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/* Copyright (c) 2000, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
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@file sql/sql_executor.h
Classes for query execution.
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include "my_base.h"
#include "my_compiler.h"
#include "my_inttypes.h"
#include "sql/item.h"
#include "sql/row_iterator.h"
#include "sql/sql_class.h" // THD
#include "sql/sql_lex.h"
#include "sql/sql_opt_exec_shared.h" // QEP_shared_owner
#include "sql/table.h"
#include "sql/temp_table_param.h" // Temp_table_param
class CacheInvalidatorIterator;
class Field;
class Field_longlong;
class Filesort;
class Item_sum;
class JOIN;
class JOIN_TAB;
class Opt_trace_object;
class QEP_TAB;
struct POSITION;
template <class T>
class List;
Possible status of a "nested loop" operation (Next_select_func family of
All values except NESTED_LOOP_OK abort the nested loop.
enum enum_nested_loop_state {
Thread shutdown was requested while processing the record
@todo could it be merged with NESTED_LOOP_ERROR? Why two distinct states?
/// A fatal error (like table corruption) was detected
/// Record has been successfully handled
Record has been successfully handled; additionally, the nested loop
produced the number of rows specified in the LIMIT clause for the query.
Record has been successfully handled; additionally, there is a cursor and
the nested loop algorithm produced the number of rows that is specified
for current cursor fetch operation.
typedef enum_nested_loop_state (*Next_select_func)(JOIN *, class QEP_TAB *,
Temporary table used by semi-join DuplicateElimination strategy
This consists of the temptable itself and data needed to put records
into it. The table's DDL is as follows:
where the primary key can be replaced with unique constraint if n exceeds
the limit (as it is always done for query execution-time temptables).
The record value is a concatenation of rowids of tables from the join we're
executing. If a join table is on the inner side of the outer join, we
assume that its rowid can be NULL and provide means to store this rowid in
the tuple.
class SJ_TMP_TABLE {
SJ_TMP_TABLE() : hash_field(NULL) {}
Array of pointers to tables whose rowids compose the temporary table
class TAB {
QEP_TAB *qep_tab;
uint rowid_offset;
ushort null_byte;
uchar null_bit;
TAB *tabs;
TAB *tabs_end;
is_confluent==true means this is a special case where the temptable record
has zero length (and presence of a unique key means that the temptable can
have either 0 or 1 records).
In this case we don't create the physical temptable but instead record
its state in SJ_TMP_TABLE::have_confluent_record.
bool is_confluent;
When is_confluent==true: the contents of the table (whether it has the
record or not).
bool have_confluent_row;
/* table record parameters */
uint null_bits;
uint null_bytes;
uint rowid_len;
/* The temporary table itself (NULL means not created yet) */
TABLE *tmp_table;
/* Pointer to next table (next->start_idx > this->end_idx) */
/* Calc hash instead of too long key */
Field_longlong *hash_field;
Executor structure for the materialized semi-join info, which contains
- Description of expressions selected from subquery
- The sj-materialization temporary table
class Semijoin_mat_exec {
Semijoin_mat_exec(TABLE_LIST *sj_nest, bool is_scan, uint table_count,
uint mat_table_index, uint inner_table_index)
: sj_nest(sj_nest),
table(NULL) {}
~Semijoin_mat_exec() {}
TABLE_LIST *const sj_nest; ///< Semi-join nest for this materialization
const bool is_scan; ///< true if executing a scan, false if lookup
const uint table_count; ///< Number of tables in the sj-nest
const uint mat_table_index; ///< Index in join_tab for materialized table
const uint inner_table_index; ///< Index in join_tab for first inner table
Temp_table_param table_param; ///< The temptable and its related info
TABLE *table; ///< Reference to temporary table
QEP_operation is an interface class for operations in query execution plan.
Currently following operations are implemented:
JOIN_CACHE - caches partial join result and joins with attached table
QEP_tmp_table - materializes join result in attached table
An operation's life cycle is as follows:
.) it is initialized on the init() call
.) accumulates records one by one when put_record() is called.
.) finalize record sending when end_send() is called.
.) free all internal buffers on the free() call.
