用于EagleEye3.0 规则集漏报和误报测试的示例项目,项目收集于github和gitee
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/* Copyright (c) 2002, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0,
as published by the Free Software Foundation.
This program is also distributed with certain software (including
but not limited to OpenSSL) that is licensed under separate terms,
as designated in a particular file or component or in included license
documentation. The authors of MySQL hereby grant you an additional
permission to link the program and your derivative works with the
separately licensed software that they have included with MySQL.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License, version 2.0, for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */
// Support for derived tables.
#include "sql/sql_derived.h"
#include <stddef.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include "lex_string.h"
#include "my_base.h"
#include "my_bitmap.h"
#include "my_dbug.h"
#include "my_inttypes.h"
#include "my_sys.h"
#include "my_table_map.h"
#include "mysqld_error.h"
#include "sql/auth/auth_acls.h"
#include "sql/debug_sync.h" // DEBUG_SYNC
#include "sql/handler.h"
#include "sql/item.h"
#include "sql/mem_root_array.h"
#include "sql/opt_trace.h" // opt_trace_disable_etc
#include "sql/query_options.h"
#include "sql/sql_base.h" // EXTRA_RECORD
#include "sql/sql_class.h"
#include "sql/sql_const.h"
#include "sql/sql_executor.h"
#include "sql/sql_lex.h"
#include "sql/sql_list.h"
#include "sql/sql_opt_exec_shared.h"
#include "sql/sql_optimizer.h" // JOIN
#include "sql/sql_resolver.h" // check_right_lateral_join
#include "sql/sql_tmp_table.h" // Tmp tables
#include "sql/sql_union.h" // Query_result_union
#include "sql/sql_view.h" // check_duplicate_names
#include "sql/system_variables.h"
#include "sql/table.h"
#include "sql/table_function.h"
#include "sql/temp_table_param.h"
#include "thr_lock.h"
class Opt_trace_context;
Produces, from the first tmp TABLE object, a clone TABLE object for
TABLE_LIST 'tl', to have a single materialization of multiple references to
a CTE.
How sharing of a single tmp table works
There are several scenarios.
(1) Non-recursive CTE referenced only once: nothing special.
(2) Non-recursive CTE referenced more than once:
- multiple TABLEs, one TABLE_SHARE.
- The first ref in setup_materialized_derived() calls
create_tmp_table(); others call open_table_from_share().
- The first ref in create_derived() calls instantiate_tmp_table()
(which calls handler::create() then open_tmp_table()); others call
open_tmp_table(). open_tmp_table() calls handler::open().
- The first ref in materialize_derived() evaluates the subquery and does
all writes to the tmp table.
- Finally all refs set up a read access method (table scan, index scan,
index lookup, etc) and do reads, possibly interlaced (example: a
nested-loop join of two references to the CTE).
- The storage engine (MEMORY or InnoDB) must be informed of the uses above;
this is done by having TABLE_SHARE::ref_count>=2 for every handler::open()
(3) Recursive CTE, referenced once or more than once:
All of (2) applies, where the set of refs is the non-recursive
ones (a recursive ref is a ref appearing in the definition of a recursive
CTE). Additionally:
- recursive refs do not call setup_materialized_derived(),
create_derived(), materialize_derived().
- right after a non-recursive ref has been in setup_materialized_derived(),
its recursive refs are replaced with clones of that ref, made with
- the first non-recursive ref in materialized_derived() initiates the
with-recursive algorithm:
* its recursive refs call open_tmp_table().
* Then writes (to the non-recursive ref) and reads (from the recursive
refs) happen interlaced.
- a particular recursive ref is the UNION table, if UNION DISTINCT is
present in the CTE's definition: there is a single TABLE for it,
writes/reads to/from it happen interlaced (writes are done by
Query_result_union::send_data(); reads are done by the fake_select_lex's
- Finally all non-recursive refs set up a read access method and do reads,
possibly interlaced.
- The storage engine (MEMORY or InnoDB) must be informed of the uses above;
this is done by having TABLE_SHARE::ref_count>=2 for every handler::open()
- The Server code handling tmp table creation must also be informed:
see how Query_result_union::create_result_table() disables PK promotion.
