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<CENTER><FONT size=9><B>LDRA Testbed &reg; Code Review Report </FONT></B></CENTER>
<CENTER><FONT size=9><B></FONT></B></CENTER>
<H1>Group : qrs_02 </H1></CENTER><BR><BR><BR><BR>
<HR width="100%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT color=#fbfcc8 size=5>Overall Result: FAIL
<HR width="100%">
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR>
<TABLE width="80%" bgColor=#d7eded border=1>
<TH>Report Production </TH>
<TH>Report Configuration </TH>
<TH>Analysis phases </TH></TR>
<LI>C/C++ LDRA Testbed Version: 9.4.1
<LI>Config. File: C:\LDRA_Toolsuite\c\creport.dat
<LI>Produced On: Thu Jun 27 2024 at 11:42:21
<LI>Penalty File: C:\LDRA_Toolsuite\c\cpen.dat</LI></UL></TD>
<LI>Report Level: Summary Report
<LI>Procedures Reported: Fails Only
<LI>Programming Standards Model: MISRA-C:2012
<LI>Line Numbers refer to: Original Source File
<LI>Violation Details: Violations Only
<LI>Reporting Scope: Source file and associated header</LI></UL></TD>
<LI>Static: Yes
<LI>Complexity: Yes
<LI>Static Data Flow: Yes
<LI>Information Flow: Yes
<LI>Cross Reference: Yes</LI></UL></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV>
<H4><A name=contents>Contents </A></H4>Overall Code Review Summary <BR>
<LI>Totals of Violations for each Standard <BR>
of Procedure Results </A><BR>
of Source Files in Group </A><BR>
<LI>Table of Global Basic Information <BR><BR></LI></UL><A
on Program Components </A><BR>
<LI>Code Review Results Global Program and Selected Procedures
to Terms </A><BR>
<H2>Overall Code Review Summary</H2></CENTER><BR><BR>
<H4>Totals of Violations for Selected Code Review Standards </H4>'-' indicates
required Analysis Phase results are not yet available. <BR>'Off' indicates that
the standard is switched off in the Penalty File (&lt;lang&gt;pen.dat). <BR><BR>
<TABLE width="80%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Number of Violations </TH>
<TH>LDRA Code </TH>
<TH>(M) Mandatory Standards </TH>
<TH>MISRA-C:2012 Code </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>
<TD>36 S </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s36">') + document.write('Function has no return statement.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.17.4">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.17.4') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>54 S </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s54">') + document.write('Sizeof operator with side effects.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.13.6">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.13.6') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>66 S </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s66">') + document.write('Function with empty return expression.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.17.4">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.17.4') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 align=center ,><FONT color=blue>
<CENTER><A onclick='return popup(this, "knotes")'
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>407 S </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s407">') + document.write('free used on string.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.22.2">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.22.2') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>480 S </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s480">') + document.write('String function params access same variable.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.19.1">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.19.1') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 align=center ,><FONT color=blue>
<CENTER><A onclick='return popup(this, "knotes")'
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>483 S </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s483">') + document.write('free parameter is not heap item.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.22.2">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.22.2') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 align=center ,><FONT color=blue>
<CENTER><A onclick='return popup(this, "knotes")'
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>484 S </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s484">') + document.write('Attempt to use already freed object.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.22.2">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.22.2') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 align=center ,><FONT color=blue>
<CENTER><A onclick='return popup(this, "knotes")'
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>496 S </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s496">') + document.write('Function call with no prior declaration.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.17.3">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>545 S </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s545">') + document.write('Assignment of overlapping storage.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.19.1">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.19.1') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>591 S </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s591">') + document.write('Inappropriate use of file pointer.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.22.5">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.22.5') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>614 S </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s614">') + document.write('Use of static keyword in array parameter.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.17.6">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.17.6') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>631 S </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s631">') + document.write('Declaration not reachable.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.9.1">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.9.1') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>2 D </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_d2">') + document.write('Function does not return a value on all paths.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.17.4">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.17.4') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>48 D </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_d48">') + document.write('Attempt to write to unopened file.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.22.6">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.22.6') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 align=center ,><FONT color=blue>
<CENTER><A onclick='return popup(this, "knotes")'
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>51 D </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_d51">') + document.write('Attempt to read from freed memory.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.22.2">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.22.2') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 align=center ,><FONT color=blue>
<CENTER><A onclick='return popup(this, "knotes")'
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>53 D </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_d53">') + document.write('Attempt to use uninitialised pointer.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.9.1">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.9.1') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 align=center ,><FONT color=blue>
<CENTER><A onclick='return popup(this, "knotes")'
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>69 D </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_d69">') + document.write('Procedure contains UR data flow anomalies.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.9.1">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.9.1') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>98 D </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_d98">') + document.write('Attempt to write to file opened read only.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.22.4">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.22.4') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TABLE width="80%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Number of Violations </TH>
<TH>LDRA Code </TH>
<TH>Required Standards </TH>
<TH>MISRA-C:2012 Code </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>
<TD>1 S </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s1">') + document.write('Procedure name reused.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.5.8,r.5.9">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.5.8,R.5.9') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 align=center ,><FONT color=blue>
<CENTER><A onclick='return popup(this, "knotes")'
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>9 S </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s9">') + document.write('Assignment operation in expression.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.13.1,r.13.2,r.13.4">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2,R.13.4') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 align=center ,><FONT color=blue>
<CENTER><A onclick='return popup(this, "knotes")'
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>11 S </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s11">') + document.write('No brackets to loop body.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.15.6">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 align=center ,><FONT color=blue>
<CENTER><A onclick='return popup(this, "knotes")'
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>12 S </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s12">') + document.write('No brackets to then/else.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.15.6">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>20 S </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s20">') + document.write('Parameter not declared explicitly.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.8.1">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.8.1') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>21 S </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s21">') + document.write('Number of parameters does not match.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.1.1,r.1.3">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.1.1,R.1.3') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 align=center ,><FONT color=blue>
<CENTER><A onclick='return popup(this, "knotes")'
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>30 S </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s30">') + document.write('Deprecated usage of ++ or -- operators found.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.13.1,r.13.2,r.13.3">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2,R.13.3') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 align=center ,><FONT color=blue>
<CENTER><A onclick='return popup(this, "knotes")'
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>35 S </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s35">') + document.write('Static procedure is not explicitly called in code analysed.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.2.1">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.2.1') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>37 S </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s37">') + document.write('Procedure parameter has a type but no identifier.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.8.2">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.8.2') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>39 S </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s39">') + document.write('Unsuitable type for loop variable.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.14.1">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.14.1') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>43 S </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s43">') + document.write('Use of setjmp/longjmp.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.21.4">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.21.4') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 align=center ,><FONT color=blue>
<CENTER><A onclick='return popup(this, "knotes")'
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>44 S </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s44">') + document.write('Use of banned function or variable.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_d.4.12,r.1.3,r.17.1,r.21.3,r.21.6,r.21.7,r.21.8,r.21.9,r.21.10,r.21.12">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 D.4.12,R.1.3,R.17.1,R.21.3,R.21.6,R.21.7,R.21.8,R.21.9,R.21.10,R.21.12') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 align=center ,><FONT color=blue>
<CENTER><A onclick='return popup(this, "knotes")'
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>47 S </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s47">') + document.write('Array bound exceeded.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.18.1">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 align=center ,><FONT color=blue>
<CENTER><A onclick='return popup(this, "knotes")'
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>48 S </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s48">') + document.write('No default case in switch statement.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.16.4">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.16.4') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 align=center ,><FONT color=blue>
<CENTER><A onclick='return popup(this, "knotes")'
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>50 S </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s50">') + document.write('Use of shift operator on signed type.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.10.1">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>51 S </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s51">') + document.write('Shifting value too far.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.12.2">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.12.2') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>52 S </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s52">') + document.write('Unsigned expression negated.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.10.1">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 align=center ,><FONT color=blue>
<CENTER><A onclick='return popup(this, "knotes")'
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>57 S </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s57">') + document.write('Statement with no side effect.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.2.2">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 align=center ,><FONT color=blue>
<CENTER><A onclick='return popup(this, "knotes")'
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>59 S </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s59">') + document.write('Else alternative missing in if.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.15.7">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.15.7') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>60 S </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s60">') + document.write('Empty switch statement.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.16.6">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.16.6') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>61 S </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s61">') + document.write('Switch contains default only.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.16.6">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.16.6') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 align=center ,><FONT color=blue>
<CENTER><A onclick='return popup(this, "knotes")'
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>62 S </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s62">') + document.write('Switch case not terminated with break.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.16.3">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>63 S </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s63">') + document.write('Empty parameter list to procedure/function.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.8.2">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.8.2') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>64 S </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s64">') + document.write('Void procedure used in expression.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.1.3">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.1.3') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>65 S </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s65">') + document.write('Void variable passed as parameter.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.1.3">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.1.3') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 align=center ,><FONT color=blue>
<CENTER><A onclick='return popup(this, "knotes")'
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>71 S </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s71">') + document.write('Pointer assignment to wider scope.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.18.6">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.18.6') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>72 S </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s72">') + document.write('Signed bit field less than 2 bits wide.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.6.2">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.6.2') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>73 S </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s73">') + document.write('Bit field not signed or unsigned int.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.6.1">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.6.1') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>76 S </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s76">') + document.write('More than one of # or ## in a macro.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.20.11">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.20.11') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 align=center ,><FONT color=blue>
<CENTER><A onclick='return popup(this, "knotes")'
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>78 S </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s78">') + document.write('Macro parameter not in brackets.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.20.7">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.20.7') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 align=center ,><FONT color=blue>
<CENTER><A onclick='return popup(this, "knotes")'
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>83 S </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s83">') + document.write('Octal number found.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.7.1">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.7.1') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>86 S </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s86">') + document.write('Attempt to define reserved word.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.20.4,r.21.1">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.20.4,R.21.1') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>88 S </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s88">') + document.write('Procedure is not pure assembler.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_d.4.3">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 D.4.3') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>92 S </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s92">') + document.write('Duplicate use of a name in an enumeration.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.5.3">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.5.3') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 align=center ,><FONT color=blue>
<CENTER><A onclick='return popup(this, "knotes")'
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>93 S </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s93">') + document.write('Value is not of appropriate type.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.10.1,r.10.3,r.10.4,r.10.5,r.11.1">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 align=center ,><FONT color=blue>
<CENTER><A onclick='return popup(this, "knotes")'
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>94 S </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s94">') + document.write('Casting operation on a pointer.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.11.1,r.11.2,r.11.3,r.11.7">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.3,R.11.7') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 align=center ,><FONT color=blue>
<CENTER><A onclick='return popup(this, "knotes")'
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>95 S </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s95">') + document.write('Casting operation to a pointer.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.11.1,r.11.2,r.11.3,r.11.5,r.11.7">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.3,R.11.5,R.11.7') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 align=center ,><FONT color=blue>
<CENTER><A onclick='return popup(this, "knotes")'
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>96 S </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s96">') + document.write('Use of mixed mode arithmetic.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.10.1,r.10.2,r.10.3,r.10.4">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>100 S </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s100">') + document.write('#include filename is non conformant.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.20.2">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.20.2') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 align=center ,><FONT color=blue>
<CENTER><A onclick='return popup(this, "knotes")'
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>101 S </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s101">') + document.write('Function return type inconsistent.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.10.3">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>102 S </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s102">') + document.write('Function and prototype return inconsistent (MR).') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.8.4">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>103 S </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s103">') + document.write('Function and prototype param inconsistent (MR).') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.8.4">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>104 S </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s104">') + document.write('Struct field initialisation incorrect.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.10.3">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>105 S </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s105">') + document.write('Initialisation brace { } fault.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.9.2">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.9.2') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 align=center ,><FONT color=blue>
<CENTER><A onclick='return popup(this, "knotes")'
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>107 S </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s107">') + document.write('Type mismatch in ternary expression.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.10.4">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.10.4') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>112 S </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s112">') + document.write('Typedef name redeclared.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.5.6">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.5.6') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>113 S </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s113">') + document.write('Non standard character in source.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.1.3">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.1.3') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 align=center ,><FONT color=blue>
<CENTER><A onclick='return popup(this, "knotes")'
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>114 S </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s114">') + document.write('Expression is not Boolean.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.10.1,r.14.4">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>118 S </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s118">') + document.write('main must be int (void) or int (int,char*[]).') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.1.3">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.1.3') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 align=center ,><FONT color=blue>
<CENTER><A onclick='return popup(this, "knotes")'
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>119 S </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s119">') + document.write('Nested comment found.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.3.1">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.3.1') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TABLE width="80%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Number of Violations </TH>
<TH>LDRA Code </TH>
<TH>Required Standards </TH>
<TH>MISRA-C:2012 Code </TH></TR>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 align=center ,><FONT color=blue>
<CENTER><A onclick='return popup(this, "knotes")'
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>120 S </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s120">') + document.write('Use of bit operator on signed type.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.10.1">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>121 S </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s121">') + document.write('Use of boolean expression in switch.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.16.7">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.16.7') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 align=center ,><FONT color=blue>
<CENTER><A onclick='return popup(this, "knotes")'
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>122 S </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s122">') + document.write('Use of abort, exit, etc.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.21.8">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.21.8') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 align=center ,><FONT color=blue>
<CENTER><A onclick='return popup(this, "knotes")'
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>123 S </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s123">') + document.write('Use of underlying enum representation value.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.10.1">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>125 S </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s125">') + document.write('Use of ## or # in a macro.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.20.10,r.20.12">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.20.10,R.20.12') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>126 S </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s126">') + document.write('A #if has no #endif in the same file.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.20.14">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.20.14') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>127 S </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s127">') + document.write('Array has no bounds specified.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.8.11,r.9.5">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.8.11,R.9.5') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>128 S </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s128">') + document.write('Parameter has same name as global variable.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.5.3">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.5.3') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 align=center ,><FONT color=blue>
<CENTER><A onclick='return popup(this, "knotes")'
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>130 S </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s130">') + document.write('Included file is not permitted.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.21.5,r.21.6,r.21.10,r.21.11">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.21.5,R.21.6,R.21.10,R.21.11') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 align=center ,><FONT color=blue>
<CENTER><A onclick='return popup(this, "knotes")'
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>131 S </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s131">') + document.write('Name reused in inner scope.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.5.3">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.5.3') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 align=center ,><FONT color=blue>
<CENTER><A onclick='return popup(this, "knotes")'
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>132 S </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s132">') + document.write('Assignment operator in boolean expression.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.13.1,r.13.4">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.4') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>134 S </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s134">') + document.write('Volatile variable in complex expression.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.13.1,r.13.2">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>135 S </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s135">') + document.write('Parameter list is KR.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.8.1,r.8.2">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.8.1,R.8.2') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>136 S </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s136">') + document.write('Bit operator with boolean operand.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.10.1">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 align=center ,><FONT color=blue>
<CENTER><A onclick='return popup(this, "knotes")'
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>139 S </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s139">') + document.write('Construct leads to infeasible code.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.14.3">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.14.3') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>140 S </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s140">') + document.write('Infeasible loop condition found.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.14.3">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.14.3') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>145 S </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s145">') + document.write('#if has invalid expression.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.1.1">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.1.1') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>147 S </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s147">') + document.write('Spurious characters after preprocessor directive.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.20.13">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.20.13') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>156 S </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s156">') + document.write('Use of &acutedefined&acute keyword in macro body.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.21.1">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.21.1') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 align=center ,><FONT color=blue>
<CENTER><A onclick='return popup(this, "knotes")'
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>157 S </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s157">') + document.write('Modification of string literal.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.7.4">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.7.4') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>172 S </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s172">') + document.write('Variable declared multiply.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.8.5">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.8.5') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>176 S </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s176">') + document.write('Non standard escape sequence in source.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.1.3,r.4.1">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.1.3,R.4.1') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 align=center ,><FONT color=blue>
<CENTER><A onclick='return popup(this, "knotes")'
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>203 S </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s203">') + document.write('Cast on a constant value.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.11.8">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.11.8') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>218 S </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s218">') + document.write('Name is used in standard libraries.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.21.2">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.21.2') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 align=center ,><FONT color=blue>
<CENTER><A onclick='return popup(this, "knotes")'
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>219 S </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s219">') + document.write('User name starts with underscore.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.21.1,r.21.2">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.21.1,R.21.2') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 align=center ,><FONT color=blue>
<CENTER><A onclick='return popup(this, "knotes")'
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>243 S </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s243">') + document.write('Included file not protected with #define.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_d.4.10">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 D.4.10') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>245 S </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s245">') + document.write('Case statement in nested block.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.16.2">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.16.2') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>248 S </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s248">') + document.write('Divide by zero in preprocessor directive.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_d.4.1">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>249 S </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s249">') + document.write('Operation not appropriate to boolean type.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.10.1">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>252 S </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s252">') + document.write('Lower case suffix to literal number.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.7.3">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.7.3') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 align=center ,><FONT color=blue>
<CENTER><A onclick='return popup(this, "knotes")'
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>270 S </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s270">') + document.write('For loop initialisation is not simple.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.14.2">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.14.2') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 align=center ,><FONT color=blue>
<CENTER><A onclick='return popup(this, "knotes")'
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>271 S </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s271">') + document.write('For loop incrementation is not simple.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.14.2">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.14.2') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 align=center ,><FONT color=blue>
<CENTER><A onclick='return popup(this, "knotes")'
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>276 S </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s276">') + document.write('Case is not part of switch enumeration.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.10.3">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>296 S </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s296">') + document.write('Function declared at block scope.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.1.3">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.1.3') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>322 S </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s322">') + document.write('Default is not last case of switch.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.16.5">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.16.5') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>323 S </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s323">') + document.write('Switch has more than one default case.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.1.1">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.1.1') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>324 S </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s324">') + document.write('Macro call has wrong number of parameters.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.1.3">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.1.3') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>325 S </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s325">') + document.write('Inconsistent use of tag.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.5.7">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.5.7') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>326 S </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s326">') + document.write('Declaration is missing type.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.8.1">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.8.1') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>329 S </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s329">') + document.write('Operation not appropriate to plain char.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.10.1,r.10.2">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 align=center ,><FONT color=blue>
<CENTER><A onclick='return popup(this, "knotes")'
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>330 S </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s330">') + document.write('Implicit conversion of underlying type.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.10.3,r.10.4">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 align=center ,><FONT color=blue>
<CENTER><A onclick='return popup(this, "knotes")'
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>331 S </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s331">') + document.write('Literal value requires a U suffix.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.7.2,r.10.3,r.10.4">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>332 S </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s332">') + document.write('Widening cast on complex integer expression.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.10.8">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.10.8') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>333 S </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s333">') + document.write('Widening cast on complex float expression.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.10.8">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.10.8') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>335 S </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s335">') + document.write('Operator defined contains illegal items.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.1.3">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.1.3') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>336 S </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s336">') + document.write('#if expansion contains define operator.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.1.3">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.1.3') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 align=center ,><FONT color=blue>
<CENTER><A onclick='return popup(this, "knotes")'
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>337 S </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s337">') + document.write('Undefined macro variable in #if.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.20.9">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.20.9') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>341 S </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s341">') + document.write('Preprocessor construct as macro parameter.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.20.6">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.20.6') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>342 S </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s342">') + document.write('Extra chars after preprocessor directive.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.20.13">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.20.13') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>343 S </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s343">') + document.write('#else has no #if, etc in the same file.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.20.14">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.20.14') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TABLE width="80%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Number of Violations </TH>
<TH>LDRA Code </TH>
<TH>Required Standards </TH>
<TH>MISRA-C:2012 Code </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>
<TD>344 S </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s344">') + document.write('Cast on volatile value.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.11.8">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.11.8') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>345 S </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s345">') + document.write('Bit operator with floating point operand.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.1.1,r.10.3">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.1.1,R.10.3') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 align=center ,><FONT color=blue>
<CENTER><A onclick='return popup(this, "knotes")'
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>361 S </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s361">') + document.write('Expression needs brackets.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.12.1,r.20.7">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.12.1,R.20.7') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 align=center ,><FONT color=blue>
<CENTER><A onclick='return popup(this, "knotes")'
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>374 S </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s374">') + document.write('Name conflict with typedef.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.5.6">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.5.6') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 align=center ,><FONT color=blue>
<CENTER><A onclick='return popup(this, "knotes")'
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>382 S </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s382">') + document.write('(void) missing for discarded return value.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.17.7">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>383 S </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s383">') + document.write('Identifier name matches macro name.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.5.5">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.5.5') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>384 S </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s384">') + document.write('Identifier matches macro name in 31 chars.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.5.4,r.5.5">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.5.4,R.5.5') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>385 S </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s385">') + document.write('MISRA switch statement syntax violation.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.16.1">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.16.1') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>389 S </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s389">') + document.write('Bool value incremented/decremented.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.10.1">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>397 S </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s397">') + document.write('Array initialisation has insufficient items.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.9.3">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.9.3') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>402 S </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s402">') + document.write('Comparison of booleans.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.10.1">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 align=center ,><FONT color=blue>
<CENTER><A onclick='return popup(this, "knotes")'
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>403 S </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s403">') + document.write('Negative (or potentially negative) shift.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.10.1,r.12.2">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.12.2') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>404 S </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s404">') + document.write('Array initialisation has too many items.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.1.1">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.1.1') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>406 S </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s406">') + document.write('Use of ++ or -- on RHS of && or || operator.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.13.5">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.13.5') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>408 S </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s408">') + document.write('Volatile variable accessed on RHS of && or ||.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.13.5">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.13.5') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 align=center ,><FONT color=blue>
<CENTER><A onclick='return popup(this, "knotes")'
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>410 S </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s410">') + document.write('Switch empty default has no comment.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.16.4">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.16.4') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>411 S </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s411">') + document.write('Inappropriate value assigned to enum.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.10.3">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>412 S </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s412">') + document.write('Undefined behaviour, \\ before E-O-F.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.1.3">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.1.3') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>427 S </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s427">') + document.write('Filename in #include not in < > or " ".') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.20.3">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.20.3') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>428 S </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s428">') + document.write('No {} for switch.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.15.6">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 align=center ,><FONT color=blue>
<CENTER><A onclick='return popup(this, "knotes")'
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>429 S </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s429">') + document.write('Empty middle expression in for loop.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.14.2">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.14.2') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 align=center ,><FONT color=blue>
<CENTER><A onclick='return popup(this, "knotes")'
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>430 S </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s430">') + document.write('Inconsistent usage of loop control variable.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.14.2">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.14.2') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>431 S </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s431">') + document.write('Char used instead of (un)signed char.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.10.3">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>432 S </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s432">') + document.write('Inappropriate type - should be plain char.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.10.3">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 align=center ,><FONT color=blue>
<CENTER><A onclick='return popup(this, "knotes")'
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>433 S </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s433">') + document.write('Type conversion without cast.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.10.1,r.10.3,r.10.4">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 align=center ,><FONT color=blue>
<CENTER><A onclick='return popup(this, "knotes")'
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>434 S </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s434">') + document.write('Signed/unsigned conversion without cast.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.10.3,r.10.4">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>435 S </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s435">') + document.write('Float/integer conversion without cast.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.10.3,r.10.4">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 align=center ,><FONT color=blue>
<CENTER><A onclick='return popup(this, "knotes")'
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>436 S </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s436">') + document.write('Declaration does not specify an array.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.18.1">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 align=center ,><FONT color=blue>
<CENTER><A onclick='return popup(this, "knotes")'
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>437 S </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s437">') + document.write('< > <= >= used on different object pointers.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.18.3">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.18.3') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 align=center ,><FONT color=blue>
<CENTER><A onclick='return popup(this, "knotes")'
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>438 S </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s438">') + document.write('Pointer subtraction not addressing one array.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.18.2">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.18.2') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 align=center ,><FONT color=blue>
<CENTER><A onclick='return popup(this, "knotes")'
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>439 S </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s439">') + document.write('Cast from pointer to integral type.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.11.2,r.11.4,r.11.6,r.11.7">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 align=center ,><FONT color=blue>
<CENTER><A onclick='return popup(this, "knotes")'
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>440 S </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s440">') + document.write('Cast from integral type to pointer.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.11.1,r.11.2,r.11.4,r.11.6,r.11.7">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>441 S </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s441">') + document.write('Float cast to non-float.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.10.8">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.10.8') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>442 S </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s442">') + document.write('Signed integral type cast to unsigned.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.10.8">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.10.8') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>443 S </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s443">') + document.write('Unsigned integral type cast to signed.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.10.8">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.10.8') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 align=center ,><FONT color=blue>
<CENTER><A onclick='return popup(this, "knotes")'
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>444 S </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s444">') + document.write('Integral type cast to non-integral.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.10.8">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.10.8') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>445 S </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s445">') + document.write('Narrower float conversion without cast.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.10.3">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 align=center ,><FONT color=blue>
<CENTER><A onclick='return popup(this, "knotes")'
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>446 S </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s446">') + document.write('Narrower int conversion without cast.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.10.3">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>450 S </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s450">') + document.write('Wide string and string concatenated.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.1.3">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.1.3') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>451 S </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s451">') + document.write('No cast for widening complex float expression.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.10.6,r.10.7">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 align=center ,><FONT color=blue>
<CENTER><A onclick='return popup(this, "knotes")'
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>452 S </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s452">') + document.write('No cast for widening complex int expression.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.10.6,r.10.7">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 align=center ,><FONT color=blue>
<CENTER><A onclick='return popup(this, "knotes")'
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>458 S </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s458">') + document.write('Implicit conversion: actual to formal param.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.10.3">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>461 S </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s461">') + document.write('Identifier with ambiguous linkage.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.8.8">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.8.8') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 align=center ,><FONT color=blue>
<CENTER><A onclick='return popup(this, "knotes")'
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>465 S </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s465">') + document.write('Struct/union not completely specified.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.1.3">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.1.3') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>477 S </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s477">') + document.write('Empty else clause following else if.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.15.7">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.15.7') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>481 S </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s481">') + document.write('Array with no bounds in struct.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.1.1,r.18.7">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.1.1,R.18.7') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>482 S </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s482">') + document.write('Incomplete structure referenced.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.1.3">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.1.3') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 align=center ,><FONT color=blue>
<CENTER><A onclick='return popup(this, "knotes")'
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>486 S </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s486">') + document.write('Incorrect number of formats in output function.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.1.3">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.1.3') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>487 S </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s487">') + document.write('Insufficient space allocated.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.1.3">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.1.3') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 align=center ,><FONT color=blue>
<CENTER><A onclick='return popup(this, "knotes")'
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>488 S </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s488">') + document.write('Value outside range of underlying type.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.10.3,r.10.4">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TABLE width="80%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Number of Violations </TH>
<TH>LDRA Code </TH>
<TH>Required Standards </TH>
<TH>MISRA-C:2012 Code </TH></TR>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 align=center ,><FONT color=blue>
<CENTER><A onclick='return popup(this, "knotes")'
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>489 S </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s489">') + document.write('Insufficient space for operation.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.1.3">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.1.3') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 align=center ,><FONT color=blue>
<CENTER><A onclick='return popup(this, "knotes")'
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>497 S </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s497">') + document.write('Type is incomplete in translation unit.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.1.3">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.1.3') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 align=center ,><FONT color=blue>
<CENTER><A onclick='return popup(this, "knotes")'
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>509 S </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s509">') + document.write('goto label is backwards.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.15.2">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.15.2') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 align=center ,><FONT color=blue>
<CENTER><A onclick='return popup(this, "knotes")'
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>511 S </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s511">') + document.write('Jump into nested block.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.15.3">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.15.3') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>520 S </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s520">') + document.write('Bit field is not bool or explicit integral.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.6.1">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.6.1') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 align=center ,><FONT color=blue>
<CENTER><A onclick='return popup(this, "knotes")'
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>531 S </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s531">') + document.write('Literal zero used in pointer context.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.11.9">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.11.9') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>550 S </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s550">') + document.write('Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.7.2">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 align=center ,><FONT color=blue>
<CENTER><A onclick='return popup(this, "knotes")'
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>553 S </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s553">') + document.write('Function and proto should both be static.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.8.8">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.8.8') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 align=center ,><FONT color=blue>
<CENTER><A onclick='return popup(this, "knotes")'
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>554 S </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s554">') + document.write('Cast to an unrelated type.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.11.2,r.11.3">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.11.2,R.11.3') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>565 S </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s565">') + document.write('Assignment to wider scope.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.18.6">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.18.6') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 align=center ,><FONT color=blue>
<CENTER><A onclick='return popup(this, "knotes")'
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>567 S </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s567">') + document.write('Pointer arithmetic is not on array.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.18.1,r.18.4">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1,R.18.4') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>573 S </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s573">') + document.write('Macro concatenation of uni char names.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.1.3">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.1.3') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>575 S </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s575">') + document.write('Linkage differs from previous declaration.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.8.8">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.8.8') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 align=center ,><FONT color=blue>
<CENTER><A onclick='return popup(this, "knotes")'
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>576 S </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s576">') + document.write('Function pointer is of wrong type.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.1.3">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.1.3') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>580 S </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s580">') + document.write('Macro redefinition without using #undef.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.1.1,r.20.4">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.1.1,R.20.4') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>581 S </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s581">') + document.write('Loop conditions are independent.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.14.2">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.14.2') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 align=center ,><FONT color=blue>
<CENTER><A onclick='return popup(this, "knotes")'
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>582 S </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s582">') + document.write('const object reassigned.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.1.3">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.1.3') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>587 S </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s587">') + document.write('Const local variable not immediately initialised.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.1.3">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.1.3') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 align=center ,><FONT color=blue>
<CENTER><A onclick='return popup(this, "knotes")'
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>589 S </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s589">') + document.write('Format is not appropriate type.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.1.3">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.1.3') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>590 S </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s590">') + document.write('Mode fault in fopen.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.1.3">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.1.3') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>606 S </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s606">') + document.write('Cast involving function pointer.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.11.1">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>608 S </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s608">') + document.write('Use of explicitly undefined language feature.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.1.3">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.1.3') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>611 S </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s611">') + document.write('Line splice used in // comment.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.3.2">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.3.2') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>612 S </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s612">') + document.write('inline function should be declared static.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.8.10">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.8.10') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>613 S </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s613">') + document.write('Use of restrict keyword.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.8.14">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.8.14') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>615 S </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s615">') + document.write('Conditional operator has incompatible types.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.1.1">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.1.1') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>616 S </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s616">') + document.write('Preprocessor result not 0 or 1.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.20.8">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.20.8') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>620 S </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s620">') + document.write('Initialisation designator duplicated.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.9.4">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.9.4') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 align=center ,><FONT color=blue>
<CENTER><A onclick='return popup(this, "knotes")'
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>621 S </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s621">') + document.write('Variable-length array declared.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.18.8">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.18.8') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>622 S </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s622">') + document.write('Macro parameters are not unique within limits.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.5.4">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.5.4') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>623 S </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s623">') + document.write('String assigned to non const object.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.7.4">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.7.4') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>624 S </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s624">') + document.write('Inappropriate use of floating point type.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.10.1">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>626 S </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s626">') + document.write('#define of keyword.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.20.4">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.20.4') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>627 S </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s627">') + document.write('Initialiser both positional and designational.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.9.2,r.9.3,r.9.4">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.9.2,R.9.3,R.9.4') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>629 S </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s629">') + document.write('Divide by zero found.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_d.4.1">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>630 S </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s630">') + document.write('Duplicated enumeration value.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.8.12">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.8.12') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 align=center ,><FONT color=blue>
<CENTER><A onclick='return popup(this, "knotes")'
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>6 D </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_d6">') + document.write('Recursion in procedure calls found.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.17.2">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.17.2') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 align=center ,><FONT color=blue>
<CENTER><A onclick='return popup(this, "knotes")'
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>8 D </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_d8">') + document.write('DD data flow anomalies found.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.2.2">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>17 D </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_d17">') + document.write('Identifier not unique within 31 characters.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.5.1,r.5.2,r.5.3">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.5.1,R.5.2,R.5.3') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 align=center ,><FONT color=blue>
<CENTER><A onclick='return popup(this, "knotes")'
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>18 D </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_d18">') + document.write('Identifier name reused.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.5.3">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.5.3') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 align=center ,><FONT color=blue>
<CENTER><A onclick='return popup(this, "knotes")'
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>22 D </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_d22">') + document.write('Function has global variable side effects.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.13.2">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>26 D </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_d26">') + document.write('Variable should be defined once in only one file.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.8.6">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.8.6') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>27 D </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_d27">') + document.write('Variable should be declared static.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.8.7,r.8.8">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.8.7,R.8.8') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 align=center ,><FONT color=blue>
<CENTER><A onclick='return popup(this, "knotes")'
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>28 D </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_d28">') + document.write('Potentially infinite loop found.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.2.1">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.2.1') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>33 D </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_d33">') + document.write('No real declaration for external variable.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.8.6">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.8.6') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>34 D </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_d34">') + document.write('Procedure name re-used in different files.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.8.6">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.8.6') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 align=center ,><FONT color=blue>
<CENTER><A onclick='return popup(this, "knotes")'
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>35 D </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_d35">') + document.write('Expression has side effects.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.13.1,r.13.2,r.13.5">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2,R.13.5') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>36 D </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_d36">') + document.write('Prototype and definition name mismatch.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.8.3,r.8.4">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.8.3,R.8.4') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>42 D </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_d42">') + document.write('Local pointer returned in function result.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.18.6">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.18.6') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>43 D </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_d43">') + document.write('Divide by 0 found.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_d.4.1">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TABLE width="80%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Number of Violations </TH>
<TH>LDRA Code </TH>
<TH>Required Standards </TH>
<TH>MISRA-C:2012 Code </TH></TR>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 align=center ,><FONT color=blue>
<CENTER><A onclick='return popup(this, "knotes")'
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>45 D </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_d45">') + document.write('Pointer not checked for null before use.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_d.4.1">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>49 D </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_d49">') + document.write('File pointer not closed on exit.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.22.1">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.22.1') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 align=center ,><FONT color=blue>
<CENTER><A onclick='return popup(this, "knotes")'
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>50 D </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_d50">') + document.write('Memory not freed after last reference.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.22.1">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.22.1') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 align=center ,><FONT color=blue>
<CENTER><A onclick='return popup(this, "knotes")'
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>55 D </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_d55">') + document.write('Modification of loop counter in loop body.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.14.2">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.14.2') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>60 D </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_d60">') + document.write('External object should be declared only once.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.8.5">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.8.5') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>61 D </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_d61">') + document.write('Procedure should be declared static.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.8.7,r.8.8">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.8.7,R.8.8') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>63 D </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_d63">') + document.write('No definition in system for prototyped procedure.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.8.6">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.8.6') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 align=center ,><FONT color=blue>
<CENTER><A onclick='return popup(this, "knotes")'
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>65 D </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_d65">') + document.write('Void function has no side effects.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.2.2">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 align=center ,><FONT color=blue>
<CENTER><A onclick='return popup(this, "knotes")'
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>72 D </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_d72">') + document.write('Potential side effect problem in expression.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.13.2">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 align=center ,><FONT color=blue>
<CENTER><A onclick='return popup(this, "knotes")'
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>74 D </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_d74">') + document.write('Potential side effect from repeated function call.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.13.2">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>75 D </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_d75">') + document.write('Attempt to open file pointer more than once.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.22.1">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.22.1') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>76 D </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_d76">') + document.write('Procedure is not called or referenced in code analysed.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.2.1">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.2.1') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 align=center ,><FONT color=blue>
<CENTER><A onclick='return popup(this, "knotes")'
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>77 D </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_d77">') + document.write('Local structure returned in function result.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.18.6">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.18.6') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>82 D </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_d82">') + document.write('fsetpos values not generated by fgetpos.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.1.3">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.1.3') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>83 D </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_d83">') + document.write('Potentially repeated call to ungetc.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.1.3">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.1.3') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>84 D </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_d84">') + document.write('No fseek or flush before I/O.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.1.3">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.1.3') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>87 D </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_d87">') + document.write('Illegal shared object in signal handler.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.1.3">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.1.3') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>89 D </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_d89">') + document.write('Illegal use of raise in signal handler.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.1.3">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.1.3') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 align=center ,><FONT color=blue>
<CENTER><A onclick='return popup(this, "knotes")'
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>91 D </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_d91">') + document.write('Function return value potentially unused.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_d.4.7,r.17.7">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 D.4.7,R.17.7') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>103 D </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_d103">') + document.write('File opened both read and write.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.22.3">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.22.3') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 align=center ,><FONT color=blue>
<CENTER><A onclick='return popup(this, "knotes")'
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>105 D </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_d105">') + document.write('DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.2.2">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 align=center ,><FONT color=blue>
<CENTER><A onclick='return popup(this, "knotes")'
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>106 D </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_d106">') + document.write('No prototype for non-static function.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.8.4">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>110 D </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_d110">') + document.write('More than one prototype for same function.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.8.5">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.8.5') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>1 X </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_x1">') + document.write('Declaration types do not match across a system.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.8.4">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>4 X </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_x4">') + document.write('Identifier reuse: struct/union tag repeated.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.5.7">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.5.7') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>5 X </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_x5">') + document.write('Identifier reuse: struct vs union.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.5.7">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.5.7') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>6 X </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_x6">') + document.write('Identifier reuse: struct/union tag vs enum tag.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.5.7">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.5.7') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>7 X </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_x7">') + document.write('Identifier reuse: tag vs procedure.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.5.7,r.5.8,r.5.9">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.5.7,R.5.8,R.5.9') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>8 X </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_x8">') + document.write('Identifier reuse: tag vs procedure parameter.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.5.7">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.5.7') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>9 X </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_x9">') + document.write('Identifier reuse: tag vs variable.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.5.7">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.5.7') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>10 X </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_x10">') + document.write('Identifier reuse: tag vs label (MR).') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.5.7">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.5.7') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 align=center ,><FONT color=blue>
<CENTER><A onclick='return popup(this, "knotes")'
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>11 X </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_x11">') + document.write('Identifier reuse: tag vs typedef.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.5.6,r.5.7">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.5.6,R.5.7') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 align=center ,><FONT color=blue>
<CENTER><A onclick='return popup(this, "knotes")'
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>12 X </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_x12">') + document.write('Identifier reuse: tag vs macro.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.5.5">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.5.5') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>13 X </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_x13">') + document.write('Identifier reuse: tag vs component.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.5.7">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.5.7') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>14 X </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_x14">') + document.write('Identifier reuse: tag vs enum constant.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.5.7">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.5.7') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>15 X </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_x15">') + document.write('Identifier reuse: persistent var vs tag.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.5.7,r.5.8,r.5.9">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.5.7,R.5.8,R.5.9') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>16 X </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_x16">') + document.write('Identifier reuse: typedef vs variable.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.5.6">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.5.6') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>17 X </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_x17">') + document.write('Identifier reuse: typedef vs label (MR).') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.5.6">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.5.6') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>18 X </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_x18">') + document.write('Identifier reuse: typedef vs typedef.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.5.6">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.5.6') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>19 X </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_x19">') + document.write('Identifier reuse: typedef vs procedure parameter.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.5.6">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.5.6') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>20 X </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_x20">') + document.write('Identifier reuse: persistent var vs typedef.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.5.6,r.5.8,r.5.9">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.5.6,R.5.8,R.5.9') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>21 X </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_x21">') + document.write('Identifier reuse: typedef vs macro.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.5.5">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.5.5') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>22 X </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_x22">') + document.write('Identifier reuse: typedef vs component.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.5.6">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.5.6') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>23 X </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_x23">') + document.write('Identifier reuse: typedef vs enum constant.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.5.6">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.5.6') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>24 X </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_x24">') + document.write('Identifier reuse: typedef vs procedure.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.5.6,r.5.8,r.5.9">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.5.6,R.5.8,R.5.9') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>25 X </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_x25">') + document.write('Identifier reuse: procedure vs procedure param.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.5.8,r.5.9">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.5.8,R.5.9') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>26 X </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_x26">') + document.write('Identifier reuse: persistent var vs label (MR).') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.5.8,r.5.9">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.5.8,R.5.9') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>27 X </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_x27">') + document.write('Identifier reuse: persist var vs persist var.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.5.8,r.5.9">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.5.8,R.5.9') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 align=center ,><FONT color=blue>
<CENTER><A onclick='return popup(this, "knotes")'
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>28 X </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_x28">') + document.write('Identifier reuse: persistent var vs var.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.5.8,r.5.9">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.5.8,R.5.9') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>29 X </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_x29">') + document.write('Identifier reuse: persistent var vs procedure.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.5.8,r.5.9">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.5.8,R.5.9') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TABLE width="80%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Number of Violations </TH>
<TH>LDRA Code </TH>
<TH>Required Standards </TH>
<TH>MISRA-C:2012 Code </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>
<TD>30 X </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_x30">') + document.write('Identifier reuse: persistent var vs proc param.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.5.8,r.5.9">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.5.8,R.5.9') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>31 X </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_x31">') + document.write('Identifier reuse: procedure vs procedure.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.5.8,r.5.9">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.5.8,R.5.9') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>32 X </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_x32">') + document.write('Identifier reuse: procedure vs var.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.5.8,r.5.9">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.5.8,R.5.9') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>33 X </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_x33">') + document.write('Identifier reuse: procedure vs label (MR).') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.5.8,r.5.9">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.5.8,R.5.9') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>34 X </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_x34">') + document.write('Identifier reuse: proc vs macro.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.5.5">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.5.5') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>35 X </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_x35">') + document.write('Identifier reuse: proc vs component.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.5.8,r.5.9">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.5.8,R.5.9') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>36 X </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_x36">') + document.write('Identifier reuse: proc vs enum constant.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.5.8,r.5.9">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.5.8,R.5.9') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>37 X </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_x37">') + document.write('Identifier reuse: persistent var vs macro.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.5.5">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.5.5') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>38 X </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_x38">') + document.write('Identifier reuse: persistent var vs component.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.5.8,r.5.9">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.5.8,R.5.9') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>39 X </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_x39">') + document.write('Identifier reuse: persistent var vs enum constant.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.5.8,r.5.9">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.5.8,R.5.9') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>47 X </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_x47">') + document.write('Identifier reuse: component vs macro.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.5.5">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.5.5') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>48 X </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_x48">') + document.write('Identifier reuse: label vs macro (MR).') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.5.5">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.5.5') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 align=center ,><FONT color=blue>
<CENTER><A onclick='return popup(this, "knotes")'
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>50 X </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_x50">') + document.write('Identifier reuse: var vs macro.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.5.5">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.5.5') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 align=center ,><FONT color=blue>
<CENTER><A onclick='return popup(this, "knotes")'
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>53 X </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_x53">') + document.write('Identifier reuse: proc param vs macro.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.5.5">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.5.5') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 align=center ,><FONT color=blue>
<CENTER><A onclick='return popup(this, "knotes")'
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>57 X </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_x57">') + document.write('Identifier reuse: macro vs enum constant.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.5.5">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.5.5') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>61 X </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_x61">') + document.write('Identifier match in 31 chars.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.5.1,r.5.2,r.5.3,r.5.4">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.5.1,R.5.2,R.5.3,R.5.4') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>62 X </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_x62">') + document.write('Function prototype/defn return type mismatch (MR).') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.8.4">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 align=center ,><FONT color=blue>
<CENTER><A onclick='return popup(this, "knotes")'
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>63 X </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_x63">') + document.write('Function prototype/defn param type mismatch (MR).') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.8.3,r.8.4">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.8.3,R.8.4') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>64 X </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_x64">') + document.write('Array bound exceeded at call.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.17.5,r.18.1">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.17.5,R.18.1') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>66 X </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_x66">') + document.write('Insufficient array space at call.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.1.3">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.1.3') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>68 X </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_x68">') + document.write('Parameter indexing array too big at call.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.18.1">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>69 X </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_x69">') + document.write('Global array bound exceeded at use.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.18.1">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>70 X </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_x70">') + document.write('Array has insufficient space.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.1.3">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.1.3') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>71 X </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_x71">') + document.write('Insufficient space for copy.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.1.3">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.1.3') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>72 X </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_x72">') + document.write('Parameter indexing array too small at call.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.18.1">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 align=center ,><FONT color=blue>
<CENTER><A onclick='return popup(this, "knotes")'
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>1 Q </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_q1">') + document.write('Call has execution order dependant side effects.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.13.1,r.13.2,r.13.5">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2,R.13.5') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 align=center ,><FONT color=blue>
<CENTER><A onclick='return popup(this, "knotes")'
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>5 Q </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_q5">') + document.write('File does not end with new line.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.1.3">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.1.3') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>1 U </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_u1">') + document.write('Inter-file recursion found.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.17.2">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.17.2') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 align=center ,><FONT color=blue>
<CENTER><A onclick='return popup(this, "knotes")'
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>1 J </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_j1">') + document.write('Unreachable Code found.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.2.1">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.2.1') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>3 J </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_j3">') + document.write('All internal linkage calls unreachable.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.2.1">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.2.1') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TABLE width="80%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Number of Violations </TH>
<TH>LDRA Code </TH>
<TH>Advisory Standards </TH>
<TH>MISRA-C:2012 Code </TH></TR>
<TD bgColor=yellow align=center ,><FONT color=blue>
<TD bgColor=yellow ,><FONT color=blue>13 S </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=yellow ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s13">') + document.write('goto detected.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=yellow ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.15.1">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.15.1') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=yellow align=center ,><FONT color=blue>
<TD bgColor=yellow ,><FONT color=blue>49 S </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=yellow ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s49">') + document.write('Logical conjunctions need brackets.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=yellow ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.12.1">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.12.1') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=yellow align=center ,><FONT color=blue>
<TD bgColor=yellow ,><FONT color=blue>53 S </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=yellow ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s53">') + document.write('Use of comma operator.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=yellow ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.12.3">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.12.3') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=yellow align=center ,><FONT color=blue>
<TD bgColor=yellow ,><FONT color=blue>68 S </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=yellow ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s68">') + document.write('#undef used.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=yellow ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.20.5">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.20.5') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=yellow align=center ,><FONT color=blue>
<TD bgColor=yellow ,><FONT color=blue>74 S </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=yellow ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s74">') + document.write('Union declared.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=yellow ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.19.2">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.19.2') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=yellow align=center ,><FONT color=blue>
