用于EagleEye3.0 规则集漏报和误报测试的示例项目,项目收集于github和gitee
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/* Copyright (c) 2012, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
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it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0,
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separately licensed software that they have included with MySQL.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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#include "my_config.h"
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <limits>
#include "my_byteorder.h"
#include "my_inttypes.h"
namespace byteorder_unittest {
using std::numeric_limits;
This class is used to instantiate parameterized tests for float and double.
template <typename T>
class FloatingTest {
T input;
T output;
uchar buf[sizeof(T)];
class Float4Test : public FloatingTest<float>,
public ::testing::TestWithParam<float> {
virtual void SetUp() {
input = GetParam();
output = numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN();
-1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f));
The actual test case for float: store and get some values.
TEST_P(Float4Test, PutAndGet) {
float4store(buf, input);
float4get(&output, buf);
EXPECT_EQ(input, output);
floatstore(buf, input);
floatget(&output, buf);
EXPECT_EQ(input, output);
class Float8Test : public FloatingTest<double>,
public ::testing::TestWithParam<double> {
virtual void SetUp() {
input = GetParam();
output = numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN();
-1.0, 0.0, 1.0));
The actual test case for double: store and get some values.
TEST_P(Float8Test, PutAndGet) {
float8store(buf, input);
float8get(&output, buf);
EXPECT_EQ(input, output);
doublestore(buf, input);
doubleget(&output, buf);
EXPECT_EQ(input, output);
A test fixture class, parameterized on type.
Will be instantiated for all IntegralTypes below.
template <typename T>
class IntegralTest : public ::testing::Test {
typedef std::numeric_limits<T> Limit;
T input;
T output;
uchar buf[sizeof(T)];
typename std::vector<T> values;
IntegralTest() : input(0), output(0) {}
virtual void SetUp() {
values.push_back(Limit::min() / T(2));
values.push_back(Limit::max() / T(2));
A class to make our 3, 5 and 6 digit integers look like builtins.
template <int ndigits>
struct sizeNint {
// For numeric_limits.
typedef ulonglong value_type;
sizeNint() : value(0) {}
explicit sizeNint(ulonglong v) {
switch (ndigits) {
case 3:
value = v & 0xFFFFFFULL;
case 5:
value = v & 0xFFFFFFFFFFULL;
case 6:
value = v & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFULL;
ADD_FAILURE() << "unxpected number of digits";
sizeNint operator/(const sizeNint &that) const {
return sizeNint(this->value / that.value);
bool operator==(const sizeNint &that) const {
return this->value == that.value;
ulonglong value;
// googletest needs to be able to print arguments to EXPECT_EQ.
template <int ndigits>
std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &s, const sizeNint<ndigits> &v) {
return s << v.value;
// Instantiate the PutAndGet test for all these types:
typedef ::testing::Types<short, ushort, sizeNint<3>, sizeNint<5>, sizeNint<6>,
int, unsigned, longlong, ulonglong>
TYPED_TEST_CASE(IntegralTest, IntegralTypes);
Wrap all the __get, __store, __korr macros in functions.
template <typename T>
void put_integral(uchar *, T) {
ADD_FAILURE() << "unknown type in put_integral";
template <typename T>
void get_integral(T &, uchar *) {
ADD_FAILURE() << "unknown type in get_integral";
template <>
void put_integral(uchar *buf, short val) {
shortstore(buf, val);
template <>
void get_integral(short &val, uchar *buf) {
shortget(&val, buf);
// Hmm, there's no ushortstore...
template <>
void put_integral(uchar *buf, ushort val) {
shortstore(buf, val);
template <>
void get_integral(ushort &val, uchar *buf) {
ushortget(&val, buf);
template <>
void put_integral(uchar *buf, int val) {
longstore(buf, val);
template <>
void get_integral(int &val, uchar *buf) {
longget(&val, buf);
// Hmm, there's no ulongstore...
template <>
void put_integral(uchar *buf, unsigned val) {
longstore(buf, val);
template <>
void get_integral(unsigned &val, uchar *buf) {
ulongget(&val, buf);
template <>
void put_integral(uchar *buf, longlong val) {
longlongstore(buf, val);
template <>
void get_integral(longlong &val, uchar *buf) {
longlongget(&val, buf);
// Reading ulonglong is different from all the above ....
template <>
void put_integral(uchar *buf, ulonglong val) {
int8store(buf, val);
template <>
void get_integral(ulonglong &val, uchar *buf) {
val = uint8korr(buf);
template <>
void put_integral(uchar *buf, sizeNint<3> val) {
int3store(buf, static_cast<uint>(val.value));
template <>
void get_integral(sizeNint<3> &val, uchar *buf) {
val.value = uint3korr(buf);
template <>
void put_integral(uchar *buf, sizeNint<5> val) {
int5store(buf, val.value);
template <>
void get_integral(sizeNint<5> &val, uchar *buf) {
val.value = uint5korr(buf);
template <>
void put_integral(uchar *buf, sizeNint<6> val) {
int6store(buf, val.value);
template <>
void get_integral(sizeNint<6> &val, uchar *buf) {
val.value = uint6korr(buf);
This is the actual test which will be instantiated for all IntegralTypes.
TYPED_TEST(IntegralTest, PutAndGet) {
for (size_t ix = 0; ix < this->values.size(); ++ix) {
this->input = this->values[ix];
put_integral(this->buf, this->input);
get_integral(this->output, this->buf);
// Visual studio rejects: EXPECT_EQ(this->input, this->output);
TypeParam myinput = this->input;
TypeParam myoutput = this->output;
EXPECT_EQ(myinput, myoutput);
} // namespace byteorder_unittest