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* Copyright (C) 2014-2050 SOUI团队
* All rights reserved.
* @file stabctrl.h
* @brief
* @version v1.0
* @author soui
* @date 2014-07-06
* Describe SOUI应用程序入口
#pragma once
#include "core/ssingleton.h"
#include "unknown/obj-ref-impl.hpp"
#include "interface/SRender-i.h"
#include "interface/SScriptModule-i.h"
#include "interface/STranslator-i.h"
#include "interface/STooltip-i.h"
#include "interface/SLog-i.h"
#include "interface/SAttrStorage-i.h"
#include "interface/SInterpolator-i.h"
#include "interface/SAnimation-i.h"
#include "interface/SValueAnimator-i.h"
#include "control/SRealWndHandler-i.h"
#include "res.mgr/SResProviderMgr.h"
#include "res.mgr/SNamedValue.h"
#include "core/smsgloop.h"
#include "core/SObjectFactory.h"
#include <OleAcc.h>
#include <interface/SSkinobj-i.h>
#include <core/SSingleton2Type.h>
#define GETRESPROVIDER SOUI::SApplication::getSingletonPtr()
#define GETRENDERFACTORY SOUI::SApplication::getSingleton().GetRenderFactory()
#define GETREALWNDHANDLER SOUI::SApplication::getSingleton().GetRealWndHander()
#define GETTOOLTIPFACTORY SOUI::SApplication::getSingleton().GetToolTipFactory()
#define LOADXML(p1,p2) SOUI::SApplication::getSingleton().LoadXmlDocment(p1,p2)
#define LOADIMAGE(p1,p2) SOUI::SApplication::getSingleton().LoadImage(p1,p2)
#define LOADIMAGE2(p1) SOUI::SApplication::getSingleton().LoadImage2(p1)
#define LOADICON(p1,p2) SOUI::SApplication::getSingleton().LoadIcon(p1,p2,p2)
#define LOADICON2(p1) SOUI::SApplication::getSingleton().LoadIcon2(p1)
#define TR(p1,p2) SOUI::SApplication::getSingleton().tr(p1,p2)
#define STR2ID(p1) SOUI::SApplication::getSingleton().Str2ID(p1)
#define GETCOLOR(x) SOUI::SApplication::getSingleton().GetColor(x)
#define GETSTRING(x) SOUI::SApplication::getSingleton().GetString(x)
#define GETLAYOUTSIZE(x) SOUI::SApplication::getSingleton().GetLayoutSize(x)
#define CREATEINTERPOLATOR(x) SOUI::SApplication::getSingleton().CreateInterpolatorByName(x)
namespace SOUI
struct IAccProxy;
interface IMsgLoopFactory : public IObjRef
virtual SMessageLoop * CreateMsgLoop() = 0;
virtual void DestoryMsgLoop(SMessageLoop * pMsgLoop) =0;
interface SOUI_EXP ISystemObjectRegister
virtual void RegisterLayouts(SObjectFactoryMgr *objFactory) const {}
virtual void RegisterSkins(SObjectFactoryMgr *objFactory) const {}
virtual void RegisterWindows(SObjectFactoryMgr *objFactory) const {}
virtual void RegisterInterpolator(SObjectFactoryMgr *objFactory) const {}
virtual void RegisterAnimation(SObjectFactoryMgr *objFactory) const {}
virtual void RegisterValueAnimator(SObjectFactoryMgr *objFactory) const {}
class SOUI_EXP SObjectDefaultRegister : public ISystemObjectRegister
void RegisterWindows(SObjectFactoryMgr *objFactory) const;
void RegisterSkins(SObjectFactoryMgr *objFactory) const;
void RegisterLayouts(SObjectFactoryMgr *objFactory) const;
