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// This is a part of the Active Template Library.
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation
// All rights reserved.
// This source code is only intended as a supplement to the
// Active Template Library Reference and related
// electronic documentation provided with the library.
// See these sources for detailed information regarding the
// Active Template Library product.
#ifndef __SOUICOLL_H__
#define __SOUICOLL_H__
#pragma once
#include <windows.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <soui_mem_wrapper.h>
#include "snew.h"
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable: 4702) // Unreachable code. This file will have lots of it, especially without EH enabled.
#pragma warning(disable: 4512) // assignment operator could not be generated
#pragma warning(disable: 4290) // C++ Exception Specification ignored
#pragma warning(disable: 4127) // conditional expression constant
#pragma warning(disable: 4571) //catch(...) blocks compiled with /EHs do NOT catch or re-throw Structured Exceptions
// abstract iteration position
#ifndef _S_PACKING
#define _S_PACKING 8
#ifndef SASSERT
#define SASSERT(expr) __noop;
#endif // SASSERT
#define SThrow(expr) __noop;
#define SASSERT_VALID(x) __noop;
#ifndef SASSUME
#define SASSUME(expr) do { SASSERT(expr); __analysis_assume(!!(expr)); } while(0)
#endif // SASSUME
#ifndef SENSURE
#define SENSURE(expr) __noop;
#endif // SENSURE
* Avoid "unused parameter" warnings
#ifndef SUNUSED
#define SUNUSED(x) (void)x;
#endif //SUNUSED
#if !defined(_W64)
#if !defined(__midl) && (defined(_X86_) || defined(_M_IX86))
#define _W64 __w64
#define _W64
#ifndef _STRY
#define _STRY try
#define _SCATCHALL() __pragma(warning(push)) __pragma(warning(disable: 4571)) catch( ... ) __pragma(warning(pop))
#pragma pack(push,_S_PACKING)
namespace SOUI
struct __SPOSITION
template<typename T>
class SLimits;
class SLimits<int _W64>
static const int _Min=INT_MIN;
static const int _Max=INT_MAX;
class SLimits<unsigned int _W64>
static const unsigned int _Min=0;
static const unsigned int _Max=UINT_MAX;
class SLimits<long _W64>
static const long _Min=LONG_MIN;
static const long _Max=LONG_MAX;
class SLimits<unsigned long _W64>
static const unsigned long _Min=0;
static const unsigned long _Max=ULONG_MAX;
class SLimits<long long>
static const long long _Min=LLONG_MIN;
static const long long _Max=LLONG_MAX;
class SLimits<unsigned long long>
static const unsigned long long _Min=0;
static const unsigned long long _Max=ULLONG_MAX;
/* generic version */
template<typename T>
inline HRESULT SAdd(T* ptResult, T tLeft, T tRight)
if(SLimits<T>::_Max-tLeft < tRight)
*ptResult= tLeft + tRight;
return S_OK;
/* generic but compariatively slow version */
template<typename T>
inline HRESULT SMultiply(T* ptResult, T tLeft, T tRight)
/* avoid divide 0 */
return S_OK;
if(SLimits<T>::_Max/tLeft < tRight)
*ptResult= tLeft * tRight;
return S_OK;
/* fast version for 32 bit integers */
inline HRESULT SMultiply(int _W64 *piResult, int _W64 iLeft, int _W64 iRight)
__int64 i64Result=static_cast<__int64>(iLeft) * static_cast<__int64>(iRight);
if(i64Result>INT_MAX || i64Result < INT_MIN)
*piResult=static_cast<int _W64>(i64Result);
return S_OK;
inline HRESULT SMultiply(unsigned int _W64 *piResult, unsigned int _W64 iLeft, unsigned int _W64 iRight)
unsigned __int64 i64Result=static_cast<unsigned __int64>(iLeft) * static_cast<unsigned __int64>(iRight);
*piResult=static_cast<unsigned int _W64>(i64Result);
return S_OK;
inline HRESULT SMultiply(long _W64 *piResult, long _W64 iLeft, long _W64 iRight)
__int64 i64Result=static_cast<__int64>(iLeft) * static_cast<__int64>(iRight);
if(i64Result>LONG_MAX || i64Result < LONG_MIN)
*piResult=static_cast<long _W64>(i64Result);
return S_OK;
inline HRESULT SMultiply(unsigned long _W64 *piResult, unsigned long _W64 iLeft, unsigned long _W64 iRight)
unsigned __int64 i64Result=static_cast<unsigned __int64>(iLeft) * static_cast<unsigned __int64>(iRight);
*piResult=static_cast<unsigned long _W64>(i64Result);
return S_OK;
struct SPlex // warning variable length structure
SPlex* pNext;
#if (_S_PACKING >= 8)
DWORD dwReserved[1]; // align on 8 byte boundary
// BYTE data[maxNum*elementSize];
void* data()
return this+1;
static SPlex* Create(SPlex*& head, size_t nMax, size_t cbElement);
// like 'calloc' but no zero fill
// may throw memory exceptions
void FreeDataChain(); // soui_mem_wrapper::SouiFree this one and links
inline SPlex* SPlex::Create( SPlex*& pHead, size_t nMax, size_t nElementSize )
SPlex* pPlex;
SASSERT( nMax > 0 );
SASSERT( nElementSize > 0 );
size_t nBytes=0;
if( FAILED(SMultiply(&nBytes, nMax, nElementSize)) ||
FAILED(SAdd(&nBytes, nBytes, sizeof(SPlex))) )
return NULL;
pPlex = static_cast< SPlex* >( soui_mem_wrapper::SouiMalloc( nBytes ) );
if( pPlex == NULL )
return( NULL );
pPlex->pNext = pHead;
pHead = pPlex;
return( pPlex );
inline void SPlex::FreeDataChain()
SPlex* pPlex;
pPlex = this;
while( pPlex != NULL )
SPlex* pNext;
pNext = pPlex->pNext;
soui_mem_wrapper::SouiFree( pPlex );
pPlex = pNext;
template< typename T >
class CElementTraitsBase
typedef const T& INARGTYPE;
typedef T& OUTARGTYPE;
static void CopyElements( T* pDest, const T* pSrc, size_t nElements )
for( size_t iElement = 0; iElement < nElements; iElement++ )
pDest[iElement] = pSrc[iElement];
static void RelocateElements( T* pDest, T* pSrc, size_t nElements )
// A simple memmove works for nearly all types.
// You'll have to override this for types that have pointers to their
// own members.
memmove_s( pDest, nElements*sizeof( T ), pSrc, nElements*sizeof( T ));
template< typename T >
class CDefaultHashTraits
static ULONG Hash( const T& element )
return( ULONG( ULONG_PTR( element ) ) );
template< typename T >
class CDefaultCompareTraits
static bool CompareElements( const T& element1, const T& element2 )
return( (element1 == element2) != 0 ); // != 0 to handle overloads of operator== that return BOOL instead of bool
static int CompareElementsOrdered( const T& element1, const T& element2 )
if( element1 < element2 )
return( -1 );
else if( element1 == element2 )
return( 0 );
SASSERT( element1 > element2 );
return( 1 );
template< typename T >
class CDefaultElementTraits :
public CElementTraitsBase< T >,
public CDefaultHashTraits< T >,
public CDefaultCompareTraits< T >
template< typename T >
class CElementTraits :
public CDefaultElementTraits< T >
class CElementTraits< GUID > :
public CElementTraitsBase< GUID >
static ULONG Hash( INARGTYPE guid )
const DWORD* pdwData = reinterpret_cast< const DWORD* >( &guid );
return( pdwData[0]^pdwData[1]^pdwData[2]^pdwData[3] );
static bool CompareElements( INARGTYPE element1, INARGTYPE element2 )
return( (element1 == element2) != 0 ); // != 0 to handle overloads of operator== that return BOOL instead of bool
static int CompareElementsOrdered( INARGTYPE element1, INARGTYPE element2 )
const DWORD* pdwData1 = reinterpret_cast< const DWORD* >( &element1 );
const DWORD* pdwData2 = reinterpret_cast< const DWORD* >( &element2 );
for( int iDWORD = 3; iDWORD >= 0; iDWORD-- )
if( pdwData1[iDWORD] > pdwData2[iDWORD] )
return( 1 );
else if( pdwData1[iDWORD] < pdwData2[iDWORD] )
return( -1 );
return( 0 );
template< typename T >
class SStringRefElementTraits :
public CElementTraitsBase< T >
static ULONG Hash(typename CElementTraitsBase<T>::INARGTYPE str )
ULONG nHash = 0;
const T::XCHAR* pch = str;
SENSURE( pch != NULL );
while( *pch != 0 )
nHash = (nHash<<5)+nHash+(*pch);
return( nHash );
static bool CompareElements(typename CElementTraitsBase<T>::INARGTYPE element1, typename CElementTraitsBase<T>::INARGTYPE element2 )
return( element1 == element2 );
static int CompareElementsOrdered(typename CElementTraitsBase<T>::INARGTYPE str1, typename CElementTraitsBase<T>::INARGTYPE str2 )
return( str1.Compare( str2 ) );
template< typename T >
class CPrimitiveElementTraits :
public CDefaultElementTraits< T >
typedef T INARGTYPE;
typedef T& OUTARGTYPE;
template<> \
class CElementTraits< T > : \
public CPrimitiveElementTraits< T > \
{ \
_DECLARE_PRIMITIVE_TRAITS( unsigned __int64 )
template< typename E, class ETraits = CElementTraits< E > >
class SArray
typedef typename ETraits::INARGTYPE INARGTYPE;
typedef typename ETraits::OUTARGTYPE OUTARGTYPE;
SArray(const SArray &src);
size_t GetCount() const;
bool IsEmpty() const;
bool SetCount( size_t nNewSize, int nGrowBy = -1 );
void FreeExtra();
void RemoveAll();
const E& GetAt( size_t iElement ) const;
void SetAt( size_t iElement, INARGTYPE element );
E& GetAt( size_t iElement );
const E* GetData() const;
E* GetData();
void SetAtGrow( size_t iElement, INARGTYPE element );
// Add an empty element to the end of the array
size_t Add();
// Add an element to the end of the array
size_t Add( INARGTYPE element );
size_t Append( const SArray< E, ETraits >& aSrc );
void Copy( const SArray< E, ETraits >& aSrc );
const E& operator[]( size_t iElement ) const;
E& operator[]( size_t iElement );
SArray< E, ETraits > & operator = (const SArray< E, ETraits >& src);
void InsertAt( size_t iElement, INARGTYPE element, size_t nCount = 1 );
void InsertArrayAt( size_t iStart, const SArray< E, ETraits >* paNew );
void RemoveAt( size_t iElement, size_t nCount = 1 );
int Find(const E & target) const;
#ifdef _DEBUG
void AssertValid() const;
#endif // _DEBUG
bool GrowBuffer( size_t nNewSize );
// Implementation
E* m_pData;
size_t m_nSize;
size_t m_nMaxSize;
int m_nGrowBy;
static void CallConstructors( E* pElements, size_t nElements );
static void CallDestructors( E* pElements, size_t nElements );
template< typename E, class ETraits /*= CElementTraits< E > */>
SArray< E, ETraits > & SArray<E, ETraits>::operator=(const SArray< E, ETraits >& src)
return *this;
template< typename E, class ETraits >
int SArray<E, ETraits>::Find(const E & target) const
for(size_t i=0;i<GetCount();i++)
if(GetAt(i) == target) return i;
return -1;
template< typename E, class ETraits >
inline size_t SArray< E, ETraits >::GetCount() const
return( m_nSize );
template< typename E, class ETraits >
inline bool SArray< E, ETraits >::IsEmpty() const
return( m_nSize == 0 );
template< typename E, class ETraits >
inline void SArray< E, ETraits >::RemoveAll()
SetCount( 0, -1 );