<TD bgColor=yellow ,><FONT color=blue>75 S </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=yellow ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s75">') + document.write('Executable code before an included file.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=yellow ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.20.1">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.20.1') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>80 S </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s80">') + document.write('Pointer indirection exceeds 2 levels.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.18.5">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.18.5') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>81 S </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s81">') + document.write('Use of trigraph.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.4.2">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.4.2') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=yellow align=center ,><FONT color=blue>
<TD bgColor=yellow ,><FONT color=blue>87 S </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=yellow ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s87">') + document.write('Use of pointer arithmetic.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=yellow ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.18.4">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.18.4') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=yellow align=center ,><FONT color=blue>
<TD bgColor=yellow ,><FONT color=blue>90 S </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=yellow ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s90">') + document.write('Basic type declaration used.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=yellow ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_d.4.6">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 D.4.6') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=yellow align=center ,><FONT color=blue>
<TD bgColor=yellow ,><FONT color=blue>110 S </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=yellow ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s110">') + document.write('Use of single line comment(s) //.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=yellow ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.1.2">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.1.2') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>143 S </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s143">') + document.write('Curly brackets used in expression.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.1.2">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.1.2') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=yellow align=center ,><FONT color=blue>
<TD bgColor=yellow ,><FONT color=blue>149 S </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=yellow ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s149">') + document.write('Reference parameter to procedure is reassigned.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=yellow ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.17.8">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.17.8') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=yellow align=center ,><FONT color=blue>
<TD bgColor=yellow ,><FONT color=blue>217 S </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=yellow ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s217">') + document.write('Names only differ by case.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=yellow ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_d.4.5">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 D.4.5') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=yellow align=center ,><FONT color=blue>
<TD bgColor=yellow ,><FONT color=blue>293 S </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=yellow ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s293">') + document.write('Non ANSI/ISO construct used.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=yellow ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.1.2">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.1.2') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=yellow align=center ,><FONT color=blue>
<TD bgColor=yellow ,><FONT color=blue>302 S </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=yellow ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s302">') + document.write('Comment possibly contains code.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=yellow ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_d.4.4">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 D.4.4') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=yellow align=center ,><FONT color=blue>
<TD bgColor=yellow ,><FONT color=blue>338 S </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=yellow ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s338">') + document.write('#include preceded by non preproc directives.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=yellow ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.20.1">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.20.1') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=yellow align=center ,><FONT color=blue>
<TD bgColor=yellow ,><FONT color=blue>340 S </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=yellow ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s340">') + document.write('Use of function like macro.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=yellow ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_d.4.9">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=yellow align=center ,><FONT color=blue>
<TD bgColor=yellow ,><FONT color=blue>409 S </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=yellow ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s409">') + document.write('More than one break or goto statement in loop.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=yellow ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.15.4">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.15.4') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=yellow align=center ,><FONT color=blue>
<TD bgColor=yellow ,><FONT color=blue>413 S </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=yellow ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s413">') + document.write('User type declared but not used in code analysed.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=yellow ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.2.3,r.2.4">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.2.3,R.2.4') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=yellow align=center ,><FONT color=blue>
<TD bgColor=yellow ,><FONT color=blue>426 S </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=yellow ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s426">') + document.write('#undef used in a block.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=yellow ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.20.5">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.20.5') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=yellow align=center ,><FONT color=blue>
<TD bgColor=yellow ,><FONT color=blue>493 S </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=yellow ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s493">') + document.write('Numeric overflow.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=yellow ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.12.4">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.12.4') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>494 S </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s494">') + document.write('Numeric underflow.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.12.4">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.12.4') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>495 S </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s495">') + document.write('Typedef name has no size indication.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_d.4.6">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 D.4.6') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>610 S </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s610">') + document.write('Label is unused.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.2.6">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.2.6') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=yellow align=center ,><FONT color=blue>
<TD bgColor=yellow ,><FONT color=blue>628 S </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=yellow ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s628">') + document.write('Macro not used in translation unit.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=yellow ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.2.5">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>632 S </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_s632">') + document.write('Use of // comment in macro definition.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.1.2">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.1.2') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=yellow align=center ,><FONT color=blue>
<TD bgColor=yellow ,><FONT color=blue>7 C </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=yellow ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_c7">') + document.write('Procedure has more than one exit point.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=yellow ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.15.5">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.15.5') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=yellow align=center ,><FONT color=blue>
<TD bgColor=yellow ,><FONT color=blue>1 D </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=yellow ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_d1">') + document.write('Unused procedure parameter.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=yellow ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.2.7">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.2.7') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=yellow align=center ,><FONT color=blue>
<TD bgColor=yellow ,><FONT color=blue>14 D </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=yellow ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_d14">') + document.write('Attempt to change parameter passed by value.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=yellow ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.17.8">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.17.8') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>15 D </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_d15">') + document.write('Unused procedural parameter.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.2.7">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.2.7') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=yellow align=center ,><FONT color=blue>
<TD bgColor=yellow ,><FONT color=blue>25 D </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=yellow ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_d25">') + document.write('Scope of variable could be reduced.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=yellow ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.8.9">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.8.9') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=yellow align=center ,><FONT color=blue>
<TD bgColor=yellow ,><FONT color=blue>62 D </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=yellow ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_d62">') + document.write('Pointer parameter should be declared const.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=yellow ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_r.8.13">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 R.8.13') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD align=center>
<TD>104 D </TD>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_d104">') + document.write('Structure implementation not hidden.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_d.4.8">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 D.4.8') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=yellow align=center ,><FONT color=blue>
<TD bgColor=yellow ,><FONT color=blue>67 X </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=yellow ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/standards.htm#standard_x67">') + document.write('Identifier is typographically ambiguous.') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TD bgColor=yellow ,><FONT color=blue>
<SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write(base_str + 'standards_info/html/misra-c_2012_model.htm#rule_misra-c%3A2012_d.4.5">') + document.write('MISRA-C:2012 D.4.5') + document.write('</a>') </SCRIPT>
<TABLE width="80%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TD>Number of Mandatory Standards checked </TD>
<TD align=center>18 </TD></TR>
<TD>Number of Required Standards checked </TD>
<TD align=center>280 </TD></TR>
<TD>Number of Advisory Standards checked </TD>
<TD align=center>35 </TD></TR>
<TD>Number of Document Standards checked </TD>
<TD align=center>3 </TD></TR>
<TD>Total Standards checked </TD>
<TD align=center>333 </TD></TR>
<TD>Total Standards checked including Document </TD>
<TD align=center>336 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<CENTER>C:\Users\zhang\Desktop\WJ\03\rt-thread-master\lconf.c </CENTER><BR><BR>
<P class=pagebreak><BR>
<HR width="100%">
<FONT color=#ff0000>
<HR width="100%">
<BR><A name=procedure_table></A><BR>Out of 214 program components, 3 (1.40 %)
pass ( of which 0 conditionally pass ) and 211 fail ( of which 0 fail only
because of insufficient comments ) <BR><BR>
<H4>Procedure Results </H4>
<TABLE width="80%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TABLE width="100%" bgColor=#ece2e2>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH></TR>
<TR align=left>
<TH colSpan=11><TT>Code Review Result </TT></TH>
<TH width="1%">&nbsp;</TH>
<TH width="19%" colSpan=11><TT>Procedure </TT></TH>
<TH width="1%">&nbsp;</TH>
<TH width="19%" colSpan=11><TT>Source File </TT></TH>
<TH width="1%">&nbsp;</TH>
<TH width="19%" colSpan=11><TT><A
Violations</A> </TT></TH>
<TH width="1%">&nbsp;</TH>
<TH width="19%" colSpan=11><TT><A
Density</A> </TT></TH>
<TH width="1%">&nbsp;</TH></TR>
<TR align=left>
<TH width="79%" colSpan=44><TT>&nbsp; </TT></TH>
<TH width="1%">&nbsp;</TH>
<TH width="1%">&nbsp;</TH>
<TH width="1%">&nbsp;</TH>
<TH width="1%">&nbsp;</TH>
<TH colSpan=11><TT>(Viols/R.Line %) </TT></TH>
<TH width="1%">&nbsp;</TH></TR>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
Program</A> </TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>checklist.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=6>56 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=5><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>checklist.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=7>61 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=4><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>checklist.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=11><FONT color=white>175 </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>checklist.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=5>43 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=6><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>confdata.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=9>88 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=2><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>confdata.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=11><FONT color=white>100 </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>confdata.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=7>67 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=4><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>confdata.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=4>31 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=7><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>confdata.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=4>30 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=7><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>confdata.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=4>30 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=7><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>confdata.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=9>87 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=2><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>confdata.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=7>64 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=4><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>confdata.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=4>32 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=7><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>confdata.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=6>57 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=5><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>confdata.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=4>34 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=7><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>confdata.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>2 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=5>47 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=6><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>confdata.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=5>47 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=6><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>confdata.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=5>46 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=6><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>confdata.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=5>46 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=6><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>confdata.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=6>53 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=5><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>confdata.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=6>50 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=5><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>confdata.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=9>83 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=2><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>confdata.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=9>80 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=2><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>confdata.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=7>67 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=4><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>confdata.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=4>35 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=7><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>confdata.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=5>46 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=6><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>confdata.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=5>44 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=6><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>confdata.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=5>45 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=6><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>confdata.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=7>69 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=4><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>confdata.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=5>40 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=6><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>confdata.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=7>67 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=4><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>confdata.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=4>33 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=7><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>confdata.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=7>66 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=4><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>confdata.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=9>80 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=2><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>confdata.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=4>35 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=7><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>expr.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=11><FONT color=white>140 </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>expr.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=11><FONT color=white>120 </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>expr.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=11><FONT color=white>117 </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>expr.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=11><FONT color=white>133 </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>expr.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=5>40 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=6><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>expr.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=5>40 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=6><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>expr.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=5>42 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=6><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>expr.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=3>28 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=8><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>expr.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=3>27 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=8><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>expr.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=4>33 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=7><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>expr.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=4>38 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=7><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>expr.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=3>26 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=8><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>expr.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=3>20 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=8><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TABLE width="80%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TABLE width="100%" bgColor=#ece2e2>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH></TR>
<TR align=left>
<TH colSpan=11><TT>Code Review Result </TT></TH>
<TH width="1%">&nbsp;</TH>
<TH width="19%" colSpan=11><TT>Procedure </TT></TH>
<TH width="1%">&nbsp;</TH>
<TH width="19%" colSpan=11><TT>Source File </TT></TH>
<TH width="1%">&nbsp;</TH>
<TH width="19%" colSpan=11><TT><A
Violations</A> </TT></TH>
<TH width="1%">&nbsp;</TH>
<TH width="19%" colSpan=11><TT><A
Density</A> </TT></TH>
<TH width="1%">&nbsp;</TH></TR>
<TR align=left>
<TH width="79%" colSpan=44><TT>&nbsp; </TT></TH>
<TH width="1%">&nbsp;</TH>
<TH width="1%">&nbsp;</TH>
<TH width="1%">&nbsp;</TH>
<TH width="1%">&nbsp;</TH>
<TH colSpan=11><TT>(Viols/R.Line %) </TT></TH>
<TH width="1%">&nbsp;</TH></TR>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>expr.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=4>35 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=7><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>expr.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=4>39 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=7><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>expr.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=3>22 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=8><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>expr.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=5>40 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=6><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>expr.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=4>32 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=7><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>expr.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=5>40 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=6><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>expr.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=4>31 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=7><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>expr.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=4>38 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=7><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>expr.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=5>49 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=6><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>expr.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=4>34 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=7><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>expr.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=4>39 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=7><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>expr.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=3>29 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=8><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>expr.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=6>50 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=5><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>expr.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=3>26 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=8><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>expr.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=8>75 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=3><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>expr.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=9>83 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=2><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>expr.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=8>70 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=3><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>expr.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=7>67 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=4><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>hconf.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=11><FONT color=white>200 </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>hconf.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=11><FONT color=white>236 </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>inputbox.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=11><FONT color=white>175 </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>inputbox.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=3>28 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=8><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>menu.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=11><FONT color=white>129 </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>menu.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=11><FONT color=white>129 </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>menu.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=8>75 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=3><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>menu.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=9>80 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=2><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>menu.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=11><FONT color=white>100 </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>menu.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=6>50 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=5><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>menu.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=8>75 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=3><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>menu.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=3>27 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=8><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>menu.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=11><FONT color=white>100 </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>menu.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=4>30 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=7><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>menu.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=4>39 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=7><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>menu.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=6>50 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=5><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>menu.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=11><FONT color=white>133 </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>menu.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=11><FONT color=white>100 </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>menu.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=11><FONT color=white>117 </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>menu.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=5>40 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=6><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>menu.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=6>53 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=5><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>menu.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=3>26 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=8><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>menu.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=4>37 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=7><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>menu.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=5>42 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=6><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>menu.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=4>39 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=7><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>menu.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=4>31 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=7><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>menu.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=4>36 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=7><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>menu.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=7>67 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=4><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>menu.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=2>16 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=9><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>menu.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=7>67 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=4><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>menu.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=5>40 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=6><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TABLE width="80%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TABLE width="100%" bgColor=#ece2e2>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH></TR>
<TR align=left>
<TH colSpan=11><TT>Code Review Result </TT></TH>
<TH width="1%">&nbsp;</TH>
<TH width="19%" colSpan=11><TT>Procedure </TT></TH>
<TH width="1%">&nbsp;</TH>
<TH width="19%" colSpan=11><TT>Source File </TT></TH>
<TH width="1%">&nbsp;</TH>
<TH width="19%" colSpan=11><TT><A
Violations</A> </TT></TH>
<TH width="1%">&nbsp;</TH>
<TH width="19%" colSpan=11><TT><A
Density</A> </TT></TH>
<TH width="1%">&nbsp;</TH></TR>
<TR align=left>
<TH width="79%" colSpan=44><TT>&nbsp; </TT></TH>
<TH width="1%">&nbsp;</TH>
<TH width="1%">&nbsp;</TH>
<TH width="1%">&nbsp;</TH>
<TH width="1%">&nbsp;</TH>
<TH colSpan=11><TT>(Viols/R.Line %) </TT></TH>
<TH width="1%">&nbsp;</TH></TR>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>menu.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=6>52 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=5><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>menu.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=8>75 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=3><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>menu.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=6>54 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=5><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>menu.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=6>50 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=5><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>menu.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=6>52 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=5><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>menu.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=5>47 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=6><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>menubox.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=7>69 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=4><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>menubox.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=7>65 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=4><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>menubox.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=11><FONT color=white>143 </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>menubox.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=11><FONT color=white>100 </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>menubox.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=4>33 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=7><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>symbol.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=11><FONT color=white>113 </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>symbol.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=7>60 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=4><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>symbol.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=4>31 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=7><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>symbol.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=4>32 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=7><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>symbol.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=11><FONT color=white>140 </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>symbol.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=11><FONT color=white>140 </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>symbol.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=6>50 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=5><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>symbol.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=6>50 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=5><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>symbol.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=4>37 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=7><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>symbol.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=4>32 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=7><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>symbol.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=4>35 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=7><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>symbol.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=11><FONT color=white>100 </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>symbol.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=3>27 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=8><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>symbol.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=6>50 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=5><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>symbol.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=5>48 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=6><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>symbol.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=5>40 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=6><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>symbol.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=11><FONT color=white>143 </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>symbol.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=4>38 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=7><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>symbol.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=5>49 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=6><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>symbol.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=5>44 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=6><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>symbol.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=6>50 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=5><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>symbol.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=5>44 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=6><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>symbol.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=6>52 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=5><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>symbol.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=4>35 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=7><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>symbol.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=5>45 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=6><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>symbol.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=6>50 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=5><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>symbol.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=7>69 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=4><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>symbol.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=6>51 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=5><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>symbol.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=5>48 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=6><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>symbol.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=9>81 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=2><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>symbol.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=6>53 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=5><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>symbol.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=6>56 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=5><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>symbol.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=6>53 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=5><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>symbol.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=5>46 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=6><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>symbol.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=3>20 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=8><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>symbol.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=3>28 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=8><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>symbol.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=4>32 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=7><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>symbol.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=4>38 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=7><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TABLE width="80%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TABLE width="100%" bgColor=#ece2e2>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH></TR>
<TR align=left>
<TH colSpan=11><TT>Code Review Result </TT></TH>
<TH width="1%">&nbsp;</TH>
<TH width="19%" colSpan=11><TT>Procedure </TT></TH>
<TH width="1%">&nbsp;</TH>
<TH width="19%" colSpan=11><TT>Source File </TT></TH>
<TH width="1%">&nbsp;</TH>
<TH width="19%" colSpan=11><TT><A
Violations</A> </TT></TH>
<TH width="1%">&nbsp;</TH>
<TH width="19%" colSpan=11><TT><A
Density</A> </TT></TH>
<TH width="1%">&nbsp;</TH></TR>
<TR align=left>
<TH width="79%" colSpan=44><TT>&nbsp; </TT></TH>
<TH width="1%">&nbsp;</TH>
<TH width="1%">&nbsp;</TH>
<TH width="1%">&nbsp;</TH>
<TH width="1%">&nbsp;</TH>
<TH colSpan=11><TT>(Viols/R.Line %) </TT></TH>
<TH width="1%">&nbsp;</TH></TR>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>symbol.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=8>70 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=3><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>symbol.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=5>46 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=6><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>symbol.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=5>41 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=6><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>symbol.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=5>41 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=6><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>symbol.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=7>60 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=4><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>symbol.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=6>56 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=5><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>textbox.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=11><FONT color=white>100 </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>textbox.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=4>31 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=7><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>textbox.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=2>18 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=9><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>textbox.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=4>38 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=7><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>textbox.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=11><FONT color=white>100 </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>textbox.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=4>32 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=7><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>textbox.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=11><FONT color=white>170 </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#008000>Pass </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11>set_mono_theme </TD>
<TD colSpan=11>util.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#5fc05a colSpan=11>0 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#5fc05a colSpan=11>0 </TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#008000>Pass </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11>set_classic_theme </TD>
<TD colSpan=11>util.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#5fc05a colSpan=11>0 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#5fc05a colSpan=11>0 </TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#008000>Pass </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11>set_blackbg_theme </TD>
<TD colSpan=11>util.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#5fc05a colSpan=11>0 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#5fc05a colSpan=11>0 </TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>util.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>util.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=11><FONT color=white>180 </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>util.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=7>67 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=4><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>util.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=4>33 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=7><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>util.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=3>27 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=8><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>util.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=4>38 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=7><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>util.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=4>39 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=7><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>util.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=11><FONT color=white>515 </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>util.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=11><FONT color=white>100 </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>util.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=11><FONT color=white>133 </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>util.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=11><FONT color=white>120 </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>util.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=7>69 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=4><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>util.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=6>50 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=5><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>util.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=6>57 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=5><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>util.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=5>42 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=6><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>util.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=8>74 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=3><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>util.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=5>40 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=6><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>util.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=6>56 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=5><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>util.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=5>40 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=6><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>util.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=4>38 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=7><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>util.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=9>83 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=2><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>util.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=11><FONT color=white>138 </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>util.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=7>67 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=4><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>util.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=11><FONT color=white>100 </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>util.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=11><FONT color=white>100 </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>util.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=6>58 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=5><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>util.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=4>33 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=7><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>util.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=4>33 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=7><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>util.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=4>36 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=7><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>util.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=10>91 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>util.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=3>27 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=8><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>util.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=4>33 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=7><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>util.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=7>67 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=4><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TABLE width="80%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TABLE width="100%" bgColor=#ece2e2>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH></TR>
<TR align=left>
<TH colSpan=11><TT>Code Review Result </TT></TH>
<TH width="1%">&nbsp;</TH>
<TH width="19%" colSpan=11><TT>Procedure </TT></TH>
<TH width="1%">&nbsp;</TH>
<TH width="19%" colSpan=11><TT>Source File </TT></TH>
<TH width="1%">&nbsp;</TH>
<TH width="19%" colSpan=11><TT><A
Violations</A> </TT></TH>
<TH width="1%">&nbsp;</TH>
<TH width="19%" colSpan=11><TT><A
Density</A> </TT></TH>
<TH width="1%">&nbsp;</TH></TR>
<TR align=left>
<TH width="79%" colSpan=44><TT>&nbsp; </TT></TH>
<TH width="1%">&nbsp;</TH>
<TH width="1%">&nbsp;</TH>
<TH width="1%">&nbsp;</TH>
<TH width="1%">&nbsp;</TH>
<TH colSpan=11><TT>(Viols/R.Line %) </TT></TH>
<TH width="1%">&nbsp;</TH></TR>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>util.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=7>67 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=4><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>yconf.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=8>71 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=3><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>yconf.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=3>29 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=8><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>yconf.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=6>50 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=5><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>yconf.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=8>79 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=3><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>yconf.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=3>28 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=8><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>yconf.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>3 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=5>46 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=6><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>yconf.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=8>77 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=3><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>yconf.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=4>34 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=7><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>yconf.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=5>44 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=6><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>yconf.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=9>89 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=2><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>yconf.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=9>80 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=2><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>yconf.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=7>60 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=4><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>yconf.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=9>86 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=2><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>yconf.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=4>39 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=7><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>yconf.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=4>36 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=7><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>yesno.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=11><FONT color=white>175 </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD colSpan=11><FONT color=#ff0000>FAIL </FONT></TD>
<TD colSpan=11><A
<TD colSpan=11>yesno.c </TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87>1 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=10><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=5>46 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=6><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<H4><A name=global_prog>Global Information </A></H4>
<H4><A name=source_file_table>Source Files in Group </A></H4>
<TABLE width="80%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Name </TH>
<TH>Last Modification Date </TH></TR>
<TD><FONT>C:\Users\zhang\Desktop\WJ\03\rt-thread-master\yesno.c </FONT></TD>
<TD>Mon Jun 10 16:15:04 2024 </TD></TR>
<TD><FONT>C:\Users\zhang\Desktop\WJ\03\rt-thread-master\yconf.c </FONT></TD>
<TD>Mon Jun 10 16:15:04 2024 </TD></TR>
<TD><FONT>C:\Users\zhang\Desktop\WJ\03\rt-thread-master\util.c </FONT></TD>
<TD>Mon Jun 10 16:15:04 2024 </TD></TR>
<TD>Mon Jun 10 16:15:04 2024 </TD></TR>
<TD>Mon Jun 10 16:15:04 2024 </TD></TR>
<TD>Mon Jun 10 16:15:04 2024 </TD></TR>
<TD><FONT>C:\Users\zhang\Desktop\WJ\03\rt-thread-master\menu.c </FONT></TD>
<TD>Mon Jun 10 16:15:04 2024 </TD></TR>
<TD><FONT>C:\Users\zhang\Desktop\WJ\03\rt-thread-master\lconf.c </FONT></TD>
<TD>Mon Jun 10 16:15:04 2024 </TD></TR>
<TD>Mon Jun 10 16:15:04 2024 </TD></TR>
<TD><FONT>C:\Users\zhang\Desktop\WJ\03\rt-thread-master\hconf.c </FONT></TD>
<TD>Mon Jun 10 16:15:04 2024 </TD></TR>
<TD><FONT>C:\Users\zhang\Desktop\WJ\03\rt-thread-master\expr.c </FONT></TD>
<TD>Mon Jun 10 16:15:04 2024 </TD></TR>
<TD>Mon Jun 10 16:15:04 2024 </TD></TR>
<TD>Mon Jun 10 16:15:04 2024 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Global
Basic Information </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TD>Number of procedures: </TD>
<TD align=center>213 </TD></TR>
<TD>Number of locally uncalled procedures: </TD>
<TD align=center>0 </TD></TR>
<TD>Maximum loop depth: </TD>
<TD align=center>4 </TD></TR>
<TD>Total Cyclomatic Complexity: </TD>
<TD align=center>2802 </TD></TR>
<TD>Number of reformatted executable lines: </TD>
<TD align=center>26048 </TD></TR>
<TD>Number of lines of comments: </TD>
<TD align=center>1519 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<A name=procedure_reports></A><BR>
<H2>Summary Report on all Program Components which FAIL </H2></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT color=#fbfcc8 size=5>Globals / code outside
procedures - FAIL </FONT></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary - All files </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>File: Src Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>O </TD>
<TD>checklist.c: 26 </TD>
<TD>Basic type declaration used. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>confdata.c: 10 </TD>
<TD>Included file is not permitted. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.21.5,R.21.6,R.21.10,R.21.11 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>confdata.c: 11 </TD>
<TD>Included file is not permitted. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.21.5,R.21.6,R.21.10,R.21.11 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>confdata.c: 14 </TD>
<TD>Included file is not permitted. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.21.5,R.21.6,R.21.10,R.21.11 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>O </TD>
<TD>confdata.c: 25 </TD>
<TD>Non ANSI/ISO construct used. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.1.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>O </TD>
<TD>confdata.c: 28 </TD>
<TD>Non ANSI/ISO construct used. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.1.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>O </TD>
<TD>confdata.c: 31 </TD>
<TD>Basic type declaration used. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>confdata.c: 532 </TD>
<TD>Function pointer is of wrong type. : Types of parameter 2 differ;
kconfig_printer_cb.print_symbol: void, kconfig_print_symbol: void </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.1.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>confdata.c: 606 </TD>
<TD>Function pointer is of wrong type. : Types of parameter 2 differ;
header_printer_cb.print_symbol: void, header_print_symbol: void </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.1.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>confdata.c: 625 </TD>
<TD>Function pointer is of wrong type. : Types of parameter 2 differ;
tristate_printer_cb.print_symbol: void, tristate_print_symbol: void </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.1.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>O </TD>
<TD>confdata.c: 1028 </TD>
<TD>Basic type declaration used. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>O </TD>
<TD>confdata.c: 33 </TD>
<TD>Scope of variable could be reduced. : conf_defname </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.8.9 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>O </TD>
<TD>confdata.c: 604 </TD>
<TD>Scope of variable could be reduced. : header_printer_cb </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.8.9 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>O </TD>
<TD>confdata.c: 623 </TD>
<TD>Scope of variable could be reduced. : tristate_printer_cb </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.8.9 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>expr.c: 6 </TD>
<TD>Included file is not permitted. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.21.5,R.21.6,R.21.10,R.21.11 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>O </TD>
<TD>expr.c: 14 </TD>
<TD>Basic type declaration used. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>O </TD>
<TD>expr.c: 136 </TD>
<TD>Basic type declaration used. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>O </TD>
<TD>expr.c: 197 </TD>
<TD>#undef used. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.20.5 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>O </TD>
<TD>expr.c: 198 </TD>
<TD>#undef used. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.20.5 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>O </TD>
<TD>expr.c: 880 </TD>
<TD>Union declared. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.19.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>O </TD>
<TD>expr.c: 881 </TD>
<TD>Basic type declaration used. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>O </TD>
<TD>expr.c: 882 </TD>
<TD>Basic type declaration used. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>expr.c: 14 </TD>
<TD>Struct/union not completely specified. : expr </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.1.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>expr.c: 138 </TD>
<TD>Identifier reuse: proc param vs macro. : e1 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.5.5 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>expr.c: 139 </TD>
<TD>Identifier reuse: proc param vs macro. : e2 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.5.5 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>O </TD>
<TD>hconf.c: 171 </TD>
<TD>Non ANSI/ISO construct used. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.1.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>hconf.c: 32 </TD>
<TD>Struct/union not completely specified. : kconf_id </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.1.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>O </TD>
<TD>hconf.c: 129 </TD>
<TD>Scope of variable could be reduced. : kconf_id_strings_contents </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.8.9 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center><A name=first_63_x>C</A> </TD>
<TD>hconf.c: 34 </TD>
<TD>Function prototype/defn param type mismatch (MR). : register unsigned
int </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.8.3,R.8.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>inputbox.c: 24 </TD>
<TD>Variable-length array declared. : dialog_input_result[*] </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.8 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>O </TD>
<TD>inputbox.c: 24 </TD>
<TD>Scope of variable could be reduced. : dialog_input_result </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.8.9 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>menu.c: 7 </TD>
<TD>Included file is not permitted. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.21.5,R.21.6,R.21.10,R.21.11 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>menu.c: 18 </TD>
<TD>Struct/union not completely specified. : file </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.1.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>O </TD>
<TD>menu.c: 13 </TD>
<TD>Scope of variable could be reduced. : nohelp_text </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.8.9 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>O </TD>
<TD>menu.c: 19 </TD>
<TD>Scope of variable could be reduced. : current_file </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.8.9 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>O </TD>
<TD>menubox.c: 61 </TD>
<TD>Basic type declaration used. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>menubox.c: 102 </TD>
<TD>Macro parameter not in brackets. : choice </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.20.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>menubox.c: 102 </TD>
<TD>Macro parameter not in brackets. : selected </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.20.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>symbol.c: 14 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : | used with int: SYMBOL_CONST
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>symbol.c: 14 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : | used with int: SYMBOL_VALID
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>symbol.c: 18 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : | used with int: SYMBOL_CONST
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>symbol.c: 18 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : | used with int: SYMBOL_VALID
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>symbol.c: 22 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : | used with int: SYMBOL_CONST
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>symbol.c: 22 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : | used with int: SYMBOL_VALID
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>symbol.c: 1089 </TD>
<TD>Name conflict with typedef. : expr </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.5.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>symbol.c: 36 </TD>
<TD>Struct/union not completely specified. : expr </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.1.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>O </TD>
<TD>symbol.c: 36 </TD>
<TD>Scope of variable could be reduced. : sym_env_list </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.8.9 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>O </TD>
<TD>textbox.c: 24 </TD>
<TD>Basic type declaration used. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>O </TD>
<TD>textbox.c: 25 </TD>
<TD>Basic type declaration used. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>O </TD>
<TD>textbox.c: 25 </TD>
<TD>Basic type declaration used. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>O </TD>
<TD>textbox.c: 27 </TD>
<TD>Basic type declaration used. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>O </TD>
<TD>textbox.c: 27 </TD>
<TD>Basic type declaration used. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>O </TD>
<TD>textbox.c: 31 </TD>
<TD>Basic type declaration used. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.6 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>File: Src Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>O </TD>
<TD>textbox.c: 32 </TD>
<TD>Basic type declaration used. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>util.c: 22 </TD>
<TD>Included file is not permitted. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.21.5,R.21.6,R.21.10,R.21.11 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>O </TD>
<TD>util.c: 27 </TD>
<TD>Basic type declaration used. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>util.c: 64 </TD>
<TD>Macro parameter not in brackets. : dialog </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.20.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>util.c: 590 </TD>
<TD>Struct/union not completely specified. : dialog_list </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.1.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>O </TD>
<TD>util.c: 27 </TD>
<TD>Scope of variable could be reduced. : saved_x </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.8.9 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>O </TD>
<TD>util.c: 27 </TD>
<TD>Scope of variable could be reduced. : saved_y </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.8.9 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>O </TD>
<TD>util.c: 591 </TD>
<TD>Scope of variable could be reduced. : item_nil </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.8.9 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>O </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 44 </TD>
<TD>Macro not used in translation unit. : YYBISON </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>O </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 47 </TD>
<TD>Macro not used in translation unit. : YYBISON_VERSION </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>O </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 50 </TD>
<TD>Macro not used in translation unit. : YYSKELETON_NAME </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>O </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 53 </TD>
<TD>Macro not used in translation unit. : YYPURE </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>O </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 56 </TD>
<TD>Macro not used in translation unit. : YYPUSH </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>O </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 59 </TD>
<TD>Macro not used in translation unit. : YYPULL </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>O </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 297 </TD>
<TD>Macro not used in translation unit. : YYSIZE_MAXIMUM </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>O </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 501 </TD>
<TD>Macro not used in translation unit. : YYNNTS </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>O </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 503 </TD>
<TD>Macro not used in translation unit. : YYNRULES </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>O </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 505 </TD>
<TD>Macro not used in translation unit. : YYNSTATES </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>O </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 610 </TD>
<TD>Macro not used in translation unit. : YYPACT_NINF </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>O </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 615 </TD>
<TD>Macro not used in translation unit. : YYTABLE_NINF </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>O </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 832 </TD>
<TD>Macro not used in translation unit. : yyerrok </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>O </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 833 </TD>
<TD>Macro not used in translation unit. : yyclearin </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>O </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 842 </TD>
<TD>Macro not used in translation unit. : YYRECOVERING </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>O </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 844 </TD>
<TD>Macro not used in translation unit. : YYBACKUP </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>O </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 863 </TD>
<TD>Macro not used in translation unit. : YYERRCODE </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center><A name=first_119_s>C</A> </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 18 </TD>
<TD>Nested comment found. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.3.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 81 </TD>
<TD>Included file is not permitted. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.21.5,R.21.6,R.21.10,R.21.11 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 82 </TD>
<TD>Included file is not permitted. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.21.5,R.21.6,R.21.10,R.21.11 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 89 </TD>
<TD>Macro parameter not in brackets. : fmt </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.20.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>O </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 94 </TD>
<TD>Basic type declaration used. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>O </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 96 </TD>
<TD>Basic type declaration used. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>O </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 100 </TD>
<TD>Basic type declaration used. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>O </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 100 </TD>
<TD>Basic type declaration used. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 102 </TD>
<TD>Variable-length array declared. : symbol_hash[*] </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.8 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>O </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 131 </TD>
<TD>Basic type declaration used. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>O </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 222 </TD>
<TD>Union declared. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.19.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 227 </TD>
<TD>Name conflict with typedef. : file </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.5.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 228 </TD>
<TD>Name conflict with typedef. : symbol </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.5.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 229 </TD>
<TD>Name conflict with typedef. : expr </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.5.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 230 </TD>
<TD>Name conflict with typedef. : menu </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.5.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>O </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 236 </TD>
<TD>Union declared. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.19.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>O </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 244 </TD>
<TD>Basic type declaration used. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center><A name=first_75_s>O</A> </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 244 </TD>
<TD>Executable code before an included file. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.20.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>O </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 251 </TD>
<TD>#include preceded by non preproc directives. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.20.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 252 </TD>
<TD>Included file not protected with #define. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.10 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>O </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 290 </TD>
<TD>#include preceded by non preproc directives. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.20.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>O </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 302 </TD>
<TD>#include preceded by non preproc directives. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.20.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 307 </TD>
<TD>Macro parameter not in brackets. : Msgid </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.20.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 314 </TD>
<TD>Undefined macro variable in #if. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.20.9 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>O </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 315 </TD>
<TD>Non ANSI/ISO construct used. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.1.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>O </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 317 </TD>
<TD>Use of function like macro. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 334 </TD>
<TD>User name starts with underscore. : _Noreturn </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.21.1,R.21.2 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>File: Src Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>O </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 340 </TD>
<TD>Use of function like macro. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 345 </TD>
<TD>Undefined macro variable in #if. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.20.9 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 354 </TD>
<TD>Macro parameter not in brackets. : Value </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.20.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>O </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 374 </TD>
<TD>#include preceded by non preproc directives. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.20.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>O </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 378 </TD>
<TD>#include preceded by non preproc directives. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.20.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>O </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 383 </TD>
<TD>#include preceded by non preproc directives. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.20.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>O </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 412 </TD>
<TD>#include preceded by non preproc directives. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.20.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 418 </TD>
<TD>Use of banned function or variable. : malloc </TD>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 424 </TD>
<TD>Use of banned function or variable. : free </TD>
<TD align=center>O </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 438 </TD>
<TD>Union declared. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.19.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>O </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 449 </TD>
<TD>Use of function like macro. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 460 </TD>
<TD>Macro parameter not in brackets. : Stack_alloc </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.20.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 460 </TD>
<TD>Macro parameter not in brackets. : Stack </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.20.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 477 </TD>
<TD>Undefined macro variable in #if. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.20.9 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>O </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 512 </TD>
<TD>Basic type declaration used. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 512 </TD>
<TD>Macro parameter not in brackets. : YYX </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.20.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>O </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 512 </TD>
<TD>Use of function like macro. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 517 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 2 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 522 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 2 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 526 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 2 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 530 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 2 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 534 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 2 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 538 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 2 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 542 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 2 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 542 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 1 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 542 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 3 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 542 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 4 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 542 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 5 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 542 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 6 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 542 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 7 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 542 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 8 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 542 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 9 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 542 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 10 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 542 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 11 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 542 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 12 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 542 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 13 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 542 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 14 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 542 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 15 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 542 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 16 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 542 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 17 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 542 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 18 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 542 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 19 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 542 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 20 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 542 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 21 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 542 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 22 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 546 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 23 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 546 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 24 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 546 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 25 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 546 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 26 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 546 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 27 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>File: Src Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 546 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 28 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 546 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 29 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 546 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 30 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 546 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 31 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 546 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 32 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 546 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 33 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 546 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 34 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 546 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 35 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 546 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 36 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 546 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 37 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 546 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 38 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 546 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 39 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 546 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 40 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 546 </TD>
<TD>Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned char and signed char): ,
22 , 23 , 24 , 25 , 26 , 27 , 28 , 29 , 30 , 31 , 32 , 33 , 34 , 35 , 36 ,
37 , 38 , 39 , 40 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 553 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 109 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 553 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 111 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 553 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 113 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 553 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 115 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 553 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 116 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 553 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 117 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 553 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 118 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 553 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 119 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 553 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 120 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 553 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 124 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 553 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 128 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 553 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 132 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 553 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 133 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 553 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 134 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 553 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 135 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 553 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 136 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 557 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 137 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 557 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 141 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 557 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 142 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 557 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 148 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 557 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 156 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 557 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 162 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 557 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 170 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 557 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 180 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 557 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 182 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 557 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 183 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 557 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 184 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 557 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 185 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 557 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 186 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 557 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 187 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 557 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 190 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 557 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 198 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 557 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 204 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 557 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 214 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 557 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 220 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 557 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 226 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>File: Src Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 557 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 232 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 557 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 235 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 557 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 237 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 557 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 248 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 557 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 249 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 557 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 254 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 557 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 263 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 560 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 268 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 560 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 276 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 560 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 279 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 560 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 281 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 560 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 282 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 560 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 283 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 560 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 284 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 560 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 285 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 560 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 288 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 560 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 294 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 560 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 305 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 560 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 311 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 560 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 321 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 560 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 323 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 560 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 328 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 560 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 336 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 560 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 344 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 560 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 347 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 560 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 349 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 560 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 350 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 560 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 351 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 560 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 356 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 560 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 363 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 560 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 370 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 560 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 375 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 560 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 383 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 560 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 386 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 563 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 388 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 563 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 389 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 563 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 390 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 563 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 393 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 563 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 401 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 563 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 408 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 563 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 415 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 563 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 421 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 563 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 428 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 563 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 430 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 563 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 431 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 563 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 432 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 563 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 435 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 563 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 443 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 563 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 445 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 563 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 446 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>File: Src Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 563 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 449 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 563 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 456 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 563 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 458 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 563 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 463 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 563 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 464 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 563 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 467 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 563 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 468 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 563 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 469 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 563 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 473 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 563 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 474 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 563 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 477 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 565 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 478 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 565 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 481 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 565 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 482 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 565 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 483 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 565 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 484 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 565 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 485 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 565 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 486 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 565 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 487 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 565 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 488 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 565 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 489 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 565 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 490 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 565 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 491 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 565 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 494 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 565 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 495 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 565 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 498 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 565 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 499 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 565 </TD>
<TD>Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned short and short): 477 ,
478 , 481 , 482 , 483 , 484 , 485 , 486 , 487 , 488 , 489 , 490 , 491 ,
494 , 495 , 498 , 499 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>O </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 612 </TD>
<TD>Use of function like macro. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>O </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 622 </TD>
<TD>Numeric overflow. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.12.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>O </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 626 </TD>
<TD>Numeric overflow. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.12.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>O </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 629 </TD>
<TD>Numeric overflow. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.12.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>O </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 631 </TD>
<TD>Numeric overflow. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.12.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>O </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 634 </TD>
<TD>Numeric overflow. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.12.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>O </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 639 </TD>
<TD>Numeric overflow. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.12.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>O </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 642 </TD>
<TD>Numeric overflow. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.12.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 650 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 650 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 6 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 650 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 101 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 650 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 102 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 650 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 19 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 650 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 15 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 650 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 16 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 650 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 21 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 650 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 17 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 650 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 18 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 650 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 20 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 650 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 22 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 650 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 35 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 655 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 26 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>File: Src Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 655 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 35 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 655 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 27 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 655 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 57 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 655 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 67 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 655 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 8 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 655 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 72 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 655 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 24 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 655 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 95 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 655 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 81 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 655 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 9 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 655 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 28 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 655 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 90 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 655 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 25 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 655 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 10 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 655 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 655 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 2 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 655 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 76 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 655 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 13 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 655 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 122 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 659 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 105 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 659 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 659 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 85 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 659 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 53 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 659 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 86 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 659 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 31 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 659 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 33 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 659 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 12 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 662 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 662 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 40 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 662 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 36 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 662 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 37 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 662 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 38 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 662 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 62 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 662 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 58 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 662 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 60 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 662 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 59 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 662 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 68 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 662 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 56 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 662 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 55 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 662 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 73 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 662 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 75 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 662 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 71 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 662 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 74 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 662 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 70 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 662 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 108 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 662 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 97 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 662 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 82 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 666 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 84 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 666 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 80 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 666 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 83 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>File: Src Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 666 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 79 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 666 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 92 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 666 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 93 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 666 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 91 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 666 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 117 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 666 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 119 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 666 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 120 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 666 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 116 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 666 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 111 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 666 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 112 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 666 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 113 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 666 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 114 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 666 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 115 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 666 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 30 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 666 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 88 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 666 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 666 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 108 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 666 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 65 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 673 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 673 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 100 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 673 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 51 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 673 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 48 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 673 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 29 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 673 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 94 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 673 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 43 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 673 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 44 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 673 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 45 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 673 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 46 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 673 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 63 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 673 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 66 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 673 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 47 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 673 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 52 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 673 </TD>
