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/* Copyright (c) 2000, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0,
as published by the Free Software Foundation.
This program is also distributed with certain software (including
but not limited to OpenSSL) that is licensed under separate terms,
as designated in a particular file or component or in included license
documentation. The authors of MySQL hereby grant you an additional
permission to link the program and your derivative works with the
separately licensed software that they have included with MySQL.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License, version 2.0, for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */
This file contains the declaration of the THD class and classes which THD
depends on. It should contain as little else as possible to increase
cohesion and reduce coupling. Since THD is used in many places, many files
are dependent on this header and thus require recompilation if it changes.
Historically this file contained "Classes in mysql".
#include "my_config.h"
#include <limits.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <memory>
#include "m_ctype.h"
#include "my_alloc.h"
#include "my_compiler.h"
#include "mysql/components/services/mysql_cond_bits.h"
#include "mysql/components/services/mysql_mutex_bits.h"
#include "mysql/components/services/psi_idle_bits.h"
#include "mysql/components/services/psi_stage_bits.h"
#include "mysql/components/services/psi_statement_bits.h"
#include "mysql/components/services/psi_thread_bits.h"
#include "mysql/components/services/psi_transaction_bits.h"
#include "mysql/psi/mysql_thread.h"
#include "pfs_thread_provider.h"
#include "sql/psi_memory_key.h"
#include "sql/resourcegroups/resource_group_basic_types.h"
#include "sql/xa.h"
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <atomic>
#include <bitset>
#include <new>
#include <string>
#include "dur_prop.h" // durability_properties
#include "lex_string.h"
#include "map_helpers.h"
#include "my_base.h"
#include "my_command.h"
#include "my_dbug.h"
#include "my_inttypes.h"
#include "my_io.h"
#include "my_psi_config.h"
#include "my_sqlcommand.h"
#include "my_sys.h"
#include "my_table_map.h"
#include "my_thread_local.h"
#include "mysql/psi/mysql_mutex.h"
#include "mysql/psi/mysql_statement.h"
#include "mysql/psi/psi_base.h"
#include "mysql/thread_type.h"
#include "mysql_com.h"
#include "mysql_com_server.h" // NET_SERVER
#include "mysqld_error.h"
#include "prealloced_array.h"
#include "sql/auth/sql_security_ctx.h" // Security_context
#include "sql/current_thd.h"
#include "sql/discrete_interval.h" // Discrete_interval
#include "sql/locked_tables_list.h" // enum_locked_tables_mode
#include "sql/mdl.h"
#include "sql/opt_costmodel.h"
#include "sql/opt_trace_context.h" // Opt_trace_context
#include "sql/query_options.h"
#include "sql/rpl_context.h" // Rpl_thd_context
#include "sql/rpl_gtid.h"
#include "sql/session_tracker.h" // Session_tracker
#include "sql/sql_connect.h"
#include "sql/sql_const.h"
#include "sql/sql_digest_stream.h" // sql_digest_state
#include "sql/sql_error.h"
#include "sql/sql_list.h"
#include "sql/sql_plugin_ref.h"
#include "sql/sys_vars_resource_mgr.h" // Session_sysvar_resource_manager
#include "sql/system_variables.h" // system_variables
#include "sql/transaction_info.h" // Ha_trx_info
#include "sql_string.h"
#include "thr_lock.h"
#include "violite.h"
enum enum_check_fields : int;
enum enum_tx_isolation : int;
enum ha_notification_type : int;
class Field;
class Item;
class Parser_state;
class Query_tables_list;
class Relay_log_info;
class THD;
class partition_info;
class Protocol;
class Protocol_binary;
class Protocol_classic;
class Protocol_text;
class sp_rcontext;
class user_var_entry;
struct LEX;
struct LEX_USER;
struct ORDER;
struct TABLE;
struct TABLE_LIST;
struct User_level_lock;
struct YYLTYPE;
namespace dd {
namespace cache {
class Dictionary_client;
class DD_kill_immunizer;
} // namespace dd
class Internal_error_handler;
class Modification_plan;
class Query_result;
class Reprepare_observer;
class Rows_log_event;
class Time_zone;
class sp_cache;
struct Binlog_user_var_event;
struct LOG_INFO;
class Check_constraints_adjusted_names_map;
typedef struct user_conn USER_CONN;
struct MYSQL_LOCK;
extern "C" void thd_enter_cond(void *opaque_thd, mysql_cond_t *cond,
mysql_mutex_t *mutex,
const PSI_stage_info *stage,
PSI_stage_info *old_stage,
const char *src_function, const char *src_file,
int src_line);
extern "C" void thd_exit_cond(void *opaque_thd, const PSI_stage_info *stage,
const char *src_function, const char *src_file,
int src_line);
extern "C" void thd_enter_stage(void *opaque_thd,
const PSI_stage_info *new_stage,
PSI_stage_info *old_stage,
const char *src_function, const char *src_file,
int src_line);
extern "C" void thd_set_waiting_for_disk_space(void *opaque_thd,
const bool waiting);
#define THD_STAGE_INFO(thd, stage) \
(thd)->enter_stage(&stage, NULL, __func__, __FILE__, __LINE__)
extern char empty_c_string[1];
We preallocate data for several storage engine plugins.
so: innodb + bdb + ndb + binlog + myisam + myisammrg + archive +
example + csv + heap + blackhole + federated + 0
(yes, the sum is deliberately inaccurate)
constexpr size_t PREALLOC_NUM_HA = 15;
To be used for pool-of-threads (implemented differently on various OSs)
class thd_scheduler {
void *data; /* scheduler-specific data structure */
thd_scheduler() : data(NULL) {}
~thd_scheduler() {}
PSI_thread *thd_get_psi(THD *thd);
void thd_set_psi(THD *thd, PSI_thread *psi);
the struct aggregates two paramenters that identify an event
uniquely in scope of communication of a particular master and slave couple.
I.e there can not be 2 events from the same staying connected master which
have the same coordinates.
Such identifier is not yet unique generally as the event originating master
is resetable. Also the crashed master can be replaced with some other.
typedef struct rpl_event_coordinates {
char *file_name; // binlog file name (directories stripped)
my_off_t pos; // event's position in the binlog file
#define THD_SENTRY_MAGIC 0xfeedd1ff
#define THD_SENTRY_GONE 0xdeadbeef
#define THD_CHECK_SENTRY(thd) DBUG_ASSERT(thd->dbug_sentry == THD_SENTRY_MAGIC)
class Query_arena {
List of items created for this query. Every item adds itself to the list
on creation (see Item::Item() for details)
Item *m_item_list;
MEM_ROOT *mem_root; // Pointer to current memroot
The states reflects three different life cycles for three
different types of statements:
Other statements: STMT_REGULAR_EXECUTION never changes.
enum enum_state {
State and state changes in SP:
1) When state is STMT_INITIALIZED_FOR_SP, objects in the item tree are
created on the statement memroot. This is enforced through
ps_arena_holder checking the state.
2) After the first execute (call p1()), this state should change to
STMT_EXECUTED. Objects will be created on the execution memroot and will
be destroyed at the end of each execution.
3) In case an ER_NEED_REPREPARE error occurs, state should be changed to
STMT_INITIALIZED_FOR_SP and objects will again be created on the
statement memroot. At the end of this execution, state should change to
enum_state state;
Query_arena(MEM_ROOT *mem_root_arg, enum enum_state state_arg)
: m_item_list(nullptr), mem_root(mem_root_arg), state(state_arg) {}
This constructor is used only when Query_arena is created as
backup storage for another instance of Query_arena.
: m_item_list(nullptr), mem_root(nullptr), state(STMT_INITIALIZED) {}
virtual ~Query_arena() = default;
Item *item_list() const { return m_item_list; }
void reset_item_list() { m_item_list = nullptr; }
void set_item_list(Item *item) { m_item_list = item; }
void add_item(Item *item);
void free_items();
void set_state(enum_state state_arg) { state = state_arg; }
enum_state get_state() const { return state; }
bool is_stmt_prepare() const { return state == STMT_INITIALIZED; }
bool is_stmt_prepare_or_first_sp_execute() const {
return (int)state < (int)STMT_PREPARED;
bool is_stmt_prepare_or_first_stmt_execute() const {
return (int)state <= (int)STMT_PREPARED;
/// @returns true if a regular statement, ie not prepared and not stored proc
bool is_regular() const { return state == STMT_REGULAR_EXECUTION; }
void *alloc(size_t size) { return mem_root->Alloc(size); }
void *mem_calloc(size_t size) {
void *ptr;
if ((ptr = mem_root->Alloc(size))) memset(ptr, 0, size);
return ptr;
template <typename T>
T *alloc_typed() {
void *m = alloc(sizeof(T));
return m == nullptr ? nullptr : new (m) T;
template <typename T>
T *memdup_typed(const T *mem) {
return static_cast<T *>(memdup_root(mem_root, mem, sizeof(T)));
char *mem_strdup(const char *str) { return strdup_root(mem_root, str); }
char *strmake(const char *str, size_t size) const {
return strmake_root(mem_root, str, size);
void *memdup(const void *str, size_t size) {
return memdup_root(mem_root, str, size);
Copies memory-managing members from `set`. No references are kept to it.
@param set A Query_arena from which members are copied.
void set_query_arena(const Query_arena &set);
Copy the current arena to `backup` and set the current
arena to match `source`
@param source A Query_arena from which members are copied.
@param backup A Query_arena to which members are first saved.
void swap_query_arena(const Query_arena &source, Query_arena *backup);
class Prepared_statement;
Container for all prepared statements created/used in a connection.
Prepared statements in Prepared_statement_map have unique id
(guaranteed by id assignment in Prepared_statement::Prepared_statement).
Non-empty statement names are unique too: attempt to insert a new statement
with duplicate name causes older statement to be deleted.
Prepared statements are auto-deleted when they are removed from the map
and when the map is deleted.
class Prepared_statement_map {
Insert a new statement to the thread-local prepared statement map.
If there was an old statement with the same name, replace it with the
new one. Otherwise, check if max_prepared_stmt_count is not reached yet,
increase prepared_stmt_count, and insert the new statement. It's okay
to delete an old statement and fail to insert the new one.
All named prepared statements are also present in names_hash.
Prepared statement names in names_hash are unique.
The statement is added only if prepared_stmt_count < max_prepard_stmt_count
m_last_found_statement always points to a valid statement or is 0
@retval 0 success
@retval 1 error: out of resources or max_prepared_stmt_count limit has been
reached. An error is sent to the client, the statement
is deleted.
int insert(Prepared_statement *statement);
/** Find prepared statement by name. */
Prepared_statement *find_by_name(const LEX_CSTRING &name);
/** Find prepared statement by ID. */
Prepared_statement *find(ulong id);
/** Erase all prepared statements (calls Prepared_statement destructor). */
void erase(Prepared_statement *statement);
void claim_memory_ownership();
void reset();
malloc_unordered_map<ulong, std::unique_ptr<Prepared_statement>> st_hash;
collation_unordered_map<std::string, Prepared_statement *> names_hash;
Prepared_statement *m_last_found_statement;
A registry for item tree transformations performed during
query optimization. We register only those changes which require
a rollback to re-execute a prepared statement or stored procedure
yet another time.
class Item_change_record : public ilink<Item_change_record> {
// not used
Item_change_record() {}
Item_change_record(Item **place, Item *new_value)
: place(place), old_value(*place), new_value(new_value) {}
Item **place;
Item *old_value;
Item *new_value;
typedef I_List<Item_change_record> Item_change_list;
Class that holds information about tables which were opened and locked
by the thread. It is also used to save/restore this information in
class Open_tables_state {
A stack of Reprepare_observer-instances. The top most instance is the
currently active one. This stack is used during execution of prepared
statements and stored programs in order to detect metadata changes.
The locking subsystem reports a metadata change if the top-most item is not
When Open_tables_state part of THD is reset to open a system or
INFORMATION_SCHEMA table, NULL is temporarily pushed to avoid spurious
ER_NEED_REPREPARE errors -- system and INFORMATION_SCHEMA tables are not
subject to metadata version tracking.
A stack is used here for the convenience -- in some cases we need to
temporarily override/disable current Reprepare_observer-instance.
NOTE: This is not a list of observers, only the top-most element will be
notified in case of a metadata change.
@sa check_and_update_table_version()
Prealloced_array<Reprepare_observer *, 4> m_reprepare_observers;
Reprepare_observer *get_reprepare_observer() const {
return m_reprepare_observers.size() > 0 ? m_reprepare_observers.back()
void push_reprepare_observer(Reprepare_observer *o) {
Reprepare_observer *pop_reprepare_observer() {
Reprepare_observer *retval = m_reprepare_observers.back();
return retval;
void reset_reprepare_observers() { m_reprepare_observers.clear(); }
List of regular tables in use by this thread. Contains persistent base
tables that were opened with @see open_tables().
TABLE *open_tables;
List of temporary tables used by this thread. Contains user-level
temporary tables, created with CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE, and
intermediate tables used in ALTER TABLE implementation.
TABLE *temporary_tables;
During a MySQL session, one can lock tables in two modes: automatic
or manual. In automatic mode all necessary tables are locked just before
statement execution, and all acquired locks are stored in 'lock'
member. Unlocking takes place automatically as well, when the
statement ends.
Manual mode comes into play when a user issues a 'LOCK TABLES'
statement. In this mode the user can only use the locked tables.
Trying to use any other tables will give an error.
The locked tables are also stored in this member, however,
thd->locked_tables_mode is turned on. Manual locking is described in
the 'LOCK_TABLES' chapter of the MySQL manual.
See also lock_tables() for details.
CREATE-SELECT keeps an extra lock for the table being
created. This field is used to keep the extra lock available for
lower level routines, which would otherwise miss that lock.
MYSQL_LOCK *extra_lock;
Enum enum_locked_tables_mode and locked_tables_mode member are
used to indicate whether the so-called "locked tables mode" is on,
and what kind of mode is active.
Locked tables mode is used when it's necessary to open and
lock many tables at once, for usage across multiple
This may be necessary either for queries that use stored functions
and triggers, in which case the statements inside functions and
triggers may be executed many times, or for implementation of
LOCK TABLES, in which case the opened tables are reused by all
subsequent statements until a call to UNLOCK TABLES.
The kind of locked tables mode employed for stored functions and
triggers is also called "prelocked mode".
In this mode, first open_tables() call to open the tables used
in a statement analyses all functions used by the statement
and adds all indirectly used tables to the list of tables to
open and lock.
It also marks the parse tree of the statement as requiring
prelocking. After that, lock_tables() locks the entire list
of tables and changes THD::locked_tables_modeto LTM_PRELOCKED.
All statements executed inside functions or triggers
use the prelocked tables, instead of opening their own ones.