template< typename E, class ETraits >
inline const E& SArray< E, ETraits >::GetAt( size_t iElement ) const
SASSERT( iElement < m_nSize );
if(iElement >= m_nSize)
return( m_pData[iElement] );
template< typename E, class ETraits >
inline void SArray< E, ETraits >::SetAt( size_t iElement, INARGTYPE element )
SASSERT( iElement < m_nSize );
if(iElement >= m_nSize)
m_pData[iElement] = element;
template< typename E, class ETraits >
inline E& SArray< E, ETraits >::GetAt( size_t iElement )
SASSERT( iElement < m_nSize );
if(iElement >= m_nSize)
return( m_pData[iElement] );
template< typename E, class ETraits >
inline const E* SArray< E, ETraits >::GetData() const
return( m_pData );
template< typename E, class ETraits >
inline E* SArray< E, ETraits >::GetData()
return( m_pData );
template< typename E, class ETraits >
inline size_t SArray< E, ETraits >::Add()
size_t iElement;
iElement = m_nSize;
bool bSuccess=SetCount( m_nSize+1 );
if( !bSuccess )
return( iElement );
#pragma push_macro("new")
#undef new
template< typename E, class ETraits >
inline size_t SArray< E, ETraits >::Add( INARGTYPE element )
size_t iElement;
iElement = m_nSize;
if( iElement >= m_nMaxSize )
bool bSuccess = GrowBuffer( iElement+1 );
if( !bSuccess )
::new( m_pData+iElement ) E( element );
return( iElement );
#pragma pop_macro("new")
template< typename E, class ETraits >
inline const E& SArray< E, ETraits >::operator[]( size_t iElement ) const
SASSERT( iElement < m_nSize );
if(iElement >= m_nSize)
return( m_pData[iElement] );
template< typename E, class ETraits >
inline E& SArray< E, ETraits >::operator[]( size_t iElement )
SASSERT( iElement < m_nSize );
if(iElement >= m_nSize)
return( m_pData[iElement] );
template< typename E, class ETraits >
SArray< E, ETraits >::SArray() :
m_pData( NULL ),
m_nSize( 0 ),
m_nMaxSize( 0 ),
m_nGrowBy( 0 )
template< typename E, class ETraits >
SArray< E, ETraits >::SArray(const SArray< E, ETraits > & src) :
m_pData( NULL ),
m_nSize( 0 ),
m_nMaxSize( 0 ),
m_nGrowBy( 0 )
template< typename E, class ETraits >
SArray< E, ETraits >::~SArray()
if( m_pData != NULL )
CallDestructors( m_pData, m_nSize );
soui_mem_wrapper::SouiFree( m_pData );
template< typename E, class ETraits >
bool SArray< E, ETraits >::GrowBuffer( size_t nNewSize )
if( nNewSize > m_nMaxSize )
if( m_pData == NULL )
size_t nAllocSize = size_t( m_nGrowBy ) > nNewSize ? size_t( m_nGrowBy ) : nNewSize ;
m_pData = static_cast< E* >( soui_mem_wrapper::SouiCalloc( nAllocSize,sizeof( E ) ) );
if( m_pData == NULL )
return( false );
m_nMaxSize = nAllocSize;
// otherwise, grow array
size_t nGrowBy = m_nGrowBy;
if( nGrowBy == 0 )
// heuristically determine growth when nGrowBy == 0
// (this avoids heap fragmentation in many situations)
nGrowBy = m_nSize/8;
nGrowBy = (nGrowBy < 4) ? 4 : ((nGrowBy > 1024) ? 1024 : nGrowBy);
size_t nNewMax;
if( nNewSize < (m_nMaxSize+nGrowBy) )
nNewMax = m_nMaxSize+nGrowBy; // granularity
nNewMax = nNewSize; // no slush
SASSERT( nNewMax >= m_nMaxSize ); // no wrap around
#ifdef SIZE_T_MAX
SASSERT( nNewMax <= SIZE_T_MAX/sizeof( E ) ); // no overflow
E* pNewData = static_cast< E* >( soui_mem_wrapper::SouiCalloc( nNewMax,sizeof( E ) ) );
if( pNewData == NULL )
return false;
// copy new data from old
ETraits::RelocateElements( pNewData, m_pData, m_nSize );
// get rid of old stuff (note: no destructors called)
soui_mem_wrapper::SouiFree( m_pData );
m_pData = pNewData;
m_nMaxSize = nNewMax;
return true;
template< typename E, class ETraits >
bool SArray< E, ETraits >::SetCount( size_t nNewSize, int nGrowBy )
if( nGrowBy != -1 )
m_nGrowBy = nGrowBy; // set new size
if( nNewSize == 0 )
// shrink to nothing
if( m_pData != NULL )
CallDestructors( m_pData, m_nSize );
soui_mem_wrapper::SouiFree( m_pData );
m_pData = NULL;
m_nSize = 0;
m_nMaxSize = 0;
else if( nNewSize <= m_nMaxSize )
// it fits
if( nNewSize > m_nSize )
// initialize the new elements
CallConstructors( m_pData+m_nSize, nNewSize-m_nSize );
else if( m_nSize > nNewSize )
// destroy the old elements
CallDestructors( m_pData+nNewSize, m_nSize-nNewSize );
m_nSize = nNewSize;
bool bSuccess;
bSuccess = GrowBuffer( nNewSize );
if( !bSuccess )
return( false );
// construct new elements
SASSERT( nNewSize > m_nSize );
CallConstructors( m_pData+m_nSize, nNewSize-m_nSize );
m_nSize = nNewSize;
return true;
template< typename E, class ETraits >
size_t SArray< E, ETraits >::Append( const SArray< E, ETraits >& aSrc )
SASSERT( this != &aSrc ); // cannot append to itself
size_t nOldSize = m_nSize;
bool bSuccess=SetCount( m_nSize+aSrc.m_nSize );
if( !bSuccess )
ETraits::CopyElements( m_pData+nOldSize, aSrc.m_pData, aSrc.m_nSize );
return( nOldSize );
template< typename E, class ETraits >
void SArray< E, ETraits >::Copy( const SArray< E, ETraits >& aSrc )
SASSERT( this != &aSrc ); // cannot append to itself
bool bSuccess=SetCount( aSrc.m_nSize );
if( !bSuccess )
ETraits::CopyElements( m_pData, aSrc.m_pData, aSrc.m_nSize );
template< typename E, class ETraits >
void SArray< E, ETraits >::FreeExtra()
if( m_nSize != m_nMaxSize )
// shrink to desired size
#ifdef SIZE_T_MAX
SASSUME( m_nSize <= (SIZE_T_MAX/sizeof( E )) ); // no overflow
E* pNewData = NULL;
if( m_nSize != 0 )
pNewData = (E*)soui_mem_wrapper::SouiCalloc( m_nSize,sizeof( E ) );
if( pNewData == NULL )
// copy new data from old
ETraits::RelocateElements( pNewData, m_pData, m_nSize );
// get rid of old stuff (note: no destructors called)
soui_mem_wrapper::SouiFree( m_pData );
m_pData = pNewData;
m_nMaxSize = m_nSize;
template< typename E, class ETraits >
void SArray< E, ETraits >::SetAtGrow( size_t iElement, INARGTYPE element )
size_t nOldSize;
nOldSize = m_nSize;
if( iElement >= m_nSize )
bool bSuccess=SetCount( iElement+1, -1 );
if( !bSuccess )
// _STRY
m_pData[iElement] = element;
// {
// if( m_nSize != nOldSize )
// {
// SetCount( nOldSize, -1 );
// }
// }
template< typename E, class ETraits >
void SArray< E, ETraits >::InsertAt( size_t iElement, INARGTYPE element, size_t nElements /*=1*/)
SASSERT( nElements > 0 ); // zero size not allowed
if( iElement >= m_nSize )
// adding after the end of the array
bool bSuccess=SetCount( iElement+nElements, -1 ); // grow so nIndex is valid
if( !bSuccess )
// inserting in the middle of the array
size_t nOldSize = m_nSize;
bool bSuccess=SetCount( m_nSize+nElements, -1 ); // grow it to new size
if( !bSuccess )
// destroy intial data before copying over it
CallDestructors( m_pData+nOldSize, nElements );
// shift old data up to fill gap
ETraits::RelocateElements( m_pData+(iElement+nElements), m_pData+iElement,
nOldSize-iElement );
CallConstructors(m_pData + iElement, nElements);
// insert new value in the gap
SASSERT( (iElement+nElements) <= m_nSize );
for( size_t iNewElement = iElement; iNewElement < (iElement+nElements); iNewElement++ )
m_pData[iNewElement] = element;
template< typename E, class ETraits >
void SArray< E, ETraits >::RemoveAt( size_t iElement, size_t nElements )
SASSERT( (iElement+nElements) <= m_nSize );
size_t newCount = iElement+nElements;
if ((newCount < iElement) || (newCount < nElements) || (newCount > m_nSize))
// just remove a range
size_t nMoveCount = m_nSize-(newCount);
CallDestructors( m_pData+iElement, nElements );
if( nMoveCount > 0 )
ETraits::RelocateElements( m_pData+iElement, m_pData+(newCount),
nMoveCount );
m_nSize -= nElements;
template< typename E, class ETraits >
void SArray< E, ETraits >::InsertArrayAt( size_t iStartElement,
const SArray< E, ETraits >* paNew )
SENSURE( paNew != NULL );
if( paNew->GetCount() > 0 )
InsertAt( iStartElement, paNew->GetAt( 0 ), paNew->GetCount() );
for( size_t iElement = 0; iElement < paNew->GetCount(); iElement++ )
SetAt( iStartElement+iElement, paNew->GetAt( iElement ) );
#ifdef _DEBUG
template< typename E, class ETraits >
void SArray< E, ETraits >::AssertValid() const
if( m_pData == NULL )
SASSUME( m_nSize == 0 );
SASSUME( m_nMaxSize == 0 );
SASSUME( m_nSize <= m_nMaxSize );
#pragma push_macro("new")
#undef new
template< typename E, class ETraits >
void SArray< E, ETraits >::CallConstructors( E* pElements, size_t nElements )
size_t iElement = 0;
for (iElement = 0; iElement < nElements; iElement++)
::new(pElements + iElement) E;
#pragma pop_macro("new")
template< typename E, class ETraits >
void SArray< E, ETraits >::CallDestructors( E* pElements, size_t nElements )
for( size_t iElement = 0; iElement < nElements; iElement++ )
template< typename E, class ETraits = CElementTraits< E > >
class SList
typedef typename ETraits::INARGTYPE INARGTYPE;
class CNode :
public __SPOSITION
CNode( INARGTYPE element ) :
m_element( element )
CNode* m_pNext;
CNode* m_pPrev;
E m_element;
CNode( const CNode& );
SList( UINT nBlockSize = 10 );
SList( const SList& src);
size_t GetCount() const;
bool IsEmpty() const;
SList& operator=( const SList& src);
void Copy(const SList & src);
E& GetHead();
const E& GetHead() const;
E& GetTail();
const E& GetTail() const;
E RemoveHead();
E RemoveTail();
void RemoveHeadNoReturn();
void RemoveTailNoReturn();
void AddHeadList( const SList< E, ETraits >* plNew );
void AddTailList( const SList< E, ETraits >* plNew );
void RemoveAll();
SPOSITION GetHeadPosition() const;
SPOSITION GetTailPosition() const;
E& GetNext( SPOSITION& pos );
const E& GetNext( SPOSITION& pos ) const;
E& GetPrev( SPOSITION& pos );
const E& GetPrev( SPOSITION& pos ) const;
E& GetAt( SPOSITION pos );
const E& GetAt( SPOSITION pos ) const;
void SetAt( SPOSITION pos, INARGTYPE element );
void RemoveAt( SPOSITION pos );
SPOSITION InsertBefore( SPOSITION pos, INARGTYPE element );
SPOSITION InsertAfter( SPOSITION pos, INARGTYPE element );
SPOSITION Find( INARGTYPE element, SPOSITION posStartAfter = NULL ) const;
SPOSITION FindIndex( size_t iElement ) const;
void MoveToHead( SPOSITION pos );
void MoveToTail( SPOSITION pos );
void SwapElements( SPOSITION pos1, SPOSITION pos2 );
void Swap(SList< E, ETraits > &src);
#ifdef _DEBUG
void AssertValid() const;
#endif // _DEBUG
// Implementation
CNode* m_pHead;
CNode* m_pTail;
size_t m_nElements;
SPlex* m_pBlocks;
CNode* m_pFree;
UINT m_nBlockSize;
void GetFreeNode();
CNode* NewNode( CNode* pPrev, CNode* pNext );
CNode* NewNode( INARGTYPE element, CNode* pPrev, CNode* pNext );
void FreeNode( CNode* pNode );
template< typename E, class ETraits >
inline size_t SList< E, ETraits >::GetCount() const
