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# WL#11875
# 11875 completely rewrites the "buffered logging" subsystem, wherein we
# collect error log events until we receive command-line options telling
# us where to actually send them.
# Previously, info was formatted when the event was created, and appended
# to a string containing all buffered lines which would eventually be
# flushed.
# Now, we keep all key/value pairs around, and flush them only once
# a) we know where to (as before)
# b) external components are available (as the user may wish to use
# a loadable log-writer or log-filter).
# This requires the availability of the component framework
# as well as InnoDB (wherein the framework stores its setup).
# This allows us to flush the data in one or several log formats
# of the user's choice, and lets us apply filtering of the user's
# choice. (It also handles local<->UTC timestamps correctly).
# All of the above is tested in log_components*.test and
# log_options_cmdline.test.
# As a final new feature, if InnoDB initialization takes very long
# (e.g. when another instance of the server has already claimed
# the database file), we start giving updates using the built-in
# log-writer (which is already available), which deferring the
# writing of any other formats (the writers for which haven't been,
# and can't be, loaded yet). As this mechanism only kicks in once
# a certain time-out has been reached, this test must needs take a
# bit of time (in the ballpark of 2 minutes), so we don't run it by
# default:
# This test takes rather long time so let us run it only in --big-test mode
--source include/big_test.inc
--source include/not_windows.inc
--source include/not_asan.inc
--let $MYSQLD_DATADIR=`SELECT @@datadir`
# Case 1: Let the second server abort as it uses the same data
# directory as the first server
--let $MYSQLD_LOG=$MYSQL_TMP_DIR/buffered.log
--let ENV_LOG_SERVICES="log_filter_internal,log_filter_internal,log_sink_internal"
# Bug#30019632:
# This improvement results in the deferred error-logging during InnoDB
# start-up only being active in rare configurations where it is needed,
# but being inactive by default. Therefore to trigger the delay, we must
# create the corner case below by using a non-standard log-error-services
# and at the same time use stderr (instead of a named file) as a logging
# destination. Finally due to the workings of the original test, the
# server must run concurrently to mysql-test so the latter can get the
# timing right. This specific combination can not be created by
# --exec_in_background, so we use a specially crafted perl snippet
# to give us everything we need. -T-
use File::Copy;
# Run the server with a non-standard log-error-services.
# Do not supply log-error, but do pipe stderr into a file
# so we can evaluate the output-over-time later.
system("$ENV{'MYSQLD'} --no-defaults --datadir=$ENV{'ENV_DATADIR'} --secure-file-priv=\"\" --port=$ENV{'MASTER_MYPORT'} --socket=$ENV{'MASTER_MYSOCK'} --log-error-services=$ENV{'ENV_LOG_SERVICES'} 2>$ENV{'ENV_LOG_FILE'} &");
# Wait till just before the initial timeout. Log should still be empty.
sleep 55;
# Save the error log messages that were output so far.
copy($ENV{'ENV_LOG_FILE'}, $ENV{'MYSQL_TMP_DIR'}."/errlog_after_55s");
# Wait till just after the initial timeout. Log should contain first batch.
sleep 10;
# Save the error log messages that were output so far.
copy($ENV{'ENV_LOG_FILE'}, $ENV{'MYSQL_TMP_DIR'}."/errlog_after_65s");
# Wait till after first subsequent timeout.
# Log should contain first 2 batches.
sleep 10;
# Save the error log messages that were output so far.
copy($ENV{'ENV_LOG_FILE'}, $ENV{'MYSQL_TMP_DIR'}."/errlog_after_75s");
# Wait for the server to give up trying to get a lock on the Inno
# database and abort.
sleep 30;
# Here ends the main change for Bug#30019632; while we had to make
# some changes above to create the same situation as before, the
# output should be generally the same as before, and so should the
# processing below.
# Verify that the second server has aborted
--let SEARCH_PATTERN=ERROR.*InnoDB.*Resource temporarily unavailable
--source include/search_pattern.inc
--let SEARCH_PATTERN=ERROR.*Server.*Aborting
--source include/search_pattern.inc
--let SEARCH_PATTERN=System.*Server.*Shutdown complete
--source include/search_pattern.inc
# Verify that buffered log messages are flushed initially after a
# timeout of 60s and that further buffered messages are flushed
# after regular intervals of 10s
or die("Unable to open log file after 55s $!\n");
my @log_lines_55s=<FILE55>;
if (scalar(@log_lines_55s) != 0 ) {
die("Error log after 55 seconds should not contain any entries");
or die("Unable to open log file after 65s $!\n");
my @log_lines_65s=<FILE65>;
if (scalar(@log_lines_65s) == 0 ) {
die("Error log after 65 seconds should have flushed log messages".
