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/* Copyright (c) 2014, 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0,
as published by the Free Software Foundation.
This program is also distributed with certain software (including
but not limited to OpenSSL) that is licensed under separate terms,
as designated in a particular file or component or in included license
documentation. The authors of MySQL hereby grant you an additional
permission to link the program and your derivative works with the
separately licensed software that they have included with MySQL.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License, version 2.0, for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include "my_inttypes.h"
#include "sql/dd/impl/dictionary_impl.h"
#include "sql/dd/impl/raw/object_keys.h"
#include "sql/dd/impl/raw/raw_record.h"
#include "sql/dd/impl/raw/raw_table.h"
#include "sql/dd/impl/tables/schemata.h"
#include "sql/dd/impl/transaction_impl.h"
#include "sql/dd/impl/types/schema_impl.h"
#include "sql/thd_raii.h"
#include "unittest/gunit/dd.h"
#include "unittest/gunit/test_utils.h"
namespace dd_schema_unittest {
using namespace dd;
using namespace dd_unittest;
using dd_unittest::Mock_dd_field_longlong;
using dd_unittest::Mock_dd_field_varstring;
using dd_unittest::Mock_dd_HANDLER;
using my_testing::Server_initializer;
using ::testing::_;
using ::testing::Invoke;
using ::testing::NiceMock;
using ::testing::Return;
using ::testing::SetArgPointee;
using ::testing::StrictMock;
using ::testing::WithArgs;
Test fixture for testing the dd::Schema, Schema_impl and Raw_* classes.
A fresh instance of this class will be created for each of the TEST_F
functions below.
The functions SetUp(), TearDown(), SetUpTestCase(), TearDownTestCase() are
inherited from ::testing::Test (google naming style differs from MySQL).
class SchemaTest : public ::testing::Test {
SchemaTest() {}
virtual void SetUp() {
m_dict = new Dictionary_impl();
m_def_cat_id = Dictionary_impl::DEFAULT_CATALOG_ID;
// Set handlerton slot, needed for lookup in handler's ht_info.
m_hton.slot = 0;
// Dummy server initialization.
// Ensure that we can use Update_dictionary_tables_ctx without
// employing Disable_autocommit_guard
m_init.thd()->variables.option_bits &= ~OPTION_AUTOCOMMIT;
m_init.thd()->variables.option_bits |= OPTION_NOT_AUTOCOMMIT;
virtual void TearDown() {
delete m_dict;
// Tear down dummy server.
// Return dummy thd.
THD *thd() { return m_init.thd(); }
// Return dummy handlerton.
handlerton *hton() { return &m_hton; }
// Begin transaction.
Update_dictionary_tables_ctx *begin_dd_updates() {
Update_dictionary_tables_ctx *ctx =
new (std::nothrow) Update_dictionary_tables_ctx(thd());
EXPECT_TRUE(thd()->variables.option_bits & OPTION_DD_UPDATE_CONTEXT);
// Add schema table to transaction context.
// Fake ctx->open_tables() by assigning fake schema TABLE object directly.
ctx->otx.get_table<dd::Schema>()->get_table_list()->table =
get_schema_table(thd(), hton());
return ctx;
// Delete instances and commit transaction.
void commit_transaction(Update_dictionary_tables_ctx *ctx,
Fake_TABLE *table) {
delete ctx;
// Must destroy fields and handler explicitly to avoid gmock warning
for (uint i = 0; i < table->s->fields; ++i) destroy(table->field[i]);
delete[] table->s->default_values;
delete[] table->record[0];
delete[] table->record[1];
delete table;
handlerton m_hton; // Dummy handlerton.
Dictionary_impl *m_dict; // Dictionary instance.
Object_id m_def_cat_id; // Default catalog id.
Server_initializer m_init; // Server initializer.
// Declares (but does not define) copy constructor and assignment operator.
When storing an object, Weak_object_impl::store is called.
The primary key for the object is created, returning a new Primary_id_key
instance with the object id, given by Entity_object::id(). The primary
key instance represents the primary key value.
Then, a Raw_record is created by Raw_table::prepare_record_for_update.
Here, the record is essentially retrieved by find_record based on the
primary key. This is done by creating a raw access key, which is the primary
key value with a physical representation suitable for looking up in a storage
engine. The raw key is used to get the appropriate record from the dd tables
by calling ha_index_read_idx_map. By instrumenting this function to return
1, indicating no record found, we will provoke insert.
Then, for insert, Weak_object_impl::store will first call
prepare_record_for_insert, which just creates a new Raw_new_record instance.
Then, the schema object members are copied into the appropriate table fields
by calling the function Schema_impl::store_attributes. This, in turn, invokes
the various Field*::store functions, which are set up to invoke the
corresponding fake_store methods, and finally, Raw_new_record::insert
is called, which calls ha_write_row. The write_row function in the handler
api is instrumented to return 0 (success).