Each operation is attached to a join_tab, to which exactly depends on the
operation type: JOIN_CACHE is attached to the table following the table
being cached, QEP_tmp_buffer is attached to a tmp table.
class QEP_operation {
// Type of the operation
enum enum_op_type { OT_CACHE, OT_TMP_TABLE };
For JOIN_CACHE : Table to be joined with the partial join records from
the cache
For JOIN_TMP_BUFFER : join_tab of tmp table
QEP_TAB *qep_tab;
QEP_operation() : qep_tab(NULL) {}
QEP_operation(QEP_TAB *qep_tab_arg) : qep_tab(qep_tab_arg) {}
virtual ~QEP_operation() {}
virtual enum_op_type type() = 0;
Initialize operation's internal state. Called once per query execution.
virtual int init() { return 0; }
Put a new record into the operation's buffer
return one of enum_nested_loop_state values.
virtual enum_nested_loop_state put_record() = 0;
Finalize records sending.
virtual enum_nested_loop_state end_send() = 0;
Internal state cleanup.
virtual void mem_free() {}
Class for accumulating join result in a tmp table, grouping them if
necessary, and sending further.
Join result records are accumulated on the put_record() call.
The accumulation process is determined by the write_func, it could be:
end_write Simply store all records in tmp table.
end_write_group Perform grouping using join->group_fields,
records are expected to be sorted.
end_update Perform grouping using the key generated on tmp
table. Input records aren't expected to be sorted.
Tmp table uses the heap engine
end_update_unique Same as above, but the engine is myisam.
Lazy table initialization is used - the table will be instantiated and
rnd/index scan started on the first put_record() call.
class QEP_tmp_table : public QEP_operation {
QEP_tmp_table(QEP_TAB *qep_tab_arg)
: QEP_operation(qep_tab_arg), write_func(NULL) {}
enum_op_type type() { return OT_TMP_TABLE; }
enum_nested_loop_state put_record() { return put_record(false); }
Send the result of operation further (to a next operation/client)
This function is called after all records were put into the buffer
(determined by the caller).
@return return one of enum_nested_loop_state values.
enum_nested_loop_state end_send();
/** write_func setter */
void set_write_func(Next_select_func new_write_func) {
write_func = new_write_func;
Next_select_func get_write_func() const { return write_func; }
/** Write function that would be used for saving records in tmp table. */
Next_select_func write_func;
enum_nested_loop_state put_record(bool end_of_records);
bool prepare_tmp_table();
void setup_tmptable_write_func(QEP_TAB *tab, Opt_trace_object *trace);
enum_nested_loop_state sub_select_op(JOIN *join, QEP_TAB *qep_tab,
bool end_of_records);
enum_nested_loop_state end_send_group(JOIN *join, QEP_TAB *qep_tab,
bool end_of_records);
enum_nested_loop_state end_write_group(JOIN *join, QEP_TAB *qep_tab,
bool end_of_records);
enum_nested_loop_state sub_select(JOIN *join, QEP_TAB *qep_tab,
bool end_of_records);
enum_nested_loop_state evaluate_join_record(JOIN *join, QEP_TAB *qep_tab,
int error);
enum_nested_loop_state end_send_count(JOIN *join, QEP_TAB *qep_tab);
bool copy_fields(Temp_table_param *param, const THD *thd);
enum Copy_func_type {
In non-windowing step, copies functions
In windowing step, copies framing window function, including
all grouping aggregates, e.g. SUM, AVG and FIRST_VALUE, LAST_VALUE.
In windowing step, copies non framing window function, e.g.
ROW_NUMBER, RANK, DENSE_RANK, except those that are two_pass cf.
copy_two_pass_window_functions which are treated separately.
In windowing step, copies window functions that need frame cardinality,
that is we need to read all rows of a partition before we can compute the
wf's value for the the first row in the partition.
In windowing step, copies framing window functions that read only one row
per frame.
In first windowing step, copies non-window functions which do not rely on
window functions, i.e. those that have Item::has_wf() == false.
In final windowing step, copies all non-wf functions. Must be called after
all wfs have been evaluated, as non-wf functions may reference wf,
e.g. 1+RANK.
Copies all window functions.
