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#pragma once
#include <unknown/obj-ref-i.h>
#include <core/sobjType.h>
#include <sobject/Sobject.hpp>
#include "SImgDecoder-i.h"
#include "SPathEffect-i.h"
namespace SOUI
struct IRenderObj;
struct IBrush;
struct IPen;
struct IFont;
struct IBitmap;
struct IRegion;
struct IPath;
struct IPathMeasure;
struct IRenderTarget;
struct IRenderFactory;
EM_NULL=0, /*<不变*/
EM_STRETCH, /*<拉伸*/
EM_TILE, /*<平铺*/
enum FilterLevel {
kNone_FilterLevel = 0,
enum GradientType{
linear = 0, /*<线性渐变*/
radial, /*<辐射渐变*/
sweep /*<扫描渐变*/
enum RopMode
kClear_Mode, //!< [0, 0]
kSrc_Mode, //!< [Sa, Sc]
kDst_Mode, //!< [Da, Dc]
kSrcOver_Mode, //!< [Sa + Da - Sa*Da, Rc = Sc + (1 - Sa)*Dc]
kDstOver_Mode, //!< [Sa + Da - Sa*Da, Rc = Dc + (1 - Da)*Sc]
kSrcIn_Mode, //!< [Sa * Da, Sc * Da]
kDstIn_Mode, //!< [Sa * Da, Sa * Dc]
kSrcOut_Mode, //!< [Sa * (1 - Da), Sc * (1 - Da)]
kDstOut_Mode, //!< [Da * (1 - Sa), Dc * (1 - Sa)]
kSrcATop_Mode, //!< [Da, Sc * Da + (1 - Sa) * Dc]
kDstATop_Mode, //!< [Sa, Sa * Dc + Sc * (1 - Da)]
kXor_Mode, //!< [Sa + Da - 2 * Sa * Da, Sc * (1 - Da) + (1 - Sa) * Dc]
kPlus_Mode, //!< [Sa + Da, Sc + Dc]
kModulate_Mode, // multiplies all components (= alpha and color)
// Following blend modes are defined in the CSS Compositing standard:
// https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/FXTF/rawfile/tip/compositing/index.html#blending
kLastCoeffMode = kScreen_Mode,
kLastSeparableMode = kMultiply_Mode,
//extend xfermode
kSrcCopy = SRCCOPY,
kDstInvert = DSTINVERT,
kSrcInvert = SRCINVERT,
kSrcAnd = SRCAND,
struct fPoint {
float fX, fY;
struct fRect {
float fLeft, fTop, fRight, fBottom;
struct IMaskFilter : public IObjRef, public SObject
enum SkBlurStyle {
kNormal_SkBlurStyle, //!< fuzzy inside and outside
kSolid_SkBlurStyle, //!< solid inside, fuzzy outside
kOuter_SkBlurStyle, //!< nothing inside, fuzzy outside
kInner_SkBlurStyle, //!< fuzzy inside, nothing outside
kLastEnum_SkBlurStyle = kInner_SkBlurStyle
enum SkBlurFlags {
kNone_BlurFlag = 0x00,
/** The blur layer's radius is not affected by transforms */
kIgnoreTransform_BlurFlag = 0x01,
/** Use a smother, higher qulity blur algorithm */
kHighQuality_BlurFlag = 0x02,
/** mask for all blur flags */
kAll_BlurFlag = 0x03
* @struct IRenderFactory
* @brief RenderFactory对象
* Describe
struct IRenderFactory : public IObjRef
virtual IImgDecoderFactory * GetImgDecoderFactory()=0;
virtual void SetImgDecoderFactory(IImgDecoderFactory *pImgDecoderFac)=0;
virtual BOOL CreateRenderTarget(IRenderTarget ** ppRenderTarget,int nWid,int nHei)=0;
* CreateFont
* @brief 创建字体
* @param [out] IFont ** ppFont -- 字体对象
* @param [in] const LOGFONT &lf -- 字体属性
* @param [in] const IPropBag * pPropBag -- 字体扩展属性,由渲染引擎解析
* Describe
virtual BOOL CreateFont(IFont ** ppFont, const LOGFONT &lf)=0;
virtual BOOL CreateBitmap(IBitmap ** ppBitmap)=0;
virtual BOOL CreateRegion(IRegion **ppRgn)=0;
virtual BOOL CreatePath(IPath ** ppPath)=0;
virtual BOOL CreatePathEffect(REFGUID guidEffect,IPathEffect ** ppPathEffect) = 0;
virtual BOOL CreatePathMeasure(IPathMeasure ** ppPathMeasure) = 0;
virtual HRESULT CreateBlurMaskFilter(float radius, IMaskFilter::SkBlurStyle style,IMaskFilter::SkBlurFlags flag,IMaskFilter ** ppMaskFilter) = 0;
virtual HRESULT CreateEmbossMaskFilter(float direction[3], float ambient, float specular, float blurRadius,IMaskFilter ** ppMaskFilter) = 0;
* @struct IRenderObj
* @brief 渲染对象基类
* Describe 所有渲染对象全部使用引用计数管理生命周期
struct IRenderObj : public IObject, public IObjRef
* ObjectType
* @brief 查询对象类型
* @return const UINT
* Describe
virtual const OBJTYPE ObjectType() const = 0;
* GetRenderFactory
* @brief 获得创建该渲染对象的类厂
* @return IRenderFactory * -- 类厂
* Describe
