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/* Copyright (c) 2013, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0,
as published by the Free Software Foundation.
This program is also distributed with certain software (including
but not limited to OpenSSL) that is licensed under separate terms,
as designated in a particular file or component or in included license
documentation. The authors of MySQL hereby grant you an additional
permission to link the program and your derivative works with the
separately licensed software that they have included with MySQL.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License, version 2.0, for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */
#include "sql/rpl_mts_submode.h"
#include <limits.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <memory>
#include "lex_string.h"
#include "m_string.h"
#include "my_byteorder.h"
#include "my_compiler.h"
#include "my_dbug.h"
#include "my_inttypes.h"
#include "my_loglevel.h"
#include "my_systime.h"
#include "my_thread.h"
#include "mysql/components/services/log_builtins.h"
#include "mysql/components/services/psi_stage_bits.h"
#include "mysql/psi/mysql_cond.h"
#include "mysql/psi/mysql_mutex.h"
#include "mysqld_error.h"
#include "sql/debug_sync.h"
#include "sql/log.h"
#include "sql/log_event.h" // Query_log_event
#include "sql/mdl.h"
#include "sql/mysqld.h" // stage_worker_....
#include "sql/query_options.h"
#include "sql/rpl_filter.h"
#include "sql/rpl_rli.h" // Relay_log_info
#include "sql/rpl_rli_pdb.h" // db_worker_hash_entry
#include "sql/rpl_slave.h"
#include "sql/rpl_slave_commit_order_manager.h" // Commit_order_manager
#include "sql/sql_class.h" // THD
#include "sql/system_variables.h"
#include "sql/table.h"
Does necessary arrangement before scheduling next event.
@return 1 if error
0 no error
int Mts_submode_database::schedule_next_event(Relay_log_info *, Log_event *) {
/*nothing to do here*/
return 0;
Logic to attach temporary tables.
void Mts_submode_database::attach_temp_tables(THD *thd, const Relay_log_info *,
Query_log_event *ev) {
int i, parts;
if (!is_mts_worker(thd) || (ev->ends_group() || ev->starts_group())) return;
// in over max-db:s case just one special partition is locked
parts = ((ev->mts_accessed_dbs == OVER_MAX_DBS_IN_EVENT_MTS)
? 1
: ev->mts_accessed_dbs);
for (i = 0; i < parts; i++) {
thd, ev->mts_assigned_partitions[i]->temporary_tables);
ev->mts_assigned_partitions[i]->temporary_tables = nullptr;
Function is called by Coordinator when it identified an event
requiring sequential execution.
Creating sequential context for the event includes waiting
for the assigned to Workers tasks to be completed and their
resources such as temporary tables be returned to Coordinator's
In case all workers are waited Coordinator changes its group status.
@param rli Relay_log_info instance of Coordinator
@param ignore Optional Worker instance pointer if the sequential context
is established due for the ignore Worker. Its resources
are to be retained.
@note Resources that are not occupied by Workers such as
a list of temporary tables held in unused (zero-usage) records
of APH are relocated to the Coordinator placeholder.
@return non-negative number of released by Workers partitions
(one partition by one Worker can count multiple times)
or -1 to indicate there has been a failure on a not-ignored Worker
as indicated by its running_status so synchronization can't succeed.
