/* Copyright (c) 2000, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0, as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is also distributed with certain software (including but not limited to OpenSSL) that is licensed under separate terms, as designated in a particular file or component or in included license documentation. The authors of MySQL hereby grant you an additional permission to link the program and your derivative works with the separately licensed software that they have included with MySQL. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License, version 2.0, for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ /** @file sql/mysqld.cc MySQL server daemon. */ /* clang-format off */ /** @mainpage Welcome Welcome to the MySQL source code documentation. This documentation covers primarily the MySQL server, for the @c mysqld process. Other programs, like the MySQL Router, are also documented, see the @ref PAGE_SERVER_TOOLS section. The order chosen to present the content is to start with low level components, and build upon previous sections, so that code is presented in a logical order. For some sections, a full article (Doxygen 'page') presents the component in detail. For other sections, only links are provided, as a starting point into the component. For the user manual, see http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/ For the internals manual, see https://dev.mysql.com/doc/internals/en/index.html This documentation is published for each release, starting with MySQL 8.0. The present document corresponds to: Document generated on: ${DOXYGEN_GENERATION_DATE}, branch: ${DOXYGEN_GENERATION_BRANCH}, revision: ${DOXYGEN_GENERATION_REVISION} For the latest available version, see https://dev.mysql.com/doc/dev/mysql-server/latest/ For other versions, see https://dev.mysql.com/doc/index-archive.html */ /** @page PAGE_GET_STARTED Getting Started - @ref start_source - @subpage PAGE_CODING_GUIDELINES - @ref start_debug @section start_source Build from source See https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/source-installation.html @section start_debug Debugging The easiest way to install a server, and attach a debugger to it, is to start the mysql-test-run (MTR) tool with debugging options @verbatim cd mysql-test ./mtr --ddd main.parser @endverbatim The following functions are good candidates for breakpoints: - #my_message_sql - #dispatch_command Replace 'main.parser' with another test script, or write your own, to debug a specific area. */ /** @page PAGE_CODING_GUIDELINES Coding Guidelines This section shows the guidelines that MySQL developers follow when writing new code. New MySQL code uses the Google C++ coding style (https://google.github.io/styleguide/cppguide.html), with one exception: - Member variable names: Do not use foo_. Instead, use m_foo (non-static) or s_foo (static). Old projects and modifications to old code use an older MySQL-specific style for the time being. Since 8.0, MySQL style uses the same formatting rules as Google coding style (e.g., brace placement, indentation, line lengths, etc.), but differs in a few important aspects: - Class names: Do not use MyClass. Instead, use My_class. - Function names: Use snake_case(). - Comment Style: Use either the // or /* */ syntax. // is much more common but both syntaxes are permitted for the time being. - Doxygen comments: Use /** ... */ syntax and not ///. - Doxygen commands: Use '@' and not '\' for doxygen commands. - You may see structs starting with st_ and being typedef-ed to some UPPERCASE (e.g. typedef struct st_foo { ... } FOO). However, this is legacy from when the codebase contained C. Do not make such new typedefs nor structs with st_ prefixes, and feel free to remove those that already exist, except in public header files that are part of libmysql (which need to be parseable as C99). Code formatting is enforced by use of clang-format throughout the code base. However, note that formatting is only one part of coding style; you are required to take care of non-formatting issues yourself, such as following naming conventions, having clear ownership of code or minimizing the use of macros. See the Google coding style guide for the entire list. Consistent style is important for us, because everyone must know what to expect. Knowing our rules, you'll find it easier to read our code, and when you decide to contribute (which we hope you'll consider!) we'll find it easier to read and review your code. - @subpage GENERAL_DEVELOPMENT_GUIDELINES - @subpage CPP_CODING_GUIDELINES_FOR_NDB_SE - @subpage DBUG_TAGS */ /** @page PAGE_INFRASTRUCTURE Infrastructure @section infra_basic Basic classes and templates @subsection infra_basic_container Container See #DYNAMIC_ARRAY, #List, #I_P_List, #LF_HASH. @subsection infra_basic_syncho Synchronization See #native_mutex_t, #native_rw_lock_t, #native_cond_t. @subsection infra_basic_fileio File IO See #my_open, #my_dir. @section infra_server_blocks Server building blocs @subsection infra_server_blocks_vio Virtual Input Output See #Vio, #vio_init. @section deployment Deployment @subsection deploy_install Installation See #opt_initialize, #bootstrap::run_bootstrap_thread. @subsection deploy_startup Startup See #mysqld_main. @subsection deploy_shutdown Shutdown See #handle_fatal_signal, #signal_hand. @subsection deploy_upgrade Upgrade See #Mysql::Tools::Upgrade::Program. */ /** @page PAGE_PROTOCOL Client/Server Protocol @section protocol_overview Overview The MySQL protocol is used between MySQL Clients and a MySQL Server. It is implemented by: - Connectors (Connector/C, Connector/J, and so forth) - MySQL Proxy - Communication between master and slave replication servers The protocol supports these features: - Transparent encryption using SSL - Transparent compression - A @ref page_protocol_connection_phase where capabilities and authentication data are exchanged - A @ref page_protocol_command_phase which accepts commands from the client and executes them Further reading: - @subpage page_protocol_basics - @subpage page_protocol_connection_lifecycle */ /** @page mysqlx_protocol X %Protocol @par Topics in this section: - @subpage mysqlx_protocol_lifecycle - @subpage mysqlx_protocol_authentication - @subpage mysqlx_protocol_messages - @subpage mysqlx_protocol_expectations - @subpage mysqlx_protocol_notices - @subpage mysqlx_protocol_xplugin - @subpage mysqlx_protocol_use_cases - @subpage mysqlx_protocol_implementation - @subpage mysqlx_protocol_comparison The X %Protocol is implemented by the X Plugin and the following MySQL clients support the protocol: - MYSQLXSHELL - MySQL for Visual Studio 2.0.2 or higher - MySQL Connector/J 6.0.2 or higher - MySQL Connector/Net 7.0.2 or higher - MySQL Connector/Node.js @section xprotocol_community_connector How to build a Community Connector MySQL provides a set of official MySQL Connectors for several popular development frameworks and languages like Node.js, .Net, Python, Java, C, C++ and more. At the same time, we also encourage community developers to create native connectors for their favorite languages. To improve the process and encourage creating a community connector going forward, and allow for more rapid new feature support within the MySQL communications protocol, we created a new protocol called the MySQL X Protocol. The new X Protocol leverages current industry standards. One of those standards in use is protobuf (more formally know as Google Protobuffers). The .proto formatted files provide the complete message definitions of the X Protocol. Another feature of protobuf is the automatic code generation based on those .proto files across a variety of languages for use in community developed connectors for MySQL. These language specific generated files can be used with no restrictions under your own terms. The X Protocol use of .proto makes our protocol design clear and concise, no longer requiring the efforts previously required – no longer will you need to directly analyze our message format. In addition to the layout of the message format, the .proto also defines and documents message sequence and flow between the connectors and the MySQL server. The information defined in the .proto file makes it easy to implement X protocol support in connector code. As those who have written a MySQL connector know, coding the protocol is only a small part of the effort required. Finally, you can focus on the big task of creating a MySQL community connector - designing apis, coding, testing, selecting your license, packaging, documentation. And, promoting and speaking about your work. @section xprotocol_mysqlxshell_example X Protocol example The following figure shows usage of the X %Protocol between MYSQLXSHELL and MySQL Server 5.7.12 or higher with the X %Plugin enabled. The object _X %Protocol_ on this figure represents rather some concept than an implementation object. The aim is to show its role in the process of information exchange between the client and the server. @startuml "X Protocol Overview" actor "User" box "MySQLx Shell" participant "X DevAPI" as devapi participant "X Protocol" as xclproto end box box "MySQL Server" participant "X Plugin" as xpl participant "X Protocol" as xplproto participant "Server" as serv end box User -> devapi: Request activate devapi devapi -> xclproto: Encode request activate xclproto xclproto --> devapi deactivate xclproto devapi -> xpl: Receive request << Network (TCP) >> activate xpl xpl -> xplproto: Decode request activate xplproto xplproto --> xpl deactivate xplproto xpl -> serv: Execute request activate serv serv --> xpl deactivate serv xpl --> devapi: << Network (TCP) >> deactivate xpl devapi --> User deactivate devapi ... @enduml The documentation is based on the source files such as: - [``mysqlx.proto``](https://github.com/mysql/mysql-server/tree/5.7/rapid/plugin/x/protocol/mysqlx.proto) - [``mysqlx_connection.proto``](https://github.com/mysql/mysql-server/tree/5.7/rapid/plugin/x/protocol/mysqlx_connection.proto) - [``mysqlx_session.proto``](https://github.com/mysql/mysql-server/tree/5.7/rapid/plugin/x/protocol/mysqlx_session.proto>) - [``mysqlx_crud.proto``](https://github.com/mysql/mysql-server/tree/5.7/rapid/plugin/x/protocol/mysqlx_crud.proto>) - [``mysqlx_sql.proto``](https://github.com/mysql/mysql-server/tree/5.7/rapid/plugin/x/protocol/mysqlx_sql.proto>) - [``mysqlx_resultset.proto``](https://github.com/mysql/mysql-server/tree/5.7/rapid/plugin/x/protocol/mysqlx_resultset.proto>) - [``mysqlx_expr.proto``](https://github.com/mysql/mysql-server/tree/5.7/rapid/plugin/x/protocol/mysqlx_expr.proto>) - [``mysqlx_datatypes.proto``](https://github.com/mysql/mysql-server/tree/5.7/rapid/plugin/x/protocol/mysqlx_datatypes.proto>) - [``mysqlx_expect.proto``](https://github.com/mysql/mysql-server/tree/5.7/rapid/plugin/x/protocol/mysqlx_expect.proto>) - [``mysqlx_notice.proto``](https://github.com/mysql/mysql-server/tree/5.7/rapid/plugin/x/protocol/mysqlx_notice.proto>) */ /** @page PAGE_SQL_EXECUTION SQL Query Execution @section sql_query_exec_parsing SQL Parsing The parser processes SQL strings and builds a tree representation of them. See @ref GROUP_PARSER. @subpage PAGE_SQL_Optimizer @subpage stored_programs @section sql_query_exec_prepared Prepared statements See #mysql_stmt_prepare @section func_stored_proc Stored procedures See #sp_head, #sp_instr. @section sql_query_exec_sql_functions SQL Functions See #Item_func @section sql_query_exec_error_handling Error handling See #my_message, #my_error @subpage PAGE_TXN */ /** @page PAGE_STORAGE Data Storage @section storage_innodb Innodb See #ha_innobase or read details about InnoDB internals: - @subpage PAGE_INNODB_PFS - @subpage PAGE_INNODB_REDO_LOG - @subpage PAGE_INNODB_UTILS @section storage_temptable Temp table Before 8.0, temporary tables were handled by heap engine. The heap engine had no feature to store bigger tables on disk. Since 8.0, there is a brand new temptable engine, which is written from scratch using c++11. It has following advantages: - it is able to store bigger tables on disk (in temporary files), - it uses row format with variable size (can save memory for varchars), - it is better designed (easier to maintain). @subpage PAGE_TEMPTABLE */ /** @page PAGE_REPLICATION Replication @subpage PAGE_RPL_FIELD_METADATA */ /** @page PAGE_TXN Transactions See #trans_begin, #trans_commit, #trans_rollback. */ /** @page PAGE_SECURITY Security @subpage AUTHORIZATION_PAGE */ /** @page PAGE_MONITORING Monitoring @subpage PAGE_PFS */ /** @page PAGE_EXTENDING Extending MySQL Components ---------- MySQL 8.0 introduces support for extending the server through components. Components can communicate with other components through service APIs. And can provide implementations of service APIs for other components to use. All components are equal and can communicate with all other components. Service implementations can be found by name via a registry service handle which is passed to the component initialization function. There can be multiple service API implementations for a single service API. One of them is the default implementation. Service API are stateless by definition. If they need to handle state or object instances they need to do so by using factory methods and instance handles. To ease up transition to the component model the current server functionality (server proper and plugins) is contained within a dedicated built in server component. The server component currently contains all of the functionality provided by the server and classical server plugins. More components can be installed via the "INSTALL COMPONENT" SQL command. The component infrastructure is designed as a replacement for the classical MySQL plugin system as it does not suffer from some of the limitations of it and provides better isolation for the component code. See @subpage PAGE_COMPONENTS. Plugins and Services -------------------- As of MySQL 5.1 the server functionality can be extended through installing (dynamically or statically linked) extra code modules called plugins. The server defines a set of well known plugin APIs that the modules can implement. To allow plugins to reuse server code the server exposes a pre-defined set of functions to plugins called plugin services. See the following for more details: - @subpage page_ext_plugins - @subpage page_ext_plugin_services User Defined Functions ---------------------- Native code user defined functions can be added to MySQL server using the CREATE FUNCTION ... SONAME syntax. These can co-exit with @ref page_ext_plugins or reside in their own separate binaries. To learn how to create these user defined functions see @subpage page_ext_udf */ /** @page PAGE_SERVER_TOOLS Server tools - @subpage PAGE_MYSQL_ROUTER */ /** @page PAGE_CLIENT_TOOLS Client tools See mysqldump.cc mysql.cc */ /** @page PAGE_TESTING_TOOLS Testing Tools - @subpage PAGE_MYSQL_TEST_RUN */ /** @page PAGE_DEV_TOOLS Development Tools - @subpage PAGE_LOCK_ORDER */ /** @page PAGE_SQL_Optimizer SQL Optimizer The task of query optimizer is to determine the most efficient means for executing queries. The query optimizer consists of the following sub-modules: - @ref Query_Resolver - @ref Query_Optimizer - @ref Query_Planner - @ref Query_Executor @subpage PAGE_OPT_TRACE Additional articles about the query optimizer: - @ref PAGE_OPT_TRACE - @ref AGGREGATE_CHECKS */ /* clang-format on */ #include "sql/mysqld.h" #include "my_config.h" #include "errmsg.h" // init_client_errs #include "ft_global.h" #include "keycache.h" // KEY_CACHE #include "libbinlogevents/include/binlog_event.h" #include "libbinlogevents/include/control_events.h" #include "m_string.h" #include "migrate_keyring.h" // Migrate_keyring #include "my_alloc.h" #include "my_base.h" #include "my_bitmap.h" // MY_BITMAP #include "my_command.h" #include "my_dbug.h" #include "my_default.h" // print_defaults #include "my_dir.h" #include "my_getpwnam.h" #include "my_loglevel.h" #include "my_macros.h" #include "my_shm_defaults.h" // IWYU pragma: keep #include "my_stacktrace.h" // my_set_exception_pointers #include "my_thread_local.h" #include "my_time.h" #include "my_timer.h" // my_timer_initialize #include "myisam.h" #include "mysql/components/services/log_builtins.h" #include "mysql/components/services/log_shared.h" #include "mysql/plugin.h" #include "mysql/plugin_audit.h" #include "mysql/psi/mysql_cond.h" #include "mysql/psi/mysql_file.h" #include "mysql/psi/mysql_memory.h" // mysql_memory_init #include "mysql/psi/mysql_mutex.h" #include "mysql/psi/mysql_rwlock.h" #include "mysql/psi/mysql_socket.h" #include "mysql/psi/mysql_stage.h" #include "mysql/psi/mysql_statement.h" #include "mysql/psi/mysql_thread.h" #include "mysql/psi/psi_base.h" #include "mysql/psi/psi_cond.h" #include "mysql/psi/psi_data_lock.h" #include "mysql/psi/psi_error.h" #include "mysql/psi/psi_file.h" #include "mysql/psi/psi_idle.h" #include "mysql/psi/psi_mdl.h" #include "mysql/psi/psi_memory.h" #include "mysql/psi/psi_mutex.h" #include "mysql/psi/psi_rwlock.h" #include "mysql/psi/psi_socket.h" #include "mysql/psi/psi_stage.h" #include "mysql/psi/psi_statement.h" #include "mysql/psi/psi_system.h" #include "mysql/psi/psi_table.h" #include "mysql/psi/psi_thread.h" #include "mysql/psi/psi_transaction.h" #include "mysql/service_mysql_alloc.h" #include "mysql/thread_type.h" #include "mysql_com.h" #include "mysql_time.h" #include "mysql_version.h" #include "mysqld_error.h" #include "mysys_err.h" // EXIT_OUT_OF_MEMORY #include "pfs_thread_provider.h" #include "print_version.h" #ifdef _WIN32 #include #endif #include "sql/auth/auth_common.h" // grant_init #include "sql/auth/sql_authentication.h" // init_rsa_keys #include "sql/auth/sql_security_ctx.h" #include "sql/auto_thd.h" // Auto_THD #include "sql/binlog.h" // mysql_bin_log #include "sql/bootstrap.h" // bootstrap #include "sql/check_stack.h" #include "sql/conn_handler/connection_acceptor.h" // Connection_acceptor #include "sql/conn_handler/connection_handler_impl.h" // Per_thread_connection_handler #include "sql/conn_handler/connection_handler_manager.h" // Connection_handler_manager #include "sql/conn_handler/socket_connection.h" // stmt_info_new_packet #include "sql/current_thd.h" // current_thd #include "sql/dd/cache/dictionary_client.h" #include "sql/debug_sync.h" // debug_sync_end #include "sql/derror.h" #include "sql/event_data_objects.h" // init_scheduler_psi_keys #include "sql/events.h" // Events #include "sql/handler.h" #include "sql/hostname_cache.h" // hostname_cache_init #include "sql/init.h" // unireg_init #include "sql/item.h" #include "sql/item_cmpfunc.h" // Arg_comparator #include "sql/item_create.h" #include "sql/item_func.h" #include "sql/item_strfunc.h" // Item_func_uuid #include "sql/keycaches.h" // get_or_create_key_cache #include "sql/log.h" #include "sql/log_event.h" // Rows_log_event #include "sql/log_resource.h" #include "sql/mdl.h" #include "sql/mdl_context_backup.h" // mdl_context_backup_manager #include "sql/my_decimal.h" #include "sql/mysqld_daemon.h" #include "sql/mysqld_thd_manager.h" // Global_THD_manager #include "sql/opt_costconstantcache.h" // delete_optimizer_cost_module #include "sql/opt_range.h" // range_optimizer_init #include "sql/options_mysqld.h" // OPT_THREAD_CACHE_SIZE #include "sql/partitioning/partition_handler.h" // partitioning_init #include "sql/persisted_variable.h" // Persisted_variables_cache #include "sql/plugin_table.h" #include "sql/protocol.h" #include "sql/psi_memory_key.h" // key_memory_MYSQL_RELAY_LOG_index #include "sql/query_options.h" #include "sql/replication.h" // thd_enter_cond #include "sql/resourcegroups/resource_group_mgr.h" // init, post_init #ifdef _WIN32 #include "sql/restart_monitor_win.h" #endif #include "sql/rpl_filter.h" #include "sql/rpl_gtid.h" #include "sql/rpl_gtid_persist.h" // Gtid_table_persistor #include "sql/rpl_handler.h" // RUN_HOOK #include "sql/rpl_info_factory.h" #include "sql/rpl_info_handler.h" #include "sql/rpl_injector.h" // injector #include "sql/rpl_log_encryption.h" #include "sql/rpl_master.h" // max_binlog_dump_events #include "sql/rpl_mi.h" #include "sql/rpl_msr.h" // Multisource_info #include "sql/rpl_rli.h" // Relay_log_info #include "sql/rpl_slave.h" // slave_load_tmpdir #include "sql/rpl_trx_tracking.h" #include "sql/sd_notify.h" // sd_notify_connect #include "sql/session_tracker.h" #include "sql/set_var.h" #include "sql/sp_head.h" // init_sp_psi_keys #include "sql/sql_audit.h" // mysql_audit_general #include "sql/sql_base.h" #include "sql/sql_callback.h" // MUSQL_CALLBACK #include "sql/sql_class.h" // THD #include "sql/sql_connect.h" #include "sql/sql_error.h" #include "sql/sql_initialize.h" // opt_initialize_insecure #include "sql/sql_lex.h" #include "sql/sql_list.h" #include "sql/sql_locale.h" // MY_LOCALE #include "sql/sql_manager.h" // start_handle_manager #include "sql/sql_parse.h" // check_stack_overrun #include "sql/sql_plugin.h" // opt_plugin_dir #include "sql/sql_plugin_ref.h" #include "sql/sql_reload.h" // handle_reload_request #include "sql/sql_restart_server.h" // is_mysqld_managed #include "sql/sql_servers.h" #include "sql/sql_show.h" #include "sql/sql_table.h" // build_table_filename #include "sql/sql_test.h" // mysql_print_status #include "sql/sql_udf.h" #include "sql/ssl_acceptor_context.h" #include "sql/sys_vars.h" // fixup_enforce_gtid_consistency_... #include "sql/sys_vars_shared.h" // intern_find_sys_var #include "sql/table_cache.h" // table_cache_manager #include "sql/tc_log.h" // tc_log #include "sql/thd_raii.h" #include "sql/thr_malloc.h" #include "sql/transaction.h" #include "sql/tztime.h" // Time_zone #include "sql/xa.h" #include "sql_common.h" // mysql_client_plugin_init #include "sql_string.h" #include "storage/myisam/ha_myisam.h" // HA_RECOVER_OFF #include "storage/perfschema/pfs_services.h" #include "thr_lock.h" #include "thr_mutex.h" #include "typelib.h" #include "violite.h" #ifdef WITH_PERFSCHEMA_STORAGE_ENGINE #include "storage/perfschema/pfs_server.h" #endif /* WITH_PERFSCHEMA_STORAGE_ENGINE */ #ifdef _WIN32 #include "sql/conn_handler/named_pipe_connection.h" #include "sql/conn_handler/shared_memory_connection.h" #include "sql/named_pipe.h" #endif #ifdef MY_MSCRT_DEBUG #include #endif #include #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_GRP_H #include #endif #ifndef _WIN32 #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_NETINET_IN_H #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_SYS_MMAN_H #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_SYS_PRCTL_H #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_SYS_RESOURCE_H #include #endif #include #ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H #include #endif #ifdef _WIN32 #include #include #endif #include "unicode/uclean.h" // u_cleanup() #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifndef EMBEDDED_LIBRARY #ifdef WITH_LOCK_ORDER #include "sql/debug_lock_order.h" #endif /* WITH_LOCK_ORDER */ #endif /* EMBEDDED_LIBRARY */ #ifndef EMBEDDED_LIBRARY #include "srv_session.h" #endif #include "../components/mysql_server/log_builtins_filter_imp.h" // verbosity #include "../components/mysql_server/log_builtins_imp.h" #include "../components/mysql_server/server_component.h" #include "sql/auth/dynamic_privileges_impl.h" #include "sql/dd/dd.h" // dd::shutdown #include "sql/dd/dd_kill_immunizer.h" // dd::DD_kill_immunizer #include "sql/dd/dictionary.h" // dd::get_dictionary #include "sql/dd/performance_schema/init.h" // performance_schema::init #include "sql/dd/upgrade/server.h" // dd::upgrade::upgrade_system_schemas #include "sql/dd/upgrade_57/upgrade.h" // dd::upgrade_57::in_progress #include "sql/srv_session.h" using std::max; using std::min; using std::vector; #define mysqld_charset &my_charset_latin1 #define mysqld_default_locale_name "en_US" #ifdef HAVE_FPU_CONTROL_H #include // IWYU pragma: keep #elif defined(__i386__) #define fpu_control_t unsigned int #define _FPU_EXTENDED 0x300 #define _FPU_DOUBLE 0x200 #if defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__SUNPRO_CC) #define _FPU_GETCW(cw) asm volatile("fnstcw %0" : "=m"(*&cw)) #define _FPU_SETCW(cw) asm volatile("fldcw %0" : : "m"(*&cw)) #else #define _FPU_GETCW(cw) (cw = 0) #define _FPU_SETCW(cw) #endif #endif inline void setup_fpu() { #ifdef HAVE_FEDISABLEEXCEPT fedisableexcept(FE_ALL_EXCEPT); #endif /* Set FPU rounding mode to "round-to-nearest" */ fesetround(FE_TONEAREST); /* x86 (32-bit) requires FPU precision to be explicitly set to 64 bit (double precision) for portable results of floating point operations. However, there is no need to do so if compiler is using SSE2 for floating point, double values will be stored and processed in 64 bits anyway. */ #if defined(__i386__) && !defined(__SSE2_MATH__) #if !defined(_WIN32) fpu_control_t cw; _FPU_GETCW(cw); cw = (cw & ~_FPU_EXTENDED) | _FPU_DOUBLE; _FPU_SETCW(cw); #endif /* _WIN32 && */ #endif /* __i386__ */ } extern "C" void handle_fatal_signal(int sig); /* Constants */ #include "welcome_copyright_notice.h" // ORACLE_WELCOME_COPYRIGHT_NOTICE const char *show_comp_option_name[] = {"YES", "NO", "DISABLED"}; static const char *tc_heuristic_recover_names[] = {"OFF", "COMMIT", "ROLLBACK", NullS}; static TYPELIB tc_heuristic_recover_typelib = { array_elements(tc_heuristic_recover_names) - 1, "", tc_heuristic_recover_names, NULL}; const char *first_keyword = "first", *binary_keyword = "BINARY"; const char *my_localhost = "localhost"; bool opt_large_files = sizeof(my_off_t) > 4; static bool opt_autocommit; ///< for --autocommit command-line option static get_opt_arg_source source_autocommit; /* Used with --help for detailed option */ bool opt_help = false, opt_verbose = false, opt_validate_config = false; arg_cmp_func Arg_comparator::comparator_matrix[5] = { &Arg_comparator::compare_string, // Compare strings &Arg_comparator::compare_real, // Compare float values &Arg_comparator::compare_int_signed, // Compare signed int values &Arg_comparator::compare_row, // Compare row values &Arg_comparator::compare_decimal}; // Compare decimal values PSI_file_key key_file_binlog_cache; PSI_file_key key_file_binlog_index_cache; #ifdef HAVE_PSI_INTERFACE static PSI_mutex_key key_LOCK_status; static PSI_mutex_key key_LOCK_manager; static PSI_mutex_key key_LOCK_crypt; static PSI_mutex_key key_LOCK_user_conn; static PSI_mutex_key key_LOCK_global_system_variables; static PSI_mutex_key key_LOCK_prepared_stmt_count; static PSI_mutex_key key_LOCK_sql_slave_skip_counter; static PSI_mutex_key key_LOCK_slave_net_timeout; static PSI_mutex_key key_LOCK_slave_trans_dep_tracker; static PSI_mutex_key key_LOCK_uuid_generator; static PSI_mutex_key key_LOCK_error_messages; static PSI_mutex_key key_LOCK_default_password_lifetime; static PSI_mutex_key key_LOCK_mandatory_roles; static PSI_mutex_key key_LOCK_password_history; static PSI_mutex_key key_LOCK_password_reuse_interval; static PSI_mutex_key key_LOCK_sql_rand; static PSI_mutex_key key_LOCK_log_throttle_qni; static PSI_mutex_key key_LOCK_reset_gtid_table; static PSI_mutex_key key_LOCK_compress_gtid_table; static PSI_mutex_key key_LOCK_collect_instance_log; static PSI_mutex_key key_BINLOG_LOCK_commit; static PSI_mutex_key key_BINLOG_LOCK_commit_queue; static PSI_mutex_key key_BINLOG_LOCK_done; static PSI_mutex_key key_BINLOG_LOCK_flush_queue; static PSI_mutex_key key_BINLOG_LOCK_index; static PSI_mutex_key key_BINLOG_LOCK_log; static PSI_mutex_key key_BINLOG_LOCK_binlog_end_pos; static PSI_mutex_key key_BINLOG_LOCK_sync; static PSI_mutex_key key_BINLOG_LOCK_sync_queue; static PSI_mutex_key key_BINLOG_LOCK_xids; static PSI_rwlock_key key_rwlock_global_sid_lock; static PSI_rwlock_key key_rwlock_gtid_mode_lock; static PSI_rwlock_key key_rwlock_LOCK_system_variables_hash; static PSI_rwlock_key key_rwlock_LOCK_sys_init_connect; static PSI_rwlock_key key_rwlock_LOCK_sys_init_slave; static PSI_cond_key key_BINLOG_COND_done; static PSI_cond_key key_BINLOG_update_cond; static PSI_cond_key key_BINLOG_prep_xids_cond; static PSI_cond_key key_COND_manager; static PSI_cond_key key_COND_compress_gtid_table; static PSI_thread_key key_thread_signal_hand; static PSI_thread_key key_thread_main; static PSI_file_key key_file_casetest; static PSI_file_key key_file_pid; #if defined(_WIN32) static PSI_thread_key key_thread_handle_con_namedpipes; static PSI_thread_key key_thread_handle_con_sharedmem; static PSI_thread_key key_thread_handle_con_sockets; static PSI_mutex_key key_LOCK_handler_count; static PSI_cond_key key_COND_handler_count; static PSI_thread_key key_thread_handle_shutdown_restart; static PSI_rwlock_key key_rwlock_LOCK_named_pipe_full_access_group; #else static PSI_mutex_key key_LOCK_socket_listener_active; static PSI_cond_key key_COND_socket_listener_active; static PSI_mutex_key key_LOCK_start_signal_handler; static PSI_cond_key key_COND_start_signal_handler; #endif // _WIN32 static PSI_mutex_key key_LOCK_server_started; static PSI_cond_key key_COND_server_started; static PSI_mutex_key key_LOCK_keyring_operations; static PSI_mutex_key key_LOCK_tls_ctx_options; static PSI_mutex_key key_LOCK_rotate_binlog_master_key; #endif /* HAVE_PSI_INTERFACE */ /** Statement instrumentation key for replication. */ #ifdef HAVE_PSI_STATEMENT_INTERFACE PSI_statement_info stmt_info_rpl; #endif /* the default log output is log tables */ static bool lower_case_table_names_used = 0; #if !defined(_WIN32) static bool socket_listener_active = false; static int pipe_write_fd = -1; static bool opt_daemonize = 0; #endif bool opt_debugging = false; static bool opt_external_locking = 0, opt_console = 0; static bool opt_short_log_format = 0; static char *mysqld_user, *mysqld_chroot; static const char *default_character_set_name; static const char *character_set_filesystem_name; static const char *lc_messages; static const char *lc_time_names_name; char *my_bind_addr_str; char *my_admin_bind_addr_str; uint mysqld_admin_port; bool listen_admin_interface_in_separate_thread; static const char *default_collation_name; const char *default_storage_engine; const char *default_tmp_storage_engine; ulonglong temptable_max_ram; bool temptable_use_mmap; static char compiled_default_collation_name[] = MYSQL_DEFAULT_COLLATION_NAME; static bool binlog_format_used = false; LEX_STRING opt_init_connect, opt_init_slave; /* Global variables */ LEX_STRING opt_mandatory_roles; bool opt_mandatory_roles_cache = false; bool opt_always_activate_granted_roles = false; bool opt_bin_log; bool opt_general_log, opt_slow_log, opt_general_log_raw; ulonglong log_output_options; bool opt_log_queries_not_using_indexes = 0; ulong opt_log_throttle_queries_not_using_indexes = 0; bool opt_log_slow_extra = false; bool opt_disable_networking = 0, opt_skip_show_db = 0; bool opt_skip_name_resolve = 0; bool opt_character_set_client_handshake = 1; bool server_id_supplied = false; static bool opt_endinfo; bool using_udf_functions; bool locked_in_memory; bool opt_using_transactions; ulong opt_tc_log_size; std::atomic connection_events_loop_aborted_flag; static std::atomic server_operational_state{ SERVER_BOOTING}; char *opt_log_error_suppression_list; char *opt_log_error_services; char *opt_keyring_migration_user = NULL; char *opt_keyring_migration_host = NULL; char *opt_keyring_migration_password = NULL; char *opt_keyring_migration_socket = NULL; char *opt_keyring_migration_source = NULL; char *opt_keyring_migration_destination = NULL; ulong opt_keyring_migration_port = 0; bool migrate_connect_options = 0; uint host_cache_size; ulong log_error_verbosity = 3; // have a non-zero value during early start-up #if defined(_WIN32) /* Thread handle of shutdown event handler thread. It is used as argument during thread join. */ my_thread_handle shutdown_restart_thr_handle; ulong slow_start_timeout; bool opt_no_monitor = false; #endif bool opt_no_dd_upgrade = false; long opt_upgrade_mode = UPGRADE_AUTO; bool opt_initialize = 0; bool opt_skip_slave_start = 0; ///< If set, slave is not autostarted bool opt_enable_named_pipe = 0; bool opt_local_infile, opt_slave_compressed_protocol; bool opt_safe_user_create = 0; bool opt_show_slave_auth_info; bool opt_log_slave_updates = 0; char *opt_slave_skip_errors; bool opt_slave_allow_batching = 0; /** compatibility option: - index usage hints (USE INDEX without a FOR clause) behave as in 5.0 */ bool old_mode; /* Legacy global handlerton. These will be removed (please do not add more). */ handlerton *heap_hton; handlerton *temptable_hton; handlerton *myisam_hton; handlerton *innodb_hton; char *opt_disabled_storage_engines; uint opt_server_id_bits = 0; ulong opt_server_id_mask = 0; bool read_only = 0, opt_readonly = 0; bool super_read_only = 0, opt_super_readonly = 0; bool opt_require_secure_transport = 0; bool relay_log_purge; bool relay_log_recovery; bool opt_allow_suspicious_udfs; const char *opt_secure_file_priv; bool opt_log_slow_admin_statements = 0; bool opt_log_slow_slave_statements = 0; bool lower_case_file_system = 0; bool opt_large_pages = 0; bool opt_super_large_pages = 0; bool opt_myisam_use_mmap = 0; std::atomic offline_mode; uint opt_large_page_size = 0; uint default_password_lifetime = 0; bool password_require_current = false; std::atomic partial_revokes; bool opt_partial_revokes; mysql_mutex_t LOCK_default_password_lifetime; mysql_mutex_t LOCK_mandatory_roles; mysql_mutex_t LOCK_password_history; mysql_mutex_t LOCK_password_reuse_interval; mysql_mutex_t LOCK_tls_ctx_options; #if defined(ENABLED_DEBUG_SYNC) MYSQL_PLUGIN_IMPORT uint opt_debug_sync_timeout = 0; #endif /* defined(ENABLED_DEBUG_SYNC) */ bool opt_old_style_user_limits = 0, trust_function_creators = 0; bool check_proxy_users = 0, mysql_native_password_proxy_users = 0, sha256_password_proxy_users = 0; /* True if there is at least one per-hour limit for some user, so we should check them before each query (and possibly reset counters when hour is changed). False otherwise. */ volatile bool mqh_used = 0; bool opt_noacl = 0; bool sp_automatic_privileges = 1; int32_t opt_regexp_time_limit; int32_t opt_regexp_stack_limit; /** True, if restarted from a cloned database. This information is needed by GR to set some configurations right after clone. */ bool clone_startup = false; /** True, if clone recovery has failed. For managed server we restart server again with old databse files. */ bool clone_recovery_error = false; ulong binlog_row_event_max_size; ulong binlog_checksum_options; ulong binlog_row_metadata; bool opt_master_verify_checksum = 0; bool opt_slave_sql_verify_checksum = 1; const char *binlog_format_names[] = {"MIXED", "STATEMENT", "ROW", NullS}; bool binlog_gtid_simple_recovery; ulong binlog_error_action; const char *binlog_error_action_list[] = {"IGNORE_ERROR", "ABORT_SERVER", NullS}; uint32 gtid_executed_compression_period = 0; bool opt_log_unsafe_statements; const char *timestamp_type_names[] = {"UTC", "SYSTEM", NullS}; ulong opt_log_timestamps; uint mysqld_port, test_flags, select_errors, ha_open_options; uint mysqld_port_timeout; ulong delay_key_write_options; uint protocol_version; uint lower_case_table_names; long tc_heuristic_recover; ulong back_log, connect_timeout, server_id; ulong table_cache_size; ulong table_cache_instances; ulong table_cache_size_per_instance; ulong schema_def_size; ulong stored_program_def_size; ulong table_def_size; ulong tablespace_def_size; ulong what_to_log; ulong slow_launch_time; std::atomic atomic_slave_open_temp_tables{0}; ulong open_files_limit, max_binlog_size, max_relay_log_size; ulong slave_trans_retries; uint slave_net_timeout; ulong slave_exec_mode_options; ulonglong slave_type_conversions_options; ulong opt_mts_slave_parallel_workers; ulonglong opt_mts_pending_jobs_size_max; ulonglong slave_rows_search_algorithms_options; bool opt_slave_preserve_commit_order; #ifndef DBUG_OFF uint slave_rows_last_search_algorithm_used; #endif ulong mts_parallel_option; ulong binlog_cache_size = 0; ulonglong max_binlog_cache_size = 0; ulong slave_max_allowed_packet = 0; ulong binlog_stmt_cache_size = 0; int32 opt_binlog_max_flush_queue_time = 0; long opt_binlog_group_commit_sync_delay = 0; ulong opt_binlog_group_commit_sync_no_delay_count = 0; ulonglong max_binlog_stmt_cache_size = 0; ulong refresh_version; /* Increments on each reload */ std::atomic atomic_global_query_id{1}; ulong aborted_threads; ulong delayed_insert_timeout, delayed_insert_limit, delayed_queue_size; ulong delayed_insert_threads, delayed_insert_writes, delayed_rows_in_use; ulong delayed_insert_errors, flush_time; ulong specialflag = 0; ulong binlog_cache_use = 0, binlog_cache_disk_use = 0; ulong binlog_stmt_cache_use = 0, binlog_stmt_cache_disk_use = 0; ulong max_connections, max_connect_errors; ulong rpl_stop_slave_timeout = LONG_TIMEOUT; bool log_bin_use_v1_row_events = 0; bool thread_cache_size_specified = false; bool host_cache_size_specified = false; bool table_definition_cache_specified = false; ulong locked_account_connection_count = 0; /** Limit of the total number of prepared statements in the server. Is necessary to protect the server against out-of-memory attacks. */ ulong max_prepared_stmt_count; /** Current total number of prepared statements in the server. This number is exact, and therefore may not be equal to the difference between `com_stmt_prepare' and `com_stmt_close' (global status variables), as the latter ones account for all registered attempts to prepare a statement (including unsuccessful ones). Prepared statements are currently connection-local: if the same SQL query text is prepared in two different connections, this counts as two distinct prepared statements. */ ulong prepared_stmt_count = 0; ulong current_pid; uint sync_binlog_period = 0, sync_relaylog_period = 0, sync_relayloginfo_period = 0, sync_masterinfo_period = 0, opt_mts_checkpoint_period, opt_mts_checkpoint_group; ulong expire_logs_days = 0; ulong binlog_expire_logs_seconds = 0; /** Soft upper limit for number of sp_head objects that can be stored in the sp_cache for one connection. */ ulong stored_program_cache_size = 0; /** Compatibility option to prevent auto upgrade of old temporals during certain ALTER TABLE operations. */ bool avoid_temporal_upgrade; bool persisted_globals_load = true; bool opt_keyring_operations = true; bool opt_table_encryption_privilege_check = false; const double log_10[] = { 1e000, 1e001, 1e002, 1e003, 1e004, 1e005, 1e006, 1e007, 1e008, 1e009, 1e010, 1e011, 1e012, 1e013, 1e014, 1e015, 1e016, 1e017, 1e018, 1e019, 1e020, 1e021, 1e022, 1e023, 1e024, 1e025, 1e026, 1e027, 1e028, 1e029, 1e030, 1e031, 1e032, 1e033, 1e034, 1e035, 1e036, 1e037, 1e038, 1e039, 1e040, 1e041, 1e042, 1e043, 1e044, 1e045, 1e046, 1e047, 1e048, 1e049, 1e050, 1e051, 1e052, 1e053, 1e054, 1e055, 1e056, 1e057, 1e058, 1e059, 1e060, 1e061, 1e062, 1e063, 1e064, 1e065, 1e066, 1e067, 1e068, 1e069, 1e070, 1e071, 1e072, 1e073, 1e074, 1e075, 1e076, 1e077, 1e078, 1e079, 1e080, 1e081, 1e082, 1e083, 1e084, 1e085, 1e086, 1e087, 1e088, 1e089, 1e090, 1e091, 1e092, 1e093, 1e094, 1e095, 1e096, 1e097, 1e098, 1e099, 1e100, 1e101, 1e102, 1e103, 1e104, 1e105, 1e106, 1e107, 1e108, 1e109, 1e110, 1e111, 1e112, 1e113, 1e114, 1e115, 1e116, 1e117, 1e118, 1e119, 1e120, 1e121, 1e122, 1e123, 1e124, 1e125, 1e126, 1e127, 1e128, 1e129, 1e130, 1e131, 1e132, 1e133, 1e134, 1e135, 1e136, 1e137, 1e138, 1e139, 1e140, 1e141, 1e142, 1e143, 1e144, 1e145, 1e146, 1e147, 1e148, 1e149, 1e150, 1e151, 1e152, 1e153, 1e154, 1e155, 1e156, 1e157, 1e158, 1e159, 1e160, 1e161, 1e162, 1e163, 1e164, 1e165, 1e166, 1e167, 1e168, 1e169, 1e170, 1e171, 1e172, 1e173, 1e174, 1e175, 1e176, 1e177, 1e178, 1e179, 1e180, 1e181, 1e182, 1e183, 1e184, 1e185, 1e186, 1e187, 1e188, 1e189, 1e190, 1e191, 1e192, 1e193, 1e194, 1e195, 1e196, 1e197, 1e198, 1e199, 1e200, 1e201, 1e202, 1e203, 1e204, 1e205, 1e206, 1e207, 1e208, 1e209, 1e210, 1e211, 1e212, 1e213, 1e214, 1e215, 1e216, 1e217, 1e218, 1e219, 1e220, 1e221, 1e222, 1e223, 1e224, 1e225, 1e226, 1e227, 1e228, 1e229, 1e230, 1e231, 1e232, 1e233, 1e234, 1e235, 1e236, 1e237, 1e238, 1e239, 1e240, 1e241, 1e242, 1e243, 1e244, 1e245, 1e246, 1e247, 1e248, 1e249, 1e250, 1e251, 1e252, 1e253, 1e254, 1e255, 1e256, 1e257, 1e258, 1e259, 1e260, 1e261, 1e262, 1e263, 1e264, 1e265, 1e266, 1e267, 1e268, 1e269, 1e270, 1e271, 1e272, 1e273, 1e274, 1e275, 1e276, 1e277, 1e278, 1e279, 1e280, 1e281, 1e282, 1e283, 1e284, 1e285, 1e286, 1e287, 1e288, 1e289, 1e290, 1e291, 1e292, 1e293, 1e294, 1e295, 1e296, 1e297, 1e298, 1e299, 1e300, 1e301, 1e302, 1e303, 1e304, 1e305, 1e306, 1e307, 1e308}; /* Index extention. */ const int index_ext_length = 6; const char *index_ext = ".index"; const int relay_ext_length = 10; const char *relay_ext = "-relay-bin"; /* True if --log-bin option is used. */ bool log_bin_supplied = false; time_t server_start_time, flush_status_time; char server_uuid[UUID_LENGTH + 1]; const char *server_uuid_ptr; char mysql_home[FN_REFLEN], pidfile_name[FN_REFLEN], system_time_zone[30]; char default_logfile_name[FN_REFLEN]; char default_binlogfile_name[FN_REFLEN]; char default_binlog_index_name[FN_REFLEN + index_ext_length]; char default_relaylogfile_name[FN_REFLEN + relay_ext_length]; char default_relaylog_index_name[FN_REFLEN + relay_ext_length + index_ext_length]; char *default_tz_name; static char errorlog_filename_buff[FN_REFLEN]; const char *log_error_dest; const char *my_share_dir[FN_REFLEN]; char glob_hostname[HOSTNAME_LENGTH + 1]; char mysql_real_data_home[FN_REFLEN], lc_messages_dir[FN_REFLEN], reg_ext[FN_EXTLEN], mysql_charsets_dir[FN_REFLEN], *opt_init_file; const char *opt_tc_log_file; char *lc_messages_dir_ptr; char mysql_unpacked_real_data_home[FN_REFLEN]; size_t mysql_unpacked_real_data_home_len; size_t mysql_data_home_len = 1; uint reg_ext_length; char logname_path[FN_REFLEN]; char slow_logname_path[FN_REFLEN]; char secure_file_real_path[FN_REFLEN]; Time_zone *default_tz; char *mysql_data_home = const_cast("."); const char *mysql_real_data_home_ptr = mysql_real_data_home; char *opt_protocol_compression_algorithms; char server_version[SERVER_VERSION_LENGTH]; const char *mysqld_unix_port; char *opt_mysql_tmpdir; /** name of reference on left expression in rewritten IN subquery */ const char *in_left_expr_name = ""; my_decimal decimal_zero; /** Number of connection errors from internal server errors. */ ulong connection_errors_internal = 0; /** Number of errors when reading the peer address. */ ulong connection_errors_peer_addr = 0; /* classes for comparation parsing/processing */ Eq_creator eq_creator; Ne_creator ne_creator; Equal_creator equal_creator; Gt_creator gt_creator; Lt_creator lt_creator; Ge_creator ge_creator; Le_creator le_creator; Rpl_global_filter rpl_global_filter; Rpl_filter *binlog_filter; struct System_variables global_system_variables; struct System_variables max_system_variables; struct System_status_var global_status_var; MY_TMPDIR mysql_tmpdir_list; CHARSET_INFO *system_charset_info, *files_charset_info; CHARSET_INFO *national_charset_info, *table_alias_charset; CHARSET_INFO *character_set_filesystem; MY_LOCALE *my_default_lc_messages; MY_LOCALE *my_default_lc_time_names; SHOW_COMP_OPTION have_symlink, have_dlopen, have_query_cache; SHOW_COMP_OPTION have_geometry, have_rtree_keys; SHOW_COMP_OPTION have_compress; SHOW_COMP_OPTION have_profiling; SHOW_COMP_OPTION have_statement_timeout = SHOW_OPTION_DISABLED; /* Thread specific variables */ thread_local MEM_ROOT **THR_MALLOC = nullptr; mysql_mutex_t LOCK_status, LOCK_uuid_generator, LOCK_crypt, LOCK_global_system_variables, LOCK_user_conn, LOCK_error_messages; mysql_mutex_t LOCK_sql_rand; /** The below lock protects access to two global server variables: max_prepared_stmt_count and prepared_stmt_count. These variables set the limit and hold the current total number of prepared statements in the server, respectively. As PREPARE/DEALLOCATE rate in a loaded server may be fairly high, we need a dedicated lock. */ mysql_mutex_t LOCK_prepared_stmt_count; /* The below two locks are introduced as guards (second mutex) for the global variables sql_slave_skip_counter and slave_net_timeout respectively. See fix_slave_skip_counter/fix_slave_net_timeout for more details */ mysql_mutex_t LOCK_sql_slave_skip_counter; mysql_mutex_t LOCK_slave_net_timeout; mysql_mutex_t LOCK_slave_trans_dep_tracker; mysql_mutex_t LOCK_log_throttle_qni; mysql_rwlock_t LOCK_sys_init_connect, LOCK_sys_init_slave; mysql_rwlock_t LOCK_system_variables_hash; my_thread_handle signal_thread_id; sigset_t mysqld_signal_mask; my_thread_attr_t connection_attrib; mysql_mutex_t LOCK_server_started; mysql_cond_t COND_server_started; mysql_mutex_t LOCK_reset_gtid_table; mysql_mutex_t LOCK_compress_gtid_table; mysql_cond_t COND_compress_gtid_table; mysql_mutex_t LOCK_collect_instance_log; #if !defined(_WIN32) mysql_mutex_t LOCK_socket_listener_active; mysql_cond_t COND_socket_listener_active; mysql_mutex_t LOCK_start_signal_handler; mysql_cond_t COND_start_signal_handler; #endif /* The below lock protects access to global server variable keyring_operations. */ mysql_mutex_t LOCK_keyring_operations; /* The below lock protects to execute commands 'ALTER INSTANCE ROTATE BINLOG MASTER KEY' and 'SET @@GLOBAL.binlog_encryption=ON/OFF' in parallel. */ mysql_mutex_t LOCK_rotate_binlog_master_key; bool mysqld_server_started = false; /** Set to true to signal at startup if the process must die. Needed because kill_mysql() will not do anything before the server is fully initialized. Thus it now just sets this flag to on and exits. And then mysqld_main() will check if the flag is on at the right place and exit the process if it is. */ static bool mysqld_process_must_end_at_startup = false; /* replication parameters, if master_host is not NULL, we are a slave */ uint report_port = 0; ulong master_retry_count = 0; const char *master_info_file; const char *relay_log_info_file; char *report_user, *report_password, *report_host; char *opt_relay_logname = 0, *opt_relaylog_index_name = 0; /* True if the --relay-log-index is set by users from config file or command line. */ bool opt_relaylog_index_name_supplied = false; /* True if the --relay-log is set by users from config file or command line. */ bool opt_relay_logname_supplied = false; /* True if --log-slave-updates option is set explicitly on command line or configuration file. */ bool log_slave_updates_supplied = false; /* True if --slave-preserve-commit-order-supplied option is set explicitly on command line or configuration file. */ bool slave_preserve_commit_order_supplied = false; char *opt_general_logname, *opt_slow_logname, *opt_bin_logname; /* True if expire_logs_days and binlog_expire_logs_seconds is set explictly. */ bool expire_logs_days_supplied = false; bool binlog_expire_logs_seconds_supplied = false; /* Static variables */ static bool opt_myisam_log; static int cleanup_done; static ulong opt_specialflag; char *opt_binlog_index_name; char *mysql_home_ptr, *pidfile_name_ptr; char *default_auth_plugin; /** Memory for allocating command line arguments, after load_defaults(). */ static MEM_ROOT argv_alloc{PSI_NOT_INSTRUMENTED, 512}; /** Remaining command line arguments (count), filtered by handle_options().