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/* Copyright (c) 2015, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
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Parse tree node classes for optimizer hint syntax
#include <sys/types.h>
#include "lex_string.h"
#include "my_compiler.h"
#include "sql/mem_root_array.h"
#include "sql/opt_hints.h"
#include "sql/parse_tree_node_base.h"
#include "sql/sql_show.h"
#include "sql_string.h"
class Item;
class THD;
struct MEM_ROOT;
struct Hint_param_table {
LEX_CSTRING opt_query_block;
typedef Mem_root_array_YY<LEX_CSTRING> Hint_param_index_list;
typedef Mem_root_array_YY<Hint_param_table> Hint_param_table_list;
The class is a base class for representation of the
different types of the hints. For the complex hints
it is also used as a container for additional argumnets.
class PT_hint : public Parse_tree_node {
opt_hints_enum hint_type; // Hint type
bool state; // true if hints is on, false otherwise
PT_hint(opt_hints_enum hint_type_arg, bool switch_state_arg)
: hint_type(hint_type_arg), state(switch_state_arg) {}
opt_hints_enum type() const { return hint_type; }
bool switch_on() const { return state; }
Print warning issuing in processing of the hint.
@param thd Pointer to THD object
@param err_code Error code
@param qb_name_arg QB name
@param table_name_arg table name
@param key_name_arg key name
@param hint Pointer to hint object
virtual void print_warn(THD *thd, uint err_code,
const LEX_CSTRING *qb_name_arg,
LEX_CSTRING *table_name_arg,
LEX_CSTRING *key_name_arg, PT_hint *hint) const;
Append additional hint arguments.
@param thd Pointer to THD object
@param str Pointer to String object
virtual void append_args(const THD *thd MY_ATTRIBUTE((unused)),
String *str MY_ATTRIBUTE((unused))) const {}
class PT_hint_list : public Parse_tree_node {
typedef Parse_tree_node super;
Mem_root_array<PT_hint *> hints;
explicit PT_hint_list(MEM_ROOT *mem_root) : hints(mem_root) {}
Function handles list of the hints we get after
parse procedure. It also creates query block hint
object(Opt_hints_qb) if it does not exists.
@param pc Pointer to Parse_context object
@return true in case of error,
false otherwise
bool contextualize(Parse_context *pc) override;
bool push_back(PT_hint *hint) { return hints.push_back(hint); }
Parse tree hint object for query block level hints.
class PT_qb_level_hint : public PT_hint {
/** Name of query block. */
const LEX_CSTRING qb_name;
/** Bit mask of arguments to hint. */
uint args;
/** List of tables specified in join order hint */
Hint_param_table_list table_list;
typedef PT_hint super;
PT_qb_level_hint(const LEX_CSTRING qb_name_arg, bool switch_state_arg,
enum opt_hints_enum hint_type_arg, uint arg)
: PT_hint(hint_type_arg, switch_state_arg),
args(arg) {}
PT_qb_level_hint(const LEX_CSTRING qb_name_arg, bool switch_state_arg,
enum opt_hints_enum hint_type_arg,
const Hint_param_table_list &table_list_arg)
: PT_hint(hint_type_arg, switch_state_arg),
table_list(table_list_arg) {}
uint get_args() const { return args; }
Function handles query block level hint. It also creates query block hint
object (Opt_hints_qb) if it does not exist.
@param pc Pointer to Parse_context object
@return true in case of error,
false otherwise
bool contextualize(Parse_context *pc) override;
Append hint arguments to given string
@param thd Pointer to THD object
@param str Pointer to String object
void append_args(const THD *thd, String *str) const override;
virtual Hint_param_table_list *get_table_list() { return &table_list; }
Parse tree hint object for table level hints.
class PT_table_level_hint : public PT_hint {
const LEX_CSTRING qb_name;
Hint_param_table_list table_list;
typedef PT_hint super;
PT_table_level_hint(const LEX_CSTRING qb_name_arg,
const Hint_param_table_list &table_list_arg,
bool switch_state_arg, opt_hints_enum hint_type_arg)
: PT_hint(hint_type_arg, switch_state_arg),
table_list(table_list_arg) {}
Function handles table level hint. It also creates
table hint object (Opt_hints_table) if it does not
@param pc Pointer to Parse_context object
@return true in case of error,
false otherwise
bool contextualize(Parse_context *pc) override;
Parse tree hint object for key level hints.
class PT_key_level_hint : public PT_hint {
Hint_param_table table_name;
Hint_param_index_list key_list;
typedef PT_hint super;
PT_key_level_hint(Hint_param_table &table_name_arg,
const Hint_param_index_list &key_list_arg,
bool switch_state_arg, opt_hints_enum hint_type_arg)
: PT_hint(hint_type_arg, switch_state_arg),
key_list(key_list_arg) {}
Function handles key level hint.
It also creates key hint object
(Opt_hints_key) if it does not
@param pc Pointer to Parse_context object
@return true in case of error,
false otherwise
bool contextualize(Parse_context *pc) override;
void append_args(const THD *thd, String *str) const override;
Parse tree hint object for QB_NAME hint.
class PT_hint_qb_name : public PT_hint {
const LEX_CSTRING qb_name;
typedef PT_hint super;
PT_hint_qb_name(const LEX_CSTRING qb_name_arg)
: PT_hint(QB_NAME_HINT_ENUM, true), qb_name(qb_name_arg) {}
Function sets query block name.
@param pc Pointer to Parse_context object
@return true in case of error,
false otherwise
bool contextualize(Parse_context *pc) override;
void append_args(const THD *thd, String *str) const override {
append_identifier(thd, str, qb_name.str, qb_name.length);
Parse tree hint object for MAX_EXECUTION_TIME hint.
class PT_hint_max_execution_time : public PT_hint {
typedef PT_hint super;
ulong milliseconds;
explicit PT_hint_max_execution_time(ulong milliseconds_arg)
milliseconds(milliseconds_arg) {}
Function initializes MAX_EXECUTION_TIME hint
@param pc Pointer to Parse_context object
@return true in case of error,
false otherwise
bool contextualize(Parse_context *pc) override;
void append_args(const THD *, String *str) const override {
class PT_hint_sys_var : public PT_hint {
const LEX_CSTRING sys_var_name;
Item *sys_var_value;
typedef PT_hint super;
explicit PT_hint_sys_var(const LEX_CSTRING sys_var_name_arg,
Item *sys_var_value_arg)
: PT_hint(MAX_HINT_ENUM, true),
sys_var_value(sys_var_value_arg) {}
Function initializes SET_VAR hint.
@param pc Pointer to Parse_context object
@return true in case of error,
false otherwise
bool contextualize(Parse_context *pc) override;
Parse tree hint object for RESOURCE_GROUP hint.
class PT_hint_resource_group : public PT_hint {
const LEX_CSTRING m_resource_group_name;
typedef PT_hint super;
PT_hint_resource_group(const LEX_CSTRING &name)
: PT_hint(RESOURCE_GROUP_HINT_ENUM, true), m_resource_group_name(name) {}
Function initializes resource group name and checks for presence of
resource group. Also it checks for invocation of hint from stored
routines or sub query.
@param pc Pointer to Parse_context object
@return true in case of error,
false otherwise
bool contextualize(Parse_context *pc) override;
Append hint arguments to given string.
@param thd Pointer to THD object.
@param str Pointer to String object.
void append_args(const THD *thd, String *str) const override {
append_identifier(thd, str, m_resource_group_name.str,