int Mts_submode_database::wait_for_workers_to_finish(Relay_log_info *rli,
Slave_worker *ignore) {
uint ret = 0;
THD *thd = rli->info_thd;
bool cant_sync = false;
char llbuf[22];
llstr(rli->get_event_relay_log_pos(), llbuf);
DBUG_PRINT("info", ("Coordinator and workers enter synchronization "
"procedure when scheduling event relay-log: %s "
"pos: %s",
rli->get_event_relay_log_name(), llbuf));
for (const auto &key_and_value : rli->mapping_db_to_worker) {
db_worker_hash_entry *entry = key_and_value.second.get();
// the ignore Worker retains its active resources
if (ignore && entry->worker == ignore && entry->usage > 0) {
if (entry->usage > 0 && !thd->killed) {
PSI_stage_info old_stage;
Slave_worker *w_entry = entry->worker;
entry->worker = nullptr; // mark Worker to signal when usage drops to 0
&rli->slave_worker_hash_cond, &rli->slave_worker_hash_lock,
&stage_slave_waiting_worker_to_release_partition, &old_stage);
do {
DBUG_PRINT("info", ("Either got awakened of notified: "
"entry %p, usage %lu, worker %lu",
entry, entry->usage, w_entry->id));
} while (entry->usage != 0 && !thd->killed);
entry->worker =
w_entry; // restoring last association, needed only for assert
} else {
// resources relocation
mts_move_temp_tables_to_thd(thd, entry->temporary_tables);
entry->temporary_tables = nullptr;
if (entry->worker->running_status != Slave_worker::RUNNING)
cant_sync = true;
if (!ignore) {
DBUG_PRINT("info", ("Coordinator synchronized with workers, "
"waited entries: %d, cant_sync: %d",
ret, cant_sync));
rli->mts_group_status = Relay_log_info::MTS_NOT_IN_GROUP;
return !cant_sync ? ret : -1;
Logic to detach the temporary tables from the worker threads upon
event execution.
@param thd THD instance
@param rli Relay_log_info pointer
@param ev Query_log_event that is being applied
void Mts_submode_database::detach_temp_tables(THD *thd,
const Relay_log_info *rli,
Query_log_event *ev) {
int i, parts;
if (!is_mts_worker(thd)) return;
parts = ((ev->mts_accessed_dbs == OVER_MAX_DBS_IN_EVENT_MTS)
? 1
: ev->mts_accessed_dbs);
todo: optimize for a case of
a. one db
Only detaching temporary_tables from thd to entry would require
instead of the double-loop below.
b. unchanged thd->temporary_tables.
In such case the involved entries would continue to hold the
unmodified lists provided that the attach_ method does not
destroy references to them.
for (i = 0; i < parts; i++) {
ev->mts_assigned_partitions[i]->temporary_tables = nullptr;
Rpl_filter *rpl_filter = rli->rpl_filter;
for (TABLE *table = thd->temporary_tables; table;) {
int i;
const char *db_name = nullptr;
// find which entry to go
for (i = 0; i < parts; i++) {
db_name = ev->mts_accessed_db_names[i];
if (!strlen(db_name)) break;
// Only default database is rewritten.
if (!rpl_filter->is_rewrite_empty() && !strcmp(ev->get_db(), db_name)) {
size_t dummy_len;
const char *db_filtered =
rpl_filter->get_rewrite_db(db_name, &dummy_len);
// db_name != db_filtered means that db_name is rewritten.
if (strcmp(db_name, db_filtered)) db_name = db_filtered;
if (strcmp(table->s->db.str, db_name) < 0)
else {
// When rewrite db rules are used we can not rely on
// mts_accessed_db_names elements order.
if (!rpl_filter->is_rewrite_empty() &&
strcmp(table->s->db.str, db_name))
DBUG_ASSERT(db_name &&
(!strcmp(table->s->db.str, db_name) || !strlen(db_name)));
DBUG_ASSERT(i < ev->mts_accessed_dbs);
// table pointer is shifted inside the function
table = mts_move_temp_table_to_entry(table, thd,
#ifndef DBUG_OFF
for (int i = 0; i < parts; i++) {
DBUG_ASSERT(!ev->mts_assigned_partitions[i]->temporary_tables ||
Logic to get least occupied worker when the sql mts_submode= database
@param ws array of worker threads
@return slave worker thread
Slave_worker *Mts_submode_database::get_least_occupied_worker(
Relay_log_info *, Slave_worker_array *ws, Log_event *) {
long usage = LONG_MAX;
Slave_worker **ptr_current_worker = nullptr, *worker = nullptr;
#ifndef DBUG_OFF
if (DBUG_EVALUATE_IF("mts_distribute_round_robin", 1, 0)) {
worker = ws->at(w_rr % ws->size());
static_cast<ulong>(w_rr % ws->size()));
DBUG_ASSERT(worker != nullptr);
return worker;
for (Slave_worker **it = ws->begin(); it != ws->end(); ++it) {
ptr_current_worker = it;
if ((*ptr_current_worker)->usage_partition <= usage) {
worker = *ptr_current_worker;
usage = (*ptr_current_worker)->usage_partition;
DBUG_ASSERT(worker != nullptr);
return worker;
/* MTS submode master Default constructor */
Mts_submode_logical_clock::Mts_submode_logical_clock() {
first_event = true;
force_new_group = false;
is_new_group = true;
delegated_jobs = 0;
jobs_done = 0;
last_lwm_timestamp = SEQ_UNINIT;
last_lwm_index = INDEX_UNDEF;
is_error = false;
min_waited_timestamp = SEQ_UNINIT;
last_committed = SEQ_UNINIT;
sequence_number = SEQ_UNINIT;
The method finds the minimum logical timestamp (low-water-mark) of
committed transactions.