virtual IRenderFactory * GetRenderFactory() const = 0;
* @struct IBrush
* @brief 画刷对象
* Describe
struct IBrush : public IRenderObj
virtual const OBJTYPE ObjectType() const
return OT_BRUSH;
* @struct IPen
* @brief 画笔对象
* Describe
struct IPen: public IRenderObj
virtual const OBJTYPE ObjectType() const
return OT_PEN;
* @struct IBitmap
* @brief 位图对象
* Describe
struct IBitmap: public IRenderObj
virtual const OBJTYPE ObjectType() const
return OT_BITMAP;
* Init
* @brief 从32位的位图数据初始化IBitmap
* @param int nWid -- 图片宽度
* @param int nHei -- 图片高度
* @param const LPVOID pBits -- 位图数据,以ARGB形式存储
* @return HRESULT -- 成功返回S_OK,失败返回错误代码
* Describe
virtual HRESULT Init(int nWid,int nHei,const LPVOID pBits=NULL)=0;
* Init
* @brief 从IImgFrame初始化位图
* @param IImgFrame * pImgFrame -- IImgFrame指针
* @return HRESULT -- 成功返回S_OK,失败返回错误代码
* Describe
virtual HRESULT Init(IImgFrame *pImgFrame) =0;
* LoadFromFile
* @brief 从文件中加载位图
* @param LPCTSTR pszFileName -- 文件名
* @return HRESULT -- 成功返回S_OK,失败返回错误代码
* Describe
virtual HRESULT LoadFromFile(LPCTSTR pszFileName)=0;
* LoadFromMemory
* @brief 从内存中加载位图
* @param LPBYTE pBuf -- 内存地址
* @param size_t szLen -- 内存大小
* @return HRESULT -- 成功返回S_OK,失败返回错误代码
* Describe
virtual HRESULT LoadFromMemory(LPBYTE pBuf,size_t szLen)=0;
* Width
* @brief 获得图片宽度
* @return UINT -- 图片宽度
* Describe
virtual UINT Width() const =0;
* Height
* @brief 获得图片高度
* @return UINT -- 图片高度
* Describe
virtual UINT Height() const =0;
* Size
* @brief 获得图片高度及宽度
* @return SIZE -- 图片高度及宽度
* Describe
virtual SIZE Size() const =0;
* LockPixelBits
* @brief 锁定位图的数据
* @return LPVOID -- 位图数据地址
* Describe
virtual LPVOID LockPixelBits() =0;
* UnlockPixelBits
* @brief 解除数据锁定
* @param LPVOID -- 由LockPixelBits返回的位图数据地址
* @return void
* Describe 与LockPixelBits配对使用
virtual void UnlockPixelBits(LPVOID pBuf) =0;
* GetPixelBits
* @brief 以只读方式获取位图数据
* @return LPVOID -- 位图数据地址
* Describe
virtual const LPVOID GetPixelBits() const = 0;
* Clone
* @brief 克隆一个新位图对象
* @param IBitmap **ppClone -- 返回的IBitmap* 对象
* @return HRESULT
* Describe 成功后,调用者执行IBitmap::Release
inline virtual HRESULT Clone(IBitmap **ppClone) const;
* Scale
* @brief 缩放克隆一个新位图对象
* @param IBitmap **pOutput -- 返回的IBitmap* 对象
* @param int nScale -- 缩放比例, 100代表不缩放
* @param FilterLevel filterLevel--插值算法,render-skia支持选择算法
* @return HRESULT
* Describe 成功后,调用者执行IBitmap::Release
inline virtual HRESULT Scale(IBitmap **pOutput,int nScale,FilterLevel filterLevel);
* Scale
* @brief 缩放克隆一个新位图对象
* @param IBitmap **pOutput -- 返回的IBitmap* 对象
* @param int nWid -- 宽度
* @param int nHei -- 高度
* @param FilterLevel filterLevel--插值算法,render-skia支持选择算法
* @return HRESULT
* Describe 成功后,调用者执行IBitmap::Release
inline virtual HRESULT Scale(IBitmap **pOutput,int nWid,int nHei,FilterLevel filterLevel);
* 将位图保存到文件
* @brief Save
* @param LPCWSTR pszFileName -- File name
* @param const LPVOID *pFormat -- image format
* @return HRESULT -- S_OK: succeed
* Describe
inline virtual HRESULT Save(LPCWSTR pszFileName,const LPVOID pFormat);
* @struct IFont
* @brief 字体对象
* Describe
struct IFont : public IRenderObj
virtual const OBJTYPE ObjectType() const
return OT_FONT;
* LogFont
* @brief 获得字体的LOGFONT
* @return const LOGFONT * -- 包含字体信息的LOGFONT*
* Describe
virtual const LOGFONT * LogFont() const =0;
* FamilyName
* @brief 获取字体名
* @return LPCTSTR -- 字体名
* Describe
virtual LPCTSTR FamilyName()=0;
* TextSize
* @brief 获取字体大小
* @return int -- 字体大小
* Describe
virtual int TextSize()=0;
* IsBold
* @brief 查询是否为粗体
* @return BOOL -- true为粗体,false正常
* Describe
virtual BOOL IsBold()=0;
* IsUnderline
* @brief 查询字体下划线状态
* @return BOOL -- true有下划线,false正常
* Describe
virtual BOOL IsUnderline()=0;
* IsItalic
* @brief 查询字体的斜体状态
* @return BOOL -- true为斜体,false正常
* Describe
