用于EagleEye3.0 规则集漏报和误报测试的示例项目,项目收集于github和gitee
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/* Copyright (c) 2017, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0,
as published by the Free Software Foundation.
This program is also distributed with certain software (including
but not limited to OpenSSL) that is licensed under separate terms,
as designated in a particular file or component or in included license
documentation. The authors of MySQL hereby grant you an additional
permission to link the program and your derivative works with the
separately licensed software that they have included with MySQL.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License, version 2.0, for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <array> // std::array
#include "field.h" // Field
#include "json_dom.h" // Json_wrapper
#include "json_path.h" // Json_path
#include "lex_string.h"
#include "my_dbug.h"
#include "my_inttypes.h"
#include "my_table_map.h"
#include "psi_memory_key.h" // key_memory_JSON
#include "sql/create_field.h"
#include "sql/enum_query_type.h"
#include "sql/mem_root_array.h"
#include "sql_list.h" // List
#include "table.h" // TABLE
class Item;
class String;
class THD;
Class representing a table function.
class Table_function {
/// Thread handler
THD *thd;
/// Table function's result table
TABLE *table;
/// Whether the table funciton was already initialized
bool inited;
Table_function(THD *thd_arg) : thd(thd_arg), table(nullptr), inited(false) {}
virtual ~Table_function() {}
Create, but not instantiate the result table
@param options options to create table
@param table_alias table's alias
true on error
false on success
bool create_result_table(ulonglong options, const char *table_alias);
Write current record to the result table and handle overflow to disk
true on error
false on success
bool write_row();
Returns a field with given index
@param i field's index
field with given index
Field *get_field(uint i) {
DBUG_ASSERT(i < table->s->fields);
return table->field[i];
Delete all rows in the table
void empty_table();
Set the default row
void default_row() {}
Initialize table function
true on error
false on success
virtual bool init() = 0;
Initialize table function after the result table has been created
true on error
false on success
virtual bool init_args();
Execute the table function - fill the result table
true on error
false on success
virtual bool fill_result_table() = 0;
Returns table function's name
virtual const char *func_name() const = 0;
Return table_map of tables used by the function
virtual table_map used_tables() { return 0; }
Print table function
@param str string to print to
@param query_type type of the query
true on error
false on success
virtual bool print(String *str, enum_query_type query_type) = 0;
Clean up table function
void cleanup() {
table = nullptr;
inited = false;
Retruns thread handler
thread handler
inline THD *get_thd() { return thd; }
virtual bool walk(Item_processor processor, enum_walk walk, uchar *arg) = 0;
Get the list of fields to create the result table
virtual List<Create_field> *get_field_list() = 0;
Initialize table function's arguments
true on error
false on success
virtual bool do_init_args() = 0;
friend bool TABLE_LIST::setup_table_function(THD *thd);
virtual void do_cleanup() {}
JSON_TABLE function
/// Type of columns for JSON_TABLE function
enum class enum_jt_column {
/// Types of ON ERROR/ON EMPTY clause for JSON_TABLE function
/// @note uint16 enum base limitation is necessary for YYSTYPE.
enum class enum_jtc_on : uint16 {
JT_data_source is used as a data source. It's assigned to each NESTED PATH
class JT_data_source {
/// Vector of found values
Json_wrapper_vector v;
/// Iterator for vector above
Json_wrapper_vector::iterator it;
/// JSON data to seek columns' paths in
Json_wrapper jdata;
/// Current m_rowid, used for ORDINALITY columns
uint m_rowid;
true <=> NESTED PATH associated with this element is producing records.
Used to turn off (set to null) sibling NESTED PATHs, when one of them is
used to fill result table.