Prelocked mode is turned off automatically once close_thread_tables()
of the main statement is called.
enum enum_locked_tables_mode locked_tables_mode;
enum enum_flags {
BACKUPS_AVAIL = (1U << 0), /* There are backups available. */
SYSTEM_TABLES = (1U << 1) /* We are opening system tables. */
Flags with information about the open tables state.
uint state_flags;
This constructor initializes Open_tables_state instance which can only
be used as backup storage. To prepare Open_tables_state instance for
operations which open/lock/close tables (e.g. open_table()) one has to
call init_open_tables_state().
: m_reprepare_observers(PSI_INSTRUMENT_ME), state_flags(0U) {}
void set_open_tables_state(Open_tables_state *state);
void reset_open_tables_state();
Storage for backup of Open_tables_state. Must
be used only to open system tables (TABLE_CATEGORY_SYSTEM
class Open_tables_backup : public Open_tables_state {
When we backup the open tables state to open a system
table or tables, we want to save state of metadata
locks which were acquired before the backup. It is used
to release metadata locks on system tables after they are
no longer used.
MDL_savepoint mdl_system_tables_svp;
Enum that represents which phase of secondary engine optimization
the current statement is in.
enum class Secondary_engine_optimization {
The current statement should only use tables from primary storage
engines. Use of secondary storage engines is disabled.
The current statement should only use tables from the primary
storage engine. However, use of secondary storage engines is not
disabled, so the optimizer may choose to trigger a repreparation
against the secondary storage engine if it believes that use of a
secondary storage engine is beneficial.
The current statement should use tables from a secondary storage
engine if possible. Otherwise, fall back to using tables from
primary storage engine only.
@class Sub_statement_state
@brief Used to save context when executing a function or trigger
/* Defines used for Sub_statement_state::in_sub_stmt */
class Sub_statement_state {
ulonglong option_bits;
ulonglong first_successful_insert_id_in_prev_stmt;
ulonglong first_successful_insert_id_in_cur_stmt;
Discrete_intervals_list auto_inc_intervals_forced;
ulonglong current_found_rows;
ulonglong previous_found_rows;
ha_rows num_truncated_fields, sent_row_count, examined_row_count;
ulong client_capabilities;
uint in_sub_stmt;
bool enable_slow_log;
SAVEPOINT *savepoints;
enum enum_check_fields check_for_truncated_fields;
inline char const *show_system_thread(enum_thread_type thread) {
case (NAME): \
return #NAME
switch (thread) {
static char buf[64];
sprintf(buf, "<UNKNOWN SYSTEM THREAD: %d>", thread);
return buf;
Storage engine specific thread local data.
struct Ha_data {
Storage engine specific thread local data.
Lifetime: one user connection.
void *ha_ptr;
A memorizer to engine specific "native" transaction object to provide
storage engine detach-re-attach facility.
The server level transaction object can dissociate from storage engine
transactions. The released "native" transaction reference
can be hold in the member until it is reconciled later.
Lifetime: Depends on caller of @c hton::replace_native_transaction_in_thd.
For instance in the case of slave server applier handling XA transaction
it is from XA START to XA PREPARE.
void *ha_ptr_backup;
0: Life time: one statement within a transaction. If @@autocommit is
on, also represents the entire transaction.
@sa trans_register_ha()
1: Life time: one transaction within a connection.
If the storage engine does not participate in a transaction,
this should not be used.
@sa trans_register_ha()
Ha_trx_info ha_info[2];
NULL: engine is not bound to this thread
non-NULL: engine is bound to this thread, engine shutdown forbidden
plugin_ref lock;
Ha_data() : ha_ptr(NULL), ha_ptr_backup(NULL), lock(NULL) {}
An instance of the global read lock in a connection.
Implemented in lock.cc.
class Global_read_lock {
enum enum_grl_state {
: m_state(GRL_NONE),
m_mdl_blocks_commits_lock(NULL) {}
bool lock_global_read_lock(THD *thd);
void unlock_global_read_lock(THD *thd);
Used by innodb memcached server to check if any connections
have global read lock
static bool global_read_lock_active() { return m_atomic_active_requests > 0; }
Check if this connection can acquire protection against GRL and
emit error if otherwise.
bool can_acquire_protection() const {
if (m_state) {
return true;
return false;
bool make_global_read_lock_block_commit(THD *thd);
bool is_acquired() const { return m_state != GRL_NONE; }
void set_explicit_lock_duration(THD *thd);
static std::atomic<int32> m_atomic_active_requests;
enum_grl_state m_state;
In order to acquire the global read lock, the connection must
acquire shared metadata lock in GLOBAL namespace, to prohibit
all DDL.
MDL_ticket *m_mdl_global_shared_lock;
Also in order to acquire the global read lock, the connection
must acquire a shared metadata lock in COMMIT namespace, to
prohibit commits.
MDL_ticket *m_mdl_blocks_commits_lock;
extern "C" void my_message_sql(uint error, const char *str, myf MyFlags);
Convert microseconds since epoch to timeval.
@param micro_time Microseconds.
@param[out] tm A timeval variable to write to.
static inline void my_micro_time_to_timeval(ulonglong micro_time,
struct timeval *tm) {
tm->tv_sec = (long)(micro_time / 1000000);
tm->tv_usec = (long)(micro_time % 1000000);
@class THD
For each client connection we create a separate thread with THD serving as
a thread/connection descriptor
class THD : public MDL_context_owner,
public Query_arena,
public Open_tables_state {
inline bool is_stmt_prepare() const {
return Query_arena::is_stmt_prepare();
inline bool is_stmt_prepare_or_first_sp_execute() const {
return Query_arena::is_stmt_prepare_or_first_sp_execute();
inline bool is_stmt_prepare_or_first_stmt_execute() const {
return Query_arena::is_stmt_prepare_or_first_stmt_execute();
inline bool is_regular() const {
return Query_arena::is_regular();
MDL_context mdl_context;
MARK_COLUMNS_NONE: Means mark_used_colums is not set and no indicator to
handler of fields used is set
MARK_COLUMNS_READ: Means a bit in read set is set to inform handler
that the field is to be read. Update covering_keys
and merge_keys too.
MARK_COLUMNS_WRITE: Means a bit is set in write set to inform handler
that it needs to update this field in write_row
and update_row.
MARK_COLUMNS_TEMP: Mark bit in read set, but ignore key sets.
Used by filesort().
enum enum_mark_columns mark_used_columns;
Used by Item::check_column_privileges() to tell which privileges
to check for.
Set to ~0ULL before starting to resolve a statement.
Set to desired privilege mask before calling a resolver function that will
call Item::check_column_privileges().
After use, restore previous value as current value.
ulong want_privilege;
The lex to hold the parsed tree of conventional (non-prepared) queries.
Whereas for prepared and stored procedure statements we use an own lex
instance for each new query, for conventional statements we reuse
the same lex. (@see mysql_parse for details).
std::unique_ptr<LEX> main_lex;
LEX *lex; // parse tree descriptor
dd::cache::Dictionary_client *dd_client() const // Get the dictionary client.
return m_dd_client.get();
std::unique_ptr<dd::cache::Dictionary_client> m_dd_client;
The query associated with this statement.
LEX_CSTRING m_query_string;
String m_normalized_query;
Currently selected catalog.
LEX_CSTRING m_catalog;
Name of the current (default) database.
If there is the current (default) database, "db" contains its name. If
there is no current (default) database, "db" is NULL and "db_length" is
0. In other words, "db", "db_length" must either be NULL, or contain a
valid database name.
@note this attribute is set and alloced by the slave SQL thread (for
the THD of that thread); that thread is (and must remain, for now) the
only responsible for freeing this member.
Resource group context indicating the current resource group
and the name of the resource group to switch to during execution
of a query.
resourcegroups::Resource_group_ctx m_resource_group_ctx;
In some cases, we may want to modify the query (i.e. replace
passwords with their hashes before logging the statement etc.).
In case the query was rewritten, the original query will live in
m_query_string, while the rewritten query lives in rewritten_query.
If rewritten_query is empty, m_query_string should be logged.
If rewritten_query is non-empty, the rewritten query it contains
should be used in logs (general log, slow query log, binary log).
Currently, password obfuscation is the only rewriting we do; more
may follow at a later date, both pre- and post parsing of the query.
Rewriting of binloggable statements must preserve all pertinent
String rewritten_query;
/* Used to execute base64 coded binlog events in MySQL server */
Relay_log_info *rli_fake;
/* Slave applier execution context */
Relay_log_info *rli_slave;
/* Is transaction commit still pending */
bool tx_commit_pending;
The function checks whether the thread is processing queries from binlog,
as automatically generated by mysqlbinlog.
@return true when the thread is a binlog applier
bool is_binlog_applier() const {
return rli_fake && variables.pseudo_slave_mode;
When the thread is a binlog or slave applier it detaches the engine
ha_data associated with it and memorizes the fact of that.
void rpl_detach_engine_ha_data();
When the thread is a binlog or slave applier it reattaches the engine
ha_data associated with it and memorizes the fact of that.
void rpl_reattach_engine_ha_data();
@return true when the current binlog (rli_fake) or slave (rli_slave)
applier thread has detached the engine ha_data,
see @c rpl_detach_engine_ha_data.
@note The detached transaction applier resets a memo
mark at once with this check.
bool rpl_unflag_detached_engine_ha_data() const;
void reset_for_next_command();
Constant for THD::where initialization in the beginning of every query.
It's needed because we do not save/restore THD::where normally during
primary (non subselect) query execution.
static const char *const DEFAULT_WHERE;
/** Aditional network instrumentation for the server only. */
NET_SERVER m_net_server_extension;
Hash for user variables.
User variables are per session,
but can also be monitored outside of the session,
so a lock is needed to prevent race conditions.
Protected by @c LOCK_thd_data.
collation_unordered_map<std::string, unique_ptr_with_deleter<user_var_entry>>
user_vars{system_charset_info, key_memory_user_var_entry};
struct rand_struct rand; // used for authentication
struct System_variables variables; // Changeable local variables
struct System_status_var status_var; // Per thread statistic vars
struct System_status_var *initial_status_var; /* used by show status */
// has status_var already been added to global_status_var?
bool status_var_aggregated;
Current query cost.
@sa system_status_var::last_query_cost
double m_current_query_cost;
Current query partial plans.
@sa system_status_var::last_query_partial_plans
ulonglong m_current_query_partial_plans;
Clear the query costs attributes for the current query.
void clear_current_query_costs() {
m_current_query_cost = 0.0;
m_current_query_partial_plans = 0;
Save the current query costs attributes in
the thread session status.
Use this method only after the query execution is completed,
so that
@code SHOW SESSION STATUS like 'last_query_%' @endcode
@code SELECT * from performance_schema.session_status
WHERE VARIABLE_NAME like 'last_query_%' @endcode
actually reports the previous query, not itself.
void save_current_query_costs() {
status_var.last_query_cost = m_current_query_cost;
status_var.last_query_partial_plans = m_current_query_partial_plans;
THR_LOCK_INFO lock_info; // Locking info of this thread
Protects THD data accessed from other threads.
The attributes protected are:
- thd->is_killable (used by KILL statement and shutdown).
- thd->user_vars (user variables, inspected by monitoring)
Is locked when THD is deleted.
mysql_mutex_t LOCK_thd_data;
Protects THD::m_query_string. No other mutexes should be locked
while having this mutex locked.
mysql_mutex_t LOCK_thd_query;
Protects THD::variables while being updated. This should be taken inside
of LOCK_thd_data and outside of LOCK_global_system_variables.
mysql_mutex_t LOCK_thd_sysvar;
Protects THD::m_protocol when it gets removed in x plugin.
mysql_mutex_t LOCK_thd_protocol;
Protects query plan (SELECT/UPDATE/DELETE's) from being freed/changed
while another thread explains it. Following structures are protected by
this mutex:
Tree of SELECT_LEX_UNIT after THD::Query_plan was set till
THD::Query_plan cleanup
Code that changes objects above should take this mutex.
Explain code takes this mutex to block changes to named structures to
avoid crashes in following functions:
all explain code assumes that this mutex is already taken.
When doing ordinary EXPLAIN:
the mutex does need to be taken (no need to protect reading my own data,
moreover EXPLAIN CONNECTION can't run on an ordinary EXPLAIN).
mysql_mutex_t LOCK_query_plan;
/// Locks the query plan of this THD
void lock_query_plan() { mysql_mutex_lock(&LOCK_query_plan); }
void unlock_query_plan() { mysql_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_query_plan); }
/** All prepared statements of this connection. */
Prepared_statement_map stmt_map;
A pointer to the stack frame of handle_one_connection(),
which is called first in the thread for handling a client
const char *thread_stack;
Some members of THD (currently 'Statement::db',
'catalog' and 'query') are set and alloced by the slave SQL thread
(for the THD of that thread); that thread is (and must remain, for now)
the only responsible for freeing these 3 members. If you add members
here, and you add code to set them in replication, don't forget to
free_them_and_set_them_to_0 in replication properly. For details see
the 'err:' label of the handle_slave_sql() in sql/slave.cc.
@see handle_slave_sql
Security_context m_main_security_ctx;
Security_context *m_security_ctx;
Security_context *security_context() const { return m_security_ctx; }
void set_security_context(Security_context *sctx) { m_security_ctx = sctx; }
List<Security_context> m_view_ctx_list;
The optional password validation plugin doesn't have any API for
temporally disable its functionality for a particular session.
To get around this issue we introduce a boolean variable in the THD
which we check before each call to the password validation plugin.
Password validation is invoked from within the authentication plugin
in the generate_authentication_string() method.
@see generate_authentication_string
bool m_disable_password_validation;
Points to info-string that we show in SHOW PROCESSLIST
You are supposed to update thd->proc_info only if you have coded
a time-consuming piece that MySQL can get stuck in for a long time.
Set it using the thd_proc_info(THD *thread, const char *message)
This member is accessed and assigned without any synchronization.
Therefore, it may point only to constant (statically
allocated) strings, which memory won't go away over time.
const char *proc_info;
std::unique_ptr<Protocol_text> protocol_text; // Normal protocol
std::unique_ptr<Protocol_binary> protocol_binary; // Binary protocol
const Protocol *get_protocol() const { return m_protocol; }
Protocol *get_protocol() { return m_protocol; }
SSL_handle get_ssl() const {
#ifndef DBUG_OFF
if (current_thd != this) {
When inspecting this thread from monitoring,
the monitoring thread MUST lock LOCK_thd_data,
to be allowed to safely inspect SSL status variables.
return m_SSL;
Asserts that the protocol is of type text or binary and then
returns the m_protocol casted to Protocol_classic. This method
is needed to prevent misuse of pluggable protocols by legacy code
const Protocol_classic *get_protocol_classic() const {
return pointer_cast<const Protocol_classic *>(m_protocol);
Protocol_classic *get_protocol_classic() {
return pointer_cast<Protocol_classic *>(m_protocol);
Protocol *m_protocol; // Current protocol
SSL data attached to this connection.
This is an opaque pointer,
When building with SSL, this pointer is non NULL
only if the connection is using SSL.
When building without SSL, this pointer is always NULL.