virtual BOOL IsItalic()=0;
* StrikeOut
* @brief 查询字体的删除线状态
* @return BOOL -- true有删除线
* Describe
virtual BOOL IsStrikeOut() =0;
virtual BOOL UpdateFont(const LOGFONT *pLogFont) = 0;
* @struct IRegion
* @brief Region对象
* Describe
struct IRegion : public IRenderObj
virtual const OBJTYPE ObjectType() const
return OT_RGN;
* CombineRect
* @brief 将一个矩形与this组合
* @param LPCRECT lprect -- 要组合的矩形
* @param int nCombineMode -- 组合模式
* @return void
* Describe 组合模式同Win32 API CombineRect
virtual void CombineRect(LPCRECT lprect,int nCombineMode )=0;
* CombineRect
* @brief 将一个矩形与this组合
* @param const IRegion * pRgnSrc -- 要组合的Region
* @param int nCombineMode -- 组合模式
* @return void
* Describe 组合模式同Win32 API CombineRgn
virtual void CombineRgn(const IRegion * pRgnSrc,int nCombineMode )=0;
virtual void CombineRoundRect(LPCRECT lprect, POINT ptConner, int nCombineMode) = 0;
virtual void CombineEllipse(LPCRECT lprect , int nCombineMode) = 0;
virtual void CombinePolygon(const POINT *pts, int count, int nPolygonMode, int nCombineMode) = 0;
* PtInRegion
* @brief 检测一个点是否在region范围内
* @param POINT pt -- 被检测的点
* @return BOOL -- true在region内
* Describe
virtual BOOL PtInRegion(POINT pt) const=0;
* RectInRegion
* @brief 检测一个矩形是否与this相交
* @param LPCRECT lprect -- 被检测的的矩形。
* @return BOOL -- true在region内
* Describe
virtual BOOL RectInRegion(LPCRECT lprect) const=0;
* GetRgnBox
* @brief 获得this的外包矩形
* @param [out] LPRECT lprect -- 外包矩形
* @return void
* Describe
virtual void GetRgnBox(LPRECT lprect) const=0;
* IsEmpty
* @brief 查询region是否为空
* @return BOOL -- true为空
* Describe
virtual BOOL IsEmpty() const=0;
* Offset
* @brief 将this整体平移
* @param POINT pt -- 平移在x,y方向的的位移
* @return void
* Describe
virtual void Offset(POINT pt)=0;
* Clear
* @brief 清空region
* @return void
* Describe
virtual void Clear()=0;
* IsEqual
* @brief Test whether two region is equal
* @return bool, true-this and testRgn are equal
* Describe
virtual BOOL IsEqual(const IRegion * testRgn) const = 0;
struct IxForm
enum Index{
kMScaleX = 0,
virtual float GetValue(Index idx) const = 0;
virtual void SetValue(Index index, float v) = 0;
virtual const float * GetData() const = 0;
virtual float * GetData() = 0;
virtual void SetData(const float fMat[9]) = 0;
struct IPathInfo : IObjRef
virtual int pointNumber() const = 0;
virtual const float * data() const =0;
struct IPath : IRenderObj
enum FillType {
/** Specifies that "inside" is computed by a non-zero sum of signed
edge crossings
/** Specifies that "inside" is computed by an odd number of edge
/** Same as Winding, but draws outside of the path, rather than inside
/** Same as EvenOdd, but draws outside of the path, rather than inside
enum Convexity {
/** Return the path's fill type. This is used to define how "inside" is
computed. The default value is kWinding_FillType.
@return the path's fill type
virtual FillType getFillType() const PURE;
/** Set the path's fill type. This is used to define how "inside" is
computed. The default value is kWinding_FillType.
@param ft The new fill type for this path
virtual void setFillType(FillType ft) PURE;
/** Returns true if the filltype is one of the Inverse variants */
virtual bool isInverseFillType() const PURE;
* Toggle between inverse and normal filltypes. This reverse the return
* value of isInverseFillType()
virtual void toggleInverseFillType() PURE;
* Return the path's convexity, as stored in the path. If it is currently unknown,
* then this function will attempt to compute the convexity (and cache the result).
virtual Convexity getConvexity() const PURE;
* Store a convexity setting in the path. There is no automatic check to
* see if this value actually agrees with the return value that would be
* computed by getConvexity().