return( m_nElements );
template< typename E, class ETraits >
inline bool SList< E, ETraits >::IsEmpty() const
return( m_nElements == 0 );
template< typename E, class ETraits >
inline E& SList< E, ETraits >::GetHead()
SENSURE( m_pHead != NULL );
return( m_pHead->m_element );
template< typename E, class ETraits >
inline const E& SList< E, ETraits >::GetHead() const
SENSURE( m_pHead != NULL );
return( m_pHead->m_element );
template< typename E, class ETraits >
inline E& SList< E, ETraits >::GetTail()
SENSURE( m_pTail != NULL );
return( m_pTail->m_element );
template< typename E, class ETraits >
inline const E& SList< E, ETraits >::GetTail() const
SENSURE( m_pTail != NULL );
return( m_pTail->m_element );
template< typename E, class ETraits >
inline SPOSITION SList< E, ETraits >::GetHeadPosition() const
return( SPOSITION( m_pHead ) );
template< typename E, class ETraits >
inline SPOSITION SList< E, ETraits >::GetTailPosition() const
return( SPOSITION( m_pTail ) );
template< typename E, class ETraits >
inline SPOSITION SList< E, ETraits >::Next( SPOSITION pos ) const
CNode* pNode;
SENSURE( pos != NULL );
pNode = (CNode*)pos;
return SPOSITION( pNode->m_pNext );
template< typename E, class ETraits >
inline SPOSITION SList< E, ETraits >::Prev( SPOSITION pos ) const
CNode* pNode;
SENSURE( pos != NULL );
pNode = (CNode*)pos;
return SPOSITION( pNode->m_pPrev );
template< typename E, class ETraits >
inline E& SList< E, ETraits >::GetNext( SPOSITION& pos )
CNode* pNode;
SENSURE( pos != NULL );
pNode = (CNode*)pos;
pos = SPOSITION( pNode->m_pNext );
return( pNode->m_element );
template< typename E, class ETraits >
inline const E& SList< E, ETraits >::GetNext( SPOSITION& pos ) const
CNode* pNode;
SENSURE( pos != NULL );
pNode = (CNode*)pos;
pos = SPOSITION( pNode->m_pNext );
return( pNode->m_element );
template< typename E, class ETraits >
inline E& SList< E, ETraits >::GetPrev( SPOSITION& pos )
CNode* pNode;
SENSURE( pos != NULL );
pNode = (CNode*)pos;
pos = SPOSITION( pNode->m_pPrev );
return( pNode->m_element );
template< typename E, class ETraits >
inline const E& SList< E, ETraits >::GetPrev( SPOSITION& pos ) const
CNode* pNode;
SASSERT( pos != NULL );
pNode = (CNode*)pos;
pos = SPOSITION( pNode->m_pPrev );
return( pNode->m_element );
template< typename E, class ETraits >
inline E& SList< E, ETraits >::GetAt( SPOSITION pos )
SENSURE( pos != NULL );
CNode* pNode = (CNode*)pos;
return( pNode->m_element );
template< typename E, class ETraits >
inline const E& SList< E, ETraits >::GetAt( SPOSITION pos ) const
SENSURE( pos != NULL );
CNode* pNode = (CNode*)pos;
return( pNode->m_element );
template< typename E, class ETraits >
inline void SList< E, ETraits >::SetAt( SPOSITION pos, INARGTYPE element )
SENSURE( pos != NULL );
CNode* pNode = (CNode*)pos;
pNode->m_element = element;
template< typename E, class ETraits >
SList< E, ETraits >::SList( UINT nBlockSize ) :
m_pHead( NULL ),
m_pTail( NULL ),
m_pBlocks( NULL ),
m_pFree( NULL ),
SASSERT( nBlockSize > 0 );
template< typename E, class ETraits >
inline SList< E, ETraits >::SList(const SList<E,ETraits> &src) :
m_pHead( NULL ),
m_pTail( NULL ),
m_pBlocks( NULL ),
m_pFree( NULL ),
template< typename E, class ETraits >
void SList< E, ETraits >::Copy(const SList<E,ETraits> &src)
SPOSITION pos=src.GetHeadPosition();
const E &t=src.GetNext(pos);
template< typename E, class ETraits >
SList< E, ETraits > & SList< E, ETraits >::operator = (const SList< E, ETraits > & src)
return *this;
template< typename E, class ETraits >
void SList< E, ETraits >::RemoveAll()
while( m_nElements > 0 )
CNode* pKill = m_pHead;
SENSURE( pKill != NULL );
m_pHead = m_pHead->m_pNext;
FreeNode( pKill );
SASSUME( m_nElements == 0 );
m_pHead = NULL;
m_pTail = NULL;
m_pFree = NULL;
if( m_pBlocks != NULL )
m_pBlocks = NULL;
template< typename E, class ETraits >
SList< E, ETraits >::~SList()
SASSUME( m_nElements == 0 );
template< typename E, class ETraits >
void SList< E, ETraits >::GetFreeNode()
if( m_pFree == NULL )
SPlex* pPlex;
CNode* pNode;
pPlex = SPlex::Create( m_pBlocks, m_nBlockSize, sizeof( CNode ) );
if( pPlex == NULL )
pNode = (CNode*)pPlex->data();
pNode += m_nBlockSize-1;
for( int iBlock = m_nBlockSize-1; iBlock >= 0; iBlock-- )
pNode->m_pNext = m_pFree;
m_pFree = pNode;
SASSUME( m_pFree != NULL );
#pragma push_macro("new")
#undef new
template< typename E, class ETraits >
typename SList< E, ETraits >::CNode* SList< E, ETraits >::NewNode( CNode* pPrev, CNode* pNext )
CNode* pNewNode = m_pFree;
CNode* pNextFree = m_pFree->m_pNext;
::new( pNewNode ) CNode;
m_pFree = pNextFree;
pNewNode->m_pPrev = pPrev;
pNewNode->m_pNext = pNext;
SASSUME( m_nElements > 0 );
return( pNewNode );
template< typename E, class ETraits >
typename SList< E, ETraits >::CNode* SList< E, ETraits >::NewNode( INARGTYPE element, CNode* pPrev,
CNode* pNext )
CNode* pNewNode = m_pFree;
CNode* pNextFree = m_pFree->m_pNext;
::new( pNewNode ) CNode( element );
m_pFree = pNextFree;
pNewNode->m_pPrev = pPrev;
pNewNode->m_pNext = pNext;
SASSUME( m_nElements > 0 );
return( pNewNode );
#pragma pop_macro("new")
template< typename E, class ETraits >
void SList< E, ETraits >::FreeNode( CNode* pNode )
pNode->m_pNext = m_pFree;
m_pFree = pNode;
SASSUME( m_nElements > 0 );
if( m_nElements == 0 )
template< typename E, class ETraits >
SPOSITION SList< E, ETraits >::AddHead()
CNode* pNode = NewNode( NULL, m_pHead );
if( m_pHead != NULL )
m_pHead->m_pPrev = pNode;
m_pTail = pNode;
m_pHead = pNode;
return( SPOSITION( pNode ) );
template< typename E, class ETraits >
SPOSITION SList< E, ETraits >::AddHead( INARGTYPE element )
CNode* pNode;
pNode = NewNode( element, NULL, m_pHead );
if( m_pHead != NULL )
m_pHead->m_pPrev = pNode;
m_pTail = pNode;
m_pHead = pNode;
return( SPOSITION( pNode ) );
template< typename E, class ETraits >
SPOSITION SList< E, ETraits >::AddTail()
CNode* pNode = NewNode( m_pTail, NULL );
if( m_pTail != NULL )
m_pTail->m_pNext = pNode;
m_pHead = pNode;
m_pTail = pNode;
return( SPOSITION( pNode ) );
template< typename E, class ETraits >
SPOSITION SList< E, ETraits >::AddTail( INARGTYPE element )
CNode* pNode;
pNode = NewNode( element, m_pTail, NULL );
if( m_pTail != NULL )
m_pTail->m_pNext = pNode;
m_pHead = pNode;
m_pTail = pNode;
return( SPOSITION( pNode ) );
template< typename E, class ETraits >
void SList< E, ETraits >::AddHeadList( const SList< E, ETraits >* plNew )
SENSURE( plNew != NULL );
SPOSITION pos = plNew->GetTailPosition();
while( pos != NULL )
INARGTYPE element = plNew->GetPrev( pos );
AddHead( element );
template< typename E, class ETraits >
void SList< E, ETraits >::AddTailList( const SList< E, ETraits >* plNew )
SENSURE( plNew != NULL );
SPOSITION pos = plNew->GetHeadPosition();
while( pos != NULL )
INARGTYPE element = plNew->GetNext( pos );
AddTail( element );
template< typename E, class ETraits >
E SList< E, ETraits >::RemoveHead()
SENSURE( m_pHead != NULL );
CNode* pNode = m_pHead;
E element( pNode->m_element );
m_pHead = pNode->m_pNext;
if( m_pHead != NULL )
m_pHead->m_pPrev = NULL;
m_pTail = NULL;
FreeNode( pNode );
return( element );
template< typename E, class ETraits >
void SList< E, ETraits >::RemoveHeadNoReturn()
SENSURE( m_pHead != NULL );
CNode* pNode = m_pHead;
m_pHead = pNode->m_pNext;
if( m_pHead != NULL )
m_pHead->m_pPrev = NULL;
m_pTail = NULL;
FreeNode( pNode );
template< typename E, class ETraits >
E SList< E, ETraits >::RemoveTail()
SENSURE( m_pTail != NULL );
CNode* pNode = m_pTail;
E element( pNode->m_element );
m_pTail = pNode->m_pPrev;
if( m_pTail != NULL )
m_pTail->m_pNext = NULL;
m_pHead = NULL;
FreeNode( pNode );
return( element );
template< typename E, class ETraits >
void SList< E, ETraits >::RemoveTailNoReturn()
SENSURE( m_pTail != NULL );
CNode* pNode = m_pTail;
m_pTail = pNode->m_pPrev;
if( m_pTail != NULL )
m_pTail->m_pNext = NULL;
m_pHead = NULL;
FreeNode( pNode );
template< typename E, class ETraits >
SPOSITION SList< E, ETraits >::InsertBefore( SPOSITION pos, INARGTYPE element )
if( pos == NULL )
return AddHead( element ); // insert before nothing -> head of the list
// Insert it before position
CNode* pOldNode = (CNode*)pos;
CNode* pNewNode = NewNode( element, pOldNode->m_pPrev, pOldNode );
if( pOldNode->m_pPrev != NULL )
pOldNode->m_pPrev->m_pNext = pNewNode;
SASSERT( pOldNode == m_pHead );
m_pHead = pNewNode;
pOldNode->m_pPrev = pNewNode;
return( SPOSITION( pNewNode ) );
template< typename E, class ETraits >
SPOSITION SList< E, ETraits >::InsertAfter( SPOSITION pos, INARGTYPE element )
if( pos == NULL )
return AddTail( element ); // insert after nothing -> tail of the list
// Insert it after position
CNode* pOldNode = (CNode*)pos;
CNode* pNewNode = NewNode( element, pOldNode, pOldNode->m_pNext );
if( pOldNode->m_pNext != NULL )
pOldNode->m_pNext->m_pPrev = pNewNode;
SASSERT( pOldNode == m_pTail );
m_pTail = pNewNode;
pOldNode->m_pNext = pNewNode;
return( SPOSITION( pNewNode ) );
template< typename E, class ETraits >
void SList< E, ETraits >::RemoveAt( SPOSITION pos )
SENSURE( pos != NULL );
CNode* pOldNode = (CNode*)pos;
// remove pOldNode from list
if( pOldNode == m_pHead )
m_pHead = pOldNode->m_pNext;
pOldNode->m_pPrev->m_pNext = pOldNode->m_pNext;
if( pOldNode == m_pTail )
m_pTail = pOldNode->m_pPrev;
pOldNode->m_pNext->m_pPrev = pOldNode->m_pPrev;
FreeNode( pOldNode );
template< typename E, class ETraits >
SPOSITION SList< E, ETraits >::FindIndex( size_t iElement ) const
if( iElement >= m_nElements )
return NULL; // went too far
if(m_pHead == NULL)
return NULL;
CNode* pNode = m_pHead;
for( size_t iSearch = 0; iSearch < iElement; iSearch++ )
pNode = pNode->m_pNext;
return( SPOSITION( pNode ) );
template< typename E, class ETraits >
void SList< E, ETraits >::MoveToHead( SPOSITION pos )
SENSURE( pos != NULL );
CNode* pNode = static_cast< CNode* >( pos );
if( pNode == m_pHead )
// Already at the head
if( pNode->m_pNext == NULL )
SASSERT( pNode == m_pTail );
m_pTail = pNode->m_pPrev;
pNode->m_pNext->m_pPrev = pNode->m_pPrev;
SASSERT( pNode->m_pPrev != NULL ); // This node can't be the head, since we already checked that case
pNode->m_pPrev->m_pNext = pNode->m_pNext;
m_pHead->m_pPrev = pNode;
pNode->m_pNext = m_pHead;
pNode->m_pPrev = NULL;
m_pHead = pNode;
template< typename E, class ETraits >
