Overall Result: FAIL |
Report Production | Report Configuration | Analysis phases |
Number of Violations | LDRA Code | (M) Mandatory Standards | MISRA-C:2012 Code |
36 S | ||
54 S | ||
66 S | ||
407 S | ||
480 S | ||
483 S | ||
484 S | ||
496 S | ||
545 S | ||
591 S | ||
614 S | ||
631 S | ||
2 D | ||
48 D | ||
51 D | ||
53 D | ||
69 D | ||
98 D |
Number of Violations | LDRA Code | Required Standards | MISRA-C:2012 Code |
1 S | ||
9 S | ||
11 S | ||
12 S | ||
20 S | ||
21 S | ||
30 S | ||
35 S | ||
37 S | ||
39 S | ||
43 S | ||
44 S | ||
47 S | ||
48 S | ||
50 S | ||
51 S | ||
52 S | ||
57 S | ||
59 S | ||
60 S | ||
61 S | ||
62 S | ||
63 S | ||
64 S | ||
65 S | ||
71 S | ||
72 S | ||
73 S | ||
76 S | ||
78 S | ||
83 S | ||
86 S | ||
88 S | ||
92 S | ||
93 S | ||
94 S | ||
95 S | ||
96 S | ||
100 S | ||
101 S | ||
102 S | ||
103 S | ||
104 S | ||
105 S | ||
107 S | ||
112 S | ||
113 S | ||
114 S | ||
118 S | ||
119 S |
Number of Violations | LDRA Code | Required Standards | MISRA-C:2012 Code |
120 S | ||
121 S | ||
122 S | ||
123 S | ||
125 S | ||
126 S | ||
127 S | ||
128 S | ||
130 S | ||
131 S | ||
132 S | ||
134 S | ||
135 S | ||
136 S | ||
139 S | ||
140 S | ||
145 S | ||
147 S | ||
156 S | ||
157 S | ||
172 S | ||
176 S | ||
203 S | ||
218 S | ||
219 S | ||
243 S | ||
245 S | ||
248 S | ||
249 S | ||
252 S | ||
270 S | ||
271 S | ||
276 S | ||
296 S | ||
322 S | ||
323 S | ||
324 S | ||
325 S | ||
326 S | ||
329 S | ||
330 S | ||
331 S | ||
332 S | ||
333 S | ||
335 S | ||
336 S | ||
337 S | ||
341 S | ||
342 S | ||
343 S |
Number of Violations | LDRA Code | Required Standards | MISRA-C:2012 Code |
344 S | ||
345 S | ||
361 S | ||
374 S | ||
382 S | ||
383 S | ||
384 S | ||
385 S | ||
389 S | ||
397 S | ||
402 S | ||
403 S | ||
404 S | ||
406 S | ||
408 S | ||
410 S | ||
411 S | ||
412 S | ||
427 S | ||
428 S | ||
429 S | ||
430 S | ||
431 S | ||
432 S | ||
433 S | ||
434 S | ||
435 S | ||
436 S | ||
437 S | ||
438 S | ||
439 S | ||
440 S | ||
441 S | ||
442 S | ||
443 S | ||
444 S | ||
445 S | ||
446 S | ||
450 S | ||
451 S | ||
452 S | ||
458 S | ||
461 S | ||
465 S | ||
477 S | ||
481 S | ||
482 S | ||
486 S | ||
487 S | ||
488 S |
Number of Violations | LDRA Code | Required Standards | MISRA-C:2012 Code |
489 S | ||
497 S | ||
509 S | ||
511 S | ||
520 S | ||
531 S | ||
550 S | ||
553 S | ||
554 S | ||
565 S | ||
567 S | ||
573 S | ||
575 S | ||
576 S | ||
580 S | ||
581 S | ||
582 S | ||
587 S | ||
589 S | ||
590 S | ||
606 S | ||
608 S | ||
611 S | ||
612 S | ||
613 S | ||
615 S | ||
616 S | ||
620 S | ||
621 S | ||
622 S | ||
623 S | ||
624 S | ||
626 S | ||
627 S | ||
629 S | ||
630 S | ||
6 D | ||
8 D | ||
17 D | ||
18 D | ||
22 D | ||
26 D | ||
27 D | ||
28 D | ||
33 D | ||
34 D | ||
35 D | ||
36 D | ||
42 D | ||
43 D |
Number of Violations | LDRA Code | Required Standards | MISRA-C:2012 Code |
45 D | ||
49 D | ||
50 D | ||
55 D | ||
60 D | ||
61 D | ||
63 D | ||
65 D | ||
72 D | ||
74 D | ||
75 D | ||
76 D | ||
77 D | ||
82 D | ||
83 D | ||
84 D | ||
87 D | ||
89 D | ||
91 D | ||
103 D | ||
105 D | ||
106 D | ||
110 D | ||
1 X | ||
4 X | ||
5 X | ||
6 X | ||
7 X | ||
8 X | ||
9 X | ||
10 X | ||
11 X | ||
12 X | ||
13 X | ||
14 X | ||
15 X | ||
16 X | ||
17 X | ||
18 X | ||
19 X | ||
20 X | ||
21 X | ||
22 X | ||
23 X | ||
24 X | ||
25 X | ||
26 X | ||
27 X | ||
28 X | ||
29 X |
Number of Violations | LDRA Code | Required Standards | MISRA-C:2012 Code |
30 X | ||
31 X | ||
32 X | ||
33 X | ||
34 X | ||
35 X | ||
36 X | ||
37 X | ||
38 X | ||
39 X | ||
47 X | ||
48 X | ||
50 X | ||
53 X | ||
57 X | ||
61 X | ||
62 X | ||
63 X | ||
64 X | ||
66 X | ||
68 X | ||
69 X | ||
70 X | ||
71 X | ||
72 X | ||
1 Q | ||
5 Q | ||
1 U | ||
1 J | ||
3 J |
Number of Violations | LDRA Code | Advisory Standards | MISRA-C:2012 Code |
13 S | ||
49 S | ||
53 S | ||
68 S | ||
74 S | ||
75 S | ||
80 S | ||
81 S | ||
87 S | ||
90 S | ||
110 S | ||
143 S | ||
149 S | ||
217 S | ||
293 S | ||
302 S | ||
338 S | ||
340 S | ||
409 S | ||
413 S | ||
426 S | ||
493 S | ||
494 S | ||
495 S | ||
610 S | ||
628 S | ||
632 S | ||
7 C | ||
1 D | ||
14 D | ||
15 D | ||
25 D | ||
62 D | ||
104 D | ||
67 X |
Number of Mandatory Standards checked | 18 |
Number of Required Standards checked | 280 |
Number of Advisory Standards checked | 35 |
Number of Document Standards checked | 3 |
Total Standards checked | 333 |
Total Standards checked including Document | 336 |
Name | Last Modification Date |
C:\Users\zhang\Desktop\WJ\03\STM32--master\usart.c | Sun Aug 04 14:34:36 2019 |
C:\Users\zhang\Desktop\WJ\03\STM32--master\timh.c | Sun Aug 04 14:34:36 2019 |
C:\Users\zhang\Desktop\WJ\03\STM32--master\tim.c | Sun Aug 04 14:34:36 2019 |
C:\Users\zhang\Desktop\WJ\03\STM32--master\systick.c | Sun Aug 04 14:34:36 2019 |
C:\Users\zhang\Desktop\WJ\03\STM32--master\system_stm32f10x.c | Sun Aug 04 14:34:36 2019 |
C:\Users\zhang\Desktop\WJ\03\STM32--master\stm32f10x_wwdg.c | Sun Aug 04 14:34:36 2019 |
C:\Users\zhang\Desktop\WJ\03\STM32--master\stm32f10x_usart.c | Sun Aug 04 14:34:36 2019 |
C:\Users\zhang\Desktop\WJ\03\STM32--master\stm32f10x_tim.c | Sun Aug 04 14:34:36 2019 |
C:\Users\zhang\Desktop\WJ\03\STM32--master\stm32f10x_spi.c | Sun Aug 04 14:34:36 2019 |
C:\Users\zhang\Desktop\WJ\03\STM32--master\stm32f10x_sdio.c | Sun Aug 04 14:34:36 2019 |
C:\Users\zhang\Desktop\WJ\03\STM32--master\stm32f10x_rtc.c | Sun Aug 04 14:34:36 2019 |
C:\Users\zhang\Desktop\WJ\03\STM32--master\stm32f10x_rcc.c | Sun Aug 04 14:34:36 2019 |
C:\Users\zhang\Desktop\WJ\03\STM32--master\stm32f10x_pwr.c | Sun Aug 04 14:34:36 2019 |
C:\Users\zhang\Desktop\WJ\03\STM32--master\stm32f10x_iwdg.c | Sun Aug 04 14:34:36 2019 |
C:\Users\zhang\Desktop\WJ\03\STM32--master\stm32f10x_it.c | Sun Aug 04 14:34:36 2019 |
C:\Users\zhang\Desktop\WJ\03\STM32--master\stm32f10x_i2c.c | Sun Aug 04 14:34:36 2019 |
C:\Users\zhang\Desktop\WJ\03\STM32--master\stm32f10x_gpio.c | Sun Aug 04 14:34:36 2019 |
C:\Users\zhang\Desktop\WJ\03\STM32--master\stm32f10x_fsmc.c | Sun Aug 04 14:34:36 2019 |
C:\Users\zhang\Desktop\WJ\03\STM32--master\stm32f10x_flash.c | Sun Aug 04 14:34:36 2019 |
C:\Users\zhang\Desktop\WJ\03\STM32--master\stm32f10x_exti.c | Sun Aug 04 14:34:36 2019 |
C:\Users\zhang\Desktop\WJ\03\STM32--master\stm32f10x_dma.c | Sun Aug 04 14:34:36 2019 |
C:\Users\zhang\Desktop\WJ\03\STM32--master\stm32f10x_dbgmcu.c | Sun Aug 04 14:34:36 2019 |
C:\Users\zhang\Desktop\WJ\03\STM32--master\stm32f10x_dac.c | Sun Aug 04 14:34:36 2019 |
C:\Users\zhang\Desktop\WJ\03\STM32--master\stm32f10x_crc.c | Sun Aug 04 14:34:36 2019 |
C:\Users\zhang\Desktop\WJ\03\STM32--master\stm32f10x_cec.c | Sun Aug 04 14:34:36 2019 |
C:\Users\zhang\Desktop\WJ\03\STM32--master\stm32f10x_can.c | Sun Aug 04 14:34:36 2019 |
C:\Users\zhang\Desktop\WJ\03\STM32--master\stm32f10x_bkp.c | Sun Aug 04 14:34:36 2019 |
C:\Users\zhang\Desktop\WJ\03\STM32--master\stm32f10x_adc.c | Sun Aug 04 14:34:36 2019 |
C:\Users\zhang\Desktop\WJ\03\STM32--master\remote.c | Sun Aug 04 14:34:36 2019 |
C:\Users\zhang\Desktop\WJ\03\STM32--master\oled.c | Sun Aug 04 14:34:36 2019 |
C:\Users\zhang\Desktop\WJ\03\STM32--master\mpu6050.c | Sun Aug 04 14:34:36 2019 |
C:\Users\zhang\Desktop\WJ\03\STM32--master\motor.c | Sun Aug 04 14:34:36 2019 |
C:\Users\zhang\Desktop\WJ\03\STM32--master\misc.c | Sun Aug 04 14:34:36 2019 |
C:\Users\zhang\Desktop\WJ\03\STM32--master\main.c | Sun Aug 04 14:34:36 2019 |
C:\Users\zhang\Desktop\WJ\03\STM32--master\inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c | Sun Aug 04 14:34:36 2019 |
C:\Users\zhang\Desktop\WJ\03\STM32--master\inv_mpu.c | Sun Aug 04 14:34:36 2019 |
C:\Users\zhang\Desktop\WJ\03\STM32--master\hcsr04.c | Sun Aug 04 14:34:36 2019 |
C:\Users\zhang\Desktop\WJ\03\STM32--master\exti.c | Sun Aug 04 14:34:36 2019 |
C:\Users\zhang\Desktop\WJ\03\STM32--master\encode.c | Sun Aug 04 14:34:36 2019 |
C:\Users\zhang\Desktop\WJ\03\STM32--master\ctiic.c | Sun Aug 04 14:34:36 2019 |
C:\Users\zhang\Desktop\WJ\03\STM32--master\core_cm3.c | Sun Aug 04 14:34:36 2019 |
C:\Users\zhang\Desktop\WJ\03\STM32--master\app.c | Sun Aug 04 14:34:36 2019 |
Number of procedures: | 667 |
Number of locally uncalled procedures: | 0 |
Maximum loop depth: | 3 |
Total Cyclomatic Complexity: | 4100 |
Number of reformatted executable lines: | 46860 |
Number of lines of comments: | 57873 |
Globals / code outside procedures - FAIL |
Code | File: Src Line | Violation | Standard |
O | app.c: 61 | Basic type declaration used. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.6 |
O | app.c: 172 | Basic type declaration used. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.6 |
O | app.c: 61 | Scope of variable could be reduced. : Movement | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.9 |
O | app.c: 172 | Scope of variable could be reduced. : DeathArea | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.9 |
O | ctiic.c | Use of single line comment(s) //. | MISRA-C:2012 R.1.2 |
C | encode.c: 107 | File does not end with new line. : C:\Users\zhang\Desktop\WJ\03\STM32--master\encode.c | MISRA-C:2012 R.1.3 |
O | inv_mpu.c: 371 | Macro not used in translation unit. : BIT_I2C_MST_VDDIO | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | inv_mpu.c: 380 | Macro not used in translation unit. : BITS_FSR | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | inv_mpu.c: 381 | Macro not used in translation unit. : BITS_LPF | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | inv_mpu.c: 383 | Macro not used in translation unit. : BITS_CLK | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | inv_mpu.c: 384 | Macro not used in translation unit. : BIT_FIFO_SIZE_1024 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | inv_mpu.c: 385 | Macro not used in translation unit. : BIT_FIFO_SIZE_2048 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | inv_mpu.c: 386 | Macro not used in translation unit. : BIT_FIFO_SIZE_4096 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | inv_mpu.c: 389 | Macro not used in translation unit. : BIT_S0_DELAY_EN | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | inv_mpu.c: 390 | Macro not used in translation unit. : BIT_S2_DELAY_EN | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | inv_mpu.c: 391 | Macro not used in translation unit. : BITS_SLAVE_LENGTH | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | inv_mpu.c: 392 | Macro not used in translation unit. : BIT_SLAVE_BYTE_SW | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | inv_mpu.c: 393 | Macro not used in translation unit. : BIT_SLAVE_GROUP | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | inv_mpu.c: 394 | Macro not used in translation unit. : BIT_SLAVE_EN | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | inv_mpu.c: 395 | Macro not used in translation unit. : BIT_I2C_READ | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | inv_mpu.c: 396 | Macro not used in translation unit. : BITS_I2C_MASTER_DLY | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | inv_mpu.c: 402 | Macro not used in translation unit. : BITS_WOM_EN | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
C | inv_mpu.c: 20 | Included file is not permitted. | MISRA-C:2012 R.21.5,R.21.6,R.21.10,R.21.11 |
O | inv_mpu.c: 31 | Use of // comment in macro definition. | MISRA-C:2012 R.1.2 |
O | inv_mpu.c: 32 | Use of // comment in macro definition. | MISRA-C:2012 R.1.2 |
O | inv_mpu.c | Use of single line comment(s) //. | MISRA-C:2012 R.1.2 |
O | inv_mpu.c: 57 | Comment possibly contains code. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.4 |
O | inv_mpu.c: 59 | Comment possibly contains code. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.4 |
O | inv_mpu.c: 60 | Comment possibly contains code. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.4 |
O | inv_mpu.c: 61 | Use of // comment in macro definition. | MISRA-C:2012 R.1.2 |
O | inv_mpu.c: 62 | Use of // comment in macro definition. | MISRA-C:2012 R.1.2 |
C | inv_mpu.c: 66 | Macro parameter not in brackets. : a | MISRA-C:2012 R.20.7 |
C | inv_mpu.c: 66 | Macro parameter not in brackets. : b | MISRA-C:2012 R.20.7 |
O | inv_mpu.c: 66 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | inv_mpu.c: 92 | #include preceded by non preproc directives. | MISRA-C:2012 R.20.1 |
O | inv_mpu.c: 93 | #include preceded by non preproc directives. | MISRA-C:2012 R.20.1 |
O | inv_mpu.c: 94 | #include preceded by non preproc directives. | MISRA-C:2012 R.20.1 |
O | inv_mpu.c: 95 | #include preceded by non preproc directives. | MISRA-C:2012 R.20.1 |
O | inv_mpu.c: 96 | #include preceded by non preproc directives. | MISRA-C:2012 R.20.1 |
O | inv_mpu.c: 97 | #include preceded by non preproc directives. | MISRA-C:2012 R.20.1 |
O | inv_mpu.c: 157 | Basic type declaration used. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.6 |
O | inv_mpu.c: 157 | Basic type declaration used. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.6 |
O | inv_mpu.c: 161 | Basic type declaration used. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.6 |
O | inv_mpu.c: 162 | Basic type declaration used. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.6 |
O | inv_mpu.c: 163 | Basic type declaration used. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.6 |
O | inv_mpu.c: 164 | Basic type declaration used. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.6 |
O | inv_mpu.c: 165 | Basic type declaration used. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.6 |
O | inv_mpu.c: 166 | Basic type declaration used. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.6 |
O | inv_mpu.c: 167 | Basic type declaration used. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.6 |
O | inv_mpu.c: 168 | Basic type declaration used. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.6 |
Code | File: Src Line | Violation | Standard |
O | inv_mpu.c: 169 | Comment possibly contains code. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.4 |
O | inv_mpu.c: 170 | Comment possibly contains code. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.4 |
O | inv_mpu.c: 171 | Basic type declaration used. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.6 |
O | inv_mpu.c: 172 | Basic type declaration used. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.6 |
O | inv_mpu.c: 173 | Basic type declaration used. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.6 |
O | inv_mpu.c: 174 | Basic type declaration used. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.6 |
O | inv_mpu.c: 175 | Basic type declaration used. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.6 |
O | inv_mpu.c: 176 | Basic type declaration used. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.6 |
O | inv_mpu.c: 177 | Basic type declaration used. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.6 |
O | inv_mpu.c: 178 | Basic type declaration used. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.6 |
O | inv_mpu.c: 179 | Basic type declaration used. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.6 |
O | inv_mpu.c: 180 | Basic type declaration used. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.6 |
O | inv_mpu.c: 181 | Comment possibly contains code. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.4 |
O | inv_mpu.c: 182 | Basic type declaration used. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.6 |
O | inv_mpu.c: 183 | Basic type declaration used. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.6 |
O | inv_mpu.c: 184 | Basic type declaration used. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.6 |
O | inv_mpu.c: 185 | Basic type declaration used. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.6 |
O | inv_mpu.c: 186 | Basic type declaration used. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.6 |
O | inv_mpu.c: 187 | Basic type declaration used. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.6 |
O | inv_mpu.c: 188 | Basic type declaration used. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.6 |
O | inv_mpu.c: 189 | Basic type declaration used. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.6 |
O | inv_mpu.c: 190 | Basic type declaration used. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.6 |
O | inv_mpu.c: 210 | Basic type declaration used. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.6 |
O | inv_mpu.c: 211 | Basic type declaration used. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.6 |
O | inv_mpu.c: 212 | Basic type declaration used. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.6 |
O | inv_mpu.c: 213 | Basic type declaration used. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.6 |
O | inv_mpu.c: 214 | Basic type declaration used. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.6 |
O | inv_mpu.c: 215 | Basic type declaration used. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.6 |
O | inv_mpu.c: 226 | Basic type declaration used. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.6 |
O | inv_mpu.c: 227 | Basic type declaration used. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.6 |
O | inv_mpu.c: 228 | Basic type declaration used. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.6 |
O | inv_mpu.c: 229 | Basic type declaration used. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.6 |
O | inv_mpu.c: 230 | Basic type declaration used. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.6 |
O | inv_mpu.c: 231 | Basic type declaration used. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.6 |
O | inv_mpu.c: 232 | Basic type declaration used. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.6 |
O | inv_mpu.c: 240 | Basic type declaration used. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.6 |
O | inv_mpu.c: 242 | Basic type declaration used. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.6 |
O | inv_mpu.c: 244 | Basic type declaration used. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.6 |
O | inv_mpu.c: 246 | Basic type declaration used. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.6 |
O | inv_mpu.c: 247 | Basic type declaration used. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.6 |
O | inv_mpu.c: 249 | Basic type declaration used. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.6 |
O | inv_mpu.c: 251 | Basic type declaration used. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.6 |
O | inv_mpu.c: 253 | Basic type declaration used. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.6 |
O | inv_mpu.c: 255 | Basic type declaration used. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.6 |
O | inv_mpu.c: 260 | Basic type declaration used. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.6 |
O | inv_mpu.c: 262 | Basic type declaration used. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.6 |
O | inv_mpu.c: 264 | Basic type declaration used. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.6 |
O | inv_mpu.c: 267 | Basic type declaration used. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.6 |
O | inv_mpu.c: 269 | Basic type declaration used. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.6 |
O | inv_mpu.c: 271 | Basic type declaration used. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.6 |
Code | File: Src Line | Violation | Standard |
O | inv_mpu.c: 273 | Basic type declaration used. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.6 |
O | inv_mpu.c: 275 | Basic type declaration used. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.6 |
O | inv_mpu.c: 286 | Basic type declaration used. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.6 |
O | inv_mpu.c: 287 | Basic type declaration used. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.6 |
O | inv_mpu.c: 288 | Basic type declaration used. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.6 |
O | inv_mpu.c: 289 | Basic type declaration used. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.6 |
O | inv_mpu.c: 290 | Basic type declaration used. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.6 |
O | inv_mpu.c: 291 | Basic type declaration used. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.6 |
O | inv_mpu.c: 292 | Basic type declaration used. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.6 |
O | inv_mpu.c: 293 | Basic type declaration used. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.6 |
O | inv_mpu.c: 294 | Basic type declaration used. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.6 |
O | inv_mpu.c: 295 | Basic type declaration used. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.6 |
O | inv_mpu.c: 296 | Basic type declaration used. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.6 |
O | inv_mpu.c: 297 | Basic type declaration used. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.6 |
O | inv_mpu.c: 298 | Basic type declaration used. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.6 |
O | inv_mpu.c: 299 | Basic type declaration used. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.6 |
O | inv_mpu.c: 492 | Comment possibly contains code. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.4 |
C | inv_mpu.c: 494 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x19 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu.c: 495 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1A | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu.c: 496 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0C | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu.c: 497 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x6A | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu.c: 498 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x23 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu.c: 499 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1B | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu.c: 500 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1C | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu.c: 501 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1F | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu.c: 502 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu.c: 503 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x72 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu.c: 504 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x74 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu.c: 505 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x43 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu.c: 506 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3B | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu.c: 507 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x41 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu.c: 508 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x38 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu.c: 509 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x39 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu.c: 510 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3A | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu.c: 511 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x6B | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu.c: 512 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x6C | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu.c: 513 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x37 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu.c: 514 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x6F | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu.c: 515 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x06 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu.c: 516 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x24 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu.c: 517 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x6D | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu.c: 518 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x6E | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu.c: 519 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x70 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu.c: 521 | Struct field initialisation incorrect. : 'signed char' used, 'unsigned char' expected | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
O | inv_mpu.c: 533 | Comment possibly contains code. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.4 |
C | inv_mpu.c: 535 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 1024 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu.c: 536 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 118 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu.c: 537 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 340 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu.c: 538 | Struct field initialisation incorrect. : 'short' used, 'unsigned short' expected | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
C | inv_mpu.c: 541 | Struct field initialisation incorrect. : 'short' used, 'unsigned short' expected | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
Code | File: Src Line | Violation | Standard |
C | inv_mpu.c: 546 | Nested comment found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.3.1 |
C | inv_mpu.c: 547 | Nested comment found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.3.1 |
C | inv_mpu.c: 548 | Nested comment found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.3.1 |
C | inv_mpu.c: 549 | Nested comment found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.3.1 |
C | inv_mpu.c: 551 | Nested comment found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.3.1 |
O | inv_mpu.c: 558 | Comment possibly contains code. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.4 |
C | inv_mpu.c: 562 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu.c: 563 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu.c: 564 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x18 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu.c: 565 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 50 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu.c: 566 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 5 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu.c: 567 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 10.0f | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
O | inv_mpu.c: 580 | Comment possibly contains code. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.4 |
O | inv_mpu.c: 2870 | Basic type declaration used. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.6 |
O | inv_mpu.c: 2870 | Scope of variable could be reduced. : gyro_orientation | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.9 |
C | inv_mpu.c: 305 | Identifier reuse: persistent var vs component. : hw | MISRA-C:2012 R.5.8,R.5.9 |
C | inv_mpu.c: 307 | Identifier reuse: persistent var vs component. : test | MISRA-C:2012 R.5.8,R.5.9 |
O | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 43 | Macro not used in translation unit. : delay_ms | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 45 | Macro not used in translation unit. : log_i | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 46 | Macro not used in translation unit. : log_e | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 79 | Macro not used in translation unit. : END_ORIENT_TEMP | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 82 | Macro not used in translation unit. : CFG_23 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 84 | Macro not used in translation unit. : END_PREDICTION_UPDATE | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 85 | Macro not used in translation unit. : CGNOTICE_INTR | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 86 | Macro not used in translation unit. : X_GRT_Y_TMP | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 87 | Macro not used in translation unit. : CFG_DR_INT | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 88 | Macro not used in translation unit. : CFG_AUTH | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 89 | Macro not used in translation unit. : UPDATE_PROP_ROT | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 90 | Macro not used in translation unit. : END_COMPARE_Y_X_TMP2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 91 | Macro not used in translation unit. : SKIP_X_GRT_Y_TMP | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 92 | Macro not used in translation unit. : SKIP_END_COMPARE | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 96 | Macro not used in translation unit. : END_COMPARE_Y_X_TMP3 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 98 | Macro not used in translation unit. : FCFG_6 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 99 | Macro not used in translation unit. : FLAT_STATE_END | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 100 | Macro not used in translation unit. : SWING_END_4 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 101 | Macro not used in translation unit. : SWING_END_2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 102 | Macro not used in translation unit. : SWING_END_3 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 103 | Macro not used in translation unit. : SWING_END_1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 106 | Macro not used in translation unit. : CFG_16 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 107 | Macro not used in translation unit. : CFG_EXT_GYRO_BIAS | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 108 | Macro not used in translation unit. : END_COMPARE_Y_X_TMP | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 109 | Macro not used in translation unit. : DO_NOT_UPDATE_PROP_ROT | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 110 | Macro not used in translation unit. : CFG_7 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 111 | Macro not used in translation unit. : FLAT_STATE_END_TEMP | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 112 | Macro not used in translation unit. : END_COMPARE_Y_X | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 113 | Macro not used in translation unit. : SKIP_SWING_END_1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 114 | Macro not used in translation unit. : SKIP_SWING_END_3 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 115 | Macro not used in translation unit. : SKIP_SWING_END_2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 116 | Macro not used in translation unit. : TILTG75_START | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 118 | Macro not used in translation unit. : TILTL75_END | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 119 | Macro not used in translation unit. : END_ORIENT | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 120 | Macro not used in translation unit. : CFG_FLICK_IN | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
Code | File: Src Line | Violation | Standard |
O | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 121 | Macro not used in translation unit. : TILTL75_START | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 123 | Macro not used in translation unit. : X_GRT_Y | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 124 | Macro not used in translation unit. : TEMPLABEL | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 127 | Macro not used in translation unit. : X_GRT_Y_TMP2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 130 | Macro not used in translation unit. : D_0_24 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 132 | Macro not used in translation unit. : D_0_36 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 133 | Macro not used in translation unit. : D_0_52 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 134 | Macro not used in translation unit. : D_0_96 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 136 | Macro not used in translation unit. : D_0_108 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 137 | Macro not used in translation unit. : D_0_163 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 138 | Macro not used in translation unit. : D_0_188 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 139 | Macro not used in translation unit. : D_0_192 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 140 | Macro not used in translation unit. : D_0_224 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 141 | Macro not used in translation unit. : D_0_228 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 142 | Macro not used in translation unit. : D_0_232 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 143 | Macro not used in translation unit. : D_0_236 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 145 | Macro not used in translation unit. : D_1_2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 146 | Macro not used in translation unit. : D_1_4 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 147 | Macro not used in translation unit. : D_1_8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 148 | Macro not used in translation unit. : D_1_10 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 149 | Macro not used in translation unit. : D_1_24 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 150 | Macro not used in translation unit. : D_1_28 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 155 | Macro not used in translation unit. : D_1_74 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 160 | Macro not used in translation unit. : D_1_96 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 161 | Macro not used in translation unit. : D_1_98 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 162 | Macro not used in translation unit. : D_1_106 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 163 | Macro not used in translation unit. : D_1_108 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 164 | Macro not used in translation unit. : D_1_112 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 165 | Macro not used in translation unit. : D_1_128 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 166 | Macro not used in translation unit. : D_1_152 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 167 | Macro not used in translation unit. : D_1_160 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 168 | Macro not used in translation unit. : D_1_176 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 169 | Macro not used in translation unit. : D_1_178 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 171 | Macro not used in translation unit. : D_1_232 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 172 | Macro not used in translation unit. : D_1_236 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 173 | Macro not used in translation unit. : D_1_240 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 174 | Macro not used in translation unit. : D_1_244 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 175 | Macro not used in translation unit. : D_1_250 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 176 | Macro not used in translation unit. : D_1_252 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 177 | Macro not used in translation unit. : D_2_12 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 178 | Macro not used in translation unit. : D_2_96 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 179 | Macro not used in translation unit. : D_2_108 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 180 | Macro not used in translation unit. : D_2_208 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 181 | Macro not used in translation unit. : D_2_224 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 182 | Macro not used in translation unit. : D_2_236 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 183 | Macro not used in translation unit. : D_2_244 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 184 | Macro not used in translation unit. : D_2_248 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 185 | Macro not used in translation unit. : D_2_252 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 187 | Macro not used in translation unit. : CPASS_BIAS_X | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 188 | Macro not used in translation unit. : CPASS_BIAS_Y | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
Code | File: Src Line | Violation | Standard |
O | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 189 | Macro not used in translation unit. : CPASS_BIAS_Z | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 190 | Macro not used in translation unit. : CPASS_MTX_00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 191 | Macro not used in translation unit. : CPASS_MTX_01 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 192 | Macro not used in translation unit. : CPASS_MTX_02 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 193 | Macro not used in translation unit. : CPASS_MTX_10 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 194 | Macro not used in translation unit. : CPASS_MTX_11 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 195 | Macro not used in translation unit. : CPASS_MTX_12 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 196 | Macro not used in translation unit. : CPASS_MTX_20 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 197 | Macro not used in translation unit. : CPASS_MTX_21 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 198 | Macro not used in translation unit. : CPASS_MTX_22 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 202 | Macro not used in translation unit. : D_ACT0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 203 | Macro not used in translation unit. : D_ACSX | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 204 | Macro not used in translation unit. : D_ACSY | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 205 | Macro not used in translation unit. : D_ACSZ | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 207 | Macro not used in translation unit. : FLICK_MSG | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 208 | Macro not used in translation unit. : FLICK_COUNTER | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 209 | Macro not used in translation unit. : FLICK_LOWER | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 210 | Macro not used in translation unit. : FLICK_UPPER | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 212 | Macro not used in translation unit. : D_AUTH_OUT | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 213 | Macro not used in translation unit. : D_AUTH_IN | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 214 | Macro not used in translation unit. : D_AUTH_A | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 215 | Macro not used in translation unit. : D_AUTH_B | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 217 | Macro not used in translation unit. : D_PEDSTD_BP_B | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 218 | Macro not used in translation unit. : D_PEDSTD_HP_A | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 219 | Macro not used in translation unit. : D_PEDSTD_HP_B | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 220 | Macro not used in translation unit. : D_PEDSTD_BP_A4 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 221 | Macro not used in translation unit. : D_PEDSTD_BP_A3 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 222 | Macro not used in translation unit. : D_PEDSTD_BP_A2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 223 | Macro not used in translation unit. : D_PEDSTD_BP_A1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 224 | Macro not used in translation unit. : D_PEDSTD_INT_THRSH | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 225 | Macro not used in translation unit. : D_PEDSTD_CLIP | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 226 | Macro not used in translation unit. : D_PEDSTD_SB | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 227 | Macro not used in translation unit. : D_PEDSTD_SB_TIME | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 228 | Macro not used in translation unit. : D_PEDSTD_PEAKTHRSH | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 229 | Macro not used in translation unit. : D_PEDSTD_TIML | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 230 | Macro not used in translation unit. : D_PEDSTD_TIMH | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 231 | Macro not used in translation unit. : D_PEDSTD_PEAK | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 234 | Macro not used in translation unit. : D_PEDSTD_DECI | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 236 | Macro not used in translation unit. : D_HOST_NO_MOT | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 239 | Macro not used in translation unit. : D_ORIENT_GAP | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 241 | Macro not used in translation unit. : D_TILT0_H | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 242 | Macro not used in translation unit. : D_TILT0_L | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 243 | Macro not used in translation unit. : D_TILT1_H | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 244 | Macro not used in translation unit. : D_TILT1_L | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 245 | Macro not used in translation unit. : D_TILT2_H | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 246 | Macro not used in translation unit. : D_TILT2_L | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 247 | Macro not used in translation unit. : D_TILT3_H | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 248 | Macro not used in translation unit. : D_TILT3_L | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 17 | Included file is not permitted. | MISRA-C:2012 R.21.5,R.21.6,R.21.10,R.21.11 |
O | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c | Use of single line comment(s) //. | MISRA-C:2012 R.1.2 |
Code | File: Src Line | Violation | Standard |
O | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 252 | Basic type declaration used. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.6 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 254 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 254 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xff | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 254 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xef | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 255 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x80 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 255 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 255 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x12 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 255 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x82 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 255 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0c | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 255 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x30 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 255 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xc3 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 255 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0e | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 255 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x8c | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 255 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xe9 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 255 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x14 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 255 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xd5 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 255 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x40 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 255 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x02 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 256 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x13 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 256 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x71 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 256 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0f | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 256 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x8e | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 256 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x38 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 256 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x83 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 256 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 256 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x30 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 256 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 256 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x25 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 256 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xff | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 258 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xff | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 258 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0f | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 258 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xfe | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 258 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xa9 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 258 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xd6 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 258 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x24 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 258 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 258 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x82 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 258 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x79 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 258 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xa1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 259 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 259 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x83 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 259 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x6f | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 259 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xa2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 259 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x03 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 259 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x30 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 259 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x40 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 259 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xca | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 259 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xe3 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 259 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x09 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 259 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3e | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
Code | File: Src Line | Violation | Standard |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 260 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x80 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 260 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 262 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 262 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x18 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 262 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x6e | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 262 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x92 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 262 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0a | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 262 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x16 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 262 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xc0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 262 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xdf | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 262 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xff | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 262 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x02 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 262 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x56 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 262 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xfd | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 262 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x8c | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 262 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xd3 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 262 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x77 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 263 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xff | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 263 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xe1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 263 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xc4 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 263 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x96 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 263 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xe0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 263 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xc5 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 263 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xbe | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 263 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xaa | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 263 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 263 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0b | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 263 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2b | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 263 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x57 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 264 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x59 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 264 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x40 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 264 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 264 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xfa | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 264 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x6c | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 264 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1d | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 264 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xff | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 264 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xdf | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 266 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xeb | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 266 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 266 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xb3 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 266 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xb6 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 266 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x22 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 266 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x78 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 266 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3c | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 266 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x42 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 266 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xb5 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 267 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 267 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xa2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 267 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x65 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 267 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xd9 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
Code | File: Src Line | Violation | Standard |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 267 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0e | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 267 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x9f | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 267 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xc9 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 267 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1d | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 267 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xcf | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 267 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4c | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 267 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x34 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 267 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x30 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 269 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xb6 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 269 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x7a | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 269 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xe8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 269 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 271 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 271 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x92 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 271 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 271 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x5e | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 271 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x22 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 271 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x9f | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 272 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x46 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 272 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 272 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xd4 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 272 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xd6 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 272 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xcc | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 273 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xcc | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 273 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 273 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x72 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 275 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 276 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 277 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 277 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 277 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x98 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 277 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x65 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 277 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0f | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 277 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x9b | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 279 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xfc | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 279 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 281 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 281 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x6a | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 283 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x83 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 283 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 283 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xfc | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 283 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 283 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xff | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 284 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x03 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 284 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xe8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 284 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 284 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xa0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 286 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 288 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 288 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xff | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
Code | File: Src Line | Violation | Standard |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 288 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x45 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 288 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x81 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 288 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xfa | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 288 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x72 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 289 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 289 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xba | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 289 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xc6 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 289 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x78 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 289 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xa2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 290 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 290 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4d | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 290 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x70 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 290 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x6d | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 290 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xae | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 290 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x02 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 290 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xd0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 292 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 293 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 298 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 300 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 300 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xc7 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 301 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xff | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 301 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x9c | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 301 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 301 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2b | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 303 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xff | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 303 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xe5 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 303 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 305 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 306 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 306 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x26 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 306 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xd3 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 307 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 307 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0a | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 309 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4e | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 309 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x68 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 309 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xcd | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 309 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xcf | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 309 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x77 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 309 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x09 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 309 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x50 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 309 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x16 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 309 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x67 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 309 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x59 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 309 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xc6 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 309 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x19 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 309 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xce | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 309 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x82 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 309 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 310 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xd7 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
Code | File: Src Line | Violation | Standard |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 310 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x84 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 310 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 311 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 311 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x93 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 311 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x8f | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 311 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x9d | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 311 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1e | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 311 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1b | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 311 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1c | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 311 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x19 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 314 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x03 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 314 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x18 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 314 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x85 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 314 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 315 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 318 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x7d | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 318 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xdf | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 318 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x7e | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 318 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x72 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 318 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x90 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 318 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2e | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 318 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x55 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 318 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4c | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 318 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf6 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 320 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xe6 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 320 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x88 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 320 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 323 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xdc | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 323 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xb4 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 323 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xb8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 323 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xb0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 323 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xd8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 323 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xb9 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 323 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xab | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 323 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf3 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 323 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 323 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xfa | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 323 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xb3 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 323 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xb7 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 323 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xbb | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 323 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x8e | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 323 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x9e | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 323 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xae | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 323 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 323 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x32 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 323 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf5 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 323 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1b | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 324 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xb8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 324 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xb0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 324 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x80 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
Code | File: Src Line | Violation | Standard |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 324 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x97 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 324 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 324 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xa9 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 324 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xdf | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 324 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xaa | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 324 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 324 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xc5 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 324 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xcd | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 324 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xc7 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 324 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0c | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 324 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xc9 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 325 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2c | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 325 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x97 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 325 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 325 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xa9 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 325 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x89 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 325 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x26 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 325 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x46 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 325 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x66 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 325 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xb2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 325 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x99 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 325 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2d | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 325 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x55 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 325 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x7d | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 325 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xb0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 325 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x8a | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 325 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xa8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 325 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x96 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 325 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x36 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 325 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x56 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 327 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x76 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 327 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 327 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xba | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 327 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xa3 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 327 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xb4 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 327 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xb2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 327 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x80 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 327 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xc0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 327 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xb8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 327 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xa8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 327 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x97 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 327 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x11 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 327 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x83 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 327 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x98 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 327 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 327 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x24 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 327 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x08 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 327 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x44 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 328 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 328 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x64 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
Code | File: Src Line | Violation | Standard |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 328 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x18 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 328 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xb2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 328 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xb9 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 328 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xb4 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 328 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x98 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 328 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x83 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 328 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 328 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xa3 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 328 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x29 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 328 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x55 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 328 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x7d | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 328 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xba | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 328 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xb5 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 328 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xb1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 328 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x93 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 328 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 328 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 329 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x50 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 329 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf5 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 329 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xb2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 329 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xb6 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 329 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xaa | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 329 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x83 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 329 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x93 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 329 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x28 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 329 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x54 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 329 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x7c | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 329 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 329 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xb9 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 329 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xa3 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 329 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x82 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 329 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x61 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 329 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xba | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 329 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xa2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 329 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xda | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 329 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xde | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 329 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xdf | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 331 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xdb | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 331 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x81 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 331 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x9a | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 331 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xb9 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 331 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xae | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 331 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf5 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 331 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x60 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 331 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x68 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 331 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x70 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 331 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 331 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xda | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 331 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xba | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 331 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xa2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
Code | File: Src Line | Violation | Standard |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 331 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xdf | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 331 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xd9 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 331 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xfa | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 331 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xa3 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 331 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x82 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 331 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x92 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 332 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xdb | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 332 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x31 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 332 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xba | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 332 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xa2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 332 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xd9 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 332 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 332 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xdf | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 332 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x85 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 332 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xa4 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 332 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xd0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 332 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xc1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 332 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xbb | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 332 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xad | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 332 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x83 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 332 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xc2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 332 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xc5 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 332 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xc7 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 332 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xb8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 333 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xdf | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 333 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xba | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 333 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xa0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 333 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xd8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 333 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 333 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xb8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 333 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xaa | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 333 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xb3 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 333 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x8d | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 333 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xb4 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 333 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x98 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 333 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0d | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 333 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x35 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 333 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x5d | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 333 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xb2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 333 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xb6 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 335 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xba | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 335 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xaf | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 335 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x8c | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 335 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x96 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 335 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x19 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 335 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x8f | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 335 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x9f | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 335 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xa7 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 335 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0e | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 335 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x16 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
Code | File: Src Line | Violation | Standard |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 335 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1e | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 335 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xb4 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 335 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x9a | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 335 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xb8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 335 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xaa | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 335 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x87 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 335 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2c | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 335 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x54 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 335 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x7c | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 335 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xa4 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 336 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xb0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 336 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x8a | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 336 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xb6 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 336 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x91 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 336 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x32 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 336 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x56 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 336 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x76 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 336 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xb2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 336 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x84 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 336 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x94 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 336 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xa4 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 336 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xc8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 336 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x08 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 336 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xcd | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 336 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xd8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 336 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xb8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 336 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xb4 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 336 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 336 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x99 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 336 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x82 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 336 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xa8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 338 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2d | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 338 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x55 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 338 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x7d | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 338 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x98 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 338 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xa8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 338 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0e | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 338 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x16 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 338 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1e | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 338 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xa2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 338 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2c | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 338 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x54 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 338 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x7c | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 338 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x92 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 338 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xa4 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 338 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 338 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x50 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 338 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x78 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 338 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 340 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x84 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
Code | File: Src Line | Violation | Standard |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 340 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xa8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 340 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x98 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 340 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xc4 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 340 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xcd | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 340 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xfc | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 340 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xd8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 340 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0d | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 340 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xdb | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 340 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2d | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 340 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf3 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 340 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xd9 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 340 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xba | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 340 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xa6 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 340 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 340 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xda | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 340 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xde | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 341 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xba | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 341 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xb2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 341 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xb6 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 341 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x86 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 341 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x96 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 341 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xa6 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 341 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xd0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 341 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf3 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 341 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xc8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 341 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x41 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 341 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xda | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 341 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 341 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xd8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 341 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xb0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 341 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xb4 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 341 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xb8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 341 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x82 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 341 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xa8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 341 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x92 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 342 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf5 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 342 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2c | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 342 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x54 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 342 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x88 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 342 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x98 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 342 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 342 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x35 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 342 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xd9 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 342 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf4 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 342 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x18 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 342 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xd8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 342 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xa2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 342 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xd0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 342 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 342 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf9 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
Code | File: Src Line | Violation | Standard |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 342 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xa8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 342 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x84 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 342 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xc7 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 342 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xdf | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 344 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 344 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x83 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 344 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xc5 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 344 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xda | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 344 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xdf | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 344 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x69 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 344 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xc1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 344 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xd8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 344 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf4 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 344 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x01 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 344 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 344 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xa8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 344 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x82 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 344 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4e | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 344 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x84 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 344 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf3 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 344 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x11 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 345 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xd1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 345 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x82 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 345 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf5 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 345 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xd9 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 345 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x92 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 345 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x28 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 345 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x97 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 345 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x88 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 345 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 345 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x09 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 345 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf4 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 345 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1c | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 345 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xd8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 345 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x84 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 345 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xa8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 345 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf3 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 345 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xc0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 345 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf9 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 346 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x82 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 346 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 346 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x29 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 346 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf4 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 346 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0d | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 346 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xd8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 346 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf3 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 346 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf9 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 346 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xd1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 346 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xd9 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 346 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xc2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
Code | File: Src Line | Violation | Standard |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 346 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x03 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 346 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xde | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 346 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xdf | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 346 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1a | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 348 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xa2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 348 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xfa | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 348 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf9 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 348 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xa8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 348 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x84 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 348 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x98 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 348 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xd9 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 348 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xc7 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 348 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xdf | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 348 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 348 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x83 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 348 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xda | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 348 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x69 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 348 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xc3 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 348 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xd8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 349 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf4 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 349 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x01 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 349 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 349 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x98 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 349 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xa8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 349 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x82 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 349 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2e | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 349 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x84 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 349 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf3 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 349 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x11 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 349 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xd1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 349 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf5 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 349 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xd9 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 349 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x92 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 349 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x50 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 349 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x97 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 349 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x88 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 350 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x09 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 350 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf4 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 350 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1c | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 350 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xd8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 350 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x84 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 350 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xa8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 350 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf3 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 350 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xc0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 350 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 350 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf9 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 350 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xd1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 350 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xd9 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 350 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x97 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 350 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x82 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
Code | File: Src Line | Violation | Standard |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 350 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 350 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x49 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 350 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0d | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 352 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xd1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 352 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xd9 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 352 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x82 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 352 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf4 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 352 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xc4 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 352 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x03 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 352 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xd8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 352 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xde | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 352 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xdf | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 352 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 352 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xad | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 352 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x88 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 352 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x98 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 352 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xcc | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 352 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xa8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 352 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x09 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 352 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf9 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 352 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x92 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 353 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xa8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 353 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf5 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 353 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x7c | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 353 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 353 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x88 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 353 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3a | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 353 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xcf | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 353 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x94 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 353 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4a | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 353 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x6e | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 353 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x98 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 353 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xdb | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 353 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x69 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 353 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x31 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 353 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xda | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 353 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xad | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 353 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 353 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xde | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 353 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf9 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 353 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xd8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 353 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x87 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 353 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x95 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 355 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xa8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 355 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 355 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x21 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 355 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xd1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 355 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xda | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 355 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xa5 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 355 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf9 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
Code | File: Src Line | Violation | Standard |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 355 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf4 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 355 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x17 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 355 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xd9 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 355 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 355 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xae | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 355 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x8e | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 355 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xd0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 355 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xc0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 355 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xc3 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 355 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x82 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 355 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xc6 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 357 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x84 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 357 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xc3 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 357 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xa8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 357 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x85 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 357 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x95 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 357 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xc8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 357 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xa5 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 357 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x88 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 357 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 357 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xc0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 357 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 357 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf4 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 357 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x01 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 357 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x8e | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 357 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x9e | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 357 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xc6 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 357 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3e | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 357 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x56 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 357 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf5 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 358 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x54 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 358 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 358 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x88 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 358 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x72 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 358 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf4 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 358 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x01 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 358 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x98 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 358 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x45 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 358 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x85 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 358 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x6e | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 358 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf5 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 358 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x8e | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 358 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x9e | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 358 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x04 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 358 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x42 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 358 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x5a | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 359 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x8e | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 359 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x9e | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 359 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x06 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 359 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x88 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
Code | File: Src Line | Violation | Standard |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 359 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x69 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 359 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf4 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 359 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x01 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 359 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 359 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x98 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 359 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1e | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 359 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x11 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 359 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x08 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 359 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xd0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 359 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf5 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 359 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x04 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 359 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x97 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 359 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x02 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 361 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x36 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 361 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x25 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 361 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xdb | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 361 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf9 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 361 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xd9 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 361 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x85 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 361 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xa5 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 361 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf3 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 361 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xc1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 361 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xda | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 361 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xdf | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 361 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xd8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 361 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x95 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 361 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xa8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 361 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x09 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 362 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xa5 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 362 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xfa | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 362 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xd8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 362 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x82 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 362 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x92 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 362 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xa8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 362 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf5 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 362 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x78 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 362 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 362 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x88 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 362 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1a | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 362 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x84 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 362 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x9f | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 362 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x26 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 362 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x98 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 362 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x21 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 362 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xda | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 362 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf4 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 362 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1d | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 362 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf3 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 363 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x87 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 363 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x9f | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
Code | File: Src Line | Violation | Standard |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 363 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x39 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 363 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xd1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 363 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xaf | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 363 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xd9 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 363 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xdf | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 363 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xfb | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 363 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf9 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 363 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf4 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 363 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0c | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 363 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf3 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 363 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xd8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 363 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xfa | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 363 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xd0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 363 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 363 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xda | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 365 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xdf | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 365 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xd9 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 365 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf9 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 365 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xd8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 365 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf4 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 365 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0b | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 365 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf3 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 365 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x87 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 365 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x9f | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 365 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x39 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 365 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xd1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 365 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xaf | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 365 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1d | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 365 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xfa | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 365 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xfc | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 366 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xa8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 366 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x69 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 366 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf9 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 366 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xaf | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 366 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xd0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 366 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xda | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 366 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xde | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 366 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xfa | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 366 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xd9 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 366 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 366 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x8f | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 366 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x9f | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 366 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 366 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xcc | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 366 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf3 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 366 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x98 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 366 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xdb | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 366 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x45 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 367 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xaf | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 367 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xdf | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
Code | File: Src Line | Violation | Standard |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 367 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xd0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 367 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 367 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xd8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 367 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 367 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x8f | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 367 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x9f | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 367 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xa8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 367 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xca | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 367 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf3 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 367 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x88 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 367 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x09 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 367 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xda | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 367 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xcb | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 367 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 367 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xad | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 367 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x97 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 369 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x8d | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 369 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0c | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 369 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xd9 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 369 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xa5 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 369 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xdf | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 369 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf9 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 369 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xba | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 369 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xa6 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 369 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf3 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 369 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xfa | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 369 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf4 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 369 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x12 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 369 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 369 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xd8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 369 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x95 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 369 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0d | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 369 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xd1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 370 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xfa | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 370 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xda | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 370 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xa5 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 370 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 370 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xc1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 370 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xba | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 370 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xa6 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 370 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf3 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 370 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xdf | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 370 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xd8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 370 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 370 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xb2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 370 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xb6 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 370 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x86 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 370 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x96 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 370 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xd0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 370 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xca | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
Code | File: Src Line | Violation | Standard |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 370 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x49 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 372 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xa6 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 372 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xcb | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 372 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 372 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xd8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 372 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xb0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 372 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xb4 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 372 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xb8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 372 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xad | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 372 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x84 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 372 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 372 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xc0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 372 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xdf | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 372 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 372 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x8f | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 372 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xc3 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 372 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xa8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 372 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xb2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 374 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xb6 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 374 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x86 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 374 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x96 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 374 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xc8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 374 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xc1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 374 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xcb | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 374 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xc3 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 374 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf3 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 374 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xb0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 374 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xb4 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 374 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x88 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 374 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x98 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 374 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xa8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 374 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x21 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 374 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xdb | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 374 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x71 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 374 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x8d | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 374 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x9d | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 374 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x85 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 374 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x95 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 375 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xd9 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 375 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xad | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 375 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 375 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xfa | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 375 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xd8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 375 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x85 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 375 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x97 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 375 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xa8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 375 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x28 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 375 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf4 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 375 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x08 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 375 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x8d | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
Code | File: Src Line | Violation | Standard |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 375 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x29 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 375 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xda | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 375 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x05 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 376 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x85 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 376 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xa4 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 376 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xc2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 376 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 376 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xd8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 376 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xa8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 376 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x8d | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 376 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x94 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 376 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x01 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 376 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xd9 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 376 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf4 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 376 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x11 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 376 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x87 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 376 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x21 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 376 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0a | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 378 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x84 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 378 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x98 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 378 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xa8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 378 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xc8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 378 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x01 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 378 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xd9 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 378 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf4 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 378 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x11 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 378 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xd8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 378 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf3 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 378 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xa4 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 378 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xbb | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 378 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xaf | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 378 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xd0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 378 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 378 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xde | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 378 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 379 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 379 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xd8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 379 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 379 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xb8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 379 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf6 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 379 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xb5 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 379 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xb9 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 379 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xb0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 379 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x8a | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 379 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x95 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 379 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xa3 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 379 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xde | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 379 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3c | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 379 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xd9 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 379 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x5c | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
Code | File: Src Line | Violation | Standard |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 380 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xa3 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 380 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xd9 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 380 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 380 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xd8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 380 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x7c | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 380 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf9 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 380 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xd1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 380 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xa5 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 380 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xdf | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 380 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xda | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 380 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xfa | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 380 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xb1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 380 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x85 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 380 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x30 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 382 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf7 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 382 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xd9 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 382 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xde | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 382 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xd8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 382 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 382 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x30 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 382 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xad | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 382 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xda | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 382 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 382 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xb4 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 382 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x8c | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 382 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x99 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 382 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xa3 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 382 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2d | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 382 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x55 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 382 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x7d | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 382 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xa0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 382 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x83 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 382 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xdf | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 383 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xdf | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 383 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xb5 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 383 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x91 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 383 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xa0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 383 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf6 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 383 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x29 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 383 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xd9 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 383 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xfb | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 383 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xd8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 383 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xfc | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 383 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xfa | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 383 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xd0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 383 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x51 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 383 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 384 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xfc | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 384 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x51 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 384 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xd9 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
Code | File: Src Line | Violation | Standard |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 384 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf9 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 384 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xd8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 384 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x79 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 384 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xfb | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 384 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xa0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 384 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xd0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 384 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xfa | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 384 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xa1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 386 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xa0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 386 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xda | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 386 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xdf | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 386 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xd8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 386 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xa1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 386 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 386 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xac | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 386 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xde | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 386 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xad | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 386 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x83 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 386 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x93 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 386 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2c | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 387 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x54 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 387 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x7c | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 387 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 387 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xa8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 387 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xdf | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 387 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf6 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 387 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x9d | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 387 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2c | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 387 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xda | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 387 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xa0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 387 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xd9 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 387 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xfa | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 387 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xdb | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 387 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2d | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 387 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 387 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xd8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 387 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x50 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 389 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xa0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 389 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xd0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 389 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xde | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 389 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xd9 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 389 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 389 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xdb | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 389 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x55 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 389 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xd8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 389 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xa8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 389 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x78 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 389 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xda | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 389 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xdf | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 391 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xd0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
Code | File: Src Line | Violation | Standard |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 391 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xfa | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 391 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 391 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xdb | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 391 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x7d | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 391 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xd8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 391 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x9c | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 391 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xa8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 391 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x8c | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 391 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf5 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 391 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x30 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 391 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x38 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 391 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xd9 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 391 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xde | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 391 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xdf | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 391 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xa0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 392 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xd0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 392 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xde | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 392 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xdf | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 392 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xd8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 392 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xa8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 392 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x48 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 392 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xdb | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 392 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x58 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 392 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xd9 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 392 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xa0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 392 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x68 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 392 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x70 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 393 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xd9 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 393 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xdf | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 393 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xa0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 393 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xd8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 393 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 393 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xa8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 393 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x88 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 393 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x90 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 393 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2c | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 393 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x54 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 393 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x7c | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 393 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x98 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 393 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xd0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 393 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x5c | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 393 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x38 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 393 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xd1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 393 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xda | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 393 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 395 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xae | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 395 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x8c | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 395 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xdf | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 395 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf9 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 395 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xd8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
Code | File: Src Line | Violation | Standard |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 395 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xb0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 395 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x87 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 395 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xa8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 395 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xc1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 395 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xb1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 395 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x88 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 395 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xc6 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 395 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xda | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 395 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x36 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 396 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xda | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 396 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x36 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 396 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xd8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 396 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xa8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 396 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf9 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 396 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf7 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 396 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x8d | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 396 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x9d | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 396 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xad | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 397 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 397 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x18 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 397 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xda | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 397 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 397 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xae | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 397 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xdf | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 397 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xd8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 397 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf7 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 397 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xad | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 397 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xfa | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 397 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x30 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 397 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xd9 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 397 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xa4 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 397 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xde | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 397 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf9 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 399 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x83 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 399 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xa7 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 399 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xd9 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 399 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xc3 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 399 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xc5 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 399 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xc7 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 399 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 399 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x88 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 399 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x9b | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 399 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x7a | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 399 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xad | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 399 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf7 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 399 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xde | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 399 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xdf | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 399 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xa4 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 399 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 399 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x84 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
Code | File: Src Line | Violation | Standard |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 399 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x94 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 399 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x08 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 399 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x97 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 400 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf3 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 400 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 400 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 400 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x98 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 400 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x19 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 400 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xa4 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 400 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x88 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 400 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xc6 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 400 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xa3 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 400 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x94 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 400 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf6 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 400 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x32 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 400 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xdf | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 400 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x83 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 400 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x93 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 400 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xdb | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 400 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x09 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 400 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xd9 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 401 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 401 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xaa | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 401 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xdf | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 401 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xd8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 401 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xae | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 401 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 401 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf9 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 401 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xd1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 401 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xda | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 401 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf3 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 401 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xa4 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 401 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xde | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 401 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xa7 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 401 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 401 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x88 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 401 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x9b | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 401 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x7a | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 401 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x84 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 401 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x94 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 403 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xae | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 403 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x19 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 403 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf9 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 403 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xda | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 403 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xaa | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 403 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 403 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xdf | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 403 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xd8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 403 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xa8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 403 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x81 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
