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// Copyright (c) 2017, 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0,
// as published by the Free Software Foundation.
// This program is also distributed with certain software (including
// but not limited to OpenSSL) that is licensed under separate terms,
// as designated in a particular file or component or in included license
// documentation. The authors of MySQL hereby grant you an additional
// permission to link the program and your derivative works with the
// separately licensed software that they have included with MySQL.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License, version 2.0, for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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/// @file
/// This file declares the geometry class hierarchy used by the server as the
/// internal representation of geometries.
/// The hierarchy is closely modelled after the hierarchy in SFA-CA
/// (OGC 06-103r4), but since Boost.Geometry depends on type traits to
/// know if a geometry is in a Cartesian or geographic SRS, there are
/// Cartesian and geographic specializations of each instantiable type
/// in the SFA-CA. These are defined in geometries_cs.h.
/// Because of Boost.Geometry, iterators have to be of coordinate system
/// specific types. It is therefore not possible to have the standard begin()
/// and end() iterators in the common superclass. Instead, operator[] is
/// provided as a coordinate system agnostic option.
/// @see geometries_cs.h
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdint>
namespace gis {
/// Types of geometry objects. Not all are instantiable.
/// The values and the storage type are the same as used in WKB.
enum class Geometry_type : std::uint32_t {
kGeometry = 0,
kPoint = 1,
kLinestring = 2,
kPolygon = 3,
kMultipoint = 4,
kMultilinestring = 5,
kMultipolygon = 6,
kGeometrycollection = 7
// kMulticurve = 11,
// kMultisurface = 12,
// kCurve = 13,
// kSurface = 14,
/// Types of coordinate systems.
enum class Coordinate_system {
/// A Cartesian plane with the same unit in both directions.
kCartesian = 0,
/// An ellipsoidal system with longitude and latitude coordinates,
/// both in the same unit.
kGeographic = 1
/// Direction of a ring.
enum class Ring_direction {
/// Clockwise.
kCW = 0,
/// Counterclockwise.
kCCW = 1,
/// Unknown.
/// Used only as an output value when the function is unable to determine the
/// ring direction, e.g., if the ring contains only repetitions of the same
/// point, or if there is a spike in the ring.
kUnknown = 2
class Geometry_visitor;
/// Abstract superclass for all geometric objects.
/// Geometry is a non-instantiable type in SQL.
/// The hierarchy is first divided into abstract classes according to the SFA-CA
/// geometry type hierarchy, and then divided into concrete subclasses for each
/// coordinate system.
class Geometry {
Geometry() = default;
virtual ~Geometry() = default;
Geometry(const Geometry &) = default;
Geometry &operator=(const Geometry &) = default;
/// Gets the geometry type of the object.
/// @return The type of this object
virtual Geometry_type type() const = 0;
/// Gets the coordinate system.
/// @return The coordiante system type.
virtual Coordinate_system coordinate_system() const = 0;
/// Applies a hierarchical visitor to this geometry.
/// @see gis::Geometry_visitor
/// @param v A hierarchical visitor.
/// @retval true The execution was aborted by the visitor.
/// @retval false The execution completed.
virtual bool accept(Geometry_visitor *v) = 0;
/// Check if this is an empty geometry.
/// The definition of empty geometries is the one in SFA-CA (OGC 06-103r4,
/// Sect., i.e., an empty point set.
/// @note This is different from the function "empty", which returns true if a
/// geometry contains no subgeometries. E.g., a geometry collection may
/// contain another geometry collection which is empty. In this case, the
/// "empty" function would return false on the outermost geometry collection,
/// while "is_empty" would return true.
/// @retval true The geometry represents the empty point set.
/// @retval false The geometry represent a non-empty point set.
virtual bool is_empty() const = 0;
/// A 2d point.
/// Point is an instantiable type in SQL.
class Point : public Geometry {
Point() : m_x(std::nan("")), m_y(std::nan("")) {}
Point(double x, double y) : m_x(x), m_y(y) {}
Geometry_type type() const override { return Geometry_type::kPoint; }
bool accept(Geometry_visitor *v) override;
bool is_empty() const override {
return (std::isnan(m_x) || std::isnan(m_y));
/// Gets a coordinate value.
