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/* Copyright (c) 2005, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0,
as published by the Free Software Foundation.
This program is also distributed with certain software (including
but not limited to OpenSSL) that is licensed under separate terms,
as designated in a particular file or component or in included license
documentation. The authors of MySQL hereby grant you an additional
permission to link the program and your derivative works with the
separately licensed software that they have included with MySQL.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License, version 2.0, for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */
@file sql/log.h
Error logging, slow query logging, general query logging:
If it's server-internal, and it's logging, it's here.
Components/services should NOT include this, but include
include/mysql/components/services/log_builtins.h instead
to gain access to the error logging stack.
Legacy plugins (pre-"services") will likely include
include/mysql/service_my_plugin_log.h instead.
#ifndef LOG_H
#define LOG_H
#include <mysql/components/services/log_shared.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include "lex_string.h"
#include "my_command.h"
#include "my_compiler.h"
#include "my_dbug.h"
#include "my_inttypes.h"
#include "my_io.h"
#include "my_loglevel.h"
#include "my_psi_config.h"
#include "my_thread_local.h"
#include "mysql/components/services/mysql_mutex_bits.h"
#include "mysql/components/services/mysql_rwlock_bits.h"
#include "mysql/components/services/psi_file_bits.h"
#include "mysql/psi/mysql_mutex.h"
#include "mysql_com.h"
#include "sql/auth/sql_security_ctx.h" // Security_context
class THD;
struct TABLE_LIST;
// Slow/General Log
System variables controlling logging:
log_output (--log-output)
Select output destination. Does not enable logging.
Can set more than one (e.g. TABLE | FILE).
general_log (--general_log)
slow_query_log (--slow_query_log)
Values: 0, 1
Enable/disable general/slow query log.
general_log_file (--general-log-file)
slow_query_log_file (--slow-query-log-file)
Values: filename
Set name of general/slow query log file.
Values: ON, OFF
Enable/disable general query log (OPTION_LOG_OFF).
log_queries_not_using_indexes (--log-queries-not-using-indexes)
Values: ON, OFF
Control slow query logging of queries that do not use indexes.
Values: ON, OFF
Control query rewrite of passwords to the general log.
Values: ON, OFF
Write short format to the slow query log (and the binary log).
Values: ON, OFF
Log statements such as OPTIMIZE TABLE, ALTER TABLE to the slow query log.
Values: ON, OFF
Values: INT
Number of queries not using indexes logged to the slow query log per min.
Write a message to a log (for now just used for error log).
This is a variadic convenience interface to the logging components
(which use the log_line structure internally), e.g.
LOG_ITEM_LOG_MESSAGE, "file %s is %f %% yellow",
filename, yellowfication);
For use by legacy sql_print_*(), legacy my_plugin_log_message();
also available via the log_builtins service as message().
Wherever possible, use the fluent C++ wrapper LogErr()
(see log_builtins.h) instead.
See log_shared.h for LOG_TYPEs as well as for allowed LOG_ITEM_ types.
int log_vmessage(int log_type, va_list lili);
int log_message(int log_type, ...);
A helper that we can stubify so we don't have to pull all of THD
into the unit tests.
@param thd a thd
@retval its thread-ID
my_thread_id log_get_thread_id(THD *thd);
/** Type of the log table */
enum enum_log_table_type {
Abstract superclass for handling logging to slow/general logs.
Currently has two subclasses, for table and file based logging.
class Log_event_handler {
Log_event_handler() {}
virtual ~Log_event_handler() {}
Log a query to the slow log.
@param thd THD of the query
@param current_utime Current timestamp in microseconds
@param query_start_arg Command start timestamp in microseconds
@param user_host The pointer to the string with user\@host info
@param user_host_len Length of the user_host string
@param query_utime Number of microseconds query execution took
@param lock_utime Number of microseconds the query was locked
@param is_command The flag which determines whether the sql_text
is a query or an administrator command
@param sql_text The query or administrator in textual form
@param sql_text_len The length of sql_text string
@param query_start_status Pointer to a snapshot of thd->status_var taken
at the start of execution
@return true if error, false otherwise.
virtual bool log_slow(THD *thd, ulonglong current_utime,
ulonglong query_start_arg, const char *user_host,
size_t user_host_len, ulonglong query_utime,
ulonglong lock_utime, bool is_command,
const char *sql_text, size_t sql_text_len,
struct System_status_var *query_start_status) = 0;
Log command to the general log.
@param thd THD of the query
@param event_utime Command start timestamp in micro seconds
@param user_host The pointer to the string with user\@host info
@param user_host_len Length of the user_host string. this is computed
once and passed to all general log event handlers
@param thread_id Id of the thread, issued a query
@param command_type The type of the command being logged
@param command_type_len The length of the string above
@param sql_text The very text of the query being executed
@param sql_text_len The length of sql_text string
@param client_cs Character set to use for strings
@return This function attempts to never call my_error(). This is
necessary, because general logging happens already after a statement
status has been sent to the client, so the client can not see the
error anyway. Besides, the error is not related to the statement
being executed and is internal, and thus should be handled
internally (@todo: how?).