Code | File: Src Line | Violation | Standard |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 403 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xc0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 403 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xc3 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 403 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xc5 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 403 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xc7 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 403 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xa3 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 403 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x92 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 403 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x83 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 403 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf6 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 403 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x28 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 403 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xad | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 403 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xde | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 404 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xd9 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 404 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 404 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xd8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 404 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xa3 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 404 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x50 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 404 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xad | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 404 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x78 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 404 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf9 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 404 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xd1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 404 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xa1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 404 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xda | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 404 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xde | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 404 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xc3 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 406 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xc5 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 406 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xc7 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 406 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xd8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 406 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xa1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 406 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x81 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 406 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x94 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 406 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 406 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x18 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 406 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 406 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xb0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 406 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x89 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 406 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xac | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 406 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xc3 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 406 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 406 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xb8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 406 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xb4 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 408 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xb0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 408 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x97 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 408 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x86 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 408 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xa8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 408 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x31 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 408 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x9b | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 408 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x06 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 408 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x99 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 408 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x07 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 408 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xab | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
Code | File: Src Line | Violation | Standard |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 408 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x28 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 408 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x88 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 408 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 408 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0c | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 408 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 408 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x14 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 408 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x40 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 408 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xb4 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 408 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xb8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 409 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 409 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xa8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 409 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x8a | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 409 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x9a | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 409 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x28 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 409 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x50 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 409 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x78 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 409 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xb7 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 409 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x9b | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 409 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x29 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 409 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x51 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 409 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x79 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 409 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x24 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 409 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x70 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 409 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x59 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 409 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x44 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 409 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x69 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 409 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x38 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 409 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x64 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 409 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x48 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 410 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x31 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 410 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 410 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xbb | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 410 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xab | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 410 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x88 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 410 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 410 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x54 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 410 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x7c | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 410 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 410 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xb3 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 410 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x8b | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 410 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xb8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 410 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xa8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 410 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x04 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 410 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x28 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 410 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x50 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 410 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x78 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 410 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xb0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 410 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xb4 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 412 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x97 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 412 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x26 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
Code | File: Src Line | Violation | Standard |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 412 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xa8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 412 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x59 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 412 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x98 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 412 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xbb | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 412 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xab | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 412 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xb3 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 412 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x8b | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 412 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x02 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 412 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x46 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 412 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x66 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 412 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xb0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 412 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xb8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 412 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 412 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x8a | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 412 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x9c | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 412 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x29 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 412 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x51 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 413 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x79 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 413 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x8b | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 413 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x29 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 413 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x51 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 413 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x8a | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 413 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x24 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 413 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x70 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 413 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x59 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 413 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 413 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x58 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 413 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x71 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 413 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x44 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 413 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x69 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 413 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x38 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 413 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x39 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 413 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x40 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 413 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x68 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 414 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x64 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 414 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x48 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 414 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x31 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 414 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x8b | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 414 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x30 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 414 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x49 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 414 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x60 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 414 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x88 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 414 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 414 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xac | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 414 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 414 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x54 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 414 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x7c | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 414 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 414 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x8c | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 414 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xa8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
Code | File: Src Line | Violation | Standard |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 414 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x04 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 414 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x28 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 414 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x50 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 414 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x78 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 416 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 416 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x88 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 416 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x97 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 416 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x26 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 416 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xa8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 416 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x59 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 416 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x98 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 416 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xac | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 416 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x8c | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 416 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x02 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 416 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x46 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 416 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x66 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 416 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 416 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x89 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 416 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x9c | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 416 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x29 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 416 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x51 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 416 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x79 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 416 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x24 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 416 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x70 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 417 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x59 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 417 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x44 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 417 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x69 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 417 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x38 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 417 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x64 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 417 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x48 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 417 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x31 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 417 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xa9 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 417 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x88 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 417 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x09 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 417 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 417 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x70 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 417 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xab | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 417 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x11 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 417 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x40 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 417 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xa8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 417 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x19 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 418 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x48 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 418 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x60 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 418 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x8c | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 418 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xa8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 418 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3c | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 418 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x41 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 418 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x5c | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 418 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 418 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x7c | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
Code | File: Src Line | Violation | Standard |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 418 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 418 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x87 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 418 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x98 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 418 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x19 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 418 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x86 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 418 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x6e | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 418 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x76 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 418 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x7e | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 418 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xa9 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 418 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x99 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 418 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x88 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 420 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2d | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 420 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x55 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 420 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x7d | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 420 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xd8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 420 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xb1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 420 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xb5 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 420 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xb9 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 420 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xa3 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 420 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xdf | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 420 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xae | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 420 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xd0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 420 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xaa | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 420 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xde | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 420 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 420 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xab | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 420 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 420 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf9 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 421 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xd9 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 421 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xb0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 421 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x87 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 421 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xc4 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 421 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xaa | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 421 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 421 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xdf | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 421 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xbb | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 421 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xaf | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 421 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xb9 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 421 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xd8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 421 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xb1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 421 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xa3 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 421 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x97 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 421 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x8e | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 421 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x60 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 423 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x84 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 423 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 423 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xc8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 423 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 423 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf9 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 423 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xd9 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
Code | File: Src Line | Violation | Standard |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 423 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xde | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 423 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xd8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 423 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x93 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 423 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x85 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 423 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 423 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4a | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 423 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xb1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 423 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x83 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 423 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xa3 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 423 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x08 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 423 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xb5 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 423 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x9a | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 425 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x08 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 425 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 425 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xb7 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 425 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x9f | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 425 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xd8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 425 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 425 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xb0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 425 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xba | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 425 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xae | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 425 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x8a | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 425 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xc2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 425 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xb2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 425 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xb6 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 425 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x8e | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 425 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x9e | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 425 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xfb | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 425 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xd9 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 425 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf4 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 425 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1d | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 426 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xd8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 426 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf9 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 426 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xd9 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 426 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0c | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 426 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 426 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 426 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xad | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 426 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x61 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 426 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xae | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 426 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xfb | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 426 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf4 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 427 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x19 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 427 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xd9 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 427 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xae | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 427 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xfb | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 427 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xdf | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 427 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xd8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 427 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf4 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 427 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x16 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
Code | File: Src Line | Violation | Standard |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 427 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 427 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 427 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xad | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 427 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x8d | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 427 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x61 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 427 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xac | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 427 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf5 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 427 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x9c | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 429 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xdf | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 429 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2b | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 429 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xba | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 429 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xb6 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 429 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xae | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 429 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xfa | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 429 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 429 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf4 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 429 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0b | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 429 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xd8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 429 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 429 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xd0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 429 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xad | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 429 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x51 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 429 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xda | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 430 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xd8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 430 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xb9 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 430 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xb1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 430 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xb6 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 430 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xa3 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 430 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x83 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 430 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x9c | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 430 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x08 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 430 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x9a | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 430 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xb5 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 430 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xaa | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 430 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xc0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 430 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xfd | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 430 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x30 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 430 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xb7 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 430 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x9f | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 430 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 431 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x8b | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 431 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x93 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 431 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 431 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x02 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 431 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xd1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 431 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xab | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 431 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xda | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 431 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xde | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 431 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xd8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 431 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
Code | File: Src Line | Violation | Standard |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 431 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xb0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 431 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x80 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 431 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xba | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 431 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xc0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 431 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xc3 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 431 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xb2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 431 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x84 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 431 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xc1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 433 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xd8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 433 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xb1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 433 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xb9 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 433 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf3 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 433 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x8b | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 433 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xa3 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 433 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x91 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 433 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xb6 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 433 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x09 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 433 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xb4 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 433 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xd9 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 433 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xab | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 433 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xde | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 433 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xb0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 433 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x87 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 433 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x9c | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 433 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xdd | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 433 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 433 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xb3 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 434 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x8b | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 434 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xb0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 434 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x87 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 434 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xa3 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 434 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xb2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 434 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xb6 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 434 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x9b | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 434 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 435 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xa3 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 435 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 435 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xb0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 435 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x87 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 435 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xb5 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 435 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x9a | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 435 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf3 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 435 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x9b | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 435 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xdc | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 435 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xba | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 435 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xac | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 435 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xdf | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 435 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xb9 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 437 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xa3 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 437 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xd8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
Code | File: Src Line | Violation | Standard |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 437 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xbb | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 437 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xb3 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 437 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xb7 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 437 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 437 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xaa | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 438 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf9 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 438 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xda | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 438 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xff | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 438 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xd9 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 438 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x80 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 438 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x9a | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 438 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xaa | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 438 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x28 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 438 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xb4 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 438 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x98 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 438 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xa7 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 438 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 438 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xb7 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 438 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x97 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 438 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x87 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 438 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xa8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 438 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x66 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 438 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x88 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 438 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 438 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x79 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 438 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x51 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 440 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 440 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x90 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 440 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2c | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 440 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x87 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 440 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0c | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 440 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xa7 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 440 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x81 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 440 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x97 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 440 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x62 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 440 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x93 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 440 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 440 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x71 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 440 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x60 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 440 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x85 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 440 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x94 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 440 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x01 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 440 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x51 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 442 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x79 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 442 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x90 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 442 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xa5 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 442 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 442 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x28 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 442 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4c | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 442 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x6c | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
Code | File: Src Line | Violation | Standard |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 442 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x87 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 442 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0c | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 442 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x95 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 442 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x18 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 442 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x85 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 442 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x78 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 442 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xa3 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 442 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x83 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 442 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x88 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 442 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xd8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 443 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf3 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 443 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xa2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 443 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x82 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 443 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 443 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 443 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xa8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 443 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x92 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 443 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x19 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 443 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x80 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 443 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 443 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xd9 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 443 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x26 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 443 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xd8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 443 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 443 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x88 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 443 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4d | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 443 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x48 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 444 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xd8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 444 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x96 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 444 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xa8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 444 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x39 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 444 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x80 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 444 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xd9 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 444 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3c | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 444 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x95 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 444 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xa6 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 444 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x86 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 444 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x98 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 444 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2c | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 444 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xda | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 444 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x87 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 444 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xa7 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 446 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xa8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 446 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x89 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 446 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x95 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 446 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x19 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 446 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xa9 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 446 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x80 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 446 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xd9 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 446 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x38 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
Code | File: Src Line | Violation | Standard |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 446 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xd8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 446 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x39 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 446 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xda | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 446 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3c | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 446 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2e | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 447 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x90 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 447 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xd9 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 447 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0c | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 447 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xd8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 447 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xa8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 447 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x95 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 447 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x31 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 447 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x98 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 447 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x09 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 447 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xff | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 447 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x01 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 447 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x39 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 448 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xa9 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 448 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xda | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 448 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x26 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 448 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xff | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 448 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xd8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 448 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x90 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 448 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xa8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 448 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0d | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 448 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x89 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 448 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x99 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 448 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 448 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x80 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 448 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x98 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 448 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x21 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 448 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2e | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 450 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x31 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 450 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x80 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 450 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xda | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 450 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2e | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 450 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xd8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 450 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xa8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 450 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x86 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 450 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x96 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 450 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x87 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 450 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x82 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 451 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x92 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 451 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf3 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 451 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x41 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 451 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x80 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 451 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 451 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xd9 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 451 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2e | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 451 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xd8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
Code | File: Src Line | Violation | Standard |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 451 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xa8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 451 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x82 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 451 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x19 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 451 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xac | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 451 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xc0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 452 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xa2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 452 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x80 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 452 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x22 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 452 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 452 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xa6 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 452 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2e | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 452 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xa7 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 452 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xa9 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 452 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x98 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 452 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xa8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 452 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x29 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 452 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xda | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 452 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xac | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 452 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xde | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 452 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xff | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 452 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xd8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 452 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 452 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2a | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 454 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xa9 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 454 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2e | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 454 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x82 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 454 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x92 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 454 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xa8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 454 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 454 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x31 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 454 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x80 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 454 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xa6 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 454 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x96 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 454 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 454 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xd9 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 454 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 454 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x8c | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 454 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x9c | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 454 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0c | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 454 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x30 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 454 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xac | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 454 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xde | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 454 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xd0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 455 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xde | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 455 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xff | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 455 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xd8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 455 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x8c | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 455 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x9c | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 455 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xac | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 455 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xd0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
Code | File: Src Line | Violation | Standard |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 455 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 455 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x80 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 455 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x92 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 455 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xa2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 455 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 455 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4c | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 455 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x82 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 455 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xa8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 455 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 455 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xca | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 455 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x35 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 456 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x96 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 456 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x88 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 456 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xa6 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 456 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xd9 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 456 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 456 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 456 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xff | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 456 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned char and short): , 0xf1 , 0x96 , 0x88 , 0xa6 , 0xd9 , 0x00 , 0xd8 , 0xf1 , 0xff | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
O | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 460 | Basic type declaration used. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.6 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 460 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
O | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 485 | Basic type declaration used. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.6 |
O | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 486 | Basic type declaration used. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.6 |
O | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 487 | Basic type declaration used. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.6 |
O | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 488 | Basic type declaration used. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.6 |
O | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 489 | Basic type declaration used. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.6 |
O | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 499 | Comment possibly contains code. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 504 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 505 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 506 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 507 | Struct field initialisation incorrect. : 'signed char' used, 'unsigned char' expected | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
O | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 252 | Scope of variable could be reduced. : dmp_memory | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.9 |
O | inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c: 460 | Scope of variable could be reduced. : sStartAddress | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.9 |
O | main.c: 24 | Basic type declaration used. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.6 |
O | main.c: 31 | Basic type declaration used. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.6 |
O | main.c: 32 | Basic type declaration used. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.6 |
O | main.c | Use of single line comment(s) //. | MISRA-C:2012 R.1.2 |
O | main.c: 26 | Scope of variable could be reduced. : distance | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.9 |
O | main.c: 27 | Scope of variable could be reduced. : AnglePidA | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.9 |
O | main.c: 28 | Scope of variable could be reduced. : SpeedPidA | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.9 |
O | main.c: 29 | Scope of variable could be reduced. : TurnPidA | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.9 |
M | main.c: 27 | Procedure contains UR data flow anomalies. : AnglePidA | MISRA-C:2012 R.9.1 |
M | main.c: 28 | Procedure contains UR data flow anomalies. : SpeedPidA | MISRA-C:2012 R.9.1 |
M | main.c: 29 | Procedure contains UR data flow anomalies. : TurnPidA | MISRA-C:2012 R.9.1 |
M | main.c: 31 | Procedure contains UR data flow anomalies. : speed2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.9.1 |
M | main.c: 31 | Procedure contains UR data flow anomalies. : speed4 | MISRA-C:2012 R.9.1 |
C | misc.h: 25 | User name starts with underscore. : __MISC_H | MISRA-C:2012 R.21.1,R.21.2 |
O | misc.h: 117 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | misc.h: 130 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | misc.h: 155 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | misc.h: 158 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | misc.h: 160 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | misc.h: 162 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
C | misc.h: 172 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xFFFFFFFB | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
O | misc.h: 174 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
Code | File: Src Line | Violation | Standard |
O | motor.c: 4 | Scope of variable could be reduced. : ARR_Val | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.9 |
O | mpu6050.c | Use of single line comment(s) //. | MISRA-C:2012 R.1.2 |
C | oled.c: 4 | Included file is not permitted. | MISRA-C:2012 R.21.5,R.21.6,R.21.10,R.21.11 |
O | oled.c: 98 | Basic type declaration used. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.6 |
O | oled.c: 184 | Comment possibly contains code. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.4 |
O | oled.c | Use of single line comment(s) //. | MISRA-C:2012 R.1.2 |
O | oled.c: 284 | Comment possibly contains code. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.4 |
O | remote.c: 78 | Basic type declaration used. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.6 |
O | remote.c: 79 | Basic type declaration used. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.6 |
O | remote.c: 4 | Scope of variable could be reduced. : RC_Ctl | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.9 |
O | stm32f10x_adc.h: 193 | Macro not used in translation unit. : ADC_Channel_TempSensor | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_adc.h: 194 | Macro not used in translation unit. : ADC_Channel_Vrefint | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
C | stm32f10x_adc.h: 25 | User name starts with underscore. : __STM32F10x_ADC_H | MISRA-C:2012 R.21.1,R.21.2 |
O | stm32f10x_adc.h: 83 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_adc.h: 87 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_adc.h: 112 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_adc.h: 152 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_adc.h: 164 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_adc.h: 202 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_adc.h: 228 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
C | stm32f10x_adc.h: 249 | Identifier matches macro name in 31 chars. | MISRA-C:2012 R.5.4,R.5.5 |
O | stm32f10x_adc.h: 264 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_adc.h: 281 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_adc.h: 303 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_adc.h: 317 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_adc.h: 319 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_adc.h: 334 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_adc.h: 337 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_adc.h: 346 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_adc.h: 356 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_adc.h: 366 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_adc.h: 376 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_adc.h: 387 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_adc.h: 396 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_adc.h: 406 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
C | stm32f10x_adc.c: 48 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xFFFF1FFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | stm32f10x_adc.c: 52 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xFFFFF7FF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | stm32f10x_adc.c: 56 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xFFFFFBFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | stm32f10x_adc.c: 60 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xFFFFEFFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | stm32f10x_adc.c: 63 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xFFFFFFE0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | stm32f10x_adc.c: 66 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xFF3FFDFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | stm32f10x_adc.c: 69 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xFFF0FEFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | stm32f10x_adc.c: 73 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xFFFFFFFE | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | stm32f10x_adc.c: 77 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xFFFFFEFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | stm32f10x_adc.c: 90 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xFFEFFFFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | stm32f10x_adc.c: 94 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xFFAFFFFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | stm32f10x_adc.c: 97 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xFFFF8FFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | stm32f10x_adc.c: 101 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xFFFF7FFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | stm32f10x_adc.c: 108 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xFFDF7FFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | stm32f10x_adc.c: 112 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xFF7FFFFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
Code | File: Src Line | Violation | Standard |
C | stm32f10x_adc.c: 115 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xFFF1F7FD | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | stm32f10x_adc.c: 123 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xFF0FFFFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | stm32f10x_adc.c: 130 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xFFCFFFFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | stm32f10x_adc.h: 249 | Identifier match in 31 chars. : ADC_ExternalTrigInjecConv_T8_CC2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.5.1,R.5.2,R.5.3,R.5.4 |
C | stm32f10x_bkp.h: 25 | User name starts with underscore. : __STM32F10x_BKP_H | MISRA-C:2012 R.21.1,R.21.2 |
O | stm32f10x_bkp.h: 60 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_bkp.h: 76 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_bkp.h: 142 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_bkp.h: 144 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_can.h: 285 | Macro not used in translation unit. : CAN_BS1_1tq | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_can.h: 286 | Macro not used in translation unit. : CAN_BS1_2tq | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_can.h: 287 | Macro not used in translation unit. : CAN_BS1_3tq | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_can.h: 289 | Macro not used in translation unit. : CAN_BS1_5tq | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_can.h: 290 | Macro not used in translation unit. : CAN_BS1_6tq | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_can.h: 291 | Macro not used in translation unit. : CAN_BS1_7tq | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_can.h: 292 | Macro not used in translation unit. : CAN_BS1_8tq | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_can.h: 293 | Macro not used in translation unit. : CAN_BS1_9tq | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_can.h: 294 | Macro not used in translation unit. : CAN_BS1_10tq | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_can.h: 295 | Macro not used in translation unit. : CAN_BS1_11tq | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_can.h: 296 | Macro not used in translation unit. : CAN_BS1_12tq | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_can.h: 297 | Macro not used in translation unit. : CAN_BS1_13tq | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_can.h: 298 | Macro not used in translation unit. : CAN_BS1_14tq | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_can.h: 299 | Macro not used in translation unit. : CAN_BS1_15tq | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_can.h: 311 | Macro not used in translation unit. : CAN_BS2_1tq | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_can.h: 312 | Macro not used in translation unit. : CAN_BS2_2tq | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_can.h: 314 | Macro not used in translation unit. : CAN_BS2_4tq | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_can.h: 315 | Macro not used in translation unit. : CAN_BS2_5tq | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_can.h: 316 | Macro not used in translation unit. : CAN_BS2_6tq | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_can.h: 317 | Macro not used in translation unit. : CAN_BS2_7tq | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_can.h: 485 | Macro not used in translation unit. : CAN_ErrorCode_NoErr | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_can.h: 486 | Macro not used in translation unit. : CAN_ErrorCode_StuffErr | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_can.h: 487 | Macro not used in translation unit. : CAN_ErrorCode_FormErr | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_can.h: 488 | Macro not used in translation unit. : CAN_ErrorCode_ACKErr | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_can.h: 489 | Macro not used in translation unit. : CAN_ErrorCode_BitRecessiveErr | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_can.h: 490 | Macro not used in translation unit. : CAN_ErrorCode_BitDominantErr | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_can.h: 491 | Macro not used in translation unit. : CAN_ErrorCode_CRCErr | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_can.h: 492 | Macro not used in translation unit. : CAN_ErrorCode_SoftwareSetErr | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_can.h: 578 | Macro not used in translation unit. : CAN_IT_RQCP0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_can.h: 579 | Macro not used in translation unit. : CAN_IT_RQCP1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_can.h: 580 | Macro not used in translation unit. : CAN_IT_RQCP2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_can.h: 605 | Macro not used in translation unit. : CANINITFAILED | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_can.h: 606 | Macro not used in translation unit. : CANINITOK | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_can.h: 609 | Macro not used in translation unit. : CAN_ID_STD | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_can.h: 610 | Macro not used in translation unit. : CAN_ID_EXT | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_can.h: 611 | Macro not used in translation unit. : CAN_RTR_DATA | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_can.h: 612 | Macro not used in translation unit. : CAN_RTR_REMOTE | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_can.h: 613 | Macro not used in translation unit. : CANTXFAILE | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_can.h: 614 | Macro not used in translation unit. : CANTXOK | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_can.h: 615 | Macro not used in translation unit. : CANTXPENDING | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_can.h: 616 | Macro not used in translation unit. : CAN_NO_MB | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_can.h: 617 | Macro not used in translation unit. : CANSLEEPFAILED | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
Code | File: Src Line | Violation | Standard |
O | stm32f10x_can.h: 618 | Macro not used in translation unit. : CANSLEEPOK | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_can.h: 619 | Macro not used in translation unit. : CANWAKEUPFAILED | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_can.h: 620 | Macro not used in translation unit. : CANWAKEUPOK | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
C | stm32f10x_can.h: 25 | User name starts with underscore. : __STM32F10x_CAN_H | MISRA-C:2012 R.21.1,R.21.2 |
O | stm32f10x_can.h: 46 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_can.h: 231 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_can.h: 246 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_can.h: 275 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_can.h: 302 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_can.h: 320 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_can.h: 330 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_can.h: 340 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_can.h: 355 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_can.h: 368 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_can.h: 381 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_can.h: 390 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_can.h: 399 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_can.h: 400 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_can.h: 401 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_can.h: 402 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_can.h: 414 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_can.h: 426 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_can.h: 452 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_can.h: 535 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_can.h: 544 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_can.h: 588 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_can.h: 596 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_can.h: 607 | Identifier is typographically ambiguous. : CAN_Filter_FIFO0 | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.5 |
O | stm32f10x_can.h: 608 | Identifier is typographically ambiguous. : CAN_Filter_FIFO1 | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.5 |
O | stm32f10x_can.h: 611 | Identifier is typographically ambiguous. : CAN_RTR_Data | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.5 |
O | stm32f10x_can.h: 618 | Identifier is typographically ambiguous. : CAN_Sleep_Ok | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.5 |
O | stm32f10x_can.h: 620 | Identifier is typographically ambiguous. : CAN_WakeUp_Ok | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.5 |
C | stm32f10x_cec.h: 25 | User name starts with underscore. : __STM32F10x_CEC_H | MISRA-C:2012 R.21.1,R.21.2 |
O | stm32f10x_cec.h: 72 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_cec.h: 84 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_cec.h: 98 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_cec.h: 108 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_cec.h: 116 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
C | stm32f10x_cec.h: 148 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xFFFFFF03 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
O | stm32f10x_cec.h: 148 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_cec.h: 154 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
C | stm32f10x_crc.h: 25 | User name starts with underscore. : __STM32F10x_CRC_H | MISRA-C:2012 R.21.1,R.21.2 |
O | stm32f10x_dac.h: 84 | Macro not used in translation unit. : DAC_Trigger_T3_TRGO | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_dac.h: 88 | Macro not used in translation unit. : DAC_Trigger_T15_TRGO | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
C | stm32f10x_dac.h: 25 | User name starts with underscore. : __STM32F10x_DAC_H | MISRA-C:2012 R.21.1,R.21.2 |
O | stm32f10x_dac.h: 102 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_dac.h: 116 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_dac.h: 174 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_dac.h: 186 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_dac.h: 198 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_dac.h: 211 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_dac.h: 224 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_dac.h: 234 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
C | stm32f10x_dac.c: 52 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xFFFFFFFC | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
O | stm32f10x_dbgmcu.h: 54 | Macro not used in translation unit. : DBGMCU_SLEEP | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
Code | File: Src Line | Violation | Standard |
O | stm32f10x_dbgmcu.h: 55 | Macro not used in translation unit. : DBGMCU_STOP | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_dbgmcu.h: 56 | Macro not used in translation unit. : DBGMCU_STANDBY | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_dbgmcu.h: 57 | Macro not used in translation unit. : DBGMCU_IWDG_STOP | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_dbgmcu.h: 58 | Macro not used in translation unit. : DBGMCU_WWDG_STOP | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_dbgmcu.h: 59 | Macro not used in translation unit. : DBGMCU_TIM1_STOP | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_dbgmcu.h: 60 | Macro not used in translation unit. : DBGMCU_TIM2_STOP | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_dbgmcu.h: 61 | Macro not used in translation unit. : DBGMCU_TIM3_STOP | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_dbgmcu.h: 62 | Macro not used in translation unit. : DBGMCU_TIM4_STOP | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_dbgmcu.h: 63 | Macro not used in translation unit. : DBGMCU_CAN1_STOP | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_dbgmcu.h: 64 | Macro not used in translation unit. : DBGMCU_I2C1_SMBUS_TIMEOUT | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_dbgmcu.h: 65 | Macro not used in translation unit. : DBGMCU_I2C2_SMBUS_TIMEOUT | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_dbgmcu.h: 66 | Macro not used in translation unit. : DBGMCU_TIM8_STOP | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_dbgmcu.h: 67 | Macro not used in translation unit. : DBGMCU_TIM5_STOP | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_dbgmcu.h: 68 | Macro not used in translation unit. : DBGMCU_TIM6_STOP | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_dbgmcu.h: 69 | Macro not used in translation unit. : DBGMCU_TIM7_STOP | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_dbgmcu.h: 70 | Macro not used in translation unit. : DBGMCU_CAN2_STOP | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_dbgmcu.h: 71 | Macro not used in translation unit. : DBGMCU_TIM15_STOP | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_dbgmcu.h: 72 | Macro not used in translation unit. : DBGMCU_TIM16_STOP | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_dbgmcu.h: 73 | Macro not used in translation unit. : DBGMCU_TIM17_STOP | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_dbgmcu.h: 74 | Macro not used in translation unit. : DBGMCU_TIM12_STOP | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_dbgmcu.h: 75 | Macro not used in translation unit. : DBGMCU_TIM13_STOP | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_dbgmcu.h: 76 | Macro not used in translation unit. : DBGMCU_TIM14_STOP | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_dbgmcu.h: 77 | Macro not used in translation unit. : DBGMCU_TIM9_STOP | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_dbgmcu.h: 78 | Macro not used in translation unit. : DBGMCU_TIM10_STOP | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_dbgmcu.h: 79 | Macro not used in translation unit. : DBGMCU_TIM11_STOP | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
C | stm32f10x_dbgmcu.h: 25 | User name starts with underscore. : __STM32F10x_DBGMCU_H | MISRA-C:2012 R.21.1,R.21.2 |
C | stm32f10x_dbgmcu.h: 81 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0x800000F8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
O | stm32f10x_dbgmcu.h: 81 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_dma.h: 215 | Macro not used in translation unit. : DMA_IT_TC | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_dma.h: 216 | Macro not used in translation unit. : DMA_IT_HT | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_dma.h: 217 | Macro not used in translation unit. : DMA_IT_TE | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
C | stm32f10x_dma.h: 25 | User name starts with underscore. : __STM32F10x_DMA_H | MISRA-C:2012 R.21.1,R.21.2 |
O | stm32f10x_dma.h: 104 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_dma.h: 114 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_dma.h: 126 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_dma.h: 138 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_dma.h: 153 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_dma.h: 165 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_dma.h: 178 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_dma.h: 194 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_dma.h: 205 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
C | stm32f10x_dma.h: 218 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xFFFFFFF1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
O | stm32f10x_dma.h: 218 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
C | stm32f10x_dma.h: 270 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xF0000000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
O | stm32f10x_dma.h: 270 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_dma.h: 295 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
C | stm32f10x_dma.h: 354 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xF0000000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
O | stm32f10x_dma.h: 354 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_dma.h: 379 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_dma.h: 388 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
Code | File: Src Line | Violation | Standard |
C | stm32f10x_dma.c: 67 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xFFFF800F | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | stm32f10x_exti.h: 25 | User name starts with underscore. : __STM32F10x_EXTI_H | MISRA-C:2012 R.21.1,R.21.2 |
O | stm32f10x_exti.h: 56 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_exti.h: 69 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
C | stm32f10x_exti.h: 125 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xFFF00000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
O | stm32f10x_exti.h: 125 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_exti.h: 134 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_flash.h: 110 | Macro not used in translation unit. : FLASH_WRProt_Pages0to3 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_flash.h: 111 | Macro not used in translation unit. : FLASH_WRProt_Pages4to7 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_flash.h: 112 | Macro not used in translation unit. : FLASH_WRProt_Pages8to11 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_flash.h: 113 | Macro not used in translation unit. : FLASH_WRProt_Pages12to15 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_flash.h: 114 | Macro not used in translation unit. : FLASH_WRProt_Pages16to19 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_flash.h: 115 | Macro not used in translation unit. : FLASH_WRProt_Pages20to23 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_flash.h: 116 | Macro not used in translation unit. : FLASH_WRProt_Pages24to27 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_flash.h: 117 | Macro not used in translation unit. : FLASH_WRProt_Pages28to31 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_flash.h: 120 | Macro not used in translation unit. : FLASH_WRProt_Pages32to35 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_flash.h: 121 | Macro not used in translation unit. : FLASH_WRProt_Pages36to39 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_flash.h: 122 | Macro not used in translation unit. : FLASH_WRProt_Pages40to43 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_flash.h: 123 | Macro not used in translation unit. : FLASH_WRProt_Pages44to47 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_flash.h: 124 | Macro not used in translation unit. : FLASH_WRProt_Pages48to51 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_flash.h: 125 | Macro not used in translation unit. : FLASH_WRProt_Pages52to55 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_flash.h: 126 | Macro not used in translation unit. : FLASH_WRProt_Pages56to59 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_flash.h: 127 | Macro not used in translation unit. : FLASH_WRProt_Pages60to63 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_flash.h: 128 | Macro not used in translation unit. : FLASH_WRProt_Pages64to67 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_flash.h: 129 | Macro not used in translation unit. : FLASH_WRProt_Pages68to71 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_flash.h: 130 | Macro not used in translation unit. : FLASH_WRProt_Pages72to75 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_flash.h: 131 | Macro not used in translation unit. : FLASH_WRProt_Pages76to79 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_flash.h: 132 | Macro not used in translation unit. : FLASH_WRProt_Pages80to83 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_flash.h: 133 | Macro not used in translation unit. : FLASH_WRProt_Pages84to87 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_flash.h: 134 | Macro not used in translation unit. : FLASH_WRProt_Pages88to91 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_flash.h: 135 | Macro not used in translation unit. : FLASH_WRProt_Pages92to95 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_flash.h: 136 | Macro not used in translation unit. : FLASH_WRProt_Pages96to99 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_flash.h: 137 | Macro not used in translation unit. : FLASH_WRProt_Pages100to103 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_flash.h: 138 | Macro not used in translation unit. : FLASH_WRProt_Pages104to107 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_flash.h: 139 | Macro not used in translation unit. : FLASH_WRProt_Pages108to111 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_flash.h: 140 | Macro not used in translation unit. : FLASH_WRProt_Pages112to115 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_flash.h: 141 | Macro not used in translation unit. : FLASH_WRProt_Pages116to119 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_flash.h: 142 | Macro not used in translation unit. : FLASH_WRProt_Pages120to123 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_flash.h: 143 | Macro not used in translation unit. : FLASH_WRProt_Pages124to127 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_flash.h: 146 | Macro not used in translation unit. : FLASH_WRProt_Pages0to1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_flash.h: 148 | Macro not used in translation unit. : FLASH_WRProt_Pages2to3 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_flash.h: 150 | Macro not used in translation unit. : FLASH_WRProt_Pages4to5 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_flash.h: 152 | Macro not used in translation unit. : FLASH_WRProt_Pages6to7 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_flash.h: 154 | Macro not used in translation unit. : FLASH_WRProt_Pages8to9 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_flash.h: 156 | Macro not used in translation unit. : FLASH_WRProt_Pages10to11 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_flash.h: 158 | Macro not used in translation unit. : FLASH_WRProt_Pages12to13 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_flash.h: 160 | Macro not used in translation unit. : FLASH_WRProt_Pages14to15 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_flash.h: 162 | Macro not used in translation unit. : FLASH_WRProt_Pages16to17 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_flash.h: 164 | Macro not used in translation unit. : FLASH_WRProt_Pages18to19 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_flash.h: 166 | Macro not used in translation unit. : FLASH_WRProt_Pages20to21 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
Code | File: Src Line | Violation | Standard |
O | stm32f10x_flash.h: 168 | Macro not used in translation unit. : FLASH_WRProt_Pages22to23 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_flash.h: 170 | Macro not used in translation unit. : FLASH_WRProt_Pages24to25 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_flash.h: 172 | Macro not used in translation unit. : FLASH_WRProt_Pages26to27 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_flash.h: 174 | Macro not used in translation unit. : FLASH_WRProt_Pages28to29 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_flash.h: 176 | Macro not used in translation unit. : FLASH_WRProt_Pages30to31 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_flash.h: 178 | Macro not used in translation unit. : FLASH_WRProt_Pages32to33 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_flash.h: 180 | Macro not used in translation unit. : FLASH_WRProt_Pages34to35 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_flash.h: 182 | Macro not used in translation unit. : FLASH_WRProt_Pages36to37 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_flash.h: 184 | Macro not used in translation unit. : FLASH_WRProt_Pages38to39 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_flash.h: 186 | Macro not used in translation unit. : FLASH_WRProt_Pages40to41 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_flash.h: 188 | Macro not used in translation unit. : FLASH_WRProt_Pages42to43 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_flash.h: 190 | Macro not used in translation unit. : FLASH_WRProt_Pages44to45 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_flash.h: 192 | Macro not used in translation unit. : FLASH_WRProt_Pages46to47 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_flash.h: 194 | Macro not used in translation unit. : FLASH_WRProt_Pages48to49 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_flash.h: 196 | Macro not used in translation unit. : FLASH_WRProt_Pages50to51 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_flash.h: 198 | Macro not used in translation unit. : FLASH_WRProt_Pages52to53 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_flash.h: 200 | Macro not used in translation unit. : FLASH_WRProt_Pages54to55 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_flash.h: 202 | Macro not used in translation unit. : FLASH_WRProt_Pages56to57 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_flash.h: 204 | Macro not used in translation unit. : FLASH_WRProt_Pages58to59 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_flash.h: 206 | Macro not used in translation unit. : FLASH_WRProt_Pages60to61 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_flash.h: 208 | Macro not used in translation unit. : FLASH_WRProt_Pages62to127 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_flash.h: 209 | Macro not used in translation unit. : FLASH_WRProt_Pages62to255 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_flash.h: 210 | Macro not used in translation unit. : FLASH_WRProt_Pages62to511 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_flash.h: 212 | Macro not used in translation unit. : FLASH_WRProt_AllPages | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_flash.h: 277 | Macro not used in translation unit. : FLASH_IT_BANK2_ERROR | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_flash.h: 278 | Macro not used in translation unit. : FLASH_IT_BANK2_EOP | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_flash.h: 280 | Macro not used in translation unit. : FLASH_IT_BANK1_ERROR | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_flash.h: 281 | Macro not used in translation unit. : FLASH_IT_BANK1_EOP | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_flash.h: 283 | Macro not used in translation unit. : FLASH_IT_ERROR | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_flash.h: 284 | Macro not used in translation unit. : FLASH_IT_EOP | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
C | stm32f10x_flash.h: 25 | User name starts with underscore. : __STM32F10x_FLASH_H | MISRA-C:2012 R.21.1,R.21.2 |
O | stm32f10x_flash.h: 74 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_flash.h: 87 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_flash.h: 99 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
C | stm32f10x_flash.h: 143 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0x80000000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | stm32f10x_flash.h: 208 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0x80000000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | stm32f10x_flash.h: 209 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0x80000000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | stm32f10x_flash.h: 210 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0x80000000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | stm32f10x_flash.h: 212 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xFFFFFFFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
O | stm32f10x_flash.h: 214 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_flash.h: 216 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_flash.h: 218 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_flash.h: 230 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_flash.h: 242 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_flash.h: 254 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_flash.h: 268 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
C | stm32f10x_flash.h: 277 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0x80000400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | stm32f10x_flash.h: 278 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0x80001000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
O | stm32f10x_flash.h: 285 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
C | stm32f10x_flash.h: 303 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0x80000001 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
Code | File: Src Line | Violation | Standard |
C | stm32f10x_flash.h: 304 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0x80000020 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | stm32f10x_flash.h: 305 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0x80000004 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | stm32f10x_flash.h: 306 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0x80000010 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
O | stm32f10x_flash.h: 319 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_flash.h: 326 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
C | stm32f10x_flash.c: 48 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xFFFFFFF7 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | stm32f10x_flash.c: 49 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xFFFFFFEF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | stm32f10x_flash.c: 73 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xFF000000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | stm32f10x_flash.c: 79 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xCDEF89AB | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | stm32f10x_fsmc.h: 25 | User name starts with underscore. : __STM32F10x_FSMC_H | MISRA-C:2012 R.21.1,R.21.2 |
O | stm32f10x_fsmc.h: 277 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_fsmc.h: 279 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_fsmc.h: 282 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_fsmc.h: 286 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_fsmc.h: 300 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_fsmc.h: 314 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_fsmc.h: 328 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_fsmc.h: 341 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_fsmc.h: 352 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_fsmc.h: 365 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_fsmc.h: 378 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_fsmc.h: 391 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_fsmc.h: 404 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_fsmc.h: 417 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_fsmc.h: 430 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_fsmc.h: 443 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_fsmc.h: 453 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_fsmc.h: 463 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_fsmc.h: 473 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_fsmc.h: 483 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_fsmc.h: 493 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_fsmc.h: 503 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_fsmc.h: 520 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_fsmc.h: 540 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_fsmc.h: 554 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_fsmc.h: 574 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_fsmc.h: 586 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_fsmc.h: 596 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_fsmc.h: 606 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_fsmc.h: 616 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_fsmc.h: 626 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_fsmc.h: 636 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
C | stm32f10x_fsmc.h: 649 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xFFFFFFC7 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
O | stm32f10x_fsmc.h: 649 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_fsmc.h: 650 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_fsmc.h: 668 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
C | stm32f10x_fsmc.h: 670 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xFFFFFFF8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
O | stm32f10x_fsmc.h: 670 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
C | stm32f10x_gpio.h: 25 | User name starts with underscore. : __STM32F10x_GPIO_H | MISRA-C:2012 R.21.1,R.21.2 |
O | stm32f10x_gpio.h: 51 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
Code | File: Src Line | Violation | Standard |
O | stm32f10x_gpio.h: 64 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_gpio.h: 84 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_gpio.h: 113 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_gpio.h: 145 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_gpio.h: 158 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
C | stm32f10x_gpio.h: 205 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0x80000001 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | stm32f10x_gpio.h: 206 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0x80000002 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | stm32f10x_gpio.h: 207 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0x80000004 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | stm32f10x_gpio.h: 208 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0x80000008 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | stm32f10x_gpio.h: 209 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0x80000010 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | stm32f10x_gpio.h: 211 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0x80000020 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | stm32f10x_gpio.h: 212 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0x80000040 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | stm32f10x_gpio.h: 213 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0x80000080 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | stm32f10x_gpio.h: 214 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0x80000100 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | stm32f10x_gpio.h: 215 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0x80000200 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | stm32f10x_gpio.h: 216 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0x80000400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | stm32f10x_gpio.h: 218 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0x80000800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | stm32f10x_gpio.h: 219 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0x80001000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | stm32f10x_gpio.h: 220 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0x80002000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
O | stm32f10x_gpio.h: 244 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_gpio.h: 263 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_gpio.h: 273 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_gpio.h: 312 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_gpio.h: 327 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
C | stm32f10x_gpio.c: 68 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xF0FFFFFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
O | stm32f10x_i2c.h: 210 | Macro not used in translation unit. : I2C_IT_BUF | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_i2c.h: 211 | Macro not used in translation unit. : I2C_IT_EVT | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_i2c.h: 212 | Macro not used in translation unit. : I2C_IT_ERR | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_i2c.h: 470 | Macro not used in translation unit. : I2C_EVENT_SLAVE_BYTE_TRANSMITTING | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
C | stm32f10x_i2c.h: 25 | User name starts with underscore. : __STM32F10x_I2C_H | MISRA-C:2012 R.21.1,R.21.2 |
O | stm32f10x_i2c.h: 80 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_i2c.h: 89 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_i2c.h: 102 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_i2c.h: 114 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_i2c.h: 126 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_i2c.h: 138 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_i2c.h: 164 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_i2c.h: 176 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_i2c.h: 188 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_i2c.h: 200 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_i2c.h: 213 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_i2c.h: 237 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_i2c.h: 244 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_i2c.h: 285 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_i2c.h: 296 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
C | stm32f10x_i2c.h: 389 | Identifier matches macro name in 31 chars. | MISRA-C:2012 R.5.4,R.5.5 |
O | stm32f10x_i2c.h: 494 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_i2c.h: 504 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_i2c.h: 513 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
C | stm32f10x_i2c.h: 389 | Identifier match in 31 chars. : I2C_EVENT_MASTER_BYTE_TRANSMITTING | MISRA-C:2012 R.5.1,R.5.2,R.5.3,R.5.4 |
C | stm32f10x_it.h: 24 | User name starts with underscore. : __STM32F10x_IT_H | MISRA-C:2012 R.21.1,R.21.2 |
Code | File: Src Line | Violation | Standard |
O | stm32f10x_it.c | Use of single line comment(s) //. | MISRA-C:2012 R.1.2 |
O | stm32f10x_it.c: 55 | Union declared. | MISRA-C:2012 R.19.2 |
O | stm32f10x_it.c: 56 | Union declared. | MISRA-C:2012 R.19.2 |
O | stm32f10x_it.c: 57 | Union declared. | MISRA-C:2012 R.19.2 |
O | stm32f10x_it.c: 58 | Union declared. | MISRA-C:2012 R.19.2 |
O | stm32f10x_it.c: 59 | Union declared. | MISRA-C:2012 R.19.2 |
O | stm32f10x_it.c: 60 | Union declared. | MISRA-C:2012 R.19.2 |
O | stm32f10x_it.c: 64 | Basic type declaration used. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.6 |
O | stm32f10x_it.c: 65 | Basic type declaration used. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.6 |
O | stm32f10x_it.c: 104 | Basic type declaration used. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.6 |
O | stm32f10x_it.c: 274 | Comment possibly contains code. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.4 |
O | stm32f10x_it.c: 275 | Comment possibly contains code. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.4 |
O | stm32f10x_it.c: 55 | Scope of variable could be reduced. : PAValue | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.9 |
O | stm32f10x_it.c: 56 | Scope of variable could be reduced. : IAValue | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.9 |
O | stm32f10x_it.c: 57 | Scope of variable could be reduced. : DAValue | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.9 |
O | stm32f10x_it.c: 58 | Scope of variable could be reduced. : PBValue | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.9 |
O | stm32f10x_it.c: 59 | Scope of variable could be reduced. : IBValue | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.9 |
O | stm32f10x_it.c: 60 | Scope of variable could be reduced. : DBValue | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.9 |
O | stm32f10x_it.c: 103 | Scope of variable could be reduced. : mpu6050_info | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.9 |
O | stm32f10x_it.c: 104 | Scope of variable could be reduced. : speed2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.9 |
O | stm32f10x_it.c: 104 | Scope of variable could be reduced. : speed4 | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.9 |
C | stm32f10x_iwdg.h: 25 | User name starts with underscore. : __STM32F10x_IWDG_H | MISRA-C:2012 R.21.1,R.21.2 |
O | stm32f10x_iwdg.h: 60 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_iwdg.h: 80 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_iwdg.h: 94 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_iwdg.h: 95 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
C | stm32f10x_pwr.h: 25 | User name starts with underscore. : __STM32F10x_PWR_H | MISRA-C:2012 R.21.1,R.21.2 |
O | stm32f10x_pwr.h: 67 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_pwr.h: 80 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_pwr.h: 92 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_pwr.h: 105 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_pwr.h: 108 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
C | stm32f10x_pwr.c: 71 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xFFFFFFFC | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | stm32f10x_pwr.c: 72 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xFFFFFF1F | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
O | stm32f10x_rcc.h: 470 | Macro not used in translation unit. : RCC_AHBPeriph_DMA1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_rcc.h: 471 | Macro not used in translation unit. : RCC_AHBPeriph_DMA2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_rcc.h: 472 | Macro not used in translation unit. : RCC_AHBPeriph_SRAM | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_rcc.h: 473 | Macro not used in translation unit. : RCC_AHBPeriph_FLITF | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_rcc.h: 474 | Macro not used in translation unit. : RCC_AHBPeriph_CRC | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_rcc.h: 477 | Macro not used in translation unit. : RCC_AHBPeriph_FSMC | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_rcc.h: 478 | Macro not used in translation unit. : RCC_AHBPeriph_SDIO | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_rcc.h: 497 | Macro not used in translation unit. : RCC_APB2Periph_AFIO | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_rcc.h: 498 | Macro not used in translation unit. : RCC_APB2Periph_GPIOA | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_rcc.h: 499 | Macro not used in translation unit. : RCC_APB2Periph_GPIOB | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_rcc.h: 500 | Macro not used in translation unit. : RCC_APB2Periph_GPIOC | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_rcc.h: 501 | Macro not used in translation unit. : RCC_APB2Periph_GPIOD | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_rcc.h: 502 | Macro not used in translation unit. : RCC_APB2Periph_GPIOE | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_rcc.h: 503 | Macro not used in translation unit. : RCC_APB2Periph_GPIOF | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_rcc.h: 504 | Macro not used in translation unit. : RCC_APB2Periph_GPIOG | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_rcc.h: 505 | Macro not used in translation unit. : RCC_APB2Periph_ADC1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
Code | File: Src Line | Violation | Standard |
O | stm32f10x_rcc.h: 506 | Macro not used in translation unit. : RCC_APB2Periph_ADC2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_rcc.h: 507 | Macro not used in translation unit. : RCC_APB2Periph_TIM1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_rcc.h: 508 | Macro not used in translation unit. : RCC_APB2Periph_SPI1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_rcc.h: 509 | Macro not used in translation unit. : RCC_APB2Periph_TIM8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_rcc.h: 510 | Macro not used in translation unit. : RCC_APB2Periph_USART1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_rcc.h: 511 | Macro not used in translation unit. : RCC_APB2Periph_ADC3 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_rcc.h: 512 | Macro not used in translation unit. : RCC_APB2Periph_TIM15 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_rcc.h: 513 | Macro not used in translation unit. : RCC_APB2Periph_TIM16 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_rcc.h: 514 | Macro not used in translation unit. : RCC_APB2Periph_TIM17 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_rcc.h: 515 | Macro not used in translation unit. : RCC_APB2Periph_TIM9 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_rcc.h: 516 | Macro not used in translation unit. : RCC_APB2Periph_TIM10 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_rcc.h: 517 | Macro not used in translation unit. : RCC_APB2Periph_TIM11 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_rcc.h: 528 | Macro not used in translation unit. : RCC_APB1Periph_TIM2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_rcc.h: 529 | Macro not used in translation unit. : RCC_APB1Periph_TIM3 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_rcc.h: 530 | Macro not used in translation unit. : RCC_APB1Periph_TIM4 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_rcc.h: 531 | Macro not used in translation unit. : RCC_APB1Periph_TIM5 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_rcc.h: 532 | Macro not used in translation unit. : RCC_APB1Periph_TIM6 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_rcc.h: 533 | Macro not used in translation unit. : RCC_APB1Periph_TIM7 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_rcc.h: 534 | Macro not used in translation unit. : RCC_APB1Periph_TIM12 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_rcc.h: 535 | Macro not used in translation unit. : RCC_APB1Periph_TIM13 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_rcc.h: 536 | Macro not used in translation unit. : RCC_APB1Periph_TIM14 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_rcc.h: 537 | Macro not used in translation unit. : RCC_APB1Periph_WWDG | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_rcc.h: 538 | Macro not used in translation unit. : RCC_APB1Periph_SPI2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_rcc.h: 539 | Macro not used in translation unit. : RCC_APB1Periph_SPI3 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_rcc.h: 540 | Macro not used in translation unit. : RCC_APB1Periph_USART2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_rcc.h: 541 | Macro not used in translation unit. : RCC_APB1Periph_USART3 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_rcc.h: 542 | Macro not used in translation unit. : RCC_APB1Periph_UART4 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_rcc.h: 543 | Macro not used in translation unit. : RCC_APB1Periph_UART5 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_rcc.h: 544 | Macro not used in translation unit. : RCC_APB1Periph_I2C1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_rcc.h: 545 | Macro not used in translation unit. : RCC_APB1Periph_I2C2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_rcc.h: 546 | Macro not used in translation unit. : RCC_APB1Periph_USB | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_rcc.h: 547 | Macro not used in translation unit. : RCC_APB1Periph_CAN1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_rcc.h: 548 | Macro not used in translation unit. : RCC_APB1Periph_CAN2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_rcc.h: 549 | Macro not used in translation unit. : RCC_APB1Periph_BKP | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_rcc.h: 550 | Macro not used in translation unit. : RCC_APB1Periph_PWR | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_rcc.h: 551 | Macro not used in translation unit. : RCC_APB1Periph_DAC | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_rcc.h: 552 | Macro not used in translation unit. : RCC_APB1Periph_CEC | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
C | stm32f10x_rcc.h: 25 | User name starts with underscore. : __STM32F10x_RCC_H | MISRA-C:2012 R.21.1,R.21.2 |
O | stm32f10x_rcc.h: 70 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_rcc.h: 86 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_rcc.h: 123 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_rcc.h: 292 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_rcc.h: 314 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_rcc.h: 332 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_rcc.h: 349 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_rcc.h: 352 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_rcc.h: 353 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_rcc.h: 378 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_rcc.h: 433 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_rcc.h: 446 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
Code | File: Src Line | Violation | Standard |
O | stm32f10x_rcc.h: 459 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
C | stm32f10x_rcc.h: 479 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xFFFFFAA8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
O | stm32f10x_rcc.h: 479 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
C | stm32f10x_rcc.h: 519 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xFFC00002 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
O | stm32f10x_rcc.h: 519 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
C | stm32f10x_rcc.h: 554 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0x81013600 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
O | stm32f10x_rcc.h: 554 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_rcc.h: 573 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_rcc.h: 612 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_rcc.h: 626 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
C | stm32f10x_rcc.c: 121 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xFFFBFFFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | stm32f10x_rcc.c: 123 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xFFFEFFFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | stm32f10x_rcc.c: 125 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xFFFFFF07 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | stm32f10x_rcc.c: 131 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xFFC0FFFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | stm32f10x_rcc.c: 138 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xFFFFFFFC | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | stm32f10x_rcc.c: 139 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xFFFFFF0F | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | stm32f10x_rcc.c: 141 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xFFFFF8FF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | stm32f10x_rcc.c: 143 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xFFFFC7FF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | stm32f10x_rcc.c: 145 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xFFFF3FFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | stm32f10x_rcc.c: 193 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 3 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | stm32f10x_rcc.c: 193 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 4 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | stm32f10x_rcc.c: 193 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | stm32f10x_rcc.c: 193 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 6 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | stm32f10x_rcc.c: 193 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 7 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | stm32f10x_rcc.c: 193 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | stm32f10x_rcc.c: 193 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 9 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | stm32f10x_rcc.c: 193 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned char and signed char): { 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | stm32f10x_rcc.c: 194 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 4 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | stm32f10x_rcc.c: 194 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 6 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | stm32f10x_rcc.c: 194 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | stm32f10x_rcc.c: 194 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned char and signed char): { 2 , 4 , 6 , 8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
O | stm32f10x_rcc.c: 193 | Scope of variable could be reduced. : APBAHBPrescTable | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.9 |
O | stm32f10x_rcc.c: 194 | Scope of variable could be reduced. : ADCPrescTable | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.9 |
C | stm32f10x_rtc.h: 25 | User name starts with underscore. : __STM32F10x_RTC_H | MISRA-C:2012 R.21.1,R.21.2 |
O | stm32f10x_rtc.h: 61 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_rtc.h: 62 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_rtc.h: 77 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_rtc.h: 80 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_rtc.h: 81 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
C | stm32f10x_sdio.h: 25 | User name starts with underscore. : __STM32F10x_SDIO_H | MISRA-C:2012 R.21.1,R.21.2 |
O | stm32f10x_sdio.h: 125 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_sdio.h: 137 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_sdio.h: 149 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_sdio.h: 162 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_sdio.h: 175 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_sdio.h: 187 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
C | stm32f10x_sdio.h: 221 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xFF000000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
O | stm32f10x_sdio.h: 221 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_sdio.h: 230 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_sdio.h: 242 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
Code | File: Src Line | Violation | Standard |
O | stm32f10x_sdio.h: 256 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_sdio.h: 268 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_sdio.h: 281 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_sdio.h: 291 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_sdio.h: 326 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_sdio.h: 340 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_sdio.h: 352 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_sdio.h: 364 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_sdio.h: 419 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
C | stm32f10x_sdio.h: 422 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xFF3FF800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
O | stm32f10x_sdio.h: 422 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_sdio.h: 444 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
C | stm32f10x_sdio.h: 449 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xFF3FF800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
O | stm32f10x_sdio.h: 449 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_sdio.h: 461 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
C | stm32f10x_sdio.c: 96 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xFFFF8100 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | stm32f10x_sdio.c: 101 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xFFFFFFFC | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | stm32f10x_sdio.c: 106 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xFFFFFF08 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | stm32f10x_sdio.c: 111 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xFFFFF800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
O | stm32f10x_spi.h: 303 | Macro not used in translation unit. : I2S_AudioFreq_96k | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_spi.h: 304 | Macro not used in translation unit. : I2S_AudioFreq_48k | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_spi.h: 305 | Macro not used in translation unit. : I2S_AudioFreq_44k | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_spi.h: 306 | Macro not used in translation unit. : I2S_AudioFreq_32k | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_spi.h: 307 | Macro not used in translation unit. : I2S_AudioFreq_22k | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_spi.h: 308 | Macro not used in translation unit. : I2S_AudioFreq_16k | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_spi.h: 309 | Macro not used in translation unit. : I2S_AudioFreq_11k | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_spi.h: 336 | Macro not used in translation unit. : SPI_I2S_DMAReq_Tx | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_spi.h: 337 | Macro not used in translation unit. : SPI_I2S_DMAReq_Rx | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_spi.c: 78 | Macro not used in translation unit. : I2S_MUL_MASK | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_spi.c: 79 | Macro not used in translation unit. : I2S_DIV_MASK | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
C | stm32f10x_spi.h: 25 | User name starts with underscore. : __STM32F10x_SPI_H | MISRA-C:2012 R.21.1,R.21.2 |
O | stm32f10x_spi.h: 117 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_spi.h: 121 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_spi.h: 134 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_spi.h: 146 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_spi.h: 158 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_spi.h: 170 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_spi.h: 182 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_spi.h: 194 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_spi.h: 218 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_spi.h: 230 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_spi.h: 244 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_spi.h: 264 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_spi.h: 281 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_spi.h: 292 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_spi.h: 313 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_spi.h: 326 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_spi.h: 338 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_spi.h: 349 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_spi.h: 361 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
Code | File: Src Line | Violation | Standard |
O | stm32f10x_spi.h: 372 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_spi.h: 385 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_spi.h: 392 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_spi.h: 395 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_spi.h: 412 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_spi.h: 415 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_spi.h: 425 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_tim.h: 336 | Macro not used in translation unit. : IS_TIM_PWMI_CHANNEL | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_tim.h: 717 | Macro not used in translation unit. : TIM_DMA_Update | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_tim.h: 718 | Macro not used in translation unit. : TIM_DMA_CC1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_tim.h: 719 | Macro not used in translation unit. : TIM_DMA_CC2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_tim.h: 720 | Macro not used in translation unit. : TIM_DMA_CC3 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_tim.h: 721 | Macro not used in translation unit. : TIM_DMA_CC4 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_tim.h: 722 | Macro not used in translation unit. : TIM_DMA_COM | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_tim.h: 723 | Macro not used in translation unit. : TIM_DMA_Trigger | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_tim.h: 842 | Macro not used in translation unit. : TIM_EventSource_Update | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_tim.h: 843 | Macro not used in translation unit. : TIM_EventSource_CC1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_tim.h: 844 | Macro not used in translation unit. : TIM_EventSource_CC2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_tim.h: 845 | Macro not used in translation unit. : TIM_EventSource_CC3 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_tim.h: 846 | Macro not used in translation unit. : TIM_EventSource_CC4 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_tim.h: 847 | Macro not used in translation unit. : TIM_EventSource_COM | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_tim.h: 848 | Macro not used in translation unit. : TIM_EventSource_Trigger | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_tim.h: 849 | Macro not used in translation unit. : TIM_EventSource_Break | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_tim.h: 1016 | Macro not used in translation unit. : TIM_DMABurstLength_1Byte | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_tim.h: 1017 | Macro not used in translation unit. : TIM_DMABurstLength_2Bytes | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_tim.h: 1018 | Macro not used in translation unit. : TIM_DMABurstLength_3Bytes | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_tim.h: 1019 | Macro not used in translation unit. : TIM_DMABurstLength_4Bytes | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_tim.h: 1020 | Macro not used in translation unit. : TIM_DMABurstLength_5Bytes | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_tim.h: 1021 | Macro not used in translation unit. : TIM_DMABurstLength_6Bytes | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_tim.h: 1022 | Macro not used in translation unit. : TIM_DMABurstLength_7Bytes | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_tim.h: 1023 | Macro not used in translation unit. : TIM_DMABurstLength_8Bytes | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_tim.h: 1024 | Macro not used in translation unit. : TIM_DMABurstLength_9Bytes | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_tim.h: 1025 | Macro not used in translation unit. : TIM_DMABurstLength_10Bytes | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_tim.h: 1026 | Macro not used in translation unit. : TIM_DMABurstLength_11Bytes | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_tim.h: 1027 | Macro not used in translation unit. : TIM_DMABurstLength_12Bytes | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_tim.h: 1028 | Macro not used in translation unit. : TIM_DMABurstLength_13Bytes | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_tim.h: 1029 | Macro not used in translation unit. : TIM_DMABurstLength_14Bytes | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_tim.h: 1030 | Macro not used in translation unit. : TIM_DMABurstLength_15Bytes | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_tim.h: 1031 | Macro not used in translation unit. : TIM_DMABurstLength_16Bytes | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_tim.h: 1032 | Macro not used in translation unit. : TIM_DMABurstLength_17Bytes | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_tim.h: 1033 | Macro not used in translation unit. : TIM_DMABurstLength_18Bytes | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
C | stm32f10x_tim.h: 25 | User name starts with underscore. : __STM32F10x_TIM_H | MISRA-C:2012 R.21.1,R.21.2 |
O | stm32f10x_tim.h: 185 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_tim.h: 189 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_tim.h: 196 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_tim.h: 204 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_tim.h: 215 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_tim.h: 224 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_tim.h: 235 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_tim.h: 248 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
Code | File: Src Line | Violation | Standard |
O | stm32f10x_tim.h: 265 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_tim.h: 273 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_tim.h: 297 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_tim.h: 304 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_tim.h: 318 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_tim.h: 332 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_tim.h: 336 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_tim.h: 338 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_tim.h: 352 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_tim.h: 371 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_tim.h: 383 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_tim.h: 395 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_tim.h: 407 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_tim.h: 419 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_tim.h: 431 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_tim.h: 443 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_tim.h: 455 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_tim.h: 467 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_tim.h: 479 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_tim.h: 496 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_tim.h: 507 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_tim.h: 519 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_tim.h: 531 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_tim.h: 543 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_tim.h: 556 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_tim.h: 560 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_tim.h: 576 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_tim.h: 592 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_tim.h: 609 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_tim.h: 616 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_tim.h: 660 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_tim.h: 708 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_tim.h: 724 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_tim.h: 741 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_tim.h: 761 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_tim.h: 769 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_tim.h: 783 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_tim.h: 793 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_tim.h: 805 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_tim.h: 817 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_tim.h: 830 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_tim.h: 850 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_tim.h: 864 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_tim.h: 876 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_tim.h: 888 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_tim.h: 901 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_tim.h: 926 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_tim.h: 942 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_tim.h: 953 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_tim.h: 984 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
Code | File: Src Line | Violation | Standard |
O | stm32f10x_tim.h: 989 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_tim.h: 998 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_tim.h: 1007 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_usart.h: 117 | Macro not used in translation unit. : IS_USART_1234_PERIPH | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_usart.h: 272 | Macro not used in translation unit. : USART_DMAReq_Tx | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_usart.h: 273 | Macro not used in translation unit. : USART_DMAReq_Rx | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
O | stm32f10x_usart.h: 338 | Macro not used in translation unit. : IS_USART_PERIPH_FLAG | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.5 |
C | stm32f10x_usart.h: 25 | User name starts with underscore. : __STM32F10x_USART_H | MISRA-C:2012 R.21.1,R.21.2 |
O | stm32f10x_usart.h: 107 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_usart.h: 113 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_usart.h: 117 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_usart.h: 128 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_usart.h: 145 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_usart.h: 157 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_usart.h: 170 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_usart.h: 185 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_usart.h: 196 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_usart.h: 208 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_usart.h: 220 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_usart.h: 232 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_usart.h: 255 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_usart.h: 259 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_usart.h: 262 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_usart.h: 274 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_usart.h: 286 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_usart.h: 298 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_usart.h: 311 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_usart.h: 335 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_usart.h: 337 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_usart.h: 340 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_usart.h: 341 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_usart.h: 342 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_usart.h: 343 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
C | stm32f10x_wwdg.h: 25 | User name starts with underscore. : __STM32F10x_WWDG_H | MISRA-C:2012 R.21.1,R.21.2 |
O | stm32f10x_wwdg.h: 65 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_wwdg.h: 66 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
O | stm32f10x_wwdg.h: 67 | Use of function like macro. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.9 |
C | stm32f10x_wwdg.c: 61 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xFFFFFE7F | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | stm32f10x_wwdg.c: 62 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xFFFFFF80 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | system_stm32f10x.h: 34 | User name starts with underscore. : __SYSTEM_STM32F10X_H | MISRA-C:2012 R.21.1,R.21.2 |
C | system_stm32f10x.c: 162 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 72000000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | system_stm32f10x.c: 167 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 3 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | system_stm32f10x.c: 167 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 4 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | system_stm32f10x.c: 167 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 6 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | system_stm32f10x.c: 167 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 7 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | system_stm32f10x.c: 167 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | system_stm32f10x.c: 167 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 9 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | system_stm32f10x.c: 167 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned char and signed char): { 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
O | system_stm32f10x.c: 162 | Scope of variable could be reduced. : SystemCoreClock | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.9 |
O | system_stm32f10x.c: 167 | Scope of variable could be reduced. : AHBPrescTable | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.9 |
Code | File: Src Line | Violation | Standard |
O | usart.c | Use of single line comment(s) //. | MISRA-C:2012 R.1.2 |
O | usart.c: 2 | Scope of variable could be reduced. : parameter | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.9 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
MOTOR2_GetSpeed (9 to 16 app.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | No prototype for non-static function. : MOTOR2_GetSpeed | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 13 | Function call with no prior declaration. : TIM_GetCounter | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 14 | Function call with no prior declaration. : TIM_SetCounter | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
MOTOR4_GetSpeed (24 to 31 app.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | No prototype for non-static function. : MOTOR4_GetSpeed | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 28 | Function call with no prior declaration. : TIM_GetCounter | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 29 | Function call with no prior declaration. : TIM_SetCounter | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
SpeedPID_Init (41 to 53 app.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | No prototype for non-static function. : SpeedPID_Init | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 51 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (int and double): pid -> Ki = 1.0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
SpeedPID_Realize (62 to 70 app.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | No prototype for non-static function. : SpeedPID_Realize | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 69 | Expression needs brackets. | MISRA-C:2012 R.12.1,R.20.7 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
SpeedControlOutput (78 to 86 app.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | No prototype for non-static function. : SpeedControlOutput | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 83 | Expression needs brackets. | MISRA-C:2012 R.12.1,R.20.7 |
C | 83 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (int and unsigned char): output = pid -> oldOutputPWM + diff * ( | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 83 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 83 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned char and signed char): output = pid -> oldOutputPWM + diff * ( period + 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 83 | Expression needs brackets. | MISRA-C:2012 R.12.1,R.20.7 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
AnglePID_Init (93 to 105 app.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | No prototype for non-static function. : AnglePID_Init | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 102 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (int and double): pid -> Kd = - 0.85 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
AnglePID_Realize (113 to 119 app.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | No prototype for non-static function. : AnglePID_Realize | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 115 | Float/integer conversion without cast. : (int and float): pid -> ActualAngle = actualAngle | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 117 | Expression needs brackets. | MISRA-C:2012 R.12.1,R.20.7 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
TurnPID_Init (127 to 136 app.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | No prototype for non-static function. : TurnPID_Init | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 130 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (int and double): pid -> Kp = - 4.5 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 131 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (int and double): pid -> Kd = 0.8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
TurnPID_Realize (144 to 149 app.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | No prototype for non-static function. : TurnPID_Realize | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 148 | Expression needs brackets. | MISRA-C:2012 R.12.1,R.20.7 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
TurnControlOutput (157 to 164 app.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | No prototype for non-static function. : TurnControlOutput | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 162 | Expression needs brackets. | MISRA-C:2012 R.12.1,R.20.7 |
C | 162 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 162 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned char and signed char): output = pid -> oldOutputPWM + diff * ( period + 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 162 | Expression needs brackets. | MISRA-C:2012 R.12.1,R.20.7 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
MotorOutput (173 to 190 app.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | No prototype for non-static function. : MotorOutput | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 188 | Function call with no prior declaration. : MOTOR2_Rotation | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 189 | Function call with no prior declaration. : MOTOR4_Rotation | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 175 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 176 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 178 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 179 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 182 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 183 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 183 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (int and unsigned short): output2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 183 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (int and unsigned short): output2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 183 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (int and unsigned short): output2 =- | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 183 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (int and unsigned short): output2 =- | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 183 | Else alternative missing in if. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.7 |
C | 185 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 186 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 186 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (int and unsigned short): output4 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 186 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (int and unsigned short): output4 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 186 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (int and unsigned short): output4 =- | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 186 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (int and unsigned short): output4 =- | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 186 | Else alternative missing in if. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.7 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
CT_IIC_Init (32 to 45 ctiic.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | No prototype for non-static function. : CT_IIC_Init | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 36 | Function call with no prior declaration. : RCC_APB2PeriphClockCmd | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 41 | Function call with no prior declaration. : GPIO_Init | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 44 | Function call with no prior declaration. : CT_IIC_Stop | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 38 | Use of bit operator on signed type. : | used with int: I2C_SDA_PIN | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 38 | Use of bit operator on signed type. : | used with int: I2C_SCL_PIN | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
i2c_Delay (55 to 70 ctiic.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 55 | Void function has no side effects. : i2c_Delay | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
CT_IIC_Start (80 to 90 ctiic.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | No prototype for non-static function. : CT_IIC_Start | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 83 | Function call with no prior declaration. : I2C_SDA_1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 84 | Function call with no prior declaration. : I2C_SCL_1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 86 | Function call with no prior declaration. : I2C_SDA_0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 88 | Function call with no prior declaration. : I2C_SCL_0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
CT_IIC_Stop (100 to 107 ctiic.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | No prototype for non-static function. : CT_IIC_Stop | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 103 | Function call with no prior declaration. : I2C_SDA_0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 104 | Function call with no prior declaration. : I2C_SCL_1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 106 | Function call with no prior declaration. : I2C_SDA_1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
CT_IIC_Send_Byte (117 to 143 ctiic.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | No prototype for non-static function. : CT_IIC_Send_Byte | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 126 | Function call with no prior declaration. : I2C_SDA_1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 130 | Function call with no prior declaration. : I2C_SDA_0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 133 | Function call with no prior declaration. : I2C_SCL_1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 135 | Function call with no prior declaration. : I2C_SCL_0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 138 | Function call with no prior declaration. : I2C_SDA_1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 117 | User name starts with underscore. : _ucByte | MISRA-C:2012 R.21.1,R.21.2 |
C | 122 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 122 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): i | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 122 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 122 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): i | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 122 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned char and signed char): i < 8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 124 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x80 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 124 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 136 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 7 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 136 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): i | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 136 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned char and signed char): i == 7 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 140 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 140 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): _ucByte | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
CT_IIC_Read_Byte (153 to 179 ctiic.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | No prototype for non-static function. : CT_IIC_Read_Byte | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 163 | Function call with no prior declaration. : I2C_SCL_1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 165 | Function call with no prior declaration. : I2C_SDA_READ | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 169 | Function call with no prior declaration. : I2C_SCL_0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 174 | Function call with no prior declaration. : CT_IIC_NAck | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 176 | Function call with no prior declaration. : CT_IIC_Ack | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 159 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 159 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): value | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 160 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 160 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): i | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 160 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 160 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): i | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 160 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned char and signed char): i < 8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 162 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 162 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): value | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 165 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 173 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 174 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 176 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
CT_IIC_Wait_Ack (191 to 210 ctiic.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | No prototype for non-static function. : CT_IIC_Wait_Ack | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 195 | Function call with no prior declaration. : I2C_SDA_1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 197 | Function call with no prior declaration. : I2C_SCL_1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 199 | Function call with no prior declaration. : I2C_SDA_READ | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 207 | Function call with no prior declaration. : I2C_SCL_0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 199 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 201 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 201 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): re | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 205 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 205 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): re | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
CT_IIC_Ack (220 to 229 ctiic.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | No prototype for non-static function. : CT_IIC_Ack | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 222 | Function call with no prior declaration. : I2C_SDA_0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 224 | Function call with no prior declaration. : I2C_SCL_1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 226 | Function call with no prior declaration. : I2C_SCL_0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 228 | Function call with no prior declaration. : I2C_SDA_1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
CT_IIC_NAck (239 to 247 ctiic.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | No prototype for non-static function. : CT_IIC_NAck | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 241 | Function call with no prior declaration. : I2C_SDA_1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 243 | Function call with no prior declaration. : I2C_SCL_1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 245 | Function call with no prior declaration. : I2C_SCL_0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
IIC_CheckDevice (257 to 274 ctiic.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | No prototype for non-static function. : IIC_CheckDevice | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 261 | Function call with no prior declaration. : I2C_SDA_READ | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 261 | Function call with no prior declaration. : I2C_SCL_READ | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 257 | User name starts with underscore. : _Address | MISRA-C:2012 R.21.1,R.21.2 |
C | 261 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 261 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 273 | Function return type inconsistent. : (unsigned char and signed char) |
MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 | ||||||||
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
IIC_WriteByte (276 to 299 ctiic.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | No prototype for non-static function. : IIC_WriteByte | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 281 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 288 | (void) missing for discarded return value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 |
C | 291 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 280 | Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and unsigned char): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
C | 280 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : (int and unsigned char): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 287 | Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (u8 and unsigned char): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
C | 290 | Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (u8 and unsigned char): param 1 |
MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 | ||||||||
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
IIC_ReadByte (300 to 319 ctiic.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | No prototype for non-static function. : IIC_ReadByte | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 306 | (void) missing for discarded return value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 |
C | 308 | (void) missing for discarded return value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 |
C | 313 | (void) missing for discarded return value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 |
C | 305 | Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and unsigned char): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
C | 305 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : (int and unsigned char): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 307 | Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (u8 and unsigned char): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
C | 312 | Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (signed char and unsigned char): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
C | 312 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : (signed char and unsigned char): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 315 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : (int and unsigned char): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
TIM2_GPIO_Configuration (9 to 18 encode.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 13 | Function call with no prior declaration. : RCC_APB2PeriphClockCmd | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 14 | Function call with no prior declaration. : RCC_APB1PeriphClockCmd | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 17 | Function call with no prior declaration. : GPIO_Init | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 15 | Use of bit operator on signed type. : | used with int: GPIO_Pin_0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 15 | Use of bit operator on signed type. : | used with int: GPIO_Pin_1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
TIM4_GPIO_Configuration (26 to 35 encode.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 30 | Function call with no prior declaration. : RCC_APB2PeriphClockCmd | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 31 | Function call with no prior declaration. : RCC_APB1PeriphClockCmd | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 34 | Function call with no prior declaration. : GPIO_Init | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 32 | Use of bit operator on signed type. : | used with int: GPIO_Pin_6 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 32 | Use of bit operator on signed type. : | used with int: GPIO_Pin_7 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
