用于EagleEye3.0 规则集漏报和误报测试的示例项目,项目收集于github和gitee
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

75 lines
1.5 KiB

# Testing of comments
select 1+2/*hello*/+3;
select 1 /* long
multi line comment */;
--error 1065
select 1 /*!32301 +1 */;
select 1 /*!999999 +1 */;
select 1--1;
# Note that the following returns 4 while it should return 2
# This is because the mysqld server doesn't parse -- comments
select 1 --2
select 1 # The rest of the row will be ignored
/* line with only comment */;
# End of 4.1 tests
# Bug#25411 (trigger code truncated)
select 1/*!2*/;
select 1/*!000002*/;
select 1/*!999992*/;
select 1 + /*!00000 2 */ + 3 /*!99999 noise*/ + 4;
# Bug#28779 (mysql_query() allows execution of statements with unbalanced
# comments)
drop table if exists table_28779;
create table table_28779 (a int);
--error 1064
prepare bar from "DELETE FROM table_28779 WHERE a = 7 OR 1=1/*' AND b = 'bar';";
--error 1064
prepare bar from "DELETE FROM table_28779 WHERE a = 7 OR 1=1/*' AND b = 'bar';*";
--error 1064
prepare bar from "DELETE FROM table_28779 WHERE a = 7 OR 1=1/*! AND 2=2;";
--error 1064
prepare bar from "DELETE FROM table_28779 WHERE a = 7 OR 1=1/*! AND 2=2;*";
--error 1064
prepare bar from "DELETE FROM table_28779 WHERE a = 7 OR 1=1/*!98765' AND b = 'bar';";
--error 1064
prepare bar from "DELETE FROM table_28779 WHERE a = 7 OR 1=1/*!98765' AND b = 'bar';*";
drop table table_28779;
--echo #
--echo # WL#12099: Deprecate nested comments in 8.0
--echo #
SELECT 1 /*!99999 /* */ */;
SELECT 2 /*!12345 /* */ */;
SELECT 3 /*! /* */ */;