用于EagleEye3.0 规则集漏报和误报测试的示例项目,项目收集于github和gitee
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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11 KiB

Copyright (c) 2000, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0,
as published by the Free Software Foundation.
This program is also distributed with certain software (including
but not limited to OpenSSL) that is licensed under separate terms,
as designated in a particular file or component or in included license
documentation. The authors of MySQL hereby grant you an additional
permission to link the program and your derivative works with the
separately licensed software that they have included with MySQL.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License, version 2.0, for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */
#ifndef _m_string_h
#define _m_string_h
@file include/m_string.h
#include <float.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <stdbool.h> // IWYU pragma: keep
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "decimal.h"
#include "lex_string.h"
#include "my_config.h"
#include "my_inttypes.h"
#include "my_macros.h"
Definition of the null string (a null pointer of type char *),
used in some of our string handling code. New code should use
nullptr instead.
#define NullS (char *)0
my_str_malloc(), my_str_realloc() and my_str_free() are assigned to
implementations in strings/alloc.cc, but can be overridden in
the calling program.
extern void *(*my_str_malloc)(size_t);
extern void *(*my_str_realloc)(void *, size_t);
extern void (*my_str_free)(void *);
/* Declared in int2str() */
extern char _dig_vec_upper[];
extern char _dig_vec_lower[];
/* Prototypes for string functions */
extern char *strmake(char *dst, const char *src, size_t length);
extern char *strcont(char *src, const char *set);
extern char *strxmov(char *dst, const char *src, ...);
extern char *strxnmov(char *dst, size_t len, const char *src, ...);
bchange(dst, old_length, src, new_length, tot_length)
replaces old_length characters at dst to new_length characters from
src in a buffer with tot_length bytes.
static inline void bchange(uchar *dst, size_t old_length, const uchar *src,
size_t new_length, size_t tot_length) {
memmove(dst + new_length, dst + old_length, tot_length - old_length);
memcpy(dst, src, new_length);
strend(s) returns a character pointer to the NUL which ends s. That
is, strend(s)-s == strlen(s). This is useful for adding things at
the end of strings. It is redundant, because strchr(s,'\0') could
be used instead, but this is clearer and faster.
static inline const char *strend(const char *s) {
while (*s++)
return s - 1;
static inline char *strend(char *s) {
while (*s++)
return s - 1;
strcend(s, c) returns a pointer to the first place in s where c
occurs, or a pointer to the end-null of s if c does not occur in s.
static inline const char *strcend(const char *s, char c) {
for (;;) {
if (*s == c) return s;
if (!*s++) return s - 1;
strfill(dest, len, fill) makes a string of fill-characters. The result
string is of length == len. The des+len character is allways set to NULL.
strfill() returns pointer to dest+len;
static inline char *strfill(char *s, size_t len, char fill) {
while (len--) *s++ = fill;
*(s) = '\0';
return (s);
my_stpmov(dst, src) moves all the characters of src (including the
closing NUL) to dst, and returns a pointer to the new closing NUL in
dst. The similar UNIX routine strcpy returns the old value of dst,
which I have never found useful. my_stpmov(my_stpmov(dst,a),b) moves a//b
into dst, which seems useful.
static inline char *my_stpmov(char *dst, const char *src) {
while ((*dst++ = *src++))
return dst - 1;
my_stpnmov(dst,src,length) moves length characters, or until end, of src to
dst and appends a closing NUL to dst if src is shorter than length.
The result is a pointer to the first NUL in dst, or is dst+n if dst was
static inline char *my_stpnmov(char *dst, const char *src, size_t n) {
while (n-- != 0) {
if (!(*dst++ = *src++)) return (char *)dst - 1;
return dst;
Copy a string from src to dst until (and including) terminating null byte.
@param dst Destination
@param src Source
@note src and dst cannot overlap.
Use my_stpmov() if src and dst overlaps.
@note Unsafe, consider using my_stpnpy() instead.
@return pointer to terminating null byte.
static inline char *my_stpcpy(char *dst, const char *src) {
return __builtin_stpcpy(dst, src);
#elif defined(HAVE_STPCPY)
return stpcpy(dst, src);
/* Fallback to implementation supporting overlap. */
return my_stpmov(dst, src);
Copy fixed-size string from src to dst.
@param dst Destination
@param src Source
@param n Maximum number of characters to copy.
@note src and dst cannot overlap
Use my_stpnmov() if src and dst overlaps.
@return pointer to terminating null byte.
static inline char *my_stpncpy(char *dst, const char *src, size_t n) {
#if defined(HAVE_STPNCPY)
return stpncpy(dst, src, n);
/* Fallback to implementation supporting overlap. */
return my_stpnmov(dst, src, n);
static inline longlong my_strtoll(const char *nptr, char **endptr, int base) {
#if defined _WIN32
return _strtoi64(nptr, endptr, base);
return strtoll(nptr, endptr, base);
static inline ulonglong my_strtoull(const char *nptr, char **endptr, int base) {
#if defined _WIN32
return _strtoui64(nptr, endptr, base);
return strtoull(nptr, endptr, base);
static inline char *my_strtok_r(char *str, const char *delim, char **saveptr) {
#if defined _WIN32
return strtok_s(str, delim, saveptr);
return strtok_r(str, delim, saveptr);
/* native_ rather than my_ since my_strcasecmp already exists */
static inline int native_strcasecmp(const char *s1, const char *s2) {
#if defined _WIN32
return _stricmp(s1, s2);
return strcasecmp(s1, s2);
/* native_ rather than my_ for consistency with native_strcasecmp */
static inline int native_strncasecmp(const char *s1, const char *s2, size_t n) {
#if defined _WIN32
return _strnicmp(s1, s2, n);
return strncasecmp(s1, s2, n);
is_prefix(s, t) returns 1 if s starts with t.