TIM2_Mode_Configuration (43 to 59 encode.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 52 | Function call with no prior declaration. : TIM_TimeBaseInit | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 53 | Function call with no prior declaration. : TIM_SetCounter | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 54 | Function call with no prior declaration. : TIM_EncoderInterfaceConfig | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 55 | Function call with no prior declaration. : TIM_ICStructInit | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 57 | Function call with no prior declaration. : TIM_ICInit | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 58 | Function call with no prior declaration. : TIM_Cmd | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
TIM4_Mode_Configuration (67 to 83 encode.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 76 | Function call with no prior declaration. : TIM_TimeBaseInit | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 77 | Function call with no prior declaration. : TIM_SetCounter | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 78 | Function call with no prior declaration. : TIM_EncoderInterfaceConfig | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 79 | Function call with no prior declaration. : TIM_ICStructInit | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 81 | Function call with no prior declaration. : TIM_ICInit | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 82 | Function call with no prior declaration. : TIM_Cmd | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
TIM2_Code_Configuration (91 to 95 encode.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | No prototype for non-static function. : TIM2_Code_Configuration | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
TIM4_Code_Configuration (103 to 107 encode.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | No prototype for non-static function. : TIM4_Code_Configuration | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
EXTI_GPIO_Config (9 to 34 exti.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | No prototype for non-static function. : EXTI_GPIO_Config | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 14 | Function call with no prior declaration. : RCC_APB2PeriphClockCmd | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 15 | Function call with no prior declaration. : RCC_APB2PeriphClockCmd | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 19 | Function call with no prior declaration. : GPIO_Init | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 20 | Function call with no prior declaration. : GPIO_EXTILineConfig | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 26 | Function call with no prior declaration. : EXTI_Init | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 28 | Function call with no prior declaration. : NVIC_PriorityGroupConfig | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 33 | Function call with no prior declaration. : NVIC_Init | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
HCSR04_GPIO_Configuration (9 to 23 hcsr04.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 12 | Function call with no prior declaration. : RCC_APB2PeriphClockCmd | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 13 | Function call with no prior declaration. : RCC_APB1PeriphClockCmd | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 18 | Function call with no prior declaration. : GPIO_Init | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 22 | Function call with no prior declaration. : GPIO_Init | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
HCSR04_TIM_Configuration (30 to 40 hcsr04.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 37 | Function call with no prior declaration. : TIM_TimeBaseInit | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 38 | Function call with no prior declaration. : TIM_SetCounter | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 39 | Function call with no prior declaration. : TIM_Cmd | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
HCSR04_Init (48 to 52 hcsr04.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | No prototype for non-static function. : HCSR04_Init | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
HCSR04_Startup (59 to 64 hcsr04.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 61 | Function call with no prior declaration. : TRIG_HIGH | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 62 | Function call with no prior declaration. : delay_us | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 63 | Function call with no prior declaration. : TRIG_LOW | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
HCSR04_WaitToConvert (72 to 90 hcsr04.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | No prototype for non-static function. : HCSR04_WaitToConvert | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 78 | Function call with no prior declaration. : ECHO_READ | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 83 | Function call with no prior declaration. : TIM_Cmd | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 84 | Function call with no prior declaration. : ECHO_READ | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 85 | Function call with no prior declaration. : TIM_Cmd | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 86 | Function call with no prior declaration. : TIM_GetCounter | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 87 | Function call with no prior declaration. : TIM_SetCounter | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 78 | Potentially infinite loop found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.1 |
C | 84 | Potentially infinite loop found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.1 |
C | 81 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 50000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 81 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned short and int): i | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 81 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 84 | No brackets to loop body. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
set_int_enable (685 to 711 inv_mpu.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | Function has global variable side effects. : st.chip_cfg.int_enable | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 694 | Function call with no prior declaration. : MPU_Write_Len | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 706 | Function call with no prior declaration. : MPU_Write_Len | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 689 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 690 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 691 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 691 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x02 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 691 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned char and signed char): tmp = ( 0x02 ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 691 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and signed char): tmp = ( 0x02 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 693 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 693 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 693 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): tmp | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 694 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 695 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 698 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 699 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 700 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 700 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 701 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 702 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 703 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 703 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x01 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 703 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned char and signed char): tmp = ( 0x01 ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 703 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and signed char): tmp = ( 0x01 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 705 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 705 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 705 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): tmp | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 706 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 707 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
mpu_reg_dump (717 to 730 inv_mpu.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | No prototype for non-static function. : mpu_reg_dump | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 725 | Function call with no prior declaration. : MPU_Read_Len | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 722 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 722 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): ii | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 724 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 725 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 726 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 727 | (void) missing for discarded return value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 |
M | 720 | Procedure contains UR data flow anomalies. : data |
MISRA-C:2012 R.9.1 | ||||||||
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
mpu_read_reg (739 to 746 inv_mpu.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | No prototype for non-static function. : mpu_read_reg | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 745 | Function call with no prior declaration. : MPU_Read_Len | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 739 | Parameter has same name as global variable. : reg | MISRA-C:2012 R.5.3 |
C | 742 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 744 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 739 | Identifier reuse: persistent var vs proc param. : reg |
MISRA-C:2012 R.5.8,R.5.9 | ||||||||
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
mpu_init (761 to 875 inv_mpu.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | No prototype for non-static function. : mpu_init | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
C | Function has global variable side effects. : st | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 767 | Function call with no prior declaration. : MPU_Write_Len | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 769 | Function call with no prior declaration. : delay_ms | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 773 | Function call with no prior declaration. : MPU_Write_Len | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 778 | Function call with no prior declaration. : MPU_Read_Len | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 794 | Function call with no prior declaration. : MPU_Read_Len | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 849 | Function call with no prior declaration. : mpu_set_gyro_fsr | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 851 | Function call with no prior declaration. : mpu_set_accel_fsr | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 853 | Function call with no prior declaration. : mpu_set_lpf | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 855 | Function call with no prior declaration. : mpu_set_sample_rate | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 857 | Function call with no prior declaration. : mpu_configure_fifo | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 869 | Function call with no prior declaration. : mpu_set_bypass | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 873 | Function call with no prior declaration. : mpu_set_sensors | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 766 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x80 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 766 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned char and signed char): data [ 0 ] = ( 0x80 ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 766 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and signed char): data [ 0 ] = ( 0x80 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 767 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 768 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 772 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 772 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): data [ 0 ] | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 773 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 774 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 778 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 779 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 780 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x01 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 780 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned char and signed char): ( data [ 5 ] & 0x01 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 780 | Use of shift operator on signed type. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 780 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and signed char): ( data [ 5 ] & 0x01 ) << 2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 780 | Use of bit operator on signed type. : | used with signed char: rev | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 780 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x01 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 780 | Use of shift operator on signed type. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 780 | Use of bit operator on signed type. : | used with signed char | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 783 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 785 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 785 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): rev | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 785 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned char and signed char): rev == 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 786 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 786 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 786 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): st.chip_cfg.accel_half | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 787 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 787 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): rev | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 787 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned char and signed char): rev == 2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 788 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 788 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 788 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): st.chip_cfg.accel_half | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 790 | (void) missing for discarded return value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 |
C | 794 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 795 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 796 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0F | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 797 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 798 | (void) missing for discarded return value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 801 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 4 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 801 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): rev | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 801 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned char and signed char): rev == 4 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 802 | (void) missing for discarded return value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 |
C | 803 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 803 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): st.chip_cfg.accel_half | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 805 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 805 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 805 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): st.chip_cfg.accel_half | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 827 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 828 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 829 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 830 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 831 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xFFFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 832 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 833 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 838 | Use of underlying enum representation value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 840 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 840 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): st.chip_cfg.active_low_int | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 841 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 841 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): st.chip_cfg.latched_int | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 842 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 842 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): st.chip_cfg.int_motion_only | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 843 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 843 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): st.chip_cfg.lp_accel_mode | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 844 | (void) missing for discarded return value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 |
C | 845 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 845 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): st.chip_cfg.dmp_on | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 846 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 846 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): st.chip_cfg.dmp_loaded | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 847 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 847 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned short and int): st.chip_cfg.dmp_sample_rate | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 849 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 850 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 851 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 852 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 853 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 854 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 855 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 856 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 857 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 858 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 869 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 870 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 873 | (void) missing for discarded return value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 |
C | 849 | Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and unsigned short): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
C | 849 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : (int and unsigned short): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 851 | Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and unsigned char): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
C | 851 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : (int and unsigned char): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 853 | Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and unsigned short): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
C | 853 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : (int and unsigned short): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 855 | Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and unsigned short): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
C | 855 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : (int and unsigned short): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 857 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : (int and unsigned char): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 869 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : (int and unsigned char): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 873 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : (int and unsigned char): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
mpu_lp_accel_mode (892 to 968 inv_mpu.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | No prototype for non-static function. : mpu_lp_accel_mode | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 |
C | Function has global variable side effects. : st.chip_cfg.clk_src | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 |
C | Function has global variable side effects. : st.chip_cfg.fifo_enable | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 |
C | Function has global variable side effects. : st.chip_cfg.int_enable | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 |
C | Function has global variable side effects. : st.chip_cfg.latched_int | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 |
C | Function has global variable side effects. : st.chip_cfg.lp_accel_mode | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 |
C | Function has global variable side effects. : st.chip_cfg.lpf | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 |
C | Function has global variable side effects. : st.chip_cfg.sensors | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 900 | Function call with no prior declaration. : mpu_set_int_latched | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 903 | Function call with no prior declaration. : MPU_Write_Len | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 915 | Function call with no prior declaration. : mpu_set_int_latched | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 920 | Function call with no prior declaration. : mpu_set_lpf | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 923 | Function call with no prior declaration. : mpu_set_lpf | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 926 | Function call with no prior declaration. : mpu_set_lpf | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 929 | Function call with no prior declaration. : mpu_set_lpf | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 932 | Function call with no prior declaration. : MPU_Write_Len | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 965 | Function call with no prior declaration. : mpu_configure_fifo | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 896 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 40 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 896 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): rate | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 896 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned char and signed char): rate > 40 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 897 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 899 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 900 | (void) missing for discarded return value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 |
C | 901 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 901 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): tmp [ 0 ] | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 902 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x04 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 902 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned char and signed char): ( 0x04 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 902 | Use of bit operator on signed type. : | used with signed char | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 902 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and signed char): ( 0x04 ) | ( 0x02 ) | ( 0x01 ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 903 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 904 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 905 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 905 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): st.chip_cfg.lp_accel_mode | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 915 | (void) missing for discarded return value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 |
C | 917 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 917 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned char and signed char): tmp [ 0 ] = ( 0x20 ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 917 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and signed char): tmp [ 0 ] = ( 0x20 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 918 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 918 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): rate | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 918 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned char and signed char): rate == 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 919 | Use of underlying enum representation value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 920 | (void) missing for discarded return value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 |
C | 921 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 5 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 921 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): rate | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 921 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned char and signed char): rate <= 5 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 922 | Use of underlying enum representation value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 923 | (void) missing for discarded return value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 |
C | 924 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 20 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 924 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): rate | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 924 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned char and signed char): rate <= 20 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 925 | Use of underlying enum representation value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 926 | (void) missing for discarded return value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 |
C | 928 | Use of underlying enum representation value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 929 | (void) missing for discarded return value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 |
C | 931 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x04 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 931 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned char and signed char): ( 0x04 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 931 | Use of bit operator on signed type. : | used with signed char | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 932 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 933 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 963 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 963 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): st.chip_cfg.clk_src | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 964 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 964 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): st.chip_cfg.lp_accel_mode | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 965 | (void) missing for discarded return value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 |
C | 900 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : (int and unsigned char): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 915 | Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and unsigned char): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
C | 915 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : (int and unsigned char): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 920 | Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and unsigned short): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
C | 920 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : (int and unsigned short): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 923 | Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and unsigned short): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
C | 923 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : (int and unsigned short): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 926 | Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and unsigned short): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
C | 926 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : (int and unsigned short): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 929 | Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and unsigned short): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
C | 929 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : (int and unsigned short): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 965 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : (int and unsigned char): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
mpu_get_gyro_reg (976 to 991 inv_mpu.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | No prototype for non-static function. : mpu_get_gyro_reg | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 983 | Function call with no prior declaration. : MPU_Read_Len | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 989 | Function call with no prior declaration. : mget_ms | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 980 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 981 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 983 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 984 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 985 | Declaration does not specify an array. | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 |
C | 985 | Shifting value too far. | MISRA-C:2012 R.12.2 |
C | 985 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (short and unsigned char): data [ 0 ] = ( tmp [ 0 ] << 8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 986 | Declaration does not specify an array. | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 |
C | 986 | Shifting value too far. | MISRA-C:2012 R.12.2 |
C | 986 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (short and unsigned char): data [ 1 ] = ( tmp [ 2 ] << 8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 987 | Declaration does not specify an array. | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 |
C | 987 | Shifting value too far. | MISRA-C:2012 R.12.2 |
C | 987 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (short and unsigned char): data [ 2 ] = ( tmp [ 4 ] << 8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 988 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 989 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
M | 978 | Procedure contains UR data flow anomalies. : tmp |
MISRA-C:2012 R.9.1 | ||||||||
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
mpu_get_accel_reg (999 to 1014 inv_mpu.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | No prototype for non-static function. : mpu_get_accel_reg | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 1006 | Function call with no prior declaration. : MPU_Read_Len | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 1012 | Function call with no prior declaration. : mget_ms | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 1003 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 1004 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 1006 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 1007 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 1008 | Declaration does not specify an array. | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 |
C | 1008 | Shifting value too far. | MISRA-C:2012 R.12.2 |
C | 1008 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (short and unsigned char): data [ 0 ] = ( tmp [ 0 ] << 8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1009 | Declaration does not specify an array. | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 |
C | 1009 | Shifting value too far. | MISRA-C:2012 R.12.2 |
C | 1009 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (short and unsigned char): data [ 1 ] = ( tmp [ 2 ] << 8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1010 | Declaration does not specify an array. | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 |
C | 1010 | Shifting value too far. | MISRA-C:2012 R.12.2 |
C | 1010 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (short and unsigned char): data [ 2 ] = ( tmp [ 4 ] << 8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1011 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 1012 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
M | 1001 | Procedure contains UR data flow anomalies. : tmp |
MISRA-C:2012 R.9.1 | ||||||||
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
mpu_get_temperature (1022 to 1038 inv_mpu.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | No prototype for non-static function. : mpu_get_temperature | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 1030 | Function call with no prior declaration. : MPU_Read_Len | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 1034 | Function call with no prior declaration. : mget_ms | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 1027 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 1028 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 1030 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 1031 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 1032 | Shifting value too far. | MISRA-C:2012 R.12.2 |
C | 1032 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (short and unsigned char): raw = ( tmp [ 0 ] << 8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1033 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 1034 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 1036 | Declaration does not specify an array. | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 |
C | 1036 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (signed char and float): ( raw - ( float ) st.hw -> temp_offset | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1036 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (float and unsigned short): st.hw -> temp_sens | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1036 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (signed char and unsigned short): st.hw -> temp_sens | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1036 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (signed char and unsigned short): st.hw -> temp_sens | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1036 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 65536L | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1036 | Implicit conversion of underlying type. : (unsigned short and unsigned int): st.hw -> temp_sens ) ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1036 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned short and unsigned int): st.hw -> temp_sens ) ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 1036 | Value outside range of underlying type. : (unsigned short and unsigned int): st.hw -> temp_sens ) ) * 65536L | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1036 | Implicit conversion of underlying type. : (unsigned short and unsigned int): st.hw -> temp_sens ) ) * 65536L | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1036 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned short and unsigned int): st.hw -> temp_sens ) ) * 65536L | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1036 | Widening cast on complex integer expression. : (long and signed char): st.hw -> temp_sens ) ) * 65536L | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.8 |
M | 1024 | Procedure contains UR data flow anomalies. : tmp |
MISRA-C:2012 R.9.1 | ||||||||
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
mpu_set_accel_bias (1047 to 1090 inv_mpu.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | No prototype for non-static function. : mpu_set_accel_bias | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 1059 | Function call with no prior declaration. : MPU_Read_Len | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 1069 | Function call with no prior declaration. : MPU_Read_Len | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 1087 | Function call with no prior declaration. : MPU_Write_Len | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 1054 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 1055 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 1056 | Declaration does not specify an array. | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 |
C | 1056 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 1056 | Declaration does not specify an array. | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 |
C | 1056 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 1056 | Declaration does not specify an array. | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 |
C | 1056 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 1057 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 1059 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 1060 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 1061 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (short and unsigned char): ( data [ 0 ] >> 4 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1061 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1061 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned char and signed char): ( data [ 0 ] >> 4 ) + 8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1061 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (short and unsigned int): ( data [ 0 ] >> 4 ) + 8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1061 | Use of bit operator on signed type. : & used with signed char: fg | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 1061 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (short and signed char): ( data [ 0 ] >> 4 ) + 8 ) & 0xf | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 1062 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (short and unsigned char): ( data [ 1 ] >> 4 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1062 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1062 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned char and signed char): ( data [ 1 ] >> 4 ) + 8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1062 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (short and unsigned int): ( data [ 1 ] >> 4 ) + 8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1062 | Use of bit operator on signed type. : & used with signed char: fg | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 1062 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (short and signed char): ( data [ 1 ] >> 4 ) + 8 ) & 0xf | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 1063 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (short and unsigned char): ( data [ 2 ] >> 4 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1063 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1063 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned char and signed char): ( data [ 2 ] >> 4 ) + 8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1063 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (short and unsigned int): ( data [ 2 ] >> 4 ) + 8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1063 | Use of bit operator on signed type. : & used with signed char: fg | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 1063 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (short and signed char): ( data [ 2 ] >> 4 ) + 8 ) & 0xf | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 1065 | Declaration does not specify an array. | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 |
C | 1065 | Expression needs brackets. | MISRA-C:2012 R.12.1,R.20.7 |
C | 1066 | Declaration does not specify an array. | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 |
C | 1066 | Expression needs brackets. | MISRA-C:2012 R.12.1,R.20.7 |
C | 1067 | Declaration does not specify an array. | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 |
C | 1067 | Expression needs brackets. | MISRA-C:2012 R.12.1,R.20.7 |
C | 1069 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 1070 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 1072 | Use of shift operator on signed type. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 1072 | Use of bit operator on signed type. : | used with short: got_accel | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 1073 | Use of shift operator on signed type. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 1073 | Use of bit operator on signed type. : | used with short: got_accel | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 1074 | Use of shift operator on signed type. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 1074 | Use of bit operator on signed type. : | used with short: got_accel | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 1080 | Use of shift operator on signed type. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 1080 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and short): data [ 0 ] = ( accel_hw [ 0 ] >> 8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1080 | Use of bit operator on signed type. : & used with short: data | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 1081 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and short): data [ 1 ] = ( accel_hw [ 0 ] | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 1081 | Use of bit operator on signed type. : & used with short: data | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 1082 | Use of shift operator on signed type. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 1082 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and short): data [ 2 ] = ( accel_hw [ 1 ] >> 8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1082 | Use of bit operator on signed type. : & used with short: data | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 1083 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and short): data [ 3 ] = ( accel_hw [ 1 ] | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1083 | Use of bit operator on signed type. : & used with short: data | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 1084 | Use of shift operator on signed type. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 1084 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and short): data [ 4 ] = ( accel_hw [ 2 ] >> 8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1084 | Use of bit operator on signed type. : & used with short: data | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 1085 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and short): data [ 5 ] = ( accel_hw [ 2 ] | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1085 | Use of bit operator on signed type. : & used with short: data | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 1087 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 1088 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
M | 1049 | Procedure contains UR data flow anomalies. : data |
MISRA-C:2012 R.9.1 | ||||||||
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
mpu_reset_fifo (1096 to 1151 inv_mpu.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | No prototype for non-static function. : mpu_reset_fifo | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 1104 | Function call with no prior declaration. : MPU_Write_Len | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 1106 | Function call with no prior declaration. : MPU_Write_Len | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 1108 | Function call with no prior declaration. : MPU_Write_Len | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 1113 | Function call with no prior declaration. : MPU_Write_Len | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 1115 | Function call with no prior declaration. : delay_ms | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 1119 | Function call with no prior declaration. : MPU_Write_Len | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 1125 | Function call with no prior declaration. : MPU_Write_Len | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 1128 | Function call with no prior declaration. : MPU_Write_Len | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 1132 | Function call with no prior declaration. : MPU_Write_Len | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 1138 | Function call with no prior declaration. : MPU_Write_Len | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 1140 | Function call with no prior declaration. : delay_ms | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 1145 | Function call with no prior declaration. : MPU_Write_Len | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 1147 | Function call with no prior declaration. : MPU_Write_Len | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 1100 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 1101 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 1103 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1103 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): data | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1104 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 1105 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 1106 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 1107 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 1108 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 1109 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 1111 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 1112 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x04 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1112 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned char and signed char): data = ( 0x04 ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 1112 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and signed char): data = ( 0x04 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1112 | Use of bit operator on signed type. : | used with signed char: data | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 1113 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 1114 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 1116 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x80 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1116 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned char and signed char): data = ( 0x80 ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 1116 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and signed char): data = ( 0x80 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1116 | Use of bit operator on signed type. : | used with signed char: data | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 1117 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 1118 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 1118 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1118 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned char and signed char): data |= ( 0x20 ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 1118 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and signed char): data |= ( 0x20 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1119 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 1120 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 1121 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 1122 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 1122 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x02 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1122 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned char and signed char): data = ( 0x02 ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 1122 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and signed char): data = ( 0x02 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1124 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 1124 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1124 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): data | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1125 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 1126 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 1127 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1127 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): data | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1128 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 1129 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 1131 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x04 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1131 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned char and signed char): data = ( 0x04 ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 1131 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and signed char): data = ( 0x04 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1132 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 1133 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 1134 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 1134 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 1135 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 1135 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x40 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1135 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned char and signed char): data = ( 0x40 ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 1135 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and signed char): data = ( 0x40 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1137 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 1137 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x40 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1137 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned char and signed char): data = ( 0x40 ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 1137 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and signed char): data = ( 0x40 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1137 | Use of bit operator on signed type. : | used with signed char: data | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 1138 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 1139 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 1141 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 1142 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 1142 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x01 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1142 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned char and signed char): data = ( 0x01 ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 1142 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and signed char): data = ( 0x01 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1144 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 1144 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1144 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): data | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1145 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 1146 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 1147 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 1148 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
mpu_get_gyro_fsr (1158 to 1178 inv_mpu.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | No prototype for non-static function. : mpu_get_gyro_fsr | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 1162 | Declaration does not specify an array. | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 |
C | 1162 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 250 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1162 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned short and int): fsr [ 0 ] | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1165 | Declaration does not specify an array. | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 |
C | 1165 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 500 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1165 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned short and int): fsr [ 0 ] | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1168 | Declaration does not specify an array. | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 |
C | 1168 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 1000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1168 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned short and int): fsr [ 0 ] | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1171 | Declaration does not specify an array. | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 |
C | 1171 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 2000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1171 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned short and int): fsr [ 0 ] | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1174 | Declaration does not specify an array. | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 |
C | 1174 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1174 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned short and int): fsr [ 0 ] | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
mpu_set_gyro_fsr (1185 to 1215 inv_mpu.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | No prototype for non-static function. : mpu_set_gyro_fsr | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 |
C | Function has global variable side effects. : st.chip_cfg.gyro_fsr | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 1211 | Function call with no prior declaration. : MPU_Write_Len | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 1189 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 1190 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 1193 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned short and int): case | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1194 | Use of underlying enum representation value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 1196 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned short and int): case | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1197 | Use of underlying enum representation value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 1199 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned short and int): case | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1200 | Use of underlying enum representation value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 1202 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned short and int): case | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1203 | Use of underlying enum representation value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 1207 | Switch case not terminated with break. | MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 |
C | 1210 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 1211 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 1212 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
mpu_get_accel_fsr (1222 to 1243 inv_mpu.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | No prototype for non-static function. : mpu_get_accel_fsr | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 1226 | Declaration does not specify an array. | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 |
C | 1226 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1226 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): fsr [ 0 ] | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1229 | Declaration does not specify an array. | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 |
C | 1229 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 4 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1229 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): fsr [ 0 ] | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1232 | Declaration does not specify an array. | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 |
C | 1232 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1232 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): fsr [ 0 ] | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1235 | Declaration does not specify an array. | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 |
C | 1235 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 16 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1235 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): fsr [ 0 ] | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1239 | Switch case not terminated with break. | MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 |
C | 1240 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 1241 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 1241 | Declaration does not specify an array. | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 |
C | 1241 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1241 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): fsr [ 0 ] | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
mpu_set_accel_fsr (1250 to 1280 inv_mpu.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | No prototype for non-static function. : mpu_set_accel_fsr | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 |
C | Function has global variable side effects. : st.chip_cfg.accel_fsr | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 1276 | Function call with no prior declaration. : MPU_Write_Len | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 1254 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 1255 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 1258 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): case | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1259 | Use of underlying enum representation value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 1261 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): case | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1262 | Use of underlying enum representation value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 1264 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): case | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1265 | Use of underlying enum representation value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 1267 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): case | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1268 | Use of underlying enum representation value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 1272 | Switch case not terminated with break. | MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 |
C | 1275 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 1276 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 1277 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
mpu_get_lpf (1287 to 1315 inv_mpu.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | No prototype for non-static function. : mpu_get_lpf | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 1291 | Declaration does not specify an array. | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 |
C | 1291 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 188 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1291 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned short and int): lpf [ 0 ] | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1294 | Declaration does not specify an array. | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 |
C | 1294 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned short and int): lpf [ 0 ] | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1297 | Declaration does not specify an array. | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 |
C | 1297 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned short and int): lpf [ 0 ] | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1300 | Declaration does not specify an array. | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 |
C | 1300 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned short and int): lpf [ 0 ] | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1303 | Declaration does not specify an array. | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 |
C | 1303 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned short and int): lpf [ 0 ] | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1306 | Declaration does not specify an array. | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 |
C | 1306 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned short and int): lpf [ 0 ] | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1311 | Declaration does not specify an array. | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 |
C | 1311 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1311 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned short and int): lpf [ 0 ] | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
mpu_set_lpf (1323 to 1349 inv_mpu.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | No prototype for non-static function. : mpu_set_lpf | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 |
C | Function has global variable side effects. : st.chip_cfg.lpf | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 1345 | Function call with no prior declaration. : MPU_Write_Len | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 1327 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 1328 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 1330 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 188 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1330 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned short and int): lpf | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1330 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned short and signed char): lpf >= 188 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1331 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 1331 | Use of underlying enum representation value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 1332 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 98 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1332 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned short and int): lpf | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1332 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned short and signed char): lpf >= 98 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1333 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 1333 | Use of underlying enum representation value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 1334 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 42 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1334 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned short and int): lpf | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1334 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned short and signed char): lpf >= 42 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1335 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 1335 | Use of underlying enum representation value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 1336 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 20 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1336 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned short and int): lpf | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1336 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned short and signed char): lpf >= 20 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1337 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 1337 | Use of underlying enum representation value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 1338 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 10 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1338 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned short and int): lpf | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1338 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned short and signed char): lpf >= 10 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1339 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 1339 | Use of underlying enum representation value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 1341 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 1341 | Use of underlying enum representation value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 1344 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 1345 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 1346 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
mpu_get_sample_rate (1356 to 1363 inv_mpu.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | No prototype for non-static function. : mpu_get_sample_rate | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 1358 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 1359 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 1361 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 1361 | Declaration does not specify an array. | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
mpu_set_sample_rate (1371 to 1411 inv_mpu.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | No prototype for non-static function. : mpu_set_sample_rate | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 |
C | Function has global variable side effects. : st | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 1398 | Function call with no prior declaration. : MPU_Write_Len | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 1375 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 1376 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 1378 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 1379 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 1381 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 1382 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 1382 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 40 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1382 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned short and int): ( rate | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1382 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned short and signed char): ( rate <= 40 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1384 | (void) missing for discarded return value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 |
C | 1390 | (void) missing for discarded return value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 |
C | 1392 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 4 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1392 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned short and int): rate | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1392 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned short and signed char): rate < 4 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1393 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 1393 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned short and int): rate | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1394 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 1000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1394 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned short and int): rate | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1395 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 1395 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 1000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1395 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned short and int): rate | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1395 | Else alternative missing in if. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.7 |
C | 1397 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 1000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1397 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): data | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1397 | Value outside range of underlying type. : (unsigned char and unsigned short): data = 1000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1397 | Expression needs brackets. | MISRA-C:2012 R.12.1,R.20.7 |
C | 1397 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned char and unsigned short): rate - 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 1398 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 1399 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 1401 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 1000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1401 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned short and int): st.chip_cfg.sample_rate | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1401 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned short and signed char): 1 + | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 1401 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (signed char and unsigned char): ( 1 + data | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1401 | Divide by zero found. | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 |
C | 1401 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned short and unsigned char): ( 1 + data ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 1408 | (void) missing for discarded return value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 |
C | 1384 | Narrower int conversion without cast. : (unsigned short and unsigned char): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
C | 1384 | Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (unsigned short and unsigned char): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
C | 1390 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : (int and unsigned char): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
mpu_get_compass_sample_rate (1418 to 1427 inv_mpu.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | No prototype for non-static function. : mpu_get_compass_sample_rate | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 1424 | Declaration does not specify an array. | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 |
C | 1424 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1424 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned short and int): rate [ 0 ] | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
mpu_set_compass_sample_rate (1440 to 1455 inv_mpu.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | No prototype for non-static function. : mpu_set_compass_sample_rate | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 |
Code | Violation | Parameter |
O | Unused procedure parameter | rate |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
mpu_get_gyro_sens (1462 to 1481 inv_mpu.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | No prototype for non-static function. : mpu_get_gyro_sens | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 1466 | Declaration does not specify an array. | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 |
C | 1469 | Declaration does not specify an array. | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 |
C | 1472 | Declaration does not specify an array. | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 |
C | 1475 | Declaration does not specify an array. | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 |
C | 1479 | Switch case not terminated with break. | MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
mpu_get_accel_sens (1488 to 1509 inv_mpu.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | No prototype for non-static function. : mpu_get_accel_sens | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 1492 | Declaration does not specify an array. | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 |
C | 1492 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 16384 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1492 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned short and int): sens [ 0 ] | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1495 | Declaration does not specify an array. | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 |
C | 1495 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 8092 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1495 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned short and int): sens [ 0 ] | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1498 | Declaration does not specify an array. | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 |
C | 1498 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 4096 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1498 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned short and int): sens [ 0 ] | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1501 | Declaration does not specify an array. | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 |
C | 1501 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 2048 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1501 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned short and int): sens [ 0 ] | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1505 | Switch case not terminated with break. | MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 |
C | 1506 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 1507 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 1507 | Declaration does not specify an array. | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 |
C | 1507 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned short and int): sens [ 0 ] | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
mpu_get_fifo_config (1520 to 1524 inv_mpu.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | No prototype for non-static function. : mpu_get_fifo_config | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 1522 | Declaration does not specify an array. | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
mpu_configure_fifo (1535 to 1570 inv_mpu.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | No prototype for non-static function. : mpu_configure_fifo | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
C | Function has global variable side effects. : st.chip_cfg.fifo_enable | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 |
C | Function has global variable side effects. : st.chip_cfg.int_enable | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 1543 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 1544 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 1546 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 1547 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 1553 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 1556 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 1557 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 1557 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 1558 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 1558 | (void) missing for discarded return value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 |
C | 1560 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 1561 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 1562 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 1558 | Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and unsigned char): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
C | 1558 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : (int and unsigned char): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1560 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : (int and unsigned char): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1538 | DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. : result | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
mpu_get_power_state (1577 to 1584 inv_mpu.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | No prototype for non-static function. : mpu_get_power_state | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 1579 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 1580 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 1580 | Declaration does not specify an array. | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 |
C | 1580 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1580 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): power_on [ 0 ] | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1582 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 1582 | Declaration does not specify an array. | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 |
C | 1582 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1582 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): power_on [ 0 ] | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
mpu_set_sensors (1596 to 1666 inv_mpu.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | No prototype for non-static function. : mpu_set_sensors | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 |
C | Function has global variable side effects. : st.chip_cfg.clk_src | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 |
C | Function has global variable side effects. : st.chip_cfg.latched_int | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 |
C | Function has global variable side effects. : st.chip_cfg.lp_accel_mode | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 |
C | Function has global variable side effects. : st.chip_cfg.sensors | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 1609 | Function call with no prior declaration. : MPU_Write_Len | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 1624 | Function call with no prior declaration. : MPU_Write_Len | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 1631 | Function call with no prior declaration. : mpu_set_int_latched | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 1664 | Function call with no prior declaration. : delay_ms | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 1603 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 1604 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 1604 | Use of underlying enum representation value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 1605 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 1606 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 1606 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1606 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): data | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1608 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 1608 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x40 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1608 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned char and signed char): data = ( 0x40 ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 1608 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and signed char): data = ( 0x40 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1609 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 1610 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1610 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): st.chip_cfg.sensors | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1613 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x40 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1613 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned char and signed char): st.chip_cfg.clk_src = data & ~ ( 0x40 ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 1615 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1615 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): data | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1616 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 1617 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 1617 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x04 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1617 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned char and signed char): data |= ( 0x04 ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 1617 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and signed char): data |= ( 0x04 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1618 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 1619 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 1619 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x02 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1619 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned char and signed char): data |= ( 0x02 ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 1619 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and signed char): data |= ( 0x02 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1620 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 1621 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 1621 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x01 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1621 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned char and signed char): data |= ( 0x01 ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 1621 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and signed char): data |= ( 0x01 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1622 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 1623 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 1623 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1623 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned char and signed char): ( 0x20 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1623 | Use of bit operator on signed type. : | used with signed char | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 1623 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and signed char): ( 0x20 ) | ( 0x10 ) | ( 0x08 ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1624 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 1625 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1625 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): st.chip_cfg.sensors | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1629 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 1630 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 1631 | (void) missing for discarded return value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 |
C | 1663 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 1663 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): st.chip_cfg.lp_accel_mode | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1631 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : (int and unsigned char): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
mpu_get_int_status (1673 to 1682 inv_mpu.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | No prototype for non-static function. : mpu_get_int_status | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 1678 | Function call with no prior declaration. : MPU_Read_Len | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 1676 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 1677 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 1678 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 1679 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 1680 | Declaration does not specify an array. | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 |
C | 1680 | Shifting value too far. | MISRA-C:2012 R.12.2 |
C | 1680 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (short and unsigned char): status [ 0 ] = ( tmp [ 0 ] << 8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
M | 1675 | Procedure contains UR data flow anomalies. : tmp |
MISRA-C:2012 R.9.1 | ||||||||
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
mpu_read_fifo (1702 to 1774 inv_mpu.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | No prototype for non-static function. : mpu_read_fifo | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 1728 | Function call with no prior declaration. : MPU_Read_Len | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 1736 | Function call with no prior declaration. : MPU_Read_Len | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 1743 | Function call with no prior declaration. : mget_ms | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 1745 | Function call with no prior declaration. : MPU_Read_Len | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 1759 | Pointer not checked for null before use. : sensors | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 |
C | 1764 | Pointer not checked for null before use. : sensors | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 |
C | 1769 | Pointer not checked for null before use. : sensors | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 |
C | 1710 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 1711 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 1713 | Declaration does not specify an array. | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 |
C | 1713 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1713 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): sensors [ 0 ] | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1714 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 1715 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 1716 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 1717 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 1719 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 1720 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 1720 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1720 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): packet_size | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1721 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 1722 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 1722 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1722 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): packet_size | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1723 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 1724 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 1724 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1724 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): packet_size | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1725 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 1726 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 1726 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 6 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1726 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): packet_size | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1728 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 1729 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 1730 | Shifting value too far. | MISRA-C:2012 R.12.2 |
C | 1730 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned short and unsigned char): fifo_count = ( data [ 0 ] << 8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 1730 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned short and unsigned char): fifo_count = ( data [ 0 ] << 8 ) | data [ 1 ] | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 1732 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 1736 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 1737 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 1738 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1738 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned char and signed char): data [ 0 ] & ( 0x10 ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 1738 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 1739 | (void) missing for discarded return value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 |
C | 1745 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 1746 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 1747 | Declaration does not specify an array. | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 |
C | 1747 | Implicit conversion of underlying type. : (unsigned char and unsigned short): more [ 0 ] = fifo_count | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1747 | Narrower int conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and unsigned short): more [ 0 ] = fifo_count | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
C | 1747 | Expression needs brackets. | MISRA-C:2012 R.12.1,R.20.7 |
C | 1747 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned char and unsigned short): packet_size - 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 1748 | Declaration does not specify an array. | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 |
C | 1748 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 1748 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): sensors [ 0 ] | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1750 | Construct leads to infeasible code. | MISRA-C:2012 R.14.3 |
C | 1750 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 1751 | Declaration does not specify an array. | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 |
C | 1751 | Shifting value too far. | MISRA-C:2012 R.12.2 |
C | 1751 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (short and unsigned char): accel [ 0 ] = ( data [ index + 0 ] << 8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1752 | Declaration does not specify an array. | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 |
C | 1752 | Shifting value too far. | MISRA-C:2012 R.12.2 |
C | 1752 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (short and unsigned char): accel [ 1 ] = ( data [ index + 2 ] << 8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1753 | Declaration does not specify an array. | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 |
C | 1753 | Shifting value too far. | MISRA-C:2012 R.12.2 |
C | 1753 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (short and unsigned char): accel [ 2 ] = ( data [ index + 4 ] << 8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1754 | Declaration does not specify an array. | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 |
C | 1755 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned short and int): index | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1757 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 1758 | Declaration does not specify an array. | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 |
C | 1758 | Shifting value too far. | MISRA-C:2012 R.12.2 |
C | 1758 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (short and unsigned char): gyro [ 0 ] = ( data [ index + 0 ] << 8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1759 | Declaration does not specify an array. | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 |
C | 1760 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned short and int): index | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1762 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 1763 | Declaration does not specify an array. | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 |
C | 1763 | Shifting value too far. | MISRA-C:2012 R.12.2 |
C | 1763 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (short and unsigned char): gyro [ 1 ] = ( data [ index + 0 ] << 8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1764 | Declaration does not specify an array. | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 |
C | 1765 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned short and int): index | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1767 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 1768 | Declaration does not specify an array. | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 |
C | 1768 | Shifting value too far. | MISRA-C:2012 R.12.2 |
C | 1768 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (short and unsigned char): gyro [ 2 ] = ( data [ index + 0 ] << 8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1769 | Declaration does not specify an array. | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 |
C | 1770 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned short and int): index | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
M | 1706 | Procedure contains UR data flow anomalies. : data | MISRA-C:2012 R.9.1 |
C | 1770 | DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. : index | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Violation | Parameter |
O | Unused procedure parameter | timestamp |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
mpu_read_fifo_stream (1783 to 1814 inv_mpu.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | No prototype for non-static function. : mpu_read_fifo_stream | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 1793 | Function call with no prior declaration. : MPU_Read_Len | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 1802 | Function call with no prior declaration. : MPU_Read_Len | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 1810 | Function call with no prior declaration. : MPU_Read_Len | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 1788 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 1789 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 1790 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 1791 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 1793 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 1794 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 1795 | Shifting value too far. | MISRA-C:2012 R.12.2 |
C | 1795 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned short and unsigned char): fifo_count = ( tmp [ 0 ] << 8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 1795 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned short and unsigned char): fifo_count = ( tmp [ 0 ] << 8 ) | tmp [ 1 ] | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 1797 | Declaration does not specify an array. | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 |
C | 1797 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1797 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): more [ 0 ] | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1802 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 1803 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 1804 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1804 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned char and signed char): tmp [ 0 ] & ( 0x10 ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 1804 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 1805 | (void) missing for discarded return value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 |
C | 1810 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 1811 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 1812 | Declaration does not specify an array. | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 |
C | 1812 | Implicit conversion of underlying type. : (unsigned char and unsigned short): more [ 0 ] = fifo_count | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1812 | Narrower int conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and unsigned short): more [ 0 ] = fifo_count | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
C | 1812 | Expression needs brackets. | MISRA-C:2012 R.12.1,R.20.7 |
C | 1812 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned char and unsigned short): length - 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
M | 1786 | Procedure contains UR data flow anomalies. : tmp |
MISRA-C:2012 R.9.1 | ||||||||
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
mpu_set_bypass (1821 to 1864 inv_mpu.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | No prototype for non-static function. : mpu_set_bypass | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 |
C | Function has global variable side effects. : st.chip_cfg.bypass_mode | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 1829 | Function call with no prior declaration. : MPU_Read_Len | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 1832 | Function call with no prior declaration. : MPU_Write_Len | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 1834 | Function call with no prior declaration. : delay_ms | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 1840 | Function call with no prior declaration. : MPU_Write_Len | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 1844 | Function call with no prior declaration. : MPU_Read_Len | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 1850 | Function call with no prior declaration. : MPU_Write_Len | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 1852 | Function call with no prior declaration. : delay_ms | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 1859 | Function call with no prior declaration. : MPU_Write_Len | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 1826 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 1828 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 1829 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 1830 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 1831 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1831 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned char and signed char): tmp &= ~ ( 0x20 ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 1832 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 1833 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 1835 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x02 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1835 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned char and signed char): tmp = ( 0x02 ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 1835 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and signed char): tmp = ( 0x02 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1836 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 1837 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 1837 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x80 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1837 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned char and signed char): tmp |= ( 0x80 ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 1837 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and signed char): tmp |= ( 0x80 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1838 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 1839 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 1839 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1839 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned char and signed char): tmp |= ( 0x20 ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 1839 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and signed char): tmp |= ( 0x20 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1839 | Use of bit operator on signed type. : | used with signed char: tmp | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 1840 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 1841 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 1844 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 1845 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 1846 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 1847 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 1847 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1847 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned char and signed char): tmp |= ( 0x20 ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 1847 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and signed char): tmp |= ( 0x20 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1849 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 1849 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1849 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned char and signed char): tmp &= ~ ( 0x20 ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 1850 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 1851 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 1853 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 1854 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 1854 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x80 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1854 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned char and signed char): tmp = ( 0x80 ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 1854 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and signed char): tmp = ( 0x80 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1856 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 1856 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1856 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): tmp | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1857 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 1858 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 1858 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1858 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned char and signed char): tmp |= ( 0x20 ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 1858 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and signed char): tmp |= ( 0x20 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1858 | Use of bit operator on signed type. : | used with signed char: tmp | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 1859 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 1860 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
M | 1823 | Procedure contains UR data flow anomalies. : tmp |
MISRA-C:2012 R.9.1 | ||||||||
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
mpu_set_int_level (1871 to 1875 inv_mpu.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | No prototype for non-static function. : mpu_set_int_level | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 |
C | Function has global variable side effects. : st.chip_cfg.active_low_int | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
mpu_set_int_latched (1883 to 1901 inv_mpu.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | No prototype for non-static function. : mpu_set_int_latched | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 |
C | Function has global variable side effects. : st.chip_cfg.latched_int | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 1897 | Function call with no prior declaration. : MPU_Write_Len | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 1887 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 1889 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 1890 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 1890 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1890 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned char and signed char): tmp = ( 0x20 ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 1890 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and signed char): tmp = ( 0x20 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1890 | Use of bit operator on signed type. : | used with signed char: tmp | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 1892 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 1892 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1892 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): tmp | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1893 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 1894 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 1894 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x02 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1894 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned char and signed char): tmp |= ( 0x02 ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 1894 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and signed char): tmp |= ( 0x02 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1895 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 1896 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 1896 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x80 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1896 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned char and signed char): tmp |= ( 0x80 ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 1896 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and signed char): tmp |= ( 0x80 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1897 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 1898 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
get_accel_prod_shift (1904 to 1927 inv_mpu.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 1908 | Function call with no prior declaration. : MPU_Read_Len | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 1908 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 1909 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 1911 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xE0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1911 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned char and signed char): ( tmp [ 0 ] & 0xE0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1911 | Use of shift operator on signed type. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 1911 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and signed char): ( tmp [ 0 ] & 0xE0 ) >> 3 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1911 | Use of bit operator on signed type. : | used with signed char: shift_code | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 1911 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x30 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1911 | Use of shift operator on signed type. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 1912 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xE0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1912 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned char and signed char): ( tmp [ 1 ] & 0xE0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1912 | Use of shift operator on signed type. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 1912 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and signed char): ( tmp [ 1 ] & 0xE0 ) >> 3 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1912 | Use of bit operator on signed type. : | used with signed char: shift_code | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 1912 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0C | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1912 | Use of shift operator on signed type. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 1913 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xE0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1913 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned char and signed char): ( tmp [ 2 ] & 0xE0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1913 | Use of shift operator on signed type. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 1913 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and signed char): ( tmp [ 2 ] & 0xE0 ) >> 3 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1913 | Use of bit operator on signed type. : | used with signed char: shift_code | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 1913 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x03 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1914 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1914 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): ii | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1914 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 3 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1914 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): ii | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1914 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned char and signed char): ii < 3 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1915 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 1916 | Declaration does not specify an array. | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 |
C | 1922 | Declaration does not specify an array. | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 |
C | 1923 | Deprecated usage of ++ or -- operators found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2,R.13.3 |
C | 1923 | Assignment operation in expression. | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2,R.13.4 |
C | 1923 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 1924 | No brackets to loop body. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 1924 | Declaration does not specify an array. | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 |
M | 1906 | Procedure contains UR data flow anomalies. : tmp |
MISRA-C:2012 R.9.1 | ||||||||
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
accel_self_test (1929 to 1947 inv_mpu.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 1934 | (void) missing for discarded return value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 |
C | 1936 | Float/integer conversion without cast. : (float and long): st_shift_cust = labs | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1936 | Declaration does not specify an array. | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 |
C | 1936 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (long and float): st_shift_cust = labs ( bias_regular [ jj ] - bias_st [ jj ] ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 1936 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (long and float) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 1936 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (long and float): 65536.f | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1937 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 1938 | Expression needs brackets. | MISRA-C:2012 R.12.1,R.20.7 |
C | 1940 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 1940 | Use of bit operator on signed type. : |= used with int: result | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 1940 | Use of shift operator on signed type. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 1940 | Negative (or potentially negative) shift. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.12.2 |
C | 1943 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 1943 | Use of bit operator on signed type. : |= used with int: result | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 1943 | Use of shift operator on signed type. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 1943 | Negative (or potentially negative) shift. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.12.2 |
C | 1943 | Else alternative missing in if. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.7 |
M | 1932 | Procedure contains UR data flow anomalies. : st_shift |
MISRA-C:2012 R.9.1 | ||||||||
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
gyro_self_test (1949 to 1976 inv_mpu.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 1955 | Function call with no prior declaration. : MPU_Read_Len | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 1955 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 1956 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 1958 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1F | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1958 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): tmp [ 0 ] | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1959 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1F | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1959 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): tmp [ 1 ] | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1960 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1F | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1960 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): tmp [ 2 ] | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1963 | Float/integer conversion without cast. : (float and long): st_shift_cust = labs | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1963 | Declaration does not specify an array. | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 |
C | 1963 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (long and float): st_shift_cust = labs ( bias_regular [ jj ] - bias_st [ jj ] ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 1963 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (long and float) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 1963 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (long and float): 65536.f | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1964 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 1966 | Deprecated usage of ++ or -- operators found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2,R.13.3 |
C | 1966 | Assignment operation in expression. | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2,R.13.4 |
C | 1966 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 1967 | No brackets to loop body. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 1968 | Expression needs brackets. | MISRA-C:2012 R.12.1,R.20.7 |
C | 1970 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 1970 | Use of bit operator on signed type. : |= used with int: result | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 1970 | Use of shift operator on signed type. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 1970 | Negative (or potentially negative) shift. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.12.2 |
C | 1973 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 1973 | Use of bit operator on signed type. : |= used with int: result | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 1973 | Use of shift operator on signed type. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 1973 | Negative (or potentially negative) shift. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.12.2 |
C | 1973 | Else alternative missing in if. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.7 |
M | 1952 | Procedure contains UR data flow anomalies. : tmp |
MISRA-C:2012 R.9.1 | ||||||||
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
get_st_biases (2033 to 2151 inv_mpu.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 2041 | Function call with no prior declaration. : MPU_Write_Len | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 2043 | Function call with no prior declaration. : delay_ms | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 2045 | Function call with no prior declaration. : MPU_Write_Len | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 2047 | Function call with no prior declaration. : MPU_Write_Len | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 2049 | Function call with no prior declaration. : MPU_Write_Len | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 2051 | Function call with no prior declaration. : MPU_Write_Len | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 2053 | Function call with no prior declaration. : MPU_Write_Len | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 2056 | Function call with no prior declaration. : MPU_Write_Len | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 2058 | Function call with no prior declaration. : delay_ms | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 2060 | Function call with no prior declaration. : MPU_Write_Len | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 2063 | Function call with no prior declaration. : MPU_Write_Len | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 2069 | Function call with no prior declaration. : MPU_Write_Len | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 2076 | Function call with no prior declaration. : MPU_Write_Len | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 2079 | Function call with no prior declaration. : delay_ms | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 2083 | Function call with no prior declaration. : MPU_Write_Len | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 2087 | Function call with no prior declaration. : MPU_Write_Len | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 2089 | Function call with no prior declaration. : delay_ms | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 2091 | Function call with no prior declaration. : MPU_Write_Len | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 2094 | Function call with no prior declaration. : MPU_Read_Len | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 2104 | Function call with no prior declaration. : MPU_Read_Len | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 2110 | Pointer not checked for null before use. : accel | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 |
C | 2111 | Pointer not checked for null before use. : accel | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 |
C | 2116 | Pointer not checked for null before use. : gyro | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 |
C | 2117 | Pointer not checked for null before use. : gyro | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 |
C | 2115 | Pointer not checked for null before use. : gyro | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 |
C | 2109 | Pointer not checked for null before use. : accel | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 |
C | 2039 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x01 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2039 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): data [ 0 ] | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2040 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2040 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): data [ 1 ] | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2041 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 2042 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 2044 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2044 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): data [ 0 ] | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2045 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 2046 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 2047 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 2048 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 2049 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 2050 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 2051 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 2052 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 2053 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 2054 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 2055 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x04 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2055 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned char and signed char): data [ 0 ] = ( 0x04 ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 2055 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and signed char): data [ 0 ] = ( 0x04 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2055 | Use of bit operator on signed type. : | used with signed char: data | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 2056 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 2057 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 2060 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 2061 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 2063 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 2064 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 2065 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 2066 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 2068 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 2069 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 2070 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 2072 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 2073 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 2075 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 2076 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 2077 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 2078 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 2079 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 2082 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x40 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2082 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned char and signed char): data [ 0 ] = ( 0x40 ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 2082 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and signed char): data [ 0 ] = ( 0x40 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2083 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 2084 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 2087 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 2088 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 2090 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2090 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): data [ 0 ] | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2091 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 2092 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 2094 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 2095 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 2097 | Shifting value too far. | MISRA-C:2012 R.12.2 |
C | 2097 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned short and unsigned char): fifo_count = ( data [ 0 ] << 8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 2097 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned short and unsigned char): fifo_count = ( data [ 0 ] << 8 ) | data [ 1 ] | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 2098 | Implicit conversion of underlying type. : (unsigned char and unsigned short): packet_count = fifo_count | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2098 | Narrower int conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and unsigned short): packet_count = fifo_count | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
C | 2098 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned short and signed char): 12 ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 2099 | Declaration does not specify an array. | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 |
C | 2099 | Assignment operation in expression. | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2,R.13.4 |
C | 2100 | Declaration does not specify an array. | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 |
C | 2100 | Assignment operation in expression. | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2,R.13.4 |
C | 2102 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2102 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): ii | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2104 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 2105 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 2106 | Use of shift operator on signed type. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 2106 | Use of bit operator on signed type. : | used with short: accel_cur | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 2107 | Use of shift operator on signed type. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 2107 | Use of bit operator on signed type. : | used with short: accel_cur | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 2108 | Use of shift operator on signed type. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 2108 | Use of bit operator on signed type. : | used with short: accel_cur | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 2109 | Declaration does not specify an array. | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 |
C | 2110 | Declaration does not specify an array. | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 |
C | 2111 | Declaration does not specify an array. | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 |
C | 2112 | Unsigned integral type cast to signed. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.8 |
C | 2112 | Use of shift operator on signed type. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 2112 | Use of bit operator on signed type. : | used with short | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 2112 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (short and unsigned char): ( short ) data [ 6 ] << 8 ) | data [ 7 ] | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 2113 | Unsigned integral type cast to signed. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.8 |
C | 2113 | Use of shift operator on signed type. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 2113 | Use of bit operator on signed type. : | used with short | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 2113 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (short and unsigned char): ( short ) data [ 8 ] << 8 ) | data [ 9 ] | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2114 | Unsigned integral type cast to signed. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.8 |
C | 2114 | Use of shift operator on signed type. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 2114 | Use of bit operator on signed type. : | used with short | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 2114 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (short and unsigned char): ( short ) data [ 10 ] << 8 ) | data [ 11 ] | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2115 | Declaration does not specify an array. | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 |
C | 2116 | Declaration does not specify an array. | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 |
C | 2117 | Declaration does not specify an array. | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 |
C | 2134 | Declaration does not specify an array. | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 |
C | 2134 | Declaration does not specify an array. | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 |
C | 2134 | Use of shift operator on signed type. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 2134 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (long long and unsigned char): packet_count | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2135 | Declaration does not specify an array. | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 |
C | 2135 | Declaration does not specify an array. | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 |
C | 2135 | Use of shift operator on signed type. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 2135 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (long long and unsigned char): packet_count | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2136 | Declaration does not specify an array. | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 |
C | 2136 | Declaration does not specify an array. | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 |
C | 2136 | Use of shift operator on signed type. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 2136 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (long long and unsigned char): packet_count | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2137 | Declaration does not specify an array. | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 |
C | 2137 | Declaration does not specify an array. | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 |
C | 2137 | Use of shift operator on signed type. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 2138 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (long long and unsigned char): packet_count | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2139 | Declaration does not specify an array. | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 |
C | 2139 | Declaration does not specify an array. | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 |
C | 2139 | Use of shift operator on signed type. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 2140 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (long long and unsigned char): packet_count | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2141 | Declaration does not specify an array. | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 |
C | 2141 | Declaration does not specify an array. | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 |
C | 2141 | Use of shift operator on signed type. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 2142 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (long long and unsigned char): packet_count | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2144 | Declaration does not specify an array. | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 |
C | 2145 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 2145 | Declaration does not specify an array. | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 |
C | 2147 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 2147 | Declaration does not specify an array. | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
mpu_run_self_test (2173 to 2264 inv_mpu.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | No prototype for non-static function. : mpu_run_self_test | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
C | Function has global variable side effects. : st.chip_cfg.accel_fsr | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 |
C | Function has global variable side effects. : st.chip_cfg.bypass_mode | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 |
C | Function has global variable side effects. : st.chip_cfg.clk_src | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 |
C | Function has global variable side effects. : st.chip_cfg.dmp_on | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 |
C | Function has global variable side effects. : st.chip_cfg.dmp_sample_rate | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 |
C | Function has global variable side effects. : st.chip_cfg.fifo_enable | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 |
C | Function has global variable side effects. : st.chip_cfg.gyro_fsr | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 |
C | Function has global variable side effects. : st.chip_cfg.int_enable | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 |
C | Function has global variable side effects. : st.chip_cfg.latched_int | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 |
C | Function has global variable side effects. : st.chip_cfg.lp_accel_mode | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 |
C | Function has global variable side effects. : st.chip_cfg.lpf | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 |
C | Function has global variable side effects. : st.chip_cfg.sample_rate | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 |
C | Function has global variable side effects. : st.chip_cfg.sensors | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 2190 | Function call with no prior declaration. : mpu_set_dmp_state | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 2261 | Function call with no prior declaration. : mpu_set_dmp_state | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 2224 | Pointer not checked for null before use. : gyro | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 |
C | 2223 | Pointer not checked for null before use. : accel | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 |
C | 2189 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 2190 | (void) missing for discarded return value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 |
C | 2191 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2191 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): dmp_was_on | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2193 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 2193 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2193 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): dmp_was_on | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2196 | (void) missing for discarded return value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 |
C | 2197 | (void) missing for discarded return value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 |
C | 2198 | (void) missing for discarded return value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 |
C | 2199 | (void) missing for discarded return value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 |
C | 2201 | (void) missing for discarded return value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 |
C | 2205 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (int and unsigned char): ii | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2205 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (int and unsigned char): ii < tries | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2206 | No brackets to loop body. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 2206 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 2207 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 2208 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (int and unsigned char): ii == tries | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2215 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (int and unsigned char): ii | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2215 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (int and unsigned char): ii < tries | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2216 | No brackets to loop body. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 2216 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 2217 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 2218 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (int and unsigned char): ii == tries | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2223 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): accel_self_test | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2224 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): gyro_self_test | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2227 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 2228 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 2228 | Use of bit operator on signed type. : |= used with int: result | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 2229 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 2230 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 2230 | Use of bit operator on signed type. : |= used with int: result | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 2246 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2247 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2248 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2249 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xFFFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2250 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2251 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2252 | Use of underlying enum representation value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 2253 | (void) missing for discarded return value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 |
C | 2254 | (void) missing for discarded return value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 |
C | 2255 | (void) missing for discarded return value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 |
C | 2256 | (void) missing for discarded return value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 |
C | 2257 | (void) missing for discarded return value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 |
C | 2258 | (void) missing for discarded return value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 |
C | 2260 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 2261 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 2261 | (void) missing for discarded return value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 2190 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : (int and unsigned char): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2206 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : (int and unsigned char): param 3 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2216 | Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and unsigned char): param 3 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
C | 2216 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : (int and unsigned char): param 3 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2261 | Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and unsigned char): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
C | 2261 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : (int and unsigned char): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
M | 2185 | Procedure contains UR data flow anomalies. : accel_fsr | MISRA-C:2012 R.9.1 |
M | 2177 | Procedure contains UR data flow anomalies. : accel_st | MISRA-C:2012 R.9.1 |
M | 2186 | Procedure contains UR data flow anomalies. : gyro_fsr | MISRA-C:2012 R.9.1 |
M | 2177 | Procedure contains UR data flow anomalies. : gyro_st | MISRA-C:2012 R.9.1 |
M | 2186 | Procedure contains UR data flow anomalies. : lpf | MISRA-C:2012 R.9.1 |
M | 2186 | Procedure contains UR data flow anomalies. : sample_rate |
MISRA-C:2012 R.9.1 | ||||||||
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
mpu_write_mem (2275 to 2297 inv_mpu.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | No prototype for non-static function. : mpu_write_mem | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 2292 | Function call with no prior declaration. : MPU_Write_Len | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 2294 | Function call with no prior declaration. : MPU_Write_Len | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 2280 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 2281 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 2282 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 2283 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 2286 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2289 | Expression needs brackets. | MISRA-C:2012 R.12.1,R.20.7 |
C | 2290 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 2292 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 2293 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 2294 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 2295 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
mpu_read_mem (2308 to 2330 inv_mpu.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | No prototype for non-static function. : mpu_read_mem | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 2325 | Function call with no prior declaration. : MPU_Write_Len | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 2327 | Function call with no prior declaration. : MPU_Read_Len | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 2313 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 2314 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 2315 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 2316 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 2319 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2322 | Expression needs brackets. | MISRA-C:2012 R.12.1,R.20.7 |
C | 2323 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 2325 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 2326 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 2327 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 2328 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
mpu_load_firmware (2340 to 2374 inv_mpu.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | No prototype for non-static function. : mpu_load_firmware | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 |
C | Function has global variable side effects. : st.chip_cfg.dmp_loaded | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 |
C | Function has global variable side effects. : st.chip_cfg.dmp_sample_rate | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 2368 | Function call with no prior declaration. : MPU_Write_Len | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 2349 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 2350 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 2353 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 2354 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 2355 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2355 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned short and int): ii | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2355 | For loop incrementation is not simple. | MISRA-C:2012 R.14.2 |
C | 2356 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (signed char and unsigned short): ( 16 ) < length | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2356 | Expression needs brackets. | MISRA-C:2012 R.12.1,R.20.7 |
C | 2356 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 16 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2357 | Declaration does not specify an array. | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 |
C | 2357 | Cast on a constant value. : firmware | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.8 |
C | 2357 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 2358 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 2359 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 2360 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 2361 | Pointer arithmetic is not on array. | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1,R.18.4 |
C | 2361 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 2362 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 2366 | Implicit conversion of underlying type. : (unsigned char and unsigned short): tmp [ 0 ] = start_addr | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2366 | Narrower int conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and unsigned short): tmp [ 0 ] = start_addr | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
C | 2366 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned char and unsigned short): tmp [ 0 ] = start_addr >> 8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 2367 | Implicit conversion of underlying type. : (unsigned char and unsigned short): tmp [ 1 ] = start_addr | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2367 | Narrower int conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and unsigned short): tmp [ 1 ] = start_addr | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
C | 2367 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2367 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned char and unsigned short): tmp [ 1 ] = start_addr & 0xFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 2368 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 2369 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 2371 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2371 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): st.chip_cfg.dmp_loaded | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
M | 2347 | Procedure contains UR data flow anomalies. : cur |
MISRA-C:2012 R.9.1 | ||||||||
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
mpu_set_dmp_state (2381 to 2413 inv_mpu.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | No prototype for non-static function. : mpu_set_dmp_state | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
C | Function has global variable side effects. : st.chip_cfg.bypass_mode | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 |
C | Function has global variable side effects. : st.chip_cfg.clk_src | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 |
C | Function has global variable side effects. : st.chip_cfg.dmp_on | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 |
C | Function has global variable side effects. : st.chip_cfg.dmp_sample_rate | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 |
C | Function has global variable side effects. : st.chip_cfg.fifo_enable | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 |
C | Function has global variable side effects. : st.chip_cfg.int_enable | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 |
C | Function has global variable side effects. : st.chip_cfg.latched_int | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 |
C | Function has global variable side effects. : st.chip_cfg.lp_accel_mode | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 |
C | Function has global variable side effects. : st.chip_cfg.lpf | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 |
C | Function has global variable side effects. : st.chip_cfg.sample_rate | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 2398 | Function call with no prior declaration. : MPU_Write_Len | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 2408 | Function call with no prior declaration. : MPU_Write_Len | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 2385 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 2387 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 2388 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 2389 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 2391 | (void) missing for discarded return value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 |
C | 2393 | (void) missing for discarded return value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 |
C | 2395 | (void) missing for discarded return value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 |
C | 2397 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2397 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): tmp | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2399 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2399 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): st.chip_cfg.dmp_on | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2401 | (void) missing for discarded return value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 |
C | 2402 | (void) missing for discarded return value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 |
C | 2405 | (void) missing for discarded return value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 |
C | 2409 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2409 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): st.chip_cfg.dmp_on | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2410 | (void) missing for discarded return value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 |
C | 2391 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : (int and unsigned char): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2393 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : (int and unsigned char): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2401 | Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and unsigned char): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
C | 2401 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : (int and unsigned char): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2405 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : (int and unsigned char): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
mpu_get_dmp_state (2420 to 2424 inv_mpu.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | No prototype for non-static function. : mpu_get_dmp_state | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 2422 | Declaration does not specify an array. | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
setup_compass (2428 to 2531 inv_mpu.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | No prototype for non-static function. : setup_compass | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
mpu_get_compass_reg (2539 to 2585 inv_mpu.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | No prototype for non-static function. : mpu_get_compass_reg | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 |
Code | Violation | Parameter |
O | Unused procedure parameter | timestamp |
O | Unused procedure parameter | data |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
mpu_get_compass_fsr (2592 to 2600 inv_mpu.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | No prototype for non-static function. : mpu_get_compass_fsr | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 |
Code | Violation | Parameter |
O | Unused procedure parameter | fsr |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
mpu_lp_motion_interrupt (2646 to 2852 inv_mpu.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | No prototype for non-static function. : mpu_lp_motion_interrupt | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
C | Function has global variable side effects. : st | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 2713 | Function call with no prior declaration. : MPU_Write_Len | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 2724 | Function call with no prior declaration. : MPU_Write_Len | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 2730 | Function call with no prior declaration. : MPU_Write_Len | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 2734 | Function call with no prior declaration. : delay_ms | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 2736 | Function call with no prior declaration. : MPU_Write_Len | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 2750 | Function call with no prior declaration. : MPU_Write_Len | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 2816 | Casting operation to a pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.3,R.11.5,R.11.7 |
C | 2651 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 2657 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 8160 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2657 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned short and int): thresh | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2658 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 2658 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 255 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2659 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 32 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2659 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned short and int): thresh | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2659 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned short and signed char): thresh < 32 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2660 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 2660 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2660 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): thresh_hw | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2662 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 2662 | Implicit conversion of underlying type. : (unsigned char and unsigned short): thresh_hw = thresh | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2662 | Narrower int conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and unsigned short): thresh_hw = thresh | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
C | 2662 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned char and unsigned short): thresh_hw = thresh >> 5 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 2673 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 2674 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 2675 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2675 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): time | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2678 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 40 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2678 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): lpa_freq | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2678 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned char and signed char): lpa_freq > 40 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2684 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 2687 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 2689 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 2690 | (void) missing for discarded return value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 |
C | 2691 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2691 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): st.chip_cfg.cache.dmp_on | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2693 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 2693 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2693 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): st.chip_cfg.cache.dmp_on | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2694 | (void) missing for discarded return value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 |
C | 2695 | (void) missing for discarded return value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 |
C | 2696 | (void) missing for discarded return value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 |
C | 2697 | (void) missing for discarded return value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 |
C | 2699 | (void) missing for discarded return value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 |
C | 2704 | (void) missing for discarded return value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 |
C | 2707 | (void) missing for discarded return value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 |
C | 2712 | Use of underlying enum representation value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 2713 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 2714 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 2723 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x40 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2723 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned char and signed char): data [ 0 ] = ( 0x40 ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 2723 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and signed char): data [ 0 ] = ( 0x40 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2724 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 2725 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 2730 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 2731 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 2735 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x07 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2735 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned char and signed char): data [ 0 ] = ( st.chip_cfg.accel_fsr << 3 ) | ( 0x07 ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 2736 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 2737 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 2740 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2740 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned char and signed char): data [ 0 ] = ( 0x20 ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 2740 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and signed char): data [ 0 ] = ( 0x20 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2741 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2741 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): lpa_freq | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2741 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned char and signed char): lpa_freq == 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2742 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 2742 | Use of underlying enum representation value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 2743 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 5 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2743 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): lpa_freq | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2743 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned char and signed char): lpa_freq <= 5 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2744 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 2744 | Use of underlying enum representation value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 2745 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 20 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2745 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): lpa_freq | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2745 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned char and signed char): lpa_freq <= 20 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2746 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 2746 | Use of underlying enum representation value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 2748 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 2748 | Use of underlying enum representation value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 2749 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x04 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2749 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned char and signed char): ( 0x04 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2749 | Use of bit operator on signed type. : | used with signed char | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 2750 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 2751 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 2753 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2753 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): st.chip_cfg.int_motion_only | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2816 | Casting operation on a pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.3,R.11.7 |
C | 2816 | Cast to an unrelated type. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.2,R.11.3 |
C | 2817 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (int and unsigned int): ii < sizeof | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2818 | Declaration does not specify an array. | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 |
C | 2818 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (char and signed char): cache_ptr [ ii ] != 0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 2819 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 2826 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2827 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2828 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2829 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xFFFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2830 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2831 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2832 | Use of underlying enum representation value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 2833 | (void) missing for discarded return value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 2834 | (void) missing for discarded return value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 |
C | 2835 | (void) missing for discarded return value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 |
C | 2836 | (void) missing for discarded return value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 |
C | 2837 | (void) missing for discarded return value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 |
C | 2838 | (void) missing for discarded return value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 |
C | 2840 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 2841 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 2841 | (void) missing for discarded return value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 |
C | 2850 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2850 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): st.chip_cfg.int_motion_only | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2690 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : (int and unsigned char): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2704 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : (int and unsigned char): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2707 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : (int and unsigned char): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2841 | Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and unsigned char): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
C | 2841 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : (int and unsigned char): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
run_self_test (2876 to 2901 inv_mpu.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | No prototype for non-static function. : run_self_test | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 |
C | Function has global variable side effects. : st.chip_cfg.accel_fsr | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 |
C | Function has global variable side effects. : st.chip_cfg.bypass_mode | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 |
C | Function has global variable side effects. : st.chip_cfg.clk_src | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 |
C | Function has global variable side effects. : st.chip_cfg.dmp_on | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 |
C | Function has global variable side effects. : st.chip_cfg.dmp_sample_rate | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 |
C | Function has global variable side effects. : st.chip_cfg.fifo_enable | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 |
C | Function has global variable side effects. : st.chip_cfg.gyro_fsr | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 |
C | Function has global variable side effects. : st.chip_cfg.int_enable | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 |
C | Function has global variable side effects. : st.chip_cfg.latched_int | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 |
C | Function has global variable side effects. : st.chip_cfg.lp_accel_mode | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 |
C | Function has global variable side effects. : st.chip_cfg.lpf | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 |
C | Function has global variable side effects. : st.chip_cfg.sample_rate | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 |
C | Function has global variable side effects. : st.chip_cfg.sensors | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 2893 | Function call with no prior declaration. : dmp_set_gyro_bias | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 2898 | Function call with no prior declaration. : dmp_set_accel_bias | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 2889 | (void) missing for discarded return value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 |
C | 2894 | (void) missing for discarded return value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 |
C | 2895 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (long and unsigned short): accel [ 0 ] *= accel_sens | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2896 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (long and unsigned short): accel [ 1 ] *= accel_sens | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2897 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (long and unsigned short): accel [ 2 ] *= accel_sens | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2900 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
M | 2880 | Procedure contains UR data flow anomalies. : accel | MISRA-C:2012 R.9.1 |
M | 2888 | Procedure contains UR data flow anomalies. : accel_sens | MISRA-C:2012 R.9.1 |
M | 2880 | Procedure contains UR data flow anomalies. : gyro | MISRA-C:2012 R.9.1 |
M | 2887 | Procedure contains UR data flow anomalies. : sens |
MISRA-C:2012 R.9.1 | ||||||||
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
inv_orientation_matrix_to_scalar (2903 to 2922 inv_mpu.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | No prototype for non-static function. : inv_orientation_matrix_to_scalar | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 2916 | Function call with no prior declaration. : inv_row_2_scale | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 2917 | Function call with no prior declaration. : inv_row_2_scale | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 2918 | Function call with no prior declaration. : inv_row_2_scale | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 2917 | Pointer arithmetic is not on array. | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1,R.18.4 |
C | 2918 | Pointer arithmetic is not on array. | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1,R.18.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
inv_row_2_scale (2924 to 2943 inv_mpu.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | No prototype for non-static function. : inv_row_2_scale | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 2928 | Declaration does not specify an array. | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 |
C | 2929 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 2929 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2929 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned short and int): b | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2930 | Declaration does not specify an array. | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 |
C | 2931 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 2931 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned short and int): b | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2932 | Declaration does not specify an array. | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 |
C | 2933 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 2933 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned short and int): b | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2934 | Declaration does not specify an array. | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 |
C | 2935 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 2935 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned short and int): b | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2936 | Declaration does not specify an array. | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 |
C | 2937 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 2937 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned short and int): b | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2938 | Declaration does not specify an array. | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 |
C | 2939 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 2939 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned short and int): b | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2941 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 2941 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned short and int): b | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
mget_ms (2945 to 2948 inv_mpu.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | No prototype for non-static function. : mget_ms | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 2945 | Void function has no side effects. : mget_ms | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Violation | Parameter |
O | Unused procedure parameter | time |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
mpu_dmp_init (2952 to 2980 inv_mpu.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | No prototype for non-static function. : mpu_dmp_init | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
C | Function has global variable side effects. : st | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 2955 | Function call with no prior declaration. : CT_IIC_Init | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 2964 | Function call with no prior declaration. : dmp_load_motion_driver_firmware | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 2966 | Function call with no prior declaration. : dmp_set_orientation | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 2968 | Function call with no prior declaration. : dmp_enable_feature | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 2972 | Function call with no prior declaration. : dmp_set_fifo_rate | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 2958 | Use of bit operator on signed type. : | used with int: INV_XYZ_GYRO | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 2958 | Use of bit operator on signed type. : | used with int: INV_XYZ_ACCEL | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 2959 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 2959 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 2960 | Use of bit operator on signed type. : | used with int: INV_XYZ_GYRO | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 2960 | Use of bit operator on signed type. : | used with int: INV_XYZ_ACCEL | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 2961 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 2961 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 2963 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 2963 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 2965 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 2965 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 2967 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 2967 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 2968 | Use of bit operator on signed type. : | used with int: DMP_FEATURE_6X_LP_QUAT | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 2968 | Use of bit operator on signed type. : | used with int: DMP_FEATURE_TAP | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 2969 | Use of bit operator on signed type. : | used with int: DMP_FEATURE_ANDROID_ORIENT | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 2969 | Use of bit operator on signed type. : | used with int: DMP_FEATURE_SEND_RAW_ACCEL | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 2969 | Use of bit operator on signed type. : | used with int: DMP_FEATURE_SEND_CAL_GYRO | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 2969 | Use of bit operator on signed type. : | used with int: DMP_FEATURE_GYRO_CAL | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 2971 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 2971 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 2973 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 2973 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 2975 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 2975 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 2977 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 2977 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 2958 | Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and unsigned char): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
C | 2960 | Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and unsigned char): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
C | 2962 | Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and unsigned short): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
C | 2976 | Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and unsigned char): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
