用于EagleEye3.0 规则集漏报和误报测试的示例项目,项目收集于github和gitee
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drop database if exists `mysqltest1`;
drop database if exists `mysqltest-1`;
drop database if exists `#mysql50#mysqltest-1`;
# Special handling of the #mysql50# prefix has been removed.
# It is now treated as any other identifier part. I.e. it has to
# be quoted and will remain part of the identifier name.
create database `mysqltest1`;
create database `#mysql50#mysqltest-1`;
create table `mysqltest1`.`t1` (a int);
create table `mysqltest1`.`#mysql50#t-1` (a int);
create table `#mysql50#mysqltest-1`.`t1` (a int);
create table `#mysql50#mysqltest-1`.`#mysql50#t-1` (a int);
show create database `mysqltest1`;
--error 1049
show create database `mysqltest-1`;
show create database `#mysql50#mysqltest-1`;
show tables in `mysqltest1`;
show tables in `#mysql50#mysqltest-1`;
show create database `mysqltest1`;
show create database `#mysql50#mysqltest-1`;
show tables in `mysqltest1`;
show tables in `#mysql50#mysqltest-1`;
drop database `mysqltest1`;
drop database `#mysql50#mysqltest-1`;
# Bug#17142: Crash if create with encoded name
drop table if exists `txu@0023p@0023p1`;
drop table if exists `txu#p#p1`;
create table `txu#p#p1` (s1 int);
insert into `txu#p#p1` values (1);
--error 1146
select * from `txu@0023p@0023p1`;
create table `txu@0023p@0023p1` (s1 int);
insert into `txu@0023p@0023p1` values (2);
select * from `txu@0023p@0023p1`;
select * from `txu#p#p1`;
drop table `txu@0023p@0023p1`;
drop table `txu#p#p1`;
use test;
--echo # End of 5.0 tests
--echo #
--echo # Bug #53804: serious flaws in the alter database .. upgrade data
--echo # directory name command
--echo #
# ... UPGRADE DATA DICTIONARY NAME syntax has been removed.
# #mysql50# is now treated as any other db name
USE `#mysql50#.`;
USE `#mysql50#../blablabla`;
--echo # End of 5.1 tests