void SList< E, ETraits >::MoveToTail( SPOSITION pos )
SENSURE( pos != NULL );
CNode* pNode = static_cast< CNode* >( pos );
if( pNode == m_pTail )
// Already at the tail
if( pNode->m_pPrev == NULL )
SENSURE( pNode == m_pHead );
m_pHead = pNode->m_pNext;
pNode->m_pPrev->m_pNext = pNode->m_pNext;
pNode->m_pNext->m_pPrev = pNode->m_pPrev;
m_pTail->m_pNext = pNode;
pNode->m_pPrev = m_pTail;
pNode->m_pNext = NULL;
m_pTail = pNode;
template< typename E, class ETraits >
void SList< E, ETraits >::Swap(SList<E,ETraits> &src)
CNode* pHead = m_pHead;
CNode* pTail = m_pTail;
size_t nElements = m_nElements;
SPlex* pBlocks = m_pBlocks;
CNode* pFree = m_pFree;
UINT nBlockSize = m_nBlockSize;
m_pHead = src.m_pHead;
m_pTail = src.m_pTail;
m_nElements = src.m_nElements;
m_pBlocks = src.m_pBlocks;
m_pFree = src.m_pFree;
m_nBlockSize = src.m_nBlockSize;
src.m_pHead = pHead;
src.m_pTail = pTail;
src.m_nElements = nElements;
src.m_pBlocks = pBlocks;
src.m_pFree = pFree;
src.m_nBlockSize = nBlockSize;
template< typename E, class ETraits >
void SList< E, ETraits >::SwapElements( SPOSITION pos1, SPOSITION pos2 )
SASSERT( pos1 != NULL );
SASSERT( pos2 != NULL );
if( pos1 == pos2 )
// Nothing to do
CNode* pNode1 = static_cast< CNode* >( pos1 );
CNode* pNode2 = static_cast< CNode* >( pos2 );
if( pNode2->m_pNext == pNode1 )
// Swap pNode2 and pNode1 so that the next case works
CNode* pNodeTemp = pNode1;
pNode1 = pNode2;
pNode2 = pNodeTemp;
if( pNode1->m_pNext == pNode2 )
// Node1 and Node2 are adjacent
pNode2->m_pPrev = pNode1->m_pPrev;
if( pNode1->m_pPrev != NULL )
pNode1->m_pPrev->m_pNext = pNode2;
SASSUME( m_pHead == pNode1 );
m_pHead = pNode2;
pNode1->m_pNext = pNode2->m_pNext;
if( pNode2->m_pNext != NULL )
pNode2->m_pNext->m_pPrev = pNode1;
SASSUME( m_pTail == pNode2 );
m_pTail = pNode1;
pNode2->m_pNext = pNode1;
pNode1->m_pPrev = pNode2;
// The two nodes are not adjacent
CNode* pNodeTemp;
pNodeTemp = pNode1->m_pPrev;
pNode1->m_pPrev = pNode2->m_pPrev;
pNode2->m_pPrev = pNodeTemp;
pNodeTemp = pNode1->m_pNext;
pNode1->m_pNext = pNode2->m_pNext;
pNode2->m_pNext = pNodeTemp;
if( pNode1->m_pNext != NULL )
pNode1->m_pNext->m_pPrev = pNode1;
SASSUME( m_pTail == pNode2 );
m_pTail = pNode1;
if( pNode1->m_pPrev != NULL )
pNode1->m_pPrev->m_pNext = pNode1;
SASSUME( m_pHead == pNode2 );
m_pHead = pNode1;
if( pNode2->m_pNext != NULL )
pNode2->m_pNext->m_pPrev = pNode2;
SASSUME( m_pTail == pNode1 );
m_pTail = pNode2;
if( pNode2->m_pPrev != NULL )
pNode2->m_pPrev->m_pNext = pNode2;
SASSUME( m_pHead == pNode1 );
m_pHead = pNode2;
template< typename E, class ETraits >
SPOSITION SList< E, ETraits >::Find( INARGTYPE element, SPOSITION posStartAfter ) const
CNode* pNode = (CNode*)posStartAfter;
if( pNode == NULL )
pNode = m_pHead; // start at head
pNode = pNode->m_pNext; // start after the one specified
for( ; pNode != NULL; pNode = pNode->m_pNext )
if( ETraits::CompareElements( pNode->m_element, element ) )
return( SPOSITION( pNode ) );
return( NULL );
#ifdef _DEBUG
template< typename E, class ETraits >
void SList< E, ETraits >::AssertValid() const
if( IsEmpty() )
// empty list
SASSUME(m_pHead == NULL);
SASSUME(m_pTail == NULL);
// non-empty list
template< typename K, typename V, class KTraits = CElementTraits< K >, class VTraits = CElementTraits< V > >
class SMap
typedef typename KTraits::INARGTYPE KINARGTYPE;
typedef typename KTraits::OUTARGTYPE KOUTARGTYPE;
typedef typename VTraits::INARGTYPE VINARGTYPE;
typedef typename VTraits::OUTARGTYPE VOUTARGTYPE;
class CPair :
public __SPOSITION
CPair( KINARGTYPE key ) :
m_key( key )
const K m_key;
V m_value;
class CNode :
public CPair
CNode( KINARGTYPE key, UINT nHash ) :
CPair( key ),
m_nHash( nHash )
UINT GetHash() const
return( m_nHash );
CNode* m_pNext;
UINT m_nHash;
SMap( UINT nBins = 17, float fOptimalLoad = 0.75f,
float fLoThreshold = 0.25f, float fHiThreshold = 2.25f, UINT nBlockSize = 10 );
SMap(const SMap&);
SMap& operator=(const SMap& src);
void Copy(const SMap & src);
size_t GetCount() const;
bool IsEmpty() const;
bool Lookup( KINARGTYPE key, VOUTARGTYPE value ) const;
const CPair* Lookup( KINARGTYPE key ) const;
CPair* Lookup( KINARGTYPE key );
V& operator[]( KINARGTYPE key ) ;
const V& operator[]( KINARGTYPE key ) const;
void SetValueAt( SPOSITION pos, VINARGTYPE value );
bool RemoveKey( KINARGTYPE key );
void RemoveAll();
void RemoveAtPos( SPOSITION pos );
SPOSITION GetStartPosition() const;
void GetNextAssoc( SPOSITION& pos, KOUTARGTYPE key, VOUTARGTYPE value ) const;
const CPair* GetNext( SPOSITION& pos ) const;
CPair* GetNext( SPOSITION& pos );
const K& GetNextKey( SPOSITION& pos ) const;
const V& GetNextValue( SPOSITION& pos ) const;
V& GetNextValue( SPOSITION& pos );
void GetAt( SPOSITION pos, KOUTARGTYPE key, VOUTARGTYPE value ) const;
CPair* GetAt( SPOSITION pos );
const CPair* GetAt( SPOSITION pos ) const;
const K& GetKeyAt( SPOSITION pos ) const;
const V& GetValueAt( SPOSITION pos ) const;
V& GetValueAt( SPOSITION pos );
UINT GetHashTableSize() const;
bool InitHashTable( UINT nBins, bool bAllocNow = true );
void EnableAutoRehash();
void DisableAutoRehash();
void Rehash( UINT nBins = 0 );
void SetOptimalLoad( float fOptimalLoad, float fLoThreshold, float fHiThreshold,
bool bRehashNow = false );
#ifdef _DEBUG
void AssertValid() const;
#endif // _DEBUG
// Implementation
CNode** m_ppBins;
size_t m_nElements;
UINT m_nBins;
float m_fOptimalLoad;
float m_fLoThreshold;
float m_fHiThreshold;
size_t m_nHiRehashThreshold;
size_t m_nLoRehashThreshold;
ULONG m_nLockCount;
UINT m_nBlockSize;
SPlex* m_pBlocks;
CNode* m_pFree;
bool IsLocked() const;
UINT PickSize( size_t nElements ) const;
CNode* NewNode( KINARGTYPE key, UINT iBin, UINT nHash );
void FreeNode( CNode* pNode );
void FreePlexes();
CNode* GetNode( KINARGTYPE key, UINT& iBin, UINT& nHash, CNode*& pPrev ) const;
CNode* CreateNode( KINARGTYPE key, UINT iBin, UINT nHash ) ;
void RemoveNode( CNode* pNode, CNode* pPrev );
CNode* FindNextNode( CNode* pNode ) const;
void UpdateRehashThresholds();
template< typename K, typename V, class KTraits, class VTraits >
inline size_t SMap< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::GetCount() const
return( m_nElements );
template< typename K, typename V, class KTraits, class VTraits >
inline bool SMap< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::IsEmpty() const
return( m_nElements == 0 );
template< typename K, typename V, class KTraits, class VTraits >
inline V& SMap< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::operator[]( KINARGTYPE key )
CNode* pNode;
UINT iBin;
UINT nHash;
CNode* pPrev;
pNode = GetNode( key, iBin, nHash, pPrev );
if( pNode == NULL )
pNode = CreateNode( key, iBin, nHash );
return( pNode->m_value );
template< typename K, typename V, class KTraits, class VTraits >
inline const V& SMap< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::operator[]( KINARGTYPE key ) const
CNode* pNode;
UINT iBin;
UINT nHash;
CNode* pPrev;
pNode = GetNode( key, iBin, nHash, pPrev );
return( pNode->m_value );
template< typename K, typename V, class KTraits, class VTraits >
inline UINT SMap< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::GetHashTableSize() const
return( m_nBins );
template< typename K, typename V, class KTraits, class VTraits >
inline void SMap< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::GetAt( SPOSITION pos, KOUTARGTYPE key, VOUTARGTYPE value ) const
SENSURE( pos != NULL );
CNode* pNode = static_cast< CNode* >( pos );
key = pNode->m_key;
value = pNode->m_value;
template< typename K, typename V, class KTraits, class VTraits >
inline typename SMap< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::CPair* SMap< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::GetAt( SPOSITION pos )
SASSERT( pos != NULL );
return( static_cast< CPair* >( pos ) );
template< typename K, typename V, class KTraits, class VTraits >
inline const typename SMap< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::CPair* SMap< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::GetAt( SPOSITION pos ) const
SASSERT( pos != NULL );
return( static_cast< const CPair* >( pos ) );
template< typename K, typename V, class KTraits, class VTraits >
inline const K& SMap< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::GetKeyAt( SPOSITION pos ) const
SENSURE( pos != NULL );
CNode* pNode = (CNode*)pos;
return( pNode->m_key );
template< typename K, typename V, class KTraits, class VTraits >
inline const V& SMap< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::GetValueAt( SPOSITION pos ) const
SENSURE( pos != NULL );
CNode* pNode = (CNode*)pos;
return( pNode->m_value );
template< typename K, typename V, class KTraits, class VTraits >
inline V& SMap< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::GetValueAt( SPOSITION pos )
SENSURE( pos != NULL );
CNode* pNode = (CNode*)pos;
return( pNode->m_value );
template< typename K, typename V, class KTraits, class VTraits >
inline void SMap< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::DisableAutoRehash()
template< typename K, typename V, class KTraits, class VTraits >
inline void SMap< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::EnableAutoRehash()
SASSUME( m_nLockCount > 0 );
template< typename K, typename V, class KTraits, class VTraits >
inline bool SMap< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::IsLocked() const
return( m_nLockCount != 0 );
template< typename K, typename V, class KTraits, class VTraits >
UINT SMap< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::PickSize( size_t nElements ) const
// List of primes such that s_anPrimes[i] is the smallest prime greater than 2^(5+i/3)
static const UINT s_anPrimes[] =
17, 23, 29, 37, 41, 53, 67, 83, 103, 131, 163, 211, 257, 331, 409, 521, 647, 821,
1031, 1291, 1627, 2053, 2591, 3251, 4099, 5167, 6521, 8209, 10331,
13007, 16411, 20663, 26017, 32771, 41299, 52021, 65537, 82571, 104033,
131101, 165161, 208067, 262147, 330287, 416147, 524309, 660563,
832291, 1048583, 1321139, 1664543, 2097169, 2642257, 3329023, 4194319,
5284493, 6658049, 8388617, 10568993, 13316089, UINT_MAX
size_t nBins = (size_t)(nElements/m_fOptimalLoad);
UINT nBinsEstimate = UINT( UINT_MAX < nBins ? UINT_MAX : nBins );
// Find the smallest prime greater than our estimate