If a write to the table has failed, the function attempts to
write to a short error message to the file. The failure is also
indicated in the return value.
@retval false OK
@retval true error occurred
virtual bool log_general(THD *thd, ulonglong event_utime,
const char *user_host, size_t user_host_len,
my_thread_id thread_id, const char *command_type,
size_t command_type_len, const char *sql_text,
size_t sql_text_len,
const CHARSET_INFO *client_cs) = 0;
/** Class responsible for table based logging. */
class Log_to_csv_event_handler : public Log_event_handler {
/** @see Log_event_handler::log_slow(). */
virtual bool log_slow(THD *thd, ulonglong current_utime,
ulonglong query_start_arg, const char *user_host,
size_t user_host_len, ulonglong query_utime,
ulonglong lock_utime, bool is_command,
const char *sql_text, size_t sql_text_len,
struct System_status_var *query_start_status);
/** @see Log_event_handler::log_general(). */
virtual bool log_general(THD *thd, ulonglong event_utime,
const char *user_host, size_t user_host_len,
my_thread_id thread_id, const char *command_type,
size_t command_type_len, const char *sql_text,
size_t sql_text_len, const CHARSET_INFO *client_cs);
Check if log table for given log type exists and can be opened.
@param thd Thread handle
@return true if table could not be opened, false otherwise.
bool activate_log(THD *thd, enum_log_table_type log_type);
friend class Query_logger;
/* Log event handler flags */
static const uint LOG_NONE = 1;
static const uint LOG_FILE = 2;
static const uint LOG_TABLE = 4;
class Log_to_file_event_handler;
/** Class which manages slow and general log event handlers. */
class Query_logger {
Currently we have only 2 kinds of logging functions: old-fashioned
file logs and csv logging routines.
static const uint MAX_LOG_HANDLERS_NUM = 2;
RW-lock protecting Query_logger.
R-lock taken when writing to slow/general query log.
W-lock taken when activating/deactivating logs.
mysql_rwlock_t LOCK_logger;
/** Available log handlers. */
Log_to_csv_event_handler table_log_handler;
Log_to_file_event_handler *file_log_handler;
/** NULL-terminated arrays of log handlers. */
Log_event_handler *slow_log_handler_list[MAX_LOG_HANDLERS_NUM + 1];
Log_event_handler *general_log_handler_list[MAX_LOG_HANDLERS_NUM + 1];
Setup log event handlers for the given log_type.
@param log_printer Bitmap of LOG_NONE, LOG_FILE, LOG_TABLE
void init_query_log(enum_log_table_type log_type, ulonglong log_printer);
Query_logger() : file_log_handler(nullptr) {}
Check if table logging is turned on for the given log_type.
@return true if table logging is on, false otherwise.
bool is_log_table_enabled(enum_log_table_type log_type) const;
Check if file logging is turned on for the given log type.
@return true if the file logging is on, false otherwise.
bool is_log_file_enabled(enum_log_table_type log_type) const;
Perform basic log initialization: create file-based log handler.
We want to initialize all log mutexes as soon as possible,
but we cannot do it in constructor, as safe_mutex relies on
initialization, performed by MY_INIT(). This why this is done in
this function.
void init();
/** Free memory. Nothing could be logged after this function is called. */
void cleanup();
Log slow query with all enabled log event handlers.
@param thd THD of the statement being logged.
@param query The query string being logged.
@param query_length The length of the query string.
@param query_start_status Pointer to a snapshot of thd->status_var taken
at the start of execution
@return true if error, false otherwise.
bool slow_log_write(THD *thd, const char *query, size_t query_length,
struct System_status_var *query_start_status);
Write printf style message to general query log.
@param thd THD of the statement being logged.
@param command COM of statement being logged.
@param format Printf style format of message.
@param ... Printf parameters to write.
@return true if error, false otherwise.
bool general_log_print(THD *thd, enum_server_command command,
const char *format, ...)
MY_ATTRIBUTE((format(printf, 4, 5)));
Write query to general query log.
@param thd THD of the statement being logged.
@param command COM of statement being logged.
@param query The query string being logged.
@param query_length The length of the query string.
@return true if error, false otherwise.
bool general_log_write(THD *thd, enum_server_command command,
const char *query, size_t query_length);
Enable log event handlers for slow/general log.
@param log_printer Bitmask of log event handlers.
@note Acceptable values are LOG_NONE, LOG_FILE, LOG_TABLE
void set_handlers(ulonglong log_printer);
Activate log handlers for the given log type.