*/ static int remaining_argc; /** Remaining command line arguments (arguments), filtered by * handle_options().*/ static char **remaining_argv; /** Holds the "original" (i.e. as on startup) set of arguments. The argument processing goes as follows: 1. At startup the "original" set of arguments is shallow-copied into the read only list @ref orig_argv. 2. The config file arguments are read from the config files (.cnf and persisted read-only) and are appended as command line arguments. In the process the argv is deep copied because of the expansion 3. The result from 2 is set into @ref remaining_argv / @ref remaining_argc. 4. Then remaining_argv is fed into various consumers: - the server compiled in set of arguments - the early plugins - the rest of the plugins - the error log - the components from the persisted dynamic loader init. All of the above "take away" the values they match from the extended command line set. And vary the values of @ref my_getopt_skip_unknown according to their needs (mostly keep it set). As a result, when the server is done booting up the things that remain in remaining_argv become less and less. 5. When the bootstrap process is done a check is run: my_getopt_skip_unknown is set to off and the argument parser is called on remaining_argv with an empty set of argument definitions. This ensures that all of the remaining argument values in remaining_argv are either marked as "loose" (i.e. optional) or are "consumed" by prior argument list processings. The side effect of this is that all --loose arguments are also consumed out of remaining_argv. 6. A check is made if the remaining_argv is an empty list. If not the server exits. 7. At this point the server is marked as succesfully started. 8. Subsequent argument processings happen when e.g. a plugin is loaded via @ref mysql_install_plugin or a component registers system variables via @ref mysql_component_sys_variable_imp::register_variable. However, since remaining_argv is empty these need to run over the orig_argc/orig_argv. But argument value assignment would normally "eat" out the values found. This would mean that the orig_argv array will get shortened and if you load the same plugin twice for example its system variables will not have the values supplied the second time they start. Thus once the server is started (@ref mysqld_server_started is on) any argument value parsing should happen over a *copy* of orig_argc/orig_argv that should subsequently be discarded. @ref remaining_argv should not be consulted anymore at this point. */ int orig_argc; char **orig_argv; namespace { FILE *nstdout = nullptr; char my_progpath[FN_REFLEN]; const char *my_orig_progname = nullptr; /** This variable holds the exit value of the signal handler thread. */ std::atomic signal_hand_thr_exit_code(MYSQLD_SUCCESS_EXIT); /** Inspects the program name in argv[0] and substitutes the full path of the executable. @param argv argument vector (array) for executable. */ void substitute_progpath(char **argv) { if (test_if_hard_path(argv[0])) return; #if defined(_WIN32) if (GetModuleFileName(NULL, my_progpath, sizeof(my_progpath))) { my_orig_progname = argv[0]; argv[0] = my_progpath; } #else /* If the path has a directory component, use my_realpath() (implicitly relative to cwd) */ if (strchr(argv[0], FN_LIBCHAR) != nullptr && !my_realpath(my_progpath, argv[0], MYF(0))) { my_orig_progname = argv[0]; argv[0] = my_progpath; return; } // my_realpath() cannot resolve it, it must be a bare executable // name in path DBUG_ASSERT(strchr(argv[0], FN_LIBCHAR) == nullptr); const char *spbegin = getenv("PATH"); if (spbegin == nullptr) spbegin = ""; const char *spend = spbegin + strlen(spbegin); while (true) { const char *colonend = std::find(spbegin, spend, ':'); std::string cand{spbegin, colonend}; spbegin = colonend + 1; cand.append(1, '/'); cand.append(argv[0]); if (my_access(cand.c_str(), X_OK) == 0) { if (my_realpath(my_progpath, cand.c_str(), MYF(0))) { // Fallback to raw cand DBUG_ASSERT(cand.length() < FN_REFLEN); std::copy(cand.begin(), cand.end(), my_progpath); my_progpath[cand.length()] = '\0'; } my_orig_progname = argv[0]; argv[0] = my_progpath; break; } if (colonend == spend) { DBUG_ASSERT(false); break; } } // while (true) #endif // defined(_WIN32) if (my_orig_progname == nullptr) { LogErr(WARNING_LEVEL, ER_FAILED_TO_GET_ABSOLUTE_PATH, argv[0]); } } } // namespace static Connection_acceptor *mysqld_socket_acceptor = NULL; #ifdef _WIN32 static Named_pipe_listener *named_pipe_listener = NULL; Connection_acceptor *named_pipe_acceptor = NULL; Connection_acceptor *shared_mem_acceptor = NULL; mysql_rwlock_t LOCK_named_pipe_full_access_group; char *named_pipe_full_access_group; #endif Checkable_rwlock *global_sid_lock = NULL; Sid_map *global_sid_map = NULL; Gtid_state *gtid_state = NULL; Gtid_table_persistor *gtid_table_persistor = NULL; /* cache for persisted variables */ static Persisted_variables_cache persisted_variables_cache; void set_remaining_args(int argc, char **argv) { remaining_argc = argc; remaining_argv = argv; } int *get_remaining_argc() { return &remaining_argc; } char ***get_remaining_argv() { return &remaining_argv; } /* Multiple threads of execution use the random state maintained in global sql_rand to generate random numbers. sql_rnd_with_mutex use mutex LOCK_sql_rand to protect sql_rand across multiple instantiations that use sql_rand to generate random numbers. */ ulong sql_rnd_with_mutex() { mysql_mutex_lock(&LOCK_sql_rand); ulong tmp = (ulong)(my_rnd(&sql_rand) * 0xffffffff); /* make all bits random */ mysql_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_sql_rand); return tmp; } struct System_status_var *get_thd_status_var(THD *thd, bool *aggregated) { *aggregated = thd->status_var_aggregated; return &thd->status_var; } static void option_error_reporter(enum loglevel level, uint ecode, ...) { va_list args; va_start(args, ecode); /* Don't print warnings for --loose options during initialize. */ if (level == ERROR_LEVEL || !opt_initialize || (log_error_verbosity > 1)) { error_log_print(level, ecode, args); } va_end(args); } /** Character set and collation error reporter that prints to sql error log. @param level log message level @param ecode Error code of the error message. This routine is used to print character set and collation warnings and errors inside an already running mysqld server, e.g. when a character set or collation is requested for the very first time and its initialization does not go well for some reasons. */ static void charset_error_reporter(enum loglevel level, uint ecode, ...) { va_list args; va_start(args, ecode); error_log_print(level, ecode, args); va_end(args); } struct rand_struct sql_rand; ///< used by sql_class.cc:THD::THD() #ifndef _WIN32 PasswdValue user_info; static my_thread_t main_thread_id; #endif // !_WIN32 /* OS specific variables */ #ifdef _WIN32 static bool mysqld_early_option = false; static bool windows_service = false; static bool use_opt_args; static int opt_argc; static char **opt_argv; static char **my_global_argv = nullptr; static int my_global_argc; static mysql_mutex_t LOCK_handler_count; static mysql_cond_t COND_handler_count; static HANDLE hEventShutdown; static HANDLE hEventRestart; const char *shared_memory_base_name = default_shared_memory_base_name; bool opt_enable_shared_memory; static char shutdown_event_name[40]; static char restart_event_name[40]; static NTService Service; ///< Service object for WinNT #endif /* _WIN32 */ static bool dynamic_plugins_are_initialized = false; #ifndef DBUG_OFF static const char *default_dbug_option; #endif bool opt_use_ssl = true; ulong opt_ssl_fips_mode = SSL_FIPS_MODE_OFF; /* Function declarations */ static int mysql_init_variables(); static int get_options(int *argc_ptr, char ***argv_ptr); static void add_terminator(vector *options); extern "C" bool mysqld_get_one_option(int, const struct my_option *, char *); static void set_server_version(void); static int init_thread_environment(); static const char *get_relative_path(const char *path); static int fix_paths(void); static int test_if_case_insensitive(const char *dir_name); static void end_ssl(); static void delete_dictionary_tablespace(); extern "C" void *signal_hand(void *arg); static bool pid_file_created = false; static void usage(void); static void clean_up_mutexes(void); static bool create_pid_file(); static void mysqld_exit(int exit_code) MY_ATTRIBUTE((noreturn)); static void delete_pid_file(myf flags); static void clean_up(bool print_message); static int handle_early_options(); static void adjust_related_options(ulong *requested_open_files); static void process_bootstrap(); #ifdef HAVE_PSI_INTERFACE static void init_server_psi_keys(); #endif /** Notify any waiters that the server components have been initialized. Used by the signal handler thread and by Cluster. @see signal_hand */ static void server_components_initialized() { mysql_mutex_lock(&LOCK_server_started); mysqld_server_started = true; mysql_cond_broadcast(&COND_server_started); mysql_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_server_started); } /** Initializes component infrastructure by bootstrapping core component subsystem. @return Status of performed operation @retval false success @retval true failure */ static bool component_infrastructure_init() { if (mysql_services_bootstrap(NULL)) { LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_COMPONENTS_INFRASTRUCTURE_BOOTSTRAP); return true; } if (pfs_init_services(&imp_mysql_server_registry_registration)) { LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_PERFSCHEMA_COMPONENTS_INFRASTRUCTURE_BOOTSTRAP); return true; } return false; } /** This function is used to initialize the mysql_server component services. Most of the init functions are dummy functions, to solve the linker issues. */ static void server_component_init() { mysql_comp_sys_var_services_init(); /* Below are dummy initialization functions. Else linker, is cutting out (as library optimization) all the below services code. This is because of libsql code is not calling any functions of them. */ mysql_string_services_init(); mysql_comp_status_var_services_init(); mysql_comp_system_variable_source_init(); mysql_backup_lock_service_init(); clone_protocol_service_init(); page_track_service_init(); mysql_security_context_init(); mysql_server_ongoing_transactions_query_init(); host_application_signal_imp_init(); mysql_audit_api_service_init(); mysql_current_thread_reader_imp_init(); mysql_keyring_iterator_service_init(); } /** Initializes MySQL Server component infrastructure part by initialize of dynamic loader persistence. @return Status of performed operation @retval false success @retval true failure */ static bool mysql_component_infrastructure_init() { /* We need a temporary THD during boot */ Auto_THD thd; Disable_autocommit_guard autocommit_guard(thd.thd); dd::cache::Dictionary_client::Auto_releaser scope_releaser( thd.thd->dd_client()); if (persistent_dynamic_loader_init(thd.thd)) { LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_COMPONENTS_PERSIST_LOADER_BOOTSTRAP); trans_rollback_stmt(thd.thd); // Full rollback in case we have THD::transaction_rollback_request. trans_rollback(thd.thd); return true; } server_component_init(); return trans_commit_stmt(thd.thd) || trans_commit(thd.thd); } /** De-initializes Component infrastructure by de-initialization of the MySQL Server services (persistent dynamic loader) followed by de-initailization of the core Components infrostructure. @return Status of performed operation @retval false success @retval true failure */ static bool component_infrastructure_deinit() { persistent_dynamic_loader_deinit(); shutdown_dynamic_loader(); if (pfs_deinit_services(&imp_mysql_server_registry_registration)) { LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_PERFSCHEMA_COMPONENTS_INFRASTRUCTURE_SHUTDOWN); return true; } if (mysql_services_shutdown()) { LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_COMPONENTS_INFRASTRUCTURE_SHUTDOWN); return true; } return false; } /** Block and wait until server components have been initialized. */ static void server_components_init_wait() { mysql_mutex_lock(&LOCK_server_started); while (!mysqld_server_started) mysql_cond_wait(&COND_server_started, &LOCK_server_started); mysql_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_server_started); } /**************************************************************************** ** Code to end mysqld ****************************************************************************/ /** This class implements callback function used by close_connections() to set KILL_CONNECTION flag on all thds in thd list. If m_kill_dump_thread_flag is not set it kills all other threads except dump threads. If this flag is set, it kills dump threads. */ class Set_kill_conn : public Do_THD_Impl { private: int m_dump_thread_count; bool m_kill_dump_threads_flag; public: Set_kill_conn() : m_dump_thread_count(0), m_kill_dump_threads_flag(false) {} void set_dump_thread_flag() { m_kill_dump_threads_flag = true; } int get_dump_thread_count() const { return m_dump_thread_count; } virtual void operator()(THD *killing_thd) { DBUG_PRINT("quit", ("Informing thread %u that it's time to die", killing_thd->thread_id())); if (!m_kill_dump_threads_flag) { // We skip slave threads & scheduler on this first loop through. if (killing_thd->slave_thread) return; if (killing_thd->get_command() == COM_BINLOG_DUMP || killing_thd->get_command() == COM_BINLOG_DUMP_GTID) { ++m_dump_thread_count; return; } DBUG_EXECUTE_IF("Check_dump_thread_is_alive", { DBUG_ASSERT(killing_thd->get_command() != COM_BINLOG_DUMP && killing_thd->get_command() != COM_BINLOG_DUMP_GTID); };); } mysql_mutex_lock(&killing_thd->LOCK_thd_data); if (killing_thd->kill_immunizer) { /* If killing_thd is in kill immune mode (i.e. operation on new DD tables is in progress) then just save state_to_set with THD::kill_immunizer object. While exiting kill immune mode, awake() is called again with the killed state saved in THD::kill_immunizer object. */ killing_thd->kill_immunizer->save_killed_state(THD::KILL_CONNECTION); } else { killing_thd->killed = THD::KILL_CONNECTION; MYSQL_CALLBACK(Connection_handler_manager::event_functions, post_kill_notification, (killing_thd)); } if (killing_thd->is_killable && killing_thd->kill_immunizer == NULL) { mysql_mutex_lock(&killing_thd->LOCK_current_cond); if (killing_thd->current_cond.load()) { mysql_mutex_lock(killing_thd->current_mutex); mysql_cond_broadcast(killing_thd->current_cond); mysql_mutex_unlock(killing_thd->current_mutex); } mysql_mutex_unlock(&killing_thd->LOCK_current_cond); } mysql_mutex_unlock(&killing_thd->LOCK_thd_data); } }; /** This class implements callback function used by close_connections() to close vio connection for all thds in thd list */ class Call_close_conn : public Do_THD_Impl { public: Call_close_conn(bool server_shutdown) : is_server_shutdown(server_shutdown) {} virtual void operator()(THD *closing_thd) { if (closing_thd->get_protocol()->connection_alive()) { LEX_CSTRING main_sctx_user = closing_thd->m_main_security_ctx.user(); LogErr(WARNING_LEVEL, ER_FORCE_CLOSE_THREAD, my_progname, (long)closing_thd->thread_id(), (main_sctx_user.length ? main_sctx_user.str : "")); /* Do not generate MYSQL_AUDIT_CONNECTION_DISCONNECT event, when closing thread close sessions. Each session will generate DISCONNECT event by itself. */ close_connection(closing_thd, 0, is_server_shutdown, false); } } private: bool is_server_shutdown; }; static void close_connections(void) { DBUG_TRACE; (void)RUN_HOOK(server_state, before_server_shutdown, (NULL)); Per_thread_connection_handler::kill_blocked_pthreads(); uint dump_thread_count = 0; uint dump_thread_kill_retries = 8; // Close listeners. if (mysqld_socket_acceptor != NULL) mysqld_socket_acceptor->close_listener(); #ifdef _WIN32 if (named_pipe_acceptor != NULL) named_pipe_acceptor->close_listener(); if (shared_mem_acceptor != NULL) shared_mem_acceptor->close_listener(); #endif /* First signal all threads that it's time to die This will give the threads some time to gracefully abort their statements and inform their clients that the server is about to die. */ Global_THD_manager *thd_manager = Global_THD_manager::get_instance(); LogErr(INFORMATION_LEVEL, ER_DEPART_WITH_GRACE, static_cast(thd_manager->get_thd_count())); Set_kill_conn set_kill_conn; thd_manager->do_for_all_thd(&set_kill_conn); LogErr(INFORMATION_LEVEL, ER_SHUTTING_DOWN_SLAVE_THREADS); end_slave(); if (set_kill_conn.get_dump_thread_count()) { /* Replication dump thread should be terminated after the clients are terminated. Wait for few more seconds for other sessions to end. */ while (thd_manager->get_thd_count() > dump_thread_count && dump_thread_kill_retries) { sleep(1); dump_thread_kill_retries--; } set_kill_conn.set_dump_thread_flag(); thd_manager->do_for_all_thd(&set_kill_conn); } // Disable the event scheduler Events::stop(); if (thd_manager->get_thd_count() > 0) sleep(2); // Give threads time to die /* Force remaining threads to die by closing the connection to the client This will ensure that threads that are waiting for a command from the client on a blocking read call are aborted. */ LogErr(INFORMATION_LEVEL, ER_DISCONNECTING_REMAINING_CLIENTS, static_cast(thd_manager->get_thd_count())); Call_close_conn call_close_conn(true); thd_manager->do_for_all_thd(&call_close_conn); (void)RUN_HOOK(server_state, after_server_shutdown, (NULL)); /* All threads have now been aborted. Stop event scheduler thread after aborting all client connections, otherwise user may start/stop event scheduler after Events::deinit() deallocates scheduler object(static member in Events class) */ Events::deinit(); DBUG_PRINT("quit", ("Waiting for threads to die (count=%u)", thd_manager->get_thd_count())); thd_manager->wait_till_no_thd(); /* Connection threads might take a little while to go down after removing from global thread list. Give it some time. */ Connection_handler_manager::wait_till_no_connection(); delete_slave_info_objects(); DBUG_PRINT("quit", ("close_connections thread")); } bool signal_restart_server() { if (!is_mysqld_managed()) { my_error(ER_RESTART_SERVER_FAILED, MYF(0), "mysqld is not managed by supervisor process"); return true; } #ifdef _WIN32 if (!SetEvent(hEventRestart)) { LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_SET_EVENT_FAILED, GetLastError()); my_error(ER_RESTART_SERVER_FAILED, MYF(0), "Internal operation failure"); return true; } #else if (pthread_kill(signal_thread_id.thread, SIGUSR2)) { DBUG_PRINT("error", ("Got error %d from pthread_kill", errno)); my_error(ER_RESTART_SERVER_FAILED, MYF(0), "Internal operation failure"); return true; } #endif return false; } void kill_mysql(void) { DBUG_TRACE; if (!mysqld_server_started) { mysqld_process_must_end_at_startup = true; return; } #if defined(_WIN32) { if (!SetEvent(hEventShutdown)) { DBUG_PRINT("error", ("Got error: %ld from SetEvent", GetLastError())); } /* or: HANDLE hEvent=OpenEvent(0, false, "MySqlShutdown"); SetEvent(hEventShutdown); CloseHandle(hEvent); */ } #else if (pthread_kill(signal_thread_id.thread, SIGTERM)) { DBUG_PRINT("error", ("Got error %d from pthread_kill", errno)); /* purecov: inspected */ } #endif DBUG_PRINT("quit", ("After pthread_kill")); } static void unireg_abort(int exit_code) { DBUG_TRACE; if (errno) { sysd::notify("ERRNO=", errno, "\n"); } if (opt_initialize && exit_code && !opt_validate_config) LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, mysql_initialize_directory_freshly_created ? ER_DATA_DIRECTORY_UNUSABLE_DELETABLE : ER_DATA_DIRECTORY_UNUSABLE, mysql_real_data_home); // At this point it does not make sense to buffer more messages. // Just flush what we have and write directly to stderr. flush_error_log_messages(); if (opt_help) usage(); bool daemon_launcher_quiet = (IF_WIN(false, opt_daemonize) && !mysqld::runtime::is_daemon() && !is_help_or_validate_option()); if (!daemon_launcher_quiet && exit_code) LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_ABORTING); mysql_audit_notify(MYSQL_AUDIT_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_SHUTDOWN, MYSQL_AUDIT_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_REASON_ABORT, exit_code); #ifndef _WIN32 if (signal_thread_id.thread != 0) { // Make sure the signal thread isn't blocked when we are trying to exit. server_components_initialized(); pthread_kill(signal_thread_id.thread, SIGTERM); my_thread_join(&signal_thread_id, NULL); } signal_thread_id.thread = 0; if (mysqld::runtime::is_daemon()) { mysqld::runtime::signal_parent(pipe_write_fd, 0); } #endif clean_up(!is_help_or_validate_option() && !daemon_launcher_quiet && (exit_code || !opt_initialize)); /* purecov: inspected */ DBUG_PRINT("quit", ("done with cleanup in unireg_abort")); mysqld_exit(exit_code); } void clean_up_mysqld_mutexes() { clean_up_mutexes(); } static void mysqld_exit(int exit_code) { DBUG_ASSERT( (exit_code >= MYSQLD_SUCCESS_EXIT && exit_code <= MYSQLD_ABORT_EXIT) || exit_code == MYSQLD_RESTART_EXIT); mysql_audit_finalize(); Srv_session::module_deinit(); delete_optimizer_cost_module(); clean_up_mutexes(); my_end(opt_endinfo ? MY_CHECK_ERROR | MY_GIVE_INFO : 0); destroy_error_log(); #ifdef WITH_PERFSCHEMA_STORAGE_ENGINE shutdown_performance_schema(); #endif #ifdef WITH_LOCK_ORDER LO_cleanup(); #endif #if defined(_WIN32) if (hEventShutdown) CloseHandle(hEventShutdown); close_service_status_pipe_in_mysqld(); #endif // _WIN32 exit(exit_code); /* purecov: inspected */ } /** GTID cleanup destroys objects and reset their pointer. Function is reentrant. */ void gtid_server_cleanup() { if (gtid_state != NULL) { delete gtid_state; gtid_state = NULL; } if (global_sid_map != NULL) { delete global_sid_map; global_sid_map = NULL; } if (global_sid_lock != NULL) { delete global_sid_lock; global_sid_lock = NULL; } if (gtid_table_persistor != NULL) { delete gtid_table_persistor; gtid_table_persistor = NULL; } if (gtid_mode_lock) { delete gtid_mode_lock; gtid_mode_lock = NULL; } } /** GTID initialization. @return true if allocation does not succeed false if OK */ bool gtid_server_init() { bool res = (!(global_sid_lock = new Checkable_rwlock( #ifdef HAVE_PSI_INTERFACE key_rwlock_global_sid_lock #endif )) || !(gtid_mode_lock = new Checkable_rwlock( #ifdef HAVE_PSI_INTERFACE key_rwlock_gtid_mode_lock #endif )) || !(global_sid_map = new Sid_map(global_sid_lock)) || !(gtid_state = new Gtid_state(global_sid_lock, global_sid_map)) || !(gtid_table_persistor = new Gtid_table_persistor())); gtid_mode_counter = 1; if (res) { gtid_server_cleanup(); } return res; } // Free connection acceptors static void free_connection_acceptors() { delete mysqld_socket_acceptor; mysqld_socket_acceptor = NULL; #ifdef _WIN32 delete named_pipe_acceptor; named_pipe_acceptor = NULL; delete shared_mem_acceptor; shared_mem_acceptor = NULL; #endif } static void clean_up(bool print_message) { DBUG_PRINT("exit", ("clean_up")); if (cleanup_done++) return; /* purecov: inspected */ ha_pre_dd_shutdown(); dd::shutdown(); Events::deinit(); stop_handle_manager(); memcached_shutdown(); /* make sure that handlers finish up what they have that is dependent on the binlog */ if (print_message && (!is_help_or_validate_option() || opt_verbose)) LogErr(INFORMATION_LEVEL, ER_BINLOG_END); ha_binlog_end(current_thd); injector::free_instance(); mysql_bin_log.cleanup(); if (use_slave_mask) bitmap_free(&slave_error_mask); my_tz_free(); servers_free(true); acl_free(true); grant_free(); hostname_cache_free(); range_optimizer_free(); item_func_sleep_free(); lex_free(); /* Free some memory */ item_create_cleanup(); if (!opt_noacl) udf_unload_udfs(); table_def_start_shutdown(); plugin_shutdown(); gtid_server_cleanup(); // after plugin_shutdown delete_optimizer_cost_module(); ha_end(); if (tc_log) { tc_log->close(); tc_log = NULL; } if (dd::upgrade_57::in_progress()) delete_dictionary_tablespace(); Recovered_xa_transactions::destroy(); delegates_destroy(); transaction_cache_free(); MDL_context_backup_manager::destroy(); table_def_free(); mdl_destroy(); key_caches.delete_elements(); multi_keycache_free(); query_logger.cleanup(); my_free_open_file_info(); free_tmpdir(&mysql_tmpdir_list); my_free(opt_bin_logname); free_max_user_conn(); end_slave_list(); delete binlog_filter; rpl_channel_filters.clean_up(); end_ssl(); vio_end(); u_cleanup(); #if defined(ENABLED_DEBUG_SYNC) /* End the debug sync facility. See debug_sync.cc. */ debug_sync_end(); #endif /* defined(ENABLED_DEBUG_SYNC) */ delete_pid_file(MYF(0)); if (print_message && my_default_lc_messages && server_start_time) LogErr(SYSTEM_LEVEL, ER_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_COMPLETE, my_progname, server_version, MYSQL_COMPILATION_COMMENT_SERVER); cleanup_errmsgs(); free_connection_acceptors(); Connection_handler_manager::destroy_instance(); if (!is_help_or_validate_option() && !opt_initialize) resourcegroups::Resource_group_mgr::destroy_instance(); mysql_client_plugin_deinit(); finish_client_errs(); deinit_errmessage(); // finish server errs DBUG_PRINT("quit", ("Error messages freed")); Global_THD_manager::destroy_instance(); my_free(const_cast(log_bin_basename)); my_free(const_cast(log_bin_index)); my_free(const_cast(relay_log_basename)); my_free(const_cast(relay_log_index)); free_list(opt_early_plugin_load_list_ptr); free_list(opt_plugin_load_list_ptr); /* Is this the best place for components deinit? It may be changed when new dependencies are discovered, possibly being divided into separate points where all dependencies are still ok. */ log_error_stage_set(LOG_ERROR_STAGE_SHUTTING_DOWN); log_builtins_error_stack(LOG_ERROR_SERVICES_DEFAULT, false, nullptr); #ifdef HAVE_PSI_THREAD_INTERFACE if (!is_help_or_validate_option() && !opt_initialize) { unregister_pfs_notification_service(); unregister_pfs_resource_group_service(); } #endif component_infrastructure_deinit(); /* component unregister_variable() api depends on system_variable_hash. component_infrastructure_deinit() interns calls the deinit funtion of components which are loaded, and the deinit functions can have the component system unregister_ variable() api's, hence we need to call the sys_var_end() after component_infrastructure_deinit() */ sys_var_end(); free_status_vars(); if (have_statement_timeout == SHOW_OPTION_YES) my_timer_deinitialize(); have_statement_timeout = SHOW_OPTION_DISABLED; persisted_variables_cache.cleanup(); udf_deinit_globals(); /* The following lines may never be executed as the main thread may have killed us */ DBUG_PRINT("quit", ("done with cleanup")); } /* clean_up */ static void clean_up_mutexes() { mysql_mutex_destroy(&LOCK_log_throttle_qni); mysql_mutex_destroy(&LOCK_status); mysql_mutex_destroy(&LOCK_manager); mysql_mutex_destroy(&LOCK_crypt); mysql_mutex_destroy(&LOCK_user_conn); mysql_rwlock_destroy(&LOCK_sys_init_connect); mysql_rwlock_destroy(&LOCK_sys_init_slave); mysql_mutex_destroy(&LOCK_global_system_variables); mysql_rwlock_destroy(&LOCK_system_variables_hash); mysql_mutex_destroy(&LOCK_uuid_generator); mysql_mutex_destroy(&LOCK_sql_rand); mysql_mutex_destroy(&LOCK_prepared_stmt_count); mysql_mutex_destroy(&LOCK_sql_slave_skip_counter); mysql_mutex_destroy(&LOCK_slave_net_timeout); mysql_mutex_destroy(&LOCK_slave_trans_dep_tracker); mysql_mutex_destroy(&LOCK_error_messages); mysql_mutex_destroy(&LOCK_default_password_lifetime); mysql_mutex_destroy(&LOCK_mandatory_roles); mysql_mutex_destroy(&LOCK_server_started); mysql_cond_destroy(&COND_server_started); mysql_mutex_destroy(&LOCK_reset_gtid_table); mysql_mutex_destroy(&LOCK_compress_gtid_table); mysql_cond_destroy(&COND_compress_gtid_table); mysql_mutex_destroy(&LOCK_collect_instance_log); mysql_mutex_destroy(&LOCK_password_history); mysql_mutex_destroy(&LOCK_password_reuse_interval); mysql_cond_destroy(&COND_manager); #ifdef _WIN32 mysql_cond_destroy(&COND_handler_count); mysql_mutex_destroy(&LOCK_handler_count); mysql_rwlock_destroy(&LOCK_named_pipe_full_access_group); #endif #ifndef _WIN32 mysql_cond_destroy(&COND_socket_listener_active); mysql_mutex_destroy(&LOCK_socket_listener_active); mysql_cond_destroy(&COND_start_signal_handler); mysql_mutex_destroy(&LOCK_start_signal_handler); #endif mysql_mutex_destroy(&LOCK_keyring_operations); mysql_mutex_destroy(&LOCK_tls_ctx_options); mysql_mutex_destroy(&LOCK_rotate_binlog_master_key); } /**************************************************************************** ** Init IP and UNIX socket ****************************************************************************/ static void set_ports() { char *env; if (!mysqld_port && !opt_disable_networking) { // Get port if not from commandline mysqld_port = MYSQL_PORT; /* if builder specifically requested a default port, use that (even if it coincides with our factory default). only if they didn't do we check /etc/services (and, failing on that, fall back to the factory default of 3306). either default can be overridden by the environment variable MYSQL_TCP_PORT, which in turn can be overridden with command line options. */ #if MYSQL_PORT_DEFAULT == 0 struct servent *serv_ptr; if ((serv_ptr = getservbyname("mysql", "tcp"))) mysqld_port = ntohs((u_short)serv_ptr->s_port); /* purecov: inspected */ #endif if ((env = getenv("MYSQL_TCP_PORT"))) mysqld_port = (uint)atoi(env); /* purecov: inspected */ } if (!mysqld_unix_port) { #ifdef _WIN32 mysqld_unix_port = (char *)MYSQL_NAMEDPIPE; #else mysqld_unix_port = MYSQL_UNIX_ADDR; #endif if ((env = getenv("MYSQL_UNIX_PORT"))) mysqld_unix_port = env; /* purecov: inspected */ } } #if !defined(_WIN32) /* Change to run as another user if started with --user */ static PasswdValue check_user(const char *user) { uid_t user_id = geteuid(); PasswdValue tmp_user_info = (user == nullptr ? PasswdValue{} : my_getpwnam(user)); // Don't bother if we aren't superuser if (user_id) { if (user) { /* Don't give a warning, if real user is same as given with --user */ if ((tmp_user_info.IsVoid() || user_id != tmp_user_info.pw_uid)) LogErr(WARNING_LEVEL, ER_USER_REQUIRES_ROOT); } return PasswdValue{}; } DBUG_ASSERT(user_id == 0); // we are running as root if (!user) { if (!opt_initialize && !is_help_or_validate_option()) { LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_REALLY_RUN_AS_ROOT); unireg_abort(MYSQLD_ABORT_EXIT); } return PasswdValue{}; } /* purecov: begin tested */ if (!strcmp(user, "root")) return PasswdValue{}; // Avoid problem with dynamic libraries if (tmp_user_info.IsVoid()) { // Allow a numeric uid to be used const char *pos; for (pos = user; my_isdigit(mysqld_charset, *pos); pos++) ; if (*pos) // Not numeric id goto err; tmp_user_info = my_getpwuid(atoi(user)); if (tmp_user_info.IsVoid()) goto err; } return tmp_user_info; /* purecov: end */ err: LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_USER_WHAT_USER, user); unireg_abort(MYSQLD_ABORT_EXIT); return PasswdValue{}; } namespace mysqld_funcs_unit_test { PasswdValue check_user_drv(const char *user) { return check_user(user); } } // namespace mysqld_funcs_unit_test static void set_user(const char *user, const PasswdValue &user_info_arg) { /* purecov: begin tested */ DBUG_ASSERT(user_info_arg.IsVoid() == false); #ifdef HAVE_INITGROUPS initgroups(user, user_info_arg.pw_gid); #endif if (setgid(user_info_arg.pw_gid) == -1) { LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_FAIL_SETGID, strerror(errno)); unireg_abort(MYSQLD_ABORT_EXIT); } if (setuid(user_info_arg.pw_uid) == -1) { LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_FAIL_SETUID, strerror(errno)); unireg_abort(MYSQLD_ABORT_EXIT); } #ifdef HAVE_SYS_PRCTL_H if (test_flags & TEST_CORE_ON_SIGNAL) { /* inform kernel that process is dumpable */ (void)prctl(PR_SET_DUMPABLE, 1); } #endif /* purecov: end */ } static void set_effective_user(const PasswdValue &user_info_arg) { DBUG_ASSERT(user_info_arg.IsVoid() == false); if (setregid((gid_t)-1, user_info_arg.pw_gid) == -1) { LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_FAIL_SETREGID, strerror(errno)); unireg_abort(MYSQLD_ABORT_EXIT); } if (setreuid((uid_t)-1, user_info_arg.pw_uid) == -1) { LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_FAIL_SETREUID, strerror(errno)); unireg_abort(MYSQLD_ABORT_EXIT); } } /** Change root user if started with @c --chroot . */ static void set_root(const char *path) { if (chroot(path) == -1) { LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_FAIL_CHROOT, strerror(errno)); unireg_abort(MYSQLD_ABORT_EXIT); } my_setwd("/", MYF(0)); } #endif // !_WIN32 /** Check that an address value is a wildcard IP value, that is it has either the value for IPv4 or the value ::1 in case IPv6, or has the specially treated symbol * as its value. @param address_value Address value to check @param address_length Address length @return true in case the address value is a wildcard value, else false. */ bool check_address_is_wildcard(const char *address_value, size_t address_length) { return // Wildcard is not allowed in case a comma separated list of // addresses is specified native_strncasecmp(address_value, MY_BIND_ALL_ADDRESSES, address_length) == 0 || // The specially treated address :: is not allowed in case // a comma separated list of addresses is specified native_strncasecmp(address_value, ipv6_all_addresses, address_length) == 0 || // The specially treated address is not allowed in case // a comma separated list of addresses is specified native_strncasecmp(address_value, ipv4_all_addresses, address_length) == 0; } /** Take a string representing host or ip address followed by optional delimiter '/' and namespace name and put address part and namespace part into corresponding output parameters. @param begin_address_value start of a string containing an address value @param end_address_value pointer to an end of string containing an address value. Has the value nullptr in case address value not continue @param [out] address_value address value extracted from address string @param [out] network_namespace network namespace extracted from the address string value if any @return false on success, true on address format error */ static bool parse_address_string(const char *begin_address_value, const char *end_address_value, std::string *address_value, std::string *network_namespace) { const char *namespace_separator = strchr(begin_address_value, '/'); if (namespace_separator != nullptr) { if (begin_address_value == namespace_separator) /* Parse error: there is no character before '/', that is missed address value */ return true; if (namespace_separator < end_address_value) { if (end_address_value - namespace_separator == 1) /* Parse error: there is no character immediately after '/', that is missed namespace name. */ return true; /* Found namespace delimiter. Extract namespace and address values */ *address_value = std::string(begin_address_value, namespace_separator); *network_namespace = std::string(namespace_separator + 1, end_address_value); } else if (end_address_value != nullptr) /* This branch corresponds to the case when namespace separator is located after the last character of the address subvalue being processed. For example, if the following string ',' passed into the function create_bind_address_info_from_string(), then during handling of the address search of '/' will return a position after the end of the sub string (in the next sub string that should be ignored. */ *address_value = std::string(begin_address_value, end_address_value); else { /* This branch corresponds to the case when namespace separator is located at the last part of address values. For example, this branch is executed during handling of the following value,::1,::1/greeen for the option --bind-address. */ *address_value = std::string(begin_address_value, namespace_separator); *network_namespace = std::string(namespace_separator + 1); if (*(namespace_separator + 1) == 0) /* Parse error: there is no character immediately after '/' - a namespace name missed. */ return true; } } else { /* Regular address without network namespace found. */ *address_value = end_address_value != nullptr ? std::string(begin_address_value, end_address_value) : std::string(begin_address_value); } return false; } /** Parse a value of address sub string with checking of address string format, extract address part and namespace part of the address value, and store their values into the argument valid_bind_addresses. @return false on success, true on address format error */ static bool create_bind_address_info_from_string( const char *begin_address_value, const char *end_address_value, std::list *valid_bind_addresses) { Bind_address_info bind_address_info; std::string address_value, network_namespace; if (parse_address_string(begin_address_value, end_address_value, &address_value, &network_namespace)) return true; if (network_namespace.empty()) bind_address_info = Bind_address_info(address_value); else { /* Wildcard value is not allowed in case network namespace specified for address value in the option bind-address. */ if (check_address_is_wildcard(address_value.c_str(), address_value.length())) { LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_NETWORK_NAMESPACE_NOT_ALLOWED_FOR_WILDCARD_ADDRESS); return true; } bind_address_info = Bind_address_info(address_value, network_namespace); } valid_bind_addresses->emplace_back(bind_address_info); return false; } /** Check acceptable value(s) of parameter bind-address @param bind_address Value of the parameter bind-address @param[out] valid_bind_addresses List of addresses to listen and their corresponding network namespaces if set. @return false on success, true on failure */ static bool check_bind_address_has_valid_value( const char *bind_address, std::list *valid_bind_addresses) { if (strlen(bind_address) == 0) // Empty value for bind_address is an error return true; const char *comma_separator = strchr(bind_address, ','); const char *begin_of_value = bind_address; const bool multiple_bind_addresses = (comma_separator != nullptr); if (comma_separator == begin_of_value) // Return an error if a value of bind_address begins with comma return true; while (comma_separator != nullptr) { Bind_address_info bind_address_info; std::string address_value, network_namespace; /* Wildcard value is not allowed in case multi-addresses value specified for the option bind-address. */ if (check_address_is_wildcard(begin_of_value, comma_separator - begin_of_value)) { LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_WILDCARD_NOT_ALLOWED_FOR_MULTIADDRESS_BIND); return true; } if (create_bind_address_info_from_string(begin_of_value, comma_separator, valid_bind_addresses)) return true; begin_of_value = comma_separator + 1; comma_separator = strchr(begin_of_value, ','); if (comma_separator == begin_of_value) // Return an error if a value of bind_address has two adjacent commas return true; } /* Wildcard value is not allowed in case multi-addresses value specified for the option bind-address. */ if (multiple_bind_addresses && (check_address_is_wildcard(begin_of_value, strlen(begin_of_value)) || strlen(begin_of_value) == 0)) return true; if (create_bind_address_info_from_string(begin_of_value, comma_separator, valid_bind_addresses)) return true; return false; } /** Check acceptable value(s) of the parameter admin-address @param admin_bind_addr_str Value of the parameter admin-address @param[out] admin_address_info List of addresses to listen and their corresponding network namespaces if set. @return false on success, true on failure */ static bool check_admin_address_has_valid_value( const char *admin_bind_addr_str, Bind_address_info *admin_address_info) { std::string address_value, network_namespace; if (parse_address_string(admin_bind_addr_str, nullptr, &address_value, &network_namespace)) return true; if (check_address_is_wildcard(address_value.c_str(), address_value.length())) { if (!network_namespace.empty()) LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_NETWORK_NAMESPACE_NOT_ALLOWED_FOR_WILDCARD_ADDRESS); return true; } if (network_namespace.empty()) *admin_address_info = Bind_address_info(address_value); else *admin_address_info = Bind_address_info(address_value, network_namespace); return false; } static bool network_init(void) { if (opt_initialize) return false; #ifdef HAVE_SYS_UN_H std::string const unix_sock_name(mysqld_unix_port ? mysqld_unix_port : ""); #else std::string const unix_sock_name(""); #endif std::list bind_addresses_info; if (!opt_disable_networking || unix_sock_name != "") { if (my_bind_addr_str != nullptr && check_bind_address_has_valid_value(my_bind_addr_str, &bind_addresses_info)) { LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_INVALID_VALUE_OF_BIND_ADDRESSES, my_bind_addr_str); return true; } Bind_address_info admin_address_info; if (!opt_disable_networking) { if (my_admin_bind_addr_str != nullptr && check_admin_address_has_valid_value(my_admin_bind_addr_str, &admin_address_info)) { LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_INVALID_ADMIN_ADDRESS, my_admin_bind_addr_str); return true; } /* Port 0 is interpreted by implementations of TCP protocol as a hint to find a first free port value to use and bind to it. On the other hand, the option mysqld_admin_port can be assigned the value 0 if a user specified a value that is out of allowable range of values. Therefore, to avoid a case when an operating system binds admin interface to am arbitrary selected port value, set it explicitly to the value MYSQL_ADMIN_PORT in case it has value 0. */ if (mysqld_admin_port == 0) mysqld_admin_port = MYSQL_ADMIN_PORT; } Mysqld_socket_listener *mysqld_socket_listener = new (std::nothrow) Mysqld_socket_listener(bind_addresses_info, mysqld_port, admin_address_info, mysqld_admin_port, listen_admin_interface_in_separate_thread, back_log, mysqld_port_timeout, unix_sock_name); if (mysqld_socket_listener == NULL) return true; mysqld_socket_acceptor = new (std::nothrow) Connection_acceptor(mysqld_socket_listener); if (mysqld_socket_acceptor == NULL) { delete mysqld_socket_listener; mysqld_socket_listener = NULL; return true; } if (mysqld_socket_acceptor->init_connection_acceptor()) return true; // mysqld_socket_acceptor would be freed in unireg_abort. if (report_port == 0) report_port = mysqld_port; if (!opt_disable_networking) DBUG_ASSERT(report_port != 0); } #ifdef _WIN32 // Create named pipe if (opt_enable_named_pipe) { std::string pipe_name = mysqld_unix_port ? mysqld_unix_port : ""; named_pipe_listener = new (std::nothrow) Named_pipe_listener(&pipe_name); if (named_pipe_listener == NULL) return true; named_pipe_acceptor = new (std::nothrow) Connection_acceptor(named_pipe_listener); if (named_pipe_acceptor == NULL) { delete named_pipe_listener; named_pipe_listener = NULL; return true; } if (named_pipe_acceptor->init_connection_acceptor()) return true; // named_pipe_acceptor would be freed in unireg_abort. } // Setup shared_memory acceptor if (opt_enable_shared_memory) { std::string shared_mem_base_name = shared_memory_base_name ? shared_memory_base_name : ""; Shared_mem_listener *shared_mem_listener = new (std::nothrow) Shared_mem_listener(&shared_mem_base_name); if (shared_mem_listener == NULL) return true; shared_mem_acceptor = new (std::nothrow) Connection_acceptor(shared_mem_listener); if (shared_mem_acceptor == NULL) { delete shared_mem_listener; shared_mem_listener = NULL; return true; } if (shared_mem_acceptor->init_connection_acceptor()) return true; // shared_mem_acceptor would be freed in unireg_abort. } #endif // _WIN32 return false; } #ifdef _WIN32 static uint handler_count = 0; static inline void decrement_handler_count() { mysql_mutex_lock(&LOCK_handler_count); handler_count--; mysql_cond_signal(&COND_handler_count); mysql_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_handler_count); } extern "C" void *socket_conn_event_handler(void *arg) { my_thread_init(); Connection_acceptor *conn_acceptor = static_cast *>(arg); conn_acceptor->connection_event_loop(); decrement_handler_count(); my_thread_end(); return 0; } extern "C" void *named_pipe_conn_event_handler(void *arg) { my_thread_init(); Connection_acceptor *conn_acceptor = static_cast *>(arg); conn_acceptor->connection_event_loop(); decrement_handler_count(); my_thread_end(); return 0; } extern "C" void *shared_mem_conn_event_handler(void *arg) { my_thread_init(); Connection_acceptor *conn_acceptor = static_cast *>(arg); conn_acceptor->connection_event_loop(); decrement_handler_count(); my_thread_end(); return 0; } void setup_conn_event_handler_threads() { my_thread_handle hThread; DBUG_TRACE; if ((!have_tcpip || opt_disable_networking) && !opt_enable_shared_memory && !opt_enable_named_pipe) { LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_WIN_LISTEN_BUT_HOW); unireg_abort(MYSQLD_ABORT_EXIT); // Will not return } mysql_mutex_lock(&LOCK_handler_count); handler_count = 0; if (opt_enable_named_pipe) { int error = mysql_thread_create( key_thread_handle_con_namedpipes, &hThread, &connection_attrib, named_pipe_conn_event_handler, named_pipe_acceptor); if (!error) handler_count++; else LogErr(WARNING_LEVEL, ER_CANT_CREATE_NAMED_PIPES_THREAD, error); } if (have_tcpip && !opt_disable_networking) { int error = mysql_thread_create( key_thread_handle_con_sockets, &hThread, &connection_attrib, socket_conn_event_handler, mysqld_socket_acceptor); if (!error) handler_count++; else LogErr(WARNING_LEVEL, ER_CANT_CREATE_TCPIP_THREAD, error); } if (opt_enable_shared_memory) { int error = mysql_thread_create( key_thread_handle_con_sharedmem, &hThread, &connection_attrib, shared_mem_conn_event_handler, shared_mem_acceptor); if (!error) handler_count++; else LogErr(WARNING_LEVEL, ER_CANT_CREATE_SHM_THREAD, error); } // Block until all connection listener threads have exited. while (handler_count > 0) mysql_cond_wait(&COND_handler_count, &LOCK_handler_count); mysql_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_handler_count); } /* On Windows, we use native SetConsoleCtrlHandler for handle events like Ctrl-C with graceful shutdown. Also, we do not use signal(), but SetUnhandledExceptionFilter instead - as it provides possibility to pass the exception to just-in-time debugger, collect dumps and potentially also the exception and thread context used to output callstack. */ static BOOL WINAPI console_event_handler(DWORD type) { DBUG_TRACE; if (type == CTRL_C_EVENT) { /* Do not shutdown before startup is finished and shutdown thread is initialized. Otherwise there is a race condition between main thread doing initialization and CTRL-C thread doing cleanup, which can result into crash. */ if (hEventShutdown) kill_mysql(); else LogErr(WARNING_LEVEL, ER_NOT_RIGHT_NOW); return true; } return false; } #ifdef DEBUG_UNHANDLED_EXCEPTION_FILTER #define DEBUGGER_ATTACH_TIMEOUT 120 /* Wait for debugger to attach and break into debugger. If debugger is not attached, resume after timeout. */ static void wait_for_debugger(int timeout_sec) { if (!IsDebuggerPresent()) { int i; printf("Waiting for debugger to attach, pid=%u\n", GetCurrentProcessId()); fflush(stdout); for (i = 0; i < timeout_sec; i++) { Sleep(1000); if (IsDebuggerPresent()) { /* Break into debugger */ __debugbreak(); return; } } printf("pid=%u, debugger not attached after %d seconds, resuming\n", GetCurrentProcessId(), timeout_sec); fflush(stdout); } } #endif /* DEBUG_UNHANDLED_EXCEPTION_FILTER */ LONG WINAPI my_unhandler_exception_filter(EXCEPTION_POINTERS *ex_pointers) { static BOOL first_time = true; if (!first_time) { /* This routine can be called twice, typically when detaching in JIT debugger. Return EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER to terminate process. */ return EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER; } first_time = false; #ifdef DEBUG_UNHANDLED_EXCEPTION_FILTER /* Unfortunately there is no clean way to debug unhandled exception filters, as debugger does not stop there(also documented in MSDN) To overcome, one could put a MessageBox, but this will not work in service. Better solution is to print error message and sleep some minutes until debugger is attached */ wait_for_debugger(DEBUGGER_ATTACH_TIMEOUT); #endif /* DEBUG_UNHANDLED_EXCEPTION_FILTER */ __try { my_set_exception_pointers(ex_pointers); handle_fatal_signal(ex_pointers->ExceptionRecord->ExceptionCode); } __except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { DWORD written; const char msg[] = "Got exception in exception handler!\n"; WriteFile(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), msg, sizeof(msg) - 1, &written, NULL); } /* Return EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH to give JIT debugger (drwtsn32 or vsjitdebugger) possibility to attach, if JIT debugger is configured. Windows Error reporting might generate a dump here. */ return EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH; } void my_init_signals() { if (opt_console) SetConsoleCtrlHandler(console_event_handler, true); /* Avoid MessageBox()es*/ _CrtSetReportMode(_CRT_WARN, _CRTDBG_MODE_FILE); _CrtSetReportFile(_CRT_WARN, _CRTDBG_FILE_STDERR); _CrtSetReportMode(_CRT_ERROR, _CRTDBG_MODE_FILE); _CrtSetReportFile(_CRT_ERROR, _CRTDBG_FILE_STDERR); _CrtSetReportMode(_CRT_ASSERT, _CRTDBG_MODE_FILE); _CrtSetReportFile(_CRT_ASSERT, _CRTDBG_FILE_STDERR); /* Do not use SEM_NOGPFAULTERRORBOX in the following SetErrorMode (), because it would prevent JIT debugger and Windows error reporting from working. We need WER or JIT-debugging, since our own unhandled exception filter is not guaranteed to work in all situation (like heap corruption or stack overflow) */ SetErrorMode(SetErrorMode(0) | SEM_FAILCRITICALERRORS | SEM_NOOPENFILEERRORBOX); SetUnhandledExceptionFilter(my_unhandler_exception_filter); } #else // !_WIN32 extern "C" { static void empty_signal_handler(int sig MY_ATTRIBUTE((unused))) {} } void my_init_signals() { DBUG_TRACE; struct sigaction sa; (void)sigemptyset(&sa.sa_mask); if (!(test_flags & TEST_NO_STACKTRACE) || (test_flags & TEST_CORE_ON_SIGNAL)) { #ifdef HAVE_STACKTRACE my_init_stacktrace(); #endif if (test_flags & TEST_CORE_ON_SIGNAL) { // Change limits so that we will get a core file. struct rlimit rl; rl.rlim_cur = rl.rlim_max = RLIM_INFINITY; if (setrlimit(RLIMIT_CORE, &rl)) LogErr(WARNING_LEVEL, ER_CORE_VALUES); } /* SA_RESETHAND resets handler action to default when entering handler. SA_NODEFER allows receiving the same signal during handler. E.g. SIGABRT during our signal handler will dump core (default action). */ sa.sa_flags = SA_RESETHAND | SA_NODEFER; sa.sa_handler = handle_fatal_signal; // Treat all these as fatal and handle them. (void)sigaction(SIGSEGV, &sa, NULL); (void)sigaction(SIGABRT, &sa, NULL); (void)sigaction(SIGBUS, &sa, NULL); (void)sigaction(SIGILL, &sa, NULL); (void)sigaction(SIGFPE, &sa, NULL); } // Ignore SIGPIPE and SIGALRM sa.sa_flags = 0; sa.sa_handler = SIG_IGN; (void)sigaction(SIGPIPE, &sa, NULL); (void)sigaction(SIGALRM, &sa, NULL); // SIGUSR1 is used to interrupt the socket listener. sa.sa_handler = empty_signal_handler; (void)sigaction(SIGUSR1, &sa, NULL); // Fix signals if ignored by parents (can happen on Mac OS X). sa.sa_handler = SIG_DFL; (void)sigaction(SIGTERM, &sa, NULL); (void)sigaction(SIGHUP, &sa, NULL); (void)sigemptyset(&mysqld_signal_mask); /* Block SIGQUIT, SIGHUP, SIGTERM and SIGUSR2. The signal handler thread does sigwait() on these. */ (void)sigaddset(&mysqld_signal_mask, SIGQUIT); (void)sigaddset(&mysqld_signal_mask, SIGHUP); (void)sigaddset(&mysqld_signal_mask, SIGTERM); (void)sigaddset(&mysqld_signal_mask, SIGTSTP); (void)sigaddset(&mysqld_signal_mask, SIGUSR2); /* Block SIGINT unless debugging to prevent Ctrl+C from causing unclean shutdown of the server. */ if (!(test_flags & TEST_SIGINT)) (void)sigaddset(&mysqld_signal_mask, SIGINT); pthread_sigmask(SIG_SETMASK, &mysqld_signal_mask, NULL); } static void start_signal_handler() { int error; my_thread_attr_t thr_attr; DBUG_TRACE; (void)my_thread_attr_init(&thr_attr); (void)pthread_attr_setscope(&thr_attr, PTHREAD_SCOPE_SYSTEM); (void)my_thread_attr_setdetachstate(&thr_attr, MY_THREAD_CREATE_JOINABLE); size_t guardize = 0; (void)pthread_attr_getguardsize(&thr_attr, &guardize); #if defined(__ia64__) || defined(__ia64) /* Peculiar things with ia64 platforms - it seems we only have half the stack size in reality, so we have to double it here */ guardize = my_thread_stack_size; #endif if (0 != my_thread_attr_setstacksize(&thr_attr, my_thread_stack_size + guardize)) { DBUG_ASSERT(false); } /* Set main_thread_id so that SIGTERM/SIGQUIT/SIGKILL/SIGUSR2 can interrupt the socket listener successfully. */ main_thread_id = my_thread_self(); mysql_mutex_lock(&LOCK_start_signal_handler); if ((error = mysql_thread_create(key_thread_signal_hand, &signal_thread_id, &thr_attr, signal_hand, 0))) { LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_CANT_CREATE_INTERRUPT_THREAD, error, errno); flush_error_log_messages(); exit(MYSQLD_ABORT_EXIT); } mysql_cond_wait(&COND_start_signal_handler, &LOCK_start_signal_handler); mysql_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_start_signal_handler); (void)my_thread_attr_destroy(&thr_attr); } /** This thread handles SIGTERM, SIGQUIT and SIGHUP signals. */ /* ARGSUSED */ extern "C" void *signal_hand(void *arg MY_ATTRIBUTE((unused))) { my_thread_init(); sigset_t set; (void)sigemptyset(&set); (void)sigaddset(&set, SIGTERM); (void)sigaddset(&set, SIGQUIT); (void)sigaddset(&set, SIGHUP); (void)sigaddset(&set, SIGUSR2); /* Signal to start_signal_handler that we are ready. This works by waiting for start_signal_handler to free mutex, after which we signal it that we are ready. */ mysql_mutex_lock(&LOCK_start_signal_handler); mysql_cond_broadcast(&COND_start_signal_handler); mysql_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_start_signal_handler); /* Wait until that all server components have been successfully initialized. This step is mandatory since signal processing can be done safely only when all server components have been initialized. */ server_components_init_wait(); for (;;) { int sig = 0; int rc; bool error; #ifdef __APPLE__ while ((rc = sigwait(&set, &sig)) == EINTR) { } error = rc != 0; #else siginfo_t sig_info; while ((rc = sigwaitinfo(&set, &sig_info)) == -1 && errno == EINTR) { } error = rc == -1; if (!error) sig = sig_info.si_signo; #endif // __APPLE__ if (error) sql_print_error( "Fatal error in signal handling thread. sigwait/sigwaitinfo returned " "error %d\n. Exiting signal handler " "thread.", errno); if (error || cleanup_done) { my_thread_end(); my_thread_exit(0); // Safety return NULL; // Avoid compiler warnings } switch (sig) { case SIGUSR2: signal_hand_thr_exit_code = MYSQLD_RESTART_EXIT; #ifndef __APPLE__ // Mac OS doesn't have sigwaitinfo. // Log a note if mysqld is restarted via kill command. if (sig_info.si_pid != getpid()) { sql_print_information( "Received signal SIGUSR2." " Restarting mysqld (Version %s)", server_version); } #endif // __APPLE__ // fall through case SIGTERM: case SIGQUIT: // Switch to the file log message processing. query_logger.set_handlers((log_output_options != LOG_NONE) ? LOG_FILE : LOG_NONE); DBUG_PRINT("info", ("Got signal: %d connection_events_loop_aborted: %d", sig, connection_events_loop_aborted())); if (!connection_events_loop_aborted()) { // Mark abort for threads. set_connection_events_loop_aborted(true); #ifdef HAVE_PSI_THREAD_INTERFACE // Delete the instrumentation for the signal thread. PSI_THREAD_CALL(delete_current_thread)(); #endif /* HAVE_PSI_THREAD_INTERFACE */ /* Kill the socket listener. The main thread will then set socket_listener_active= false, and wait for us to finish all the cleanup below. */ mysql_mutex_lock(&LOCK_socket_listener_active); while (socket_listener_active) { DBUG_PRINT("info", ("Killing socket listener")); if (pthread_kill(main_thread_id, SIGUSR1)) { DBUG_ASSERT(false); break; } mysql_cond_wait(&COND_socket_listener_active, &LOCK_socket_listener_active); } mysql_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_socket_listener_active); close_connections(); } my_thread_end(); my_thread_exit(nullptr); return NULL; // Avoid compiler warnings break; case SIGHUP: if (!connection_events_loop_aborted()) { int not_used; mysql_print_status(); // Print some debug info handle_reload_request( NULL, (REFRESH_LOG | REFRESH_TABLES | REFRESH_FAST | REFRESH_GRANT | REFRESH_THREADS | REFRESH_HOSTS), NULL, ¬_used); // Flush logs // Reenable query logs after the options were reloaded. query_logger.set_handlers(log_output_options); } break; default: break; /* purecov: tested */ } } return NULL; /* purecov: deadcode */ } #endif // !_WIN32 /** All global error messages are sent here where the first one is stored for the client. */ /* ARGSUSED */ extern "C" void my_message_sql(uint error, const char *str, myf MyFlags); void my_message_sql(uint error, const char *str, myf MyFlags) { THD *thd = current_thd; DBUG_TRACE; DBUG_PRINT("error", ("error: %u message: '%s'", error, str)); DBUG_ASSERT(str != NULL); /* An error should have a valid error number (!= 0), so it can be caught in stored procedures by SQL exception handlers. Calling my_error() with error == 0 is a bug. Remaining known places to fix: - storage/myisam/mi_create.c, my_printf_error() TODO: DBUG_ASSERT(error != 0); */ if (error == 0) { /* At least, prevent new abuse ... */ DBUG_ASSERT(strncmp(str, "MyISAM table", 12) == 0); error = ER_UNKNOWN_ERROR; } if (thd) { (void)thd->raise_condition(error, NULL, Sql_condition::SL_ERROR, str, MyFlags & ME_FATALERROR); /* Messages intended for the error-log are in the range starting at ER_SERVER_RANGE_START (error_code 10,000); messages intended for sending to a client are in the range below ER_SERVER_RANGE_START. If a message is to be sent to both a client and the error log, it must be added twice (once in each range), and two separate calls (e.g. my_error() and LogErr()) must be added to the code. Only error-codes from the client range should be seen here. If your patch asserts here, one of two things probably happened: - You added a new message to errmsg-utf8.txt: The message was added to the server range (appended at the end of the list), but code was added that tries to send the message to a client (my_error(), push_warning_printf(), etc.). => Move the new message to the correct range in the message file. The error-log range starts at the line "start-error-number 10000"; move your message right before that. Rebuild the server; rerun your test. - You used an existing message: The existing message is intended for use with the error-log (it appears in the messages file below "start-error-number 10000"), but the new code tries to send it to a client (my_error(), push_warning_printf(), etc.). => Copy the existing message to the client range, that is to say, right before the line "start-error-number 10000" in the messages file. The copied message will need its own symbol; if in doubt, call this copy of ER_EXAMPLE_MESSAGE ER_DA_EXAMPLE_MESSAGE (as this version is for use with the diagnostics area). Then make sure that your new code references this new symbol when it sends the message to a client. Rebuild the server; rerun your test. We'll assert this here (rather than in raise_condition) as SQL's SIGNAL command also calls raise_condition, and SIGNAL is currently allowed to set any error-code (regardless of range). SIGNALing an error-code from the error-log range will not result in writing to that log to prevent abuse. We're asserting after rather than before printing to make the culprit easier to track down. */ DBUG_ASSERT(error < ER_SERVER_RANGE_START); } /* When simulating OOM, skip writing to error log to avoid mtr errors */ DBUG_EXECUTE_IF("simulate_out_of_memory", return;); /* Caller wishes to send to both the client and the error-log. This is legacy behaviour that is no longer legal as errors flagged to a client and those sent to the error-log are in different numeric ranges now. If you own code that does this, see about updating it by splitting it into two calls, one sending status to the client, the other sending it to the error-log using LogErr() and friends. */ if (MyFlags & ME_ERRORLOG) { /* We've removed most uses of ME_ERRORLOG in the server. This leaves three possible cases, in which we'll rewrite the error-code from one in the client-range to one in the error-log range here: - EE_OUTOFMEMORY: Correct to ER_SERVER_OUT_OF_RESOURCES so mysys can remain logger-agnostic. - HA_* range: Correct to catch-all ER_SERVER_HANDLER_ERROR. - otherwise: Flag as using info from the diagnostics area (ER_ERROR_INFO_FROM_DA). This is a failsafe; if your code triggers it, your code is probably wrong. */ if ((error == EE_OUTOFMEMORY) || (error == HA_ERR_OUT_OF_MEM)) error = ER_SERVER_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; else if (error <= HA_ERR_LAST) error = ER_SERVER_HANDLER_ERROR; if (error < ER_SERVER_RANGE_START) LogEvent() .type(LOG_TYPE_ERROR) .prio(ERROR_LEVEL) .errcode(ER_ERROR_INFO_FROM_DA) .lookup(ER_ERROR_INFO_FROM_DA, error, str); else LogEvent() .type(LOG_TYPE_ERROR) .prio(ERROR_LEVEL) .errcode(error) .verbatim(str); /* This is no longer supported behaviour except for the cases outlined above, so flag anything else in debug builds! (We're bailing after rather than before printing to make the culprit easier to track down.) */ DBUG_ASSERT((error == ER_FEATURE_NOT_AVAILABLE) || (error >= ER_SERVER_RANGE_START)); } /* Caller wishes to send to client, but none is attached, so we send to error-log instead. */ else if (!thd) { LogEvent() .type(LOG_TYPE_ERROR) .subsys(LOG_SUBSYSTEM_TAG) .prio(ERROR_LEVEL) .errcode((error < ER_SERVER_RANGE_START) ? ER_SERVER_NO_SESSION_TO_SEND_TO : error) .lookup(ER_SERVER_NO_SESSION_TO_SEND_TO, error, str); } } extern "C" void *my_str_malloc_mysqld(size_t size); extern "C" void my_str_free_mysqld(void *ptr); extern "C" void *my_str_realloc_mysqld(void *ptr, size_t size); void *my_str_malloc_mysqld(size_t size) { return my_malloc(key_memory_my_str_malloc, size, MYF(MY_FAE)); } void my_str_free_mysqld(void *ptr) { my_free(ptr); } void *my_str_realloc_mysqld(void *ptr, size_t size) { return my_realloc(key_memory_my_str_malloc, ptr, size, MYF(MY_FAE)); } const char *load_default_groups[] = { #ifdef WITH_NDBCLUSTER_STORAGE_ENGINE "mysql_cluster", #endif "mysqld", "server", MYSQL_BASE_VERSION, 0, 0}; #if defined(_WIN32) static const int load_default_groups_sz = sizeof(load_default_groups) / sizeof(load_default_groups[0]); #endif /** This function is used to check for stack overrun for pathological cases of regular expressions and 'like' expressions. The call to current_thd is quite expensive, so we try to avoid it for the normal cases. The size of each stack frame for the wildcmp() routines is ~128 bytes, so checking *every* recursive call is not necessary. */ extern "C" { static int check_enough_stack_size(int recurse_level) { uchar stack_top; if (recurse_level % 16 != 0) return 0; THD *my_thd = current_thd; if (my_thd != NULL) return check_stack_overrun(my_thd, STACK_MIN_SIZE * 4, &stack_top); return 0; } } // extern "C" /** Initialize one of the global date/time format variables. @param format_type What kind of format should be supported @param [in,out] format Format variable to initialize @retval 0 ok @retval 1 error */ SHOW_VAR com_status_vars[] = { {"admin_commands", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_other), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"assign_to_keycache", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_ASSIGN_TO_KEYCACHE]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"alter_db", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_ALTER_DB]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"alter_event", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_ALTER_EVENT]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"alter_function", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_ALTER_FUNCTION]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"alter_instance", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_ALTER_INSTANCE]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"alter_procedure", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_ALTER_PROCEDURE]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"alter_resource_group", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_ALTER_RESOURCE_GROUP]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"alter_server", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_ALTER_SERVER]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"alter_table", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_ALTER_TABLE]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"alter_tablespace", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_ALTER_TABLESPACE]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"alter_user", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_ALTER_USER]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"alter_user_default_role", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_ALTER_USER_DEFAULT_ROLE]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"analyze", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_ANALYZE]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"begin", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_BEGIN]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"binlog", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_BINLOG_BASE64_EVENT]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"call_procedure", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_CALL]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"change_db", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_CHANGE_DB]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"change_master", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_CHANGE_MASTER]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"change_repl_filter", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_CHANGE_REPLICATION_FILTER]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"check", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_CHECK]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"checksum", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_CHECKSUM]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"clone", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_CLONE]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"commit", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_COMMIT]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"create_db", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_CREATE_DB]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"create_event", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_CREATE_EVENT]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"create_function", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_CREATE_SPFUNCTION]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"create_index", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_CREATE_INDEX]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"create_procedure", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_CREATE_PROCEDURE]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"create_role", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_CREATE_ROLE]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"create_server", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_CREATE_SERVER]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"create_table", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_CREATE_TABLE]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"create_resource_group", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_CREATE_RESOURCE_GROUP]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"create_trigger", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_CREATE_TRIGGER]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"create_udf", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_CREATE_FUNCTION]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"create_user", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_CREATE_USER]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"create_view", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_CREATE_VIEW]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"create_spatial_reference_system", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_CREATE_SRS]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"dealloc_sql", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_DEALLOCATE_PREPARE]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"delete", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_DELETE]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"delete_multi", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_DELETE_MULTI]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"do", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_DO]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"drop_db", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_DROP_DB]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"drop_event", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_DROP_EVENT]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"drop_function", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_DROP_FUNCTION]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"drop_index", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_DROP_INDEX]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"drop_procedure", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_DROP_PROCEDURE]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"drop_resource_group", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_DROP_RESOURCE_GROUP]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"drop_role", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_DROP_ROLE]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"drop_server", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_DROP_SERVER]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"drop_spatial_reference_system", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_DROP_SRS]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"drop_table", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_DROP_TABLE]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"drop_trigger", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_DROP_TRIGGER]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"drop_user", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_DROP_USER]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"drop_view", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_DROP_VIEW]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"empty_query", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_EMPTY_QUERY]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"execute_sql", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_EXECUTE]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"explain_other", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_EXPLAIN_OTHER]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"flush", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_FLUSH]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"get_diagnostics", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_GET_DIAGNOSTICS]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"grant", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_GRANT]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"grant_roles", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_GRANT_ROLE]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"ha_close", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_HA_CLOSE]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"ha_open", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_HA_OPEN]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"ha_read", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_HA_READ]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"help", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_HELP]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"import", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_IMPORT]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"insert", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_INSERT]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"insert_select", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_INSERT_SELECT]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"install_component", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_INSTALL_COMPONENT]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"install_plugin", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_INSTALL_PLUGIN]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"kill", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_KILL]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"load", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_LOAD]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"lock_instance", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_LOCK_INSTANCE]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"lock_tables", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_LOCK_TABLES]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"optimize", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_OPTIMIZE]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"preload_keys", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_PRELOAD_KEYS]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"prepare_sql", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_PREPARE]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"purge", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_PURGE]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"purge_before_date", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_PURGE_BEFORE]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"release_savepoint", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_RELEASE_SAVEPOINT]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"rename_table", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_RENAME_TABLE]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"rename_user", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_RENAME_USER]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"repair", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_REPAIR]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"replace", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_REPLACE]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"replace_select", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_REPLACE_SELECT]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"reset", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_RESET]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"resignal", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_RESIGNAL]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"restart", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_RESTART_SERVER]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"revoke", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_REVOKE]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"revoke_all", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_REVOKE_ALL]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"revoke_roles", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_REVOKE_ROLE]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"rollback", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_ROLLBACK]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"rollback_to_savepoint", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_ROLLBACK_TO_SAVEPOINT]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"savepoint", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_SAVEPOINT]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"select", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_SELECT]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"set_option", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_SET_OPTION]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"set_password", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_SET_PASSWORD]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"set_resource_group", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_SET_RESOURCE_GROUP]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"set_role", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_SET_ROLE]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"signal", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_SIGNAL]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"show_binlog_events", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_SHOW_BINLOG_EVENTS]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"show_binlogs", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_SHOW_BINLOGS]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"show_charsets", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_SHOW_CHARSETS]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"show_collations", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_SHOW_COLLATIONS]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"show_create_db", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_SHOW_CREATE_DB]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"show_create_event", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_SHOW_CREATE_EVENT]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"show_create_func", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_SHOW_CREATE_FUNC]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"show_create_proc", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_SHOW_CREATE_PROC]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"show_create_table", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_SHOW_CREATE]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"show_create_trigger", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_SHOW_CREATE_TRIGGER]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"show_databases", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_SHOW_DATABASES]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"show_engine_logs", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_SHOW_ENGINE_LOGS]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"show_engine_mutex", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_SHOW_ENGINE_MUTEX]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"show_engine_status", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_SHOW_ENGINE_STATUS]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"show_events", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_SHOW_EVENTS]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"show_errors", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_SHOW_ERRORS]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"show_fields", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_SHOW_FIELDS]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"show_function_code", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_SHOW_FUNC_CODE]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"show_function_status", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_SHOW_STATUS_FUNC]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"show_grants", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_SHOW_GRANTS]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"show_keys", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_SHOW_KEYS]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"show_master_status", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_SHOW_MASTER_STAT]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"show_open_tables", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_SHOW_OPEN_TABLES]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"show_plugins", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_SHOW_PLUGINS]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"show_privileges", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_SHOW_PRIVILEGES]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"show_procedure_code", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_SHOW_PROC_CODE]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"show_procedure_status", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_SHOW_STATUS_PROC]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"show_processlist", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_SHOW_PROCESSLIST]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"show_profile", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_SHOW_PROFILE]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"show_profiles", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_SHOW_PROFILES]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"show_relaylog_events", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_SHOW_RELAYLOG_EVENTS]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"show_slave_hosts", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_SHOW_SLAVE_HOSTS]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"show_slave_status", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_SHOW_SLAVE_STAT]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"show_status", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_SHOW_STATUS]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"show_storage_engines", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_SHOW_STORAGE_ENGINES]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"show_table_status", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_SHOW_TABLE_STATUS]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"show_tables", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_SHOW_TABLES]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"show_triggers", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_SHOW_TRIGGERS]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"show_variables", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_SHOW_VARIABLES]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"show_warnings", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_SHOW_WARNS]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"show_create_user", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_SHOW_CREATE_USER]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"shutdown", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_SHUTDOWN]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"slave_start", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_SLAVE_START]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"slave_stop", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_SLAVE_STOP]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"group_replication_start", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_START_GROUP_REPLICATION]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"group_replication_stop", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_STOP_GROUP_REPLICATION]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"stmt_execute", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stmt_execute), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"stmt_close", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stmt_close), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"stmt_fetch", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stmt_fetch), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"stmt_prepare", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stmt_prepare), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"stmt_reset", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stmt_reset), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"stmt_send_long_data", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stmt_send_long_data), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"truncate", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_TRUNCATE]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"uninstall_component", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_UNINSTALL_COMPONENT]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"uninstall_plugin", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_UNINSTALL_PLUGIN]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"unlock_instance", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_UNLOCK_INSTANCE]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"unlock_tables", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_UNLOCK_TABLES]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"update", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_UPDATE]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"update_multi", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_UPDATE_MULTI]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"xa_commit", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_XA_COMMIT]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"xa_end", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_XA_END]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"xa_prepare", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_XA_PREPARE]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"xa_recover", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_XA_RECOVER]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"xa_rollback", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_XA_ROLLBACK]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"xa_start", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_XA_START]), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {NullS, NullS, SHOW_LONG, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}}; LEX_CSTRING