用于EagleEye3.0 规则集漏报和误报测试的示例项目,项目收集于github和gitee
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# Clean up after previous tests
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t1, `t``1`, `t 1`;
drop view if exists v1;
drop database if exists client_test_db;
# Repair any tables in mysql, sometimes the slow_log is marked as crashed
# after server has been killed
--exec $MYSQL_CHECK --repair --databases mysql > /dev/null 2>&1
# Create a dummy ndb_binlog_index in case we run without ndb to get similar results
SET @have_ndb= (select count(engine) from information_schema.engines where engine='ndbcluster');
SET @create_cmd="CREATE TABLE mysql.ndb_binlog_index (i INTEGER PRIMARY KEY)
SET @drop_cmd="DROP TABLE mysql.ndb_binlog_index";
SET @create = IF(@have_ndb = 0, @create_cmd, 'SET @dummy = 0');
SET @drop = IF(@have_ndb = 0, @drop_cmd, 'SET @dummy = 0');
PREPARE create_stmt FROM @create;
PREPARE drop_stmt FROM @drop;
EXECUTE create_stmt;
DROP PREPARE create_stmt;
# Bug #13783 mysqlcheck tries to optimize and analyze information_schema
--replace_result 'Table is already up to date' OK
# Filter out ndb_binlog_index to mask differences due to running with or
# without ndb.
--replace_regex /mysql.ndb_binlog_index.*\n//
--exec $MYSQL_CHECK --all-databases --analyze
# Filter out ndb_binlog_index to mask differences due to running with or
# without ndb.
--replace_regex /mysql.ndb_binlog_index.*\n//
--exec $MYSQL_CHECK --all-databases --optimize
--replace_result 'Table is already up to date' OK
# Filter out ndb_binlog_index to mask differences due to running with or
# without ndb.
--replace_regex /mysql.ndb_binlog_index.*\n//
--exec $MYSQL_CHECK --analyze --databases test information_schema mysql
# Filter out ndb_binlog_index to mask differences due to running with or
# without ndb.
--replace_regex /mysql.ndb_binlog_index.*\n//
--exec $MYSQL_CHECK --optimize --databases test information_schema mysql
--exec $MYSQL_CHECK --analyze information_schema schemata
--exec $MYSQL_CHECK --optimize information_schema schemata
# Drop dummy ndb_binlog_index table
EXECUTE drop_stmt;
DROP PREPARE drop_stmt;
# Bug#39541 CHECK TABLE on information_schema myisam tables produces error
create view v1 as select * from information_schema.routines;
check table v1, information_schema.routines;
drop view v1;
--echo End of 5.0 tests
# WL#3126 TCP address binding for mysql client library;
# - running mysqlcheck --protcol=tcp --bind-address=
--exec $MYSQL_CHECK --protocol=tcp --bind-address= --databases test
--echo End of 5.1 tests
--echo #
--echo # Bug #35269: mysqlcheck behaves different depending on order of parameters
--echo #
--error 1
--exec $MYSQL_CHECK -aoc test "#mysql50#t1-1"
--echo #
--echo #
CREATE DATABASE b12688860_db;
--exec $MYSQL_CHECK -uroot --password="" b12688860_db 2>&1
DROP DATABASE b12688860_db;
--echo #
--echo # WL#2284: Increase the length of a user name
--echo #
CREATE USER 'user_with_length_32_abcdefghijkl'@'localhost';
GRANT ALL ON *.* TO 'user_with_length_32_abcdefghijkl'@'localhost';
--exec $MYSQL_CHECK --host= -P $MASTER_MYPORT --user=user_with_length_32_abcdefghijkl --protocol=TCP mysql user
DROP USER 'user_with_length_32_abcdefghijkl'@'localhost';
--echo End of tests