@param thd Thread handle
@return true if error, false otherwise.
bool activate_log_handler(THD *thd, enum_log_table_type log_type);
Close file log for the given log type.
void deactivate_log_handler(enum_log_table_type log_type);
Close file log for the given log type and the reopen it.
bool reopen_log_file(enum_log_table_type log_type);
Read log file name from global variable opt_*_logname.
If called from a sys_var update function, the caller
must hold a lock protecting the sys_var
(LOCK_global_system_variables, a polylock for the
variable, etc.).
bool set_log_file(enum_log_table_type log_type);
Check if given TABLE_LIST has a query log table name and
optionally check if the query log is currently enabled.
@param table_list TABLE_LIST representing the table to check
@param check_if_opened Always return QUERY_LOG_NONE unless the
query log table is enabled.
enum_log_table_type check_if_log_table(TABLE_LIST *table_list,
bool check_if_opened) const;
extern Query_logger query_logger;
Create the name of the query log specified.
This method forms a new path + file name for the log specified.
@param[in] buff Location for building new string.
@param[in] log_type QUERY_LOG_SLOW or QUERY_LOG_GENERAL
@returns Pointer to new string containing the name.
char *make_query_log_name(char *buff, enum_log_table_type log_type);
Check given log name against certain blacklisted names/extensions.
@param name Log name to check
@param len Length of log name
@returns true if name is valid, false otherwise.
bool is_valid_log_name(const char *name, size_t len);
Check whether we need to write the current statement (or its rewritten
version if it exists) to the slow query log.
As a side-effect, a digest of suppressed statements may be written.
@param thd thread handle
true statement needs to be logged
false statement does not need to be logged
bool log_slow_applicable(THD *thd);
Unconditionally writes the current statement (or its rewritten version if it
exists) to the slow query log.
@param thd thread handle
@param query_start_status Pointer to a snapshot of thd->status_var taken
at the start of execution
void log_slow_do(THD *thd, struct System_status_var *query_start_status);
Check whether we need to write the current statement to the slow query
log. If so, do so. This is a wrapper for the two functions above;
most callers should use this wrapper. Only use the above functions
directly if you have expensive rewriting that you only need to do if
the query actually needs to be logged (e.g. SP variables / NAME_CONST
substitution when executing a PROCEDURE).
A digest of suppressed statements may be logged instead of the current
@param thd thread handle
@param query_start_status Pointer to a snapshot of thd->status_var taken
at the start of execution
void log_slow_statement(THD *thd, struct System_status_var *query_start_status);
@class Log_throttle
@brief Base class for rate-limiting a log (slow query log etc.)
class Log_throttle {
When will/did current window end?
ulonglong window_end;
Log no more than rate lines of a given type per window_size
(e.g. per minute, usually LOG_THROTTLE_WINDOW_SIZE).
const ulong window_size;
There have been this many lines of this type in this window,
including those that we suppressed. (We don't simply stop
counting once we reach the threshold as we'll write a summary
of the suppressed lines later.)
ulong count;
Template for the summary line. Should contain %lu as the only
conversion specification.
const char *summary_template;
Start a new window.
void new_window(ulonglong now);
Increase count of logs we're handling.
@param rate Limit on records to be logged during the throttling window.
@retval true - log rate limit is exceeded, so record should be supressed.
@retval false - log rate limit is not exceeded, record should be logged.
bool inc_log_count(ulong rate) { return (++count > rate); }
Check whether we're still in the current window. (If not, the caller
will want to print a summary (if the logging of any lines was suppressed),
and start a new window.)
bool in_window(ulonglong now) const { return (now < window_end); }
Prepare a summary of suppressed lines for logging.
This function returns the number of queries that were qualified for
inclusion in the log, but were not printed because of the rate-limiting.
The summary will contain this count as well as the respective totals for
lock and execution time.
This function assumes that the caller already holds the necessary locks.
@param rate Limit on records logged during the throttling window.
ulong prepare_summary(ulong rate);
@param window_usecs ... in this many micro-seconds
@param msg use this template containing %lu as only non-literal
Log_throttle(ulong window_usecs, const char *msg)
: window_end(0),
summary_template(msg) {}
We're rate-limiting messages per minute; 60,000,000 microsecs = 60s
Debugging is less tedious with a window in the region of 5000000
static const ulong LOG_THROTTLE_WINDOW_SIZE = 60000000;
@class Slow_log_throttle
@brief Used for rate-limiting the slow query log.
class Slow_log_throttle : public Log_throttle {
We're using our own (empty) security context during summary generation.
That way, the aggregate value of the suppressed queries isn't printed
with a specific user's name (i.e. the user who sent a query when or
after the time-window closes), as that would be misleading.