The SSL data can be inspected to read per thread
status variables,
and this can be inspected while the thread is running.
SSL_handle m_SSL = {nullptr};
Query plan for EXPLAINable commands, should be locked with
LOCK_query_plan before using.
class Query_plan {
THD *const thd;
/// Original sql_command;
enum_sql_command sql_command;
/// LEX of topmost statement
LEX *lex;
const Modification_plan *modification_plan;
/// True if query is run in prepared statement
bool is_ps;
explicit Query_plan(const Query_plan &); ///< not defined
Query_plan &operator=(const Query_plan &); ///< not defined
/// Asserts that current_thd has locked this plan, if it does not own it.
void assert_plan_is_locked_if_other() const
#ifdef DBUG_OFF
explicit Query_plan(THD *thd_arg)
: thd(thd_arg),
is_ps(false) {}
Set query plan.
@note This function takes THD::LOCK_query_plan mutex.
void set_query_plan(enum_sql_command sql_cmd, LEX *lex_arg, bool ps);
The 4 getters below expect THD::LOCK_query_plan to be already taken
if called from another thread.
enum_sql_command get_command() const {
return sql_command;
LEX *get_lex() const {
return lex;
Modification_plan const *get_modification_plan() const {
return modification_plan;
bool is_ps_query() const {
return is_ps;
bool is_single_table_plan() const;
void set_modification_plan(Modification_plan *plan_arg);
} query_plan;
const LEX_CSTRING &catalog() const { return m_catalog; }
void set_catalog(const LEX_CSTRING &catalog) { m_catalog = catalog; }
unsigned int m_current_stage_key;
// See comment in THD::enter_cond about why SUPPRESS_TSAN is needed.
void enter_stage(const PSI_stage_info *stage, PSI_stage_info *old_stage,
const char *calling_func, const char *calling_file,
const unsigned int calling_line) SUPPRESS_TSAN;
const char *get_proc_info() const { return proc_info; }
Used in error messages to tell user in what part of MySQL we found an
error. E. g. when where= "having clause", if fix_fields() fails, user
will know that the error was in having clause.
const char *where;
ulong max_client_packet_length;
collation_unordered_map<std::string, unique_ptr_my_free<TABLE_LIST>>
A thread can hold named user-level locks. This variable
contains granted tickets if a lock is present. See item_func.cc and
chapter 'Miscellaneous functions', for functions GET_LOCK, RELEASE_LOCK.
malloc_unordered_map<std::string, User_level_lock *> ull_hash{
#ifndef DBUG_OFF
uint dbug_sentry; // watch out for memory corruption
bool is_killable;
Mutex protecting access to current_mutex and current_cond.
mysql_mutex_t LOCK_current_cond;
The mutex used with current_cond.
@see current_cond
std::atomic<mysql_mutex_t *> current_mutex;
Pointer to the condition variable the thread owning this THD
is currently waiting for. If the thread is not waiting, the
value is NULL. Set by THD::enter_cond().
If this thread is killed (shutdown or KILL stmt), another
thread will broadcast on this condition variable so that the
thread can be unstuck.
std::atomic<mysql_cond_t *> current_cond;
Condition variable used for waiting by the THR_LOCK.c subsystem.
mysql_cond_t COND_thr_lock;
Type of current query: COM_STMT_PREPARE, COM_QUERY, etc.
Set from first byte of the packet in do_command()
enum enum_server_command m_command;
bool m_is_admin_conn;
void set_admin_connection(bool admin) { m_is_admin_conn = admin; }
bool is_admin_connection() const { return m_is_admin_conn; }
uint32 unmasked_server_id;
uint32 server_id;
uint32 file_id; // for LOAD DATA INFILE
/* remote (peer) port */
uint16 peer_port;
struct timeval start_time;
struct timeval user_time;
ulonglong start_utime, utime_after_lock;
Type of lock to be used for all DML statements, except INSERT, in cases
when lock is not specified explicitly. Set to TL_WRITE or
TL_WRITE_LOW_PRIORITY depending on whether low_priority_updates option is
off or on.
thr_lock_type update_lock_default;
Type of lock to be used for INSERT statement if lock is not specified
depending on whether low_priority_updates option is off or on.
thr_lock_type insert_lock_default;
/* <> 0 if we are inside of trigger or stored function. */
uint in_sub_stmt;
Used by fill_status() to avoid acquiring LOCK_status mutex twice
when this function is called recursively (e.g. queries
that contains SELECT on I_S.GLOBAL_STATUS with subquery on the
same I_S table).
Incremented each time fill_status() function is entered and
decremented each time before it returns from the function.
uint fill_status_recursion_level;
uint fill_variables_recursion_level;
/* container for handler's private per-connection data */
Prealloced_array<Ha_data, PREALLOC_NUM_HA> ha_data;
Retrieve Ha_data for a given slot. Each handler has a fixed slot nr.
Ha_data *get_ha_data(int slot) { return &ha_data[slot]; }
Copy ha_data into the provided argument. Used by Attachble_transaction.
void backup_ha_data(Prealloced_array<Ha_data, PREALLOC_NUM_HA> *backup) {
Protect with LOCK_thd_data avoid accessing ha_data while it
is being modified.
*backup = ha_data;
Restore ha_data from the provided backup copy.
Used by Attachable_Transaction.
void restore_ha_data(
const Prealloced_array<Ha_data, PREALLOC_NUM_HA> &backup) {
Protect with LOCK_thd_data to avoid e.g. KILL CONNECTION
reading ha_data while it is being modified.
ha_data = backup;
Position of first event in Binlog
*after* last event written by this
rpl_event_coordinates binlog_next_event_pos;
void set_next_event_pos(const char *_filename, ulonglong _pos);
void clear_next_event_pos();
Ptr to row event extra data to be written to Binlog /
received from Binlog.
uchar *binlog_row_event_extra_data;
int binlog_setup_trx_data();
Public interface to write RBR events to the binlog
int binlog_write_table_map(TABLE *table, bool is_transactional,
bool binlog_rows_query);
int binlog_write_row(TABLE *table, bool is_transactional,
const uchar *new_data,
const unsigned char *extra_row_info);
int binlog_delete_row(TABLE *table, bool is_transactional,
const uchar *old_data,
const unsigned char *extra_row_info);
int binlog_update_row(TABLE *table, bool is_transactional,
const uchar *old_data, const uchar *new_data,
const uchar *extra_row_info);
void set_server_id(uint32 sid) { server_id = sid; }
Member functions to handle pending event for row-level logging.
template <class RowsEventT>
Rows_log_event *binlog_prepare_pending_rows_event(
TABLE *table, uint32 serv_id, size_t needed, bool is_transactional,
const unsigned char *extra_row_info, uint32 source_part_id = INT_MAX);
Rows_log_event *binlog_get_pending_rows_event(bool is_transactional) const;
inline int binlog_flush_pending_rows_event(bool stmt_end) {
return (binlog_flush_pending_rows_event(stmt_end, false) ||
binlog_flush_pending_rows_event(stmt_end, true));
int binlog_flush_pending_rows_event(bool stmt_end, bool is_transactional);
Determine the binlog format of the current statement.
@retval 0 if the current statement will be logged in statement
@retval nonzero if the current statement will be logged in row
int is_current_stmt_binlog_format_row() const {
DBUG_ASSERT(current_stmt_binlog_format == BINLOG_FORMAT_STMT ||
current_stmt_binlog_format == BINLOG_FORMAT_ROW);
return current_stmt_binlog_format == BINLOG_FORMAT_ROW;
bool is_current_stmt_binlog_disabled() const;
Determine if binloging is enabled in row format and write set extraction is
enabled for this session
@retval true if is enable
@retval false otherwise
bool is_current_stmt_binlog_row_enabled_with_write_set_extraction() const;
/** Tells whether the given optimizer_switch flag is on */
inline bool optimizer_switch_flag(ulonglong flag) const {
return (variables.optimizer_switch & flag);
enum binlog_filter_state {
inline void reset_binlog_local_stmt_filter() {
m_binlog_filter_state = BINLOG_FILTER_UNKNOWN;
inline void clear_binlog_local_stmt_filter() {
DBUG_ASSERT(m_binlog_filter_state == BINLOG_FILTER_UNKNOWN);
m_binlog_filter_state = BINLOG_FILTER_CLEAR;
inline void set_binlog_local_stmt_filter() {
DBUG_ASSERT(m_binlog_filter_state == BINLOG_FILTER_UNKNOWN);
m_binlog_filter_state = BINLOG_FILTER_SET;
binlog_filter_state get_binlog_local_stmt_filter() const {
return m_binlog_filter_state;
/** Holds active timer object */
struct THD_timer_info *timer;
After resetting(cancelling) timer, current timer object is cached
with timer_cache timer to reuse.
struct THD_timer_info *timer_cache;
Indicates that the command which is under execution should ignore the
'read_only' and 'super_read_only' options.
bool skip_readonly_check;
Indicate if the current statement should be discarded
instead of written to the binlog.
This is used to discard special statements, such as
DML or DDL that affects only 'local' (non replicated)
tables, such as performance_schema.*
binlog_filter_state m_binlog_filter_state;
Indicates the format in which the current statement will be
logged. This can only be set from @c decide_logging_format().
enum_binlog_format current_stmt_binlog_format;
Bit field for the state of binlog warnings.
The first Lex::BINLOG_STMT_UNSAFE_COUNT bits list all types of
unsafeness that the current statement has.
This must be a member of THD and not of LEX, because warnings are
detected and issued in different places (@c
decide_logging_format() and @c binlog_query(), respectively).
Between these calls, the THD->lex object may change; e.g., if a
stored routine is invoked. Only THD persists between the calls.
uint32 binlog_unsafe_warning_flags;
Number of outstanding table maps, i.e., table maps in the
transaction cache.
uint binlog_table_maps;
MTS: db names listing to be updated by the query databases
List<char> *binlog_accessed_db_names;
The binary log position of the transaction.
The file and position are zero if the current transaction has not
been written to the binary log.
@see set_trans_pos
@see get_trans_pos
@todo Similar information is kept in the patch for BUG#11762277
and by the master/slave heartbeat implementation. We should merge
these positions instead of maintaining three different ones.
const char *m_trans_log_file;
char *m_trans_fixed_log_file;
my_off_t m_trans_end_pos;
// NOTE: Ideally those two should be in Protocol,
// but currently its design doesn't allow that.
NET net; // client connection descriptor
String packet; // dynamic buffer for network I/O
void set_skip_readonly_check() { skip_readonly_check = true; }
bool is_cmd_skip_readonly() const { return skip_readonly_check; }
void reset_skip_readonly_check() {
if (skip_readonly_check) skip_readonly_check = false;
void issue_unsafe_warnings();
uint get_binlog_table_maps() const { return binlog_table_maps; }
void clear_binlog_table_maps() { binlog_table_maps = 0; }
MTS: accessor to binlog_accessed_db_names list
List<char> *get_binlog_accessed_db_names() const {
return binlog_accessed_db_names;
/* MTS: method inserts a new unique name into binlog_updated_dbs */
void add_to_binlog_accessed_dbs(const char *db);
std::unique_ptr<Transaction_ctx> m_transaction;
/** An utility struct for @c Attachable_trx */
struct Transaction_state {
void backup(THD *thd);
void restore(THD *thd);
/// SQL-command.
enum_sql_command m_sql_command;
Query_tables_list *m_query_tables_list;
/// Open-tables state.
Open_tables_backup m_open_tables_state;
sql_mode_t m_sql_mode;
/// Transaction isolation level.
enum_tx_isolation m_tx_isolation;
/// Ha_data array.
Prealloced_array<Ha_data, PREALLOC_NUM_HA> m_ha_data;
/// Transaction_ctx instance.
Transaction_ctx *m_trx;
/// Transaction read-only state.
bool m_tx_read_only;
/// THD options.
ulonglong m_thd_option_bits;
/// Current transaction instrumentation.
PSI_transaction_locker *m_transaction_psi;
/// Server status flags.
uint m_server_status;
/// THD::in_lock_tables value.
bool m_in_lock_tables;
Current time zone (i.e. @@session.time_zone) usage indicator.
Saving it allows data-dictionary code to read timestamp values
as datetimes from system tables without disturbing user's statement.
TODO: We need to change DD code not to use @@session.time_zone at all and
stick to UTC for internal storage of timestamps in DD objects.
bool m_time_zone_used;
Transaction rollback request flag.
InnoDB can try to access table definition while rolling back regular
transaction. So we need to be able to start attachable transaction
without being affected by, and affecting, the rollback state of regular
bool m_transaction_rollback_request;
enum enum_reset_lex { RESET_LEX, DO_NOT_RESET_LEX };
Class representing read-only attachable transaction, encapsulates
knowledge how to backup state of current transaction, start
read-only attachable transaction in SE, finalize it and then restore
state of original transaction back. Also serves as a base class for
read-write attachable transaction implementation.
class Attachable_trx {
Attachable_trx(THD *thd, Attachable_trx *prev_trx);
virtual ~Attachable_trx();
Attachable_trx *get_prev_attachable_trx() const {
return m_prev_attachable_trx;
virtual bool is_read_only() const { return true; }
/// THD instance.
THD *m_thd;
enum_reset_lex m_reset_lex;
Attachable_trx which was active for the THD before when this
transaction was started (NULL in most cases).
Attachable_trx *m_prev_attachable_trx;
/// Transaction state data.
Transaction_state m_trx_state;
Attachable_trx(const Attachable_trx &);
Attachable_trx &operator=(const Attachable_trx &);
A derived from THD::Attachable_trx class allows updates in
the attachable transaction. Callers of the class methods must
make sure the attachable_rw won't cause deadlock with the main transaction.
The destructor does not invoke ha_commit_{stmt,trans} nor ha_rollback_trans
on purpose.
Burden to terminate the read-write instance also lies on the caller!
In order to use this interface it *MUST* prove that no side effect to
the global transaction state can be inflicted by a chosen method.
This class is being used only by class Gtid_table_access_context by
replication and by dd::info_schema::Table_statistics.
class Attachable_trx_rw : public Attachable_trx {
bool is_read_only() const { return false; }
explicit Attachable_trx_rw(THD *thd);
Attachable_trx_rw(const Attachable_trx_rw &);
Attachable_trx_rw &operator=(const Attachable_trx_rw &);
Attachable_trx *m_attachable_trx;
Transaction_ctx *get_transaction() { return m_transaction.get(); }
const Transaction_ctx *get_transaction() const { return m_transaction.get(); }
Changes the Transaction_ctx instance within THD-object. The previous
Transaction_ctx instance is destroyed.
@note this is a THD-internal operation which MUST NOT be used outside.
