用于EagleEye3.0 规则集漏报和误报测试的示例项目,项目收集于github和gitee
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

54 lines
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# This tests the functionality of the fulltext search of Myisam engine
# The implementation of the fulltext search is different in InnoDB engine
# All tests are required to run with Myisam.
# Hence MTR starts mysqld with MyISAM as default
--source include/force_myisam_default.inc
--source include/have_myisam.inc
# Bugreport due to Roy Nasser <roy@vem.ca>
drop table if exists t1, t2;
id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
q varchar(255) default NULL,
INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1,'aaaaaaaaa dsaass de');
INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (2,'ssde df s fsda sad er');
id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
id2 int(10) unsigned default NULL,
item varchar(255) default NULL,
FULLTEXT KEY item(item)
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1,1,'sushi');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (2,1,'Bolo de Chocolate');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (3,1,'Feijoada');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (4,1,'Mousse de Chocolate');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (5,2,'um copo de Vodka');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (6,2,'um chocolate Snickers');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (7,1,'Bife');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (8,1,'Pizza de Salmao');
SELECT t1.q, t2.item, t2.id, round(MATCH t2.item AGAINST ('sushi'),6)
as x FROM t1, t2 WHERE (t2.id2 = t1.id) ORDER BY x DESC,t2.id;
SELECT t1.q, t2.item, t2.id, MATCH t2.item AGAINST ('sushi' IN BOOLEAN MODE)
as x FROM t1, t2 WHERE (t2.id2 = t1.id) ORDER BY x DESC,t2.id;
SELECT t1.q, t2.item, t2.id, round(MATCH t2.item AGAINST ('sushi'),6)
as x FROM t2, t1 WHERE (t2.id2 = t1.id) ORDER BY x DESC,t2.id;
SELECT t1.q, t2.item, t2.id, MATCH t2.item AGAINST ('sushi' IN BOOLEAN MODE)
as x FROM t2, t1 WHERE (t2.id2 = t1.id) ORDER BY x DESC,t2.id;
drop table t1, t2;
# End of 4.1 tests