用于EagleEye3.0 规则集漏报和误报测试的示例项目,项目收集于github和gitee
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#pragma once
#include <unknown/obj-ref-i.h>
#include <sobject/sobject-i.h>
#include <interface/STimelineHandler-i.h>
namespace SOUI
struct SOUI_EXP ICaret : public IObjRef, public IObject, public ITimelineHandler
virtual BOOL Init(HBITMAP hBmp, int nWid, int nHei) = 0;
virtual void SetPosition(int x, int y) = 0;
virtual BOOL SetVisible(BOOL bVisible,SWND owner) = 0;
virtual BOOL IsVisible() const = 0;
virtual void Draw(IRenderTarget *pRT) = 0;
virtual RECT GetRect() const = 0;