The successful search results in a pair of a logical timestamp value and a
GAQ index that contains it. last_lwm_timestamp may still be raised though the
search does not find any satisfying running index. Search is implemented as
headway scanning of GAQ from a point of a previous search's stop position
(last_lwm_index). Whether the cached (memorized) index value is considered to
be stale when its timestamp gets less than the current "stable" LWM:
last_lwm_timestamp <= GAQ.lwm.sequence_number (*)
Staleness is caused by GAQ garbage collection that increments the rhs of (*),
see @c move_queue_head(). When that's diagnosed, the search in GAQ needs
restarting from the queue tail.
Formally, the undefined cached value of last_lwm_timestamp is also stale.
the last time index containg lwm
| LWM |
| | |
GAQ: xoooooxxxxxXXXXX...X
^ ^
| | LWM+1
+- tne new current_lwm
<---- logical (commit) time ----
here `x' stands for committed, `X' for committed and discarded from
the running range of the queue, `o' for not committed.
@param rli Relay_log_info pointer
@param need_lock Either the caller or the function must hold a mutex
to avoid race with concurrent GAQ update.
@return possibly updated current_lwm
longlong Mts_submode_logical_clock::get_lwm_timestamp(Relay_log_info *rli,
bool need_lock) {
longlong lwm_estim;
Slave_job_group *ptr_g;
bool is_stale = false;
if (!need_lock) mysql_mutex_lock(&rli->mts_gaq_LOCK);
Make the "stable" LWM-based estimate which will be compared
against the cached "instant" value.
lwm_estim = rli->gaq->lwm.sequence_number;
timestamp continuity invariant: if the queue has any item
its timestamp is greater on one than the estimate.
DBUG_ASSERT(lwm_estim == SEQ_UNINIT || rli->gaq->empty() ||
lwm_estim + 1 ==
last_lwm_index = rli->gaq->find_lwm(
The underfined "stable" forces the scan's restart
as the stale value does.
lwm_estim == SEQ_UNINIT ||
(is_stale = clock_leq(last_lwm_timestamp, lwm_estim))
? rli->gaq->entry
: last_lwm_index);
if the returned index is sane update the timestamp.
if (last_lwm_index != rli->gaq->size) {
// non-decreasing lwm invariant
DBUG_ASSERT(clock_leq(last_lwm_timestamp, ptr_g->sequence_number));
last_lwm_timestamp = ptr_g->sequence_number;
} else if (is_stale) {
if (!need_lock) mysql_mutex_unlock(&rli->mts_gaq_LOCK);
return last_lwm_timestamp;
The method implements logical timestamp conflict detection
and resolution through waiting by the calling thread.
The conflict or waiting condition is like the following
lwm < last_committed,
where lwm is a minimum logical timestamp of committed transactions.
Since the lwm's exact value is not always available its pessimistic
estimate (an old version) is improved (get_lwm_timestamp()) as the
first step before to the actual waiting commitment.
Special cases include:
When @c last_committed_arg is uninitialized the calling thread must
proceed without waiting for anyone. Any possible dependency with unknown
commit parent transaction shall be sorted out by the parent;
When the gaq index is subsequent to the last lwm index
there's no dependency of the current transaction with any regardless of
lwm timestamp should it be SEQ_UNINIT.
Consequently when GAQ consists of just one item there's none to wait.
Such latter case is left to the caller to handle.
@note The caller must make sure the current transaction won't be waiting
for itself. That is the method should not be caller by a Worker
whose group assignment is in the GAQ front item.