<TD>Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned char and signed char):
108 , 0 , 108 , 0 , 98 , 0 , 0 , 42 , 100 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 108 , 51 , 48 , 29
, 0 , 64 , 0 , 109 , 94 , 43 , 44 , 45 , 46 , 0 , 0 , 50 , 63 , 66 , 47 ,
52 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>O </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 676 </TD>
<TD>Numeric overflow. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.12.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>O </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 680 </TD>
<TD>Numeric overflow. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.12.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>O </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 720 </TD>
<TD>Numeric overflow. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.12.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>O </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 722 </TD>
<TD>Numeric overflow. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.12.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>O </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 725 </TD>
<TD>Numeric overflow. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.12.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 733 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 69 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 733 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 94 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 733 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 95 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 733 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 96 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 733 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 97 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 733 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 98 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 733 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 99 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 733 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 24 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 733 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 10 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 733 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 77 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 733 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 13 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 733 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 15 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>File: Src Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 733 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 733 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 18 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 733 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 82 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 733 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 110 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 733 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 3 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 733 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 36 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 733 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 91 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 733 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 92 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 733 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 34 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 733 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 38 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 733 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 4 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 733 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 5 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 733 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 6 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 733 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 7 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 738 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 8 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 738 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 9 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 738 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 10 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 738 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 11 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 738 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 12 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 738 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 107 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 738 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 14 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 738 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 15 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 738 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 16 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 738 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 17 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 738 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 18 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 738 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 19 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 738 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 20 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 738 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 21 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 738 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 22 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 738 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 23 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 738 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 24 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 738 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 25 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 738 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 36 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 738 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 27 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 738 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 5 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 738 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 6 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 741 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 28 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 741 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 70 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 741 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 27 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 741 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 139 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 741 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 36 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 741 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 167 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 741 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 14 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 741 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 35 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 741 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 79 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 741 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 1 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 741 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 40 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 741 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 5 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 741 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 6 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 741 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 8 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>File: Src Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 741 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 9 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 741 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 10 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 741 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 11 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 741 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 12 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 741 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 160 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 741 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 15 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 741 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 16 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 741 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 17 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 741 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 18 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 741 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 19 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 741 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 20 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 741 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 37 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 745 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 38 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 745 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 79 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 745 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 105 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 745 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 81 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 745 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 27 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 745 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 175 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 745 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 78 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 745 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 36 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 745 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 28 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 745 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 745 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 4 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 745 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 5 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 745 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 6 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 745 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 7 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 745 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 8 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 745 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 9 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 745 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 10 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 745 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 11 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 745 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 12 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 745 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 1 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 745 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 15 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 745 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 16 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 745 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 17 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 745 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 18 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 748 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 19 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 748 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 20 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 748 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 21 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 748 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 22 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 748 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 23 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 748 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 24 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 748 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 25 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 748 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 36 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 748 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 27 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 748 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 78 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 748 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 79 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 748 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 81 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 748 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 748 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 4 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>File: Src Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 748 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 5 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 748 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 6 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 748 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 7 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 748 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 8 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 748 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 9 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 748 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 10 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 748 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 11 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 748 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 37 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 748 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 38 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 748 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 14 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 748 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 15 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 748 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 16 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 748 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 17 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 748 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 18 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 751 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 21 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 751 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 22 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 751 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 23 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 751 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 24 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 751 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 36 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 751 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 27 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 751 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 37 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 751 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 38 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 751 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 751 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 4 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 751 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 5 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 751 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 6 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 751 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 7 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 751 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 8 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 751 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 9 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 751 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 10 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 751 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 11 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 751 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 198 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 751 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 14 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 751 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 15 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 751 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 16 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 751 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 17 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 751 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 18 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 751 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 19 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 751 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 20 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 755 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 21 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 755 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 22 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 755 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 23 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 755 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 24 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 755 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 36 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 755 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 27 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 755 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 26 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 755 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 1 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 755 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 755 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 4 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 755 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 5 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>File: Src Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 755 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 6 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 755 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 7 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 755 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 8 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 755 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 9 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 755 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 10 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 755 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 11 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 755 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 14 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 755 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 15 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 755 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 16 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 755 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 17 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 755 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 18 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 755 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 19 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 755 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 20 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 758 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 23 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 758 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 24 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 758 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 1 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 758 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 27 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 758 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 4 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 758 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 5 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 758 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 6 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 758 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 7 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 758 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 8 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 758 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 9 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 758 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 10 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 758 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 11 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 758 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 36 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 758 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 38 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 758 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 14 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 758 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 15 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 758 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 16 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 758 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 161 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 758 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 163 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 758 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 164 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 762 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 165 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 762 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 166 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 762 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 36 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 762 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 172 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 762 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 174 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 762 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 29 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 762 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 30 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 762 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 31 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 762 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 32 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 762 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 33 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 762 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 39 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 762 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 7 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 762 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 184 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 762 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 6 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 762 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 77 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 762 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 38 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 762 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 80 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>File: Src Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 762 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 122 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 762 </TD>
<TD>Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned char and signed char): ,
164 , 165 , 166 , 36 , 36 , 36 , 36 , 36 , 172 , 36 , 174 , 29 , 30 , 31 ,
32 , 33 , 39 , 36 , 7 , 36 , 184 , 39 , 36 , 6 , 77 , 38 , 80 , 122 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 770 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 36 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 770 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 42 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 770 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 43 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 770 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 44 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 770 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 68 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 770 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 86 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 770 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 27 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 770 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 28 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 770 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 84 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 770 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 770 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 5 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 770 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 6 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 770 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 7 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 770 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 8 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 770 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 9 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 770 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 10 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 770 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 11 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 770 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 14 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 770 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 15 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 770 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 16 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 770 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 17 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 770 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 18 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 770 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 19 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 770 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 20 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 770 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 21 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 770 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 22 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 770 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 23 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 770 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 24 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 770 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 45 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 770 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 46 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 775 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 48 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 775 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 49 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 775 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 50 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 775 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 51 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 775 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 57 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 775 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 58 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 775 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 60 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 775 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 64 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 775 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 66 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 775 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 69 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 775 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 70 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 775 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 72 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 775 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 74 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 775 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 75 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 775 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 76 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 775 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 85 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 775 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 44 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 775 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 36 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>File: Src Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 775 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 43 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 775 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 86 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 775 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 84 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 775 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 27 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 775 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 90 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 775 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 28 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 775 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 35 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 778 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 40 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 778 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 88 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 778 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 89 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 778 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 36 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 778 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 1 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 778 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 52 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 778 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 61 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 778 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 63 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 778 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 67 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 778 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 81 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 778 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 73 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 778 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 79 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 778 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 37 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 778 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 38 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 778 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 86 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 778 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 29 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 778 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 30 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 778 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 31 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 778 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 32 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 778 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 33 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 778 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 39 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 782 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 1 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 782 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 16 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 782 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 18 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 782 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 19 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 782 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 20 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 782 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 21 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 782 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 22 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 782 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 23 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 782 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 25 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 782 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 27 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 782 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 36 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 782 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 47 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 782 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 53 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 782 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 54 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 782 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 77 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 782 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 78 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 782 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 80 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 782 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 17 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 782 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 62 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 782 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 46 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 782 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 59 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 782 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 85 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>File: Src Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 782 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 60 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 782 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 65 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 785 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 72 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 785 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 85 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 785 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 24 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 785 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 36 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 785 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 79 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 785 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 82 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 785 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 46 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 785 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 60 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 785 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 71 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 785 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 47 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 785 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 80 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 785 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 34 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 785 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 88 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 785 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 89 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 785 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 26 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 785 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 84 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 785 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 83 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 785 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 27 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 788 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 55 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 788 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 1 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 788 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 36 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 788 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 84 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 788 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 83 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 788 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 27 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 788 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 14 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 788 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 87 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 788 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 88 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 788 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 89 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 788 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 39 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 788 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 56 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 793 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 36 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 793 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 84 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 793 </TD>
<TD>Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned char and signed char):
36 , 36 , 36 , 84 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 796 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 42 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 796 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 43 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 796 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 44 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 796 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 45 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 796 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 46 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 796 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 47 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 796 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 48 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 796 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 49 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 796 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 50 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 801 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 51 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 801 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 52 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 801 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 53 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 801 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 54 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 801 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 55 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 801 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 56 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>File: Src Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 801 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 57 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 801 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 58 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 801 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 59 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 801 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 60 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 801 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 61 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 801 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 62 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 801 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 63 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 804 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 63 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 804 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 64 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 804 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 65 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 804 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 66 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 804 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 67 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 804 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 68 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 804 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 69 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 804 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 70 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 804 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 71 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 804 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 72 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 804 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 73 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 804 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 74 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 804 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 75 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 804 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 76 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 804 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 77 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 804 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 78 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 804 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 79 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 804 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 80 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 804 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 81 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 804 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 82 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 804 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 83 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 811 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 84 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 811 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 85 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 811 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 86 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 811 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 87 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 811 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 88 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 811 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 89 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 811 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 90 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 811 </TD>
<TD>Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned char and signed char):
83 , 84 , 84 , 85 , 85 , 85 , 86 , 86 , 87 , 87 , 88 , 88 , 88 , 88 , 88 ,
88 , 88 , 88 , 88 , 88 , 88 , 89 , 89 , 90 , 90 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 814 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 2 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 814 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 1 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 814 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 4 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 814 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 3 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 814 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 820 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 4 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 820 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 5 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 820 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 3 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 820 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 820 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 2 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 820 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 1 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 824 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 3 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 824 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 2 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 824 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>File: Src Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 824 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 4 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 824 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 1 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>O </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 842 </TD>
<TD>Use of function like macro. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 871 </TD>
<TD>Included file is not permitted. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.21.5,R.21.6,R.21.10,R.21.11 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>O </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 871 </TD>
<TD>#include preceded by non preproc directives. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.20.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 879 </TD>
<TD>Macro parameter not in brackets. : Args </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.20.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>O </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 883 </TD>
<TD>Use of function like macro. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 887 </TD>
<TD>Macro parameter not in brackets. : Title </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.20.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 887 </TD>
<TD>Macro parameter not in brackets. : Type </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.20.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 887 </TD>
<TD>Macro parameter not in brackets. : Value </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.20.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 980 </TD>
<TD>Macro parameter not in brackets. : Rule </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.20.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>O </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 988 </TD>
<TD>Basic type declaration used. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>O </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 1295 </TD>
<TD>Basic type declaration used. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>O </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 1300 </TD>
<TD>Basic type declaration used. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 2505 </TD>
<TD>Included file not protected with #define. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.10 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 2506 </TD>
<TD>Included file not protected with #define. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.10 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 2507 </TD>
<TD>Included file not protected with #define. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.10 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 2508 </TD>
<TD>Included file not protected with #define. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.10 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 2509 </TD>
<TD>Included file not protected with #define. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.10 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 2510 </TD>
<TD>Included file not protected with #define. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.10 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 102 </TD>
<TD>Struct/union not completely specified. : symbol </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.1.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 104 </TD>
<TD>Struct/union not completely specified. : menu </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.1.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 100 </TD>
<TD>Struct/union not completely specified. : kconf_id </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.1.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>O </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 269 </TD>
<TD>User type declared but not used in code analysed. : yytype_int8 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.3,R.2.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>O </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 137 </TD>
<TD>User type declared but not used in code analysed. : yytokentype </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.3,R.2.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center><A name=first_5_q>C</A> </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 1 </TD>
<TD>File does not end with new line. :
C:\Users\zhang\Desktop\WJ\03\rt-thread-master\yconf.c </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.1.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>O </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 94 </TD>
<TD>Scope of variable could be reduced. : cdebug </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.8.9 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>O </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 517 </TD>
<TD>Scope of variable could be reduced. : yytranslate </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.8.9 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>O </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 553 </TD>
<TD>Scope of variable could be reduced. : yyrline </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.8.9 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>O </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 574 </TD>
<TD>Scope of variable could be reduced. : yytname </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.8.9 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>O </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 622 </TD>
<TD>Scope of variable could be reduced. : yypact </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.8.9 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>O </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 650 </TD>
<TD>Scope of variable could be reduced. : yydefact </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.8.9 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>O </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 676 </TD>
<TD>Scope of variable could be reduced. : yypgoto </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.8.9 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>O </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 686 </TD>
<TD>Scope of variable could be reduced. : yydefgoto </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.8.9 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>O </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 698 </TD>
<TD>Scope of variable could be reduced. : yytable </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.8.9 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>O </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 733 </TD>
<TD>Scope of variable could be reduced. : yycheck </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.8.9 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>O </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 796 </TD>
<TD>Scope of variable could be reduced. : yyr1 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.8.9 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>O </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 1295 </TD>
<TD>Scope of variable could be reduced. : zconfchar </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.8.9 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>O </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 99 </TD>
<TD>Identifier is typographically ambiguous. : zconf_error </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.5 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>O </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 517 </TD>
<TD>Identifier is typographically ambiguous. : YYTRANSLATE </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.5 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>O </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 137 </TD>
<TD>Identifier is typographically ambiguous. : YYTOKENTYPE </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.5 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center><A name=first_11_x>C</A> </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 222 </TD>
<TD>Identifier reuse: tag vs typedef. : YYSTYPE </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.5.6,R.5.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center><A name=first_12_x>C</A> </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 438 </TD>
<TD>Identifier reuse: tag vs macro. : yyalloc </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.5.5 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 139 </TD>
<TD>Identifier reuse: macro vs enum constant. : T_MAINMENU </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.5.5 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 140 </TD>
<TD>Identifier reuse: macro vs enum constant. : T_MENU </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.5.5 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 141 </TD>
<TD>Identifier reuse: macro vs enum constant. : T_ENDMENU </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.5.5 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 142 </TD>
<TD>Identifier reuse: macro vs enum constant. : T_SOURCE </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.5.5 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 143 </TD>
<TD>Identifier reuse: macro vs enum constant. : T_CHOICE </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.5.5 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 144 </TD>
<TD>Identifier reuse: macro vs enum constant. : T_ENDCHOICE </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.5.5 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 145 </TD>
<TD>Identifier reuse: macro vs enum constant. : T_COMMENT </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.5.5 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 146 </TD>
<TD>Identifier reuse: macro vs enum constant. : T_CONFIG </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.5.5 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 147 </TD>
<TD>Identifier reuse: macro vs enum constant. : T_MENUCONFIG </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.5.5 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 148 </TD>
<TD>Identifier reuse: macro vs enum constant. : T_HELP </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.5.5 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 149 </TD>
<TD>Identifier reuse: macro vs enum constant. : T_HELPTEXT </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.5.5 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 150 </TD>
<TD>Identifier reuse: macro vs enum constant. : T_IF </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.5.5 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 151 </TD>
<TD>Identifier reuse: macro vs enum constant. : T_ENDIF </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.5.5 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 152 </TD>
<TD>Identifier reuse: macro vs enum constant. : T_DEPENDS </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.5.5 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 153 </TD>
<TD>Identifier reuse: macro vs enum constant. : T_OPTIONAL </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.5.5 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 154 </TD>
<TD>Identifier reuse: macro vs enum constant. : T_PROMPT </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.5.5 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 155 </TD>
<TD>Identifier reuse: macro vs enum constant. : T_TYPE </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.5.5 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 156 </TD>
<TD>Identifier reuse: macro vs enum constant. : T_DEFAULT </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.5.5 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 157 </TD>
<TD>Identifier reuse: macro vs enum constant. : T_SELECT </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.5.5 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 158 </TD>
<TD>Identifier reuse: macro vs enum constant. : T_IMPLY </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.5.5 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 159 </TD>
<TD>Identifier reuse: macro vs enum constant. : T_RANGE </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.5.5 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 160 </TD>
<TD>Identifier reuse: macro vs enum constant. : T_VISIBLE </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.5.5 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 161 </TD>
<TD>Identifier reuse: macro vs enum constant. : T_OPTION </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.5.5 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 162 </TD>
<TD>Identifier reuse: macro vs enum constant. : T_ON </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.5.5 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 163 </TD>
<TD>Identifier reuse: macro vs enum constant. : T_WORD </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.5.5 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 164 </TD>
<TD>Identifier reuse: macro vs enum constant. : T_WORD_QUOTE </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.5.5 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 165 </TD>
<TD>Identifier reuse: macro vs enum constant. : T_UNEQUAL </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.5.5 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 166 </TD>
<TD>Identifier reuse: macro vs enum constant. : T_LESS </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.5.5 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 167 </TD>
<TD>Identifier reuse: macro vs enum constant. : T_LESS_EQUAL </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.5.5 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 168 </TD>
<TD>Identifier reuse: macro vs enum constant. : T_GREATER </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.5.5 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 169 </TD>
<TD>Identifier reuse: macro vs enum constant. : T_GREATER_EQUAL </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.5.5 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 170 </TD>
<TD>Identifier reuse: macro vs enum constant. : T_CLOSE_PAREN </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.5.5 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 171 </TD>
<TD>Identifier reuse: macro vs enum constant. : T_OPEN_PAREN </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.5.5 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 172 </TD>
<TD>Identifier reuse: macro vs enum constant. : T_EOL </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.5.5 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 173 </TD>
<TD>Identifier reuse: macro vs enum constant. : T_OR </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.5.5 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 174 </TD>
<TD>Identifier reuse: macro vs enum constant. : T_AND </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.5.5 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 175 </TD>
<TD>Identifier reuse: macro vs enum constant. : T_EQUAL </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.5.5 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>yconf.c: 176 </TD>
<TD>Identifier reuse: macro vs enum constant. : T_NOT
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.5.5 </TD>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\checklist.c' , '31');">print_item<BR>(31
to 60 checklist.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>36 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : item_str </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>40 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : wattrset </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>41 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : wmove </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>43 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : waddch </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>45 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : wmove </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>46 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : wattrset </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>48 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : item_is_tag </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>49 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : wprintw </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>49 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : item_is_tag </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>51 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : wattrset </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>52 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : mvwaddch </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>53 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : wattrset </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>54 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : waddstr </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>56 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : wmove </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>57 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : wrefresh </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>37 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : list_item </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>52 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : list_item </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>34 </TD>
<TD>Use of banned function or variable. : malloc </TD>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>36 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>37 </TD>
<TD>Declaration does not specify an array. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>43 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to loop body. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>46 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>48 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>49 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>49 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>51 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>52 </TD>
<TD>Declaration does not specify an array. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>53 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>54 </TD>
<TD>Pointer arithmetic is not on array. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1,R.18.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>55 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>59 </TD>
<TD>Use of banned function or variable. : free </TD>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\checklist.c' , '65');">print_arrows<BR>(65
to 96 checklist.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>68 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : wmove </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>71 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : wattrset </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>72 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : waddch </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>73 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : waddstr </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>75 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : wattrset </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>76 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : waddch </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>77 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : waddch </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>78 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : waddch </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>79 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : waddch </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>83 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : wmove </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>86 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : wattrset </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>87 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : waddch </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>88 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : waddstr </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>90 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : wattrset </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>91 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : waddch </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>92 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : waddch </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>93 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : waddch </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>94 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : waddch </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>85 </TD>
<TD>Expression needs brackets. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.12.1,R.20.7 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\checklist.c' , '101');">print_buttons<BR>(101
to 111 checklist.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>106 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : print_button </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>106 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : gettext </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>107 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : print_button </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>107 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : gettext </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>109 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : wmove </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>110 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : wrefresh </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>103 </TD>
<TD>Expression needs brackets. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.12.1,R.20.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>109 </TD>
<TD>Expression needs brackets. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.12.1,R.20.7 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\checklist.c' , '117');">dialog_checklist<BR>(117
to 332 checklist.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>No prototype for non-static function. : dialog_checklist </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>DD data flow anomalies found. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : check_x </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : item_x </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : list_width </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>126 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : item_is_tag </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>127 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : item_n </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>128 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : item_is_selected </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>129 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : item_n </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>135 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : getmaxy </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>137 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : getmaxx </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>140 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : MIN </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>140 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : item_count </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>143 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : getmaxx </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>144 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : getmaxy </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>146 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : draw_shadow </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>148 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : newwin </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>149 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : keypad </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>151 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : draw_box </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>153 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : wattrset </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>154 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : mvwaddch </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>156 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : waddch </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>157 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : wattrset </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>158 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : waddch </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>160 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : print_title </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>162 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : wattrset </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>163 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : print_autowrap </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>170 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : subwin </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>173 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : keypad </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>177 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : draw_box </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>181 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : item_foreach </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>181 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : MAX </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>182 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : item_str </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>183 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : MIN </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>195 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : item_set </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>199 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : item_count </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>204 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : wnoutrefresh </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>205 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : wnoutrefresh </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>206 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : doupdate </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>209 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : wgetch </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>212 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : item_set </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>213 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : item_str </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>226 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : item_set </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>228 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : scrollok </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>229 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : wscrl </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>230 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : scrollok </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>233 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : item_set </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>235 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : item_count </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>238 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : wnoutrefresh </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>239 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : wrefresh </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>246 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : item_count </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>251 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : item_set </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>255 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : scrollok </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>256 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : wscrl </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>257 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : scrollok </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>260 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : item_set </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>263 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : item_count </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>266 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : wnoutrefresh </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>267 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : wrefresh </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>275 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : item_set </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>279 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : item_set </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>281 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : wnoutrefresh </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>282 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : wrefresh </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>297 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : item_set_selected </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>298 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : item_set </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>299 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : item_set_selected </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>300 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : delwin </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>301 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : delwin </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>310 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : wrefresh </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>317 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : on_key_esc </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>320 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : delwin </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>321 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : delwin </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>322 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : on_key_resize </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>327 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : doupdate </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>329 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : delwin </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>330 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : delwin </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>149 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : dialog </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>173 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : list </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>134 </TD>
<TD>Potentially infinite loop found. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>126 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>127 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>128 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>136 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>138 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>155 </TD>
<TD>Expression needs brackets. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.12.1,R.20.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>156 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to loop body. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>167 </TD>
<TD>Expression needs brackets. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.12.1,R.20.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>182 </TD>
<TD>Value is not of appropriate type. : (int and char): item_str () </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>182 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 4 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>189 </TD>
<TD>Expression needs brackets. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.12.1,R.20.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>214 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>218 </TD>
<TD>Type conversion without cast. : (int and char): key == '+' </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>218 </TD>
<TD>Type conversion without cast. : (int and char): key == '-' </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>219 </TD>
<TD>Type conversion without cast. : (int and char): key == '-' </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>220 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>221 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>222 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>243 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>244 </TD>
<TD>Type conversion without cast. : (int and char): key == '+' </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>245 </TD>
<TD>Expression needs brackets. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.12.1,R.20.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>246 </TD>
<TD>Expression needs brackets. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.12.1,R.20.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>246 </TD>
<TD>Value is not of appropriate type. : (bool and unsigned char): scroll +
choice &gt;= item_count () </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>247 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>251 </TD>
<TD>Expression needs brackets. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.12.1,R.20.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>260 </TD>
<TD>Expression needs brackets. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.12.1,R.20.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>271 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>272 </TD>
<TD>Else alternative missing in if. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.7 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>292 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>302 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>306 </TD>
<TD>Deprecated usage of ++ or -- operators found. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2,R.13.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>306 </TD>
<TD>Assignment operation in expression. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2,R.13.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>306 </TD>
<TD>Expression needs brackets. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.12.1,R.20.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>306 </TD>
<TD>Deprecated usage of ++ or -- operators found. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2,R.13.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>306 </TD>
<TD>Assignment operation in expression. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2,R.13.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>323 </TD>
<TD>goto label is backwards. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>324 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>286 </TD>
<TD>No default case in switch statement. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>196 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (bool and int): param 2
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>196 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (bool and int): param 3
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>227 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (bool and int): param 3
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>234 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (bool and int): param 3
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>252 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (bool and int): param 3
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>261 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (bool and int): param 3
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>276 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (bool and int): param 3
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>280 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (bool and int): param 3
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>306 </TD>
<TD>Expression has side effects. : button </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2,R.13.5
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\confdata.c' , '35');">conf_warning<BR>(35
to 44 confdata.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>39 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : conf_filename </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>38 </TD>
<TD>Use of banned function or variable. : va_start </TD>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>39 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>40 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>40 </TD>
<TD>Incorrect number of formats in output function. : 0 formats, 3 outputs
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.1.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>41 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>42 </TD>
<TD>Use of banned function or variable. : va_end </TD>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\confdata.c' , '46');">conf_default_message_callback<BR>(46
to 51 confdata.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>48 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>49 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>49 </TD>
<TD>Incorrect number of formats in output function. : 0 formats, 2 outputs
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.1.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>50 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>46 </TD>
<TD>Static procedure is not explicitly called in code analysed. :
conf_default_message_callback </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.1 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\confdata.c' , '55');">conf_set_message_callback<BR>(55
to 58 confdata.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>No prototype for non-static function. : conf_set_message_callback </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>57 </TD>
<TD>Function pointer is of wrong type. : Types of parameter 2 differ;
conf_message_callback: va_list, fn: int </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.1.3 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Parameter </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>O </TD>
<TD>Procedure pointer is an unused parameter </TD>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\confdata.c' , '60');">conf_message<BR>(60
to 68 confdata.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>64 </TD>
<TD>Use of banned function or variable. : va_start </TD>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>65 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>66 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>66 </TD>
<TD>Use of banned function or variable. : va_end </TD>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\confdata.c' , '70');">conf_get_configname<BR>(70
to 75 confdata.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>No prototype for non-static function. : conf_get_configname </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>72 </TD>
<TD>Use of banned function or variable. : getenv </TD>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>74 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\confdata.c' , '77');">conf_get_autoconfig_name<BR>(77
to 82 confdata.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>No prototype for non-static function. : conf_get_autoconfig_name </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>79 </TD>
<TD>Use of banned function or variable. : getenv </TD>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>81 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\confdata.c' , '84');">conf_expand_value<BR>(84
to 108 confdata.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>100 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : sym_lookup </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>101 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : sym_calc_value </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>102 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : sym_get_string_value </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>101 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : sym </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>93 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : in </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>97 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : src </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>88 </TD>
<TD>Variable-length array declared. : res_value[*] </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.8 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>89 </TD>
<TD>Variable-length array declared. : name[*] </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.8 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>93 </TD>
<TD>Assignment operation in expression. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2,R.13.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>93 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>94 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>94 </TD>
<TD>Pointer arithmetic is not on array. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1,R.18.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>95 </TD>
<TD>Pointer arithmetic is not on array. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1,R.18.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>97 </TD>
<TD>Use of banned function or variable. : isalnum </TD>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>97 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>98 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to loop body. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>98 </TD>
<TD>Assignment operation in expression. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2,R.13.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>98 </TD>
<TD>Deprecated usage of ++ or -- operators found. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2,R.13.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>102 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>103 </TD>
<TD>const object reassigned. : in </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.1.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>103 </TD>
<TD>Pointer assignment to wider scope. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>105 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>86 </TD>
<TD>Type is incomplete in translation unit. : symbol </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.1.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>89 </TD>
<TD>Procedure contains UR data flow anomalies. : name
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.9.1 </TD>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\confdata.c' , '110');">conf_get_default_confname<BR>(110
to 124 confdata.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>No prototype for non-static function. : conf_get_default_confname </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : conf_defname </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>120 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : stat </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>119 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : name </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>113 </TD>
<TD>Variable-length array declared. : fullname[*] </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.8 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>117 </TD>
<TD>Use of banned function or variable. : getenv </TD>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>118 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>119 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>120 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>121 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>123 </TD>
<TD>Pointer assignment to wider scope. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>112 </TD>
<TD>Type is incomplete in translation unit. : stat </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.1.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>120 </TD>
<TD>DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. : buf </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\confdata.c' , '126');">conf_set_sym_val<BR>(126
to 194 confdata.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : conf_warnings </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>180 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : sym_string_valid </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>181 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : strdup </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>164 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : p2 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>132 </TD>
<TD>Declaration does not specify an array. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>134 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : |= used with int: flags </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>134 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : |= used with int: def_flags </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>136 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>139 </TD>
<TD>Declaration does not specify an array. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>141 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : |= used with int: flags </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>141 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : |= used with int: def_flags </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>144 </TD>
<TD>Declaration does not specify an array. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>146 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : |= used with int: flags </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>146 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : |= used with int: def_flags </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>150 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>152 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>155 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>155 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>155 </TD>
<TD>Pointer arithmetic is not on array. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1,R.18.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>156 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to loop body. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>161 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>162 </TD>
<TD>Deprecated usage of ++ or -- operators found. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2,R.13.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>162 </TD>
<TD>Assignment operation in expression. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2,R.13.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>162 </TD>
<TD>Expression needs brackets. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.12.1,R.20.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>163 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>164 </TD>
<TD>Assignment operation in expression. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2,R.13.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>164 </TD>
<TD>Pointer arithmetic is not on array. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1,R.18.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>169 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>169 </TD>
<TD>Pointer arithmetic is not on array. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1,R.18.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>171 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>173 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>177 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>180 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>182 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : |= used with int: flags </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>182 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : |= used with int: def_flags </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>185 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>192 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>158 </TD>
<TD>Jump into nested block. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.3 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\confdata.c' , '197');">add_byte<BR>(197
to 215 confdata.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>DD data flow anomalies found. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>202 </TD>
<TD>Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned int and int):
new_size </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>202 </TD>
<TD>Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned int and int):
new_size += 16 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>203 </TD>
<TD>Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned int and int):
new_size </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>204 </TD>
<TD>Use of banned function or variable. : realloc </TD>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>205 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>206 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>208 </TD>
<TD>Pointer assignment to wider scope. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>212 </TD>
<TD>Type conversion without cast. : (char and int): ( * lineptr ) [ slen ]
= c </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>215 </TD>
<TD>Memory not freed after last reference. : nline
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.22.1 </TD>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\confdata.c' , '217');">compat_getline<BR>(217
to 249 confdata.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>232 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : line </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>228 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>231 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>233 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>234 </TD>
<TD>Pointer assignment to wider scope. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>235 </TD>
<TD>Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned int and int):
slen </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>235 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>236 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>237 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>240 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>242 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>246 </TD>
<TD>Declaration does not specify an array. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>247 </TD>
<TD>Pointer assignment to wider scope. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>232 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (char and int): param 1