Copies all items that are expressions containing aggregates, but are not
themselves aggregates. Such expressions are typically split into their
constituent parts during setup_fields(), such that the parts that are
_not_ aggregates are replaced by Item_refs that point into a slice.
See AggregateIterator::Read() for more details.
bool copy_funcs(Temp_table_param *, const THD *thd,
Copy_func_type type = CFT_ALL);
// Combines copy_fields() and copy_funcs().
bool copy_fields_and_funcs(Temp_table_param *param, const THD *thd,
Copy_func_type type = CFT_ALL);
Copy the lookup key into the table ref's key buffer.
@param thd pointer to the THD object
@param table the table to read
@param ref information about the index lookup key
@retval false ref key copied successfully
@retval true error dectected during copying of key
bool cp_buffer_from_ref(THD *thd, TABLE *table, TABLE_REF *ref);
/** Help function when we get some an error from the table handler. */
int report_handler_error(TABLE *table, int error);
int safe_index_read(QEP_TAB *tab);
int join_read_const_table(JOIN_TAB *tab, POSITION *pos);
void join_setup_iterator(QEP_TAB *tab);
int join_materialize_derived(QEP_TAB *tab);
int join_materialize_table_function(QEP_TAB *tab);
int join_materialize_semijoin(QEP_TAB *tab);
int do_sj_dups_weedout(THD *thd, SJ_TMP_TABLE *sjtbl);
int update_item_cache_if_changed(List<Cached_item> &list);
// Create list for using with tempory table
bool change_to_use_tmp_fields(List<Item> &all_fields,
size_t num_select_elements, THD *thd,
Ref_item_array ref_item_array,
List<Item> *res_selected_fields,
List<Item> *res_all_fields);
// Create list for using with tempory table
bool change_refs_to_tmp_fields(List<Item> &all_fields,
size_t num_select_elements, THD *thd,
Ref_item_array ref_item_array,
List<Item> *res_selected_fields,
List<Item> *res_all_fields);
bool prepare_sum_aggregators(Item_sum **func_ptr, bool need_distinct);
bool setup_sum_funcs(THD *thd, Item_sum **func_ptr);
bool make_group_fields(JOIN *main_join, JOIN *curr_join);
bool setup_copy_fields(List<Item> &all_fields, size_t num_select_elements,
THD *thd, Temp_table_param *param,
Ref_item_array ref_item_array,
List<Item> *res_selected_fields,
List<Item> *res_all_fields);
bool check_unique_constraint(TABLE *table);
ulonglong unique_hash(Field *field, ulonglong *hash);
class QEP_TAB : public QEP_shared_owner {
: QEP_shared_owner(),
lateral_derived_tables_depend_on_me(0) {}
/// Initializes the object from a JOIN_TAB
void init(JOIN_TAB *jt);
// Cleans up.
void cleanup();
// Getters and setters
Item *condition_optim() const { return m_condition_optim; }
QUICK_SELECT_I *quick_optim() const { return m_quick_optim; }
void set_quick_optim() { m_quick_optim = quick(); }
void set_condition_optim() { m_condition_optim = condition(); }
bool keyread_optim() const { return m_keyread_optim; }
void set_keyread_optim() {
if (table()) m_keyread_optim = table()->key_read;
bool reversed_access() const { return m_reversed_access; }
void set_reversed_access(bool arg) { m_reversed_access = arg; }
void set_table(TABLE *t) {
if (t) t->reginfo.qep_tab = this;
bool temporary_table_deduplicates() const {
return m_temporary_table_deduplicates;
void set_temporary_table_deduplicates(bool arg) {
m_temporary_table_deduplicates = arg;
bool using_table_scan() const { return m_using_table_scan; }
void set_using_table_scan(bool arg) { m_using_table_scan = arg; }
/// @returns semijoin strategy for this table.
uint get_sj_strategy() const;
/// Return true if join_tab should perform a FirstMatch action
bool do_firstmatch() const { return firstmatch_return != NO_PLAN_IDX; }
/// Return true if join_tab should perform a LooseScan action
bool do_loosescan() const { return loosescan_key_len; }
/// Return true if join_tab starts a Duplicate Weedout action
bool starts_weedout() const { return flush_weedout_table; }
/// Return true if join_tab finishes a Duplicate Weedout action
bool finishes_weedout() const { return check_weed_out_table; }
bool prepare_scan();
Instructs each lateral derived table depending on this QEP_TAB, to
rematerialize itself before emitting rows.
void refresh_lateral();
A helper function that allocates appropriate join cache object and
sets next_select function of previous tab.
void init_join_cache(JOIN_TAB *join_tab);
@returns query block id for an inner table of materialized semi-join, and
0 for all other tables.