/// This function signature must match the expectations of Boost.Geometry.
/// @tparam K Coordinate number, zero indexed.
/// @return The coordinate value.
template <std::size_t K>
double get() const;
/// Gets the first coordinate value.
/// For geographic points, the first coordinate is longitude.
/// @return The first coordinate value.
double x() const;
/// Gets the second coordinate value.
/// For geographic points, the second coordinate is latitude.
/// @return The second coordinate value.
double y() const;
/// Sets a coordinate.
/// This function signature must match the expectations of Boost.Geometry.
/// @tparam K Coordinate number, zero indexed.
/// @param d The coordinate value.
template <std::size_t K>
void set(double d);
/// Sets the first coordinate value.
/// For geographic points, the first coordinate is longitude.
/// @param d The coordinate value.
void x(double d);
/// Sets the second coordinate value.
/// For geographic points, the second coordinate is latitude.
/// @param d The coordinate value.
void y(double d);
/// First coordinate (X or longitude).
/// Geographic coordinates are in radians, positive to the East of
/// Greenwich. Cartesian coordinates are in the SRSs length unit.
double m_x;
/// Second coordinate (Y or latitude).
/// Geographic coordinates are in radians, positive to the North of the
/// Equator. Cartesian coordinates are in the SRSs length unit.
double m_y;
/// Compares two points.
/// The point with the lowest X coordinate is the smaller point. If X
/// coordinates are equal, the point with the lowest Y coordinate is the
/// smaller.
/// @param lhs Left hand side.
/// @param rhs Right hand side.
/// @retval true Left hand side sorts before right hand side.
/// @retval false Left hand side does not sort before right hand side.
inline bool operator<(const Point &lhs, const Point &rhs) {
return (lhs.x() < rhs.x()) || (lhs.x() == rhs.x() && lhs.y() < rhs.y());
/// An abstract 2d curve.
/// Curve is a non-instantiable type in SQL.
class Curve : public Geometry {
Geometry_type type() const override = 0;
bool accept(Geometry_visitor *v) override = 0;
/// A string of connected line segments.
/// Linestring is an instantiable type in SQL.
/// According to the SFA-CA, linestrings have a linear interpolation between
/// points. In MySQL, a linestring represents the geodesic. On a plane, this is
/// linear interpolation, but on an ellipsoid, it's the shortest path along the
/// ellipsoid surface.
class Linestring : public Curve {
Geometry_type type() const override { return Geometry_type::kLinestring; }
bool accept(Geometry_visitor *v) override = 0;
bool is_empty() const override { return empty(); }
/// Adds a point to the end of the linestring.
/// @param pt The point to add.
virtual void push_back(const Point &pt) = 0;
virtual void push_back(Point &&pt) = 0;
/// Checks if the linestring is empty.
/// Here, the definition of empty is that the linestring does not contain any
/// points. An invalid linestring with only one coordinate is not empty.
/// @retval true The linestring is empty.
/// @retval false The linestring is not empty.
virtual bool empty() const = 0;
/// Returns the size of (number of points in) the linestring.
/// @return Number of points in the linestring.
virtual std::size_t size() const = 0;
/// Removes all points from the linestring.
virtual void clear() noexcept = 0;
virtual Point &operator[](std::size_t i) = 0;
virtual const Point &operator[](std::size_t i) const = 0;
/// A ring-shaped linestring.
/// Linearring is a non-instantiable type in SQL. It is used to represent
/// polygon rings.
/// The start and end point of the linestring must be the same (assumed, but not
/// enforced, by the implementation).
class Linearring : public Linestring {
bool accept(Geometry_visitor *v) override = 0;
/// An abstract 2d surface.
/// Surface is a non-instantiable type in SQL.
class Surface : public Geometry {
bool accept(Geometry_visitor *v) override = 0;
Geometry_type type() const override = 0;
/// A polygon consisting of an outer ring and zero or more interior rings
/// defining holes in the polygon.
