用于EagleEye3.0 规则集漏报和误报测试的示例项目,项目收集于github和gitee
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/* Copyright (c) 2000, 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
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This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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@file mysys/my_windac.cc
#ifdef _WIN32
#include "m_string.h"
#include "my_pointer_arithmetic.h"
#include "my_sys.h"
#include "mysql/service_mysql_alloc.h"
#include "mysys_priv.h"
/* Windows NT/2000 discretionary access control utility functions. */
Check if the operating system is built on NT technology.
0 Windows 95/98/Me
1 otherwise
static bool is_nt() { return GetVersion() < 0x80000000; }
Auxilary structure to store pointers to the data which we need to keep
around while SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES is in use.
struct My_security_attr {
PSID everyone_sid;
PACL dacl;
Allocate and initialize SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES setting up access
rights for the owner and group `Everybody'.
psa [OUT] pointer to store the pointer to SA in
perror [OUT] pointer to store error message if there was an
owner_rights [IN] access rights for the owner
everyone_rights [IN] access rights for group Everybody
Set up the security attributes to provide clients with sufficient
access rights to a kernel object. We need this function
because if we simply grant all access to everybody (by installing
a NULL DACL) a mailicious user can attempt a denial of service
attack by taking ownership over the kernel object. Upon successful
return `psa' contains a pointer to SECUIRITY_ATTRIBUTES that can be used
to create kernel objects with proper access rights.
0 success, psa is 0 or points to a valid SA structure,
perror is left intact
!0 error, SA is set to 0, error message is stored in perror
int my_security_attr_create(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES **psa, const char **perror,
DWORD owner_rights, DWORD everyone_rights) {
/* Top-level SID authority */
PSID everyone_sid = 0;
HANDLE htoken = 0;
PACL dacl = 0;
DWORD owner_token_length, dacl_length;
PTOKEN_USER owner_token;
PSID owner_sid;
My_security_attr *attr;
if (!is_nt()) {
*psa = 0;
return 0;
Get SID of Everyone group. Easier to retrieve all SIDs each time
this function is called than worry about thread safety.
if (!AllocateAndInitializeSid(&world_auth, 1, SECURITY_WORLD_RID, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, &everyone_sid)) {
*perror = "Failed to retrieve the SID of Everyone group";
goto error;
Get SID of the owner. Using GetSecurityInfo this task can be done
in just one call instead of five, but GetSecurityInfo declared in
aclapi.h, so I hesitate to use it.
SIC: OpenThreadToken works only if there is an active impersonation
token, hence OpenProcessToken is used.
if (!OpenProcessToken(GetCurrentProcess(), TOKEN_QUERY, &htoken)) {
*perror = "Failed to retrieve thread access token";
goto error;
GetTokenInformation(htoken, TokenUser, 0, 0, &owner_token_length);
if (!my_multi_malloc(
key_memory_win_SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES, MYF(MY_WME), &sa,
ALIGN_SIZE(sizeof(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES)) + sizeof(My_security_attr),
&sd, sizeof(SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR), &owner_token, owner_token_length,
0)) {
*perror = "Failed to allocate memory for SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES";
goto error;
memset(owner_token, 0, owner_token_length);
if (!GetTokenInformation(htoken, TokenUser, owner_token, owner_token_length,
&owner_token_length)) {
*perror = "GetTokenInformation failed";
goto error;
owner_sid = owner_token->User.Sid;
if (!IsValidSid(owner_sid)) {
*perror = "IsValidSid failed";
goto error;
/* Calculate the amount of memory that must be allocated for the DACL */
dacl_length = sizeof(ACL) + (sizeof(ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE) - sizeof(DWORD)) * 2 +
GetLengthSid(everyone_sid) + GetLengthSid(owner_sid);
/* Create an ACL */
if (!(dacl = (PACL)my_malloc(key_memory_win_PACL, dacl_length,
*perror = "Failed to allocate memory for DACL";
goto error;
if (!InitializeAcl(dacl, dacl_length, ACL_REVISION)) {
*perror = "Failed to initialize DACL";
goto error;
if (!AddAccessAllowedAce(dacl, ACL_REVISION, everyone_rights, everyone_sid)) {
*perror = "Failed to set up DACL";
goto error;
if (!AddAccessAllowedAce(dacl, ACL_REVISION, owner_rights, owner_sid)) {
*perror = "Failed to set up DACL";
goto error;
if (!InitializeSecurityDescriptor(sd, SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_REVISION)) {
*perror = "Could not initialize security descriptor";
goto error;
if (!SetSecurityDescriptorDacl(sd, true, dacl, false)) {
*perror = "Failed to install DACL";
goto error;
sa->nLength = sizeof(*sa);
sa->bInheritHandle = true;
sa->lpSecurityDescriptor = sd;
/* Save pointers to everyone_sid and dacl to be able to clean them up */
attr = (My_security_attr *)(((char *)sa) + ALIGN_SIZE(sizeof(*sa)));
attr->everyone_sid = everyone_sid;
attr->dacl = dacl;
*psa = sa;
return 0;
if (everyone_sid) FreeSid(everyone_sid);
if (htoken) CloseHandle(htoken);
*psa = 0;
return 1;
Cleanup security attributes freeing used memory.
sa security attributes
void my_security_attr_free(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES *sa) {
if (sa) {
My_security_attr *attr =
(My_security_attr *)(((char *)sa) + ALIGN_SIZE(sizeof(*sa)));
PACL dacl_from_descriptor = nullptr;
BOOL dacl_present_in_descriptor = FALSE;
BOOL dacl_defaulted = FALSE;
// If the DACL in the descriptor is not the same as that in the
// My_security_attr, it will have been created by a call to SetEntriesInAcl
// and thus must be freed by a call to LocalFree.
if (GetSecurityDescriptorDacl(sa->lpSecurityDescriptor,
&dacl_from_descriptor, &dacl_defaulted) &&
dacl_present_in_descriptor && !dacl_defaulted &&
attr->dacl != dacl_from_descriptor) {
#endif /* _WIN32 */