@param rli relay log info of coordinator
@param last_committed_arg logical timestamp of a parent transaction
@return false as success,
true when the error flag is raised or
the caller thread is found killed.
bool Mts_submode_logical_clock::wait_for_last_committed_trx(
Relay_log_info *rli, longlong last_committed_arg) {
THD *thd = rli->info_thd;
if (last_committed_arg == SEQ_UNINIT) return false;
DBUG_ASSERT(min_waited_timestamp == SEQ_UNINIT);
This transaction is a candidate for insertion into the waiting list.
That fact is descibed by incrementing waited_timestamp_cnt.
When the candidate won't make it the counter is decremented at once
while the mutex is hold.
if ((!rli->info_thd->killed && !is_error) &&
!clock_leq(last_committed_arg, get_lwm_timestamp(rli, true))) {
PSI_stage_info old_stage;
struct timespec ts[2];
set_timespec_nsec(&ts[0], 0);
DBUG_ASSERT(rli->gaq->len >= 2); // there's someone to wait
thd->ENTER_COND(&rli->logical_clock_cond, &rli->mts_gaq_LOCK,
&stage_worker_waiting_for_commit_parent, &old_stage);
do {
mysql_cond_wait(&rli->logical_clock_cond, &rli->mts_gaq_LOCK);
} while ((!rli->info_thd->killed && !is_error) &&
!clock_leq(last_committed_arg, estimate_lwm_timestamp()));
min_waited_timestamp.store(SEQ_UNINIT); // reset waiting flag
set_timespec_nsec(&ts[1], 0);
rli->mts_total_wait_overlap += diff_timespec(&ts[1], &ts[0]);
} else {
return rli->info_thd->killed || is_error;
Does necessary arrangement before scheduling next event.
The method computes the meta-group status of the being scheduled
transaction represented by the event argument. When the status
is found OUT (of the current meta-group) as encoded as is_new_group == true
the global Scheduler (Coordinator thread) requests full synchronization
with all Workers.
The current being assigned group descriptor gets associated with
the group's logical timestamp aka sequence_number.
0 if no error or slave has been killed gracefully
int Mts_submode_logical_clock::schedule_next_event(Relay_log_info *rli,
Log_event *ev) {
longlong last_sequence_number = sequence_number;
bool gap_successor = false;
// We should check if the SQL thread was already killed before we schedule
// the next transaction
if (sql_slave_killed(rli->info_thd, rli)) return 0;
Slave_job_group *ptr_group =
A group id updater must satisfy the following:
- A query log event ("BEGIN" ) or a GTID EVENT
- A DDL or an implicit DML commit.
switch (ev->get_type_code()) {
case binary_log::GTID_LOG_EVENT:
case binary_log::ANONYMOUS_GTID_LOG_EVENT:
// TODO: control continuity
ptr_group->sequence_number = sequence_number =
static_cast<Gtid_log_event *>(ev)->sequence_number;
ptr_group->last_committed = last_committed =
static_cast<Gtid_log_event *>(ev)->last_committed;
sequence_number = last_committed = SEQ_UNINIT;
DBUG_PRINT("info", ("sequence_number %lld, last_committed %lld",
sequence_number, last_committed));
if (first_event) {
first_event = false;
} else {
if (unlikely(clock_leq(sequence_number, last_committed) &&
last_committed != SEQ_UNINIT)) {
/* inconsistent (buggy) timestamps */
sequence_number, last_committed);
if (unlikely(clock_leq(sequence_number, last_sequence_number) &&
sequence_number != SEQ_UNINIT)) {
/* inconsistent (buggy) timestamps */
sequence_number, last_sequence_number);
Being scheduled transaction sequence may have gaps, even in
relay log. In such case a transaction that succeeds a gap will
wait for all ealier that were scheduled to finish. It's marked
as gap successor now.
static_assert(SEQ_UNINIT == 0, "");
if (unlikely(sequence_number > last_sequence_number + 1)) {
TODO: account autopositioning
DBUG_PRINT("info", ("sequence_number gap found, "
"last_sequence_number %lld, sequence_number %lld",
last_sequence_number, sequence_number));
gap_successor = true;
The new group flag is practically the same as the force flag
when up to indicate syncronization with Workers.
is_new_group =
(/* First event after a submode switch; */
first_event ||
/* Require a fresh group to be started; */
// todo: turn `force_new_group' into sequence_number == SEQ_UNINIT
// condition
force_new_group ||
/* Rewritten event without commit point timestamp (todo: find use case)
sequence_number == SEQ_UNINIT ||
undefined parent (e.g the very first trans from the master),
or old master.
last_committed == SEQ_UNINIT ||
When gap successor depends on a gap before it the scheduler has
to serialize this transaction execution with previously
scheduled ones. Below for simplicity it's assumed that such
gap-dependency is always the case.
gap_successor ||
previous group did not have sequence number assigned.
