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/* Copyright (c) 2013, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0,
as published by the Free Software Foundation.
This program is also distributed with certain software (including
but not limited to OpenSSL) that is licensed under separate terms,
as designated in a particular file or component or in included license
documentation. The authors of MySQL hereby grant you an additional
permission to link the program and your derivative works with the
separately licensed software that they have included with MySQL.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License, version 2.0, for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */
#include "sql/parse_tree_helpers.h"
#include "m_string.h"
#include "my_dbug.h"
#include "my_inttypes.h"
#include "my_sqlcommand.h"
#include "my_sys.h"
#include "mysql/components/services/log_shared.h"
#include "mysql/mysql_lex_string.h"
#include "mysql_com.h"
#include "mysqld_error.h"
#include "sql/auth/auth_acls.h"
#include "sql/derror.h"
#include "sql/handler.h"
#include "sql/mysqld.h"
#include "sql/parse_tree_nodes.h"
#include "sql/resourcegroups/platform/thread_attrs_api.h"
#include "sql/resourcegroups/resource_group_mgr.h" // Resource_group_mgr
#include "sql/sp_head.h"
#include "sql/sp_instr.h"
#include "sql/sp_pcontext.h"
#include "sql/sql_class.h"
#include "sql/sql_error.h"
#include "sql/sql_lex.h"
#include "sql/sql_plugin_ref.h"
#include "sql/system_variables.h"
#include "sql/trigger_def.h"
#include "sql_string.h"
Create an object to represent a SP variable in the Item-hierarchy.
@param thd The current thread.
@param name The SP variable name.
@param spv The SP variable (optional).
@param query_start_ptr Start of the SQL-statement query string (optional).
@param start Start position of the SP variable name in the query.
@param end End position of the SP variable name in the query.
@remark If spv is not specified, the name is used to search for the
variable in the parse-time context. If the variable does not
exist, a error is set and NULL is returned to the caller.
@return An Item_splocal object representing the SP variable, or NULL on error.
Item_splocal *create_item_for_sp_var(THD *thd, LEX_CSTRING name,
sp_variable *spv,
const char *query_start_ptr,
const char *start, const char *end) {
LEX *lex = thd->lex;
size_t spv_pos_in_query = 0;
size_t spv_len_in_query = 0;
sp_pcontext *pctx = lex->get_sp_current_parsing_ctx();
/* If necessary, look for the variable. */
if (pctx && !spv) spv = pctx->find_variable(name.str, name.length, false);
if (!spv) {
my_error(ER_SP_UNDECLARED_VAR, MYF(0), name.str);
return NULL;
DBUG_ASSERT(pctx && spv);
if (lex->reparse_common_table_expr_at != 0) {
This variable doesn't exist in the original query: shouldn't be
substituted for logging.
query_start_ptr = NULL;
if (query_start_ptr) {
/* Position and length of the SP variable name in the query. */
spv_pos_in_query = start - query_start_ptr;
spv_len_in_query = end - start;
Item_splocal *item = new (thd->mem_root) Item_splocal(
name, spv->offset, spv->type, spv_pos_in_query, spv_len_in_query);
#ifndef DBUG_OFF
if (item) item->m_sp = lex->sphead;
return item;
bool find_sys_var_null_base(THD *thd, struct sys_var_with_base *tmp) {
tmp->var = find_sys_var(thd, tmp->base_name.str, tmp->base_name.length);
if (tmp->var == NULL)
my_error(ER_UNKNOWN_SYSTEM_VARIABLE, MYF(0), tmp->base_name.str);
tmp->base_name = NULL_CSTR;
return thd->is_error();
Helper action for a SET statement.
Used to push a system variable into the assignment list.