How InnoDB manages the uses above
The storage engine needs to take measures so that inserts and reads
don't corrupt each other's behaviour. In InnoDB that means two things
(@see row_search_no_mvcc()):
(a) A certain way to use its cursor when reading
(b) Making the different handlers inform each other when one insertion
modifies the structure of the index tree (e.g. splits a page; this
triggers a refreshing of all read cursors).
Requirements on tmp tables used to write/read CTEs
The internal tmp table must support a phase where table scans and
insertions happen interlaced, either issued from a single TABLE or from
multiple TABLE clones. If from a single TABLE, that object does repetitions
of {"write rows" then "init scan / read rows / close scan"}. If from
multiple TABLEs, one does "write rows", every other one does "init scan /
read rows / close scan".
During this, neither updates, nor deletes, nor any other type of read
access than table scans, are allowed on this table (they are allowed after
the phase's end).
Any started table scan on this table:
- must remember its position between two read operations, without influence
from other scans/inserts;
- must return rows inserted before and after it started (be catching up
continuously) (however, when it reports EOF it is allowed to stop catching
up and report EOF until closed).
- must return rows in insertion order.
- may be started from the first record (ha_rnd_init, ha_rnd_next) or from
the record where the previous scan was ended (position(), ha_rnd_end,
[...], ha_rnd_init, ha_rnd_pos(saved position), ha_rnd_next).
- must return positions (handler::position()) which are stable if a write
later occurs, so that a handler::rnd_pos() happening after the write finds
the same record.
Cursor re-positioning when MEMORY is converted to InnoDB
See create_ondisk_from_heap(). A requirement is that InnoDB is able to
start a scan like this: rnd_init, rnd_pos(some PK value), rnd_next.
@param thd Thread handler
@param tl Table reference wanting the copy
@returns New clone, or NULL if error
TABLE *Common_table_expr::clone_tmp_table(THD *thd, TABLE_LIST *tl) {
#ifndef DBUG_OFF
We're adding a clone; if another clone has been opened before, it was not
aware of the new one, so perhaps the storage engine has not set up the
necessary logic to share data among clones. Check that no clone is open:
Derived_refs_iterator it(tmp_tables[0]);
while (TABLE *t = it.get_next())
DBUG_ASSERT(!t->is_created() && !t->materialized);
TABLE *first = tmp_tables[0]->table;
// Allocate clone on the memory root of the TABLE_SHARE.
TABLE *t = static_cast<TABLE *>(first->s->mem_root.Alloc(sizeof(TABLE)));
if (!t) return nullptr; /* purecov: inspected */
if (open_table_from_share(thd, first->s, tl->alias,
Pass db_stat == 0 to delay opening of table in SE,
as table is not instantiated in SE yet.
/* We need record[1] for this TABLE instance. */
Use DELAYED_OPEN to have its own record[0]
(necessary because db_stat is 0).
Otherwise it would be shared with 'first'
and thus a write to tmp table would modify
the row just read by readers.
0, t, false, nullptr))
return nullptr; /* purecov: inspected */
DBUG_ASSERT(t->s == first->s && t != first && t->file != first->file);
// In case this clone is used to fill the materialized table:
t->reginfo.lock_type = TL_WRITE;
t->copy_blobs = 1;
tl->table = t;
t->pos_in_table_list = tl;
if (tmp_tables.push_back(tl)) return nullptr; /* purecov: inspected */
return t;
Replaces the recursive reference in query block 'sl' with a clone of
the first tmp table.
@param thd Thread handler
@param sl Query block
@returns true if error
bool Common_table_expr::substitute_recursive_reference(THD *thd,
TABLE_LIST *tl = sl->recursive_reference;
DBUG_ASSERT(tl != nullptr && tl->table == nullptr);
TABLE *t = clone_tmp_table(thd, tl);
if (t == nullptr) return true; /* purecov: inspected */
// Eliminate the dummy unit:
return false;
Resolve a derived table or view reference, including recursively resolving
contained subqueries.