After storing the schema object, we verify that the values saved in
the various fields by fake_store are the same as we used to create the schema
TEST_F(SchemaTest, CreateSchema) {
// Execution context.
Schema_impl *schema = NULL;
Update_dictionary_tables_ctx *ctx = begin_dd_updates();
Fake_TABLE *schemata_table =
static_cast<Fake_TABLE *>(ctx->otx.get_table<Schema>()->get_table());
Mock_dd_HANDLER *ha = static_cast<Mock_dd_HANDLER *>(schemata_table->file);
// Schemata table fields.
Mock_dd_field_longlong *id =
static_cast<Mock_dd_field_longlong *>(schemata_table->field[0]);
Mock_dd_field_longlong *catalog_id =
static_cast<Mock_dd_field_longlong *>(schemata_table->field[1]);
Mock_dd_field_varstring *name =
static_cast<Mock_dd_field_varstring *>(schemata_table->field[2]);
Mock_dd_field_longlong *collation_id =
static_cast<Mock_dd_field_longlong *>(schemata_table->field[3]);
Mock_dd_field_longlong *created =
static_cast<Mock_dd_field_longlong *>(schemata_table->field[4]);
Mock_dd_field_longlong *last_altered =
static_cast<Mock_dd_field_longlong *>(schemata_table->field[5]);
// Schema properties.
Object_id real_id = 10;
const char *real_name = "testdd_schema";
Object_id real_collation_id = 20;
ulonglong real_created = 30;
ulonglong real_last_altered = 40;
// Create a new schema, set properties.
schema = new Schema_impl();
// Set expectations for insert:
// ha->index_read_idx_map: Called once, return 1
ON_CALL(*ha, index_read_idx_map(_, _, _, _, _))
EXPECT_CALL(*ha, index_read_idx_map(_, _, _, _, _)).Times(1);
// id->store: Called twice, return 0
ON_CALL(*id, store(real_id, true))
.WillByDefault(Invoke(id, &Mock_dd_field_longlong::fake_store));
EXPECT_CALL(*id, store(real_id, true)).Times(2);
// catalog_id->store: Called once, return 0
ON_CALL(*catalog_id, store(m_def_cat_id, true))
.WillByDefault(Invoke(catalog_id, &Mock_dd_field_longlong::fake_store));
EXPECT_CALL(*catalog_id, store(m_def_cat_id, true)).Times(1);
// name->store: Called once, return 0
ON_CALL(*name, store(schema->name().c_str(), _, _))
WithArgs<0>(Invoke(name, &Mock_dd_field_varstring::fake_store)));
EXPECT_CALL(*name, store(schema->name().c_str(), _, _)).Times(1);
// collation_id->store: Called once, return 0
ON_CALL(*collation_id, store(real_collation_id, true))
.WillByDefault(Invoke(collation_id, &Mock_dd_field_longlong::fake_store));
EXPECT_CALL(*collation_id, store(real_collation_id, true)).Times(1);
// created->store: Called once, return 0
ON_CALL(*created, store(real_created, true))
.WillByDefault(Invoke(created, &Mock_dd_field_longlong::fake_store));
EXPECT_CALL(*created, store(real_created, true)).Times(1);
// last_altered->store: Called once, return 0
ON_CALL(*last_altered, store(real_last_altered, true))
.WillByDefault(Invoke(last_altered, &Mock_dd_field_longlong::fake_store));
EXPECT_CALL(*last_altered, store(real_last_altered, true)).Times(1);
// ha->write_row: Called once, return 0
ON_CALL(*ha, write_row(_)).WillByDefault(Return(0));
EXPECT_CALL(*ha, write_row(_)).Times(1);
// Store the schema.
// Verify real contents stored into faked fields.
EXPECT_TRUE(id->fake_val_uint() == real_id);
EXPECT_TRUE(catalog_id->fake_val_uint() == m_def_cat_id);
EXPECT_TRUE(strcmp(name->fake_val_c_str(), real_name) == 0);
EXPECT_TRUE(collation_id->fake_val_uint() == real_collation_id);
EXPECT_TRUE(created->fake_val_uint() == real_created);
EXPECT_TRUE(last_altered->fake_val_uint() == real_last_altered);
// Commit transaction and cleanup.
commit_transaction(ctx, schemata_table);
delete schema;
To provoke an update, the setup is pretty much the same as for insert (see
above), but we must instrument index_read_idx_map to return 0. This
makes a new Raw_record be created, and makes ha_update_row be called.
TEST_F(SchemaTest, UpdateSchema) {
// Execution context.