@param thd the current thread
@param var_with_base the system variable with base name
@param var_type the scope of the variable
@param val the value being assigned to the variable
@return true if error, false otherwise.
bool set_system_variable(THD *thd, struct sys_var_with_base *var_with_base,
enum enum_var_type var_type, Item *val) {
LEX *lex = thd->lex;
sp_head *sp = lex->sphead;
sp_pcontext *pctx = lex->get_sp_current_parsing_ctx();
/* No AUTOCOMMIT from a stored function or trigger. */
if (pctx && var_with_base->var == Sys_autocommit_ptr)
sp->m_flags |= sp_head::HAS_SET_AUTOCOMMIT_STMT;
if (lex->uses_stored_routines() &&
((var_with_base->var == Sys_gtid_next_ptr
|| var_with_base->var == Sys_gtid_next_list_ptr
) ||
Sys_gtid_purged_ptr == var_with_base->var)) {
return true;
if (val && val->type() == Item::FIELD_ITEM &&
((Item_field *)val)->table_name) {
my_error(ER_WRONG_TYPE_FOR_VAR, MYF(0), var_with_base->var->name.str);
return true;
set_var *var = new (thd->mem_root)
set_var(var_type, var_with_base->var, var_with_base->base_name, val);
if (var == nullptr) return true;
return lex->var_list.push_back(var);
Make a new string allocated on THD's mem-root.
@param thd thread handler.
@param start_ptr start of the new string.
@param end_ptr end of the new string.
@return LEX_CSTRING object, containing a pointer to a newly
constructed/allocated string, and its length. The pointer is NULL
in case of out-of-memory error.
LEX_CSTRING make_string(THD *thd, const char *start_ptr, const char *end_ptr) {
size_t length = end_ptr - start_ptr;
return {strmake_root(thd->mem_root, start_ptr, length), length};
Helper action for a SET statement.
Used to SET a field of NEW row.
@param pc the parse context
@param trigger_field_name the NEW-row field name
@param expr_item the value expression being assigned
@param expr_query the value expression query
@return error status (true if error, false otherwise).
bool set_trigger_new_row(Parse_context *pc, LEX_CSTRING trigger_field_name,
Item *expr_item, LEX_CSTRING expr_query) {
THD *thd = pc->thd;
LEX *lex = thd->lex;
sp_head *sp = lex->sphead;
DBUG_ASSERT(sp->m_trg_chistics.action_time == TRG_ACTION_BEFORE &&
(sp->m_trg_chistics.event == TRG_EVENT_INSERT ||
sp->m_trg_chistics.event == TRG_EVENT_UPDATE));
Item_trigger_field *trg_fld = new (pc->mem_root) Item_trigger_field(
POS(), TRG_NEW_ROW, trigger_field_name.str, UPDATE_ACL, false);
if (trg_fld == NULL || trg_fld->itemize(pc, (Item **)&trg_fld)) return true;
DBUG_ASSERT(trg_fld->type() == Item::TRIGGER_FIELD_ITEM);
sp_instr_set_trigger_field *i = new (pc->mem_root)
sp_instr_set_trigger_field(sp->instructions(), lex, trigger_field_name,
trg_fld, expr_item, expr_query);
if (!i) return true;
Let us add this item to list of all Item_trigger_field
objects in trigger.
return sp->add_instr(thd, i);
void sp_create_assignment_lex(THD *thd, const char *option_ptr) {
sp_head *sp = thd->lex->sphead;
We can come here in the following cases:
1. it's a regular SET statement outside stored programs
(thd->lex->sphead is NULL);
2. we're parsing a stored program normally (loading from mysql.proc, ...);
3. we're re-parsing SET-statement with a user variable after meta-data
change. It's guaranteed, that:
- this SET-statement deals with a user/system variable (otherwise, it
would be a different SP-instruction, and we would parse an
- this SET-statement has a single user/system variable assignment
(that's how we generate sp_instr_stmt-instructions for
SET-statements). So, in this case, even if thd->lex->sphead is set, we
should not process further.
if (!sp || // case #1
sp->is_invoked()) // case #3
LEX *old_lex = thd->lex;
LEX *const lex = thd->lex;
/* Set new LEX as if we at start of set rule. */
lex->sql_command = SQLCOM_SET_OPTION;
lex->autocommit = false;
It's a SET statement within SP. It will be either translated
into one or more sp_instr_stmt instructions, or it will be
sp_instr_set / sp_instr_set_trigger_field instructions.