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\confdata.c' , '251');">conf_read_simple<BR>(251
to 407 confdata.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>No prototype for non-static function. : conf_read_simple </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>DD data flow anomalies found. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : conf_filename </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : conf_lineno </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : conf_unsaved </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : conf_warnings </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : sym_change_count </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>261 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : zconf_fopen </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>266 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : zconf_fopen </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>269 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : sym_add_change_count </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>274 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : expr_calc_value </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>278 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : zconf_fopen </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>280 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : _ </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>299 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : sym_is_choice </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>327 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : sym_find </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>329 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : sym_add_change_count </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>333 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : sym_lookup </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>361 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : sym_find </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>363 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : sym_add_change_count </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>367 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : sym_lookup </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>384 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : sym_is_choice_value </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>385 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : prop_get_symbol </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>385 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : sym_get_choice_prop </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>401 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : EXPR_OR </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>266 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : name </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>278 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : name </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>334 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : sym </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>368 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : sym </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>378 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : conf_filename </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>338 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : (sym)-&gt;def.val </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>372 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : (sym)-&gt;def.val </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>385 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : (sym)-&gt;def.val </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>390 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : cs </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>396 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : cs </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>401 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : cs </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>314 </TD>
<TD>Potentially infinite loop found. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>260 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>265 </TD>
<TD>const object reassigned. : name </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.1.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>267 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>268 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>270 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>271 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>276 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>277 </TD>
<TD>const object reassigned. : name </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.1.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>279 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>263 </TD>
<TD>Type is incomplete in translation unit. : property </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.1.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>286 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>287 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center><A name=first_50_s>C</A> </TD>
<TD align=center>295 </TD>
<TD>Use of shift operator on signed type. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center><A name=first_403_s>C</A> </TD>
<TD align=center>295 </TD>
<TD>Negative (or potentially negative) shift. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.12.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>297 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : |= used with int: flags </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>297 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : |= used with int: SYMBOL_CHANGED
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>298 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : &amp;= used with int: flags </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>298 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : | used with int: def_flags </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>298 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : | used with int: SYMBOL_VALID
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>299 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>300 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>300 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : |= used with int: flags </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>300 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : |= used with int: def_flags </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>305 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>305 </TD>
<TD>Use of banned function or variable. : free </TD>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>306 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>308 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>311 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>317 </TD>
<TD>Declaration does not specify an array. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>318 </TD>
<TD>Pointer arithmetic is not on array. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1,R.18.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>318 </TD>
<TD>Value is not of appropriate type. : (int and char): strlen ( CONFIG_
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>318 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>319 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>320 </TD>
<TD>Pointer arithmetic is not on array. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1,R.18.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>320 </TD>
<TD>Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (signed char and unsigned int): strlen
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>320 </TD>
<TD>Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (signed char and unsigned
int): strlen </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>320 </TD>
<TD>Value is not of appropriate type. : (int and char): strlen ( CONFIG_
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>321 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>322 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>323 </TD>
<TD>Assignment operation in expression. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2,R.13.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>324 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>325 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>327 </TD>
<TD>Pointer arithmetic is not on array. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1,R.18.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>327 </TD>
<TD>Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (signed char and unsigned int): strlen
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>327 </TD>
<TD>Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (signed char and unsigned
int): strlen </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>327 </TD>
<TD>Value is not of appropriate type. : (int and char): strlen ( CONFIG_
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>328 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>333 </TD>
<TD>Pointer arithmetic is not on array. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1,R.18.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>333 </TD>
<TD>Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (signed char and unsigned int): strlen
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>333 </TD>
<TD>Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (signed char and unsigned
int): strlen </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>333 </TD>
<TD>Value is not of appropriate type. : (int and char): strlen ( CONFIG_
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>335 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>337 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : &amp; used with int: flags </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>337 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : &amp; used with int: def_flags
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>337 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>344 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : |= used with int: flags </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>344 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : |= used with int: def_flags </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>348 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>349 </TD>
<TD>Value is not of appropriate type. : (int and char): strlen ( CONFIG_
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>350 </TD>
<TD>Pointer arithmetic is not on array. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1,R.18.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>350 </TD>
<TD>Value is not of appropriate type. : (int and char): strlen ( CONFIG_
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>351 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>352 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>353 </TD>
<TD>Assignment operation in expression. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2,R.13.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>355 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>356 </TD>
<TD>Assignment operation in expression. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2,R.13.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>358 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>361 </TD>
<TD>Pointer arithmetic is not on array. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1,R.18.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>361 </TD>
<TD>Value is not of appropriate type. : (int and char): strlen ( CONFIG_
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>362 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>367 </TD>
<TD>Pointer arithmetic is not on array. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1,R.18.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>367 </TD>
<TD>Value is not of appropriate type. : (int and char): strlen ( CONFIG_
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>369 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>371 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : &amp; used with int: flags </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>371 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : &amp; used with int: def_flags
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>371 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>374 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>375 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>377 </TD>
<TD>Declaration does not specify an array. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>377 </TD>
<TD>Declaration does not specify an array. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>378 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>384 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>384 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>392 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : &amp;= used with int: flags </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>392 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : ~ used with int: def_flags </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>397 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>386 </TD>
<TD>No default case in switch statement. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>404 </TD>
<TD>Use of banned function or variable. : free </TD>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>404 </TD>
<TD>free used on string. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.22.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>405 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>268 </TD>
<TD>Jump into nested block. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>277 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and char): param 1
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>280 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and char): param 1
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>330 </TD>
<TD>Jump into nested block. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>364 </TD>
<TD>Jump into nested block. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>407 </TD>
<TD>Memory not freed after last reference. : line </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.22.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>274 </TD>
<TD>Attempt to use uninitialised pointer. : prop </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.9.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>263 </TD>
<TD>Procedure contains UR data flow anomalies. : prop </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.9.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>401 </TD>
<TD>DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. :
(cs)-&gt;def.tri </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>398 </TD>
<TD>DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. :
(cs)-&gt;def.val </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>392 </TD>
<TD>DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. :
(cs)-&gt;flags </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>374 </TD>
<TD>DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. : p </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\confdata.c' , '409');">conf_read<BR>(409
to 477 confdata.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>No prototype for non-static function. : conf_read </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : conf_filename </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : conf_lineno </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : conf_unsaved </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : conf_warnings </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : sym_change_count </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>414 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : sym_set_change_count </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>417 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : sym_calc_value </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>421 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : sym_calc_value </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>424 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : sym_calc_value </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>425 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : sym_is_choice </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>427 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : sym_has_value </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>432 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : sym_get_tristate_value </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>434 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : sym_is_choice </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>442 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : sym_has_value </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>450 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : sym_has_value </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>450 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : sym_is_choice_value </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>463 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : sym_string_within_range </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>474 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : sym_add_change_count </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>416 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>425 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>425 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : &amp; used with int: flags </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>425 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : &amp; used with int: SYMBOL_AUTO
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>425 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>426 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>427 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>427 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : &amp; used with int: flags </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>427 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : &amp; used with int:
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>427 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>433 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>434 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>435 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>437 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>438 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>439 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>442 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>442 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : &amp; used with int: flags </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>442 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : &amp; used with int:
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>442 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>443 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>444 </TD>
<TD>Else alternative missing in if. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>450 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>450 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>456 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>457 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>457 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : &amp;= used with int: flags </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>457 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : ~ used with int: SYMBOL_DEF_USER
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>463 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>464 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>465 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : &amp;= used with int: flags </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>465 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : | used with int: SYMBOL_VALID
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>465 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : | used with int: SYMBOL_DEF_USER
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>468 </TD>
<TD>Switch empty default has no comment. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>474 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>474 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>465 </TD>
<TD>DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. :
(sym)-&gt;flags </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\confdata.c' , '487');">kconfig_print_symbol<BR>(487
to 508 confdata.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>498 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>498 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>498 </TD>
<TD>Format is not appropriate type. : format = %s, param 3 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.1.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>498 </TD>
<TD>Format is not appropriate type. : format = %s, param 4 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.1.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>503 </TD>
<TD>Switch empty default has no comment. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>507 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>507 </TD>
<TD>Format is not appropriate type. : format = %s, param 3 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.1.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>507 </TD>
<TD>Format is not appropriate type. : format = %s, param 4 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.1.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>487 </TD>
<TD>Static procedure is not explicitly called in code analysed. :
kconfig_print_symbol </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.1 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\confdata.c' , '510');">kconfig_print_comment<BR>(510
to 528 confdata.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>521 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : xfwrite </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>518 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>519 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>520 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>522 </TD>
<TD>const object reassigned. : p </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.1.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>524 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>525 </TD>
<TD>Deprecated usage of ++ or -- operators found. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2,R.13.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>525 </TD>
<TD>Assignment operation in expression. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2,R.13.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>525 </TD>
<TD>Expression needs brackets. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.12.1,R.20.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>526 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>510 </TD>
<TD>Static procedure is not explicitly called in code analysed. :
kconfig_print_comment </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.1 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Parameter </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>O </TD>
<TD>Unused procedure parameter </TD>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\confdata.c' , '541');">header_print_symbol<BR>(541
to 580 confdata.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>554 </TD>
<TD>const object reassigned. : suffix </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.1.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>556 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>557 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>557 </TD>
<TD>Format is not appropriate type. : format = %s, param 3 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.1.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>557 </TD>
<TD>Format is not appropriate type. : format = %s, param 4 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.1.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>559 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>565 </TD>
<TD>Declaration does not specify an array. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>565 </TD>
<TD>Declaration does not specify an array. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>565 </TD>
<TD>Declaration does not specify an array. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>566 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>566 </TD>
<TD>const object reassigned. : prefix </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.1.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>567 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>567 </TD>
<TD>Format is not appropriate type. : format = %s, param 3 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.1.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>567 </TD>
<TD>Format is not appropriate type. : format = %s, param 4 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.1.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>573 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>573 </TD>
<TD>Format is not appropriate type. : format = %s, param 3 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.1.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>573 </TD>
<TD>Format is not appropriate type. : format = %s, param 4 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.1.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>576 </TD>
<TD>Switch empty default has no comment. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>541 </TD>
<TD>Static procedure is not explicitly called in code analysed. :
header_print_symbol </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.1 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Parameter </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>O </TD>
<TD>Unused procedure parameter </TD>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\confdata.c' , '582');">header_print_comment<BR>(582
to 602 confdata.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>594 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : xfwrite </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>588 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>591 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>592 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>593 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>595 </TD>
<TD>const object reassigned. : p </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.1.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>597 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>598 </TD>
<TD>Deprecated usage of ++ or -- operators found. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2,R.13.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>598 </TD>
<TD>Assignment operation in expression. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2,R.13.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>598 </TD>
<TD>Expression needs brackets. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.12.1,R.20.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>599 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>601 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>582 </TD>
<TD>Static procedure is not explicitly called in code analysed. :
header_print_comment </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.1 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Parameter </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>O </TD>
<TD>Unused procedure parameter </TD>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\confdata.c' , '615');">tristate_print_symbol<BR>(615
to 621 confdata.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>620 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>620 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>620 </TD>
<TD>Format is not appropriate type. : format = %s, param 3 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.1.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>620 </TD>
<TD>Format is not appropriate type. : format = %s, param 4 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.1.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>615 </TD>
<TD>Static procedure is not explicitly called in code analysed. :
tristate_print_symbol </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.1 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Parameter </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>O </TD>
<TD>Unused procedure parameter </TD>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\confdata.c' , '629');">conf_write_symbol<BR>(629
to 648 confdata.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>639 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : sym_get_string_value </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>640 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : sym_escape_string_value </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>645 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : sym_get_string_value </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>640 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : str </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>641 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : str </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>646 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : str </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>640 </TD>
<TD>const object reassigned. : str </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.1.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>642 </TD>
<TD>Use of banned function or variable. : free </TD>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>642 </TD>
<TD>Cast on a constant value. : str </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.11.8 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>642 </TD>
<TD>free used on string. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.22.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>645 </TD>
<TD>const object reassigned. : str </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.1.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>647 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\confdata.c' , '650');">conf_write_heading<BR>(650
to 662 confdata.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>655 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\confdata.c' , '668');">conf_write_defconfig<BR>(668
to 739 confdata.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>No prototype for non-static function. : conf_write_defconfig </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>678 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : sym_clear_all_valid </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>687 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : menu_is_visible </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>689 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : sym_is_choice </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>690 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : sym_calc_value </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>695 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : sym_is_changable </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>698 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : sym_get_string_value </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>698 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : sym_get_string_default </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>708 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : sym_is_choice_value </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>712 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : prop_get_symbol </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>712 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : sym_get_choice_prop </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>713 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : sym_choice_default </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>714 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : sym_is_optional </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>716 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : sym_get_tristate_value </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>713 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : cs </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>720 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : NULL </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>675 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>676 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>687 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>688 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>689 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>691 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : &amp; used with int: flags </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>691 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : &amp; used with int:
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>691 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>692 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>693 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : &amp;= used with int: flags </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>693 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : ~ used with int: SYMBOL_WRITE
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>695 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>696 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>699 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>708 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>714 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>717 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>721 </TD>
<TD>Else alternative missing in if. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>729 </TD>
<TD>Assignment operation in expression. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2,R.13.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>729 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>737 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>671 </TD>
<TD>Type is incomplete in translation unit. : menu </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.1.3 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\confdata.c' , '741');">conf_write<BR>(741
to 839 confdata.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>No prototype for non-static function. : conf_write </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : sym_change_count </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>756 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : stat </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>756 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : S_ISDIR </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>776 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : getpid </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>787 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : conf_get_changed </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>788 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : sym_clear_all_valid </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>794 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : menu_is_visible </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>796 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : menu_get_prompt </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>802 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : sym_calc_value </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>834 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : _ </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>836 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : sym_set_change_count </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>785 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : NULL </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>800 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : str </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>807 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : NULL </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>773 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : basename </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>748 </TD>
<TD>Variable-length array declared. : dirname[*] </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.8 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>748 </TD>
<TD>Variable-length array declared. : dirname[*] </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.8 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>748 </TD>
<TD>Variable-length array declared. : dirname[*] </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.8 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>752 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>752 </TD>
<TD>Declaration does not specify an array. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>752 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>756 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>756 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>757 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>758 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>760 </TD>
<TD>Assignment operation in expression. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2,R.13.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>760 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>761 </TD>
<TD>Pointer arithmetic is not on array. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1,R.18.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>761 </TD>
<TD>Expression needs brackets. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.12.1,R.20.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>762 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>764 </TD>
<TD>Declaration does not specify an array. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>764 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>765 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>765 </TD>
<TD>const object reassigned. : basename </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.1.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>765 </TD>
<TD>Pointer assignment to wider scope. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>765 </TD>
<TD>Pointer arithmetic is not on array. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1,R.18.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>767 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>767 </TD>
<TD>const object reassigned. : basename </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.1.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>769 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>769 </TD>
<TD>const object reassigned. : basename </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.1.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>771 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>771 </TD>
<TD>const object reassigned. : basename </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.1.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>773 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>774 </TD>
<TD>Use of banned function or variable. : getenv </TD>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>775 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>775 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>776 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>782 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>783 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>788 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>791 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>793 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>794 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>795 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>797 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>801 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : &amp; used with int: flags </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>801 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : &amp; used with int:
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>801 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>803 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : &amp; used with int: flags </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>803 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : &amp; used with int:
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>803 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>804 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>805 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : &amp;= used with int: flags </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>805 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : ~ used with int: SYMBOL_WRITE
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>808 </TD>
<TD>Else alternative missing in if. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>811 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>815 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>816 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>817 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>817 </TD>
<TD>Assignment operation in expression. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2,R.13.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>817 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>818 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>824 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>826 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>827 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>828 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>829 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>830 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>831 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>834 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and char): param 1
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>748 </TD>
<TD>Procedure contains UR data flow anomalies. : tmpname
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.9.1 </TD>
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of Report</A> </TD>
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to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
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<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\confdata.c' , '841');">conf_split_config<BR>(841
to 952 confdata.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>DD data flow anomalies found. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : conf_filename </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : conf_lineno </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : conf_unsaved </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : conf_warnings </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : sym_change_count </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>852 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : sym_calc_value </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>854 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : chdir </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>859 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : sym_calc_value </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>871 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : sym_get_tristate_value </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>878 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : sym_get_string_value </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>893 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : sym_get_tristate_value </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>919 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : open </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>932 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : stat </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>932 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : mkdir </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>939 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : open </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>945 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : close </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>948 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : chdir </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>930 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : d </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>844 </TD>
<TD>Variable-length array declared. : path[*] </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.8 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>851 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>854 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>855 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>860 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : &amp; used with int: flags </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>860 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : &amp; used with int: SYMBOL_AUTO
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>860 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>860 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>861 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>862 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : &amp; used with int: flags </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>862 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : &amp; used with int:
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>862 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>863 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : &amp; used with int: flags </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>863 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : &amp; used with int:
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>863 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>873 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>878 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>880 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>882 </TD>
<TD>Switch empty default has no comment. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>894 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>896 </TD>
<TD>Switch empty default has no comment. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>900 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : &amp; used with int: flags </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>900 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : &amp; used with int:
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>900 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>901 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>903 </TD>
<TD>Else alternative missing in if. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>912 </TD>
<TD>Assignment operation in expression. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2,R.13.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>912 </TD>
<TD>Deprecated usage of ++ or -- operators found. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2,R.13.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>912 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>914 </TD>
<TD>Assignment operation in expression. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2,R.13.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>916 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center><A name=first_489_s>C</A> </TD>
<TD align=center>916 </TD>
<TD>Insufficient space for operation. : required = 3, available = 1 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.1.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>919 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : | used with int: O_WRONLY </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>919 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : | used with int: O_CREAT </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>919 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : | used with int: O_TRUNC </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>919 </TD>
<TD>Octal number found. : 0644 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>921 </TD>
<TD>Use of banned function or variable. : errno </TD>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>930 </TD>
<TD>Assignment operation in expression. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2,R.13.4 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>930 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>931 </TD>
<TD>Modification of string literal. : d </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>932 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>932 </TD>
<TD>Octal number found. : 0755 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>932 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>936 </TD>
<TD>Assignment operation in expression. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2,R.13.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>939 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : | used with int: O_WRONLY </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>939 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : | used with int: O_CREAT </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>939 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : | used with int: O_TRUNC </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>939 </TD>
<TD>Octal number found. : 0644 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>948 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>949 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>934 </TD>
<TD>Jump into nested block. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>916 </TD>
<TD>DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. : d </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>932 </TD>
<TD>DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. : sb </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\confdata.c' , '954');">conf_write_autoconf<BR>(954
to 1026 confdata.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>No prototype for non-static function. : conf_write_autoconf </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : conf_filename </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : conf_lineno </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : conf_unsaved </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : conf_warnings </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : sym_change_count </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>961 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : sym_clear_all_valid </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>963 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : file_write_dep </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>992 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : sym_calc_value </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>997 </TD>
<TD>Cast from integral type to pointer. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>999 </TD>
<TD>Cast from integral type to pointer. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>985 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : NULL </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>987 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : NULL </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>989 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : NULL </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1001 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : NULL </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1022 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : name </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>965 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>966 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>969 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>970 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>973 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>974 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>979 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>980 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>981 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>993 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : &amp; used with int: flags </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>993 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : &amp; used with int:
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>993 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>993 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>994 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>997 </TD>
<TD>Value is not of appropriate type. : (void and signed char): out , sym
, &amp; kconfig_printer_cb , ( void * </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>999 </TD>
<TD>Value is not of appropriate type. : (void and signed char): tristate ,
sym , &amp; tristate_printer_cb , ( void * </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1003 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1004 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1005 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1007 </TD>
<TD>Use of banned function or variable. : getenv </TD>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1008 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1009 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1009 </TD>
<TD>const object reassigned. : name </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.1.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1010 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1011 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1012 </TD>
<TD>const object reassigned. : name </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.1.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1012 </TD>
<TD>Use of banned function or variable. : getenv </TD>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1013 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1014 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1014 </TD>
<TD>const object reassigned. : name </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.1.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1015 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1016 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1017 </TD>
<TD>const object reassigned. : name </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.1.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1022 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1023 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\confdata.c' , '1031');">sym_set_change_count<BR>(1031
to 1038 confdata.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>No prototype for non-static function. : sym_set_change_count </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1033 </TD>
<TD>User name starts with underscore. : _sym_change_count </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.21.1,R.21.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1035 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center><A name=first_444_s>C</A> </TD>
<TD align=center>1036 </TD>
<TD>Integral type cast to non-integral. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.8 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1036 </TD>
<TD>Value is not of appropriate type. : (bool and int): )
_sym_change_count != ( bool ) </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1037 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\confdata.c' , '1040');">sym_add_change_count<BR>(1040
to 1043 confdata.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>No prototype for non-static function. : sym_add_change_count </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\confdata.c' , '1045');">conf_get_changed<BR>(1045
to 1048 confdata.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>No prototype for non-static function. : conf_get_changed </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1047 </TD>
<TD>Function return type inconsistent. : (bool and int)
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\confdata.c' , '1050');">conf_set_changed_callback<BR>(1050
to 1053 confdata.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>No prototype for non-static function. : conf_set_changed_callback </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Parameter </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>O </TD>
<TD>Procedure pointer is an unused parameter </TD>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\confdata.c' , '1055');">randomize_choice_values<BR>(1055
to 1101 confdata.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1070 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : sym_get_choice_prop </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1074 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : expr_list_for_each_sym </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1074 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : prop </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1068 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1085 </TD>
<TD>Deprecated usage of ++ or -- operators found. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2,R.13.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1085 </TD>
<TD>Assignment operation in expression. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2,R.13.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1085 </TD>
<TD>Expression needs brackets. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.12.1,R.20.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1092 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : |= used with int: flags </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1092 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : |= used with int:
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1094 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : &amp;= used with int: flags </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1094 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : ~ used with int: SYMBOL_VALID
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1096 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : |= used with int: flags </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1096 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : |= used with int:
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1098 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : &amp;= used with int: flags </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1059 </TD>
<TD>Type is incomplete in translation unit. : expr </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.1.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1074 </TD>
<TD>Attempt to use uninitialised pointer. : e </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.9.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1059 </TD>
<TD>Procedure contains UR data flow anomalies. : e </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.9.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1090 </TD>
<TD>DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. :
(sym)-&gt;def.tri </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1086 </TD>
<TD>DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. :
(sym)-&gt;def.tri </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1094 </TD>
<TD>DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. :
(sym)-&gt;flags </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1085 </TD>
<TD>DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. : cnt </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\confdata.c' , '1103');">set_all_choice_values<BR>(1103
to 1121 confdata.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>No prototype for non-static function. : set_all_choice_values </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1109 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : sym_get_choice_prop </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1115 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : sym_has_value </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1115 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1116 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1118 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : |= used with int: flags </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1118 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : |= used with int:
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1120 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : &amp;= used with int: flags </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1120 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : | used with int: SYMBOL_VALID
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1120 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : | used with int:
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1116 </TD>
<TD>DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. :
(sym)-&gt;def.tri </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1109 </TD>
<TD>DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. : prop
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\confdata.c' , '1123');">conf_set_all_new_symbols<BR>(1123
to 1249 confdata.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>No prototype for non-static function. : conf_set_all_new_symbols </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>DD data flow anomalies found. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1174 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : sym_has_value </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1176 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : sym_get_type </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1207 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : sym_is_choice </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1216 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : sym_clear_all_valid </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1229 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : sym_is_choice </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1229 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : sym_has_value </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1230 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : sym_is_choice_value </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1236 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : sym_has_value </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1236 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : sym_is_choice </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1239 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : sym_calc_value </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1148 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : endp </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1131 </TD>
<TD>Assignment operation in expression. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2,R.13.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1136 </TD>
<TD>Use of banned function or variable. : getenv </TD>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1138 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1138 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1140 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion of underlying type. : (int and long): strtol </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1140 </TD>
<TD>Narrower int conversion without cast. : (int and long): strtol </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1142 </TD>
<TD>Deprecated usage of ++ or -- operators found. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2,R.13.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1144 </TD>
<TD>Use of banned function or variable. : errno </TD>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1145 </TD>
<TD>Use of banned function or variable. : perror </TD>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1146 </TD>
<TD>Use of abort, exit, etc. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.21.8 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1148 </TD>
<TD>Pointer arithmetic is not on array. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1,R.18.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1153 </TD>
<TD>No default case in switch statement. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1165 </TD>
<TD>Expression needs brackets. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.12.1,R.20.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1166 </TD>
<TD>Use of banned function or variable. : errno </TD>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1167 </TD>
<TD>Use of banned function or variable. : perror </TD>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1168 </TD>
<TD>Use of abort, exit, etc. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.21.8 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1174 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1174 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : &amp; used with int: flags </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1174 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : &amp; used with int:
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1174 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1175 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1181 </TD>
<TD>Case is not part of switch enumeration. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1184 </TD>
<TD>Case is not part of switch enumeration. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1187 </TD>
<TD>Case is not part of switch enumeration. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1188 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : &amp; used with int: flags </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1188 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : &amp; used with int:
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1188 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1189 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1191 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1193 </TD>
<TD>Case is not part of switch enumeration. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1195 </TD>
<TD>Value is not of appropriate type. : (int and unsigned char): cnt =
rand () </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1198 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1200 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1200 </TD>
<TD>Else alternative missing in if. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1202 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1202 </TD>
<TD>Else alternative missing in if. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1206 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1207 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1208 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1208 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : |= used with int: flags </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1208 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : |= used with int:
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1210 </TD>
<TD>Switch empty default has no comment. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1229 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1229 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1230 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1231 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1231 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : |= used with int: flags </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1231 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : |= used with int:
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1236 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1236 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1237 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1241 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1241 </TD>
<TD>Type conversion without cast. : (int and bool):
randomize_choice_values </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1248 </TD>
<TD>Function return type inconsistent. : (bool and int) </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1135 </TD>
<TD>Procedure contains UR data flow anomalies. : p </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.9.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1243 </TD>
<TD>DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. :
(csym)-&gt;flags </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1241 </TD>
<TD>DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. :
(csym)-&gt;flags </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1208 </TD>
<TD>DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. :
(sym)-&gt;flags </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\expr.c' , '17');">expr_alloc_symbol<BR>(17
to 23 expr.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>No prototype for non-static function. : expr_alloc_symbol </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>19 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : xcalloc </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>20 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : e </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>22 </TD>
<TD>Pointer assignment to wider scope. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>17 </TD>
<TD>Type is incomplete in translation unit. : symbol </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.1.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>22 </TD>
<TD>Local structure returned in function result. : e </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.6 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\expr.c' , '25');">expr_alloc_one<BR>(25
to 31 expr.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>No prototype for non-static function. : expr_alloc_one </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>27 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : xcalloc </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>28 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : e </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>30 </TD>
<TD>Pointer assignment to wider scope. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>30 </TD>
<TD>Local structure returned in function result. : e </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.6 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\expr.c' , '33');">expr_alloc_two<BR>(33
to 40 expr.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>No prototype for non-static function. : expr_alloc_two </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>35 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : xcalloc </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>36 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : e </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>39 </TD>
<TD>Pointer assignment to wider scope. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>39 </TD>
<TD>Local structure returned in function result. : e </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.6 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\expr.c' , '42');">expr_alloc_comp<BR>(42
to 49 expr.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>No prototype for non-static function. : expr_alloc_comp </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>DD data flow anomalies found. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>44 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : xcalloc </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>45 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : e </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>48 </TD>
<TD>Pointer assignment to wider scope. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>48 </TD>
<TD>Local structure returned in function result. : e </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.6 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\expr.c' , '51');">expr_alloc_and<BR>(51
to 56 expr.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>No prototype for non-static function. : expr_alloc_and </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>53 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>54 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>55 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>55 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 1
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\expr.c' , '58');">expr_alloc_or<BR>(58
to 63 expr.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>No prototype for non-static function. : expr_alloc_or </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>60 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>61 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>62 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>62 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 1
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\expr.c' , '65');">expr_copy<BR>(65
to 104 expr.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>No prototype for non-static function. : expr_copy </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>DD data flow anomalies found. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>72 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : xmalloc </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>76 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : e </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>79 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : e </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>87 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : e </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>93 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : e </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>97 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : e </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>73 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : e </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>69 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>70 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>73 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>97 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>98 </TD>
<TD>Use of banned function or variable. : free </TD>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>103 </TD>
<TD>Pointer assignment to wider scope. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>79 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 1
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>93 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 1
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>94 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 1
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>103 </TD>
<TD>Local structure returned in function result. : e </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>65 </TD>
<TD>Recursion in procedure calls found. : expr_copy </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.2 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\expr.c' , '106');">expr_free<BR>(106
to 134 expr.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>No prototype for non-static function. : expr_free </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>DD data flow anomalies found. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>108 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>109 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>116 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>130 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>133 </TD>
<TD>Use of banned function or variable. : free </TD>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>115 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 1
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>126 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 1
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>127 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 1
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>106 </TD>
<TD>Recursion in procedure calls found. : expr_free </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.2 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\expr.c' , '141');">__expr_eliminate_eq<BR>(141
to 173 expr.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>DD data flow anomalies found. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>141 </TD>
<TD>User name starts with underscore. : __expr_eliminate_eq </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.21.1,R.21.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>154 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>155 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>155 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>156 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>157 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>158 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>162 </TD>
<TD>Case is not part of switch enumeration. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>166 </TD>
<TD>Case is not part of switch enumeration. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>172 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>144 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 2
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>145 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 2
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>149 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 3
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>150 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 3
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>163 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 1
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>164 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 1
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>167 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 1
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>168 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 1
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>141 </TD>
<TD>Recursion in procedure calls found. : __expr_eliminate_eq </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.2 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\expr.c' , '175');">expr_eliminate_eq<BR>(175
to 195 expr.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>No prototype for non-static function. : expr_eliminate_eq </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>DD data flow anomalies found. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>193 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : ep1.left.expr </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>194 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : ep2.left.expr </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>177 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>177 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>178 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>182 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>185 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>186 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>189 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>192 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>182 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 1
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>189 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 1
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>175 </TD>
<TD>Recursion in procedure calls found. : expr_eliminate_eq </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.2 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\expr.c' , '200');">expr_eq<BR>(200
to 244 expr.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>DD data flow anomalies found. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : trans_count </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>237 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : expr_fprint </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>239 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : expr_fprint </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>224 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : e2 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>224 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : e1 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>205 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>213 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>215 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>217 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>229 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>234 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>206 </TD>
<TD>No default case in switch statement. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>236 </TD>
<TD>Construct leads to infeasible code. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.14.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>238 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>240 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>217 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 1
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>217 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 2
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>200 </TD>
<TD>Recursion in procedure calls found. : expr_eq </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>200 </TD>
<TD>Identifier reuse: proc param vs macro. : e1 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.5.5 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>200 </TD>
<TD>Identifier reuse: proc param vs macro. : e2 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.5.5 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>236 </TD>
<TD>Unreachable Code found. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.1 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\expr.c' , '246');">expr_eliminate_yn<BR>(246
to 327 expr.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>DD data flow anomalies found. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>293 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : (e)-&gt;right.expr </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>266 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : tmp </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>282 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : tmp </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>295 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : tmp </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>311 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : tmp </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>250 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>250 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>259 </TD>
<TD>Pointer assignment to wider scope. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>263 </TD>
<TD>Use of banned function or variable. : free </TD>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>263 </TD>
<TD>free parameter is not heap item. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.22.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>266 </TD>
<TD>Use of banned function or variable. : free </TD>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>268 </TD>
<TD>Else alternative missing in if. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>275 </TD>
<TD>Pointer assignment to wider scope. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>279 </TD>
<TD>Use of banned function or variable. : free </TD>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>279 </TD>
<TD>free parameter is not heap item. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.22.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>282 </TD>
<TD>Use of banned function or variable. : free </TD>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>284 </TD>
<TD>Else alternative missing in if. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>292 </TD>
<TD>Use of banned function or variable. : free </TD>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>292 </TD>
<TD>free parameter is not heap item. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.22.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>295 </TD>
<TD>Use of banned function or variable. : free </TD>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>301 </TD>
<TD>Pointer assignment to wider scope. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>304 </TD>
<TD>Else alternative missing in if. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>308 </TD>
<TD>Use of banned function or variable. : free </TD>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>308 </TD>
<TD>free parameter is not heap item. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.22.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>311 </TD>
<TD>Use of banned function or variable. : free </TD>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>317 </TD>
<TD>Pointer assignment to wider scope. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>320 </TD>
<TD>Else alternative missing in if. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>325 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>252 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 1
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>253 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 1
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>256 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 1
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>257 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 1
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>272 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 1
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>273 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 1
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>288 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 1
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>289 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 1
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>298 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 1
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>299 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 1
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>314 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 1
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>315 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 1
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>246 </TD>
<TD>Recursion in procedure calls found. : expr_eliminate_yn </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>261 </TD>
<TD>Attempt to read from freed memory. : e </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.22.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>277 </TD>
<TD>Attempt to read from freed memory. : e </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.22.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>303 </TD>
<TD>Attempt to read from freed memory. : e </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.22.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>319 </TD>
<TD>Attempt to read from freed memory. : e </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.22.2 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\expr.c' , '332');">expr_trans_bool<BR>(332
to 356 expr.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>No prototype for non-static function. : expr_trans_bool </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>334 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>335 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>354 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>340 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 1
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>341 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 1
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>332 </TD>
<TD>Recursion in procedure calls found. : expr_trans_bool </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.2 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\expr.c' , '361');">expr_join_or<BR>(361
to 423 expr.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : trans_count </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>417 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : expr_fprint </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>419 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : expr_fprint </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>368 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : e1 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>370 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : e2 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>374 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : tmp </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>366 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>367 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>369 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>371 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>375 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>378 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>381 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>384 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>386 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>388 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>391 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>391 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>392 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>392 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>397 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>397 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>398 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>398 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>403 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>403 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>404 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>404 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>412 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>415 </TD>
<TD>Construct leads to infeasible code. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.14.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>416 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>418 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>420 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>394 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 1
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>394 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 3
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>400 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 1
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>400 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 3
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>406 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 1
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>406 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 3
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>412 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 1
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>361 </TD>
<TD>Recursion in procedure calls found. : expr_join_or </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>415 </TD>
<TD>Unreachable Code found. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.1 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\expr.c' , '425');">expr_join_and<BR>(425
to 517 expr.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : trans_count </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>511 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : expr_fprint </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>513 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : expr_fprint </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>432 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : e1 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>434 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : e2 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>473 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : sym2 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>480 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : sym2 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>438 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : tmp </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>430 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>431 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>433 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>435 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>439 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>442 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>445 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>448 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>450 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>452 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>454 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>455 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>456 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>459 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>460 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>461 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>464 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>465 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>466 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>473 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : &amp; used with int: flags </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>473 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : &amp; used with int:
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>473 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>473 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : &amp; used with int: flags </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>473 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : &amp; used with int:
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>473 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>474 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>474 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>480 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : &amp; used with int: flags </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>480 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : &amp; used with int:
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>480 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>480 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : &amp; used with int: flags </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>480 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : &amp; used with int:
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>480 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>481 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>481 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>485 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>485 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>486 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>486 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>487 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>491 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>491 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>492 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>492 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>493 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>497 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>497 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>498 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>498 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>499 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>502 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>503 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>504 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>505 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>506 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>509 </TD>
<TD>Construct leads to infeasible code. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.14.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>510 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>512 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>514 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>457 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 1
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>457 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 3
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>467 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 1
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>467 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 3
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>474 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 1
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>475 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 1
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>481 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 1
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>482 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 1
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>488 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 1
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>488 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 3
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>494 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 1
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>494 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 3
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>500 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 1
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>500 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 3
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>474 </TD>
<TD>Local structure returned in function result. : sym2 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>481 </TD>
<TD>Local structure returned in function result. : sym2 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>425 </TD>
<TD>Recursion in procedure calls found. : expr_join_and </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>509 </TD>
<TD>Unreachable Code found. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.1 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\expr.c' , '519');">expr_eliminate_dups1<BR>(519
to 569 expr.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>DD data flow anomalies found. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>556 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : ep1 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>536 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>540 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>543 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>546 </TD>
<TD>Case is not part of switch enumeration. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>548 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>555 </TD>
<TD>Case is not part of switch enumeration. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>557 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>566 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>526 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 2
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>527 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 2
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>531 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 3
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>532 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 3
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>550 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 1
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>559 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 1
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>519 </TD>
<TD>Recursion in procedure calls found. : expr_eliminate_dups1 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>521 </TD>
<TD>Identifier reuse: proc param vs macro. : e1 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.5.5 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>522 </TD>
<TD>Identifier reuse: proc param vs macro. : e2
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.5.5 </TD>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\expr.c' , '571');">expr_eliminate_dups<BR>(571
to 592 expr.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>No prototype for non-static function. : expr_eliminate_dups </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>DD data flow anomalies found. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : trans_count </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>580 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : e </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>578 </TD>
<TD>Potentially infinite loop found. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>574 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>575 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>582 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>585 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>586 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>587 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>582 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 1
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>571 </TD>
<TD>Recursion in procedure calls found. : expr_eliminate_dups </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.2 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\expr.c' , '594');">expr_transform<BR>(594
to 749 expr.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>No prototype for non-static function. : expr_transform </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>DD data flow anomalies found. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>676 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : e </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>684 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : e </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>692 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : e </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>697 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : tmp </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>706 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : tmp </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>718 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : e </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>727 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : e </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>736 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : e </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>598 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>599 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>613 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>618 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>626 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>626 </TD>
<TD>Format is not appropriate type. : format = %s, param 2 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.1.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>628 </TD>