* Note: even if this is set to a "known" value, if the path is later
* changed (e.g. lineTo(), addRect(), etc.) then the cached value will be
* reset to kUnknown_Convexity.
virtual void setConvexity(Convexity c) PURE;
* Returns true if the path is flagged as being convex. This is not a
* confirmed by any analysis, it is just the value set earlier.
virtual bool isConvex() const PURE;
/** Returns true if the path is an oval.
* @param rect returns the bounding rect of this oval. It's a circle
* if the height and width are the same.
* @return true if this path is an oval.
* Tracking whether a path is an oval is considered an
* optimization for performance and so some paths that are in
* fact ovals can report false.
virtual bool isOval(RECT* rect) const PURE;
/** Clear any lines and curves from the path, making it empty. This frees up
internal storage associated with those segments.
On Android, does not change fSourcePath.
virtual void reset() PURE;
/** Similar to reset(), in that all lines and curves are removed from the
path. However, any internal storage for those lines/curves is retained,
making reuse of the path potentially faster.
On Android, does not change fSourcePath.
virtual void rewind() PURE;
/** Returns true if the path is empty (contains no lines or curves)
@return true if the path is empty (contains no lines or curves)
virtual bool isEmpty() const PURE;
* Returns true if all of the points in this path are finite, meaning there
* are no infinities and no NaNs.
virtual bool isFinite() const PURE;
* Returns true if the path specifies a single line (i.e. it contains just
* a moveTo and a lineTo). If so, and line[] is not null, it sets the 2
* points in line[] to the end-points of the line. If the path is not a
* line, returns false and ignores line[].
virtual bool isLine(POINT line[2]) const PURE;
/** Returns true if the path specifies a rectangle. If so, and if rect is
not null, set rect to the bounds of the path. If the path does not
specify a rectangle, return false and ignore rect.
@param rect If not null, returns the bounds of the path if it specifies
a rectangle
@return true if the path specifies a rectangle
virtual bool isRect(RECT* rect) const PURE;
/** Return the number of points in the path
virtual int countPoints() const PURE;
/** Return the point at the specified index. If the index is out of range
(i.e. is not 0 <= index < countPoints()) then the returned coordinates
will be (0,0)
virtual fPoint getPoint(int index) const PURE;
/** Returns the number of points in the path. Up to max points are copied.
@param points If not null, receives up to max points
@param max The maximum number of points to copy into points
@return the actual number of points in the path
virtual int getPoints(fPoint points[], int max) const PURE;
/** Return the number of verbs in the path
virtual int countVerbs() const PURE;
/** Returns the number of verbs in the path. Up to max verbs are copied. The
verbs are copied as one byte per verb.
@param verbs If not null, receives up to max verbs
@param max The maximum number of verbs to copy into verbs
@return the actual number of verbs in the path
virtual int getVerbs(BYTE verbs[], int max) const PURE;
/** Returns the bounds of the path's points. If the path contains 0 or 1
points, the bounds is set to (0,0,0,0), and isEmpty() will return true.
Note: this bounds may be larger than the actual shape, since curves
do not extend as far as their control points.
virtual RECT getBounds() const PURE;
// Construction methods
/** Set the beginning of the next contour to the point (x,y).
@param x The x-coordinate of the start of a new contour
@param y The y-coordinate of the start of a new contour
virtual void moveTo(float x, float y) PURE;
/** Set the beginning of the next contour relative to the last point on the
previous contour. If there is no previous contour, this is treated the
same as moveTo().
@param dx The amount to add to the x-coordinate of the end of the
previous contour, to specify the start of a new contour
@param dy The amount to add to the y-coordinate of the end of the
previous contour, to specify the start of a new contour
virtual void rMoveTo(float dx, float dy) PURE;
/** Add a line from the last point to the specified point (x,y). If no
moveTo() call has been made for this contour, the first point is
automatically set to (0,0).
@param x The x-coordinate of the end of a line
@param y The y-coordinate of the end of a line
virtual void lineTo(float x, float y) PURE;
/** Same as lineTo, but the coordinates are considered relative to the last
point on this contour. If there is no previous point, then a moveTo(0,0)
is inserted automatically.
@param dx The amount to add to the x-coordinate of the previous point
on this contour, to specify a line
@param dy The amount to add to the y-coordinate of the previous point
on this contour, to specify a line
virtual void rLineTo(float dx, float dy) PURE;
/** Add a quadratic bezier from the last point, approaching control point
(x1,y1), and ending at (x2,y2). If no moveTo() call has been made for
this contour, the first point is automatically set to (0,0).
@param x1 The x-coordinate of the control point on a quadratic curve
@param y1 The y-coordinate of the control point on a quadratic curve
@param x2 The x-coordinate of the end point on a quadratic curve
@param y2 The y-coordinate of the end point on a quadratic curve
virtual void quadTo(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2)PURE;
/** Same as quadTo, but the coordinates are considered relative to the last
point on this contour. If there is no previous point, then a moveTo(0,0)
is inserted automatically.
