * 1024;
y = (int)fabs(fy) * 1024;
z = (int)fabs(fz) * 1024;
// sort values
if (y < x) SWAP(x,y,temp)
if (z < y) SWAP(y,z,temp)
if (y < x) SWAP(x,y,temp)
int dist = (z + 11 * (y >> 5) + (x >> 2) );
// compute distance with 8% error
return((float)(dist >> 10));
} // end Fast_Distance_3D