<TD>Pointer assignment to wider scope. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>640 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>647 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>647 </TD>
<TD>Format is not appropriate type. : format = %s, param 2 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.1.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>649 </TD>
<TD>Pointer assignment to wider scope. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>665 </TD>
<TD>Use of banned function or variable. : free </TD>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>665 </TD>
<TD>free parameter is not heap item. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.22.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>666 </TD>
<TD>Use of banned function or variable. : free </TD>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>674 </TD>
<TD>Use of banned function or variable. : free </TD>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>675 </TD>
<TD>Attempt to use already freed object. : tmp </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.22.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>682 </TD>
<TD>Use of banned function or variable. : free </TD>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>683 </TD>
<TD>Attempt to use already freed object. : tmp </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.22.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>690 </TD>
<TD>Use of banned function or variable. : free </TD>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>691 </TD>
<TD>Attempt to use already freed object. : tmp </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.22.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>716 </TD>
<TD>Use of banned function or variable. : free </TD>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>717 </TD>
<TD>Attempt to use already freed object. : tmp </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.22.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>719 </TD>
<TD>Pointer assignment to wider scope. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>725 </TD>
<TD>Use of banned function or variable. : free </TD>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>726 </TD>
<TD>Attempt to use already freed object. : tmp </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.22.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>728 </TD>
<TD>Pointer assignment to wider scope. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>734 </TD>
<TD>Use of banned function or variable. : free </TD>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>735 </TD>
<TD>Attempt to use already freed object. : tmp </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.22.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>737 </TD>
<TD>Pointer assignment to wider scope. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>743 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>747 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>611 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 1
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>612 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 1
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>621 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 1
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>655 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 1
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>698 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 1
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>698 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 2
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>707 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 1
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>707 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 2
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>594 </TD>
<TD>Recursion in procedure calls found. : expr_transform </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>673 </TD>
<TD>Attempt to use uninitialised pointer. : tmp </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.9.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>596 </TD>
<TD>Procedure contains UR data flow anomalies. : tmp </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.9.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>719 </TD>
<TD>DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. :
(tmp)-&gt;left.sym </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>728 </TD>
<TD>DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. :
(tmp)-&gt;left.sym </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>737 </TD>
<TD>DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. :
(tmp)-&gt;left.sym </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>700 </TD>
<TD>DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. :
(tmp)-&gt;right.expr </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>709 </TD>
<TD>DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. :
(tmp)-&gt;right.expr </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>699 </TD>
<TD>DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. :
(tmp)-&gt;type </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>708 </TD>
<TD>DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. :
(tmp)-&gt;type </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>718 </TD>
<TD>DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. :
(tmp)-&gt;type </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>727 </TD>
<TD>DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. :
(tmp)-&gt;type </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>736 </TD>
<TD>DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. :
(tmp)-&gt;type </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>676 </TD>
<TD>DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. :
(tmp)-&gt;type </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>684 </TD>
<TD>DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. :
(tmp)-&gt;type </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>692 </TD>
<TD>DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. :
(tmp)-&gt;type </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\expr.c' , '751');">expr_contains_symbol<BR>(751
to 777 expr.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>No prototype for non-static function. : expr_contains_symbol </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>753 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>754 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>759 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>760 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>760 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>762 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>770 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>772 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>775 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>759 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 1
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>760 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 1
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>772 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 1
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>751 </TD>
<TD>Recursion in procedure calls found. : expr_contains_symbol </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.2 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\expr.c' , '779');">expr_depends_symbol<BR>(779
to 806 expr.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>No prototype for non-static function. : expr_depends_symbol </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>781 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>782 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>786 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>787 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>787 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>789 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>792 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>792 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>793 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>799 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>804 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>786 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 1
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>787 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 1
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>779 </TD>
<TD>Recursion in procedure calls found. : expr_depends_symbol </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.2 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\expr.c' , '808');">expr_trans_compare<BR>(808
to 871 expr.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>No prototype for non-static function. : expr_trans_compare </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>815 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : e </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>827 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : e </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>837 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : e </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>823 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : e2 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>833 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : e2 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>825 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : e2 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>835 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : e2 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>823 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : e1 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>833 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : e1 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>825 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : e1 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>835 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : e1 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>812 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>815 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>819 </TD>
<TD>Case is not part of switch enumeration. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>823 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>825 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>827 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>828 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>829 </TD>
<TD>Case is not part of switch enumeration. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>833 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>835 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>837 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>838 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>839 </TD>
<TD>Case is not part of switch enumeration. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>840 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>841 </TD>
<TD>Case is not part of switch enumeration. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>842 </TD>
<TD>Case is not part of switch enumeration. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>843 </TD>
<TD>Case is not part of switch enumeration. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>844 </TD>
<TD>Case is not part of switch enumeration. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>845 </TD>
<TD>Case is not part of switch enumeration. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>846 </TD>
<TD>Case is not part of switch enumeration. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>849 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>851 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>853 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>856 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>858 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>860 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>863 </TD>
<TD>Case is not part of switch enumeration. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>864 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>865 </TD>
<TD>Case is not part of switch enumeration. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>866 </TD>
<TD>Case is not part of switch enumeration. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>867 </TD>
<TD>Case is not part of switch enumeration. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>869 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>818 </TD>
<TD>No default case in switch statement. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>815 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 1
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>820 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 1
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>820 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 2
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>821 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 1
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>821 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 2
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>823 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 1
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>825 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 1
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>827 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 1
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>830 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 1
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>830 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 2
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>831 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 1
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>831 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 2
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>833 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 1
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>835 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 1
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>837 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 1
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>840 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 1
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>840 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 2
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>853 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 1
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>856 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 1
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>808 </TD>
<TD>Recursion in procedure calls found. : expr_trans_compare </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>820 </TD>
<TD>Function return value potentially unused. : e1 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.7,R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>830 </TD>
<TD>Function return value potentially unused. : e1 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.7,R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>821 </TD>
<TD>Function return value potentially unused. : e2 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.7,R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>831 </TD>
<TD>Function return value potentially unused. : e2 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.7,R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center><A name=first_50_x>C</A> </TD>
<TD align=center>810 </TD>
<TD>Identifier reuse: var vs macro. : e2
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.5.5 </TD>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\expr.c' , '885');">expr_parse_string<BR>(885
to 915 expr.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>892 </TD>
<TD>Use of banned function or variable. : errno </TD>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>894 </TD>
<TD>Case is not part of switch enumeration. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>895 </TD>
<TD>Case is not part of switch enumeration. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>896 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>897 </TD>
<TD>Case is not part of switch enumeration. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>901 </TD>
<TD>Case is not part of switch enumeration. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>905 </TD>
<TD>Case is not part of switch enumeration. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>906 </TD>
<TD>Case is not part of switch enumeration. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>912 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>913 </TD>
<TD>Use of banned function or variable. : errno </TD>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>913 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>913 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>913 </TD>
<TD>Declaration does not specify an array. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>913 </TD>
<TD>Array bound exceeded. : tail[*]; accessed=-1 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>913 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>914 </TD>
<TD>Use of underlying enum representation value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\expr.c' , '917');">expr_calc_value<BR>(917
to 995 expr.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>No prototype for non-static function. : expr_calc_value </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>DD data flow anomalies found. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>930 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : sym_calc_value </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>935 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : EXPR_AND </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>939 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : EXPR_OR </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>942 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : EXPR_NOT </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>955 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : sym_calc_value </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>956 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : sym_calc_value </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>957 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : sym_get_string_value </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>958 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : sym_get_string_value </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>961 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : str1 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>966 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : str1 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>972 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : str1 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>962 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : str2 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>966 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : str2 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>972 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : str2 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>925 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>926 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>931 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>935 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>939 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>942 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>951 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>953 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>966 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>969 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>974 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>974 </TD>
<TD>Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (int and bool): res = ( lval.u &gt;
rval.u </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>974 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>975 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>976 </TD>
<TD>Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (int and bool): res = ( lval.s &gt;
rval.s </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>976 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>980 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>980 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>982 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>984 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>986 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>988 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>990 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>990 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>992 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>994 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>933 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 1
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>934 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 1
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>937 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 1
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>938 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 1
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>941 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 1
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>961 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 2
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>962 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 2
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>917 </TD>
<TD>Recursion in procedure calls found. : expr_calc_value </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>962 </TD>
<TD>Function return value potentially unused. : k2
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.7,R.17.7 </TD>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\expr.c' , '997');">expr_compare_type<BR>(997
to 1029 expr.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>999 </TD>
<TD>Use of underlying enum representation value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1000 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1002 </TD>
<TD>Case is not part of switch enumeration. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1003 </TD>
<TD>Case is not part of switch enumeration. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1004 </TD>
<TD>Case is not part of switch enumeration. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1005 </TD>
<TD>Case is not part of switch enumeration. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1007 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1008 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1008 </TD>
<TD>Case is not part of switch enumeration. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1009 </TD>
<TD>Case is not part of switch enumeration. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1011 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1012 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1012 </TD>
<TD>Case is not part of switch enumeration. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1014 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1015 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1015 </TD>
<TD>Case is not part of switch enumeration. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1017 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1018 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1018 </TD>
<TD>Case is not part of switch enumeration. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1020 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1021 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1021 </TD>
<TD>Case is not part of switch enumeration. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1023 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1024 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1026 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1027 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1027 </TD>
<TD>Unreachable Code found. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.1 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\expr.c' , '1031');">expr_get_leftmost_symbol<BR>(1031
to 1042 expr.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1038 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : e </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1036 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1039 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to loop body. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1031 </TD>
<TD>Recursion in procedure calls found. : expr_get_leftmost_symbol </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.2 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\expr.c' , '1048');">expr_simplify_unmet_dep<BR>(1048
to 1071 expr.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>No prototype for non-static function. : expr_simplify_unmet_dep </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>DD data flow anomalies found. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : trans_count </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1061 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : e1 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1070 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : ret </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1062 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : e </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1060 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : e </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1061 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : e </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1056 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1061 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1055 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 1
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1056 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 1
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1056 </TD>
<TD>Call has execution order dependant side effects. :
expr_simplify_unmet_dep </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2,R.13.5 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1055 </TD>
<TD>Call has execution order dependant side effects. :
expr_simplify_unmet_dep </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2,R.13.5 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1048 </TD>
<TD>Recursion in procedure calls found. : expr_simplify_unmet_dep </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1059 </TD>
<TD>Potential side effect from repeated function call. : expr_copy </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1060 </TD>
<TD>Potential side effect problem in expression. : e </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1061 </TD>
<TD>Potential side effect problem in expression. : e </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1070 </TD>
<TD>Potential side effect problem in expression. : ret </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1056 </TD>
<TD>Potential side effect from repeated function call. :
expr_simplify_unmet_dep </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1056 </TD>
<TD>Potential side effect problem in expression. : trans_count </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1048 </TD>
<TD>Identifier reuse: proc param vs macro. : e1
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.5.5 </TD>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\expr.c' , '1073');">expr_print<BR>(1073
to 1161 expr.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>No prototype for non-static function. : expr_print </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1075 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1081 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1084 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1085 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1087 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1094 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1095 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1097 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1103 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1104 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1106 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1112 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1113 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1115 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1120 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1121 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1123 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1139 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1154 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1160 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1080 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 1
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1080 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 2
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1085 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 2
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1085 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and char): param 3
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1091 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 1
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1095 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 2
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1095 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and char): param 3
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1099 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 2
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1099 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and char): param 3
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1104 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 2
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1104 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and char): param 3
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1108 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 2
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1108 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and char): param 3
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1113 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 2
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1113 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and char): param 3
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1117 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 2
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1117 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and char): param 3
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1121 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 2
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1121 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and char): param 3
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1125 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 2
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1125 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and char): param 3
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1128 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 1
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1130 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 1
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1133 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 1
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1135 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 1
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1138 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 2
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1138 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and char): param 3
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1141 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 1
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1146 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 2
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1146 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and char): param 3
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1148 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 2
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1148 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and char): param 3
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1159 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 1
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1159 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 2
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1073 </TD>
<TD>Recursion in procedure calls found. : expr_print </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.2 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Parameter </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>O </TD>
<TD>Procedure pointer is an unused parameter </TD>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\expr.c' , '1163');">expr_print_file_helper<BR>(1163
to 1166 expr.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1165 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : xfwrite </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Parameter </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>O </TD>
<TD>Unused procedure parameter </TD>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\expr.c' , '1168');">expr_fprint<BR>(1168
to 1171 expr.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>No prototype for non-static function. : expr_fprint </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1168 </TD>
<TD>Recursion in procedure calls found. : expr_fprint </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1170 </TD>
<TD>Unreachable Code found. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.1 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\expr.c' , '1173');">expr_print_gstr_helper<BR>(1173
to 1201 expr.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1175 </TD>
<TD>Casting operation to a pointer. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.3,R.11.5,R.11.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1179 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : sym_get_string_value </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1195 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : str_append </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1198 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : str_append </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1200 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : str_printf </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1192 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : last_cr </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1175 </TD>
<TD>Casting operation on a pointer. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.3,R.11.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1178 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1179 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1181 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1186 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1187 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1187 </TD>
<TD>Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned int and int):
extra_length </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1187 </TD>
<TD>Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (signed char and unsigned int):
extra_length += 4 + strlen </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1187 </TD>
<TD>Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (signed char and unsigned
int): extra_length += 4 + strlen </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1189 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1190 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1190 </TD>
<TD>const object reassigned. : last_cr </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.1.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1192 </TD>
<TD>Value is not of appropriate type. : (long long and char):
last_line_length = strlen ( gs -&gt; s </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1192 </TD>
<TD>Pointer arithmetic is not on array. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1,R.18.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1192 </TD>
<TD>Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned int and long long):
last_line_length = strlen ( gs -&gt; s ) - ( last_cr - gs -&gt; s </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1194 </TD>
<TD>Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned int and int): (
last_line_length + extra_length ) &gt; gs -&gt; max_width </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1194 </TD>
<TD>Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned int and int): (
last_line_length + extra_length ) &gt; gs -&gt; max_width </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1195 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1199 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1200 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1175 </TD>
<TD>Type is incomplete in translation unit. : gstr </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.1.3 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\expr.c' , '1203');">expr_gstr_print<BR>(1203
to 1206 expr.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>No prototype for non-static function. : expr_gstr_print </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1203 </TD>
<TD>Recursion in procedure calls found. : expr_gstr_print </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.2 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\hconf.c' , '44');">kconf_id_hash<BR>(44
to 89 hconf.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>47 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 73 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>52 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 73 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>52 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>55 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 73 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>58 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 73 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>58 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 10 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>58 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 25 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>58 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>58 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 5 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>58 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 45 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>58 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 20 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>58 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 15 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>61 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 73 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>64 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 73 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>68 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 73 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>71 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 73 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>74 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 73 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>74 </TD>
<TD>Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned char and signed char):
73 , 73 , 73 , 73 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>76 </TD>
<TD>Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (int and unsigned int): len
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>81 </TD>
<TD>Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (int and unsigned char):
hval += asso_values </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>81 </TD>
<TD>Declaration does not specify an array. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>83 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>85 </TD>
<TD>Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (int and unsigned char):
hval += asso_values </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>85 </TD>
<TD>Declaration does not specify an array. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>88 </TD>
<TD>Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (int and unsigned char): hval +
asso_values </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>88 </TD>
<TD>Declaration does not specify an array. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>88 </TD>
<TD>Function return type inconsistent. : (unsigned int and int)
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\hconf.c' , '174');">kconf_id_lookup<BR>(174
to 295 hconf.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>287 </TD>
<TD>Casting operation to a pointer. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.3,R.11.5,R.11.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center><A name=first_553_s>C</A> </TD>
<TD align=center>175 </TD>
<TD>Function and proto should both be static. : kconf_id_lookup </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.8.8 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>190 </TD>
<TD>Cast from pointer to integral type. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>192 </TD>
<TD>Cast from pointer to integral type. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>195 </TD>
<TD>Cast from pointer to integral type. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>198 </TD>
<TD>Cast from pointer to integral type. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>200 </TD>
<TD>Cast from pointer to integral type. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>202 </TD>
<TD>Cast from pointer to integral type. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>204 </TD>
<TD>Cast from pointer to integral type. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>207 </TD>
<TD>Cast from pointer to integral type. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>209 </TD>
<TD>Cast from pointer to integral type. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>211 </TD>
<TD>Cast from pointer to integral type. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>214 </TD>
<TD>Cast from pointer to integral type. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>216 </TD>
<TD>Cast from pointer to integral type. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>219 </TD>
<TD>Cast from pointer to integral type. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>221 </TD>
<TD>Cast from pointer to integral type. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>223 </TD>
<TD>Cast from pointer to integral type. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>226 </TD>
<TD>Cast from pointer to integral type. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>229 </TD>
<TD>Cast from pointer to integral type. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>231 </TD>
<TD>Cast from pointer to integral type. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>233 </TD>
<TD>Cast from pointer to integral type. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>236 </TD>
<TD>Cast from pointer to integral type. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>238 </TD>
<TD>Cast from pointer to integral type. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>240 </TD>
<TD>Cast from pointer to integral type. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>243 </TD>
<TD>Cast from pointer to integral type. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>245 </TD>
<TD>Cast from pointer to integral type. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>248 </TD>
<TD>Cast from pointer to integral type. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>251 </TD>
<TD>Cast from pointer to integral type. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>253 </TD>
<TD>Cast from pointer to integral type. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>255 </TD>
<TD>Cast from pointer to integral type. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>258 </TD>
<TD>Cast from pointer to integral type. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>260 </TD>
<TD>Cast from pointer to integral type. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>263 </TD>
<TD>Cast from pointer to integral type. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>265 </TD>
<TD>Cast from pointer to integral type. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>268 </TD>
<TD>Cast from pointer to integral type. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>271 </TD>
<TD>Cast from pointer to integral type. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>275 </TD>
<TD>Cast from pointer to integral type. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>278 </TD>
<TD>Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned int and signed
char): len &lt;= MAX_WORD_LENGTH </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>278 </TD>
<TD>Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned int and signed
char): len &gt;= MIN_WORD_LENGTH </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>280 </TD>
<TD>Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (int and unsigned int):
kconf_id_hash </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>282 </TD>
<TD>No cast for widening complex int expression. : (int and signed char):
key &lt;= MAX_HASH_VALUE </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>287 </TD>
<TD>Casting operation on a pointer. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.3,R.11.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>287 </TD>
<TD>Cast to an unrelated type. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.11.2,R.11.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>289 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>289 </TD>
<TD>Pointer arithmetic is not on array. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1,R.18.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>289 </TD>
<TD>Pointer arithmetic is not on array. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1,R.18.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>289 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>289 </TD>
<TD>Declaration does not specify an array. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>290 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>294 </TD>
<TD>Literal zero used in pointer context. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.11.9 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\inputbox.c' , '29');">print_buttons<BR>(29
to 39 inputbox.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>34 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : print_button </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>34 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : gettext </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>35 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : print_button </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>35 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : gettext </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>37 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : wmove </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>38 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : wrefresh </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>31 </TD>
<TD>Expression needs brackets. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.12.1,R.20.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>37 </TD>
<TD>Expression needs brackets. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.12.1,R.20.7 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\inputbox.c' , '44');">dialog_inputbox<BR>(44
to 301 inputbox.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>No prototype for non-static function. : dialog_inputbox </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>DD data flow anomalies found. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>59 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : getmaxy </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>61 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : getmaxx </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>65 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : getmaxx </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>66 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : getmaxy </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>68 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : draw_shadow </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>70 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : newwin </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>71 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : keypad </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>73 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : draw_box </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>75 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : wattrset </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>76 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : mvwaddch </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>78 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : waddch </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>79 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : wattrset </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>80 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : waddch </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>82 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : print_title </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>84 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : wattrset </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>85 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : print_autowrap </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>89 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : getyx </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>92 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : draw_box </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>98 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : wmove </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>99 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : wattrset </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>108 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : waddch </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>112 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : waddstr </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>115 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : wmove </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>117 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : wrefresh </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>120 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : wgetch </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>131 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : wattrset </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>146 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : wmove </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>149 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : waddch </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>152 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : waddch </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>154 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : wmove </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>155 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : wrefresh </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>161 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : wmove </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>164 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : wmove </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>167 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : waddch </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>170 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : waddch </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>172 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : wmove </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>180 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : wmove </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>183 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : wmove </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>186 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : waddch </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>189 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : waddch </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>191 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : wmove </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>199 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : wattrset </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>217 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : wmove </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>220 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : waddch </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>223 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : waddch </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>225 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : wmove </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>226 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : wrefresh </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>228 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : flash </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>236 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : delwin </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>240 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : delwin </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>252 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : wmove </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>253 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : wrefresh </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>276 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : wmove </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>277 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : wrefresh </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>283 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : delwin </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>290 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : on_key_esc </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>293 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : delwin </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>294 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : on_key_resize </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>299 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : delwin </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>71 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : dialog </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>101 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : instr </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>58 </TD>
<TD>Potentially infinite loop found. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>53 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>54 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>56 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>60 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>62 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>77 </TD>
<TD>Expression needs brackets. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.12.1,R.20.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>78 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to loop body. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>101 </TD>
<TD>Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (int and unsigned int): len
= strlen </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>105 </TD>
<TD>Expression needs brackets. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.12.1,R.20.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>107 </TD>
<TD>Expression needs brackets. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.12.1,R.20.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>108 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to loop body. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>130 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>135 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>138 </TD>
<TD>For loop initialisation is not simple. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.14.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>139 </TD>
<TD>Modification of string literal. : instr </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>145 </TD>
<TD>Modification of string literal. : instr </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>148 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>157 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>161 </TD>
<TD>Deprecated usage of ++ or -- operators found. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2,R.13.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>161 </TD>
<TD>Assignment operation in expression. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2,R.13.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>161 </TD>
<TD>Expression needs brackets. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.12.1,R.20.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>166 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>173 </TD>
<TD>Else alternative missing in if. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>176 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>179 </TD>
<TD>Expression needs brackets. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.12.1,R.20.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>180 </TD>
<TD>Deprecated usage of ++ or -- operators found. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2,R.13.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>180 </TD>
<TD>Assignment operation in expression. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2,R.13.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>180 </TD>
<TD>Expression needs brackets. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.12.1,R.20.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>181 </TD>
<TD>Expression needs brackets. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.12.1,R.20.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>185 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>192 </TD>
<TD>Else alternative missing in if. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>195 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>197 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>202 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to loop body. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>202 </TD>
<TD>Modification of string literal. : instr </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>203 </TD>
<TD>Modification of string literal. : instr </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>205 </TD>
<TD>Modification of string literal. : instr </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>209 </TD>
<TD>Modification of string literal. : instr </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>211 </TD>
<TD>Expression needs brackets. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.12.1,R.20.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>219 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>228 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>231 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>237 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>241 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>244 </TD>
<TD>No default case in switch statement. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>264 </TD>
<TD>No default case in switch statement. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>284 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>295 </TD>
<TD>goto label is backwards. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>296 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>233 </TD>
<TD>No default case in switch statement. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>48 </TD>
<TD>DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. : input_x
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>89 </TD>
<TD>DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. : x </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\menu.c' , '21');">menu_warn<BR>(21
to 29 menu.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>No prototype for non-static function. : menu_warn </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>24 </TD>
<TD>Use of banned function or variable. : va_start </TD>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>25 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>25 </TD>
<TD>Format is not appropriate type. : format = %s, param 3 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.1.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>26 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>26 </TD>
<TD>Incorrect number of formats in output function. : 0 formats, 3 outputs
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.1.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>27 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>28 </TD>
<TD>Use of banned function or variable. : va_end </TD>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\menu.c' , '31');">prop_warn<BR>(31
to 39 menu.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>34 </TD>
<TD>Use of banned function or variable. : va_start </TD>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>35 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>35 </TD>
<TD>Format is not appropriate type. : format = %s, param 3 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.1.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>36 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>36 </TD>
<TD>Incorrect number of formats in output function. : 0 formats, 3 outputs
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.1.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>37 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>38 </TD>
<TD>Use of banned function or variable. : va_end </TD>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>31 </TD>
<TD>Struct/union not completely specified. : property </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.1.3 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\menu.c' , '41');">_menu_init<BR>(41
to 45 menu.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>No prototype for non-static function. : _menu_init </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>41 </TD>
<TD>User name starts with underscore. : _menu_init </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.21.1,R.21.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>43 </TD>
<TD>Assignment operation in expression. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2,R.13.4
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\menu.c' , '47');">menu_add_entry<BR>(47
to 63 menu.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>No prototype for non-static function. : menu_add_entry </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>51 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : xmalloc </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>56 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : zconf_lineno </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>62 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : menu_add_symbol </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>53 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : menu </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>62 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : NULL </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>55 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : current_file </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>58 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : last_entry_ptr </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>52 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>61 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>62 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>47 </TD>
<TD>Type is incomplete in translation unit. : symbol </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.1.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>62 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 1
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>62 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 3
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>47 </TD>
<TD>Recursion in procedure calls found. : menu_add_entry </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.2 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\menu.c' , '65');">menu_end_entry<BR>(65
to 67 menu.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>No prototype for non-static function. : menu_end_entry </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>65 </TD>
<TD>Void function has no side effects. : menu_end_entry </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\menu.c' , '69');">menu_add_menu<BR>(69
to 74 menu.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>No prototype for non-static function. : menu_add_menu </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : last_entry_ptr </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>73 </TD>
<TD>Assignment operation in expression. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2,R.13.4
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\menu.c' , '76');">menu_end_menu<BR>(76
to 80 menu.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>No prototype for non-static function. : menu_end_menu </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>79 </TD>
<TD>DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. :
(current_menu)-&gt;next </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>79 </TD>
<TD>DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. :
(current_menu)-&gt;parent </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\menu.c' , '82');">menu_check_dep<BR>(82
to 105 menu.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>99 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : expr_alloc_and </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>99 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : expr_alloc_symbol </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>84 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>85 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>99 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>101 </TD>
<TD>Switch empty default has no comment. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>82 </TD>
<TD>Struct/union not completely specified. : expr </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.1.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>89 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 1
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>93 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 1
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>94 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 1
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>82 </TD>
<TD>Recursion in procedure calls found. : menu_check_dep </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.2 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\menu.c' , '107');">menu_add_dep<BR>(107
to 110 menu.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>No prototype for non-static function. : menu_add_dep </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>109 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : expr_alloc_and </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>107 </TD>
<TD>Recursion in procedure calls found. : menu_add_dep </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>109 </TD>
<TD>DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. :
(current_entry)-&gt;dep </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>109 </TD>
<TD>Function return value potentially unused. : (current_entry)-&gt;dep
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.7,R.17.7 </TD>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\menu.c' , '112');">menu_set_type<BR>(112
to 126 menu.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>No prototype for non-static function. : menu_set_type </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>125 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : sym_type_name </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>117 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>122 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>122 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (symbol and enum):
param 1 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>122 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (char* and char): param
2 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>119 </TD>
<TD>DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. :
(sym)-&gt;type </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\menu.c' , '128');">menu_add_prop<BR>(128
to 176 menu.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>130 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : prop_alloc </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>163 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : expr_copy </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>165 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : expr_alloc_and </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>139 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : prompt </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>132 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : prop </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>165 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : dup_expr </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>136 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>137 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>139 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>140 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to loop body. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>140 </TD>
<TD>Pointer arithmetic is not on array. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1,R.18.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>142 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>142 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>143 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>149 </TD>
<TD>Assignment operation in expression. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2,R.13.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>149 </TD>
<TD>Assignment operator in boolean expression. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>152 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>153 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>175 </TD>
<TD>Pointer assignment to wider scope. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>175 </TD>
<TD>Local structure returned in function result. : prop </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>128 </TD>
<TD>Recursion in procedure calls found. : menu_add_prop </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>171 </TD>
<TD>DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. :
(current_entry)-&gt;prompt </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\menu.c' , '178');">menu_add_prompt<BR>(178
to 181 menu.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>No prototype for non-static function. : menu_add_prompt </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>180 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : NULL </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>178 </TD>
<TD>Recursion in procedure calls found. : menu_add_prompt </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.2 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\menu.c' , '183');">menu_add_visibility<BR>(183
to 187 menu.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>No prototype for non-static function. : menu_add_visibility </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>185 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : expr_alloc_and </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>185 </TD>
<TD>DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. :
(current_entry)-&gt;visibility </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\menu.c' , '189');">menu_add_expr<BR>(189
to 192 menu.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>No prototype for non-static function. : menu_add_expr </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>191 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : NULL </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>191 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>189 </TD>
<TD>Recursion in procedure calls found. : menu_add_expr </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.2 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\menu.c' , '194');">menu_add_symbol<BR>(194
to 197 menu.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>No prototype for non-static function. : menu_add_symbol </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>196 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : expr_alloc_symbol </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>196 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : NULL </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>196 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>196 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 3
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>194 </TD>
<TD>Recursion in procedure calls found. : menu_add_symbol </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.2 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\menu.c' , '199');">menu_add_option<BR>(199
to 224 menu.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>No prototype for non-static function. : menu_add_option </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>204 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : zconf_error </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>215 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : zconf_error </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>218 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : prop_add_env </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>203 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>204 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>212 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>213 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>215 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>215 </TD>
<TD>Else alternative missing in if. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>221 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : |= used with int: flags </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>221 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : |= used with int:
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>201 </TD>
<TD>No default case in switch statement. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>221 </TD>
<TD>DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. :
(current_entry)-&gt;(sym)-&gt;flags </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>209 </TD>
<TD>DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. :
(modules_sym)-&gt;name </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\menu.c' , '226');">menu_validate_number<BR>(226
to 230 menu.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>229 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : sym_string_valid </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>229 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\menu.c' , '232');">sym_check_prop<BR>(232
to 284 menu.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>DD data flow anomalies found. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>248 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : prop_get_symbol </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>259 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : prop_get_symbol </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>264 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : sym2 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>238 </TD>
<TD>For loop initialisation is not simple. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.14.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>243 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>247 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>250 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>251 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>261 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>267 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>270 </TD>
<TD>Else alternative missing in if. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>274 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>276 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>277 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>278 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>282 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>276 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 2
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>277 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 2
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>258 </TD>
<TD>DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. : use </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\menu.c' , '286');">menu_finalize<BR>(286
to 452 menu.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>No prototype for non-static function. : menu_finalize </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>DD data flow anomalies found. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>295 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : sym_is_choice </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>312 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : expr_alloc_symbol </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>319 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : expr_transform </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>320 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : expr_alloc_and </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>320 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : expr_copy </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>321 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : expr_eliminate_dups </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>330 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : expr_transform </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>331 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : expr_alloc_and </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>331 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : expr_copy </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>332 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : expr_eliminate_dups </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>334 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : expr_trans_bool </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>337 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : prop_get_symbol </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>338 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : expr_alloc_or </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>338 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : expr_alloc_and </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>339 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : expr_alloc_symbol </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>339 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : expr_copy </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>341 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : prop_get_symbol </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>342 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : expr_alloc_or </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>342 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : expr_alloc_and </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>343 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : expr_alloc_symbol </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>343 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : expr_copy </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>351 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : expr_trans_compare </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>352 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : expr_eliminate_dups </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>352 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : expr_transform </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>356 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : expr_contains_symbol </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>358 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : expr_depends_symbol </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>360 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : expr_trans_compare </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>361 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : expr_eliminate_dups </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>361 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : expr_transform </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>362 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : expr_copy </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>363 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : expr_eliminate_eq </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>364 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : expr_free </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>365 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : expr_is_yes </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>366 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : expr_free </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>369 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : expr_free </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>381 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : expr_alloc_or </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>384 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : sym_is_choice </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>385 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : sym_is_choice_value </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>407 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : expr_alloc_comp </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>408 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : expr_alloc_and </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>412 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : expr_alloc_and </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>412 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : expr_copy </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>417 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : sym_get_choice_prop </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>420 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : expr_alloc_one </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>439 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : sym_is_choice </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>447 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : sym_is_optional </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>448 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : expr_alloc_or </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>448 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : expr_alloc_and </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>449 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : expr_alloc_symbol </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>425 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : last_menu </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>335 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : dep </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>334 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : dep </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>351 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : basedep </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>320 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : parentdep </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>320 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : basedep </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>322 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : basedep </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>331 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : dep </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>338 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : es </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>342 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : es </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>352 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : basedep </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>361 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : dep </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>363 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : dep2 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>408 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : basedep </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>416 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : NULL </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>418 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : prop </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>360 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : dep </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>294 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>295 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>295 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>299 </TD>
<TD>For loop initialisation is not simple. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.14.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>300 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>307 </TD>
<TD>For loop initialisation is not simple. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.14.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>309 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>310 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>313 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>314 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>316 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>318 </TD>
<TD>For loop initialisation is not simple. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.14.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>323 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>324 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>326 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>329 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>333 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>334 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>344 </TD>
<TD>Else alternative missing in if. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>347 </TD>
<TD>For loop initialisation is not simple. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.14.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>348 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to loop body. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>349 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>350 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>354 </TD>
<TD>For loop initialisation is not simple. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.14.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>355 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>356 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>357 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>358 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>359 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>365 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>375 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>382 </TD>
<TD>Else alternative missing in if. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>383 </TD>
<TD>For loop initialisation is not simple. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.14.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>384 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>384 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>385 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>385 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>387 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : |= used with int: flags </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>387 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : |= used with int:
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>388 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>389 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>390 </TD>
<TD>For loop initialisation is not simple. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.14.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>392 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>395 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>398 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>409 </TD>
<TD>For loop initialisation is not simple. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.14.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>411 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>418 </TD>
<TD>For loop initialisation is not simple. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.14.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>418 </TD>
<TD>For loop incrementation is not simple. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.14.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>419 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to loop body. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>423 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>423 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>423 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>424 </TD>
<TD>For loop initialisation is not simple. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.14.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center><A name=first_429_s>C</A> </TD>
<TD align=center>424 </TD>
<TD>Empty middle expression in for loop. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.14.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>426 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>427 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>435 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>435 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : &amp; used with int: flags </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>435 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : &amp; used with int:
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>435 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>437 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>439 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>439 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>440 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>444 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : |= used with int: flags </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>444 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : |= used with int: SYMBOL_WARNED
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>447 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>447 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>447 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>359 </TD>
<TD>Jump into nested block. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>389 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>416 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 1
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>416 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 3
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>286 </TD>
<TD>Recursion in procedure calls found. : menu_finalize </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>375 </TD>
<TD>Attempt to use uninitialised pointer. : last_menu </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.9.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>353 </TD>
<TD>Procedure contains UR data flow anomalies. : last_menu </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.9.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>421 </TD>
<TD>DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. :
(ep)-&gt;right.sym </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>342 </TD>
<TD>DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. :
(es)-&gt;implied.expr </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>338 </TD>
<TD>DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. :
(es)-&gt;rev_dep.expr </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>448 </TD>
<TD>DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. :
(sym)-&gt;rev_dep.expr </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\menu.c' , '454');">menu_has_prompt<BR>(454
to 459 menu.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>No prototype for non-static function. : menu_has_prompt </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>456 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>457 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\menu.c' , '466');">menu_is_empty<BR>(466
to 475 menu.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>No prototype for non-static function. : menu_is_empty </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>DD data flow anomalies found. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>471 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : menu_is_visible </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>470 </TD>
<TD>For loop initialisation is not simple. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.14.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>471 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>472 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>466 </TD>
<TD>Recursion in procedure calls found. : menu_is_empty </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.2 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\menu.c' , '477');">menu_is_visible<BR>(477
to 513 menu.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>No prototype for non-static function. : menu_is_visible </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>DD data flow anomalies found. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>487 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : expr_calc_value </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>493 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : sym_calc_value </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>496 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : expr_calc_value </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>501 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : sym_get_tristate_value </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>483 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>484 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>486 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>488 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>492 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>496 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>496 </TD>
<TD>Assignment operation in expression. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2,R.13.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>499 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>501 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>502 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>504 </TD>
<TD>For loop initialisation is not simple. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.14.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>505 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>506 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>507 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>507 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : |= used with int: flags </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>507 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : |= used with int:
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>477 </TD>
<TD>Recursion in procedure calls found. : menu_is_visible </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>507 </TD>
<TD>DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. :
(sym)-&gt;flags </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\menu.c' , '515');">menu_get_prompt<BR>(515
to 522 menu.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>No prototype for non-static function. : menu_get_prompt </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>517 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>518 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>519 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>520 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>520 </TD>
<TD>Else alternative missing in if. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.7 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\menu.c' , '524');">menu_get_root_menu<BR>(524
to 527 menu.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>No prototype for non-static function. : menu_get_root_menu </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Parameter </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>O </TD>
<TD>Unused procedure parameter </TD>
<TD>menu </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\menu.c' , '529');">menu_get_parent_menu<BR>(529
to 539 menu.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>No prototype for non-static function. : menu_get_parent_menu </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>534 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>536 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\menu.c' , '541');">menu_has_help<BR>(541
to 544 menu.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>No prototype for non-static function. : menu_has_help </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\menu.c' , '546');">menu_get_help<BR>(546
to 552 menu.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>No prototype for non-static function. : menu_get_help </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>548 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>549 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>551 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\menu.c' , '554');">get_prompt_str<BR>(554
to 609 menu.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>DD data flow anomalies found. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>561 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : str_printf </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>561 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : _ </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>561 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : _ </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>571 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : xmalloc </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>584 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : list_empty </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>587 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : list_entry </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>590 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : list_add_tail </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>594 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : str_printf </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>594 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : _ </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>599 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : str_printf </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>599 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : _ </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>602 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : str_printf </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>603 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : _ </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>604 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : sym_get_string_value </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>606 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : str_append </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>601 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : menu </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>580 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : jump </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>582 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : jump </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>563 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>563 </TD>
<TD>Inconsistent usage of loop control variable. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.14.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>566 </TD>
<TD>Deprecated usage of ++ or -- operators found. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2,R.13.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>568 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>570 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>570 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>573 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>582 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>584 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>585 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>587 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>595 </TD>
<TD>Expression needs brackets. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.12.1,R.20.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>595 </TD>
<TD>Inconsistent usage of loop control variable. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.14.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>595 </TD>
<TD>For loop incrementation is not simple. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.14.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>597 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>598 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>598 </TD>
<TD>Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (int and unsigned int):
jump -&gt; offset = strlen </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>598 </TD>
<TD>Value is not of appropriate type. : (int and char): jump -&gt; offset
= strlen ( r -&gt; s </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>601 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>602 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>559 </TD>
<TD>Type is incomplete in translation unit. : jump_key </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.1.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>555 </TD>
