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* Copyright (C) 2014-2050 SOUI group
* All rights reserved.
* @file imgdecoder-i.h
* @brief
* @version v1.0
* @author soui group
* @date 2014-05-28
* Describe
#pragma once
#include <unknown/obj-ref-i.h>
namespace SOUI
* @struct IImgFrame
* @brief a image frame
* Describe
struct IImgFrame
* GetSize
* @brief get image size in pixel
* @param [out] UINT * pWid -- image width
* @param [out] UINT * pHei -- image height
* @return BOOL -- TRUE: succeed; FALSE: failed
* Describe
virtual BOOL GetSize(UINT *pWid,UINT *pHei)=0;
* CopyPixels
* @brief copy pixel data to the output buffer
* @param [in] const RECT * prc -- The rectangle to copy. A NULL value specifies the entire bitmap.
* @param [in] UINT cbStride -- The stride of the bitmap
* @param [in] UINT cbBufferSize -- The size of the buffer.
* @param [out] BYTE * pbBuffer -- A pointer to the buffer
* @return BOOL TRUE if successful, or FALSE otherwise.
* Describe
virtual BOOL CopyPixels(
/* [unique][in] */ const RECT *prc,
/* [in] */ UINT cbStride,
/* [in] */ UINT cbBufferSize,
/* [size_is][out] */ BYTE *pbBuffer) = 0;
* GetDelay
* @brief get delay for a frame of a gif image
* @return int time in MS*10
* Describe
virtual int GetDelay() = 0;
* @struct IImgX
* @brief image data
* Describe
struct IImgX : public IObjRef
* LoadFromMemory
* @brief load image data from a mememory buffer
* @param void * pBuf -- point of buffer
* @param size_t bufLen -- size of buffer
* @return int
* Describe
virtual int LoadFromMemory(void *pBuf,size_t bufLen)=0;
* LoadFromFile
* @brief load image from file
* @param LPCWSTR pszFileName -- file name in unicode
* @return int
* Describe
virtual int LoadFromFile(LPCWSTR pszFileName)=0;
* LoadFromFile
* @brief load image from file
* @param LPCSTR pszFileName -- file name in char
* @return int
* Describe
virtual int LoadFromFile(LPCSTR pszFileName)=0;
* GetFrameCount
* @brief get frame count of the image data
* @return UINT -- image frame count
* Describe
virtual UINT GetFrameCount()=0;
* GetFrame
* @brief get frame data
* @param UINT iFrame -- the target frame index
* @return IImgFrame * -- the associated image frame with the input frame index
* Describe
virtual IImgFrame * GetFrame(UINT iFrame)=0;
struct IBitmap;
* @struct IImgDecoderFactory
* @brief image decoder factory
* Describe
struct IImgDecoderFactory : public IObjRef
* CreateImgX
* @brief create a IImgX object
* @param [out] IImgX * * ppImgDecoder -- the created IImgX
* @return BOOL
* Describe
virtual BOOL CreateImgX(IImgX **ppImgDecoder)=0;
* SaveImage
* @brief Write a IBitmap Object to File with the specified format
* @param [in] IBitmap *pImg -- IBitmap Object
* @param [in] LPCWSTR pszFileName -- file name
* @param [in] LPVOID pFormat -- format param
* @return HRESULT
* Describe
virtual HRESULT SaveImage(IBitmap *pImg, LPCWSTR pszFileName, const LPVOID pFormat)
return E_NOTIMPL;
* GetImgDecoderDesc
* @brief query image decoder description
* @return LPCWSTR
* Describe
virtual LPCWSTR GetDescription() const
return NULL;