C | 2976 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : (int and unsigned char): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2954 | DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. : res | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
mpu_dmp_get_data (2987 to 3016 inv_mpu.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | No prototype for non-static function. : mpu_dmp_get_data | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 2993 | Function call with no prior declaration. : dmp_read_fifo | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 2993 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 2993 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 3004 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 3006 | Float/integer conversion without cast. : (float and long): q0 = quat | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 3006 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (long and float): q0 = quat [ 0 ] | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 3006 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (long and float) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 3006 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (long and float): 1073741824.0f | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 3007 | Float/integer conversion without cast. : (float and long): q1 = quat | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 3007 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (long and float): q1 = quat [ 1 ] | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 3007 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (long and float) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 3007 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (long and float): 1073741824.0f | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 3008 | Float/integer conversion without cast. : (float and long): q2 = quat | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 3008 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (long and float): q2 = quat [ 2 ] | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 3008 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (long and float) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 3008 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (long and float): 1073741824.0f | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 3009 | Float/integer conversion without cast. : (float and long): q3 = quat | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 3009 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (long and float): q3 = quat [ 3 ] | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 3009 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (long and float) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 3009 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (long and float): 1073741824.0f | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 3011 | Float/integer conversion without cast. : (int and double): mpu6050info -> pitch = asin | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 3011 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (float and signed char): mpu6050info -> pitch = asin ( - 2 * q1 * q3 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 3011 | Expression needs brackets. | MISRA-C:2012 R.12.1,R.20.7 |
C | 3011 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (float and signed char): mpu6050info -> pitch = asin ( - 2 * q1 * q3 + 2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 3014 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
M | 2991 | Procedure contains UR data flow anomalies. : more | MISRA-C:2012 R.9.1 |
M | 2992 | Procedure contains UR data flow anomalies. : quat | MISRA-C:2012 R.9.1 |
M | 2990 | Procedure contains UR data flow anomalies. : sensor_timestamp | MISRA-C:2012 R.9.1 |
C | 2989 | DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. : q0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
C | 2989 | DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. : q1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
C | 2989 | DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. : q2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
C | 2989 | DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. : q3 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
dmp_load_motion_driver_firmware (514 to 518 inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | No prototype for non-static function. : dmp_load_motion_driver_firmware | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 516 | Function call with no prior declaration. : mpu_load_firmware | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
dmp_set_orientation (527 to 570 inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | No prototype for non-static function. : dmp_set_orientation | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 |
C | Function has global variable side effects. : dmp.orient | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 543 | Function call with no prior declaration. : mpu_write_mem | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 545 | Function call with no prior declaration. : mpu_write_mem | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 564 | Function call with no prior declaration. : mpu_write_mem | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 566 | Function call with no prior declaration. : mpu_write_mem | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 530 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): { DINA4C | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 530 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned char and int): { DINA4C | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 530 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): { DINA4C , DINACD | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 530 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned char and int): { DINA4C , DINACD | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 530 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): { DINA4C , DINACD , DINA6C | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 530 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned char and int): { DINA4C , DINACD , DINA6C | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 531 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): { DINA0C | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 531 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned char and int): { DINA0C | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 531 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): { DINA0C , DINAC9 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 531 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned char and int): { DINA0C , DINAC9 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 531 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): { DINA0C , DINAC9 , DINA2C | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 531 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned char and int): { DINA0C , DINAC9 , DINA2C | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 532 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): { DINA36 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 532 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned char and int): { DINA36 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 532 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): { DINA36 , DINA56 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 532 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned char and int): { DINA36 , DINA56 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 532 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): { DINA36 , DINA56 , DINA76 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 532 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned char and int): { DINA36 , DINA56 , DINA76 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 533 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): { DINA26 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 533 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned char and int): { DINA26 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 533 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): { DINA26 , DINA46 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 533 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned char and int): { DINA26 , DINA46 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 533 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): { DINA26 , DINA46 , DINA66 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 533 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned char and int): { DINA26 , DINA46 , DINA66 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 543 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 544 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 545 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 546 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 548 | (void) missing for discarded return value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 |
C | 549 | (void) missing for discarded return value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 |
C | 550 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 4 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 550 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 551 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 551 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): gyro_regs [ 0 ] | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 552 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 552 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): accel_regs [ 0 ] | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 554 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 554 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 555 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 555 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): gyro_regs [ 1 ] | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 556 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 556 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): accel_regs [ 1 ] | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 558 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x100 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 558 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 559 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 559 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): gyro_regs [ 2 ] | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 560 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 560 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): accel_regs [ 2 ] | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 564 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 565 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 566 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 567 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
dmp_set_gyro_bias (582 to 626 inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | No prototype for non-static function. : dmp_set_gyro_bias | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 611 | Function call with no prior declaration. : mpu_write_mem | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 618 | Function call with no prior declaration. : mpu_write_mem | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 625 | Function call with no prior declaration. : mpu_write_mem | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 587 | Declaration does not specify an array. | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 |
C | 588 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 4 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 588 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 589 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 590 | Declaration does not specify an array. | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 |
C | 591 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 591 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 592 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 593 | Declaration does not specify an array. | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 |
C | 594 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x100 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 594 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 595 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 602 | Expression needs brackets. | MISRA-C:2012 R.12.1,R.20.7 |
C | 602 | Use of shift operator on signed type. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 603 | Expression needs brackets. | MISRA-C:2012 R.12.1,R.20.7 |
C | 603 | Use of shift operator on signed type. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 604 | Expression needs brackets. | MISRA-C:2012 R.12.1,R.20.7 |
C | 604 | Use of shift operator on signed type. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 607 | Use of shift operator on signed type. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 607 | Use of bit operator on signed type. : & used with long | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 607 | Signed integral type cast to unsigned. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.8 |
C | 608 | Use of shift operator on signed type. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 608 | Use of bit operator on signed type. : & used with long | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 608 | Signed integral type cast to unsigned. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.8 |
C | 609 | Use of shift operator on signed type. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 609 | Use of bit operator on signed type. : & used with long | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 609 | Signed integral type cast to unsigned. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.8 |
C | 610 | Use of bit operator on signed type. : & used with long: gyro_bias_body | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 610 | Signed integral type cast to unsigned. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.8 |
C | 611 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 612 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 614 | Use of shift operator on signed type. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 614 | Use of bit operator on signed type. : & used with long | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 614 | Signed integral type cast to unsigned. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.8 |
C | 615 | Use of shift operator on signed type. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 615 | Use of bit operator on signed type. : & used with long | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 615 | Signed integral type cast to unsigned. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.8 |
C | 616 | Use of shift operator on signed type. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 616 | Use of bit operator on signed type. : & used with long | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 616 | Signed integral type cast to unsigned. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.8 |
C | 617 | Use of bit operator on signed type. : & used with long: gyro_bias_body | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 617 | Signed integral type cast to unsigned. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.8 |
C | 618 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 619 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 621 | Use of shift operator on signed type. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 621 | Use of bit operator on signed type. : & used with long | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 621 | Signed integral type cast to unsigned. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.8 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 622 | Use of shift operator on signed type. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 622 | Use of bit operator on signed type. : & used with long | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 622 | Signed integral type cast to unsigned. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.8 |
C | 623 | Use of shift operator on signed type. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 623 | Use of bit operator on signed type. : & used with long | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 623 | Signed integral type cast to unsigned. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.8 |
C | 624 | Use of bit operator on signed type. : & used with long: gyro_bias_body | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 624 | Signed integral type cast to unsigned. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.8 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
dmp_set_accel_bias (634 to 678 inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | No prototype for non-static function. : dmp_set_accel_bias | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 641 | Function call with no prior declaration. : mpu_get_accel_sens | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 677 | Function call with no prior declaration. : mpu_write_mem | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 642 | Use of shift operator on signed type. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 645 | Declaration does not specify an array. | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 |
C | 646 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 4 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 646 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 647 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 648 | Declaration does not specify an array. | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 |
C | 649 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 649 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 650 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 651 | Declaration does not specify an array. | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 |
C | 652 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x100 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 652 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 653 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 660 | Use of shift operator on signed type. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 661 | Use of shift operator on signed type. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 662 | Use of shift operator on signed type. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 665 | Use of shift operator on signed type. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 665 | Use of bit operator on signed type. : & used with long | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 665 | Signed integral type cast to unsigned. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.8 |
C | 666 | Use of shift operator on signed type. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 666 | Use of bit operator on signed type. : & used with long | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 666 | Signed integral type cast to unsigned. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.8 |
C | 667 | Use of shift operator on signed type. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 667 | Use of bit operator on signed type. : & used with long | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 667 | Signed integral type cast to unsigned. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.8 |
C | 668 | Use of bit operator on signed type. : & used with long: accel_bias_body | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 668 | Signed integral type cast to unsigned. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.8 |
C | 669 | Use of shift operator on signed type. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 669 | Use of bit operator on signed type. : & used with long | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 669 | Signed integral type cast to unsigned. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.8 |
C | 670 | Use of shift operator on signed type. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 670 | Use of bit operator on signed type. : & used with long | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 670 | Signed integral type cast to unsigned. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.8 |
C | 671 | Use of shift operator on signed type. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 671 | Use of bit operator on signed type. : & used with long | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 671 | Signed integral type cast to unsigned. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.8 |
C | 672 | Use of bit operator on signed type. : & used with long: accel_bias_body | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 672 | Signed integral type cast to unsigned. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.8 |
C | 673 | Use of shift operator on signed type. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 673 | Use of bit operator on signed type. : & used with long | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 673 | Signed integral type cast to unsigned. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.8 |
C | 674 | Use of shift operator on signed type. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 674 | Use of bit operator on signed type. : & used with long | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 674 | Signed integral type cast to unsigned. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.8 |
C | 675 | Use of shift operator on signed type. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 675 | Use of bit operator on signed type. : & used with long | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 675 | Signed integral type cast to unsigned. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.8 |
C | 676 | Use of bit operator on signed type. : & used with long: accel_bias_body | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 676 | Signed integral type cast to unsigned. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.8 |
M | 639 | Procedure contains UR data flow anomalies. : accel_sens |
MISRA-C:2012 R.9.1 | ||||||||
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
dmp_set_fifo_rate (686 to 705 inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | No prototype for non-static function. : dmp_set_fifo_rate | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 |
C | Function has global variable side effects. : dmp.fifo_rate | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 698 | Function call with no prior declaration. : mpu_write_mem | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 700 | Function call with no prior declaration. : mpu_write_mem | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 700 | Casting operation to a pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.3,R.11.5,R.11.7 |
C | 688 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): { DINAFE | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 688 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned char and int): { DINAFE | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 688 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): { DINAFE , DINAF2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 688 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned char and int): { DINAFE , DINAF2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 688 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xc4 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 688 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned char and short): { DINAFE , DINAF2 , DINAAB , 0xc4 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 688 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned char and short): { DINAFE , DINAF2 , DINAAB , 0xc4 , DINAAA | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 688 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned char and short): { DINAFE , DINAF2 , DINAAB , 0xc4 , DINAAA , DINAF1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 688 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned char and short): { DINAFE , DINAF2 , DINAAB , 0xc4 , DINAAA , DINAF1 , DINADF | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 688 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xBB | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 688 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xAF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 688 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned char and short): { DINAFE , DINAF2 , DINAAB , 0xc4 , DINAAA , DINAF1 , DINADF , DINADF , 0xBB , 0xAF | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 688 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned char and short): { DINAFE , DINAF2 , DINAAB , 0xc4 , DINAAA , DINAF1 , DINADF , DINADF , 0xBB , 0xAF , DINADF | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 688 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned char and short): { DINAFE , DINAF2 , DINAAB , 0xc4 , DINAAA , DINAF1 , DINADF , DINADF , 0xBB , 0xAF , DINADF , DINADF | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 693 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 200 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 693 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned short and signed char): rate > ( 200 ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 693 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned short and signed char): rate > ( 200 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 694 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 695 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 200 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 695 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned short and signed char): div = ( 200 ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 695 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned short and signed char): div = ( 200 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 695 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (signed char and unsigned short): rate | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 695 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (signed char and unsigned short): rate | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 695 | Expression needs brackets. | MISRA-C:2012 R.12.1,R.20.7 |
C | 696 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 697 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 698 | Implicit conversion of underlying type. : (signed char and short): ( 22 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 698 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (signed char and short): ( 22 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 698 | Value outside range of underlying type. : (signed char and short): ( 22 + 512 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 698 | Implicit conversion of underlying type. : (signed char and short): ( 22 + 512 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 698 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (signed char and short): ( 22 + 512 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 698 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 699 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 700 | Cast on a constant value. : regs_end | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.8 |
C | 700 | Casting operation on a pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.3,R.11.7 |
C | 700 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 701 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
dmp_get_fifo_rate (712 to 716 inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | No prototype for non-static function. : dmp_get_fifo_rate | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 714 | Declaration does not specify an array. | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
dmp_set_tap_thresh (724 to 783 inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | No prototype for non-static function. : dmp_set_tap_thresh | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 734 | Function call with no prior declaration. : mpu_get_accel_fsr | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 765 | Function call with no prior declaration. : mpu_write_mem | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 767 | Function call with no prior declaration. : mpu_write_mem | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 771 | Function call with no prior declaration. : mpu_write_mem | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 773 | Function call with no prior declaration. : mpu_write_mem | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 777 | Function call with no prior declaration. : mpu_write_mem | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 779 | Function call with no prior declaration. : mpu_write_mem | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 729 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 729 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 1600 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 729 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned short and int): thresh | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 730 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 732 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (float and signed char): 200 ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 736 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): case | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 737 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (float and short): dmp_thresh = ( unsigned short ) ( scaled_thresh | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 737 | Float cast to non-float. : (unsigned short and float): dmp_thresh = ( unsigned short ) ( scaled_thresh * 16384 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.8 |
C | 739 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (float and short): dmp_thresh_2 = ( unsigned short ) ( scaled_thresh | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 739 | Float cast to non-float. : (unsigned short and float): dmp_thresh_2 = ( unsigned short ) ( scaled_thresh * 12288 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.8 |
C | 741 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): case | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 742 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (float and short): dmp_thresh = ( unsigned short ) ( scaled_thresh | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 742 | Float cast to non-float. : (unsigned short and float): dmp_thresh = ( unsigned short ) ( scaled_thresh * 8192 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.8 |
C | 744 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (float and short): dmp_thresh_2 = ( unsigned short ) ( scaled_thresh | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 744 | Float cast to non-float. : (unsigned short and float): dmp_thresh_2 = ( unsigned short ) ( scaled_thresh * 6144 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.8 |
C | 746 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): case | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 747 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (float and short): dmp_thresh = ( unsigned short ) ( scaled_thresh | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 747 | Float cast to non-float. : (unsigned short and float): dmp_thresh = ( unsigned short ) ( scaled_thresh * 4096 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.8 |
C | 749 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (float and short): dmp_thresh_2 = ( unsigned short ) ( scaled_thresh | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 749 | Float cast to non-float. : (unsigned short and float): dmp_thresh_2 = ( unsigned short ) ( scaled_thresh * 3072 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.8 |
C | 751 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): case | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 752 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (float and short): dmp_thresh = ( unsigned short ) ( scaled_thresh | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 752 | Float cast to non-float. : (unsigned short and float): dmp_thresh = ( unsigned short ) ( scaled_thresh * 2048 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.8 |
C | 754 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (float and short): dmp_thresh_2 = ( unsigned short ) ( scaled_thresh | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 754 | Float cast to non-float. : (unsigned short and float): dmp_thresh_2 = ( unsigned short ) ( scaled_thresh * 1536 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.8 |
C | 758 | Switch case not terminated with break. | MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 |
C | 760 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 762 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 764 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 765 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 766 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 767 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 36 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 767 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 768 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 770 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 771 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 772 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 773 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 40 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 773 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 774 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 776 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 777 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 778 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 779 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 44 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 779 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 780 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
M | 726 | Procedure contains UR data flow anomalies. : accel_fsr |
MISRA-C:2012 R.9.1 | ||||||||
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
dmp_set_tap_axes (790 to 801 inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | No prototype for non-static function. : dmp_set_tap_axes | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 800 | Function call with no prior declaration. : mpu_write_mem | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 794 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 795 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 795 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x30 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 795 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x30 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 795 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): tmp | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 796 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 797 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 797 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0C | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 797 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0C | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 797 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): tmp | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 798 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 799 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 799 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x03 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 799 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x03 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 799 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): tmp | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 800 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 72 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
dmp_set_tap_count (808 to 819 inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | No prototype for non-static function. : dmp_set_tap_count | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 818 | Function call with no prior declaration. : mpu_write_mem | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 812 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 812 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): min_taps | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 812 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned char and signed char): min_taps < 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 813 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 813 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 813 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): min_taps | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 814 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 4 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 814 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): min_taps | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 814 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned char and signed char): min_taps > 4 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 815 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 815 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 4 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 815 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): min_taps | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 815 | Else alternative missing in if. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.7 |
C | 817 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned char and signed char): tmp = min_taps - 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 818 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 79 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
dmp_set_tap_time (826 to 835 inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | No prototype for non-static function. : dmp_set_tap_time | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 834 | Function call with no prior declaration. : mpu_write_mem | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 831 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned short and signed char): 200 ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 833 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
dmp_set_tap_time_multi (842 to 851 inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | No prototype for non-static function. : dmp_set_tap_time_multi | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 850 | Function call with no prior declaration. : mpu_write_mem | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 847 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned short and signed char): 200 ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 849 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 850 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 218 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
dmp_set_shake_reject_thresh (860 to 869 inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | No prototype for non-static function. : dmp_set_shake_reject_thresh | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 868 | Function call with no prior declaration. : mpu_write_mem | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 863 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (long and unsigned short): 1000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 863 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (long and unsigned short): 1000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 863 | Expression needs brackets. | MISRA-C:2012 R.12.1,R.20.7 |
C | 864 | Use of shift operator on signed type. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 864 | Use of bit operator on signed type. : & used with long | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 864 | Signed integral type cast to unsigned. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.8 |
C | 865 | Use of shift operator on signed type. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 865 | Use of bit operator on signed type. : & used with long | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 865 | Signed integral type cast to unsigned. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.8 |
C | 866 | Use of shift operator on signed type. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 866 | Use of bit operator on signed type. : & used with long | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 866 | Signed integral type cast to unsigned. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.8 |
C | 867 | Use of bit operator on signed type. : & used with long: thresh_scaled | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 867 | Signed integral type cast to unsigned. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.8 |
C | 868 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 92 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
dmp_set_shake_reject_time (879 to 887 inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | No prototype for non-static function. : dmp_set_shake_reject_time | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 886 | Function call with no prior declaration. : mpu_write_mem | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 883 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 1000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 883 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned short and signed char): 200 ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 883 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned short and signed char): ( 200 ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 884 | Implicit conversion of underlying type. : (unsigned char and unsigned short): tmp [ 0 ] = time | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 884 | Narrower int conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and unsigned short): tmp [ 0 ] = time | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
C | 884 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned char and unsigned short): tmp [ 0 ] = time >> 8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 885 | Implicit conversion of underlying type. : (unsigned char and unsigned short): tmp [ 1 ] = time | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 885 | Narrower int conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and unsigned short): tmp [ 1 ] = time | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
C | 885 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 885 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned char and unsigned short): tmp [ 1 ] = time & 0xFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 886 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 90 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
dmp_set_shake_reject_timeout (897 to 905 inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | No prototype for non-static function. : dmp_set_shake_reject_timeout | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 904 | Function call with no prior declaration. : mpu_write_mem | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 901 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 1000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 901 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned short and signed char): 200 ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 901 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned short and signed char): ( 200 ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 902 | Implicit conversion of underlying type. : (unsigned char and unsigned short): tmp [ 0 ] = time | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 902 | Narrower int conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and unsigned short): tmp [ 0 ] = time | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
C | 902 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned char and unsigned short): tmp [ 0 ] = time >> 8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 903 | Implicit conversion of underlying type. : (unsigned char and unsigned short): tmp [ 1 ] = time | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 903 | Narrower int conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and unsigned short): tmp [ 1 ] = time | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
C | 903 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 903 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned char and unsigned short): tmp [ 1 ] = time & 0xFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 904 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 88 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
dmp_get_pedometer_step_count (912 to 924 inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | No prototype for non-static function. : dmp_get_pedometer_step_count | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 918 | Function call with no prior declaration. : mpu_read_mem | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 915 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 916 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 918 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x60 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 918 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 919 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 921 | Declaration does not specify an array. | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 |
C | 922 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned long and unsigned char): ( unsigned long ) tmp [ 2 ] << 8 ) | tmp [ 3 ] | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
M | 914 | Procedure contains UR data flow anomalies. : tmp |
MISRA-C:2012 R.9.1 | ||||||||
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
dmp_set_pedometer_step_count (933 to 942 inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | No prototype for non-static function. : dmp_set_pedometer_step_count | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 941 | Function call with no prior declaration. : mpu_write_mem | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 937 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 938 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 939 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 940 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 941 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x60 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
dmp_get_pedometer_walk_time (949 to 961 inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | No prototype for non-static function. : dmp_get_pedometer_walk_time | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 955 | Function call with no prior declaration. : mpu_read_mem | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 952 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 953 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 955 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 956 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 958 | Declaration does not specify an array. | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 |
C | 959 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned long and unsigned char): ( unsigned long ) tmp [ 2 ] << 8 ) | tmp [ 3 ] | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 959 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 20 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 959 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned char and signed char): ( unsigned long ) tmp [ 2 ] << 8 ) | tmp [ 3 ] ) * 20 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
M | 951 | Procedure contains UR data flow anomalies. : tmp |
MISRA-C:2012 R.9.1 | ||||||||
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
dmp_set_pedometer_walk_time (969 to 980 inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | No prototype for non-static function. : dmp_set_pedometer_walk_time | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 979 | Function call with no prior declaration. : mpu_write_mem | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 973 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned long and int): time | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 975 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 976 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 977 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 978 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
dmp_enable_feature (999 to 1114 inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | No prototype for non-static function. : dmp_enable_feature | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 |
C | Function has global variable side effects. : dmp.feature_mask | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 |
C | Function has global variable side effects. : dmp.packet_length | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 1011 | Function call with no prior declaration. : mpu_write_mem | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 1036 | Function call with no prior declaration. : mpu_write_mem | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 1043 | Function call with no prior declaration. : mpu_write_mem | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 1046 | Function call with no prior declaration. : dmp_enable_gyro_cal | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 1048 | Function call with no prior declaration. : dmp_enable_gyro_cal | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 1062 | Function call with no prior declaration. : mpu_write_mem | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 1068 | Function call with no prior declaration. : mpu_write_mem | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 1080 | Function call with no prior declaration. : mpu_write_mem | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 1087 | Function call with no prior declaration. : mpu_write_mem | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 1090 | Function call with no prior declaration. : dmp_enable_lp_quat | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 1092 | Function call with no prior declaration. : dmp_enable_lp_quat | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 1095 | Function call with no prior declaration. : dmp_enable_6x_lp_quat | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 1097 | Function call with no prior declaration. : dmp_enable_6x_lp_quat | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 1101 | Function call with no prior declaration. : mpu_reset_fifo | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 1007 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 200 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1007 | Expression needs brackets. | MISRA-C:2012 R.12.1,R.20.7 |
C | 1007 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned int and signed char): 200 ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 1007 | Use of shift operator on signed type. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 1007 | Shifting value too far. | MISRA-C:2012 R.12.2 |
C | 1007 | Use of bit operator on signed type. : & used with signed char | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 1007 | Implicit conversion of underlying type. : (signed char and short): ( 200 ) ) >> 24 ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1007 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (signed char and short): ( 200 ) ) >> 24 ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 1007 | Value outside range of underlying type. : (signed char and short): ( 200 ) ) >> 24 ) & 0xFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1007 | Signed integral type cast to unsigned. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.8 |
C | 1008 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 200 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1008 | Expression needs brackets. | MISRA-C:2012 R.12.1,R.20.7 |
C | 1008 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned int and signed char): 200 ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 1008 | Use of shift operator on signed type. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 1008 | Shifting value too far. | MISRA-C:2012 R.12.2 |
C | 1008 | Use of bit operator on signed type. : & used with signed char | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 1008 | Implicit conversion of underlying type. : (signed char and short): ( 200 ) ) >> 16 ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1008 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (signed char and short): ( 200 ) ) >> 16 ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 1008 | Value outside range of underlying type. : (signed char and short): ( 200 ) ) >> 16 ) & 0xFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1008 | Signed integral type cast to unsigned. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.8 |
C | 1009 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 200 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1009 | Expression needs brackets. | MISRA-C:2012 R.12.1,R.20.7 |
C | 1009 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned int and signed char): 200 ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 1009 | Use of shift operator on signed type. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 1009 | Shifting value too far. | MISRA-C:2012 R.12.2 |
C | 1009 | Use of bit operator on signed type. : & used with signed char | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 1009 | Implicit conversion of underlying type. : (signed char and short): ( 200 ) ) >> 8 ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1009 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (signed char and short): ( 200 ) ) >> 8 ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 1009 | Value outside range of underlying type. : (signed char and short): ( 200 ) ) >> 8 ) & 0xFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1009 | Signed integral type cast to unsigned. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.8 |
C | 1010 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 200 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1010 | Expression needs brackets. | MISRA-C:2012 R.12.1,R.20.7 |
C | 1010 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned int and signed char): 200 ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 1010 | Use of bit operator on signed type. : & used with signed char | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 1010 | Implicit conversion of underlying type. : (signed char and short): ( 200 ) ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1010 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (signed char and short): ( 200 ) ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 1010 | Value outside range of underlying type. : (signed char and short): ( 200 ) ) & 0xFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1014 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xA3 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1015 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 1016 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xC0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1017 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xC8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1018 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xC2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1020 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xA3 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1021 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xA3 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1022 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xA3 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1024 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 1025 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xC4 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1026 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xCC | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1027 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xC6 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1029 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xA3 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1030 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xA3 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1031 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xA3 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1033 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xA3 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1034 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xA3 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1035 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xA3 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1039 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 1040 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 1042 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 1042 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xD8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1045 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 1046 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 1046 | (void) missing for discarded return value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 |
C | 1048 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 1050 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 1051 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 1052 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xB2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1053 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x8B | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1054 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xB6 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1055 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x9B | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1065 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 1067 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xF8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1069 | (void) missing for discarded return value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 |
C | 1070 | (void) missing for discarded return value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 |
C | 1071 | (void) missing for discarded return value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 |
C | 1072 | (void) missing for discarded return value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 |
C | 1073 | (void) missing for discarded return value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 |
C | 1075 | (void) missing for discarded return value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 |
C | 1075 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 200 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1075 | Expression needs brackets. | MISRA-C:2012 R.12.1,R.20.7 |
C | 1075 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned int and signed char): 200 ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 1076 | (void) missing for discarded return value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 |
C | 1077 | (void) missing for discarded return value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 |
C | 1079 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xD8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1083 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 1084 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xD9 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1086 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 1086 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xD8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1089 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 1090 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 1090 | (void) missing for discarded return value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 |
C | 1092 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 1094 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 1095 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 1095 | (void) missing for discarded return value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 |
C | 1097 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 1103 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1103 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): dmp.packet_length | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1104 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 1105 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 1105 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 6 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1105 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): dmp.packet_length | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1106 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 1107 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 1107 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 6 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1107 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): dmp.packet_length | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1108 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 1109 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 1109 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 16 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1109 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): dmp.packet_length | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1110 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 1111 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 1111 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 4 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1111 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): dmp.packet_length | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1046 | Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and unsigned char): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
C | 1046 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : (int and unsigned char): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1048 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : (int and unsigned char): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1069 | Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and unsigned char): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
C | 1069 | Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and unsigned short): param 2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
C | 1069 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : (int and unsigned short): param 2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1070 | Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and unsigned char): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
C | 1071 | Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and unsigned char): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
C | 1071 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : (int and unsigned char): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1072 | Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and unsigned short): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
C | 1072 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : (int and unsigned short): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1073 | Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and unsigned short): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
C | 1073 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : (int and unsigned short): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1075 | Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and unsigned short): param 2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
C | 1075 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : (int and unsigned short): param 2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1076 | Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and unsigned short): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
C | 1076 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : (int and unsigned short): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1077 | Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and unsigned short): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
C | 1077 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : (int and unsigned short): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1090 | Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and unsigned char): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
C | 1090 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : (int and unsigned char): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1092 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : (int and unsigned char): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1095 | Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and unsigned char): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
C | 1095 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : (int and unsigned char): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1097 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : (int and unsigned char): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
dmp_get_enabled_features (1121 to 1125 inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | No prototype for non-static function. : dmp_get_enabled_features | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 1123 | Declaration does not specify an array. | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
dmp_enable_gyro_cal (1136 to 1145 inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | No prototype for non-static function. : dmp_enable_gyro_cal | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 1140 | Function call with no prior declaration. : mpu_write_mem | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 1143 | Function call with no prior declaration. : mpu_write_mem | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 1138 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 1139 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xaa | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1139 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xb3 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1139 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x8d | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1139 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xb4 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1139 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x98 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1139 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0d | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1139 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x35 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1139 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x5d | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1139 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned char and signed char): { 0xb8 , 0xaa , 0xb3 , 0x8d , 0xb4 , 0x98 , 0x0d , 0x35 , 0x5d | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 1142 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xaa | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1142 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xaa | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1142 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xaa | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1142 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xb0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1142 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x88 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1142 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xc3 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1142 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xc5 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1142 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xc7 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1142 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned char and short): { 0xb8 , 0xaa , 0xaa , 0xaa , 0xb0 , 0x88 , 0xc3 , 0xc5 , 0xc7 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
dmp_enable_lp_quat (1154 to 1169 inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | No prototype for non-static function. : dmp_enable_lp_quat | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 1166 | Function call with no prior declaration. : mpu_write_mem | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 1168 | Function call with no prior declaration. : mpu_reset_fifo | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 1157 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 1164 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
dmp_enable_6x_lp_quat (1178 to 1192 inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | No prototype for non-static function. : dmp_enable_6x_lp_quat | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 1189 | Function call with no prior declaration. : mpu_write_mem | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 1191 | Function call with no prior declaration. : mpu_reset_fifo | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 1181 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 1187 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
decode_gesture (1199 to 1220 inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 1203 | Declaration does not specify an array. | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 |
C | 1203 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xC0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1204 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3F | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1204 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3F | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1204 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): tap | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1204 | Use of bit operator on signed type. : & used with signed char | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 1204 | Declaration does not specify an array. | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 |
C | 1206 | Declaration does not specify an array. | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 |
C | 1206 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x01 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1206 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned char and signed char): gesture [ 1 ] & ( 0x01 ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 1206 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 1209 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned char and signed char): count = ( tap % | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 1210 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 1211 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 1214 | Declaration does not specify an array. | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 |
C | 1214 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x08 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1214 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned char and signed char): gesture [ 1 ] & ( 0x08 ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 1214 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 1215 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 1216 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
dmp_set_interrupt_mode (1231 to 1248 inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | No prototype for non-static function. : dmp_set_interrupt_mode | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 1240 | Function call with no prior declaration. : mpu_write_mem | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 1240 | Casting operation to a pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.3,R.11.5,R.11.7 |
M | 1243 | Function call with no prior declaration. : mpu_write_mem | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 1243 | Casting operation to a pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.3,R.11.5,R.11.7 |
C | 1233 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xb9 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1233 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf3 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1233 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x8b | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1233 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xa3 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1233 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x91 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1233 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xb6 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1233 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x09 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1233 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xb4 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1233 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xd9 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1233 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned char and short): { 0xd8 , 0xb1 , 0xb9 , 0xf3 , 0x8b , 0xa3 , 0x91 , 0xb6 , 0x09 , 0xb4 , 0xd9 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 1235 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xb1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1235 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xb9 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1235 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf3 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1235 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x8b | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1235 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xa3 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1235 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x91 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1235 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xb6 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1235 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xda | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1235 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xb4 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1235 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xda | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1235 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned char and short): { 0xda , 0xb1 , 0xb9 , 0xf3 , 0x8b , 0xa3 , 0x91 , 0xb6 , 0xda , 0xb4 , 0xda | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 1240 | Cast on a constant value. : regs_continuous | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.8 |
C | 1240 | Casting operation on a pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.3,R.11.7 |
C | 1240 | Switch case not terminated with break. | MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 |
C | 1243 | Cast on a constant value. : regs_gesture | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.8 |
C | 1243 | Casting operation on a pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.3,R.11.7 |
C | 1243 | Switch case not terminated with break. | MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 |
C | 1247 | Switch case not terminated with break. | MISRA-C:2012 R.16.3 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
dmp_read_fifo (1270 to 1349 inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | No prototype for non-static function. : dmp_read_fifo | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 1282 | Function call with no prior declaration. : mpu_read_fifo_stream | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 1317 | Function call with no prior declaration. : mpu_reset_fifo | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 1347 | Function call with no prior declaration. : mget_ms | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 1330 | Pointer not checked for null before use. : sensors | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 |
C | 1338 | Pointer not checked for null before use. : sensors | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 |
C | 1279 | Declaration does not specify an array. | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 |
C | 1282 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 1283 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 1286 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 1290 | Declaration does not specify an array. | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 |
C | 1290 | Use of shift operator on signed type. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 1290 | Use of bit operator on signed type. : | used with long: quat | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 1290 | Use of shift operator on signed type. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 1290 | Use of bit operator on signed type. : | used with long | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 1291 | Use of shift operator on signed type. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 1291 | Use of bit operator on signed type. : | used with long | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 1292 | Declaration does not specify an array. | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 |
C | 1292 | Use of shift operator on signed type. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 1292 | Use of bit operator on signed type. : | used with long: quat | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 1292 | Use of shift operator on signed type. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 1292 | Use of bit operator on signed type. : | used with long | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 1293 | Use of shift operator on signed type. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 1293 | Use of bit operator on signed type. : | used with long | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 1294 | Declaration does not specify an array. | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 |
C | 1294 | Use of shift operator on signed type. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 1294 | Use of bit operator on signed type. : | used with long: quat | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 1294 | Use of shift operator on signed type. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 1294 | Use of bit operator on signed type. : | used with long | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 1295 | Use of shift operator on signed type. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 1295 | Use of bit operator on signed type. : | used with long | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 1296 | Declaration does not specify an array. | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 |
C | 1296 | Use of shift operator on signed type. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 1296 | Use of bit operator on signed type. : | used with long: quat | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 1296 | Use of shift operator on signed type. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 1296 | Use of bit operator on signed type. : | used with long | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 1297 | Use of shift operator on signed type. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 1297 | Use of bit operator on signed type. : | used with long | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 1298 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 16 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1298 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): ii | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1308 | Declaration does not specify an array. | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 |
C | 1308 | Use of shift operator on signed type. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 1309 | Declaration does not specify an array. | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 |
C | 1309 | Use of shift operator on signed type. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 1310 | Declaration does not specify an array. | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 |
C | 1310 | Use of shift operator on signed type. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 1311 | Declaration does not specify an array. | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 |
C | 1311 | Use of shift operator on signed type. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 1312 | Expression needs brackets. | MISRA-C:2012 R.12.1,R.20.7 |
C | 1314 | Use of shift operator on signed type. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 1315 | Use of shift operator on signed type. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 1318 | Declaration does not specify an array. | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 |
C | 1321 | Declaration does not specify an array. | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 1321 | Use of bit operator on signed type. : |= used with short: sensors | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 1321 | Use of bit operator on signed type. : |= used with short: INV_WXYZ_QUAT | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 1325 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 1326 | Declaration does not specify an array. | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 |
C | 1326 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned char and signed char): ( short ) fifo_data [ ii + 0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 1326 | Use of shift operator on signed type. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 1326 | Use of bit operator on signed type. : | used with short: accel | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 1326 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned char and signed char): ( short ) fifo_data [ ii + 0 ] << 8 ) | fifo_data [ ii + 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1327 | Declaration does not specify an array. | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 |
C | 1327 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned char and signed char): ( short ) fifo_data [ ii + 2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1327 | Use of shift operator on signed type. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 1327 | Use of bit operator on signed type. : | used with short: accel | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 1327 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned char and signed char): ( short ) fifo_data [ ii + 2 ] << 8 ) | fifo_data [ ii + 3 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1328 | Declaration does not specify an array. | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 |
C | 1328 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned char and signed char): ( short ) fifo_data [ ii + 4 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1328 | Use of shift operator on signed type. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 1328 | Use of bit operator on signed type. : | used with short: accel | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 1328 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned char and signed char): ( short ) fifo_data [ ii + 4 ] << 8 ) | fifo_data [ ii + 5 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1329 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 6 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1329 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): ii | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1330 | Declaration does not specify an array. | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 |
C | 1330 | Use of bit operator on signed type. : |= used with short: sensors | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 1330 | Use of bit operator on signed type. : |= used with short: INV_XYZ_ACCEL | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 1333 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 1334 | Declaration does not specify an array. | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 |
C | 1334 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned char and signed char): ( short ) fifo_data [ ii + 0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 1334 | Use of shift operator on signed type. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 1334 | Use of bit operator on signed type. : | used with short: gyro | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 1334 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned char and signed char): ( short ) fifo_data [ ii + 0 ] << 8 ) | fifo_data [ ii + 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1335 | Declaration does not specify an array. | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 |
C | 1335 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned char and signed char): ( short ) fifo_data [ ii + 2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1335 | Use of shift operator on signed type. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 1335 | Use of bit operator on signed type. : | used with short: gyro | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 1335 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned char and signed char): ( short ) fifo_data [ ii + 2 ] << 8 ) | fifo_data [ ii + 3 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1336 | Declaration does not specify an array. | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 |
C | 1336 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned char and signed char): ( short ) fifo_data [ ii + 4 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1336 | Use of shift operator on signed type. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 1336 | Use of bit operator on signed type. : | used with short: gyro | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 1336 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned char and signed char): ( short ) fifo_data [ ii + 4 ] << 8 ) | fifo_data [ ii + 5 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1337 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 6 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1337 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): ii | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1338 | Declaration does not specify an array. | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 |
C | 1338 | Use of bit operator on signed type. : |= used with short: sensors | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 1338 | Use of bit operator on signed type. : |= used with short: INV_XYZ_GYRO | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 1344 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 1345 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 1345 | (void) missing for discarded return value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 |
M | 1273 | Procedure contains UR data flow anomalies. : fifo_data |
MISRA-C:2012 R.9.1 | ||||||||
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
dmp_register_tap_cb (1363 to 1367 inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | No prototype for non-static function. : dmp_register_tap_cb | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 |
C | Function has global variable side effects. : dmp.tap_cb | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 |
Code | Violation | Parameter |
O | Procedure pointer is an unused parameter | func |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
dmp_register_android_orient_cb (1374 to 1378 inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | No prototype for non-static function. : dmp_register_android_orient_cb | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 |
C | Function has global variable side effects. : dmp.android_orient_cb | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.2 |
Code | Violation | Parameter |
O | Procedure pointer is an unused parameter | func |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
main (39 to 86 main.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 43 | Function call with no prior declaration. : AnglePID_Init | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 44 | Function call with no prior declaration. : SpeedPID_Init | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 45 | Function call with no prior declaration. : TurnPID_Init | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 46 | Function call with no prior declaration. : OLED_Init | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 47 | Function call with no prior declaration. : OLED_ShowString | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 48 | Function call with no prior declaration. : TIM2_Code_Configuration | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 49 | Function call with no prior declaration. : TIM4_Code_Configuration | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 50 | Function call with no prior declaration. : USARTInit | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 51 | Function call with no prior declaration. : MOTOR_configuration | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 53 | Function call with no prior declaration. : OLED_ShowString | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 54 | Function call with no prior declaration. : OLED_ShowString | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 55 | Function call with no prior declaration. : OLED_ShowString | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 56 | Function call with no prior declaration. : OLED_ShowString | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 57 | Function call with no prior declaration. : OLED_ShowString | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 58 | Function call with no prior declaration. : OLED_ShowString | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 59 | Function call with no prior declaration. : Remote_Init | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 60 | Function call with no prior declaration. : HCSR04_Init | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 61 | Function call with no prior declaration. : TIM1_Configuration | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 65 | Function call with no prior declaration. : OLED_DispPolarity | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 66 | Function call with no prior declaration. : OLED_DispPolarity | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 67 | Function call with no prior declaration. : OLED_DispFloat | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 68 | Function call with no prior declaration. : OLED_DispInt | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 69 | Function call with no prior declaration. : HCSR04_WaitToConvert | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 74 | Function call with no prior declaration. : OLED_ShowString | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 75 | Function call with no prior declaration. : OLED_ShowString | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 77 | Function call with no prior declaration. : OLED_DispFloat | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 82 | Function call with no prior declaration. : OLED_ShowString | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 62 | Potentially infinite loop found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.1 |
C | 72 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): flag | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 72 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned char and signed char): flag == 0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 81 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 81 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): flag | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 41 | DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. : num | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
MPU6050_DMP_Init (88 to 105 main.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 91 | Function call with no prior declaration. : CT_IIC_Init | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 92 | Function call with no prior declaration. : IIC_CheckDevice | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 94 | Function call with no prior declaration. : delay_ms | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 95 | Function call with no prior declaration. : OLED_ShowString | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 97 | Function call with no prior declaration. : MPU6050_Init | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 98 | Function call with no prior declaration. : delay_ms | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 99 | Function call with no prior declaration. : mpu_dmp_init | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 101 | Function call with no prior declaration. : OLED_ShowString | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 102 | Function call with no prior declaration. : MPU6050_Init | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 103 | Function call with no prior declaration. : delay_ms | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 92 | Potentially infinite loop found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.1 |
C | 99 | Potentially infinite loop found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.1 |
C | 99 | Assignment operator in boolean expression. | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.4 |
C | 99 | Assignment operation in expression. | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2,R.13.4 |
C | 99 | DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. : res | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
NVIC_PriorityGroupConfig (96 to 103 misc.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 99 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 102 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 102 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xE000E000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 102 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0D00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
NVIC_Init (112 to 144 misc.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 117 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 118 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 119 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 124 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 132 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 135 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 141 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 114 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 114 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 114 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0F | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 118 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 118 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned char and signed char): ( NVIC_InitStruct -> NVIC_IRQChannelPreemptionPriority ) < 0x10 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 119 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 119 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned char and signed char): ( NVIC_InitStruct -> NVIC_IRQChannelSubPriority ) < 0x10 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 124 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x700 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 124 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xE000E000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 124 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0D00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 124 | Volatile variable in complex expression. : AIRCR | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2 |
C | 124 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x08 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 125 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 125 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned int and signed char): tmppre = ( 0x4 - | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 125 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (signed char and unsigned int): tmppre = ( 0x4 - tmppriority | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 125 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (signed char and unsigned int): tmppre = ( 0x4 - tmppriority | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 125 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned int and signed char): tmppre = ( 0x4 - tmppriority | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 130 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x04 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 132 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xE000E000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 132 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0100 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 132 | Implicit conversion of underlying type. : (unsigned char and unsigned int): ( 0xE000E000 ) + 0x0100 ) ) -> IP [ NVIC_InitStruct -> NVIC_IRQChannel ] = tmppriority | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 132 | Narrower int conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and unsigned int): ( 0xE000E000 ) + 0x0100 ) ) -> IP [ NVIC_InitStruct -> NVIC_IRQChannel ] = tmppriority | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
C | 135 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xE000E000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 135 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0100 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 141 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xE000E000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 141 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0100 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 114 | DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. : tmppre | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
C | 114 | DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. : tmppriority | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
NVIC_SetVectorTable (156 to 163 misc.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 159 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 160 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 162 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 160 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x000FFFFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 162 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xE000E000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 162 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0D00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
NVIC_SystemLPConfig (175 to 189 misc.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 178 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 179 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 183 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 187 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 183 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xE000E000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 183 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0D00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 187 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xE000E000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 187 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0D00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
SysTick_CLKSourceConfig (199 to 211 misc.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 202 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 205 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 209 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 202 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xFFFFFFFB | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 205 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xE000E000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 205 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0010 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 209 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xE000E000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 209 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0010 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 209 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xFFFFFFFB | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
TIM3_GPIO_configuration (11 to 20 motor.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 14 | Function call with no prior declaration. : RCC_APB2PeriphClockCmd | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 18 | Function call with no prior declaration. : GPIO_Init | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 15 | Use of bit operator on signed type. : | used with int: GPIO_Pin_0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 15 | Use of bit operator on signed type. : | used with int: GPIO_Pin_1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
TIM3_Mode_configuration (27 to 40 motor.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 30 | Function call with no prior declaration. : RCC_APB1PeriphClockCmd | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 37 | Function call with no prior declaration. : TIM_TimeBaseInit | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 38 | Function call with no prior declaration. : TIM_ARRPreloadConfig | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 39 | Function call with no prior declaration. : TIM_Cmd | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
TIM3_PWM_configuration (48 to 64 motor.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 55 | Function call with no prior declaration. : TIM_OC3Init | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 56 | Function call with no prior declaration. : TIM_OC3PreloadConfig | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 62 | Function call with no prior declaration. : TIM_OC4Init | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 63 | Function call with no prior declaration. : TIM_OC4PreloadConfig | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
DIRECT_GPIO_Config (73 to 87 motor.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 76 | Function call with no prior declaration. : RCC_APB2PeriphClockCmd | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 77 | Function call with no prior declaration. : RCC_APB2PeriphClockCmd | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 81 | Function call with no prior declaration. : GPIO_Init | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 86 | Function call with no prior declaration. : GPIO_Init | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 78 | Use of bit operator on signed type. : | used with int: GPIO_Pin_10 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 78 | Use of bit operator on signed type. : | used with int: GPIO_Pin_11 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 83 | Use of bit operator on signed type. : | used with int: GPIO_Pin_4 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 83 | Use of bit operator on signed type. : | used with int: GPIO_Pin_5 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
MOTOR_configuration (95 to 101 motor.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | No prototype for non-static function. : MOTOR_configuration | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
MOTOR_SetFrenquency (110 to 114 motor.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | No prototype for non-static function. : MOTOR_SetFrenquency | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 113 | Function call with no prior declaration. : TIM_SetAutoreload | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 112 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 800000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 112 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned short and int): ARR_Val | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 112 | Value outside range of underlying type. : (unsigned short and unsigned int): ARR_Val = 800000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 112 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned short and unsigned int): Fren | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
MOTOR2_Rotation (122 to 136 motor.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | No prototype for non-static function. : MOTOR2_Rotation | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 126 | Function call with no prior declaration. : GPIO_ResetBits | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 127 | Function call with no prior declaration. : GPIO_SetBits | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 131 | Function call with no prior declaration. : GPIO_ResetBits | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 132 | Function call with no prior declaration. : GPIO_SetBits | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 135 | Function call with no prior declaration. : TIM_SetCompare3 | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 135 | Function call with no prior declaration. : myabs | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
MOTOR4_Rotation (144 to 158 motor.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | No prototype for non-static function. : MOTOR4_Rotation | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 148 | Function call with no prior declaration. : GPIO_ResetBits | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 149 | Function call with no prior declaration. : GPIO_SetBits | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 153 | Function call with no prior declaration. : GPIO_ResetBits | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 154 | Function call with no prior declaration. : GPIO_SetBits | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 157 | Function call with no prior declaration. : TIM_SetCompare4 | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 157 | Function call with no prior declaration. : myabs | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
MPU6050_Init (19 to 41 mpu6050.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | No prototype for non-static function. : MPU6050_Init | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 22 | Function call with no prior declaration. : CT_IIC_Init | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 23 | Function call with no prior declaration. : MPU_Write_Byte | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 24 | Function call with no prior declaration. : delay_ms | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 25 | Function call with no prior declaration. : MPU_Write_Byte | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 26 | Function call with no prior declaration. : MPU_Set_Gyro_Fsr | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 27 | Function call with no prior declaration. : MPU_Set_Accel_Fsr | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 28 | Function call with no prior declaration. : MPU_Set_Rate | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 29 | Function call with no prior declaration. : MPU_Write_Byte | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 30 | Function call with no prior declaration. : MPU_Write_Byte | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 31 | Function call with no prior declaration. : MPU_Write_Byte | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 32 | Function call with no prior declaration. : MPU_Write_Byte | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 33 | Function call with no prior declaration. : MPU_Read_Byte | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 36 | Function call with no prior declaration. : MPU_Write_Byte | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 37 | Function call with no prior declaration. : MPU_Write_Byte | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 38 | Function call with no prior declaration. : MPU_Set_Rate | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 23 | (void) missing for discarded return value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 |
C | 25 | (void) missing for discarded return value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 |
C | 26 | (void) missing for discarded return value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 |
C | 27 | (void) missing for discarded return value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 |
C | 28 | (void) missing for discarded return value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 |
C | 29 | (void) missing for discarded return value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 |
C | 30 | (void) missing for discarded return value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 |
C | 31 | (void) missing for discarded return value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 |
C | 32 | (void) missing for discarded return value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 |
C | 36 | (void) missing for discarded return value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 |
C | 37 | (void) missing for discarded return value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 |
C | 38 | (void) missing for discarded return value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 |
C | 39 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
MPU_Set_Gyro_Fsr (46 to 49 mpu6050.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | No prototype for non-static function. : MPU_Set_Gyro_Fsr | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 48 | Function call with no prior declaration. : MPU_Write_Byte | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
MPU_Set_Accel_Fsr (54 to 57 mpu6050.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | No prototype for non-static function. : MPU_Set_Accel_Fsr | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 56 | Function call with no prior declaration. : MPU_Write_Byte | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
MPU_Set_LPF (62 to 72 mpu6050.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | No prototype for non-static function. : MPU_Set_LPF | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 71 | Function call with no prior declaration. : MPU_Write_Byte | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 65 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 66 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 67 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 68 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 69 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 70 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
MPU_Set_Rate (77 to 85 mpu6050.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | No prototype for non-static function. : MPU_Set_Rate | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 83 | Function call with no prior declaration. : MPU_Write_Byte | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 80 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 81 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 82 | Expression needs brackets. | MISRA-C:2012 R.12.1,R.20.7 |
C | 83 | DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. : data | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
C | 83 | Function return value potentially unused. : data |
MISRA-C:2012 D.4.7,R.17.7 | ||||||||
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
MPU_Get_Temperature (89 to 98 mpu6050.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | No prototype for non-static function. : MPU_Get_Temperature | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 94 | Function call with no prior declaration. : MPU_Read_Len | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 94 | (void) missing for discarded return value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 |
C | 96 | Implicit conversion of underlying type. : (float and double): temp | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 96 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (float and double): temp = 36.53 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 96 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (double and unsigned short): ( double ) raw ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 96 | Expression needs brackets. | MISRA-C:2012 R.12.1,R.20.7 |
C | 96 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (double and unsigned short) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 97 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (float and signed char): temp | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 97 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (float and signed char): temp * 100 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 94 | Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (u8): param 4 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
M | 91 | Procedure contains UR data flow anomalies. : buf |
MISRA-C:2012 R.9.1 | ||||||||
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
MPU_Get_Gyroscope (103 to 114 mpu6050.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | No prototype for non-static function. : MPU_Get_Gyroscope | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 106 | Function call with no prior declaration. : MPU_Read_Len | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 106 | Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (u8): param 4 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
M | 105 | Procedure contains UR data flow anomalies. : buf |
MISRA-C:2012 R.9.1 | ||||||||
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
MPU_Get_Accelerometer (119 to 130 mpu6050.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | No prototype for non-static function. : MPU_Get_Accelerometer | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 122 | Function call with no prior declaration. : MPU_Read_Len | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 122 | Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (u8): param 4 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
M | 121 | Procedure contains UR data flow anomalies. : buf |
MISRA-C:2012 R.9.1 | ||||||||
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
MPU_Write_Len (138 to 161 mpu6050.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | No prototype for non-static function. : MPU_Write_Len | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 141 | Function call with no prior declaration. : CT_IIC_Start | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 142 | Function call with no prior declaration. : CT_IIC_Send_Byte | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 143 | Function call with no prior declaration. : CT_IIC_Wait_Ack | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 145 | Function call with no prior declaration. : CT_IIC_Stop | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 148 | Function call with no prior declaration. : CT_IIC_Send_Byte | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 149 | Function call with no prior declaration. : CT_IIC_Wait_Ack | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 152 | Function call with no prior declaration. : CT_IIC_Send_Byte | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 153 | Function call with no prior declaration. : CT_IIC_Wait_Ack | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 155 | Function call with no prior declaration. : CT_IIC_Stop | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 159 | Function call with no prior declaration. : CT_IIC_Stop | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 143 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 153 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
MPU_Read_Len (169 to 192 mpu6050.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | No prototype for non-static function. : MPU_Read_Len | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 171 | Function call with no prior declaration. : CT_IIC_Start | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 172 | Function call with no prior declaration. : CT_IIC_Send_Byte | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 173 | Function call with no prior declaration. : CT_IIC_Wait_Ack | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 175 | Function call with no prior declaration. : CT_IIC_Stop | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 178 | Function call with no prior declaration. : CT_IIC_Send_Byte | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 179 | Function call with no prior declaration. : CT_IIC_Wait_Ack | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 180 | Function call with no prior declaration. : CT_IIC_Start | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 181 | Function call with no prior declaration. : CT_IIC_Send_Byte | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 182 | Function call with no prior declaration. : CT_IIC_Wait_Ack | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 185 | Function call with no prior declaration. : CT_IIC_Read_Byte | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 186 | Function call with no prior declaration. : CT_IIC_Read_Byte | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 190 | Function call with no prior declaration. : CT_IIC_Stop | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 188 | Pointer not checked for null before use. : buf | MISRA-C:2012 D.4.1 |
C | 173 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 183 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 185 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 186 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 188 | Pointer arithmetic is not on array. | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1,R.18.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
MPU_Write_Byte (198 to 217 mpu6050.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | No prototype for non-static function. : MPU_Write_Byte | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 200 | Function call with no prior declaration. : CT_IIC_Start | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 201 | Function call with no prior declaration. : CT_IIC_Send_Byte | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 202 | Function call with no prior declaration. : CT_IIC_Wait_Ack | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 204 | Function call with no prior declaration. : CT_IIC_Stop | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 207 | Function call with no prior declaration. : CT_IIC_Send_Byte | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 208 | Function call with no prior declaration. : CT_IIC_Wait_Ack | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 209 | Function call with no prior declaration. : CT_IIC_Send_Byte | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 210 | Function call with no prior declaration. : CT_IIC_Wait_Ack | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 212 | Function call with no prior declaration. : CT_IIC_Stop | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 215 | Function call with no prior declaration. : CT_IIC_Stop | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 201 | Use of shift operator on signed type. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 201 | Use of bit operator on signed type. : | used with int | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 202 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 210 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
MPU_Read_Byte (221 to 235 mpu6050.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | No prototype for non-static function. : MPU_Read_Byte | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 224 | Function call with no prior declaration. : CT_IIC_Start | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 225 | Function call with no prior declaration. : CT_IIC_Send_Byte | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 226 | Function call with no prior declaration. : CT_IIC_Wait_Ack | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 227 | Function call with no prior declaration. : CT_IIC_Send_Byte | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 228 | Function call with no prior declaration. : CT_IIC_Wait_Ack | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 229 | Function call with no prior declaration. : CT_IIC_Start | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 230 | Function call with no prior declaration. : CT_IIC_Send_Byte | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 231 | Function call with no prior declaration. : CT_IIC_Wait_Ack | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 232 | Function call with no prior declaration. : CT_IIC_Read_Byte | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 233 | Function call with no prior declaration. : CT_IIC_Stop | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 225 | Use of shift operator on signed type. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 225 | Use of bit operator on signed type. : | used with int | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 230 | Use of shift operator on signed type. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 230 | Use of bit operator on signed type. : | used with int | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
SPI2_Init (13 to 47 oled.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | No prototype for non-static function. : SPI2_Init | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 18 | Function call with no prior declaration. : RCC_APB1PeriphClockCmd | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 19 | Function call with no prior declaration. : RCC_APB2PeriphClockCmd | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 25 | Function call with no prior declaration. : GPIO_Init | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 30 | Function call with no prior declaration. : GPIO_Init | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 32 | Function call with no prior declaration. : GPIO_ResetBits | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 44 | Function call with no prior declaration. : SPI_Init | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 46 | Function call with no prior declaration. : SPI_Cmd | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 22 | Use of bit operator on signed type. : | used with int: GPIO_Pin_13 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 22 | Use of bit operator on signed type. : | used with int: GPIO_Pin_14 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 22 | Use of bit operator on signed type. : | used with int: GPIO_Pin_15 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
SPI2_ReadWriteByte (55 to 71 oled.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | No prototype for non-static function. : SPI2_ReadWriteByte | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 58 | Potentially infinite loop found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.1 |
C | 65 | Potentially infinite loop found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.1 |
C | 58 | Use of bit operator on signed type. : & used with int: SR | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 58 | Use of shift operator on signed type. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 58 | Expression needs brackets. | MISRA-C:2012 R.12.1,R.20.7 |
C | 61 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 2000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 61 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned int and int): retry | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 61 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 63 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (int and unsigned char): SPI2 -> DR = TxData | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 64 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 64 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned int and int): retry | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 65 | Use of bit operator on signed type. : & used with int: SR | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 65 | Use of shift operator on signed type. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 65 | Expression needs brackets. | MISRA-C:2012 R.12.1,R.20.7 |
C | 68 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 2000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 68 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned int and int): retry | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 68 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 70 | Function return type inconsistent. : (unsigned char and int) |
MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 | ||||||||
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
OLED_WR_Byte (79 to 90 oled.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | No prototype for non-static function. : OLED_WR_Byte | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 82 | Function call with no prior declaration. : OLED_RS_Set | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 84 | Function call with no prior declaration. : OLED_RS_Clr | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 85 | Function call with no prior declaration. : OLED_CS_Clr | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 88 | Function call with no prior declaration. : OLED_CS_Set | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 89 | Function call with no prior declaration. : OLED_RS_Set | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 81 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 81 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 84 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 87 | (void) missing for discarded return value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
OLED_Refresh_Gram (99 to 109 oled.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | No prototype for non-static function. : OLED_Refresh_Gram | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 102 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 102 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): i | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 102 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 102 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): i | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 102 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned char and signed char): i < 8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 104 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (signed char and unsigned char): 0xb0 + i | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 107 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 107 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): n | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 107 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 128 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 107 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): n | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 107 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned char and signed char): n < 128 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 107 | No brackets to loop body. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 104 | Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and unsigned char): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
C | 104 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : (int and unsigned char): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 104 | Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and unsigned char): param 2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
C | 105 | Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and unsigned char): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
C | 105 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : (int and unsigned char): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 105 | Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and unsigned char): param 2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
C | 106 | Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and unsigned char): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
C | 106 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : (int and unsigned char): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 106 | Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and unsigned char): param 2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
C | 107 | Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and unsigned char): param 2 |
MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 | ||||||||
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
OLED_Display_On (117 to 122 oled.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | No prototype for non-static function. : OLED_Display_On | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 119 | Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and unsigned char): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
C | 119 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : (int and unsigned char): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 119 | Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and unsigned char): param 2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
C | 120 | Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and unsigned char): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
C | 120 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : (int and unsigned char): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 120 | Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and unsigned char): param 2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
C | 121 | Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and unsigned char): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
C | 121 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : (int and unsigned char): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 121 | Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and unsigned char): param 2 |
MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 | ||||||||
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
OLED_Display_Off (129 to 134 oled.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | No prototype for non-static function. : OLED_Display_Off | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 131 | Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and unsigned char): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
C | 131 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : (int and unsigned char): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 131 | Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and unsigned char): param 2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
C | 132 | Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and unsigned char): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
C | 132 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : (int and unsigned char): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 132 | Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and unsigned char): param 2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
C | 133 | Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and unsigned char): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
C | 133 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : (int and unsigned char): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 133 | Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and unsigned char): param 2 |
MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 | ||||||||
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
OLED_Clear (142 to 147 oled.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | No prototype for non-static function. : OLED_Clear | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 145 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 145 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): i | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 145 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 145 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): i | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 145 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned char and signed char): i < 8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 145 | No brackets to loop body. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 145 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 145 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): n | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 145 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 128 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 145 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): n | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 145 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned char and signed char): n < 128 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 145 | No brackets to loop body. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 145 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0X00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 145 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): OLED_GRAM [ n ] [ i ] | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
LCD_Set_Pos (155 to 160 oled.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | No prototype for non-static function. : LCD_Set_Pos | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 157 | Expression needs brackets. | MISRA-C:2012 R.12.1,R.20.7 |
C | 157 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned char and signed char) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 157 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned char and signed char): 8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 158 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xf0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 158 | Use of shift operator on signed type. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 158 | Use of bit operator on signed type. : | used with signed char | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 159 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0f | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 157 | Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and unsigned char): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
C | 157 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : (int and unsigned char): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 157 | Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and unsigned char): param 2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
C | 158 | Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (signed char and unsigned char): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
C | 158 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : (signed char and unsigned char): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 158 | Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and unsigned char): param 2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
C | 159 | Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (signed char and unsigned char): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
C | 159 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : (signed char and unsigned char): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 159 | Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and unsigned char): param 2 |
MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 | ||||||||
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
OLED_DrawPoint (168 to 181 oled.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | No prototype for non-static function. : OLED_DrawPoint | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 172 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 127 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 172 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): x | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 172 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned char and signed char): x > 127 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 172 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 64 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 172 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): y | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 172 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned char and signed char): y > 64 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 172 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 173 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 7 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 173 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): pos | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 173 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): pos = 7 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 173 | Expression needs brackets. | MISRA-C:2012 R.12.1,R.20.7 |
C | 173 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned char and signed char) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 173 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned char and signed char): 8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 174 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned char and signed char): bx = y % | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 175 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 175 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): temp | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 175 | Use of shift operator on signed type. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 175 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (signed char and unsigned char): temp = 1 << ( 7 - bx | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 176 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 176 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 177 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 180 | Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and unsigned char): param 2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
C | 170 | DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. : temp | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
OLED_Fill (189 to 197 oled.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | No prototype for non-static function. : OLED_Fill | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 194 | No brackets to loop body. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
OLED_ShowChar (206 to 229 oled.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | No prototype for non-static function. : OLED_ShowChar | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 210 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned char and char): chr = chr - ' ' | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 211 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 211 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): t | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 213 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 12 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 213 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): size | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 213 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned char and signed char): size == 12 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 213 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 214 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 215 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 215 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): t1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 215 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 215 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): t1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 215 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned char and signed char): t1 < 8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 217 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x80 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 217 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 217 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 218 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 219 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 219 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): temp | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
OLED_ShowCHinese (237 to 269 oled.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | No prototype for non-static function. : OLED_ShowCHinese | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 242 | Type conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and char): * p != '\0' | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 246 | Declaration does not specify an array. | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 |
C | 246 | Declaration does not specify an array. | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 |
C | 247 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 250 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 250 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): t | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 250 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 32 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 250 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): t | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 250 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned char and signed char): t < 32 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 253 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 253 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): t1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 253 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 253 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): t1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 253 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned char and signed char): t1 < 8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 255 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x80 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 255 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 255 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 256 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 257 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 257 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): temp | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 259 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 16 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 259 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned char and signed char): ( y - y0 ) == 16 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 267 | Pointer arithmetic is not on array. | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1,R.18.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
oled_pow (273 to 278 oled.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | No prototype for non-static function. : oled_pow | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 276 | Deprecated usage of ++ or -- operators found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2,R.13.3 |
C | 276 | Assignment operation in expression. | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2,R.13.4 |
C | 276 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 276 | No brackets to loop body. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
OLED_ShowNum (285 to 303 oled.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | No prototype for non-static function. : OLED_ShowNum | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 289 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 289 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): t | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 291 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned char and signed char): 10 , len - t - 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 291 | Implicit conversion of underlying type. : (unsigned char and unsigned int): 10 , len - t - 1 ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 291 | Narrower int conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and unsigned int): 10 , len - t - 1 ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
C | 291 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned char and unsigned int): ) % 10 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 292 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): enshow | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 292 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned char and signed char): enshow == 0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 292 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned char and signed char): t < ( len - 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 294 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): temp | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 294 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned char and signed char): temp == 0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 296 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned char and signed char) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 296 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned char and signed char): 2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 296 | Expression needs brackets. | MISRA-C:2012 R.12.1,R.20.7 |
C | 296 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (signed char and unsigned char): 2 ) * t | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 298 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 298 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 298 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): enshow | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 301 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned char and signed char) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 301 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned char and signed char): 2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 301 | Expression needs brackets. | MISRA-C:2012 R.12.1,R.20.7 |
C | 301 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (signed char and unsigned char): 2 ) * t | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 301 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned char and char): 2 ) * t , y , temp + '0' | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 291 | Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and unsigned char): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
C | 291 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : (int and unsigned char): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 296 | Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (char and unsigned char): param 3 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
C | 296 | Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and unsigned char): param 5 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
C | 296 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : (int and unsigned char): param 5 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 301 | Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and unsigned char): param 5 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
C | 301 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : (int and unsigned char): param 5 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
OLED_ShowString (308 to 320 oled.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | No prototype for non-static function. : OLED_ShowString | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 312 | Type conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and char): * p != '\0' | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 314 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 127 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 314 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): x | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 314 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned char and signed char): x > 127 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 314 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 314 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): x | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 314 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 16 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 314 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): y | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 315 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 63 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 315 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): y | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 315 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned char and signed char): y > 63 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 315 | Assignment operation in expression. | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2,R.13.4 |
C | 315 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 315 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): y = x | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 317 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 317 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): x | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 318 | Pointer arithmetic is not on array. | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1,R.18.4 |
C | 316 | Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and unsigned char): param 4 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
C | 316 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : (int and unsigned char): param 4 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 316 | Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and unsigned char): param 5 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
C | 316 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : (int and unsigned char): param 5 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
OLED_DispPolarity (328 to 351 oled.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | No prototype for non-static function. : OLED_DispPolarity | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 344 | Function call with no prior declaration. : myabs | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 350 | Function call with no prior declaration. : myabs | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 335 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 342 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 345 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 347 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned char and signed char) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 347 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned char and signed char): 10 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 333 | Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (u8 and unsigned char): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
C | 333 | Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (u8 and unsigned char): param 2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
C | 333 | Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (char* and unsigned char): param 3 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
C | 336 | Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (u8 and unsigned char): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
C | 336 | Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (u8 and unsigned char): param 2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
C | 336 | Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (char* and unsigned char): param 3 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
C | 339 | Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (u8 and unsigned char): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
C | 339 | Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (u8 and unsigned char): param 2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
C | 339 | Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (char* and unsigned char): param 3 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
C | 342 | Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (u8 and unsigned char): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
C | 342 | Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (u8 and unsigned char): param 2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
C | 342 | Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (char* and unsigned char): param 3 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
C | 350 | Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and unsigned char): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
C | 350 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : (int and unsigned char): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 350 | Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (u8 and unsigned char): param 2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
C | 350 | Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and unsigned int): param 3 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
C | 350 | Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (u8 and unsigned char): param 4 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
C | 350 | Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and unsigned char): param 5 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
C | 350 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : (int and unsigned char): param 5 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
OLED_DispInt (359 to 365 oled.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | No prototype for non-static function. : OLED_DispInt | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 363 | Casting operation to a pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.3,R.11.5,R.11.7 |
C | 363 | (void) missing for discarded return value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 |
C | 363 | Casting operation on a pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.3,R.11.7 |
C | 364 | Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (u8 and unsigned char): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
C | 364 | Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (u8 and unsigned char): param 2 |
MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 | ||||||||
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
OLED_DispFloat (373 to 379 oled.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | No prototype for non-static function. : OLED_DispFloat | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 377 | Casting operation to a pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.3,R.11.5,R.11.7 |
C | 377 | (void) missing for discarded return value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.7 |
C | 377 | Casting operation on a pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.3,R.11.7 |
C | 378 | Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (u8 and unsigned char): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
C | 378 | Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (u8 and unsigned char): param 2 |
MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 | ||||||||
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
OLED_Init (381 to 425 oled.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | No prototype for non-static function. : OLED_Init | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 386 | Function call with no prior declaration. : RCC_APB2PeriphClockCmd | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 391 | Function call with no prior declaration. : GPIO_Init | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 386 | Use of bit operator on signed type. : | used with int: RCC_APB2Periph_GPIOB | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 386 | Use of bit operator on signed type. : | used with int: RCC_APB2Periph_GPIOC | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 395 | Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and unsigned char): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
C | 395 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : (int and unsigned char): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 395 | Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and unsigned char): param 2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
C | 396 | Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and unsigned char): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
C | 396 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : (int and unsigned char): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 396 | Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and unsigned char): param 2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
C | 397 | Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and unsigned char): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
C | 397 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : (int and unsigned char): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 397 | Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and unsigned char): param 2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
C | 398 | Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and unsigned char): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
C | 398 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : (int and unsigned char): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 398 | Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and unsigned char): param 2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
C | 399 | Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and unsigned char): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
C | 399 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : (int and unsigned char): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 399 | Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and unsigned char): param 2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
C | 400 | Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and unsigned char): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
C | 400 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : (int and unsigned char): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 400 | Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and unsigned char): param 2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
C | 401 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : (int and unsigned char): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 401 | Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and unsigned char): param 2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
C | 403 | Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and unsigned char): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
C | 403 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : (int and unsigned char): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 403 | Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and unsigned char): param 2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
C | 405 | Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and unsigned char): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
C | 405 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : (int and unsigned char): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 405 | Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and unsigned char): param 2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
C | 406 | Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and unsigned char): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
C | 406 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : (int and unsigned char): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 406 | Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and unsigned char): param 2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
C | 407 | Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and unsigned char): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
C | 407 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : (int and unsigned char): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 407 | Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and unsigned char): param 2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
C | 408 | Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and unsigned char): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
C | 408 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : (int and unsigned char): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 408 | Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and unsigned char): param 2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
C | 409 | Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and unsigned char): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
C | 409 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : (int and unsigned char): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 409 | Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and unsigned char): param 2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
C | 410 | Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and unsigned char): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
C | 410 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : (int and unsigned char): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 410 | Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and unsigned char): param 2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
C | 411 | Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and unsigned char): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
C | 411 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : (int and unsigned char): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 411 | Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and unsigned char): param 2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
C | 412 | Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and unsigned char): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
C | 412 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : (int and unsigned char): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 412 | Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and unsigned char): param 2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
C | 414 | Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and unsigned char): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
C | 414 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : (int and unsigned char): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 414 | Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and unsigned char): param 2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
C | 415 | Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and unsigned char): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
C | 415 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : (int and unsigned char): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 415 | Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and unsigned char): param 2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
C | 416 | Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and unsigned char): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
C | 416 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : (int and unsigned char): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 416 | Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and unsigned char): param 2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
C | 417 | Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and unsigned char): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
C | 417 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : (int and unsigned char): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 417 | Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and unsigned char): param 2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
C | 418 | Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and unsigned char): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
C | 418 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : (int and unsigned char): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 418 | Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and unsigned char): param 2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
C | 419 | Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and unsigned char): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
C | 419 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : (int and unsigned char): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 419 | Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and unsigned char): param 2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
C | 421 | Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and unsigned char): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
C | 421 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : (int and unsigned char): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 421 | Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and unsigned char): param 2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
C | 422 | Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and unsigned char): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
C | 422 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : (int and unsigned char): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 422 | Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and unsigned char): param 2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
C | 423 | Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and unsigned char): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
C | 423 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : (int and unsigned char): param 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 423 | Implicit conversion: actual to formal param. : (int and unsigned char): param 2 |
MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 | ||||||||
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
Remote_Init (12 to 69 remote.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | No prototype for non-static function. : Remote_Init | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 20 | Function call with no prior declaration. : RCC_AHBPeriphClockCmd | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 21 | Function call with no prior declaration. : RCC_APB1PeriphClockCmd | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 22 | Function call with no prior declaration. : RCC_APB2PeriphClockCmd | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 27 | Function call with no prior declaration. : GPIO_Init | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 32 | Function call with no prior declaration. : GPIO_Init | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 40 | Function call with no prior declaration. : NVIC_Init | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 43 | Function call with no prior declaration. : USART_DeInit | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 50 | Function call with no prior declaration. : USART_Init | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 51 | Function call with no prior declaration. : USART_DMACmd | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 52 | Function call with no prior declaration. : USART_Cmd | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 54 | Function call with no prior declaration. : DMA_DeInit | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 66 | Function call with no prior declaration. : DMA_Init | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 67 | Function call with no prior declaration. : DMA_ITConfig | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 68 | Function call with no prior declaration. : DMA_Cmd | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 49 | Use of bit operator on signed type. : | used with int: USART_Mode_Rx | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 49 | Use of bit operator on signed type. : | used with int: USART_Mode_Tx | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 55 | Use of bit operator on signed type. : & used with int | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
DMA1_Channel6_IRQHandler (82 to 113 remote.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | No prototype for non-static function. : DMA1_Channel6_IRQHandler | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 84 | Function call with no prior declaration. : DMA_GetITStatus | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 86 | Function call with no prior declaration. : DMA_ClearFlag | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 87 | Function call with no prior declaration. : DMA_ClearITPendingBit | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 84 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 88 | Shifting value too far. | MISRA-C:2012 R.12.2 |
C | 88 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x07ff | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 88 | Implicit conversion of underlying type. : (unsigned char and unsigned short): RC_Ctl.rc.ch0 = ( sbus_rx_buffer [ 0 ] | ( sbus_rx_buffer [ 1 ] << 8 ) ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 88 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned char and unsigned short): RC_Ctl.rc.ch0 = ( sbus_rx_buffer [ 0 ] | ( sbus_rx_buffer [ 1 ] << 8 ) ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 88 | Value outside range of underlying type. : (unsigned char and unsigned short): RC_Ctl.rc.ch0 = ( sbus_rx_buffer [ 0 ] | ( sbus_rx_buffer [ 1 ] << 8 ) ) & 0x07ff | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 89 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x07ff | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 89 | Implicit conversion of underlying type. : (unsigned char and unsigned short): ( sbus_rx_buffer [ 1 ] >> 3 ) | ( sbus_rx_buffer [ 2 ] << 5 ) ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 89 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned char and unsigned short): ( sbus_rx_buffer [ 1 ] >> 3 ) | ( sbus_rx_buffer [ 2 ] << 5 ) ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 89 | Value outside range of underlying type. : (unsigned char and unsigned short): ( sbus_rx_buffer [ 1 ] >> 3 ) | ( sbus_rx_buffer [ 2 ] << 5 ) ) & 0x07ff | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 91 | Shifting value too far. | MISRA-C:2012 R.12.2 |