@param transaction_ctx new Transaction_ctx instance to be associated with
the THD-object.
void set_transaction(Transaction_ctx *transaction_ctx);
Global_read_lock global_read_lock;
Vio *active_vio = {nullptr};
/* Active network vio for clone remote connection. */
Vio *clone_vio = {nullptr};
This is to track items changed during execution of a prepared
statement/stored procedure. It's created by
register_item_tree_change() in memory root of THD, and freed in
rollback_item_tree_changes(). For conventional execution it's always
Item_change_list change_list;
A permanent memory area of the statement. For conventional
execution, the parsed tree and execution runtime reside in the same
memory root. In this case stmt_arena points to THD. In case of
a prepared statement or a stored procedure statement, thd->mem_root
conventionally points to runtime memory, and thd->stmt_arena
points to the memory of the PS/SP, where the parsed tree of the
statement resides. Whenever you need to perform a permanent
transformation of a parsed tree, you should allocate new memory in
stmt_arena, to allow correct re-execution of PS/SP.
Note: in the parser, stmt_arena == thd, even for PS/SP.
Query_arena *stmt_arena;
map for tables that will be updated for a multi-table update query
statement, for other query statements, this will be zero.
table_map table_map_for_update;
/* Tells if LAST_INSERT_ID(#) was called for the current statement */
bool arg_of_last_insert_id_function;
ALL OVER THIS FILE, "insert_id" means "*automatically generated* value for
insertion into an auto_increment column".
This is the first autogenerated insert id which was *successfully*
inserted by the previous statement (exactly, if the previous statement
didn't successfully insert an autogenerated insert id, then it's the one
of the statement before, etc).
It can also be set by SET LAST_INSERT_ID=# or SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID(#).
It is returned by LAST_INSERT_ID().
ulonglong first_successful_insert_id_in_prev_stmt;
Variant of the above, used for storing in statement-based binlog. The
difference is that the one above can change as the execution of a stored
function progresses, while the one below is set once and then does not
change (which is the value which statement-based binlog needs).
ulonglong first_successful_insert_id_in_prev_stmt_for_binlog;
This is the first autogenerated insert id which was *successfully*
inserted by the current statement. It is maintained only to set
first_successful_insert_id_in_prev_stmt when statement ends.
ulonglong first_successful_insert_id_in_cur_stmt;
We follow this logic:
- when stmt starts, first_successful_insert_id_in_prev_stmt contains the
first insert id successfully inserted by the previous stmt.
- as stmt makes progress, handler::insert_id_for_cur_row changes;
every time get_auto_increment() is called,
auto_inc_intervals_in_cur_stmt_for_binlog is augmented with the
reserved interval (if statement-based binlogging).
- at first successful insertion of an autogenerated value,
first_successful_insert_id_in_cur_stmt is set to
- when stmt goes to binlog,
auto_inc_intervals_in_cur_stmt_for_binlog is binlogged if
- when stmt ends, first_successful_insert_id_in_prev_stmt is set to
stmt_depends_on_first_successful_insert_id_in_prev_stmt is set when
LAST_INSERT_ID() is used by a statement.
If it is set, first_successful_insert_id_in_prev_stmt_for_binlog will be
stored in the statement-based binlog.
This variable is CUMULATIVE along the execution of a stored function or
trigger: if one substatement sets it to 1 it will stay 1 until the
function/trigger ends, thus making sure that
first_successful_insert_id_in_prev_stmt_for_binlog does not change anymore
and is propagated to the caller for binlogging.
bool stmt_depends_on_first_successful_insert_id_in_prev_stmt;
List of auto_increment intervals reserved by the thread so far, for
storage in the statement-based binlog.
Note that its minimum is not first_successful_insert_id_in_cur_stmt:
assuming a table with an autoinc column, and this happens:
then the latter INSERT will insert no rows
(first_successful_insert_id_in_cur_stmt == 0), but storing "INSERT_ID=3"
in the binlog is still needed; the list's minimum will contain 3.
This variable is cumulative: if several statements are written to binlog
as one (stored functions or triggers are used) this list is the
concatenation of all intervals reserved by all statements.
Discrete_intervals_list auto_inc_intervals_in_cur_stmt_for_binlog;
/* Used by replication and SET INSERT_ID */
Discrete_intervals_list auto_inc_intervals_forced;
There is BUG#19630 where statement-based replication of stored
functions/triggers with two auto_increment columns breaks.
We however ensure that it works when there is 0 or 1 auto_increment
column; our rules are
a) on master, while executing a top statement involving substatements,
first top- or sub- statement to generate auto_increment values wins the
exclusive right to see its values be written to binlog (the write
will be done by the statement or its caller), and the losers won't see
their values be written to binlog.
b) on slave, while replicating a top statement involving substatements,
first top- or sub- statement to need to read auto_increment values from
the master's binlog wins the exclusive right to read them (so the losers
won't read their values from binlog but instead generate on their own).
a) implies that we mustn't backup/restore
b) implies that we mustn't backup/restore auto_inc_intervals_forced.
If there are more than 1 auto_increment columns, then intervals for
different columns may mix into the
auto_inc_intervals_in_cur_stmt_for_binlog list, which is logically wrong,
but there is no point in preventing this mixing by preventing intervals
from the secondly inserted column to come into the list, as such
prevention would be wrong too.
What will happen in the case of
where t1 has a trigger which inserts into an auto_inc column of t2, is
that in binlog we'll store the interval of t1 and the interval of t2 (when
we store intervals, soon), then in slave, t1 will use both intervals, t2
will use none; if t1 inserts the same number of rows as on master,
normally the 2nd interval will not be used by t1, which is fine. t2's
values will be wrong if t2's internal auto_increment counter is different
from what it was on master (which is likely). In 5.1, in mixed binlogging
mode, row-based binlogging is used for such cases where two
auto_increment columns are inserted.
inline void record_first_successful_insert_id_in_cur_stmt(ulonglong id_arg) {
if (first_successful_insert_id_in_cur_stmt == 0)
first_successful_insert_id_in_cur_stmt = id_arg;
inline ulonglong read_first_successful_insert_id_in_prev_stmt(void) {
if (!stmt_depends_on_first_successful_insert_id_in_prev_stmt) {
/* It's the first time we read it */
first_successful_insert_id_in_prev_stmt_for_binlog =
stmt_depends_on_first_successful_insert_id_in_prev_stmt = 1;
return first_successful_insert_id_in_prev_stmt;
inline void reset_first_successful_insert_id() {
arg_of_last_insert_id_function = false;
first_successful_insert_id_in_prev_stmt = 0;
first_successful_insert_id_in_cur_stmt = 0;
first_successful_insert_id_in_prev_stmt_for_binlog = 0;
stmt_depends_on_first_successful_insert_id_in_prev_stmt = false;
Used by Intvar_log_event::do_apply_event() and by "SET INSERT_ID=#"
(mysqlbinlog). We'll soon add a variant which can take many intervals in
inline void force_one_auto_inc_interval(ulonglong next_id) {
auto_inc_intervals_forced.empty(); // in case of multiple SET INSERT_ID
auto_inc_intervals_forced.append(next_id, ULLONG_MAX, 0);
Stores the result of the FOUND_ROWS() function. Set at query end, stable
throughout the query.
ulonglong previous_found_rows;
Dynamic, collected and set also in subqueries. Not stable throughout query.
previous_found_rows is a snapshot of this take at query end making it
stable throughout the next query, see update_previous_found_rows.
ulonglong current_found_rows;
Indicate if the gtid_executed table is being operated implicitly
within current transaction. This happens because we are inserting
a GTID specified through SET GTID_NEXT by user client or
slave SQL thread/workers.
bool is_operating_gtid_table_implicitly;
Indicate that a sub-statement is being operated implicitly
within current transaction.
As we don't want that this implicit sub-statement to consume the
GTID of the actual transaction, we set it true at the beginning of
the sub-statement and set it false again after "committing" the
When it is true, the applier will not save the transaction owned
gtid into mysql.gtid_executed table before transaction prepare, as
it does when binlog is disabled, or binlog is enabled and
log_slave_updates is disabled.
Also the flag is made to defer updates to the slave info table from
intermediate commits by non-atomic DDL.
Rpl_info_table::do_flush_info(), rpl_rli.h::is_atomic_ddl_commit_on_slave()
uses this flag.
bool is_operating_substatement_implicitly;
Stores the result of ROW_COUNT() function.
ROW_COUNT() function is a MySQL extention, but we try to keep it
similar to ROW_COUNT member of the GET DIAGNOSTICS stack of the SQL
standard (see SQL99, part 2, search for ROW_COUNT). It's value is
implementation defined for anything except INSERT, DELETE, UPDATE.
ROW_COUNT is assigned according to the following rules:
- In my_ok():
- for DML statements: to the number of affected rows;
- for DDL statements: to 0.
- In my_eof(): to -1 to indicate that there was a result set.
We derive this semantics from the JDBC specification, where int
java.sql.Statement.getUpdateCount() is defined to (sic) "return the
current result as an update count; if the result is a ResultSet
object or there are no more results, -1 is returned".
- In my_error(): to -1 to be compatible with the MySQL C API and
MySQL ODBC driver.
- For SIGNAL statements: to 0 per WL#2110 specification (see also
sql_signal.cc comment). Zero is used since that's the "default"
value of ROW_COUNT in the Diagnostics Area.
longlong m_row_count_func; /* For the ROW_COUNT() function */
inline longlong get_row_count_func() const { return m_row_count_func; }
inline void set_row_count_func(longlong row_count_func) {
m_row_count_func = row_count_func;
ha_rows num_truncated_fields;
Number of rows we actually sent to the client, including "synthetic"
rows in ROLLUP etc.
ha_rows m_sent_row_count;
Number of rows read and/or evaluated for a statement. Used for
slow log reporting.
An examined row is defined as a row that is read and/or evaluated
according to a statement condition, including in
create_sort_index(). Rows may be counted more than once, e.g., a
statement including ORDER BY could possibly evaluate the row in
filesort() before reading it for e.g. update.
ha_rows m_examined_row_count;
USER_CONN *m_user_connect;
void set_user_connect(USER_CONN *uc);
const USER_CONN *get_user_connect() const { return m_user_connect; }
void increment_user_connections_counter();
void decrement_user_connections_counter();
void increment_con_per_hour_counter();
void increment_updates_counter();
void increment_questions_counter();
void time_out_user_resource_limits();
ha_rows get_sent_row_count() const { return m_sent_row_count; }
ha_rows get_examined_row_count() const { return m_examined_row_count; }
void set_sent_row_count(ha_rows count);
void inc_sent_row_count(ha_rows count);
void inc_examined_row_count(ha_rows count);
void inc_status_created_tmp_disk_tables();
void inc_status_created_tmp_tables();
void inc_status_select_full_join();
void inc_status_select_full_range_join();
void inc_status_select_range();
void inc_status_select_range_check();
void inc_status_select_scan();
void inc_status_sort_merge_passes();
void inc_status_sort_range();
void inc_status_sort_rows(ha_rows count);
void inc_status_sort_scan();
void set_status_no_index_used();
void set_status_no_good_index_used();
const CHARSET_INFO *db_charset;
std::unique_ptr<PROFILING> profiling;
/** Current stage progress instrumentation. */
PSI_stage_progress *m_stage_progress_psi;
/** Current statement digest. */
sql_digest_state *m_digest;
/** Current statement digest token array. */
unsigned char *m_token_array;
/** Top level statement digest. */
sql_digest_state m_digest_state;
/** Current statement instrumentation. */
PSI_statement_locker *m_statement_psi;
/** Current statement instrumentation state. */
PSI_statement_locker_state m_statement_state;
/** Current transaction instrumentation. */
PSI_transaction_locker *m_transaction_psi;
/** Current transaction instrumentation state. */
PSI_transaction_locker_state m_transaction_state;
/** Idle instrumentation. */
PSI_idle_locker *m_idle_psi;
/** Idle instrumentation state. */
PSI_idle_locker_state m_idle_state;
/** True if the server code is IDLE for this connection. */
bool m_server_idle;
Id of current query. Statement can be reused to execute several queries
query_id is global in context of the whole MySQL server.
ID is automatically generated from mutex-protected counter.
It's used in handler code for various purposes: to check which columns
from table are necessary for this select, to check if it's necessary to
update auto-updatable fields (like auto_increment and timestamp).
query_id_t query_id;
ulong col_access;
/* Statement id is thread-wide. This counter is used to generate ids */
ulong statement_id_counter;
ulong rand_saved_seed1, rand_saved_seed2;
my_thread_t real_id; /* For debugging */
This counter is 32 bit because of the client protocol.
@note It is not meant to be used for my_thread_self(), see @c real_id for
@note Set to reserved_thread_id on initialization. This is a magic
value that is only to be used for temporary THDs not present in
the global THD list.
my_thread_id m_thread_id;
Assign a value to m_thread_id by calling
void set_new_thread_id();
my_thread_id thread_id() const { return m_thread_id; }
uint tmp_table;
uint server_status, open_options;
enum enum_thread_type system_thread;
// Check if this THD belongs to a system thread.
bool is_system_thread() const { return system_thread != NON_SYSTEM_THREAD; }
// Check if this THD belongs to a dd bootstrap system thread.
bool is_dd_system_thread() const {
return system_thread == SYSTEM_THREAD_DD_INITIALIZE ||
system_thread == SYSTEM_THREAD_DD_RESTART;
// Check if this THD belongs to the initialize system thread. The
// initialize thread executes statements that are compiled into the
// server.
bool is_initialize_system_thread() const {
return system_thread == SYSTEM_THREAD_SERVER_INITIALIZE;
// Check if this THD belongs to a bootstrap system thread. Note that
// this thread type may execute statements submitted by the user.
bool is_bootstrap_system_thread() const {
return is_dd_system_thread() || is_initialize_system_thread() ||
system_thread == SYSTEM_THREAD_INIT_FILE;
// Check if this THD belongs to a server upgrade thread. Server upgrade
// threads execute statements that are compiled into the server.
bool is_server_upgrade_thread() const {
return system_thread == SYSTEM_THREAD_SERVER_UPGRADE;
Current or next transaction isolation level.
When a connection is established, the value is taken from
@@session.tx_isolation (default transaction isolation for
the session), which is in turn taken from @@global.tx_isolation
(the global value).
If there is no transaction started, this variable
holds the value of the next transaction's isolation level.
When a transaction starts, the value stored in this variable
becomes "actual".
At transaction commit or rollback, we assign this variable
again from @@session.tx_isolation.
The only statement that can otherwise change the value
Its purpose is to effect the isolation level of the next
transaction in this session. When this statement is executed,
the value in this variable is changed. However, since
this statement is only allowed when there is no active
transaction, this assignment (naturally) only affects the
upcoming transaction.
At the end of the current active transaction the value is
be reset again from @@session.tx_isolation, as described
enum_tx_isolation tx_isolation;
Current or next transaction access mode.
See comment above regarding tx_isolation.
bool tx_read_only;
Transaction cannot be rolled back must be given priority.