<TD>Type is incomplete in translation unit. : list_head </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.1.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>554 </TD>
<TD>Recursion in procedure calls found. : get_prompt_str </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>567 </TD>
<TD>Attempt to use uninitialised pointer. : location </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.9.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>558 </TD>
<TD>Procedure contains UR data flow anomalies. : location </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.9.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>587 </TD>
<TD>DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. :
(jump)-&gt;index </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>585 </TD>
<TD>DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. :
(jump)-&gt;index </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>598 </TD>
<TD>DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. :
(jump)-&gt;offset </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>582 </TD>
<TD>DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. :
(jump)-&gt;target </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>580 </TD>
<TD>DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. :
(jump)-&gt;target </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>564 </TD>
<TD>Function return value potentially unused. : accessible
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.7,R.17.7 </TD>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\menu.c' , '614');">get_symbol_prop<BR>(614
to 621 menu.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>618 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : for_all_properties </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>620 </TD>
<TD>Pointer assignment to wider scope. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.6 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\menu.c' , '623');">get_symbol_props_str<BR>(623
to 639 menu.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>631 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : str_append </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>634 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : str_printf </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>635 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : expr_gstr_print </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>638 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : str_append </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>630 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>634 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>637 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>638 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>635 </TD>
<TD>Attempt to use uninitialised pointer. : prop </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.9.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>627 </TD>
<TD>Procedure contains UR data flow anomalies. : prop
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.9.1 </TD></TR>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Parameter </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>O </TD>
<TD>Unused procedure parameter </TD>
<TD>tok </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>O </TD>
<TD>Unused procedure parameter </TD>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\menu.c' , '644');">get_symbol_str<BR>(644
to 691 menu.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>650 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : str_printf </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>650 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : sym_get_string_value </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>652 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : str_printf </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>652 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : sym_type_name </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>654 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : sym_get_range_prop </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>656 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : str_printf </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>657 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : expr_gstr_print </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>658 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : str_append </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>667 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : str_printf </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>667 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : _ </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>669 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : expr_is_yes </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>670 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : str_append </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>670 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : _ </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>671 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : expr_gstr_print </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>672 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : str_append </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>676 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : _ </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>678 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : str_append </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>678 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : _ </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>679 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : expr_gstr_print </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>680 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : str_append </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>683 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : _ </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>685 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : str_append </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>685 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : _ </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>686 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : expr_gstr_print </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>687 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : str_append </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>690 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : str_append </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>649 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>649 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>655 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>666 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>669 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>677 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>684 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>676 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 3
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>676 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and char): param 4
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>683 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 3
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>683 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and char): param 4
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>644 </TD>
<TD>Recursion in procedure calls found. : get_symbol_str </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.2 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\menu.c' , '693');">get_relations_str<BR>(693
to 704 menu.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>No prototype for non-static function. : get_relations_str </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>696 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : str_new </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>702 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : str_append </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>702 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : _ </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>699 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>699 </TD>
<TD>Assignment operation in expression. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2,R.13.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>699 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>700 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to loop body. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>701 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>702 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>693 </TD>
<TD>Recursion in procedure calls found. : get_relations_str </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.2 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\menu.c' , '707');">menu_get_ext_help<BR>(707
to 720 menu.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>No prototype for non-static function. : menu_get_ext_help </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>714 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : str_printf </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>717 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : str_printf </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>717 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : _ </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>717 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : help_text </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>719 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : NULL </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>713 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>714 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>715 </TD>
<TD>const object reassigned. : help_text </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.1.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>718 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>719 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>707 </TD>
<TD>Recursion in procedure calls found. : menu_get_ext_help </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.2 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\menubox.c' , '66');">do_print_item<BR>(66
to 100 menubox.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>74 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : first_alpha </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>77 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : wattrset </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>78 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : wmove </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>86 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : wclrtoeol </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>88 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : wattrset </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>89 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : mvwaddstr </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>91 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : wattrset </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>93 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : mvwaddch </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>96 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : wmove </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>99 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : wrefresh </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>73 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : menu_item </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>74 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : menu_item </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>70 </TD>
<TD>Use of banned function or variable. : malloc </TD>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>72 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>73 </TD>
<TD>Declaration does not specify an array. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>79 </TD>
<TD>Undefined macro variable in #if. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.20.9 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>88 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>90 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>91 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>93 </TD>
<TD>Declaration does not specify an array. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>95 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>98 </TD>
<TD>Use of banned function or variable. : free </TD>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
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to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\menubox.c' , '111');">print_arrows<BR>(111
to 150 menubox.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>116 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : getyx </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>118 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : wmove </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>121 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : wattrset </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>122 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : waddch </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>123 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : waddstr </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>125 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : wattrset </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>126 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : waddch </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>127 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : waddch </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>128 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : waddch </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>129 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : waddch </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>133 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : wmove </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>134 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : wrefresh </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>137 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : wattrset </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>138 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : waddch </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>139 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : waddstr </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>141 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : wattrset </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>142 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : waddch </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>143 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : waddch </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>144 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : waddch </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>145 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : waddch </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>148 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : wmove </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>149 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : wrefresh </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>136 </TD>
<TD>Expression needs brackets. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.12.1,R.20.7 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\menubox.c' , '155');">print_buttons<BR>(155
to 168 menubox.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>160 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : print_button </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>160 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : gettext </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>161 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : print_button </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>161 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : gettext </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>162 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : print_button </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>162 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : gettext </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>163 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : print_button </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>163 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : gettext </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>164 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : print_button </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>164 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : gettext </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>166 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : wmove </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>167 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : wrefresh </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>157 </TD>
<TD>Expression needs brackets. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.12.1,R.20.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>166 </TD>
<TD>Expression needs brackets. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.12.1,R.20.7 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\menubox.c' , '171');">do_scroll<BR>(171
to 179 menubox.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>174 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : scrollok </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>175 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : wscrl </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>176 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : scrollok </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>178 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : wrefresh </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\menubox.c' , '184');">dialog_menu<BR>(184
to 437 menubox.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>No prototype for non-static function. : dialog_menu </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>DD data flow anomalies found. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : item_x </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : menu_width </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>194 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : getmaxy </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>195 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : getmaxx </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>203 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : MIN </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>203 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : item_count </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>206 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : getmaxx </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>207 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : getmaxy </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>209 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : draw_shadow </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>211 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : newwin </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>212 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : keypad </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>214 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : draw_box </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>216 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : wattrset </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>217 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : mvwaddch </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>219 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : waddch </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>220 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : wattrset </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>221 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : wbkgdset </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>222 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : waddch </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>224 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : print_title </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>226 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : wattrset </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>227 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : print_autowrap </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>234 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : subwin </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>236 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : keypad </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>239 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : draw_box </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>248 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : item_foreach </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>249 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : item_data </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>250 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : item_n </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>254 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : item_count </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>261 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : item_count </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>262 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : item_count </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>270 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : item_set </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>270 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : item_str </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>270 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : item_is_tag </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>273 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : wnoutrefresh </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>275 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : item_count </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>279 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : wmove </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>280 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : wrefresh </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>283 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : wgetch </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>292 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : item_set </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>293 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : first_alpha </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>293 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : item_str </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>294 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : item_str </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>299 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : item_set </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>300 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : first_alpha </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>300 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : item_str </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>301 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : item_str </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>306 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : item_count </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>312 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : item_set </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>312 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : item_str </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>312 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : item_is_tag </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>319 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : item_set </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>319 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : item_str </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>319 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : item_is_tag </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>321 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : MAX </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>324 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : item_set </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>324 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : item_str </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>324 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : item_is_tag </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>327 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : item_count </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>331 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : item_set </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>331 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : item_str </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>331 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : item_is_tag </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>334 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : MIN </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>337 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : scrollok </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>341 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : item_set </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>341 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : item_str </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>341 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : item_is_tag </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>350 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : item_count </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>352 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : item_set </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>352 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : item_str </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>352 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : item_is_tag </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>362 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : item_set </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>362 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : item_str </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>362 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : item_is_tag </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>364 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : item_count </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>367 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : wnoutrefresh </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>368 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : wrefresh </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>381 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : wrefresh </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>395 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : delwin </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>396 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : delwin </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>397 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : item_set </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>398 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : item_set_selected </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>425 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : on_key_esc </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>428 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : on_key_resize </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>429 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : delwin </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>430 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : delwin </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>434 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : delwin </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>435 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : delwin </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>212 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : dialog </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>236 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : menu </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>197 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>218 </TD>
<TD>Expression needs brackets. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.12.1,R.20.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>219 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to loop body. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>221 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : &amp; used with int:
dlg.dialog.atr </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>221 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : &amp; used with int: A_COLOR </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>231 </TD>
<TD>Expression needs brackets. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.12.1,R.20.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>243 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>245 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>249 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>250 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>253 </TD>
<TD>Expression needs brackets. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.12.1,R.20.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>254 </TD>
<TD>Expression needs brackets. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.12.1,R.20.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>261 </TD>
<TD>Expression needs brackets. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.12.1,R.20.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>261 </TD>
<TD>Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (bool and int): choice &gt;=
item_count () - max_choice </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>261 </TD>
<TD>Expression needs brackets. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.12.1,R.20.7 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>262 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>262 </TD>
<TD>Assignment operation in expression. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2,R.13.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>264 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>264 </TD>
<TD>Assignment operation in expression. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2,R.13.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>264 </TD>
<TD>Expression needs brackets. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.12.1,R.20.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>285 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>286 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>288 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>289 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>291 </TD>
<TD>For loop initialisation is not simple. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.14.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>295 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>298 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>302 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>309 </TD>
<TD>Type conversion without cast. : (int and char): key == '-' </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>309 </TD>
<TD>Type conversion without cast. : (int and char): key == '+' </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>314 </TD>
<TD>Type conversion without cast. : (int and char): key == '-' </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>315 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>321 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>323 </TD>
<TD>Type conversion without cast. : (int and char): key == '+' </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>326 </TD>
<TD>Expression needs brackets. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.12.1,R.20.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>327 </TD>
<TD>Expression needs brackets. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.12.1,R.20.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>331 </TD>
<TD>Expression needs brackets. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.12.1,R.20.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>334 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>344 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>350 </TD>
<TD>Expression needs brackets. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.12.1,R.20.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>352 </TD>
<TD>Expression needs brackets. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.12.1,R.20.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>355 </TD>
<TD>Expression needs brackets. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.12.1,R.20.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>356 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>360 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>377 </TD>
<TD>Deprecated usage of ++ or -- operators found. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2,R.13.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>377 </TD>
<TD>Assignment operation in expression. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2,R.13.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>377 </TD>
<TD>Expression needs brackets. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.12.1,R.20.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>377 </TD>
<TD>Deprecated usage of ++ or -- operators found. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2,R.13.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>377 </TD>
<TD>Assignment operation in expression. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2,R.13.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>402 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>405 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>407 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>409 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>411 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>413 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>415 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>418 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>399 </TD>
<TD>No default case in switch statement. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>419 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>431 </TD>
<TD>goto label is backwards. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>432 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>373 </TD>
<TD>No default case in switch statement. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>270 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and char): param 2
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>270 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (bool and int): param 3
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>270 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (bool and int): param 4
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>312 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and char): param 2
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>312 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (bool and int): param 4
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>319 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and char): param 2
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>319 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (bool and int): param 4
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>324 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and char): param 2
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>324 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (bool and int): param 4
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>331 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and char): param 2
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>331 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (bool and int): param 4
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>341 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and char): param 2
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>341 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (bool and int): param 4
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>352 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and char): param 2
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>352 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (bool and int): param 4
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>362 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and char): param 2
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>362 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (bool and int): param 4
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>377 </TD>
<TD>Expression has side effects. : button </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2,R.13.5 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>189 </TD>
<TD>DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. : scroll
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\symbol.c' , '38');">sym_add_default<BR>(38
to 43 symbol.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>40 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : prop_alloc </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>42 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : expr_alloc_symbol </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>42 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : sym_lookup </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>42 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : prop </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>40 </TD>
<TD>Struct/union not completely specified. : property </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.1.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>40 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 1
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>42 </TD>
<TD>DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. :
(prop)-&gt;expr </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>42 </TD>
<TD>Function return value potentially unused. : (prop)-&gt;expr
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.7,R.17.7 </TD>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\symbol.c' , '45');">sym_init<BR>(45
to 61 symbol.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>No prototype for non-static function. : sym_init </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>55 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : uname </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>57 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : sym_lookup </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>58 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : sym </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>52 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>59 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : |= used with int: flags </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>59 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : |= used with int: SYMBOL_AUTO
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>48 </TD>
<TD>Type is incomplete in translation unit. : utsname </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.1.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>60 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and char): param 2
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>59 </TD>
<TD>DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. :
(sym)-&gt;flags </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>58 </TD>
<TD>DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. :
(sym)-&gt;type </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\symbol.c' , '63');">sym_get_type<BR>(63
to 74 symbol.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>No prototype for non-static function. : sym_get_type </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>68 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : sym_is_choice_value </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>68 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>68 </TD>
<TD>Type conversion without cast. : (int and char): sym -&gt; visible ==
yes </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>69 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>71 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>71 </TD>
<TD>Else alternative missing in if. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.7 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\symbol.c' , '76');">sym_type_name<BR>(76
to 95 symbol.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>No prototype for non-static function. : sym_type_name </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>80 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>82 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>84 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>86 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>88 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>90 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>78 </TD>
<TD>No default case in switch statement. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.4 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\symbol.c' , '97');">sym_get_choice_prop<BR>(97
to 104 symbol.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>No prototype for non-static function. : sym_get_choice_prop </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>102 </TD>
<TD>Pointer assignment to wider scope. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>102 </TD>
<TD>Attempt to use uninitialised pointer. : prop </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.9.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>99 </TD>
<TD>Procedure contains UR data flow anomalies. : prop </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.9.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>103 </TD>
<TD>Unreachable Code found. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.1 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Parameter </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>O </TD>
<TD>Unused procedure parameter </TD>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\symbol.c' , '106');">sym_get_env_prop<BR>(106
to 113 symbol.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>No prototype for non-static function. : sym_get_env_prop </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>111 </TD>
<TD>Pointer assignment to wider scope. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>111 </TD>
<TD>Attempt to use uninitialised pointer. : prop </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.9.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>108 </TD>
<TD>Procedure contains UR data flow anomalies. : prop </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.9.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>112 </TD>
<TD>Unreachable Code found. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.1 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Parameter </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>O </TD>
<TD>Unused procedure parameter </TD>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\symbol.c' , '115');">sym_get_default_prop<BR>(115
to 125 symbol.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>120 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : expr_calc_value </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>122 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>122 </TD>
<TD>Local structure returned in function result. : prop </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>120 </TD>
<TD>Attempt to use uninitialised pointer. : prop </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.9.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>117 </TD>
<TD>Procedure contains UR data flow anomalies. : prop
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.9.1 </TD></TR>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Parameter </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>O </TD>
<TD>Unused procedure parameter </TD>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\symbol.c' , '127');">sym_get_range_prop<BR>(127
to 137 symbol.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>132 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : expr_calc_value </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>134 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>134 </TD>
<TD>Local structure returned in function result. : prop </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>132 </TD>
<TD>Attempt to use uninitialised pointer. : prop </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.9.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>129 </TD>
<TD>Procedure contains UR data flow anomalies. : prop
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.9.1 </TD></TR>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Parameter </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>O </TD>
<TD>Unused procedure parameter </TD>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\symbol.c' , '139');">sym_get_range_val<BR>(139
to 153 symbol.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : modules_val </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>141 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : sym_calc_value </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>149 </TD>
<TD>Switch empty default has no comment. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>139 </TD>
<TD>Recursion in procedure calls found. : sym_get_range_val </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.2 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\symbol.c' , '155');">sym_validate_range<BR>(155
to 187 symbol.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>DD data flow anomalies found. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>186 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : strdup </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>171 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>173 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>174 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>180 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>183 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>183 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>185 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>176 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 1
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>178 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 1
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>155 </TD>
<TD>Recursion in procedure calls found. : sym_validate_range </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>176 </TD>
<TD>DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. :
((prop)-&gt;(expr)-&gt;left.sym)-&gt;curr.tri </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>176 </TD>
<TD>DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. :
((prop)-&gt;(expr)-&gt;left.sym)-&gt;flags </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>178 </TD>
<TD>DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. :
((prop)-&gt;(expr)-&gt;right.sym)-&gt;curr.tri </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>178 </TD>
<TD>DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. :
((prop)-&gt;(expr)-&gt;right.sym)-&gt;flags </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\symbol.c' , '189');">sym_set_changed<BR>(189
to 198 symbol.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>193 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : |= used with int: flags </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>193 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : |= used with int: SYMBOL_CHANGED
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>194 </TD>
<TD>For loop initialisation is not simple. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.14.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>195 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>196 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>196 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : |= used with int: flags </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>196 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : |= used with int: MENU_CHANGED
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\symbol.c' , '200');">sym_set_all_changed<BR>(200
to 207 symbol.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>206 </TD>
<TD>Attempt to use uninitialised pointer. : sym </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.9.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>202 </TD>
<TD>Procedure contains UR data flow anomalies. : sym </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.9.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>206 </TD>
<TD>DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. :
(sym)-&gt;flags </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>200 </TD>
<TD>Void function has no side effects. : sym_set_all_changed </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\symbol.c' , '209');">sym_calc_visibility<BR>(209
to 270 symbol.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>DD data flow anomalies found. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>218 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : sym_is_choice_value </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>219 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : prop_get_symbol </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>222 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : expr_calc_value </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>232 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : EXPR_OR </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>240 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : sym_is_choice_value </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>245 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : expr_calc_value </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>254 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : expr_calc_value </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>263 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : expr_calc_value </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>218 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>219 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>228 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>230 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>235 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>240 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>241 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>244 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>245 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>247 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>253 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>254 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>256 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>262 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>263 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>265 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>222 </TD>
<TD>Attempt to use uninitialised pointer. : prop </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.9.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>211 </TD>
<TD>Procedure contains UR data flow anomalies. : prop
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.9.1 </TD>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\symbol.c' , '278');">sym_choice_default<BR>(278
to 302 symbol.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>No prototype for non-static function. : sym_choice_default </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>286 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : expr_calc_value </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>289 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : prop_get_symbol </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>296 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : expr_list_for_each_sym </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>290 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : def_sym </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>296 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : prop </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>288 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>290 </TD>
<TD>Type conversion without cast. : (int and char): def_sym -&gt; visible
!= no </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>291 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>297 </TD>
<TD>Type conversion without cast. : (int and char): def_sym -&gt; visible
!= no </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>298 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>298 </TD>
<TD>Pointer assignment to wider scope. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>291 </TD>
<TD>Local structure returned in function result. : def_sym </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>298 </TD>
<TD>Local structure returned in function result. : def_sym </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>296 </TD>
<TD>Attempt to use uninitialised pointer. : e </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.9.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>282 </TD>
<TD>Procedure contains UR data flow anomalies. : e
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.9.1 </TD></TR>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Parameter </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>O </TD>
<TD>Unused procedure parameter </TD>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\symbol.c' , '304');">sym_calc_choice<BR>(304
to 334 symbol.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>316 </TD>
<TD>Type conversion without cast. : (int and char): def_sym -&gt; visible
!= no </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>317 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>317 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : &amp;= used with int: flags </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>320 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : &amp;= used with int: flags </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>320 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : | used with int: flags </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>320 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : ~ used with int: flags </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>320 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : ~ used with int: SYMBOL_DEF_USER
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>324 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>324 </TD>
<TD>Type conversion without cast. : (int and char): def_sym -&gt; visible
!= no </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>325 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>325 </TD>
<TD>Pointer assignment to wider scope. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>330 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>333 </TD>
<TD>Pointer assignment to wider scope. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>325 </TD>
<TD>Local structure returned in function result. : def_sym </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>333 </TD>
<TD>Local structure returned in function result. : def_sym </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>313 </TD>
<TD>DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. : prop
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>313 </TD>
<TD>Function return value potentially unused. : prop
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.7,R.17.7 </TD>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\symbol.c' , '336');">sym_calc_value<BR>(336
to 488 symbol.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>No prototype for non-static function. : sym_calc_value </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>DD data flow anomalies found. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>348 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : sym_is_choice_value </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>352 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : prop_get_symbol </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>374 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : sym_is_choice_value </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>385 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : sym_is_choice_value </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>387 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : prop_get_symbol </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>394 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : sym_has_value </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>395 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : EXPR_AND </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>402 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : sym_is_choice </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>406 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : EXPR_AND </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>406 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : expr_calc_value </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>411 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : EXPR_OR </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>417 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : expr_simplify_unmet_dep </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>420 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : expr_fprint </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>423 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : expr_fprint </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>425 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : expr_free </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>427 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : EXPR_OR </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>438 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : sym_has_value </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>445 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : prop_get_symbol </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>458 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : sym_is_choice </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>470 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : sym_is_choice </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>487 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : set_all_choice_values </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>352 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : prop </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>387 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : prop </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>420 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : e </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>342 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>343 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>345 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : &amp; used with int: flags </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>345 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : &amp; used with int:
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>345 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>346 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>348 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>349 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : &amp; used with int: flags </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>349 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : &amp; used with int:
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>349 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>350 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : &amp;= used with int: flags </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>350 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : ~ used with int:
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>355 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : |= used with int: flags </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>355 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : |= used with int: SYMBOL_VALID
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>373 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>374 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>375 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>375 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : &amp;= used with int: flags </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>375 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : ~ used with int: SYMBOL_WRITE
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>385 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>385 </TD>
<TD>Type conversion without cast. : (int and char): sym -&gt; visible ==
yes </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>389 </TD>
<TD>Type conversion without cast. : (int and char): sym -&gt; visible !=
no </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>393 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : |= used with int: flags </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>393 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : |= used with int: SYMBOL_WRITE
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>394 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>401 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>401 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : |= used with int: flags </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>401 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : |= used with int: SYMBOL_WRITE
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>402 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>404 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>405 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : |= used with int: flags </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>405 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : |= used with int: SYMBOL_WRITE
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>410 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : |= used with int: flags </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>410 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : |= used with int: SYMBOL_WRITE
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center><A name=first_131_s>C</A> </TD>
<TD align=center>416 </TD>
<TD>Name reused in inner scope. : e </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.5.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>419 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>421 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>421 </TD>
<TD>Format is not appropriate type. : format = %s, param 3 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.1.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>424 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>430 </TD>
<TD>Type conversion without cast. : (int and char): sym -&gt; implied.tri
== yes </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>431 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>431 </TD>
<TD>Type conversion without cast. : (bool and char): newval.tri = yes </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>436 </TD>
<TD>Type conversion without cast. : (int and char): sym -&gt; visible !=
no </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>437 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : |= used with int: flags </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>437 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : |= used with int: SYMBOL_WRITE
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>438 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>444 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>446 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>447 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : |= used with int: flags </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>447 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : |= used with int: SYMBOL_WRITE
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>455 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>458 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>459 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>462 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>470 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>475 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : &amp; used with int: flags </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>475 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : &amp; used with int:
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>475 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>476 </TD>
<TD>Type conversion without cast. : (int and char): choice_sym -&gt;
visible != no </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>477 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>477 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : |= used with int: flags </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>477 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : |= used with int: SYMBOL_WRITE
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>478 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : &amp; used with int: flags </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>478 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : &amp; used with int:
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>478 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>479 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>483 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : &amp; used with int: flags </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>483 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : &amp; used with int: SYMBOL_AUTO
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>483 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>484 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>484 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : &amp;= used with int: flags </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>484 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : ~ used with int: SYMBOL_WRITE
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>486 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : &amp; used with int: flags </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>486 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : &amp; used with int:
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>486 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>487 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>338 </TD>
<TD>Type is incomplete in translation unit. : symbol_value </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.1.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>352 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (symbol): param 1 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center><A name=first_18_d>C</A> </TD>
<TD align=center>416 </TD>
<TD>Identifier name reused. : e </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.5.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>336 </TD>
<TD>Recursion in procedure calls found. : sym_calc_value </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>479 </TD>
<TD>DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. :
(choice_sym)-&gt;flags </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>448 </TD>
<TD>DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. :
(ds)-&gt;curr.tri </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>448 </TD>
<TD>DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. :
(ds)-&gt;flags </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>473 </TD>
<TD>DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. : prop
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>473 </TD>
<TD>Function return value potentially unused. : prop
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.7,R.17.7 </TD>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\symbol.c' , '490');">sym_clear_all_valid<BR>(490
to 499 symbol.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>No prototype for non-static function. : sym_clear_all_valid </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>495 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : for_all_symbols </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>497 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : sym_add_change_count </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>498 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : modules_sym </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>495 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : &amp;= used with int: flags </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>495 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : ~ used with int: SYMBOL_VALID
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>490 </TD>
<TD>Recursion in procedure calls found. : sym_clear_all_valid </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>493 </TD>
<TD>Procedure contains UR data flow anomalies. : i </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.9.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>495 </TD>
<TD>DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. :
(sym)-&gt;flags </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\symbol.c' , '501');">sym_tristate_within_range<BR>(501
to 520 symbol.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>No prototype for non-static function. : sym_tristate_within_range </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>517 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : sym_is_choice_value </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>505 </TD>
<TD>Type conversion without cast. : (int and char): sym -&gt; visible ==
no </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>506 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>509 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>512 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>514 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>516 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>517 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>517 </TD>
<TD>Type conversion without cast. : (int and char): sym -&gt; visible ==
yes </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>518 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>519 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>519 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>503 </TD>
<TD>Function return value potentially unused. : type
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.7,R.17.7 </TD>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\symbol.c' , '522');">sym_set_tristate_value<BR>(522
to 556 symbol.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>No prototype for non-static function. : sym_set_tristate_value </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : (modules_sym)-&gt;curr
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. :
(modules_sym)-&gt;curr.tri </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. :
(modules_sym)-&gt;curr.val </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : modules_sym </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : modules_val </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>524 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : sym_get_tristate_value </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>537 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : sym_is_choice_value </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>538 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : prop_get_symbol </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>542 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : cs </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>545 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : prop </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>526 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>527 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>529 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : &amp; used with int: flags </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>529 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : &amp; used with int:
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>529 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>530 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : |= used with int: flags </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>530 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : |= used with int:
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>537 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>543 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : |= used with int: flags </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>543 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : |= used with int:
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>545 </TD>
<TD>For loop initialisation is not simple. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.14.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>546 </TD>
<TD>Type conversion without cast. : (int and char): e -&gt; right.sym
-&gt; visible != no </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>547 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>547 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : |= used with int: flags </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>547 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : |= used with int:
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>553 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>522 </TD>
<TD>Recursion in procedure calls found. : sym_set_tristate_value </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>542 </TD>
<TD>DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. :
(cs)-&gt;def.val </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>543 </TD>
<TD>DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. :
(cs)-&gt;flags </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\symbol.c' , '558');">sym_toggle_tristate_value<BR>(558
to 579 symbol.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>No prototype for non-static function. : sym_toggle_tristate_value </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>DD data flow anomalies found. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : (modules_sym)-&gt;curr
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. :
(modules_sym)-&gt;curr.tri </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. :
(modules_sym)-&gt;curr.val </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : modules_sym </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : modules_val </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>562 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : sym_get_tristate_value </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>577 </TD>
<TD>Potentially infinite loop found. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>575 </TD>
<TD>Potentially infinite loop found. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>562 </TD>
<TD>Assignment operation in expression. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2,R.13.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>564 </TD>
<TD>No default case in switch statement. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>575 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>576 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>558 </TD>
<TD>Recursion in procedure calls found. : sym_toggle_tristate_value </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.2 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\symbol.c' , '581');">sym_string_valid<BR>(581
to 622 symbol.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>No prototype for non-static function. : sym_string_valid </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>591 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : str </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>604 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : str </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>587 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>589 </TD>
<TD>Type conversion without cast. : (signed char and char): ch = *str </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>589 </TD>
<TD>Deprecated usage of ++ or -- operators found. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2,R.13.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>589 </TD>
<TD>Assignment operation in expression. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2,R.13.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>590 </TD>
<TD>Type conversion without cast. : (signed char and char): ch == '-' </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>591 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>591 </TD>
<TD>Type conversion without cast. : (signed char and char): ch = *str </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>591 </TD>
<TD>Deprecated usage of ++ or -- operators found. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2,R.13.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>591 </TD>
<TD>Assignment operation in expression. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2,R.13.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>592 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>593 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>594 </TD>
<TD>Type conversion without cast. : (signed char and char): ch == '0' </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>594 </TD>
<TD>Value is not of appropriate type. : (char and signed char): * str != 0
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>595 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>596 </TD>
<TD>Assignment operation in expression. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2,R.13.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>596 </TD>
<TD>Type conversion without cast. : (signed char and char): ( ch = *str
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>596 </TD>
<TD>Deprecated usage of ++ or -- operators found. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2,R.13.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>596 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>597 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>598 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>600 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>602 </TD>
<TD>Declaration does not specify an array. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>602 </TD>
<TD>Declaration does not specify an array. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>602 </TD>
<TD>Declaration does not specify an array. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>603 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>603 </TD>
<TD>const object reassigned. : str </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.1.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>604 </TD>
<TD>Type conversion without cast. : (signed char and char): ch = *str </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>604 </TD>
<TD>Deprecated usage of ++ or -- operators found. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2,R.13.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>604 </TD>
<TD>Assignment operation in expression. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2,R.13.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>606 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>607 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>608 </TD>
<TD>Assignment operation in expression. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2,R.13.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>608 </TD>
<TD>Type conversion without cast. : (signed char and char): ( ch = *str
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>608 </TD>
<TD>Deprecated usage of ++ or -- operators found. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2,R.13.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>608 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>609 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>612 </TD>
<TD>Declaration does not specify an array. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>617 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>612 </TD>
<TD>No default case in switch statement. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>618 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>621 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\symbol.c' , '624');">sym_string_within_range<BR>(624
to 664 symbol.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>No prototype for non-static function. : sym_string_within_range </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>DD data flow anomalies found. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : modules_val </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>638 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : str </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>647 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : str </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>631 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>633 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>634 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>636 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>637 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>640 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>642 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>643 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>645 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>646 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>649 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>652 </TD>
<TD>Declaration does not specify an array. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>654 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>656 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>659 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>652 </TD>
<TD>No default case in switch statement. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>660 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>663 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>639 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 1
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>640 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 1
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>648 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 1
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>649 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 1
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>654 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (char and enum): param
2 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>656 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (char and enum): param
2 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>658 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (char and enum): param
2 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>649 </TD>
<TD>Call has execution order dependant side effects. : sym_get_range_val
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2,R.13.5 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>640 </TD>
<TD>Call has execution order dependant side effects. : sym_get_range_val
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2,R.13.5 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>624 </TD>
<TD>Recursion in procedure calls found. : sym_string_within_range </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>639 </TD>
<TD>DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. :
((prop)-&gt;(expr)-&gt;left.sym)-&gt;curr.tri </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>648 </TD>
<TD>DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. :
((prop)-&gt;(expr)-&gt;left.sym)-&gt;curr.tri </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>639 </TD>
<TD>DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. :
((prop)-&gt;(expr)-&gt;left.sym)-&gt;flags </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>648 </TD>
<TD>DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. :
((prop)-&gt;(expr)-&gt;left.sym)-&gt;flags </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>640 </TD>
<TD>DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. :
((prop)-&gt;(expr)-&gt;right.sym)-&gt;curr.tri </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>649 </TD>
<TD>DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. :
((prop)-&gt;(expr)-&gt;right.sym)-&gt;curr.tri </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>640 </TD>
<TD>DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. :
((prop)-&gt;(expr)-&gt;right.sym)-&gt;flags </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>649 </TD>
<TD>DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. :
((prop)-&gt;(expr)-&gt;right.sym)-&gt;flags </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\symbol.c' , '666');">sym_set_string_value<BR>(666
to 713 symbol.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>No prototype for non-static function. : sym_set_string_value </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>DD data flow anomalies found. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : (modules_sym)-&gt;curr
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. :
(modules_sym)-&gt;curr.tri </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. :
(modules_sym)-&gt;curr.val </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : modules_sym </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : modules_val </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>700 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : xmalloc </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>704 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : xmalloc </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>697 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : newval </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>701 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : val </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>702 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : val </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>675 </TD>
<TD>Declaration does not specify an array. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>677 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>679 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>682 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>675 </TD>
<TD>No default case in switch statement. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>683 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>686 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>688 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>689 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>691 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : &amp; used with int: flags </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>691 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : &amp; used with int:
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>691 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>692 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : |= used with int: flags </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>692 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : |= used with int:
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>697 </TD>
<TD>Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (int and unsigned int):
size = strlen </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>697 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 1 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>698 </TD>
<TD>Declaration does not specify an array. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>698 </TD>
<TD>Declaration does not specify an array. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>698 </TD>
<TD>Declaration does not specify an array. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>700 </TD>
<TD>Assignment operation in expression. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2,R.13.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>701 </TD>
<TD>Assignment operation in expression. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2,R.13.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>702 </TD>
<TD>Assignment operation in expression. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2,R.13.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>703 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>703 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>704 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>704 </TD>
<TD>Assignment operation in expression. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2,R.13.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>706 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>708 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>709 </TD>
<TD>Use of banned function or variable. : free </TD>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>709 </TD>
<TD>Cast on a constant value. : oldval </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.11.8 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>709 </TD>
<TD>free used on string. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.22.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>677 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (char and enum): param
2 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>679 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (char and enum): param
2 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>681 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (char and enum): param
2 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>666 </TD>
<TD>Recursion in procedure calls found. : sym_set_string_value </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>713 </TD>
<TD>Memory not freed after last reference. : oldval </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.22.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>708 </TD>
<TD>DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. : val </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\symbol.c' , '722');">sym_get_string_default<BR>(722
to 791 symbol.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>No prototype for non-static function. : sym_get_string_default </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>DD data flow anomalies found. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : (modules_sym)-&gt;curr
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. :
(modules_sym)-&gt;curr.tri </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. :
(modules_sym)-&gt;curr.val </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : (modules_sym)-&gt;flags
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : modules_sym </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : modules_val </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>741 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : EXPR_AND </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>741 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : expr_calc_value </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>749 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : prop_get_symbol </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>752 </TD>
<TD>Casting operation to a pointer. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.3,R.11.5,R.11.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>758 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : EXPR_OR </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>762 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : sym_is_choice_value </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>730 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : modules_sym </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>752 </TD>
<TD>const object reassigned. : str </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.1.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>754 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>762 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>762 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>763 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>767 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>771 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>777 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>778 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>780 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>776 </TD>
<TD>No default case in switch statement. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>781 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>783 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>785 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>773 </TD>
<TD>No default case in switch statement. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>722 </TD>
<TD>Recursion in procedure calls found. : sym_get_string_default </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>751 </TD>
<TD>DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. :
(ds)-&gt;curr.tri </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>751 </TD>
<TD>DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. :
(ds)-&gt;flags </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\symbol.c' , '793');">sym_get_string_value<BR>(793
to 815 symbol.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>No prototype for non-static function. : sym_get_string_value </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : (modules_sym)-&gt;curr
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. :
(modules_sym)-&gt;curr.tri </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. :
(modules_sym)-&gt;curr.val </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : (modules_sym)-&gt;flags
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : modules_sym </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : modules_val </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>800 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : sym_get_tristate_value </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>814 </TD>
<TD>Casting operation to a pointer. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.3,R.11.5,R.11.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>803 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>806 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>809 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>801 </TD>
<TD>No default case in switch statement. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>813 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>793 </TD>
<TD>Recursion in procedure calls found. : sym_get_string_value </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.2 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\symbol.c' , '817');">sym_is_changable<BR>(817
to 820 symbol.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>No prototype for non-static function. : sym_is_changable </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\symbol.c' , '822');">strhash<BR>(822
to 829 symbol.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>826 </TD>
<TD>Pointer arithmetic is not on array. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1,R.18.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>827 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to loop body. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>827 </TD>
<TD>Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned int and char): hash = ( hash
^ * s </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>827 </TD>
<TD>Value is not of appropriate type. : (char and int): hash = ( hash ^ *
s ) </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center><A name=first_488_s>C</A> </TD>
<TD align=center>827 </TD>
<TD>Value outside range of underlying type. : (char and int): hash = (
hash ^ * s ) * 0x01000193 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>827 </TD>
<TD>Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (char and int): hash = ( hash ^ * s )
* 0x01000193 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\symbol.c' , '831');">sym_lookup<BR>(831
to 870 symbol.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>No prototype for non-static function. : sym_lookup </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>854 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : strdup </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>860 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : xmalloc </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>862 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : symbol </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>862 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : new_name </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>837 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>838 </TD>
<TD>Declaration does not specify an array. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>838 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>838 </TD>
<TD>Declaration does not specify an array. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>838 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>839 </TD>
<TD>Declaration does not specify an array. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>840 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>841 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>843 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>839 </TD>
<TD>No default case in switch statement. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>845 </TD>
<TD>Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (int and unsigned int):
strhash </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>847 </TD>
<TD>For loop initialisation is not simple. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.14.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>848 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>849 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>850 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>850 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : &amp; used with int: flags </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>851 </TD>
<TD>Expression needs brackets. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.12.1,R.20.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>851 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : &amp; used with int: flags </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>851 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : | used with int: SYMBOL_CONST
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>851 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : | used with int: SYMBOL_CHOICE
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>851 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>852 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>861 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>864 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : |= used with int: flags </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>869 </TD>
<TD>Pointer assignment to wider scope. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>852 </TD>
<TD>Local structure returned in function result. : symbol </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>869 </TD>
<TD>Local structure returned in function result. : symbol </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>862 </TD>
<TD>Attempt to use uninitialised pointer. : new_name </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.9.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>856 </TD>
<TD>Procedure contains UR data flow anomalies. : new_name
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.9.1 </TD>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\symbol.c' , '872');">sym_find<BR>(872
to 897 symbol.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>No prototype for non-static function. : sym_find </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>DD data flow anomalies found. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>877 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>878 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>880 </TD>
<TD>Declaration does not specify an array. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>880 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>880 </TD>
<TD>Declaration does not specify an array. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>880 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>881 </TD>
<TD>Declaration does not specify an array. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>882 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>883 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>885 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>881 </TD>
<TD>No default case in switch statement. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>887 </TD>
<TD>Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (int and unsigned int):
strhash </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>889 </TD>
<TD>For loop initialisation is not simple. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.14.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>890 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>891 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>892 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : &amp; used with int: flags </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>892 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : &amp; used with int:
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>892 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>893 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>896 </TD>
<TD>Pointer assignment to wider scope. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>896 </TD>
<TD>Local structure returned in function result. : symbol </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>875 </TD>
<TD>DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. : hash
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\symbol.c' , '904');">sym_expand_string_value<BR>(904
to 946 symbol.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>No prototype for non-static function. : sym_expand_string_value </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>DD data flow anomalies found. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : (modules_sym)-&gt;curr
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. :
(modules_sym)-&gt;curr.tri </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. :