C | 91 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x07ff | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 91 | Implicit conversion of underlying type. : (unsigned char and unsigned short): ( sbus_rx_buffer [ 4 ] << 10 ) ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 91 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned char and unsigned short): ( sbus_rx_buffer [ 4 ] << 10 ) ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 91 | Value outside range of underlying type. : (unsigned char and unsigned short): ( sbus_rx_buffer [ 4 ] << 10 ) ) & 0x07ff | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 92 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x07ff | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 92 | Implicit conversion of underlying type. : (unsigned char and unsigned short): ( sbus_rx_buffer [ 4 ] >> 1 ) | ( sbus_rx_buffer [ 5 ] << 7 ) ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 92 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned char and unsigned short): ( sbus_rx_buffer [ 4 ] >> 1 ) | ( sbus_rx_buffer [ 5 ] << 7 ) ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 92 | Value outside range of underlying type. : (unsigned char and unsigned short): ( sbus_rx_buffer [ 4 ] >> 1 ) | ( sbus_rx_buffer [ 5 ] << 7 ) ) & 0x07ff | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 93 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x000C | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 93 | Use of shift operator on signed type. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 94 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0003 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 95 | Shifting value too far. | MISRA-C:2012 R.12.2 |
C | 96 | Shifting value too far. | MISRA-C:2012 R.12.2 |
C | 97 | Shifting value too far. | MISRA-C:2012 R.12.2 |
C | 100 | Shifting value too far. | MISRA-C:2012 R.12.2 |
C | 102 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (int and double): Movement = ( RC_Ctl.rc.ch1 - 1024 ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 102 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (int and double): Movement = ( RC_Ctl.rc.ch1 - 1024 ) * 1.5 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 106 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 106 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (int and unsigned short): Movement | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 106 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (int and unsigned short): Movement | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 106 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (int and unsigned short): Movement =- | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 106 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (int and unsigned short): Movement =- | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 110 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 30 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 110 | Expression needs brackets. | MISRA-C:2012 R.12.1,R.20.7 |
C | 110 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned short and signed char): RC_Ctl.rc.ch0 - 1024 > 30 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 110 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 30 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 111 | No brackets to then/else. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
C | 111 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (bool and unsigned short): TurnPidA.SetSpeedSum -= ( RC_Ctl.rc.ch0 - 1024 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 111 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned short and double): TurnPidA.SetSpeedSum -= ( RC_Ctl.rc.ch0 - 1024 ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 111 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned short and double) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 111 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned short and double): 14.67 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
ADC_DeInit (179 to 208 stm32f10x_adc.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 182 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 182 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 182 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 182 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 184 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 191 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 200 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 182 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 182 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 182 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 182 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 182 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 182 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 184 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 184 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 191 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 191 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 200 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 200 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
ADC_Init (218 to 268 stm32f10x_adc.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 223 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 223 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 223 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 223 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 224 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 225 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 226 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 227 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 228 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 229 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 223 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 223 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 223 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 223 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 223 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 223 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 229 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 229 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned char and signed char): ( ADC_InitStruct -> ADC_NbrOfChannel ) >= 0x1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 229 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 229 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned char and signed char): ( ADC_InitStruct -> ADC_NbrOfChannel ) <= 0x10 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 235 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xFFF0FEFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 247 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xFFF1F7FD | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 261 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xFF0FFFFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
ADC_StructInit (275 to 290 stm32f10x_adc.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 289 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 289 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): ADC_InitStruct -> ADC_NbrOfChannel | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
ADC_Cmd (299 to 314 stm32f10x_adc.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 302 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 302 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 302 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 302 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 303 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 302 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 302 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 302 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 302 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 302 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 302 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 312 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xFFFFFFFE | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
ADC_DMACmd (324 to 339 stm32f10x_adc.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 327 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 327 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 327 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 328 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 327 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 327 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 327 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 327 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 337 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xFFFFFEFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
ADC_ITConfig (353 to 372 stm32f10x_adc.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 357 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 357 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 357 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 357 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 358 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 359 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 357 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 357 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 357 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 357 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 357 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 357 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 359 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned short and signed char): ( ADC_IT ) & ( uint16_t ) 0xF81F ) == 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 359 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned short and signed char): ( ADC_IT ) != 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
ADC_ResetCalibration (379 to 385 stm32f10x_adc.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 382 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 382 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 382 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 382 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 382 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 382 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 382 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 382 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 382 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 382 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
ADC_GetResetCalibrationStatus (392 to 410 stm32f10x_adc.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 396 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 396 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 396 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 396 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 396 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 396 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 396 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 396 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 396 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 396 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 398 | Volatile variable in complex expression. : CR2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2 |
C | 398 | Use of underlying enum representation value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
ADC_StartCalibration (417 to 423 stm32f10x_adc.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 420 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 420 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 420 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 420 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 420 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 420 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 420 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 420 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 420 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 420 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
ADC_GetCalibrationStatus (430 to 448 stm32f10x_adc.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 434 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 434 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 434 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 434 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 434 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 434 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 434 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 434 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 434 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 434 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 436 | Volatile variable in complex expression. : CR2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2 |
C | 436 | Use of underlying enum representation value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
ADC_SoftwareStartConvCmd (457 to 474 stm32f10x_adc.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 460 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 460 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 460 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 460 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 461 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 460 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 460 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 460 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 460 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 460 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 460 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 472 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xFFAFFFFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
ADC_GetSoftwareStartConvStatus (481 to 499 stm32f10x_adc.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 485 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 485 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 485 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 485 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 485 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 485 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 485 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 485 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 485 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 485 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 487 | Volatile variable in complex expression. : CR2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2 |
C | 487 | Use of underlying enum representation value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
ADC_DiscModeChannelCountConfig (509 to 525 stm32f10x_adc.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 514 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 514 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 514 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 514 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 515 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 514 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 514 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 514 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 514 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 514 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 514 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 515 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 515 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned char and signed char): ( Number ) >= 0x1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 515 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 515 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned char and signed char): ( Number ) <= 0x8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 519 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xFFFF1FFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 521 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned int and unsigned char): tmpreg2 = Number | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 521 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned char and signed char): tmpreg2 = Number - 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
ADC_DiscModeCmd (536 to 551 stm32f10x_adc.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 539 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 539 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 539 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 539 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 540 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 539 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 539 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 539 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 539 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 539 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 539 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 549 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xFFFFF7FF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
ADC_RegularChannelConfig (590 to 677 stm32f10x_adc.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 594 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 594 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 594 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 594 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 595 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 596 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 597 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 592 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 594 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 594 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 594 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 594 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 594 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 594 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 596 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 596 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned char and signed char): ( Rank ) >= 0x1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 596 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 596 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned char and signed char): ( Rank ) <= 0x10 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 604 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 3 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 604 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned int and signed char): ( uint32_t ) 0x00000007 ) << ( 3 * | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 604 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (signed char and unsigned char): ( uint32_t ) 0x00000007 ) << ( 3 * ( | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 604 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned char and signed char): ( uint32_t ) 0x00000007 ) << ( 3 * ( ADC_Channel - 10 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 608 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 3 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 608 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned int and signed char): tmpreg2 = ( uint32_t ) ADC_SampleTime << ( 3 * | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 608 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (signed char and unsigned char): tmpreg2 = ( uint32_t ) ADC_SampleTime << ( 3 * ( | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 608 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned char and signed char): tmpreg2 = ( uint32_t ) ADC_SampleTime << ( 3 * ( ADC_Channel - 10 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 619 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 3 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 619 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned int and signed char): ( uint32_t ) 0x00000007 ) << ( 3 * | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 623 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 3 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 623 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned int and signed char): tmpreg2 = ( uint32_t ) ADC_SampleTime << ( 3 * | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 630 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 7 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 630 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): Rank | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 630 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned char and signed char): Rank < 7 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 635 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 5 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 635 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned int and signed char): ( uint32_t ) 0x0000001F ) << ( 5 * | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 635 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (signed char and unsigned char): ( uint32_t ) 0x0000001F ) << ( 5 * ( | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 635 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned char and signed char): ( uint32_t ) 0x0000001F ) << ( 5 * ( Rank - 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 639 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 5 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 639 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned int and signed char): tmpreg2 = ( uint32_t ) ADC_Channel << ( 5 * | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 639 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (signed char and unsigned char): tmpreg2 = ( uint32_t ) ADC_Channel << ( 5 * ( | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 639 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned char and signed char): tmpreg2 = ( uint32_t ) ADC_Channel << ( 5 * ( Rank - 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 646 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 13 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 646 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): Rank | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 646 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned char and signed char): Rank < 13 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 651 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 5 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 651 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned int and signed char): ( uint32_t ) 0x0000001F ) << ( 5 * | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 651 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (signed char and unsigned char): ( uint32_t ) 0x0000001F ) << ( 5 * ( | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 651 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned char and signed char): ( uint32_t ) 0x0000001F ) << ( 5 * ( Rank - 7 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 655 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 5 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 655 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned int and signed char): tmpreg2 = ( uint32_t ) ADC_Channel << ( 5 * | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 655 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (signed char and unsigned char): tmpreg2 = ( uint32_t ) ADC_Channel << ( 5 * ( | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 655 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned char and signed char): tmpreg2 = ( uint32_t ) ADC_Channel << ( 5 * ( Rank - 7 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 667 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 5 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 667 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned int and signed char): ( uint32_t ) 0x0000001F ) << ( 5 * | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 667 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (signed char and unsigned char): ( uint32_t ) 0x0000001F ) << ( 5 * ( | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 667 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned char and signed char): ( uint32_t ) 0x0000001F ) << ( 5 * ( Rank - 13 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 671 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 5 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 671 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned int and signed char): tmpreg2 = ( uint32_t ) ADC_Channel << ( 5 * | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 671 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (signed char and unsigned char): tmpreg2 = ( uint32_t ) ADC_Channel << ( 5 * ( | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 671 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned char and signed char): tmpreg2 = ( uint32_t ) ADC_Channel << ( 5 * ( Rank - 13 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
ADC_ExternalTrigConvCmd (686 to 701 stm32f10x_adc.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 689 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 689 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 689 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 689 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 690 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 689 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 689 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 689 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 689 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 689 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 689 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 699 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xFFEFFFFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
ADC_GetConversionValue (708 to 714 stm32f10x_adc.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 711 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 711 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 711 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 711 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 711 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 711 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 711 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 711 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 711 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 711 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 713 | Volatile variable in complex expression. : DR | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
ADC_GetDualModeConversionValue (720 to 724 stm32f10x_adc.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 723 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
ADC_AutoInjectedConvCmd (734 to 749 stm32f10x_adc.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 737 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 737 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 737 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 737 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 738 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 737 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 737 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 737 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 737 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 737 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 737 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 747 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xFFFFFBFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
ADC_InjectedDiscModeCmd (760 to 775 stm32f10x_adc.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 763 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 763 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 763 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 763 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 764 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 763 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 763 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 763 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 763 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 763 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 763 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 773 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xFFFFEFFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
ADC_ExternalTrigInjectedConvConfig (799 to 813 stm32f10x_adc.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 803 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 803 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 803 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 803 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 804 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 803 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 803 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 803 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 803 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 803 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 803 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 808 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xFFFF8FFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
ADC_ExternalTrigInjectedConvCmd (824 to 839 stm32f10x_adc.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 827 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 827 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 827 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 827 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 828 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 827 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 827 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 827 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 827 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 827 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 827 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 837 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xFFFF7FFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
ADC_SoftwareStartInjectedConvCmd (849 to 866 stm32f10x_adc.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 852 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 852 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 852 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 852 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 853 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 852 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 852 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 852 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 852 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 852 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 852 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 864 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xFFDF7FFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
ADC_GetSoftwareStartInjectedConvCmdStatus (873 to 891 stm32f10x_adc.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 877 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 877 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 877 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 877 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 877 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 877 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 877 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 877 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 877 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 877 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 879 | Volatile variable in complex expression. : CR2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2 |
C | 879 | Use of underlying enum representation value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
ADC_InjectedChannelConfig (930 to 984 stm32f10x_adc.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 934 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 934 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 934 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 934 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 935 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 936 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 937 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 932 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 932 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 934 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 934 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 934 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 934 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 934 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 934 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 936 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 936 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned char and signed char): ( Rank ) >= 0x1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 936 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 936 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned char and signed char): ( Rank ) <= 0x4 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 944 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 3 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 944 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned int and signed char): ( uint32_t ) 0x00000007 ) << ( 3 * | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 944 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (signed char and unsigned char): ( uint32_t ) 0x00000007 ) << ( 3 * ( | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 944 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned char and signed char): ( uint32_t ) 0x00000007 ) << ( 3 * ( ADC_Channel - 10 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 948 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 3 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 948 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned int and signed char): tmpreg2 = ( uint32_t ) ADC_SampleTime << ( 3 * | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 948 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (signed char and unsigned char): tmpreg2 = ( uint32_t ) ADC_SampleTime << ( 3 * ( | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 948 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned char and signed char): tmpreg2 = ( uint32_t ) ADC_SampleTime << ( 3 * ( ADC_Channel - 10 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 959 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 3 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 959 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned int and signed char): ( uint32_t ) 0x00000007 ) << ( 3 * | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 963 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 3 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 963 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned int and signed char): tmpreg2 = ( uint32_t ) ADC_SampleTime << ( 3 * | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 975 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 5 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 975 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned int and signed char): ( uint32_t ) 0x0000001F ) << ( 5 * | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 975 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 3 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 975 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned char and signed char): ( Rank + 3 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 975 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (signed char and unsigned int): ( Rank + 3 ) - ( | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 975 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 975 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (signed char and unsigned int): ( Rank + 3 ) - ( tmpreg3 + 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 975 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (signed char and unsigned int): ( Rank + 3 ) - ( tmpreg3 + 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 979 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 5 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 979 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned int and signed char): tmpreg2 = ( uint32_t ) ADC_Channel << ( 5 * | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 979 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 3 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 979 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned char and signed char): ( Rank + 3 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 979 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (signed char and unsigned int): ( Rank + 3 ) - ( | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 979 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 979 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (signed char and unsigned int): ( Rank + 3 ) - ( tmpreg3 + 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 979 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (signed char and unsigned int): ( Rank + 3 ) - ( tmpreg3 + 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
ADC_InjectedSequencerLengthConfig (993 to 1010 stm32f10x_adc.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 998 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 998 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 998 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 998 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 999 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 998 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 998 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 998 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 998 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 998 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 998 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 999 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 999 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned char and signed char): ( Length ) >= 0x1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 999 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 999 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned char and signed char): ( Length ) <= 0x4 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1004 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xFFCFFFFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 1006 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned int and unsigned char): tmpreg2 = Length | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 1006 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned char and signed char): tmpreg2 = Length - 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
ADC_SetInjectedOffset (1025 to 1039 stm32f10x_adc.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 1030 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 1030 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1030 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1030 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 1031 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 1032 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 1038 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1030 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1030 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1030 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1030 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1030 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1030 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1032 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xFFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1034 | Cast from pointer to integral type. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1038 | DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. : tmp | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
ADC_GetInjectedConversionValue (1052 to 1065 stm32f10x_adc.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 1057 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 1057 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1057 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1057 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 1058 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 1064 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1057 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1057 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1057 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1057 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1057 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1057 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1060 | Cast from pointer to integral type. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1061 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned int and unsigned char): tmp += ADC_InjectedChannel | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 1061 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned int and unsigned char): ( uint8_t ) 0x28 ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 1064 | Volatile variable in complex expression. : tmp | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2 |
C | 1064 | Cast from pointer to integral type. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
ADC_AnalogWatchdogCmd (1082 to 1096 stm32f10x_adc.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 1086 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 1086 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1086 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1086 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 1087 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 1086 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1086 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1086 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1086 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1086 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1086 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1091 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xFF3FFDFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
ADC_AnalogWatchdogThresholdsConfig (1107 to 1118 stm32f10x_adc.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 1111 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 1111 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1111 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1111 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 1112 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 1113 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 1111 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1111 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1111 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1111 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1111 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1111 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1112 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xFFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1113 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xFFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
ADC_AnalogWatchdogSingleChannelConfig (1145 to 1159 stm32f10x_adc.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 1149 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 1149 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1149 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1149 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 1150 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 1149 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1149 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1149 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1149 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1149 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1149 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1154 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xFFFFFFE0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
ADC_TempSensorVrefintCmd (1167 to 1181 stm32f10x_adc.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 1170 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 1174 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1179 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1174 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1174 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1174 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned short and unsigned int): ( uint32_t ) 0x00800000 ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 1179 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1179 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1179 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xFF7FFFFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 1179 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned short and unsigned int): ( uint32_t ) 0xFF7FFFFF ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
ADC_GetFlagStatus (1195 to 1214 stm32f10x_adc.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 1199 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 1199 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1199 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1199 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 1200 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 1199 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1199 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1199 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1199 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1199 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1199 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1202 | Volatile variable in complex expression. : SR | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2 |
C | 1202 | Use of underlying enum representation value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
ADC_ClearFlag (1228 to 1235 stm32f10x_adc.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 1231 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 1231 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1231 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1231 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 1232 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 1231 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1231 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1231 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1231 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1231 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1231 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1232 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned char and signed char): ( ADC_FLAG ) & ( uint8_t ) 0xE0 ) == 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1232 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned char and signed char): ( ADC_FLAG ) != 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
ADC_GetITStatus (1247 to 1271 stm32f10x_adc.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 1252 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 1252 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1252 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1252 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 1253 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 1250 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1252 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1252 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1252 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1252 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1252 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1252 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1255 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned int and unsigned short): itmask = ADC_IT | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 1255 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned int and unsigned short): itmask = ADC_IT >> 8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 1257 | Volatile variable in complex expression. : CR1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2 |
C | 1259 | Volatile variable in complex expression. : SR | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2 |
C | 1259 | Use of underlying enum representation value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 1259 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 1270 | Local structure returned in function result. : bitstatus | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.6 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
ADC_ClearITPendingBit (1283 to 1293 stm32f10x_adc.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 1287 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 1287 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1287 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1287 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 1288 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 1287 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1287 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1287 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1287 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1287 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1287 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1288 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned short and signed char): ( ADC_IT ) & ( uint16_t ) 0xF81F ) == 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1288 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned short and signed char): ( ADC_IT ) != 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
BKP_TamperPinLevelConfig (134 to 139 stm32f10x_bkp.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 137 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 138 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 138 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x6C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 138 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x30 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 138 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 32 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 138 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x01 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 138 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned int and signed char): ( uint32_t ) 0x40000000 ) ) + 0x30 ) * 32 ) + ( 0x01 * | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 138 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned int and signed char): ( uint32_t ) 0x40000000 ) ) + 0x30 ) * 32 ) + ( 0x01 * 4 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
BKP_TamperPinCmd (147 to 152 stm32f10x_bkp.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 150 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 151 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 151 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x6C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 151 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x30 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 151 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 32 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 151 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned int and signed char): ( uint32_t ) 0x40000000 ) ) + 0x30 ) * 32 ) + ( 0x00 * | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 151 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned int and signed char): ( uint32_t ) 0x40000000 ) ) + 0x30 ) * 32 ) + ( 0x00 * 4 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 151 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned int* and unsigned int): ( uint32_t ) 0x40000000 ) ) + 0x30 ) * 32 ) + ( 0x00 * 4 ) ) = ( uint32_t | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
BKP_ITConfig (160 to 165 stm32f10x_bkp.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 163 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 164 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 164 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x6C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 164 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x34 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 164 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 32 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 164 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x02 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 164 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned int and signed char): ( uint32_t ) 0x40000000 ) ) + 0x34 ) * 32 ) + ( 0x02 * | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 164 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned int and signed char): ( uint32_t ) 0x40000000 ) ) + 0x34 ) * 32 ) + ( 0x02 * 4 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 164 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned int* and unsigned int): ( uint32_t ) 0x40000000 ) ) + 0x34 ) * 32 ) + ( 0x02 * 4 ) ) = ( uint32_t | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
BKP_RTCOutputConfig (180 to 193 stm32f10x_bkp.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 184 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 185 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 192 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 185 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x6C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 192 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x6C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
BKP_SetRTCCalibrationValue (201 to 213 stm32f10x_bkp.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 205 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 206 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 212 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 205 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x7F | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 205 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned char and signed char): ( CalibrationValue ) <= 0x7F | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 206 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x6C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 212 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x6C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
BKP_WriteBackupRegister (222 to 233 stm32f10x_bkp.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 227 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 232 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 229 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x6C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 232 | DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. : tmp | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
BKP_ReadBackupRegister (241 to 252 stm32f10x_bkp.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 246 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 251 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 248 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x6C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 251 | Volatile variable in complex expression. : tmp | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
BKP_GetFlagStatus (259 to 262 stm32f10x_bkp.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 261 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 261 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x6C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 261 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x34 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 261 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 32 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 261 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x08 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 261 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned int and signed char): ( uint32_t ) 0x40000000 ) ) + 0x34 ) * 32 ) + ( 0x08 * | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 261 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned int and signed char): ( uint32_t ) 0x40000000 ) ) + 0x34 ) * 32 ) + ( 0x08 * 4 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 261 | Casting operation on a pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.3,R.11.7 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
BKP_ClearFlag (269 to 273 stm32f10x_bkp.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 272 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 272 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x6C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 272 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned int and unsigned short): ( uint16_t ) 0x0001 ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 269 | Void function has no side effects. : BKP_ClearFlag | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
BKP_GetITStatus (280 to 283 stm32f10x_bkp.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 282 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 282 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x6C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 282 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x34 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 282 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 32 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 282 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x09 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 282 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned int and signed char): ( uint32_t ) 0x40000000 ) ) + 0x34 ) * 32 ) + ( 0x09 * | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 282 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned int and signed char): ( uint32_t ) 0x40000000 ) ) + 0x34 ) * 32 ) + ( 0x09 * 4 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 282 | Casting operation on a pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.3,R.11.7 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
BKP_ClearITPendingBit (290 to 294 stm32f10x_bkp.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 293 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 293 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x6C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 293 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned int and unsigned short): ( uint16_t ) 0x0002 ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 290 | Void function has no side effects. : BKP_ClearITPendingBit | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
CAN_DeInit (122 to 141 stm32f10x_can.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 125 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 125 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 125 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 127 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 125 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x6400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 125 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x6800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 127 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x6400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
CAN_Init (154 to 282 stm32f10x_can.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 159 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 159 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 159 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 160 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 161 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 162 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 163 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 164 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 165 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 166 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 167 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 168 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 169 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 170 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 157 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x00000000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 159 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x6400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 159 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x6800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 170 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 170 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned short and signed char): ( CAN_InitStruct -> CAN_Prescaler ) >= 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 170 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 1024 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 173 | Widening cast on complex integer expression. : (unsigned int and unsigned short): ( uint16_t ) 0x0002 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.8 |
C | 176 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned int and unsigned short): ( uint16_t ) 0x0001 ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 179 | Volatile variable in complex expression. : MSR | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2 |
C | 179 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned short and unsigned int): ( uint16_t ) 0x0001 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 179 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned short and unsigned int): ( uint16_t ) 0x0001 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 185 | Volatile variable in complex expression. : MSR | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2 |
C | 185 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned short and unsigned int): ( uint16_t ) 0x0001 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 185 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned short and unsigned int): ( uint16_t ) 0x0001 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 194 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned int and unsigned short): ( uint16_t ) 0x0080 ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 198 | Widening cast on complex integer expression. : (unsigned int and unsigned short): ( uint16_t ) 0x0080 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.8 |
C | 204 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned int and unsigned short): ( uint16_t ) 0x0040 ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 208 | Widening cast on complex integer expression. : (unsigned int and unsigned short): ( uint16_t ) 0x0040 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.8 |
C | 214 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned int and unsigned short): ( uint16_t ) 0x0020 ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 218 | Widening cast on complex integer expression. : (unsigned int and unsigned short): ( uint16_t ) 0x0020 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.8 |
C | 224 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned int and unsigned short): ( uint16_t ) 0x0010 ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 228 | Widening cast on complex integer expression. : (unsigned int and unsigned short): ( uint16_t ) 0x0010 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.8 |
C | 234 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned int and unsigned short): ( uint16_t ) 0x0008 ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 238 | Widening cast on complex integer expression. : (unsigned int and unsigned short): ( uint16_t ) 0x0008 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.8 |
C | 244 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned int and unsigned short): ( uint16_t ) 0x0004 ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 248 | Widening cast on complex integer expression. : (unsigned int and unsigned short): ( uint16_t ) 0x0004 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.8 |
C | 259 | Widening cast on complex integer expression. : (unsigned int and unsigned short): ( uint16_t ) 0x0001 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.8 |
C | 262 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 262 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned int and int): wait_ack | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 264 | Volatile variable in complex expression. : MSR | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2 |
C | 264 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned short and unsigned int): ( uint16_t ) 0x0001 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 264 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned short and unsigned int): ( uint16_t ) 0x0001 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 270 | Volatile variable in complex expression. : MSR | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2 |
C | 270 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned short and unsigned int): ( uint16_t ) 0x0001 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 270 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned short and unsigned int): ( uint16_t ) 0x0001 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
CAN_FilterInit (292 to 376 stm32f10x_can.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 296 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 297 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 298 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 299 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 300 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 305 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 308 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 314 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 318 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 324 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 332 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 334 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 338 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 347 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 352 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 359 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 365 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 371 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 375 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 296 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 13 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 296 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned char and signed char): ( CAN_FilterInitStruct -> CAN_FilterNumber ) <= 13 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 302 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned int and unsigned char): ( uint32_t ) 1 ) << CAN_FilterInitStruct -> CAN_FilterNumber | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 305 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x6400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 308 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x6400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 314 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x6400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 318 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x6400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 318 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0000FFFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 319 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0000FFFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 324 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x6400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 324 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0000FFFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 325 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0000FFFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 332 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x6400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 334 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x6400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 334 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0000FFFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 336 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0000FFFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 338 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x6400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 338 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0000FFFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 339 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0000FFFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 347 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x6400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 352 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x6400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 359 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x6400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 365 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x6400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 371 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x6400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 375 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x6400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
CAN_StructInit (384 to 420 stm32f10x_can.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 419 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned short and int): CAN_InitStruct -> CAN_Prescaler | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
CAN_SlaveStartBank (428 to 442 stm32f10x_can.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 431 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 434 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 437 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 438 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 441 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 431 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 431 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned char and signed char): ( CAN_BankNumber ) >= 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 431 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 27 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 431 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned char and signed char): ( CAN_BankNumber ) <= 27 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 434 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x6400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 437 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x6400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 437 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xFFFFC0F1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 438 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x6400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 441 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x6400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
CAN_DBGFreeze (451 to 467 stm32f10x_can.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 454 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 454 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 454 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 455 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 454 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x6400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 454 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x6800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
CAN_TTComModeCmd (481 to 506 stm32f10x_can.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 484 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 484 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 484 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 485 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 484 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x6400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 484 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x6800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 489 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned int and unsigned short): ( uint16_t ) 0x0080 ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 499 | Widening cast on complex integer expression. : (unsigned int and unsigned short): ( uint16_t ) 0x0080 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.8 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
CAN_Transmit (515 to 578 stm32f10x_can.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 519 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 519 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 519 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 520 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 521 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 522 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 548 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 554 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 519 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x6400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 519 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x6800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 520 | Implicit conversion of underlying type. : (unsigned char and unsigned int): ( uint32_t | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 520 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned char and unsigned int): ( uint32_t | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 520 | Implicit conversion of underlying type. : (unsigned char and unsigned int): ( uint32_t ) 0x00000000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 520 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned char and unsigned int): ( uint32_t ) 0x00000000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 520 | Implicit conversion of underlying type. : (unsigned char and unsigned int): ( uint32_t | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 520 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned char and unsigned int): ( uint32_t | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 520 | Implicit conversion of underlying type. : (unsigned char and unsigned int): ( uint32_t ) 0x00000004 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 520 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned char and unsigned int): ( uint32_t ) 0x00000004 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 521 | Implicit conversion of underlying type. : (unsigned char and unsigned int): ( uint32_t | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 521 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned char and unsigned int): ( uint32_t | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 521 | Implicit conversion of underlying type. : (unsigned char and unsigned int): ( uint32_t ) 0x00000000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 521 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned char and unsigned int): ( uint32_t ) 0x00000000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 521 | Implicit conversion of underlying type. : (unsigned char and unsigned int): ( uint32_t | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 521 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned char and unsigned int): ( uint32_t | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 521 | Implicit conversion of underlying type. : (unsigned char and unsigned int): ( uint32_t ) 0x00000002 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 521 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned char and unsigned int): ( uint32_t ) 0x00000002 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 525 | Volatile variable in complex expression. : TSR | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2 |
C | 527 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 527 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): transmit_mailbox | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 529 | Volatile variable in complex expression. : TSR | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2 |
C | 531 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 531 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): transmit_mailbox | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 533 | Volatile variable in complex expression. : TSR | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2 |
C | 535 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 535 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): transmit_mailbox | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 545 | Array bound exceeded. | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 |
C | 546 | Implicit conversion of underlying type. : (unsigned char and unsigned int): ( uint32_t | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 546 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned char and unsigned int): ( uint32_t | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 546 | Implicit conversion of underlying type. : (unsigned char and unsigned int): ( uint32_t ) 0x00000000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 546 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned char and unsigned int): ( uint32_t ) 0x00000000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 549 | Array bound exceeded. | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 |
C | 549 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned int and unsigned char): ( TxMessage -> StdId << 21 ) | TxMessage -> RTR | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 549 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned int and unsigned char): ( TxMessage -> StdId << 21 ) | TxMessage -> RTR ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 555 | Array bound exceeded. | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 |
C | 555 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned int and unsigned char): ( TxMessage -> ExtId << 3 ) | TxMessage -> IDE | TxMessage -> RTR | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 555 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned int and unsigned char): ( TxMessage -> ExtId << 3 ) | TxMessage -> IDE | TxMessage -> RTR ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 562 | Array bound exceeded. | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 |
C | 562 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xFFFFFFF0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 563 | Array bound exceeded. | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 |
C | 563 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned int and unsigned char): CANx -> sTxMailBox [ transmit_mailbox ].TDTR |= TxMessage -> DLC | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 566 | Array bound exceeded. | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 |
C | 570 | Array bound exceeded. | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 |
C | 575 | Array bound exceeded. | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.1 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
CAN_TransmitStatus (589 to 635 stm32f10x_can.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 594 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 594 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 594 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 595 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 594 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x6400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 594 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x6800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 600 | Volatile variable in complex expression. : TSR | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2 |
C | 603 | Volatile variable in complex expression. : TSR | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2 |
C | 606 | Volatile variable in complex expression. : TSR | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2 |
C | 609 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned int and unsigned char): ( uint8_t ) 0x00 ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 615 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned int and unsigned char): ( uint8_t ) 0x02 ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 618 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x04000000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 618 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned int and unsigned char): ( uint8_t ) 0x00 ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 620 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x08000000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 620 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned int and unsigned char): ( uint8_t ) 0x00 ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 622 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 622 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned int and unsigned char): ( uint8_t ) 0x00 ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 625 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x00000002 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 625 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x04000000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 625 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned int and unsigned char): ( uint8_t ) 0x01 ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 627 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x00000200 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 627 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x08000000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 627 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned int and unsigned char): ( uint8_t ) 0x01 ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 629 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x00020000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 629 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 629 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned int and unsigned char): ( uint8_t ) 0x01 ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 631 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned int and unsigned char): ( uint8_t ) 0x00 ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 625 | Identifier not unique within 31 characters. (((uint32_t)0x00000001)|((uint32_t)0x00000002)|((uint32_t)0x04000000)) | MISRA-C:2012 R.5.1,R.5.2,R.5.3 |
C | 627 | Identifier not unique within 31 characters. (((uint32_t)0x00000100)|((uint32_t)0x00000200)|((uint32_t)0x08000000)) | MISRA-C:2012 R.5.1,R.5.2,R.5.3 |
C | 629 | Identifier not unique within 31 characters. (((uint32_t)0x00010000)|((uint32_t)0x00020000)|((uint32_t)0x10000000)) | MISRA-C:2012 R.5.1,R.5.2,R.5.3 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
CAN_CancelTransmit (643 to 660 stm32f10x_can.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 646 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 646 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 646 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 647 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 646 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x6400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 646 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x6800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 657 | Switch empty default has no comment. | MISRA-C:2012 R.16.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
CAN_Receive (671 to 712 stm32f10x_can.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 674 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 674 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 674 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 675 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 674 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x6400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 674 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x6800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 677 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned char and unsigned int): RxMessage -> IDE = ( uint8_t ) 0x04 & CANx -> sFIFOMailBox [ FIFONumber ].RIR | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 678 | Implicit conversion of underlying type. : (unsigned char and unsigned int): ( uint32_t | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 678 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned char and unsigned int): ( uint32_t | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 678 | Implicit conversion of underlying type. : (unsigned char and unsigned int): ( uint32_t ) 0x00000000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 678 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned char and unsigned int): ( uint32_t ) 0x00000000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 687 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned char and unsigned int): RxMessage -> RTR = ( uint8_t ) 0x02 & CANx -> sFIFOMailBox [ FIFONumber ].RIR | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 689 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned char and unsigned int): RxMessage -> DLC = ( uint8_t ) 0x0F & CANx -> sFIFOMailBox [ FIFONumber ].RDTR | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 691 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned char and unsigned int): RxMessage -> FMI = ( uint8_t ) 0xFF & ( CANx -> sFIFOMailBox [ FIFONumber ].RDTR >> 8 ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 693 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned char and unsigned int): RxMessage -> Data [ 0 ] = ( uint8_t ) 0xFF & CANx -> sFIFOMailBox [ FIFONumber ].RDLR | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 694 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned char and unsigned int): RxMessage -> Data [ 1 ] = ( uint8_t ) 0xFF & ( CANx -> sFIFOMailBox [ FIFONumber ].RDLR >> 8 ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 695 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned char and unsigned int): RxMessage -> Data [ 2 ] = ( uint8_t ) 0xFF & ( CANx -> sFIFOMailBox [ FIFONumber ].RDLR >> 16 ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 696 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned char and unsigned int): RxMessage -> Data [ 3 ] = ( uint8_t ) 0xFF & ( CANx -> sFIFOMailBox [ FIFONumber ].RDLR >> 24 ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 697 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned char and unsigned int): RxMessage -> Data [ 4 ] = ( uint8_t ) 0xFF & CANx -> sFIFOMailBox [ FIFONumber ].RDHR | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 698 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned char and unsigned int): RxMessage -> Data [ 5 ] = ( uint8_t ) 0xFF & ( CANx -> sFIFOMailBox [ FIFONumber ].RDHR >> 8 ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 699 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned char and unsigned int): RxMessage -> Data [ 6 ] = ( uint8_t ) 0xFF & ( CANx -> sFIFOMailBox [ FIFONumber ].RDHR >> 16 ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 700 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned char and unsigned int): RxMessage -> Data [ 7 ] = ( uint8_t ) 0xFF & ( CANx -> sFIFOMailBox [ FIFONumber ].RDHR >> 24 ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 705 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned int and unsigned char): ( uint8_t ) 0x20 ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 710 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned int and unsigned char): ( uint8_t ) 0x20 ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
CAN_FIFORelease (720 to 735 stm32f10x_can.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 723 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 723 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 723 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 724 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 723 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x6400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 723 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x6800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 728 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned int and unsigned char): ( uint8_t ) 0x20 ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 733 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned int and unsigned char): ( uint8_t ) 0x20 ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
CAN_MessagePending (743 to 762 stm32f10x_can.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 747 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 747 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 747 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 748 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 747 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x6400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 747 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x6800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 751 | Volatile variable in complex expression. : RF0R | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2 |
C | 751 | Implicit conversion of underlying type. : (unsigned char and unsigned int): message_pending = ( uint8_t ) ( CANx -> RF0R & ( uint32_t | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 751 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned char and unsigned int): message_pending = ( uint8_t ) ( CANx -> RF0R & ( uint32_t | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 755 | Volatile variable in complex expression. : RF1R | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2 |
C | 755 | Implicit conversion of underlying type. : (unsigned char and unsigned int): message_pending = ( uint8_t ) ( CANx -> RF1R & ( uint32_t | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 755 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned char and unsigned int): message_pending = ( uint8_t ) ( CANx -> RF1R & ( uint32_t | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 759 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 759 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): message_pending | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
CAN_OperatingModeRequest (774 to 848 stm32f10x_can.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 782 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 782 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 782 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 783 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 782 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x6400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 782 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x6800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 788 | Volatile variable in complex expression. : MCR | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2 |
C | 788 | Widening cast on complex integer expression. : (unsigned int and unsigned short): ( uint16_t ) 0x0002 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.8 |
C | 788 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned short and unsigned int): ( uint16_t ) 0x0001 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 791 | Volatile variable in complex expression. : MSR | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2 |
C | 791 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned short and unsigned int): ( uint16_t ) 0x0001 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 791 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned int and int): ( timeout | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 791 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 795 | Volatile variable in complex expression. : MSR | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2 |
C | 795 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned short and unsigned int): ( uint16_t ) 0x0001 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 807 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned short and unsigned int): ( uint16_t ) 0x0001 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 810 | Volatile variable in complex expression. : MSR | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2 |
C | 810 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 810 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned int and int): ( timeout | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 810 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 814 | Volatile variable in complex expression. : MSR | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2 |
C | 814 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 826 | Volatile variable in complex expression. : MCR | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2 |
C | 826 | Widening cast on complex integer expression. : (unsigned int and unsigned short): ( uint16_t ) 0x0001 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.8 |
C | 826 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned short and unsigned int): ( uint16_t ) 0x0002 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 829 | Volatile variable in complex expression. : MSR | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2 |
C | 829 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned short and unsigned int): ( uint16_t ) 0x0002 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 829 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned int and int): ( timeout | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 829 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 833 | Volatile variable in complex expression. : MSR | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2 |
C | 833 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned short and unsigned int): ( uint16_t ) 0x0002 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
CAN_Sleep (856 to 874 stm32f10x_can.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 861 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 861 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 861 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 861 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x6400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 861 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x6800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 864 | Volatile variable in complex expression. : MCR | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2 |
C | 864 | Widening cast on complex integer expression. : (unsigned int and unsigned short): ( uint16_t ) 0x0001 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.8 |
C | 864 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned short and unsigned int): ( uint16_t ) 0x0002 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 867 | Volatile variable in complex expression. : MSR | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2 |
C | 867 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned short and unsigned int): ( uint16_t ) 0x0001 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 867 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned short and unsigned int): ( uint16_t ) 0x0002 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
CAN_WakeUp (882 to 905 stm32f10x_can.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 888 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 888 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 888 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 888 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x6400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 888 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x6800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 891 | Widening cast on complex integer expression. : (unsigned int and unsigned short): ( uint16_t ) 0x0002 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.8 |
C | 894 | Volatile variable in complex expression. : MSR | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2 |
C | 894 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned short and unsigned int): ( uint16_t ) 0x0002 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 894 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned short and unsigned int): ( uint16_t ) 0x0002 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 894 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned int and int): ( wait_slak | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 894 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned int and signed char): ( wait_slak != 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 898 | Volatile variable in complex expression. : MSR | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2 |
C | 898 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned short and unsigned int): ( uint16_t ) 0x0002 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 898 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned short and unsigned int): ( uint16_t ) 0x0002 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
CAN_GetLastErrorCode (922 to 934 stm32f10x_can.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 927 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 927 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 927 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 927 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x6400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 927 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x6800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 930 | Volatile variable in complex expression. : ESR | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
CAN_GetReceiveErrorCounter (946 to 958 stm32f10x_can.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 951 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 951 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 951 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 951 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x6400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 951 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x6800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 954 | Volatile variable in complex expression. : ESR | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2 |
C | 954 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xFF000000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 954 | Shifting value too far. | MISRA-C:2012 R.12.2 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
CAN_GetLSBTransmitErrorCounter (966 to 978 stm32f10x_can.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 971 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 971 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 971 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 971 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x6400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 971 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x6800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 974 | Volatile variable in complex expression. : ESR | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2 |
C | 974 | Shifting value too far. | MISRA-C:2012 R.12.2 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
CAN_ITConfig (1003 to 1020 stm32f10x_can.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 1006 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 1006 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1006 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 1007 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 1008 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 1006 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x6400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1006 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x6800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
CAN_GetFlagStatus (1043 to 1124 stm32f10x_can.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 1048 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 1048 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1048 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 1049 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 1048 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x6400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1048 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x6800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1052 | Use of underlying enum representation value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 1055 | Volatile variable in complex expression. : ESR | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2 |
C | 1055 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x000FFFFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1055 | Use of underlying enum representation value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 1066 | Use of underlying enum representation value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 1069 | Volatile variable in complex expression. : MSR | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2 |
C | 1069 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x000FFFFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1069 | Use of underlying enum representation value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 1080 | Use of underlying enum representation value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 1083 | Volatile variable in complex expression. : TSR | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2 |
C | 1083 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x000FFFFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1083 | Use of underlying enum representation value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 1094 | Use of underlying enum representation value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 1097 | Volatile variable in complex expression. : RF0R | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2 |
C | 1097 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x000FFFFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1097 | Use of underlying enum representation value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 1111 | Volatile variable in complex expression. : RF1R | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2 |
C | 1111 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x000FFFFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1111 | Use of underlying enum representation value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
CAN_ClearFlag (1143 to 1180 stm32f10x_can.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 1147 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 1147 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1147 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 1148 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 1147 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x6400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1147 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x6800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1153 | Use of underlying enum representation value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 1157 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x000FFFFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1159 | Use of underlying enum representation value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 1164 | Use of underlying enum representation value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 1169 | Use of underlying enum representation value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 1145 | DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. : flagtmp | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
CAN_GetITStatus (1203 to 1286 stm32f10x_can.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 1207 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 1207 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1207 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 1208 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 1207 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x6400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1207 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x6800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1211 | Volatile variable in complex expression. : IER | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2 |
C | 1211 | Use of underlying enum representation value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 1285 | Local structure returned in function result. : itstatus | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.6 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
CAN_ClearITPendingBit (1306 to 1377 stm32f10x_can.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 1309 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 1309 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1309 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 1310 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 1309 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x6400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1309 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x6800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1320 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned int and unsigned char): ( uint8_t ) 0x08 ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 1324 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned int and unsigned char): ( uint8_t ) 0x10 ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 1328 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned int and unsigned char): ( uint8_t ) 0x08 ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 1332 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned int and unsigned char): ( uint8_t ) 0x10 ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 1336 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned int and unsigned short): ( uint16_t ) 0x0008 ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 1340 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned int and unsigned short): ( uint16_t ) 0x0010 ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 1344 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned int and unsigned short): ( uint16_t ) 0x0004 ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 1350 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned int and unsigned short): ( uint16_t ) 0x0004 ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 1356 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned int and unsigned short): ( uint16_t ) 0x0004 ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 1362 | Use of underlying enum representation value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 1364 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned int and unsigned short): ( uint16_t ) 0x0004 ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 1368 | Use of underlying enum representation value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 1370 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned int and unsigned short): ( uint16_t ) 0x0004 ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 1374 | Switch empty default has no comment. | MISRA-C:2012 R.16.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
CheckITStatus (1385 to 1400 stm32f10x_can.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 1389 | Use of underlying enum representation value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 1399 | Local structure returned in function result. : pendingbitstatus | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.6 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
CEC_Init (135 to 156 stm32f10x_cec.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 140 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 141 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 145 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 154 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 145 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x7800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 145 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned short and unsigned int): ( uint32_t ) 0x40000000 ) + 0x7800 ) ) -> CFGR | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 148 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned short and unsigned char): tmpreg &= ( uint8_t | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 148 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned short and unsigned char): tmpreg &= ( uint8_t ) ( 0xF3 ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 154 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x7800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
CEC_Cmd (164 to 178 stm32f10x_cec.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 167 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 169 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 174 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 174 | Potentially infinite loop found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.1 |
C | 169 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x7800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 169 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 32 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 169 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned int and signed char): ( uint32_t ) 0x40000000 ) ) + 0x00 ) * 32 ) + ( 0x00 * | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 169 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned int and signed char): ( uint32_t ) 0x40000000 ) ) + 0x00 ) * 32 ) + ( 0x00 * 4 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 169 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned int* and unsigned int): ( uint32_t ) 0x40000000 ) ) + 0x00 ) * 32 ) + ( 0x00 * 4 ) ) = ( uint32_t | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 174 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x7800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 174 | Volatile variable in complex expression. : CFGR | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2 |
C | 174 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned short and unsigned int): ( uint16_t ) 0x0001 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 174 | Use of underlying enum representation value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
CEC_ITConfig (186 to 192 stm32f10x_cec.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 189 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 191 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 191 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x7800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 191 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 32 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 191 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x01 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 191 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned int and signed char): ( uint32_t ) 0x40000000 ) ) + 0x00 ) * 32 ) + ( 0x01 * | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 191 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned int and signed char): ( uint32_t ) 0x40000000 ) ) + 0x00 ) * 32 ) + ( 0x01 * 4 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 191 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned int* and unsigned int): ( uint32_t ) 0x40000000 ) ) + 0x00 ) * 32 ) + ( 0x01 * 4 ) ) = ( uint32_t | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
CEC_OwnAddressConfig (199 to 206 stm32f10x_cec.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 202 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 205 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 202 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 202 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned char and signed char): ( CEC_OwnAddress ) < 0x10 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 205 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x7800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
CEC_SetPrescaler (213 to 220 stm32f10x_cec.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 216 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 219 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 216 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3FFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 219 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x7800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
CEC_SendDataByte (227 to 231 stm32f10x_cec.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 230 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 230 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x7800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 227 | Void function has no side effects. : CEC_SendDataByte | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
CEC_ReceiveDataByte (239 to 243 stm32f10x_cec.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 242 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 242 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x7800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 242 | Volatile variable in complex expression. : RXD | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
CEC_StartOfMessage (250 to 254 stm32f10x_cec.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 253 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 253 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x7800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 253 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 253 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 32 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 253 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned int and signed char): ( uint32_t ) 0x40000000 ) ) + 0x10 ) * 32 ) + ( 0x00 * | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 253 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned int and signed char): ( uint32_t ) 0x40000000 ) ) + 0x10 ) * 32 ) + ( 0x00 * 4 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 253 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned int* and unsigned int): ( uint32_t ) 0x40000000 ) ) + 0x10 ) * 32 ) + ( 0x00 * 4 ) ) = ( uint32_t | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 250 | Void function has no side effects. : CEC_StartOfMessage | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
CEC_EndOfMessageCmd (262 to 269 stm32f10x_cec.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 265 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 268 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 268 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x7800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 268 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 268 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 32 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 268 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x01 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 268 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned int and signed char): ( uint32_t ) 0x40000000 ) ) + 0x10 ) * 32 ) + ( 0x01 * | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 268 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned int and signed char): ( uint32_t ) 0x40000000 ) ) + 0x10 ) * 32 ) + ( 0x01 * 4 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 268 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned int* and unsigned int): ( uint32_t ) 0x40000000 ) ) + 0x10 ) * 32 ) + ( 0x01 * 4 ) ) = ( uint32_t | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
CEC_GetFlagStatus (291 to 335 stm32f10x_cec.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 297 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 322 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 294 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 300 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x7800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 308 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned int and int): cecreg | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 308 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 314 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xC | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 314 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned int and int): cecbase | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 319 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 319 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned int and int): cecbase | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 322 | Use of underlying enum representation value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
CEC_ClearFlag (349 to 360 stm32f10x_cec.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 354 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 356 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 359 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 351 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 354 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xFFFFFF03 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 354 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned int and signed char): ( CEC_FLAG ) & ( uint32_t ) 0xFFFFFF03 ) == 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 354 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned int and signed char): ( CEC_FLAG ) != 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 356 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x7800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 356 | Volatile variable in complex expression. : CSR | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2 |
C | 356 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 359 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x7800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 359 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xFFFFFFFC | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
CEC_GetITStatus (372 to 396 stm32f10x_cec.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 378 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 381 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 384 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 378 | Implicit conversion of underlying type. : (unsigned char and unsigned short): ( uint16_t | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 378 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned char and unsigned short): ( uint16_t | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 378 | Implicit conversion of underlying type. : (unsigned char and unsigned short): ( uint16_t ) 0x0004 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 378 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned char and unsigned short): ( uint16_t ) 0x0004 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 378 | Implicit conversion of underlying type. : (unsigned char and unsigned short): ( uint16_t | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 378 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned char and unsigned short): ( uint16_t | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 378 | Implicit conversion of underlying type. : (unsigned char and unsigned short): ( uint16_t ) 0x0008 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 378 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned char and unsigned short): ( uint16_t ) 0x0008 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 378 | Implicit conversion of underlying type. : (unsigned char and unsigned short): ( uint16_t | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 378 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned char and unsigned short): ( uint16_t | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 378 | Implicit conversion of underlying type. : (unsigned char and unsigned short): ( uint16_t ) 0x0040 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 378 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned char and unsigned short): ( uint16_t ) 0x0040 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 378 | Implicit conversion of underlying type. : (unsigned char and unsigned short): ( uint16_t | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 378 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned char and unsigned short): ( uint16_t | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 378 | Implicit conversion of underlying type. : (unsigned char and unsigned short): ( uint16_t ) 0x0080 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 378 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned char and unsigned short): ( uint16_t ) 0x0080 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 381 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x7800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 381 | Volatile variable in complex expression. : CFGR | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2 |
C | 381 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned int and unsigned char): ( uint16_t ) 0x0002 ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 384 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x7800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 384 | Volatile variable in complex expression. : CSR | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2 |
C | 384 | Use of underlying enum representation value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 384 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 395 | Local structure returned in function result. : bitstatus | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.6 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
CEC_ClearITPendingBit (408 to 419 stm32f10x_cec.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 413 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 415 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 418 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 410 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 415 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x7800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 415 | Volatile variable in complex expression. : CSR | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2 |
C | 415 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 418 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x7800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 418 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xFFFFFFFC | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
CRC_ResetDR (83 to 87 stm32f10x_crc.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 86 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 86 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 86 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 86 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned int and unsigned char): ( uint8_t ) 0x01 ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 83 | Void function has no side effects. : CRC_ResetDR | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
CRC_CalcCRC (94 to 99 stm32f10x_crc.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 96 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 98 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 96 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 96 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 96 | Implicit conversion of underlying type. : (unsigned short and unsigned int): ( uint32_t ) 0x40000000 ) + 0x20000 ) + 0x3000 ) ) -> DR = Data | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 96 | Narrower int conversion without cast. : (unsigned short and unsigned int): ( uint32_t ) 0x40000000 ) + 0x20000 ) + 0x3000 ) ) -> DR = Data | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
C | 98 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 98 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 98 | Volatile variable in complex expression. : DR | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
CRC_CalcBlockCRC (107 to 116 stm32f10x_crc.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 113 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 115 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 111 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 111 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned int and int): index | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 113 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 113 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 113 | Implicit conversion of underlying type. : (unsigned short and unsigned int): ( uint32_t ) 0x40000000 ) + 0x20000 ) + 0x3000 ) ) -> DR = pBuffer | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 113 | Narrower int conversion without cast. : (unsigned short and unsigned int): ( uint32_t ) 0x40000000 ) + 0x20000 ) + 0x3000 ) ) -> DR = pBuffer | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
C | 115 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 115 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 115 | Volatile variable in complex expression. : DR | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
CRC_GetCRC (123 to 126 stm32f10x_crc.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 125 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 125 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 125 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 125 | Volatile variable in complex expression. : DR | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
CRC_SetIDRegister (133 to 136 stm32f10x_crc.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 135 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 135 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 135 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 133 | Void function has no side effects. : CRC_SetIDRegister | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
CRC_GetIDRegister (143 to 146 stm32f10x_crc.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 145 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 145 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 145 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 145 | Volatile variable in complex expression. : IDR | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2 |
C | 145 | Implicit conversion of underlying type. : (unsigned char and unsigned int): ( uint32_t ) 0x40000000 ) + 0x20000 ) + 0x3000 ) ) -> IDR ) ; | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 145 | Function return type inconsistent. : (unsigned char and unsigned int) |
MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 | ||||||||
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
DAC_Init (117 to 142 stm32f10x_dac.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 121 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 122 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 123 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 124 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 127 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 141 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 119 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 127 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x7400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 141 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x7400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
DAC_Cmd (173 to 188 stm32f10x_dac.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 176 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 177 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 181 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 186 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 181 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x7400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 186 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x7400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
DAC_DMACmd (233 to 248 stm32f10x_dac.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 236 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 237 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 241 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 246 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 241 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x7400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 246 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x7400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
DAC_SoftwareTriggerCmd (260 to 275 stm32f10x_dac.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 263 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 264 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 268 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 273 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 268 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x7400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 268 | Widening cast on complex integer expression. : (unsigned int and unsigned char): ( uint8_t ) 0x01 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.8 |
C | 273 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x7400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 273 | Widening cast on complex integer expression. : (unsigned int and unsigned char): ( uint8_t ) 0x01 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.8 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
DAC_DualSoftwareTriggerCmd (284 to 298 stm32f10x_dac.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 287 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 291 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 296 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 291 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x7400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 296 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x7400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 296 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xFFFFFFFC | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
DAC_WaveGenerationCmd (314 to 330 stm32f10x_dac.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 317 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 318 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 319 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 323 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 328 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 323 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x7400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 328 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x7400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
DAC_SetChannel1Data (342 to 355 stm32f10x_dac.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 347 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 348 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 354 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 348 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xFFF0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 350 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x7400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 354 | DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. : tmp | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
DAC_SetChannel2Data (367 to 380 stm32f10x_dac.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 372 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 373 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 379 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 373 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xFFF0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 375 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x7400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 379 | DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. : tmp | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
DAC_SetDualChannelData (396 to 420 stm32f10x_dac.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 401 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 402 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 403 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 419 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 398 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 402 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xFFF0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 403 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xFFF0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 408 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned int and unsigned short): ( uint32_t ) Data2 << 8 ) | Data1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 412 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned int and unsigned short): ( uint32_t ) Data2 << 16 ) | Data1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 415 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x7400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 419 | DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. : tmp | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
DAC_GetDataOutputValue (430 to 442 stm32f10x_dac.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 435 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 441 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 437 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x7400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 441 | Volatile variable in complex expression. : tmp | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2 |
C | 441 | Cast from pointer to integral type. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
DBGMCU_GetREVID (84 to 87 stm32f10x_dbgmcu.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 86 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 86 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xE0042000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 86 | Volatile variable in complex expression. : IDCODE | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
DBGMCU_GetDEVID (94 to 97 stm32f10x_dbgmcu.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 96 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 96 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xE0042000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 96 | Volatile variable in complex expression. : IDCODE | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
DBGMCU_Config (134 to 148 stm32f10x_dbgmcu.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 137 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 138 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 142 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 146 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 137 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0x800000F8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 137 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned int and signed char): ( DBGMCU_Periph ) & 0x800000F8 ) == 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 137 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned int and signed char): ( DBGMCU_Periph ) != 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 142 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xE0042000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 146 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xE0042000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
DMA_DeInit (108 to 191 stm32f10x_dma.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 111 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 111 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 111 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 111 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 111 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 111 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 111 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 111 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 111 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 111 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 111 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 111 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 111 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 128 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 131 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 133 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 136 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 138 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 141 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 143 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 146 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 148 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 151 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 153 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 156 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 158 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 161 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 163 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 166 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 168 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 171 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 173 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 176 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 178 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 181 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 185 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 188 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 111 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 111 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0008 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 111 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 111 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x001C | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 111 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 111 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0030 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 111 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 111 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0044 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 111 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 111 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0058 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 111 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 111 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x006C | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 111 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 111 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0080 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 111 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 111 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0408 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 111 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 111 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x041C | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 111 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 111 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0430 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 111 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 111 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0444 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 111 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 111 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0458 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 114 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned int and unsigned short): DMAy_Channelx -> CCR &= ( uint16_t | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 117 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 117 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned int and int): DMAy_Channelx -> CCR | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 120 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 120 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned int and int): DMAy_Channelx -> CNDTR | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 123 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 123 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned int and int): DMAy_Channelx -> CPAR | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 126 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 126 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned int and int): DMAy_Channelx -> CMAR | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 128 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 128 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0008 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 131 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 133 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 133 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x001C | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 136 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 138 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 138 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0030 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 141 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 143 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 143 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0044 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 146 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 148 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 148 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0058 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 151 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 153 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 153 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x006C | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 156 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 158 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 158 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0080 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 161 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 163 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 163 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0408 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 166 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 166 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 168 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 168 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x041C | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 171 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 171 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 173 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 173 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0430 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 176 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 176 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 178 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 178 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0444 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 181 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 181 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 185 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 185 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0458 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 188 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 188 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
DMA_Init (202 to 251 stm32f10x_dma.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 207 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 207 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 207 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 207 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 207 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 207 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 207 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 207 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 207 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 207 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 207 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 207 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 207 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 208 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 209 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 210 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 211 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 212 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 213 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 214 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 215 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 216 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 207 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 207 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0008 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 207 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 207 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x001C | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 207 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 207 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0030 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 207 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 207 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0044 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 207 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 207 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0058 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 207 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 207 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x006C | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 207 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 207 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0080 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 207 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 207 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0408 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 207 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 207 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x041C | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 207 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 207 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0430 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 207 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 207 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0444 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 207 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 207 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0458 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 209 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 209 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned int and signed char): ( DMA_InitStruct -> DMA_BufferSize ) >= 0x1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 209 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 222 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xFFFF800F | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
DMA_StructInit (259 to 284 stm32f10x_dma.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 263 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 263 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned int and int): DMA_InitStruct -> DMA_PeripheralBaseAddr | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 265 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 265 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned int and int): DMA_InitStruct -> DMA_MemoryBaseAddr | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 269 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 269 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned int and int): DMA_InitStruct -> DMA_BufferSize | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
DMA_Cmd (294 to 310 stm32f10x_dma.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 297 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 297 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 297 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 297 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 297 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 297 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 297 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 297 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 297 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 297 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 297 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 297 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 297 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 298 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 297 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 297 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0008 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 297 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 297 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x001C | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 297 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 297 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0030 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 297 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 297 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0044 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 297 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 297 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0058 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 297 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 297 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x006C | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 297 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 297 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0080 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 297 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 297 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0408 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 297 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 297 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x041C | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 297 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 297 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0430 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 297 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 297 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0444 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 297 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 297 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0458 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 303 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned int and unsigned short): ( uint16_t ) 0x0001 ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 308 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned int and unsigned short): DMAy_Channelx -> CCR &= ( uint16_t | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
DMA_ITConfig (326 to 342 stm32f10x_dma.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 329 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 329 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 329 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 329 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 329 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 329 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 329 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 329 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 329 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 329 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 329 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 329 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 329 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 330 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 331 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 329 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 329 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0008 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 329 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 329 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x001C | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 329 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 329 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0030 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 329 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 329 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0044 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 329 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 329 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0058 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 329 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 329 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x006C | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 329 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 329 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0080 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 329 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 329 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0408 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 329 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 329 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x041C | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 329 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 329 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0430 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 329 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 329 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0444 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 329 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 329 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0458 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 330 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xFFFFFFF1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 330 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned int and signed char): ( DMA_IT ) & 0xFFFFFFF1 ) == 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 330 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned int and signed char): ( DMA_IT ) != 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
DMA_SetCurrDataCounter (353 to 361 stm32f10x_dma.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 356 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 356 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 356 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 356 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 356 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 356 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 356 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 356 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 356 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 356 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 356 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 356 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 356 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 356 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 356 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0008 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 356 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 356 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x001C | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 356 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 356 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0030 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 356 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 356 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0044 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 356 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 356 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0058 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 356 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 356 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x006C | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 356 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 356 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0080 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 356 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 356 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0408 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 356 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 356 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x041C | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 356 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 356 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0430 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 356 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 356 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0444 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 356 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 356 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0458 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
DMA_GetCurrDataCounter (371 to 377 stm32f10x_dma.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 374 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 374 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 374 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 374 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 374 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 374 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 374 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 374 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 374 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 374 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 374 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 374 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 374 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 374 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 374 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0008 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 374 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 374 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x001C | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 374 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 374 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0030 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 374 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 374 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0044 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 374 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 374 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0058 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 374 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 374 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x006C | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 374 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 374 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0080 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 374 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 374 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0408 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 374 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 374 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x041C | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 374 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 374 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0430 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 374 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 374 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0444 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 374 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 374 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0458 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 376 | Volatile variable in complex expression. : CNDTR | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
DMA_GetFlagStatus (433 to 467 stm32f10x_dma.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 439 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 445 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 450 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 442 | Use of underlying enum representation value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 445 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 445 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 450 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 454 | Use of underlying enum representation value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
DMA_ClearFlag (523 to 539 stm32f10x_dma.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 526 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 532 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 537 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 526 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xF0000000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 526 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned int and signed char): ( DMAy_FLAG ) & 0xF0000000 ) == 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 526 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xEFF00000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 526 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned int and signed char): ( DMAy_FLAG ) & 0xEFF00000 ) == 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 526 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned int and signed char): ( DMAy_FLAG ) != 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 529 | Use of underlying enum representation value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 532 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 532 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 537 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
DMA_GetITStatus (595 to 628 stm32f10x_dma.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 601 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 607 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 612 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 604 | Use of underlying enum representation value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 607 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 607 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 612 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 616 | Use of underlying enum representation value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 627 | Local structure returned in function result. : bitstatus | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.6 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
DMA_ClearITPendingBit (684 to 700 stm32f10x_dma.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 687 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 693 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 698 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 687 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xF0000000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 687 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned int and signed char): ( DMAy_IT ) & 0xF0000000 ) == 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 687 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xEFF00000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 687 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned int and signed char): ( DMAy_IT ) & 0xEFF00000 ) == 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 687 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned int and signed char): ( DMAy_IT ) != 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 690 | Use of underlying enum representation value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 693 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 693 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 698 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
EXTI_DeInit (85 to 92 stm32f10x_exti.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 87 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 88 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 89 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 90 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 91 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 87 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 87 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 87 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x00000000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 87 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned int and int): ( uint32_t ) 0x40000000 ) + 0x10000 ) + 0x0400 ) ) -> IMR | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 88 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 88 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 88 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x00000000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 88 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned int and int): ( uint32_t ) 0x40000000 ) + 0x10000 ) + 0x0400 ) ) -> EMR | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 89 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 89 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 89 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x00000000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 89 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned int and int): ( uint32_t ) 0x40000000 ) + 0x10000 ) + 0x0400 ) ) -> RTSR | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 90 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 90 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 90 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x00000000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 90 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned int and int): ( uint32_t ) 0x40000000 ) + 0x10000 ) + 0x0400 ) ) -> FTSR | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 91 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 91 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 91 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x000FFFFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 91 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x000FFFFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 91 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned int and int): ( uint32_t ) 0x40000000 ) + 0x10000 ) + 0x0400 ) ) -> PR | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 85 | Void function has no side effects. : EXTI_DeInit | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
EXTI_Init (101 to 149 stm32f10x_exti.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 106 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 107 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 108 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 109 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 116 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 117 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 121 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 124 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 125 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 131 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 132 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 139 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 147 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 108 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xFFF00000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 108 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned int and signed char): ( EXTI_InitStruct -> EXTI_Line ) & ( uint32_t ) 0xFFF00000 ) == 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 111 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 111 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 116 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 116 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 117 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 117 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 124 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 124 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 125 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 125 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 131 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 131 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 132 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 132 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 136 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 136 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 147 | DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. : tmp | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