void RegisterInterpolator(SObjectFactoryMgr *objFactory) const;
void RegisterAnimation(SObjectFactoryMgr *objFactory) const;
void RegisterValueAnimator(SObjectFactoryMgr *objFactory) const;
* @class SApplication
* @brief SOUI Application
* Describe SOUI Application
class SOUI_EXP SApplication :public SSingleton<SApplication>
,public SResProviderMgr
,public SObjectFactoryMgr
* SApplication
* @brief 构造函数
* @param IRenderFactory * pRendFactory -- 渲染模块
* @param HINSTANCE hInst -- 应用程序句柄
* @param LPCTSTR pszHostClassName -- 使用SOUI创建窗口时默认的窗口类名
* @param ISystemObjectRegister *pSysObjRegister -- 系统控件注册器
* Describe
SApplication(IRenderFactory *pRendFactory,HINSTANCE hInst,LPCTSTR pszHostClassName = _T("SOUIHOST"), const ISystemObjectRegister & sysObjRegister = SObjectDefaultRegister(), BOOL bImeApp = FALSE);
* GetInstance
* @brief 获得应用程序句柄
* @return HINSTANCE
* Describe
HINSTANCE GetInstance();
* Init
* @brief 从数组里初始化命名ID列表
* @param SNamedID::NAMEDVALUE *pValue -- 数组
* @param int nCount -- 数组长度
* @param BOOL bSorted -- 数组关键字从小到大已经有序
* Describe SNamedID::NAMEDVALUE应该是由uiresbuilder自动生成的列表数据,不要手动修改
void InitXmlNamedID(const SNamedID::NAMEDVALUE *pNamedValue,int nCount,BOOL bSorted);
* LoadSystemNamedResource
* @brief 加载SOUI系统默认的命名资源
* @param IResProvider * pResProvider --
* @return UINT
* Describe
UINT LoadSystemNamedResource(IResProvider *pResProvider);
* LoadXmlDocment
* @brief 从资源中加载一个XML Document。
* @param [out] pugi::xml_document & xmlDoc -- 输出的xml_document对象
* @param const SStringT & strResId -- XML文件在资源中的type:name
* @return BOOL true-加载成功, false-加载失败
* Describe
BOOL LoadXmlDocment(pugi::xml_document & xmlDoc,const SStringT & strResId);
IAnimation * LoadAnimation(const SStringT &strResId);
IValueAnimator *LoadValueAnimator(const SStringT &strResId);
* GetRenderFactory
* @brief 获得当前的渲染模块
* @return IRenderFactory * 渲染模块指针
* Describe
IRenderFactory * GetRenderFactory();
* GetScriptModule
* @brief 创建脚本模块对象
* @param [out] IScriptModule **ppScriptModule -- 脚本模块对象
* @return HRESULT -- S_OK 创建成功
* Describe
HRESULT CreateScriptModule(IScriptModule **ppScriptModule);
* SetScriptModule
* @brief 设置SOUI中使用的脚本模块类厂
* @param IScriptFactory *pScriptModule -- 脚本模块类厂
* @return void
* Describe
void SetScriptFactory(IScriptFactory *pScriptModule);
* GetTranslator
* @brief 获取语言翻译模块
* @return ITranslator * 语言翻译模块指针
* Describe
ITranslatorMgr * GetTranslator();
* SetTranslator
* @brief 设置语言翻译模块
* @param ITranslator * pTrans -- 语言翻译模块指针
* @return void
* Describe
void SetTranslator(ITranslatorMgr * pTrans);
* GetRealWndHander
* @brief 获得RealWndHander
* @return IRealWndHandler * -- RealWndHander
* Describe
IRealWndHandler * GetRealWndHander();
* SetRealWndHandler
* @brief 设置RealWnd处理接口
* @param IRealWndHandler * pRealHandler -- RealWnd处理接口
* @return void
* Describe
void SetRealWndHandler(IRealWndHandler *pRealHandler);
* GetToolTipFactory
* @brief 获取ToolTip处理接口
* @return IToolTipFactory * -- ToolTip处理接口