When two transactions conflict inside InnoDB, the one with
greater priority wins.
int tx_priority;
All transactions executed by this thread will have high
priority mode, independent of tx_priority value.
int thd_tx_priority;
enum_check_fields check_for_truncated_fields;
// For user variables replication
Prealloced_array<Binlog_user_var_event *, 2> user_var_events;
MEM_ROOT *user_var_events_alloc; /* Allocate above array elements here */
Used by MYSQL_BIN_LOG to maintain the commit queue for binary log
group commit.
THD *next_to_commit;
The member is served for marking a query that CREATEs or ALTERs
a table declared with a TIMESTAMP column as dependent on
Is set to true by parser, unset at the end of the query.
Possible marking in checked by binary logger.
bool binlog_need_explicit_defaults_ts;
Functions to set and get transaction position.
These functions are used to set the transaction position for the
transaction written when committing this transaction.
void set_trans_pos(const char *file, my_off_t pos) {
DBUG_ASSERT(((file == 0) && (pos == 0)) || ((file != 0) && (pos != 0)));
if (file) {
DBUG_PRINT("enter", ("file: %s, pos: %llu", file, pos));
// Only the file name should be used, not the full path
m_trans_log_file = file + dirname_length(file);
if (!m_trans_fixed_log_file)
m_trans_fixed_log_file = (char *)main_mem_root.Alloc(FN_REFLEN + 1);
DBUG_ASSERT(strlen(m_trans_log_file) <= FN_REFLEN);
strcpy(m_trans_fixed_log_file, m_trans_log_file);
} else {
m_trans_log_file = NULL;
m_trans_fixed_log_file = NULL;
m_trans_end_pos = pos;
("m_trans_log_file: %s, m_trans_fixed_log_file: %s, "
"m_trans_end_pos: %llu",
m_trans_log_file, m_trans_fixed_log_file, m_trans_end_pos));
void get_trans_pos(const char **file_var, my_off_t *pos_var) const {
if (file_var) *file_var = m_trans_log_file;
if (pos_var) *pos_var = m_trans_end_pos;
("file: %s, pos: %llu", file_var ? *file_var : "<none>",
pos_var ? *pos_var : 0));
void get_trans_fixed_pos(const char **file_var, my_off_t *pos_var) const {
if (file_var) *file_var = m_trans_fixed_log_file;
if (pos_var) *pos_var = m_trans_end_pos;
("file: %s, pos: %llu", file_var ? *file_var : "<none>",
pos_var ? *pos_var : 0));
Error code from committing or rolling back the transaction.
enum Commit_error {
CE_NONE = 0,
} commit_error;
Define durability properties that engines may check to
improve performance.
enum durability_properties durability_property;
If checking this in conjunction with a wait condition, please
include a check after enter_cond() if you want to avoid a race
condition. For details see the implementation of awake(),
especially the "broadcast" part.
enum killed_state {
KILLED_NO_VALUE /* means neither of the states */
std::atomic<killed_state> killed;
When operation on DD tables is in progress then THD is set to kill immune
This member holds DD_kill_immunizer object created to make DD operations
immune from the kill operations. Member also indicated whether THD is in
kill immune mode or not.
dd::DD_kill_immunizer *kill_immunizer;
/* scramble - random string sent to client on handshake */
char scramble[SCRAMBLE_LENGTH + 1];
/// @todo: slave_thread is completely redundant, we should use 'system_thread'
/// instead /sven
bool slave_thread;
uchar password;
Set to true if execution of the current compound statement
can not continue. In particular, disables activation of
CONTINUE or EXIT handlers of stored routines.
Reset in the end of processing of the current user request, in
@see mysql_reset_thd_for_next_command().
bool m_is_fatal_error;
Set by a storage engine to request the entire
transaction (that possibly spans multiple engines) to
rollback. Reset in ha_rollback.
bool transaction_rollback_request;
true if we are in a sub-statement and the current error can
not be safely recovered until we left the sub-statement mode.
In particular, disables activation of CONTINUE and EXIT
handlers inside sub-statements. E.g. if it is a deadlock
error and requires a transaction-wide rollback, this flag is
raised (traditionally, MySQL first has to close all the reads
via @see handler::ha_index_or_rnd_end() and only then perform
the rollback).
Reset to false when we leave the sub-statement mode.
bool is_fatal_sub_stmt_error;
bool query_start_usec_used;
bool rand_used, time_zone_used;
bool in_lock_tables;
True if a slave error. Causes the slave to stop. Not the same
as the statement execution error (is_error()), since
a statement may be expected to return an error, e.g. because
it returned an error on master, and this is OK on the slave.
bool is_slave_error;
/** is set if some thread specific value(s) used in a statement. */
bool thread_specific_used;
is set if a statement accesses a temporary table created through
bool charset_is_system_charset, charset_is_collation_connection;
bool charset_is_character_set_filesystem;
bool enable_slow_log; /* enable slow log for current statement */
/* set during loop of derived table processing */
bool derived_tables_processing;
// Set while parsing INFORMATION_SCHEMA system views.
bool parsing_system_view;
/** Current SP-runtime context. */
sp_rcontext *sp_runtime_ctx;
sp_cache *sp_proc_cache;
sp_cache *sp_func_cache;
/** number of name_const() substitutions, see sp_head.cc:subst_spvars() */
uint query_name_consts;
If we do a purge of binary logs, log index info of the threads
that are currently reading it needs to be adjusted. To do that
each thread that is using LOG_INFO needs to adjust the pointer to it
LOG_INFO *current_linfo;
/* Used by the sys_var class to store temporary values */
union {
bool bool_value;
long long_value;
ulong ulong_value;
ulonglong ulonglong_value;
double double_value;
} sys_var_tmp;
struct {
If true, mysql_bin_log::write(Log_event) call will not write events to
binlog, and maintain 2 below variables instead (use
mysql_bin_log.start_union_events to turn this on)
bool do_union;
If true, at least one mysql_bin_log::write(Log_event) call has been
made after last mysql_bin_log.start_union_events() call.
bool unioned_events;
If true, at least one mysql_bin_log::write(Log_event e), where
e.cache_stmt == true call has been made after last
mysql_bin_log.start_union_events() call.
bool unioned_events_trans;
'queries' (actually SP statements) that run under inside this binlog
union have thd->query_id >= first_query_id.
query_id_t first_query_id;
} binlog_evt_union;
Internal parser state.
Note that since the parser is not re-entrant, we keep only one parser
state here. This member is valid only when executing code during parsing.
Parser_state *m_parser_state;
Locked_tables_list locked_tables_list;
partition_info *work_part_info;
Array of active audit plugins which have been used by this THD.
This list is later iterated to invoke release_thd() on those
Plugin_array audit_class_plugins;
Array of bits indicating which audit classes have already been
added to the list of audit plugins which are currently in use.
Prealloced_array<unsigned long, 11> audit_class_mask;
/* Debug Sync facility. See debug_sync.cc. */
struct st_debug_sync_control *debug_sync_control;
#endif /* defined(ENABLED_DEBUG_SYNC) */
// We don't want to load/unload plugins for unit tests.
bool m_enable_plugins;
THD(bool enable_plugins = true);
The THD dtor is effectively split in two:
THD::release_resources() and ~THD().
We want to minimize the time we hold LOCK_thd_list,
so when destroying a global thread, do:
delete thd;
void release_resources();
bool release_resources_done() const { return m_release_resources_done; }
bool m_release_resources_done;
bool cleanup_done;
void cleanup(void);
void init(void);
Initialize memory roots necessary for query processing and (!)
pre-allocate memory for it. We can't do that in THD constructor because
there are use cases (acl_init, watcher threads,
killing mysqld) where it's vital to not allocate excessive and not used
memory. Note, that we still don't return error from init_query_mem_roots()
if preallocation fails, we should notice that at the first call to
void init_query_mem_roots();
void cleanup_connection(void);
void cleanup_after_query();
void store_globals();
void restore_globals();
inline void set_active_vio(Vio *vio) {
active_vio = vio;
inline void set_ssl(Vio *vio MY_ATTRIBUTE((unused))) {
m_SSL = (SSL *)vio->ssl_arg;
inline void clear_active_vio() {
active_vio = 0;
/** Set active clone network Vio for remote clone.
@param[in] vio network vio */
inline void set_clone_vio(Vio *vio) {
clone_vio = vio;
/** Clear clone network Vio for remote clone. */
inline void clear_clone_vio() {
clone_vio = nullptr;
/** Check if clone network Vio is active. */
inline bool check_clone_vio() {
bool is_active = (clone_vio != nullptr);
return (is_active);
/** Shutdown clone vio, if active. */
void shutdown_clone_vio();
enum_vio_type get_vio_type() const;
void shutdown_active_vio();
void awake(THD::killed_state state_to_set);
/** Disconnect the associated communication endpoint. */
void disconnect(bool server_shutdown = false);
enum enum_binlog_query_type {
/* The query can be logged in row format or in statement format. */
/* The query has to be logged in statement format. */
int binlog_query(enum_binlog_query_type qtype, const char *query,
size_t query_len, bool is_trans, bool direct,
bool suppress_use, int errcode);
// Begin implementation of MDL_context_owner interface.
void enter_cond(mysql_cond_t *cond, mysql_mutex_t *mutex,
const PSI_stage_info *stage, PSI_stage_info *old_stage,
const char *src_function, const char *src_file,
int src_line) {
Sic: We don't lock LOCK_current_cond here.
If we did, we could end up in deadlock with THD::awake()
which locks current_mutex while LOCK_current_cond is locked.
current_mutex = mutex;
current_cond = cond;
enter_stage(stage, old_stage, src_function, src_file, src_line);
void exit_cond(const PSI_stage_info *stage, const char *src_function,
const char *src_file, int src_line) {
current_mutex must be unlocked _before_ LOCK_current_cond is
locked (if that would not be the case, you'll get a deadlock if someone
does a THD::awake() on you).
current_mutex = NULL;
current_cond = NULL;
enter_stage(stage, NULL, src_function, src_file, src_line);
virtual int is_killed() const final { return killed; }
virtual THD *get_thd() { return this; }
A callback to the server internals that is used to address
special cases of the locking protocol.
Invoked when acquiring an exclusive lock, for each thread that
has a conflicting shared metadata lock.
This function aborts waiting of the thread on a data lock, to make
it notice the pending exclusive lock and back off.
@note This function does not wait for the thread to give away its
locks. Waiting is done outside for all threads at once.
@param ctx_in_use The MDL context owner (thread) to wake up.
@param needs_thr_lock_abort Indicates that to wake up thread
this call needs to abort its waiting
on table-level lock.
virtual void notify_shared_lock(MDL_context_owner *ctx_in_use,
bool needs_thr_lock_abort);
virtual bool notify_hton_pre_acquire_exclusive(const MDL_key *mdl_key,
bool *victimized);
virtual void notify_hton_post_release_exclusive(const MDL_key *mdl_key);
Provide thread specific random seed for MDL_context's PRNG.
Note that even if two connections will request seed during handling of
statements which were started at exactly the same time, and thus will
get the same values in PRNG at the start, they will naturally diverge
soon, since calls to PRNG in MDL subsystem are affected by many factors
making process quite random. OTOH the fact that we use time as a seed
gives more randomness and thus better coverage in tests as opposed to
using thread_id for the same purpose.
virtual uint get_rand_seed() const { return (uint)start_utime; }
// End implementation of MDL_context_owner interface.
inline bool is_strict_mode() const {
return (variables.sql_mode &
inline const CHARSET_INFO *collation() {
return variables.collation_server ? variables.collation_server
: default_charset_info;
inline Time_zone *time_zone() {
time_zone_used = 1;
return variables.time_zone;
time_t query_start_in_secs() const { return start_time.tv_sec; }
timeval query_start_timeval_trunc(uint decimals);
void set_time() {
start_utime = utime_after_lock = my_micro_time();
if (user_time.tv_sec || user_time.tv_usec)
start_time = user_time;
my_micro_time_to_timeval(start_utime, &start_time);
void set_time(const struct timeval *t) {
user_time = *t;
void set_time_after_lock() {
If mysql_lock_tables() is called multiple times,
we stick with the first timestamp. This prevents
anomalities with things like CREATE INDEX, where
otherwise, we'll get the lock timestamp for the
data dictionary update.
if (utime_after_lock != start_utime) return;
utime_after_lock = my_micro_time();
(utime_after_lock - start_utime));
inline bool is_fsp_truncate_mode() const {
return (variables.sql_mode & MODE_TIME_TRUNCATE_FRACTIONAL);
Evaluate the current time, and if it exceeds the long-query-time
setting, mark the query as slow.
void update_slow_query_status() {
if (my_micro_time() > utime_after_lock + variables.long_query_time)
server_status |= SERVER_QUERY_WAS_SLOW;
ulonglong found_rows() const { return previous_found_rows; }
Call when it is clear that the query is ended and we have collected the
right value for current_found_rows. Calling this method makes a snapshot of
that value and makes it ready and stable for subsequent FOUND_ROWS() call
in the next statement.
inline void update_previous_found_rows() {
previous_found_rows = current_found_rows;
Returns true if session is in a multi-statement transaction mode.
OPTION_NOT_AUTOCOMMIT: When autocommit is off, a multi-statement
transaction is implicitly started on the first statement after a
previous transaction has been ended.
OPTION_BEGIN: Regardless of the autocommit status, a multi-statement
transaction can be explicitly started with the statements "START
Note: this doesn't tell you whether a transaction is active.
A session can be in multi-statement transaction mode, and yet
have no active transaction, e.g., in case of:
set \@\@autocommit=0;
set \@a= 3; <-- these statements don't
set transaction isolation level serializable; <-- start an active
flush tables; <-- transaction
I.e. for the above scenario this function returns true, even
though no active transaction has begun.
@sa in_active_multi_stmt_transaction()
inline bool in_multi_stmt_transaction_mode() const {
return variables.option_bits & (OPTION_NOT_AUTOCOMMIT | OPTION_BEGIN);
true if the session is in a multi-statement transaction mode
(@sa in_multi_stmt_transaction_mode()) *and* there is an
active transaction, i.e. there is an explicit start of a
transaction with BEGIN statement, or implicit with a
statement that uses a transactional engine.
For example, these scenarios don't start an active transaction
(even though the server is in multi-statement transaction mode):
set @@autocommit=0;
select * from nontrans_table;
set @var = true;
flush tables;
Note, that even for a statement that starts a multi-statement
transaction (i.e. select * from trans_table), this
flag won't be set until we open the statement's tables
and the engines register themselves for the transaction
(see trans_register_ha()),
hence this method is reliable to use only after
open_tables() has completed.
Why do we need a flag?
We need to maintain a (at first glance redundant)
session flag, rather than looking at thd->transaction.all.ha_list
because of explicit start of a transaction with BEGIN.
I.e. in case of
select * from nontrans_t1; <-- in_active_multi_stmt_transaction() is true
inline bool in_active_multi_stmt_transaction() const {
return server_status & SERVER_STATUS_IN_TRANS;
bool fill_information_schema_tables() const {
return !stmt_arena->is_stmt_prepare();
bool convert_string(LEX_STRING *to, const CHARSET_INFO *to_cs,
const char *from, size_t from_length,
const CHARSET_INFO *from_cs, bool report_error = false);
int send_explain_fields(Query_result *result);
Clear the current error, if any.