In any case, position of SP-variable can not be determined
reliably. So, we set the start pointer of the current statement
to NULL.
/* Inherit from outer lex. */
lex->option_type = old_lex->option_type;
Create a SP instruction for a SET assignment.
@see sp_create_assignment_lex
@param thd Thread context
@param expr_end_ptr Option-value-expression end pointer
@return false if success, true otherwise.
bool sp_create_assignment_instr(THD *thd, const char *expr_end_ptr) {
LEX *lex = thd->lex;
sp_head *sp = lex->sphead;
We can come here in the following cases:
1. it's a regular SET statement outside stored programs
(lex->sphead is NULL);
2. we're parsing a stored program normally (loading from mysql.proc, ...);
3. we're re-parsing SET-statement with a user variable after meta-data
change. It's guaranteed, that:
- this SET-statement deals with a user/system variable (otherwise, it
would be a different SP-instruction, and we would parse an
- this SET-statement has a single user/system variable assignment
(that's how we generate sp_instr_stmt-instructions for
SET-statements). So, in this case, even if lex->sphead is set, we should not
process further.
if (!sp || // case #1
sp->is_invoked()) // case #3
return false;
if (!lex->var_list.is_empty()) {
/* Extract expression string. */
const char *expr_start_ptr = sp->m_parser_data.get_option_start_ptr();
LEX_CSTRING expr{expr_start_ptr,
static_cast<size_t>(expr_end_ptr - expr_start_ptr)};
/* Construct SET-statement query. */
LEX_CSTRING set_stmt_query;
set_stmt_query.length = expr.length + 3;
char *c = static_cast<char *>(thd->alloc(set_stmt_query.length + 1));
if (!c) return true;
strmake(strmake(c, "SET", 3), expr.str, expr.length);
set_stmt_query.str = c;
We have assignment to user or system variable or option setting, so we
should construct sp_instr_stmt for it.
sp_instr_stmt *i = new (thd->mem_root)
sp_instr_stmt(sp->instructions(), lex, set_stmt_query);
if (!i || sp->add_instr(thd, i)) return true;
/* Remember option_type of the currently parsed LEX. */
enum_var_type inner_option_type = lex->option_type;
if (sp->restore_lex(thd)) return true;
/* Copy option_type to outer lex in case it has changed. */
thd->lex->option_type = inner_option_type;
return false;
Resolve engine by its name
@param thd Thread handler.
@param name Engine's name.
@param is_temp_table True if temporary table.
@param strict Force error if engine is unknown(*).
@param[out] ret Engine object or NULL(**).
@returns true if error is reported(**), otherwise false.
@note *) NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION sql_mode overrides the @c strict parameter.
@note **) If @c strict if false and engine is unknown, the function outputs
a warning, sets @c ret to NULL and returns false (success).
bool resolve_engine(THD *thd, const LEX_CSTRING &name, bool is_temp_table,
bool strict, handlerton **ret) {
plugin_ref plugin = ha_resolve_by_name(thd, &name, is_temp_table);
if (plugin) {
*ret = plugin_data<handlerton *>(plugin);
return false;
if (strict || !is_engine_substitution_allowed(thd)) {
my_error(ER_UNKNOWN_STORAGE_ENGINE, MYF(0), name.str);
return true;
push_warning_printf(thd, Sql_condition::SL_WARNING, ER_UNKNOWN_STORAGE_ENGINE,
*ret = NULL;
return false;
This helper function is responsible for aggregating grants from parser tokens
to containers and masks which can be used during semantic analysis.
@param thd The thread handler
@param privs A list of parser tokens representing roles or privileges.