Security_context aggregate_sctx;
Total of the execution times of queries in this time-window for which
we suppressed logging. For use in summary printing.
ulonglong total_exec_time;
Total of the lock times of queries in this time-window for which
we suppressed logging. For use in summary printing.
ulonglong total_lock_time;
A reference to the threshold ("no more than n log lines per ...").
References a (system-?) variable in the server.
ulong *rate;
The routine we call to actually log a line (i.e. our summary).
The signature miraculously coincides with slow_log_print().
bool (*log_summary)(THD *, const char *, size_t, struct System_status_var *);
Slow_log_throttle is shared between THDs.
mysql_mutex_t *LOCK_log_throttle;
Start a new window.
void new_window(ulonglong now);
Actually print the prepared summary to log.
void print_summary(THD *thd, ulong suppressed, ulonglong print_lock_time,
ulonglong print_exec_time);
@param threshold suppress after this many queries ...
@param lock mutex to use for consistency of calculations
@param window_usecs ... in this many micro-seconds
@param logger call this function to log a single line (our summary)
@param msg use this template containing %lu as only non-literal
Slow_log_throttle(ulong *threshold, mysql_mutex_t *lock, ulong window_usecs,
bool (*logger)(THD *, const char *, size_t,
struct System_status_var *),
const char *msg);
Prepare and print a summary of suppressed lines to log.
(For now, slow query log.)
The summary states the number of queries that were qualified for
inclusion in the log, but were not printed because of the rate-limiting,
and their respective totals for lock and execution time.
This wrapper for prepare_summary() and print_summary() handles the
@param thd The THD that tries to log the statement.
@retval false Logging was not supressed, no summary needed.
@retval true Logging was supressed; a summary was printed.
bool flush(THD *thd);
Top-level function.
@param thd The THD that tries to log the statement.
@param eligible Is the statement of the type we might suppress?
@retval true Logging should be supressed.
@retval false Logging should not be supressed.
bool log(THD *thd, bool eligible);
@class Slow_log_throttle
@brief Used for rate-limiting a error logs.
class Error_log_throttle : public Log_throttle {
loglevel ll;
uint err_code;
const char *subsys;
Actually print the prepared summary to log.
void print_summary(ulong suppressed) {
log_message(LOG_TYPE_ERROR, LOG_ITEM_LOG_PRIO, (longlong)ll,
subsys, LOG_ITEM_LOG_MESSAGE, summary_template,
(unsigned long)suppressed);
@param window_usecs ... in this many micro-seconds (see Log_throttle)
@param lvl severity of the incident (error, warning, info)
@param errcode MySQL error code (e.g. ER_STARTUP)
@param subsystem subsystem tag, or nullptr for none
@param msg use this message template containing %lu as only
non-literal (for "number of suppressed events",
see Log_throttle)
Error_log_throttle(ulong window_usecs, loglevel lvl, uint errcode,
const char *subsystem, const char *msg)
: Log_throttle(window_usecs, msg),
subsys(subsystem) {}
Prepare and print a summary of suppressed lines to log.
(For now, slow query log.)
The summary states the number of queries that were qualified for
inclusion in the log, but were not printed because of the rate-limiting.
@retval false Logging was not suppressed, no summary needed.
@retval true Logging was suppressed; a summary was printed.
bool flush();
Top-level function.
@retval true Logging should be suppressed.
@retval false Logging should not be suppressed.
bool log();
extern Slow_log_throttle log_throttle_qni;
// Error Log
Set up some convenience defines to help us while we change
old-style ("sql_print_...()") calls to new-style ones
("LogErr(...)"). New code should not use these, nor should
it use sql_print_...().
Set up basics, fetch message for "errcode", insert any va_args,
call the new error stack. A helper for the transition to the
new stack.
#define log_errlog(level, errcode, ...) \
log_message(LOG_TYPE_ERROR, LOG_ITEM_LOG_PRIO, (longlong)level, \
LOG_ITEM_LOG_LOOKUP, (longlong)errcode, ##__VA_ARGS__)
Default tags + freeform message. A helper for re#defining sql_print_*()
to go through the new error log service stack.
Remember to never blindly LOG_MESSAGE a string you that may contain
user input as it may contain % which will be treated as substitutions.
BAD: LOG_ITEM_LOG_MESSAGE, dodgy_message
OK: LOG_ITEM_LOG_MESSAGE, "%s", dodgy_message
#define log_errlog_formatted(level, ...) \
log_message(LOG_TYPE_ERROR, LOG_ITEM_LOG_PRIO, (longlong)level, \
Set up the default tags, then let us add/override any key/value we like,
call the new error stack. A helper for the transition to the new stack.
#define log_errlog_rich(level, ...) \
log_message(LOG_TYPE_ERROR, LOG_ITEM_LOG_PRIO, (longlong)level, \
Define sql_print_*() so they use the new log_message()
variadic convenience interface to logging. This lets
us switch over the bulk of the messages right away until
we can attend to them individually; it also verifies that
we no longer use function pointers to log functions.