"as initial timeout is exceeded");
or die("Unable to open log file after 75s $!\n");
my @log_lines_75s=<FILE75>;
if (not (scalar(@log_lines_75s) > scalar(@log_lines_65s))) {
die("Error log after 75 seconds should have more flushed ".
"messages as the incremental timeout is exceeded");
# Cleanup
--remove_files_wildcard $MYSQL_TMP_DIR errlog_after_*
--remove_file $MYSQLD_LOG
# Case 2: Shutdown the first server during the waiting period of the
# second server and verify that the content of JSON and the
# traditional log of the second server has the same messages
# We can add the JSON-writer to the components-set in this instance
# and have it picked up in the other (once the other instance gains
# access to the tables). The prettiness of this is debatable.
INSTALL COMPONENT "file://component_log_sink_json";
--let LOG_FILE_TRAD=$MYSQL_TMP_DIR/buffered1.err
--let LOG_FILE_JSON=$MYSQL_TMP_DIR/buffered1.err.00.json
--let LOG_FILE_JSON_TO_TRAD=$MYSQL_TMP_DIR/buffered1.converted.err
# To test filtering on buffered messages
# To test filtering on non-buffered messages
--let $log_services="log_filter_internal,log_sink_internal,log_sink_json"
--exec_in_background $MYSQLD_CMD --socket=$MASTER_MYSOCK --port $MASTER_MYPORT --log-error=$LOG_FILE_TRAD $LOGGING_COMPONENTS_OPT --log-error-services=$log_services --log-error-suppression-list=$log_sup_list
# Wait for some time before taking down the first server
--sleep 10
--let $_server_id= `SELECT @@server_id`
--let $_expect_file_name= $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/mysqld.$_server_id.expect
--exec echo "wait" > $_expect_file_name
# The second instance should automatically be up and running now
--source include/wait_until_connected_again.inc
SELECT @@log_error_services;
# Restart with default parameters
--let $restart_parameters =
--source include/restart_mysqld.inc
# Now compare the content of traditional and JSON error log
use strict;
use JSON;
my $file_trad= $ENV{'LOG_FILE_TRAD'};
my $file_json= $ENV{'LOG_FILE_JSON'};
my $file_conv= $ENV{'LOG_FILE_JSON_TO_TRAD'};
open(my $outfh,">",$file_conv) or
die("Unable to open file '$file_conv' for writing $!\n");
open(FILET,"$file_trad") or die("Unable to open $file_trad $!\n");
my @log_lines_trad=<FILET>;
open(FILEJ,"$file_json") or die("Unable to open $file_json $!\n");
my @log_lines_json=<FILEJ>;
# Test for validity of the json docs in error log
my $string = "[\n".join("", @log_lines_json)."\n]";
$string =~ s/\}\n\{/\},\n\{/g ;
my $parsed_json;
my $success=1;
$parsed_json = decode_json $string;
unless ( $parsed_json )
print "[ FAIL ] Error while parsing the error log as a json document:".
print "[ PASS ] Error log successfully parsed as a json document\n";
for my $item( @$parsed_json ){
my $errcode_formatted= sprintf("%06d", $item->{'err_code'});
# Verify that the --log-error-suppression-list works for
# buffered messages flushed after timeout as well as non
# buffered messages
if ($errcode_formatted =~ $ENV{'SUPPRESSED_ERRCODE1'} or
$errcode_formatted =~ $ENV{'SUPPRESSED_ERRCODE2'}) {
die("Error message with error code suppressed using ".
"--log-error-suppression-list is seen in the error log");
my $thread_id= defined $item->{'thread'} ? $item->{'thread'} : 0;
my $label= ($item->{'label'} =~ "Error") ? uc $item->{'label'}
: $item->{'label'};
print $outfh $item->{'time'}." ".$thread_id." [".$label."] [MY-".
$errcode_formatted."] [".$item->{'subsystem'}."] ".
$item->{'msg'} . "\n";
# Cleanup
SET GLOBAL log_error_services=default;
UNINSTALL COMPONENT "file://component_log_sink_json";
--remove_files_wildcard $MYSQL_TMP_DIR buffered1*