(modules_sym)-&gt;curr.val </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : modules_sym </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : modules_val </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>911 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : xmalloc </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>914 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : in </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>924 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : src </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>943 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : res </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>940 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : res </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>934 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : res </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>934 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : symval </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>910 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 1 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>912 </TD>
<TD>Declaration does not specify an array. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>914 </TD>
<TD>Assignment operation in expression. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2,R.13.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>914 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>915 </TD>
<TD>Variable-length array declared. : name[*] </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.8 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>920 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>920 </TD>
<TD>Pointer arithmetic is not on array. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1,R.18.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>921 </TD>
<TD>Pointer arithmetic is not on array. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1,R.18.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>924 </TD>
<TD>Use of banned function or variable. : isalnum </TD>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>924 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>925 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to loop body. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>925 </TD>
<TD>Assignment operation in expression. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2,R.13.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>925 </TD>
<TD>Deprecated usage of ++ or -- operators found. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2,R.13.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>931 </TD>
<TD>const object reassigned. : symval </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.1.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>934 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 1 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>937 </TD>
<TD>Use of banned function or variable. : realloc </TD>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>940 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>941 </TD>
<TD>const object reassigned. : in </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.1.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>941 </TD>
<TD>Pointer assignment to wider scope. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>943 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>945 </TD>
<TD>Pointer assignment to wider scope. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>945 </TD>
<TD>Local structure returned in function result. : res </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>904 </TD>
<TD>Recursion in procedure calls found. : sym_expand_string_value </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>915 </TD>
<TD>Procedure contains UR data flow anomalies. : name </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.9.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>930 </TD>
<TD>DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. :
(sym)-&gt;curr.tri </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>930 </TD>
<TD>DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. :
(sym)-&gt;flags </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\symbol.c' , '948');">sym_escape_string_value<BR>(948
to 989 symbol.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>No prototype for non-static function. : sym_escape_string_value </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>969 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : xmalloc </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>959 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : p </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>976 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : p </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>987 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : res </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>983 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : res </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>955 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 1 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>960 </TD>
<TD>const object reassigned. : p </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.1.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>962 </TD>
<TD>Declaration does not specify an array. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>963 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>966 </TD>
<TD>Pointer arithmetic is not on array. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1,R.18.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>970 </TD>
<TD>Declaration does not specify an array. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>972 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>974 </TD>
<TD>const object reassigned. : p </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.1.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>977 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>978 </TD>
<TD>const object reassigned. : p </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.1.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>980 </TD>
<TD>Declaration does not specify an array. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>981 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>983 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>984 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>984 </TD>
<TD>Deprecated usage of ++ or -- operators found. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2,R.13.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>984 </TD>
<TD>Pointer arithmetic is not on array. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1,R.18.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>984 </TD>
<TD>Assignment operation in expression. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2,R.13.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>987 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>988 </TD>
<TD>Pointer assignment to wider scope. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.6 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\symbol.c' , '1000');">sym_rel_comp<BR>(1000
to 1024 symbol.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1015 </TD>
<TD>Value is not of appropriate type. : (int and char): exact1 = ( s1
-&gt; eo - s1 -&gt; so ) == strlen ( s1 -&gt; sym -&gt; name </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1016 </TD>
<TD>Value is not of appropriate type. : (int and char): exact2 = ( s2
-&gt; eo - s2 -&gt; so ) == strlen ( s2 -&gt; sym -&gt; name </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1017 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1017 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1018 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1019 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1019 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1020 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1000 </TD>
<TD>Static procedure is not explicitly called in code analysed. :
sym_rel_comp </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.1 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\symbol.c' , '1026');">sym_re_search<BR>(1026
to 1077 symbol.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>No prototype for non-static function. : sym_re_search </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : modules_val </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1038 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : regcomp </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1044 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : regexec </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1074 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : regfree </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1034 </TD>
<TD>Assignment operation in expression. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2,R.13.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1036 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1037 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1038 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : | used with int: REG_EXTENDED
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1038 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : | used with int: REG_ICASE </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1038 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1039 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1042 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : &amp; used with int: flags </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1042 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : &amp; used with int:
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1042 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1042 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1043 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1044 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1045 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1049 </TD>
<TD>Use of banned function or variable. : realloc </TD>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1049 </TD>
<TD>Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (int and unsigned int): tmp = realloc
( sym_match_arr , size * sizeof </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1049 </TD>
<TD>Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (int and unsigned int): tmp
= realloc ( sym_match_arr , size * sizeof </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1050 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1051 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1052 </TD>
<TD>Pointer assignment to wider scope. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1060 </TD>
<TD>Deprecated usage of ++ or -- operators found. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2,R.13.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1062 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1063 </TD>
<TD>Use of banned function or variable. : qsort </TD>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1064 </TD>
<TD>Use of banned function or variable. : malloc </TD>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1064 </TD>
<TD>Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (int and unsigned int): ( cnt + 1 ) *
sizeof </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1064 </TD>
<TD>Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (int and unsigned int): (
cnt + 1 ) * sizeof </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1065 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1066 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1068 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to loop body. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1073 </TD>
<TD>Use of banned function or variable. : free </TD>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1076 </TD>
<TD>Pointer assignment to wider scope. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1026 </TD>
<TD>Recursion in procedure calls found. : sym_re_search </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1077 </TD>
<TD>Memory not freed after last reference. : sym_match_arr </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.22.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1031 </TD>
<TD>Procedure contains UR data flow anomalies. : re </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.9.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1054 </TD>
<TD>DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. :
(sym)-&gt;flags </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1029 </TD>
<TD>DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. :
sym_match_arr.eo </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1029 </TD>
<TD>DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. :
sym_match_arr.so </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1029 </TD>
<TD>DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. :
sym_match_arr.sym </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\symbol.c' , '1092');">dep_stack_insert<BR>(1092
to 1100 symbol.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1097 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : stack </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1096 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : stack </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1094 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1095 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1096 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\symbol.c' , '1102');">dep_stack_remove<BR>(1102
to 1107 symbol.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1105 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1106 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\symbol.c' , '1114');">sym_check_print_recursive<BR>(1114
to 1186 symbol.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1122 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : sym_is_choice_value </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1124 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : prop_get_symbol </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1143 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : sym_is_choice </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1143 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : sym_is_choice_value </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1159 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : prop_get_type_name </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1166 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : sym_is_choice </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1171 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : sym_is_choice_value </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1159 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : next_sym </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1143 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : sym </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1167 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : menu </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1151 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : prop </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1122 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1128 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to loop body. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1129 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1130 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1131 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1137 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1140 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1143 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1143 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1144 </TD>
<TD>For loop initialisation is not simple. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.14.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1146 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1147 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1151 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1151 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1151 </TD>
<TD>Format is not appropriate type. : format = %s, param 3 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.1.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1153 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1154 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1155 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1156 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1156 </TD>
<TD>Format is not appropriate type. : format = %s, param 3 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.1.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1156 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1159 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1161 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1162 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1162 </TD>
<TD>Format is not appropriate type. : format = %s, param 3 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.1.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1162 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1164 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1166 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1167 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1167 </TD>
<TD>Format is not appropriate type. : format = %s, param 3 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.1.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1167 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1169 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1171 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1172 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1172 </TD>
<TD>Format is not appropriate type. : format = %s, param 3 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.1.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1172 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1174 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1177 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1177 </TD>
<TD>Format is not appropriate type. : format = %s, param 3 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.1.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1177 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1179 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1185 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1118 </TD>
<TD>Type is incomplete in translation unit. : menu </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.1.3 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1159 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 1
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1123 </TD>
<TD>DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. :
cv_stack.prev </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1123 </TD>
<TD>DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. :
cv_stack.sym </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\symbol.c' , '1188');">sym_check_expr_deps<BR>(1188
to 1220 symbol.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>DD data flow anomalies found. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : (check_top)-&gt;next </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : check_top </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1209 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : sym_check_deps </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1212 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : sym_check_deps </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1214 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : sym_check_deps </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1192 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1193 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1198 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1199 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1200 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1202 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1210 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1211 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1212 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1214 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1215 </TD>
<TD>Switch empty default has no comment. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1218 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1197 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (symbol and enum):
param 1 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1200 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (symbol and enum):
param 1 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1202 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (symbol and enum):
param 1 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1188 </TD>
<TD>Recursion in procedure calls found. : sym_check_expr_deps </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.2 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\symbol.c' , '1223');">sym_check_sym_deps<BR>(1223
to 1255 symbol.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>DD data flow anomalies found. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : (check_top)-&gt;next </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : check_top </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1242 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : sym_is_choice </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1252 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : check_top </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1232 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1233 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1235 </TD>
<TD>For loop initialisation is not simple. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.14.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1237 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1240 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1241 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1242 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1243 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1246 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1247 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1254 </TD>
<TD>Pointer assignment to wider scope. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1223 </TD>
<TD>Recursion in procedure calls found. : sym_check_sym_deps </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1248 </TD>
<TD>DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. :
stack.expr </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1244 </TD>
<TD>DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. :
stack.expr </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1229 </TD>
<TD>DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. :
stack.prev </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1238 </TD>
<TD>DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. :
stack.prop </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1229 </TD>
<TD>DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. :
stack.sym </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\symbol.c' , '1257');">sym_check_choice_deps<BR>(1257
to 1292 symbol.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>DD data flow anomalies found. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : (check_top)-&gt;next </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : check_top </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1267 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : expr_list_for_each_sym </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1282 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : expr_list_for_each_sym </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1285 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : sym_is_choice_value </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1286 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : prop_get_symbol </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1267 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : prop </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1267 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : |= used with int: flags </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1267 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : | used with int: SYMBOL_CHECK
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1267 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : | used with int: SYMBOL_CHECKED
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1270 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : |= used with int: flags </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1270 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : | used with int: SYMBOL_CHECK
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1270 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : | used with int: SYMBOL_CHECKED
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1272 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : &amp;= used with int: flags </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1272 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : ~ used with int: SYMBOL_CHECK
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1273 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1274 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1278 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1279 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1282 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : &amp;= used with int: flags </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1282 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : ~ used with int: SYMBOL_CHECK
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1285 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1285 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1287 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1291 </TD>
<TD>Pointer assignment to wider scope. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1257 </TD>
<TD>Recursion in procedure calls found. : sym_check_choice_deps </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1267 </TD>
<TD>Attempt to use uninitialised pointer. : e </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.9.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1267 </TD>
<TD>Attempt to use uninitialised pointer. : sym </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.9.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1261 </TD>
<TD>Procedure contains UR data flow anomalies. : e </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.9.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1259 </TD>
<TD>Procedure contains UR data flow anomalies. : sym </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.9.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1282 </TD>
<TD>DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. :
(sym)-&gt;flags </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1264 </TD>
<TD>DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. :
stack.prev </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1264 </TD>
<TD>DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. :
stack.sym </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\symbol.c' , '1294');">sym_check_deps<BR>(1294
to 1326 symbol.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>No prototype for non-static function. : sym_check_deps </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>DD data flow anomalies found. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : (check_top)-&gt;next </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : check_top </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1306 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : sym_is_choice_value </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1312 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : prop_get_symbol </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1314 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : sym_is_choice </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1312 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : prop </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1313 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : check_top </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1299 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : &amp; used with int: flags </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1299 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : &amp; used with int:
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1299 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1303 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : &amp; used with int: flags </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1303 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : &amp; used with int:
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1303 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1304 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1306 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1314 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1317 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : |= used with int: flags </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1317 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : | used with int: SYMBOL_CHECK
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1317 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : | used with int: SYMBOL_CHECKED
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1319 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : &amp;= used with int: flags </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1319 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : ~ used with int: SYMBOL_CHECK
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1322 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1323 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1325 </TD>
<TD>Pointer assignment to wider scope. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1312 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (symbol): param 1 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1294 </TD>
<TD>Recursion in procedure calls found. : sym_check_deps </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1310 </TD>
<TD>DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. :
stack.prev </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1310 </TD>
<TD>DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. :
stack.sym </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\symbol.c' , '1328');">prop_alloc<BR>(1328
to 1348 symbol.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>No prototype for non-static function. : prop_alloc </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1333 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : xmalloc </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1338 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : zconf_lineno </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1335 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : prop </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1334 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1341 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1342 </TD>
<TD>For loop initialisation is not simple. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.14.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1342 </TD>
<TD>For loop incrementation is not simple. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.14.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1343 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to loop body. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1347 </TD>
<TD>Local structure returned in function result. : prop </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.6 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\symbol.c' , '1350');">prop_get_symbol<BR>(1350
to 1356 symbol.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>No prototype for non-static function. : prop_get_symbol </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1352 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1354 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\symbol.c' , '1358');">prop_get_type_name<BR>(1358
to 1385 symbol.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>No prototype for non-static function. : prop_get_type_name </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1361 </TD>
<TD>Case is not part of switch enumeration. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1362 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1363 </TD>
<TD>Case is not part of switch enumeration. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1364 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1365 </TD>
<TD>Case is not part of switch enumeration. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1366 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1367 </TD>
<TD>Case is not part of switch enumeration. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1368 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1369 </TD>
<TD>Case is not part of switch enumeration. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1370 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1371 </TD>
<TD>Case is not part of switch enumeration. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1372 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1373 </TD>
<TD>Case is not part of switch enumeration. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1374 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1375 </TD>
<TD>Case is not part of switch enumeration. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1376 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1377 </TD>
<TD>Case is not part of switch enumeration. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1378 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1379 </TD>
<TD>Case is not part of switch enumeration. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1380 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1381 </TD>
<TD>Case is not part of switch enumeration. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1360 </TD>
<TD>No default case in switch statement. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.4 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\symbol.c' , '1387');">prop_add_env<BR>(1387
to 1414 symbol.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1398 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : menu_warn </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1404 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : expr_alloc_symbol </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1406 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : expr_alloc_one </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1413 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : menu_warn </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1394 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : sym </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1397 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : sym2 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1404 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : prop </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1407 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : sym_env_list </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1394 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : |= used with int: flags </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1394 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : |= used with int: SYMBOL_AUTO
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1397 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1398 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1409 </TD>
<TD>Use of banned function or variable. : getenv </TD>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1410 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1411 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1413 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1403 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 1
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1387 </TD>
<TD>Static procedure is not explicitly called in code analysed. :
prop_add_env </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1396 </TD>
<TD>Attempt to use uninitialised pointer. : prop </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.9.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1390 </TD>
<TD>Procedure contains UR data flow anomalies. : prop </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.9.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1394 </TD>
<TD>DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. :
(sym)-&gt;flags </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1403 </TD>
<TD>Unreachable Code found. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.1 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\textbox.c' , '39');">refresh_text_box<BR>(39
to 47 textbox.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>45 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : wmove </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>46 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : wrefresh </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>44 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : page
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\textbox.c' , '56');">dialog_textbox<BR>(56
to 274 textbox.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>No prototype for non-static function. : dialog_textbox </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>DD data flow anomalies found. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : begin_reached </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : buf </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : end_reached </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : hscroll </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : page </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : page_length </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>82 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : getmaxyx </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>101 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : getmaxx </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>102 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : getmaxy </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>104 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : draw_shadow </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>106 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : newwin </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>107 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : keypad </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>112 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : subwin </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>113 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : wattrset </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>114 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : wbkgdset </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>116 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : keypad </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>119 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : draw_box </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>122 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : wattrset </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>123 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : mvwaddch </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>125 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : waddch </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>126 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : wattrset </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>127 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : wbkgdset </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>128 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : waddch </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>130 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : print_title </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>132 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : print_button </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>132 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : gettext </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>133 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : wnoutrefresh </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>134 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : getyx </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>137 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : attr_clear </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>142 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : wgetch </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>240 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : on_key_esc </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>245 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : delwin </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>246 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : delwin </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>247 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : on_key_resize </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>258 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : delwin </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>259 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : delwin </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>107 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : dialog </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>113 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : box </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>168 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : page </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>141 </TD>
<TD>Potentially infinite loop found. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>57 </TD>
<TD>User name starts with underscore. : _vscroll </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.21.1,R.21.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>57 </TD>
<TD>User name starts with underscore. : _hscroll </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.21.1,R.21.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>72 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>72 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>76 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to loop body. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>76 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>78 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>79 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>84 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>86 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>89 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>91 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>93 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>96 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>98 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>114 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : &amp; used with int:
dlg.dialog.atr </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>114 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : &amp; used with int: A_COLOR </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>124 </TD>
<TD>Expression needs brackets. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.12.1,R.20.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>125 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to loop body. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>127 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : &amp; used with int:
dlg.dialog.atr </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>127 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : &amp; used with int: A_COLOR </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>132 </TD>
<TD>Expression needs brackets. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.12.1,R.20.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>154 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>167 </TD>
<TD>Pointer arithmetic is not on array. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1,R.18.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>175 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>176 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>186 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>187 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>195 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>196 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>205 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>206 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>217 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>219 </TD>
<TD>Type conversion without cast. : (int and char): key == '0' </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>220 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>222 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>232 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>241 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>248 </TD>
<TD>goto label is backwards. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>248 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>250 </TD>
<TD>Declaration does not specify an array. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>251 </TD>
<TD>Declaration does not specify an array. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>256 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>260 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>266 </TD>
<TD>Assignment operation in expression. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2,R.13.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>266 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>268 </TD>
<TD>Pointer arithmetic is not on array. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1,R.18.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>271 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>272 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>61 </TD>
<TD>Procedure contains UR data flow anomalies. : height </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.9.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>61 </TD>
<TD>Procedure contains UR data flow anomalies. : width
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.9.1 </TD>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\textbox.c' , '280');">back_lines<BR>(280
to 307 textbox.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>DD data flow anomalies found. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>303 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : page </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>297 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : page </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>288 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>297 </TD>
<TD>Pointer arithmetic is not on array. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1,R.18.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>303 </TD>
<TD>Pointer arithmetic is not on array. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1,R.18.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>305 </TD>
<TD>Pointer arithmetic is not on array. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1,R.18.4 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\textbox.c' , '312');">print_page<BR>(312
to 336 textbox.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>DD data flow anomalies found. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>324 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : update_text </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>335 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : wnoutrefresh </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>324 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : page </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>324 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : end </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>317 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>321 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to loop body. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>321 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>324 </TD>
<TD>Pointer arithmetic is not on array. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1,R.18.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>330 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>331 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>332 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>332 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>333 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\textbox.c' , '341');">print_line<BR>(341
to 362 textbox.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>346 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : MIN </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>347 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : wmove </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>348 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : waddch </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>349 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : waddnstr </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>349 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : MIN </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>360 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : wclrtoeol </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>346 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : line </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>346 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : line </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>352 </TD>
<TD>Undefined macro variable in #if. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.20.9 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\textbox.c' , '369');">get_line<BR>(369
to 394 textbox.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>DD data flow anomalies found. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : end_reached </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : page </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>372 </TD>
<TD>Variable-length array declared. : line[*] </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.8 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>380 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>380 </TD>
<TD>Deprecated usage of ++ or -- operators found. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2,R.13.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>380 </TD>
<TD>Pointer arithmetic is not on array. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1,R.18.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>380 </TD>
<TD>Assignment operation in expression. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2,R.13.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>384 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>384 </TD>
<TD>Deprecated usage of ++ or -- operators found. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2,R.13.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>385 </TD>
<TD>Pointer arithmetic is not on array. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1,R.18.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>389 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>390 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>391 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>391 </TD>
<TD>Pointer arithmetic is not on array. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1,R.18.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center><A name=first_28_x>C</A> </TD>
<TD align=center>372 </TD>
<TD>Identifier reuse: persistent var vs var. : line
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.5.8,R.5.9 </TD>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\textbox.c' , '399');">print_position<BR>(399
to 408 textbox.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>403 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : wattrset </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>404 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : wbkgdset </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>406 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : wmove </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>406 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : getmaxy </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>406 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : getmaxx </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>407 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : wprintw </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>405 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : page </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>405 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : buf </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>404 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : &amp; used with int:
dlg.position_indicator.atr </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>404 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : &amp; used with int: A_COLOR </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>405 </TD>
<TD>Pointer arithmetic is not on array. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1,R.18.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>405 </TD>
<TD>Expression needs brackets. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.12.1,R.20.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>405 </TD>
<TD>Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (signed char and unsigned int): strlen
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>405 </TD>
<TD>Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (signed char and unsigned
int): strlen </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\util.c' , '146');">set_bluetitle_theme<BR>(146
to 157 util.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>DD data flow anomalies found. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\util.c' , '162');">set_theme<BR>(162
to 177 util.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>DD data flow anomalies found. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.border.bg </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.border.fg </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.border.hl </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.button_active.bg </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.button_active.fg </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.button_active.hl </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.button_inactive.bg
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.button_inactive.fg
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.button_inactive.hl
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.button_key_active.bg
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.button_key_active.fg
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.button_key_active.hl
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. :
dlg.button_key_inactive.bg </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. :
dlg.button_key_inactive.fg </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. :
dlg.button_key_inactive.hl </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. :
dlg.button_label_active.bg </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. :
dlg.button_label_active.fg </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. :
dlg.button_label_active.hl </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. :
dlg.button_label_inactive.bg </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. :
dlg.button_label_inactive.fg </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. :
dlg.button_label_inactive.hl </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.check.bg </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.check.fg </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.check.hl </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.check_selected.bg </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.check_selected.fg </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.check_selected.hl </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.darrow.bg </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.darrow.fg </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.darrow.hl </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.dialog.bg </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.dialog.fg </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.dialog.hl </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.inputbox.bg </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.inputbox.fg </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.inputbox.hl </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.inputbox_border.bg
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.inputbox_border.fg
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.inputbox_border.hl
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.item.bg </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.item.fg </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.item.hl </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.item_selected.bg </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.item_selected.fg </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.item_selected.hl </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.menubox.bg </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.menubox.fg </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.menubox.hl </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.menubox_border.bg </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.menubox_border.fg </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.menubox_border.hl </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.position_indicator.bg
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.position_indicator.fg
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.position_indicator.hl
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.screen.bg </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.screen.fg </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.screen.hl </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.searchbox.bg </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.searchbox.fg </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.searchbox.hl </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.searchbox_border.bg
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.searchbox_border.fg
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.searchbox_border.hl
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.searchbox_title.bg
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.searchbox_title.fg
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.searchbox_title.hl
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.shadow.bg </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.shadow.fg </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.shadow.hl </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.tag.bg </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.tag.fg </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.tag.hl </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.tag_key.bg </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.tag_key.fg </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.tag_key.hl </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.tag_key_selected.bg
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.tag_key_selected.fg
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.tag_key_selected.hl
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.tag_selected.bg </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.tag_selected.fg </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.tag_selected.hl </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.title.bg </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.title.fg </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.title.hl </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.uarrow.bg </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.uarrow.fg </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.uarrow.hl </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>165 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>166 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>168 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>170 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>172 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>174 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>174 </TD>
<TD>Else alternative missing in if. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.7 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\util.c' , '179');">init_one_color<BR>(179
to 189 util.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>184 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : init_pair </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>186 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : COLOR_PAIR </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>188 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : COLOR_PAIR </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>185 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>186 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>186 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : | used with int: A_BOLD </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>186 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : | used with int: COLOR_PAIR </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>188 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>179 </TD>
<TD>Type is incomplete in translation unit. : dialog_color </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.1.3 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\util.c' , '191');">init_dialog_colors<BR>(191
to 222 util.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>197 </TD>
<TD>DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. :
dlg.border.atr </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>198 </TD>
<TD>DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. :
dlg.button_active.atr </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>199 </TD>
<TD>DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. :
dlg.button_inactive.atr </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>200 </TD>
<TD>DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. :
dlg.button_key_active.atr </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>201 </TD>
<TD>DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. :
dlg.button_key_inactive.atr </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>202 </TD>
<TD>DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. :
dlg.button_label_active.atr </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>203 </TD>
<TD>DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. :
dlg.button_label_inactive.atr </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>218 </TD>
<TD>DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. :
dlg.check.atr </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>219 </TD>
<TD>DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. :
dlg.check_selected.atr </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>221 </TD>
<TD>DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. :
dlg.darrow.atr </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>195 </TD>
<TD>DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. :
dlg.dialog.atr </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>204 </TD>
<TD>DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. :
dlg.inputbox.atr </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>205 </TD>
<TD>DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. :
dlg.inputbox_border.atr </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>212 </TD>
<TD>DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. :
dlg.item.atr </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>213 </TD>
<TD>DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. :
dlg.item_selected.atr </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>210 </TD>
<TD>DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. :
dlg.menubox.atr </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>211 </TD>
<TD>DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. :
dlg.menubox_border.atr </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>209 </TD>
<TD>DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. :
dlg.position_indicator.atr </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>193 </TD>
<TD>DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. :
dlg.screen.atr </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>206 </TD>
<TD>DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. :
dlg.searchbox.atr </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>208 </TD>
<TD>DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. :
dlg.searchbox_border.atr </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>207 </TD>
<TD>DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. :
dlg.searchbox_title.atr </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>194 </TD>
<TD>DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. :
dlg.shadow.atr </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>214 </TD>
<TD>DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. :
dlg.tag.atr </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>216 </TD>
<TD>DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. :
dlg.tag_key.atr </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>217 </TD>
<TD>DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. :
dlg.tag_key_selected.atr </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>215 </TD>
<TD>DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. :
dlg.tag_selected.atr </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>196 </TD>
<TD>DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. :
dlg.title.atr </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>220 </TD>
<TD>DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. :
dlg.uarrow.atr </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\util.c' , '227');">color_setup<BR>(227
to 237 util.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>232 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : has_colors </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>233 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : start_color </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>232 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>232 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>236 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\util.c' , '242');">attr_clear<BR>(242
to 253 util.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>No prototype for non-static function. : attr_clear </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>246 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : wattrset </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>248 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : wmove </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>250 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : waddch </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>252 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : touchwin </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>250 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to loop body. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\util.c' , '255');">dialog_clear<BR>(255
to 310 util.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>No prototype for non-static function. : dialog_clear </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>DD data flow anomalies found. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>259 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : getmaxy </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>260 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : getmaxx </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>268 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : wattrset </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>269 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : mvwaddstr </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>269 </TD>
<TD>Casting operation to a pointer. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.3,R.11.5,R.11.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>276 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : wmove </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>279 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : waddstr </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>285 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : waddch </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>290 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : waddch </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>295 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : waddstr </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>301 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : waddch </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>307 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : waddch </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>309 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : wnoutrefresh </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>273 </TD>
<TD>Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (int and unsigned int): len
+= strlen </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>273 </TD>
<TD>Value is not of appropriate type. : (int and char): len += strlen (
pos -&gt; text </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>273 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 3 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>277 </TD>
<TD>Expression needs brackets. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.12.1,R.20.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>280 </TD>
<TD>Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (int and unsigned int): skip = len - (
columns - 2 - strlen </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>280 </TD>
<TD>Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (int and unsigned int):
skip = len - ( columns - 2 - strlen </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>280 </TD>
<TD>Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (int and unsigned int): skip = len - (
columns - 2 - strlen ( ellipsis ) </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>280 </TD>
<TD>Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (int and unsigned int):
skip = len - ( columns - 2 - strlen ( ellipsis ) </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>285 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>287 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>290 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>292 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>294 </TD>
<TD>Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (int and unsigned int):
skip &lt; strlen </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>294 </TD>
<TD>Value is not of appropriate type. : (int and char): skip &lt; strlen (
pos -&gt; text </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>298 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>298 </TD>
<TD>Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (int and unsigned int):
skip -= strlen </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>298 </TD>
<TD>Value is not of appropriate type. : (int and char): skip -= strlen (
pos -&gt; text </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>301 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>303 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>306 </TD>
<TD>For loop initialisation is not simple. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.14.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>306 </TD>
<TD>Expression needs brackets. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.12.1,R.20.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>307 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to loop body. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>266 </TD>
<TD>Type is incomplete in translation unit. : subtitle_list </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.1.3 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\util.c' , '315');">init_dialog<BR>(315
to 339 util.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>No prototype for non-static function. : init_dialog </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.border.atr </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.border.bg </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.border.fg </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.border.hl </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.button_active.atr </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.button_active.bg </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.button_active.fg </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.button_active.hl </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.button_inactive.atr
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.button_inactive.bg
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.button_inactive.fg
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.button_inactive.hl
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.button_key_active.atr
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.button_key_active.bg
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.button_key_active.fg
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.button_key_active.hl
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. :
dlg.button_key_inactive.atr </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. :
dlg.button_key_inactive.bg </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. :
dlg.button_key_inactive.fg </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. :
dlg.button_key_inactive.hl </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. :
dlg.button_label_active.atr </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. :
dlg.button_label_active.bg </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. :
dlg.button_label_active.fg </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. :
dlg.button_label_active.hl </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. :
dlg.button_label_inactive.atr </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. :
dlg.button_label_inactive.bg </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. :
dlg.button_label_inactive.fg </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. :
dlg.button_label_inactive.hl </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.check.atr </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.check.bg </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.check.fg </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.check.hl </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.check_selected.atr
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.check_selected.bg </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.check_selected.fg </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.check_selected.hl </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.darrow.atr </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.darrow.bg </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.darrow.fg </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.darrow.hl </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.dialog.atr </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.dialog.bg </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.dialog.fg </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.dialog.hl </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.inputbox.atr </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.inputbox.bg </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.inputbox.fg </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.inputbox.hl </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.inputbox_border.atr
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.inputbox_border.bg
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.inputbox_border.fg
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.inputbox_border.hl
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.item.atr </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.item.bg </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.item.fg </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.item.hl </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.item_selected.atr </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.item_selected.bg </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.item_selected.fg </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.item_selected.hl </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.menubox.atr </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.menubox.bg </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.menubox.fg </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.menubox.hl </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.menubox_border.atr
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.menubox_border.bg </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.menubox_border.fg </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.menubox_border.hl </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. :
dlg.position_indicator.atr </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.position_indicator.bg
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.position_indicator.fg
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.position_indicator.hl
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.screen.atr </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.screen.bg </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.screen.fg </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.screen.hl </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.searchbox.atr </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.searchbox.bg </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.searchbox.fg </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.searchbox.hl </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.searchbox_border.atr
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.searchbox_border.bg
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.searchbox_border.fg
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.searchbox_border.hl
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.searchbox_title.atr
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.searchbox_title.bg
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.searchbox_title.fg
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.searchbox_title.hl
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.shadow.atr </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.shadow.bg </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.shadow.fg </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.shadow.hl </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.tag.atr </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.tag.bg </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.tag.fg </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.tag.hl </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.tag_key.atr </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.tag_key.bg </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.tag_key.fg </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.tag_key.hl </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.tag_key_selected.atr
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.tag_key_selected.bg
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.tag_key_selected.fg
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.tag_key_selected.hl
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.tag_selected.atr </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.tag_selected.bg </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.tag_selected.fg </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.tag_selected.hl </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.title.atr </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.title.bg </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.title.fg </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.title.hl </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.uarrow.atr </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.uarrow.bg </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.uarrow.fg </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : dlg.uarrow.hl </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : saved_x </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : saved_y </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>319 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : initscr </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>322 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : getyx </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>324 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : getmaxyx </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>326 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : endwin </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>333 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : keypad </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>334 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : cbreak </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>335 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : noecho </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>317 </TD>
<TD>Procedure contains UR data flow anomalies. : height </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.9.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>317 </TD>
<TD>Procedure contains UR data flow anomalies. : width </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.9.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>330 </TD>
<TD>DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. :
dlg.backtitle </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\util.c' , '341');">set_dialog_backtitle<BR>(341
to 344 util.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>No prototype for non-static function. : set_dialog_backtitle </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>343 </TD>
<TD>DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. :
dlg.backtitle </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>341 </TD>
<TD>Void function has no side effects. : set_dialog_backtitle </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\util.c' , '346');">set_dialog_subtitles<BR>(346
to 349 util.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>No prototype for non-static function. : set_dialog_subtitles </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>348 </TD>
<TD>DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. :
dlg.subtitles </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>346 </TD>
<TD>Void function has no side effects. : set_dialog_subtitles </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\util.c' , '354');">end_dialog<BR>(354
to 360 util.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>No prototype for non-static function. : end_dialog </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>357 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : move </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>358 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : refresh </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>359 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : endwin </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\util.c' , '365');">print_title<BR>(365
to 374 util.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>No prototype for non-static function. : print_title </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>368 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : MIN </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>369 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : wattrset </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>370 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : mvwaddch </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>371 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : mvwaddnstr </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>372 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : waddch </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>367 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>370 </TD>
<TD>Expression needs brackets. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.12.1,R.20.7 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\util.c' , '382');">print_autowrap<BR>(382
to 442 util.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>No prototype for non-static function. : print_autowrap </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>DD data flow anomalies found. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>393 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : wmove </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>394 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : waddstr </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>421 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : wmove </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>422 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : waddstr </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>423 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : getyx </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>386 </TD>
<TD>Variable-length array declared. : tempstr[*] </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.8 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>386 </TD>
<TD>Literal zero used in pointer context. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.11.9 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>388 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>390 </TD>
<TD>Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (int and unsigned int):
prompt_len = strlen </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>392 </TD>
<TD>Expression needs brackets. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.12.1,R.20.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>400 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>400 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>402 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>403 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>405 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>406 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>406 </TD>
<TD>Assignment operation in expression. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2,R.13.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>412 </TD>
<TD>Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (int and unsigned int):
wlen = strlen </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>414 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>414 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>415 </TD>
<TD>Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (int and unsigned int): wlen + 1 +
strlen </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>415 </TD>
<TD>Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (int and unsigned int):
wlen + 1 + strlen </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>415 </TD>
<TD>Expression needs brackets. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.12.1,R.20.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>415 </TD>
<TD>Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned int and int): )
&gt; room </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>416 </TD>
<TD>Assignment operation in expression. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2,R.13.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>416 </TD>
<TD>Assignment operator in boolean expression. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>416 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>417 </TD>
<TD>Pointer arithmetic is not on array. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1,R.18.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>417 </TD>
<TD>Expression needs brackets. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.12.1,R.20.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>426 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>429 </TD>
<TD>Literal zero used in pointer context. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.11.9 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>431 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>433 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>435 </TD>
<TD>Deprecated usage of ++ or -- operators found. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2,R.13.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>435 </TD>
<TD>Assignment operation in expression. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2,R.13.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>435 </TD>
<TD>Pointer arithmetic is not on array. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1,R.18.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>435 </TD>
<TD>Expression needs brackets. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.12.1,R.20.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>435 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to loop body. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>438 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\util.c' , '447');">print_button<BR>(447
to 471 util.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>No prototype for non-static function. : print_button </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>451 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : wmove </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>452 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : wattrset </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>454 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : waddstr </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>457 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : wattrset </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>460 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : waddch </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>461 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : wattrset </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>463 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : waddch </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>464 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : wattrset </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>466 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : waddstr </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>467 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : wattrset </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>469 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : waddstr </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>470 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : wmove </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>463 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : label </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>452 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>455 </TD>
<TD>Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (int and unsigned int):
temp = strspn </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>456 </TD>
<TD>const object reassigned. : label </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.1.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>457 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>460 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to loop body. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>461 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>463 </TD>
<TD>Declaration does not specify an array. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>464 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>466 </TD>
<TD>Cast on a constant value. : label </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.11.8 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>466 </TD>
<TD>Pointer arithmetic is not on array. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1,R.18.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>467 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\util.c' , '476');">draw_box<BR>(476
to 505 util.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>No prototype for non-static function. : draw_box </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>482 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : wattrset </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>484 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : wmove </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>487 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : waddch </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>489 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : waddch </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>491 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : waddch </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>493 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : waddch </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>495 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : waddch </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>497 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : waddch </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>499 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : waddch </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>501 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : waddch </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>503 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : waddch </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>486 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to loop body. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>486 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>486 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>487 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>488 </TD>
<TD>Expression needs brackets. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.12.1,R.20.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>488 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>488 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>489 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>490 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>490 </TD>
<TD>Expression needs brackets. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.12.1,R.20.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>491 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>492 </TD>
<TD>Expression needs brackets. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.12.1,R.20.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>492 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>492 </TD>
<TD>Expression needs brackets. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.12.1,R.20.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>493 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>494 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>495 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>496 </TD>
<TD>Expression needs brackets. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.12.1,R.20.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>497 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>498 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>499 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>500 </TD>
<TD>Expression needs brackets. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.12.1,R.20.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>501 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>503 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\util.c' , '511');">draw_shadow<BR>(511
to 527 util.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>No prototype for non-static function. : draw_shadow </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>515 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : has_colors </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>516 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : wattrset </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>517 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : wmove </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>519 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : waddch </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>519 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : winch </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>521 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : wmove </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>522 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : waddch </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>522 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : winch </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>523 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : waddch </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>523 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : winch </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>525 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : wnoutrefresh </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>515 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>519 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to loop body. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>519 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : &amp; used with int </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>519 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : &amp; used with int: A_CHARTEXT
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>520 </TD>
<TD>For loop initialisation is not simple. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.14.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>520 </TD>
<TD>Expression needs brackets. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.12.1,R.20.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>522 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : &amp; used with int </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>522 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : &amp; used with int: A_CHARTEXT
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>523 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : &amp; used with int </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>523 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : &amp; used with int: A_CHARTEXT
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\util.c' , '532');">first_alpha<BR>(532
to 549 util.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>No prototype for non-static function. : first_alpha </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>536 </TD>
<TD>Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (int and unsigned int): i
&lt; strlen </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>537 </TD>
<TD>Declaration does not specify an array. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>539 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>540 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>541 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>542 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>544 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>544 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>544 </TD>
<TD>Construct leads to infeasible code. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.14.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>544 </TD>
<TD>Literal zero used in pointer context. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.11.9 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>545 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\util.c' , '560');">on_key_esc<BR>(560
to 581 util.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>No prototype for non-static function. : on_key_esc </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>566 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : nodelay </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>567 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : keypad </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>568 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : wgetch </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>569 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : wgetch </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>571 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : wgetch </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>573 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : nodelay </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>574 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : keypad </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>578 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : ungetch </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>576 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>578 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>578 </TD>
<TD>Else alternative missing in if. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.7 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\util.c' , '584');">on_key_resize<BR>(584
to 588 util.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>No prototype for non-static function. : on_key_resize </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\util.c' , '594');">item_reset<BR>(594
to 604 util.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>No prototype for non-static function. : item_reset </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>598 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : item_head </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>598 </TD>
<TD>For loop incrementation is not simple. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.14.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>600 </TD>
<TD>Use of banned function or variable. : free </TD>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>604 </TD>
<TD>Memory not freed after last reference. : p </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.22.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center><A name=first_55_d>C</A> </TD>
<TD align=center>600 </TD>
<TD>Modification of loop counter in loop body. : p </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.14.2 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\util.c' , '606');">item_make<BR>(606
to 621 util.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>No prototype for non-static function. : item_make </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>619 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : item_cur </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>619 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : p </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>612 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : p </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>609 </TD>
<TD>Use of banned function or variable. : malloc </TD>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>611 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>612 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>614 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>616 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>618 </TD>
<TD>Use of banned function or variable. : va_start </TD>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>619 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>619 </TD>