As before, sql_print_*() only accepts a printf-style
format string, and the arguments to same, if any.
#define sql_print_information(...) \
log_errlog_formatted(INFORMATION_LEVEL, ##__VA_ARGS__)
#define sql_print_warning(...) \
log_errlog_formatted(WARNING_LEVEL, ##__VA_ARGS__)
#define sql_print_error(...) log_errlog_formatted(ERROR_LEVEL, ##__VA_ARGS__)
Prints a printf style message to the error log.
A thin wrapper around log_message() for local_message_hook,
Table_check_intact::report_error, and others.
@param level The level of the msg significance
@param ecode Error code of the error message.
@param args va_list list of arguments for the message
void error_log_print(enum loglevel level, uint ecode, va_list args);
Initialize structures (e.g. mutex) needed by the error log.
@note This function accesses shared resources without protection, so
it should only be called while the server is running single-threaded.
@note The error log can still be used before this function is called,
but that should only be done single-threaded.
@retval true an error occurred
@retval false basic error logging is now available in multi-threaded mode
bool init_error_log();
Open the error log and redirect stderr and optionally stdout
to the error log file. The streams are reopened only for
appending (writing at end of file).
On error, my_error() is not called here.
So, caller of this function should call my_error() to keep the protocol.
@note This function also writes any error log messages that
have been buffered by calling flush_error_log_messages().
@param filename Name of error log file
@param get_lock Should we acquire LOCK_error_log?
bool open_error_log(const char *filename, bool get_lock);
Free any error log resources.
@note This function accesses shared resources without protection, so
it should only be called while the server is running single-threaded.
@note The error log can still be used after this function is called,
but that should only be done single-threaded. All buffered messages
should be flushed before calling this function.
void destroy_error_log();
Flush any pending data to disk and reopen the error log.
bool reopen_error_log();
Discard all buffered messages and deallocate buffer without printing
anything. Needed when terminating launching process after daemon
has started. At this point we may have messages in the error log,
but we don't want to show them to stderr (the daemon will output
them in its error log).
void discard_error_log_messages();
We buffer all error log messages that have been printed before the
error log has been opened. This allows us to write them to the
correct file once the error log has been opened.
This function will explicitly flush buffered messages to stderr.
It is only needed in cases where open_error_log() is not called
as it otherwise will be done there.
This function also turns buffering off (there is no way to turn
buffering back on).
void flush_error_log_messages();
Modular logger: log line and key/value manipulation helpers.
Server-internal. External services should access these via
the log_builtins service API (cf. preamble for this file).
Compare two NUL-terminated byte strings
Note that when comparing without length limit, the long string
is greater if they're equal up to the length of the shorter
string, but the shorter string will be considered greater if
its "value" up to that point is greater:
compare 'abc','abcd': -100 (longer wins if otherwise same)
compare 'abca','abcd': -3 (higher value wins)
compare 'abcaaaaa','abcd': -3 (higher value wins)
@param a the first string
@param b the second string
@param len compare at most this many characters --
0 for no limit
@param case_insensitive ignore upper/lower case in comparison
@retval -1 a < b
@retval 0 a == b
@retval 1 a > b
int log_string_compare(const char *a, const char *b, size_t len,
bool case_insensitive);
Predicate used to determine whether a type is generic
(generic string, generic float, generic integer) rather
than a well-known type.
@param t log item type to examine
@retval true if generic type
@retval false if wellknown type
bool log_item_generic_type(log_item_type t);
Predicate used to determine whether a class is a string
class (C-string or Lex-string).
@param c log item class to examine
@retval true if of a string class
@retval false if not of a string class
bool log_item_string_class(log_item_class c);
Predicate used to determine whether a class is a numeric
class (integer or float).
@param c log item class to examine
@retval true if of a numeric class
@retval false if not of a numeric class
bool log_item_numeric_class(log_item_class c);
Get an integer value from a log-item of float or integer type.
@param li log item to get the value from
@param i longlong to store the value in
void log_item_get_int(log_item *li, longlong *i);
Get a float value from a log-item of float or integer type.
@param li log item to get the value from
@param f float to store the value in
void log_item_get_float(log_item *li, double *f);
Get a string value from a log-item of C-string or Lex string type.
@param li log item to get the value from
@param str char-pointer to store the pointer to the value in
@param len size_t pointer to store the length of the value in
void log_item_get_string(log_item *li, char **str, size_t *len);
Set an integer value on a log_item.
Fails gracefully if not log_item_data is supplied, so it can safely
wrap log_line_item_set[_with_key]().
@param lid log_item_data struct to set the value on
@param i integer to set
@retval true lid was nullptr (possibly: OOM, could not set up log_item)
@retval false all's well
bool log_item_set_int(log_item_data *lid, longlong i);
Set a floating point value on a log_item.