We do not clear is_fatal_error or is_fatal_sub_stmt_error since we
assume this is never called if the fatal error is set.
@todo: To silence an error, one should use Internal_error_handler
mechanism. In future this function will be removed.
inline void clear_error() {
if (get_stmt_da()->is_error()) get_stmt_da()->reset_diagnostics_area();
is_slave_error = false;
bool is_classic_protocol() const;
/** Return false if connection to client is broken. */
bool is_connected() final;
Mark the current error as fatal. Warning: this does not
set any error, it sets a property of the error, so must be
followed or prefixed with my_error().
void fatal_error() { m_is_fatal_error = true; }
bool is_fatal_error() const { return m_is_fatal_error; }
true if there is an error in the error stack.
Please use this method instead of direct access to
If true, the current (sub)-statement should be aborted.
The main difference between this member and is_fatal_error
is that a fatal error can not be handled by a stored
procedure continue handler, whereas a normal error can.
To raise this flag, use my_error().
inline bool is_error() const { return get_stmt_da()->is_error(); }
/// Returns first Diagnostics Area for the current statement.
Diagnostics_area *get_stmt_da() { return m_stmt_da; }
/// Returns first Diagnostics Area for the current statement.
const Diagnostics_area *get_stmt_da() const { return m_stmt_da; }
/// Returns the second Diagnostics Area for the current statement.
const Diagnostics_area *get_stacked_da() const {
return get_stmt_da()->stacked_da();
Returns thread-local Diagnostics Area for parsing.
We need to have a clean DA in case errors or warnings are thrown
during parsing, but we can't just reset the main DA in case we
have a diagnostic statement on our hand that needs the old DA
to answer questions about the previous execution.
Keeping a static per-thread DA for parsing is less costly than
allocating a temporary one for each statement we parse.
Diagnostics_area *get_parser_da() { return &m_parser_da; }
Returns thread-local Diagnostics Area to be used by query rewrite plugins.
Query rewrite plugins use their own diagnostics area. The reason is that
they are invoked right before and right after parsing, and we don't want
conditions raised by plugins in either statement nor parser DA until we
know which type of statement we have parsed.
@note The diagnostics area is instantiated the first time it is asked for.
Diagnostics_area *get_query_rewrite_plugin_da() {
return m_query_rewrite_plugin_da_ptr;
Push the given Diagnostics Area on top of the stack, making
it the new first Diagnostics Area. Conditions in the new second
Diagnostics Area will be copied to the new first Diagnostics Area.
@param da Diagnostics Area to be come the top of
the Diagnostics Area stack.
@param copy_conditions
Copy the conditions from the new second Diagnostics Area
to the new first Diagnostics Area, as per SQL standard.
void push_diagnostics_area(Diagnostics_area *da,
bool copy_conditions = true) {
get_stmt_da()->push_diagnostics_area(this, da, copy_conditions);
m_stmt_da = da;
/// Pop the top DA off the Diagnostics Area stack.
void pop_diagnostics_area() {
m_stmt_da = get_stmt_da()->pop_diagnostics_area();
Inserts the new protocol at the top of the protocol stack, and make it
the current protocol for this thd.
@param protocol Protocol to be inserted.
void push_protocol(Protocol *protocol);
template <typename ProtocolClass>
void push_protocol(const std::unique_ptr<ProtocolClass> &protocol) {
Pops the top protocol of the Protocol stack and sets the previous one
as the current protocol.
void pop_protocol();
const CHARSET_INFO *charset() const { return variables.character_set_client; }
void update_charset();
void change_item_tree(Item **place, Item *new_value);
Remember that place was updated with new_value so it can be restored
by rollback_item_tree_changes().
@param[in] place the location that will change, and whose old value
we need to remember for restoration
@param[in] new_value new value about to be inserted into *place, remember
for associative lookup, see replace_rollback_place()
void nocheck_register_item_tree_change(Item **place, Item *new_value);
Find and update change record of an underlying item based on the new
value for a place.
If we have already saved a position to rollback for new_value,
forget that rollback position and register the new place instead,
typically because a transformation has made the old place irrelevant.
If not, a no-op.
@param new_place The new location in which we have presumably saved
the new value, but which need to be rolled back to
the old value.
This location must also contain the new value.
void replace_rollback_place(Item **new_place);
Restore locations set by calls to nocheck_register_item_tree_change(). The
value to be restored depends on whether replace_rollback_place()
has been called. If not, we restore the original value. If it has been
called, we restore the one supplied by the latest call to
void rollback_item_tree_changes();
Cleanup statement parse state (parse tree, lex) and execution
state after execution of a non-prepared SQL statement.
void end_statement();
void send_kill_message() const;
void reset_n_backup_open_tables_state(Open_tables_backup *backup,
uint add_state_flags);
void restore_backup_open_tables_state(Open_tables_backup *backup);
void reset_sub_statement_state(Sub_statement_state *backup, uint new_state);
void restore_sub_statement_state(Sub_statement_state *backup);
Start a read-only attachable transaction.
There must be no active attachable transactions (in other words, there can
be only one active attachable transaction at a time).
void begin_attachable_ro_transaction();
Start a read-write attachable transaction.
All the read-only class' requirements apply.
Additional requirements are documented along the class
void begin_attachable_rw_transaction();
End an active attachable transaction. Applies to both the read-only
and the read-write versions.
Note, that the read-write attachable transaction won't be terminated
inside this method.
To invoke the function there must be active attachable transaction.
void end_attachable_transaction();
@return true if there is an active attachable transaction.
bool is_attachable_ro_transaction_active() const {
return m_attachable_trx != nullptr && m_attachable_trx->is_read_only();
@return true if there is an active attachable transaction.
bool is_attachable_transaction_active() const {
return m_attachable_trx != nullptr;
@return true if there is an active rw attachable transaction.
bool is_attachable_rw_transaction_active() const {
return m_attachable_trx != nullptr && !m_attachable_trx->is_read_only();
@todo Make these methods private or remove them completely. Only
decide_logging_format should call them. /Sven
inline void set_current_stmt_binlog_format_row_if_mixed() {
This should only be called from decide_logging_format.
@todo Once we have ensured this, uncomment the following
statement, remove the big comment below that, and remove the
in_sub_stmt==0 condition from the following 'if'.
/* DBUG_ASSERT(in_sub_stmt == 0); */
If in a stored/function trigger, the caller should already have done the
change. We test in_sub_stmt to prevent introducing bugs where people
wouldn't ensure that, and would switch to row-based mode in the middle
of executing a stored function/trigger (which is too late, see also
reset_current_stmt_binlog_format_row()); this condition will make their
tests fail and so force them to propagate the
lex->binlog_row_based_if_mixed upwards to the caller.
if ((variables.binlog_format == BINLOG_FORMAT_MIXED) && (in_sub_stmt == 0))
inline void set_current_stmt_binlog_format_row() {
current_stmt_binlog_format = BINLOG_FORMAT_ROW;
inline void clear_current_stmt_binlog_format_row() {
current_stmt_binlog_format = BINLOG_FORMAT_STMT;
inline void reset_current_stmt_binlog_format_row() {
DBUG_PRINT("debug", ("in_sub_stmt: %d, system_thread: %s", in_sub_stmt != 0,
if (in_sub_stmt == 0) {
if (variables.binlog_format == BINLOG_FORMAT_ROW)
Copies variables.original_commit_timestamp to
((Slave_worker *)rli_slave)->original_commit_timestamp,
if this is a slave thread.
void set_original_commit_timestamp_for_slave_thread();
/// Return the value of @@gtid_next_list: either a Gtid_set or NULL.
Gtid_set *get_gtid_next_list() {
return variables.gtid_next_list.is_non_null
? variables.gtid_next_list.gtid_set
/// Return the value of @@gtid_next_list: either a Gtid_set or NULL.
const Gtid_set *get_gtid_next_list_const() const {
return const_cast<THD *>(this)->get_gtid_next_list();
Return true if the statement/transaction cache is currently empty,
false otherwise.
@param is_transactional if true, check the transaction cache.
If false, check the statement cache.
bool is_binlog_cache_empty(bool is_transactional) const;
The GTID of the currently owned transaction.
==== Modes of ownership ====
The following modes of ownership are possible:
- owned_gtid.sidno==0: the thread does not own any transaction.
- owned_gtid.sidno==THD::OWNED_SIDNO_ANONYMOUS(==-2): the thread
owns an anonymous transaction
- owned_gtid.sidno>0 and owned_gtid.gno>0: the thread owns a GTID
- (owned_gtid.sidno==THD::OWNED_SIDNO_GTID_SET(==-1): this is
currently not used. It was reserved for the case where multiple
GTIDs are owned (using gtid_next_list). This was one idea to
make GTIDs work with NDB: due to the epoch concept, multiple
transactions can be combined into one in NDB, and therefore a
single transaction on a slave can have multiple GTIDs.)
==== Life cycle of ownership ====
Generally, transaction ownership starts when the transaction is
assigned its GTID and ends when the transaction commits or rolls
back. On a master (GTID_NEXT=AUTOMATIC), the GTID is assigned
just before binlog flush; on a slave (GTID_NEXT=UUID:NUMBER or
GTID_NEXT=ANONYMOUS) it is assigned before starting the
A new client always starts with owned_gtid.sidno=0.
Ownership can be acquired in the following ways:
The thread acquires anonymous ownership in
gtid_state->generate_automatic_gtid called from
The thread generates the GTID and acquires ownership in
gtid_state->generate_automatic_gtid called from
A3. If GTID_NEXT = 'UUID:NUMBER': The thread acquires ownership in
the following ways:
- In a client, the SET GTID_NEXT statement acquires ownership.
- The slave's analogy to a clients SET GTID_NEXT statement is
Gtid_log_event::do_apply_event. So the slave acquires
ownership in this function.
Note: if the GTID UUID:NUMBER is already included in
GTID_EXECUTED, then the transaction must be skipped (the GTID
auto-skip feature). Thus, ownership is *not* acquired in this
case and owned_gtid.sidno==0.
- In a client, the SET GTID_NEXT statement acquires ownership.
- In a slave thread, Gtid_log_event::do_apply_event acquires
- Contrary to the case of GTID_NEXT='UUID:NUMBER', it is
allowed to execute two transactions in sequence without
changing GTID_NEXT (cf. R1 and R2 below). Both transactions
should be executed as anonymous transactions. But ownership
is released when the first transaction commits. Therefore,
when GTID_NEXT='ANONYMOUS', we also acquire anonymous
ownership when starting to execute a statement, in
gtid_reacquire_ownership_if_anonymous called from
gtid_pre_statement_checks (usually called from
A5. Slave applier threads start in a special mode, having
GTID_NEXT='NOT_YET_DETERMINED'. This mode cannot be set in a
regular client. When GTID_NEXT=NOT_YET_DETERMINED, the slave
thread is postponing the decision of the value of GTID_NEXT
until it has more information. There are three cases:
- If the first transaction of the relay log has a
Gtid_log_event, then it will set GTID_NEXT=GTID:NUMBER and
acquire GTID ownership in Gtid_log_event::do_apply_event.
- If the first transaction of the relay log has a
Anonymous_gtid_log_event, then it will set
GTID_NEXT=ANONYMOUS and acquire anonymous ownership in
- If the relay log was received from a pre-5.7.6 master with
GTID_MODE=OFF (or a pre-5.6 master), then there are neither
Gtid_log_events nor Anonymous_log_events in the relay log.
In this case, the slave sets GTID_NEXT=ANONYMOUS and
acquires anonymous ownership when executing a
Query_log_event (Query_log_event::do_apply_event calls
mysql_parse which calls gtid_pre_statement_checks which
calls gtid_reacquire_ownership_if_anonymous).
Ownership is released in the following ways:
R1. A thread that holds GTID ownership releases ownership at
transaction commit or rollback. If GTID_NEXT=AUTOMATIC, all
is fine. If GTID_NEXT=UUID:NUMBER, the UUID:NUMBER cannot be
used for another transaction, since only one transaction can
have any given GTID. To avoid the user mistake of forgetting
to set back GTID_NEXT, on commit we set
thd->variables.gtid_next.type=UNDEFINED_GTID. Then, any
statement that user tries to execute other than SET GTID_NEXT
will generate an error.
R2. A thread that holds anonymous ownership releases ownership at
transaction commit or rollback. In this case there is no harm
in leaving GTID_NEXT='ANONYMOUS', so
thd->variables.gtid_next.type will remain ANONYMOUS_GTID and
There are statements that generate multiple transactions in the
binary log. This includes the following:
M1. DROP TABLE that is used with multiple tables, and the tables
belong to more than one of the following groups: non-temporary
table, temporary transactional table, temporary
non-transactional table. DROP TABLE is split into one
transaction for each of these groups of tables.
M2. DROP DATABASE that fails e.g. because rmdir fails. Then a
single DROP TABLE is generated, which lists all tables that
were dropped before the failure happened. But if the list of
tables is big, and grows over a limit, the statement will be
split into multiple statements.
M3. CREATE TABLE ... SELECT that is logged in row format. Then
the server generates a single CREATE statement, followed by a
BEGIN ... row events ... COMMIT transaction.
M4. A statement that updates both transactional and
non-transactional tables in the same statement, and is logged
in row format. Then it generates one transaction for the
non-transactional row updates, followed by one transaction for
the transactional row updates.
M5. CALL is executed as multiple transactions and logged as
multiple transactions.
The general rules for multi-transaction statements are:
GTID should be generated for each transaction within the
statement. Therefore, ownership must be released after each
commit so that a new GTID can be generated by the next
transaction. Typically mysql_bin_log.commit() is called to
achieve this. (Note that some of these statements are currently
disallowed when GTID_MODE=ON.)
Anonymous_gtid_log_event should be generated for each
transaction within the statement. Similar to the case above, we
call mysql_bin_log.commit() and release ownership between
transactions within the statement.
This works for all the special cases M1-M5 except M4. When a
statement writes both non-transactional and transactional
updates to the binary log, both the transaction cache and the
statement cache are flushed within the same call to
flush_thread_caches(THD) from within the binary log group commit
code. At that point we cannot use mysql_bin_log.commit().
Instead we release ownership using direct calls to
gtid_state->release_anonymous_ownership() and
thd->clear_owned_gtids() from binlog_cache_mngr::flush.
- If GTID_NEXT=ANONYMOUS, anonymous ownership must be *preserved*
between transactions within the statement, to prevent that a
concurrent SET GTID_MODE=ON makes it impossible to log the
statement. To avoid that ownership is released if
mysql_bin_log.commit() is called, we set
thd->is_commit_in_middle_of_statement before calling
mysql_bin_log.commit. Note that we must set this flag only if
GTID_NEXT=ANONYMOUS, not if the transaction is anonymous when
This works for all the special cases M1-M5 except M4. When a
statement writes non-transactional updates in the middle of a
transaction, but keeps some transactional updates in the
transaction cache, then it is not easy to know at the time of
calling mysql_bin_log.commit() whether anonymous ownership needs
to be preserved or not. Instead, we directly check if the
transaction cache is nonempty before releasing anonymous
ownership inside Gtid_state::update_gtids_impl.