sql_statement_names[(uint)SQLCOM_END + 1]; static void init_sql_statement_names() { char *first_com = (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[0]); char *last_com = (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[(uint)SQLCOM_END]); int record_size = (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[1]) - (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stat[0]); char *ptr; uint i; uint com_index; for (i = 0; i < ((uint)SQLCOM_END + 1); i++) sql_statement_names[i] = {STRING_WITH_LEN("")}; SHOW_VAR *var = &com_status_vars[0]; while (var->name != NULL) { ptr = var->value; if ((first_com <= ptr) && (ptr <= last_com)) { com_index = ((int)(ptr - first_com)) / record_size; DBUG_ASSERT(com_index < (uint)SQLCOM_END); sql_statement_names[com_index].str = var->name; /* TODO: Change SHOW_VAR::name to a LEX_STRING, to avoid strlen() */ sql_statement_names[com_index].length = strlen(var->name); } var++; } DBUG_ASSERT(strcmp(sql_statement_names[(uint)SQLCOM_SELECT].str, "select") == 0); DBUG_ASSERT(strcmp(sql_statement_names[(uint)SQLCOM_SIGNAL].str, "signal") == 0); sql_statement_names[(uint)SQLCOM_END].str = "error"; } #ifdef HAVE_PSI_STATEMENT_INTERFACE PSI_statement_info sql_statement_info[(uint)SQLCOM_END + 1]; PSI_statement_info com_statement_info[(uint)COM_END + 1]; /** Initialize the command names array. Since we do not want to maintain a separate array, this is populated from data mined in com_status_vars, which already has one name for each command. */ static void init_sql_statement_info() { uint i; for (i = 0; i < ((uint)SQLCOM_END + 1); i++) { sql_statement_info[i].m_name = sql_statement_names[i].str; sql_statement_info[i].m_flags = 0; sql_statement_info[i].m_documentation = PSI_DOCUMENT_ME; } /* "statement/sql/error" represents broken queries (syntax error). */ sql_statement_info[(uint)SQLCOM_END].m_name = "error"; sql_statement_info[(uint)SQLCOM_END].m_flags = 0; sql_statement_info[(uint)SQLCOM_END].m_documentation = "Invalid SQL queries (syntax error)."; /* "statement/sql/clone" will mutate to clone plugin statement */ sql_statement_info[(uint)SQLCOM_CLONE].m_flags = PSI_FLAG_MUTABLE; } static void init_com_statement_info() { uint index; for (index = 0; index < (uint)COM_END + 1; index++) { com_statement_info[index].m_name = command_name[index].str; com_statement_info[index].m_flags = 0; com_statement_info[index].m_documentation = PSI_DOCUMENT_ME; } /* "statement/abstract/query" can mutate into "statement/sql/..." */ com_statement_info[(uint)COM_QUERY].m_flags = PSI_FLAG_MUTABLE; com_statement_info[(uint)COM_QUERY].m_documentation = "SQL query just received from the network. " "At this point, the real statement type is unknown, " "the type will be refined after SQL parsing."; /* "statement/com/clone" will mutate to clone plugin statement */ com_statement_info[(uint)COM_CLONE].m_flags = PSI_FLAG_MUTABLE; } #endif /** Create a replication file name or base for file names. @param key Instrumentation key used to track allocations @param[in] opt Value of option, or NULL @param[in] def Default value if option value is not set. @param[in] ext Extension to use for the path @returns Pointer to string containing the full file path, or NULL if it was not possible to create the path. */ static inline const char *rpl_make_log_name(PSI_memory_key key, const char *opt, const char *def, const char *ext) { DBUG_TRACE; DBUG_PRINT("enter", ("opt: %s, def: %s, ext: %s", (opt && opt[0]) ? opt : "", def, ext)); char buff[FN_REFLEN]; /* opt[0] needs to be checked to make sure opt name is not an empty string, incase it is an empty string default name will be considered */ const char *base = (opt && opt[0]) ? opt : def; unsigned int options = MY_REPLACE_EXT | MY_UNPACK_FILENAME | MY_SAFE_PATH; /* mysql_real_data_home_ptr may be null if no value of datadir has been specified through command-line or througha cnf file. If that is the case we make mysql_real_data_home_ptr point to mysql_real_data_home which, in that case holds the default path for data-dir. */ DBUG_EXECUTE_IF("emulate_empty_datadir_param", { mysql_real_data_home_ptr = NULL; };); if (mysql_real_data_home_ptr == NULL) mysql_real_data_home_ptr = mysql_real_data_home; if (fn_format(buff, base, mysql_real_data_home_ptr, ext, options)) return my_strdup(key, buff, MYF(0)); else return NULL; } int init_common_variables() { umask(((~my_umask) & 0666)); my_decimal_set_zero(&decimal_zero); // set decimal_zero constant; tzset(); // Set tzname max_system_variables.pseudo_thread_id = (my_thread_id)~0; server_start_time = flush_status_time = my_time(0); binlog_filter = new Rpl_filter; if (!binlog_filter) { LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_RPL_BINLOG_FILTERS_OOM, strerror(errno)); return 1; } if (init_thread_environment() || mysql_init_variables()) return 1; { struct tm tm_tmp; localtime_r(&server_start_time, &tm_tmp); #ifdef _WIN32 strmake(system_time_zone, _tzname[tm_tmp.tm_isdst != 0 ? 1 : 0], sizeof(system_time_zone) - 1); #else strmake(system_time_zone, tzname[tm_tmp.tm_isdst != 0 ? 1 : 0], sizeof(system_time_zone) - 1); #endif } /* We set SYSTEM time zone as reasonable default and also for failure of my_tz_init() and bootstrap mode. If user explicitly set time zone with --default-time-zone option we will change this value in my_tz_init(). */ global_system_variables.time_zone = my_tz_SYSTEM; #ifdef HAVE_PSI_INTERFACE /* Complete the mysql_bin_log initialization. Instrumentation keys are known only after the performance schema initialization, and can not be set in the MYSQL_BIN_LOG constructor (called before main()). */ mysql_bin_log.set_psi_keys( key_BINLOG_LOCK_index, key_BINLOG_LOCK_commit, key_BINLOG_LOCK_commit_queue, key_BINLOG_LOCK_done, key_BINLOG_LOCK_flush_queue, key_BINLOG_LOCK_log, key_BINLOG_LOCK_binlog_end_pos, key_BINLOG_LOCK_sync, key_BINLOG_LOCK_sync_queue, key_BINLOG_LOCK_xids, key_BINLOG_COND_done, key_BINLOG_update_cond, key_BINLOG_prep_xids_cond, key_file_binlog, key_file_binlog_index, key_file_binlog_cache, key_file_binlog_index_cache); #endif /* Init mutexes for the global MYSQL_BIN_LOG objects. As safe_mutex depends on what MY_INIT() does, we can't init the mutexes of global MYSQL_BIN_LOGs in their constructors, because then they would be inited before MY_INIT(). So we do it here. */ mysql_bin_log.init_pthread_objects(); /* TODO: remove this when my_time_t is 64 bit compatible */ if (!is_time_t_valid_for_timestamp(server_start_time)) { LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_UNSUPPORTED_DATE); return 1; } if (gethostname(glob_hostname, sizeof(glob_hostname)) < 0) { strmake(glob_hostname, STRING_WITH_LEN("localhost")); LogErr(WARNING_LEVEL, ER_CALL_ME_LOCALHOST, glob_hostname); strmake(default_logfile_name, STRING_WITH_LEN("mysql")); } else strmake(default_logfile_name, glob_hostname, sizeof(default_logfile_name) - 5); strmake(default_binlogfile_name, STRING_WITH_LEN("binlog")); if (opt_initialize || opt_initialize_insecure) { /* System tables initialization are not binary logged (regardless --log-bin option). Disable binary log while executing any user script sourced while initializing system except if explicitly requested. */ opt_bin_log = false; } strmake(pidfile_name, default_logfile_name, sizeof(pidfile_name) - 5); my_stpcpy(fn_ext(pidfile_name), ".pid"); // Add proper extension /* The default-storage-engine entry in my_long_options should have a non-null default value. It was earlier intialized as (longlong)"MyISAM" in my_long_options but this triggered a compiler error in the Sun Studio 12 compiler. As a work-around we set the def_value member to 0 in my_long_options and initialize it to the correct value here. From MySQL 5.5 onwards, the default storage engine is InnoDB. */ default_storage_engine = "InnoDB"; default_tmp_storage_engine = default_storage_engine; /* Add server status variables to the dynamic list of status variables that is shown by SHOW STATUS. Later, in plugin_register_builtin_and_init_core_se(), plugin_register_dynamic_and_init_all() and mysql_install_plugin(), new entries could be added to that list. */ if (add_status_vars(status_vars)) return 1; // an error was already reported #ifndef DBUG_OFF /* We have few debug-only commands in com_status_vars, only visible in debug builds. for simplicity we enable the assert only in debug builds There are 8 Com_ variables which don't have corresponding SQLCOM_ values: (TODO strictly speaking they shouldn't be here, should not have Com_ prefix that is. Perhaps Stmt_ ? Comstmt_ ? Prepstmt_ ?) Com_admin_commands => com_other Com_stmt_close => com_stmt_close Com_stmt_execute => com_stmt_execute Com_stmt_fetch => com_stmt_fetch Com_stmt_prepare => com_stmt_prepare Com_stmt_reprepare => com_stmt_reprepare Com_stmt_reset => com_stmt_reset Com_stmt_send_long_data => com_stmt_send_long_data With this correction the number of Com_ variables (number of elements in the array, excluding the last element - terminator) must match the number of SQLCOM_ constants. */ static_assert(sizeof(com_status_vars) / sizeof(com_status_vars[0]) - 1 == SQLCOM_END + 7, ""); #endif if (get_options(&remaining_argc, &remaining_argv)) return 1; /* The opt_bin_log can be false (binary log is disabled) only if --skip-log-bin/--disable-log-bin is configured or while the system is initializing. */ if (!opt_bin_log) { /* The log-slave-updates should be disabled if binary log is disabled and --log-slave-updates option is not set explicitly on command line or configuration file. */ if (!log_slave_updates_supplied) opt_log_slave_updates = false; /* The slave-preserve-commit-order should be disabled if binary log is disabled and --slave-preserve-commit-order option is not set explicitly on command line or configuration file. */ if (!slave_preserve_commit_order_supplied) opt_slave_preserve_commit_order = false; } if (opt_protocol_compression_algorithms) { if ((opt_protocol_compression_algorithms[0] == 0) || (validate_compression_attributes( std::string(opt_protocol_compression_algorithms), std::string(), true))) { /* --protocol-compression-algorithms is set to invalid value, resetting its value to default "zlib,zstd,uncompressed" */ opt_protocol_compression_algorithms = const_cast(PROTOCOL_COMPRESSION_DEFAULT_VALUE); LogErr(WARNING_LEVEL, ER_PROTOCOL_COMPRESSION_RESET_LOG); } } update_parser_max_mem_size(); if (set_default_auth_plugin(default_auth_plugin, strlen(default_auth_plugin))) { LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_AUTH_CANT_SET_DEFAULT_PLUGIN); return 1; } set_server_version(); if (!is_help_or_validate_option()) { LogErr(INFORMATION_LEVEL, ER_BASEDIR_SET_TO, mysql_home); } if (!opt_validate_config && (opt_initialize || opt_initialize_insecure)) { LogErr(SYSTEM_LEVEL, ER_STARTING_INIT, my_progname, server_version, (ulong)getpid()); } else if (!is_help_or_validate_option()) { LogErr(SYSTEM_LEVEL, ER_STARTING_AS, my_progname, server_version, (ulong)getpid()); } if (opt_help && !opt_verbose) unireg_abort(MYSQLD_SUCCESS_EXIT); DBUG_PRINT("info", ("%s Ver %s for %s on %s\n", my_progname, server_version, SYSTEM_TYPE, MACHINE_TYPE)); #ifdef HAVE_LINUX_LARGE_PAGES /* Initialize large page size */ if (opt_large_pages && (opt_large_page_size = my_get_large_page_size())) { DBUG_PRINT("info", ("Large page set, large_page_size = %d", opt_large_page_size)); } else { opt_large_pages = 0; /* Either not configured to use large pages or Linux haven't been compiled with large page support */ } #endif /* HAVE_LINUX_LARGE_PAGES */ #ifdef HAVE_SOLARIS_LARGE_PAGES #define LARGE_PAGESIZE (4 * 1024 * 1024) /* 4MB */ #define SUPER_LARGE_PAGESIZE (256 * 1024 * 1024) /* 256MB */ if (opt_large_pages) { /* tell the kernel that we want to use 4/256MB page for heap storage and also for the stack. We use 4 MByte as default and if the super-large-page is set we increase it to 256 MByte. 256 MByte is for server installations with GBytes of RAM memory where the MySQL Server will have page caches and other memory regions measured in a number of GBytes. We use as big pages as possible which isn't bigger than the above desired page sizes. */ int nelem; size_t max_desired_page_size; if (opt_super_large_pages) max_desired_page_size = SUPER_LARGE_PAGESIZE; else max_desired_page_size = LARGE_PAGESIZE; nelem = getpagesizes(NULL, 0); if (nelem > 0) { size_t *pagesize = (size_t *)malloc(sizeof(size_t) * nelem); if (pagesize != NULL && getpagesizes(pagesize, nelem) > 0) { size_t max_page_size = 0; for (int i = 0; i < nelem; i++) { if (pagesize[i] > max_page_size && pagesize[i] <= max_desired_page_size) max_page_size = pagesize[i]; } free(pagesize); if (max_page_size > 0) { struct memcntl_mha mpss; mpss.mha_cmd = MHA_MAPSIZE_BSSBRK; mpss.mha_pagesize = max_page_size; mpss.mha_flags = 0; memcntl(NULL, 0, MC_HAT_ADVISE, (caddr_t)&mpss, 0, 0); mpss.mha_cmd = MHA_MAPSIZE_STACK; memcntl(NULL, 0, MC_HAT_ADVISE, (caddr_t)&mpss, 0, 0); } } } } #endif /* HAVE_SOLARIS_LARGE_PAGES */ longlong default_value; sys_var *var; /* Calculate and update default value for thread_cache_size. */ if ((default_value = 8 + max_connections / 100) > 100) default_value = 100; var = intern_find_sys_var(STRING_WITH_LEN("thread_cache_size")); var->update_default(default_value); /* Calculate and update default value for host_cache_size. */ if ((default_value = 128 + max_connections) > 628 && (default_value = 628 + ((max_connections - 500) / 20)) > 2000) default_value = 2000; var = intern_find_sys_var(STRING_WITH_LEN("host_cache_size")); var->update_default(default_value); /* Fix thread_cache_size. */ if (!thread_cache_size_specified && (Per_thread_connection_handler::max_blocked_pthreads = 8 + max_connections / 100) > 100) Per_thread_connection_handler::max_blocked_pthreads = 100; /* Fix host_cache_size. */ if (!host_cache_size_specified && (host_cache_size = 128 + max_connections) > 628 && (host_cache_size = 628 + ((max_connections - 500) / 20)) > 2000) host_cache_size = 2000; /* Fix back_log */ if (back_log == 0 && (back_log = max_connections) > 65535) back_log = 65535; unireg_init(opt_specialflag); /* Set up extern variables */ while (!(my_default_lc_messages = my_locale_by_name(NULL, lc_messages, strlen(lc_messages)))) { LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_FAILED_TO_FIND_LOCALE_NAME, lc_messages); if (!my_strcasecmp(&my_charset_latin1, lc_messages, mysqld_default_locale_name)) return 1; lc_messages = mysqld_default_locale_name; } global_system_variables.lc_messages = my_default_lc_messages; if (init_errmessage()) /* Read error messages from file */ return 1; init_client_errs(); mysql_client_plugin_init(); if (item_create_init()) return 1; item_init(); range_optimizer_init(); my_string_stack_guard = check_enough_stack_size; /* Process a comma-separated character set list and choose the first available character set. This is mostly for test purposes, to be able to start "mysqld" even if the requested character set is not available (see bug#18743). */ for (;;) { char *next_character_set_name = strchr(const_cast(default_character_set_name), ','); if (next_character_set_name) *next_character_set_name++ = '\0'; if (!(default_charset_info = get_charset_by_csname( default_character_set_name, MY_CS_PRIMARY, MYF(MY_WME)))) { if (next_character_set_name) { default_character_set_name = next_character_set_name; default_collation_name = 0; // Ignore collation } else return 1; // Eof of the list } else { warn_on_deprecated_charset(nullptr, default_charset_info, default_character_set_name, "--character-set-server"); break; } } if (default_collation_name) { CHARSET_INFO *default_collation; default_collation = get_charset_by_name(default_collation_name, MYF(0)); if (!default_collation) { LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_FAILED_TO_FIND_COLLATION_NAME, default_collation_name); return 1; } if (!my_charset_same(default_charset_info, default_collation)) { LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_INVALID_COLLATION_FOR_CHARSET, default_collation_name, default_charset_info->csname); return 1; } warn_on_deprecated_collation(nullptr, default_collation, "--collation-server"); default_charset_info = default_collation; } /* Set collactions that depends on the default collation */ global_system_variables.collation_server = default_charset_info; global_system_variables.collation_database = default_charset_info; global_system_variables.default_collation_for_utf8mb4 = &my_charset_utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci; if (is_supported_parser_charset(default_charset_info)) { global_system_variables.collation_connection = default_charset_info; global_system_variables.character_set_results = default_charset_info; global_system_variables.character_set_client = default_charset_info; } else { LogErr(INFORMATION_LEVEL, ER_FIXING_CLIENT_CHARSET, default_charset_info->csname, my_charset_latin1.csname); global_system_variables.collation_connection = &my_charset_latin1; global_system_variables.character_set_results = &my_charset_latin1; global_system_variables.character_set_client = &my_charset_latin1; } if (!(character_set_filesystem = get_charset_by_csname( character_set_filesystem_name, MY_CS_PRIMARY, MYF(MY_WME)))) return 1; else warn_on_deprecated_charset(nullptr, character_set_filesystem, character_set_filesystem_name, "--character-set-filesystem"); global_system_variables.character_set_filesystem = character_set_filesystem; if (lex_init()) { LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_OOM); return 1; } while (!(my_default_lc_time_names = my_locale_by_name( NULL, lc_time_names_name, strlen(lc_time_names_name)))) { LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_FAILED_TO_FIND_LOCALE_NAME, lc_time_names_name); if (!my_strcasecmp(&my_charset_latin1, lc_time_names_name, mysqld_default_locale_name)) return 1; lc_time_names_name = mysqld_default_locale_name; } global_system_variables.lc_time_names = my_default_lc_time_names; /* check log options and issue warnings if needed */ if (opt_general_log && opt_general_logname && !(log_output_options & LOG_FILE) && !(log_output_options & LOG_NONE)) LogErr(WARNING_LEVEL, ER_LOG_FILES_GIVEN_LOG_OUTPUT_IS_TABLE, "--general-log-file option"); if (opt_slow_log && opt_slow_logname && !(log_output_options & LOG_FILE) && !(log_output_options & LOG_NONE)) LogErr(WARNING_LEVEL, ER_LOG_FILES_GIVEN_LOG_OUTPUT_IS_TABLE, "--slow-query-log-file option"); if (opt_general_logname && !is_valid_log_name(opt_general_logname, strlen(opt_general_logname))) { LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_LOG_FILE_INVALID, "--general_log_file", opt_general_logname); return 1; } if (opt_slow_logname && !is_valid_log_name(opt_slow_logname, strlen(opt_slow_logname))) { LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_LOG_FILE_INVALID, "--slow_query_log_file", opt_slow_logname); return 1; } if (global_system_variables.transaction_write_set_extraction == HASH_ALGORITHM_OFF && mysql_bin_log.m_dependency_tracker.m_opt_tracking_mode != DEPENDENCY_TRACKING_COMMIT_ORDER) { LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_TX_EXTRACTION_ALGORITHM_FOR_BINLOG_TX_DEPEDENCY_TRACKING, "XXHASH64 or MURMUR32", "WRITESET or WRITESET_SESSION"); return 1; } else mysql_bin_log.m_dependency_tracker.tracking_mode_changed(); #define FIX_LOG_VAR(VAR, ALT) \ if (!VAR || !*VAR) VAR = ALT; FIX_LOG_VAR(opt_general_logname, make_query_log_name(logname_path, QUERY_LOG_GENERAL)); FIX_LOG_VAR(opt_slow_logname, make_query_log_name(slow_logname_path, QUERY_LOG_SLOW)); #if defined(ENABLED_DEBUG_SYNC) /* Initialize the debug sync facility. See debug_sync.cc. */ if (debug_sync_init()) return 1; /* purecov: tested */ #endif /* defined(ENABLED_DEBUG_SYNC) */ if (opt_validate_config) return 0; /* create the data directory if requested */ if (unlikely(opt_initialize) && initialize_create_data_directory(mysql_real_data_home)) return 1; /* Ensure that lower_case_table_names is set on system where we have case insensitive names. If this is not done the users MyISAM tables will get corrupted if accesses with names of different case. */ DBUG_PRINT("info", ("lower_case_table_names: %d", lower_case_table_names)); lower_case_file_system = test_if_case_insensitive(mysql_real_data_home); if (!lower_case_table_names && lower_case_file_system == 1) { if (lower_case_table_names_used) { LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_LOWER_CASE_TABLE_NAMES_CS_DD_ON_CI_FS_UNSUPPORTED); return 1; } else { LogErr(WARNING_LEVEL, ER_LOWER_CASE_TABLE_NAMES_USING_2, mysql_real_data_home); lower_case_table_names = 2; } } else if (lower_case_table_names == 2 && !(lower_case_file_system = (test_if_case_insensitive(mysql_real_data_home) == 1))) { LogErr(WARNING_LEVEL, ER_LOWER_CASE_TABLE_NAMES_USING_0, mysql_real_data_home); lower_case_table_names = 0; } else { lower_case_file_system = (test_if_case_insensitive(mysql_real_data_home) == 1); } /* Reset table_alias_charset, now that lower_case_table_names is set. */ table_alias_charset = (lower_case_table_names ? &my_charset_utf8_tolower_ci : &my_charset_bin); /* Build do_table and ignore_table rules to hashes after the resetting of table_alias_charset. */ if (rpl_global_filter.build_do_table_hash() || rpl_global_filter.build_ignore_table_hash()) { LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_CANT_HASH_DO_AND_IGNORE_RULES); return 1; } /* Reset the P_S view for global replication filter at the end of server startup. */ #ifdef WITH_PERFSCHEMA_STORAGE_ENGINE rpl_global_filter.wrlock(); rpl_global_filter.reset_pfs_view(); rpl_global_filter.unlock(); #endif /* WITH_PERFSCHEMA_STORAGE_ENGINE */ if (rpl_channel_filters.build_do_and_ignore_table_hashes()) return 1; return 0; } static int init_thread_environment() { mysql_mutex_init(key_LOCK_status, &LOCK_status, MY_MUTEX_INIT_FAST); mysql_mutex_init(key_LOCK_manager, &LOCK_manager, MY_MUTEX_INIT_FAST); mysql_mutex_init(key_LOCK_crypt, &LOCK_crypt, MY_MUTEX_INIT_FAST); mysql_mutex_init(key_LOCK_user_conn, &LOCK_user_conn, MY_MUTEX_INIT_FAST); mysql_mutex_init(key_LOCK_global_system_variables, &LOCK_global_system_variables, MY_MUTEX_INIT_FAST); mysql_rwlock_init(key_rwlock_LOCK_system_variables_hash, &LOCK_system_variables_hash); mysql_mutex_init(key_LOCK_prepared_stmt_count, &LOCK_prepared_stmt_count, MY_MUTEX_INIT_FAST); mysql_mutex_init(key_LOCK_sql_slave_skip_counter, &LOCK_sql_slave_skip_counter, MY_MUTEX_INIT_FAST); mysql_mutex_init(key_LOCK_slave_net_timeout, &LOCK_slave_net_timeout, MY_MUTEX_INIT_FAST); mysql_mutex_init(key_LOCK_slave_trans_dep_tracker, &LOCK_slave_trans_dep_tracker, MY_MUTEX_INIT_FAST); mysql_mutex_init(key_LOCK_error_messages, &LOCK_error_messages, MY_MUTEX_INIT_FAST); mysql_mutex_init(key_LOCK_uuid_generator, &LOCK_uuid_generator, MY_MUTEX_INIT_FAST); mysql_mutex_init(key_LOCK_sql_rand, &LOCK_sql_rand, MY_MUTEX_INIT_FAST); mysql_mutex_init(key_LOCK_log_throttle_qni, &LOCK_log_throttle_qni, MY_MUTEX_INIT_FAST); mysql_mutex_init(key_LOCK_default_password_lifetime, &LOCK_default_password_lifetime, MY_MUTEX_INIT_FAST); mysql_mutex_init(key_LOCK_mandatory_roles, &LOCK_mandatory_roles, MY_MUTEX_INIT_FAST); mysql_mutex_init(key_LOCK_password_history, &LOCK_password_history, MY_MUTEX_INIT_FAST); mysql_mutex_init(key_LOCK_password_reuse_interval, &LOCK_password_reuse_interval, MY_MUTEX_INIT_FAST); mysql_rwlock_init(key_rwlock_LOCK_sys_init_connect, &LOCK_sys_init_connect); mysql_rwlock_init(key_rwlock_LOCK_sys_init_slave, &LOCK_sys_init_slave); mysql_cond_init(key_COND_manager, &COND_manager); mysql_mutex_init(key_LOCK_server_started, &LOCK_server_started, MY_MUTEX_INIT_FAST); mysql_cond_init(key_COND_server_started, &COND_server_started); mysql_mutex_init(key_LOCK_reset_gtid_table, &LOCK_reset_gtid_table, MY_MUTEX_INIT_FAST); mysql_mutex_init(key_LOCK_compress_gtid_table, &LOCK_compress_gtid_table, MY_MUTEX_INIT_FAST); mysql_mutex_init(key_LOCK_collect_instance_log, &LOCK_collect_instance_log, MY_MUTEX_INIT_FAST); mysql_cond_init(key_COND_compress_gtid_table, &COND_compress_gtid_table); Events::init_mutexes(); #if defined(_WIN32) mysql_mutex_init(key_LOCK_handler_count, &LOCK_handler_count, MY_MUTEX_INIT_FAST); mysql_cond_init(key_COND_handler_count, &COND_handler_count); mysql_rwlock_init(key_rwlock_LOCK_named_pipe_full_access_group, &LOCK_named_pipe_full_access_group); #else mysql_mutex_init(key_LOCK_socket_listener_active, &LOCK_socket_listener_active, MY_MUTEX_INIT_FAST); mysql_cond_init(key_COND_socket_listener_active, &COND_socket_listener_active); mysql_mutex_init(key_LOCK_start_signal_handler, &LOCK_start_signal_handler, MY_MUTEX_INIT_FAST); mysql_cond_init(key_COND_start_signal_handler, &COND_start_signal_handler); #endif // _WIN32 /* Parameter for threads created for connections */ (void)my_thread_attr_init(&connection_attrib); my_thread_attr_setdetachstate(&connection_attrib, MY_THREAD_CREATE_DETACHED); #ifndef _WIN32 pthread_attr_setscope(&connection_attrib, PTHREAD_SCOPE_SYSTEM); #endif mysql_mutex_init(key_LOCK_keyring_operations, &LOCK_keyring_operations, MY_MUTEX_INIT_FAST); mysql_mutex_init(key_LOCK_tls_ctx_options, &LOCK_tls_ctx_options, MY_MUTEX_INIT_FAST); mysql_mutex_init(key_LOCK_rotate_binlog_master_key, &LOCK_rotate_binlog_master_key, MY_MUTEX_INIT_FAST); return 0; } #if defined(HAVE_OPENSSL) && !defined(__sun) /* TODO: remove the !defined(__sun) when bug 23285559 is out of the picture */ static PSI_memory_key key_memory_openssl = PSI_NOT_INSTRUMENTED; #if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER < 0x10100000L #define FILE_LINE_ARGS #else #define FILE_LINE_ARGS , const char *, int #endif static void *my_openssl_malloc(size_t size FILE_LINE_ARGS) { return my_malloc(key_memory_openssl, size, MYF(MY_WME)); } static void *my_openssl_realloc(void *ptr, size_t size FILE_LINE_ARGS) { return my_realloc(key_memory_openssl, ptr, size, MYF(MY_WME)); } static void my_openssl_free(void *ptr FILE_LINE_ARGS) { return my_free(ptr); } #endif /* defined(HAVE_OPENSSL) */ static void init_ssl() { #ifdef HAVE_OPENSSL #if !defined(__sun) #if defined(HAVE_PSI_MEMORY_INTERFACE) static PSI_memory_info all_openssl_memory[] = { {&key_memory_openssl, "openssl_malloc", 0, 0, "All memory used by openSSL"}}; mysql_memory_register("mysqld_openssl", all_openssl_memory, (int)array_elements(all_openssl_memory)); #endif /* defined(HAVE_PSI_MEMORY_INTERFACE) */ int ret = CRYPTO_set_mem_functions(my_openssl_malloc, my_openssl_realloc, my_openssl_free); if (ret == 0) LogErr(WARNING_LEVEL, ER_SSL_MEMORY_INSTRUMENTATION_INIT_FAILED, "CRYPTO_set_mem_functions"); #endif /* !defined(__sun) */ ssl_start(); #endif /* HAVE_OPENSSL */ } static int init_ssl_communication() { char ssl_err_string[OPENSSL_ERROR_LENGTH] = {'\0'}; int ret_fips_mode = set_fips_mode(opt_ssl_fips_mode, ssl_err_string); if (ret_fips_mode != 1) { LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_SSL_FIPS_MODE_ERROR, ssl_err_string); return 1; } if (SslAcceptorContext::singleton_init(opt_use_ssl)) return 1; #if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER < 0x10100000L ERR_remove_thread_state(0); #endif /* OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER < 0x10100000L */ if (init_rsa_keys()) return 1; return 0; } static void end_ssl() { SslAcceptorContext::singleton_deinit(); deinit_rsa_keys(); } /** Generate a UUID and save it into server_uuid variable. @return Retur 0 or 1 if an error occurred. */ static int generate_server_uuid() { THD *thd; Item_func_uuid *func_uuid; String uuid; /* To be able to run this from boot, we allocate a temporary THD */ if (!(thd = new THD)) { LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_NO_THD_NO_UUID); return 1; } thd->thread_stack = (char *)&thd; thd->store_globals(); /* Initialize the variables which are used during "uuid generator initialization" with values that should normally differ between mysqlds on the same host. This avoids that another mysqld started at the same time on the same host get the same "server_uuid". */ const time_t save_server_start_time = server_start_time; server_start_time += ((ulonglong)current_pid << 48) + current_pid; thd->status_var.bytes_sent = (ulonglong)thd; lex_start(thd); func_uuid = new (thd->mem_root) Item_func_uuid(); func_uuid->fixed = 1; func_uuid->val_str(&uuid); // Restore global variables used for salting server_start_time = save_server_start_time; delete thd; strncpy(server_uuid, uuid.c_ptr(), UUID_LENGTH); DBUG_EXECUTE_IF("server_uuid_deterministic", memcpy(server_uuid, "00000000-1111-0000-1111-000000000000", UUID_LENGTH);); server_uuid[UUID_LENGTH] = '\0'; return 0; } /** Save all options which was auto-generated by server-self into the given file. @param fname The name of the file in which the auto-generated options will b e saved. @return Return 0 or 1 if an error occurred. */ static int flush_auto_options(const char *fname) { File fd; IO_CACHE io_cache; int result = 0; if ((fd = my_open(fname, O_CREAT | O_RDWR, MYF(MY_WME))) < 0) { LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_AUTO_OPTIONS_FAILED, "file", fname, my_errno()); return 1; } if (init_io_cache(&io_cache, fd, IO_SIZE * 2, WRITE_CACHE, 0L, 0, MYF(MY_WME))) { LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_AUTO_OPTIONS_FAILED, "a cache on ", fname, my_errno()); my_close(fd, MYF(MY_WME)); return 1; } my_b_seek(&io_cache, 0L); my_b_printf(&io_cache, "%s\n", "[auto]"); my_b_printf(&io_cache, "server-uuid=%s\n", server_uuid); if (flush_io_cache(&io_cache) || my_sync(fd, MYF(MY_WME))) result = 1; my_close(fd, MYF(MY_WME)); end_io_cache(&io_cache); return result; } /** File 'auto.cnf' resides in the data directory to hold values of options that server evaluates itself and that needs to be durable to sustain the server restart. There is only a section ['auto'] in the file. All these options are in the section. Only one option exists now, it is server_uuid. Note, the user may not supply any literal value to these auto-options, and only allowed to trigger (re)evaluation. For instance, 'server_uuid' value will be evaluated and stored if there is no corresponding line in the file. Because of the specifics of the auto-options, they need a seperate storage. Meanwhile, it is the 'auto.cnf' that has the same structure as 'my.cnf'. @todo consider to implement sql-query-able persistent storage by WL#5279. @return Return 0 or 1 if an error occurred. */ static int init_server_auto_options() { bool flush = false; char fname[FN_REFLEN]; char name[] = "auto"; char *name_ptr = name; const char *groups[] = {"auto", NULL}; char *uuid = 0; my_option auto_options[] = { {"server-uuid", 0, "", &uuid, &uuid, 0, GET_STR, REQUIRED_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, GET_NO_ARG, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}}; DBUG_TRACE; if (NULL == fn_format(fname, "auto.cnf", mysql_data_home, "", MY_UNPACK_FILENAME | MY_SAFE_PATH)) return 1; /* load_defaults require argv[0] is not null */ char **argv = &name_ptr; int argc = 1; if (!check_file_permissions(fname, false)) { /* Found a world writable file hence removing it as it is dangerous to write a new UUID into the same file. */ my_delete(fname, MYF(MY_WME)); LogErr(WARNING_LEVEL, ER_WRITABLE_CONFIG_REMOVED, fname); } /* load all options in 'auto.cnf'. */ MEM_ROOT alloc{PSI_NOT_INSTRUMENTED, 512}; if (my_load_defaults(fname, groups, &argc, &argv, &alloc, NULL)) return 1; if (handle_options(&argc, &argv, auto_options, mysqld_get_one_option)) return 1; DBUG_PRINT("info", ("uuid=%p=%s server_uuid=%s", uuid, uuid, server_uuid)); if (uuid) { if (!binary_log::Uuid::is_valid(uuid, binary_log::Uuid::TEXT_LENGTH)) { LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_UUID_INVALID); goto err; } /* Uuid::is_valid() cannot do strict check on the length as it will be called by GTID::is_valid() as well (GTID = UUID:seq_no). We should explicitly add the *length check* here in this function. If UUID length is less than '36' (UUID_LENGTH), that error case would have got caught in above is_valid check. The below check is to make sure that length is not greater than UUID_LENGTH i.e., there are no extra characters (Garbage) at the end of the valid UUID. */ if (strlen(uuid) > UUID_LENGTH) { LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_UUID_SCRUB, UUID_LENGTH); goto err; } strcpy(server_uuid, uuid); } else { DBUG_PRINT("info", ("generating server_uuid")); flush = true; /* server_uuid will be set in the function */ if (generate_server_uuid()) goto err; DBUG_PRINT("info", ("generated server_uuid=%s", server_uuid)); if (opt_initialize || opt_initialize_insecure) { LogErr(INFORMATION_LEVEL, ER_CREATING_NEW_UUID_FIRST_START, server_uuid); } else { LogErr(WARNING_LEVEL, ER_CREATING_NEW_UUID, server_uuid); } } if (flush) return flush_auto_options(fname); return 0; err: return 1; } static bool initialize_storage_engine(const char *se_name, const char *se_kind, plugin_ref *dest_plugin) { LEX_CSTRING name = {se_name, strlen(se_name)}; plugin_ref plugin; handlerton *hton; if ((plugin = ha_resolve_by_name(0, &name, false))) hton = plugin_data(plugin); else { LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_UNKNOWN_UNSUPPORTED_STORAGE_ENGINE, se_name); return true; } if (!ha_storage_engine_is_enabled(hton)) { if (!opt_initialize) { LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_DEFAULT_SE_UNAVAILABLE, se_kind, se_name); return true; } DBUG_ASSERT(*dest_plugin); } else { /* Need to unlock as global_system_variables.table_plugin was acquired during plugin_register_builtin_and_init_core_se() */ plugin_ref old_dest_plugin = *dest_plugin; *dest_plugin = plugin; plugin_unlock(0, old_dest_plugin); } return false; } static void setup_error_log() { /* Setup logs */ /* Enable old-fashioned error log, except when the user has requested help information. Since the implementation of plugin server variables the help output is now written much later. log_error_dest can be: disabled_my_option --log-error was not used or --log-error= "" --log-error without arguments (no '=') filename --log-error=filename */ #ifdef _WIN32 /* Enable the error log file only if console option is not specified and --help is not used. */ bool log_errors_to_file = !is_help_or_validate_option() && !opt_console; #else /* Enable the error log file only if --log-error=filename or --log-error was used. Logging to file is disabled by default unlike on Windows. */ bool log_errors_to_file = !is_help_or_validate_option() && (log_error_dest != disabled_my_option); #endif enum log_error_stage les = LOG_ERROR_STAGE_BUFFERING_UNIPLEX; if (log_errors_to_file) { // Construct filename if no filename was given by the user. if (!log_error_dest[0] || log_error_dest == disabled_my_option) { #ifdef _WIN32 const char *filename = pidfile_name; #else const char *filename = default_logfile_name; #endif fn_format(errorlog_filename_buff, filename, mysql_real_data_home, ".err", MY_REPLACE_EXT | /* replace '.' by '.err', bug#4997 */ MY_REPLACE_DIR); } else fn_format(errorlog_filename_buff, log_error_dest, mysql_data_home, ".err", MY_UNPACK_FILENAME); /* log_error_dest may have been set to disabled_my_option or "" if no argument was passed, but we need to show the real name in SHOW VARIABLES. */ log_error_dest = errorlog_filename_buff; #ifndef _WIN32 // Create backup stream to stdout if deamonizing and connected to tty if (opt_daemonize && isatty(STDOUT_FILENO)) { nstdout = fdopen(dup(STDOUT_FILENO), "a"); if (nstdout == nullptr) { LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_DUP_FD_OPEN_FAILED, "stdout", strerror(errno)); unireg_abort(MYSQLD_ABORT_EXIT); } // Display location of error log file on stdout if connected to tty fprintf(nstdout, "mysqld will log errors to %s\n", errorlog_filename_buff); } #endif /* ndef _WIN32 */ if (open_error_log(errorlog_filename_buff, false)) unireg_abort(MYSQLD_ABORT_EXIT); #ifdef _WIN32 // FreeConsole(); // Remove window #endif /* _WIN32 */ } else { // We are logging to stderr and SHOW VARIABLES should reflect that. log_error_dest = "stderr"; /* We have no known file-name, and a non-standard logging pipeline, so output of multiple log-writers may be multi-plexed to stderr. This can result in false positives, but since we're only using this to turn off some optimizations, this seems acceptable for now. With regard to the pipeline, what matters is that a non-standard set-up was requested, not that it is actually active at this point (which it wouldn't be, we do not try to apply a user-supplied configuration until external components are available). */ if ((opt_log_error_services == nullptr) || (0 != strcmp(LOG_ERROR_SERVICES_DEFAULT, opt_log_error_services))) les = LOG_ERROR_STAGE_BUFFERING_MULTIPLEX; } log_error_stage_set(les); } static int init_server_components() { DBUG_TRACE; /* We need to call each of these following functions to ensure that all things are initialized so that unireg_abort() doesn't fail */ mdl_init(); partitioning_init(); if (table_def_init() | hostname_cache_init(host_cache_size)) unireg_abort(MYSQLD_ABORT_EXIT); /* Timers not needed if only starting with --help. */ if (!is_help_or_validate_option()) { if (my_timer_initialize()) LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_CANT_INIT_TIMER, errno); else have_statement_timeout = SHOW_OPTION_YES; } randominit(&sql_rand, (ulong)server_start_time, (ulong)server_start_time / 2); setup_fpu(); init_slave_list(); setup_error_log(); // opens the log if needed enter_cond_hook = thd_enter_cond; exit_cond_hook = thd_exit_cond; enter_stage_hook = thd_enter_stage; set_waiting_for_disk_space_hook = thd_set_waiting_for_disk_space; is_killed_hook = thd_killed; if (transaction_cache_init()) { LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_OOM); unireg_abort(MYSQLD_ABORT_EXIT); } if (MDL_context_backup_manager::init()) { LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_OOM); unireg_abort(MYSQLD_ABORT_EXIT); } /* initialize delegates for extension observers, errors have already been reported in the function */ if (delegates_init()) unireg_abort(MYSQLD_ABORT_EXIT); /* need to configure logging before initializing storage engines */ if (opt_log_slave_updates && !opt_bin_log) { LogErr(WARNING_LEVEL, ER_NEED_LOG_BIN, "--log-slave-updates"); } if (binlog_format_used && !opt_bin_log) LogErr(WARNING_LEVEL, ER_NEED_LOG_BIN, "--binlog-format"); /* Check that we have not let the format to unspecified at this point */ DBUG_ASSERT((uint)global_system_variables.binlog_format <= array_elements(binlog_format_names) - 1); opt_server_id_mask = ~ulong(0); opt_server_id_mask = (opt_server_id_bits == 32) ? ~ulong(0) : (1 << opt_server_id_bits) - 1; if (server_id != (server_id & opt_server_id_mask)) { LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_SERVERID_TOO_LARGE); unireg_abort(MYSQLD_ABORT_EXIT); } if (opt_bin_log) { /* Reports an error and aborts, if the --log-bin's path is a directory.*/ if (opt_bin_logname && opt_bin_logname[strlen(opt_bin_logname) - 1] == FN_LIBCHAR) { LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_NEED_FILE_INSTEAD_OF_DIR, "--log-bin", opt_bin_logname); unireg_abort(MYSQLD_ABORT_EXIT); } /* Reports an error and aborts, if the --log-bin-index's path is a directory.