用于EagleEye3.0 规则集漏报和误报测试的示例项目,项目收集于github和gitee
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# ==== Purpose ====
# Auxiliary file used in include/show_binlog_events.inc and
# include/show_relaylog_events.inc.
# ==== Usage ====
# See include/show_binlog_events.inc
--let $include_filename= show_events.inc
if ($is_relay_log)
if ($rpl_channel_name)
--let $include_filename= $include_filename [FOR CHANNEL $rpl_channel_name]
--source include/begin_include_file.inc
--let $_se_old_statement= $statement
--let $statement= SHOW BINLOG EVENTS
--let $_se_for_channel=
if ($is_relay_log)
--let $statement= SHOW RELAYLOG EVENTS
if ($rpl_channel_name)
--let $_se_for_channel= FOR CHANNEL $rpl_channel_name
--let $statement_masked= $statement
if ($binlog_file)
--let $_binlog_file= $binlog_file
if ($binlog_file == 'LAST')
if ($is_relay_log)
--source include/rpl_get_end_of_relay_log.inc
--let $_binlog_file= $relay_log_file
if (!$is_relay_log)
--let $_binlog_file= query_get_value(SHOW MASTER STATUS, File, 1)
--let $statement= $statement IN '$_binlog_file'
--let $statement_masked= $statement_masked IN <FILE>
--let $_binlog_start= $binlog_start
if (!$_binlog_start)
# If $binlog_start is not set, we will set it as the second event's
# position. The first event(Description Event) is always ignored. For
# description event's length might be changed because of adding new events,
# 'SHOW BINLOG EVENTS LIMIT 1' is used to get the right value.
--let $_binlog_start= query_get_value(SHOW BINLOG EVENTS LIMIT 1, End_log_pos, 1)
--let $statement= $statement FROM $_binlog_start
--let $statement_masked= $statement_masked FROM <POSITION>
if ($binlog_limit != '')
--let $statement= $statement LIMIT $binlog_limit
--let $statement_masked= $statement_masked LIMIT $binlog_limit
if ($show_binlog_events_verbose)
--echo ---- [$CURRENT_CONNECTION] $statement_masked ----
if ($rpl_debug)
--echo statement='$statement'
--let $statement= $statement $_se_for_channel
# Execute the statement and write to $output_file
--let $output_file= GENERATE
--source include/write_result_to_file.inc
# Filter the file through the following script.
--delimiter ||
if ($show_binlog_events_mask_columns != '')
--let $mask_columns = $show_binlog_events_mask_columns
if ($show_binlog_events_mask_columns == '')
--let $mask_columns = 2,4,5
let $script=
s{/\* xid=.* \*/}{/\* XID # \*/};
s{COMMIT /\* XID # \*/}{COMMIT /\* XID \*/};
s{table_id: [0-9]+}{table_id: #};
s{SQL_LOAD-[a-z,0-9,-]*.[a-z]*}{SQL_LOAD-<SERVER UUID>-<MASTER server-id>-<file-id>.<extension>};
s{rand_seed1=[0-9]*,rand_seed2=[0-9]*}{rand_seed1=<seed 1>,rand_seed2=<seed 2>};
--let $pre_script= my DOLLARmysqltest_vardir = DOLLARENV{'MYSQLTEST_VARDIR'};
if (!$keep_view_change_events)
--let $script= $script DOLLAR_ = '' if (m{\t(?:View_change)\t});
if (!$keep_gtid_events)
--let $script= $script DOLLAR_ = '' if (m{\t(?:Gtid|Previous_gtids|Anonymous_Gtid)\t});
if ($keep_gtid_events)
let $pre_script= $pre_script
my DOLLARuuid_regex = '[0-9a-f]{8}-(?:[0-9a-f]{4}-){3}[0-9a-f]{12}';
my DOLLARuuid_gno_regex = DOLLARuuid_regex.'(?::[0-9]+(?:-[0-9]+)?)+';
--let $script= $script s{DOLLARuuid_gno_regex(?:,DOLLARuuid_gno_regex)*}{Gtid_set};
# To mask binlog and relaylog commit events
if ($mask_binlog_commit_events)
--let $script= $script s{ \/\* XID \*\/}{};
--let $script= $script s{Xid}{Query};
# To mask ANONYMOUS_GTID events as GTID events
if ($mask_anonymous_gtid_events)
--let $script= $script s{Anonymous_Gtid}{Gtid};
--let $script= $script s{ANONYMOUS}{Gtid_set};
# To mask random password generated with create/alter user
if ($mask_user_password_events)
--let $script= $script s{'caching_sha2_password' AS '(.*)'}{'caching_sha2_password' AS '<non-deterministic-password-hash>'}g;
--let $script= $script s{SET PASSWORD FOR .*}{SET PASSWORD FOR '<some_user>'='<non-deterministic-password-hash>'};
# Skip 'AS <..> WITH <..>' clause in the GRANT statement in case the
# partial revokes is ON
if ($mask_grant_as_events)
--let $script= $script s{ AS .* WITH ROLE .*}{};
if (!$keep_ddl_xid)
--let $script= $script s{ /\* XID # \*/}{};
--delimiter ;
#--let $select_columns= 1 3 6
--let $input_file= $output_file
--source include/filter_file.inc
# Write to result file
--cat_file $output_file
# Remove the file
--remove_file $output_file
--let $statement= $_se_old_statement
--let $include_filename= show_events.inc
--source include/end_include_file.inc