Fails gracefully if not log_item_data is supplied, so it can safely
wrap log_line_item_set[_with_key]().
@param lid log_item_data struct to set the value on
@param f float to set
@retval true lid was nullptr (possibly: OOM, could not set up log_item)
@retval false all's well
bool log_item_set_float(log_item_data *lid, double f);
Set a string value on a log_item.
Fails gracefully if not log_item_data is supplied, so it can safely
wrap log_line_item_set[_with_key]().
@param lid log_item_data struct to set the value on
@param s pointer to string
@param s_len length of string
@retval true lid was nullptr (possibly: OOM, could not set up log_item)
@retval false all's well
bool log_item_set_lexstring(log_item_data *lid, const char *s, size_t s_len);
Set a string value on a log_item.
Fails gracefully if not log_item_data is supplied, so it can safely
wrap log_line_item_set[_with_key]().
@param lid log_item_data struct to set the value on
@param s pointer to NTBS
@retval true lid was nullptr (possibly: OOM, could not set up log_item)
@retval false all's well
bool log_item_set_cstring(log_item_data *lid, const char *s);
See whether a string is a wellknown field name.
@param key potential key starts here
@param len length of the string to examine
@retval LOG_ITEM_TYPE_RESERVED: reserved, but not "wellknown" key
@retval LOG_ITEM_TYPE_NOT_FOUND: key not found
@retval >0: index in array of wellknowns
int log_item_wellknown_by_name(const char *key, size_t len);
See whether a type is wellknown.
@param t log item type to examine
@retval LOG_ITEM_TYPE_NOT_FOUND: key not found
@retval >0: index in array of wellknowns
int log_item_wellknown_by_type(log_item_type t);
Accessor: from a record describing a wellknown key, get its name
@param idx index in array of wellknowns, see log_item_wellknown_by_...()
@retval name (NTBS)
const char *log_item_wellknown_get_name(uint idx);
Accessor: from a record describing a wellknown key, get its type
@param idx index in array of wellknowns, see log_item_wellknown_by_...()
@retval the log item type for the wellknown key
log_item_type log_item_wellknown_get_type(uint idx);
Accessor: from a record describing a wellknown key, get its class
@param idx index in array of wellknowns, see log_item_wellknown_by_...()
@retval the log item class for the wellknown key
log_item_class log_item_wellknown_get_class(uint idx);
Release any of key and value on a log-item that were dynamically allocated.
@param li log-item to release the payload of
void log_item_free(log_item *li);
Predicate indicating whether a log line is "willing" to accept any more
key/value pairs.
@param ll the log-line to examine
@retval false if not full / if able to accept another log_item
@retval true if full
bool log_line_full(log_line *ll);
How many items are currently set on the given log_line?
@param ll the log-line to examine
@retval the number of items set
int log_line_item_count(log_line *ll);
Test whether a given type is presumed present on the log line.
@param ll the log_line to examine
@param m the log_type to test for
@retval 0 not present
@retval !=0 present
log_item_type_mask log_line_item_types_seen(log_line *ll, log_item_type_mask m);
Initialize a log_line.
@retval nullptr could not set up buffer (too small?)
@retval other address of the newly initialized log_line
log_line *log_line_init();
Release a log_line allocated with log_line_init.
@retval nullptr could not set up buffer (too small?)
@retval other address of the newly initialized log_line
void log_line_exit(log_line *ll);
Release log line item (key/value pair) with the index elem in log line ll.
This frees whichever of key and value were dynamically allocated.
This leaves a "gap" in the bag that may immediately be overwritten
with an updated element. If the intention is to remove the item without
replacing it, use log_line_item_remove() instead!
@param ll log_line
@param elem index of the key/value pair to release
void log_line_item_free(log_line *ll, size_t elem);
Release all log line items (key/value pairs) in log line ll.
This frees whichever keys and values were dynamically allocated.
@param ll log_line
void log_line_item_free_all(log_line *ll);
Release log line item (key/value pair) with the index elem in log line ll.
This frees whichever of key and value were dynamically allocated.
This moves any trailing items to fill the "gap" and decreases the counter
of elements in the log line. If the intention is to leave a "gap" in the
bag that may immediately be overwritten with an updated element, use
log_line_item_free() instead!
@param ll log_line
@param elem index of the key/value pair to release
void log_line_item_remove(log_line *ll, int elem);
Find the (index of the) last key/value pair of the given name
in the log line.
@param ll log line
@param key the key to look for
@retval -1: none found
@retval -2: invalid search-key given
@retval -3: no log_line given
@retval >=0: index of the key/value pair in the log line
int log_line_index_by_name(log_line *ll, const char *key);
Find the last item matching the given key in the log line.