int iPrime = 0;
while( nBinsEstimate > s_anPrimes[iPrime] )
if( s_anPrimes[iPrime] == UINT_MAX )
return( nBinsEstimate );
return( s_anPrimes[iPrime] );
template< typename K, typename V, class KTraits, class VTraits >
typename SMap< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::CNode* SMap< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::CreateNode(
CNode* pNode;
if( m_ppBins == NULL )
bool bSuccess;
bSuccess = InitHashTable( m_nBins );
if( !bSuccess )
pNode = NewNode( key, iBin, nHash );
return( pNode );
template< typename K, typename V, class KTraits, class VTraits >
SPOSITION SMap< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::GetStartPosition() const
if( IsEmpty() )
return( NULL );
for( UINT iBin = 0; iBin < m_nBins; iBin++ )
if( m_ppBins[iBin] != NULL )
return( SPOSITION( m_ppBins[iBin] ) );
SASSERT( false );
return( NULL );
template< typename K, typename V, class KTraits, class VTraits >
SPOSITION SMap< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::SetAt( KINARGTYPE key, VINARGTYPE value )
CNode* pNode;
UINT iBin;
UINT nHash;
CNode* pPrev;
pNode = GetNode( key, iBin, nHash, pPrev );
if( pNode == NULL )
pNode = CreateNode( key, iBin, nHash );
// _STRY
pNode->m_value = value;
// {
// RemoveAtPos( SPOSITION( pNode ) );
// }
pNode->m_value = value;
return( SPOSITION( pNode ) );
template< typename K, typename V, class KTraits, class VTraits >
void SMap< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::SetValueAt( SPOSITION pos, VINARGTYPE value )
SASSERT( pos != NULL );
CNode* pNode = static_cast< CNode* >( pos );
pNode->m_value = value;
template< typename K, typename V, class KTraits, class VTraits >
SMap< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::SMap( UINT nBins, float fOptimalLoad,
float fLoThreshold, float fHiThreshold, UINT nBlockSize ) :
m_ppBins( NULL ),
m_nElements( 0 ),
m_fOptimalLoad( fOptimalLoad ),
m_fLoThreshold( fLoThreshold ),
m_fHiThreshold( fHiThreshold ),
m_nHiRehashThreshold( UINT_MAX ),
m_nLoRehashThreshold( 0 ),
m_nLockCount(0), // Start unlocked
m_nBlockSize( nBlockSize ),
SASSERT( nBins > 0 );
SASSERT( nBlockSize > 0 );
SetOptimalLoad( fOptimalLoad, fLoThreshold, fHiThreshold, false );
template< typename K, typename V, class KTraits, class VTraits >
SMap< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::SMap(const SMap< K, V, KTraits, VTraits > & src) :
m_nLockCount(0), // Start unlocked
SetOptimalLoad(m_fOptimalLoad, m_fLoThreshold, m_fHiThreshold, false);
template< typename K, typename V, class KTraits, class VTraits >
void SMap< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::Copy(const SMap< K, V, KTraits, VTraits > & src)
SPOSITION pos = src.GetStartPosition();
while (pos)
const SMap< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::CPair * p = src.GetNext(pos);
this->SetAt(p->m_key, p->m_value);
template< typename K, typename V, class KTraits, class VTraits >
SMap< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >& SMap< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::operator=(const SMap< K, V, KTraits, VTraits > & src)
return *this;
template< typename K, typename V, class KTraits, class VTraits >
void SMap< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::SetOptimalLoad( float fOptimalLoad, float fLoThreshold,
float fHiThreshold, bool bRehashNow )
SASSERT( fOptimalLoad > 0 );
SASSERT( (fLoThreshold >= 0) && (fLoThreshold < fOptimalLoad) );
SASSERT( fHiThreshold > fOptimalLoad );
m_fOptimalLoad = fOptimalLoad;
m_fLoThreshold = fLoThreshold;
m_fHiThreshold = fHiThreshold;
if( bRehashNow && ((m_nElements > m_nHiRehashThreshold) ||
(m_nElements < m_nLoRehashThreshold)) )
Rehash( PickSize( m_nElements ) );
template< typename K, typename V, class KTraits, class VTraits >
void SMap< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::UpdateRehashThresholds()
m_nHiRehashThreshold = size_t( m_fHiThreshold*m_nBins );
m_nLoRehashThreshold = size_t( m_fLoThreshold*m_nBins );
if( m_nLoRehashThreshold < 17 )
m_nLoRehashThreshold = 0;
template< typename K, typename V, class KTraits, class VTraits >
bool SMap< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::InitHashTable( UINT nBins, bool bAllocNow )
SASSUME( m_nElements == 0 );
SASSERT( nBins > 0 );
if( m_ppBins != NULL )
m_ppBins = NULL;
if( bAllocNow )
//hjx STRY( m_ppBins = new CNode*[nBins] );
m_ppBins = (CNode**)soui_mem_wrapper::SouiMalloc(nBins*sizeof(CNode*));
if( m_ppBins == NULL )
return false;
SENSURE( UINT_MAX / sizeof( CNode* ) >= nBins );
memset( m_ppBins, 0, sizeof( CNode* )*nBins );
m_nBins = nBins;
return true;
template< typename K, typename V, class KTraits, class VTraits >
void SMap< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::RemoveAll()
if( m_ppBins != NULL )
for( UINT iBin = 0; iBin < m_nBins; iBin++ )
CNode* pNext;
pNext = m_ppBins[iBin];
while( pNext != NULL )
CNode* pKill;
pKill = pNext;
pNext = pNext->m_pNext;
FreeNode( pKill );
m_ppBins = NULL;
m_nElements = 0;
if( !IsLocked() )
InitHashTable( PickSize( m_nElements ), false );
template< typename K, typename V, class KTraits, class VTraits >
SMap< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::~SMap()
#pragma push_macro("new")
#undef new
template< typename K, typename V, class KTraits, class VTraits >
typename SMap< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::CNode* SMap< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::NewNode(
CNode* pNewNode;
if( m_pFree == NULL )
SPlex* pPlex;
CNode* pNode;
pPlex = SPlex::Create( m_pBlocks, m_nBlockSize, sizeof( CNode ) );
if( pPlex == NULL )
pNode = (CNode*)pPlex->data();
pNode += m_nBlockSize-1;
for( int iBlock = m_nBlockSize-1; iBlock >= 0; iBlock-- )
pNode->m_pNext = m_pFree;
m_pFree = pNode;
SENSURE(m_pFree != NULL );
pNewNode = m_pFree;
m_pFree = pNewNode->m_pNext;
// _STRY
::new( pNewNode ) CNode( key, nHash );
// {
// pNewNode->m_pNext = m_pFree;
// m_pFree = pNewNode;
// }
pNewNode->m_pNext = m_ppBins[iBin];
m_ppBins[iBin] = pNewNode;
if( (m_nElements > m_nHiRehashThreshold) && !IsLocked() )
Rehash( PickSize( m_nElements ) );
return( pNewNode );
#pragma pop_macro("new")
template< typename K, typename V, class KTraits, class VTraits >
void SMap< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::FreeNode( CNode* pNode )
SENSURE( pNode != NULL );
pNode->m_pNext = m_pFree;
m_pFree = pNode;
SASSUME( m_nElements > 0 );
if( (m_nElements < m_nLoRehashThreshold) && !IsLocked() )
Rehash( PickSize( m_nElements ) );
if( m_nElements == 0 )
template< typename K, typename V, class KTraits, class VTraits >
void SMap< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::FreePlexes()
m_pFree = NULL;
if( m_pBlocks != NULL )
m_pBlocks = NULL;
template< typename K, typename V, class KTraits, class VTraits >
typename SMap< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::CNode* SMap< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::GetNode(
KINARGTYPE key, UINT& iBin, UINT& nHash, CNode*& pPrev ) const
CNode* pFollow;
nHash = KTraits::Hash( key );
iBin = nHash%m_nBins;
if( m_ppBins == NULL )
return( NULL );
pFollow = NULL;
pPrev = NULL;
for( CNode* pNode = m_ppBins[iBin]; pNode != NULL; pNode = pNode->m_pNext )
if( (pNode->GetHash() == nHash) && KTraits::CompareElements( pNode->m_key, key ) )
pPrev = pFollow;
return( pNode );
pFollow = pNode;
return( NULL );
template< typename K, typename V, class KTraits, class VTraits >
bool SMap< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::Lookup( KINARGTYPE key, VOUTARGTYPE value ) const
UINT iBin;
UINT nHash;
CNode* pNode;
CNode* pPrev;
pNode = GetNode( key, iBin, nHash, pPrev );
if( pNode == NULL )
return( false );
value = pNode->m_value;
return( true );
template< typename K, typename V, class KTraits, class VTraits >
const typename SMap< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::CPair* SMap< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::Lookup( KINARGTYPE key ) const
UINT iBin;
UINT nHash;
CNode* pNode;
CNode* pPrev;
pNode = GetNode( key, iBin, nHash, pPrev );
return( pNode );
template< typename K, typename V, class KTraits, class VTraits >
typename SMap< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::CPair* SMap< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::Lookup( KINARGTYPE key )
UINT iBin;
UINT nHash;
CNode* pNode;
CNode* pPrev;
pNode = GetNode( key, iBin, nHash, pPrev );
return( pNode );
template< typename K, typename V, class KTraits, class VTraits >
bool SMap< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::RemoveKey( KINARGTYPE key )
CNode* pNode;
UINT iBin;
UINT nHash;
CNode* pPrev;
pPrev = NULL;
pNode = GetNode( key, iBin, nHash, pPrev );
if( pNode == NULL )
return( false );
RemoveNode( pNode, pPrev );
return( true );
template< typename K, typename V, class KTraits, class VTraits >
void SMap< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::RemoveNode( CNode* pNode, CNode* pPrev )
SENSURE( pNode != NULL );
UINT iBin = pNode->GetHash() % m_nBins;
if( pPrev == NULL )
SASSUME( m_ppBins[iBin] == pNode );
m_ppBins[iBin] = pNode->m_pNext;
SASSERT( pPrev->m_pNext == pNode );
pPrev->m_pNext = pNode->m_pNext;
FreeNode( pNode );
template< typename K, typename V, class KTraits, class VTraits >
void SMap< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::RemoveAtPos( SPOSITION pos )
SENSURE( pos != NULL );
CNode* pNode = static_cast< CNode* >( pos );
CNode* pPrev = NULL;
UINT iBin = pNode->GetHash() % m_nBins;
SASSUME( m_ppBins[iBin] != NULL );
if( pNode == m_ppBins[iBin] )
pPrev = NULL;
pPrev = m_ppBins[iBin];
while( pPrev->m_pNext != pNode )
pPrev = pPrev->m_pNext;
SASSERT( pPrev != NULL );
RemoveNode( pNode, pPrev );
template< typename K, typename V, class KTraits, class VTraits >
void SMap< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::Rehash( UINT nBins )
CNode** ppBins = NULL;
if( nBins == 0 )
nBins = PickSize( m_nElements );
if( nBins == m_nBins )
if( m_ppBins == NULL )
// Just set the new number of bins
InitHashTable( nBins, false );
//hjx STRY(ppBins = new CNode*[nBins]);
ppBins = (CNode**)soui_mem_wrapper::SouiMalloc(nBins*sizeof(CNode*));
if (ppBins == NULL)
SENSURE( UINT_MAX / sizeof( CNode* ) >= nBins );
memset( ppBins, 0, nBins*sizeof( CNode* ) );
// Nothing gets copied. We just rewire the old nodes
// into the new bins.
