用于EagleEye3.0 规则集漏报和误报测试的示例项目,项目收集于github和gitee
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@file sql/float_compare.h
Comparison functions for floating point values.
#include <cmath> // std::isnan, std::signbit, std::isinf
#include <cstdint> // int64_t, int32_t
#include <cstdlib> // std::abs
class Float_compare {
union Double_t {
Double_t(double value) : double_value(value) {}
int64_t integer_part;
double double_value;
union Float_t {
Float_t(float value) : float_value(value) {}
int32_t integer_part;
float float_value;
Return the ULP difference between two floats.
@param val1 first value
@param val2 second value
@return the difference in ULPs between the two values
static int32_t get_ulp_diff(float val1, float val2) {
Float_t a(val1);
Float_t b(val2);
return std::abs(a.integer_part - b.integer_part);
Return the ULP difference between two doubles.
@param val1 first value
@param val2 second value
@return the difference in ULPs between the two values
static int64_t get_ulp_diff(double val1, double val2) {
Double_t a(val1);
Double_t b(val2);
return std::abs(a.integer_part - b.integer_part);
Compare floating point values for "almost equal".
The implementation is based ULPs (Units in the Last Place), which works
something like the following:
A nice property of double values is that if they are interpreted (not
converted or cast) as an 64-bit integer, increasing the integer value by one
gives us the next representable double value. Thus, by interpreting two
double values aD, bD as 64-bit integers aI, bI, the absolute difference
between aI and bI tells us how many representable double values there are
between aD and bD.
The above only works if aD and dB have the same sign. However, if their sign
is different we can safely assume that the two values aren't "almost equal".
An interesting side-effect of the above is that the ULP difference between
DBL_MAX and INFINITY is only 1, since INFINITY is the next representable
double value after DBL_MAX. This means that DBL_MAX and INFINITY are
considered "almost equal" unless we have some special handling for INFINITY.
By adjusting the allowed difference in ULPs, we can control how close the
numbers should be to compare as "almost equal". The default ULP difference
is set to 4, which is the same what googletest uses.
For further reading, see:
@param val1 first value
@param val2 second value
@param max_ulp_diff the maximum difference in ULPs between val1 and
@return true if the two values are considered to be almost equal
template <class T>
static bool almost_equal(T val1, T val2,
val2)) max_ulp_diff = 4) {
According to IEEE standard, any comparison involving a NaN must return
if (std::isnan(val1) || std::isnan(val2)) return false;
// If the numbers have different signs, they are not equal.
if (std::signbit(val1) != std::signbit(val2)) {
//...but check for equality, since we should consider -0.0 equal to 0.0.
return val1 == val2;
// Infinity should not be equal to any other than itself.
if (std::isinf(val1) != std::isinf(val2)) return false;
// Find the difference in ULPs.
const auto ulp_diff = get_ulp_diff(val1, val2);
if (ulp_diff < max_ulp_diff) return true;
return false;