* Describe
IToolTipFactory * GetToolTipFactory();
* SetToolTipFactory
* @brief 设置ToolTip处理接口
* @param IToolTipFactory * pToolTipFac -- ToolTip处理接口
* @return void --
* Describe
void SetToolTipFactory(IToolTipFactory* pToolTipFac);
BOOL SetMsgLoopFactory(IMsgLoopFactory *pMsgLoopFac);
IMsgLoopFactory * GetMsgLoopFactory();
void SetLogManager(ILog4zManager * pLogMgr);
ILog4zManager * GetLogManager();
void SetAttrStorageFactory(IAttrStorageFactory * pAttrStorageFactory);
IAttrStorageFactory * GetAttrStorageFactory();
* Run
* @brief 启动SOUI的主消息循环
* @param HWND hMainWnd -- 应用程序主窗口句柄
* @return int 消息循环结束时的返回值
* Describe
int Run(HWND hMainWnd);
void SetAppDir(const SStringT & strAppDir);
SStringT GetAppDir()const;
HWND GetMainWnd();
template<class T>
bool RegisterWindowClass()
if (T::GetClassType() != Window) return false;
return TplRegisterFactory<T>();
template<class T>
bool UnregisterWindowClass()
if (T::GetClassType() != Window) return false;
return TplUnregisterFactory<T>();
template<class T>
bool RegisterSkinClass()
if (T::GetClassType() != Skin) return false;
return TplRegisterFactory<T>();
template<class T>
bool UnregisterSkinClass()
if (T::GetClassType() != Skin) return false;
return TplUnregisterFactory<T>();
int Str2ID(const SStringW & str);
SStringW tr(const SStringW & strSrc,const SStringW & strCtx) const;
virtual SWindow * CreateWindowByName(LPCWSTR pszWndClass) const;
virtual ISkinObj * CreateSkinByName(LPCWSTR pszSkinClass) const;
virtual IInterpolator * CreateInterpolatorByName(LPCWSTR pszName) const;
virtual IAnimation * CreateAnimationByName(LPCWSTR pszName) const;
virtual IValueAnimator *CreateValueAnimatorByName(LPCWSTR pszName) const;
virtual IAccProxy * CreateAccProxy(SWindow* pWnd) const;
virtual IAccessible * CreateAccessible(SWindow *pWnd) const;
void * GetInnerSingleton(int nType);
// Message loop map methods
bool AddMsgLoop(SMessageLoop* pMsgLoop);
bool RemoveMsgLoop();
SMessageLoop* GetMsgLoop(DWORD dwThreadID = ::GetCurrentThreadId()) const;
virtual void RegisterSystemObjects(){}
void _CreateSingletons(HINSTANCE hInst, LPCTSTR pszHostClassName, BOOL bImeApp);
void _DestroySingletons();
BOOL _LoadXmlDocment(LPCTSTR pszXmlName ,LPCTSTR pszType ,pugi::xml_document & xmlDoc,IResProvider *pResProvider = NULL);
SAutoRefPtr<IRealWndHandler> m_pRealWndHandler;
SAutoRefPtr<IScriptFactory> m_pScriptFactory;
SAutoRefPtr<IRenderFactory> m_RenderFactory;
SAutoRefPtr<ITranslatorMgr> m_translator;
SAutoRefPtr<IToolTipFactory> m_tooltipFactory;
SAutoRefPtr<IMsgLoopFactory> m_msgLoopFactory;
SAutoRefPtr<ILog4zManager> m_logManager; //log manager
SAutoRefPtr<IAttrStorageFactory> m_pAttrStroageFactory;
SNamedID m_namedID;
SStringT m_strAppDir;
HWND m_hMainWnd;
mutable SCriticalSection m_cs;
SMap<DWORD,SMessageLoop * > m_msgLoopMap;
SMessageLoop * m_pMsgLoop;
void * m_pSingletons[SINGLETON_COUNT];
}//namespace SOUI