@note implementation is not efficient (loops over all tables) - use this
function only in EXPLAIN.
uint sjm_query_block_id() const;
/// @returns whether this is doing QS_DYNAMIC_RANGE
bool dynamic_range() const {
if (!position()) return false; // tmp table
return using_dynamic_range;
bool use_order() const; ///< Use ordering provided by chosen index?
bool sort_table();
bool remove_duplicates();
inline bool skip_record(THD *thd, bool *skip_record_arg) {
*skip_record_arg = condition() ? condition()->val_int() == false : false;
return thd->is_error();
Used to begin a new execution of a subquery. Necessary if this subquery
has done a filesort which which has cleared condition/quick.
void restore_quick_optim_and_condition() {
if (m_condition_optim) set_condition(m_condition_optim);
if (m_quick_optim) set_quick(m_quick_optim);
void pick_table_access_method();
void push_index_cond(const JOIN_TAB *join_tab, uint keyno,
Opt_trace_object *trace_obj);
/// @return the index used for a table in a QEP
uint effective_index() const;
bool pfs_batch_update(JOIN *join) const;
/// Pointer to table reference
TABLE_LIST *table_ref;
/* Variables for semi-join duplicate elimination */
SJ_TMP_TABLE *flush_weedout_table;
SJ_TMP_TABLE *check_weed_out_table;
If set, means we should stop join enumeration after we've got the first
match and return to the specified join tab. May be PRE_FIRST_PLAN_IDX
which means stopping join execution after the first match.
plan_idx firstmatch_return;
Length of key tuple (depends on #keyparts used) to store in loosescan_buf.
If zero, means that loosescan is not used.
uint loosescan_key_len;
/* Buffer to save index tuple to be able to skip duplicates */
uchar *loosescan_buf;
If doing a LooseScan, this QEP is the first (i.e. "driving")
QEP_TAB, and match_tab points to the last QEP_TAB handled by the strategy.
match_tab->found_match should be checked to see if the current value group
had a match.
If doing a FirstMatch, check this QEP_TAB to see if there is a match.
Unless the FirstMatch performs a "split jump", this is equal to the
current QEP_TAB.
plan_idx match_tab;
Used by FirstMatch and LooseScan. true <=> there is a matching
record combination
bool found_match;
Used to decide whether an inner table of an outer join should produce NULL
values. If it is true after a call to evaluate_join_record(), the join
condition has been satisfied for at least one row from the inner
table. This member is not really manipulated by this class, see sub_select
for details on its use.
bool found;
This member is true as long as we are evaluating rows from the inner
tables of an outer join. If none of these rows satisfy the join condition,
we generated NULL-complemented rows and set this member to false. In the
meantime, the value may be read by triggered conditions, see
bool not_null_compl;
plan_idx first_unmatched; /**< used for optimization purposes only */
/// Dependent table functions have to be materialized on each new scan
bool rematerialize;
typedef int (*Setup_func)(QEP_TAB *);
Setup_func materialize_table;
bool using_dynamic_range = false;
Next_select_func next_select;
unique_ptr_destroy_only<RowIterator> iterator;
// join-cache-related members
bool used_null_fields;
bool used_uneven_bit_fields;
// Whether the row ID is needed for this table, and where the row ID can be
// found.
// If rowid_status != NO_ROWID_NEEDED, it indicates that this table is part of
// weedout. In order for weedout to eliminate duplicate rows, it needs a
// unique ID for each row it reads. In general, any operator that needs the
// row ID should ask the storage engine directly for the ID of the last row
// read by calling handler::position(). However, it is not that simple...