- If GTID_NEXT='UUID:NUMBER', it is impossible to log a
multi-transaction statement, since each GTID can only be used by
one transaction. Therefore, an error must be generated in this
case. Errors are generated in different ways for the different
statement types:
- DROP TABLE: we can detect the situation before it happens,
since the table type is known once the tables are opened. So
we generate an error before even executing the statement.
- DROP DATABASE: we can't detect the situation until it is too
late; the tables have already been dropped and we cannot log
anything meaningful. So we don't log at all.
- CREATE TABLE ... SELECT: this is not allowed when
enforce_gtid_consistency is ON; the statement will be
forbidden in is_ddl_gtid_compatible.
- Statements that update both transactional and
non-transactional tables are disallowed when GTID_MODE=ON, so
this normally does not happen. However, it can happen if the
slave uses a different engine type than the master, so that a
statement that updates InnoDB+InnoDB on master updates
InnoDB+MyISAM on slave. In this case the statement will be
forbidden in is_dml_gtid_compatible and will not be allowed to
- CALL: the second statement will generate an error because
GTID_NEXT is 'undefined'. Note that this situation can only
happen if user does it on purpose: A CALL on master is logged
as multiple statements, so a slave never executes CALL with
Finally, ownership release is suppressed in one more corner case:
C1. Administration statements including OPTIMIZE TABLE, REPAIR
TABLE, or ANALYZE TABLE are written to the binary log even if
they fail. This means that the thread first calls
trans_rollack, and then writes the statement to the binlog.
Rollback normally releases ownership. But ownership must be
kept until writing the binlog. The solution is that these
statements set thd->skip_gtid_rollback=true before calling
trans_rollback, and Gtid_state::update_on_rollback does not
release ownership if the flag is set.
@todo It would probably be better to encapsulate this more, maybe
use Gtid_specification instead of Gtid.
Gtid owned_gtid;
static const int OWNED_SIDNO_GTID_SET = -1;
static const int OWNED_SIDNO_ANONYMOUS = -2;
For convenience, this contains the SID component of the GTID
stored in owned_gtid.
rpl_sid owned_sid;
/** SE GTID persistence flag types. */
enum Se_GTID_flag : size_t {
/** Pin owned GTID */
/** Cleanup GTID during unpin. */
/** SE would persist GTID for current transaction. */
/** If RESET log in progress. */
/** Max element holding the biset size. */
using Se_GTID_flagset = std::bitset<SE_GTID_MAX>;
/** Flags for SE GTID persistence. */
Se_GTID_flagset m_se_gtid_flags;
/** Defer freeing owned GTID and SID till unpinned. */
void pin_gtid() { m_se_gtid_flags.set(SE_GTID_PIN); }
/** Unpin and free GTID and SID. */
void unpin_gtid() {
/* Do any deferred cleanup */
if (m_se_gtid_flags[SE_GTID_CLEANUP]) {
/** @return true, if single phase XA commit operation. */
bool is_one_phase_commit();
/** Set when binlog reset operation is started. */
void set_log_reset() { m_se_gtid_flags.set(SE_GTID_RESET_LOG); }
/** Cleared after flushing SE logs during binlog reset. */
void clear_log_reset() { m_se_gtid_flags.reset(SE_GTID_RESET_LOG); }
/** @return true, if binlog reset operation. */
bool is_log_reset() const { return (m_se_gtid_flags[SE_GTID_RESET_LOG]); }
/** Set by SE when it guarantees GTID persistence. */
void set_gtid_persisted_by_se() { m_se_gtid_flags.set(SE_GTID_PERSIST); }
/** Reset by SE at transaction end after persisting GTID. */
void reset_gtid_persisted_by_se() { m_se_gtid_flags.reset(SE_GTID_PERSIST); }
/** @return true, if SE persists GTID for current transaction. */
bool se_persists_gtid() const {
DBUG_EXECUTE_IF("disable_se_persists_gtid", return (false););
auto trx = get_transaction();
auto xid_state = trx->xid_state();
/* XA transactions are always persisted by Innodb. */
return (!xid_state->has_state(XID_STATE::XA_NOTR) ||
If this thread owns a set of GTIDs (i.e., GTID_NEXT_LIST != NULL),
then this member variable contains the subset of those GTIDs that
are owned by this thread.
Gtid_set owned_gtid_set;
Replication related context.
@todo: move more parts of replication related fields in THD to inside this
Rpl_thd_context rpl_thd_ctx;
void clear_owned_gtids() {
/* Defer GTID cleanup if pinned. Used for XA transactions where
SE(Innodb) needs to read GTID. */
if (m_se_gtid_flags[SE_GTID_PIN]) {
if (owned_gtid.sidno == OWNED_SIDNO_GTID_SET) {
owned_gtid.dbug_print(NULL, "set owned_gtid in clear_owned_gtids");
/** @return true, if owned GTID is empty or waiting for deferred cleanup. */
bool owned_gtid_is_empty() {
if (m_se_gtid_flags[SE_GTID_CLEANUP]) {
return (true);
return (owned_gtid.is_empty());
There are some statements (like OPTIMIZE TABLE, ANALYZE TABLE and
REPAIR TABLE) that might call trans_rollback_stmt() and also will be
sucessfully executed and will have to go to the binary log.
For these statements, the skip_gtid_rollback flag must be set to avoid
problems when the statement is executed with a GTID_NEXT set to
ASSIGNED_GTID (like the SQL thread do when applying events from other
server). When this flag is set, a call to gtid_rollback() will do nothing.
bool skip_gtid_rollback;
There are some statements (like DROP DATABASE that fails on rmdir
and gets rewritten to multiple DROP TABLE statements) that may
call trans_commit_stmt() before it has written all statements to
the binlog. When using GTID_NEXT = ANONYMOUS, such statements
should not release ownership of the anonymous transaction until
all statements have been written to the binlog. To prevent that
update_gtid_impl releases ownership, such statements must set this
bool is_commit_in_middle_of_statement;
True while the transaction is executing, if one of
is_ddl_gtid_consistent or is_dml_gtid_consistent returned false.
bool has_gtid_consistency_violation;
const LEX_CSTRING &db() const { return m_db; }
Set the current database; use deep copy of C-string.
@param new_db the new database name.
Initialize the current database from a NULL-terminated string with
length. If we run out of memory, we free the current database and
return true. This way the user will notice the error as there will be
no current database selected (in addition to the error message set by
@note This operation just sets {db, db_length}. Switching the current
database usually involves other actions, like switching other database
attributes including security context. In the future, this operation
will be made private and more convenient interface will be provided.
@return Operation status
@retval false Success
@retval true Out-of-memory error
bool set_db(const LEX_CSTRING &new_db);
Set the current database; use shallow copy of C-string.
@param new_db the new database name.
@note This operation just sets {db, db_length}. Switching the current
database usually involves other actions, like switching other database
attributes including security context. In the future, this operation
will be made private and more convenient interface will be provided.
void reset_db(const LEX_CSTRING &new_db) {
m_db.str = new_db.str;
m_db.length = new_db.length;
PSI_THREAD_CALL(set_thread_db)(new_db.str, static_cast<int>(new_db.length));
Copy the current database to the argument. Use the current arena to
allocate memory for a deep copy: current database may be freed after
a statement is parsed but before it's executed.
bool copy_db_to(char const **p_db, size_t *p_db_length) const {
if (m_db.str == NULL) {
my_error(ER_NO_DB_ERROR, MYF(0));
return true;
*p_db = strmake(m_db.str, m_db.length);
*p_db_length = m_db.length;
return false;
bool copy_db_to(char **p_db, size_t *p_db_length) const {
return copy_db_to(const_cast<char const **>(p_db), p_db_length);
thd_scheduler scheduler;
Get resource group context.
@returns pointer to resource group context.
resourcegroups::Resource_group_ctx *resource_group_ctx() {
return &m_resource_group_ctx;
Save the performance schema thread instrumentation
associated with this user session.
@param psi Performance schema thread instrumentation
void set_psi(PSI_thread *psi) { m_psi = psi; }
Read the performance schema thread instrumentation
associated with this user session.
This method is safe to use from a different thread.
PSI_thread *get_psi() const { return m_psi; }
Performance schema thread instrumentation for this session.
This member is maintained using atomic operations,
do not access it directly.
@sa set_psi
@sa get_psi
std::atomic<PSI_thread *> m_psi;
const Internal_error_handler *get_internal_handler() const {
return m_internal_handler;
Add an internal error handler to the thread execution context.
@param handler the exception handler to add
void push_internal_handler(Internal_error_handler *handler);
Handle a sql condition.
@param sql_errno the condition error number
@param sqlstate the condition sqlstate
@param level the condition level
@param msg the condition message text
@return true if the condition is handled
bool handle_condition(uint sql_errno, const char *sqlstate,
Sql_condition::enum_severity_level *level,
const char *msg);
Remove the error handler last pushed.
Internal_error_handler *pop_internal_handler();
Opt_trace_context opt_trace; ///< optimizer trace of current statement
Raise an exception condition.
@param code the MYSQL_ERRNO error code of the error
void raise_error(uint code);
Raise an exception condition, with a formatted message.
@param code the MYSQL_ERRNO error code of the error
void raise_error_printf(uint code, ...);
Raise a completion condition (warning).
@param code the MYSQL_ERRNO error code of the warning
void raise_warning(uint code);
Raise a completion condition (warning), with a formatted message.
@param code the MYSQL_ERRNO error code of the warning
void raise_warning_printf(uint code, ...);
Raise a completion condition (note), with a fixed message.
@param code the MYSQL_ERRNO error code of the note
void raise_note(uint code);
Raise an completion condition (note), with a formatted message.
@param code the MYSQL_ERRNO error code of the note
void raise_note_printf(uint code, ...);
Only the implementation of the SIGNAL and RESIGNAL statements
is permitted to raise SQL conditions in a generic way,
or to raise them by bypassing handlers (RESIGNAL).
To raise a SQL condition, the code should use the public
raise_error() or raise_warning() methods provided by class THD.
friend class Sql_cmd_common_signal;
friend class Sql_cmd_signal;
friend class Sql_cmd_resignal;
friend void push_warning(THD *thd,
Sql_condition::enum_severity_level severity,
uint code, const char *message_text);
friend void my_message_sql(uint, const char *, myf);
Raise a generic SQL condition. Also calls mysql_audit_notify() unless
the condition is handled by a SQL condition handler.
@param sql_errno the condition error number
@param sqlstate the condition SQLSTATE
@param level the condition level
@param msg the condition message text
@param fatal_error should the fatal_error flag be set?
@return The condition raised, or NULL
Sql_condition *raise_condition(uint sql_errno, const char *sqlstate,
Sql_condition::enum_severity_level level,
const char *msg, bool fatal_error = false);
void set_command(enum enum_server_command command);
inline enum enum_server_command get_command() const { return m_command; }
For safe and protected access to the query string, the following
rules should be followed:
1: Only the owner (current_thd) can set the query string.
This will be protected by LOCK_thd_query.
2: The owner (current_thd) can read the query string without
locking LOCK_thd_query.
3: Other threads must lock LOCK_thd_query before reading
the query string.
This means that write-write conflicts are avoided by LOCK_thd_query.
Read(by owner or other thread)-write(other thread) are disallowed.
Read(other thread)-write(by owner) conflicts are avoided by LOCK_thd_query.
Read(by owner)-write(by owner) won't happen as THD=thread.
We want to keep current_thd out of header files, so the debug assert,
is moved to the .cc file. In optimized mode, we want this getter to
be fast, so we inline it.
void debug_assert_query_locked() const;
const LEX_CSTRING &query() const {
#ifndef DBUG_OFF
return m_query_string;
The current query in normalized form. The format is intended to be
identical to the digest text of performance_schema, but not limited in
size. In this case the parse tree is traversed as opposed to a (limited)
token buffer. The string is allocated by this Statement and will be
available until the next call to this function or this object is deleted.
@note We have no protection against out-of-memory errors as this function
relies on the Item::print() interface which does not propagate errors.
@return The current query in normalized form.
const String normalized_query();
Assign a new value to thd->m_query_string.
Protected with the LOCK_thd_query mutex.
void set_query_for_display(const char *query_arg, size_t query_length_arg) {
MYSQL_SET_STATEMENT_TEXT(m_statement_psi, query_arg, query_length_arg);
PSI_THREAD_CALL(set_thread_info)(query_arg, query_length_arg);
void reset_query_for_display(void) { set_query_for_display(nullptr, 0); }
void set_query(const char *query_arg, size_t query_length_arg) {
LEX_CSTRING tmp = {query_arg, query_length_arg};
void set_query(const LEX_CSTRING &query_arg);
void reset_query() { set_query(LEX_CSTRING()); }
Assign a new value to thd->query_id.
Protected with the LOCK_thd_data mutex.
void set_query_id(query_id_t new_query_id) {
query_id = new_query_id;
MYSQL_SET_STATEMENT_QUERY_ID(m_statement_psi, new_query_id);
Assign a new value to open_tables.
Protected with the LOCK_thd_data mutex.
void set_open_tables(TABLE *open_tables_arg) {
open_tables = open_tables_arg;
Assign a new value to is_killable
Protected with the LOCK_thd_data mutex.
void set_is_killable(bool is_killable_arg) {
is_killable = is_killable_arg;
void enter_locked_tables_mode(enum_locked_tables_mode mode_arg) {
DBUG_ASSERT(locked_tables_mode == LTM_NONE);
if (mode_arg == LTM_LOCK_TABLES) {
When entering LOCK TABLES mode we should set explicit duration
for all metadata locks acquired so far in order to avoid releasing
them till UNLOCK TABLES statement.
We don't do this when entering prelocked mode since sub-statements
don't release metadata locks and restoring status-quo after leaving
prelocking mode gets complicated.
locked_tables_mode = mode_arg;
void leave_locked_tables_mode();
int decide_logging_format(TABLE_LIST *tables);
is_dml_gtid_compatible() and is_ddl_gtid_compatible() check if the
statement that is about to be processed will safely get a
GTID. Currently, the following cases may lead to errors
(e.g. duplicated GTIDs) and as such are forbidden:
1. DML statements that mix non-transactional updates with
transactional updates.
2. Transactions that use non-transactional tables after
having used transactional tables.
3. CREATE...SELECT statement;
The first two conditions have to be checked in
decide_logging_format, because that's where we know if the table
is transactional or not. These are implemented in
The third and fourth conditions have to be checked in
mysql_execute_command because (1) that prevents implicit commit
from being executed if the statement fails; (2) DROP TEMPORARY
TABLE does not invoke decide_logging_format. These are
implemented in is_ddl_gtid_compatible().