for( UINT iSrcBin = 0; iSrcBin < m_nBins; iSrcBin++ )
CNode* pNode;
pNode = m_ppBins[iSrcBin];
while( pNode != NULL )
CNode* pNext;
UINT iDestBin;
pNext = pNode->m_pNext; // Save so we don't trash it
iDestBin = pNode->GetHash()%nBins;
pNode->m_pNext = ppBins[iDestBin];
ppBins[iDestBin] = pNode;
pNode = pNext;
m_ppBins = ppBins;
m_nBins = nBins;
template< typename K, typename V, class KTraits, class VTraits >
void SMap< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::GetNextAssoc( SPOSITION& pos, KOUTARGTYPE key,
VOUTARGTYPE value ) const
CNode* pNode;
CNode* pNext;
SASSUME( m_ppBins != NULL );
SENSURE( pos != NULL );
pNode = (CNode*)pos;
pNext = FindNextNode( pNode );
pos = SPOSITION( pNext );
key = pNode->m_key;
value = pNode->m_value;
template< typename K, typename V, class KTraits, class VTraits >
const typename SMap< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::CPair* SMap< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::GetNext( SPOSITION& pos ) const
CNode* pNode;
CNode* pNext;
SASSUME( m_ppBins != NULL );
SASSERT( pos != NULL );
pNode = (CNode*)pos;
pNext = FindNextNode( pNode );
pos = SPOSITION( pNext );
return( pNode );
template< typename K, typename V, class KTraits, class VTraits >
typename SMap< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::CPair* SMap< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::GetNext(
SASSUME( m_ppBins != NULL );
SASSERT( pos != NULL );
CNode* pNode = static_cast< CNode* >( pos );
CNode* pNext = FindNextNode( pNode );
pos = SPOSITION( pNext );
return( pNode );
template< typename K, typename V, class KTraits, class VTraits >
const K& SMap< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::GetNextKey( SPOSITION& pos ) const
CNode* pNode;
CNode* pNext;
SASSUME( m_ppBins != NULL );
SENSURE( pos != NULL );
pNode = (CNode*)pos;
pNext = FindNextNode( pNode );
pos = SPOSITION( pNext );
return( pNode->m_key );
template< typename K, typename V, class KTraits, class VTraits >
const V& SMap< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::GetNextValue( SPOSITION& pos ) const
CNode* pNode;
CNode* pNext;
SASSUME( m_ppBins != NULL );
SENSURE( pos != NULL );
pNode = (CNode*)pos;
pNext = FindNextNode( pNode );
pos = SPOSITION( pNext );
return( pNode->m_value );
template< typename K, typename V, class KTraits, class VTraits >
V& SMap< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::GetNextValue( SPOSITION& pos )
CNode* pNode;
CNode* pNext;
SASSUME( m_ppBins != NULL );
SENSURE( pos != NULL );
pNode = (CNode*)pos;
pNext = FindNextNode( pNode );
pos = SPOSITION( pNext );
return( pNode->m_value );
template< typename K, typename V, class KTraits, class VTraits >
typename SMap< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::CNode* SMap< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::FindNextNode( CNode* pNode ) const
CNode* pNext;
if(pNode == NULL)
return NULL;
if( pNode->m_pNext != NULL )
pNext = pNode->m_pNext;
UINT iBin;
pNext = NULL;
iBin = (pNode->GetHash()%m_nBins)+1;
while( (pNext == NULL) && (iBin < m_nBins) )
if( m_ppBins[iBin] != NULL )
pNext = m_ppBins[iBin];
return( pNext );
#ifdef _DEBUG
template< typename K, typename V, class KTraits, class VTraits >
void SMap< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::AssertValid() const
SASSUME( m_nBins > 0 );
// non-empty map should have hash table
SASSERT( IsEmpty() || (m_ppBins != NULL) );
// The red-black tree code is based on the the descriptions in
// "Introduction to Algorithms", by Cormen, Leiserson, and Rivest
template< typename K, typename V, class KTraits = CElementTraits< K >, class VTraits = CElementTraits< V > >
class SRBTree
typedef typename KTraits::INARGTYPE KINARGTYPE;
typedef typename KTraits::OUTARGTYPE KOUTARGTYPE;
typedef typename VTraits::INARGTYPE VINARGTYPE;
typedef typename VTraits::OUTARGTYPE VOUTARGTYPE;
class CPair :
public __SPOSITION
m_key( key ),
m_value( value )
const K m_key;
V m_value;
class CNode :
public CPair
RB_COLOR m_eColor;
CNode* m_pLeft;
CNode* m_pRight;
CNode* m_pParent;
CPair( key, value ),
m_pParent( NULL ),
m_eColor( RB_BLACK )
CNode* m_pRoot;
size_t m_nCount;
CNode* m_pFree;
SPlex* m_pBlocks;
size_t m_nBlockSize;
// sentinel node
CNode *m_pNil;
// methods
bool IsNil(CNode *p) const ;
void SetNil(CNode **p) ;
CNode* NewNode( KINARGTYPE key, VINARGTYPE value );
void FreeNode(CNode* pNode) ;
void RemovePostOrder(CNode* pNode) ;
CNode* LeftRotate(CNode* pNode) ;
CNode* RightRotate(CNode* pNode) ;
void SwapNode(CNode* pDest, CNode* pSrc) ;
CNode* InsertImpl( KINARGTYPE key, VINARGTYPE value );
void RBDeleteFixup(CNode* pNode) ;
bool RBDelete(CNode* pZ) ;
#ifdef _DEBUG
// internal debugging code to verify red-black properties of tree:
// 1) Every node is either red or black
// 2) Every leaf (NIL) is black
// 3) If a node is red, both its children are black
// 4) Every simple path from a node to a descendant leaf node contains
// the same number of black nodes
void VerifyIntegrity(const CNode *pNode, int nCurrBlackDepth, int &nBlackDepth) const ;
void VerifyIntegrity() const ;
#endif // _DEBUG
CNode* Minimum(CNode* pNode) const ;
CNode* Maximum(CNode* pNode) const ;
CNode* Predecessor( CNode* pNode ) const ;
CNode* Successor(CNode* pNode) const ;
CNode* RBInsert( KINARGTYPE key, VINARGTYPE value ) ;
CNode* Find(KINARGTYPE key) const ;
CNode* FindPrefix( KINARGTYPE key ) const ;
explicit SRBTree(size_t nBlockSize = 10);
~SRBTree() ;
void RemoveAll() ;
void RemoveAt(SPOSITION pos) ;
size_t GetCount() const ;
bool IsEmpty() const ;
SPOSITION FindFirstKeyAfter( KINARGTYPE key ) const ;
SPOSITION GetHeadPosition() const ;
SPOSITION GetTailPosition() const ;
void GetNextAssoc( SPOSITION& pos, KOUTARGTYPE key, VOUTARGTYPE value ) const;
const CPair* GetNext(SPOSITION& pos) const ;
CPair* GetNext(SPOSITION& pos) ;
const CPair* GetPrev(SPOSITION& pos) const ;
CPair* GetPrev(SPOSITION& pos) ;
const K& GetNextKey(SPOSITION& pos) const ;
const V& GetNextValue(SPOSITION& pos) const ;
V& GetNextValue(SPOSITION& pos) ;
CPair* GetAt( SPOSITION pos ) ;
const CPair* GetAt( SPOSITION pos ) const ;
void GetAt(SPOSITION pos, KOUTARGTYPE key, VOUTARGTYPE value) const;
const K& GetKeyAt(SPOSITION pos) const;
const V& GetValueAt(SPOSITION pos) const;
V& GetValueAt(SPOSITION pos);
void SetValueAt(SPOSITION pos, VINARGTYPE value);
// Private to prevent use
SRBTree( const SRBTree& ) ;
SRBTree& operator=( const SRBTree& ) ;
template< typename K, typename V, class KTraits, class VTraits >
inline bool SRBTree< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::IsNil(CNode *p) const
return ( p == m_pNil );
template< typename K, typename V, class KTraits, class VTraits >
inline void SRBTree< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::SetNil(CNode **p)
*p = m_pNil;
template< typename K, typename V, class KTraits, class VTraits >
SRBTree< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::SRBTree( size_t nBlockSize ) :
m_pRoot( NULL ),
m_nCount( 0 ),
m_nBlockSize( nBlockSize ),
m_pFree( NULL ),
m_pBlocks( NULL ),
m_pNil( NULL )
SASSERT( nBlockSize > 0 );
template< typename K, typename V, class KTraits, class VTraits >
SRBTree< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::~SRBTree()
if (m_pNil != NULL)
template< typename K, typename V, class KTraits, class VTraits >
void SRBTree< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::RemoveAll()
if (!IsNil(m_pRoot))
m_nCount = 0;
m_pBlocks = NULL;
m_pFree = NULL;
m_pRoot = m_pNil;
template< typename K, typename V, class KTraits, class VTraits >
size_t SRBTree< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::GetCount() const
return m_nCount;
template< typename K, typename V, class KTraits, class VTraits >
bool SRBTree< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::IsEmpty() const
return( m_nCount == 0 );
template< typename K, typename V, class KTraits, class VTraits >
SPOSITION SRBTree< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::FindFirstKeyAfter( KINARGTYPE key ) const
return( FindPrefix( key ) );
template< typename K, typename V, class KTraits, class VTraits >
void SRBTree< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::RemoveAt(SPOSITION pos)
template< typename K, typename V, class KTraits, class VTraits >
SPOSITION SRBTree< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::GetHeadPosition() const
return( Minimum( m_pRoot ) );
template< typename K, typename V, class KTraits, class VTraits >
SPOSITION SRBTree< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::GetTailPosition() const
return( Maximum( m_pRoot ) );
template< typename K, typename V, class KTraits, class VTraits >
void SRBTree< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::GetNextAssoc( SPOSITION& pos, KOUTARGTYPE key, VOUTARGTYPE value ) const
CNode* pNode = static_cast< CNode* >(pos);
key = pNode->m_key;
value = pNode->m_value;
pos = Successor(pNode);
template< typename K, typename V, class KTraits, class VTraits >
const typename SRBTree< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::CPair* SRBTree< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::GetNext(SPOSITION& pos) const
CNode* pNode = static_cast< CNode* >(pos);
pos = Successor(pNode);
return pNode;
template< typename K, typename V, class KTraits, class VTraits >
typename SRBTree< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::CPair* SRBTree< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::GetNext(SPOSITION& pos)
CNode* pNode = static_cast< CNode* >(pos);
pos = Successor(pNode);
return pNode;
template< typename K, typename V, class KTraits, class VTraits >
const typename SRBTree< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::CPair* SRBTree< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::GetPrev(SPOSITION& pos) const
CNode* pNode = static_cast< CNode* >(pos);
pos = Predecessor(pNode);
return pNode;
template< typename K, typename V, class KTraits, class VTraits >
typename SRBTree< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::CPair* SRBTree< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::GetPrev(SPOSITION& pos)
CNode* pNode = static_cast< CNode* >(pos);
pos = Predecessor(pNode);
return pNode;
template< typename K, typename V, class KTraits, class VTraits >
const K& SRBTree< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::GetNextKey(SPOSITION& pos) const
CNode* pNode = static_cast<CNode*>(pos);
pos = Successor(pNode);
return pNode->m_key;
template< typename K, typename V, class KTraits, class VTraits >
const V& SRBTree< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::GetNextValue(SPOSITION& pos) const
CNode* pNode = static_cast<CNode*>(pos);
pos = Successor(pNode);
return pNode->m_value;
template< typename K, typename V, class KTraits, class VTraits >
V& SRBTree< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::GetNextValue(SPOSITION& pos)
CNode* pNode = static_cast<CNode*>(pos);
pos = Successor(pNode);
return pNode->m_value;
template< typename K, typename V, class KTraits, class VTraits >
typename SRBTree< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::CPair* SRBTree< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::GetAt( SPOSITION pos )
SASSERT( pos != NULL );
return( static_cast< CPair* >( pos ) );
template< typename K, typename V, class KTraits, class VTraits >