A empty t is always a prefix.
static inline int is_prefix(const char *s, const char *t) {
while (*t)
if (*s++ != *t++) return 0;
return 1; /* WRONG */
/* Conversion routines */
typedef enum { MY_GCVT_ARG_FLOAT, MY_GCVT_ARG_DOUBLE } my_gcvt_arg_type;
double my_strtod(const char *str, const char **end, int *error);
double my_atof(const char *nptr);
size_t my_fcvt(double x, int precision, char *to, bool *error);
size_t my_fcvt_compact(double x, char *to, bool *error);
size_t my_gcvt(double x, my_gcvt_arg_type type, int width, char *to,
bool *error);
The longest string my_fcvt can return is 311 + "precision" bytes.
Here we assume that we never call my_fcvt() with precision >=
(+ 1 byte for the terminating '\0').
We want to use the 'e' format in some cases even if we have enough space
for the 'f' one just to mimic sprintf("%.15g") behavior for large integers,
and to improve it for numbers < 10^(-4).
That is, for |x| < 1 we require |x| >= 10^(-15), and for |x| > 1 we require
it to be integer and be <= 10^DBL_DIG for the 'f' format to be used.
We don't lose precision, but make cases like "1e200" or "0.00001" look nicer.
The maximum possible field width for my_gcvt() conversion.
(DBL_DIG + 2) significant digits + sign + "." + ("e-NNN" or
MAX_DECPT_FOR_F_FORMAT zeros for cases when |x|<1 and the 'f' format is used).
extern char *int2str(long val, char *dst, int radix, int upcase);
extern char *int10_to_str(long val, char *dst, int radix);
extern const char *str2int(const char *src, int radix, long lower, long upper,
long *val);
longlong my_strtoll10(const char *nptr, const char **endptr, int *error);
#define ll2str(A, B, C, D) int2str((A), (B), (C), (D))
#define longlong10_to_str(A, B, C) int10_to_str((A), (B), (C))
#undef strtoll
#define strtoll(A, B, C) strtol((A), (B), (C))
#define strtoull(A, B, C) strtoul((A), (B), (C))
extern char *ll2str(longlong val, char *dst, int radix, int upcase);
extern char *longlong10_to_str(longlong val, char *dst, int radix);
#define longlong2str(A, B, C) ll2str((A), (B), (C), 1)
This function saves a longlong value in a buffer and returns the pointer to
the buffer.
static inline char *llstr(longlong value, char *buff) {
longlong10_to_str(value, buff, -10);
return buff;
static inline char *ullstr(longlong value, char *buff) {
longlong10_to_str(value, buff, 10);
return buff;
#define STRING_WITH_LEN(X) (X), ((sizeof(X) - 1))
Skip trailing space (ASCII spaces only).
@return New end of the string.
static inline const uchar *skip_trailing_space(const uchar *ptr, size_t len) {
const uchar *end = ptr + len;
while (end - ptr >= 8) {
uint64_t chunk;
memcpy(&chunk, end - 8, sizeof(chunk));
if (chunk != 0x2020202020202020ULL) break;
end -= 8;
while (end > ptr && end[-1] == 0x20) end--;
return (end);
Format a double (representing number of bytes) into a human-readable string.
@param buf Buffer used for printing
@param buf_len Length of buffer
@param dbl_val Value to be formatted
Sample output format: 42 1K 234M 2G
If we exceed ULLONG_MAX YiB we give up, and convert to "+INF".
@todo Consider writing KiB GiB etc, since we use 1024 rather than 1000
static inline void human_readable_num_bytes(char *buf, int buf_len,
double dbl_val) {
const char size[] = {'\0', 'K', 'M', 'G', 'T', 'P', 'E', 'Z', 'Y'};
unsigned int i;
for (i = 0; dbl_val > 1024 && i < sizeof(size) - 1; i++) dbl_val /= 1024;
const char mult = size[i];
// 18446744073709551615 Yottabytes should be enough for most ...
if (dbl_val > ULLONG_MAX)
snprintf(buf, buf_len, "+INF");
snprintf(buf, buf_len, "%llu%c", (unsigned long long)dbl_val, mult);
static inline void lex_string_set(LEX_STRING *lex_str, char *c_str) {
lex_str->str = c_str;
lex_str->length = strlen(c_str);
static inline void lex_cstring_set(LEX_CSTRING *lex_str, const char *c_str) {
lex_str->str = c_str;
lex_str->length = strlen(c_str);