*/ if (opt_binlog_index_name && opt_binlog_index_name[strlen(opt_binlog_index_name) - 1] == FN_LIBCHAR) { LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_NEED_FILE_INSTEAD_OF_DIR, "--log-bin-index", opt_binlog_index_name); unireg_abort(MYSQLD_ABORT_EXIT); } char buf[FN_REFLEN]; const char *ln; if (log_bin_supplied) { /* Binary log basename defaults to "`hostname`-bin" name prefix if --log-bin is used without argument. */ ln = mysql_bin_log.generate_name(opt_bin_logname, "-bin", buf); } else { /* Binary log basename defaults to "binlog" name prefix if --log-bin is not used. */ ln = mysql_bin_log.generate_name(opt_bin_logname, "", buf); } if (!opt_bin_logname && !opt_binlog_index_name && log_bin_supplied) { /* User didn't give us info to name the binlog index file. Picking `hostname`-bin.index like did in 4.x, causes replication to fail if the hostname is changed later. So, we would like to instead require a name. But as we don't want to break many existing setups, we only give warning, not error. */ LogErr(INFORMATION_LEVEL, ER_LOG_BIN_BETTER_WITH_NAME, ln); } if (ln == buf) { my_free(opt_bin_logname); opt_bin_logname = my_strdup(key_memory_opt_bin_logname, buf, MYF(0)); } /* Skip opening the index file if we start with --help. This is necessary to avoid creating the file in an otherwise empty datadir, which will cause a succeeding 'mysqld --initialize' to fail. */ if (!is_help_or_validate_option() && mysql_bin_log.open_index_file(opt_binlog_index_name, ln, true)) { unireg_abort(MYSQLD_ABORT_EXIT); } } if (opt_bin_log) { /* opt_bin_logname[0] needs to be checked to make sure opt binlog name is not an empty string, incase it is an empty string default file extension will be passed */ if (log_bin_supplied) { log_bin_basename = rpl_make_log_name( key_memory_MYSQL_BIN_LOG_basename, opt_bin_logname, default_logfile_name, (opt_bin_logname && opt_bin_logname[0]) ? "" : "-bin"); } else { log_bin_basename = rpl_make_log_name(key_memory_MYSQL_BIN_LOG_basename, opt_bin_logname, default_binlogfile_name, ""); } log_bin_index = rpl_make_log_name(key_memory_MYSQL_BIN_LOG_index, opt_binlog_index_name, log_bin_basename, ".index"); if ((!opt_binlog_index_name || !opt_binlog_index_name[0]) && log_bin_index) { strmake(default_binlog_index_name, log_bin_index + dirname_length(log_bin_index), FN_REFLEN + index_ext_length - 1); opt_binlog_index_name = default_binlog_index_name; } if (log_bin_basename == NULL || log_bin_index == NULL) { LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_RPL_CANT_MAKE_PATHS, (int)FN_REFLEN, (int)FN_LEN); unireg_abort(MYSQLD_ABORT_EXIT); } } DBUG_PRINT("debug", ("opt_bin_logname: %s, opt_relay_logname: %s, pidfile_name: %s", opt_bin_logname, opt_relay_logname, pidfile_name)); /* opt_relay_logname[0] needs to be checked to make sure opt relaylog name is not an empty string, incase it is an empty string default file extension will be passed */ relay_log_basename = rpl_make_log_name( key_memory_MYSQL_RELAY_LOG_basename, opt_relay_logname, default_logfile_name, (opt_relay_logname && opt_relay_logname[0]) ? "" : relay_ext); if (!opt_relay_logname || !opt_relay_logname[0]) { if (relay_log_basename) { strmake(default_relaylogfile_name, relay_log_basename + dirname_length(relay_log_basename), FN_REFLEN + relay_ext_length - 1); opt_relay_logname = default_relaylogfile_name; } } else opt_relay_logname_supplied = true; if (relay_log_basename != NULL) relay_log_index = rpl_make_log_name(key_memory_MYSQL_RELAY_LOG_index, opt_relaylog_index_name, relay_log_basename, ".index"); if (!opt_relaylog_index_name || !opt_relaylog_index_name[0]) { if (relay_log_index) { strmake(default_relaylog_index_name, relay_log_index + dirname_length(relay_log_index), FN_REFLEN + relay_ext_length + index_ext_length - 1); opt_relaylog_index_name = default_relaylog_index_name; } } else opt_relaylog_index_name_supplied = true; if (relay_log_basename == NULL || relay_log_index == NULL) { LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_RPL_CANT_MAKE_PATHS, (int)FN_REFLEN, (int)FN_LEN); unireg_abort(MYSQLD_ABORT_EXIT); } if (log_bin_basename != NULL && !strcmp(log_bin_basename, relay_log_basename)) { const int bin_ext_length = 4; char default_binlogfile_name_from_hostname[FN_REFLEN + bin_ext_length]; /* Generate default bin log file name. */ strmake(default_binlogfile_name_from_hostname, default_logfile_name, FN_REFLEN - 1); strcat(default_binlogfile_name_from_hostname, "-bin"); if (!default_relaylogfile_name[0]) { /* Generate default relay log file name. */ strmake(default_relaylogfile_name, default_logfile_name, FN_REFLEN - 1); strcat(default_relaylogfile_name, relay_ext); } /* Reports an error and aborts, if the same base name is specified for both binary and relay logs. */ LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_RPL_CANT_HAVE_SAME_BASENAME, log_bin_basename, "--log-bin", default_binlogfile_name, default_binlogfile_name_from_hostname, "--relay-log", default_relaylogfile_name); unireg_abort(MYSQLD_ABORT_EXIT); } if (global_system_variables.binlog_row_value_options != 0) { const char *msg = NULL; longlong err = ER_BINLOG_ROW_VALUE_OPTION_IGNORED; if (!opt_bin_log) msg = "the binary log is disabled"; else if (global_system_variables.binlog_format == BINLOG_FORMAT_STMT) msg = "binlog_format=STATEMENT"; else if (log_bin_use_v1_row_events) { msg = "binlog_row_value_options=PARTIAL_JSON"; err = ER_BINLOG_USE_V1_ROW_EVENTS_IGNORED; } else if (global_system_variables.binlog_row_image == BINLOG_ROW_IMAGE_FULL) { msg = "binlog_row_image=FULL"; err = ER_BINLOG_ROW_VALUE_OPTION_USED_ONLY_FOR_AFTER_IMAGES; } if (msg) { switch (err) { case ER_BINLOG_ROW_VALUE_OPTION_IGNORED: case ER_BINLOG_ROW_VALUE_OPTION_USED_ONLY_FOR_AFTER_IMAGES: LogErr(WARNING_LEVEL, err, msg, "PARTIAL_JSON"); break; case ER_BINLOG_USE_V1_ROW_EVENTS_IGNORED: LogErr(WARNING_LEVEL, err, msg); break; default: DBUG_ASSERT(0); /* purecov: deadcode */ } } } /* call ha_init_key_cache() on all key caches to init them */ process_key_caches(&ha_init_key_cache); /* Allow storage engine to give real error messages */ if (ha_init_errors()) return 1; if (gtid_server_init()) { LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_CANT_INITIALIZE_GTID); unireg_abort(MYSQLD_ABORT_EXIT); } if (opt_log_slave_updates && replicate_same_server_id) { enum_gtid_mode gtid_mode = get_gtid_mode(GTID_MODE_LOCK_NONE); if (opt_bin_log && gtid_mode != GTID_MODE_ON) { LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_RPL_INFINITY_DENIED); unireg_abort(MYSQLD_ABORT_EXIT); } else LogErr(WARNING_LEVEL, ER_RPL_INFINITY_IGNORED); } { /* We have to call a function in log_resource.cc, or its references won't be visible to plugins. */ #ifndef DBUG_OFF int dummy = #endif Log_resource::dummy_function_to_ensure_we_are_linked_into_the_server(); DBUG_ASSERT(dummy == 1); } /* We need to initialize the UDF globals early before reading the proc table and before the server component initialization to allow other components to register their UDFs at init time and de-register them at deinit time. */ udf_init_globals(); /* Set tc_log to point to TC_LOG_DUMMY early in order to allow plugin_init() to commit attachable transaction after reading from mysql.plugin table. If necessary tc_log will be adjusted to point to correct TC_LOG instance later. */ tc_log = &tc_log_dummy; /* This limits ability to configure SSL library through config options */ init_ssl(); /*Load early plugins */ if (plugin_register_early_plugins(&remaining_argc, remaining_argv, (is_help_or_validate_option()) ? PLUGIN_INIT_SKIP_INITIALIZATION : 0)) { LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_CANT_INITIALIZE_EARLY_PLUGINS); unireg_abort(1); } /* Load builtin plugins, initialize MyISAM, CSV and InnoDB */ if (plugin_register_builtin_and_init_core_se(&remaining_argc, remaining_argv)) { if (!opt_validate_config) LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_CANT_INITIALIZE_BUILTIN_PLUGINS); unireg_abort(1); } /* Needs to be done before dd::init() which runs DDL commands (for real) during instance initialization. */ init_sql_command_flags(); /* plugin_register_dynamic_and_init_all() needs DD initialized. Initialize DD to create data directory using current server. */ if (opt_initialize) { if (!is_help_or_validate_option()) { if (dd::init(dd::enum_dd_init_type::DD_INITIALIZE)) { LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_DD_INIT_FAILED); unireg_abort(1); } if (dd::init(dd::enum_dd_init_type::DD_INITIALIZE_SYSTEM_VIEWS)) { LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_SYSTEM_VIEW_INIT_FAILED); unireg_abort(1); } } } else { /* Initialize DD in case of upgrade and normal normal server restart. It is detected if we are starting on old data directory or current data directory. If it is old data directory, DD tables are created. If server is starting on data directory with DD tables, DD is initialized. */ if (!is_help_or_validate_option() && dd::init(dd::enum_dd_init_type::DD_RESTART_OR_UPGRADE)) { LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_DD_INIT_FAILED); /* If clone recovery fails, we rollback the files to previous dataset and attempt to restart server. */ int exit_code = clone_recovery_error ? MYSQLD_RESTART_EXIT : MYSQLD_ABORT_EXIT; unireg_abort(exit_code); } } /* During plugin initialization, a plugin may expect (depending on what the plugin actually does) to find a functional server, including: - mysql system tables - information schema tables - performance schema tables - data dictionary - components / services, including the registry service During the server installation, all these parts are not available yet, as they are created during the installation process with mysqld --initialize. As a result, plugins are not loaded during mysqld --initialize, so that the server install can proceed and complete before any plugin is loaded through any config file or pre-programmed command line. */ int flags = 0; if (opt_noacl) flags |= PLUGIN_INIT_SKIP_PLUGIN_TABLE; if (is_help_or_validate_option()) flags |= PLUGIN_INIT_SKIP_INITIALIZATION | PLUGIN_INIT_SKIP_PLUGIN_TABLE; if (opt_initialize) flags |= PLUGIN_INIT_SKIP_DYNAMIC_LOADING; /* In the case of upgrade, we need to delay initialization of plugins that depend on e.g. mysql tables that will be changed during upgrade. */ if (!is_help_or_validate_option() && !opt_initialize && !dd::upgrade::no_server_upgrade_required() && opt_upgrade_mode != UPGRADE_MINIMAL) flags |= PLUGIN_INIT_DELAY_UNTIL_AFTER_UPGRADE; if (plugin_register_dynamic_and_init_all(&remaining_argc, remaining_argv, flags)) { // Delete all DD tables in case of error in initializing plugins. if (dd::upgrade_57::in_progress()) (void)dd::init(dd::enum_dd_init_type::DD_DELETE); if (!opt_validate_config) LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_CANT_INITIALIZE_DYNAMIC_PLUGINS); unireg_abort(MYSQLD_ABORT_EXIT); } dynamic_plugins_are_initialized = true; /* Don't separate from init function */ LEX_CSTRING plugin_name = {STRING_WITH_LEN("thread_pool")}; if (Connection_handler_manager::thread_handling != Connection_handler_manager::SCHEDULER_ONE_THREAD_PER_CONNECTION || plugin_is_ready(plugin_name, MYSQL_DAEMON_PLUGIN)) { auto res_grp_mgr = resourcegroups::Resource_group_mgr::instance(); res_grp_mgr->disable_resource_group(); res_grp_mgr->set_unsupport_reason("Thread pool plugin enabled"); } #ifdef WITH_PERFSCHEMA_STORAGE_ENGINE /* A value of the variable dd_upgrade_flag is reset after dd::init(dd::enum_dd_init_type::DD_POPULATE_UPGRADE) returned. So make its copy to call init_pfs_tables() with right argument value later. */ bool dd_upgrade_was_initiated = dd::upgrade_57::in_progress(); #endif if (!is_help_or_validate_option() && dd::upgrade_57::in_progress()) { // Populate DD tables with meta data from 5.7 if (dd::init(dd::enum_dd_init_type::DD_POPULATE_UPGRADE)) { LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_DD_POPULATING_TABLES_FAILED); unireg_abort(1); } // Run after_dd_upgrade hook if (RUN_HOOK(server_state, after_dd_upgrade_from_57, (NULL))) unireg_abort(MYSQLD_ABORT_EXIT); } /* Store server and plugin IS tables metadata into new DD. This is done after all the plugins are registered. */ if (!is_help_or_validate_option() && !opt_initialize && !dd::upgrade_57::in_progress() && dd::init(dd::enum_dd_init_type::DD_UPDATE_I_S_METADATA)) { LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_DD_UPDATING_PLUGIN_MD_FAILED); unireg_abort(MYSQLD_ABORT_EXIT); } #ifdef WITH_PERFSCHEMA_STORAGE_ENGINE if (!is_help_or_validate_option()) { /* Initialize the cost model, but delete it after the pfs is initialized. Cost model is needed while dropping and creating pfs tables to update metadata of referencing views (if there are any). */ init_optimizer_cost_module(true); bool st; if (opt_initialize || dd_upgrade_was_initiated) st = dd::performance_schema::init_pfs_tables( dd::enum_dd_init_type::DD_INITIALIZE); else st = dd::performance_schema::init_pfs_tables( dd::enum_dd_init_type::DD_RESTART_OR_UPGRADE); /* Now that the pfs is initialized, delete the cost model. */ delete_optimizer_cost_module(); if (st) { LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_PERFSCHEMA_TABLES_INIT_FAILED); unireg_abort(1); } } #endif if (!is_help_or_validate_option() && !opt_initialize && !dd::upgrade::no_server_upgrade_required()) { if (opt_upgrade_mode == UPGRADE_MINIMAL) LogErr(WARNING_LEVEL, ER_SERVER_UPGRADE_SKIP); else { init_optimizer_cost_module(true); if (bootstrap::run_bootstrap_thread(nullptr, nullptr, &dd::upgrade::upgrade_system_schemas, SYSTEM_THREAD_SERVER_UPGRADE)) { LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_SERVER_UPGRADE_FAILED); unireg_abort(1); } delete_optimizer_cost_module(); /* When upgrade is finished, we need to initialize the plugins that had their initialization delayed due to dependencies on the environment. TODO: Provide a better long term solution by re-ordering startup sequence and rewriting the way we create and upgrade server resources needed by plugins. */ if (dd::upgrade::plugin_initialize_delayed_after_upgrade()) { unireg_abort(MYSQLD_ABORT_EXIT); } } } auto res_grp_mgr = resourcegroups::Resource_group_mgr::instance(); // Initialize the Resource group subsystem. if (!is_help_or_validate_option() && !opt_initialize) { if (res_grp_mgr->post_init()) { LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_RESOURCE_GROUP_POST_INIT_FAILED); unireg_abort(MYSQLD_ABORT_EXIT); } } Session_tracker session_track_system_variables_check; LEX_STRING var_list; char *tmp_str; size_t len = strlen(global_system_variables.track_sysvars_ptr); tmp_str = (char *)my_malloc(PSI_NOT_INSTRUMENTED, len * sizeof(char) + 2, MYF(MY_WME)); strcpy(tmp_str, global_system_variables.track_sysvars_ptr); var_list.length = len; var_list.str = tmp_str; if (session_track_system_variables_check.server_boot_verify( system_charset_info, var_list)) { LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_TRACK_VARIABLES_BOGUS); if (tmp_str) my_free(tmp_str); unireg_abort(MYSQLD_ABORT_EXIT); } if (tmp_str) my_free(tmp_str); // Validate the configuration if --validate-config was specified. if (opt_validate_config && (remaining_argc > 1)) { bool saved_getopt_skip_unknown = my_getopt_skip_unknown; struct my_option no_opts[] = { {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, GET_NO_ARG, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}}; my_getopt_skip_unknown = false; if (handle_options(&remaining_argc, &remaining_argv, no_opts, mysqld_get_one_option)) unireg_abort(MYSQLD_ABORT_EXIT); my_getopt_skip_unknown = saved_getopt_skip_unknown; } if (is_help_or_validate_option()) unireg_abort(MYSQLD_SUCCESS_EXIT); /* if the errmsg.sys is not loaded, terminate to maintain behaviour */ if (!my_default_lc_messages->errmsgs->is_loaded()) { LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_CANT_READ_ERRMSGS); unireg_abort(MYSQLD_ABORT_EXIT); } /* We have to initialize the storage engines before CSV logging */ if (ha_init()) { LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_CANT_INIT_DBS); unireg_abort(MYSQLD_ABORT_EXIT); } if (opt_initialize) log_output_options = LOG_FILE; /* Issue a warning if there were specified additional options to the log-output along with NONE. Probably this wasn't what user wanted. */ if ((log_output_options & LOG_NONE) && (log_output_options & ~LOG_NONE)) LogErr(WARNING_LEVEL, ER_LOG_OUTPUT_CONTRADICTORY); if (log_output_options & LOG_TABLE) { /* Fall back to log files if the csv engine is not loaded. */ LEX_CSTRING csv_name = {STRING_WITH_LEN("csv")}; if (!plugin_is_ready(csv_name, MYSQL_STORAGE_ENGINE_PLUGIN)) { LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_NO_CSV_NO_LOG_TABLES); log_output_options = (log_output_options & ~LOG_TABLE) | LOG_FILE; } } query_logger.set_handlers(log_output_options); // Open slow log file if enabled. query_logger.set_log_file(QUERY_LOG_SLOW); if (opt_slow_log && query_logger.reopen_log_file(QUERY_LOG_SLOW)) opt_slow_log = false; // Open general log file if enabled. query_logger.set_log_file(QUERY_LOG_GENERAL); if (opt_general_log && query_logger.reopen_log_file(QUERY_LOG_GENERAL)) opt_general_log = false; /* Set the default storage engines */ if (initialize_storage_engine(default_storage_engine, "", &global_system_variables.table_plugin)) unireg_abort(MYSQLD_ABORT_EXIT); if (initialize_storage_engine(default_tmp_storage_engine, " temp", &global_system_variables.temp_table_plugin)) unireg_abort(MYSQLD_ABORT_EXIT); if (!opt_initialize && !opt_noacl) { std::string disabled_se_str(opt_disabled_storage_engines); ha_set_normalized_disabled_se_str(disabled_se_str); // Log warning if default_storage_engine is a disabled storage engine. handlerton *default_se_handle = plugin_data(global_system_variables.table_plugin); if (ha_is_storage_engine_disabled(default_se_handle)) LogErr(WARNING_LEVEL, ER_DISABLED_STORAGE_ENGINE_AS_DEFAULT, "default_storage_engine", default_storage_engine); // Log warning if default_tmp_storage_engine is a disabled storage engine. handlerton *default_tmp_se_handle = plugin_data(global_system_variables.temp_table_plugin); if (ha_is_storage_engine_disabled(default_tmp_se_handle)) LogErr(WARNING_LEVEL, ER_DISABLED_STORAGE_ENGINE_AS_DEFAULT, "default_tmp_storage_engine", default_tmp_storage_engine); } if (total_ha_2pc > 1 || (1 == total_ha_2pc && opt_bin_log)) { if (opt_bin_log) tc_log = &mysql_bin_log; else tc_log = &tc_log_mmap; } if (Recovered_xa_transactions::init()) { LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_OOM); unireg_abort(MYSQLD_ABORT_EXIT); } if (tc_log->open(opt_bin_log ? opt_bin_logname : opt_tc_log_file)) { LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_CANT_INIT_TC_LOG); unireg_abort(MYSQLD_ABORT_EXIT); } (void)RUN_HOOK(server_state, before_recovery, (NULL)); if (ha_recover(0)) { unireg_abort(MYSQLD_ABORT_EXIT); } if (dd::reset_tables_and_tablespaces()) { unireg_abort(MYSQLD_ABORT_EXIT); } ha_post_recover(); /* Add prepared XA transactions into the cache of XA transactions and acquire mdl lock for every table involved in any of these prepared XA transactions. This step moved away from the function ha_recover() in order to avoid possible suspending on acquiring EXLUSIVE mdl lock on tables inside the function dd::reset_tables_and_tablespaces() when table cache being reset. */ if (Recovered_xa_transactions::instance() .recover_prepared_xa_transactions()) { unireg_abort(MYSQLD_ABORT_EXIT); } /// @todo: this looks suspicious, revisit this /sven enum_gtid_mode gtid_mode = get_gtid_mode(GTID_MODE_LOCK_NONE); if (gtid_mode == GTID_MODE_ON && _gtid_consistency_mode != GTID_CONSISTENCY_MODE_ON) { LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_RPL_GTID_MODE_REQUIRES_ENFORCE_GTID_CONSISTENCY_ON); unireg_abort(MYSQLD_ABORT_EXIT); } /* Each server should have one UUID. We will create it automatically, if it does not exist. It should be initialized before opening binlog file. Because server's uuid will be stored into the new binlog file. */ if (init_server_auto_options()) { LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_CANT_CREATE_UUID); unireg_abort(MYSQLD_ABORT_EXIT); } if (rpl_encryption.initialize()) { LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_SERVER_RPL_ENCRYPTION_UNABLE_TO_INITIALIZE); unireg_abort(MYSQLD_ABORT_EXIT); } if (opt_bin_log) { /* Configures what object is used by the current log to store processed gtid(s). This is necessary in the MYSQL_BIN_LOG::MYSQL_BIN_LOG to corretly compute the set of previous gtids. */ DBUG_ASSERT(!mysql_bin_log.is_relay_log); mysql_mutex_t *log_lock = mysql_bin_log.get_log_lock(); mysql_mutex_lock(log_lock); if (mysql_bin_log.open_binlog(opt_bin_logname, 0, max_binlog_size, false, true /*need_lock_index=true*/, true /*need_sid_lock=true*/, NULL)) { mysql_mutex_unlock(log_lock); unireg_abort(MYSQLD_ABORT_EXIT); } mysql_mutex_unlock(log_lock); } /* When we pass non-zero values for both expire_logs_days and binlog_expire_logs_seconds at the server start-up, the value of expire_logs_days will be ignored and only binlog_expire_logs_seconds will be used. */ if (binlog_expire_logs_seconds_supplied && expire_logs_days_supplied) { if (binlog_expire_logs_seconds != 0 && expire_logs_days != 0) { LogErr(WARNING_LEVEL, ER_EXPIRE_LOGS_DAYS_IGNORED); expire_logs_days = 0; } } else if (expire_logs_days_supplied) binlog_expire_logs_seconds = 0; DBUG_ASSERT(expire_logs_days == 0 || binlog_expire_logs_seconds == 0); if (opt_bin_log) { if (expire_logs_days > 0 || binlog_expire_logs_seconds > 0) { time_t purge_time = my_time(0) - binlog_expire_logs_seconds - expire_logs_days * 24 * 60 * 60; DBUG_EXECUTE_IF("expire_logs_always_at_start", { purge_time = my_time(0); }); mysql_bin_log.purge_logs_before_date(purge_time, true); } } else { if (binlog_expire_logs_seconds_supplied) LogErr(WARNING_LEVEL, ER_NEED_LOG_BIN, "--binlog-expire-logs-seconds"); if (expire_logs_days_supplied) LogErr(WARNING_LEVEL, ER_NEED_LOG_BIN, "--expire_logs_days"); } if (opt_myisam_log) (void)mi_log(1); #if defined(HAVE_MLOCKALL) && defined(MCL_CURRENT) if (locked_in_memory && !getuid()) { if (setreuid((uid_t)-1, 0) == -1) { // this should never happen LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_FAIL_SETREUID, strerror(errno)); unireg_abort(MYSQLD_ABORT_EXIT); } if (mlockall(MCL_CURRENT)) { LogErr(WARNING_LEVEL, ER_FAILED_TO_LOCK_MEM, errno); /* purecov: inspected */ locked_in_memory = 0; } #ifndef _WIN32 if (!user_info.IsVoid()) set_user(mysqld_user, user_info); #endif } else #endif locked_in_memory = 0; /* Initialize the optimizer cost module */ init_optimizer_cost_module(true); ft_init_stopwords(); init_max_user_conn(); return 0; } #ifdef _WIN32 extern "C" void *handle_shutdown_and_restart(void *arg) { MSG msg; HANDLE event_handles[2]; event_handles[0] = hEventShutdown; event_handles[1] = hEventRestart; my_thread_init(); /* This call should create the message queue for this thread. */ PeekMessage(&msg, NULL, 1, 65534, PM_NOREMOVE); DWORD ret_code = WaitForMultipleObjects( 2, static_cast(event_handles), FALSE, INFINITE); if (ret_code == WAIT_OBJECT_0 || ret_code == WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 1) { if (ret_code == WAIT_OBJECT_0) LogErr(SYSTEM_LEVEL, ER_NORMAL_SERVER_SHUTDOWN, my_progname); else signal_hand_thr_exit_code = MYSQLD_RESTART_EXIT; set_connection_events_loop_aborted(true); close_connections(); my_thread_end(); my_thread_exit(0); } return 0; } static void create_shutdown_and_restart_thread() { DBUG_TRACE; const char *errmsg; my_thread_attr_t thr_attr; SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES *shutdown_sec_attr; my_security_attr_create(&shutdown_sec_attr, &errmsg, GENERIC_ALL, SYNCHRONIZE | EVENT_MODIFY_STATE); if (!opt_no_monitor) { snprintf(shutdown_event_name, sizeof(shutdown_event_name), "mysqld%s_shutdown", get_monitor_pid()); } hEventShutdown = CreateEvent(shutdown_sec_attr, FALSE, FALSE, shutdown_event_name); hEventRestart = CreateEvent(0, FALSE, FALSE, restart_event_name); my_thread_attr_init(&thr_attr); if (my_thread_create(&shutdown_restart_thr_handle, &thr_attr, handle_shutdown_and_restart, 0)) LogErr(WARNING_LEVEL, ER_CANT_CREATE_SHUTDOWN_THREAD, errno); my_security_attr_free(shutdown_sec_attr); my_thread_attr_destroy(&thr_attr); } #endif /* _WIN32 */ #ifndef DBUG_OFF /* Debugging helper function to keep the locale database (see sql_locale.cc) and max_month_name_length and max_day_name_length variable values in consistent state. */ static void test_lc_time_sz() { DBUG_TRACE; for (MY_LOCALE **loc = my_locales; *loc; loc++) { size_t max_month_len = 0; size_t max_day_len = 0; for (const char **month = (*loc)->month_names->type_names; *month; month++) { set_if_bigger(max_month_len, my_numchars_mb(&my_charset_utf8_general_ci, *month, *month + strlen(*month))); } for (const char **day = (*loc)->day_names->type_names; *day; day++) { set_if_bigger(max_day_len, my_numchars_mb(&my_charset_utf8_general_ci, *day, *day + strlen(*day))); } if ((*loc)->max_month_name_length != max_month_len || (*loc)->max_day_name_length != max_day_len) { DBUG_PRINT("Wrong max day name(or month name) length for locale:", ("%s", (*loc)->name)); DBUG_ASSERT(0); } } } #endif // DBUG_OFF /* @brief : Set opt_super_readonly to user supplied value before enabling communication channels to accept user connections */ static void set_super_read_only_post_init() { opt_super_readonly = super_read_only; } #ifdef _WIN32 int win_main(int argc, char **argv) #else int mysqld_main(int argc, char **argv) #endif { // Substitute the full path to the executable in argv[0] substitute_progpath(argv); sysd::notify_connect(); sysd::notify("STATUS=Server startup in progress\n"); /* Perform basic thread library and malloc initialization, to be able to read defaults files and parse options. */ my_progname = argv[0]; #ifndef _WIN32 #ifdef WITH_PERFSCHEMA_STORAGE_ENGINE pre_initialize_performance_schema(); #endif /*WITH_PERFSCHEMA_STORAGE_ENGINE */ // For windows, my_init() is called from the win specific mysqld_main if (my_init()) // init my_sys library & pthreads { LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_MYINIT_FAILED); flush_error_log_messages(); return 1; } #endif /* _WIN32 */ orig_argc = argc; orig_argv = argv; my_getopt_use_args_separator = true; my_defaults_read_login_file = false; if (load_defaults(MYSQL_CONFIG_NAME, load_default_groups, &argc, &argv, &argv_alloc)) { flush_error_log_messages(); return 1; } /* Set data dir directory paths */ strmake(mysql_real_data_home, get_relative_path(MYSQL_DATADIR), sizeof(mysql_real_data_home) - 1); /* Initialize variables cache for persisted variables, load persisted config file and append read only persisted variables to command line options if present. */ if (persisted_variables_cache.init(&argc, &argv) || persisted_variables_cache.load_persist_file() || persisted_variables_cache.append_read_only_variables(&argc, &argv)) return 1; my_getopt_use_args_separator = false; remaining_argc = argc; remaining_argv = argv; init_variable_default_paths(); /* Must be initialized early for comparison of options name */ system_charset_info = &my_charset_utf8_general_ci; /* Write mysys error messages to the error log. */ local_message_hook = error_log_print; int ho_error; #ifdef WITH_PERFSCHEMA_STORAGE_ENGINE /* Initialize the array of performance schema instrument configurations. */ init_pfs_instrument_array(); #endif /* WITH_PERFSCHEMA_STORAGE_ENGINE */ ho_error = handle_early_options(); init_sql_statement_names(); sys_var_init(); ulong requested_open_files = 0; // Init error log subsystem. This does not actually open the log yet. if (init_error_log()) unireg_abort(MYSQLD_ABORT_EXIT); if (!opt_validate_config) adjust_related_options(&requested_open_files); #ifdef WITH_PERFSCHEMA_STORAGE_ENGINE if (ho_error == 0) { if (!is_help_or_validate_option() && !opt_initialize) { int pfs_rc; /* Add sizing hints from the server sizing parameters. */ pfs_param.m_hints.m_table_definition_cache = table_def_size; pfs_param.m_hints.m_table_open_cache = table_cache_size; pfs_param.m_hints.m_max_connections = max_connections; pfs_param.m_hints.m_open_files_limit = requested_open_files; pfs_param.m_hints.m_max_prepared_stmt_count = max_prepared_stmt_count; pfs_rc = initialize_performance_schema( &pfs_param, &psi_thread_hook, &psi_mutex_hook, &psi_rwlock_hook, &psi_cond_hook, &psi_file_hook, &psi_socket_hook, &psi_table_hook, &psi_mdl_hook, &psi_idle_hook, &psi_stage_hook, &psi_statement_hook, &psi_transaction_hook, &psi_memory_hook, &psi_error_hook, &psi_data_lock_hook, &psi_system_hook); if ((pfs_rc != 0) && pfs_param.m_enabled) { pfs_param.m_enabled = false; LogErr(WARNING_LEVEL, ER_PERFSCHEMA_INIT_FAILED); } } } #endif /* WITH_PERFSCHEMA_STORAGE_ENGINE */ #ifdef WITH_LOCK_ORDER if (ho_error == 0) { if (lo_param.m_enabled && !opt_help && !opt_initialize) { int lo_rc; lo_rc = LO_init(&lo_param, &psi_thread_hook, &psi_mutex_hook, &psi_rwlock_hook, &psi_cond_hook, &psi_file_hook, &psi_socket_hook, &psi_table_hook, &psi_mdl_hook, &psi_idle_hook, &psi_stage_hook, &psi_statement_hook, &psi_transaction_hook, &psi_memory_hook); if (lo_rc != 0) { LogErr(WARNING_LEVEL, ER_LOCK_ORDER_INIT_FAILED); } } } #endif /* WITH_LOCK_ORDER */ /* Other provider of the instrumentation interface should initialize PSI_hook here: - HAVE_PSI_INTERFACE is for the instrumentation interface - WITH_PERFSCHEMA_STORAGE_ENGINE is for one implementation of the interface, but there could be alternate implementations, which is why these two defines are kept separate. */ #ifdef HAVE_PSI_INTERFACE /* Obtain the current performance schema instrumentation interface, if available. */ void *service; if (psi_thread_hook != NULL) { service = psi_thread_hook->get_interface(PSI_CURRENT_THREAD_VERSION); if (service != NULL) { set_psi_thread_service(service); } } if (psi_mutex_hook != NULL) { service = psi_mutex_hook->get_interface(PSI_CURRENT_MUTEX_VERSION); if (service != NULL) { set_psi_mutex_service(service); } } if (psi_rwlock_hook != NULL) { service = psi_rwlock_hook->get_interface(PSI_CURRENT_RWLOCK_VERSION); if (service != NULL) { set_psi_rwlock_service(service); } } if (psi_cond_hook != NULL) { service = psi_cond_hook->get_interface(PSI_CURRENT_COND_VERSION); if (service != NULL) { set_psi_cond_service(service); } } if (psi_file_hook != NULL) { service = psi_file_hook->get_interface(PSI_CURRENT_FILE_VERSION); if (service != NULL) { set_psi_file_service(service); } } if (psi_socket_hook != NULL) { service = psi_socket_hook->get_interface(PSI_CURRENT_SOCKET_VERSION); if (service != NULL) { set_psi_socket_service(service); } } if (psi_table_hook != NULL) { service = psi_table_hook->get_interface(PSI_CURRENT_TABLE_VERSION); if (service != NULL) { set_psi_table_service(service); } } if (psi_mdl_hook != NULL) { service = psi_mdl_hook->get_interface(PSI_CURRENT_MDL_VERSION); if (service != NULL) { set_psi_mdl_service(service); } } if (psi_idle_hook != NULL) { service = psi_idle_hook->get_interface(PSI_CURRENT_IDLE_VERSION); if (service != NULL) { set_psi_idle_service(service); } } if (psi_stage_hook != NULL) { service = psi_stage_hook->get_interface(PSI_CURRENT_STAGE_VERSION); if (service != NULL) { set_psi_stage_service(service); } } if (psi_statement_hook != NULL) { service = psi_statement_hook->get_interface(PSI_CURRENT_STATEMENT_VERSION); if (service != NULL) { set_psi_statement_service(service); } } if (psi_transaction_hook != NULL) { service = psi_transaction_hook->get_interface(PSI_CURRENT_TRANSACTION_VERSION); if (service != NULL) { set_psi_transaction_service(service); } } if (psi_memory_hook != NULL) { service = psi_memory_hook->get_interface(PSI_CURRENT_MEMORY_VERSION); if (service != NULL) { set_psi_memory_service(service); } } if (psi_error_hook != NULL) { service = psi_error_hook->get_interface(PSI_CURRENT_ERROR_VERSION); if (service != NULL) { set_psi_error_service(service); } } if (psi_data_lock_hook != NULL) { service = psi_data_lock_hook->get_interface(PSI_CURRENT_DATA_LOCK_VERSION); if (service != NULL) { set_psi_data_lock_service(service); } } if (psi_system_hook != NULL) { service = psi_system_hook->get_interface(PSI_CURRENT_SYSTEM_VERSION); if (service != NULL) { set_psi_system_service(service); } } /* Now that we have parsed the command line arguments, and have initialized the performance schema itself, the next step is to register all the server instruments. */ init_server_psi_keys(); /* Now that some instrumentation is in place, recreate objects which were initialised early, so that they are instrumented as well. */ my_thread_global_reinit(); #endif /* HAVE_PSI_INTERFACE */ /* Initialize Components core subsystem early on, once we have PSI, which it uses. This part doesn't use any more MySQL-specific functionalities but error logging and PFS. */ if (component_infrastructure_init()) unireg_abort(MYSQLD_ABORT_EXIT); /* Initialize Performance Schema component services. */ #ifdef HAVE_PSI_THREAD_INTERFACE if (!is_help_or_validate_option() && !opt_initialize) { register_pfs_notification_service(); register_pfs_resource_group_service(); } #endif // Initialize the resource group subsystem. auto res_grp_mgr = resourcegroups::Resource_group_mgr::instance(); if (!is_help_or_validate_option() && !opt_initialize) { if (res_grp_mgr->init()) { LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_RESOURCE_GROUP_SUBSYSTEM_INIT_FAILED); unireg_abort(MYSQLD_ABORT_EXIT); } } #ifdef HAVE_PSI_THREAD_INTERFACE /* Instrument the main thread */ PSI_thread *psi = PSI_THREAD_CALL(new_thread)(key_thread_main, NULL, 0); PSI_THREAD_CALL(set_thread_os_id)(psi); PSI_THREAD_CALL(set_thread)(psi); #endif /* HAVE_PSI_THREAD_INTERFACE */ /* Initialize audit interface globals. Audit plugins are inited later. */ mysql_audit_initialize(); Srv_session::module_init(); /* Perform basic query log initialization. Should be called after MY_INIT, as it initializes mutexes. */ query_logger.init(); if (ho_error) { /* Parsing command line option failed, Since we don't have a workable remaining_argc/remaining_argv to continue the server initialization, this is as far as this code can go. This is the best effort to log meaningful messages: - messages will be printed to stderr, which is not redirected yet, - messages will be printed in the NT event log, for windows. */ flush_error_log_messages(); /* Not enough initializations for unireg_abort() Using exit() for windows. */ exit(MYSQLD_ABORT_EXIT); } if (init_common_variables()) { setup_error_log(); unireg_abort(MYSQLD_ABORT_EXIT); // Will do exit } my_init_signals(); size_t guardize = 0; #ifndef _WIN32 int retval = pthread_attr_getguardsize(&connection_attrib, &guardize); DBUG_ASSERT(retval == 0); if (retval != 0) guardize = my_thread_stack_size; #endif #if defined(__ia64__) || defined(__ia64) /* Peculiar things with ia64 platforms - it seems we only have half the stack size in reality, so we have to double it here */ guardize = my_thread_stack_size; #endif if (0 != my_thread_attr_setstacksize(&connection_attrib, my_thread_stack_size + guardize)) { DBUG_ASSERT(false); } { /* Retrieve used stack size; Needed for checking stack overflows */ size_t stack_size = 0; my_thread_attr_getstacksize(&connection_attrib, &stack_size); /* We must check if stack_size = 0 as Solaris 2.9 can return 0 here */ if (stack_size && stack_size < (my_thread_stack_size + guardize)) { LogErr(WARNING_LEVEL, ER_STACKSIZE_UNEXPECTED, my_thread_stack_size + guardize, (long)stack_size); #if defined(__ia64__) || defined(__ia64) my_thread_stack_size = stack_size / 2; #else my_thread_stack_size = static_cast(stack_size - guardize); #endif } } #ifndef DBUG_OFF test_lc_time_sz(); srand(static_cast(time(NULL))); #endif #if !defined(_WIN32) if (opt_initialize && opt_daemonize) { fprintf(stderr, "Initialize and daemon options are incompatible.\n"); unireg_abort(MYSQLD_ABORT_EXIT); } if (opt_daemonize && log_error_dest == disabled_my_option && (isatty(STDOUT_FILENO) || isatty(STDERR_FILENO))) { // Just use the default in this case. log_error_dest = ""; } if (opt_daemonize && !opt_validate_config) { if (chdir("/") < 0) { LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_CANNOT_CHANGE_TO_ROOT_DIR, strerror(errno)); unireg_abort(MYSQLD_ABORT_EXIT); } if ((pipe_write_fd = mysqld::runtime::mysqld_daemonize()) < -1) { LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_FAILED_START_MYSQLD_DAEMON); unireg_abort(MYSQLD_ABORT_EXIT); } if (pipe_write_fd < 0) { // This is the launching process and the daemon appears to have // started ok (Need to call unireg_abort with success here to // clean up resources in the lauching process. unireg_abort(MYSQLD_SUCCESS_EXIT); } // Need to update the value of current_pid so that it reflects the // pid of the daemon (the previous value was set by unireg_init() // while still in the launcher process. current_pid = static_cast(getpid()); } #endif #ifndef _WIN32 user_info = check_user(mysqld_user); if (!user_info.IsVoid()) { #if HAVE_CHOWN if (unlikely(opt_initialize)) { /* need to change the owner of the freshly created data directory */ MY_STAT stat; char errbuf[MYSYS_STRERROR_SIZE]; bool must_chown = true; /* fetch the directory's owner */ if (!my_stat(mysql_real_data_home, &stat, MYF(0))) { LogErr(INFORMATION_LEVEL, ER_CANT_STAT_DATADIR, my_errno(), my_strerror(errbuf, sizeof(errbuf), my_errno())); } /* Don't change it if it's already the same as SElinux stops this */ else if (stat.st_uid == user_info.pw_uid && stat.st_gid == user_info.pw_gid) must_chown = false; if (must_chown && chown(mysql_real_data_home, user_info.pw_uid, user_info.pw_gid)) { LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_CANT_CHOWN_DATADIR, mysqld_user); unireg_abort(1); } } #endif #if defined(HAVE_MLOCKALL) && defined(MCL_CURRENT) if (locked_in_memory) // getuid() == 0 here set_effective_user(user_info); else #endif set_user(mysqld_user, user_info); } #endif // !_WIN32 /* initiate key migration if any one of the migration specific options are provided. */ if (opt_keyring_migration_source || opt_keyring_migration_destination || migrate_connect_options) { Migrate_keyring mk; my_getopt_skip_unknown = TRUE; if (mk.init(remaining_argc, remaining_argv, opt_keyring_migration_source, opt_keyring_migration_destination, opt_keyring_migration_user, opt_keyring_migration_host, opt_keyring_migration_password, opt_keyring_migration_socket, opt_keyring_migration_port)) { LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_KEYRING_MIGRATION_FAILED); log_error_dest = "stderr"; flush_error_log_messages(); unireg_abort(MYSQLD_ABORT_EXIT); } if (mk.execute()) { LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_KEYRING_MIGRATION_FAILED); log_error_dest = "stderr"; flush_error_log_messages(); unireg_abort(MYSQLD_ABORT_EXIT); } my_getopt_skip_unknown = 0; LogErr(INFORMATION_LEVEL, ER_KEYRING_MIGRATION_SUCCESSFUL); log_error_dest = "stderr"; flush_error_log_messages(); unireg_abort(MYSQLD_SUCCESS_EXIT); } /* We have enough space for fiddling with the argv, continue */ if (!(is_help_or_validate_option()) && my_setwd(mysql_real_data_home, MYF(0))) { char errbuf[MYSYS_STRERROR_SIZE]; LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_CANT_SET_DATA_DIR, mysql_real_data_home, errno, my_strerror(errbuf, sizeof(errbuf), errno)); unireg_abort(MYSQLD_ABORT_EXIT); /* purecov: inspected */ } /* The subsequent calls may take a long time : e.g. innodb log read. Thus set the long running service control manager timeout */ #if defined(_WIN32) if (windows_service) { if (setup_service_status_cmd_processed_handle()) unireg_abort(MYSQLD_ABORT_EXIT); char buf[32]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "T %lu", slow_start_timeout); Service_status_msg msg(buf); send_service_status(msg); } #endif /* Determine default TCP port and unix socket name */ set_ports(); if (init_server_components()) unireg_abort(MYSQLD_ABORT_EXIT); if (!server_id_supplied) LogErr(INFORMATION_LEVEL, ER_WARN_NO_SERVERID_SPECIFIED); /* Add server_uuid to the sid_map. This must be done after server_uuid has been initialized in init_server_auto_options and after the binary log (and sid_map file) has been initialized in init_server_components(). No error message is needed: init_sid_map() prints a message. Strictly speaking, this is not currently needed when opt_bin_log==0, since the variables that gtid_state->init initializes are not currently used in that case. But we call it regardless to avoid possible future bugs if gtid_state ever needs to do anything else. */ global_sid_lock->wrlock(); int gtid_ret = gtid_state->init(); global_sid_lock->unlock(); if (gtid_ret) unireg_abort(MYSQLD_ABORT_EXIT); if (!opt_initialize && !opt_initialize_insecure) { // Initialize executed_gtids from mysql.gtid_executed table. if (gtid_state->read_gtid_executed_from_table() == -1) unireg_abort(1); } if (opt_bin_log) { /* Initialize GLOBAL.GTID_EXECUTED and GLOBAL.GTID_PURGED from gtid_executed table and binlog files during server startup. */ Gtid_set *executed_gtids = const_cast(gtid_state->get_executed_gtids()); Gtid_set *lost_gtids = const_cast(gtid_state->get_lost_gtids()); Gtid_set *gtids_only_in_table = const_cast(gtid_state->get_gtids_only_in_table()); Gtid_set *previous_gtids_logged = const_cast(gtid_state->get_previous_gtids_logged()); Gtid_set purged_gtids_from_binlog(global_sid_map, global_sid_lock); Gtid_set gtids_in_binlog(global_sid_map, global_sid_lock); Gtid_set gtids_in_binlog_not_in_table(global_sid_map, global_sid_lock); if (mysql_bin_log.init_gtid_sets( >ids_in_binlog, &purged_gtids_from_binlog, opt_master_verify_checksum, true /*true=need lock*/, NULL /*trx_parser*/, NULL /*partial_trx*/, true /*is_server_starting*/)) unireg_abort(MYSQLD_ABORT_EXIT); global_sid_lock->wrlock(); purged_gtids_from_binlog.dbug_print("purged_gtids_from_binlog"); gtids_in_binlog.dbug_print("gtids_in_binlog"); if (!gtids_in_binlog.is_empty() && !gtids_in_binlog.is_subset(executed_gtids)) { gtids_in_binlog_not_in_table.add_gtid_set(>ids_in_binlog); if (!executed_gtids->is_empty()) gtids_in_binlog_not_in_table.remove_gtid_set(executed_gtids); /* Save unsaved GTIDs into gtid_executed table, in the following four cases: 1. the upgrade case. 2. the case that a slave is provisioned from a backup of the master and the slave is cleaned by RESET MASTER and RESET SLAVE before this. 3. the case that no binlog rotation happened from the last RESET MASTER on the server before it crashes. 