@param ll log line
@param key the key to look for
@retval nullptr item not found
@retval otherwise pointer to the item (not a copy thereof!)
log_item *log_line_item_by_name(log_line *ll, const char *key);
Find the (index of the) first key/value pair of the given type
in the log line.
@param ll log line
@param t the log item type to look for
@retval <0: none found
@retval >=0: index of the key/value pair in the log line
int log_line_index_by_type(log_line *ll, log_item_type t);
Find the (index of the) first key/value pair of the given type
in the log line. This variant accepts a reference item and looks
for an item that is of the same type (for wellknown types), or
one that is of a generic type, and with the same key name (for
generic types). For example, a reference item containing a
generic string with key "foo" will a generic string, integer, or
float with the key "foo".
@param ll log line
@param ref a reference item of the log item type to look for
@retval <0: none found
@retval >=0: index of the key/value pair in the log line
int log_line_index_by_item(log_line *ll, log_item *ref);
Initializes a log entry for use. This simply puts it in a defined
state; if you wish to reset an existing item, see log_item_free().
@param li the log-item to initialize
void log_item_init(log_item *li);
Initializes an entry in a log line for use. This simply puts it in
a defined state; if you wish to reset an existing item, see
This resets the element beyond the last. The element count is not
adjusted; this is for the caller to do once it sets up a valid
element to suit its needs in the cleared slot. Finally, it is up
to the caller to make sure that an element can be allocated.
@param ll the log-line to initialize a log_item in
@retval the address of the cleared log_item
log_item *log_line_item_init(log_line *ll);
Create new log item with key name "key", and allocation flags of
"alloc" (see enum_log_item_free).
Will return a pointer to the item's log_item_data struct for
This is mostly interesting for filters and other services that create
items that are not part of a log_line; sources etc. that intend to
create an item for a log_line (the more common case) should usually
use the below line_item_set_with_key() which creates an item (like
this function does), but also correctly inserts it into a log_line.
@param li the log_item to work on
@param t the item-type
@param key the key to set on the item.
ignored for non-generic types (may pass nullptr for those)
see alloc
@param alloc LOG_ITEM_FREE_KEY if key was allocated by caller
LOG_ITEM_FREE_NONE if key was not allocated
Allocated keys will automatically free()d when the
log_item is.
The log_item's alloc flags will be set to the
submitted value; specifically, any pre-existing
value will be clobbered. It is therefore WRONG
a) to use this on a log_item that already has a key;
it should only be used on freshly init'd log_items;
b) to use this on a log_item that already has a
value (specifically, an allocated one); the correct
order is to init a log_item, then set up type and
key, and finally to set the value. If said value is
an allocated string, the log_item's alloc should be
bitwise or'd with LOG_ITEM_FREE_VALUE.
@retval a pointer to the log_item's log_data, for easy chaining:
log_item_set_with_key(...)->data_integer= 1;
log_item_data *log_item_set_with_key(log_item *li, log_item_type t,
const char *key, uint32 alloc);
Create new log item in log line "ll", with key name "key", and
allocation flags of "alloc" (see enum_log_item_free).
It is up to the caller to ensure the log_line can accept more items
(e.g. by using log_line_full(ll)).
On success, the number of registered items on the log line is increased,
the item's type is added to the log_line's "seen" property,
and a pointer to the item's log_item_data struct is returned for
@param ll the log_line to work on
@param t the item-type
@param key the key to set on the item.
ignored for non-generic types (may pass nullptr for those)
see alloc
@param alloc LOG_ITEM_FREE_KEY if key was allocated by caller
LOG_ITEM_FREE_NONE if key was not allocated
Allocated keys will automatically free()d when the
log_item is.
The log_item's alloc flags will be set to the
submitted value; specifically, any pre-existing
value will be clobbered. It is therefore WRONG
a) to use this on a log_item that already has a key;
it should only be used on freshly init'd log_items;
b) to use this on a log_item that already has a
value (specifically, an allocated one); the correct
order is to init a log_item, then set up type and
key, and finally to set the value. If said value is
an allocated string, the log_item's alloc should be
bitwise or'd with LOG_ITEM_FREE_VALUE.
@retval a pointer to the log_item's log_data, for easy chaining:
log_line_item_set_with_key(...)->data_integer= 1;
log_item_data *log_line_item_set_with_key(log_line *ll, log_item_type t,
const char *key, uint32 alloc);
As log_item_set_with_key(), except that the key is automatically
derived from the wellknown log_item_type t.
Create new log item with type "t".
Will return a pointer to the item's log_item_data struct for
This is mostly interesting for filters and other services that create
items that are not part of a log_line; sources etc. that intend to
create an item for a log_line (the more common case) should usually
use the below line_item_set_with_key() which creates an item (like
this function does), but also correctly inserts it into a log_line.
