用于EagleEye3.0 规则集漏报和误报测试的示例项目,项目收集于github和gitee
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/* Copyright (c) 2016, 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
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@file sql/histograms/equi_height.h
Equi-height histogram.
This file defines the class representing an equi-height histogram.
An equi-height histogram converted to a JSON object, follows the following
// Last time the histogram was updated. As of now, this means "when the
// histogram was created" (incremental updates are not supported). Date/time
// is given in UTC.
"last-updated": "2015-11-04 15:19:51.000000",
// Histogram type. Always "equi-height" for equi-height histograms.
// -- J_STRING
"histogram-type": "equi-height",
// Fraction of NULL values. This is the total fraction of NULL values in the
// original data set.
// -- J_DOUBLE
"null-values": 0.1,
// Histogram buckets. May be an empty array, if for instance the source
// only contain NULL values.
// -- J_ARRAY
// Lower inclusive value.
// -- Data type depends on the source column.
// Upper inclusive value.
// -- Data type depends on the source column.
// Cumulative frequence
// -- J_DOUBLE
// Number of distinct values in this bucket.
// -- J_UINT
#include <cstddef> // size_t
#include <set>
#include <string> // std::string
#include "sql/histograms/equi_height_bucket.h" // IWYU pragma: keep
#include "sql/histograms/histogram.h" // Histogram, value_map_type
#include "sql/histograms/value_map_type.h"
class Json_array;
class Json_object;
namespace histograms {
struct Histogram_comparator;
} // namespace histograms
struct MEM_ROOT;
template <class T>
class Memroot_allocator;
namespace histograms {
namespace equi_height {
template <class T>
class Bucket;
} // namespace equi_height
template <class T>
class Equi_height : public Histogram {
/// String representation of the histogram type EQUI-HEIGHT.
static constexpr const char *equi_height_str() { return "equi-height"; }
/// The buckets for this histogram.
std::set<equi_height::Bucket<T>, Histogram_comparator,
Create Equi-height buckets from a JSON array.
This function will add new buckets to the current histogram by going through
the provided JSON array. Contents are allocated as needed on the current
histograms MEM_ROOT.
@param json_bucket a JSON array containing the histogram buckets
@return true on error, false otherwise
bool add_bucket_from_json(const Json_array *json_bucket);
Find the fraction of values that is less than or equal to 'value'.
This function will estimate the fraction of values that is less than or
equal to the provided value.
@param value The value to estimate the selectivity for.
@return the selectivity between 0.0 and 1.0 inclusive.
double get_less_than_equal_selectivity(const T &value) const;
Populate this histogram with contents from a JSON object.
@param json_object a JSON object that represents an Equi-height histogram
@return true on error, false otherwise.
bool json_to_histogram(const Json_object &json_object) override;
Find the fraction of values equal to 'value'.
This function will estimate the fraction of values that is equal to the
provided value.
@param value The value to estimate the selectivity for.
@return the selectivity between 0.0 and 1.0 inclusive.
double get_equal_to_selectivity(const T &value) const;
Find the fraction of values that is less than 'value'.
This function will estimate the fraction of values that is less than the
provided value.
@param value The value to estimate the selectivity for.
@return the selectivity between 0.0 and 1.0 inclusive.
double get_less_than_selectivity(const T &value) const;
Find the fraction of values that is greater than 'value'.
This function will estimate the fraction of values that is greater than the
provided value.
@param value The value to estimate the selectivity for.
@return the selectivity between 0.0 and 1.0 inclusive.
double get_greater_than_selectivity(const T &value) const;
Equi-height constructor.
This will not build the histogram, but only set its properties.
@param mem_root the mem_root where the histogram contents will be allocated
@param db_name name of the database this histogram represents
@param tbl_name name of the table this histogram represents
@param col_name name of the column this histogram represents
@param data_type the type of data that this histogram contains
Equi_height(MEM_ROOT *mem_root, const std::string &db_name,
const std::string &tbl_name, const std::string &col_name,
Value_map_type data_type);
Equi-height copy-constructor
This will take a copy of the histogram and all of its contents on the
provided MEM_ROOT.
@param mem_root the MEM_ROOT to allocate the new histogram on.
@param other the histogram to take a copy of
Equi_height(MEM_ROOT *mem_root, const Equi_height<T> &other);
Equi_height(const Equi_height<T> &other) = delete;
Build the histogram.
This function will build a new histogram from a "value map". The function
will create at most num_buckets buckets, but may use less.
@param value_map a value map, where the map key is a value and the
map value is the absolute frequency for that value
@param num_buckets maximum number of buckets to create
@return true on error, false otherwise
bool build_histogram(const Value_map<T> &value_map, size_t num_buckets);
@return number of buckets in this histogram
size_t get_num_buckets() const override { return m_buckets.size(); }
Get the estimated number of distinct non-NULL values.
@return number of distinct non-NULL values
size_t get_num_distinct_values() const override;
Convert this histogram to a JSON object.
This function will take the contents of the current histogram and put
it in the output parameter "json_object".
@param[in,out] json_object output where the histogram is to be stored The
caller is responsible for allocating/deallocating the JSON
@return true on error, false otherwise
bool histogram_to_json(Json_object *json_object) const override;
Returns the histogram type as a readable string.
@return a readable string representation of the histogram type
std::string histogram_type_to_str() const override;
Make a clone of this histogram on a MEM_ROOT.
@param mem_root the MEM_ROOT to allocate the new histogram contents on.
@return a copy of the histogram allocated on the provided MEM_ROOT.
Histogram *clone(MEM_ROOT *mem_root) const override;
} // namespace histograms