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# ==== Purpose ====
# Run mysqlbinlog and filter out nondeterministic output.
# ==== Usage ====
# --let $mysqlbinlog_parameters= "PARAMETERS"
# [--let $mysqlbinlog_pipe= "| FILTER > FILE"]
# --source include/mysqlbinlog.inc
# Parameters:
# $binlog_fullpath
# Filename to use.
# $binlog_position
# Position to use.
# $mysqlbinlog_parameters
# Parameters to pass to mysqlbinlog
# $mysqlbinlog_skip_binlog_statements
# Remove all BINLOG statements from the output.
# This requires 'source include/have_util_sed.inc' in the main test script.
# $mysqlbinlog_only_decoded_rows
# Only include decoded rows. This adds the argument -v and filters
# the output so only files beginning with '###' are printed.
# This requires 'source include/have_grep.inc' in the main test script.
# $mysqlbinlog_pipe
# Optional redirection of output.
# $mysqlbinlog_capture_output
# Instead of writing the output from the command to the result log,
# save it in the mysqltest variable $result
# $mysqlbinlog_skip_replace
# DEBUGGING ONLY: Print unfiltered output to the log. This should
# never be used in production since output will be
# nondeterministic.
# $mysqlbinlog_allow_error
# If set, it is allowed for the command to fail with error 1. This
# is useful in conjuction with $mysqlbinlog_only_decoded_rows, in case
# no decoded rows are found.
--let $include_filename= mysqlbinlog.inc
--source include/begin_include_file.inc
--let $mysqlbinlog_extra_parameters=
if ($binlog_fullpath)
--let $mysqlbinlog_extra_parameters= $binlog_fullpath
if ($binlog_position)
--let $mysqlbinlog_extra_parameters= $mysqlbinlog_extra_parameters --start-position=$binlog_position
--let $mysqlbinlog_sed_pipe=
if ($mysqlbinlog_skip_binlog_statements)
if ($SED == '')
--die !!!ERROR IN TEST: source include/have_util_sed.inc before using mysqlbinlog.inc with $mysqlbinlog_skip_binlog_statements set
--let $mysqlbinlog_sed_pipe= | $SED '/^BINLOG/,/\\/\\*!\\*\\//d'
--let $mysqlbinlog_grep_pipe=
if ($mysqlbinlog_only_decoded_rows)
if ($GREP == '')
--die !!!ERROR IN TEST: source include/have_grep.inc before using mysqlbinlog.inc with $mysqlbinlog_only_decoded_rows set
--let $mysqlbinlog_grep_pipe= | $GREP '^### '
--let $mysqlbinlog_extra_parameters= $mysqlbinlog_extra_parameters -v
if ($mysqlbinlog_skip_replace)
--echo DO_NOT_CHECK_IN_THIS_LINE: printing unfiltered mysqlbinlog output. This should only be used for debugging. Never check in a result file that contains unfiltered mysqlbinlog output.
if (!$mysqlbinlog_skip_replace)
/#[0-9]*[ ]*[0-9]*:[0-9]*:[0-9]* server id [0-9]*/# # server id #/
/original_committed_timestamp=[0-9]*.immediate_commit_timestamp=[0-9]*/original_committed_timestamp=# immediate_commit_timestamp=#/
/end_log_pos [0-9]*/end_log_pos #/
/# at [0-9]*/# at #/
/Xid = [0-9]*/Xid = #/
/table id [0-9]*/table id #/
/mapped to number [0-9]*/mapped to number #/
/server v [^ ]*/server v #/
/Start: binlog v [0-9]*/Start: binlog v #/
/created [0-9]*[ ]*[0-9]*:[0-9]*:[0-9]* at startup/created # at startup/
/(@[0-9]*=[0-9-]*[.][0-9]{1,3})[0-9e+-]*[^ ]*[ ]*(.*(FLOAT|DOUBLE).*[*].)/\1... \2/
/# immediate_commit_timestamp=[0-9]* \([0-9]*-[0-9]*-[0-9]* [0-9]*:[0-9]*:[0-9]*.[0-9]* GMT\)/# immediate_commit_timestamp= MICROSECONDS-FROM-EPOCH (YYYY-MM-DD HOURS:MINUTES:SECONDS TZ)/
/# original_commit_timestamp=[0-9]* \([0-9]*-[0-9]*-[0-9]* [0-9]*:[0-9]*:[0-9]*.[0-9]* GMT\)/# original_commit_timestamp= MICROSECONDS-FROM-EPOCH (YYYY-MM-DD HOURS:MINUTES:SECONDS TZ)/
/SET @@session.original_commit_timestamp=[0-9]*/SET @@session.original_commit_timestamp= MICROSECONDS-FROM-EPOCH/
/SET @@session.original_server_version=[0-9]*/SET @@session.original_server_version= ORIGINAL_SERVER_VERSION/
/SET @@session.immediate_server_version=[0-9]*/SET @@session.immediate_server_version= IMMEDIATE_SERVER_VERSION/
/CRC32 0x[0-9a-f]{8}/CRC32 #/
/# [a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{12}:/# #:/;
--let $mysqlbinlog_cmd= $MYSQL_BINLOG $mysqlbinlog_parameters $mysqlbinlog_extra_parameters $mysqlbinlog_grep_pipe $mysqlbinlog_sed_pipe $mysqlbinlog_pipe
if ($rpl_debug)
--echo DEBUG: Executing '$mysqlbinlog_cmd'
if (!$mysqlbinlog_capture_output)
if ($mysqlbinlog_allow_error)
--error 0, 1
--exec $mysqlbinlog_cmd
if (!$mysqlbinlog_allow_error)
--exec $mysqlbinlog_cmd
if ($mysqlbinlog_capture_output)
--let $command= $mysqlbinlog_cmd
--source include/get_command_output.inc
--let $include_filename= mysqlbinlog.inc
--source include/end_include_file.inc