@param dx1 The amount to add to the x-coordinate of the last point on
this contour, to specify the control point of a quadratic curve
@param dy1 The amount to add to the y-coordinate of the last point on
this contour, to specify the control point of a quadratic curve
@param dx2 The amount to add to the x-coordinate of the last point on
this contour, to specify the end point of a quadratic curve
@param dy2 The amount to add to the y-coordinate of the last point on
this contour, to specify the end point of a quadratic curve
virtual void rQuadTo(float dx1, float dy1, float dx2, float dy2)PURE;
virtual void conicTo(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2,
float w) PURE;
virtual void rConicTo(float dx1, float dy1, float dx2, float dy2,
float w) PURE;
/** Add a cubic bezier from the last point, approaching control points
(x1,y1) and (x2,y2), and ending at (x3,y3). If no moveTo() call has been
made for this contour, the first point is automatically set to (0,0).
@param x1 The x-coordinate of the 1st control point on a cubic curve
@param y1 The y-coordinate of the 1st control point on a cubic curve
@param x2 The x-coordinate of the 2nd control point on a cubic curve
@param y2 The y-coordinate of the 2nd control point on a cubic curve
@param x3 The x-coordinate of the end point on a cubic curve
@param y3 The y-coordinate of the end point on a cubic curve
virtual void cubicTo(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2,
float x3, float y3)PURE;
/** Same as cubicTo, but the coordinates are considered relative to the
current point on this contour. If there is no previous point, then a
moveTo(0,0) is inserted automatically.
@param dx1 The amount to add to the x-coordinate of the last point on
this contour, to specify the 1st control point of a cubic curve
@param dy1 The amount to add to the y-coordinate of the last point on
this contour, to specify the 1st control point of a cubic curve
@param dx2 The amount to add to the x-coordinate of the last point on
this contour, to specify the 2nd control point of a cubic curve
@param dy2 The amount to add to the y-coordinate of the last point on
this contour, to specify the 2nd control point of a cubic curve
@param dx3 The amount to add to the x-coordinate of the last point on
this contour, to specify the end point of a cubic curve
@param dy3 The amount to add to the y-coordinate of the last point on
this contour, to specify the end point of a cubic curve
virtual void rCubicTo(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2,
float x3, float y3)PURE;
/** Append the specified arc to the path as a new contour. If the start of
the path is different from the path's current last point, then an
automatic lineTo() is added to connect the current contour to the start
of the arc. However, if the path is empty, then we call moveTo() with
the first point of the arc. The sweep angle is treated mod 360.
@param oval The bounding oval defining the shape and size of the arc
@param startAngle Starting angle (in degrees) where the arc begins
@param sweepAngle Sweep angle (in degrees) measured clockwise. This is
treated mod 360.
@param forceMoveTo If true, always begin a new contour with the arc
virtual void arcTo(const RECT& oval, float startAngle, float sweepAngle,
bool forceMoveTo)PURE;
/** Append a line and arc to the current path. This is the same as the
PostScript call "arct".
virtual void arcTo(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2,
float radius)PURE;
/** Close the current contour. If the current point is not equal to the
first point of the contour, a line segment is automatically added.
virtual void close()PURE;
enum Direction {
/** Direction either has not been or could not be computed */
/** clockwise direction for adding closed contours */
/** counter-clockwise direction for adding closed contours */
/** Returns true if the path specifies a rectangle. If so, and if isClosed is
not null, set isClosed to true if the path is closed. Also, if returning true
and direction is not null, return the rect direction. If the path does not
specify a rectangle, return false and ignore isClosed and direction.
@param isClosed If not null, set to true if the path is closed
@param direction If not null, set to the rectangle's direction
@return true if the path specifies a rectangle
virtual bool isRect(bool* isClosed, Direction* direction) const PURE;
* Add a closed rectangle contour to the path
* @param rect The rectangle to add as a closed contour to the path
* @param dir The direction to wind the rectangle's contour. Cannot be
* kUnknown_Direction.
virtual void addRect(const RECT& rect, Direction dir = kCW_Direction)PURE;
* Add a closed rectangle contour to the path
* @param left The left side of a rectangle to add as a closed contour
* to the path
* @param top The top of a rectangle to add as a closed contour to the
* path
* @param right The right side of a rectangle to add as a closed contour
* to the path
* @param bottom The bottom of a rectangle to add as a closed contour to
* the path
* @param dir The direction to wind the rectangle's contour. Cannot be
* kUnknown_Direction.
virtual void addRect(float left, float top, float right, float bottom,
Direction dir = kCW_Direction)PURE;
* Add a closed oval contour to the path
* @param oval The bounding oval to add as a closed contour to the path
* @param dir The direction to wind the oval's contour. Cannot be
* kUnknown_Direction.
virtual void addOval(const RECT& oval, Direction dir = kCW_Direction)PURE;
* Add a closed circle contour to the path
* @param x The x-coordinate of the center of a circle to add as a
* closed contour to the path
* @param y The y-coordinate of the center of a circle to add as a
* closed contour to the path
* @param radius The radius of a circle to add as a closed contour to the
* path
* @param dir The direction to wind the circle's contour. Cannot be
* kUnknown_Direction.
virtual void addCircle(float x, float y, float radius,
Direction dir = kCW_Direction)PURE;
/** Add the specified arc to the path as a new contour.