C | 139 | DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. : tmp | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
C | 121 | DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. : tmp | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
EXTI_GenerateSWInterrupt (171 to 177 stm32f10x_exti.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 174 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 176 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 174 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xFFF00000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 174 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned int and signed char): ( EXTI_Line ) & ( uint32_t ) 0xFFF00000 ) == 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 176 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 176 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
EXTI_GetFlagStatus (186 to 201 stm32f10x_exti.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 190 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 192 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 192 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 192 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 192 | Volatile variable in complex expression. : PR | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2 |
C | 192 | Use of underlying enum representation value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
EXTI_ClearFlag (209 to 215 stm32f10x_exti.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 212 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 214 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 212 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xFFF00000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 212 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned int and signed char): ( EXTI_Line ) & ( uint32_t ) 0xFFF00000 ) == 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 214 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 214 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
EXTI_GetITStatus (224 to 241 stm32f10x_exti.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 229 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 231 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 232 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 231 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 231 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 231 | Volatile variable in complex expression. : IMR | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2 |
C | 232 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 232 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 232 | Volatile variable in complex expression. : PR | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2 |
C | 232 | Use of underlying enum representation value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 232 | Use of underlying enum representation value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 240 | Local structure returned in function result. : bitstatus | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.6 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
EXTI_ClearITPendingBit (249 to 255 stm32f10x_exti.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 252 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 254 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 252 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xFFF00000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 252 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned int and signed char): ( EXTI_Line ) & ( uint32_t ) 0xFFF00000 ) == 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 254 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 254 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
FLASH_SetLatency (254 to 270 stm32f10x_flash.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 259 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 262 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 269 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 262 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 262 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 269 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 269 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
FLASH_HalfCycleAccessCmd (281 to 289 stm32f10x_flash.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 284 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 287 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 288 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 287 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 287 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 287 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xFFFFFFF7 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 288 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 288 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
FLASH_PrefetchBufferCmd (300 to 308 stm32f10x_flash.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 303 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 306 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 307 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 306 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 306 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 306 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xFFFFFFEF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 307 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 307 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
FLASH_Unlock (319 to 330 stm32f10x_flash.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 322 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 323 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 327 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 328 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 322 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 322 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 323 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 323 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 323 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xCDEF89AB | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 327 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 327 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 328 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 328 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 328 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xCDEF89AB | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 319 | Void function has no side effects. : FLASH_Unlock | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
FLASH_UnlockBank1 (340 to 345 stm32f10x_flash.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 343 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 344 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 343 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 343 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 344 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 344 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 344 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xCDEF89AB | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 340 | Void function has no side effects. : FLASH_UnlockBank1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
FLASH_UnlockBank2 (354 to 360 stm32f10x_flash.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 357 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 358 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 357 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 357 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 358 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 358 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 358 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xCDEF89AB | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 354 | Void function has no side effects. : FLASH_UnlockBank2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
FLASH_Lock (372 to 381 stm32f10x_flash.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 375 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 379 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 375 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 375 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 379 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 379 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 379 | Implicit conversion of underlying type. : (unsigned short and unsigned int): ( uint32_t | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 379 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned short and unsigned int): ( uint32_t | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 379 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned short and unsigned int): ( uint32_t ) 0x00000080 ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 372 | Void function has no side effects. : FLASH_Lock | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
FLASH_LockBank1 (392 to 396 stm32f10x_flash.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 395 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 395 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 395 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 392 | Void function has no side effects. : FLASH_LockBank1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
FLASH_LockBank2 (405 to 409 stm32f10x_flash.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 408 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 408 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 408 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 408 | Implicit conversion of underlying type. : (unsigned short and unsigned int): ( uint32_t | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 408 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned short and unsigned int): ( uint32_t | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 408 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned short and unsigned int): ( uint32_t ) 0x00000080 ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 405 | Void function has no side effects. : FLASH_LockBank2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
FLASH_ErasePage (419 to 483 stm32f10x_flash.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 423 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 433 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 434 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 435 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 441 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 451 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 452 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 453 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 459 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 423 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x08000000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 423 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x080FFFFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 433 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 433 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 434 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 434 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 435 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 435 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 441 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 441 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 451 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 451 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 451 | Implicit conversion of underlying type. : (unsigned short and unsigned int): ( uint32_t | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 451 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned short and unsigned int): ( uint32_t | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 451 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned short and unsigned int): ( uint32_t ) 0x00000002 ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 452 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 452 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 453 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 453 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 453 | Implicit conversion of underlying type. : (unsigned short and unsigned int): ( uint32_t | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 453 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned short and unsigned int): ( uint32_t | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 453 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned short and unsigned int): ( uint32_t ) 0x00000040 ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 459 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 459 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 459 | Implicit conversion of underlying type. : (unsigned short and unsigned int): ( uint32_t | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 459 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned short and unsigned int): ( uint32_t | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 459 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned short and unsigned int): ( uint32_t ) 0x00001FFD ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
FLASH_EraseAllPages (492 to 543 stm32f10x_flash.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 503 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 504 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 510 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 515 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 516 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 522 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 503 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 503 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 504 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 504 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 510 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 510 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 515 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 515 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 515 | Implicit conversion of underlying type. : (unsigned short and unsigned int): ( uint32_t | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 515 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned short and unsigned int): ( uint32_t | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 515 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned short and unsigned int): ( uint32_t ) 0x00000004 ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 516 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 516 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 516 | Implicit conversion of underlying type. : (unsigned short and unsigned int): ( uint32_t | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 516 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned short and unsigned int): ( uint32_t | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 516 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned short and unsigned int): ( uint32_t ) 0x00000040 ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 522 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 522 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 522 | Implicit conversion of underlying type. : (unsigned short and unsigned int): ( uint32_t | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 522 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned short and unsigned int): ( uint32_t | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 522 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned short and unsigned int): ( uint32_t ) 0x00001FFB ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
FLASH_EraseAllBank1Pages (555 to 575 stm32f10x_flash.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 564 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 565 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 571 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 564 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 564 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 565 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 565 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 571 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 571 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
FLASH_EraseAllBank2Pages (585 to 605 stm32f10x_flash.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 594 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 595 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 601 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 594 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 594 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 594 | Implicit conversion of underlying type. : (unsigned short and unsigned int): ( uint32_t | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 594 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned short and unsigned int): ( uint32_t | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 594 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned short and unsigned int): ( uint32_t ) 0x00000004 ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 595 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 595 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 595 | Implicit conversion of underlying type. : (unsigned short and unsigned int): ( uint32_t | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 595 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned short and unsigned int): ( uint32_t | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 595 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned short and unsigned int): ( uint32_t ) 0x00000040 ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 601 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 601 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 601 | Implicit conversion of underlying type. : (unsigned short and unsigned int): ( uint32_t | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 601 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned short and unsigned int): ( uint32_t | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 601 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned short and unsigned int): ( uint32_t ) 0x00001FFB ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
FLASH_EraseOptionBytes (616 to 671 stm32f10x_flash.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 633 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 634 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 637 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 638 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 645 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 648 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 650 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 657 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 665 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 625 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 625 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned short and int): rdptmp | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 633 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 633 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 634 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 634 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 634 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xCDEF89AB | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 637 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 637 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 638 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 638 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 645 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 645 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 648 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 648 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 657 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 657 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 665 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 665 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
FLASH_ProgramWord (681 to 848 stm32f10x_flash.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 687 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 698 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 700 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 710 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 716 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 721 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 734 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 736 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 742 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 747 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 757 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 760 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 766 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 771 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 783 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 785 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 795 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 801 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 806 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 687 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x08000000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 687 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x080FFFFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 690 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (bool and unsigned char): ( uint32_t ) 0x807FFFF ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 690 | Expression needs brackets. | MISRA-C:2012 R.12.1,R.20.7 |
C | 690 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (bool and signed char): ( uint32_t ) 0x807FFFF ) - 2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 698 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 698 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 708 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 710 | Implicit conversion of underlying type. : (unsigned short and unsigned int): volatile uint16_t * ) tmp = Data | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 710 | Narrower int conversion without cast. : (unsigned short and unsigned int): volatile uint16_t * ) tmp = Data | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
C | 710 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned short and unsigned int): * ( volatile uint16_t * ) tmp = Data >> 16 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 716 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 716 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 721 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 721 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 734 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 734 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 742 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 742 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 747 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 747 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 757 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 757 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 757 | Implicit conversion of underlying type. : (unsigned short and unsigned int): ( uint32_t | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 757 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned short and unsigned int): ( uint32_t | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 757 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned short and unsigned int): ( uint32_t ) 0x00000001 ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 758 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 760 | Implicit conversion of underlying type. : (unsigned short and unsigned int): volatile uint16_t * ) tmp = Data | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 760 | Narrower int conversion without cast. : (unsigned short and unsigned int): volatile uint16_t * ) tmp = Data | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
C | 760 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned short and unsigned int): * ( volatile uint16_t * ) tmp = Data >> 16 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 766 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 766 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 766 | Implicit conversion of underlying type. : (unsigned short and unsigned int): ( uint32_t | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 766 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned short and unsigned int): ( uint32_t | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 766 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned short and unsigned int): ( uint32_t ) 0x00001FFE ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 771 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 771 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 771 | Implicit conversion of underlying type. : (unsigned short and unsigned int): ( uint32_t | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 771 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned short and unsigned int): ( uint32_t | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 771 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned short and unsigned int): ( uint32_t ) 0x00001FFE ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 783 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 783 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 783 | Implicit conversion of underlying type. : (unsigned short and unsigned int): ( uint32_t | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 783 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned short and unsigned int): ( uint32_t | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 783 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned short and unsigned int): ( uint32_t ) 0x00000001 ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 793 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 795 | Implicit conversion of underlying type. : (unsigned short and unsigned int): volatile uint16_t * ) tmp = Data | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 795 | Narrower int conversion without cast. : (unsigned short and unsigned int): volatile uint16_t * ) tmp = Data | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
C | 795 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned short and unsigned int): * ( volatile uint16_t * ) tmp = Data >> 16 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 801 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 801 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 801 | Implicit conversion of underlying type. : (unsigned short and unsigned int): ( uint32_t | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 801 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned short and unsigned int): ( uint32_t | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 801 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned short and unsigned int): ( uint32_t ) 0x00001FFE ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 806 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 806 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 806 | Implicit conversion of underlying type. : (unsigned short and unsigned int): ( uint32_t | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 806 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned short and unsigned int): ( uint32_t | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 806 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned short and unsigned int): ( uint32_t ) 0x00001FFE ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 710 | DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. : tmp | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
C | 760 | DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. : tmp | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
C | 684 | DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. : tmp | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
C | 795 | DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. : tmp | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
FLASH_ProgramHalfWord (858 to 918 stm32f10x_flash.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 862 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 873 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 875 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 880 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 888 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 890 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 895 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 862 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x08000000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 862 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x080FFFFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 873 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 873 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 880 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 880 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 888 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 888 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 888 | Implicit conversion of underlying type. : (unsigned short and unsigned int): ( uint32_t | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 888 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned short and unsigned int): ( uint32_t | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 888 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned short and unsigned int): ( uint32_t ) 0x00000001 ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 895 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 895 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 895 | Implicit conversion of underlying type. : (unsigned short and unsigned int): ( uint32_t | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 895 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned short and unsigned int): ( uint32_t | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 895 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned short and unsigned int): ( uint32_t ) 0x00001FFE ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
FLASH_ProgramOptionByteData (929 to 955 stm32f10x_flash.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 933 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 939 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 940 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 942 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 943 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 950 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 933 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1FFFF804 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 933 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1FFFF806 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 939 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 939 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 940 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 940 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 940 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xCDEF89AB | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 942 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 942 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 950 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 950 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
FLASH_EnableWriteProtection (975 to 1037 stm32f10x_flash.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 982 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 996 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 997 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 998 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1001 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1008 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1015 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1023 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1032 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 977 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xFFFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 977 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xFFFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 977 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xFFFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 977 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xFFFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 982 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned int and signed char): ( FLASH_Pages ) != 0x00000000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 988 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xFF000000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 996 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 996 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 997 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 997 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 997 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xCDEF89AB | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 998 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 998 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 999 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 999 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned short and int): WRP0_Data | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 999 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned short and signed char): WRP0_Data != 0xFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1006 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1006 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned short and int): ( WRP1_Data | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1006 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned short and signed char): ( WRP1_Data != 0xFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1013 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1013 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned short and int): ( WRP2_Data | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1013 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned short and signed char): ( WRP2_Data != 0xFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1021 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1021 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned short and int): ( WRP3_Data | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1021 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned short and signed char): ( WRP3_Data != 0xFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1032 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1032 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
FLASH_ReadOutProtection (1049 to 1098 stm32f10x_flash.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 1053 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 1058 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1059 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1060 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1061 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1067 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1069 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1072 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1076 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1084 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1092 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1058 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1058 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1059 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1059 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1059 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xCDEF89AB | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 1060 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1060 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1061 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1061 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1067 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1067 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1069 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1069 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1072 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1072 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned short and int): ( uint32_t ) 0x1FFFF800 ) ) -> RDP | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1084 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1084 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1092 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1092 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
FLASH_UserOptionByteConfig (1118 to 1151 stm32f10x_flash.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 1123 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 1124 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 1125 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 1128 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1129 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1137 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1139 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1146 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1128 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1128 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1129 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1129 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1129 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xCDEF89AB | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 1137 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1137 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1146 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1146 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
FLASH_BootConfig (1172 to 1206 stm32f10x_flash.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 1175 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 1177 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1178 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1186 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1190 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1194 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1201 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1177 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1177 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1178 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1178 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1178 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xCDEF89AB | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 1186 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1186 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1201 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1201 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
FLASH_GetUserOptionByte (1216 to 1220 stm32f10x_flash.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 1219 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1219 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1219 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1219 | Volatile variable in complex expression. : OBR | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
FLASH_GetWriteProtectionOptionByte (1228 to 1232 stm32f10x_flash.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 1231 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1231 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1231 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1231 | Volatile variable in complex expression. : WRPR | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
FLASH_GetReadOutProtectionStatus (1240 to 1252 stm32f10x_flash.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 1243 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1243 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1243 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1243 | Volatile variable in complex expression. : OBR | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2 |
C | 1243 | Use of underlying enum representation value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
FLASH_GetPrefetchBufferStatus (1260 to 1274 stm32f10x_flash.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 1264 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1264 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1264 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1264 | Volatile variable in complex expression. : ACR | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2 |
C | 1264 | Use of underlying enum representation value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
FLASH_ITConfig (1290 to 1339 stm32f10x_flash.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 1294 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 1295 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 1302 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1307 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1315 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1320 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1294 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned int and signed char): ( FLASH_IT ) & ( uint32_t ) 0x7FFFEBFF ) == 0x00000000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1294 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned int and signed char): ( FLASH_IT ) != 0x00000000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1297 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0x80000000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 1297 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned int and signed char): ( FLASH_IT & 0x80000000 ) != 0x0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1302 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1302 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1302 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x7FFFFFFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1302 | Implicit conversion of underlying type. : (unsigned short and unsigned int): ( uint32_t ) 0x40000000 ) + 0x20000 ) + 0x2000 ) ) -> CR2 |= ( FLASH_IT & 0x7FFFFFFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1302 | Narrower int conversion without cast. : (unsigned short and unsigned int): ( uint32_t ) 0x40000000 ) + 0x20000 ) + 0x2000 ) ) -> CR2 |= ( FLASH_IT & 0x7FFFFFFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
C | 1302 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned short and unsigned int): ( uint32_t ) 0x40000000 ) + 0x20000 ) + 0x2000 ) ) -> CR2 |= ( FLASH_IT & 0x7FFFFFFF ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 1307 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1307 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1307 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x7FFFFFFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1307 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned short and unsigned int): ( uint32_t ) 0x40000000 ) + 0x20000 ) + 0x2000 ) ) -> CR2 &= ~ ( uint32_t ) ( FLASH_IT & 0x7FFFFFFF ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 1315 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1315 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1320 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1320 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
FLASH_GetFlagStatus (1357 to 1429 stm32f10x_flash.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 1363 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 1366 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1379 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1390 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1363 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0x80000001 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 1363 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0x80000020 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 1363 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0x80000004 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 1363 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0x80000010 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 1366 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1366 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1366 | Volatile variable in complex expression. : OBR | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2 |
C | 1366 | Use of underlying enum representation value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 1377 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0x80000000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 1377 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned int and signed char): ( FLASH_FLAG & 0x80000000 ) != 0x0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1379 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1379 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1379 | Volatile variable in complex expression. : SR2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2 |
C | 1379 | Use of underlying enum representation value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 1390 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1390 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1390 | Volatile variable in complex expression. : SR | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2 |
C | 1390 | Use of underlying enum representation value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
FLASH_ClearFlag (1443 to 1467 stm32f10x_flash.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 1447 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 1452 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1457 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1447 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned int and signed char): ( FLASH_FLAG ) & ( uint32_t ) 0x7FFFFFCA ) == 0x00000000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1447 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned int and signed char): ( FLASH_FLAG ) != 0x00000000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1449 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0x80000000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 1449 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned int and signed char): ( FLASH_FLAG & 0x80000000 ) != 0x0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1452 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1452 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1452 | Implicit conversion of underlying type. : (unsigned short and unsigned int): ( uint32_t ) 0x40000000 ) + 0x20000 ) + 0x2000 ) ) -> SR2 = FLASH_FLAG | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1452 | Narrower int conversion without cast. : (unsigned short and unsigned int): ( uint32_t ) 0x40000000 ) + 0x20000 ) + 0x2000 ) ) -> SR2 = FLASH_FLAG | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
C | 1457 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1457 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
FLASH_GetStatus (1477 to 1505 stm32f10x_flash.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 1481 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1487 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1493 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1481 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1481 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1481 | Volatile variable in complex expression. : SR | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2 |
C | 1487 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1487 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1487 | Volatile variable in complex expression. : SR | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2 |
C | 1487 | Construct leads to infeasible code. | MISRA-C:2012 R.14.3 |
C | 1487 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1493 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1493 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1493 | Volatile variable in complex expression. : SR | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2 |
C | 1493 | Construct leads to infeasible code. | MISRA-C:2012 R.14.3 |
C | 1493 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
FLASH_GetBank1Status (1515 to 1543 stm32f10x_flash.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 1519 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1525 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1531 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1519 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1519 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1519 | Volatile variable in complex expression. : SR | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2 |
C | 1525 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1525 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1525 | Volatile variable in complex expression. : SR | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2 |
C | 1525 | Construct leads to infeasible code. | MISRA-C:2012 R.14.3 |
C | 1525 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1531 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1531 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1531 | Volatile variable in complex expression. : SR | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2 |
C | 1531 | Construct leads to infeasible code. | MISRA-C:2012 R.14.3 |
C | 1531 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
FLASH_GetBank2Status (1553 to 1581 stm32f10x_flash.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 1557 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1563 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1569 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1557 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1557 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1557 | Volatile variable in complex expression. : SR2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2 |
C | 1557 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0x80000001 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 1557 | Implicit conversion of underlying type. : (unsigned short and unsigned int): ( uint32_t ) 0x80000001 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1557 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned short and unsigned int): ( uint32_t ) 0x80000001 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1557 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x7FFFFFFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1557 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0x80000001 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 1557 | Implicit conversion of underlying type. : (unsigned short and unsigned int): ( uint32_t ) 0x80000001 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1557 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned short and unsigned int): ( uint32_t ) 0x80000001 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1557 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x7FFFFFFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1557 | Implicit conversion of underlying type. : (unsigned short and unsigned int): ( uint32_t ) 0x80000001 ) & 0x7FFFFFFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1557 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned short and unsigned int): ( uint32_t ) 0x80000001 ) & 0x7FFFFFFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1563 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1563 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1563 | Volatile variable in complex expression. : SR2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2 |
C | 1563 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0x80000004 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 1563 | Implicit conversion of underlying type. : (unsigned short and unsigned int): ( uint32_t ) 0x80000004 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1563 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned short and unsigned int): ( uint32_t ) 0x80000004 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1563 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x7FFFFFFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1563 | Construct leads to infeasible code. | MISRA-C:2012 R.14.3 |
C | 1563 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1569 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1569 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1569 | Volatile variable in complex expression. : SR2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2 |
C | 1569 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0x80000010 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 1569 | Implicit conversion of underlying type. : (unsigned short and unsigned int): ( uint32_t ) 0x80000010 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1569 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned short and unsigned int): ( uint32_t ) 0x80000010 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1569 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x7FFFFFFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1569 | Construct leads to infeasible code. | MISRA-C:2012 R.14.3 |
C | 1569 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
FLASH_WaitForLastOperation (1595 to 1613 stm32f10x_flash.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 1602 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned int and int): ( Timeout | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1602 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned int and signed char): ( Timeout != 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1607 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned int and int): Timeout | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1607 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned int and signed char): Timeout == 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
FLASH_WaitForLastBank1Operation (1623 to 1641 stm32f10x_flash.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 1630 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned int and int): ( Timeout | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1630 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned int and signed char): ( Timeout != 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1635 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned int and int): Timeout | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1635 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned int and signed char): Timeout == 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
FLASH_WaitForLastBank2Operation (1651 to 1669 stm32f10x_flash.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 1658 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0x80000001 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 1658 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x7FFFFFFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1658 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned int and int): ( Timeout | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1658 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned int and signed char): ( Timeout != 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1663 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned int and int): Timeout | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1663 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned int and signed char): Timeout == 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
FSMC_NORSRAMDeInit (102 to 119 stm32f10x_fsmc.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 105 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 110 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 115 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 117 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 118 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 110 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xA0000000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 110 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x000030DB | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 110 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned int and int): ( uint32_t ) 0xA0000000 ) + 0x0000 ) ) -> BTCR [ FSMC_Bank ] | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 115 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xA0000000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 115 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x000030D2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 115 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned int and int): ( uint32_t ) 0xA0000000 ) + 0x0000 ) ) -> BTCR [ FSMC_Bank ] | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 117 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xA0000000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 117 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0FFFFFFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 117 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0FFFFFFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 117 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned int and int): ( uint32_t ) 0xA0000000 ) + 0x0000 ) ) -> BTCR [ FSMC_Bank + 1 ] | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 118 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xA0000000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 118 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0104 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 118 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0FFFFFFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 118 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0FFFFFFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 118 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned int and int): ( uint32_t ) 0xA0000000 ) + 0x0104 ) ) -> BWTR [ FSMC_Bank ] | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
FSMC_NANDDeInit (129 to 151 stm32f10x_fsmc.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 132 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 137 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 138 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 139 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 140 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 146 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 147 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 148 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 149 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 137 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xA0000000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 137 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0060 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 137 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x00000018 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 137 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned int and int): ( uint32_t ) 0xA0000000 ) + 0x0060 ) ) -> PCR2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 138 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xA0000000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 138 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0060 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 138 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x00000040 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 138 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned short and int): ( uint32_t ) 0xA0000000 ) + 0x0060 ) ) -> SR2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 139 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xA0000000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 139 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0060 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 139 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xFCFCFCFC | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 139 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned int and int): ( uint32_t ) 0xA0000000 ) + 0x0060 ) ) -> PMEM2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 139 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xFCFCFCFC | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 140 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xA0000000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 140 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0060 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 140 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xFCFCFCFC | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 140 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned int and int): ( uint32_t ) 0xA0000000 ) + 0x0060 ) ) -> PATT2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 140 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xFCFCFCFC | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 146 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xA0000000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 146 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0080 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 146 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x00000018 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 146 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned int and int): ( uint32_t ) 0xA0000000 ) + 0x0080 ) ) -> PCR3 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 147 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xA0000000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 147 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0080 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 147 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x00000040 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 147 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned int and int): ( uint32_t ) 0xA0000000 ) + 0x0080 ) ) -> SR3 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 148 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xA0000000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 148 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0080 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 148 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xFCFCFCFC | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 148 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned int and int): ( uint32_t ) 0xA0000000 ) + 0x0080 ) ) -> PMEM3 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 148 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xFCFCFCFC | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 149 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xA0000000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 149 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0080 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 149 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xFCFCFCFC | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 149 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned int and int): ( uint32_t ) 0xA0000000 ) + 0x0080 ) ) -> PATT3 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 149 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xFCFCFCFC | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
FSMC_PCCARDDeInit (158 to 166 stm32f10x_fsmc.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 161 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 162 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 163 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 164 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 165 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 161 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xA0000000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 161 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x00A0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 161 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x00000018 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 161 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned int and int): ( uint32_t ) 0xA0000000 ) + 0x00A0 ) ) -> PCR4 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 162 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xA0000000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 162 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x00A0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 162 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x00000000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 162 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned int and int): ( uint32_t ) 0xA0000000 ) + 0x00A0 ) ) -> SR4 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 163 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xA0000000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 163 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x00A0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 163 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xFCFCFCFC | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 163 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned int and int): ( uint32_t ) 0xA0000000 ) + 0x00A0 ) ) -> PMEM4 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 163 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xFCFCFCFC | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 164 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xA0000000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 164 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x00A0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 164 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xFCFCFCFC | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 164 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned int and int): ( uint32_t ) 0xA0000000 ) + 0x00A0 ) ) -> PATT4 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 164 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xFCFCFCFC | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 165 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xA0000000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 165 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x00A0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 165 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xFCFCFCFC | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 165 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned int and int): ( uint32_t ) 0xA0000000 ) + 0x00A0 ) ) -> PIO4 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 165 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xFCFCFCFC | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 158 | Void function has no side effects. : FSMC_PCCARDDeInit | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
FSMC_NORSRAMInit (176 to 252 stm32f10x_fsmc.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 179 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 180 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 181 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 182 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 183 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 184 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 185 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 186 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 187 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 188 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 189 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 190 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 191 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 192 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 193 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 194 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 195 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 196 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 197 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 198 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 201 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 217 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 221 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 234 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 235 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 236 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 237 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 238 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 239 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 240 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 250 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 192 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 192 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned int and signed char): ( FSMC_NORSRAMInitStruct -> FSMC_ReadWriteTimingStruct -> FSMC_AddressSetupTime ) <= 0xF | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 193 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 193 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned int and signed char): ( FSMC_NORSRAMInitStruct -> FSMC_ReadWriteTimingStruct -> FSMC_AddressHoldTime ) <= 0xF | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 194 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 194 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 194 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned int and signed char): ( FSMC_NORSRAMInitStruct -> FSMC_ReadWriteTimingStruct -> FSMC_DataSetupTime ) <= 0xFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 195 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 195 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned int and signed char): ( FSMC_NORSRAMInitStruct -> FSMC_ReadWriteTimingStruct -> FSMC_BusTurnAroundDuration ) <= 0xF | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 196 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 196 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned int and signed char): ( FSMC_NORSRAMInitStruct -> FSMC_ReadWriteTimingStruct -> FSMC_CLKDivision ) <= 0xF | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 197 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 197 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned int and signed char): ( FSMC_NORSRAMInitStruct -> FSMC_ReadWriteTimingStruct -> FSMC_DataLatency ) <= 0xF | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 201 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xA0000000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 217 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xA0000000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 221 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xA0000000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 234 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 234 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned int and signed char): ( FSMC_NORSRAMInitStruct -> FSMC_WriteTimingStruct -> FSMC_AddressSetupTime ) <= 0xF | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 235 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 235 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned int and signed char): ( FSMC_NORSRAMInitStruct -> FSMC_WriteTimingStruct -> FSMC_AddressHoldTime ) <= 0xF | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 236 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 236 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 236 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned int and signed char): ( FSMC_NORSRAMInitStruct -> FSMC_WriteTimingStruct -> FSMC_DataSetupTime ) <= 0xFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 237 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 237 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned int and signed char): ( FSMC_NORSRAMInitStruct -> FSMC_WriteTimingStruct -> FSMC_CLKDivision ) <= 0xF | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 238 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 238 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned int and signed char): ( FSMC_NORSRAMInitStruct -> FSMC_WriteTimingStruct -> FSMC_DataLatency ) <= 0xF | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 240 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xA0000000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 240 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0104 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 250 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xA0000000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 250 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0104 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 250 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0FFFFFFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 250 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0FFFFFFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 250 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned int and int): ( uint32_t ) 0xA0000000 ) + 0x0104 ) ) -> BWTR [ FSMC_NORSRAMInitStruct -> FSMC_Bank ] | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
FSMC_NANDInit (262 to 318 stm32f10x_fsmc.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 267 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 268 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 269 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 270 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 271 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 272 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 273 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 274 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 275 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 276 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 277 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 278 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 279 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 280 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 281 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 307 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 308 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 309 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 314 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 315 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 316 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 264 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x00000000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 264 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x00000000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 264 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x00000000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 272 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 272 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned int and signed char): ( FSMC_NANDInitStruct -> FSMC_TCLRSetupTime ) <= 0xFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 273 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 273 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned int and signed char): ( FSMC_NANDInitStruct -> FSMC_TARSetupTime ) <= 0xFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 274 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 274 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned int and signed char): ( FSMC_NANDInitStruct -> FSMC_CommonSpaceTimingStruct -> FSMC_SetupTime ) <= 0xFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 275 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 275 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned int and signed char): ( FSMC_NANDInitStruct -> FSMC_CommonSpaceTimingStruct -> FSMC_WaitSetupTime ) <= 0xFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 276 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 276 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned int and signed char): ( FSMC_NANDInitStruct -> FSMC_CommonSpaceTimingStruct -> FSMC_HoldSetupTime ) <= 0xFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 277 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 277 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned int and signed char): ( FSMC_NANDInitStruct -> FSMC_CommonSpaceTimingStruct -> FSMC_HiZSetupTime ) <= 0xFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 278 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 278 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned int and signed char): ( FSMC_NANDInitStruct -> FSMC_AttributeSpaceTimingStruct -> FSMC_SetupTime ) <= 0xFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 279 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 279 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned int and signed char): ( FSMC_NANDInitStruct -> FSMC_AttributeSpaceTimingStruct -> FSMC_WaitSetupTime ) <= 0xFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 280 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 280 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned int and signed char): ( FSMC_NANDInitStruct -> FSMC_AttributeSpaceTimingStruct -> FSMC_HoldSetupTime ) <= 0xFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 281 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 281 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned int and signed char): ( FSMC_NANDInitStruct -> FSMC_AttributeSpaceTimingStruct -> FSMC_HiZSetupTime ) <= 0xFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 307 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xA0000000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 307 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0060 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 308 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xA0000000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 308 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0060 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 309 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xA0000000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 309 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0060 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 314 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xA0000000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 314 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0080 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 315 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xA0000000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 315 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0080 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 316 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xA0000000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 316 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0080 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
FSMC_PCCARDInit (328 to 372 stm32f10x_fsmc.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 331 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 332 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 333 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 335 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 336 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 337 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 338 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 340 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 341 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 342 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 343 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 344 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 345 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 346 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 347 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 350 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 356 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 362 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 368 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 332 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 332 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned int and signed char): ( FSMC_PCCARDInitStruct -> FSMC_TCLRSetupTime ) <= 0xFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 333 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 333 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned int and signed char): ( FSMC_PCCARDInitStruct -> FSMC_TARSetupTime ) <= 0xFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 335 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 335 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned int and signed char): ( FSMC_PCCARDInitStruct -> FSMC_CommonSpaceTimingStruct -> FSMC_SetupTime ) <= 0xFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 336 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 336 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned int and signed char): ( FSMC_PCCARDInitStruct -> FSMC_CommonSpaceTimingStruct -> FSMC_WaitSetupTime ) <= 0xFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 337 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 337 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned int and signed char): ( FSMC_PCCARDInitStruct -> FSMC_CommonSpaceTimingStruct -> FSMC_HoldSetupTime ) <= 0xFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 338 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 338 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned int and signed char): ( FSMC_PCCARDInitStruct -> FSMC_CommonSpaceTimingStruct -> FSMC_HiZSetupTime ) <= 0xFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 340 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 340 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned int and signed char): ( FSMC_PCCARDInitStruct -> FSMC_AttributeSpaceTimingStruct -> FSMC_SetupTime ) <= 0xFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 341 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 341 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned int and signed char): ( FSMC_PCCARDInitStruct -> FSMC_AttributeSpaceTimingStruct -> FSMC_WaitSetupTime ) <= 0xFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 342 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 342 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned int and signed char): ( FSMC_PCCARDInitStruct -> FSMC_AttributeSpaceTimingStruct -> FSMC_HoldSetupTime ) <= 0xFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 343 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 343 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned int and signed char): ( FSMC_PCCARDInitStruct -> FSMC_AttributeSpaceTimingStruct -> FSMC_HiZSetupTime ) <= 0xFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 344 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 344 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned int and signed char): ( FSMC_PCCARDInitStruct -> FSMC_IOSpaceTimingStruct -> FSMC_SetupTime ) <= 0xFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 345 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 345 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned int and signed char): ( FSMC_PCCARDInitStruct -> FSMC_IOSpaceTimingStruct -> FSMC_WaitSetupTime ) <= 0xFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 346 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 346 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned int and signed char): ( FSMC_PCCARDInitStruct -> FSMC_IOSpaceTimingStruct -> FSMC_HoldSetupTime ) <= 0xFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 347 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 347 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned int and signed char): ( FSMC_PCCARDInitStruct -> FSMC_IOSpaceTimingStruct -> FSMC_HiZSetupTime ) <= 0xFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 350 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xA0000000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 350 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x00A0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 356 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xA0000000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 356 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x00A0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 362 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xA0000000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 362 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x00A0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 368 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xA0000000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 368 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x00A0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
FSMC_NORSRAMStructInit (380 to 410 stm32f10x_fsmc.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 396 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 396 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned int and int): FSMC_NORSRAMInitStruct -> FSMC_ReadWriteTimingStruct -> FSMC_AddressSetupTime | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 397 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 397 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned int and int): FSMC_NORSRAMInitStruct -> FSMC_ReadWriteTimingStruct -> FSMC_AddressHoldTime | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 398 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 398 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned int and int): FSMC_NORSRAMInitStruct -> FSMC_ReadWriteTimingStruct -> FSMC_DataSetupTime | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 399 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 399 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned int and int): FSMC_NORSRAMInitStruct -> FSMC_ReadWriteTimingStruct -> FSMC_BusTurnAroundDuration | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 400 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 400 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned int and int): FSMC_NORSRAMInitStruct -> FSMC_ReadWriteTimingStruct -> FSMC_CLKDivision | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 401 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 401 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned int and int): FSMC_NORSRAMInitStruct -> FSMC_ReadWriteTimingStruct -> FSMC_DataLatency | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 403 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 403 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned int and int): FSMC_NORSRAMInitStruct -> FSMC_WriteTimingStruct -> FSMC_AddressSetupTime | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 404 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 404 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned int and int): FSMC_NORSRAMInitStruct -> FSMC_WriteTimingStruct -> FSMC_AddressHoldTime | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 405 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 405 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned int and int): FSMC_NORSRAMInitStruct -> FSMC_WriteTimingStruct -> FSMC_DataSetupTime | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 406 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 406 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned int and int): FSMC_NORSRAMInitStruct -> FSMC_WriteTimingStruct -> FSMC_BusTurnAroundDuration | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 407 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 407 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned int and int): FSMC_NORSRAMInitStruct -> FSMC_WriteTimingStruct -> FSMC_CLKDivision | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 408 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 408 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned int and int): FSMC_NORSRAMInitStruct -> FSMC_WriteTimingStruct -> FSMC_DataLatency | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
FSMC_NANDStructInit (418 to 436 stm32f10x_fsmc.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 426 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 426 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned int and int): FSMC_NANDInitStruct -> FSMC_TCLRSetupTime | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 427 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 427 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned int and int): FSMC_NANDInitStruct -> FSMC_TARSetupTime | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 428 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xFC | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 428 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned int and int): FSMC_NANDInitStruct -> FSMC_CommonSpaceTimingStruct -> FSMC_SetupTime | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 429 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xFC | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 429 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned int and int): FSMC_NANDInitStruct -> FSMC_CommonSpaceTimingStruct -> FSMC_WaitSetupTime | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 430 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xFC | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 430 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned int and int): FSMC_NANDInitStruct -> FSMC_CommonSpaceTimingStruct -> FSMC_HoldSetupTime | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 431 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xFC | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 431 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned int and int): FSMC_NANDInitStruct -> FSMC_CommonSpaceTimingStruct -> FSMC_HiZSetupTime | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 432 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xFC | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 432 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned int and int): FSMC_NANDInitStruct -> FSMC_AttributeSpaceTimingStruct -> FSMC_SetupTime | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 433 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xFC | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 433 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned int and int): FSMC_NANDInitStruct -> FSMC_AttributeSpaceTimingStruct -> FSMC_WaitSetupTime | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 434 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xFC | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 434 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned int and int): FSMC_NANDInitStruct -> FSMC_AttributeSpaceTimingStruct -> FSMC_HoldSetupTime | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 435 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xFC | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 435 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned int and int): FSMC_NANDInitStruct -> FSMC_AttributeSpaceTimingStruct -> FSMC_HiZSetupTime | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
FSMC_PCCARDStructInit (444 to 462 stm32f10x_fsmc.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 448 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 448 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned int and int): FSMC_PCCARDInitStruct -> FSMC_TCLRSetupTime | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 449 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 449 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned int and int): FSMC_PCCARDInitStruct -> FSMC_TARSetupTime | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 450 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xFC | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 450 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned int and int): FSMC_PCCARDInitStruct -> FSMC_CommonSpaceTimingStruct -> FSMC_SetupTime | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 451 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xFC | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 451 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned int and int): FSMC_PCCARDInitStruct -> FSMC_CommonSpaceTimingStruct -> FSMC_WaitSetupTime | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 452 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xFC | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 452 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned int and int): FSMC_PCCARDInitStruct -> FSMC_CommonSpaceTimingStruct -> FSMC_HoldSetupTime | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 453 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xFC | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 453 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned int and int): FSMC_PCCARDInitStruct -> FSMC_CommonSpaceTimingStruct -> FSMC_HiZSetupTime | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 454 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xFC | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 454 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned int and int): FSMC_PCCARDInitStruct -> FSMC_AttributeSpaceTimingStruct -> FSMC_SetupTime | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 455 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xFC | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 455 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned int and int): FSMC_PCCARDInitStruct -> FSMC_AttributeSpaceTimingStruct -> FSMC_WaitSetupTime | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 456 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xFC | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 456 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned int and int): FSMC_PCCARDInitStruct -> FSMC_AttributeSpaceTimingStruct -> FSMC_HoldSetupTime | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 457 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xFC | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 457 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned int and int): FSMC_PCCARDInitStruct -> FSMC_AttributeSpaceTimingStruct -> FSMC_HiZSetupTime | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 458 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xFC | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 458 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned int and int): FSMC_PCCARDInitStruct -> FSMC_IOSpaceTimingStruct -> FSMC_SetupTime | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 459 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xFC | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 459 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned int and int): FSMC_PCCARDInitStruct -> FSMC_IOSpaceTimingStruct -> FSMC_WaitSetupTime | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 460 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xFC | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 460 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned int and int): FSMC_PCCARDInitStruct -> FSMC_IOSpaceTimingStruct -> FSMC_HoldSetupTime | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 461 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xFC | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 461 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned int and int): FSMC_PCCARDInitStruct -> FSMC_IOSpaceTimingStruct -> FSMC_HiZSetupTime | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
FSMC_NORSRAMCmd (475 to 490 stm32f10x_fsmc.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 477 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 478 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 483 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 488 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 483 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xA0000000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 488 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xA0000000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
FSMC_NANDCmd (501 to 530 stm32f10x_fsmc.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 503 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 504 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 511 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 515 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 523 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 527 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 511 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xA0000000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 511 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0060 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 515 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xA0000000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 515 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0080 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 523 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xA0000000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 523 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0060 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 527 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xA0000000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 527 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0080 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
FSMC_PCCARDCmd (538 to 552 stm32f10x_fsmc.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 540 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 545 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 550 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 545 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xA0000000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 545 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x00A0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 550 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xA0000000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 550 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x00A0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
FSMC_NANDECCCmd (564 to 593 stm32f10x_fsmc.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 566 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 567 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 574 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 578 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 586 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 590 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 574 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xA0000000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 574 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0060 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 578 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xA0000000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 578 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0080 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 586 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xA0000000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 586 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0060 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 590 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xA0000000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 590 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0080 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
FSMC_GetECC (603 to 619 stm32f10x_fsmc.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 610 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 615 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 605 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x00000000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 610 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xA0000000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 610 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0060 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 615 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xA0000000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 615 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0080 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
FSMC_ITConfig (637 to 680 stm32f10x_fsmc.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 639 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 640 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 641 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 648 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 653 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 658 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 667 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 672 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 677 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 640 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xFFFFFFC7 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 640 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned int and signed char): ( FSMC_IT ) & ( uint32_t ) 0xFFFFFFC7 ) == 0x00000000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 640 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned int and signed char): ( FSMC_IT ) != 0x00000000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 648 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xA0000000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 648 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0060 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 648 | Implicit conversion of underlying type. : (unsigned short and unsigned int): ( uint32_t ) 0xA0000000 ) + 0x0060 ) ) -> SR2 |= FSMC_IT | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 648 | Narrower int conversion without cast. : (unsigned short and unsigned int): ( uint32_t ) 0xA0000000 ) + 0x0060 ) ) -> SR2 |= FSMC_IT | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
C | 653 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xA0000000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 653 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0080 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 658 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xA0000000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 658 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x00A0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 667 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xA0000000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 667 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0060 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 667 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned short and unsigned int): ( uint32_t ) 0xA0000000 ) + 0x0060 ) ) -> SR2 &= ( uint32_t ) ~ FSMC_IT | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 672 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xA0000000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 672 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0080 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 677 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xA0000000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 677 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x00A0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
FSMC_GetFlagStatus (697 to 731 stm32f10x_fsmc.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 703 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 704 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 708 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 712 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 717 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 700 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x00000000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 708 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xA0000000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 708 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0060 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 708 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned int and unsigned short): ( uint32_t ) 0xA0000000 ) + 0x0060 ) ) -> SR2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 712 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xA0000000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 712 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0080 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 717 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xA0000000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 717 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x00A0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 721 | Use of underlying enum representation value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
FSMC_ClearFlag (747 to 766 stm32f10x_fsmc.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 750 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 751 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 755 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 759 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 764 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 751 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xFFFFFFF8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 751 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned int and signed char): ( FSMC_FLAG ) & ( uint32_t ) 0xFFFFFFF8 ) == 0x00000000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 751 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned int and signed char): ( FSMC_FLAG ) != 0x00000000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 755 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xA0000000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 755 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0060 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 755 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned short and unsigned int): ( uint32_t ) 0xA0000000 ) + 0x0060 ) ) -> SR2 &= ~ FSMC_FLAG | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 759 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xA0000000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 759 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0080 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 764 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xA0000000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 764 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x00A0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
FSMC_GetITStatus (782 to 817 stm32f10x_fsmc.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 788 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 789 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 793 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 797 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 802 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 785 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 785 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 785 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 793 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xA0000000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 793 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0060 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 793 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned int and unsigned short): ( uint32_t ) 0xA0000000 ) + 0x0060 ) ) -> SR2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 797 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xA0000000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 797 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0080 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 802 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xA0000000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 802 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x00A0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 808 | Use of underlying enum representation value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 808 | Use of underlying enum representation value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 816 | Local structure returned in function result. : bitstatus | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.6 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
FSMC_ClearITPendingBit (833 to 852 stm32f10x_fsmc.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 836 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 837 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 841 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 845 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 850 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 837 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xFFFFFFC7 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 837 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned int and signed char): ( FSMC_IT ) & ( uint32_t ) 0xFFFFFFC7 ) == 0x00000000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 837 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned int and signed char): ( FSMC_IT ) != 0x00000000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 841 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xA0000000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 841 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0060 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 841 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned short and unsigned int): ( uint32_t ) 0xA0000000 ) + 0x0060 ) ) -> SR2 &= ~ ( FSMC_IT >> 3 ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 845 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xA0000000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 845 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0080 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 850 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xA0000000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 850 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x00A0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
GPIO_DeInit (108 to 151 stm32f10x_gpio.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 111 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 111 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 111 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 111 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 111 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 111 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 111 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 111 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 113 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 118 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 123 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 128 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 133 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 138 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 145 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 111 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 111 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 111 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 111 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 111 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 111 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 111 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 111 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 111 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 111 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 111 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 111 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 111 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 111 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 113 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 113 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 118 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 118 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 123 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 123 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 128 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 128 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 133 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 133 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 138 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 138 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 145 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 145 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
GPIO_Init (173 to 258 stm32f10x_gpio.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 178 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 178 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 178 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 178 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 178 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 178 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 178 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 178 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 179 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 180 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 187 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 175 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 175 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 175 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 175 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 176 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 176 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 178 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 178 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 178 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 178 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 178 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 178 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 178 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 178 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 178 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 178 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 178 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 178 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 178 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 178 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 180 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned short and signed char): ( GPIO_InitStruct -> GPIO_Pin ) & ( uint16_t ) 0x00 ) == 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 183 | Use of bit operator on signed type. : & used with enum: currentmode | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 184 | Use of bit operator on signed type. : & used with enum | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 193 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned int and signed char): ( uint32_t ) 0x00FF ) ) != 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 196 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 196 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned int and int): pinpos | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 196 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x08 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 196 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned int and int): pinpos | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 196 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned int and signed char): pinpos < 0x08 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 228 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x00FF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 228 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned short and int): GPIO_InitStruct -> GPIO_Pin | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 228 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned short and signed char): GPIO_InitStruct -> GPIO_Pin > 0x00FF | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 231 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 231 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned int and int): pinpos | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 231 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x08 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 231 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned int and int): pinpos | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 231 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned int and signed char): pinpos < 0x08 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 233 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x08 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 247 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x08 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 252 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x08 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 175 | DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. : currentpin | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
C | 176 | DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. : pinmask | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
C | 175 | DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. : pinpos | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
C | 175 | DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. : pos | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
C | 176 | DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. : tmpreg | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
GPIO_ReadInputDataBit (281 to 298 stm32f10x_gpio.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 286 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 286 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 286 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 286 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 286 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 286 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 286 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 286 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 287 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 283 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 286 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 286 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 286 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 286 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 286 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 286 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 286 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 286 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 286 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 286 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 286 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 286 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 286 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 286 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 289 | Volatile variable in complex expression. : IDR | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2 |
C | 289 | Use of underlying enum representation value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 291 | Use of underlying enum representation value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 295 | Use of underlying enum representation value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
GPIO_ReadInputData (305 to 311 stm32f10x_gpio.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 308 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 308 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 308 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 308 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 308 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 308 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 308 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 308 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 308 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 308 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 308 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 308 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 308 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 308 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 308 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 308 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 308 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 308 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 308 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 308 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 308 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 308 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 310 | Volatile variable in complex expression. : IDR | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
GPIO_ReadOutputDataBit (320 to 336 stm32f10x_gpio.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 324 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 324 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 324 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 324 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 324 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 324 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 324 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 324 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 325 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 322 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 324 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 324 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 324 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 324 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 324 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 324 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 324 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 324 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 324 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 324 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 324 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 324 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 324 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 324 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 327 | Volatile variable in complex expression. : ODR | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2 |
C | 327 | Use of underlying enum representation value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 329 | Use of underlying enum representation value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 333 | Use of underlying enum representation value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
GPIO_ReadOutputData (343 to 349 stm32f10x_gpio.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 346 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 346 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 346 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 346 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 346 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 346 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 346 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 346 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 346 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 346 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 346 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 346 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 346 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 346 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 346 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 346 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 346 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 346 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 346 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 346 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 346 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 346 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 348 | Volatile variable in complex expression. : ODR | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
GPIO_SetBits (358 to 365 stm32f10x_gpio.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 361 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 361 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 361 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 361 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 361 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 361 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 361 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 361 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 362 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 361 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 361 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 361 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 361 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 361 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 361 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 361 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 361 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 361 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 361 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 361 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 361 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 361 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 361 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 362 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned short and signed char): ( GPIO_Pin ) & ( uint16_t ) 0x00 ) == 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
GPIO_ResetBits (374 to 381 stm32f10x_gpio.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 377 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 377 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 377 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 377 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 377 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 377 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 377 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 377 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 378 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 377 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 377 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 377 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 377 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 377 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 377 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 377 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 377 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 377 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 377 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 377 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 377 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 377 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 377 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 378 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned short and signed char): ( GPIO_Pin ) & ( uint16_t ) 0x00 ) == 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
GPIO_WriteBit (394 to 409 stm32f10x_gpio.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 397 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 397 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 397 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 397 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 397 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 397 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 397 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 397 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 398 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 399 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 397 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 397 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 397 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 397 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 397 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 397 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 397 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 397 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 397 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 397 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 397 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 397 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 397 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 397 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
GPIO_Write (417 to 423 stm32f10x_gpio.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 420 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 420 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 420 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 420 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 420 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 420 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 420 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 420 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 420 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 420 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 420 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 420 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 420 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 420 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 420 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 420 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 420 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 420 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 420 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 420 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 420 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 420 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
GPIO_PinLockConfig (432 to 451 stm32f10x_gpio.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 437 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 437 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 437 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 437 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 437 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 437 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 437 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 437 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 438 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 434 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x00010000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 437 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 437 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 437 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 437 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 437 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 437 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 437 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 437 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 437 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 437 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 437 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 437 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 437 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 437 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 438 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned short and signed char): ( GPIO_Pin ) & ( uint16_t ) 0x00 ) == 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 450 | DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. : tmp | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
GPIO_EventOutputConfig (462 to 475 stm32f10x_gpio.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 466 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 467 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 469 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 474 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 464 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 469 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 471 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned int and unsigned short): ( uint16_t ) 0xFF80 ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 472 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x04 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 474 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
GPIO_EventOutputCmd (483 to 489 stm32f10x_gpio.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 486 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 488 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 488 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 488 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 32 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 488 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 4 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 488 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned int* and unsigned int): ( uint8_t ) 0x07 ) * 4 ) ) = ( uint32_t | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
GPIO_PinRemapConfig (549 to 599 stm32f10x_gpio.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 554 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 555 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 559 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 563 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 572 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 593 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 597 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 551 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 551 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 551 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 551 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 554 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0x80000001 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 554 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0x80000002 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 554 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0x80000004 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 554 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0x80000008 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 554 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0x80000010 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 554 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0x80000020 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 554 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0x80000040 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 554 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0x80000080 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 554 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0x80000100 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 554 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0x80000200 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 554 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0x80000400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 554 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0x80000800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 554 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0x80001000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 554 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0x80002000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 557 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0x80000000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 557 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0x80000000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 559 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 563 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 566 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 567 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned short and unsigned int): ( uint16_t ) 0xFFFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 571 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xF0FFFFFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 572 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 572 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xF0FFFFFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 578 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xF0FFFFFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 582 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x15 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 582 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 583 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xF0FFFFFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 588 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x15 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 588 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 591 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0x80000000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 591 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0x80000000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 593 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 597 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 551 | DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. : tmp1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
GPIO_EXTILineConfig (609 to 619 stm32f10x_gpio.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 613 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 614 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 617 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 618 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 611 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 616 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x04 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 616 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned int and signed char): ( uint32_t ) 0x0F ) << ( 0x04 * | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 616 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (signed char and unsigned char): ( uint32_t ) 0x0F ) << ( 0x04 * ( | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 617 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 618 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 618 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x04 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 618 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned int and signed char): ( uint32_t ) GPIO_PortSource ) << ( 0x04 * | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 618 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (signed char and unsigned char): ( uint32_t ) GPIO_PortSource ) << ( 0x04 * ( | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
GPIO_ETH_MediaInterfaceConfig (630 to 636 stm32f10x_gpio.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 632 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 635 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 635 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 635 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x04 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 635 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 32 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 635 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 4 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
I2C_DeInit (162 to 181 stm32f10x_i2c.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 165 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 165 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 165 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 167 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 165 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x5400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 165 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x5800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 167 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x5400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
I2C_Init (191 to 291 stm32f10x_i2c.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 198 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 198 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 198 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 199 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 200 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 201 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 202 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 203 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 204 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 193 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 194 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x04 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 195 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 8000000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 198 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x5400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 198 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x5800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 199 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 199 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned int and signed char): ( I2C_InitStruct -> I2C_ClockSpeed ) >= 0x1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 199 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 400000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 202 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3FF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 225 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 225 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned short and int): tmpreg | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 228 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 100000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 228 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned int and int): I2C_InitStruct -> I2C_ClockSpeed | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 233 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x04 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 233 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned short and int): result | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 233 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned short and signed char): result < 0x04 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 236 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x04 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 236 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned short and int): result | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 241 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 249 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 3 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 254 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 25 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 260 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
M | 196 | Procedure contains UR data flow anomalies. : rcc_clocks.PCLK1_Frequency |
MISRA-C:2012 R.9.1 | ||||||||
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
I2C_StructInit (298 to 313 stm32f10x_i2c.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 302 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 5000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 302 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned int and int): I2C_InitStruct -> I2C_ClockSpeed | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 308 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 308 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned short and int): I2C_InitStruct -> I2C_OwnAddress1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
I2C_Cmd (322 to 337 stm32f10x_i2c.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 325 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 325 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 325 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 326 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 325 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x5400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 325 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x5800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
I2C_DMACmd (346 to 361 stm32f10x_i2c.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 349 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 349 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 349 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 350 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 349 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x5400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 349 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x5800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
I2C_DMALastTransferCmd (370 to 385 stm32f10x_i2c.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 373 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 373 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 373 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 374 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 373 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x5400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 373 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x5800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
I2C_GenerateSTART (394 to 409 stm32f10x_i2c.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 397 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 397 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 397 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 398 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 397 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x5400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 397 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x5800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
I2C_GenerateSTOP (418 to 433 stm32f10x_i2c.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 421 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 421 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 421 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 422 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 421 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x5400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 421 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x5800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
I2C_AcknowledgeConfig (442 to 457 stm32f10x_i2c.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 445 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 445 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 445 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 446 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 445 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x5400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 445 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x5800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
I2C_OwnAddress2Config (465 to 483 stm32f10x_i2c.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 470 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 470 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 470 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 470 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x5400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 470 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x5800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
I2C_DualAddressCmd (492 to 507 stm32f10x_i2c.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 495 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 495 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 495 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 496 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 495 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x5400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 495 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x5800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
I2C_GeneralCallCmd (516 to 531 stm32f10x_i2c.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 519 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 519 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 519 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 520 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 519 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x5400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 519 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x5800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
I2C_ITConfig (545 to 562 stm32f10x_i2c.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 548 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 548 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 548 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 549 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 550 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 548 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x5400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 548 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x5800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 550 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned short and signed char): ( I2C_IT ) & ( uint16_t ) 0xF8FF ) == 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 550 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned short and signed char): ( I2C_IT ) != 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
I2C_SendData (570 to 576 stm32f10x_i2c.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 573 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 573 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 573 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 573 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x5400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 573 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x5800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
I2C_ReceiveData (583 to 589 stm32f10x_i2c.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 586 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 586 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 586 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 586 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x5400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 586 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x5800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 588 | Volatile variable in complex expression. : DR | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
I2C_Send7bitAddress (601 to 619 stm32f10x_i2c.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 604 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 604 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 604 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 605 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 604 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x5400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 604 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x5800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 610 | Implicit conversion of underlying type. : (unsigned char and unsigned short): ( uint16_t | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 610 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned char and unsigned short): ( uint16_t | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 610 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned char and unsigned short): ( uint16_t ) 0x0001 ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 615 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned char and unsigned short): ( uint16_t ) 0xFFFE ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
I2C_ReadRegister (636 to 649 stm32f10x_i2c.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 641 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 641 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 641 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 642 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 648 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 641 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x5400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 641 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x5800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 644 | Cast from pointer to integral type. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 648 | Volatile variable in complex expression. : tmp | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
I2C_SoftwareResetCmd (658 to 673 stm32f10x_i2c.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 661 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 661 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 661 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 662 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 661 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x5400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 661 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x5800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
I2C_NACKPositionConfig (696 to 713 stm32f10x_i2c.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 699 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 699 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 699 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 700 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 699 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x5400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 699 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x5800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
I2C_SMBusAlertConfig (724 to 739 stm32f10x_i2c.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 727 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 727 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 727 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 728 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 727 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x5400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 727 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x5800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
I2C_TransmitPEC (748 to 763 stm32f10x_i2c.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 751 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 751 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 751 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 752 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 751 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x5400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 751 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x5800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
I2C_PECPositionConfig (779 to 794 stm32f10x_i2c.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 782 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 782 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 782 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 783 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 782 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x5400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 782 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x5800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
I2C_CalculatePEC (803 to 818 stm32f10x_i2c.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 806 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 806 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 806 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 807 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 806 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x5400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 806 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x5800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
I2C_GetPEC (825 to 831 stm32f10x_i2c.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 828 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 828 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 828 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 828 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x5400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 828 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x5800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 830 | Volatile variable in complex expression. : SR2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2 |
C | 830 | Implicit conversion of underlying type. : (unsigned char and unsigned short): ( I2Cx -> SR2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 830 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned char and unsigned short): ( I2Cx -> SR2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 830 | Implicit conversion of underlying type. : (unsigned char and unsigned short): ( I2Cx -> SR2 ) >> 8 ) ; | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 830 | Function return type inconsistent. : (unsigned char and unsigned short) |
MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 | ||||||||
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
I2C_ARPCmd (840 to 855 stm32f10x_i2c.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 843 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 843 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 843 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 844 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 843 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x5400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 843 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x5800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
I2C_StretchClockCmd (864 to 879 stm32f10x_i2c.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 867 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 867 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 867 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 868 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 867 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x5400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 867 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x5800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
I2C_FastModeDutyCycleConfig (890 to 905 stm32f10x_i2c.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 893 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 893 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 893 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 894 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 893 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x5400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 893 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x5800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
I2C_CheckEvent (1030 to 1061 stm32f10x_i2c.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 1037 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 1037 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1037 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 1038 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 1033 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1037 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x5400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1037 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x5800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1041 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned int and unsigned short): flag1 = I2Cx -> SR1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 1042 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned int and unsigned short): flag2 = I2Cx -> SR2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
I2C_GetLastEvent (1078 to 1096 stm32f10x_i2c.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 1084 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 1084 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1084 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1081 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1084 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x5400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1084 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x5800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1087 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned int and unsigned short): flag1 = I2Cx -> SR1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 1088 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned int and unsigned short): flag2 = I2Cx -> SR2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
I2C_GetFlagStatus (1133 to 1177 stm32f10x_i2c.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 1139 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 1139 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1139 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 1140 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 1164 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1136 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1139 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x5400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1139 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x5800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1143 | Cast from pointer to integral type. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1151 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned int and int): i2creg | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1151 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1154 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x14 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1154 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned int and int): i2cxbase | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1161 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x18 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1161 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned int and int): i2cxbase | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1164 | Volatile variable in complex expression. : i2cxbase | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2 |
C | 1164 | Use of underlying enum representation value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
I2C_ClearFlag (1212 to 1222 stm32f10x_i2c.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 1216 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 1216 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1216 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 1217 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 1216 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x5400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1216 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x5800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1217 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned short and signed char): ( I2C_FLAG ) & ( uint16_t ) 0x20FF ) == 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1221 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned short and unsigned int): I2Cx -> SR1 = ( uint16_t ) ~ flagpos | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
I2C_GetITStatus (1246 to 1274 stm32f10x_i2c.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 1252 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 1252 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1252 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 1253 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 1252 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x5400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1252 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x5800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1256 | Volatile variable in complex expression. : CR2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2 |
C | 1256 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned short and unsigned int): ( uint32_t ) 0x07000000 ) ) >> 16 ) & ( I2Cx -> CR2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 1262 | Volatile variable in complex expression. : SR1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2 |
C | 1262 | Use of underlying enum representation value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 1262 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 1273 | Local structure returned in function result. : bitstatus | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.6 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
I2C_ClearITPendingBit (1307 to 1317 stm32f10x_i2c.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 1311 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 1311 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1311 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 1312 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 1311 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x5400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1311 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x5800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1312 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned short and signed char): ( I2C_IT ) & ( uint16_t ) 0x20FF ) == 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1316 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned short and unsigned int): I2Cx -> SR1 = ( uint16_t ) ~ flagpos | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
DMA1_Channel5_IRQHandler (66 to 101 stm32f10x_it.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | No prototype for non-static function. : DMA1_Channel5_IRQHandler | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 70 | Function call with no prior declaration. : DMA_ClearFlag | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 71 | Function call with no prior declaration. : DMA_ClearITPendingBit | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 72 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 72 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): i | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 72 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 72 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): i | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 72 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned char and signed char): i < 8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 76 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 76 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): i | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 76 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 76 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): i | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 76 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned char and signed char): i < 8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 78 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (signed char and unsigned char): IAValue.table [ i ] = parameter [ 8 + i | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 80 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 80 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): i | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 80 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 80 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): i | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 80 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned char and signed char): i < 8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 82 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned char and signed char): DAValue.table [ i ] = parameter [ i + 16 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 84 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 84 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): i | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 84 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 84 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): i | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 84 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned char and signed char): i < 8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 86 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned char and signed char): PBValue.table [ i ] = parameter [ i + 24 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 88 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 88 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): i | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 88 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 88 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): i | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 88 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned char and signed char): i < 8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 90 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (signed char and unsigned char): IBValue.table [ i ] = parameter [ 32 + i | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 92 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 92 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): i | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 92 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 92 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): i | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 92 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned char and signed char): i < 8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 94 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned char and signed char): DBValue.table [ i ] = parameter [ i + 40 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