It's execution must be finished until the current group
can be assigned.
Dependency of the current group on the previous
can't be tracked. So let's wait till the former is over.
last_sequence_number == SEQ_UNINIT);
The coordinator waits till all transactions on which the current one
depends on are applied.
if (!is_new_group) {
longlong lwm_estimate = estimate_lwm_timestamp();
if (!clock_leq(last_committed, lwm_estimate) &&
rli->gaq->assigned_group_index != rli->gaq->entry) {
"Unlikely" branch.
The following block improves possibly stale lwm and when the
waiting condition stays, recompute min_waited_timestamp and go
At awakening set min_waited_timestamp to commit_parent in the
subsequent GAQ index (could be NIL).
if (wait_for_last_committed_trx(rli, last_committed)) {
MTS was waiting for a dependent transaction to finish but either it
has failed or the applier was requested to stop. In any case, this
transaction wasn't started yet and should not warn about the
coordinator stopping in a middle of a transaction to avoid polluting
the server error log.
rli->reported_unsafe_warning = true;
return -1;
Making the slave's max last committed (lwm) to satisfy this
transaction's scheduling condition.
if (gap_successor) last_lwm_timestamp = sequence_number - 1;
DBUG_ASSERT(!clock_leq(sequence_number, estimate_lwm_timestamp()));
} else {
DBUG_ASSERT(delegated_jobs >= jobs_done);
DBUG_ASSERT(is_error || (rli->gaq->len + jobs_done == 1 + delegated_jobs));
DBUG_ASSERT(rli->mts_group_status == Relay_log_info::MTS_IN_GROUP);
Under the new group fall the following use cases:
- events from an OLD (sequence_number unaware) master;
- malformed (missed BEGIN or GTID_NEXT) group incl. its
particular form of CREATE..SELECT..from..@user_var (or rand- and
int- var in place of @user- var).
The malformed group is handled exceptionally each event is executed
as a solitary group yet by the same (zero id) worker.
if (-1 == wait_for_workers_to_finish(rli)) return ER_MTS_INCONSISTENT_DATA;
rli->mts_group_status = Relay_log_info::MTS_IN_GROUP; // wait set it to NOT
DBUG_ASSERT(min_waited_timestamp == SEQ_UNINIT);
the instant last lwm timestamp must reset when force flag is up.
rli->gaq->lwm.sequence_number = last_lwm_timestamp = SEQ_UNINIT;
delegated_jobs = 1;
jobs_done = 0;
force_new_group = false;
Not sequenced event can be followed with a logically relating
e.g User var to be followed by CREATE table.
It's supported to be executed in one-by-one fashion.
Todo: remove with the event group parser worklog.
if (sequence_number == SEQ_UNINIT && last_committed == SEQ_UNINIT)
rli->last_assigned_worker = *rli->workers.begin();
#ifndef DBUG_OFF
DBUG_ASSERT(is_error || (rli->gaq->len + jobs_done == delegated_jobs));
return 0;
Logic to attach the temporary tables from the worker threads upon
event execution.