@param thd thread handle
@param apply_semijoin Apply possible semi-join transforms if this is true
@returns false if success, true if error
bool TABLE_LIST::resolve_derived(THD *thd, bool apply_semijoin) {
Helper class which takes care of restoration of members like
THD::derived_tables_processing. These members are changed in this
method scope for resolving derived tables.
class Context_handler {
Context_handler(THD *thd)
: m_thd(thd),
m_derived_tables_processing_saved(thd->derived_tables_processing) {
Window functions are allowed; they're aggregated in the derived
table's definition.
m_thd->lex->m_deny_window_func = 0;
m_thd->derived_tables_processing = true;
~Context_handler() {
m_thd->lex->m_deny_window_func = m_deny_window_func_saved;
m_thd->derived_tables_processing = m_derived_tables_processing_saved;
// Thread handle.
THD *m_thd;
// Saved state of THD::LEX::m_deny_window_func.
nesting_map m_deny_window_func_saved;
// Saved state of THD::derived_tables_processing.
bool m_derived_tables_processing_saved;
if (!is_view_or_derived() || is_merged() || is_table_function()) return false;
// Dummy derived tables for recursive references disappear before this stage
DBUG_ASSERT(this != select_lex->recursive_reference);
if (is_derived() && derived->m_lateral_deps)
select_lex->end_lateral_table = this;
Context_handler ctx_handler(thd);
if (derived->prepare_limit(thd, derived->global_parameters()))
return true; /* purecov: inspected */
#ifndef DBUG_OFF // CTEs, derived tables can have outer references
if (is_view()) // but views cannot.
for (SELECT_LEX *sl = derived->first_select(); sl; sl = sl->next_select()) {
// Make sure there are no outer references
DBUG_ASSERT(sl->context.outer_context == NULL);
if (m_common_table_expr && m_common_table_expr->recursive &&
!derived->is_recursive()) // in first resolution @todo delete in WL#6570
// Ensure it's UNION.
if (!derived->is_union()) {
return true;
if (derived->global_parameters()->is_ordered() ||
derived->global_parameters()->has_limit()) {
ORDER BY applied to the UNION causes the use of the union tmp
table. The fake_select_lex would want to sort that table, which isn't
going to work as the table is incomplete when fake_select_lex first
reads it. Workaround: put ORDER BY in the top query.
Another reason: allowing
ORDER BY <condition using fulltext> would make the UNION tmp table be
of MyISAM engine which recursive CTEs don't support.
LIMIT will mislead people; they'll possibly add it to an infinite
recursive query and think it will stop it, but it won't, as LIMIT
isn't quite pushed down to UNION parts (see Bug #79340). Moreover,
without ORDER BY the LIMIT theoretically returns unpredictable rows.
Instead of LIMIT, the user can have a counter column and use a WHERE
on it, to control depth level, which sounds more intelligent than a
"in recursive Common Table Expression");
return true;
Should be:
where SELECT1 is non-recursive, and all non-recursive SELECTs are before
all recursive SELECTs.
In SQL standard terms, the CTE must be "expandable" except that we allow
it to have more than one recursive SELECT.
bool previous_is_recursive = false;
SELECT_LEX *last_non_recursive = NULL;
for (SELECT_LEX *sl = derived->first_select(); sl; sl = sl->next_select()) {
if (sl->is_recursive()) {
if (sl->is_ordered() || sl->has_limit() || sl->is_distinct()) {
On top of posing implementation problems, it looks meaningless to
want to order/limit every iterative sub-result.
SELECT DISTINCT, if all expressions are constant, is implemented
as LIMIT in QEP_TAB::remove_duplicates(); do_select() starts with
send_records=0 so loses track of rows which have been sent in
previous iterations.
" in recursive query block of Common Table Expression");
return true;
if (sl == derived->union_distinct && sl->next_select()) {
after execution of rec2 we must turn off the duplicate-checking
index; it will thus not contain the keys of rows of rec3, so it
becomes permanently unusable. The next iteration of rec1 or rec2
may insert rows which are actually duplicates of those of rec3.