@param oval The bounds of oval used to define the size of the arc
@param startAngle Starting angle (in degrees) where the arc begins
@param sweepAngle Sweep angle (in degrees) measured clockwise
virtual void addArc(const RECT& oval, float startAngle, float sweepAngle)PURE;
* Add a closed round-rectangle contour to the path
* @param rect The bounds of a round-rectangle to add as a closed contour
* @param rx The x-radius of the rounded corners on the round-rectangle
* @param ry The y-radius of the rounded corners on the round-rectangle
* @param dir The direction to wind the rectangle's contour. Cannot be
* kUnknown_Direction.
virtual void addRoundRect(const RECT& rect, float rx, float ry,
Direction dir = kCW_Direction)PURE;
* Add a closed round-rectangle contour to the path. Each corner receives
* two radius values [X, Y]. The corners are ordered top-left, top-right,
* bottom-right, bottom-left.
* @param rect The bounds of a round-rectangle to add as a closed contour
* @param radii Array of 8 scalars, 4 [X,Y] pairs for each corner
* @param dir The direction to wind the rectangle's contour. Cannot be
* kUnknown_Direction.
* Note: The radii here now go through the same constraint handling as the
* SkRRect radii (i.e., either radii at a corner being 0 implies a
* sqaure corner and oversized radii are proportionally scaled down).
virtual void addRoundRect(const RECT& rect, const float radii[],
Direction dir = kCW_Direction)PURE;
* Add a new contour made of just lines. This is just a fast version of
* the following:
* this->moveTo(pts[0]);
* for (int i = 1; i < count; ++i) {
* this->lineTo(pts[i]);
* }
* if (close) {
* this->close();
* }
virtual void addPoly(const POINT pts[], int count, bool close) PURE;
enum AddPathMode {
/** Source path contours are added as new contours.
/** Path is added by extending the last contour of the destination path
with the first contour of the source path. If the last contour of
the destination path is closed, then it will not be extended.
Instead, the start of source path will be extended by a straight
line to the end point of the destination path.
/** Add a copy of src to the path, offset by (dx,dy)
@param src The path to add as a new contour
@param dx The amount to translate the path in X as it is added
@param dx The amount to translate the path in Y as it is added
virtual void addPath(const IPath * src, float dx, float dy,
AddPathMode mode = kAppend_AddPathMode) PURE;
* Same as addPath(), but reverses the src input
virtual void reverseAddPath(const IPath* src) PURE;
/** Offset the path by (dx,dy), returning true on success
@param dx The amount in the X direction to offset the entire path
@param dy The amount in the Y direction to offset the entire path
virtual void offset(float dx, float dy) PURE;
/** Transform the points in this path by matrix
@param matrix The matrix to apply to the path
virtual void transform(const IxForm * matrix) PURE;
/** Return the last point on the path. If no points have been added, (0,0)
is returned. If there are no points, this returns false, otherwise it
returns true.
@param lastPt The last point on the path is returned here
virtual bool getLastPt(POINT* lastPt) const PURE;
/** Set the last point on the path. If no points have been added,
moveTo(x,y) is automatically called.
@param x The new x-coordinate for the last point
@param y The new y-coordinate for the last point
virtual void setLastPt(float x, float y) PURE;
virtual void addString(LPCTSTR pszText,int nLen, float x,float y, const IFont *pFont) PURE;
// Returns a float[] with each point along the path represented by 3 floats
// * fractional length along the path that the point resides
// * x coordinate
// * y coordinate
// Note that more than one point may have the same length along the path in
// the case of a move.
// NULL can be returned if the Path is empty.
virtual IPathInfo* approximate(float acceptableError) PURE;
struct IPathMeasure : IObjRef
* Assign a new path, or null to have none.
virtual void setPath(IPath * path, bool forceClosed) =0;
* Return the total length of the current contour, or 0 if no path is
* associated with this measure object.
virtual float getLength() = 0;
* Pins distance to 0 <= distance <= getLength(), and then computes the
* corresponding position and tangent. Returns false if there is no path,
* or a zero-length path was specified, in which case position and tangent
* are unchanged.
* @param distance The distance along the current contour to sample
* @param pos If not null, eturns the sampled position (x==[0], y==[1])
* @param tan If not null, returns the sampled tangent (x==[0], y==[1])
* @return false if there was no path associated with this measure object
virtual bool getPosTan(float distance, float pos[], float tan[]) = 0;
* Given a start and stop distance, return in dst the intervening
* segment(s). If the segment is zero-length, return false, else return
* true. startD and stopD are pinned to legal values (0..getLength()).
* If startD >= stopD then return false (and leave dst untouched).
* Begin the segment with a moveTo if startWithMoveTo is true.