4. The set of GTIDs of the last binlog is not saved into the gtid_executed table if server crashes, so we save it into gtid_executed table and executed_gtids during recovery from the crash. */ if (gtid_state->save(>ids_in_binlog_not_in_table) == -1) { global_sid_lock->unlock(); unireg_abort(MYSQLD_ABORT_EXIT); } executed_gtids->add_gtid_set(>ids_in_binlog_not_in_table); } /* gtids_only_in_table= executed_gtids - gtids_in_binlog */ if (gtids_only_in_table->add_gtid_set(executed_gtids) != RETURN_STATUS_OK) { global_sid_lock->unlock(); unireg_abort(MYSQLD_ABORT_EXIT); } gtids_only_in_table->remove_gtid_set(>ids_in_binlog); /* lost_gtids = executed_gtids - (gtids_in_binlog - purged_gtids_from_binlog) = gtids_only_in_table + purged_gtids_from_binlog; */ DBUG_ASSERT(lost_gtids->is_empty()); if (lost_gtids->add_gtid_set(gtids_only_in_table) != RETURN_STATUS_OK || lost_gtids->add_gtid_set(&purged_gtids_from_binlog) != RETURN_STATUS_OK) { global_sid_lock->unlock(); unireg_abort(MYSQLD_ABORT_EXIT); } /* Prepare previous_gtids_logged for next binlog */ if (previous_gtids_logged->add_gtid_set(>ids_in_binlog) != RETURN_STATUS_OK) { global_sid_lock->unlock(); unireg_abort(MYSQLD_ABORT_EXIT); } /* Write the previous set of gtids at this point because during the creation of the binary log this is not done as we cannot move the init_gtid_sets() to a place before openning the binary log. This requires some investigation. /Alfranio */ Previous_gtids_log_event prev_gtids_ev(>ids_in_binlog); global_sid_lock->unlock(); (prev_gtids_ev.common_footer)->checksum_alg = static_cast(binlog_checksum_options); if (mysql_bin_log.write_event_to_binlog_and_sync(&prev_gtids_ev)) unireg_abort(MYSQLD_ABORT_EXIT); (void)RUN_HOOK(server_state, after_engine_recovery, (NULL)); } if (init_ssl_communication()) unireg_abort(MYSQLD_ABORT_EXIT); if (network_init()) unireg_abort(MYSQLD_ABORT_EXIT); #ifdef _WIN32 if (opt_require_secure_transport && !opt_enable_shared_memory && !SslAcceptorContext::have_ssl() && !opt_initialize) { LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_TRANSPORTS_WHAT_TRANSPORTS); unireg_abort(MYSQLD_ABORT_EXIT); } #endif /* Initialize my_str_malloc(), my_str_realloc() and my_str_free() */ my_str_malloc = &my_str_malloc_mysqld; my_str_free = &my_str_free_mysqld; my_str_realloc = &my_str_realloc_mysqld; error_handler_hook = my_message_sql; bool abort = false; /* Save pid of this process in a file */ if (!opt_initialize) { if (create_pid_file()) abort = true; } /* Read the optimizer cost model configuration tables */ if (!opt_initialize) reload_optimizer_cost_constants(); if ( /* Read components table to restore previously installed components. This requires read access to mysql.component table. */ (!opt_initialize && mysql_component_infrastructure_init()) || mysql_rm_tmp_tables()) { abort = true; } /* we do want to exit if there are any other unknown options */ if (remaining_argc > 1) { int ho_error; struct my_option no_opts[] = { {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, GET_NO_ARG, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}}; /* We need to eat any 'loose' arguments first before we conclude that there are unprocessed options. */ my_getopt_skip_unknown = 0; if ((ho_error = handle_options(&remaining_argc, &remaining_argv, no_opts, mysqld_get_one_option))) abort = true; else { /* Add back the program name handle_options removes */ remaining_argc++; remaining_argv--; my_getopt_skip_unknown = true; if (remaining_argc > 1) { LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_EXCESS_ARGUMENTS, remaining_argv[1]); LogErr(INFORMATION_LEVEL, ER_VERBOSE_HINT); abort = true; } } } if (abort || acl_init(opt_noacl)) { if (!abort) LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_PRIVILEGE_SYSTEM_INIT_FAILED); abort = true; opt_noacl = true; } /* if running with --initialize, explicitly allocate the memory to be used by ACL objects. */ if (opt_initialize) init_acl_memory(); /* Turn ON the system variable '@@partial_revokes' during server start in case there exist at least one restrictions instance. */ if (mysqld_partial_revokes() == false && is_partial_revoke_exists(nullptr)) { set_mysqld_partial_revokes(true); LogErr(WARNING_LEVEL, ER_TURNING_ON_PARTIAL_REVOKES); } if (abort || my_tz_init((THD *)0, default_tz_name, opt_initialize) || grant_init(opt_noacl)) { set_connection_events_loop_aborted(true); delete_pid_file(MYF(MY_WME)); unireg_abort(MYSQLD_ABORT_EXIT); } /* Bootstrap the dynamic privilege service implementation */ if (dynamic_privilege_init()) { LogErr(WARNING_LEVEL, ER_PERSISTENT_PRIVILEGES_BOOTSTRAP); } if (!opt_initialize) servers_init(0); if (!opt_noacl) { udf_read_functions_table(); } init_status_vars(); /* If running with --initialize, do not start replication. */ if (opt_initialize) opt_skip_slave_start = 1; check_binlog_cache_size(NULL); check_binlog_stmt_cache_size(NULL); binlog_unsafe_map_init(); /* If running with --initialize, do not start replication. */ if (!opt_initialize) { // Make @@slave_skip_errors show the nice human-readable value. set_slave_skip_errors(&opt_slave_skip_errors); /* Group replication filters should be discarded before init_slave(), otherwise the pre-configured filters will be referenced by group replication channels. */ rpl_channel_filters.discard_group_replication_filters(); /* init_slave() must be called after the thread keys are created. */ if (server_id != 0) init_slave(); /* Ignoring errors while configuring replication. */ /* If the user specifies a per-channel replication filter through a command-line option (or in a configuration file) for a slave replication channel which does not exist as of now (i.e not present in slave info tables yet), then the per-channel replication filter is discarded with a warning. If the user specifies a per-channel replication filter through a command-line option (or in a configuration file) for group replication channels 'group_replication_recovery' and 'group_replication_applier' which is disallowed, then the per-channel replication filter is discarded with a warning. */ rpl_channel_filters.discard_all_unattached_filters(); } #ifdef WITH_LOCK_ORDER if (!opt_initialize) { LO_activate(); } #endif /* WITH_LOCK_ORDER */ #ifdef WITH_PERFSCHEMA_STORAGE_ENGINE initialize_performance_schema_acl(opt_initialize); #endif /* WITH_PERFSCHEMA_STORAGE_ENGINE */ initialize_information_schema_acl(); (void)RUN_HOOK(server_state, after_recovery, (NULL)); if (Events::init(opt_noacl || opt_initialize)) unireg_abort(MYSQLD_ABORT_EXIT); #ifndef _WIN32 // Start signal handler thread. start_signal_handler(); #endif /* set all persistent options */ if (persisted_variables_cache.set_persist_options()) { LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_CANT_SET_UP_PERSISTED_VALUES); flush_error_log_messages(); return 1; } /* Activate loadable error logging components, if any. First, check configuration value -- is it well-formed, and do the requested services exist? */ if (log_builtins_error_stack(opt_log_error_services, true, nullptr) == 0) { // Syntax is OK and services exist; let's try to initialize them: size_t pos; if (log_builtins_error_stack(opt_log_error_services, false, &pos) < 0) { char *problem = opt_log_error_services; /* purecov: begin inspected */ const char *var_name = "log_error_services"; /* We failed to set the requested configuration. This can happen e.g. when a given log-writer does not have sufficient permissions to open its log files. pos should mark the position in the configuration string where we ran into trouble. Make a char-pointer from it so we can inform the user what log-service we could not initialize. */ if (pos < strlen(opt_log_error_services)) problem = &((char *)opt_log_error_services)[pos]; flush_error_log_messages(); /* We could not set the requested pipeline. Try to fall back to default error logging stack (by looking up the system variable for this configuration item and extracting the default value from it). If that's impossible, print diagnostics, then exit. */ sys_var *var = intern_find_sys_var(var_name, strlen(var_name)); if (var != nullptr) { // We found the system variable, now extract the default value: opt_log_error_services = (char *)var->get_default(); if (log_builtins_error_stack(opt_log_error_services, false, nullptr) >= 0) { /* We managed to set the default pipeline. Now log what was wrong about the user-supplied value, then shut down. */ LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_CANT_START_ERROR_LOG_SERVICE, var_name, problem); unireg_abort(MYSQLD_ABORT_EXIT); } /* If we arrive here, the user-supplied value was valid, but could not be set. The default value was found, but also could not be set. Something is very wrong. Fall-through to below where we low-level write diagnostics, then abort. */ } /* We failed to set the default error logging stack (or failed to look up the default setting). At this point, we don't know whether ANY of the requested sinks work, so our best bet is to write directly to the error stream. Then, we abort. */ { char buff[512]; size_t len; len = snprintf(buff, sizeof(buff), ER_DEFAULT(ER_CANT_START_ERROR_LOG_SERVICE), var_name, problem); len = std::min(len, sizeof(buff) - 1); // Trust nothing. Write directly. Quit. log_write_errstream(buff, len); unireg_abort(MYSQLD_ABORT_EXIT); } /* purecov: end */ } // value was OK, but could not be set // If we arrive here, the value was OK, and was set successfully. } else { /* We were given an illegal value at start-up, so the default was used instead. Let's now point our variable back at the default (i.e. the value actually used) so SELECT @@GLOBAL.log_error_services will render correct results. */ sys_var *var = intern_find_sys_var(STRING_WITH_LEN("log_error_services")); char *default_services = nullptr; if ((var != nullptr) && ((default_services = (char *)var->get_default()) != nullptr)) log_builtins_error_stack(default_services, false, nullptr); // Report that we're falling back to the default value. LogErr(WARNING_LEVEL, ER_CANNOT_SET_LOG_ERROR_SERVICES, opt_log_error_services); if (default_services != nullptr) opt_log_error_services = default_services; } /* Now that the error-logging stack is fully set up, loadable components and all, flush buffered log-events to the log-services the user actually wants! */ log_error_stage_set(LOG_ERROR_STAGE_EXTERNAL_SERVICES_AVAILABLE); flush_error_log_messages(); /* Invoke the bootstrap thread, if required. */ process_bootstrap(); /* Event must be invoked after error_handler_hook is assigned to my_message_sql, otherwise my_message will not cause the event to abort. */ void *argv_p = argv; if (mysql_audit_notify(AUDIT_EVENT(MYSQL_AUDIT_SERVER_STARTUP_STARTUP), static_cast(argv_p), argc)) unireg_abort(MYSQLD_ABORT_EXIT); #ifdef _WIN32 create_shutdown_and_restart_thread(); #endif if (mysqld_process_must_end_at_startup) { #if !defined(_WIN32) if (opt_daemonize) mysqld::runtime::signal_parent(pipe_write_fd, 1); #endif unireg_abort(MYSQLD_SUCCESS_EXIT); } start_handle_manager(); create_compress_gtid_table_thread(); LogEvent() .type(LOG_TYPE_ERROR) .subsys(LOG_SUBSYSTEM_TAG) .prio(SYSTEM_LEVEL) .lookup(ER_SERVER_STARTUP_MSG, my_progname, server_version, #ifdef HAVE_SYS_UN_H (opt_initialize ? "" : mysqld_unix_port), #else "", #endif mysqld_port, MYSQL_COMPILATION_COMMENT_SERVER); if (!opt_disable_networking && my_admin_bind_addr_str) LogEvent() .type(LOG_TYPE_ERROR) .subsys(LOG_SUBSYSTEM_TAG) .prio(SYSTEM_LEVEL) .lookup(ER_SERVER_STARTUP_ADMIN_INTERFACE, my_admin_bind_addr_str, mysqld_admin_port, MYSQL_COMPILATION_COMMENT); #if defined(_WIN32) if (windows_service) { Service_status_msg s("R"); send_service_status(s); } #endif server_components_initialized(); /* Set opt_super_readonly here because if opt_super_readonly is set in get_option, it will create problem while setting up event scheduler. */ set_super_read_only_post_init(); DBUG_PRINT("info", ("Block, listening for incoming connections")); (void)MYSQL_SET_STAGE(0, __FILE__, __LINE__); server_operational_state = SERVER_OPERATING; sysd::notify("READY=1\nSTATUS=Server is operational\nMAIN_PID=", getpid(), "\n"); (void)RUN_HOOK(server_state, before_handle_connection, (NULL)); #if defined(_WIN32) setup_conn_event_handler_threads(); #else mysql_mutex_lock(&LOCK_socket_listener_active); // Make it possible for the signal handler to kill the listener. socket_listener_active = true; mysql_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_socket_listener_active); if (opt_daemonize) { if (nstdout != nullptr) { // Show the pid on stdout if deamonizing and connected to tty fprintf(nstdout, "mysqld is running as pid %lu\n", current_pid); fclose(nstdout); nstdout = nullptr; } mysqld::runtime::signal_parent(pipe_write_fd, 1); } mysqld_socket_acceptor->connection_event_loop(); #endif /* _WIN32 */ server_operational_state = SERVER_SHUTTING_DOWN; sysd::notify("STOPPING=1\nSTATUS=Server shutdown in progress\n"); DBUG_PRINT("info", ("No longer listening for incoming connections")); mysql_audit_notify(MYSQL_AUDIT_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_SHUTDOWN, MYSQL_AUDIT_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_REASON_SHUTDOWN, MYSQLD_SUCCESS_EXIT); terminate_compress_gtid_table_thread(); /* Save set of GTIDs of the last binlog into gtid_executed table on server shutdown. */ if (opt_bin_log) if (gtid_state->save_gtids_of_last_binlog_into_table()) LogErr(WARNING_LEVEL, ER_CANT_SAVE_GTIDS); #ifndef _WIN32 mysql_mutex_lock(&LOCK_socket_listener_active); // Notify the signal handler that we have stopped listening for connections. socket_listener_active = false; mysql_cond_broadcast(&COND_socket_listener_active); mysql_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_socket_listener_active); #endif // !_WIN32 #ifdef HAVE_PSI_THREAD_INTERFACE /* Disable the main thread instrumentation, to avoid recording events during the shutdown. */ PSI_THREAD_CALL(delete_current_thread)(); #endif /* HAVE_PSI_THREAD_INTERFACE */ DBUG_PRINT("info", ("Waiting for shutdown proceed")); int ret = 0; #ifdef _WIN32 if (shutdown_restart_thr_handle.handle) ret = my_thread_join(&shutdown_restart_thr_handle, NULL); shutdown_restart_thr_handle.handle = NULL; if (0 != ret) LogErr(WARNING_LEVEL, ER_CANT_JOIN_SHUTDOWN_THREAD, "shutdown ", ret); #else if (signal_thread_id.thread != 0) ret = my_thread_join(&signal_thread_id, nullptr); signal_thread_id.thread = 0; if (0 != ret) LogErr(WARNING_LEVEL, ER_CANT_JOIN_SHUTDOWN_THREAD, "signal_", ret); #endif // _WIN32 clean_up(1); sysd::notify("STATUS=Server shutdown complete"); mysqld_exit(signal_hand_thr_exit_code); } /**************************************************************************** Main and thread entry function for Win32 (all this is needed only to run mysqld as a service on WinNT) ****************************************************************************/ #if defined(_WIN32) bool is_windows_service() { return windows_service; } NTService *get_win_service_ptr() { return &Service; } int mysql_service(void *p) { int my_argc; char **my_argv; if (use_opt_args) { my_argc = opt_argc; my_argv = opt_argv; } else if (is_mysqld_monitor()) { my_argc = Service.my_argc; my_argv = Service.my_argv; } else { my_argc = my_global_argc; my_argv = my_global_argv; } if (!mysqld_early_option) { int res = start_monitor(); if (res != -1) { deinitialize_mysqld_monitor(); return res; } } if (my_thread_init()) { flush_error_log_messages(); return 1; } win_main(my_argc, my_argv); my_thread_end(); return 0; } /* Quote string if it contains space, else copy */ static char *add_quoted_string(char *to, const char *from, char *to_end) { uint length = (uint)(to_end - to); if (!strchr(from, ' ')) return strmake(to, from, length - 1); return strxnmov(to, length - 1, "\"", from, "\"", NullS); } /** Handle basic handling of services, like installation and removal. @param argv Pointer to argument list @param servicename Internal name of service @param displayname Display name of service (in taskbar ?) @param file_path Path to this program @param startup_option Startup option to mysqld @retval 0 option handled @retval 1 Could not handle option */ static bool default_service_handling(char **argv, const char *servicename, const char *displayname, const char *file_path, const char *extra_opt, const char *account_name) { char path_and_service[FN_REFLEN + FN_REFLEN + 32], *pos, *end; const char *opt_delim; end = path_and_service + sizeof(path_and_service) - 3; /* We have to quote filename if it contains spaces */ pos = add_quoted_string(path_and_service, file_path, end); if (extra_opt && *extra_opt) { /* Add option after file_path. There will be zero or one extra option. It's assumed to be --defaults-file=file but isn't checked. The variable (not the option name) should be quoted if it contains a string. */ *pos++ = ' '; if (opt_delim = strchr(extra_opt, '=')) { size_t length = ++opt_delim - extra_opt; pos = my_stpnmov(pos, extra_opt, length); } else opt_delim = extra_opt; pos = add_quoted_string(pos, opt_delim, end); } /* We must have servicename last */ *pos++ = ' '; (void)add_quoted_string(pos, servicename, end); if (Service.got_service_option(argv, "install")) { Service.Install(1, servicename, displayname, path_and_service, account_name); return 0; } if (Service.got_service_option(argv, "install-manual")) { Service.Install(0, servicename, displayname, path_and_service, account_name); return 0; } if (Service.got_service_option(argv, "remove")) { Service.Remove(servicename); return 0; } return 1; } int mysqld_main(int argc, char **argv) { bool mysqld_monitor = false; mysqld_early_option = is_early_option(argc, argv); if (!mysqld_early_option) { initialize_mysqld_monitor(); mysqld_monitor = is_mysqld_monitor(); } if (mysqld_early_option || !mysqld_monitor) { /* When several instances are running on the same machine, we need to have an unique named hEventShudown through the application PID e.g.: MySQLShutdown1890; MySQLShutdown2342 */ int10_to_str((int)GetCurrentProcessId(), my_stpcpy(shutdown_event_name, "MYSQLShutdown"), 10); int10_to_str((int)GetCurrentProcessId(), my_stpcpy(restart_event_name, "MYSQLRestart"), 10); } /* Must be initialized early for comparison of service name */ system_charset_info = &my_charset_utf8_general_ci; if (mysqld_early_option || !mysqld_monitor) { #ifdef WITH_PERFSCHEMA_STORAGE_ENGINE pre_initialize_performance_schema(); #endif /*WITH_PERFSCHEMA_STORAGE_ENGINE */ if (my_init()) { LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_MYINIT_FAILED); flush_error_log_messages(); return 1; } } if (Service.GetOS() && mysqld_monitor) /* true NT family */ { char file_path[FN_REFLEN]; my_path(file_path, argv[0], ""); /* Find name in path */ fn_format(file_path, argv[0], file_path, "", MY_REPLACE_DIR | MY_UNPACK_FILENAME | MY_RESOLVE_SYMLINKS); if (argc == 2) { if (!default_service_handling(argv, MYSQL_SERVICENAME, MYSQL_SERVICENAME, file_path, "", NULL)) return 0; if (Service.IsService(argv[1])) /* Start an optional service */ { /* Only add the service name to the groups read from the config file if it's not "MySQL". (The default service name should be 'mysqld' but we started a bad tradition by calling it MySQL from the start and we are now stuck with it. */ if (my_strcasecmp(system_charset_info, argv[1], "mysql")) load_default_groups[load_default_groups_sz - 2] = argv[1]; windows_service = true; Service.Init(argv[1], mysql_service); return 0; } } else if (argc == 3) /* install or remove any optional service */ { if (!default_service_handling(argv, argv[2], argv[2], file_path, "", NULL)) return 0; if (Service.IsService(argv[2])) { /* mysqld was started as mysqld --defaults-file=my_path\my.ini service-name */ use_opt_args = 1; opt_argc = 2; // Skip service-name opt_argv = argv; windows_service = true; if (my_strcasecmp(system_charset_info, argv[2], "mysql")) load_default_groups[load_default_groups_sz - 2] = argv[2]; Service.Init(argv[2], mysql_service); return 0; } } else if (argc == 4 || argc == 5) { /* This may seem strange, because we handle --local-service while preserving 4.1's behavior of allowing any one other argument that is passed to the service on startup. (The assumption is that this is --defaults-file=file, but that was not enforced in 4.1, so we don't enforce it here.) */ const char *extra_opt = NullS; const char *account_name = NullS; int index; for (index = 3; index < argc; index++) { if (!strcmp(argv[index], "--local-service")) account_name = "NT AUTHORITY\\LocalService"; else extra_opt = argv[index]; } if (argc == 4 || account_name) if (!default_service_handling(argv, argv[2], argv[2], file_path, extra_opt, account_name)) return 0; } else if (argc == 1 && Service.IsService(MYSQL_SERVICENAME)) { /* start the default service */ windows_service = true; Service.Init(MYSQL_SERVICENAME, mysql_service); return 0; } } // Set windows_service value in mysqld if (!mysqld_monitor) { windows_service = is_monitor_win_service(); if (windows_service) { if (argc == 2 && Service.IsService(argv[1])) { if (my_strcasecmp(system_charset_info, argv[1], "mysql")) load_default_groups[load_default_groups_sz - 2] = argv[1]; argc--; } else if (argc == 3 && Service.IsService(argv[2])) { /* mysqld was started as mysqld --defaults-file=my_path\my.ini service-name */ if (my_strcasecmp(system_charset_info, argv[2], "mysql")) load_default_groups[load_default_groups_sz - 2] = argv[2]; argc--; } } my_global_argc = argc; my_global_argv = argv; } else { Service.my_argc = argc; Service.my_argv = argv; } return mysql_service(NULL); } #endif // _WIN32 /** Execute the bootstrap thread, if required. When mysqld is started with --initialize only, the bootstrap thread executes compiled in statements, and the server exits. When mysqld is started with --init-file only, the bootstrap thread executes SQL statements provided in the input text file, and the server continues and serves requests. When mysqld is started with both --initialize and --init-file, the bootstrap thread: - executes compiled in statements, - then executes SQL statements in the --init-file. The server then exits. Compiled in statements are executed in a privileged mode, with SYSTEM_THREAD_SERVER_INITIALIZE. @see handle_bootstrap_impl */ static void process_bootstrap() { MYSQL_FILE *init_file = nullptr; const char *init_file_name = nullptr; enum_thread_type system_thread; bool need_bootstrap = false; if (opt_initialize) { // Make sure we can process SIGHUP during bootstrap. server_components_initialized(); need_bootstrap = true; system_thread = SYSTEM_THREAD_SERVER_INITIALIZE; } else { system_thread = SYSTEM_THREAD_INIT_FILE; } if (opt_init_file != nullptr) { if (*opt_init_file != '\0') { init_file_name = opt_init_file; LogErr(INFORMATION_LEVEL, ER_BEG_INITFILE, init_file_name); init_file = mysql_file_fopen(key_file_init, init_file_name, O_RDONLY, MYF(MY_WME)); need_bootstrap = true; } if (init_file == nullptr) { LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_INIT_CANT_OPEN_BOOTSTRAP_FILE, init_file_name); unireg_abort(MYSQLD_ABORT_EXIT); } } if (need_bootstrap) { bool error = bootstrap::run_bootstrap_thread(init_file_name, init_file, NULL, system_thread); if (init_file != nullptr) { mysql_file_fclose(init_file, MYF(MY_WME)); LogErr(INFORMATION_LEVEL, ER_END_INITFILE, init_file_name); } if (error) { /* Abort during system initialization, but not init-file execution */ if (system_thread == SYSTEM_THREAD_SERVER_INITIALIZE) { unireg_abort(MYSQLD_ABORT_EXIT); } } if (opt_initialize) { unireg_abort(MYSQLD_SUCCESS_EXIT); } } return; } /**************************************************************************** Handle start options ******************************************************************************/ /** Process command line options flagged as 'early'. Some components needs to be initialized as early as possible, because the rest of the server initialization depends on them. Options that needs to be parsed early includes: - the performance schema, when compiled in, - options related to the help, - options related to the bootstrap The performance schema needs to be initialized as early as possible, before to-be-instrumented objects of the server are initialized. */ static int handle_early_options() { int ho_error; vector all_early_options; all_early_options.reserve(100); my_getopt_register_get_addr(NULL); /* Skip unknown options so that they may be processed later */ my_getopt_skip_unknown = true; /* Add the system variables parsed early */ sys_var_add_options(&all_early_options, sys_var::PARSE_EARLY); /* Add the command line options parsed early */ for (my_option *opt = my_long_early_options; opt->name != NULL; opt++) all_early_options.push_back(*opt); add_terminator(&all_early_options); my_getopt_error_reporter = option_error_reporter; my_charset_error_reporter = charset_error_reporter; ho_error = handle_options(&remaining_argc, &remaining_argv, &all_early_options[0], mysqld_get_one_option); if (ho_error == 0) { /* Add back the program name handle_options removes */ remaining_argc++; remaining_argv--; if (opt_initialize_insecure) opt_initialize = true; } // Swap with an empty vector, i.e. delete elements and free allocated space. vector().swap(all_early_options); return ho_error; } /** Adjust @c open_files_limit. Computation is based on: - @c max_connections, - @c table_cache_size, - the platform max open file limit. */ static void adjust_open_files_limit(ulong *requested_open_files) { ulong limit_1; ulong limit_2; ulong limit_3; ulong request_open_files; ulong effective_open_files; /* MyISAM requires two file handles per table. */ limit_1 = 10 + max_connections + table_cache_size * 2; /* We are trying to allocate no less than max_connections*5 file handles (i.e. we are trying to set the limit so that they will be available). */ limit_2 = max_connections * 5; /* Try to allocate no less than 5000 by default. */ limit_3 = open_files_limit ? open_files_limit : 5000; request_open_files = max(max(limit_1, limit_2), limit_3); /* Notice: my_set_max_open_files() may return more than requested. */ effective_open_files = my_set_max_open_files(request_open_files); if (effective_open_files < request_open_files) { if (open_files_limit == 0) { LogErr(WARNING_LEVEL, ER_CHANGED_MAX_OPEN_FILES, effective_open_files, request_open_files); } else { LogErr(WARNING_LEVEL, ER_CANT_INCREASE_MAX_OPEN_FILES, effective_open_files, request_open_files); } } open_files_limit = effective_open_files; if (requested_open_files) *requested_open_files = min(effective_open_files, request_open_files); } static void adjust_max_connections(ulong requested_open_files) { ulong limit; limit = requested_open_files - 10 - TABLE_OPEN_CACHE_MIN * 2; if (limit < max_connections) { LogErr(WARNING_LEVEL, ER_CHANGED_MAX_CONNECTIONS, limit, max_connections); // This can be done unprotected since it is only called on startup. max_connections = limit; } } static void adjust_table_cache_size(ulong requested_open_files) { ulong limit; limit = max((requested_open_files - 10 - max_connections) / 2, TABLE_OPEN_CACHE_MIN); if (limit < table_cache_size) { LogErr(WARNING_LEVEL, ER_CHANGED_TABLE_OPEN_CACHE, limit, table_cache_size); table_cache_size = limit; } table_cache_size_per_instance = table_cache_size / table_cache_instances; } static void adjust_table_def_size() { ulong default_value; sys_var *var; default_value = min(400 + table_cache_size / 2, 2000); var = intern_find_sys_var(STRING_WITH_LEN("table_definition_cache")); DBUG_ASSERT(var != NULL); var->update_default(default_value); if (!table_definition_cache_specified) table_def_size = default_value; } static void adjust_related_options(ulong *requested_open_files) { /* In bootstrap, disable grant tables (about to be created) */ if (opt_initialize) opt_noacl = 1; /* The order is critical here, because of dependencies. */ adjust_open_files_limit(requested_open_files); adjust_max_connections(*requested_open_files); adjust_table_cache_size(*requested_open_files); adjust_table_def_size(); } vector all_options; struct my_option my_long_early_options[] = { #if !defined(_WIN32) {"daemonize", 'D', "Run mysqld as sysv daemon", &opt_daemonize, &opt_daemonize, 0, GET_BOOL, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, #endif {"skip-grant-tables", 0, "Start without grant tables. This gives all users FULL ACCESS to all " "tables.", &opt_noacl, &opt_noacl, 0, GET_BOOL, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"help", '?', "Display this help and exit.", &opt_help, &opt_help, 0, GET_BOOL, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"verbose", 'v', "Used with --help option for detailed help.", &opt_verbose, &opt_verbose, 0, GET_BOOL, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"version", 'V', "Output version information and exit.", 0, 0, 0, GET_NO_ARG, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"initialize", 'I', "Create the default database and exit." " Create a super user with a random expired password and store it into " "the log.", &opt_initialize, &opt_initialize, 0, GET_BOOL, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"initialize-insecure", 0, "Create the default database and exit." " Create a super user with empty password.", &opt_initialize_insecure, &opt_initialize_insecure, 0, GET_BOOL, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"keyring-migration-source", OPT_KEYRING_MIGRATION_SOURCE, "Keyring plugin from where the keys needs to " "be migrated to. This option must be specified along with " "--keyring-migration-destination.", &opt_keyring_migration_source, &opt_keyring_migration_source, 0, GET_STR, REQUIRED_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"keyring-migration-destination", OPT_KEYRING_MIGRATION_DESTINATION, "Keyring plugin to which the keys are " "migrated to. This option must be specified along with " "--keyring-migration-source.", &opt_keyring_migration_destination, &opt_keyring_migration_destination, 0, GET_STR, REQUIRED_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"keyring-migration-user", OPT_KEYRING_MIGRATION_USER, "User to login to server.", &opt_keyring_migration_user, &opt_keyring_migration_user, 0, GET_STR, REQUIRED_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"keyring-migration-host", OPT_KEYRING_MIGRATION_HOST, "Connect to host.", &opt_keyring_migration_host, &opt_keyring_migration_host, 0, GET_STR, REQUIRED_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"keyring-migration-password", 'p', "Password to use when connecting to server during keyring migration. " "If password value is not specified then it will be asked from the tty.", 0, 0, 0, GET_PASSWORD, OPT_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"keyring-migration-socket", OPT_KEYRING_MIGRATION_SOCKET, "The socket file to use for connection.", &opt_keyring_migration_socket, &opt_keyring_migration_socket, 0, GET_STR, REQUIRED_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"keyring-migration-port", OPT_KEYRING_MIGRATION_PORT, "Port number to use for connection.", &opt_keyring_migration_port, &opt_keyring_migration_port, 0, GET_ULONG, REQUIRED_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"no-dd-upgrade", 0, "Abort restart if automatic upgrade or downgrade of the data dictionary " "is needed. Deprecated option. Use --upgrade=NONE instead.", &opt_no_dd_upgrade, &opt_no_dd_upgrade, 0, GET_BOOL, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"validate-config", 0, "Validate the server configuration specified by the user.", &opt_validate_config, &opt_validate_config, 0, GET_BOOL, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, GET_NO_ARG, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}}; /** System variables are automatically command-line options (few exceptions are documented in sys_var.h), so don't need to be listed here. */ struct my_option my_long_options[] = { {"abort-slave-event-count", 0, "Option used by mysql-test for debugging and testing of replication.", &abort_slave_event_count, &abort_slave_event_count, 0, GET_INT, REQUIRED_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"allow-suspicious-udfs", 0, "Allows use of UDFs consisting of only one symbol xxx() " "without corresponding xxx_init() or xxx_deinit(). That also means " "that one can load any function from any library, for example exit() " "from libc.so", &opt_allow_suspicious_udfs, &opt_allow_suspicious_udfs, 0, GET_BOOL, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"ansi", 'a', "Use ANSI SQL syntax instead of MySQL syntax. This mode " "will also set transaction isolation level 'serializable'.", 0, 0, 0, GET_NO_ARG, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, /* Because Sys_var_bit does not support command-line options, we need to explicitly add one for --autocommit */ {"autocommit", 0, "Set default value for autocommit (0 or 1)", &opt_autocommit, &opt_autocommit, 0, GET_BOOL, OPT_ARG, 1, 0, 0, &source_autocommit, /* arg_source, to be copied to Sys_var */ 0, NULL}, {"binlog-do-db", OPT_BINLOG_DO_DB, "Tells the master it should log updates for the specified database, " "and exclude all others not explicitly mentioned.", 0, 0, 0, GET_STR, REQUIRED_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"binlog-ignore-db", OPT_BINLOG_IGNORE_DB, "Tells the master that updates to the given database should not be logged " "to the binary log.", 0, 0, 0, GET_STR, REQUIRED_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"character-set-client-handshake", 0, "Don't ignore client side character set value sent during handshake.", &opt_character_set_client_handshake, &opt_character_set_client_handshake, 0, GET_BOOL, NO_ARG, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"character-set-filesystem", 0, "Set the filesystem character set.", &character_set_filesystem_name, &character_set_filesystem_name, 0, GET_STR, REQUIRED_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"character-set-server", 'C', "Set the default character set.", &default_character_set_name, &default_character_set_name, 0, GET_STR, REQUIRED_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"chroot", 'r', "Chroot mysqld daemon during startup.", &mysqld_chroot, &mysqld_chroot, 0, GET_STR, REQUIRED_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"collation-server", 0, "Set the default collation.", &default_collation_name, &default_collation_name, 0, GET_STR, REQUIRED_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"console", OPT_CONSOLE, "Write error output on screen; don't remove the console window on " "windows.", &opt_console, &opt_console, 0, GET_BOOL, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"core-file", OPT_WANT_CORE, "Write core on errors.", 0, 0, 0, GET_NO_ARG, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, /* default-storage-engine should have "MyISAM" as def_value. Instead of initializing it here it is done in init_common_variables() due to a compiler bug in Sun Studio compiler. */ {"default-storage-engine", 0, "The default storage engine for new tables", &default_storage_engine, 0, 0, GET_STR, REQUIRED_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"default-tmp-storage-engine", 0, "The default storage engine for new explicit temporary tables", &default_tmp_storage_engine, 0, 0, GET_STR, REQUIRED_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"default-time-zone", 0, "Set the default time zone.", &default_tz_name, &default_tz_name, 0, GET_STR, REQUIRED_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"disconnect-slave-event-count", 0, "Option used by mysql-test for debugging and testing of replication.", &disconnect_slave_event_count, &disconnect_slave_event_count, 0, GET_INT, REQUIRED_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"exit-info", 'T', "Used for debugging. Use at your own risk.", 0, 0, 0, GET_LONG, OPT_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"external-locking", 0, "Use system (external) locking (disabled by " "default). With this option enabled you can run myisamchk to test " "(not repair) tables while the MySQL server is running. Disable with " "--skip-external-locking.", &opt_external_locking, &opt_external_locking, 0, GET_BOOL, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, /* We must always support the next option to make scripts like mysqltest easier to do */ {"gdb", 0, "Set up signals usable for debugging.", &opt_debugging, &opt_debugging, 0, GET_BOOL, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, #if defined(HAVE_LINUX_LARGE_PAGES) || defined(HAVE_SOLARIS_LARGE_PAGES) {"super-large-pages", 0, "Enable support for super large pages.", &opt_super_large_pages, &opt_super_large_pages, 0, GET_BOOL, OPT_ARG, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0}, #endif {"language", 'L', "Client error messages in given language. May be given as a full path. " "Deprecated. Use --lc-messages-dir instead.", &lc_messages_dir_ptr, &lc_messages_dir_ptr, 0, GET_STR, REQUIRED_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"lc-messages", 0, "Set the language used for the error messages.", &lc_messages, &lc_messages, 0, GET_STR, REQUIRED_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"lc-time-names", 0, "Set the language used for the month names and the days of the week.", &lc_time_names_name, &lc_time_names_name, 0, GET_STR, REQUIRED_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"log-bin", OPT_BIN_LOG, "Configures the name prefix to use for binary log files. If the --log-bin " "option is not supplied, the name prefix defaults to \"binlog\". If the " "--log-bin option is supplied without argument, the name prefix defaults " "to \"HOSTNAME-bin\", where HOSTNAME is the machine's hostname. To set a " "different name prefix for binary log files, use --log-bin=name. To " "disable " "binary logging, use the --skip-log-bin or --disable-log-bin option.", &opt_bin_logname, &opt_bin_logname, 0, GET_STR_ALLOC, OPT_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"log-bin-index", 0, "File that holds the names for binary log files.", &opt_binlog_index_name, &opt_binlog_index_name, 0, GET_STR, REQUIRED_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"relay-log-index", 0, "File that holds the names for relay log files.", &opt_relaylog_index_name, &opt_relaylog_index_name, 0, GET_STR, REQUIRED_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"log-isam", OPT_ISAM_LOG, "Log all MyISAM changes to file.", &myisam_log_filename, &myisam_log_filename, 0, GET_STR, OPT_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"log-raw", 0, "Log to general log before any rewriting of the query. For use in " "debugging, not production as " "sensitive information may be logged.", &opt_general_log_raw, &opt_general_log_raw, 0, GET_BOOL, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0}, {"log-short-format", 0, "Don't log extra information to update and slow-query logs.", &opt_short_log_format, &opt_short_log_format, 0, GET_BOOL, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"log-tc", 0, "Path to transaction coordinator log (used for transactions that affect " "more than one storage engine, when binary log is disabled).", &opt_tc_log_file, &opt_tc_log_file, 0, GET_STR, REQUIRED_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"log-tc-size", 0, "Size of transaction coordinator log.", &opt_tc_log_size, &opt_tc_log_size, 0, GET_ULONG, REQUIRED_ARG, TC_LOG_MIN_PAGES *my_getpagesize(), TC_LOG_MIN_PAGES *my_getpagesize(), ULONG_MAX, 0, my_getpagesize(), 0}, {"master-info-file", OPT_MASTER_INFO_FILE, "The location and name of the file that remembers the master and where " "the I/O replication thread is in the master's binlogs. " "Deprecated option that shall be removed eventually without a " "replacement.", &master_info_file, &master_info_file, 0, GET_STR, REQUIRED_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"master-retry-count", OPT_MASTER_RETRY_COUNT, "The number of tries the slave will make to connect to the master before " "giving up. " "Deprecated option, use 'CHANGE MASTER TO master_retry_count = ' " "instead.", &master_retry_count, &master_retry_count, 0, GET_ULONG, REQUIRED_ARG, 3600 * 24, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"max-binlog-dump-events", 0, "Option used by mysql-test for debugging and testing of replication.", &max_binlog_dump_events, &max_binlog_dump_events, 0, GET_INT, REQUIRED_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"memlock", 0, "Lock mysqld in memory.", &locked_in_memory, &locked_in_memory, 0, GET_BOOL, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"old-style-user-limits", 0, "Enable old-style user limits (before 5.0.3, user resources were counted " "per each user+host vs. per account).", &opt_old_style_user_limits, &opt_old_style_user_limits, 0, GET_BOOL, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"port-open-timeout", 0, "Maximum time in seconds to wait for the port to become free. " "(Default: No wait).", &mysqld_port_timeout, &mysqld_port_timeout, 0, GET_UINT, REQUIRED_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"replicate-do-db", OPT_REPLICATE_DO_DB, "Tells the slave thread to restrict replication to the specified " "database. " "To specify more than one database, use the directive multiple times, " "once for each database. Note that this will only work if you do not use " "cross-database queries such as UPDATE some_db.some_table SET foo='bar' " "while having selected a different or no database. If you need cross " "database updates to work, make sure you have 3.23.28 or later, and use " "replicate-wild-do-table=db_name.%.", 0, 0, 0, GET_STR, REQUIRED_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"replicate-do-table", OPT_REPLICATE_DO_TABLE, "Tells the slave thread to restrict replication to the specified table. " "To specify more than one table, use the directive multiple times, once " "for each table. This will work for cross-database updates, in contrast " "to replicate-do-db.", 0, 0, 0, GET_STR, REQUIRED_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"replicate-ignore-db", OPT_REPLICATE_IGNORE_DB, "Tells the slave thread to not replicate to the specified database. To " "specify more than one database to ignore, use the directive multiple " "times, once for each database. This option will not work if you use " "cross database updates. If you need cross database updates to work, " "make sure you have 3.23.28 or later, and use replicate-wild-ignore-" "table=db_name.