用于EagleEye3.0 规则集漏报和误报测试的示例项目,项目收集于github和gitee
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#include "converter.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <iostream>
namespace keyring {
const size_t WORD_32 = 4; //<! number of bytes in 32 bit word
const size_t WORD_64 = 8; //<! number of bytes in 64 bit word
const size_t LENGTHS_COUNT = 5; //<! number of length values in serialization
// determine native architecture at startup
const Converter::Arch Converter::native_arch{Converter::detect_native_arch()};
fetches native machine architecture of server binary
@return - native machine architecture
Converter::Arch Converter::get_native_arch() { return native_arch; }
(static) determines width of architecture word in bytes
@param arch - architecture to return word width of
@retval > 0 - word width of the architecture
@retval = 0 - architecture has no known word width
size_t Converter::get_width(Arch arch) {
if (arch == Arch::LE_64 || arch == Arch::BE_64) return WORD_64;
if (arch == Arch::LE_32 || arch == Arch::BE_32) return WORD_32;
return 0;
(static) calculates native unsigned integer (size_t) value of binary buffer
- buffer has to provide for at least sizeof(size_t) bytes
@param length - pointer to native binary representation of unsigned value
@return - unsigned integer (size_t) value of binary buffer value
size_t Converter::native_value(char const *binary_value) {
// overwrite variable with bytes from binary buffer
size_t real_value = 0;
memcpy(&real_value, binary_value, sizeof(size_t));
return real_value;
(static) converts serialized key data from one architecture to another
- key lengths word widths are expanded/contracted, key data just copied
@param (I) data - buffer holding key data to be converted
@param (I) data_size - size of the key data within buffer
@param (I) src - machine architecture of the input key data
@param (I) dst - machine architecture of the output key data
@param (O) out - output key data
@retval false - data was successfully converted
@retval true - error occurred during conversion
bool Converter::convert_data(char const *data, size_t data_size, Arch src,
Arch dst, std::string &out) {
// at least source or destination has to be native
if (src != native_arch && dst != native_arch) return true;
// no data - we can convert that :)
if (data_size == 0) {
out = std::string();
return false;
// no need to convert between identical architectures
if (src == dst) {
out = std::string(data, data_size);
return false;
// get word width of source and destination architecture
auto src_width = get_width(src);
auto dst_width = get_width(dst);
size_t loc = 0;
std::string output;
char number[WORD_64] = {0};
size_t lengths[LENGTHS_COUNT] = {0};
std::string key_content;
// load remaining keys and convert them
while (data_size >= loc + LENGTHS_COUNT * src_width) {
// load file length values, convert them and append
for (size_t i = 0; i < LENGTHS_COUNT; i++) {
// convert value to different architecture
size_t converted_width = convert(data + loc, number, src, dst);
if (i > 0) key_content.append(number, converted_width);
// determine length integer value
if (src == get_native_arch())
lengths[i] = native_value(data + loc);
lengths[i] = native_value(number);
// move to next length
loc += src_width;
// real size without padding has to be smaller that total size
size_t real_size = lengths[1] + lengths[2] + lengths[3] + lengths[4];
if (lengths[0] < real_size) return true;
// we also have to have at least remaining key data
if (loc + lengths[0] - LENGTHS_COUNT * src_width > data_size) return true;
// append only key data without padding
key_content.append(data + loc, real_size);
loc += lengths[0] - LENGTHS_COUNT * src_width;
// append required padding to destination
auto total = LENGTHS_COUNT * dst_width + real_size;
size_t padding = (dst_width - total % dst_width) % dst_width;
key_content.append(padding, '\0');
// new key package size is waranted
lengths[0] = total + padding;
char tmp_buffer[WORD_64];
memcpy(tmp_buffer, lengths, sizeof(size_t));
// conversion may be necessary
if (dst != get_native_arch()) {
auto converted_width = convert(tmp_buffer, number, src, dst);
output += std::string(number, converted_width);
output += key_content;
} else {
output += std::string(tmp_buffer, sizeof(size_t));
output += key_content;
// we must've taken all keys
if (loc != data_size) return true;
// return converted data buffer
out = output;
return false;
(static) converts binary length representation between architecture types
@param (I) src - input binary representation
@param (O) dst - output binary representation
@param (I) src_t - architecture type of input representation
@param (I) dst_t - architecture type of output representation
@retval > 0 - size of destination representation
@retval = 0 - conversion was not possible
size_t Converter::convert(char const *src, char *dst, Arch src_t, Arch dst_t) {
// source and destination type should be known
if (src_t == Arch::UNKNOWN || dst_t == Arch::UNKNOWN) return 0;
// find out source and destination characteristics
const size_t src_width = get_width(src_t);
const size_t dst_width = get_width(dst_t);
const bool src_is_le = get_endian(src_t) == Endian::LITTLE ? 1 : 0;
const bool dst_is_le = get_endian(dst_t) == Endian::LITTLE ? 1 : 0;
// determine required operations
const bool swap = (src_is_le != dst_is_le);
const bool grow = (src_width < dst_width);
const bool crop = (src_width > dst_width);
// crop security - we mustn't lose precision
if (crop) {
if (src_is_le) // for little endian ending bytes must be zero
if (src[4] | src[5] | src[6] | src[7]) return 0;
} else // for big endian leading bytes must be zero
if (src[0] | src[1] | src[2] | src[3]) return 0;
// if needed, prepare reversed number
char swapped_src[WORD_64] = {0};
if (swap) {
// copy reversed byte order
for (size_t i = 0; i < src_width; i++)
swapped_src[i] = src[src_width - i - 1];
// use reversed representation instead of original
src = swapped_src;
// ================== CASE 1 - no change in bit width ================== //
if (!grow && !crop) {
memcpy(dst, src, dst_width);
// ================== CASE 2 - grow bit width ========================== //
else if (grow) {
if (dst_is_le) {
// copy to starting bytes, clear upper bytes
memcpy(dst, src, src_width);
memset(dst + src_width, 0, dst_width - src_width);
} else {
// clear starting bytes, copy to upper bytes
memset(dst, 0, dst_width - src_width);
memcpy(dst + dst_width - src_width, src, src_width);
// ================== CASE 3 - crop bit width ========================== //
else if (crop) {
if (dst_is_le)
memcpy(dst, src, dst_width);
memcpy(dst, src + 4, dst_width);
// we're returning size of output binary representation
return dst_width;
// =========================== PRIVATE UTILITIES ============================ //
(static) detects native architecture type of machine server is running on
- to be called only at server startup
@return - native architecture of machine
Converter::Arch Converter::detect_native_arch() {
auto type = Arch::UNKNOWN;
// determine bit width
const size_t bit_width = 8 * sizeof(size_t);
// determine endianess
size_t number = 1;
bool isLittleEndian = *(char *)(&number);
// assign architecture type based on findings
switch (bit_width) {
case 32:
if (isLittleEndian)
type = Arch::LE_32;
type = Arch::BE_32;
case 64:
if (isLittleEndian)
type = Arch::LE_64;
type = Arch::BE_64;
return type;
(static) determines endianess of architecture
@param arch - architecture to return endianess of
@return - endianess of the architecture
Converter::Endian Converter::get_endian(Arch arch) {
if (arch == Arch::LE_64 || arch == Arch::LE_32) return Endian::LITTLE;
if (arch == Arch::BE_64 || arch == Arch::BE_32) return Endian::BIG;
return Endian::UNKNOWN;
} /* namespace keyring */