// As mentioned, position() will ask the storage engine to provide the row ID
// of the last row read. But some iterators (i.e. HashJoinIterator) buffer
// rows, so that the last row returned by i.e. HashJoinIterator is not
// necessarily the same as the last row returned by the storage engine.
// This means that any iterator that buffers rows without using a temporary
// table must store and restore the row ID itself. If a temporary table is
// used, the temporary table engine will provide the row ID.
// When creating the iterator tree, any iterator that needs to interact with
// row IDs must adhere to the following rules:
// 1. Any iterator that buffers rows without using a temporary table must
// store and restore the row ID if rowid_status != NO_ROWID_NEEDED.
// In addition, they must mark that they do so by changing the value of
// rowid_status to ROWID_PROVIDED_BY_ITERATOR_READ_CALL in their
// constructor.
// 2. Any iterator that needs the row ID (currently only WeedoutIterator)
// must check rowid_status to see if they should call position() or trust
// that a row ID is provided by another iterator. Note that when filesort
// sorts by row ID, it handles everything regarding row ID itself.
// It manages this because sorting by row ID always goes through a
// temporary table, which in turn will provide the row ID to filesort.
// 3. As the value of rowid_status may change while building the iterator
// tree, all iterators interacting with row IDs must cache the
// value they see in their constructor.
// Consider the following example:
// Weedout (t1,t3)
// |
// Nested loop
// / |
// Hash join t3
// / |
// t1 t2
// During query planning, rowid_status will be set to
// NEED_TO_CALL_POSITION_FOR_ROWID on t1 and t3 due to the planned weedout.
// When the iterator tree is constructed, the hash join constructor will be
// called first. It caches the value of rowid_status for t1 per rule 3 above,
// and changes the value to ROWID_PROVIDED_BY_ITERATOR_READ_CALL per rule 1.
// This notifies any iterator above itself that they should not call
// position(). When the nested loop constructor is called, nothing happens, as
// the iterator does not interact with row IDs in any way. When the weedout
// constructor is called, it caches the value of rowid_status for t1 and t3
// per rule 3. During execution, the weedout will call position() on t3,
// since rowid_status was NEED_TO_CALL_POSITION_FOR_ROWID when the iterator
// was constructed. It will not call position() on t1, as rowid_status was set
// to ROWID_PROVIDED_BY_ITERATOR_READ_CALL by the hash join iterator.
// Note that if you have a NULL-complemented row, there is no guarantee that
// position() will provide a valid row ID, or not even a valid row ID pointer.
// So all operations must check for NULL-complemented rows before trying to
// use/copy a row ID.
rowid_statuses rowid_status{NO_ROWID_NEEDED};
// Helper structure for copying the row ID. Only used by BNL and BKA in the
// non-iterator executor.
CACHE_FIELD *copy_current_rowid;
/** true <=> remove duplicates on this table. */
bool needs_duplicate_removal = false;
// If we have a query of the type SELECT DISTINCT t1.* FROM t1 JOIN t2
// ON ..., (ie., we join in one or more tables that we don't actually
// read any columns from), we can stop scanning t2 as soon as we see the
// first row. This pattern seems to be a workaround for lack of semijoins
// in older versions of MySQL.
bool not_used_in_distinct;
/// Index condition for BKA access join
Item *cache_idx_cond;
/** HAVING condition for checking prior saving a record into tmp table*/
Item *having;
QEP_operation *op;
/* Tmp table info */
Temp_table_param *tmp_table_param;
/* Sorting related info */
Filesort *filesort;
Slice number of the ref items array to switch to before reading rows from
this table.
uint ref_item_slice;
/** Number of records saved in tmp table */
ha_rows send_records;
/// @see m_quick_optim
Item *m_condition_optim;
m_quick is the quick "to be used at this stage of execution".
It can happen that filesort uses the quick (produced by the optimizer) to
produce a sorted result, then the read of this result has to be done
without "quick", so we must reset m_quick to NULL, but we want to delay
freeing of m_quick or it would close the filesort's result and the table
In that case, we move m_quick to m_quick_optim (=> delay deletion), reset
m_quick to NULL (read of filesort's result will be without quick); if
this is a subquery which is later executed a second time,
QEP_TAB::reset() will restore the quick from m_quick_optim into m_quick.
quick_optim stands for "the quick decided by the optimizer".