So: if the last QB having DISTINCT to its left is recursive, and
it is followed by another QB (necessarily connected with ALL),
reject the query.
"recursive query blocks with"
" UNION DISTINCT then UNION ALL, in recursive "
"Common Table Expression");
return true;
} else {
if (previous_is_recursive) {
return true;
last_non_recursive = sl;
previous_is_recursive = sl->is_recursive();
if (last_non_recursive == nullptr) {
return true;
derived->first_recursive = last_non_recursive->next_select();
DEBUG_SYNC(thd, "derived_not_set");
derived->derived_table = this;
if (!(derived_result = new (thd->mem_root) Query_result_union()))
return true; /* purecov: inspected */
/// Give the unit to the result (the other fields are ignored).
if (derived_result->prepare(thd, derived->types, derived_unit())) return true;
Prepare the underlying query expression of the derived table.
The SELECT_STRAIGHT_JOIN option prevents semi-join transformation.
if (derived->prepare(thd, derived_result,
!apply_semijoin ? SELECT_STRAIGHT_JOIN : 0, 0))
return true;
if (check_duplicate_names(m_derived_column_names, derived->types, 0))
return true;
if (is_derived()) {
// The underlying tables of a derived table are all readonly:
for (SELECT_LEX *sl = derived->first_select(); sl; sl = sl->next_select())
A derived table is transparent with respect to privilege checking.
This setting means that privilege checks ignore the derived table
and are done properly in underlying base tables and views.
SELECT_ACL is used because derived tables cannot be used for update,
delete or insert.
if (derived->m_lateral_deps) {
select_lex->end_lateral_table = nullptr;
derived->m_lateral_deps &= ~PSEUDO_TABLE_BITS;
if (derived->m_lateral_deps == 0) {
Table doesn't depend on tables in the same FROM clause, so it can be
evaluated once per execution of the parent query; having the map
equal to 0 is like removing the LATERAL word.
} else {
if (check_right_lateral_join(this, derived->m_lateral_deps))
return true;
return false;
/// Helper function for TABLE_LIST::setup_materialized_derived()
static void swap_column_names_of_unit_and_tmp_table(
List<Item> &unit_items, const Create_col_name_list &tmp_table_col_names) {
if (unit_items.elements != tmp_table_col_names.size())
// check_duplicate_names() will find and report error
List_iterator_fast<Item> li(unit_items);
Item *item;
uint fieldnr = 0;
while ((item = li++)) {
const char *s = item->item_name.ptr();
size_t l = item->item_name.length();
LEX_CSTRING &other_name =
const_cast<LEX_CSTRING &>(tmp_table_col_names[fieldnr]);
item->item_name.set(other_name.str, other_name.length);
other_name.str = s;
other_name.length = l;
Prepare a derived table or view for materialization.
@param thd THD pointer
@return false if successful, true if error
bool TABLE_LIST::setup_materialized_derived(THD *thd)
return setup_materialized_derived_tmp_table(thd) ||
Sets up the tmp table to contain the derived table's rows.
@param thd THD pointer
@return false if successful, true if error
bool TABLE_LIST::setup_materialized_derived_tmp_table(THD *thd)
DBUG_ASSERT(is_view_or_derived() && !is_merged() && table == NULL);
DBUG_PRINT("info", ("algorithm: TEMPORARY TABLE"));
Opt_trace_context *const trace = &thd->opt_trace;
Opt_trace_object trace_wrapper(trace);
Opt_trace_object trace_derived(trace, is_view() ? "view" : "derived");
.add("select#", derived->first_select()->select_number)
.add("materialized", true);
// From resolver POV, columns of this table are readonly
if (m_common_table_expr && m_common_table_expr->tmp_tables.size() > 0) {
trace_derived.add("reusing_tmp_table", true);
table = m_common_table_expr->clone_tmp_table(thd, this);
if (table == nullptr) return true; /* purecov: inspected */
derived_result->table = table;
if (table == NULL) {
// Create the result table for the materialization
ulonglong create_options =
derived->first_select()->active_options() | TMP_TABLE_ALL_COLUMNS;
if (m_derived_column_names) {
Tmp table's columns will be created from derived->types (the SELECT
list), names included.