In the cases where GTID violations generate errors,
is_ddl_gtid_compatible() needs to be called before the implicit
pre-commit, so that there is no implicit commit if the statement
In the cases where GTID violations do not generate errors,
is_ddl_gtid_compatible() needs to be called after the implicit
pre-commit, because in these cases the function will increase the
global counter automatic_gtid_violating_transaction_count or
anonymous_gtid_violating_transaction_count. If there is an
ongoing transaction, the implicit commit will commit the
transaction, which will call update_gtids_impl, which should
decrease the counters depending on whether the *old* was violating
GTID-consistency or not. Thus, we should increase the counters
only after the old transaction is committed.
@param some_transactional_table true if the statement updates some
transactional table; false otherwise.
@param some_non_transactional_table true if the statement updates
some non-transactional table; false otherwise.
@param non_transactional_tables_are_tmp true if all updated
non-transactional tables are temporary.
@retval true if the statement is compatible;
@retval false if the statement is not compatible.
bool is_dml_gtid_compatible(bool some_transactional_table,
bool some_non_transactional_table,
bool non_transactional_tables_are_tmp);
bool is_ddl_gtid_compatible();
void binlog_invoker() { m_binlog_invoker = true; }
bool need_binlog_invoker() const { return m_binlog_invoker; }
void get_definer(LEX_USER *definer);
void set_invoker(const LEX_STRING *user, const LEX_STRING *host) {
m_invoker_user.str = user->str;
m_invoker_user.length = user->length;
m_invoker_host.str = host->str;
m_invoker_host.length = host->length;
LEX_CSTRING get_invoker_user() const { return m_invoker_user; }
LEX_CSTRING get_invoker_host() const { return m_invoker_host; }
bool has_invoker() const { return m_invoker_user.str != nullptr; }
void mark_transaction_to_rollback(bool all);
/** The current internal error handler for this thread, or NULL. */
Internal_error_handler *m_internal_handler;
This memory root is used for two purposes:
- for conventional queries, to allocate structures stored in main_lex
during parsing, and allocate runtime data (execution plan, etc.)
during execution.
- for prepared queries, only to allocate runtime data. The parsed
tree itself is reused between executions and thus is stored elsewhere.
MEM_ROOT main_mem_root;
Diagnostics_area main_da;
Diagnostics_area m_parser_da; /**< cf. get_parser_da() */
Diagnostics_area m_query_rewrite_plugin_da;
Diagnostics_area *m_query_rewrite_plugin_da_ptr;
Diagnostics_area *m_stmt_da;
It will be set TURE if CURRENT_USER() is called in account management
statements or default definer is set in CREATE/ALTER SP, SF, Event,
TRIGGER or VIEW statements.
Current user will be binlogged into Query_log_event if current_user_used
is true; It will be stored into m_invoker_host and m_invoker_user by SQL
bool m_binlog_invoker;
It points to the invoker in the Query_log_event.
SQL thread use it as the default definer in CREATE/ALTER SP, SF, Event,
TRIGGER or VIEW statements or current user in account management
statements if it is not NULL.
LEX_CSTRING m_invoker_user;
LEX_CSTRING m_invoker_host;
friend class Protocol_classic;
Optimizer cost model for server operations.
Cost_model_server m_cost_model;
Initialize the optimizer cost model.
This function should be called each time a new query is started.
void init_cost_model() { m_cost_model.init(); }
Retrieve the optimizer cost model for this connection.
const Cost_model_server *cost_model() const { return &m_cost_model; }
Session_tracker session_tracker;
Session_sysvar_resource_manager session_sysvar_res_mgr;
void syntax_error() { syntax_error(ER_SYNTAX_ERROR); }
void syntax_error(const char *format, ...)
MY_ATTRIBUTE((format(printf, 2, 3)));
void syntax_error(int mysql_errno, ...);
void syntax_error_at(const YYLTYPE &location) {
syntax_error_at(location, ER_SYNTAX_ERROR);
void syntax_error_at(const YYLTYPE &location, const char *format, ...)
MY_ATTRIBUTE((format(printf, 3, 4)));
void syntax_error_at(const YYLTYPE &location, int mysql_errno, ...);
void vsyntax_error_at(const YYLTYPE &location, const char *format,
va_list args) MY_ATTRIBUTE((format(printf, 3, 0)));
void vsyntax_error_at(const char *pos_in_lexer_raw_buffer, const char *format,
va_list args) MY_ATTRIBUTE((format(printf, 3, 0)));
Send name and type of result to client.
Sum fields has table name empty and field_name.
@param list List of items to send to client
@param flags Bit mask with the following functions:
- 1 send number of rows
- 2 send default values
- 4 don't write eof packet
false ok
true Error (Note that in this case the error is not sent to the client)
bool send_result_metadata(List<Item> *list, uint flags);
Send one result set row.
@param row_items a collection of column values for that row
@return Error status.
@retval true Error.
@retval false Success.
bool send_result_set_row(List<Item> *row_items);
Send the status of the current statement execution over network.
In MySQL, there are two types of SQL statements: those that return
a result set and those that return status information only.
If a statement returns a result set, it consists of 3 parts:
- result set meta-data
- variable number of result set rows (can be 0)
- followed and terminated by EOF or ERROR packet
Once the client has seen the meta-data information, it always
expects an EOF or ERROR to terminate the result set. If ERROR is
received, the result set rows are normally discarded (this is up
to the client implementation, libmysql at least does discard them).
EOF, on the contrary, means "successfully evaluated the entire
result set". Since we don't know how many rows belong to a result
set until it's evaluated, EOF/ERROR is the indicator of the end
of the row stream. Note, that we can not buffer result set rows
on the server -- there may be an arbitrary number of rows. But
we do buffer the last packet (EOF/ERROR) in the Diagnostics_area and
delay sending it till the very end of execution (here), to be able to
change EOF to an ERROR if commit failed or some other error occurred
during the last cleanup steps taken after execution.
A statement that does not return a result set doesn't send result
set meta-data either. Instead it returns one of:
- OK packet
- ERROR packet.
Similarly to the EOF/ERROR of the previous statement type, OK/ERROR
packet is "buffered" in the Diagnostics Area and sent to the client
in the end of statement.
@note This method defines a template, but delegates actual
sending of data to virtual Protocol::send_{ok,eof,error}. This
allows for implementation of protocols that "intercept" ok/eof/error
messages, and store them in memory, etc, instead of sending to
the client.
@pre The Diagnostics Area is assigned or disabled. It can not be empty
-- we assume that every SQL statement or COM_* command
generates OK, ERROR, or EOF status.
@post The status information is encoded to protocol format and sent to the
@return We conventionally return void, since the only type of error
that can happen here is a NET (transport) error, and that one
will become visible when we attempt to read from the NET the
next command.
Diagnostics_area::is_sent is set for debugging purposes only.
void send_statement_status();
This is only used by master dump threads.
When the master receives a new connection from a slave with a
UUID (for slave versions >= 5.6)/server_id(for slave versions < 5.6)
that is already connected, it will set this flag true
before killing the old slave connection.
bool duplicate_slave_id;
Claim all the memory used by the THD object.
This method is to keep memory instrumentation statistics
updated, when an object is transfered across threads.
void claim_memory_ownership();
bool is_a_srv_session() const { return is_a_srv_session_thd; }
void mark_as_srv_session() { is_a_srv_session_thd = true; }
Returns the plugin, the thd belongs to.
@return pointer to the plugin id
const st_plugin_int *get_plugin() const { return m_plugin; }
Sets the plugin id to the value provided as parameter
@param plugin the id of the plugin the thd belongs to
void set_plugin(const st_plugin_int *plugin) { m_plugin = plugin; }
#ifndef DBUG_OFF
uint get_tmp_table_seq_id() { return tmp_table_seq_id++; }
void set_tmp_table_seq_id(uint arg) { tmp_table_seq_id = arg; }
bool is_plugin_fake_ddl() const { return m_is_plugin_fake_ddl; }
void mark_plugin_fake_ddl(bool flag) { m_is_plugin_fake_ddl = flag; }
Variable to mark if the object is part of a Srv_session object, which
aggregates THD.
bool is_a_srv_session_thd;
/// Stores the plugin id it is attached to (if any).
const st_plugin_int *m_plugin{nullptr};
Creating or dropping plugin native table through a plugin service.
This variable enables the DDL command execution from
dd::create_native_table() to be executed without committing the
bool m_is_plugin_fake_ddl;
#ifndef DBUG_OFF
Sequential number of internal tmp table created in the statement. Useful for
tracking tmp tables when number of them is involved in a query.
uint tmp_table_seq_id;
The member serves to guard against duplicate use of the same xid
at binary logging.
XID debug_binlog_xid_last;
Flag set by my_write before waiting for disk space.
This is used by replication to decide if the I/O thread should be
killed or not when stopping the replication threads.
In ordinary STOP SLAVE case, the I/O thread will wait for disk space
or to be killed regardless of this flag value.
In server shutdown case, if this flag is true, the I/O thread will be
signaled with KILL_CONNECTION to abort the waiting, letting the server
to shutdown promptly.
bool waiting_for_disk_space = false;
Set the waiting_for_disk_space flag.
@param waiting The value to set in the flag.
void set_waiting_for_disk_space(bool waiting) {
waiting_for_disk_space = waiting;
Returns the current waiting_for_disk_space flag value.
bool is_waiting_for_disk_space() const { return waiting_for_disk_space; }
bool sql_parser();
/// Enables or disables use of secondary storage engines in this session.
void set_secondary_engine_optimization(Secondary_engine_optimization state) {
m_secondary_engine_optimization = state;
Can secondary storage engines be used for query execution in
this session?
Secondary_engine_optimization secondary_engine_optimization() const {
return m_secondary_engine_optimization;
Checks if queries in this session can use a secondary storage engine for
execution. A secondary engine cannot be used if any of the following
conditions is true:
- Secondary engines are disabled in the session
- The user has disabled secondary engines
- LOCK TABLES mode is active
- Multi-statement transaction mode is active
- It is a sub-statement of a stored procedure
@return true if secondary storage engines can be used in this
session, or false otherwise
bool secondary_storage_engine_eligible() const;
This flag tells if a secondary storage engine can be used to
execute a query in this session.
Secondary_engine_optimization m_secondary_engine_optimization =
void cleanup_after_parse_error();
Flag that indicates if the user of current session has SYSTEM_USER privilege
std::atomic<bool> m_is_system_user;
bool is_system_user();
void set_system_user(bool system_user_flag);
Return lock_tables_mode for secondary engine.
@param cthd thread context
@retval true if lock_tables_mode is on
@retval false, otherwise
inline bool secondary_engine_lock_tables_mode(const THD &cthd) {
return (cthd.locked_tables_mode == LTM_LOCK_TABLES ||
cthd.locked_tables_mode == LTM_PRELOCKED_UNDER_LOCK_TABLES);
A simple holder for Internal_error_handler.
The class utilizes RAII technique to not forget to pop the handler.
@tparam Error_handler Internal_error_handler to instantiate.
@tparam Error_handler_arg Type of the error handler ctor argument.
template <typename Error_handler, typename Error_handler_arg>
class Internal_error_handler_holder {
THD *m_thd;
bool m_activate;
Error_handler m_error_handler;
Internal_error_handler_holder(THD *thd, bool activate, Error_handler_arg *arg)
: m_thd(thd), m_activate(activate), m_error_handler(arg) {
if (activate) thd->push_internal_handler(&m_error_handler);
~Internal_error_handler_holder() {
if (m_activate) m_thd->pop_internal_handler();
A simple holder for the Prepared Statement Query_arena instance in THD.
The class utilizes RAII technique to not forget to restore the THD arena.
class Prepared_stmt_arena_holder {
Constructs a new object, activates the persistent arena if requested and if
a prepared statement or a stored procedure statement is being executed.
@param thd Thread context.
@param activate_now_if_needed Attempt to activate the persistent arena in
the constructor or not.
Prepared_stmt_arena_holder(THD *thd, bool activate_now_if_needed = true)
: m_thd(thd), m_arena(NULL) {
if (activate_now_if_needed && !m_thd->stmt_arena->is_regular() &&
m_thd->mem_root != m_thd->stmt_arena->mem_root) {
m_thd->swap_query_arena(*m_thd->stmt_arena, &m_backup);
m_arena = m_thd->stmt_arena;
Deactivate the persistent arena (restore the previous arena) if it has
been activated.
~Prepared_stmt_arena_holder() {
if (is_activated()) m_thd->swap_query_arena(m_backup, m_arena);
bool is_activated() const { return m_arena != NULL; }
/// The thread context to work with.
THD *const m_thd;
/// The arena set by this holder (by activate()).
Query_arena *m_arena;
/// The arena state to be restored.
Query_arena m_backup;
RAII class for column privilege checking
class Column_privilege_tracker {
Column_privilege_tracker(THD *thd, ulong privilege)
: thd(thd), saved_privilege(thd->want_privilege) {
thd->want_privilege = privilege;
~Column_privilege_tracker() { thd->want_privilege = saved_privilege; }
THD *const thd;
const ulong saved_privilege;
/** A short cut for thd->get_stmt_da()->set_ok_status(). */
inline void my_ok(THD *thd, ulonglong affected_rows = 0, ulonglong id = 0,
const char *message = NULL) {
thd->get_stmt_da()->set_ok_status(affected_rows, id, message);
/** A short cut for thd->get_stmt_da()->set_eof_status(). */
inline void my_eof(THD *thd) {
if (thd->variables.session_track_transaction_info > TX_TRACK_NONE) {
((Transaction_state_tracker *)thd->session_tracker.get_tracker(
->add_trx_state(thd, TX_RESULT_SET);
bool add_item_to_list(THD *thd, Item *item);
void add_order_to_list(THD *thd, ORDER *order);
The function re-attaches the engine ha_data (which was previously detached by
detach_ha_data_from_thd) to THD.
This is typically done to replication applier executing
one of XA-PREPARE, XA-COMMIT ONE PHASE or rollback.
@param thd thread context
@param hton pointer to handlerton
void reattach_engine_ha_data_to_thd(THD *thd, const struct handlerton *hton);
Check if engine substitution is allowed in the current thread context.
@param thd thread context
@retval true if engine substitution is allowed
@retval false otherwise
static inline bool is_engine_substitution_allowed(const THD *thd) {
return !(thd->variables.sql_mode & MODE_NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION);
Returns if the user of the session has the SYSTEM_USER privilege or not.
@retval true User has SYSTEM_USER privilege
@retval false Otherwise
inline bool THD::is_system_user() {
return m_is_system_user.load(std::memory_order_seq_cst);
Sets the system_user flag atomically for the current session.
@param [in] system_user_flag boolean flag that indicates value to set.
inline void THD::set_system_user(bool system_user_flag) {
m_is_system_user.store(system_user_flag, std::memory_order_seq_cst);