The allocation of this item will be LOG_ITEM_FREE_NONE;
specifically, any pre-existing value will be clobbered.
It is therefore WRONG
a) to use this on a log_item that already has a key;
it should only be used on freshly init'd log_items;
b) to use this on a log_item that already has a
value (specifically, an allocated one); the correct
order is to init a log_item, then set up type and
key, and finally to set the value. If said value is
an allocated string, the log_item's alloc should be
bitwise or'd with LOG_ITEM_FREE_VALUE.
@param li the log_item to work on
@param t the item-type
@retval a pointer to the log_item's log_data, for easy chaining:
log_item_set_with_key(...)->data_integer= 1;
log_item_data *log_item_set(log_item *li, log_item_type t);
Create a new log item of well-known type "t" in log line "ll".
On success, the number of registered items on the log line is increased,
the item's type is added to the log_line's "seen" property,
and a pointer to the item's log_item_data struct is returned for
It is up to the caller to ensure the log_line can accept more items
(e.g. by using log_line_full(ll)).
The allocation of this item will be LOG_ITEM_FREE_NONE;
specifically, any pre-existing value will be clobbered.
It is therefore WRONG
a) to use this on a log_item that already has a key;
it should only be used on freshly init'd log_items;
b) to use this on a log_item that already has a
value (specifically, an allocated one); the correct
order is to init a log_item, then set up type and
key, and finally to set the value. If said value is
an allocated string, the log_item's alloc should be
bitwise or'd with LOG_ITEM_FREE_VALUE.
@param ll the log_line to work on
@param t the item-type
@retval a pointer to the log_item's log_data, for easy chaining:
log_line_item_set_with_key(...)->data_integer= 1;
log_item_data *log_line_item_set(log_line *ll, log_item_type t);
Convenience function: Derive a log label ("error", "warning",
"information") from a severity.
@param prio the severity/prio in question
@return a label corresponding to that priority.
@retval "ERROR" for prio of ERROR_LEVEL or higher
@retval "Warning" for prio of WARNING_LEVEL
@retval "Note" otherwise
const char *log_label_from_prio(int prio);
Complete, filter, and write submitted log items.
This expects a log_line collection of log-related key/value pairs,
e.g. from log_message().
Where missing, timestamp, priority, thread-ID (if any) and so forth
are added.
Log item source services, log item filters, and log item sinks are
then called.
@param ll key/value pairs describing info to log
@retval int number of fields in created log line
int log_line_submit(log_line *ll);
Make and return an ISO 8601 / RFC 3339 compliant timestamp.
Heeds log_timestamps.
@param buf A buffer of at least 26 bytes to store
the timestamp in (19 + tzinfo tail + \0)
@param utime Microseconds since the epoch
@param mode if 0, use UTC; if 1, use local time
@retval length of timestamp (excluding \0)
int make_iso8601_timestamp(char *buf, ulonglong utime, int mode);
Set up custom error logging stack.
@param conf The configuration string
@param check_only If true, report on whether configuration is valid
(i.e. whether all requested services are available),
but do not apply the new configuration.
if false, set the configuration (acquire the
necessary services, update the hash by
adding/deleting entries as necessary)
@param[out] pos If an error occurs and this pointer is non-null,
the position in the configuration string where
the error occurred will be written to the
pointed-to size_t.
@retval 0 success
@retval -1 expected delimiter not found
@retval -2 one or more services not found
@retval -3 failed to create service cache entry
@retval -4 tried to open multiple instances of a singleton
@retval -5 failed to create service instance entry
@retval -6 last element in pipeline should be a sink
@retval -101 service name may not start with a delimiter
@retval -102 delimiters ',' and ';' may not be mixed
int log_builtins_error_stack(const char *conf, bool check_only, size_t *pos);
Call flush() on all log_services.
flush() function must not try to log anything, as we hold an
exclusive lock on the stack.
@retval 0 no problems
@retval -1 error
int log_builtins_error_stack_flush();
Initialize the structured logging subsystem.
Since we're initializing various locks here, we must call this late enough
so this is clean, but early enough so it still happens while we're running
single-threaded -- this specifically also means we must call it before we
start plug-ins / storage engines / external components!
@retval 0 no errors
@retval -1 couldn't initialize stack lock
@retval -2 couldn't initialize built-in default filter
@retval -3 couldn't set up service hash
@retval -4 couldn't initialize syseventlog lock
@retval -5 couldn't set service pipeline
@retval -6 couldn't initialize buffered logging lock
int log_builtins_init();
De-initialize the structured logging subsystem.
@retval 0 no errors
@retval -1 not stopping, never started
int log_builtins_exit();
Interim helper: write to the default error stream
@param buffer buffer containing serialized error message
@param length number of bytes in buffer
void log_write_errstream(const char *buffer, size_t length);
#endif /* LOG_H */