But the user asked that the tmp table's columns use other specified
names. So, we replace the names of SELECT list items with specified
column names, just for the duration of tmp table creation.
// If we're materializing directly into the result and we have a UNION
// DISTINCT query, we're going to need a unique index for deduplication.
// (If we're materializing into a temporary table instead, the deduplication
// will happen on that table, and is not set here.) create_result_table()
// will figure out whether it wants to create it as the primary key or just
// a regular index.
bool is_distinct = derived->can_materialize_directly_into_result(thd) &&
derived->union_distinct != nullptr;
bool rc = derived_result->create_result_table(
thd, &derived->types, is_distinct, create_options, alias, false, false);
if (m_derived_column_names) // Restore names
if (rc) return true; /* purecov: inspected */
table = derived_result->table;
table->pos_in_table_list = this;
if (m_common_table_expr && m_common_table_expr->tmp_tables.push_back(this))
return true; /* purecov: inspected */
// Make table's name same as the underlying materialized table
table->s->tmp_table = NON_TRANSACTIONAL_TMP_TABLE;
// Table is "nullable" if inner table of an outer_join
if (is_inner_table_of_outer_join()) table->set_nullable();
dep_tables |= derived->m_lateral_deps;
return false;
Sets up query blocks belonging to the query expression of a materialized
derived table.
@param thd_arg THD pointer
@return false if successful, true if error
bool SELECT_LEX_UNIT::check_materialized_derived_query_blocks(THD *thd_arg) {
for (SELECT_LEX *sl = first_select(); sl; sl = sl->next_select()) {
// All underlying tables are read-only
Derived tables/view are materialized prior to UPDATE, thus we can skip
them from table uniqueness check
SELECT privilege is needed for all materialized derived tables and views,
and columns must be marked for read.
if (sl->check_view_privileges(thd_arg, SELECT_ACL, SELECT_ACL)) return true;
// Set all selected fields to be read:
// @todo Do not set fields that are not referenced from outer query
DBUG_ASSERT(thd_arg->mark_used_columns == MARK_COLUMNS_READ);
List_iterator<Item> it(sl->all_fields);
Item *item;
Column_privilege_tracker tracker(thd_arg, SELECT_ACL);
Mark_field mf(thd_arg->mark_used_columns);
while ((item = it++)) {
if (item->walk(&Item::check_column_privileges, enum_walk::PREFIX,
(uchar *)thd_arg))
return true;
item->walk(&Item::mark_field_in_map, enum_walk::POSTFIX, (uchar *)&mf);
return false;
Prepare a table function for materialization.
@param thd THD pointer
@return false if successful, true if error
bool TABLE_LIST::setup_table_function(THD *thd) {
DBUG_PRINT("info", ("algorithm: TEMPORARY TABLE"));
Opt_trace_context *const trace = &thd->opt_trace;
Opt_trace_object trace_wrapper(trace);
Opt_trace_object trace_derived(trace, "table_function");
const char *func_name;
uint func_name_len;
func_name = table_function->func_name();
func_name_len = strlen(func_name);
A table function has name resolution context of query which owns FROM
clause. So it automatically is LATERAL. This end_lateral_table is to
make sure a table function won't access tables located after it in FROM
select_lex->end_lateral_table = this;
if (table_function->init()) return true;
// Create the result table for the materialization
if (table_function->create_result_table(0LL, alias))
return true; /* purecov: inspected */
table = table_function->table;
table->pos_in_table_list = this;
table->s->tmp_table = NON_TRANSACTIONAL_TMP_TABLE;
// Table is "nullable" if inner table of an outer_join
if (is_inner_table_of_outer_join()) table->set_nullable();
const char *saved_where = thd->where;
thd->where = "a table function argument";
enum_mark_columns saved_mark = thd->mark_used_columns;
thd->mark_used_columns = MARK_COLUMNS_READ;
if (table_function->init_args()) {
thd->mark_used_columns = saved_mark;
return true;
thd->mark_used_columns = saved_mark;
Trace needs to be here as it'ss print the table, and columns have to be
set up at the moment of printing.