const typename SRBTree< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::CPair* SRBTree< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::GetAt( SPOSITION pos ) const
SASSERT( pos != NULL );
return( static_cast< const CPair* >( pos ) );
template< typename K, typename V, class KTraits, class VTraits >
void SRBTree< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::GetAt(SPOSITION pos, KOUTARGTYPE key, VOUTARGTYPE value) const
SENSURE( pos != NULL );
key = static_cast<CNode*>(pos)->m_key;
value = static_cast<CNode*>(pos)->m_value;
template< typename K, typename V, class KTraits, class VTraits >
const K& SRBTree< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::GetKeyAt(SPOSITION pos) const
SENSURE( pos != NULL );
return static_cast<CNode*>(pos)->m_key;
template< typename K, typename V, class KTraits, class VTraits >
const V& SRBTree< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::GetValueAt(SPOSITION pos) const
SENSURE( pos != NULL );
return static_cast<CNode*>(pos)->m_value;
template< typename K, typename V, class KTraits, class VTraits >
V& SRBTree< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::GetValueAt(SPOSITION pos)
SENSURE( pos != NULL );
return static_cast<CNode*>(pos)->m_value;
template< typename K, typename V, class KTraits, class VTraits >
void SRBTree< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::SetValueAt(SPOSITION pos, VINARGTYPE value)
SENSURE( pos != NULL );
static_cast<CNode*>(pos)->m_value = value;
#pragma push_macro("new")
#undef new
template< typename K, typename V, class KTraits, class VTraits >
typename SRBTree< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::CNode* SRBTree< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::NewNode( KINARGTYPE key, VINARGTYPE value )
if( m_pFree == NULL )
if (m_pNil == NULL)
m_pNil = reinterpret_cast<CNode *>(soui_mem_wrapper::SouiMalloc(sizeof( CNode )));
if (m_pNil == NULL)
memset(m_pNil, 0x00, sizeof(CNode));
m_pNil->m_eColor = CNode::RB_BLACK;
m_pNil->m_pParent = m_pNil->m_pLeft = m_pNil->m_pRight = m_pNil;
m_pRoot = m_pNil;
SPlex* pPlex = SPlex::Create( m_pBlocks, m_nBlockSize, sizeof( CNode ) );
if( pPlex == NULL )
CNode* pNode = static_cast< CNode* >( pPlex->data() );
pNode += m_nBlockSize-1;
for( INT_PTR iBlock = m_nBlockSize-1; iBlock >= 0; iBlock-- )
pNode->m_pLeft = m_pFree;
m_pFree = pNode;
SASSUME( m_pFree != NULL );
CNode* pNewNode = m_pFree;
::new( pNewNode ) CNode( key, value );
m_pFree = m_pFree->m_pLeft;
pNewNode->m_eColor = CNode::RB_RED;
SASSUME( m_nCount > 0 );
return( pNewNode );
#pragma pop_macro("new")
template< typename K, typename V, class KTraits, class VTraits >
void SRBTree< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::FreeNode(CNode* pNode)
SENSURE( pNode != NULL );
pNode->m_pLeft = m_pFree;
m_pFree = pNode;
SASSUME( m_nCount > 0 );
template< typename K, typename V, class KTraits, class VTraits >
void SRBTree< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::RemovePostOrder(CNode* pNode)
if (IsNil(pNode))
FreeNode( pNode );
template< typename K, typename V, class KTraits, class VTraits >
typename SRBTree< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::CNode* SRBTree< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::LeftRotate(CNode* pNode)
if(pNode == NULL)
return NULL;
CNode* pRight = pNode->m_pRight;
pNode->m_pRight = pRight->m_pLeft;
if (!IsNil(pRight->m_pLeft))
pRight->m_pLeft->m_pParent = pNode;
pRight->m_pParent = pNode->m_pParent;
if (IsNil(pNode->m_pParent))
m_pRoot = pRight;
else if (pNode == pNode->m_pParent->m_pLeft)
pNode->m_pParent->m_pLeft = pRight;
pNode->m_pParent->m_pRight = pRight;
pRight->m_pLeft = pNode;
pNode->m_pParent = pRight;
return pNode;
template< typename K, typename V, class KTraits, class VTraits >
typename SRBTree< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::CNode* SRBTree< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::RightRotate(CNode* pNode)
if(pNode == NULL)
return NULL;
CNode* pLeft = pNode->m_pLeft;
pNode->m_pLeft = pLeft->m_pRight;
if (!IsNil(pLeft->m_pRight))
pLeft->m_pRight->m_pParent = pNode;
pLeft->m_pParent = pNode->m_pParent;
if (IsNil(pNode->m_pParent))
m_pRoot = pLeft;
else if (pNode == pNode->m_pParent->m_pRight)
pNode->m_pParent->m_pRight = pLeft;
pNode->m_pParent->m_pLeft = pLeft;
pLeft->m_pRight = pNode;
pNode->m_pParent = pLeft;
return pNode;
template< typename K, typename V, class KTraits, class VTraits >
typename SRBTree< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::CNode* SRBTree< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::Find(KINARGTYPE key) const
CNode* pKey = NULL;
CNode* pNode = m_pRoot;
while( !IsNil(pNode) && (pKey == NULL) )
int nCompare = KTraits::CompareElementsOrdered( key, pNode->m_key );
if( nCompare == 0 )
pKey = pNode;
if( nCompare < 0 )
pNode = pNode->m_pLeft;
pNode = pNode->m_pRight;
if( pKey == NULL )
return( NULL );
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable:4127)
while( true )
CNode* pPrev = Predecessor( pKey );
if( (pPrev != NULL) && KTraits::CompareElements( key, pPrev->m_key ) )
pKey = pPrev;
return( pKey );
#pragma warning(pop)
template< typename K, typename V, class KTraits, class VTraits >
typename SRBTree< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::CNode* SRBTree< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::FindPrefix( KINARGTYPE key ) const
// First, attempt to find a node that matches the key exactly
CNode* pParent = NULL;
CNode* pKey = NULL;
CNode* pNode = m_pRoot;
while( !IsNil(pNode) && (pKey == NULL) )
pParent = pNode;
int nCompare = KTraits::CompareElementsOrdered( key, pNode->m_key );
if( nCompare == 0 )
pKey = pNode;
else if( nCompare < 0 )
pNode = pNode->m_pLeft;
pNode = pNode->m_pRight;
if( pKey != NULL )
// We found a node with the exact key, so find the first node after
// this one with a different key
while( true )
CNode* pNext = Successor( pKey );
if ((pNext != NULL) && KTraits::CompareElements( key, pNext->m_key ))
pKey = pNext;
return pNext;
else if (pParent != NULL)
// No node matched the key exactly, so pick the first node with
// a key greater than the given key
int nCompare = KTraits::CompareElementsOrdered( key, pParent->m_key );
if( nCompare < 0 )
pKey = pParent;
SASSERT( nCompare > 0 );
pKey = Successor( pParent );
return( pKey );
template< typename K, typename V, class KTraits, class VTraits >
void SRBTree< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::SwapNode(CNode* pDest, CNode* pSrc)
SENSURE( pDest != NULL );
SENSURE( pSrc != NULL );
pDest->m_pParent = pSrc->m_pParent;
if (pSrc->m_pParent->m_pLeft == pSrc)
pSrc->m_pParent->m_pLeft = pDest;
pSrc->m_pParent->m_pRight = pDest;
pDest->m_pRight = pSrc->m_pRight;
pDest->m_pLeft = pSrc->m_pLeft;
pDest->m_eColor = pSrc->m_eColor;
pDest->m_pRight->m_pParent = pDest;
pDest->m_pLeft->m_pParent = pDest;
if (m_pRoot == pSrc)
m_pRoot = pDest;
template< typename K, typename V, class KTraits, class VTraits >
typename SRBTree< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::CNode* SRBTree< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::InsertImpl( KINARGTYPE key, VINARGTYPE value )
CNode* pNew = NewNode( key, value );
CNode* pY = NULL;
CNode* pX = m_pRoot;
while (!IsNil(pX))
pY = pX;
if( KTraits::CompareElementsOrdered( key, pX->m_key ) <= 0 )
pX = pX->m_pLeft;
pX = pX->m_pRight;
pNew->m_pParent = pY;
if (pY == NULL)
m_pRoot = pNew;
else if( KTraits::CompareElementsOrdered( key, pY->m_key ) <= 0 )
pY->m_pLeft = pNew;
pY->m_pRight = pNew;
return pNew;
template< typename K, typename V, class KTraits, class VTraits >
void SRBTree< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::RBDeleteFixup(CNode* pNode)
SENSURE( pNode != NULL );
CNode* pX = pNode;
CNode* pW = NULL;
while (( pX != m_pRoot ) && ( pX->m_eColor == CNode::RB_BLACK ))
if (pX == pX->m_pParent->m_pLeft)
pW = pX->m_pParent->m_pRight;
if (pW->m_eColor == CNode::RB_RED)
pW->m_eColor = CNode::RB_BLACK;
pW->m_pParent->m_eColor = CNode::RB_RED;
pW = pX->m_pParent->m_pRight;
if (pW->m_pLeft->m_eColor == CNode::RB_BLACK && pW->m_pRight->m_eColor == CNode::RB_BLACK)
pW->m_eColor = CNode::RB_RED;
pX = pX->m_pParent;
if (pW->m_pRight->m_eColor == CNode::RB_BLACK)
pW->m_pLeft->m_eColor = CNode::RB_BLACK;
pW->m_eColor = CNode::RB_RED;
pW = pX->m_pParent->m_pRight;
pW->m_eColor = pX->m_pParent->m_eColor;
pX->m_pParent->m_eColor = CNode::RB_BLACK;
pW->m_pRight->m_eColor = CNode::RB_BLACK;
pX = m_pRoot;
pW = pX->m_pParent->m_pLeft;
if (pW->m_eColor == CNode::RB_RED)
pW->m_eColor = CNode::RB_BLACK;
pW->m_pParent->m_eColor = CNode::RB_RED;
pW = pX->m_pParent->m_pLeft;
if (pW->m_pRight->m_eColor == CNode::RB_BLACK && pW->m_pLeft->m_eColor == CNode::RB_BLACK)
pW->m_eColor = CNode::RB_RED;
pX = pX->m_pParent;
if (pW->m_pLeft->m_eColor == CNode::RB_BLACK)
pW->m_pRight->m_eColor = CNode::RB_BLACK;
pW->m_eColor = CNode::RB_RED;
pW = pX->m_pParent->m_pLeft;
pW->m_eColor = pX->m_pParent->m_eColor;
pX->m_pParent->m_eColor = CNode::RB_BLACK;
pW->m_pLeft->m_eColor = CNode::RB_BLACK;
pX = m_pRoot;
pX->m_eColor = CNode::RB_BLACK;
template< typename K, typename V, class KTraits, class VTraits >
bool SRBTree< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::RBDelete(CNode* pZ)
if (pZ == NULL)
return false;
CNode* pY = NULL;
CNode* pX = NULL;
if (IsNil(pZ->m_pLeft) || IsNil(pZ->m_pRight))
pY = pZ;
pY = Successor(pZ);
if (!IsNil(pY->m_pLeft))
pX = pY->m_pLeft;
pX = pY->m_pRight;
pX->m_pParent = pY->m_pParent;
if (IsNil(pY->m_pParent))
m_pRoot = pX;
else if (pY == pY->m_pParent->m_pLeft)
pY->m_pParent->m_pLeft = pX;
pY->m_pParent->m_pRight = pX;
if (pY->m_eColor == CNode::RB_BLACK)
if (pY != pZ)
SwapNode(pY, pZ);
if (m_pRoot != NULL)
FreeNode( pZ );
return true;
template< typename K, typename V, class KTraits, class VTraits >
typename SRBTree< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::CNode* SRBTree< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::Minimum(CNode* pNode) const
if (pNode == NULL || IsNil(pNode))
return NULL;
CNode* pMin = pNode;
while (!IsNil(pMin->m_pLeft))
pMin = pMin->m_pLeft;
return pMin;
template< typename K, typename V, class KTraits, class VTraits >
typename SRBTree< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::CNode* SRBTree< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::Maximum(CNode* pNode) const
if (pNode == NULL || IsNil(pNode))
return NULL;
CNode* pMax = pNode;
while (!IsNil(pMax->m_pRight))
pMax = pMax->m_pRight;
return pMax;
template< typename K, typename V, class KTraits, class VTraits >
typename SRBTree< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::CNode* SRBTree< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::Predecessor( CNode* pNode ) const
if( pNode == NULL )
return( NULL );
if( !IsNil(pNode->m_pLeft) )
return( Maximum( pNode->m_pLeft ) );
CNode* pParent = pNode->m_pParent;
CNode* pLeft = pNode;
while( !IsNil(pParent) && (pLeft == pParent->m_pLeft) )
pLeft = pParent;
pParent = pParent->m_pParent;
if (IsNil(pParent))
pParent = NULL;
return( pParent );
template< typename K, typename V, class KTraits, class VTraits >
typename SRBTree< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::CNode* SRBTree< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::Successor(CNode* pNode) const
if ( pNode == NULL )
return NULL;
if ( !IsNil(pNode->m_pRight) )