bool producing_records;
JT_data_source() : v(key_memory_JSON), producing_records(false) {}
~JT_data_source() {}
void cleanup();
Reason for skipping a NESTED PATH
enum jt_skip_reason {
JTS_NONE = 0, // NESTED PATH isn't skipped
JTS_EOD, // No more data
JTS_SIBLING // Skipped due to other sibling NESTED PATH is running
/// Column description for JSON_TABLE function
class Json_table_column : public Create_field {
/// Column type
enum_jt_column m_jtc_type;
/// Type of ON ERROR clause
enum_jtc_on m_on_error{enum_jtc_on::JTO_IMPLICIT};
/// Type of ON EMPTY clause
enum_jtc_on m_on_empty{enum_jtc_on::JTO_IMPLICIT};
/// Default value string for ON EMPTY clause
LEX_STRING m_default_empty_str;
/// Parsed JSON for default value of ON MISSING clause
Json_wrapper m_default_empty_json;
/// Default value string for ON ERROR clause
LEX_STRING m_default_error_str;
/// Parsed JSON string for ON ERROR clause
Json_wrapper m_default_error_json;
/// List of nested columns, valid only for NESTED PATH
List<Json_table_column> *m_nested_columns;
/// Nested path
LEX_STRING m_path_str;
/// parsed nested path
Json_path m_path_json;
/// An element in table function's data source array
JT_data_source *m_jds_elt{nullptr};
Element in table function's data source array to feed data to child
nodes. Valid only for NESTED PATH.
JT_data_source *m_child_jds_elt{nullptr};
/// Next sibling NESTED PATH
Json_table_column *m_next_nested{nullptr};
/// Previous sibling NESTED PATH
Json_table_column *m_prev_nested{nullptr};
/// Index of field in the result table
int m_field_idx{-1};
Json_table_column(enum_jt_column type)
: m_jtc_type(type),
m_field_idx(-1) {}
Json_table_column(enum_jt_column col_type, const LEX_STRING &path,
enum_jtc_on on_err, const LEX_STRING error_def,
enum_jtc_on on_miss, const LEX_STRING &missing_def)
: m_jtc_type(col_type),
m_path_str(path) {}
Json_table_column(LEX_STRING path, List<Json_table_column> *cols)
: m_jtc_type(enum_jt_column::JTC_NESTED_PATH),
m_path_str(path) {}
void cleanup();
Process JSON_TABLE's column
@param fld field to save data to, if applicable, NULL otherwise
@param[out] skip whether current NESTED PATH column should be
completely skipped
true on error
false on success
bool fill_column(Field *fld, jt_skip_reason *skip);
#define MAX_NESTED_PATH 16
class Table_function_json final : public Table_function {
/// Array of JSON Data Source for each NESTED PATH clause
std::array<JT_data_source, MAX_NESTED_PATH> m_jds;
/// List of fields for tmp table creation
List<Json_table_column> m_vt_list;
/// Tree of COLUMN clauses
List<Json_table_column> *m_columns;
/// Array of all columns - the flattened tree above
Mem_root_array<Json_table_column *> m_all_columns;
/// JSON_TABLE's alias, for error reporting
const char *m_table_alias;
/** Whether source data has been parsed. */
bool is_source_parsed;
/// JSON_TABLE's data source expression
Item *source;
Table_function_json(THD *thd_arg, const char *alias, Item *a,
List<Json_table_column> *cols);
Returns function's name
const char *func_name() const override { return "json_table"; }
Initialize the table function before creation of result table
true on error
false on success
bool init() override;
Execute table function
true on error
false on success
bool fill_result_table() override;
Return table_map of tables used by function's data source
table_map used_tables() override;
JSON_TABLE printout
@param str string to print to
@param query_type type of query
true on error
false on success
bool print(String *str, enum_query_type query_type) override;
bool walk(Item_processor processor, enum_walk walk, uchar *arg) override;
Fill the result table
true on error
false on success
bool fill_json_table();
Prepare lists used to create tmp table and function execution
@param nest_idx index of parent's element in the nesting data array
@param parent Parent of the NESTED PATH clause being initialized
true on error
false on success
bool init_json_table_col_lists(uint *nest_idx, Json_table_column *parent);
Set all underlying columns of a NESTED PATH to nullptr
@param root root NESTED PATH column
@param [out] last last column which belongs to the given NESTED PATH
void set_subtree_to_null(Json_table_column *root, Json_table_column **last);
Helper function to print single NESTED PATH column
@param col column to print
@param str string to print to
@param query_type type of the query
true on error
false on success
bool print_nested_path(Json_table_column *col, String *str,
enum_query_type query_type);
Return list of fields to create result table from
List<Create_field> *get_field_list() override;
bool do_init_args() override;
void do_cleanup() override;