%. ", 0, 0, 0, GET_STR, REQUIRED_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"replicate-ignore-table", OPT_REPLICATE_IGNORE_TABLE, "Tells the slave thread to not replicate to the specified table. To " "specify " "more than one table to ignore, use the directive multiple times, once " "for " "each table. This will work for cross-database updates, in contrast to " "replicate-ignore-db.", 0, 0, 0, GET_STR, REQUIRED_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"replicate-rewrite-db", OPT_REPLICATE_REWRITE_DB, "Updates to a database with a different name than the original. Example: " "replicate-rewrite-db=master_db_name->slave_db_name.", 0, 0, 0, GET_STR, REQUIRED_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"replicate-same-server-id", 0, "In replication, if set to 1, do not skip events having our server id. " "Default value is 0 (to break infinite loops in circular replication). " "Can't be set to 1 if --log-slave-updates is used.", &replicate_same_server_id, &replicate_same_server_id, 0, GET_BOOL, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"replicate-wild-do-table", OPT_REPLICATE_WILD_DO_TABLE, "Tells the slave thread to restrict replication to the tables that match " "the specified wildcard pattern. To specify more than one table, use the " "directive multiple times, once for each table. This will work for cross-" "database updates. Example: replicate-wild-do-table=foo%.bar% will " "replicate only updates to tables in all databases that start with foo " "and whose table names start with bar.", 0, 0, 0, GET_STR, REQUIRED_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"replicate-wild-ignore-table", OPT_REPLICATE_WILD_IGNORE_TABLE, "Tells the slave thread to not replicate to the tables that match the " "given wildcard pattern. To specify more than one table to ignore, use " "the directive multiple times, once for each table. This will work for " "cross-database updates. Example: replicate-wild-ignore-table=foo%.bar% " "will not do updates to tables in databases that start with foo and whose " "table names start with bar.", 0, 0, 0, GET_STR, REQUIRED_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"safe-user-create", 0, "Don't allow new user creation by the user who has no write privileges to " "the mysql.user table.", &opt_safe_user_create, &opt_safe_user_create, 0, GET_BOOL, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"show-slave-auth-info", 0, "Show user and password in SHOW SLAVE HOSTS on this master.", &opt_show_slave_auth_info, &opt_show_slave_auth_info, 0, GET_BOOL, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"skip-host-cache", OPT_SKIP_HOST_CACHE, "Don't cache host names.", 0, 0, 0, GET_NO_ARG, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"skip-new", OPT_SKIP_NEW, "Don't use new, possibly wrong routines.", 0, 0, 0, GET_NO_ARG, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"skip-slave-start", 0, "If set, slave is not autostarted.", &opt_skip_slave_start, &opt_skip_slave_start, 0, GET_BOOL, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"skip-stack-trace", OPT_SKIP_STACK_TRACE, "Don't print a stack trace on failure.", 0, 0, 0, GET_NO_ARG, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, #if defined(_WIN32) {"slow-start-timeout", 0, "Maximum number of milliseconds that the service control manager should " "wait " "before trying to kill the windows service during startup" "(Default: 15000).", &slow_start_timeout, &slow_start_timeout, 0, GET_ULONG, REQUIRED_ARG, 15000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, #endif {"sporadic-binlog-dump-fail", 0, "Option used by mysql-test for debugging and testing of replication.", &opt_sporadic_binlog_dump_fail, &opt_sporadic_binlog_dump_fail, 0, GET_BOOL, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"ssl", 0, "Enable SSL for connection (automatically enabled with other flags).", &opt_use_ssl, &opt_use_ssl, 0, GET_BOOL, OPT_ARG, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, #ifdef _WIN32 {"standalone", 0, "Dummy option to start as a standalone program (NT).", 0, 0, 0, GET_NO_ARG, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"no-monitor", 0, "Disable monitor process.", &opt_no_monitor, &opt_no_monitor, 0, GET_BOOL, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, #endif {"symbolic-links", 's', "Enable symbolic link support (deprecated and will be removed in a future" " release).", &my_enable_symlinks, &my_enable_symlinks, 0, GET_BOOL, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"sysdate-is-now", 0, "Non-default option to alias SYSDATE() to NOW() to make it " "safe-replicable. " "Since 5.0, SYSDATE() returns a `dynamic' value different for different " "invocations, even within the same statement.", &global_system_variables.sysdate_is_now, 0, 0, GET_BOOL, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0}, {"tc-heuristic-recover", 0, "Decision to use in heuristic recover process. Possible values are OFF, " "COMMIT or ROLLBACK.", &tc_heuristic_recover, &tc_heuristic_recover, &tc_heuristic_recover_typelib, GET_ENUM, REQUIRED_ARG, TC_HEURISTIC_NOT_USED, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, #if defined(ENABLED_DEBUG_SYNC) {"debug-sync-timeout", OPT_DEBUG_SYNC_TIMEOUT, "Enable the debug sync facility " "and optionally specify a default wait timeout in seconds. " "A zero value keeps the facility disabled.", &opt_debug_sync_timeout, 0, 0, GET_UINT, OPT_ARG, 0, 0, UINT_MAX, 0, 0, 0}, #endif /* defined(ENABLED_DEBUG_SYNC) */ {"transaction-isolation", 0, "Default transaction isolation level.", &global_system_variables.transaction_isolation, &global_system_variables.transaction_isolation, &tx_isolation_typelib, GET_ENUM, REQUIRED_ARG, ISO_REPEATABLE_READ, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"transaction-read-only", 0, "Default transaction access mode. " "True if transactions are read-only.", &global_system_variables.transaction_read_only, &global_system_variables.transaction_read_only, 0, GET_BOOL, OPT_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"user", 'u', "Run mysqld daemon as user.", 0, 0, 0, GET_STR, REQUIRED_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"early-plugin-load", OPT_EARLY_PLUGIN_LOAD, "Optional semicolon-separated list of plugins to load before storage " "engine " "initialization, where each plugin is identified as name=library, where " "name is the plugin name and library is the plugin library in plugin_dir.", 0, 0, 0, GET_STR, REQUIRED_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"plugin-load", OPT_PLUGIN_LOAD, "Optional semicolon-separated list of plugins to load, where each plugin " "is " "identified as name=library, where name is the plugin name and library " "is the plugin library in plugin_dir.", 0, 0, 0, GET_STR, REQUIRED_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"plugin-load-add", OPT_PLUGIN_LOAD_ADD, "Optional semicolon-separated list of plugins to load, where each plugin " "is " "identified as name=library, where name is the plugin name and library " "is the plugin library in plugin_dir. This option adds to the list " "specified by --plugin-load in an incremental way. " "Multiple --plugin-load-add are supported.", 0, 0, 0, GET_STR, REQUIRED_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"innodb", OPT_SKIP_INNODB, "Deprecated option. Provided for backward compatibility only. " "The option has no effect on the server behaviour. InnoDB is always " "enabled. " "The option will be removed in a future release.", 0, 0, 0, GET_BOOL, OPT_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"upgrade", 0, "Set server upgrade mode. NONE to abort server if automatic upgrade of " "the server is needed; MINIMAL to start the server, but skip upgrade " "steps that are not absolutely necessary; AUTO (default) to upgrade the " "server if required; FORCE to force upgrade server.", &opt_upgrade_mode, &opt_upgrade_mode, &upgrade_mode_typelib, GET_ENUM, REQUIRED_ARG, UPGRADE_AUTO, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, GET_NO_ARG, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}}; static int show_queries(THD *thd, SHOW_VAR *var, char *) { var->type = SHOW_LONGLONG; var->value = (char *)&thd->query_id; return 0; } static int show_net_compression(THD *thd, SHOW_VAR *var, char *buff) { var->type = SHOW_MY_BOOL; var->value = buff; *((bool *)buff) = thd->get_protocol()->get_compression(); return 0; } static int show_net_compression_algorithm(THD *thd, SHOW_VAR *var, char *buff) { const char *s = thd->get_protocol()->get_compression_algorithm(); var->type = SHOW_CHAR; var->value = buff; sprintf(buff, "%s", (s ? s : "")); return 0; } static int show_net_compression_level(THD *thd, SHOW_VAR *var, char *buff) { var->type = SHOW_INT; var->value = buff; unsigned int *value = reinterpret_cast(buff); *value = thd->get_protocol()->get_compression_level(); return 0; } static int show_starttime(THD *thd, SHOW_VAR *var, char *buff) { var->type = SHOW_LONGLONG; var->value = buff; *((longlong *)buff) = (longlong)(thd->query_start_in_secs() - server_start_time); return 0; } static int show_max_used_connections_time(THD *thd, SHOW_VAR *var, char *buff) { MYSQL_TIME max_used_connections_time; var->type = SHOW_CHAR; var->value = buff; thd->variables.time_zone->gmt_sec_to_TIME( &max_used_connections_time, Connection_handler_manager::max_used_connections_time); my_datetime_to_str(max_used_connections_time, buff, 0); return 0; } static int show_num_thread_running(THD *, SHOW_VAR *var, char *buff) { var->type = SHOW_LONGLONG; var->value = buff; long long *value = reinterpret_cast(buff); *value = static_cast( Global_THD_manager::get_instance()->get_num_thread_running()); return 0; } static int show_num_thread_created(THD *, SHOW_VAR *var, char *buff) { var->type = SHOW_LONG; var->value = buff; long *value = reinterpret_cast(buff); *value = static_cast( Global_THD_manager::get_instance()->get_num_thread_created()); return 0; } static int show_thread_id_count(THD *, SHOW_VAR *var, char *buff) { var->type = SHOW_LONG; var->value = buff; long *value = reinterpret_cast(buff); *value = static_cast( Global_THD_manager::get_instance()->get_thread_id() - 1); return 0; } static int show_aborted_connects(THD *, SHOW_VAR *var, char *buff) { var->type = SHOW_LONG; var->value = buff; long *value = reinterpret_cast(buff); *value = static_cast( Connection_handler_manager::get_instance()->aborted_connects()); return 0; } static int show_acl_cache_items_count(THD *, SHOW_VAR *var, char *buff) { var->type = SHOW_LONG; var->value = buff; long *value = reinterpret_cast(buff); *value = static_cast(get_global_acl_cache_size()); return 0; } static int show_connection_errors_max_connection(THD *, SHOW_VAR *var, char *buff) { var->type = SHOW_LONG; var->value = buff; long *value = reinterpret_cast(buff); *value = static_cast(Connection_handler_manager::get_instance() ->connection_errors_max_connection()); return 0; } static int show_connection_errors_select(THD *, SHOW_VAR *var, char *buff) { var->type = SHOW_LONG; var->value = buff; long *value = reinterpret_cast(buff); *value = static_cast(get_connection_errors_select()); return 0; } static int show_connection_errors_accept(THD *, SHOW_VAR *var, char *buff) { var->type = SHOW_LONG; var->value = buff; long *value = reinterpret_cast(buff); *value = static_cast(get_connection_errors_accept()); return 0; } static int show_connection_errors_tcpwrap(THD *, SHOW_VAR *var, char *buff) { var->type = SHOW_LONG; var->value = buff; long *value = reinterpret_cast(buff); *value = static_cast(get_connection_errors_tcpwrap()); return 0; } #ifdef ENABLED_PROFILING static int show_flushstatustime(THD *thd, SHOW_VAR *var, char *buff) { var->type = SHOW_LONGLONG; var->value = buff; *((longlong *)buff) = (longlong)(thd->query_start_in_secs() - flush_status_time); return 0; } #endif /** After Multisource replication, this function only shows the value of default channel. To know the status of other channels, performance schema replication tables comes to the rescue. @todo Any warning needed if multiple channels exist to request the users to start using replication performance schema tables. */ static int show_slave_running(THD *, SHOW_VAR *var, char *buff) { channel_map.rdlock(); Master_info *mi = channel_map.get_default_channel_mi(); if (mi) { var->type = SHOW_MY_BOOL; var->value = buff; *((bool *)buff) = (bool)(mi && mi->slave_running == MYSQL_SLAVE_RUN_CONNECT && mi->rli->slave_running); } else var->type = SHOW_UNDEF; channel_map.unlock(); return 0; } /** This status variable is also exclusively (look comments on show_slave_running()) for default channel. */ static int show_slave_retried_trans(THD *, SHOW_VAR *var, char *buff) { channel_map.rdlock(); Master_info *mi = channel_map.get_default_channel_mi(); if (mi) { var->type = SHOW_LONG; var->value = buff; *((long *)buff) = (long)mi->rli->retried_trans; } else var->type = SHOW_UNDEF; channel_map.unlock(); return 0; } /** Only for default channel. Refer to comments on show_slave_running() */ static int show_slave_received_heartbeats(THD *, SHOW_VAR *var, char *buff) { channel_map.rdlock(); Master_info *mi = channel_map.get_default_channel_mi(); if (mi) { var->type = SHOW_LONGLONG; var->value = buff; *((longlong *)buff) = mi->received_heartbeats; } else var->type = SHOW_UNDEF; channel_map.unlock(); return 0; } /** Only for default channel. Refer to comments on show_slave_running() */ static int show_slave_last_heartbeat(THD *thd, SHOW_VAR *var, char *buff) { MYSQL_TIME received_heartbeat_time; channel_map.rdlock(); Master_info *mi = channel_map.get_default_channel_mi(); if (mi) { var->type = SHOW_CHAR; var->value = buff; if (mi->last_heartbeat == 0) buff[0] = '\0'; else { thd->variables.time_zone->gmt_sec_to_TIME( &received_heartbeat_time, static_cast(mi->last_heartbeat / 1000000)); my_datetime_to_str(received_heartbeat_time, buff, 0); } } else var->type = SHOW_UNDEF; channel_map.unlock(); return 0; } /** Only for default channel. For details, refer to show_slave_running() */ static int show_heartbeat_period(THD *, SHOW_VAR *var, char *buff) { channel_map.rdlock(); Master_info *mi = channel_map.get_default_channel_mi(); if (mi) { var->type = SHOW_CHAR; var->value = buff; sprintf(buff, "%.3f", mi->heartbeat_period); } else var->type = SHOW_UNDEF; channel_map.unlock(); return 0; } #ifndef DBUG_OFF static int show_slave_rows_last_search_algorithm_used(THD *, SHOW_VAR *var, char *buff) { uint res = slave_rows_last_search_algorithm_used; const char *s = ((res == Rows_log_event::ROW_LOOKUP_TABLE_SCAN) ? "TABLE_SCAN" : ((res == Rows_log_event::ROW_LOOKUP_HASH_SCAN) ? "HASH_SCAN" : "INDEX_SCAN")); var->type = SHOW_CHAR; var->value = buff; sprintf(buff, "%s", s); return 0; } static int show_ongoing_automatic_gtid_violating_transaction_count( THD *, SHOW_VAR *var, char *buf) { var->type = SHOW_CHAR; var->value = buf; sprintf(buf, "%d", gtid_state->get_automatic_gtid_violating_transaction_count()); return 0; } static int show_ongoing_anonymous_gtid_violating_transaction_count( THD *, SHOW_VAR *var, char *buf) { var->type = SHOW_CHAR; var->value = buf; sprintf(buf, "%d", gtid_state->get_anonymous_gtid_violating_transaction_count()); return 0; } #endif static int show_ongoing_anonymous_transaction_count(THD *, SHOW_VAR *var, char *buf) { var->type = SHOW_CHAR; var->value = buf; sprintf(buf, "%d", gtid_state->get_anonymous_ownership_count()); return 0; } static int show_open_tables(THD *, SHOW_VAR *var, char *buff) { var->type = SHOW_LONG; var->value = buff; *((long *)buff) = (long)table_cache_manager.cached_tables(); return 0; } static int show_prepared_stmt_count(THD *, SHOW_VAR *var, char *buff) { var->type = SHOW_LONG; var->value = buff; mysql_mutex_lock(&LOCK_prepared_stmt_count); *((long *)buff) = (long)prepared_stmt_count; mysql_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_prepared_stmt_count); return 0; } static int show_table_definitions(THD *, SHOW_VAR *var, char *buff) { var->type = SHOW_LONG; var->value = buff; *((long *)buff) = (long)cached_table_definitions(); return 0; } /* Functions relying on SSL Note: In the show_ssl_* functions, we need to check if we have a valid vio-object since this isn't always true, specifically when session_status or global_status is requested from inside an Event. */ static int show_ssl_get_version(THD *thd, SHOW_VAR *var, char *) { SSL_handle ssl = thd->get_ssl(); var->type = SHOW_CHAR; if (ssl) var->value = const_cast(SSL_get_version(ssl)); else var->value = const_cast(""); return 0; } static int show_ssl_session_reused(THD *thd, SHOW_VAR *var, char *buff) { SSL_handle ssl = thd->get_ssl(); var->type = SHOW_LONG; var->value = buff; if (ssl) *((long *)buff) = (long)SSL_session_reused(ssl); else *((long *)buff) = 0; return 0; } static int show_ssl_get_default_timeout(THD *thd, SHOW_VAR *var, char *buff) { SSL_handle ssl = thd->get_ssl(); var->type = SHOW_LONG; var->value = buff; if (ssl) *((long *)buff) = (long)SSL_get_default_timeout(ssl); else *((long *)buff) = 0; return 0; } static int show_ssl_get_verify_mode(THD *thd, SHOW_VAR *var, char *buff) { SSL_handle ssl = thd->get_ssl(); var->type = SHOW_LONG; var->value = buff; if (ssl) *((long *)buff) = (long)SSL_get_verify_mode(ssl); else *((long *)buff) = 0; return 0; } static int show_ssl_get_verify_depth(THD *thd, SHOW_VAR *var, char *buff) { SSL_handle ssl = thd->get_ssl(); var->type = SHOW_LONG; var->value = buff; if (ssl) *((long *)buff) = (long)SSL_get_verify_depth(ssl); else *((long *)buff) = 0; return 0; } static int show_ssl_get_cipher(THD *thd, SHOW_VAR *var, char *) { SSL_handle ssl = thd->get_ssl(); var->type = SHOW_CHAR; if (ssl) var->value = const_cast(SSL_get_cipher(ssl)); else var->value = const_cast(""); return 0; } static int show_ssl_get_cipher_list(THD *thd, SHOW_VAR *var, char *buff) { SSL_handle ssl = thd->get_ssl(); var->type = SHOW_CHAR; var->value = buff; if (ssl) { int i; const char *p; char *end = buff + SHOW_VAR_FUNC_BUFF_SIZE; for (i = 0; (p = SSL_get_cipher_list(ssl, i)) && buff < end; i++) { buff = my_stpnmov(buff, p, end - buff - 1); *buff++ = ':'; } if (i) buff--; } *buff = 0; return 0; } static int show_slave_open_temp_tables(THD *, SHOW_VAR *var, char *buf) { var->type = SHOW_INT; var->value = buf; *((int *)buf) = atomic_slave_open_temp_tables; return 0; } /* Variables shown by SHOW STATUS in alphabetical order */ SHOW_VAR status_vars[] = { {"Aborted_clients", (char *)&aborted_threads, SHOW_LONG, SHOW_SCOPE_GLOBAL}, {"Aborted_connects", (char *)&show_aborted_connects, SHOW_FUNC, SHOW_SCOPE_GLOBAL}, {"Acl_cache_items_count", (char *)&show_acl_cache_items_count, SHOW_FUNC, SHOW_SCOPE_GLOBAL}, #ifndef DBUG_OFF {"Ongoing_anonymous_gtid_violating_transaction_count", (char *)&show_ongoing_anonymous_gtid_violating_transaction_count, SHOW_FUNC, SHOW_SCOPE_GLOBAL}, #endif //! DBUG_OFF {"Ongoing_anonymous_transaction_count", (char *)&show_ongoing_anonymous_transaction_count, SHOW_FUNC, SHOW_SCOPE_GLOBAL}, #ifndef DBUG_OFF {"Ongoing_automatic_gtid_violating_transaction_count", (char *)&show_ongoing_automatic_gtid_violating_transaction_count, SHOW_FUNC, SHOW_SCOPE_GLOBAL}, #endif //! DBUG_OFF {"Binlog_cache_disk_use", (char *)&binlog_cache_disk_use, SHOW_LONG, SHOW_SCOPE_GLOBAL}, {"Binlog_cache_use", (char *)&binlog_cache_use, SHOW_LONG, SHOW_SCOPE_GLOBAL}, {"Binlog_stmt_cache_disk_use", (char *)&binlog_stmt_cache_disk_use, SHOW_LONG, SHOW_SCOPE_GLOBAL}, {"Binlog_stmt_cache_use", (char *)&binlog_stmt_cache_use, SHOW_LONG, SHOW_SCOPE_GLOBAL}, {"Bytes_received", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, bytes_received), SHOW_LONGLONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"Bytes_sent", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, bytes_sent), SHOW_LONGLONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"Com", (char *)com_status_vars, SHOW_ARRAY, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"Com_stmt_reprepare", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, com_stmt_reprepare), SHOW_LONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"Compression", (char *)&show_net_compression, SHOW_FUNC, SHOW_SCOPE_SESSION}, {"Compression_algorithm", (char *)&show_net_compression_algorithm, SHOW_FUNC, SHOW_SCOPE_SESSION}, {"Compression_level", (char *)&show_net_compression_level, SHOW_FUNC, SHOW_SCOPE_SESSION}, {"Connections", (char *)&show_thread_id_count, SHOW_FUNC, SHOW_SCOPE_GLOBAL}, {"Connection_errors_accept", (char *)&show_connection_errors_accept, SHOW_FUNC, SHOW_SCOPE_GLOBAL}, {"Connection_errors_internal", (char *)&connection_errors_internal, SHOW_LONG, SHOW_SCOPE_GLOBAL}, {"Connection_errors_max_connections", (char *)&show_connection_errors_max_connection, SHOW_FUNC, SHOW_SCOPE_GLOBAL}, {"Connection_errors_peer_address", (char *)&connection_errors_peer_addr, SHOW_LONG, SHOW_SCOPE_GLOBAL}, {"Connection_errors_select", (char *)&show_connection_errors_select, SHOW_FUNC, SHOW_SCOPE_GLOBAL}, {"Connection_errors_tcpwrap", (char *)&show_connection_errors_tcpwrap, SHOW_FUNC, SHOW_SCOPE_GLOBAL}, {"Created_tmp_disk_tables", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, created_tmp_disk_tables), SHOW_LONGLONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"Created_tmp_files", (char *)&my_tmp_file_created, SHOW_LONG, SHOW_SCOPE_GLOBAL}, {"Created_tmp_tables", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, created_tmp_tables), SHOW_LONGLONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"Delayed_errors", (char *)&delayed_insert_errors, SHOW_LONG, SHOW_SCOPE_GLOBAL}, {"Delayed_insert_threads", (char *)&delayed_insert_threads, SHOW_LONG_NOFLUSH, SHOW_SCOPE_GLOBAL}, {"Delayed_writes", (char *)&delayed_insert_writes, SHOW_LONG, SHOW_SCOPE_GLOBAL}, {"Flush_commands", (char *)&refresh_version, SHOW_LONG_NOFLUSH, SHOW_SCOPE_GLOBAL}, {"Handler_commit", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, ha_commit_count), SHOW_LONGLONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"Handler_delete", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, ha_delete_count), SHOW_LONGLONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"Handler_discover", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, ha_discover_count), SHOW_LONGLONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"Handler_external_lock", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, ha_external_lock_count), SHOW_LONGLONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"Handler_mrr_init", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, ha_multi_range_read_init_count), SHOW_LONGLONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"Handler_prepare", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, ha_prepare_count), SHOW_LONGLONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"Handler_read_first", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, ha_read_first_count), SHOW_LONGLONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"Handler_read_key", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, ha_read_key_count), SHOW_LONGLONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"Handler_read_last", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, ha_read_last_count), SHOW_LONGLONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"Handler_read_next", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, ha_read_next_count), SHOW_LONGLONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"Handler_read_prev", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, ha_read_prev_count), SHOW_LONGLONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"Handler_read_rnd", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, ha_read_rnd_count), SHOW_LONGLONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"Handler_read_rnd_next", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, ha_read_rnd_next_count), SHOW_LONGLONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"Handler_rollback", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, ha_rollback_count), SHOW_LONGLONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"Handler_savepoint", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, ha_savepoint_count), SHOW_LONGLONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"Handler_savepoint_rollback", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, ha_savepoint_rollback_count), SHOW_LONGLONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"Handler_update", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, ha_update_count), SHOW_LONGLONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"Handler_write", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, ha_write_count), SHOW_LONGLONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"Key_blocks_not_flushed", (char *)offsetof(KEY_CACHE, global_blocks_changed), SHOW_KEY_CACHE_LONG, SHOW_SCOPE_GLOBAL}, {"Key_blocks_unused", (char *)offsetof(KEY_CACHE, blocks_unused), SHOW_KEY_CACHE_LONG, SHOW_SCOPE_GLOBAL}, {"Key_blocks_used", (char *)offsetof(KEY_CACHE, blocks_used), SHOW_KEY_CACHE_LONG, SHOW_SCOPE_GLOBAL}, {"Key_read_requests", (char *)offsetof(KEY_CACHE, global_cache_r_requests), SHOW_KEY_CACHE_LONGLONG, SHOW_SCOPE_GLOBAL}, {"Key_reads", (char *)offsetof(KEY_CACHE, global_cache_read), SHOW_KEY_CACHE_LONGLONG, SHOW_SCOPE_GLOBAL}, {"Key_write_requests", (char *)offsetof(KEY_CACHE, global_cache_w_requests), SHOW_KEY_CACHE_LONGLONG, SHOW_SCOPE_GLOBAL}, {"Key_writes", (char *)offsetof(KEY_CACHE, global_cache_write), SHOW_KEY_CACHE_LONGLONG, SHOW_SCOPE_GLOBAL}, {"Last_query_cost", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, last_query_cost), SHOW_DOUBLE_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_SESSION}, {"Last_query_partial_plans", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, last_query_partial_plans), SHOW_LONGLONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_SESSION}, {"Locked_connects", (char *)&locked_account_connection_count, SHOW_LONG, SHOW_SCOPE_GLOBAL}, {"Max_execution_time_exceeded", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, max_execution_time_exceeded), SHOW_LONGLONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"Max_execution_time_set", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, max_execution_time_set), SHOW_LONGLONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"Max_execution_time_set_failed", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, max_execution_time_set_failed), SHOW_LONGLONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"Max_used_connections", (char *)&Connection_handler_manager::max_used_connections, SHOW_LONG, SHOW_SCOPE_GLOBAL}, {"Max_used_connections_time", (char *)&show_max_used_connections_time, SHOW_FUNC, SHOW_SCOPE_GLOBAL}, {"Not_flushed_delayed_rows", (char *)&delayed_rows_in_use, SHOW_LONG_NOFLUSH, SHOW_SCOPE_GLOBAL}, {"Open_files", (char *)&my_file_opened, SHOW_LONG_NOFLUSH, SHOW_SCOPE_GLOBAL}, {"Open_streams", (char *)&my_stream_opened, SHOW_LONG_NOFLUSH, SHOW_SCOPE_GLOBAL}, {"Open_table_definitions", (char *)&show_table_definitions, SHOW_FUNC, SHOW_SCOPE_GLOBAL}, {"Open_tables", (char *)&show_open_tables, SHOW_FUNC, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"Opened_files", (char *)&my_file_total_opened, SHOW_LONG_NOFLUSH, SHOW_SCOPE_GLOBAL}, {"Opened_tables", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, opened_tables), SHOW_LONGLONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"Opened_table_definitions", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, opened_shares), SHOW_LONGLONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"Prepared_stmt_count", (char *)&show_prepared_stmt_count, SHOW_FUNC, SHOW_SCOPE_GLOBAL}, {"Queries", (char *)&show_queries, SHOW_FUNC, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"Questions", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, questions), SHOW_LONGLONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"Secondary_engine_execution_count", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, secondary_engine_execution_count), SHOW_LONGLONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"Select_full_join", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, select_full_join_count), SHOW_LONGLONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"Select_full_range_join", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, select_full_range_join_count), SHOW_LONGLONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"Select_range", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, select_range_count), SHOW_LONGLONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"Select_range_check", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, select_range_check_count), SHOW_LONGLONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"Select_scan", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, select_scan_count), SHOW_LONGLONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"Slave_open_temp_tables", (char *)&show_slave_open_temp_tables, SHOW_FUNC, SHOW_SCOPE_GLOBAL}, {"Slave_retried_transactions", (char *)&show_slave_retried_trans, SHOW_FUNC, SHOW_SCOPE_GLOBAL}, {"Slave_heartbeat_period", (char *)&show_heartbeat_period, SHOW_FUNC, SHOW_SCOPE_GLOBAL}, {"Slave_received_heartbeats", (char *)&show_slave_received_heartbeats, SHOW_FUNC, SHOW_SCOPE_GLOBAL}, {"Slave_last_heartbeat", (char *)&show_slave_last_heartbeat, SHOW_FUNC, SHOW_SCOPE_GLOBAL}, #ifndef DBUG_OFF {"Slave_rows_last_search_algorithm_used", (char *)&show_slave_rows_last_search_algorithm_used, SHOW_FUNC, SHOW_SCOPE_GLOBAL}, #endif {"Slave_running", (char *)&show_slave_running, SHOW_FUNC, SHOW_SCOPE_GLOBAL}, {"Slow_launch_threads", (char *)&Per_thread_connection_handler::slow_launch_threads, SHOW_LONG, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"Slow_queries", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, long_query_count), SHOW_LONGLONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"Sort_merge_passes", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, filesort_merge_passes), SHOW_LONGLONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"Sort_range", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, filesort_range_count), SHOW_LONGLONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"Sort_rows", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, filesort_rows), SHOW_LONGLONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"Sort_scan", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, filesort_scan_count), SHOW_LONGLONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, #ifdef HAVE_OPENSSL {"Ssl_accept_renegotiates", (char *)&SslAcceptorContext::show_ssl_ctx_sess_accept_renegotiate, SHOW_FUNC, SHOW_SCOPE_GLOBAL}, {"Ssl_accepts", (char *)&SslAcceptorContext::show_ssl_ctx_sess_accept, SHOW_FUNC, SHOW_SCOPE_GLOBAL}, {"Ssl_callback_cache_hits", (char *)&SslAcceptorContext::show_ssl_ctx_sess_cb_hits, SHOW_FUNC, SHOW_SCOPE_GLOBAL}, {"Ssl_cipher", (char *)&show_ssl_get_cipher, SHOW_FUNC, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"Ssl_cipher_list", (char *)&show_ssl_get_cipher_list, SHOW_FUNC, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"Ssl_client_connects", (char *)&SslAcceptorContext::show_ssl_ctx_sess_connect, SHOW_FUNC, SHOW_SCOPE_GLOBAL}, {"Ssl_connect_renegotiates", (char *)&SslAcceptorContext::show_ssl_ctx_sess_connect_renegotiate, SHOW_FUNC, SHOW_SCOPE_GLOBAL}, {"Ssl_ctx_verify_depth", (char *)&SslAcceptorContext::show_ssl_ctx_get_verify_depth, SHOW_FUNC, SHOW_SCOPE_GLOBAL}, {"Ssl_ctx_verify_mode", (char *)&SslAcceptorContext::show_ssl_ctx_get_verify_mode, SHOW_FUNC, SHOW_SCOPE_GLOBAL}, {"Ssl_default_timeout", (char *)&show_ssl_get_default_timeout, SHOW_FUNC, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"Ssl_finished_accepts", (char *)&SslAcceptorContext::show_ssl_ctx_sess_accept_good, SHOW_FUNC, SHOW_SCOPE_GLOBAL}, {"Ssl_finished_connects", (char *)&SslAcceptorContext::show_ssl_ctx_sess_connect_good, SHOW_FUNC, SHOW_SCOPE_GLOBAL}, {"Ssl_session_cache_hits", (char *)&SslAcceptorContext::show_ssl_ctx_sess_hits, SHOW_FUNC, SHOW_SCOPE_GLOBAL}, {"Ssl_session_cache_misses", (char *)&SslAcceptorContext::show_ssl_ctx_sess_misses, SHOW_FUNC, SHOW_SCOPE_GLOBAL}, {"Ssl_session_cache_mode", (char *)&SslAcceptorContext::show_ssl_ctx_get_session_cache_mode, SHOW_FUNC, SHOW_SCOPE_GLOBAL}, {"Ssl_session_cache_overflows", (char *)&SslAcceptorContext::show_ssl_ctx_sess_cache_full, SHOW_FUNC, SHOW_SCOPE_GLOBAL}, {"Ssl_session_cache_size", (char *)&SslAcceptorContext::show_ssl_ctx_sess_get_cache_size, SHOW_FUNC, SHOW_SCOPE_GLOBAL}, {"Ssl_session_cache_timeouts", (char *)&SslAcceptorContext::show_ssl_ctx_sess_timeouts, SHOW_FUNC, SHOW_SCOPE_GLOBAL}, {"Ssl_sessions_reused", (char *)&show_ssl_session_reused, SHOW_FUNC, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"Ssl_used_session_cache_entries", (char *)&SslAcceptorContext::show_ssl_ctx_sess_number, SHOW_FUNC, SHOW_SCOPE_GLOBAL}, {"Ssl_verify_depth", (char *)&show_ssl_get_verify_depth, SHOW_FUNC, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"Ssl_verify_mode", (char *)&show_ssl_get_verify_mode, SHOW_FUNC, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"Ssl_version", (char *)&show_ssl_get_version, SHOW_FUNC, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"Ssl_server_not_before", (char *)&SslAcceptorContext::show_ssl_get_server_not_before, SHOW_FUNC, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"Ssl_server_not_after", (char *)&SslAcceptorContext::show_ssl_get_server_not_after, SHOW_FUNC, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"Current_tls_ca", (char *)&SslAcceptorContext::show_ssl_get_ssl_ca, SHOW_FUNC, SHOW_SCOPE_GLOBAL}, {"Current_tls_capath", (char *)&SslAcceptorContext::show_ssl_get_ssl_capath, SHOW_FUNC, SHOW_SCOPE_GLOBAL}, {"Current_tls_cert", (char *)&SslAcceptorContext::show_ssl_get_ssl_cert, SHOW_FUNC, SHOW_SCOPE_GLOBAL}, {"Current_tls_key", (char *)&SslAcceptorContext::show_ssl_get_ssl_key, SHOW_FUNC, SHOW_SCOPE_GLOBAL}, {"Current_tls_version", (char *)&SslAcceptorContext::show_ssl_get_tls_version, SHOW_FUNC, SHOW_SCOPE_GLOBAL}, {"Current_tls_cipher", (char *)&SslAcceptorContext::show_ssl_get_ssl_cipher, SHOW_FUNC, SHOW_SCOPE_GLOBAL}, {"Current_tls_ciphersuites", (char *)&SslAcceptorContext::show_ssl_get_tls_ciphersuites, SHOW_FUNC, SHOW_SCOPE_GLOBAL}, {"Current_tls_crl", (char *)&SslAcceptorContext::show_ssl_get_ssl_crl, SHOW_FUNC, SHOW_SCOPE_GLOBAL}, {"Current_tls_crlpath", (char *)&SslAcceptorContext::show_ssl_get_ssl_crlpath, SHOW_FUNC, SHOW_SCOPE_GLOBAL}, {"Rsa_public_key", (char *)&show_rsa_public_key, SHOW_FUNC, SHOW_SCOPE_GLOBAL}, #endif /* HAVE_OPENSSL */ {"Table_locks_immediate", (char *)&locks_immediate, SHOW_LONG, SHOW_SCOPE_GLOBAL}, {"Table_locks_waited", (char *)&locks_waited, SHOW_LONG, SHOW_SCOPE_GLOBAL}, {"Table_open_cache_hits", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, table_open_cache_hits), SHOW_LONGLONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"Table_open_cache_misses", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, table_open_cache_misses), SHOW_LONGLONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"Table_open_cache_overflows", (char *)offsetof(System_status_var, table_open_cache_overflows), SHOW_LONGLONG_STATUS, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}, {"Tc_log_max_pages_used", (char *)&tc_log_max_pages_used, SHOW_LONG, SHOW_SCOPE_GLOBAL}, {"Tc_log_page_size", (char *)&tc_log_page_size, SHOW_LONG_NOFLUSH, SHOW_SCOPE_GLOBAL}, {"Tc_log_page_waits", (char *)&tc_log_page_waits, SHOW_LONG, SHOW_SCOPE_GLOBAL}, {"Threads_cached", (char *)&Per_thread_connection_handler::blocked_pthread_count, SHOW_LONG_NOFLUSH, SHOW_SCOPE_GLOBAL}, {"Threads_connected", (char *)&Connection_handler_manager::connection_count, SHOW_INT, SHOW_SCOPE_GLOBAL}, {"Threads_created", (char *)&show_num_thread_created, SHOW_FUNC, SHOW_SCOPE_GLOBAL}, {"Threads_running", (char *)&show_num_thread_running, SHOW_FUNC, SHOW_SCOPE_GLOBAL}, {"Uptime", (char *)&show_starttime, SHOW_FUNC, SHOW_SCOPE_GLOBAL}, #ifdef ENABLED_PROFILING {"Uptime_since_flush_status", (char *)&show_flushstatustime, SHOW_FUNC, SHOW_SCOPE_GLOBAL}, #endif {NullS, NullS, SHOW_LONG, SHOW_SCOPE_ALL}}; void add_terminator(vector *options) { my_option empty_element = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, GET_NO_ARG, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; options->push_back(empty_element); } static void print_server_version(void) { set_server_version(); print_explicit_version(server_version); } /** Compares two options' names, treats - and _ the same */ static bool operator<(const my_option &a, const my_option &b) { const char *sa = a.name; const char *sb = b.name; for (; *sa || *sb; sa++, sb++) { if (*sa < *sb) { if (*sa == '-' && *sb == '_') continue; else return true; } if (*sa > *sb) { if (*sa == '_' && *sb == '-') continue; else return false; } } DBUG_ASSERT(a.name == b.name); return false; } static void print_help() { MEM_ROOT mem_root; init_alloc_root(key_memory_help, &mem_root, 4096, 4096); all_options.pop_back(); sys_var_add_options(&all_options, sys_var::PARSE_EARLY); for (my_option *opt = my_long_early_options; opt->name != NULL; opt++) { all_options.push_back(*opt); } add_plugin_options(&all_options, &mem_root); std::sort(all_options.begin(), all_options.end(), std::less()); add_terminator(&all_options); my_print_help(&all_options[0]); my_print_variables(&all_options[0]); free_root(&mem_root, MYF(0)); vector().swap(all_options); // Deletes the vector contents. } static void usage(void) { DBUG_TRACE; if (!(default_charset_info = get_charset_by_csname( default_character_set_name, MY_CS_PRIMARY, MYF(MY_WME)))) exit(MYSQLD_ABORT_EXIT); if (!default_collation_name) default_collation_name = default_charset_info->name; if (is_help_or_validate_option() || opt_verbose) { my_progname = my_progname + dirname_length(my_progname); } print_server_version(); puts(ORACLE_WELCOME_COPYRIGHT_NOTICE("2000")); puts("Starts the MySQL database server.\n"); printf("Usage: %s [OPTIONS]\n", my_progname); if (!opt_verbose) puts( "\nFor more help options (several pages), use mysqld --verbose " "--help."); else { #ifdef _WIN32 puts( "NT and Win32 specific options:\n\ --install Install the default service (NT).\n\ --install-manual Install the default service started manually (NT).\n\ --install service_name Install an optional service (NT).\n\ --install-manual service_name Install an optional service started manually (NT).\n\ --remove Remove the default service from the service list (NT).\n\ --remove service_name Remove the service_name from the service list (NT).\n\ --enable-named-pipe Only to be used for the default server (NT).\n\ --standalone Dummy option to start as a standalone server (NT).\ "); puts(""); #endif print_defaults(MYSQL_CONFIG_NAME, load_default_groups); puts(""); set_ports(); /* Print out all the options including plugin supplied options */ print_help(); if (!dynamic_plugins_are_initialized) { puts( "\n\ Plugins have parameters that are not reflected in this list\n\ because execution stopped before plugins were initialized."); } puts( "\n\ To see what values a running MySQL server is using, type\n\ 'mysqladmin variables' instead of 'mysqld --verbose --help'."); } } /** Initialize MySQL global variables to default values. @note The reason to set a lot of global variables to zero is that on some exotic platforms global variables are not set to 0 when a program starts. We don't need to set variables refered to in my_long_options as these are initialized by my_getopt. */ static int mysql_init_variables() { /* Things reset to zero */ opt_skip_slave_start = 0; mysql_home[0] = pidfile_name[0] = 0; myisam_test_invalid_symlink = test_if_data_home_dir; opt_general_log = opt_slow_log = false; opt_disable_networking = opt_skip_show_db = 0; opt_skip_name_resolve = 0; opt_general_logname = opt_binlog_index_name = opt_slow_logname = NULL; opt_tc_log_file = "tc.log"; // no hostname in tc_log file name ! opt_myisam_log = 0; mqh_used = 0; cleanup_done = 0; server_id_supplied = false; test_flags = select_errors = ha_open_options = 0; atomic_slave_open_temp_tables = 0; opt_endinfo = using_udf_functions = 0; opt_using_transactions = 0; set_connection_events_loop_aborted(false); set_mysqld_offline_mode(false); set_mysqld_partial_revokes(opt_partial_revokes); server_operational_state = SERVER_BOOTING; aborted_threads = 0; delayed_insert_threads = delayed_insert_writes = delayed_rows_in_use = 0; delayed_insert_errors = 0; specialflag = 0; binlog_cache_use = binlog_cache_disk_use = 0; mysqld_user = mysqld_chroot = opt_init_file = opt_bin_logname = 0; prepared_stmt_count = 0; mysqld_unix_port = opt_mysql_tmpdir = my_bind_addr_str = NullS; new (&mysql_tmpdir_list) MY_TMPDIR; memset(&global_status_var, 0, sizeof(global_status_var)); opt_large_pages = 0; opt_super_large_pages = 0; #if defined(ENABLED_DEBUG_SYNC) opt_debug_sync_timeout = 0; #endif /* defined(ENABLED_DEBUG_SYNC) */ server_uuid[0] = 0; /* Character sets */ system_charset_info = &my_charset_utf8_general_ci; files_charset_info = &my_charset_utf8_general_ci; national_charset_info = &my_charset_utf8_general_ci; table_alias_charset = &my_charset_bin; character_set_filesystem = &my_charset_bin; opt_specialflag = 0; mysql_home_ptr = mysql_home; pidfile_name_ptr = pidfile_name; lc_messages_dir_ptr = lc_messages_dir; protocol_version = PROTOCOL_VERSION; what_to_log = ~(1L << (uint)COM_TIME); refresh_version = 1L; /* Increments on each reload */ my_stpcpy(server_version, MYSQL_SERVER_VERSION); key_caches.empty(); if (!(dflt_key_cache = get_or_create_key_cache( default_key_cache_base.str, default_key_cache_base.length))) { LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_KEYCACHE_OOM); return 1; } /* set key_cache_hash.default_value = dflt_key_cache */ multi_keycache_init(); /* Replication parameters */ master_info_file = "master.info"; relay_log_info_file = "relay-log.info"; report_user = report_password = report_host = 0; /* TO BE DELETED */ opt_relay_logname = opt_relaylog_index_name = 0; opt_relaylog_index_name_supplied = false; opt_relay_logname_supplied = false; log_bin_basename = NULL; log_bin_index = NULL; /* Handler variables */ total_ha_2pc = 0; /* Variables in libraries */ charsets_dir = 0; default_character_set_name = MYSQL_DEFAULT_CHARSET_NAME; default_collation_name = compiled_default_collation_name; character_set_filesystem_name = "binary"; lc_messages = mysqld_default_locale_name; lc_time_names_name = mysqld_default_locale_name; /* Variables that depends on compile options */ #ifndef DBUG_OFF default_dbug_option = IF_WIN("d:t:i:O,\\mysqld.trace", "d:t:i:o,/tmp/mysqld.trace"); #endif #ifdef ENABLED_PROFILING have_profiling = SHOW_OPTION_YES; #else have_profiling = SHOW_OPTION_NO; #endif have_symlink = SHOW_OPTION_YES; have_dlopen = SHOW_OPTION_YES; have_query_cache = SHOW_OPTION_NO; have_geometry = SHOW_OPTION_YES; have_rtree_keys = SHOW_OPTION_YES; /* Always true */ have_compress = SHOW_OPTION_YES; #if defined(_WIN32) shared_memory_base_name = default_shared_memory_base_name; #endif #if defined(_WIN32) || defined(APPLE_XCODE) /* Allow Win32 users to move MySQL anywhere */ char prg_dev[LIBLEN]; my_path(prg_dev, my_progname, nullptr); // On windows or Xcode the basedir will always be one level up from where // the executable is located. E.g. /bin/mysqld.exe in a // package, or /runtime_output_directory//mysqld.exe // for a sandbox build. strcat(prg_dev, "/../"); // Remove containing directory to get base dir cleanup_dirname(mysql_home, prg_dev); // New layout: /runtime_output_directory// char cmake_binary_dir[FN_REFLEN]; size_t dlen = 0; dirname_part(cmake_binary_dir, mysql_home, &dlen); if (dlen > 26U && (!strcmp(cmake_binary_dir + (dlen - 26), "/runtime_output_directory/") || !strcmp(cmake_binary_dir + (dlen - 26), "\\runtime_output_directory\\"))) { mysql_home[strlen(mysql_home) - 1] = '\0'; // remove trailing dirname_part(cmake_binary_dir, mysql_home, &dlen); strmake(mysql_home, cmake_binary_dir, sizeof(mysql_home) - 1); } // The sql_print_information below outputs nothing ?? // fprintf(stderr, "mysql_home %s\n", mysql_home); // fflush(stderr); #else const char *tmpenv = getenv("MY_BASEDIR_VERSION"); if (tmpenv != nullptr) { strmake(mysql_home, tmpenv, sizeof(mysql_home) - 1); } else { char progdir[FN_REFLEN]; size_t dlen = 0; dirname_part(progdir, my_progname, &dlen); if (dlen > 26U && !strcmp(progdir + (dlen - 26), "/runtime_output_directory/")) { char cmake_binary_dir[FN_REFLEN]; progdir[strlen(progdir) - 1] = '\0'; // remove trailing "/" dirname_part(cmake_binary_dir, progdir, &dlen); strmake(mysql_home, cmake_binary_dir, sizeof(mysql_home) - 1); } else { strcat(progdir, "/../"); cleanup_dirname(mysql_home, progdir); } } #endif return 0; } /** Check if it is a global replication filter setting. @param argument The setting of startup option --replicate-*. @retval 0 OK @retval 1 Error */ static bool is_rpl_global_filter_setting(char *argument) { DBUG_TRACE; bool res = false; char *p = strchr(argument, ':'); if (p == NULL) res = true; return res; } /** Extract channel name and filter value from argument. @param [out] channel_name The name of the channel. @param [out] filter_val The value of filter. @param argument The setting of startup option --replicate-*. */ void parse_filter_arg(char **channel_name, char **filter_val, char *argument) { DBUG_TRACE; char *p = strchr(argument, ':'); DBUG_ASSERT(p != NULL); /* If argument='channel_1:db1', then channel_name='channel_1' and filter_val='db1'; If argument=':db1', then channel_name='' and filter_val='db1'. */ *channel_name = argument; *filter_val = p + 1; *p = 0; } /** Extract channel name and filter value from argument. @param [out] key The db is rewritten from. @param [out] val The db is rewritten to. @param argument The value of filter. @retval 0 OK @retval 1 Error */ static int parse_replicate_rewrite_db(char **key, char **val, char *argument) { DBUG_TRACE; char *p; *key = argument; if (!(p = strstr(argument, "->"))) { LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_RPL_REWRITEDB_MISSING_ARROW); return 1; } *val = p + 2; while (p > argument && my_isspace(mysqld_charset, p[-1])) p--; *p = 0; if (!**key) { LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_RPL_REWRITEDB_EMPTY_FROM); return 1; } while (**val && my_isspace(mysqld_charset, **val)) (*val)++; if (!