<TD>Incorrect number of formats in output function. : 0 formats, 4 outputs
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.1.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>620 </TD>
<TD>Use of banned function or variable. : va_end </TD>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>621 </TD>
<TD>Memory not freed after last reference. : p </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.22.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>619 </TD>
<TD>DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. :
(p)-&gt;node.str </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\util.c' , '623');">item_add_str<BR>(623
to 635 util.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>No prototype for non-static function. : item_add_str </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>633 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : item_cur </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>628 </TD>
<TD>Value is not of appropriate type. : (int and char): avail = sizeof (
item_cur -&gt; node.str ) - strlen ( item_cur -&gt; node.str </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>630 </TD>
<TD>Use of banned function or variable. : va_start </TD>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>631 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>631 </TD>
<TD>Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (int and unsigned int): strlen </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>631 </TD>
<TD>Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (int and unsigned int):
strlen </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>631 </TD>
<TD>Value is not of appropriate type. : (int and char): strlen ( item_cur
-&gt; node.str </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>631 </TD>
<TD>Incorrect number of formats in output function. : 0 formats, 4 outputs
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.1.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>633 </TD>
<TD>Type conversion without cast. : (int and char): item_cur -&gt;
node.str [ sizeof ( item_cur -&gt; node.str ) - 1 ] = '\0' </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>634 </TD>
<TD>Use of banned function or variable. : va_end </TD>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\util.c' , '637');">item_set_tag<BR>(637
to 640 util.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>No prototype for non-static function. : item_set_tag </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>639 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : item_cur
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\util.c' , '641');">item_set_data<BR>(641
to 644 util.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>No prototype for non-static function. : item_set_data </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>643 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : item_cur
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\util.c' , '646');">item_set_selected<BR>(646
to 649 util.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>No prototype for non-static function. : item_set_selected </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>648 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : item_cur
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\util.c' , '651');">item_activate_selected<BR>(651
to 657 util.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>No prototype for non-static function. : item_activate_selected </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>653 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : item_foreach </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>654 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : item_is_selected </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>654 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>655 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\util.c' , '659');">item_data<BR>(659
to 662 util.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>No prototype for non-static function. : item_data </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\util.c' , '664');">item_tag<BR>(664
to 667 util.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>No prototype for non-static function. : item_tag </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\util.c' , '669');">item_count<BR>(669
to 677 util.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>No prototype for non-static function. : item_count </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>674 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : item_head </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>675 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to loop body. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\util.c' , '679');">item_set<BR>(679
to 685 util.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>No prototype for non-static function. : item_set </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>682 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : item_foreach </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>683 </TD>
<TD>Deprecated usage of ++ or -- operators found. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2,R.13.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>683 </TD>
<TD>Assignment operation in expression. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2,R.13.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>683 </TD>
<TD>Expression needs brackets. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.12.1,R.20.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>684 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>683 </TD>
<TD>DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. : i </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\util.c' , '687');">item_n<BR>(687
to 698 util.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>No prototype for non-static function. : item_n </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>692 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : item_head </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>694 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\util.c' , '700');">item_str<BR>(700
to 703 util.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>No prototype for non-static function. : item_str </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\util.c' , '705');">item_is_selected<BR>(705
to 708 util.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>No prototype for non-static function. : item_is_selected </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\util.c' , '710');">item_is_tag<BR>(710
to 713 util.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>No prototype for non-static function. : item_is_tag </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\yconf.c' , '903');">yy_symbol_value_print<BR>(903
to 915 yconf.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>907 </TD>
<TD>Casting operation on a pointer. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.3,R.11.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>907 </TD>
<TD>Statement with no side effect. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>908 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>909 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>914 </TD>
<TD>Value is not of appropriate type. : (void and int): ( void ) ( yytype
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>914 </TD>
<TD>Statement with no side effect. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>903 </TD>
<TD>Void function has no side effects. : yy_symbol_value_print </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\yconf.c' , '922');">yy_symbol_print<BR>(922
to 930 yconf.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>925 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>929 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\yconf.c' , '937');">yy_stack_print<BR>(937
to 947 yconf.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>940 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>941 </TD>
<TD>Pointer arithmetic is not on array. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1,R.18.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>944 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>946 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\yconf.c' , '960');">yy_reduce_print<BR>(960
to 978 yconf.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>964 </TD>
<TD>Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (int and unsigned char):
yyr2 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>967 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>971 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>972 </TD>
<TD>Declaration does not specify an array. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>972 </TD>
<TD>Expression needs brackets. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.12.1,R.20.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>974 </TD>
<TD>Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned int and int): (
yyi + 1 ) - ( </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>974 </TD>
<TD>Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned int and int): (
yyi + 1 ) - ( yynrhs </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>974 </TD>
<TD>Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned int and int): ( yyi + 1 ) -
( yynrhs </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>976 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\yconf.c' , '1240');">yydestruct<BR>(1240
to 1289 yconf.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1257 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : menu_end_menu </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1268 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : menu_end_menu </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1279 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : menu_end_menu </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1243 </TD>
<TD>Casting operation on a pointer. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.3,R.11.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1243 </TD>
<TD>Statement with no side effect. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1244 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1245 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1245 </TD>
<TD>const object reassigned. : yymsg </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.1.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1246 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1246 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1246 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1254 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1255 </TD>
<TD>Format is not appropriate type. : format = %s, param 3 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.1.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1257 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1265 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1266 </TD>
<TD>Format is not appropriate type. : format = %s, param 3 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.1.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1268 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1276 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1277 </TD>
<TD>Format is not appropriate type. : format = %s, param 3 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.1.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1279 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1285 </TD>
<TD>Switch empty default has no comment. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.4 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\yconf.c' , '1307');">zconfparse<BR>(1307
to 2255 yconf.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>DD data flow anomalies found. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : (current_buf)-&gt;state
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. :
(current_entry)-&gt;(prompt)-&gt;type </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. :
(current_entry)-&gt;(sym)-&gt;flags </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : (current_entry)-&gt;dep
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : (current_entry)-&gt;file
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : (current_entry)-&gt;help
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. :
(current_entry)-&gt;prompt </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. :
(current_entry)-&gt;visibility </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. :
(current_menu)-&gt;file.name </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. :
(modules_sym)-&gt;curr.tri </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : current_buf </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : current_entry </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : current_menu </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : current_pos.file </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : current_pos.lineno </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : file.name </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : first_ts </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : last_entry_ptr </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : last_ts </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : modules_sym </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : sym_defconfig_list </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : symbol_hash </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : text </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : text_asize </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : text_size </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : yy_buffer_stack </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : yy_buffer_stack_max </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : yy_buffer_stack_top </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : yy_c_buf_p </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. :
yy_did_buffer_switch_on_eof </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : yy_hold_char </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : yy_init </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : yy_n_chars </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : yy_start </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : zconfchar </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : zconfin </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : zconfleng </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : zconflval.file </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : zconflval.id </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : zconflval.string </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : zconfnerrs </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : zconfout </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : zconftext </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1557 </TD>
<TD>Casting operation to a pointer. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.3,R.11.5,R.11.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1583 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : sym_lookup </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1585 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : menu_add_entry </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1586 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : zconf_curname </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1586 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : zconf_lineno </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1594 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : menu_end_entry </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1595 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : zconf_curname </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1595 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : zconf_lineno </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1603 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : sym_lookup </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1605 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : menu_add_entry </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1606 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : zconf_curname </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1606 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : zconf_lineno </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1618 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : menu_end_entry </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1619 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : zconf_curname </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1619 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : zconf_lineno </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1627 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : menu_set_type </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1628 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : zconf_curname </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1628 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : zconf_lineno </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1638 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : menu_add_prompt </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1639 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : zconf_curname </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1639 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : zconf_lineno </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1647 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : menu_add_expr </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1649 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : menu_set_type </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1650 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : zconf_curname </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1650 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : zconf_lineno </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1660 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : menu_add_symbol </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1660 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : sym_lookup </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1661 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : zconf_curname </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1661 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : zconf_lineno </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1669 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : menu_add_symbol </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1669 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : sym_lookup </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1670 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : zconf_curname </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1670 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : zconf_lineno </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1678 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : menu_add_expr </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1678 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : expr_alloc_comp </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1679 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : zconf_curname </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1679 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : zconf_lineno </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1689 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : menu_add_option </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1712 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : sym_lookup </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1714 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : menu_add_entry </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1715 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : menu_add_expr </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1716 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : zconf_curname </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1716 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : zconf_lineno </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1724 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : menu_add_menu </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1733 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : menu_end_menu </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1734 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : zconf_curname </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1734 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : zconf_lineno </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1743 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : menu_add_prompt </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1744 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : zconf_curname </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1744 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : zconf_lineno </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1753 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : menu_set_type </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1754 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : zconf_curname </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1754 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : zconf_lineno </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1767 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : zconf_curname </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1767 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : zconf_lineno </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1776 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : menu_add_symbol </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1776 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : sym_lookup </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1777 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : zconf_curname </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1777 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : zconf_lineno </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1788 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : zconf_curname </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1788 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : zconf_lineno </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1789 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : menu_add_entry </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1790 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : menu_add_dep </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1791 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : menu_add_menu </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1800 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : menu_end_menu </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1801 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : zconf_curname </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1801 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : zconf_lineno </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1810 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : menu_add_prompt </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1818 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : menu_add_entry </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1819 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : menu_add_prompt </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1820 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : zconf_curname </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1820 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : zconf_lineno </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1828 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : menu_add_menu </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1837 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : menu_end_menu </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1838 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : zconf_curname </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1838 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : zconf_lineno </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1847 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : zconf_curname </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1847 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : zconf_lineno </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1848 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : zconf_nextfile </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1856 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : menu_add_entry </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1857 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : menu_add_prompt </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1858 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : zconf_curname </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1858 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : zconf_lineno </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1866 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : menu_end_entry </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1874 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : zconf_curname </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1874 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : zconf_lineno </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1875 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : zconf_starthelp </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1891 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : menu_add_dep </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1892 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : zconf_curname </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1892 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : zconf_lineno </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1900 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : menu_add_visibility </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1908 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : menu_add_prompt </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1945 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : expr_alloc_symbol </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1951 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : expr_alloc_comp </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1957 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : expr_alloc_comp </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1963 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : expr_alloc_comp </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1969 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : expr_alloc_comp </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1975 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : expr_alloc_comp </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1981 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : expr_alloc_comp </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1993 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : expr_alloc_one </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1999 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : expr_alloc_two </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>2005 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : expr_alloc_two </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>2011 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : sym_lookup </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>2017 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : sym_lookup </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1375 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : yyssp </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2056 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : yyssp </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2155 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : yyssp </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2048 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : yyvsp </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2197 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : yyvsp </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2242 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : yyvsp </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2184 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : yyvsp </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2238 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : yyvsp </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1536 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : yyvsp </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2048 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : yyval.id </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2048 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : yyval.menu </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2048 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : yyval.expr </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2048 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : yyval.symbol </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2048 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : yyval.file </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2048 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : yyval.string </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2044 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : yyvsp.string </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1420 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : yyptr </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1464 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : zconfin </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1836 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : current_pos.file </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2222 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : current_pos.file </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1505 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : zconflval.id </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1464 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : text </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1505 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : zconflval.file </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1505 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : zconflval.string </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1848 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : current_buf </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1464 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : current_buf </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2017 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : symbol_hash </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1584 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : sym </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1604 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : sym </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1713 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : sym </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1715 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : current_entry </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1715 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : NULL </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1789 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : NULL </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1790 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : current_entry </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1810 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : NULL </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1818 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : NULL </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1819 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : current_entry </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1819 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : NULL </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1856 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : NULL </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1857 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : current_entry </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1857 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : NULL </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2187 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : yyssp </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1856 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : last_entry_ptr </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1908 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : current_entry </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1908 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : modules_sym </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2121 </TD>
<TD>Potentially infinite loop found. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1354 </TD>
<TD>Assignment operation in expression. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2,R.13.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1355 </TD>
<TD>Assignment operation in expression. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2,R.13.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1356 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 200 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1356 </TD>
<TD>Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned int and int):
yystacksize </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1358 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1358 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1358 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1375 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion of underlying type. : (short and int): yyssp =
yystate </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1375 </TD>
<TD>Narrower int conversion without cast. : (short and int): yyssp =
yystate </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1377 </TD>
<TD>Pointer arithmetic is not on array. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1,R.18.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1377 </TD>
<TD>Expression needs brackets. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.12.1,R.20.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1377 </TD>
<TD>&lt; &gt; &lt;= &gt;= used on different object pointers. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1380 </TD>
<TD>Pointer arithmetic is not on array. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1,R.18.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center><A name=first_438_s>C</A> </TD>
<TD align=center>1380 </TD>
<TD>Pointer subtraction not addressing one array. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1380 </TD>
<TD>Expression needs brackets. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.12.1,R.20.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1407 </TD>
<TD>Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (int and unsigned int):
10000 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1407 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 10000 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1408 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1409 </TD>
<TD>Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned int and int):
yystacksize </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1410 </TD>
<TD>Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (int and unsigned int):
10000 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1410 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 10000 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1411 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1411 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 10000 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1411 </TD>
<TD>Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned int and int):
yystacksize </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1416 </TD>
<TD>Use of banned function or variable. : malloc </TD>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1416 </TD>
<TD>Expression needs brackets. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.12.1,R.20.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1417 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1418 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1419 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1419 </TD>
<TD>Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned int and int): yyi
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1419 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to loop body. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1419 </TD>
<TD>Expression needs brackets. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.12.1,R.20.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1420 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1420 </TD>
<TD>Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned int and int): yyi
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1420 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to loop body. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1420 </TD>
<TD>Expression needs brackets. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.12.1,R.20.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1422 </TD>
<TD>Use of banned function or variable. : free </TD>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1423 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1428 </TD>
<TD>Attempt to use already freed object. : yyss </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.22.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1428 </TD>
<TD>Pointer arithmetic is not on array. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1,R.18.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1428 </TD>
<TD>Expression needs brackets. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.12.1,R.20.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1429 </TD>
<TD>Pointer arithmetic is not on array. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1,R.18.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1429 </TD>
<TD>Expression needs brackets. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.12.1,R.20.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1431 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1431 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1431 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1434 </TD>
<TD>Attempt to use already freed object. : yyss </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.22.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1434 </TD>
<TD>Pointer arithmetic is not on array. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1,R.18.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1434 </TD>
<TD>Expression needs brackets. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.12.1,R.20.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1434 </TD>
<TD>&lt; &gt; &lt;= &gt;= used on different object pointers. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1435 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1438 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1438 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1438 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1441 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1456 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1463 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1463 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1463 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1469 </TD>
<TD>Assignment operation in expression. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2,R.13.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1470 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1470 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1470 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1474 </TD>
<TD>Type mismatch in ternary expression. : (int and unsigned char) </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1475 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1475 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1475 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1482 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1486 </TD>
<TD>Construct leads to infeasible code. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.14.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1487 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1494 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1495 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1498 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1498 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1498 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1505 </TD>
<TD>Assignment operation in expression. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2,R.13.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1508 </TD>
<TD>goto label is backwards. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1515 </TD>
<TD>Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (int and unsigned char):
yyn = yydefact </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1517 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1526 </TD>
<TD>Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (int and unsigned char):
yylen = yyr2 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1536 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion of underlying type. : (signed char and int): yyval
= yyvsp [ 1 - yylen </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1536 </TD>
<TD>Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (signed char and int): yyval = yyvsp [
1 - yylen </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1539 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1539 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1550 </TD>
<TD>Array bound exceeded. : yyvsp[*]; accessed=-2 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1557 </TD>
<TD>Casting operation on a pointer. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.3,R.11.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1557 </TD>
<TD>Cast to an unrelated type. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.11.2,R.11.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1557 </TD>
<TD>Array bound exceeded. : yyvsp[*]; accessed=-2 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1570 </TD>
<TD>Array bound exceeded. : yyvsp[*]; accessed=-2 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1583 </TD>
<TD>Array bound exceeded. : yyvsp[*]; accessed=-1 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1584 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : |= used with int: flags </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1584 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : |= used with int:
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1586 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : &amp; used with int: cdebug </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1586 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1586 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1586 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1586 </TD>
<TD>Array bound exceeded. : yyvsp[*]; accessed=-1 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1595 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : &amp; used with int: cdebug </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1595 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1595 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1595 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1603 </TD>
<TD>Array bound exceeded. : yyvsp[*]; accessed=-1 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1604 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : |= used with int: flags </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1604 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : |= used with int:
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1606 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : &amp; used with int: cdebug </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1606 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1606 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1606 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1606 </TD>
<TD>Array bound exceeded. : yyvsp[*]; accessed=-1 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1614 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1615 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1617 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1619 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : &amp; used with int: cdebug </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1619 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1619 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1619 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1627 </TD>
<TD>Array bound exceeded. : yyvsp[*]; accessed=-2 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1628 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : &amp; used with int: cdebug </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1628 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1628 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1628 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1628 </TD>
<TD>Array bound exceeded. : yyvsp[*]; accessed=-2 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1638 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1638 </TD>
<TD>Array bound exceeded. : yyvsp[*]; accessed=-2 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1638 </TD>
<TD>Array bound exceeded. : yyvsp[*]; accessed=-1 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1639 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : &amp; used with int: cdebug </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1639 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1639 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1639 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1647 </TD>
<TD>Array bound exceeded. : yyvsp[*]; accessed=-2 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1647 </TD>
<TD>Array bound exceeded. : yyvsp[*]; accessed=-1 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1648 </TD>
<TD>Array bound exceeded. : yyvsp[*]; accessed=-3 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1649 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1649 </TD>
<TD>Array bound exceeded. : yyvsp[*]; accessed=-3 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1650 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : &amp; used with int: cdebug </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1650 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1650 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1650 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1650 </TD>
<TD>Array bound exceeded. : yyvsp[*]; accessed=-3 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1660 </TD>
<TD>Array bound exceeded. : yyvsp[*]; accessed=-2 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1660 </TD>
<TD>Array bound exceeded. : yyvsp[*]; accessed=-1 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1661 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : &amp; used with int: cdebug </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1661 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1661 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1661 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1669 </TD>
<TD>Array bound exceeded. : yyvsp[*]; accessed=-2 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1669 </TD>
<TD>Array bound exceeded. : yyvsp[*]; accessed=-1 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1670 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : &amp; used with int: cdebug </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1670 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1670 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1670 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1678 </TD>
<TD>Array bound exceeded. : yyvsp[*]; accessed=-3 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1678 </TD>
<TD>Array bound exceeded. : yyvsp[*]; accessed=-2 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1678 </TD>
<TD>Array bound exceeded. : yyvsp[*]; accessed=-1 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1679 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : &amp; used with int: cdebug </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1679 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1679 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1679 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1687 </TD>
<TD>Array bound exceeded. : yyvsp[*]; accessed=-1 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1687 </TD>
<TD>Array bound exceeded. : yyvsp[*]; accessed=-1 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1688 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1688 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : &amp; used with int: flags </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1688 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : &amp; used with int: TF_OPTION
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1688 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1689 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1691 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1691 </TD>
<TD>Array bound exceeded. : yyvsp[*]; accessed=-1 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1691 </TD>
<TD>Use of banned function or variable. : free </TD>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1692 </TD>
<TD>Array bound exceeded. : yyvsp[*]; accessed=-1 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1712 </TD>
<TD>Array bound exceeded. : yyvsp[*]; accessed=-1 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1713 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : |= used with int: flags </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1713 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : |= used with int: SYMBOL_AUTO
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1716 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : &amp; used with int: cdebug </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1716 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1716 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1716 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1734 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : &amp; used with int: cdebug </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1734 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1734 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1734 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1743 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1743 </TD>
<TD>Array bound exceeded. : yyvsp[*]; accessed=-2 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1743 </TD>
<TD>Array bound exceeded. : yyvsp[*]; accessed=-1 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1744 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : &amp; used with int: cdebug </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1744 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1744 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1744 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1752 </TD>
<TD>Array bound exceeded. : yyvsp[*]; accessed=-2 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1752 </TD>
<TD>Array bound exceeded. : yyvsp[*]; accessed=-2 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1753 </TD>
<TD>Array bound exceeded. : yyvsp[*]; accessed=-2 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1754 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : &amp; used with int: cdebug </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1754 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1754 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1754 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1754 </TD>
<TD>Array bound exceeded. : yyvsp[*]; accessed=-2 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1758 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1766 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : |= used with int: flags </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1766 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : |= used with int:
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1767 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : &amp; used with int: cdebug </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1767 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1767 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1767 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1775 </TD>
<TD>Array bound exceeded. : yyvsp[*]; accessed=-3 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1776 </TD>
<TD>Array bound exceeded. : yyvsp[*]; accessed=-2 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1776 </TD>
<TD>Array bound exceeded. : yyvsp[*]; accessed=-1 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1777 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : &amp; used with int: cdebug </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1777 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1777 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1777 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1780 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1788 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : &amp; used with int: cdebug </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1788 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1788 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1788 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1790 </TD>
<TD>Array bound exceeded. : yyvsp[*]; accessed=-1 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1801 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : &amp; used with int: cdebug </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1801 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1801 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1801 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1810 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1810 </TD>
<TD>Array bound exceeded. : yyvsp[*]; accessed=-1 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1819 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1819 </TD>
<TD>Array bound exceeded. : yyvsp[*]; accessed=-1 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1820 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : &amp; used with int: cdebug </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1820 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1820 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1820 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1838 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : &amp; used with int: cdebug </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1838 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1838 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1838 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1847 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : &amp; used with int: cdebug </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1847 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1847 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1847 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1847 </TD>
<TD>Array bound exceeded. : yyvsp[*]; accessed=-1 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1848 </TD>
<TD>Array bound exceeded. : yyvsp[*]; accessed=-1 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1857 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1857 </TD>
<TD>Array bound exceeded. : yyvsp[*]; accessed=-1 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1858 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : &amp; used with int: cdebug </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1858 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1858 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1858 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1874 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : &amp; used with int: cdebug </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1874 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1874 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1874 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1891 </TD>
<TD>Array bound exceeded. : yyvsp[*]; accessed=-1 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1892 </TD>
<TD>Use of bit operator on signed type. : &amp; used with int: cdebug </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1892 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1892 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1892 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1908 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1908 </TD>
<TD>Array bound exceeded. : yyvsp[*]; accessed=-1 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1915 </TD>
<TD>Array bound exceeded. : yyvsp[*]; accessed=-1 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1921 </TD>
<TD>Array bound exceeded. : yyvsp[*]; accessed=-1 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1927 </TD>
<TD>Array bound exceeded. : yyvsp[*]; accessed=-1 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1951 </TD>
<TD>Array bound exceeded. : yyvsp[*]; accessed=-2 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1957 </TD>
<TD>Array bound exceeded. : yyvsp[*]; accessed=-2 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1963 </TD>
<TD>Array bound exceeded. : yyvsp[*]; accessed=-2 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1969 </TD>
<TD>Array bound exceeded. : yyvsp[*]; accessed=-2 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1975 </TD>
<TD>Array bound exceeded. : yyvsp[*]; accessed=-2 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1981 </TD>
<TD>Array bound exceeded. : yyvsp[*]; accessed=-2 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1987 </TD>
<TD>Array bound exceeded. : yyvsp[*]; accessed=-1 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1999 </TD>
<TD>Array bound exceeded. : yyvsp[*]; accessed=-2 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2005 </TD>
<TD>Array bound exceeded. : yyvsp[*]; accessed=-2 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2011 </TD>
<TD>Use of banned function or variable. : free </TD>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2017 </TD>
<TD>Use of banned function or variable. : free </TD>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2029 </TD>
<TD>Switch empty default has no comment. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2042 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2042 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2042 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2044 </TD>
<TD>Assignment operation in expression. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2,R.13.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2046 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2046 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>2046 </TD>
<TD>Attempt to use already freed object. : yyss </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.22.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2048 </TD>
<TD>Assignment operation in expression. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2,R.13.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2054 </TD>
<TD>Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (int and unsigned char):
yyn = yyr1 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2056 </TD>
<TD>No cast for widening complex int expression. : (int and short):
yystate = yypgoto </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2056 </TD>
<TD>No cast for widening complex int expression. : (int and short):
yystate = yypgoto [ yyn - 41 ] + * yyssp </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2057 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2058 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2060 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2060 </TD>
<TD>No cast for widening complex int expression. : (int and short):
yystate = yydefgoto [ yyn - 41 ] </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2062 </TD>
<TD>goto label is backwards. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2071 </TD>
<TD>Value is not of appropriate type. : (bool and signed char) </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2071 </TD>
<TD>Array bound exceeded. : yytranslate[*]; accessed=-2 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2071 </TD>
<TD>Type mismatch in ternary expression. : (int and unsigned char) </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.4 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2071 </TD>
<TD>Type mismatch in ternary expression. : (int and bool) </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2074 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2124 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2147 </TD>
<TD>Construct leads to infeasible code. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.14.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2148 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2148 </TD>
<TD>goto label is backwards. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2152 </TD>
<TD>Assignment operation in expression. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2,R.13.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2154 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2154 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>2154 </TD>
<TD>Attempt to use already freed object. : yyss </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.22.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2155 </TD>
<TD>No cast for widening complex int expression. : (int and short):
yystate = *yyssp </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2171 </TD>
<TD>Literal value requires a U suffix. : 1 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2171 </TD>
<TD>Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned char and signed char):
yycheck [ yyn ] == 1 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2175 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>2180 </TD>
<TD>Attempt to use already freed object. : yyss </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.22.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2181 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2186 </TD>
<TD>Assignment operation in expression. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2,R.13.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2187 </TD>
<TD>No cast for widening complex int expression. : (int and short):
yystate = *yyssp </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2188 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2188 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>2188 </TD>
<TD>Attempt to use already freed object. : yyss </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.22.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2192 </TD>
<TD>Assignment operation in expression. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2,R.13.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2197 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2197 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2197 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2200 </TD>
<TD>goto label is backwards. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2232 </TD>
<TD>Array bound exceeded. : yytranslate[*]; accessed=-2 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2232 </TD>
<TD>Type mismatch in ternary expression. : (int and unsigned char) </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2238 </TD>
<TD>Assignment operation in expression. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2,R.13.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2239 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2239 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>2239 </TD>
<TD>Attempt to use already freed object. : yyss </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.22.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>2240 </TD>
<TD>Attempt to use already freed object. : yyss </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.22.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2242 </TD>
<TD>Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned int and short): "Cleanup:
popping" , yystos [ * yyssp </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2244 </TD>
<TD>Assignment operation in expression. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2,R.13.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>2247 </TD>
<TD>Attempt to use already freed object. : yyss </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.22.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2247 </TD>
<TD>Use of banned function or variable. : free </TD>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2248 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>2248 </TD>
<TD>Attempt to use already freed object. : yyss </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.22.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1638 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 1
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1647 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 1
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1660 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 1
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1660 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (symbol): param 2 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1669 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 1
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1669 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (symbol): param 2 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1678 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 1
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1678 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (expr): param 2 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1678 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 1
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1715 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 1
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1715 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 2
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1715 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 3
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1743 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 1
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1776 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 1
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1776 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (symbol): param 2 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1810 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 1
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1810 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 3
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1819 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 1
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1819 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 3
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1857 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 1
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1857 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 3
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1908 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 1
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1951 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 1
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1957 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 1
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1963 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 1
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1969 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 1
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1975 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 1
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1981 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 1
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1993 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 1
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1999 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 1
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2005 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 1
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2242 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1776 </TD>
<TD>Call has execution order dependant side effects. : sym_lookup </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2,R.13.5 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1776 </TD>
<TD>Call has execution order dependant side effects. : menu_add_symbol </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2,R.13.5 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1678 </TD>
<TD>Call has execution order dependant side effects. : menu_add_expr </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2,R.13.5 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1669 </TD>
<TD>Call has execution order dependant side effects. : sym_lookup </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2,R.13.5 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1669 </TD>
<TD>Call has execution order dependant side effects. : menu_add_symbol </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2,R.13.5 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1660 </TD>
<TD>Call has execution order dependant side effects. : sym_lookup </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2,R.13.5 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1660 </TD>
<TD>Call has execution order dependant side effects. : menu_add_symbol </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2,R.13.5 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1307 </TD>
<TD>Recursion in procedure calls found. : zconfparse </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2255 </TD>
<TD>Memory not freed after last reference. : yyss </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.22.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1424 </TD>
<TD>Memory not freed after last reference. : yyss1 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.22.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1424 </TD>
<TD>Memory not freed after last reference. : yyptr </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.22.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1933 </TD>
<TD>Procedure contains UR data flow anomalies. : yyval.expr </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.9.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>1699 </TD>
<TD>Procedure contains UR data flow anomalies. : yyval.string </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.9.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>2023 </TD>
<TD>Procedure contains UR data flow anomalies. : yyval.string </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.9.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1584 </TD>
<TD>DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. :
(sym)-&gt;flags </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1604 </TD>
<TD>DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. :
(sym)-&gt;flags </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1713 </TD>
<TD>DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. :
(sym)-&gt;flags </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1420 </TD>
<TD>DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. : yyptr
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1336 </TD>
<TD>DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. : yytoken
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>1487 </TD>
<TD>Unreachable Code found. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2148 </TD>
<TD>Unreachable Code found. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.1 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\yconf.c' , '2259');">conf_parse<BR>(2259
to 2289 yconf.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>No prototype for non-static function. : conf_parse </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>DD data flow anomalies found. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>2264 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : zconf_initscan </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>2266 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : sym_init </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>2267 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : _menu_init </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>2268 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : menu_add_prompt </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>2276 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : sym_find </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>2278 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : _ </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>2279 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : sym_expand_string_value </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>2281 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : menu_finalize </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>2283 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : sym_check_deps </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>2288 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : sym_set_change_count </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2272 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : zconfin </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2272 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : current_buf </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2272 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : symbol_hash </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2276 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : symbol_hash </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2272 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : current_entry </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2268 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : current_entry </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2268 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : NULL </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2279 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : symbol_hash </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2281 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : current_entry </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2272 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : last_entry_ptr </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2270 </TD>
<TD>Use of banned function or variable. : getenv </TD>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2270 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2271 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2272 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2273 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2274 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2274 </TD>
<TD>Use of abort, exit, etc. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.21.8 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2275 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2276 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2283 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2284 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2286 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2287 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2287 </TD>
<TD>Use of abort, exit, etc. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.21.8 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2268 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 1
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2268 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and char): param 2
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2268 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 3
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2279 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and char): param 1
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2281 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and enum): param 1
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2259 </TD>
<TD>Recursion in procedure calls found. : conf_parse </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2281 </TD>
<TD>Potential side effect problem in expression. : (rootmenu)-&gt;sym </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2281 </TD>
<TD>Potential side effect problem in expression. : rootmenu.prompt </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2281 </TD>
<TD>Potential side effect problem in expression. :
(rootmenu)-&gt;(prompt)-&gt;visible.expr </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2283 </TD>
<TD>DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. :
(sym)-&gt;flags </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2279 </TD>
<TD>DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. :
rootmenu.prompt.text </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
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to Terms</A> </TD>
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Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\yconf.c' , '2291');">zconf_tokenname<BR>(2291
to 2304 yconf.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2294 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2295 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2296 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2297 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2298 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2299 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2300 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2302 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2293 </TD>
<TD>No default case in switch statement. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.4 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
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to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\yconf.c' , '2306');">zconf_endtoken<BR>(2306
to 2324 yconf.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>Function has global variable side effects. : zconfnerrs </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2310 </TD>
<TD>Casting operation to a pointer. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.3,R.11.5,R.11.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2316 </TD>
<TD>Casting operation to a pointer. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.3,R.11.5,R.11.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2310 </TD>
<TD>Casting operation on a pointer. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.3,R.11.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2310 </TD>
<TD>Cast to an unrelated type. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.11.2,R.11.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2316 </TD>
<TD>Casting operation on a pointer. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.3,R.11.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2316 </TD>
<TD>Cast to an unrelated type. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.11.2,R.11.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2317 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2317 </TD>
<TD>Format is not appropriate type. : format = %s, param 3 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.1.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2315 </TD>
<TD>Call has execution order dependant side effects. : zconf_error </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2,R.13.5 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2309 </TD>
<TD>Call has execution order dependant side effects. : zconf_error </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2,R.13.5
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
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to Terms</A> </TD>
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Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\yconf.c' , '2326');">zconfprint<BR>(2326
to 2335 yconf.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>2330 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : zconf_curname </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>2330 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : zconf_lineno </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2330 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2331 </TD>
<TD>Use of banned function or variable. : va_start </TD>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2332 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2332 </TD>
<TD>Incorrect number of formats in output function. : 0 formats, 3 outputs
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.1.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2333 </TD>
<TD>Use of banned function or variable. : va_end </TD>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2334 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\yconf.c' , '2337');">zconf_error<BR>(2337
to 2347 yconf.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>2342 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : zconf_curname </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>2342 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : zconf_lineno </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2342 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2343 </TD>
<TD>Use of banned function or variable. : va_start </TD>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2344 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2344 </TD>
<TD>Incorrect number of formats in output function. : 0 formats, 3 outputs
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.1.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2345 </TD>
<TD>Use of banned function or variable. : va_end </TD>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2346 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\yconf.c' , '2349');">zconferror<BR>(2349
to 2352 yconf.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>2351 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : zconf_curname </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>2351 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : zconf_lineno </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2351 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\yconf.c' , '2354');">print_quoted_string<BR>(2354
to 2369 yconf.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2359 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2360 </TD>
<TD>Assignment operation in expression. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2,R.13.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2360 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2361 </TD>
<TD>Pointer arithmetic is not on array. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1,R.18.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2362 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2363 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2363 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2364 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2365 </TD>
<TD>const object reassigned. : str </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.1.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2365 </TD>
<TD>Pointer assignment to wider scope. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2365 </TD>
<TD>Pointer arithmetic is not on array. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1,R.18.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2367 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2368 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\yconf.c' , '2371');">print_symbol<BR>(2371
to 2456 yconf.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>2376 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : sym_is_choice </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>2407 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : expr_is_yes </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>2409 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : expr_fprint </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>2415 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : expr_fprint </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>2416 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : expr_is_yes </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>2418 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : expr_fprint </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>2427 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : expr_fprint </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>2432 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : expr_fprint </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>2437 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : expr_fprint </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2376 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2377 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2377 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2379 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2379 </TD>
<TD>Format is not appropriate type. : format = %s, param 3 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.1.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2382 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2385 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2388 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2391 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2394 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2397 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2400 </TD>
<TD>For loop initialisation is not simple. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.14.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2402 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2405 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2407 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2408 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2411 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2414 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2416 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2417 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2420 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2423 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2426 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2428 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2431 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2433 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2436 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2438 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2441 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2443 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2446 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2450 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2451 </TD>
<TD>Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (int and unsigned int):
strlen </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2451 </TD>
<TD>Value is not of appropriate type. : (int and char): strlen ( menu
-&gt; help </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2452 </TD>
<TD>Deprecated usage of ++ or -- operators found. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2,R.13.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2452 </TD>
<TD>Type conversion without cast. : (int and char): menu -&gt; help [ --
len ] == '\n' </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2453 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to loop body. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2454 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2454 </TD>
<TD>Format is not appropriate type. : format = %s, param 3 </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.1.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2374 </TD>
<TD>Struct/union not completely specified. : property </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.1.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2406 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and char): param 2
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2442 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and char): param 2
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2371 </TD>
<TD>Recursion in procedure calls found. : print_symbol </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.2 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\yconf.c' , '2458');">zconfdump<BR>(2458
to 2503 yconf.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>No prototype for non-static function. : zconfdump </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>2483 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : expr_is_yes </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>2485 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : expr_fprint </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2466 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : menu </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2465 </TD>
<TD>Potentially infinite loop found. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2465 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2466 </TD>
<TD>Assignment operation in expression. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2,R.13.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2466 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2467 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2468 </TD>
<TD>Assignment operation in expression. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2,R.13.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2468 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2471 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2473 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2476 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2478 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2482 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2483 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2484 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2486 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2488 </TD>
<TD>Else alternative missing in if. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2490 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2491 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2492 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2493 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2494 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2494 </TD>
<TD>Assignment operation in expression. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2,R.13.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2494 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2495 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2496 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2496 </TD>
<TD>(void) missing for discarded return value. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2497 </TD>
<TD>Expression is not Boolean. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2472 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and char): param 2
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2477 </TD>
<TD>Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and char): param 2
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>2458 </TD>
<TD>Recursion in procedure calls found. : zconfdump </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.2 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\yesno.c' , '27');">print_buttons<BR>(27
to 37 yesno.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>32 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : print_button </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>32 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : gettext </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>33 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : print_button </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>33 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : gettext </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>35 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : wmove </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>36 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : wrefresh </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>29 </TD>
<TD>Expression needs brackets. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.12.1,R.20.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>35 </TD>
<TD>Expression needs brackets. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.12.1,R.20.7 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<HR width="60%">
<TABLE width="50%" border=1>
<TH bgColor=#ff0000><FONT size=5><A class=set1
href="javascript:TBLaunchit('C:\\Users\\zhang\\Desktop\\WJ\\03\\rt-thread-master\\yesno.c' , '42');">dialog_yesno<BR>(42
to 114 yesno.c) - FAIL </FONT></A></TH></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<H4><SPAN style="WIDTH: 5%; FLOAT: left; DISPLAY: block">&nbsp;</SPAN> Standards
Violation Summary </H4>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>No prototype for non-static function. : dialog_yesno </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD>DD data flow anomalies found. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>Line </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>48 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : getmaxy </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>50 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : getmaxx </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>54 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : getmaxx </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>55 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : getmaxy </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>57 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : draw_shadow </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>59 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : newwin </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>60 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : keypad </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>62 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : draw_box </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>64 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : wattrset </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>65 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : mvwaddch </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>67 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : waddch </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>68 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : wattrset </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>69 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : waddch </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>71 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : print_title </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>73 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : wattrset </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>74 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : print_autowrap </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>79 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : wgetch </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>83 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : delwin </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>87 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : delwin </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>96 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : wrefresh </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>100 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : delwin </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>103 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : on_key_esc </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>106 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : delwin </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>107 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : on_key_resize </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>M </TD>
<TD align=center>112 </TD>
<TD>Function call with no prior declaration. : delwin </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>60 </TD>
<TD>Pointer not checked for null before use. : dialog </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>47 </TD>
<TD>Potentially infinite loop found. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.2.1 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>49 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>51 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to then/else. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>66 </TD>
<TD>Expression needs brackets. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.12.1,R.20.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>67 </TD>
<TD>No brackets to loop body. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>84 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>88 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>93 </TD>
<TD>Deprecated usage of ++ or -- operators found. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2,R.13.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>93 </TD>
<TD>Assignment operation in expression. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2,R.13.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>93 </TD>
<TD>Expression needs brackets. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.12.1,R.20.7 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>93 </TD>
<TD>Deprecated usage of ++ or -- operators found. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2,R.13.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>93 </TD>
<TD>Assignment operation in expression. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2,R.13.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>101 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>108 </TD>
<TD>goto label is backwards. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.15.2 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>109 </TD>
<TD>Switch case not terminated with break. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>80 </TD>
<TD>No default case in switch statement. </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.16.4 </TD></TR>
<TD align=center>C </TD>
<TD align=center>93 </TD>
<TD>Expression has side effects. : button </TD>
<TD>MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2,R.13.5
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
to Terms</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR><BR><A
<H2>Key to Terms </H2></CENTER><BR>
<H4>Standards violations for procedures are printed in tables with code markers
as follows: </H4><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#d7eded border=1>
<TR align=center>
<TH>Code </TH>
<TH>(Line) </TH>
<TH>Violation </TH>
<TH>Standard </TH></TR>
<TR align=center>
<TD>M </TD>
<TD>(Source line number) </TD>
<TD>[Text of Mandatory standard] </TD>
<TD>[Appropriate rule reference] </TD></TR>
<TR align=center>
<TD>C </TD>
<TD>[Text of Required standard] </TD>
<TR align=center>
<TD>O </TD>
<TD>[Text of Advisory standard] </TD>
<TR align=center>
<TH colSpan=4><CODE>[Source: Text of line from Source file]
standards are considered mandatory but individual instances may be overridden by
adding annotations to the source code <BR><FONT
standards provide additional quality criteria but may be violated <BR><BR><FONT
some standards violations, additional information is provided in results tables
that source lines do not show macro expansions <BR><BR><FONT
in Summary tables indicates that a standard is switched off in the <LANG>pen.dat
file <BR><FONT
in Summary tables indicates a MISRA Restricted standard which cannot be checked
without the MISRA licence option. <BR><BR><BR>
<H4>A summary is given of the pass/fail result of each program component as
follows: </H4><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#d7eded>
<TD>Components which pass all standards are marked: </TD>
<TD bgColor=green ,><FONT color=white>Pass </FONT></TD></TR>
<TD>Components which fail only Advisory standards are marked: </TD>
<TD bgColor=yellow ,><FONT color=blue>Conditional Pass </FONT></TD></TR>
<TD>Components which fail on insufficient comments only are marked: </TD>
<TD bgColor=orange ,><FONT color=blue>Comment FAIL </FONT></TD></TR>
<TD>Components which violate Mandatory standards are marked: </TD>
<TD bgColor=#ff8181 ,><FONT color=blue>FAIL
</FONT></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER><BR><A name=unq_key></A><BR><BR>
<H4>Procedure Results table breakdown (Example Only) </H4><BR>
<TABLE width="60%" bgColor=#ece2e2 border=1>
<TABLE width="100%" bgColor=#ece2e2>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH>
<TH width=5></TH></TR>
<TR align=left>
<TH colSpan=11><TT>Unique Violations </TT></TH>
<TH width="1%">&nbsp;</TH>
<TH width="49%" colSpan=11><TT>Failure Density </TT></TH>
<TH width="1%">&nbsp;</TH></TR>
<TR align=left>
<TH width="49%" colSpan=11><TT>&nbsp; </TT></TH>
<TH width="1%">&nbsp;</TH>
<TH colSpan=11><TT>(Viols/R.Line %) </TT></TH>
<TH width="1%">&nbsp;</TH></TR>
<TR align=left>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=7>65 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=4><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=11><FONT color=white>150 </FONT></TD>
<TR align=left>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=4>35 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=7><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
<TD bgColor=#e17b87 colSpan=4>39 </TD>
<TD bgColor=#afe1ab colSpan=7><FONT color=#afe1ab>- </FONT></TD>
Violation density for a function is the number of violations per reformatted
line, expressed as a percentage. <BR><FONT
is an indication of code quality. <BR><BR><FONT
with a high violation density are likely to be smaller functions with a large
number of violations. <BR><BR><FONT
density may indicate larger functions with fewer violations. <BR><BR><FONT
/ nRefLines) x 100 <BR><BR><FONT
= number of standard violations in a function. <BR><BR><FONT
= number of reformatted lines in a function. <BR><BR><FONT
unique standards failure ratio is an indication of variety of standards
violations in a module. <BR><BR><FONT
a function containing one instance of several different standards will have a
high ratio, <BR><FONT
a function that has violated only one standards will have a low ratio. <BR><BR>
<TABLE bgColor=#fffff2>
<TH>[ </TH>
of Report</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
Table</A> </TD>
<TH>| </TH>
<DIV class=break-p
style="HEIGHT: 10px; WIDTH: 425px; MARGIN: 0px auto; DISPLAY: block"></DIV><BR>
<H3>End of Code Review Report </H3></CENTER>
<H3>Copyright &copy; 2013 Liverpool Data Research Associates </H3></CENTER>
<DIV class=break-p
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