.add_utf8("function_name", func_name, func_name_len)
.add("materialized", true);
select_lex->end_lateral_table = nullptr;
if (check_right_lateral_join(this, table_function->used_tables()))
return true;
thd->where = saved_where;
return false;
Optimize the query expression representing a derived table/view.
If optimizer finds out that the derived table/view is of the type
"SELECT a_constant" this functions also materializes it.
@param thd thread handle
@returns false if success, true if error.
bool TABLE_LIST::optimize_derived(THD *thd) {
SELECT_LEX_UNIT *const unit = derived_unit();
DBUG_ASSERT(unit && !unit->is_optimized());
if (unit->optimize(thd, table) || thd->is_error()) return true;
if (materializable_is_const() &&
(create_materialized_table(thd) || materialize_derived(thd)))
return true;
return false;
Create result table for a materialized derived table/view/table function.
@param thd thread handle
This function actually creates the result table for given 'derived'
table/view, but it doesn't fill it.
@returns false if success, true if error.
bool TABLE_LIST::create_materialized_table(THD *thd) {
// @todo: Be able to assert !table->is_created() as well
DBUG_ASSERT((is_table_function() || derived_unit()) &&
uses_materialization() && table);
if (!table->is_created()) {
Derived_refs_iterator it(this);
while (TABLE *t = it.get_next())
if (t->is_created()) {
if (open_tmp_table(table)) return true; /* purecov: inspected */
Don't create result table if:
1) Table is already created, or
2) Table is a constant one with all NULL values.
if (table->is_created() || // 1
(select_lex->join != NULL && // 2
(select_lex->join->const_table_map & map()))) // 2
At this point, JT_CONST derived tables should be null rows. Otherwise
they would have been materialized already.
#ifndef DBUG_OFF
if (table != NULL) {
QEP_TAB *tab = table->reginfo.qep_tab;
DBUG_ASSERT(tab == NULL || tab->type() != JT_CONST ||
return false;
/* create tmp table */
if (instantiate_tmp_table(thd, table)) return true; /* purecov: inspected */
return false;
Materialize derived table
@param thd Thread handle
Derived table is resolved with temporary table. It is created based on the
queries defined. After temporary table is materialized, if this is not
EXPLAIN, then the entire unit / node is deleted. unit is deleted if UNION is
used for derived table and node is deleted is it is a simple SELECT.
If you use this function, make sure it's not called at prepare.
Due to evaluation of LIMIT clause it can not be used at prepared stage.
@returns false if success, true if error.
bool TABLE_LIST::materialize_derived(THD *thd) {
DBUG_ASSERT(is_view_or_derived() && uses_materialization());
DBUG_ASSERT(table && table->is_created() && !table->materialized);
Derived_refs_iterator it(this);
while (TABLE *t = it.get_next())
if (t->materialized) {
table->materialized = true;
return false;
The with-recursive algorithm needs the table scan to return rows in
insertion order.
For MEMORY and Temptable it is true.
For InnoDB: InnoDB's table scan returns rows in PK order. If the PK
is (not) the autogenerated autoincrement InnoDB ROWID, PK order will (not)
be the same as insertion order.
So let's verify that the table has no MySQL-created PK.
SELECT_LEX_UNIT *const unit = derived_unit();
if (unit->is_recursive()) {
DBUG_ASSERT(table->s->primary_key == MAX_KEY);
if (table->hash_field) {
table->file->ha_index_init(0, false);
// execute unit without cleaning up
bool res = unit->execute(thd);
if (table->hash_field) {
if (!res) {
Here we entirely fix both TABLE_LIST and list of SELECT's as
there were no derived tables
if (derived_result->flush()) res = true; /* purecov: inspected */
table->materialized = true;
return res;
Clean up the query expression for a materialized derived table
bool TABLE_LIST::cleanup_derived(THD *thd) {
DBUG_ASSERT(is_view_or_derived() && uses_materialization());
return derived_unit()->cleanup(thd, false);