* <p>On {@link android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES#KITKAT} and earlier
* releases, the resulting path may not display on a hardware-accelerated
* Canvas. A simple workaround is to add a single operation to this path,
* such as <code>dst.rLineTo(0, 0)</code>.</p>
virtual bool getSegment(float startD, float stopD, IPath * dst, bool startWithMoveTo) = 0;
* @struct IRenderTarget
* @brief RenderTarget对象
* Describe 实现各位渲染接口并创建设备相关资源
struct IRenderTarget: public IObjRef, public SObject
virtual HRESULT CreateCompatibleRenderTarget(SIZE szTarget,IRenderTarget **ppRenderTarget)=0;
virtual HRESULT CreatePen(int iStyle,COLORREF cr,int cWidth,IPen ** ppPen)=0;
virtual HRESULT CreateSolidColorBrush(COLORREF cr,IBrush ** ppBrush)=0;
virtual HRESULT CreateBitmapBrush( IBitmap *pBmp,IBrush ** ppBrush )=0;
virtual HRESULT CreateRegion( IRegion ** ppRegion )=0;
virtual HRESULT Resize(SIZE sz)=0;
virtual HRESULT OffsetViewportOrg(int xOff, int yOff, LPPOINT lpPoint=NULL)=0;
virtual HRESULT GetViewportOrg(LPPOINT lpPoint) =0;
virtual HRESULT SetViewportOrg(POINT pt) =0;
virtual HRESULT PushClipRect(LPCRECT pRect,UINT mode=RGN_AND)=0;
virtual HRESULT PushClipRegion(IRegion *pRegion,UINT mode=RGN_AND)=0;
virtual HRESULT PopClip()=0;
virtual HRESULT ExcludeClipRect(LPCRECT pRc)=0;
virtual HRESULT IntersectClipRect(LPCRECT pRc)=0;
virtual HRESULT SaveClip(int *pnState)=0;
virtual HRESULT RestoreClip(int nState=-1)=0;
virtual HRESULT GetClipRegion(IRegion **ppRegion)=0;
virtual HRESULT GetClipBox(LPRECT prc)=0;
virtual HRESULT DrawText(LPCTSTR pszText,int cchLen,LPRECT pRc,UINT uFormat)=0;
virtual HRESULT MeasureText(LPCTSTR pszText,int cchLen, SIZE *psz) =0;
virtual HRESULT TextOut(int x,int y, LPCTSTR lpszString,int nCount) =0;
virtual HRESULT DrawRectangle(LPCRECT pRect)=0;
virtual HRESULT FillRectangle(LPCRECT pRect)=0;
virtual HRESULT FillSolidRect(LPCRECT pRect,COLORREF cr)=0;
virtual HRESULT DrawRoundRect(LPCRECT pRect,POINT pt)=0;
virtual HRESULT FillRoundRect(LPCRECT pRect,POINT pt)=0;
virtual HRESULT FillSolidRoundRect(LPCRECT pRect,POINT pt,COLORREF cr)=0;
virtual HRESULT ClearRect(LPCRECT pRect,COLORREF cr)=0;
virtual HRESULT InvertRect(LPCRECT pRect) = 0;
virtual HRESULT DrawEllipse(LPCRECT pRect)=0;
virtual HRESULT FillEllipse(LPCRECT pRect)=0;
virtual HRESULT FillSolidEllipse(LPCRECT pRect,COLORREF cr)=0;
virtual HRESULT DrawArc(LPCRECT pRect,float startAngle,float sweepAngle,bool useCenter) =0;
virtual HRESULT FillArc(LPCRECT pRect,float startAngle,float sweepAngle) =0;
virtual HRESULT DrawLines(LPPOINT pPt,size_t nCount) =0;
virtual HRESULT GradientFill(LPCRECT pRect,BOOL bVert,COLORREF crBegin,COLORREF crEnd,BYTE byAlpha=0xFF)=0;
virtual HRESULT GradientFillEx( LPCRECT pRect,const POINT* pts,COLORREF *colors,float *pos,int nCount,BYTE byAlpha=0xFF )=0;
virtual HRESULT GradientFill2(LPCRECT pRect,GradientType type,COLORREF crStart,COLORREF crCenter,COLORREF crEnd,float fLinearAngle,float fCenterX,float fCenterY,int nRadius,BYTE byAlpha=0xff) = 0;
virtual HRESULT DrawIconEx(int xLeft, int yTop, HICON hIcon, int cxWidth,int cyWidth,UINT diFlags)=0;
virtual HRESULT DrawBitmap(LPCRECT pRcDest,IBitmap *pBitmap,int xSrc,int ySrc,BYTE byAlpha=0xFF)=0;
virtual HRESULT DrawBitmapEx(LPCRECT pRcDest,IBitmap *pBitmap,LPCRECT pRcSrc,UINT expendMode, BYTE byAlpha=0xFF)=0;
virtual HRESULT DrawBitmap9Patch(LPCRECT pRcDest,IBitmap *pBitmap,LPCRECT pRcSrc,LPCRECT pRcSourMargin,UINT expendMode,BYTE byAlpha=0xFF) =0;
virtual HRESULT BitBlt(LPCRECT pRcDest,IRenderTarget *pRTSour,int xSrc,int ySrc,DWORD dwRop=kSrcCopy)=0;
virtual HRESULT AlphaBlend(LPCRECT pRcDest,IRenderTarget *pRTSrc,LPCRECT pRcSrc,BYTE byAlpha) =0;
