用于EagleEye3.0 规则集漏报和误报测试的示例项目,项目收集于github和gitee
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/* Copyright (c) 2015, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0,
as published by the Free Software Foundation.
This program is also distributed with certain software (including
but not limited to OpenSSL) that is licensed under separate terms,
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documentation. The authors of MySQL hereby grant you an additional
permission to link the program and your derivative works with the
separately licensed software that they have included with MySQL.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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Interface of the Protocol_callback class, which is used by the Command
service as proxy protocol.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include "m_ctype.h"
#include "my_command.h"
#include "my_inttypes.h"
#include "mysql/service_command.h"
#include "mysql_time.h"
#include "sql/protocol.h"
#include "violite.h"
class Item_param;
class Send_field;
class String;
class my_decimal;
template <class T>
class List;
union COM_DATA;
class Protocol_callback final : public Protocol {
Protocol_callback(const struct st_command_service_cbs *cbs,
enum cs_text_or_binary t_or_b, void *cbs_ctx)
: callbacks_ctx(cbs_ctx),
in_meta_sending(false) {}
Forces read of packet from the connection
bytes read
-1 failure
int read_packet() override;
Reads from the line and parses the data into union COM_DATA
bytes read
-1 failure
int get_command(COM_DATA *com_data, enum_server_command *cmd) override;
Returns the type of the protocol
false success
true failure
enum enum_protocol_type type() const override { return PROTOCOL_PLUGIN; }
Returns the type of the connection
enum enum_vio_type
enum enum_vio_type connection_type() const override;
Sends null value
false success
true failure
bool store_null() override;
Sends TINYINT value
@param from value
false success
true failure
bool store_tiny(longlong from, uint32) override;
Sends SMALLINT value
@param from value
false success
true failure
bool store_short(longlong from, uint32) override;
Sends INT/INTEGER value
@param from value
false success
true failure
bool store_long(longlong from, uint32) override;
Sends BIGINT value
@param from value
@param is_unsigned from is unsigned
false success
true failure
bool store_longlong(longlong from, bool is_unsigned, uint32) override;
Sends DECIMAL value
@param d value
false success
true failure
bool store_decimal(const my_decimal *d, uint, uint) override;
Sends string (CHAR/VARCHAR/TEXT/BLOB) value
false success
true failure
bool store_string(const char *from, size_t length,
const CHARSET_INFO *fromcs) override;
Sends FLOAT value
@param from value
@param decimals
false success
true failure
bool store_float(float from, uint32 decimals, uint32) override;
Sends DOUBLE value
@param from value
@param decimals
false success
true failure
bool store_double(double from, uint32 decimals, uint32) override;
Sends DATETIME value
@param time value
@param precision
false success
true failure
bool store_datetime(const MYSQL_TIME &time, uint precision) override;
Sends DATE value
@param time value
false success
true failure
bool store_date(const MYSQL_TIME &time) override;
Sends TIME value
@param time value
@param precision
false success
true failure
bool store_time(const MYSQL_TIME &time, uint precision) override;
Sends Field
@param field
false success
true failure
bool store_field(const Field *field) override;
Returns the capabilities supported by the protocol
ulong get_client_capabilities() override;
Checks if the protocol supports a capability
@param capability the capability
true supports
false does not support
bool has_client_capability(unsigned long capability) override;
Called BEFORE sending data row or before field_metadata
void start_row() override;
Called AFTER sending data row or before field_metadata
bool end_row() override;
Called when a row is aborted
void abort_row() override;
Called in case of error while sending data
void end_partial_result_set() override;
Called when the server shuts down the connection (THD is being destroyed).
In this regard, this is also called when the server shuts down. The callback
implementor can differentiate between those 2 events by inspecting the
shutdown_type parameter.
@param server_shutdown Whether this is a normal connection shutdown (false)
or a server shutdown (true).
0 success
!0 failure
int shutdown(bool server_shutdown = false) override;
This function always returns true as in many places in the server this
is a prerequisite for continuing operations.
true alive
bool connection_alive() const override;
Should return protocol's reading/writing status. Returns 0 (idle) as it
this is the best guess that can be made as there is no callback for
uint get_rw_status() override;
Checks if compression is enabled
true enabled
false disabled
bool get_compression() override;
Checks if compression is enabled and return compression method name
algorithm name if compression is supported else null
char *get_compression_algorithm() override;
Checks if compression is enabled and return compression level.
compression level if compression is supported else 0
uint get_compression_level() override;
Called BEFORE sending metadata
@param num_cols Number of columns in the result set
@param flags
@param resultcs The character set of the results. Can be different from the
one in the field metadata.
true failure
false success
bool start_result_metadata(uint num_cols, uint flags,
const CHARSET_INFO *resultcs) override;
Sends metadata of one field. Called for every column in the result set.
@param field Field's metadata
@param cs Charset
true failure
false success
bool send_field_metadata(Send_field *field, const CHARSET_INFO *cs) override;
Called AFTER sending metadata
true failure
false success
bool end_result_metadata() override;
Sends OK
@param server_status Bit field with different statuses. See SERVER_STATUS_*
@param warn_count Warning count from the execution
@param affected_rows Rows changed/deleted during the operation
@param last_insert_id ID of the last insert row, which has AUTO_INCROMENT
@param message Textual message from the execution. May be NULL.
true failure
false success
bool send_ok(uint server_status, uint warn_count, ulonglong affected_rows,
ulonglong last_insert_id, const char *message) override;
Sends end of file.
This will be called once all data has been sent.
@param server_status Bit field with different statuses. See SERVER_STATUS_*
@param warn_count The warning count generated by the execution of the
true failure
false success
bool send_eof(uint server_status, uint warn_count) override;
Sends error
@param sql_errno Error number, beginning from 1000
@param err_msg The error message
@param sql_state The SQL state - 5 char string
true failure
false success
bool send_error(uint sql_errno, const char *err_msg,
const char *sql_state) override;
bool store_ps_status(ulong stmt_id, uint column_count, uint param_count,
ulong cond_count) override;
bool send_parameters(List<Item_param> *parameters,
bool is_sql_prepare) override;
bool flush() override;
using Protocol::store_long;
using Protocol::store_short;
Set output parameters to variables bound at PS execution.
This method handles the case when preparing and executing was done
through SQL (not by COM_STMT_PREPARE/COM_STMT_EXECUTE) in which
output parameters are not going to be send to client (or
'st_command_service_cbs'), instead they will set concrete session
@param parameters List of PS/SP parameters (both input and output).
false success
true failure
bool set_variables_from_parameters(List<Item_param> *parameters);
void *callbacks_ctx;
struct st_command_service_cbs callbacks;
unsigned long client_capabilities;
bool client_capabilities_set;
enum cs_text_or_binary text_or_binary;
bool in_meta_sending;