@param thd THD instance
@param rli Relay_log_info instance
@param ev Query_log_event that is being applied
void Mts_submode_logical_clock::attach_temp_tables(THD *thd,
const Relay_log_info *rli,
Query_log_event *ev) {
bool shifted = false;
TABLE *table, *cur_table;
if (!is_mts_worker(thd) || (ev->ends_group() || ev->starts_group())) return;
/* fetch coordinator's rli */
Relay_log_info *c_rli = static_cast<const Slave_worker *>(rli)->c_rli;
if (!(table = c_rli->info_thd->temporary_tables)) {
c_rli->info_thd->temporary_tables = 0;
do {
/* store the current table */
cur_table = table;
/* move the table pointer to next in list, so that we can isolate the
current table */
table = table->next;
std::pair<uint, my_thread_id> st_id_pair =
if (thd->server_id == st_id_pair.first &&
thd->variables.pseudo_thread_id == st_id_pair.second) {
/* short the list singling out the current table */
if (cur_table->prev) // not the first node
cur_table->prev->next = cur_table->next;
if (cur_table->next) // not the last node
cur_table->next->prev = cur_table->prev;
/* isolate the table */
cur_table->prev = nullptr;
cur_table->next = nullptr;
mts_move_temp_tables_to_thd(thd, cur_table);
} else
/* We must shift the C->temp_table pointer to the fist table unused in
this iteration. If all the tables have ben used C->temp_tables will
point to NULL */
if (!shifted) {
c_rli->info_thd->temporary_tables = cur_table;
shifted = true;
} while (table);
Logic to detach the temporary tables from the worker threads upon
event execution.
@param thd THD instance
@param rli Relay_log_info instance
void Mts_submode_logical_clock::detach_temp_tables(THD *thd,
const Relay_log_info *rli,
Query_log_event *) {
if (!is_mts_worker(thd)) return;
Here in detach section we will move the tables from the worker to the
coordinaor thread. Since coordinator is shared we need to make sure that
there are no race conditions which may lead to assert failures and
non-deterministic results.
Relay_log_info *c_rli = static_cast<const Slave_worker *>(rli)->c_rli;
mts_move_temp_tables_to_thd(c_rli->info_thd, thd->temporary_tables);
thd->temporary_tables = 0;
Logic to get least occupied worker when the sql mts_submode= master_parallel
@param rli relay log info of coordinator
@param ws array of worker threads
@param ev event for which we are searching for a worker.
@return slave worker thread or NULL when coordinator is killed by any worker.
Slave_worker *Mts_submode_logical_clock::get_least_occupied_worker(
Relay_log_info *rli, Slave_worker_array *ws MY_ATTRIBUTE((unused)),
Log_event *ev) {
Slave_worker *worker = nullptr;
PSI_stage_info *old_stage = nullptr;
THD *thd = rli->info_thd;
#ifndef DBUG_OFF
if (DBUG_EVALUATE_IF("mts_distribute_round_robin", 1, 0)) {
worker = ws->at(w_rr % ws->size());
static_cast<ulong>(w_rr % ws->size()));
DBUG_ASSERT(worker != nullptr);
return worker;
Slave_committed_queue *gaq = rli->gaq;
Slave_job_group *ptr_group;
ptr_group = gaq->get_job_group(rli->gaq->assigned_group_index);
The scheduling works as follows, in this sequence
-If this is an internal event of a transaction use the last assigned
-If the i-th transaction is being scheduled in this group where "i" <=
number of available workers then schedule the events to the consecutive
-If the i-th transaction is being scheduled in this group where "i" >
number of available workers then schedule this to the forst worker that
becomes free.
if (rli->last_assigned_worker) {
worker = rli->last_assigned_worker;
DBUG_ASSERT(ev->get_type_code() != binary_log::USER_VAR_EVENT ||
worker->id == 0 || rli->curr_group_seen_begin ||
} else {
worker = get_free_worker(rli);
DBUG_ASSERT(ev->get_type_code() != binary_log::USER_VAR_EVENT ||
rli->curr_group_seen_begin || rli->curr_group_seen_gtid);
if (worker == nullptr) {
struct timespec ts[2];
set_timespec_nsec(&ts[0], 0);
// Update thd info as waiting for workers to finish.
old_stage, __func__, __FILE__, __LINE__);
while (!worker && !thd->killed) {
Busy wait with yielding thread control before to next attempt
to find a free worker. As of current, a worker
can't have more than one assigned group of events in its
todo: replace this At-Most-One assignment policy with
First Available Worker as
this method clearly can't be considered as optimal.
#if !defined(_WIN32)
worker = get_free_worker(rli);
THD_STAGE_INFO(thd, *old_stage);
set_timespec_nsec(&ts[1], 0);
rli->mts_total_wait_worker_avail += diff_timespec(&ts[1], &ts[0]);
Even OPTION_BEGIN is set, the 'BEGIN' event is not dispatched to
any worker thread. So The flag is removed and Coordinator thread
will not try to finish the group before abort.
if (worker == nullptr)
rli->info_thd->variables.option_bits &= ~OPTION_BEGIN;
if (rli->get_commit_order_manager() != nullptr && worker != nullptr)
// assert that we have a worker thread for this event or the slave has
// stopped.