EXTI4_IRQHandler (105 to 111 stm32f10x_it.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | No prototype for non-static function. : EXTI4_IRQHandler | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 107 | Function call with no prior declaration. : EXTI_GetITStatus | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 109 | Function call with no prior declaration. : EXTI_ClearITPendingBit | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 107 | Use of underlying enum representation value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
TIM1_UP_IRQHandler (114 to 163 stm32f10x_it.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | No prototype for non-static function. : TIM1_UP_IRQHandler | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 125 | Function call with no prior declaration. : TIM_GetFlagStatus | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 125 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 127 | Function call with no prior declaration. : mpu_dmp_get_data | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 128 | Function call with no prior declaration. : myabs | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 132 | Function call with no prior declaration. : SpeedControlOutput | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 134 | Function call with no prior declaration. : TurnControlOutput | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 135 | Function call with no prior declaration. : AnglePID_Realize | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 142 | Function call with no prior declaration. : MOTOR2_GetSpeed | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 143 | Function call with no prior declaration. : MOTOR4_GetSpeed | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 146 | Function call with no prior declaration. : TurnPID_Realize | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 147 | Function call with no prior declaration. : SpeedPID_Realize | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 153 | Function call with no prior declaration. : MotorOutput | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 157 | Function call with no prior declaration. : MotorOutput | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 161 | Function call with no prior declaration. : TIM_ClearITPendingBit | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 161 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 125 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 125 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 125 | Use of underlying enum representation value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 140 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 140 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): SpeedControlPeriod | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 141 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 141 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): TurnControlPeriod | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 152 | Expression needs brackets. | MISRA-C:2012 R.12.1,R.20.7 |
C | 161 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 161 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 116 | DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. : balance | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
C | 117 | DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. : speedout | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
C | 118 | DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. : turn | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
NMI_Handler (169 to 171 stm32f10x_it.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 169 | Void function has no side effects. : NMI_Handler | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
HardFault_Handler (178 to 184 stm32f10x_it.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 181 | Potentially infinite loop found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.1 |
C | 178 | Void function has no side effects. : HardFault_Handler | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
MemManage_Handler (191 to 197 stm32f10x_it.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 194 | Potentially infinite loop found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.1 |
C | 191 | Void function has no side effects. : MemManage_Handler | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
BusFault_Handler (204 to 210 stm32f10x_it.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 207 | Potentially infinite loop found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.1 |
C | 204 | Void function has no side effects. : BusFault_Handler | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
UsageFault_Handler (217 to 223 stm32f10x_it.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 220 | Potentially infinite loop found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.1 |
C | 217 | Void function has no side effects. : UsageFault_Handler | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
SVC_Handler (230 to 232 stm32f10x_it.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 230 | Void function has no side effects. : SVC_Handler | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
DebugMon_Handler (239 to 241 stm32f10x_it.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 239 | Void function has no side effects. : DebugMon_Handler | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
PendSV_Handler (248 to 250 stm32f10x_it.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 248 | Void function has no side effects. : PendSV_Handler | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
SysTick_Handler (257 to 259 stm32f10x_it.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 257 | Void function has no side effects. : SysTick_Handler | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
IWDG_WriteAccessCmd (92 to 97 stm32f10x_iwdg.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 95 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 96 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 96 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
IWDG_SetPrescaler (112 to 117 stm32f10x_iwdg.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 115 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 116 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 116 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
IWDG_SetReload (125 to 130 stm32f10x_iwdg.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 128 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 129 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 128 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xFFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 129 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
IWDG_ReloadCounter (138 to 141 stm32f10x_iwdg.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 140 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 140 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 140 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned int and unsigned short): ( uint16_t ) 0xAAAA ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 138 | Void function has no side effects. : IWDG_ReloadCounter | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
IWDG_Enable (148 to 151 stm32f10x_iwdg.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 150 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 150 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 150 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned int and unsigned short): ( uint16_t ) 0xCCCC ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 148 | Void function has no side effects. : IWDG_Enable | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
IWDG_GetFlagStatus (161 to 176 stm32f10x_iwdg.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 165 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 166 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 166 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 166 | Volatile variable in complex expression. : SR | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2 |
C | 166 | Use of underlying enum representation value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
PWR_BackupAccessCmd (124 to 129 stm32f10x_pwr.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 127 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 128 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 128 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x7000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 128 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 32 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 128 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x08 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 128 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned int and signed char): ( uint32_t ) 0x40000000 ) ) + 0x00 ) * 32 ) + ( 0x08 * | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 128 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned int and signed char): ( uint32_t ) 0x40000000 ) ) + 0x00 ) * 32 ) + ( 0x08 * 4 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 128 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned int* and unsigned int): ( uint32_t ) 0x40000000 ) ) + 0x00 ) * 32 ) + ( 0x08 * 4 ) ) = ( uint32_t | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
PWR_PVDCmd (137 to 142 stm32f10x_pwr.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 140 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 141 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 141 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x7000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 141 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 32 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 141 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x04 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 141 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned int and signed char): ( uint32_t ) 0x40000000 ) ) + 0x00 ) * 32 ) + ( 0x04 * | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 141 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned int and signed char): ( uint32_t ) 0x40000000 ) ) + 0x00 ) * 32 ) + ( 0x04 * 4 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 141 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned int* and unsigned int): ( uint32_t ) 0x40000000 ) ) + 0x00 ) * 32 ) + ( 0x04 * 4 ) ) = ( uint32_t | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
PWR_PVDLevelConfig (158 to 170 stm32f10x_pwr.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 162 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 163 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 169 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 163 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x7000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 165 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xFFFFFF1F | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 169 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x7000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
PWR_WakeUpPinCmd (178 to 183 stm32f10x_pwr.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 181 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 182 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 182 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x7000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 182 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x04 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 182 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 32 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 182 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x08 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 182 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned int and signed char): ( uint32_t ) 0x40000000 ) ) + 0x04 ) * 32 ) + ( 0x08 * | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 182 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned int and signed char): ( uint32_t ) 0x40000000 ) ) + 0x04 ) * 32 ) + ( 0x08 * 4 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 182 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned int* and unsigned int): ( uint32_t ) 0x40000000 ) ) + 0x04 ) * 32 ) + ( 0x08 * 4 ) ) = ( uint32_t | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
PWR_EnterSTOPMode (197 to 229 stm32f10x_pwr.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 201 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 202 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 205 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 211 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 213 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 219 | Function call with no prior declaration. : __WFI | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 224 | Function call with no prior declaration. : __WFE | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 228 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 205 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x7000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 207 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xFFFFFFFC | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 211 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x7000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 213 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xE000E000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 213 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0D00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 213 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned int and unsigned char): ( uint8_t ) 0x04 ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 228 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xE000E000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 228 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0D00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 228 | Widening cast on complex integer expression. : (unsigned int and unsigned char): ( uint8_t ) 0x04 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.8 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
PWR_EnterSTANDBYMode (236 to 250 stm32f10x_pwr.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 239 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 241 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 243 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 249 | Function call with no prior declaration. : __WFI | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 239 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x7000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 239 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned int and unsigned short): ( uint16_t ) 0x0004 ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 241 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x7000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 241 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned int and unsigned short): ( uint16_t ) 0x0002 ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 243 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xE000E000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 243 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0D00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 243 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned int and unsigned char): ( uint8_t ) 0x04 ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
PWR_GetFlagStatus (261 to 277 stm32f10x_pwr.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 265 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 267 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 267 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x7000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 267 | Volatile variable in complex expression. : CSR | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2 |
C | 267 | Use of underlying enum representation value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
PWR_ClearFlag (287 to 293 stm32f10x_pwr.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 290 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 292 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 292 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x7000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
RCC_DeInit (217 to 258 stm32f10x_rcc.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 220 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 224 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 230 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 233 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 236 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 255 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 220 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 220 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 224 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 224 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 224 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xF8FF0000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 230 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 230 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 230 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xFEF6FFFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 233 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 233 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 233 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xFFFBFFFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 236 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 236 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 236 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xFF80FFFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 255 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 255 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 255 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x009F0000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 255 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x009F0000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 255 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned int and int): ( uint32_t ) 0x40000000 ) + 0x20000 ) + 0x1000 ) ) -> CIR | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 217 | Void function has no side effects. : RCC_DeInit | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
RCC_HSEConfig (270 to 295 stm32f10x_rcc.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 273 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 276 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 278 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 284 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 289 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 276 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 276 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 276 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xFFFEFFFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 278 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 278 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 278 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xFFFBFFFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 284 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 284 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 289 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 289 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 292 | Switch empty default has no comment. | MISRA-C:2012 R.16.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
RCC_WaitForHSEStartUp (304 to 326 stm32f10x_rcc.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 314 | Volatile variable in complex expression. : StartUpCounter | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2 |
C | 315 | Volatile variable in complex expression. : StartUpCounter | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2 |
C | 315 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned short and unsigned int): ( uint16_t ) 0x0500 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 313 | Function return value potentially unused. : HSEStatus |
MISRA-C:2012 D.4.7,R.17.7 | ||||||||
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
RCC_AdjustHSICalibrationValue (334 to 346 stm32f10x_rcc.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 338 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 339 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 345 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 338 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1F | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 338 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned char and signed char): ( HSICalibrationValue ) <= 0x1F | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 339 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 339 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 341 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xFFFFFF07 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 345 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 345 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
RCC_HSICmd (354 to 359 stm32f10x_rcc.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 357 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 358 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 358 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 358 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 358 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 32 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 358 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned int and signed char): ( uint32_t ) 0x40000000 ) ) + 0x00 ) * 32 ) + ( 0x00 * | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 358 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned int and signed char): ( uint32_t ) 0x40000000 ) ) + 0x00 ) * 32 ) + ( 0x00 * 4 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 358 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned int* and unsigned int): ( uint32_t ) 0x40000000 ) ) + 0x00 ) * 32 ) + ( 0x00 * 4 ) ) = ( uint32_t | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
RCC_PLLConfig (378 to 393 stm32f10x_rcc.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 383 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 384 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 386 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 392 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 386 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 386 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 388 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xFFC0FFFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 392 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 392 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
RCC_PLLCmd (401 to 407 stm32f10x_rcc.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 404 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 406 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 406 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 406 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 406 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 32 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 406 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x18 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 406 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned int and signed char): ( uint32_t ) 0x40000000 ) ) + 0x00 ) * 32 ) + ( 0x18 * | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 406 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned int and signed char): ( uint32_t ) 0x40000000 ) ) + 0x00 ) * 32 ) + ( 0x18 * 4 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 406 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned int* and unsigned int): ( uint32_t ) 0x40000000 ) ) + 0x00 ) * 32 ) + ( 0x18 * 4 ) ) = ( uint32_t | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
RCC_SYSCLKConfig (564 to 576 stm32f10x_rcc.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 568 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 569 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 575 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 569 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 569 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 571 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xFFFFFFFC | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 575 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 575 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
RCC_GetSYSCLKSource (587 to 590 stm32f10x_rcc.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 589 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 589 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 589 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 589 | Volatile variable in complex expression. : CFGR | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
RCC_HCLKConfig (608 to 620 stm32f10x_rcc.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 612 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 613 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 619 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 613 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 613 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 615 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xFFFFFF0F | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 619 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 619 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
RCC_PCLK1Config (634 to 646 stm32f10x_rcc.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 638 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 639 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 645 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 639 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 639 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 641 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xFFFFF8FF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 645 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 645 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
RCC_PCLK2Config (660 to 672 stm32f10x_rcc.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 664 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 665 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 671 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 665 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 665 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 667 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xFFFFC7FF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 671 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 671 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
RCC_ITConfig (700 to 715 stm32f10x_rcc.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 703 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 704 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 708 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 713 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 703 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned char and signed char): ( RCC_IT ) & ( uint8_t ) 0xE0 ) == 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 703 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned char and signed char): ( RCC_IT ) != 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
RCC_USBCLKConfig (728 to 734 stm32f10x_rcc.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 731 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 733 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 733 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 733 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 733 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x04 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 733 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 32 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 733 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x16 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 733 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned int and signed char): ( uint32_t ) 0x40000000 ) ) + 0x04 ) * 32 ) + ( 0x16 * | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 733 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned int and signed char): ( uint32_t ) 0x40000000 ) ) + 0x04 ) * 32 ) + ( 0x16 * 4 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
RCC_ADCCLKConfig (766 to 778 stm32f10x_rcc.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 770 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 771 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 777 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 771 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 771 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 773 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xFFFF3FFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 777 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 777 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
RCC_LSEConfig (829 to 854 stm32f10x_rcc.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 832 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 835 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 837 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 843 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 848 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 835 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 835 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 835 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 837 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 837 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 837 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 843 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 843 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 843 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 848 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 848 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 848 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 851 | Switch empty default has no comment. | MISRA-C:2012 R.16.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
RCC_LSICmd (862 to 867 stm32f10x_rcc.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 865 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 866 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 866 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 866 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 866 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x24 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 866 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 32 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 866 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned int and signed char): ( uint32_t ) 0x40000000 ) ) + 0x24 ) * 32 ) + ( 0x00 * | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 866 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned int and signed char): ( uint32_t ) 0x40000000 ) ) + 0x24 ) * 32 ) + ( 0x00 * 4 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 866 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned int* and unsigned int): ( uint32_t ) 0x40000000 ) ) + 0x24 ) * 32 ) + ( 0x00 * 4 ) ) = ( uint32_t | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
RCC_RTCCLKConfig (879 to 885 stm32f10x_rcc.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 882 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 884 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 884 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 884 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
RCC_RTCCLKCmd (893 to 898 stm32f10x_rcc.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 896 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 897 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 897 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 897 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 897 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 897 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 32 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 897 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0F | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 897 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned int and signed char): ( uint32_t ) 0x40000000 ) ) + 0x20 ) * 32 ) + ( 0x0F * | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 897 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned int and signed char): ( uint32_t ) 0x40000000 ) ) + 0x20 ) * 32 ) + ( 0x0F * 4 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 897 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned int* and unsigned int): ( uint32_t ) 0x40000000 ) ) + 0x20 ) * 32 ) + ( 0x0F * 4 ) ) = ( uint32_t | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
RCC_GetClocksFreq (908 to 1031 stm32f10x_rcc.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 921 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 934 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 935 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 952 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1008 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1014 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1020 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1026 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 910 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 910 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 910 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 921 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 921 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 921 | Volatile variable in complex expression. : CFGR | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2 |
C | 925 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned int and int): case | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 928 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned int and int): case | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 931 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned int and int): case | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 934 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 934 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 934 | Volatile variable in complex expression. : CFGR | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2 |
C | 935 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 935 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 935 | Volatile variable in complex expression. : CFGR | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2 |
C | 938 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 940 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned int and int): pllsource | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 940 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned int and signed char): pllsource == 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 952 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 952 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 952 | Volatile variable in complex expression. : CFGR | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2 |
C | 952 | Use of underlying enum representation value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 1008 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1008 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1008 | Volatile variable in complex expression. : CFGR | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2 |
C | 1014 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1014 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1014 | Volatile variable in complex expression. : CFGR | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2 |
C | 1020 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1020 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1020 | Volatile variable in complex expression. : CFGR | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2 |
C | 1026 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1026 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1026 | Volatile variable in complex expression. : CFGR | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2 |
C | 910 | DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. : pllmull | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
C | 910 | DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. : pllsource | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
RCC_AHBPeriphClockCmd (1064 to 1078 stm32f10x_rcc.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 1067 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 1068 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 1072 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1076 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1067 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xFFFFFAA8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 1067 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned int and signed char): ( RCC_AHBPeriph ) & 0xFFFFFAA8 ) == 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1067 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned int and signed char): ( RCC_AHBPeriph ) != 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1072 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1072 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1076 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1076 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
RCC_APB2PeriphClockCmd (1095 to 1108 stm32f10x_rcc.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 1098 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 1099 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 1102 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1106 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1098 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xFFC00002 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 1098 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned int and signed char): ( RCC_APB2Periph ) & 0xFFC00002 ) == 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1098 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned int and signed char): ( RCC_APB2Periph ) != 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1102 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1102 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1106 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1106 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
RCC_APB1PeriphClockCmd (1126 to 1139 stm32f10x_rcc.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 1129 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 1130 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 1133 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1137 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1129 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0x81013600 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 1129 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned int and signed char): ( RCC_APB1Periph ) & 0x81013600 ) == 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1129 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned int and signed char): ( RCC_APB1Periph ) != 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1133 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1133 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1137 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1137 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
RCC_APB2PeriphResetCmd (1185 to 1198 stm32f10x_rcc.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 1188 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 1189 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 1192 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1196 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1188 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xFFC00002 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 1188 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned int and signed char): ( RCC_APB2Periph ) & 0xFFC00002 ) == 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1188 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned int and signed char): ( RCC_APB2Periph ) != 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1192 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1192 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1196 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1196 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
RCC_APB1PeriphResetCmd (1216 to 1229 stm32f10x_rcc.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 1219 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 1220 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 1223 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1227 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1219 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0x81013600 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 1219 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned int and signed char): ( RCC_APB1Periph ) & 0x81013600 ) == 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1219 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned int and signed char): ( RCC_APB1Periph ) != 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1223 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1223 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1227 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1227 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
RCC_BackupResetCmd (1237 to 1242 stm32f10x_rcc.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 1240 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 1241 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1241 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1241 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1241 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1241 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 32 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1241 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1241 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned int and signed char): ( uint32_t ) 0x40000000 ) ) + 0x20 ) * 32 ) + ( 0x10 * | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 1241 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned int and signed char): ( uint32_t ) 0x40000000 ) ) + 0x20 ) * 32 ) + ( 0x10 * 4 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1241 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned int* and unsigned int): ( uint32_t ) 0x40000000 ) ) + 0x20 ) * 32 ) + ( 0x10 * 4 ) ) = ( uint32_t | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
RCC_ClockSecuritySystemCmd (1250 to 1255 stm32f10x_rcc.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 1253 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 1254 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1254 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1254 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1254 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 32 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1254 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x13 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1254 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned int and signed char): ( uint32_t ) 0x40000000 ) ) + 0x00 ) * 32 ) + ( 0x13 * | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 1254 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned int and signed char): ( uint32_t ) 0x40000000 ) ) + 0x00 ) * 32 ) + ( 0x13 * 4 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1254 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned int* and unsigned int): ( uint32_t ) 0x40000000 ) ) + 0x00 ) * 32 ) + ( 0x13 * 4 ) ) = ( uint32_t | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
RCC_MCOConfig (1282 to 1289 stm32f10x_rcc.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 1285 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 1288 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
RCC_GetFlagStatus (1326 to 1362 stm32f10x_rcc.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 1332 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 1338 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1342 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1346 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1335 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned int and unsigned char): tmp = RCC_FLAG | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 1335 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned int and unsigned char): tmp = RCC_FLAG >> 5 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 1336 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1336 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned int and int): tmp | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1336 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned int and signed char): tmp == 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1338 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1338 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1340 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1340 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned int and int): tmp | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1340 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned int and signed char): tmp == 2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1342 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1342 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1346 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1346 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1350 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned int and unsigned char): tmp = RCC_FLAG | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 1350 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned int and unsigned char): ( uint8_t ) 0x1F ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 1351 | Use of underlying enum representation value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
RCC_ClearFlag (1371 to 1375 stm32f10x_rcc.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 1374 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1374 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1374 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1371 | Void function has no side effects. : RCC_ClearFlag | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
RCC_GetITStatus (1402 to 1420 stm32f10x_rcc.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 1406 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 1409 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1409 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1409 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1409 | Volatile variable in complex expression. : CIR | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2 |
C | 1409 | Use of underlying enum representation value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 1419 | Local structure returned in function result. : bitstatus | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.6 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
RCC_ClearITPendingBit (1448 to 1456 stm32f10x_rcc.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 1451 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 1455 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1451 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned char and signed char): ( RCC_IT ) & ( uint8_t ) 0x60 ) == 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1451 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned char and signed char): ( RCC_IT ) != 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
RTC_ITConfig (90 to 104 stm32f10x_rtc.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 93 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 94 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 98 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 102 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 93 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned short and signed char): ( RTC_IT ) & ( uint16_t ) 0xFFF8 ) == 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 93 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned short and signed char): ( RTC_IT ) != 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 98 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 102 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
RTC_EnterConfigMode (111 to 115 stm32f10x_rtc.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 114 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 114 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 111 | Void function has no side effects. : RTC_EnterConfigMode | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
RTC_ExitConfigMode (122 to 126 stm32f10x_rtc.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 125 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 125 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 125 | Widening cast on complex integer expression. : (unsigned short and unsigned char): ( uint8_t ) 0x10 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.8 |
C | 122 | Void function has no side effects. : RTC_ExitConfigMode | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
RTC_GetCounter (133 to 138 stm32f10x_rtc.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 136 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 137 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 136 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 137 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 137 | Volatile variable in complex expression. : CNTH | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2 |
C | 137 | Shifting value too far. | MISRA-C:2012 R.12.2 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
RTC_SetCounter (145 to 153 stm32f10x_rtc.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 149 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 151 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 149 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 149 | Implicit conversion of underlying type. : (unsigned short and unsigned int): ( uint32_t ) 0x40000000 ) + 0x2800 ) ) -> CNTH = CounterValue | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 149 | Narrower int conversion without cast. : (unsigned short and unsigned int): ( uint32_t ) 0x40000000 ) + 0x2800 ) ) -> CNTH = CounterValue | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
C | 149 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned short and unsigned int): ( uint32_t ) 0x40000000 ) + 0x2800 ) ) -> CNTH = CounterValue >> 16 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 151 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 151 | Implicit conversion of underlying type. : (unsigned short and unsigned int): ( uint32_t ) 0x0000FFFF ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 151 | Narrower int conversion without cast. : (unsigned short and unsigned int): ( uint32_t ) 0x0000FFFF ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
C | 145 | Void function has no side effects. : RTC_SetCounter | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
RTC_SetPrescaler (160 to 171 stm32f10x_rtc.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 163 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 167 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 169 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 163 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xFFFFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 167 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 167 | Implicit conversion of underlying type. : (unsigned short and unsigned int): ( uint32_t ) 0x000F0000 ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 167 | Narrower int conversion without cast. : (unsigned short and unsigned int): ( uint32_t ) 0x000F0000 ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
C | 167 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned short and unsigned int): ( uint32_t ) 0x000F0000 ) ) >> 16 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 169 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 169 | Implicit conversion of underlying type. : (unsigned short and unsigned int): ( uint32_t ) 0x0000FFFF ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 169 | Narrower int conversion without cast. : (unsigned short and unsigned int): ( uint32_t ) 0x0000FFFF ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
RTC_SetAlarm (178 to 186 stm32f10x_rtc.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 182 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 184 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 182 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 182 | Implicit conversion of underlying type. : (unsigned short and unsigned int): ( uint32_t ) 0x40000000 ) + 0x2800 ) ) -> ALRH = AlarmValue | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 182 | Narrower int conversion without cast. : (unsigned short and unsigned int): ( uint32_t ) 0x40000000 ) + 0x2800 ) ) -> ALRH = AlarmValue | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
C | 182 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned short and unsigned int): ( uint32_t ) 0x40000000 ) + 0x2800 ) ) -> ALRH = AlarmValue >> 16 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 184 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 184 | Implicit conversion of underlying type. : (unsigned short and unsigned int): ( uint32_t ) 0x0000FFFF ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 184 | Narrower int conversion without cast. : (unsigned short and unsigned int): ( uint32_t ) 0x0000FFFF ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3 |
C | 178 | Void function has no side effects. : RTC_SetAlarm | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
RTC_GetDivider (193 to 199 stm32f10x_rtc.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 196 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 197 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 195 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 196 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 196 | Volatile variable in complex expression. : DIVH | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2 |
C | 196 | Implicit conversion of underlying type. : (unsigned short and unsigned int): ( uint32_t ) 0x40000000 ) + 0x2800 ) ) -> DIVH & ( uint32_t | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 196 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned short and unsigned int): ( uint32_t ) 0x40000000 ) + 0x2800 ) ) -> DIVH & ( uint32_t | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 197 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 197 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned int and unsigned short): ( uint32_t ) 0x40000000 ) + 0x2800 ) ) -> DIVL | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
RTC_WaitForLastTask (207 to 213 stm32f10x_rtc.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 210 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 210 | Potentially infinite loop found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.1 |
C | 210 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 210 | Volatile variable in complex expression. : CRL | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2 |
C | 210 | Use of underlying enum representation value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 207 | Void function has no side effects. : RTC_WaitForLastTask | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
RTC_WaitForSynchro (223 to 231 stm32f10x_rtc.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 226 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 228 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 228 | Potentially infinite loop found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.1 |
C | 226 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 228 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 228 | Volatile variable in complex expression. : CRL | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2 |
C | 228 | Use of underlying enum representation value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 223 | Void function has no side effects. : RTC_WaitForSynchro | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
RTC_GetFlagStatus (244 to 260 stm32f10x_rtc.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 249 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 251 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 251 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 251 | Volatile variable in complex expression. : CRL | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2 |
C | 251 | Use of underlying enum representation value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
RTC_ClearFlag (273 to 280 stm32f10x_rtc.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 276 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 279 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 276 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned short and signed char): ( RTC_FLAG ) & ( uint16_t ) 0xFFF0 ) == 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 276 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned short and signed char): ( RTC_FLAG ) != 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 279 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
RTC_GetITStatus (291 to 307 stm32f10x_rtc.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 295 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 297 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 298 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 297 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 297 | Volatile variable in complex expression. : CRL | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2 |
C | 298 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 298 | Volatile variable in complex expression. : CRH | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2 |
C | 298 | Use of underlying enum representation value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 298 | Use of underlying enum representation value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 306 | Local structure returned in function result. : bitstatus | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.6 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
RTC_ClearITPendingBit (318 to 325 stm32f10x_rtc.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 321 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 324 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 321 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned short and signed char): ( RTC_IT ) & ( uint16_t ) 0xFFF8 ) == 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 321 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned short and signed char): ( RTC_IT ) != 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 324 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
SDIO_DeInit (161 to 172 stm32f10x_sdio.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 163 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 164 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 165 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 166 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 167 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 168 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 169 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 170 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 171 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 163 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x18000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 163 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x00000000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 163 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned int and int): ( uint32_t ) 0x40000000 ) + 0x18000 ) ) -> POWER | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 164 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x18000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 164 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x00000000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 164 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned int and int): ( uint32_t ) 0x40000000 ) + 0x18000 ) ) -> CLKCR | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 165 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x18000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 165 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x00000000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 165 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned int and int): ( uint32_t ) 0x40000000 ) + 0x18000 ) ) -> ARG | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 166 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x18000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 166 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x00000000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 166 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned int and int): ( uint32_t ) 0x40000000 ) + 0x18000 ) ) -> CMD | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 167 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x18000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 167 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x00000000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 167 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned int and int): ( uint32_t ) 0x40000000 ) + 0x18000 ) ) -> DTIMER | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 168 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x18000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 168 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x00000000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 168 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned int and int): ( uint32_t ) 0x40000000 ) + 0x18000 ) ) -> DLEN | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 169 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x18000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 169 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x00000000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 169 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned int and int): ( uint32_t ) 0x40000000 ) + 0x18000 ) ) -> DCTRL | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 170 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x18000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 170 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x00C007FF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 170 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x00C007FF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 170 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned int and int): ( uint32_t ) 0x40000000 ) + 0x18000 ) ) -> ICR | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 171 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x18000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 171 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x00000000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 171 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned int and int): ( uint32_t ) 0x40000000 ) + 0x18000 ) ) -> MASK | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 161 | Void function has no side effects. : SDIO_DeInit | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
SDIO_Init (181 to 211 stm32f10x_sdio.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 186 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 187 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 188 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 189 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 190 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 194 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 210 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 194 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x18000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 197 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xFFFF8100 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 205 | Implicit conversion of underlying type. : (unsigned char and unsigned int): tmpreg |= ( SDIO_InitStruct -> SDIO_ClockDiv | SDIO_InitStruct -> SDIO_ClockPowerSave | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 205 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned char and unsigned int): tmpreg |= ( SDIO_InitStruct -> SDIO_ClockDiv | SDIO_InitStruct -> SDIO_ClockPowerSave | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 210 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x18000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
SDIO_StructInit (219 to 228 stm32f10x_sdio.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 222 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 222 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): SDIO_InitStruct -> SDIO_ClockDiv | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
SDIO_ClockCmd (235 to 241 stm32f10x_sdio.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 238 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 240 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 240 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x18000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 240 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x04 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 240 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 32 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 240 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x08 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 240 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned int and signed char): ( uint32_t ) 0x40000000 ) ) + 0x04 ) * 32 ) + ( 0x08 * | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 240 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned int and signed char): ( uint32_t ) 0x40000000 ) ) + 0x04 ) * 32 ) + ( 0x08 * 4 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 240 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned int* and unsigned int): ( uint32_t ) 0x40000000 ) ) + 0x04 ) * 32 ) + ( 0x08 * 4 ) ) = ( uint32_t | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
SDIO_SetPowerState (251 to 258 stm32f10x_sdio.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 254 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 256 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 257 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 256 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x18000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 256 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xFFFFFFFC | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 257 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x18000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
SDIO_GetPowerState (269 to 272 stm32f10x_sdio.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 271 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 271 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x18000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 271 | Volatile variable in complex expression. : POWER | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2 |
C | 271 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xFFFFFFFC | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
SDIO_ITConfig (307 to 323 stm32f10x_sdio.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 310 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 311 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 316 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 321 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 310 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xFF000000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 310 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned int and signed char): ( SDIO_IT ) & ( uint32_t ) 0xFF000000 ) == 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 316 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x18000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 321 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x18000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
SDIO_DMACmd (331 to 337 stm32f10x_sdio.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 334 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 336 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 336 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x18000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 336 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2C | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 336 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 32 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 336 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x03 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 336 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned int and signed char): ( uint32_t ) 0x40000000 ) ) + 0x2C ) * 32 ) + ( 0x03 * | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 336 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned int and signed char): ( uint32_t ) 0x40000000 ) ) + 0x2C ) * 32 ) + ( 0x03 * 4 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 336 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned int* and unsigned int): ( uint32_t ) 0x40000000 ) ) + 0x2C ) * 32 ) + ( 0x03 * 4 ) ) = ( uint32_t | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
SDIO_SendCommand (346 to 374 stm32f10x_sdio.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 351 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 352 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 353 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 354 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 358 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 362 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 373 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 351 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x40 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 351 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned int and signed char): ( SDIO_CmdInitStruct -> SDIO_CmdIndex ) < 0x40 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 358 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x18000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 362 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x18000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 364 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xFFFFF800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 373 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x18000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
SDIO_CmdStructInit (382 to 390 stm32f10x_sdio.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 385 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 385 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned int and int): SDIO_CmdInitStruct -> SDIO_Argument | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 386 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 386 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned int and int): SDIO_CmdInitStruct -> SDIO_CmdIndex | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
SDIO_GetCommandResponse (397 to 400 stm32f10x_sdio.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 399 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 399 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x18000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 399 | Volatile variable in complex expression. : RESPCMD | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
SDIO_GetResponse (412 to 422 stm32f10x_sdio.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 417 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 421 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 419 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x18000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 419 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x14 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 421 | Volatile variable in complex expression. : tmp | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
SDIO_DataConfig (431 to 464 stm32f10x_sdio.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 436 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 437 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 438 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 439 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 440 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 444 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 448 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 452 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 463 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 436 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x01FFFFFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 444 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x18000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 448 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x18000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 452 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x18000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 454 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xFFFFFF08 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 463 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x18000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
SDIO_DataStructInit (472 to 481 stm32f10x_sdio.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 475 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xFFFFFFFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 475 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned int and int): SDIO_DataInitStruct -> SDIO_DataTimeOut | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 475 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xFFFFFFFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 476 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 476 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned int and int): SDIO_DataInitStruct -> SDIO_DataLength | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
SDIO_GetDataCounter (488 to 491 stm32f10x_sdio.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 490 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 490 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x18000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 490 | Volatile variable in complex expression. : DCOUNT | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
SDIO_ReadData (498 to 501 stm32f10x_sdio.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 500 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 500 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x18000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 500 | Volatile variable in complex expression. : FIFO | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
SDIO_WriteData (508 to 511 stm32f10x_sdio.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 510 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 510 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x18000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 508 | Void function has no side effects. : SDIO_WriteData | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
SDIO_GetFIFOCount (518 to 521 stm32f10x_sdio.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 520 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 520 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x18000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 520 | Volatile variable in complex expression. : FIFOCNT | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
SDIO_StartSDIOReadWait (529 to 535 stm32f10x_sdio.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 532 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 534 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 534 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x18000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 534 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2C | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 534 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 32 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 534 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x08 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 534 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned int and signed char): ( uint32_t ) 0x40000000 ) ) + 0x2C ) * 32 ) + ( 0x08 * | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 534 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned int and signed char): ( uint32_t ) 0x40000000 ) ) + 0x2C ) * 32 ) + ( 0x08 * 4 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 534 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned int* and unsigned int): ( uint32_t ) 0x40000000 ) ) + 0x2C ) * 32 ) + ( 0x08 * 4 ) ) = ( uint32_t | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
SDIO_StopSDIOReadWait (543 to 549 stm32f10x_sdio.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 546 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 548 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 548 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x18000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 548 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2C | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 548 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 32 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 548 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x09 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 548 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned int and signed char): ( uint32_t ) 0x40000000 ) ) + 0x2C ) * 32 ) + ( 0x09 * | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 548 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned int and signed char): ( uint32_t ) 0x40000000 ) ) + 0x2C ) * 32 ) + ( 0x09 * 4 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 548 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned int* and unsigned int): ( uint32_t ) 0x40000000 ) ) + 0x2C ) * 32 ) + ( 0x09 * 4 ) ) = ( uint32_t | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
SDIO_SetSDIOReadWaitMode (559 to 565 stm32f10x_sdio.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 562 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 564 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 564 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x18000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 564 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2C | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 564 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 32 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 564 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0A | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 564 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned int and signed char): ( uint32_t ) 0x40000000 ) ) + 0x2C ) * 32 ) + ( 0x0A * | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 564 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned int and signed char): ( uint32_t ) 0x40000000 ) ) + 0x2C ) * 32 ) + ( 0x0A * 4 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
SDIO_SetSDIOOperation (573 to 579 stm32f10x_sdio.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 576 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 578 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 578 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x18000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 578 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2C | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 578 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 32 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 578 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0B | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 578 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned int and signed char): ( uint32_t ) 0x40000000 ) ) + 0x2C ) * 32 ) + ( 0x0B * | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 578 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned int and signed char): ( uint32_t ) 0x40000000 ) ) + 0x2C ) * 32 ) + ( 0x0B * 4 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 578 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned int* and unsigned int): ( uint32_t ) 0x40000000 ) ) + 0x2C ) * 32 ) + ( 0x0B * 4 ) ) = ( uint32_t | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
SDIO_SendSDIOSuspendCmd (587 to 593 stm32f10x_sdio.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 590 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 592 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 592 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x18000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 592 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0C | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 592 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 32 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 592 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0B | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 592 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned int and signed char): ( uint32_t ) 0x40000000 ) ) + 0x0C ) * 32 ) + ( 0x0B * | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 592 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned int and signed char): ( uint32_t ) 0x40000000 ) ) + 0x0C ) * 32 ) + ( 0x0B * 4 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 592 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned int* and unsigned int): ( uint32_t ) 0x40000000 ) ) + 0x0C ) * 32 ) + ( 0x0B * 4 ) ) = ( uint32_t | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
SDIO_CommandCompletionCmd (601 to 607 stm32f10x_sdio.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 604 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 606 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 606 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x18000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 606 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0C | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 606 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 32 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 606 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0C | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 606 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned int and signed char): ( uint32_t ) 0x40000000 ) ) + 0x0C ) * 32 ) + ( 0x0C * | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 606 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned int and signed char): ( uint32_t ) 0x40000000 ) ) + 0x0C ) * 32 ) + ( 0x0C * 4 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 606 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned int* and unsigned int): ( uint32_t ) 0x40000000 ) ) + 0x0C ) * 32 ) + ( 0x0C * 4 ) ) = ( uint32_t | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
SDIO_CEATAITCmd (614 to 620 stm32f10x_sdio.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 617 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 619 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 619 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x18000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 619 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0C | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 619 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 32 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 619 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0D | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 619 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned int and signed char): ( uint32_t ) 0x40000000 ) ) + 0x0C ) * 32 ) + ( 0x0D * | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 619 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned int and signed char): ( uint32_t ) 0x40000000 ) ) + 0x0C ) * 32 ) + ( 0x0D * 4 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 619 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned int* and unsigned int): ( uint32_t ) 0x40000000 ) ) + 0x0C ) * 32 ) + ( 0x0D * 4 ) ) = ( uint32_t | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
SDIO_SendCEATACmd (627 to 633 stm32f10x_sdio.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 630 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 632 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 632 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x18000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 632 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0C | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 632 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 32 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 632 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0E | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 632 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned int and signed char): ( uint32_t ) 0x40000000 ) ) + 0x0C ) * 32 ) + ( 0x0E * | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 632 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned int and signed char): ( uint32_t ) 0x40000000 ) ) + 0x0C ) * 32 ) + ( 0x0E * 4 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 632 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned int* and unsigned int): ( uint32_t ) 0x40000000 ) ) + 0x0C ) * 32 ) + ( 0x0E * 4 ) ) = ( uint32_t | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
SDIO_GetFlagStatus (666 to 682 stm32f10x_sdio.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 671 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 673 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 673 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x18000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 673 | Volatile variable in complex expression. : STA | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2 |
C | 673 | Use of underlying enum representation value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
SDIO_ClearFlag (704 to 710 stm32f10x_sdio.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 707 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 709 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 707 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xFF3FF800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 707 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned int and signed char): ( SDIO_FLAG ) & ( uint32_t ) 0xFF3FF800 ) == 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 709 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x18000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
SDIO_GetITStatus (743 to 758 stm32f10x_sdio.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 748 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 749 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 749 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x18000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 749 | Volatile variable in complex expression. : STA | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2 |
C | 749 | Use of underlying enum representation value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 757 | Local structure returned in function result. : bitstatus | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.6 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
SDIO_ClearITPendingBit (779 to 785 stm32f10x_sdio.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 782 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 784 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 782 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xFF3FF800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 782 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned int and signed char): ( SDIO_IT ) & ( uint32_t ) 0xFF3FF800 ) == 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 784 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x18000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
SPI_I2S_DeInit (119 to 148 stm32f10x_spi.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 122 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 122 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 122 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 122 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 124 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 131 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 140 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 122 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 122 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 122 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 122 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 124 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 124 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 131 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 140 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
SPI_Init (158 to 202 stm32f10x_spi.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 163 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 163 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 163 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 163 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 166 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 167 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 168 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 169 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 170 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 171 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 172 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 173 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 174 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 163 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 163 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 163 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 163 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 174 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 174 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned short and signed char): ( SPI_InitStruct -> SPI_CRCPolynomial ) >= 0x1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
I2S_Init (219 to 363 stm32f10x_spi.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 227 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 227 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 227 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 228 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 229 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 230 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 231 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 232 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 233 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 221 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 221 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned short and signed char): 2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 221 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 227 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 227 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 238 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0002 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 238 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned short and int): SPIx -> I2SPR | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 256 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned short and int): packetlength | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 261 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned short and int): packetlength | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 265 | Cast from pointer to integral type. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 265 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 324 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned int and unsigned short): tmp = ( uint16_t | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 324 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 10 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 324 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 5 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 324 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned int and unsigned short): I2S_InitStruct -> I2S_AudioFreq ) ) + 5 ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 329 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned int and unsigned short): tmp = ( uint16_t | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 329 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned int and signed char): 32 * | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 329 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 10 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 329 | Implicit conversion of underlying type. : (unsigned short and unsigned int): I2S_InitStruct -> I2S_AudioFreq | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 329 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned short and unsigned int): I2S_InitStruct -> I2S_AudioFreq | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 329 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 5 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 329 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned int and unsigned short): I2S_InitStruct -> I2S_AudioFreq ) ) + 5 ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 346 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 346 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned short and int): i2sdiv | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 346 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned short and signed char): i2sdiv < 2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 346 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 346 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned short and int): ( i2sdiv | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 346 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned short and signed char): ( i2sdiv > 0xFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 349 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned short and int): i2sdiv | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 350 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 350 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned short and int): i2sodd | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
M | 223 | Procedure contains UR data flow anomalies. : RCC_Clocks.SYSCLK_Frequency | MISRA-C:2012 R.9.1 |
C | 221 | DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. : packetlength | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
C | 224 | DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. : sourceclock | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
C | 222 | DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. : tmp | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
SPI_StructInit (370 to 391 stm32f10x_spi.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 390 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned short and int): SPI_InitStruct -> SPI_CRCPolynomial | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
SPI_Cmd (427 to 442 stm32f10x_spi.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 430 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 430 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 430 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 430 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 431 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 430 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 430 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 430 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 430 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
I2S_Cmd (451 to 466 stm32f10x_spi.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 454 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 454 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 454 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 455 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 454 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 454 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
SPI_I2S_ITConfig (482 to 506 stm32f10x_spi.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 486 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 486 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 486 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 486 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 487 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 488 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 484 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 486 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 486 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 486 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 486 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 491 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned short and unsigned char): itpos = SPI_I2S_IT | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 491 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned short and unsigned char): itpos = SPI_I2S_IT >> 4 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
SPI_I2S_DMACmd (521 to 537 stm32f10x_spi.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 524 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 524 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 524 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 524 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 525 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 526 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 524 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 524 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 524 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 524 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 526 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned short and signed char): ( SPI_I2S_DMAReq ) & ( uint16_t ) 0xFFFC ) == 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 526 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned short and signed char): ( SPI_I2S_DMAReq ) != 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
SPI_I2S_SendData (547 to 554 stm32f10x_spi.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 550 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 550 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 550 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 550 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 550 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 550 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 550 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 550 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
SPI_I2S_ReceiveData (563 to 570 stm32f10x_spi.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 566 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 566 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 566 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 566 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 566 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 566 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 566 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 566 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 569 | Volatile variable in complex expression. : DR | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
SPI_NSSInternalSoftwareConfig (581 to 596 stm32f10x_spi.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 584 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 584 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 584 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 584 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 585 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 584 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 584 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 584 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 584 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
SPI_SSOutputCmd (605 to 620 stm32f10x_spi.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 608 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 608 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 608 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 608 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 609 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 608 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 608 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 608 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 608 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
SPI_DataSizeConfig (631 to 640 stm32f10x_spi.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 634 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 634 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 634 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 634 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 635 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 634 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 634 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 634 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 634 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
SPI_TransmitCRC (647 to 654 stm32f10x_spi.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 650 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 650 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 650 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 650 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 650 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 650 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 650 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 650 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
SPI_CalculateCRC (663 to 678 stm32f10x_spi.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 666 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 666 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 666 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 666 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 667 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 666 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 666 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 666 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 666 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
SPI_GetCRC (689 to 707 stm32f10x_spi.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 693 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 693 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 693 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 693 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 694 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 693 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 693 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 693 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 693 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
SPI_GetCRCPolynomial (714 to 721 stm32f10x_spi.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 717 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 717 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 717 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 717 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 717 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 717 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 717 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 717 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 720 | Volatile variable in complex expression. : CRCPR | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
SPI_BiDirectionalLineConfig (732 to 747 stm32f10x_spi.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 735 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 735 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 735 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 735 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 736 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 735 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 735 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 735 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 735 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
SPI_I2S_GetFlagStatus (766 to 785 stm32f10x_spi.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 770 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 770 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 770 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 770 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 771 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 770 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 770 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 770 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 770 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 773 | Volatile variable in complex expression. : SR | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2 |
C | 773 | Use of underlying enum representation value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
SPI_I2S_ClearFlag (804 to 812 stm32f10x_spi.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 807 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 807 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 807 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 807 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 808 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 807 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 807 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 807 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 807 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
SPI_I2S_GetITStatus (829 to 863 stm32f10x_spi.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 835 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 835 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 835 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 835 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 836 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 832 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 832 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 835 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 835 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 835 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 835 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 839 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x01 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 839 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned short and int): itpos | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 839 | Use of shift operator on signed type. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 839 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0F | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 842 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned short and unsigned char): itmask = SPI_I2S_IT | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 842 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned short and unsigned char): itmask = SPI_I2S_IT >> 4 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 845 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x01 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 845 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned short and int): itmask | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 845 | Use of shift operator on signed type. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 848 | Volatile variable in complex expression. : CR2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2 |
C | 851 | Volatile variable in complex expression. : SR | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2 |
C | 851 | Use of underlying enum representation value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 851 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 862 | Local structure returned in function result. : bitstatus | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.6 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
SPI_I2S_ClearITPendingBit (883 to 895 stm32f10x_spi.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 887 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 887 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 887 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 887 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 888 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 887 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 887 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 887 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 887 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 891 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x01 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 891 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned short and int): itpos | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 891 | Use of shift operator on signed type. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 891 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0F | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
TIM_DeInit (122 to 215 stm32f10x_tim.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 125 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 125 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 125 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 125 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 125 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 125 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 125 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 125 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 125 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 125 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 125 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 125 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 125 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 125 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 125 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 125 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 125 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 125 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 127 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 132 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 137 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 142 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 147 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 152 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 157 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 162 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 167 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 172 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 177 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 182 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 187 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 192 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 197 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 202 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 209 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 125 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 125 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 125 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 125 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 125 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 125 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 125 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 125 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 125 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 125 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 125 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 125 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 125 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x5000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 125 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 125 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x5400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 125 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 125 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 125 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 125 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 125 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 125 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 125 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 125 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 125 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 127 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 127 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 137 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 142 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 147 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 152 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 157 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 162 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 162 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 167 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 167 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 172 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 172 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x5000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 177 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 177 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x5400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 182 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 187 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 192 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 197 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 197 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 202 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 202 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 209 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 209 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
TIM_TimeBaseInit (226 to 269 stm32f10x_tim.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 231 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 231 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 231 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 231 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 231 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 231 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 231 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 231 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 231 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 231 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 231 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 231 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 231 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 231 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 231 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 231 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 231 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 231 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 232 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 233 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 237 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 237 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 237 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 237 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 238 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 238 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 245 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 245 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 260 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 260 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 260 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 260 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 260 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 231 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 231 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 231 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 231 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 231 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 231 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 231 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 231 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 231 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 231 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 231 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 231 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 231 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x5000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 231 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 231 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x5400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 231 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 231 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 231 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 231 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 231 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 231 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 231 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 231 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 231 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 237 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 237 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 237 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 237 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 237 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 238 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 238 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 242 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned short and unsigned int): tmpcr1 |= ( uint32_t | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 242 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned short and unsigned int): tmpcr1 |= ( uint32_t ) TIM_TimeBaseInitStruct -> TIM_CounterMode | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 245 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 245 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 249 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned short and unsigned int): tmpcr1 |= ( uint32_t | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 249 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned short and unsigned int): tmpcr1 |= ( uint32_t ) TIM_TimeBaseInitStruct -> TIM_ClockDivision | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 260 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 260 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 260 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 260 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 260 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 260 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 260 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 260 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 260 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 260 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 263 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned short and unsigned char): TIMx -> RCR = TIM_TimeBaseInitStruct -> TIM_RepetitionCounter | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
TIM_OC1Init (279 to 351 stm32f10x_tim.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 284 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 284 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 284 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 284 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 284 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 284 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 284 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 284 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 284 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 284 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 284 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 284 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 284 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 284 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 284 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 284 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 285 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 286 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 287 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 313 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 313 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 313 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 314 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 314 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 316 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 317 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 318 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 319 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 281 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 281 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 284 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 284 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 284 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 284 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 284 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 284 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 284 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 284 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 284 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 284 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 284 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x5000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 284 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 284 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x5400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 284 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 284 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 284 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 284 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 284 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 284 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 284 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 284 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 284 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 313 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 313 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 313 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 313 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 313 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 313 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 314 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 314 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 314 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 314 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
TIM_OC2Init (362 to 434 stm32f10x_tim.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 367 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 367 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 367 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 367 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 367 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 367 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 367 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 367 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 367 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 367 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 368 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 369 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 370 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 397 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 397 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 399 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 400 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 401 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 402 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 364 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 364 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 367 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 367 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 367 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 367 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 367 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 367 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 367 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 367 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 367 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 367 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 367 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 367 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 397 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 397 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 397 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 397 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
TIM_OC3Init (444 to 513 stm32f10x_tim.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 449 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 449 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 449 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 449 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 449 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 449 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 449 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 450 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 451 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 452 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 478 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 478 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 480 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 481 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 482 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 483 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 446 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 446 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 449 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 449 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 449 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 449 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 449 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 449 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 449 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 478 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 478 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 478 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 478 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
TIM_OC4Init (523 to 577 stm32f10x_tim.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 528 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 528 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 528 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 528 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 528 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 528 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 528 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 529 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 530 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 531 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 558 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 558 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 560 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 525 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 525 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 528 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 528 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 528 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 528 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 528 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 528 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 528 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 558 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 558 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 558 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 558 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
TIM_ICInit (587 to 644 stm32f10x_tim.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 590 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 591 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 592 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 593 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 595 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 595 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 595 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 595 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 596 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 596 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 598 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 602 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 606 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 606 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 606 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 606 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 606 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 606 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 606 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 606 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 606 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 606 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 606 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 606 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 606 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 606 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 606 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 606 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 616 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 616 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 616 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 616 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 616 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 616 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 616 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 616 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 616 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 616 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 626 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 626 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 626 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 626 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 626 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 626 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 626 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 636 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 636 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 636 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 636 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 636 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 636 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 636 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 593 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 593 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned short and signed char): ( TIM_ICInitStruct -> TIM_ICFilter ) <= 0xF | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 595 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 595 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 595 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 595 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 595 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 596 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 596 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 606 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 606 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 606 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 606 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 606 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 606 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 606 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 606 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 606 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 606 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 606 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x5000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 606 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 606 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x5400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 606 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 606 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 606 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 606 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 606 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 606 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 606 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 606 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 606 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 616 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 616 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 616 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 616 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 616 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 616 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 616 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 616 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 616 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 616 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 616 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 616 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 626 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 626 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 626 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 626 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 626 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 626 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 626 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 636 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 636 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 636 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 636 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 636 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 636 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 636 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
TIM_PWMIConfig (654 to 702 stm32f10x_tim.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 659 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 659 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 659 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 659 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 659 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 659 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 659 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 659 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 659 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 659 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 659 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 659 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 659 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 659 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 659 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 659 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 659 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 659 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 659 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 659 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 659 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 659 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
TIM_BDTRConfig (712 to 728 stm32f10x_tim.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 715 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 715 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 715 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 715 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 715 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 715 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 716 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 717 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 718 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 719 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 720 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 721 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 715 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 715 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 715 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 715 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 715 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 715 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 715 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 715 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 715 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 715 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 724 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned short and unsigned int): TIMx -> BDTR = ( uint32_t | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
TIM_TimeBaseStructInit (736 to 744 stm32f10x_tim.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 739 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xFFFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 740 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 740 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned short and int): TIM_TimeBaseInitStruct -> TIM_Prescaler | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 743 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 743 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned char and int): TIM_TimeBaseInitStruct -> TIM_RepetitionCounter | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
TIM_OCStructInit (752 to 763 stm32f10x_tim.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 758 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 758 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned short and int): TIM_OCInitStruct -> TIM_Pulse | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
TIM_ICStructInit (771 to 779 stm32f10x_tim.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 778 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 778 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned short and int): TIM_ICInitStruct -> TIM_ICFilter | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
TIM_BDTRStructInit (787 to 797 stm32f10x_tim.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 793 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 793 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned short and int): TIM_BDTRInitStruct -> TIM_DeadTime | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
TIM_Cmd (806 to 822 stm32f10x_tim.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 809 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 809 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 809 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 809 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 809 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 809 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 809 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 809 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 809 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 809 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 809 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 809 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 809 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 809 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 809 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 809 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 809 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 809 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 810 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 809 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 809 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 809 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 809 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 809 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 809 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 809 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 809 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 809 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 809 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 809 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 809 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 809 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x5000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 809 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 809 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x5400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 809 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 809 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 809 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 809 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 809 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 809 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 809 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 809 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 809 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
TIM_CtrlPWMOutputs (831 to 846 stm32f10x_tim.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 834 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 834 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 834 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 834 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 834 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 834 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 835 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 834 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 834 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 834 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 834 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 834 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 834 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 834 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 834 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 834 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 834 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
TIM_ITConfig (872 to 889 stm32f10x_tim.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 875 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 875 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 875 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 875 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 875 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 875 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 875 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 875 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 875 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 875 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 875 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 875 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 875 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 875 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 875 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 875 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 875 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 875 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 876 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 877 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 875 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 875 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 875 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 875 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 875 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 875 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 875 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 875 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 875 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 875 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 875 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 875 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 875 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x5000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 875 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 875 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x5400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 875 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 875 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 875 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 875 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 875 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 875 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 875 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 875 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 875 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 876 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned short and signed char): ( TIM_IT ) & ( uint16_t ) 0xFF00 ) == 0x0000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 876 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned short and signed char): ( TIM_IT ) != 0x0000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
TIM_GenerateEvent (909 to 917 stm32f10x_tim.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 912 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 912 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 912 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 912 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 912 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 912 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 912 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 912 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 912 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 912 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 912 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 912 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 912 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 912 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 912 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 912 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 912 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 912 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 913 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 912 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 912 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 912 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 912 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 912 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 912 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 912 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 912 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 912 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 912 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 912 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 912 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 912 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x5000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 912 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 912 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x5400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 912 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 912 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 912 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 912 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 912 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 912 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 912 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 912 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 912 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 913 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned short and signed char): ( TIM_EventSource ) & ( uint16_t ) 0xFF00 ) == 0x0000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 913 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned short and signed char): ( TIM_EventSource ) != 0x0000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
TIM_DMAConfig (937 to 945 stm32f10x_tim.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 940 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 940 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 940 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 940 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 940 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 940 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 940 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 940 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 940 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 940 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 941 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 942 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 940 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 940 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 940 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 940 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 940 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 940 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 940 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 940 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 940 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 940 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 940 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 940 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 940 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
TIM_DMACmd (964 to 981 stm32f10x_tim.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 967 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 967 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 967 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 967 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 967 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 967 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 967 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 967 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 967 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 967 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 967 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 967 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 968 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 969 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 967 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 967 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 967 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 967 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 967 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 967 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 967 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 967 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 967 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 967 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 967 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 967 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 967 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 967 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 967 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 968 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned short and signed char): ( TIM_DMASource ) & ( uint16_t ) 0x80FF ) == 0x0000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 968 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned short and signed char): ( TIM_DMASource ) != 0x0000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
TIM_InternalClockConfig (989 to 995 stm32f10x_tim.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 992 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 992 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 992 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 992 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 992 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 992 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 992 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 992 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 992 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 992 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 992 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 992 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 992 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 992 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 992 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 992 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 992 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 992 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 992 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 992 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 992 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 992 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
TIM_ITRxExternalClockConfig (1008 to 1017 stm32f10x_tim.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 1011 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 1011 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1011 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1011 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1011 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1011 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1011 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1011 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1011 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1011 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 1012 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 1011 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1011 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1011 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1011 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1011 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1011 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1011 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1011 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1011 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1011 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1011 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1011 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
TIM_TIxExternalClockConfig (1035 to 1056 stm32f10x_tim.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 1039 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 1039 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1039 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1039 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1039 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1039 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1039 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1039 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1039 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1039 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 1040 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 1041 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 1042 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 1039 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1039 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1039 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1039 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1039 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1039 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1039 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1039 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1039 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1039 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1039 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1039 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1042 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1042 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned short and signed char): ( ICFilter ) <= 0xF | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
TIM_ETRClockMode1Config (1075 to 1098 stm32f10x_tim.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 1080 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 1080 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1080 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1080 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1080 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1080 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1080 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 1081 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 1082 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 1083 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 1080 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1080 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1080 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1080 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1080 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1080 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1080 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1083 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1083 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned short and signed char): ( ExtTRGFilter ) <= 0xF | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
TIM_ETRClockMode2Config (1117 to 1129 stm32f10x_tim.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 1121 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 1121 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1121 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1121 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1121 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1121 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1121 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 1122 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 1123 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 1124 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 1121 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1121 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1121 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1121 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1121 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1121 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1121 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1124 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1124 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned short and signed char): ( ExtTRGFilter ) <= 0xF | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
TIM_ETRConfig (1148 to 1164 stm32f10x_tim.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 1153 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 1153 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1153 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1153 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1153 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1153 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1153 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 1154 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 1155 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 1156 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 1153 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1153 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1153 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1153 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1153 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1153 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1153 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1156 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1156 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned short and signed char): ( ExtTRGFilter ) <= 0xF | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
TIM_PrescalerConfig (1176 to 1185 stm32f10x_tim.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 1179 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 1179 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1179 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1179 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1179 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1179 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1179 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1179 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1179 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1179 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1179 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1179 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1179 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1179 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1179 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1179 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1179 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1179 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 1180 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 1179 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1179 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1179 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1179 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1179 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1179 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1179 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1179 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1179 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1179 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1179 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1179 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1179 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x5000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1179 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1179 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x5400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1179 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1179 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1179 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1179 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1179 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1179 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1179 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1179 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1179 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
TIM_CounterModeConfig (1199 to 1212 stm32f10x_tim.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 1203 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 1203 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1203 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1203 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1203 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1203 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1203 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 1204 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 1203 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1203 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1203 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1203 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1203 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1203 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1203 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
TIM_SelectInputTrigger (1229 to 1243 stm32f10x_tim.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 1233 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 1233 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1233 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1233 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1233 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1233 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1233 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1233 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1233 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1233 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 1234 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 1233 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1233 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1233 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1233 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1233 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1233 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1233 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1233 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1233 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1233 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1233 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1233 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
TIM_EncoderInterfaceConfig (1264 to 1304 stm32f10x_tim.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 1272 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 1272 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1272 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1272 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1272 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1272 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1272 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1272 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 1273 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 1274 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 1275 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 1272 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1272 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1272 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1272 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1272 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1272 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1272 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1272 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1272 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