Schema_impl *schema = NULL;
Update_dictionary_tables_ctx *ctx = begin_dd_updates();
Fake_TABLE *schemata_table =
static_cast<Fake_TABLE *>(ctx->otx.get_table<Schema>()->get_table());
Mock_dd_HANDLER *ha = static_cast<Mock_dd_HANDLER *>(schemata_table->file);
// Schemata table fields.
Mock_dd_field_longlong *id =
static_cast<Mock_dd_field_longlong *>(schemata_table->field[0]);
Mock_dd_field_longlong *catalog_id =
static_cast<Mock_dd_field_longlong *>(schemata_table->field[1]);
Mock_dd_field_varstring *name =
static_cast<Mock_dd_field_varstring *>(schemata_table->field[2]);
Mock_dd_field_longlong *collation_id =
static_cast<Mock_dd_field_longlong *>(schemata_table->field[3]);
Mock_dd_field_longlong *created =
static_cast<Mock_dd_field_longlong *>(schemata_table->field[4]);
Mock_dd_field_longlong *last_altered =
static_cast<Mock_dd_field_longlong *>(schemata_table->field[5]);
// Schema properties.
Object_id real_id = 11;
const char *real_name = "testdd_schema";
Object_id real_collation_id = 21;
ulonglong real_created = 31;
ulonglong real_last_altered = 41;
// Create a schema, set properties.
schema = new Schema_impl();
// Set expectations for update:
// ha->index_read_idx_map: Called once, return 0
ON_CALL(*ha, index_read_idx_map(_, _, _, _, _)).WillByDefault(Return(0));
EXPECT_CALL(*ha, index_read_idx_map(_, _, _, _, _)).Times(1);
// id->store: Called twice, return 0
ON_CALL(*id, store(real_id, true))
.WillByDefault(Invoke(id, &Mock_dd_field_longlong::fake_store));
EXPECT_CALL(*id, store(real_id, true)).Times(2);
// catalog_id->store: Called once, return 0
ON_CALL(*catalog_id, store(m_def_cat_id, true))
.WillByDefault(Invoke(catalog_id, &Mock_dd_field_longlong::fake_store));
EXPECT_CALL(*catalog_id, store(m_def_cat_id, true)).Times(1);
// name->store: Called once, return 0
ON_CALL(*name, store(schema->name().c_str(), _, _))
WithArgs<0>(Invoke(name, &Mock_dd_field_varstring::fake_store)));
EXPECT_CALL(*name, store(schema->name().c_str(), _, _)).Times(1);
// collation_id->store: Called once, return 0
ON_CALL(*collation_id, store(real_collation_id, true))
.WillByDefault(Invoke(collation_id, &Mock_dd_field_longlong::fake_store));
EXPECT_CALL(*collation_id, store(real_collation_id, true)).Times(1);
// created->store: Called once, return 0
ON_CALL(*created, store(real_created, true))
.WillByDefault(Invoke(created, &Mock_dd_field_longlong::fake_store));
EXPECT_CALL(*created, store(real_created, true)).Times(1);
// last_altered->store: Called once, return 0
ON_CALL(*last_altered, store(real_last_altered, true))
.WillByDefault(Invoke(last_altered, &Mock_dd_field_longlong::fake_store));
EXPECT_CALL(*last_altered, store(real_last_altered, true)).Times(1);
// ha->update_row: Called once, return 0
ON_CALL(*ha, update_row(_, _)).WillByDefault(Return(0));
EXPECT_CALL(*ha, update_row(_, _)).Times(1);
// Store the schema.
// Verify real contents stored into faked fields.
EXPECT_TRUE(id->fake_val_uint() == real_id);
EXPECT_TRUE(catalog_id->fake_val_uint() == m_def_cat_id);
EXPECT_TRUE(strcmp(name->fake_val_c_str(), real_name) == 0);
EXPECT_TRUE(collation_id->fake_val_uint() == real_collation_id);
EXPECT_TRUE(created->fake_val_uint() == real_created);
EXPECT_TRUE(last_altered->fake_val_uint() == real_last_altered);
// Commit transaction and cleanup.
commit_transaction(ctx, schemata_table);
delete schema;
For testing getting a schema, the setup is slightly different than for
insert and update. For a name lookup, the schemata table is first
read using catalog_id and name to get the primary key id. Then, the
table is read to retrieve the full schema object.
To get the expected behavior, we explicitly call the various fake_store
methods on the table fields to set the contents in advance. This will make
the val_* calls done when reading the schema object return the expected
values. After the schema object has been retrieved, we verify that the
contents of the object are the same as the faked and predefined values
we stored in the various table fields.