@return Error state
@retval true An error occurred
@retval false Success
bool apply_privileges(
THD *thd, const Mem_root_array<class PT_role_or_privilege *> &privs) {
LEX *const lex = thd->lex;
for (PT_role_or_privilege *p : privs) {
Privilege *privilege = p->get_privilege(thd);
if (privilege == NULL) return true;
if (privilege->type == Privilege::DYNAMIC) {
// We can push a reference to the PT object since it will have the same
// life time as our dynamic_privileges list.
LEX_CSTRING *grant =
static_cast<LEX_CSTRING *>(thd->alloc(sizeof(LEX_CSTRING)));
grant->str = static_cast<Dynamic_privilege *>(privilege)->ident.str;
grant->length = static_cast<Dynamic_privilege *>(privilege)->ident.length;
char *s = static_cast<Dynamic_privilege *>(privilege)->ident.str;
char *s_end =
s + static_cast<Dynamic_privilege *>(privilege)->ident.length;
while (s != s_end) {
*s = my_toupper(system_charset_info, *s);
} else {
auto grant = static_cast<Static_privilege *>(privilege)->grant;
auto columns = static_cast<Static_privilege *>(privilege)->columns;
if (columns == NULL)
lex->grant |= grant;
else {
for (auto &c : *columns) {
auto new_str =
new (thd->mem_root) String(c.str, c.length, system_charset_info);
if (new_str == NULL) return true;
List_iterator<LEX_COLUMN> iter(lex->columns);
class LEX_COLUMN *point;
while ((point = iter++)) {
if (!my_strcasecmp(system_charset_info, point->column.ptr(),
lex->grant_tot_col |= grant;
if (point)
point->rights |= grant;
else {
LEX_COLUMN *col = new (thd->mem_root) LEX_COLUMN(*new_str, grant);
if (col == NULL) return true;
} // end for
return false;
bool validate_vcpu_range(const resourcegroups::Range &range) {
auto vcpus = resourcegroups::Resource_group_mgr::instance()->num_vcpus();
for (resourcegroups::platform::cpu_id_t cpu : {range.m_start, range.m_end}) {
if (cpu >= vcpus) {
my_error(ER_INVALID_VCPU_ID, MYF(0), cpu);
return true;
return false;
bool validate_resource_group_priority(THD *thd, int *priority,
const LEX_CSTRING &name,
const resourcegroups::Type &type) {
auto mgr_ptr = resourcegroups::Resource_group_mgr::instance();
if (mgr_ptr->thread_priority_available()) {
int min = resourcegroups::platform::min_thread_priority_value();
int max = resourcegroups::platform::max_thread_priority_value();
if (type == resourcegroups::Type::USER_RESOURCE_GROUP)
min = 0;
max = 0;
if (*priority < min || *priority > max) {
my_error(ER_INVALID_THREAD_PRIORITY, MYF(0), *priority,
mgr_ptr->resource_group_type_str(type), name.str, min, max);
return true;
} else if (*priority != 0) {
push_warning_printf(thd, Sql_condition::SL_WARNING, ER_ATTRIBUTE_IGNORED,
ER_THD(thd, ER_ATTRIBUTE_IGNORED), "thread_priority",
"using default value");
*priority = 0;
return false;
bool check_resource_group_support() {
auto res_grp_mgr = resourcegroups::Resource_group_mgr::instance();
if (!res_grp_mgr->resource_group_support()) {
my_error(ER_FEATURE_UNSUPPORTED, MYF(0), "Resource Groups",
return true;
return false;
bool check_resource_group_name_len(
const LEX_CSTRING &name, Sql_condition::enum_severity_level severity) {
if (name.length <= NAME_CHAR_LEN) {
return false;
if (severity == Sql_condition::SL_ERROR) {
my_error(ER_TOO_LONG_IDENT, MYF(0), name.str);
} else {
push_warning_printf(current_thd, Sql_condition::SL_WARNING,
ER_THD(current_thd, ER_TOO_LONG_IDENT), name.str);
return true;