DBUG_ASSERT(worker != nullptr || thd->killed);
/* The master my have send db partition info. make sure we never use them*/
if (ev->get_type_code() == binary_log::QUERY_EVENT)
static_cast<Query_log_event *>(ev)->mts_accessed_dbs = 0;
return worker;
Protected method to fetch a worker having no events assigned.
The method is supposed to be called by Coordinator, therefore
comparison like w_i->jobs.len == 0 must (eventually) succeed.
todo: consider to optimize scan that is getting more expensive with
more # of Workers.
@return a pointer to Worker or NULL if none is free.
Slave_worker *Mts_submode_logical_clock::get_free_worker(Relay_log_info *rli) {
for (Slave_worker **it = rli->workers.begin(); it != rli->workers.end();
++it) {
Slave_worker *w_i = *it;
if (w_i->jobs.len == 0) return w_i;
return 0;
Waits for slave workers to finish off the pending tasks before returning.
Used in this submode to make sure that all assigned jobs have been done.
@param rli coordinator rli.
@param ignore worker to ignore.
@return -1 for error.
0 no error.
int Mts_submode_logical_clock::wait_for_workers_to_finish(
Relay_log_info *rli, MY_ATTRIBUTE((unused)) Slave_worker *ignore) {
PSI_stage_info *old_stage = nullptr;
THD *thd = rli->info_thd;
DBUG_PRINT("info", ("delegated %d, jobs_done %d", delegated_jobs, jobs_done));
// Update thd info as waiting for workers to finish.
thd->enter_stage(&stage_slave_waiting_for_workers_to_process_queue, old_stage,
__func__, __FILE__, __LINE__);
while (delegated_jobs > jobs_done && !thd->killed && !is_error) {
// Todo: consider to replace with a. GAQ::get_lwm_timestamp() or
// b. (better) pthread wait+signal similarly to DB type.
if (mts_checkpoint_routine(rli, true)) return -1;
// Check if there is a failure on a not-ignored Worker
for (Slave_worker **it = rli->workers.begin(); it != rli->workers.end();
++it) {
Slave_worker *w_i = *it;
if (w_i->running_status != Slave_worker::RUNNING) return -1;
DBUG_EXECUTE_IF("wait_for_workers_to_finish_after_wait", {
const char act[] = "now WAIT_FOR coordinator_continue";
DBUG_ASSERT(!debug_sync_set_action(rli->info_thd, STRING_WITH_LEN(act)));
// The current commit point sequence may end here (e.g Rotate to new log)
rli->gaq->lwm.sequence_number = SEQ_UNINIT;
// Restore previous info.
THD_STAGE_INFO(thd, *old_stage);
DBUG_PRINT("info", ("delegated %d, jobs_done %d, Workers have finished their"
" jobs",
delegated_jobs, jobs_done));
rli->mts_group_status = Relay_log_info::MTS_NOT_IN_GROUP;
return !thd->killed && !is_error ? 0 : -1;
Protected method to fetch the server_id and pseudo_thread_id from a
temporary table
@param table instance pointer of TABLE structure.
@return std:pair<uint, my_thread_id>
@note It is the caller's responsibility to make sure we call this
function only for temp tables.
std::pair<uint, my_thread_id>
Mts_submode_logical_clock::get_server_and_thread_id(TABLE *table) {
const char *extra_string = table->s->table_cache_key.str;
size_t extra_string_len = table->s->table_cache_key.length;
// assert will fail when called with non temporary tables.
DBUG_ASSERT(table->s->table_cache_key.length > 0);
std::pair<uint, my_thread_id> ret_pair = std::make_pair(
/* last 8 bytes contains the server_id + pseudo_thread_id */
// fetch first 4 bytes to get the server id.
uint4korr(extra_string + extra_string_len - 8),
/* next 4 bytes contains the pseudo_thread_id */
uint4korr(extra_string + extra_string_len - 4));
return ret_pair;