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Windows NT Service class library
Copyright Abandoned 1998 Irena Pancirov - Irnet Snc
This file is public domain and comes with NO WARRANTY of any kind
Modifications copyright (c) 2000, 2018. Oracle and/or its affiliates.
All rights reserved.
#include <windows.h>
// main application thread
typedef void (*THREAD_FC)(void *);
class NTService {
BOOL bOsNT; ///< true if OS is NT, false for Win95
// install optinos
DWORD dwDesiredAccess;
DWORD dwServiceType;
DWORD dwStartType;
DWORD dwErrorControl;
LPSTR szLoadOrderGroup;
LPSTR szDependencies;
// time-out (in milisec)
int nStartTimeOut;
int nStopTimeOut;
int nPauseTimeOut;
int nResumeTimeOut;
DWORD my_argc;
LPTSTR *my_argv;
HANDLE hShutdownEvent;
int nError;
DWORD dwState;
BOOL GetOS(); // returns TRUE if WinNT
BOOL IsNT() { return bOsNT; }
// init service entry point
long Init(LPCSTR szInternName, void *ServiceThread);
// application shutdown event
void SetShutdownEvent(HANDLE hEvent) { hShutdownEvent = hEvent; }
// service install / un-install
BOOL Install(int startType, LPCSTR szInternName, LPCSTR szDisplayName,
LPCSTR szFullPath, LPCSTR szAccountName = NULL,
LPCSTR szPassword = NULL);
BOOL SeekStatus(LPCSTR szInternName, int OperationType);
BOOL Remove(LPCSTR szInternName);
BOOL IsService(LPCSTR ServiceName);
BOOL got_service_option(char **argv, const char *service_option);
BOOL is_super_user();
SetRunning() is to be called by the application
when initialization completes and it can accept
stop request
void SetRunning(void);
Sets a timeout after which SCM will abort service startup if SetRunning()
was not called or the timeout was not extended with another call to
SetSlowStarting(). Should be called when static initialization completes,
and the variable initialization part begins
@arg timeout the timeout to pass to the SCM (in milliseconds)
void SetSlowStarting(unsigned long timeout);
Stop() is to be called by the application to stop
the service
void Stop(void);
void SetExitEvent(void);
LPSTR ServiceName;
HANDLE hExitEvent;
BOOL bPause;
BOOL bRunning;
HANDLE hThreadHandle;
THREAD_FC fpServiceThread;
void PauseService();
void ResumeService();
void StopService();
BOOL StartService();
static void ServiceMain(DWORD argc, LPTSTR *argv);
static void ServiceCtrlHandler(DWORD ctrlCode);
void Exit(DWORD error);
BOOL SetStatus(DWORD dwCurrentState, DWORD dwWin32ExitCode,
DWORD dwServiceSpecificExitCode, DWORD dwCheckPoint,
DWORD dwWaitHint);
/* ------------------------- the end -------------------------------------- */
#endif /* NT_SERVC_INCLUDED */