virtual IRenderObj * GetCurrentObject(OBJTYPE uType) =0;
virtual HRESULT SelectDefaultObject(OBJTYPE objType, IRenderObj ** pOldObj = NULL) =0;
virtual HRESULT SelectObject(IRenderObj *pObj,IRenderObj ** pOldObj = NULL) =0;
virtual COLORREF GetTextColor() =0;
virtual COLORREF SetTextColor(COLORREF color)=0;
virtual void SetMaskFilter(IMaskFilter *pMaskFilter) = 0;
virtual IMaskFilter *GetMaskFilter() = 0;
virtual HDC GetDC(UINT uFlag=0)=0;
virtual void ReleaseDC(HDC hdc) =0;
* SetTransform
* @brief 设置坐标变换矩阵
* @param const IxForm * pXForm -- 3*3变换矩阵
* @param IxForm * pOldXFrom -- 原变换矩阵
* @return HRESULT -- 成功返回S_OK
* Describe
virtual HRESULT SetTransform(const float matrix[9], float oldMatrix[9]=NULL) = 0;
* SetTransform
* @brief 获取当前坐标变换矩阵
* @param IxForm * pXForm -- 2*3变换矩阵
* @return HRESULT -- 成功返回S_OK
* Describe
virtual HRESULT GetTransform(float matrix[9]) const = 0;
* GetPixel
* @brief 获取指定像素颜色值
* @param int x -- x
* @param int y -- y
* @return COLORREF -- 像素颜色值
* Describe 和::GetPixel一致
virtual COLORREF GetPixel(int x, int y) = 0;
* SetPixel
* @brief 设置指定像素颜色值
* @param int x -- x
* @param int y -- y
* @param COLORREF cr -- 设置的颜色值
* @return COLORREF -- 原像素颜色值
* Describe 和::SetPixel一致
virtual COLORREF SetPixel(int x, int y, COLORREF cr) = 0;
* Modify the current clip with the specified path.
* @param path The path to combine with the current clip
* @param mode The region op to apply to the current clip
* @param doAntiAlias true if the clip should be anti aliased
virtual HRESULT PushClipPath(const IPath * path, UINT mode, bool doAntiAlias = false) = 0;
/** Draw the specified path frame using current selected pen
@param path The path to be drawn
virtual HRESULT DrawPath(const IPath * path,IPathEffect * pathEffect=NULL) = 0;
/** Fill the specified path frame using current selected brush
@param path The path to be drawn
virtual HRESULT FillPath(const IPath * path) = 0;
/** This behaves the same as save(), but in addition it allocates an
offscreen bitmap. All drawing calls are directed there, and only when
the balancing call to restore() is made is that offscreen transfered to
the canvas (or the previous layer).
@param pRect (may be null) This rect, if non-null, is used as a hint to
limit the size of the offscreen, and thus drawing may be
clipped to it, though that clipping is not guaranteed to
happen. If exact clipping is desired, use clipRect().
@param byAlpha This is applied to the offscreen when restore() is called.
@return The value to pass to restoreToCount() to balance this save()
virtual HRESULT PushLayer(const RECT * pRect,BYTE byAlpha=0xff) = 0;
virtual HRESULT PopLayer() = 0;
virtual HRESULT SetXfermode(int mode,int *pOldMode=NULL) = 0;
virtual BOOL SetAntiAlias(BOOL bAntiAlias) = 0;
inline HRESULT IBitmap::Clone(IBitmap **ppClone) const
BOOL bOK = GetRenderFactory()->CreateBitmap(ppClone);
if(S_OK != hr)
(*ppClone) = NULL;
return hr;
inline HRESULT IBitmap::Scale(IBitmap **ppOutput,int nScale,FilterLevel filterLevel)
int wid = MulDiv(Width(),nScale,100);
int hei = MulDiv(Height(),nScale,100);
return Scale(ppOutput,wid,hei,filterLevel);
inline HRESULT IBitmap::Scale(IBitmap **pOutput,int nWid,int nHei,FilterLevel filterLevel)
if(nWid == Width() && nHei == Height())
return Clone(pOutput);
IRenderTarget *pRT=NULL;
RECT rcSrc = {0,0,(long)Width(),(long)Height()};
RECT rcDst ={0,0,nWid,nHei};
hr = pRT->DrawBitmapEx(&rcDst,this,&rcSrc,MAKELONG(EM_STRETCH,filterLevel));
if(hr == S_OK)
*pOutput = (IBitmap*)pRT->GetCurrentObject(OT_BITMAP);
return hr;
inline HRESULT IBitmap::Save(LPCWSTR pszFileName,const LPVOID pFormat)
return GetRenderFactory()->GetImgDecoderFactory()->SaveImage(this,pszFileName,pFormat);
}//end of namespace SOUI