TIM_ForcedOC1Config (1315 to 1328 stm32f10x_tim.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 1319 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 1319 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1319 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1319 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1319 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1319 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1319 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1319 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1319 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1319 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1319 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1319 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1319 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1319 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1319 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1319 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 1320 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 1319 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1319 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1319 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1319 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1319 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1319 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1319 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1319 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1319 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1319 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1319 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x5000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1319 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1319 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x5400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1319 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1319 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1319 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1319 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1319 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1319 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1319 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1319 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1319 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
TIM_ForcedOC2Config (1339 to 1352 stm32f10x_tim.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 1343 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 1343 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1343 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1343 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1343 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1343 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1343 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1343 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1343 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1343 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 1344 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 1343 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1343 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1343 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1343 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1343 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1343 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1343 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1343 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1343 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1343 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1343 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1343 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
TIM_ForcedOC3Config (1363 to 1376 stm32f10x_tim.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 1367 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 1367 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1367 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1367 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1367 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1367 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1367 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 1368 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 1367 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1367 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1367 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1367 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1367 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1367 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1367 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
TIM_ForcedOC4Config (1387 to 1400 stm32f10x_tim.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 1391 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 1391 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1391 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1391 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1391 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1391 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1391 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 1392 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 1391 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1391 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1391 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1391 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1391 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1391 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1391 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
TIM_ARRPreloadConfig (1409 to 1424 stm32f10x_tim.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 1412 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 1412 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1412 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1412 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1412 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1412 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1412 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1412 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1412 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1412 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1412 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1412 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1412 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1412 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1412 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1412 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1412 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1412 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 1413 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 1412 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1412 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1412 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1412 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1412 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1412 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1412 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1412 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1412 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1412 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1412 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1412 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1412 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x5000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1412 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1412 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x5400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1412 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1412 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1412 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1412 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1412 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1412 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1412 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1412 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1412 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
TIM_SelectCOM (1433 to 1448 stm32f10x_tim.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 1436 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 1436 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1436 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1436 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1436 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1436 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 1437 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 1436 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1436 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1436 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1436 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1436 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1436 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1436 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1436 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1436 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1436 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
TIM_SelectCCDMA (1458 to 1473 stm32f10x_tim.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 1461 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 1461 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1461 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1461 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1461 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1461 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1461 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1461 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1461 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1461 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 1462 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 1461 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1461 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1461 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1461 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1461 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1461 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1461 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1461 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1461 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1461 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1461 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1461 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1461 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
TIM_CCPreloadControl (1483 to 1498 stm32f10x_tim.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 1486 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 1486 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1486 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1486 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1486 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1486 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1486 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1486 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 1487 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 1486 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1486 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1486 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1486 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1486 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1486 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1486 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1486 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1486 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
TIM_OC1PreloadConfig (1509 to 1522 stm32f10x_tim.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 1513 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 1513 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1513 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1513 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1513 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1513 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1513 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1513 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1513 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1513 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1513 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1513 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1513 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1513 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1513 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1513 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 1514 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 1513 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1513 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1513 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1513 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1513 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1513 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1513 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1513 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1513 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1513 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1513 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x5000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1513 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1513 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x5400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1513 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1513 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1513 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1513 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1513 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1513 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1513 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1513 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1513 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
TIM_OC2PreloadConfig (1534 to 1547 stm32f10x_tim.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 1538 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 1538 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1538 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1538 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1538 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1538 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1538 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1538 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1538 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1538 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 1539 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 1538 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1538 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1538 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1538 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1538 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1538 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1538 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1538 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1538 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1538 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1538 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1538 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
TIM_OC3PreloadConfig (1558 to 1571 stm32f10x_tim.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 1562 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 1562 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1562 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1562 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1562 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1562 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1562 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 1563 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 1562 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1562 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1562 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1562 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1562 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1562 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1562 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
TIM_OC4PreloadConfig (1582 to 1595 stm32f10x_tim.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 1586 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 1586 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1586 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1586 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1586 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1586 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1586 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 1587 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 1586 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1586 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1586 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1586 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1586 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1586 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1586 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
TIM_OC1FastConfig (1606 to 1620 stm32f10x_tim.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 1610 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 1610 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1610 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1610 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1610 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1610 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1610 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1610 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1610 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1610 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1610 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1610 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1610 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1610 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1610 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1610 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 1611 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 1610 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1610 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1610 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1610 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1610 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1610 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1610 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1610 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1610 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1610 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1610 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x5000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1610 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1610 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x5400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1610 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1610 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1610 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1610 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1610 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1610 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1610 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1610 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1610 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
TIM_OC2FastConfig (1632 to 1646 stm32f10x_tim.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 1636 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 1636 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1636 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1636 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1636 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1636 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1636 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1636 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1636 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1636 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 1637 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 1636 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1636 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1636 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1636 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1636 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1636 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1636 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1636 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1636 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1636 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1636 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1636 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
TIM_OC3FastConfig (1657 to 1671 stm32f10x_tim.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 1661 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 1661 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1661 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1661 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1661 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1661 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1661 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 1662 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 1661 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1661 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1661 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1661 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1661 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1661 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1661 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
TIM_OC4FastConfig (1682 to 1696 stm32f10x_tim.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 1686 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 1686 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1686 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1686 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1686 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1686 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1686 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 1687 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 1686 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1686 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1686 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1686 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1686 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1686 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1686 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
TIM_ClearOC1Ref (1707 to 1722 stm32f10x_tim.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 1711 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 1711 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1711 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1711 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1711 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1711 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1711 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 1712 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 1711 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1711 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1711 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1711 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1711 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1711 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1711 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
TIM_ClearOC2Ref (1733 to 1746 stm32f10x_tim.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 1737 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 1737 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1737 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1737 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1737 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1737 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1737 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 1738 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 1737 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1737 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1737 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1737 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1737 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1737 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1737 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
TIM_ClearOC3Ref (1757 to 1770 stm32f10x_tim.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 1761 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 1761 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1761 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1761 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1761 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1761 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1761 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 1762 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 1761 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1761 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1761 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1761 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1761 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1761 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1761 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
TIM_ClearOC4Ref (1781 to 1794 stm32f10x_tim.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 1785 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 1785 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1785 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1785 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1785 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1785 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1785 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 1786 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 1785 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1785 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1785 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1785 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1785 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1785 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1785 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
TIM_OC1PolarityConfig (1805 to 1817 stm32f10x_tim.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 1809 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 1809 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1809 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1809 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1809 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1809 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1809 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1809 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1809 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1809 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1809 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1809 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1809 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1809 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1809 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1809 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 1810 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 1809 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1809 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1809 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1809 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1809 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1809 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1809 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1809 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1809 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1809 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1809 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x5000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1809 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1809 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x5400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1809 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1809 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1809 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1809 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1809 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1809 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1809 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1809 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1809 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
TIM_OC1NPolarityConfig (1828 to 1841 stm32f10x_tim.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 1832 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 1832 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1832 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1832 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1832 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1832 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 1833 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 1832 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1832 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1832 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1832 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1832 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1832 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1832 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1832 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1832 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1832 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
TIM_OC2PolarityConfig (1852 to 1864 stm32f10x_tim.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 1856 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 1856 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1856 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1856 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1856 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1856 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1856 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1856 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1856 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1856 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 1857 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 1856 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1856 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1856 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1856 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1856 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1856 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1856 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1856 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1856 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1856 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1856 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1856 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
TIM_OC2NPolarityConfig (1875 to 1888 stm32f10x_tim.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 1879 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 1879 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1879 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 1880 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 1879 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1879 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1879 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1879 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
TIM_OC3PolarityConfig (1899 to 1911 stm32f10x_tim.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 1903 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 1903 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1903 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1903 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1903 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1903 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1903 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 1904 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 1903 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1903 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1903 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1903 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1903 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1903 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1903 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
TIM_OC3NPolarityConfig (1922 to 1936 stm32f10x_tim.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 1927 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 1927 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1927 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 1928 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 1927 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1927 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1927 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1927 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
TIM_OC4PolarityConfig (1947 to 1959 stm32f10x_tim.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 1951 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 1951 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1951 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1951 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1951 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1951 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1951 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 1952 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 1951 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1951 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1951 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1951 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1951 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1951 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1951 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
TIM_CCxCmd (1974 to 1990 stm32f10x_tim.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 1979 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 1979 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1979 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1979 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1979 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1979 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1979 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1979 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1979 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1979 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1979 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1979 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1979 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1979 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1979 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1979 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 1980 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 1981 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 1979 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1979 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1979 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1979 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1979 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1979 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1979 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1979 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1979 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1979 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1979 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x5000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1979 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1979 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x5400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1979 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1979 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1979 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1979 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1979 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1979 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1979 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1979 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1979 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
TIM_CCxNCmd (2004 to 2020 stm32f10x_tim.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 2009 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 2009 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2009 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2009 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2009 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2009 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 2010 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 2011 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 2009 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2009 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2009 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2009 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2009 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2009 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2009 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2009 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2009 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2009 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
TIM_SelectOCxM (2045 to 2083 stm32f10x_tim.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 2051 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 2051 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2051 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2051 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2051 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2051 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2051 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2051 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2051 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2051 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2051 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2051 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2051 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2051 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2051 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2051 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 2052 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 2053 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 2068 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2071 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2078 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2081 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2051 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2051 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2051 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2051 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2051 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2051 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2051 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2051 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2051 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2051 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2051 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x5000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2051 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2051 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x5400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2051 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2051 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2051 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2051 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2051 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2051 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2051 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2051 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2051 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2055 | Cast from pointer to integral type. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2056 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned int and unsigned short): ( uint16_t ) 0x0018 ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 2065 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned int and unsigned short): tmp += ( TIM_Channel >> 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 2065 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned int and unsigned short): tmp += ( TIM_Channel >> 1 ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 2068 | Widening cast on complex integer expression. : (unsigned int and unsigned short): ( uint16_t ) 0x0070 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.8 |
C | 2075 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned int and unsigned short): tmp += ( uint16_t | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 2078 | Widening cast on complex integer expression. : (unsigned int and unsigned short): ( uint16_t ) 0x7000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.8 |
C | 2081 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned int and unsigned short): volatile uint32_t * ) tmp |= ( uint16_t | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 2081 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned int and unsigned short): * ( volatile uint32_t * ) tmp |= ( uint16_t ) ( TIM_OCMode << 8 ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 2081 | DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. : tmp | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
C | 2071 | DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. : tmp | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
TIM_UpdateDisableConfig (2092 to 2107 stm32f10x_tim.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 2095 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 2095 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2095 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2095 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2095 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2095 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2095 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2095 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2095 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2095 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2095 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2095 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2095 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2095 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2095 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2095 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2095 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2095 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 2096 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 2095 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2095 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2095 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2095 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2095 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2095 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2095 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2095 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2095 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2095 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2095 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2095 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2095 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x5000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2095 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2095 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x5400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2095 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2095 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2095 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2095 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2095 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2095 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2095 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2095 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2095 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
TIM_UpdateRequestConfig (2120 to 2135 stm32f10x_tim.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 2123 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 2123 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2123 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2123 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2123 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2123 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2123 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2123 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2123 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2123 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2123 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2123 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2123 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2123 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2123 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2123 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2123 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2123 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 2124 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 2123 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2123 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2123 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2123 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2123 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2123 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2123 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2123 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2123 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2123 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2123 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2123 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2123 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x5000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2123 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2123 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x5400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2123 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2123 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2123 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2123 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2123 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2123 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2123 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2123 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2123 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
TIM_SelectHallSensor (2144 to 2159 stm32f10x_tim.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 2147 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 2147 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2147 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2147 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2147 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2147 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2147 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2147 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2147 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2147 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 2148 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 2147 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2147 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2147 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2147 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2147 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2147 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2147 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2147 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2147 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2147 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2147 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2147 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
TIM_SelectOnePulseMode (2170 to 2179 stm32f10x_tim.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 2173 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 2173 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2173 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2173 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2173 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2173 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2173 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2173 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2173 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2173 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2173 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2173 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2173 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2173 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2173 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2173 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2173 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2173 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 2174 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 2173 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2173 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2173 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2173 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2173 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2173 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2173 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2173 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2173 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2173 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2173 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2173 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2173 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x5000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2173 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2173 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x5400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2173 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2173 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2173 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2173 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2173 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2173 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2173 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2173 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2173 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
TIM_SelectOutputTrigger (2202 to 2211 stm32f10x_tim.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 2205 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 2205 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2205 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2205 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2205 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2205 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2205 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2205 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2205 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2205 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2205 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2205 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 2206 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 2205 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2205 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2205 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2205 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2205 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2205 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2205 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2205 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2205 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2205 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2205 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2205 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2205 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2205 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
TIM_SelectSlaveMode (2225 to 2234 stm32f10x_tim.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 2228 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 2228 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2228 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2228 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2228 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2228 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2228 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2228 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2228 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2228 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 2229 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 2228 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2228 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2228 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2228 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2228 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2228 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2228 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2228 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2228 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2228 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2228 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2228 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
TIM_SelectMasterSlaveMode (2246 to 2256 stm32f10x_tim.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 2249 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 2249 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2249 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2249 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2249 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2249 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2249 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2249 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2249 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2249 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 2250 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 2249 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2249 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2249 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2249 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2249 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2249 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2249 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2249 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2249 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2249 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2249 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2249 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
TIM_SetCounter (2264 to 2270 stm32f10x_tim.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 2267 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 2267 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2267 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2267 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2267 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2267 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2267 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2267 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2267 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2267 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2267 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2267 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2267 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2267 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2267 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2267 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2267 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2267 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2267 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2267 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2267 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2267 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2267 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2267 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2267 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2267 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2267 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2267 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2267 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2267 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2267 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x5000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2267 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2267 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x5400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2267 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2267 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2267 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2267 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2267 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2267 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2267 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2267 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2267 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
TIM_SetAutoreload (2278 to 2284 stm32f10x_tim.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 2281 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 2281 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2281 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2281 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2281 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2281 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2281 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2281 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2281 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2281 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2281 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2281 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2281 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2281 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2281 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2281 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2281 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2281 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2281 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2281 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2281 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2281 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2281 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2281 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2281 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2281 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2281 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2281 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2281 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2281 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2281 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x5000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2281 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2281 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x5400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2281 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2281 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2281 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2281 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2281 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2281 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2281 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2281 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2281 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
TIM_SetCompare1 (2292 to 2298 stm32f10x_tim.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 2295 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 2295 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2295 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2295 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2295 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2295 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2295 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2295 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2295 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2295 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2295 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2295 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2295 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2295 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2295 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2295 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2295 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2295 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2295 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2295 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2295 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2295 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2295 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2295 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2295 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2295 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2295 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x5000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2295 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2295 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x5400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2295 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2295 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2295 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2295 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2295 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2295 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2295 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2295 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2295 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
TIM_SetCompare2 (2306 to 2312 stm32f10x_tim.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 2309 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 2309 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2309 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2309 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2309 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2309 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2309 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2309 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2309 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2309 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2309 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2309 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2309 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2309 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2309 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2309 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2309 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2309 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2309 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2309 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2309 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2309 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
TIM_SetCompare3 (2320 to 2326 stm32f10x_tim.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 2323 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 2323 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2323 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2323 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2323 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2323 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2323 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2323 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2323 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2323 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2323 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2323 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2323 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2323 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
TIM_SetCompare4 (2334 to 2340 stm32f10x_tim.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 2337 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 2337 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2337 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2337 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2337 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2337 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2337 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2337 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2337 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2337 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2337 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2337 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2337 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2337 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
TIM_SetIC1Prescaler (2353 to 2362 stm32f10x_tim.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 2356 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 2356 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2356 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2356 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2356 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2356 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2356 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2356 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2356 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2356 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2356 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2356 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2356 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2356 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2356 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2356 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 2357 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 2356 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2356 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2356 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2356 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2356 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2356 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2356 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2356 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2356 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2356 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2356 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x5000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2356 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2356 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x5400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2356 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2356 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2356 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2356 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2356 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2356 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2356 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2356 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2356 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
TIM_SetIC2Prescaler (2375 to 2384 stm32f10x_tim.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 2378 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 2378 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2378 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2378 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2378 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2378 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2378 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2378 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2378 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2378 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 2379 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 2378 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2378 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2378 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2378 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2378 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2378 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2378 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2378 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2378 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2378 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2378 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2378 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
TIM_SetIC3Prescaler (2397 to 2406 stm32f10x_tim.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 2400 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 2400 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2400 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2400 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2400 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2400 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2400 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 2401 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 2400 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2400 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2400 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2400 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2400 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2400 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2400 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
TIM_SetIC4Prescaler (2419 to 2428 stm32f10x_tim.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 2422 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 2422 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2422 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2422 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2422 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2422 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2422 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 2423 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 2422 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2422 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2422 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2422 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2422 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2422 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2422 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
TIM_SetClockDivision (2441 to 2450 stm32f10x_tim.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 2444 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 2444 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2444 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2444 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2444 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2444 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2444 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2444 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2444 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2444 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2444 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2444 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2444 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2444 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2444 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2444 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 2445 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 2444 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2444 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2444 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2444 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2444 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2444 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2444 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2444 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2444 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2444 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2444 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x5000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2444 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2444 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x5400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2444 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2444 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2444 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2444 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2444 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2444 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2444 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2444 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2444 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
TIM_GetCapture1 (2457 to 2463 stm32f10x_tim.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 2460 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 2460 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2460 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2460 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2460 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2460 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2460 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2460 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2460 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2460 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2460 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2460 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2460 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2460 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2460 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2460 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2460 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2460 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2460 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2460 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2460 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2460 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2460 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2460 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2460 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2460 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2460 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x5000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2460 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2460 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x5400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2460 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2460 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2460 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2460 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2460 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2460 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2460 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2460 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2460 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2462 | Volatile variable in complex expression. : CCR1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
TIM_GetCapture2 (2470 to 2476 stm32f10x_tim.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 2473 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 2473 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2473 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2473 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2473 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2473 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2473 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2473 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2473 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2473 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2473 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2473 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2473 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2473 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2473 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2473 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2473 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2473 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2473 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2473 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2473 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2473 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2475 | Volatile variable in complex expression. : CCR2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
TIM_GetCapture3 (2483 to 2489 stm32f10x_tim.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 2486 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 2486 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2486 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2486 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2486 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2486 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2486 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2486 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2486 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2486 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2486 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2486 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2486 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2486 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2488 | Volatile variable in complex expression. : CCR3 | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
TIM_GetCapture4 (2496 to 2502 stm32f10x_tim.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 2499 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 2499 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2499 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2499 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2499 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2499 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2499 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2499 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2499 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2499 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2499 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2499 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2499 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2499 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2501 | Volatile variable in complex expression. : CCR4 | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
TIM_GetCounter (2509 to 2515 stm32f10x_tim.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 2512 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 2512 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2512 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2512 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2512 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2512 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2512 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2512 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2512 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2512 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2512 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2512 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2512 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2512 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2512 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2512 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2512 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2512 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2512 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2512 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2512 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2512 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2512 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2512 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2512 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2512 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2512 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2512 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2512 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2512 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2512 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x5000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2512 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2512 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x5400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2512 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2512 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2512 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2512 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2512 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2512 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2512 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2512 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2512 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2514 | Volatile variable in complex expression. : CNT | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
TIM_GetPrescaler (2522 to 2528 stm32f10x_tim.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 2525 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 2525 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2525 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2525 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2525 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2525 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2525 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2525 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2525 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2525 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2525 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2525 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2525 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2525 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2525 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2525 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2525 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2525 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2525 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2525 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2525 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2525 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2525 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2525 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2525 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2525 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2525 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2525 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2525 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2525 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2525 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x5000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2525 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2525 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x5400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2525 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2525 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2525 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2525 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2525 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2525 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2525 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2525 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2525 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2527 | Volatile variable in complex expression. : PSC | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
TIM_GetFlagStatus (2556 to 2572 stm32f10x_tim.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 2560 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 2560 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2560 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2560 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2560 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2560 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2560 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2560 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2560 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2560 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2560 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2560 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2560 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2560 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2560 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2560 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2560 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2560 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 2561 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 2560 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2560 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2560 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2560 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2560 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2560 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2560 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2560 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2560 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2560 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2560 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2560 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2560 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x5000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2560 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2560 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x5400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2560 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2560 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2560 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2560 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2560 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2560 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2560 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2560 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2560 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2563 | Volatile variable in complex expression. : SR | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2 |
C | 2563 | Use of underlying enum representation value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 2571 | Local structure returned in function result. : bitstatus | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.6 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
TIM_ClearFlag (2600 to 2608 stm32f10x_tim.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 2603 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 2603 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2603 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2603 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2603 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2603 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2603 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2603 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2603 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2603 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2603 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2603 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2603 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2603 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2603 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2603 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2603 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2603 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 2604 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 2603 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2603 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2603 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2603 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2603 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2603 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2603 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2603 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2603 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2603 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2603 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2603 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2603 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x5000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2603 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2603 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x5400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2603 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2603 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2603 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2603 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2603 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2603 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2603 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2603 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2603 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2604 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned short and signed char): ( TIM_FLAG ) & ( uint16_t ) 0xE100 ) == 0x0000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2604 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned short and signed char): ( TIM_FLAG ) != 0x0000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
TIM_GetITStatus (2632 to 2652 stm32f10x_tim.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 2637 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 2637 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2637 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2637 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2637 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2637 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2637 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2637 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2637 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2637 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2637 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2637 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2637 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2637 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2637 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2637 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2637 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2637 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 2638 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 2635 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2635 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2637 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2637 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2637 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2637 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2637 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2637 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2637 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2637 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2637 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2637 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2637 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2637 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2637 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x5000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2637 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2637 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x5400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2637 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2637 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2637 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2637 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2637 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2637 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2637 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2637 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2637 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2640 | Volatile variable in complex expression. : SR | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2 |
C | 2642 | Volatile variable in complex expression. : DIER | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2 |
C | 2643 | Use of underlying enum representation value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 2643 | Use of underlying enum representation value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 2651 | Local structure returned in function result. : bitstatus | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.6 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
TIM_ClearITPendingBit (2676 to 2683 stm32f10x_tim.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 2679 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 2679 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2679 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2679 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2679 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2679 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2679 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2679 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2679 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2679 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2679 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2679 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2679 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2679 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2679 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2679 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2679 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2679 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 2680 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 2679 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2679 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2679 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2679 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2679 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2679 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2679 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2679 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2679 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2679 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2679 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2679 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2679 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x5000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2679 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2679 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x5400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2679 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2679 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2679 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2679 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2679 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2679 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2679 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2679 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2679 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2680 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned short and signed char): ( TIM_IT ) & ( uint16_t ) 0xFF00 ) == 0x0000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2680 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned short and signed char): ( TIM_IT ) != 0x0000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
TI1_Config (2701 to 2730 stm32f10x_tim.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 2713 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2713 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2713 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2713 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2714 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2714 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2704 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2713 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2713 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2713 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2713 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2713 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2714 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2714 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
TI2_Config (2748 to 2779 stm32f10x_tim.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 2762 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2762 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2762 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2762 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2763 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2763 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2751 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2751 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2762 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2762 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2762 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2762 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2762 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2763 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2763 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
TI3_Config (2797 to 2827 stm32f10x_tim.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 2810 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2810 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2810 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2810 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2811 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2811 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2800 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2800 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2810 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2810 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2810 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2810 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2810 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2811 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2811 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
TI4_Config (2845 to 2876 stm32f10x_tim.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 2860 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2860 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2860 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2860 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2861 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2861 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 2848 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2848 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2860 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2860 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2860 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2860 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2860 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2861 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 2861 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
USART_DeInit (130 to 163 stm32f10x_usart.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 133 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 133 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 133 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 133 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 133 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 133 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 135 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 140 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 145 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 150 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 157 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 133 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 133 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 133 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 133 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 133 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 133 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x5000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 135 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 135 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 140 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 145 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 150 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 157 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x5000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
USART_Init (176 to 273 stm32f10x_usart.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 184 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 184 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 184 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 184 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 184 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 184 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 185 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 186 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 187 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 188 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 189 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 190 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 194 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 194 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 194 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 194 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 178 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 178 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 179 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 180 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 184 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 184 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 184 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 184 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 184 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 184 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x5000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 185 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 185 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0044AA21 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 189 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned short and signed char): ( USART_InitStruct -> USART_Mode ) & ( uint16_t ) 0xFFF3 ) == 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 194 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 194 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 194 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 194 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 197 | Cast from pointer to integral type. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 200 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned int and unsigned short): tmpreg = USARTx -> CR2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 202 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned int and unsigned short): ( uint16_t ) 0xCFFF ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 211 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned int and unsigned short): tmpreg = USARTx -> CR1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 213 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned int and unsigned short): ( uint16_t ) 0xE9F3 ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 219 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned int and unsigned short): tmpreg |= ( uint32_t ) USART_InitStruct -> USART_WordLength | USART_InitStruct -> USART_Parity | USART_InitStruct -> USART_Mode | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 224 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned int and unsigned short): tmpreg = USARTx -> CR3 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 226 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned int and unsigned short): ( uint16_t ) 0xFCFF ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 229 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned int and unsigned short): tmpreg |= USART_InitStruct -> USART_HardwareFlowControl | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 236 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 236 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 246 | Volatile variable in complex expression. : CR1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2 |
C | 246 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 249 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 25 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 249 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned int and signed char): 2 * | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 249 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned int and signed char): ( 2 * ( USART_InitStruct -> USART_BaudRate ) ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 254 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 25 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 254 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned int and signed char): 4 * | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 254 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned int and signed char): ( 4 * ( USART_InitStruct -> USART_BaudRate ) ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 259 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 100 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 259 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned int and signed char): fractionaldivider = integerdivider - ( 100 * | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 259 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (signed char and unsigned int): fractionaldivider = integerdivider - ( 100 * ( | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 262 | Volatile variable in complex expression. : CR1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2 |
C | 262 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 264 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 8 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 264 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 50 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 268 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 16 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 268 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 50 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
M | 182 | Procedure contains UR data flow anomalies. : RCC_ClocksStatus.PCLK2_Frequency | MISRA-C:2012 R.9.1 |
M | 182 | Procedure contains UR data flow anomalies. : RCC_ClocksStatus.PCLK1_Frequency |
MISRA-C:2012 R.9.1 | ||||||||
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
USART_StructInit (281 to 290 stm32f10x_usart.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 284 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 9600 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 284 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned int and int): USART_InitStruct -> USART_BaudRate | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
USART_ClockInit (302 to 325 stm32f10x_usart.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 306 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 306 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 306 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 306 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 307 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 308 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 309 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 310 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 304 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 306 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 306 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 306 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 306 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 313 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned int and unsigned short): tmpreg = USARTx -> CR2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 315 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned int and unsigned short): ( uint16_t ) 0xF0FF ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 322 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned int and unsigned short): USART_LastBit | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
USART_Cmd (351 to 367 stm32f10x_usart.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 354 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 354 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 354 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 354 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 354 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 354 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 355 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 354 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 354 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 354 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 354 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 354 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 354 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x5000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
USART_ITConfig (388 to 431 stm32f10x_usart.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 393 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 393 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 393 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 393 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 393 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 393 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 394 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 395 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 399 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 399 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 399 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 399 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 425 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 429 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 390 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 390 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 390 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 391 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 393 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 393 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 393 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 393 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 393 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 393 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x5000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 399 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 399 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 399 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 399 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 402 | Cast from pointer to integral type. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 405 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x05 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 408 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned int and unsigned short): itpos = USART_IT | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 408 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned int and unsigned short): ( uint16_t ) 0x001F ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 411 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x01 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 411 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned int and int): usartreg | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 411 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned int and signed char): usartreg == 0x01 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 413 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0C | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 413 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned int and int): usartxbase | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 415 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x02 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 415 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned int and int): usartreg | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 415 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned int and signed char): usartreg == 0x02 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 417 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 417 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned int and int): usartxbase | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 421 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x14 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 421 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned int and int): usartxbase | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 429 | DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. : usartxbase | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
C | 425 | DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. : usartxbase | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
USART_DMACmd (448 to 466 stm32f10x_usart.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 451 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 451 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 451 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 451 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 451 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 451 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 452 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 453 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 451 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 451 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 451 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 451 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 451 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 451 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x5000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 452 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned short and signed char): ( USART_DMAReq ) & ( uint16_t ) 0xFF3F ) == 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
USART_SetAddress (476 to 486 stm32f10x_usart.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 479 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 479 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 479 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 479 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 479 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 479 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 480 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 479 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 479 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 479 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 479 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 479 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 479 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x5000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 480 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0xF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 480 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned char and signed char): ( USART_Address ) <= 0xF | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
USART_WakeUpConfig (499 to 507 stm32f10x_usart.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 502 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 502 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 502 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 502 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 502 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 502 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 503 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 502 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 502 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 502 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 502 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 502 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 502 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x5000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
USART_ReceiverWakeUpCmd (518 to 534 stm32f10x_usart.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 521 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 521 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 521 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 521 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 521 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 521 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 522 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 521 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 521 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 521 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 521 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 521 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 521 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x5000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
USART_LINBreakDetectLengthConfig (547 to 555 stm32f10x_usart.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 550 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 550 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 550 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 550 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 550 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 550 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 551 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 550 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 550 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 550 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 550 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 550 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 550 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x5000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
USART_LINCmd (566 to 582 stm32f10x_usart.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 569 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 569 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 569 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 569 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 569 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 569 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 570 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 569 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 569 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 569 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 569 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 569 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 569 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x5000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
USART_SendData (592 to 600 stm32f10x_usart.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 595 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 595 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 595 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 595 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 595 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 595 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 596 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 595 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 595 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 595 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 595 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 595 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 595 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x5000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 596 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1FF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
USART_ReceiveData (609 to 616 stm32f10x_usart.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 612 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 612 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 612 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 612 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 612 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 612 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 612 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 612 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 612 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 612 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 612 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 612 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x5000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 615 | Volatile variable in complex expression. : DR | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
USART_SendBreak (625 to 632 stm32f10x_usart.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 628 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 628 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 628 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 628 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 628 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 628 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 628 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 628 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 628 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 628 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 628 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 628 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x5000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
USART_SetGuardTime (641 to 650 stm32f10x_usart.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 644 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 644 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 644 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 644 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 644 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 644 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 644 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 644 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 649 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x08 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
USART_SetPrescaler (661 to 670 stm32f10x_usart.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 664 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 664 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 664 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 664 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 664 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 664 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 664 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 664 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 664 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 664 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 664 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 664 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x5000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
USART_SmartCardCmd (680 to 695 stm32f10x_usart.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 683 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 683 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 683 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 683 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 684 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 683 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 683 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 683 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 683 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
USART_SmartCardNACKCmd (705 to 720 stm32f10x_usart.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 708 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 708 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 708 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 708 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 709 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 708 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 708 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 708 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 708 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
USART_HalfDuplexCmd (731 to 747 stm32f10x_usart.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 734 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 734 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 734 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 734 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 734 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 734 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 735 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 734 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 734 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 734 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 734 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 734 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 734 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x5000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
USART_OverSampling8Cmd (762 to 778 stm32f10x_usart.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 765 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 765 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 765 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 765 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 765 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 765 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 766 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 765 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 765 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 765 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 765 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 765 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 765 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x5000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
USART_OneBitMethodCmd (789 to 805 stm32f10x_usart.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 792 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 792 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 792 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 792 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 792 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 792 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 793 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 792 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 792 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 792 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 792 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 792 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 792 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x5000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
USART_IrDAConfig (818 to 826 stm32f10x_usart.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 821 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 821 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 821 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 821 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 821 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 821 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 822 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 821 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 821 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 821 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 821 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 821 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 821 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x5000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
USART_IrDACmd (837 to 853 stm32f10x_usart.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 840 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 840 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 840 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 840 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 840 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 840 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 841 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 840 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 840 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 840 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 840 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 840 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 840 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x5000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
USART_GetFlagStatus (874 to 895 stm32f10x_usart.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 878 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 878 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 878 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 878 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 878 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 878 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 879 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 883 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 883 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 883 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 883 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 878 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 878 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 878 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 878 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 878 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 878 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x5000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 883 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 883 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 883 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 883 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 886 | Volatile variable in complex expression. : SR | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2 |
C | 886 | Use of underlying enum representation value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
USART_ClearFlag (923 to 935 stm32f10x_usart.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 926 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 926 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 926 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 926 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 926 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 926 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 927 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 931 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 931 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 931 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 931 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 926 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 926 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 926 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 926 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 926 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 926 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x5000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 927 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned short and signed char): ( USART_FLAG ) & ( uint16_t ) 0xFC9F ) == 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 931 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 931 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 931 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 931 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
USART_GetITStatus (956 to 1001 stm32f10x_usart.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 961 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 961 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 961 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 961 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 961 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 961 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 962 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 966 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 966 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 966 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 966 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 958 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 958 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 958 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 961 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 961 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 961 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 961 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 961 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 961 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x5000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 966 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 966 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 966 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 966 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 970 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x05 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 972 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned int and unsigned short): itmask = USART_IT | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 972 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned int and unsigned short): ( uint16_t ) 0x001F ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 975 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x01 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 975 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned int and int): usartreg | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 975 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned int and signed char): usartreg == 0x01 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 977 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned int and unsigned short): itmask &= USARTx -> CR1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 979 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x02 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 979 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned int and int): usartreg | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 979 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned int and signed char): usartreg == 0x02 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 981 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned int and unsigned short): itmask &= USARTx -> CR2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 985 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned int and unsigned short): itmask &= USARTx -> CR3 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 988 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned int and unsigned short): bitpos = USART_IT | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 988 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x08 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 988 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned int and unsigned short): bitpos = USART_IT >> 0x08 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 990 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned int and unsigned short): bitpos &= USARTx -> SR | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 991 | Use of underlying enum representation value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 991 | Use of underlying enum representation value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 1000 | Local structure returned in function result. : bitstatus | MISRA-C:2012 R.18.6 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
USART_ClearITPendingBit (1030 to 1045 stm32f10x_usart.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 1034 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 1034 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1034 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1034 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1034 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1034 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
M | 1035 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 1039 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 1039 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1039 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1039 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1032 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1032 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1034 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1034 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1034 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1034 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1034 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1034 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x5000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1039 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x10000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1039 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x3800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1039 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4400 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1039 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x4800 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1042 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x08 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
WWDG_SetPrescaler (118 to 129 stm32f10x_wwdg.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 122 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 124 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 128 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 124 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 124 | Volatile variable in complex expression. : CFR | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2 |
C | 124 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xFFFFFE7F | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 128 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
WWDG_SetWindowValue (137 to 152 stm32f10x_wwdg.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 142 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 145 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 151 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 142 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x7F | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 142 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned char and signed char): ( WindowValue ) <= 0x7F | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 145 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 145 | Volatile variable in complex expression. : CFR | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2 |
C | 145 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xFFFFFF80 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 148 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned int and unsigned char): tmpreg |= WindowValue | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 148 | Widening cast on complex integer expression. : (unsigned int and unsigned char): ( uint8_t ) 0x7F | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.8 |
C | 151 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
WWDG_EnableIT (159 to 162 stm32f10x_wwdg.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 161 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 161 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 161 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x04 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 161 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 32 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 161 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x09 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 161 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned int and signed char): ( uint32_t ) 0x40000000 ) ) + 0x04 ) * 32 ) + ( 0x09 * | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 161 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned int and signed char): ( uint32_t ) 0x40000000 ) ) + 0x04 ) * 32 ) + ( 0x09 * 4 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 161 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned int* and unsigned int): ( uint32_t ) 0x40000000 ) ) + 0x04 ) * 32 ) + ( 0x09 * 4 ) ) = ( uint32_t | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 161 | Use of underlying enum representation value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 159 | Void function has no side effects. : WWDG_EnableIT | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
WWDG_SetCounter (170 to 177 stm32f10x_wwdg.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 173 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 176 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 173 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x40 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 173 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned char and signed char): ( Counter ) >= 0x40 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 173 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x7F | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 173 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned char and signed char): ( Counter ) <= 0x7F | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 176 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 176 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned int and unsigned char): ( uint32_t ) 0x40000000 ) + 0x2C00 ) ) -> CR = Counter | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 176 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned int and unsigned char): ( uint8_t ) 0x7F ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
WWDG_Enable (185 to 190 stm32f10x_wwdg.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 188 | Function call with no prior declaration. : assert_param | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 189 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 188 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x40 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 188 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned char and signed char): ( Counter ) >= 0x40 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 188 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x7F | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 188 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned char and signed char): ( Counter ) <= 0x7F | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 189 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 189 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned int and unsigned char): ( uint32_t ) 0x00000080 ) | Counter | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
WWDG_GetFlagStatus (197 to 200 stm32f10x_wwdg.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 199 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 199 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 199 | Volatile variable in complex expression. : SR | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
WWDG_ClearFlag (207 to 210 stm32f10x_wwdg.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 209 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 209 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2C00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 209 | Use of underlying enum representation value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 207 | Void function has no side effects. : WWDG_ClearFlag | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
SystemInit (212 to 269 system_stm32f10x.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 216 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 220 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 226 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 229 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 232 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 251 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 267 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 216 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 216 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 220 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 220 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 220 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xF8FF0000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 226 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 226 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 226 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xFEF6FFFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 229 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 229 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 229 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xFFFBFFFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 232 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 232 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 232 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xFF80FFFF | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 251 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 251 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 251 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x009F0000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 251 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x009F0000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 251 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned int and int): ( uint32_t ) 0x40000000 ) + 0x20000 ) + 0x1000 ) ) -> CIR | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 267 | Unsuffixed hex or octal is unsigned, add U. : 0xE000E000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2 |
C | 267 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x0D00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
SystemCoreClockUpdate (306 to 412 system_stm32f10x.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 319 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 332 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 333 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 351 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 409 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 308 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 308 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 319 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 319 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 319 | Volatile variable in complex expression. : CFGR | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2 |
C | 323 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned int and int): case | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 326 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned int and int): case | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 329 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned int and int): case | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 332 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 332 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 332 | Volatile variable in complex expression. : CFGR | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2 |
C | 333 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 333 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 333 | Volatile variable in complex expression. : CFGR | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2 |
C | 336 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 2 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 338 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned int and int): pllsource | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 338 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned int and signed char): pllsource == 0x00 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 351 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 351 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 351 | Volatile variable in complex expression. : CFGR | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2 |
C | 351 | Use of underlying enum representation value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 409 | Volatile variable in complex expression. : CFGR | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2 |
C | 308 | DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. : pllmull | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
C | 308 | DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. : pllsource | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
SetSysClockTo72 (987 to 1080 system_stm32f10x.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | DD data flow anomalies found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 993 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 998 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1002 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1014 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1017 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1018 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1022 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1025 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1028 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1054 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1056 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1060 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1063 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1068 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1069 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1072 | Cast from integral type to pointer. | MISRA-C:2012 R.11.1,R.11.2,R.11.4,R.11.6,R.11.7 |
C | 1072 | Potentially infinite loop found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.1 |
C | 989 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 993 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 993 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 998 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 998 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 998 | Volatile variable in complex expression. : CR | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2 |
C | 999 | Volatile variable in complex expression. : StartUpCounter | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2 |
C | 1000 | Volatile variable in complex expression. : HSEStatus | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2 |
C | 1000 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned int and int): HSEStatus | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1000 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1000 | Volatile variable in complex expression. : StartUpCounter | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2 |
C | 1000 | Volatile variable accessed on RHS of && or ||. : StartUpCounter | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.5 |
C | 1000 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned short and unsigned int): ( uint16_t ) 0x0500 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 1002 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1002 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1002 | Volatile variable in complex expression. : CR | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2 |
C | 1002 | Use of underlying enum representation value. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 1014 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1014 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1014 | No cast for widening complex int expression. : (unsigned int and unsigned char): ( uint8_t ) 0x10 ) | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.6,R.10.7 |
C | 1017 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1017 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1018 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1018 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x2000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1018 | Widening cast on complex integer expression. : (unsigned int and unsigned char): ( uint8_t ) 0x02 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.8 |
C | 1022 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1022 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1025 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1025 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1028 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1028 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1054 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1054 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 1056 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1056 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1060 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1060 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1063 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1063 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1063 | Volatile variable in complex expression. : CR | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2 |
C | 1063 | Construct leads to infeasible code. | MISRA-C:2012 R.14.3 |
C | 1063 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1068 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1068 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1069 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1069 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1072 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x20000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1072 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x1000 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 1072 | Volatile variable in complex expression. : CFGR | MISRA-C:2012 R.13.1,R.13.2 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
delay_us (34 to 46 systick.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | No prototype for non-static function. : delay_us | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 42 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned int and int): temp = SysTick -> CTRL | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 42 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned int and int): temp = SysTick -> CTRL | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 43 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x01 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 43 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 43 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 43 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned int and signed char): ! ( temp & ( 1 << | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 43 | Use of shift operator on signed type. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 43 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 45 | DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. : (SysTick)->CTRL | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
C | 37 | DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. : (SysTick)->LOAD | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
C | 44 | DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. : (SysTick)->VAL | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
C | 38 | DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. : (SysTick)->VAL | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
C | 34 | Void function has no side effects. : delay_us | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
delay_ms (54 to 66 systick.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | No prototype for non-static function. : delay_ms | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
C | 62 | Signed/unsigned conversion without cast. : (unsigned int and int): temp = SysTick -> CTRL | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 62 | Use of mixed mode arithmetic. : (unsigned int and int): temp = SysTick -> CTRL | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 63 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 0x01 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 63 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 63 | Literal value requires a U suffix. : 1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.7.2,R.10.3,R.10.4 |
C | 63 | Value is not of appropriate type. : (unsigned int and signed char): ! ( temp & ( 1 << | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.10.3,R.10.4,R.10.5,R.11.1 |
C | 63 | Use of shift operator on signed type. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 63 | Expression is not Boolean. | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1,R.14.4 |
C | 65 | DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. : (SysTick)->CTRL | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
C | 57 | DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. : (SysTick)->LOAD | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
C | 64 | DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. : (SysTick)->VAL | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
C | 58 | DU anomaly dead code, variable value is unused on all paths. : (SysTick)->VAL | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
C | 54 | Void function has no side effects. : delay_ms | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.2 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
TIM3_Config (8 to 23 tim.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 11 | Function call with no prior declaration. : RCC_APB1PeriphClockCmd | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 17 | Function call with no prior declaration. : TIM_TimeBaseInit | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 19 | Function call with no prior declaration. : TIM_ClearFlag | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 20 | Function call with no prior declaration. : TIM_ClearITPendingBit | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 21 | Function call with no prior declaration. : TIM_ITConfig | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 22 | Function call with no prior declaration. : TIM_Cmd | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
TIM3_NVIC_Config (36 to 45 tim.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 43 | Function call with no prior declaration. : NVIC_Init | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
TIM3_Init (52 to 56 tim.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | No prototype for non-static function. : TIM3_Init | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
TIM_Mode_Configuration (9 to 22 timh.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 12 | Function call with no prior declaration. : RCC_APB2PeriphClockCmd | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 19 | Function call with no prior declaration. : TIM_TimeBaseInit | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 20 | Function call with no prior declaration. : TIM_Cmd | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 21 | Function call with no prior declaration. : TIM_ITConfig | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
TIM_NVIC_Configuration (30 to 39 timh.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 38 | Function call with no prior declaration. : NVIC_Init | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
TIM1_Configuration (47 to 51 timh.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | No prototype for non-static function. : TIM1_Configuration | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
GPIO_Configuration (10 to 25 usart.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 14 | Function call with no prior declaration. : RCC_APB2PeriphClockCmd | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 15 | Function call with no prior declaration. : RCC_AHBPeriphClockCmd | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 20 | Function call with no prior declaration. : GPIO_Init | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 24 | Function call with no prior declaration. : GPIO_Init | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 14 | Use of bit operator on signed type. : | used with int: RCC_APB2Periph_GPIOA | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 14 | Use of bit operator on signed type. : | used with int: RCC_APB2Periph_USART1 | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
USART_NVICConfig (34 to 43 usart.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 37 | Function call with no prior declaration. : NVIC_PriorityGroupConfig | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 42 | Function call with no prior declaration. : NVIC_Init | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
USART_Config (52 to 65 usart.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 61 | Function call with no prior declaration. : USART_Init | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 62 | Function call with no prior declaration. : USART_Cmd | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 64 | Function call with no prior declaration. : USART_DMACmd | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 59 | Use of bit operator on signed type. : | used with int: USART_Mode_Tx | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
C | 59 | Use of bit operator on signed type. : | used with int: USART_Mode_Rx | MISRA-C:2012 R.10.1 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
USART_DMAConfig (72 to 89 usart.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 86 | Function call with no prior declaration. : DMA_Init | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 87 | Function call with no prior declaration. : DMA_ITConfig | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 88 | Function call with no prior declaration. : DMA_Cmd | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
USARTInit (97 to 103 usart.c) - FAIL |
Code | Violation | Standard |
C | No prototype for non-static function. : USARTInit | MISRA-C:2012 R.8.4 |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
fputc (105 to 110 usart.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 107 | Function call with no prior declaration. : USART_SendData | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 108 | Function call with no prior declaration. : USART_GetFlagStatus | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 108 | Potentially infinite loop found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.1 |
C | 105 | Name is used in standard libraries. | MISRA-C:2012 R.21.2 |
C | 108 | No brackets to loop body. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
Code | Violation | Parameter |
O | Unused procedure parameter | f |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
fgetc (112 to 116 usart.c) - FAIL |
Code | Line | Violation | Standard |
M | 114 | Function call with no prior declaration. : USART_GetFlagStatus | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
M | 115 | Function call with no prior declaration. : USART_ReceiveData | MISRA-C:2012 R.17.3 |
C | 114 | Potentially infinite loop found. | MISRA-C:2012 R.2.1 |
C | 112 | Name is used in standard libraries. | MISRA-C:2012 R.21.2 |
C | 114 | No brackets to loop body. | MISRA-C:2012 R.15.6 |
Code | Violation | Parameter |
O | Unused procedure parameter | f |
[ | Top of Report | | | Key to Terms | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |
Code | (Line) | Violation | Standard |
M | (Source line number) | [Text of Mandatory standard] | [Appropriate rule reference] |
C | [Text of Required standard] | ||
O | [Text of Advisory standard] | ||
[Source: Text of line from Source file]
Components which pass all standards are marked: | Pass |
Components which fail only Advisory standards are marked: | Conditional Pass |
Components which fail on insufficient comments only are marked: | Comment FAIL |
Components which violate Mandatory standards are marked: | FAIL |
[ | Top of Report | | | Procedure Table | | | Contents | ] |