return Minimum(pNode->m_pRight);
CNode* pParent = pNode->m_pParent;
CNode* pRight = pNode;
while ( !IsNil(pParent) && (pRight == pParent->m_pRight) )
pRight = pParent;
pParent = pParent->m_pParent;
if (IsNil(pParent))
pParent = NULL;
return pParent;
template< typename K, typename V, class KTraits, class VTraits >
typename SRBTree< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::CNode* SRBTree< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::RBInsert( KINARGTYPE key, VINARGTYPE value )
CNode* pNewNode = InsertImpl( key, value );
CNode* pX = pNewNode;
pX->m_eColor = CNode::RB_RED;
CNode* pY = NULL;
while (pX != m_pRoot && pX->m_pParent->m_eColor == CNode::RB_RED)
if (pX->m_pParent == pX->m_pParent->m_pParent->m_pLeft)
pY = pX->m_pParent->m_pParent->m_pRight;
if (pY != NULL && pY->m_eColor == CNode::RB_RED)
pX->m_pParent->m_eColor = CNode::RB_BLACK;
pY->m_eColor = CNode::RB_BLACK;
pX->m_pParent->m_pParent->m_eColor = CNode::RB_RED;
pX = pX->m_pParent->m_pParent;
if (pX == pX->m_pParent->m_pRight)
pX = pX->m_pParent;
pX->m_pParent->m_eColor = CNode::RB_BLACK;
pX->m_pParent->m_pParent->m_eColor = CNode::RB_RED;
pY = pX->m_pParent->m_pParent->m_pLeft;
if (pY != NULL && pY->m_eColor == CNode::RB_RED)
pX->m_pParent->m_eColor = CNode::RB_BLACK;
pY->m_eColor = CNode::RB_BLACK;
pX->m_pParent->m_pParent->m_eColor = CNode::RB_RED;
pX = pX->m_pParent->m_pParent;
if (pX == pX->m_pParent->m_pLeft)
pX = pX->m_pParent;
pX->m_pParent->m_eColor = CNode::RB_BLACK;
pX->m_pParent->m_pParent->m_eColor = CNode::RB_RED;
m_pRoot->m_eColor = CNode::RB_BLACK;
return( pNewNode );
#ifdef _DEBUG
template< typename K, typename V, class KTraits, class VTraits >
void SRBTree< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::VerifyIntegrity(const CNode *pNode, int nCurrBlackDepth, int &nBlackDepth) const
bool bCheckForBlack = false;
bool bLeaf = true;
if (pNode->m_eColor == CNode::RB_RED)
bCheckForBlack = true;
SASSERT(pNode->m_pLeft != NULL);
if (!IsNil(pNode->m_pLeft))
bLeaf = false;
if (bCheckForBlack)
SASSERT(pNode->m_pLeft->m_eColor == CNode::RB_BLACK);
VerifyIntegrity(pNode->m_pLeft, nCurrBlackDepth, nBlackDepth);
SASSERT(pNode->m_pRight != NULL);
if (!IsNil(pNode->m_pRight))
bLeaf = false;
if (bCheckForBlack)
SASSERT(pNode->m_pRight->m_eColor == CNode::RB_BLACK);
VerifyIntegrity(pNode->m_pRight, nCurrBlackDepth, nBlackDepth);
SASSERT( pNode->m_pParent != NULL );
SASSERT( ( IsNil(pNode->m_pParent) ) ||
( pNode->m_pParent->m_pLeft == pNode ) ||
( pNode->m_pParent->m_pRight == pNode ) );
if (bLeaf)
if (nBlackDepth == 0)
nBlackDepth = nCurrBlackDepth;
SASSERT(nBlackDepth == nCurrBlackDepth);
template< typename K, typename V, class KTraits, class VTraits >
void SRBTree< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::VerifyIntegrity() const
if ((m_pRoot == NULL) || (IsNil(m_pRoot)))
SASSUME(m_pRoot->m_eColor == CNode::RB_BLACK);
int nBlackDepth = 0;
VerifyIntegrity(m_pRoot, 0, nBlackDepth);
#endif // _DEBUG
template< typename K, typename V, class KTraits = CElementTraits< K >, class VTraits = CElementTraits< V > >
class SRBMap :
public SRBTree< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >
explicit SRBMap( size_t nBlockSize = 10 ) ;
~SRBMap() ;
bool Lookup( typename SRBTree< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::KINARGTYPE key, typename SRBTree< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::VOUTARGTYPE value ) const ;
const typename SRBMap< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::CPair* Lookup(typename SRBTree< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::KINARGTYPE key ) const ;
typename SRBMap< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::CPair* Lookup(typename SRBTree< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::KINARGTYPE key ) ;
typename SRBMap< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::SPOSITION SetAt(typename SRBTree< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::KINARGTYPE key, typename SRBTree< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::VINARGTYPE value)
SRBTree::CPair* pNode = Find(key);
if (pNode == NULL)
return(RBInsert(key, value));
pNode->m_value = value;
bool RemoveKey(typename SRBTree< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::KINARGTYPE key ) ;
template< typename K, typename V, class KTraits, class VTraits >
SRBMap< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::SRBMap( size_t nBlockSize ) :
SRBTree< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >( nBlockSize )
template< typename K, typename V, class KTraits, class VTraits >
SRBMap< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::~SRBMap()
template< typename K, typename V, class KTraits, class VTraits >
const typename SRBMap< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::CPair* SRBMap< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::Lookup( typename SRBTree< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::KINARGTYPE key ) const
return Find(key);
template< typename K, typename V, class KTraits, class VTraits >
typename SRBMap< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::CPair* SRBMap< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::Lookup( typename SRBTree< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::KINARGTYPE key )
return Find(key);
template< typename K, typename V, class KTraits, class VTraits >
bool SRBMap< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::Lookup( typename SRBTree< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::KINARGTYPE key, typename SRBTree< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::VOUTARGTYPE value ) const
const SRBTree::CPair* pLookup = Find( key );
if( pLookup == NULL )
return false;
value = pLookup->m_value;
return true;
template< typename K, typename V, class KTraits, class VTraits >
bool SRBMap< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::RemoveKey( typename SRBTree< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::KINARGTYPE key )
SPOSITION pos = Lookup( key );
if( pos != NULL )
RemoveAt( pos );
return( true );
return( false );
template< typename K, typename V, class KTraits = CElementTraits< K >, class VTraits = CElementTraits< V > >
class SRBMultiMap :
public SRBTree< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >
explicit SRBMultiMap( size_t nBlockSize = 10 ) ;
~SRBMultiMap() ;
typename SRBMap< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::SPOSITION Insert( typename SRBTree< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::KINARGTYPE key, typename SRBTree< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::VINARGTYPE value ) ;
size_t RemoveKey( typename SRBTree< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::KINARGTYPE key ) ;
typename SRBMultiMap< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::SPOSITION FindFirstWithKey(typename SRBTree< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::KINARGTYPE key) const
const typename SRBMultiMap< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::CPair* GetNextWithKey( typename SRBMultiMap< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::SPOSITION& pos, typename SRBTree< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::KINARGTYPE key ) const ;
typename SRBMultiMap< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::CPair* GetNextWithKey(typename SRBMultiMap< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::SPOSITION& pos, typename SRBTree< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::KINARGTYPE key);
const V& GetNextValueWithKey( typename SRBMultiMap< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::SPOSITION& pos, typename SRBTree< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::KINARGTYPE key ) const ;
V& GetNextValueWithKey( typename SRBMultiMap< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::SPOSITION& pos, typename SRBTree< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::KINARGTYPE key ) ;
template< typename K, typename V, class KTraits, class VTraits >
SRBMultiMap< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::SRBMultiMap( size_t nBlockSize ) :
SRBTree< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >( nBlockSize )
template< typename K, typename V, class KTraits, class VTraits >
SRBMultiMap< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::~SRBMultiMap()
template< typename K, typename V, class KTraits, class VTraits >
typename SRBMap< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::SPOSITION SRBMultiMap< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::Insert( typename SRBTree< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::KINARGTYPE key, typename SRBTree< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::VINARGTYPE value )
return( RBInsert( key, value ) );
template< typename K, typename V, class KTraits, class VTraits >
size_t SRBMultiMap< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::RemoveKey( typename SRBTree< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::KINARGTYPE key )
size_t nElementsDeleted = 0;
SPOSITION pos = FindFirstWithKey( key );
while( pos != NULL )
SPOSITION posDelete = pos;
GetNextWithKey( pos, key );
RemoveAt( posDelete );
return( nElementsDeleted );
template< typename K, typename V, class KTraits, class VTraits >
const typename SRBMultiMap< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::CPair* SRBMultiMap< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::GetNextWithKey( typename SRBMultiMap< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::SPOSITION& pos, typename SRBTree< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::KINARGTYPE key ) const
SASSERT( pos != NULL );
const SRBTree::CPair* pNode = GetNext( pos );
if( (pos == NULL) || !KTraits::CompareElements( static_cast<SRBTree::CPair* >( pos )->m_key, key ) )
pos = NULL;
return( pNode );
template< typename K, typename V, class KTraits, class VTraits >
typename SRBMultiMap< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::CPair* SRBMultiMap< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::GetNextWithKey(typename SRBMultiMap< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::SPOSITION& pos, typename SRBTree< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::KINARGTYPE key)
SASSERT( pos != NULL );
SRBTree::CPair* pNode = GetNext( pos );
if( (pos == NULL) || !KTraits::CompareElements( static_cast<SRBTree::CPair* >( pos )->m_key, key ) )
pos = NULL;
return( pNode );
template< typename K, typename V, class KTraits, class VTraits >
const V& SRBMultiMap< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::GetNextValueWithKey( typename SRBMultiMap< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::SPOSITION& pos, typename SRBTree< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::KINARGTYPE key ) const
const SRBTree::CPair* pPair = GetNextWithKey( pos, key );
return( pPair->m_value );
template< typename K, typename V, class KTraits, class VTraits >
V& SRBMultiMap< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::GetNextValueWithKey( typename SRBMultiMap< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::SPOSITION& pos, typename SRBTree< K, V, KTraits, VTraits >::KINARGTYPE key )
SRBTree::CPair* pPair = GetNextWithKey( pos, key );
return( pPair->m_value );
}; // namespace SOUI
#pragma pack(pop)
#pragma warning(pop)
#endif // __SOUICOLL_H__