EXPLAIN reads this member and m_condition_optim; so if you change them
after exposing the plan (setting plan_state), do it with the
LOCK_query_plan mutex.
QUICK_SELECT_I *m_quick_optim;
True if only index is going to be read for this table. This is the
optimizer's decision.
bool m_keyread_optim;
True if reversed scan is used. This is the optimizer's decision.
bool m_reversed_access;
Count of rows fetched from this table; maintained by sub_select() and
reset to 0 by JOIN::reset().
Only used by the pre-iterator executor.
ha_rows m_fetched_rows;
Maps of all lateral derived tables which should be refreshed when
execution reads a new row from this table.
@note that if a LDT depends on t1 and t2, and t2 is after t1 in the plan,
then only t2::lateral_derived_tables_depend_on_me gets the map of the
LDT, for efficiency (less useless calls to QEP_TAB::refresh_lateral())
and clarity in EXPLAIN.
table_map lateral_derived_tables_depend_on_me;
Mem_root_array<const CacheInvalidatorIterator *> *invalidators = nullptr;
If this table is a temporary table used for whole-JOIN materialization
(e.g. before sorting): true iff the table deduplicates, typically by way
of an unique index.
Otherwise, unused.
bool m_temporary_table_deduplicates = false;
True if iterator is a TableScanIterator. Used so that we can know whether
to stream directly across derived tables and into sorts (we cannot if there
is a ref access).
bool m_using_table_scan = false;
If this table is a recursive reference(to a CTE), contains a pointer to the
iterator here. This is so that MaterializeIterator can get a list of all
such iterators, to coordinate rematerialization and other signals.
FollowTailIterator *recursive_iterator = nullptr;
QEP_TAB(const QEP_TAB &); // not defined
QEP_TAB &operator=(const QEP_TAB &); // not defined
@returns a pointer to the QEP_TAB whose index is qtab->member. For
example, QEP_AT(x,first_inner) is the first_inner table of x.
#define QEP_AT(qtab, member) (qtab->join()->qep_tab[qtab->member])
Use this class when you need a QEP_TAB not connected to any JOIN_TAB.
class QEP_TAB_standalone {
QEP_TAB_standalone() { m_qt.set_qs(&m_qs); }
~QEP_TAB_standalone() { m_qt.cleanup(); }
/// @returns access to the QEP_TAB
QEP_TAB &as_QEP_TAB() { return m_qt; }
QEP_shared m_qs;
QEP_TAB m_qt;
void copy_sum_funcs(Item_sum **func_ptr, Item_sum **end_ptr);
bool set_record_buffer(const QEP_TAB *tab);
bool init_sum_functions(Item_sum **func_ptr, Item_sum **end_ptr);
void init_tmptable_sum_functions(Item_sum **func_ptr);
bool update_sum_func(Item_sum **func_ptr);
void update_tmptable_sum_func(Item_sum **func_ptr, TABLE *tmp_table);
bool has_rollup_result(Item *item);
If a condition cannot be applied right away, for instance because it is a
WHERE condition and we're on the right side of an outer join, we have to
return it up so that it can be applied on a higher recursion level.
This structure represents such a condition.
struct PendingCondition {
Item *cond;
int table_index_to_attach_to; // -1 means “on the last possible outer join”.
unique_ptr_destroy_only<RowIterator> PossiblyAttachFilterIterator(
unique_ptr_destroy_only<RowIterator> iterator,
const std::vector<Item *> &conditions, THD *thd);
void SplitConditions(Item *condition,
std::vector<Item *> *predicates_below_join,
std::vector<PendingCondition> *predicates_above_join);
bool process_buffered_windowing_record(THD *thd, Temp_table_param *param,
const bool new_partition_or_eof,
bool *output_row_ready);
bool buffer_windowing_record(THD *thd, Temp_table_param *param,
bool *new_partition);
bool bring_back_frame_row(THD *thd, Window &w, Temp_table_param *out_param,
int64 rowno,
enum Window::retrieve_cached_row_reason reason,
int fno = 0);
void ConvertItemsToCopy(List<Item> *items, Field **fields,
Temp_table_param *param, JOIN *join);