TEST_F(SchemaTest, GetSchema) {
// Execution context.
const Schema_impl *schema = NULL;
Update_dictionary_tables_ctx *ctx = begin_dd_updates();
Fake_TABLE *schemata_table =
static_cast<Fake_TABLE *>(ctx->otx.get_table<Schema>()->get_table());
Mock_dd_HANDLER *ha = static_cast<Mock_dd_HANDLER *>(schemata_table->file);
// Schemata table fields.
Mock_dd_field_longlong *id =
static_cast<Mock_dd_field_longlong *>(schemata_table->field[0]);
Mock_dd_field_longlong *catalog_id =
static_cast<Mock_dd_field_longlong *>(schemata_table->field[1]);
Mock_dd_field_varstring *name =
static_cast<Mock_dd_field_varstring *>(schemata_table->field[2]);
Mock_dd_field_longlong *collation_id =
static_cast<Mock_dd_field_longlong *>(schemata_table->field[3]);
Mock_dd_field_longlong *created =
static_cast<Mock_dd_field_longlong *>(schemata_table->field[4]);
Mock_dd_field_longlong *last_altered =
static_cast<Mock_dd_field_longlong *>(schemata_table->field[5]);
// Schema properties.
Object_id real_id = 12;
const char *real_name = "testdd_schema";
Object_id real_collation_id = 22;
ulonglong real_created = 32;
ulonglong real_last_altered = 42;
// Set expectations for read execution:
// catalog_id->store: Called once, return 0
ON_CALL(*catalog_id, store(m_def_cat_id, true))
EXPECT_CALL(*catalog_id, store(m_def_cat_id, true)).Times(1);
// name->store: Called once, return TYPE_OK
ON_CALL(*name, store(_, _, _)).WillByDefault(Return(TYPE_OK));
EXPECT_CALL(*name, store(_, _, _)).Times(1);
// ha->index_read: Called once, return 0
ON_CALL(*ha, index_read_idx_map(_, _, _, _, _)).WillByDefault(Return(0));
EXPECT_CALL(*ha, index_read_idx_map(_, _, _, _, _)).Times(1);
// id->val_int: Called once, get faked id
ON_CALL(*id, val_int())
.WillByDefault(Invoke(id, &Mock_dd_field_longlong::fake_val_int));
EXPECT_CALL(*id, val_int()).Times(1);
// catalog_id->val_int: Never called, get faked id
ON_CALL(*catalog_id, val_int())
.WillByDefault(Invoke(catalog_id, &Mock_dd_field_longlong::fake_val_int));
EXPECT_CALL(*catalog_id, val_int()).Times(0);
// name->val_str: Called once, get faked name
ON_CALL(*name, val_str(_, _))
WithArgs<1>(Invoke(name, &Mock_dd_field_varstring::fake_val_str)));
EXPECT_CALL(*name, val_str(_, _)).Times(1);
// collation_id->val_int: Called once, get faked id
ON_CALL(*collation_id, val_int())
Invoke(collation_id, &Mock_dd_field_longlong::fake_val_int));
EXPECT_CALL(*collation_id, val_int()).Times(1);
// created->val_int: Called once, get faked value
ON_CALL(*created, val_int())
.WillByDefault(Invoke(created, &Mock_dd_field_longlong::fake_val_int));
EXPECT_CALL(*created, val_int()).Times(1);
// last_altered->val_int: Called once, get faked value
ON_CALL(*last_altered, val_int())
Invoke(last_altered, &Mock_dd_field_longlong::fake_val_int));
EXPECT_CALL(*last_altered, val_int()).Times(1);
// Set faked field contents.
id->fake_store(real_id, true);
catalog_id->fake_store(m_def_cat_id, true);
collation_id->fake_store(real_collation_id, true);
created->fake_store(real_created, true);
last_altered->fake_store(real_last_altered, true);
// Create a name key.
Item_name_key key;
Schema::update_name_key(&key, real_name);
// Get the raw table and lookup the object by the name key.
Raw_table *t = ctx->otx.get_table<Schema>();
std::unique_ptr<Raw_record> r;
EXPECT_FALSE(t->find_record(key, r));
// Restore the object from the record.
Entity_object *new_object = NULL;
&ctx->otx, *r.get(), &new_object));
schema = dynamic_cast<const Schema_impl *>(new_object);
// Verify values stored into faked fields are read into schema object.
EXPECT_TRUE(schema->id() == real_id);
// Catalog id not exposed in dd api yet
EXPECT_TRUE(schema->name() == real_name);
EXPECT_TRUE(schema->default_collation_id() == real_collation_id);
EXPECT_TRUE(schema->created(false) == real_created);
EXPECT_TRUE(schema->last_altered(false) == real_last_altered);
// Commit transaction and cleanup.
commit_transaction(ctx, schemata_table);
delete schema;
} // namespace dd_schema_unittest