/// Polygon is an instantiable type in SQL.
/// The interior rings must be inside the exterior ring (not enforced by the
/// implementation).
class Polygon : public Surface {
Geometry_type type() const override { return Geometry_type::kPolygon; }
bool accept(Geometry_visitor *v) override = 0;
bool is_empty() const override { return empty(); }
/// Adds a linear ring to the polygon.
/// The first ring will become the exterior ring. All following rings will be
/// interior rings (holes).
/// @param lr The linear ring to add.
virtual void push_back(const Linearring &lr) = 0;
virtual void push_back(Linearring &&lr) = 0;
/// Checks if the polygon is empty.
/// The polygon is considered empty if it has no rings.
/// @retval true The polygon is empty.
/// @retval false The polygon is not empty.
virtual bool empty() const = 0;
/// Returns the size of the polygon.
/// @return Number of rings in the polygon (exterior + interior).
virtual std::size_t size() const = 0;
/// Returns the exterior ring of the polygon.
/// @note If the polygon currently has no exterior ring, an empty one is
/// added.
/// @return The exterior ring.
virtual Linearring &exterior_ring() = 0;
/// Returns an interior ring of the polygon.
/// @param n Ring number, zero indexed.
/// @return The interior ring.
virtual Linearring &interior_ring(std::size_t n) = 0;
/// A collection of geometries.
/// Geometrycollection is an instantiable type in SQL. It is the only
/// instantiable non-leaf geometry type.
/// The Geometrycollection class places no restrictions on type, overlapping,
/// etc. Subclasses do.
class Geometrycollection : public Geometry {
Geometry_type type() const override {
return Geometry_type::kGeometrycollection;
bool accept(Geometry_visitor *v) override = 0;
/// Adds a geometry to the collection.
/// @param g The geometry to add.
virtual void push_back(const Geometry &g) = 0;
virtual void push_back(Geometry &&g) = 0;
/// Checks if the collection is empty.
/// @retval true The polygon is empty.
/// @retval false The polygon is not empty.
virtual bool empty() const = 0;
/// Returns the size of the geometrycollection.
/// @return Number of geometries in the geometrycollection.
virtual std::size_t size() const = 0;
/// Resizes the geometrycollection to contain a given number of elements.
/// If the new size is smaller than the current size, the remaining geometries
/// are discarded.
/// @param[in] count The new number of geometries.
virtual void resize(std::size_t count) = 0;
/// Removes all geometries from the geometrycollection.
virtual void clear() noexcept = 0;
virtual Geometry &operator[](std::size_t i) = 0;
virtual const Geometry &operator[](std::size_t i) const = 0;
/// A collection of points.
/// Multipoint is an instantiable type in SQL.
class Multipoint : public Geometrycollection {
Geometry_type type() const override { return Geometry_type::kMultipoint; }
bool accept(Geometry_visitor *v) override = 0;
/// An abstract collection of curves.
/// Multicurve is a non-instantiable type in SQL.
class Multicurve : public Geometrycollection {
Geometry_type type() const override = 0;
bool accept(Geometry_visitor *v) override = 0;
/// A colletion of linestrings.
/// Multilinestring is an instantiable type in SQL.
class Multilinestring : public Multicurve {
Geometry_type type() const override {
return Geometry_type::kMultilinestring;
bool accept(Geometry_visitor *v) override = 0;
/// An abstract collection of surfaces.
/// Multisurface is a non-instantiable type in SQL.
class Multisurface : public Geometrycollection {
Geometry_type type() const override = 0;
bool accept(Geometry_visitor *v) override = 0;
/// A collection of polygons.
/// Multipolygon is an instantiable type in SQL.
class Multipolygon : public Multisurface {
Geometry_type type() const override { return Geometry_type::kMultipolygon; }
bool accept(Geometry_visitor *v) override = 0;
/// Get the type name string corresponding to a geometry type.
/// @param type The geometry type.
/// @return A string containing the type name (in uppercase).
const char *type_to_name(Geometry_type type);
} // namespace gis