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// This file is based on the following file from the LZMA SDK (http://www.7-zip.org/sdk.html):
// ./CPP/Windows/PropVariant.h
#pragma once
#include "../CPP/Common/MyTypes.h"
#include "../CPP/Common/MyWindows.h"
namespace SevenZip
namespace intl
class CPropVariant : public PROPVARIANT
CPropVariant() { vt = VT_EMPTY; wReserved1 = 0; }
~CPropVariant() { Clear(); }
CPropVariant(const PROPVARIANT &varSrc);
CPropVariant(const CPropVariant &varSrc);
CPropVariant(BSTR bstrSrc);
CPropVariant(LPCOLESTR lpszSrc);
CPropVariant(bool bSrc) { vt = VT_BOOL; wReserved1 = 0; boolVal = (bSrc ? VARIANT_TRUE : VARIANT_FALSE); };
CPropVariant(Byte value) { vt = VT_UI1; wReserved1 = 0; bVal = value; }
CPropVariant(Int16 value) { vt = VT_I2; wReserved1 = 0; iVal = value; }
CPropVariant(Int32 value) { vt = VT_I4; wReserved1 = 0; lVal = value; }
CPropVariant(UInt32 value) { vt = VT_UI4; wReserved1 = 0; ulVal = value; }
CPropVariant(UInt64 value) { vt = VT_UI8; wReserved1 = 0; uhVal.QuadPart = value; }
CPropVariant(const FILETIME &value) { vt = VT_FILETIME; wReserved1 = 0; filetime = value; }
CPropVariant& operator=(const CPropVariant &varSrc);
CPropVariant& operator=(const PROPVARIANT &varSrc);
CPropVariant& operator=(BSTR bstrSrc);
CPropVariant& operator=(LPCOLESTR lpszSrc);
CPropVariant& operator=(const char *s);
CPropVariant& operator=(bool bSrc);
CPropVariant& operator=(Byte value);
CPropVariant& operator=(Int16 value);
CPropVariant& operator=(Int32 value);
CPropVariant& operator=(UInt32 value);
CPropVariant& operator=(Int64 value);
CPropVariant& operator=(UInt64 value);
CPropVariant& operator=(const FILETIME &value);
HRESULT Clear();
HRESULT InternalClear();
void InternalCopy(const PROPVARIANT *pSrc);
int Compare(const CPropVariant &a1);