**val) { LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_RPL_REWRITEDB_EMPTY_TO); return 1; } return 0; } bool mysqld_get_one_option(int optid, const struct my_option *opt MY_ATTRIBUTE((unused)), char *argument) { Rpl_filter *rpl_filter = NULL; char *filter_val; char *channel_name; switch (optid) { case '#': #ifndef DBUG_OFF DBUG_SET_INITIAL(argument ? argument : default_dbug_option); #endif opt_endinfo = 1; /* unireg: memory allocation */ break; case 'a': global_system_variables.sql_mode = MODE_ANSI; global_system_variables.transaction_isolation = ISO_SERIALIZABLE; break; case 'b': strmake(mysql_home, argument, sizeof(mysql_home) - 1); mysql_home_ptr = mysql_home; break; case 'C': if (default_collation_name == compiled_default_collation_name) default_collation_name = 0; break; case 'h': strmake(mysql_real_data_home, argument, sizeof(mysql_real_data_home) - 1); /* Correct pointer set by my_getopt */ mysql_real_data_home_ptr = mysql_real_data_home; break; case 'u': if (!mysqld_user || !strcmp(mysqld_user, argument)) mysqld_user = argument; else LogErr(WARNING_LEVEL, ER_THE_USER_ABIDES, argument, mysqld_user); break; case 's': if (argument && argument[0] == '0') { LogErr(WARNING_LEVEL, ER_DEPRECATE_MSG_NO_REPLACEMENT, "Disabling symbolic links using --skip-symbolic-links" " (or equivalent) is the default. Consider not using" " this option as it"); } else { LogErr(WARNING_LEVEL, ER_DEPRECATE_MSG_NO_REPLACEMENT, "Enabling symbolic using --symbolic-links/-s (or equivalent)"); } break; case 'L': push_deprecated_warn(NULL, "--language/-l", "'--lc-messages-dir'"); /* Note: fall-through */ case OPT_LC_MESSAGES_DIRECTORY: strmake(lc_messages_dir, argument, sizeof(lc_messages_dir) - 1); lc_messages_dir_ptr = lc_messages_dir; break; case OPT_BINLOG_FORMAT: binlog_format_used = true; break; case OPT_BINLOG_MAX_FLUSH_QUEUE_TIME: push_deprecated_warn_no_replacement(NULL, "--binlog_max_flush_queue_time"); break; case OPT_EXPIRE_LOGS_DAYS: push_deprecated_warn(NULL, "expire-logs-days", "binlog_expire_logs_seconds"); expire_logs_days_supplied = true; break; case OPT_BINLOG_EXPIRE_LOGS_SECONDS: binlog_expire_logs_seconds_supplied = true; break; case OPT_SSL_KEY: case OPT_SSL_CERT: case OPT_SSL_CA: case OPT_SSL_CAPATH: case OPT_SSL_CIPHER: case OPT_TLS_CIPHERSUITES: case OPT_SSL_CRL: case OPT_SSL_CRLPATH: case OPT_TLS_VERSION: /* Enable use of SSL if we are using any ssl option. One can disable SSL later by using --skip-ssl or --ssl=0. */ opt_use_ssl = true; break; case 'V': print_server_version(); exit(MYSQLD_SUCCESS_EXIT); case 'T': test_flags = argument ? (uint)atoi(argument) : 0; opt_endinfo = 1; break; case (int)OPT_ISAM_LOG: opt_myisam_log = 1; break; case (int)OPT_BIN_LOG: opt_bin_log = (argument != disabled_my_option); if (!opt_bin_log) { // Clear the binlog basename used by any previous --log-bin if (opt_bin_logname) { my_free(opt_bin_logname); opt_bin_logname = NULL; } } log_bin_supplied = true; break; case (int)OPT_REPLICATE_IGNORE_DB: { if (is_rpl_global_filter_setting(argument)) { rpl_global_filter.add_ignore_db(argument); rpl_global_filter.ignore_db_statistics.set_all( CONFIGURED_BY_STARTUP_OPTIONS); } else { parse_filter_arg(&channel_name, &filter_val, argument); rpl_filter = rpl_channel_filters.get_channel_filter(channel_name); rpl_filter->add_ignore_db(filter_val); rpl_filter->ignore_db_statistics.set_all( CONFIGURED_BY_STARTUP_OPTIONS_FOR_CHANNEL); } break; } case (int)OPT_REPLICATE_DO_DB: { if (is_rpl_global_filter_setting(argument)) { rpl_global_filter.add_do_db(argument); rpl_global_filter.do_db_statistics.set_all( CONFIGURED_BY_STARTUP_OPTIONS); } else { parse_filter_arg(&channel_name, &filter_val, argument); rpl_filter = rpl_channel_filters.get_channel_filter(channel_name); rpl_filter->add_do_db(filter_val); rpl_filter->do_db_statistics.set_all( CONFIGURED_BY_STARTUP_OPTIONS_FOR_CHANNEL); } break; } case (int)OPT_REPLICATE_REWRITE_DB: { char *key, *val; if (is_rpl_global_filter_setting(argument)) { if (parse_replicate_rewrite_db(&key, &val, argument)) return 1; rpl_global_filter.add_db_rewrite(key, val); rpl_global_filter.rewrite_db_statistics.set_all( CONFIGURED_BY_STARTUP_OPTIONS); } else { parse_filter_arg(&channel_name, &filter_val, argument); rpl_filter = rpl_channel_filters.get_channel_filter(channel_name); if (parse_replicate_rewrite_db(&key, &val, filter_val)) return 1; rpl_filter->add_db_rewrite(key, val); rpl_filter->rewrite_db_statistics.set_all( CONFIGURED_BY_STARTUP_OPTIONS_FOR_CHANNEL); } break; } case (int)OPT_BINLOG_IGNORE_DB: { binlog_filter->add_ignore_db(argument); break; } case (int)OPT_BINLOG_DO_DB: { binlog_filter->add_do_db(argument); break; } case (int)OPT_REPLICATE_DO_TABLE: { if (is_rpl_global_filter_setting(argument)) { if (rpl_global_filter.add_do_table_array(argument)) { LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_RPL_CANT_ADD_DO_TABLE, argument); return 1; } rpl_global_filter.do_table_statistics.set_all( CONFIGURED_BY_STARTUP_OPTIONS); } else { parse_filter_arg(&channel_name, &filter_val, argument); rpl_filter = rpl_channel_filters.get_channel_filter(channel_name); if (rpl_filter->add_do_table_array(filter_val)) { LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_RPL_CANT_ADD_DO_TABLE, argument); return 1; } rpl_filter->do_table_statistics.set_all( CONFIGURED_BY_STARTUP_OPTIONS_FOR_CHANNEL); } break; } case (int)OPT_REPLICATE_WILD_DO_TABLE: { if (is_rpl_global_filter_setting(argument)) { if (rpl_global_filter.add_wild_do_table(argument)) { LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_RPL_FILTER_ADD_WILD_DO_TABLE_FAILED, argument); return 1; } rpl_global_filter.wild_do_table_statistics.set_all( CONFIGURED_BY_STARTUP_OPTIONS); } else { parse_filter_arg(&channel_name, &filter_val, argument); rpl_filter = rpl_channel_filters.get_channel_filter(channel_name); if (rpl_filter->add_wild_do_table(filter_val)) { LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_RPL_FILTER_ADD_WILD_DO_TABLE_FAILED, argument); return 1; } rpl_filter->wild_do_table_statistics.set_all( CONFIGURED_BY_STARTUP_OPTIONS_FOR_CHANNEL); } break; } case (int)OPT_REPLICATE_WILD_IGNORE_TABLE: { if (is_rpl_global_filter_setting(argument)) { if (rpl_global_filter.add_wild_ignore_table(argument)) { LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_RPL_FILTER_ADD_WILD_IGNORE_TABLE_FAILED, argument); return 1; } rpl_global_filter.wild_ignore_table_statistics.set_all( CONFIGURED_BY_STARTUP_OPTIONS); } else { parse_filter_arg(&channel_name, &filter_val, argument); rpl_filter = rpl_channel_filters.get_channel_filter(channel_name); if (rpl_filter->add_wild_ignore_table(filter_val)) { LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_RPL_FILTER_ADD_WILD_IGNORE_TABLE_FAILED, argument); return 1; } rpl_filter->wild_ignore_table_statistics.set_all( CONFIGURED_BY_STARTUP_OPTIONS_FOR_CHANNEL); } break; } case (int)OPT_REPLICATE_IGNORE_TABLE: { if (is_rpl_global_filter_setting(argument)) { if (rpl_global_filter.add_ignore_table_array(argument)) { LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_RPL_CANT_ADD_IGNORE_TABLE, argument); return 1; } rpl_global_filter.ignore_table_statistics.set_all( CONFIGURED_BY_STARTUP_OPTIONS); } else { parse_filter_arg(&channel_name, &filter_val, argument); rpl_filter = rpl_channel_filters.get_channel_filter(channel_name); if (rpl_filter->add_ignore_table_array(filter_val)) { LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_RPL_CANT_ADD_IGNORE_TABLE, argument); return 1; } rpl_filter->ignore_table_statistics.set_all( CONFIGURED_BY_STARTUP_OPTIONS_FOR_CHANNEL); } break; } case (int)OPT_MASTER_RETRY_COUNT: push_deprecated_warn(NULL, "--master-retry-count", "'CHANGE MASTER TO master_retry_count = '"); break; case (int)OPT_SKIP_NEW: opt_specialflag |= SPECIAL_NO_NEW_FUNC; delay_key_write_options = DELAY_KEY_WRITE_NONE; myisam_concurrent_insert = 0; myisam_recover_options = HA_RECOVER_OFF; sp_automatic_privileges = 0; my_enable_symlinks = 0; ha_open_options &= ~(HA_OPEN_ABORT_IF_CRASHED | HA_OPEN_DELAY_KEY_WRITE); break; case (int)OPT_SKIP_HOST_CACHE: opt_specialflag |= SPECIAL_NO_HOST_CACHE; break; case (int)OPT_SKIP_RESOLVE: if (argument && argument[0] == '0') opt_skip_name_resolve = 0; else { opt_skip_name_resolve = 1; opt_specialflag |= SPECIAL_NO_RESOLVE; } break; case (int)OPT_WANT_CORE: test_flags |= TEST_CORE_ON_SIGNAL; break; case (int)OPT_SKIP_STACK_TRACE: test_flags |= TEST_NO_STACKTRACE; break; case OPT_SERVER_ID: /* Consider that one received a Server Id when 2 conditions are present: 1) The argument is on the list 2) There is a value present */ server_id_supplied = (*argument != 0); break; case OPT_LOWER_CASE_TABLE_NAMES: lower_case_table_names_used = 1; break; #if defined(ENABLED_DEBUG_SYNC) case OPT_DEBUG_SYNC_TIMEOUT: /* Debug Sync Facility. See debug_sync.cc. Default timeout for WAIT_FOR action. Default value is zero (facility disabled). If option is given without an argument, supply a non-zero value. */ if (!argument) { /* purecov: begin tested */ opt_debug_sync_timeout = DEBUG_SYNC_DEFAULT_WAIT_TIMEOUT; /* purecov: end */ } break; #endif /* defined(ENABLED_DEBUG_SYNC) */ case OPT_LOG_ERROR: /* "No --log-error" == "write errors to stderr", "--log-error without argument" == "write errors to a file". */ if (argument == NULL) /* no argument */ log_error_dest = ""; break; case OPT_EARLY_PLUGIN_LOAD: free_list(opt_early_plugin_load_list_ptr); opt_early_plugin_load_list_ptr->push_back(new i_string(argument)); break; case OPT_PLUGIN_LOAD: free_list(opt_plugin_load_list_ptr); /* fall through */ case OPT_PLUGIN_LOAD_ADD: opt_plugin_load_list_ptr->push_back(new i_string(argument)); break; case OPT_PFS_INSTRUMENT: { #ifdef WITH_PERFSCHEMA_STORAGE_ENGINE /* Parse instrument name and value from argument string. Handle leading and trailing spaces. Also handle single quotes. Acceptable: performance_schema_instrument = ' foo/%/bar/ = ON ' performance_schema_instrument = '%=OFF' Not acceptable: performance_schema_instrument = '' foo/%/bar = ON '' performance_schema_instrument = '%='OFF'' */ char *name = argument, *p = NULL, *val = NULL; bool quote = false; /* true if quote detected */ bool error = true; /* false if no errors detected */ const int PFS_BUFFER_SIZE = 128; char orig_argument[PFS_BUFFER_SIZE + 1]; orig_argument[0] = 0; if (!argument) goto pfs_error; /* Save original argument string for error reporting */ strncpy(orig_argument, argument, PFS_BUFFER_SIZE); /* Split instrument name and value at the equal sign */ if (!(p = strchr(argument, '='))) goto pfs_error; /* Get option value */ val = p + 1; if (!*val) goto pfs_error; /* Trim leading spaces and quote from the instrument name */ while (*name && (my_isspace(mysqld_charset, *name) || (*name == '\''))) { /* One quote allowed */ if (*name == '\'') { if (!quote) quote = true; else goto pfs_error; } name++; } /* Trim trailing spaces from instrument name */ while ((p > name) && my_isspace(mysqld_charset, p[-1])) p--; *p = 0; /* Remove trailing slash from instrument name */ if (p > name && (p[-1] == '/')) p[-1] = 0; if (!*name) goto pfs_error; /* Trim leading spaces from option value */ while (*val && my_isspace(mysqld_charset, *val)) val++; /* Trim trailing spaces and matching quote from value */ p = val + strlen(val); while (p > val && (my_isspace(mysqld_charset, p[-1]) || p[-1] == '\'')) { /* One matching quote allowed */ if (p[-1] == '\'') { if (quote) quote = false; else goto pfs_error; } p--; } *p = 0; if (!*val) goto pfs_error; /* Add instrument name and value to array of configuration options */ if (add_pfs_instr_to_array(name, val)) goto pfs_error; error = false; pfs_error: if (error) { LogErr(WARNING_LEVEL, ER_INVALID_INSTRUMENT, orig_argument); return 0; } #endif /* WITH_PERFSCHEMA_STORAGE_ENGINE */ break; } case OPT_THREAD_CACHE_SIZE: thread_cache_size_specified = true; break; case OPT_HOST_CACHE_SIZE: host_cache_size_specified = true; break; case OPT_TABLE_DEFINITION_CACHE: table_definition_cache_specified = true; break; case OPT_SKIP_INNODB: LogErr(WARNING_LEVEL, ER_INNODB_MANDATORY); break; case OPT_AVOID_TEMPORAL_UPGRADE: push_deprecated_warn_no_replacement(NULL, "avoid_temporal_upgrade"); break; case OPT_SHOW_OLD_TEMPORALS: push_deprecated_warn_no_replacement(NULL, "show_old_temporals"); break; case 'p': if (argument) { char *start = argument; my_free(opt_keyring_migration_password); opt_keyring_migration_password = my_strdup(PSI_NOT_INSTRUMENTED, argument, MYF(MY_FAE)); while (*argument) *argument++ = 'x'; if (*start) start[1] = 0; } else opt_keyring_migration_password = get_tty_password(NullS); migrate_connect_options = 1; break; case OPT_KEYRING_MIGRATION_USER: case OPT_KEYRING_MIGRATION_HOST: case OPT_KEYRING_MIGRATION_SOCKET: case OPT_KEYRING_MIGRATION_PORT: migrate_connect_options = 1; break; case OPT_LOG_SLAVE_UPDATES: log_slave_updates_supplied = true; break; case OPT_SLAVE_PRESERVE_COMMIT_ORDER: slave_preserve_commit_order_supplied = true; break; case OPT_ENFORCE_GTID_CONSISTENCY: { const char *wrong_value = fixup_enforce_gtid_consistency_command_line(argument); if (wrong_value != NULL) LogErr(WARNING_LEVEL, ER_INVALID_VALUE_FOR_ENFORCE_GTID_CONSISTENCY, wrong_value); } break; case OPT_NAMED_PIPE_FULL_ACCESS_GROUP: #ifdef _WIN32 if (!is_valid_named_pipe_full_access_group(argument)) { LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_INVALID_NAMED_PIPE_FULL_ACCESS_GROUP); return 1; } #endif // _WIN32 break; case OPT_RELAY_LOG_INFO_FILE: push_deprecated_warn_no_replacement(NULL, "--relay-log-info-file"); break; case OPT_MASTER_INFO_FILE: push_deprecated_warn_no_replacement(NULL, "--master-info-file"); break; case OPT_LOG_BIN_USE_V1_ROW_EVENTS: push_deprecated_warn_no_replacement(NULL, "--log-bin-use-v1-row-events"); break; case OPT_SLAVE_ROWS_SEARCH_ALGORITHMS: push_deprecated_warn_no_replacement(NULL, "--slave-rows-search-algorithms"); break; } return 0; } /** Handle arguments for multiple key caches. */ C_MODE_START static void *mysql_getopt_value(const char *keyname, size_t key_length, const struct my_option *option, int *error) { if (error) *error = 0; switch (option->id) { case OPT_KEY_BUFFER_SIZE: case OPT_KEY_CACHE_BLOCK_SIZE: case OPT_KEY_CACHE_DIVISION_LIMIT: case OPT_KEY_CACHE_AGE_THRESHOLD: { KEY_CACHE *key_cache; if (!(key_cache = get_or_create_key_cache(keyname, key_length))) { if (error) *error = EXIT_OUT_OF_MEMORY; return 0; } switch (option->id) { case OPT_KEY_BUFFER_SIZE: return &key_cache->param_buff_size; case OPT_KEY_CACHE_BLOCK_SIZE: return &key_cache->param_block_size; case OPT_KEY_CACHE_DIVISION_LIMIT: return &key_cache->param_division_limit; case OPT_KEY_CACHE_AGE_THRESHOLD: return &key_cache->param_age_threshold; } } } return option->value; } C_MODE_END /** Get server options from the command line, and perform related server initializations. @param [in, out] argc_ptr command line options (count) @param [in, out] argv_ptr command line options (values) @return 0 on success @todo - FIXME add EXIT_TOO_MANY_ARGUMENTS to "mysys_err.h" and return that code? */ static int get_options(int *argc_ptr, char ***argv_ptr) { int ho_error; my_getopt_register_get_addr(mysql_getopt_value); /* prepare all_options array */ all_options.reserve(array_elements(my_long_options)); for (my_option *opt = my_long_options; opt < my_long_options + array_elements(my_long_options) - 1; opt++) { all_options.push_back(*opt); } sys_var_add_options(&all_options, sys_var::PARSE_NORMAL); add_terminator(&all_options); if (is_help_or_validate_option() || opt_initialize) { /* Show errors during --help, but mute everything else so the info the user actually wants isn't lost in the spam. (For --help --verbose, we need to set up far enough to be able to print variables provided by plugins, so a good number of warnings/notes might get printed.) Likewise for --initialize. */ struct my_option *opt = &all_options[0]; for (; opt->name; opt++) if (!strcmp("log_error_verbosity", opt->name)) opt->def_value = opt_initialize ? 2 : 1; } /* Skip unknown options so that they may be processed later by plugins */ my_getopt_skip_unknown = true; if ((ho_error = handle_options(argc_ptr, argv_ptr, &all_options[0], mysqld_get_one_option))) return ho_error; // update verbosity in filter engine, if needed log_builtins_filter_update_verbosity(log_error_verbosity); // update suppression list in filter engine { int rr; // try to set the list if (((rr = log_builtins_filter_parse_suppression_list( opt_log_error_suppression_list, false)) != 0) || ((rr = log_builtins_filter_parse_suppression_list( opt_log_error_suppression_list, true)) != 0)) { rr = -(rr + 1); LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_CANT_SET_ERROR_SUPPRESSION_LIST_FROM_COMMAND_LINE, "log_error_suppression_list", &opt_log_error_suppression_list[rr]); /* We were given an illegal value at start-up, so the default will be used instead. We have reported the problem (and the dodgy value); let's now point our variable back at the default (i.e. the value actually used) so SELECT @@GLOBAL.log_error_suppression_list will render correct results. */ sys_var *var = intern_find_sys_var(STRING_WITH_LEN("log_error_suppression_list")); if (var != nullptr) { opt_log_error_suppression_list = (char *)var->get_default(); /* During unit-testing, the log subsystem is not initialized, so while the default should always check out as a valid argument, actually setting it will still fail in this particular case as we cannot acquire the rule-set or its lock. */ if (log_builtins_filter_parse_suppression_list( opt_log_error_suppression_list, false) == 0) { log_builtins_filter_parse_suppression_list( opt_log_error_suppression_list, true); } else { DBUG_ASSERT(false); /* purecov: inspected */ } } } } if (!is_help_or_validate_option()) vector().swap(all_options); // Deletes the vector contents. /* Add back the program name handle_options removes */ (*argc_ptr)++; (*argv_ptr)--; /* Options have been parsed. Now some of them need additional special handling, like custom value checking, checking of incompatibilites between options, setting of multiple variables, etc. Do them here. */ if (!opt_help && opt_verbose) LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_VERBOSE_REQUIRES_HELP); if ((opt_log_slow_admin_statements || opt_log_queries_not_using_indexes || opt_log_slow_slave_statements) && !opt_slow_log) LogErr(WARNING_LEVEL, ER_POINTLESS_WITHOUT_SLOWLOG); if (global_system_variables.net_buffer_length > global_system_variables.max_allowed_packet) { LogErr(WARNING_LEVEL, ER_WASTEFUL_NET_BUFFER_SIZE, global_system_variables.net_buffer_length, global_system_variables.max_allowed_packet); } /* TIMESTAMP columns get implicit DEFAULT values when --explicit_defaults_for_timestamp is not set. This behavior is deprecated now. */ if (!is_help_or_validate_option() && !global_system_variables.explicit_defaults_for_timestamp) LogErr(WARNING_LEVEL, ER_DEPRECATED_TIMESTAMP_IMPLICIT_DEFAULTS); if (!is_help_or_validate_option() && opt_mi_repository_id == INFO_REPOSITORY_FILE) push_deprecated_warn(NULL, "--master-info-repository=FILE", "'--master-info-repository=TABLE'"); if (!is_help_or_validate_option() && opt_rli_repository_id == INFO_REPOSITORY_FILE) push_deprecated_warn(NULL, "--relay-log-info-repository=FILE", "'--relay-log-info-repository=TABLE'"); opt_init_connect.length = strlen(opt_init_connect.str); opt_init_slave.length = strlen(opt_init_slave.str); opt_mandatory_roles.length = strlen(opt_mandatory_roles.str); if (global_system_variables.low_priority_updates) thr_upgraded_concurrent_insert_lock = TL_WRITE_LOW_PRIORITY; if (ft_boolean_check_syntax_string( pointer_cast(ft_boolean_syntax))) { LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_FT_BOOL_SYNTAX_INVALID, ft_boolean_syntax); return 1; } if (opt_noacl && !is_help_or_validate_option()) opt_disable_networking = true; if (opt_disable_networking) mysqld_port = 0; if (opt_skip_show_db) opt_specialflag |= SPECIAL_SKIP_SHOW_DB; if (myisam_flush) flush_time = 0; if (opt_slave_skip_errors) add_slave_skip_errors(opt_slave_skip_errors); if (global_system_variables.max_join_size == HA_POS_ERROR) global_system_variables.option_bits |= OPTION_BIG_SELECTS; else global_system_variables.option_bits &= ~OPTION_BIG_SELECTS; // Synchronize @@global.autocommit value on --autocommit const ulonglong turn_bit_on = opt_autocommit ? OPTION_AUTOCOMMIT : OPTION_NOT_AUTOCOMMIT; global_system_variables.option_bits = (global_system_variables.option_bits & ~(OPTION_NOT_AUTOCOMMIT | OPTION_AUTOCOMMIT)) | turn_bit_on; // Synchronize @@global.autocommit metadata on --autocommit my_option *opt = &my_long_options[3]; DBUG_ASSERT(strcmp(opt->name, "autocommit") == 0); DBUG_ASSERT(opt->arg_source != NULL); Sys_autocommit_ptr->set_source_name(opt->arg_source->m_path_name); Sys_autocommit_ptr->set_source(opt->arg_source->m_source); global_system_variables.sql_mode = expand_sql_mode(global_system_variables.sql_mode, NULL); if (!my_enable_symlinks) have_symlink = SHOW_OPTION_DISABLED; if (opt_debugging) { /* Allow break with SIGINT, no core or stack trace */ test_flags |= TEST_SIGINT | TEST_NO_STACKTRACE; test_flags &= ~TEST_CORE_ON_SIGNAL; } /* Set global MyISAM variables from delay_key_write_options */ fix_delay_key_write(0, 0, OPT_GLOBAL); #ifndef _WIN32 if (mysqld_chroot) set_root(mysqld_chroot); #endif if (fix_paths()) return 1; /* Set some global variables from the global_system_variables In most cases the global variables will not be used */ my_disable_locking = myisam_single_user = (opt_external_locking == 0); my_default_record_cache_size = global_system_variables.read_buff_size; global_system_variables.long_query_time = (ulonglong)(global_system_variables.long_query_time_double * 1e6); if (opt_short_log_format) opt_specialflag |= SPECIAL_SHORT_LOG_FORMAT; if (Connection_handler_manager::init()) { LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_CONNECTION_HANDLING_OOM); return 1; } if (Global_THD_manager::create_instance()) { LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_THREAD_HANDLING_OOM); return 1; } /* If --super-read-only was specified, set read_only to 1 */ read_only = super_read_only ? super_read_only : read_only; opt_readonly = read_only; return 0; } /* Create version name for running mysqld version We automaticly add suffixes -debug, -valgrind, -asan, -ubsan to the version name to make the version more descriptive. (MYSQL_SERVER_SUFFIX is set by the compilation environment) */ /* The following code is quite ugly as there is no portable way to easily set a string to the value of a macro */ #ifdef MYSQL_SERVER_SUFFIX #define MYSQL_SERVER_SUFFIX_STR STRINGIFY_ARG(MYSQL_SERVER_SUFFIX) #else #define MYSQL_SERVER_SUFFIX_STR MYSQL_SERVER_SUFFIX_DEF #endif static void set_server_version(void) { char *end MY_ATTRIBUTE((unused)) = strxmov( server_version, MYSQL_SERVER_VERSION, MYSQL_SERVER_SUFFIX_STR, NullS); #ifndef DBUG_OFF if (!strstr(MYSQL_SERVER_SUFFIX_STR, "-debug")) end = my_stpcpy(end, "-debug"); #endif #ifdef HAVE_VALGRIND if (SERVER_VERSION_LENGTH - (end - server_version) > static_cast(sizeof("-valgrind"))) end = my_stpcpy(end, "-valgrind"); #endif #ifdef HAVE_ASAN if (SERVER_VERSION_LENGTH - (end - server_version) > static_cast(sizeof("-asan"))) end = my_stpcpy(end, "-asan"); #endif #ifdef HAVE_LSAN if (SERVER_VERSION_LENGTH - (end - server_version) > static_cast(sizeof("-lsan"))) end = my_stpcpy(end, "-lsan"); #endif #ifdef HAVE_UBSAN if (SERVER_VERSION_LENGTH - (end - server_version) > static_cast(sizeof("-ubsan"))) end = my_stpcpy(end, "-ubsan"); #endif #ifdef HAVE_TSAN if (SERVER_VERSION_LENGTH - (end - server_version) > static_cast(sizeof("-tsan"))) end = my_stpcpy(end, "-tsan"); #endif } static const char *get_relative_path(const char *path) { if (test_if_hard_path(path) && is_prefix(path, DEFAULT_MYSQL_HOME) && strcmp(DEFAULT_MYSQL_HOME, FN_ROOTDIR)) { path += strlen(DEFAULT_MYSQL_HOME); while (is_directory_separator(*path)) path++; } return path; } /** Test a file path to determine if the path is compatible with the secure file path restriction. @param path null terminated character string @return @retval true The path is secure @retval false The path isn't secure */ bool is_secure_file_path(const char *path) { char buff1[FN_REFLEN], buff2[FN_REFLEN]; size_t opt_secure_file_priv_len; /* All paths are secure if opt_secure_file_priv is 0 */ if (!opt_secure_file_priv[0]) return true; opt_secure_file_priv_len = strlen(opt_secure_file_priv); if (strlen(path) >= FN_REFLEN) return false; if (!my_strcasecmp(system_charset_info, opt_secure_file_priv, "NULL")) return false; if (my_realpath(buff1, path, 0)) { /* The supplied file path might have been a file and not a directory. */ int length = (int)dirname_length(path); if (length >= FN_REFLEN) return false; memcpy(buff2, path, length); buff2[length] = '\0'; if (length == 0 || my_realpath(buff1, buff2, 0)) return false; } convert_dirname(buff2, buff1, NullS); if (!lower_case_file_system) { if (strncmp(opt_secure_file_priv, buff2, opt_secure_file_priv_len)) return false; } else { if (files_charset_info->coll->strnncoll( files_charset_info, (uchar *)buff2, strlen(buff2), pointer_cast(opt_secure_file_priv), opt_secure_file_priv_len, true)) return false; } return true; } /** check_secure_file_priv_path : Checks path specified through --secure-file-priv and raises warning in following cases: 1. If path is empty string or NULL and mysqld is not running with --initialize (bootstrap mode). 2. If path can access data directory 3. If path points to a directory which is accessible by all OS users (non-Windows build only) It throws error in following cases: 1. If path normalization fails 2. If it can not get stats of the directory Assumptions : 1. Data directory path has been normalized 2. opt_secure_file_priv has been normalized unless it is set to "NULL". @returns Status of validation @retval true : Validation is successful with/without warnings @retval false : Validation failed. Error is raised. */ static bool check_secure_file_priv_path() { char datadir_buffer[FN_REFLEN + 1] = {0}; char plugindir_buffer[FN_REFLEN + 1] = {0}; char whichdir[20] = {0}; size_t opt_plugindir_len = 0; size_t opt_datadir_len = 0; size_t opt_secure_file_priv_len = 0; bool warn = false; bool case_insensitive_fs; #ifndef _WIN32 MY_STAT dir_stat; #endif if (!opt_secure_file_priv[0]) { if (opt_initialize) { /* Do not impose --secure-file-priv restriction in bootstrap mode */ LogErr(INFORMATION_LEVEL, ER_SEC_FILE_PRIV_IGNORED); } else { LogErr(WARNING_LEVEL, ER_SEC_FILE_PRIV_EMPTY); } return true; } /* Setting --secure-file-priv to NULL would disable reading/writing from/to file */ if (!my_strcasecmp(system_charset_info, opt_secure_file_priv, "NULL")) { LogErr(INFORMATION_LEVEL, ER_SEC_FILE_PRIV_NULL); return true; } /* Check if --secure-file-priv can access data directory */ opt_secure_file_priv_len = strlen(opt_secure_file_priv); /* Adds dir seperator at the end. This is required in subsequent comparison */ convert_dirname(datadir_buffer, mysql_unpacked_real_data_home, NullS); opt_datadir_len = strlen(datadir_buffer); case_insensitive_fs = (test_if_case_insensitive(datadir_buffer) == 1); if (!case_insensitive_fs) { if (!strncmp(datadir_buffer, opt_secure_file_priv, opt_datadir_len < opt_secure_file_priv_len ? opt_datadir_len : opt_secure_file_priv_len)) { warn = true; strcpy(whichdir, "Data directory"); } } else { if (!files_charset_info->coll->strnncoll( files_charset_info, (uchar *)datadir_buffer, opt_datadir_len, pointer_cast(opt_secure_file_priv), opt_secure_file_priv_len, true)) { warn = true; strcpy(whichdir, "Data directory"); } } /* Don't bother comparing --secure-file-priv with --plugin-dir if we already have a match against --datdir or --plugin-dir is not pointing to a valid directory. */ if (!warn && !my_realpath(plugindir_buffer, opt_plugin_dir, 0)) { convert_dirname(plugindir_buffer, plugindir_buffer, NullS); opt_plugindir_len = strlen(plugindir_buffer); if (!case_insensitive_fs) { if (!strncmp(plugindir_buffer, opt_secure_file_priv, opt_plugindir_len < opt_secure_file_priv_len ? opt_plugindir_len : opt_secure_file_priv_len)) { warn = true; strcpy(whichdir, "Plugin directory"); } } else { if (!files_charset_info->coll->strnncoll( files_charset_info, (uchar *)plugindir_buffer, opt_plugindir_len, pointer_cast(opt_secure_file_priv), opt_secure_file_priv_len, true)) { warn = true; strcpy(whichdir, "Plugin directory"); } } } if (warn) LogErr(WARNING_LEVEL, ER_SEC_FILE_PRIV_DIRECTORY_INSECURE, whichdir); #ifndef _WIN32 /* Check for --secure-file-priv directory's permission */ if (!(my_stat(opt_secure_file_priv, &dir_stat, MYF(0)))) { LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_SEC_FILE_PRIV_CANT_STAT); return false; } if (dir_stat.st_mode & S_IRWXO) LogErr(WARNING_LEVEL, ER_SEC_FILE_PRIV_DIRECTORY_PERMISSIONS); #endif return true; } static int fix_paths(void) { char buff[FN_REFLEN]; bool secure_file_priv_nonempty = false; convert_dirname(mysql_home, mysql_home, NullS); /* Resolve symlinks to allow 'mysql_home' to be a relative symlink */ my_realpath(mysql_home, mysql_home, MYF(0)); /* Ensure that mysql_home ends in FN_LIBCHAR */ char *pos = strend(mysql_home); if (pos == mysql_home || pos[-1] != FN_LIBCHAR) { pos[0] = FN_LIBCHAR; pos[1] = 0; } convert_dirname(lc_messages_dir, lc_messages_dir, NullS); convert_dirname(mysql_real_data_home, mysql_real_data_home, NullS); (void)my_load_path(mysql_home, mysql_home, ""); // Resolve current dir (void)my_load_path(mysql_real_data_home, mysql_real_data_home, mysql_home); (void)my_load_path(pidfile_name, pidfile_name_ptr, mysql_real_data_home); convert_dirname( opt_plugin_dir, opt_plugin_dir_ptr ? opt_plugin_dir_ptr : get_relative_path(PLUGINDIR), NullS); (void)my_load_path(opt_plugin_dir, opt_plugin_dir, mysql_home); opt_plugin_dir_ptr = opt_plugin_dir; my_realpath(mysql_unpacked_real_data_home, mysql_real_data_home, MYF(0)); mysql_unpacked_real_data_home_len = strlen(mysql_unpacked_real_data_home); if (mysql_unpacked_real_data_home[mysql_unpacked_real_data_home_len - 1] == FN_LIBCHAR) --mysql_unpacked_real_data_home_len; const char *sharedir = get_relative_path(SHAREDIR); if (test_if_hard_path(sharedir)) strmake(buff, sharedir, sizeof(buff) - 1); /* purecov: tested */ else strxnmov(buff, sizeof(buff) - 1, mysql_home, sharedir, NullS); convert_dirname(buff, buff, NullS); (void)my_load_path(lc_messages_dir, lc_messages_dir, buff); /* If --character-sets-dir isn't given, use shared library dir */ if (charsets_dir) strmake(mysql_charsets_dir, charsets_dir, sizeof(mysql_charsets_dir) - 1); else strxnmov(mysql_charsets_dir, sizeof(mysql_charsets_dir) - 1, buff, CHARSET_DIR, NullS); (void)my_load_path(mysql_charsets_dir, mysql_charsets_dir, buff); convert_dirname(mysql_charsets_dir, mysql_charsets_dir, NullS); charsets_dir = mysql_charsets_dir; if (init_tmpdir(&mysql_tmpdir_list, opt_mysql_tmpdir)) return 1; if (!opt_mysql_tmpdir) opt_mysql_tmpdir = mysql_tmpdir; if (!slave_load_tmpdir) slave_load_tmpdir = mysql_tmpdir; if (opt_help) return 0; /* Convert the secure-file-priv option to system format, allowing a quick strcmp to check if read or write is in an allowed dir */ if (opt_initialize) opt_secure_file_priv = ""; secure_file_priv_nonempty = opt_secure_file_priv[0] ? true : false; if (secure_file_priv_nonempty && strlen(opt_secure_file_priv) > FN_REFLEN) { LogErr(WARNING_LEVEL, ER_SEC_FILE_PRIV_ARGUMENT_TOO_LONG, FN_REFLEN - 1); return 1; } memset(buff, 0, sizeof(buff)); if (secure_file_priv_nonempty && my_strcasecmp(system_charset_info, opt_secure_file_priv, "NULL")) { int retval = my_realpath(buff, opt_secure_file_priv, MYF(MY_WME)); if (!retval) { convert_dirname(secure_file_real_path, buff, NullS); #ifdef WIN32 MY_DIR *dir = my_dir(secure_file_real_path, MYF(MY_DONT_SORT + MY_WME)); if (!dir) { retval = 1; } else { my_dirend(dir); } #endif } if (retval) { LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_SEC_FILE_PRIV_CANT_ACCESS_DIR, opt_secure_file_priv); return 1; } opt_secure_file_priv = secure_file_real_path; } if (!check_secure_file_priv_path()) return 1; return 0; } /** Check if file system used for databases is case insensitive. @param dir_name Directory to test @retval -1 Don't know (Test failed) @retval 0 File system is case sensitive @retval 1 File system is case insensitive */ static int test_if_case_insensitive(const char *dir_name) { int result = 0; File file; char buff[FN_REFLEN], buff2[FN_REFLEN]; MY_STAT stat_info; const char *const tmp_file_name = "mysqld_tmp_file_case_insensitive_test"; DBUG_TRACE; fn_format(buff, tmp_file_name, dir_name, ".lower-test", MY_UNPACK_FILENAME | MY_REPLACE_EXT | MY_REPLACE_DIR); fn_format(buff2, tmp_file_name, dir_name, ".LOWER-TEST", MY_UNPACK_FILENAME | MY_REPLACE_EXT | MY_REPLACE_DIR); mysql_file_delete(key_file_casetest, buff2, MYF(0)); if ((file = mysql_file_create(key_file_casetest, buff, 0666, O_RDWR, MYF(0))) < 0) { LogErr(WARNING_LEVEL, ER_CANT_CREATE_TEST_FILE, buff); return -1; } mysql_file_close(file, MYF(0)); if (mysql_file_stat(key_file_casetest, buff2, &stat_info, MYF(0))) result = 1; // Can access file mysql_file_delete(key_file_casetest, buff, MYF(MY_WME)); DBUG_PRINT("exit", ("result: %d", result)); return result; } /** Create file to store pid number. */ static bool create_pid_file() { File file; bool check_parent_path = 1, is_path_accessible = 1; char pid_filepath[FN_REFLEN], *pos = NULL; /* Copy pid file name to get pid file path */ strcpy(pid_filepath, pidfile_name); /* Iterate through the entire path to check if even one of the sub-dirs is world-writable */ while (check_parent_path && (pos = strrchr(pid_filepath, FN_LIBCHAR)) && (pos != pid_filepath)) /* shouldn't check root */ { *pos = '\0'; /* Trim the inner-most dir */ switch (is_file_or_dir_world_writable(pid_filepath)) { case -2: is_path_accessible = 0; break; case -1: LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_CANT_CHECK_PID_PATH, strerror(errno)); exit(MYSQLD_ABORT_EXIT); case 1: LogErr(WARNING_LEVEL, ER_PID_FILE_PRIV_DIRECTORY_INSECURE, pid_filepath); check_parent_path = 0; break; case 0: continue; /* Keep checking the parent dir */ } } if (!is_path_accessible) { LogErr(WARNING_LEVEL, ER_PID_FILEPATH_LOCATIONS_INACCESSIBLE); } if ((file = mysql_file_create(key_file_pid, pidfile_name, 0664, O_WRONLY | O_TRUNC, MYF(MY_WME))) >= 0) { char buff[MAX_BIGINT_WIDTH + 1], *end; end = int10_to_str((long)getpid(), buff, 10); *end++ = '\n'; if (!mysql_file_write(file, (uchar *)buff, (uint)(end - buff), MYF(MY_WME | MY_NABP))) { mysql_file_close(file, MYF(0)); pid_file_created = true; return false; } mysql_file_close(file, MYF(0)); } LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_CANT_CREATE_PID_FILE, strerror(errno)); return true; } /** Remove the process' pid file. @param flags file operation flags */ static void delete_pid_file(myf flags) { File file; if (opt_initialize || !pid_file_created || !(file = mysql_file_open(key_file_pid, pidfile_name, O_RDONLY, flags))) return; if (file == -1) { LogErr(INFORMATION_LEVEL, ER_CANT_REMOVE_PID_FILE, strerror(errno)); return; } uchar buff[MAX_BIGINT_WIDTH + 1]; /* Make sure that the pid file was created by the same process. */ size_t error = mysql_file_read(file, buff, sizeof(buff), flags); mysql_file_close(file, flags); buff[sizeof(buff) - 1] = '\0'; if (error != MY_FILE_ERROR && atol((char *)buff) == (long)getpid()) { mysql_file_delete(key_file_pid, pidfile_name, flags); pid_file_created = false; } return; } /** Delete mysql.ibd after aborting upgrade. */ static void delete_dictionary_tablespace() { char path[FN_REFLEN + 1]; bool not_used; build_table_filename(path, sizeof(path) - 1, "", "mysql", ".ibd", 0, ¬_used); (void)mysql_file_delete(key_file_misc, path, MYF(MY_WME)); // Drop file which tracks progress of upgrade. dd::upgrade_57::Upgrade_status().remove(); } /** Returns the current state of the server : booting, operational or shutting down. @return SERVER_BOOTING Server is not operational. It is starting. SERVER_OPERATING Server is fully initialized and operating. SERVER_SHUTTING_DOWN Server is shutting down. */ enum_server_operational_state get_server_state() { return server_operational_state; } /** Reset status for all threads. */ class Reset_thd_status : public Do_THD_Impl { public: Reset_thd_status() {} virtual void operator()(THD *thd) { /* Update the global status if not done so already. */ if (!thd->status_var_aggregated) { add_to_status(&global_status_var, &thd->status_var); } reset_system_status_vars(&thd->status_var); } }; /** Reset global and session status variables. */ void refresh_status() { mysql_mutex_lock(&LOCK_status); /* For all threads, add status to global status and then reset. */ Reset_thd_status reset_thd_status; Global_THD_manager::get_instance()->do_for_all_thd_copy(&reset_thd_status); #ifdef WITH_PERFSCHEMA_STORAGE_ENGINE /* Reset aggregated status counters. */ reset_pfs_status_stats(); #endif /* Reset some global variables. */ reset_status_vars(); /* Reset the counters of all key caches (default and named). */ process_key_caches(reset_key_cache_counters); flush_status_time = time((time_t *)0); mysql_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_status); /* Set max_used_connections to the number of currently open connections. Do this out of LOCK_status to avoid deadlocks. Status reset becomes not atomic, but status data is not exact anyway. */ Connection_handler_manager::reset_max_used_connections(); } /***************************************************************************** Instantiate variables for missing storage engines This section should go away soon *****************************************************************************/ #ifdef HAVE_PSI_INTERFACE PSI_mutex_key key_LOCK_tc; PSI_mutex_key key_hash_filo_lock; PSI_mutex_key key_LOCK_error_log; PSI_mutex_key key_LOCK_thd_data; PSI_mutex_key key_LOCK_thd_sysvar; PSI_mutex_key key_LOCK_thd_protocol; PSI_mutex_key key_LOG_LOCK_log; PSI_mutex_key key_master_info_data_lock; PSI_mutex_key key_master_info_run_lock; PSI_mutex_key key_master_info_sleep_lock; PSI_mutex_key key_master_info_thd_lock; PSI_mutex_key key_master_info_rotate_lock; PSI_mutex_key key_mutex_slave_reporting_capability_err_lock; PSI_mutex_key key_relay_log_info_data_lock; PSI_mutex_key key_relay_log_info_sleep_lock; PSI_mutex_key key_relay_log_info_thd_lock; PSI_mutex_key key_relay_log_info_log_space_lock; PSI_mutex_key key_relay_log_info_run_lock; PSI_mutex_key key_mutex_slave_parallel_pend_jobs; PSI_mutex_key key_mutex_slave_parallel_worker_count; PSI_mutex_key key_mutex_slave_parallel_worker; PSI_mutex_key key_structure_guard_mutex; PSI_mutex_key key_TABLE_SHARE_LOCK_ha_data; PSI_mutex_key key_LOCK_query_plan; PSI_mutex_key key_LOCK_thd_query; PSI_mutex_key key_LOCK_cost_const; PSI_mutex_key key_LOCK_current_cond; PSI_mutex_key key_RELAYLOG_LOCK_commit; PSI_mutex_key key_RELAYLOG_LOCK_commit_queue; PSI_mutex_key key_RELAYLOG_LOCK_done; PSI_mutex_key key_RELAYLOG_LOCK_flush_queue; PSI_mutex_key key_RELAYLOG_LOCK_index; PSI_mutex_key key_RELAYLOG_LOCK_log; PSI_mutex_key key_RELAYLOG_LOCK_log_end_pos; PSI_mutex_key key_RELAYLOG_LOCK_sync; PSI_mutex_key key_RELAYLOG_LOCK_sync_queue; PSI_mutex_key key_RELAYLOG_LOCK_xids; PSI_mutex_key key_gtid_ensure_index_mutex; PSI_mutex_key key_object_cache_mutex; // TODO need to initialize PSI_cond_key key_object_loading_cond; // TODO need to initialize PSI_mutex_key key_mts_temp_table_LOCK; PSI_mutex_key key_mts_gaq_LOCK; PSI_mutex_key key_thd_timer_mutex; PSI_mutex_key key_commit_order_manager_mutex; PSI_mutex_key key_mutex_slave_worker_hash; /* clang-format off */ static PSI_mutex_info all_server_mutexes[]= { { &key_LOCK_tc, "TC_LOG_MMAP::LOCK_tc", 0, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, { &key_BINLOG_LOCK_commit, "MYSQL_BIN_LOG::LOCK_commit", 0, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, { &key_BINLOG_LOCK_commit_queue, "MYSQL_BIN_LOG::LOCK_commit_queue", 0, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, { &key_BINLOG_LOCK_done, "MYSQL_BIN_LOG::LOCK_done", 0, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, { &key_BINLOG_LOCK_flush_queue, "MYSQL_BIN_LOG::LOCK_flush_queue", 0, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, { &key_BINLOG_LOCK_index, "MYSQL_BIN_LOG::LOCK_index", 0, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, { &key_BINLOG_LOCK_log, "MYSQL_BIN_LOG::LOCK_log", 0, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, { &key_BINLOG_LOCK_binlog_end_pos, "MYSQL_BIN_LOG::LOCK_binlog_end_pos", 0, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, { &key_BINLOG_LOCK_sync, "MYSQL_BIN_LOG::LOCK_sync", 0, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, { &key_BINLOG_LOCK_sync_queue, "MYSQL_BIN_LOG::LOCK_sync_queue", 0, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, { &key_BINLOG_LOCK_xids, "MYSQL_BIN_LOG::LOCK_xids", 0, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, { &key_RELAYLOG_LOCK_commit, "MYSQL_RELAY_LOG::LOCK_commit", 0, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, { &key_RELAYLOG_LOCK_commit_queue, "MYSQL_RELAY_LOG::LOCK_commit_queue", 0, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, { &key_RELAYLOG_LOCK_done, "MYSQL_RELAY_LOG::LOCK_done", 0, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, { &key_RELAYLOG_LOCK_flush_queue, "MYSQL_RELAY_LOG::LOCK_flush_queue", 0, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, { &key_RELAYLOG_LOCK_index, "MYSQL_RELAY_LOG::LOCK_index", 0, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, { &key_RELAYLOG_LOCK_log, "MYSQL_RELAY_LOG::LOCK_log", 0, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, { &key_RELAYLOG_LOCK_log_end_pos, "MYSQL_RELAY_LOG::LOCK_log_end_pos", 0, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, { &key_RELAYLOG_LOCK_sync, "MYSQL_RELAY_LOG::LOCK_sync", 0, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, { &key_RELAYLOG_LOCK_sync_queue, "MYSQL_RELAY_LOG::LOCK_sync_queue", 0, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, { &key_RELAYLOG_LOCK_xids, "MYSQL_RELAY_LOG::LOCK_xids", 0, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, { &key_hash_filo_lock, "hash_filo::lock", 0, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, { &Gtid_set::key_gtid_executed_free_intervals_mutex, "Gtid_set::gtid_executed::free_intervals_mutex", 0, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, { &key_LOCK_crypt, "LOCK_crypt", PSI_FLAG_SINGLETON, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, { &key_LOCK_error_log, "LOCK_error_log", PSI_FLAG_SINGLETON, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, { &key_LOCK_global_system_variables, "LOCK_global_system_variables", PSI_FLAG_SINGLETON, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, #if defined(_WIN32) { &key_LOCK_handler_count, "LOCK_handler_count", PSI_FLAG_SINGLETON, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, #endif { &key_LOCK_manager, "LOCK_manager", PSI_FLAG_SINGLETON, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, { &key_LOCK_prepared_stmt_count, "LOCK_prepared_stmt_count", PSI_FLAG_SINGLETON, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, { &key_LOCK_sql_slave_skip_counter, "LOCK_sql_slave_skip_counter", PSI_FLAG_SINGLETON, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, { &key_LOCK_slave_net_timeout, "LOCK_slave_net_timeout", PSI_FLAG_SINGLETON, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, { &key_LOCK_slave_trans_dep_tracker, "LOCK_slave_trans_dep_tracker", PSI_FLAG_SINGLETON, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, { &key_LOCK_server_started, "LOCK_server_started", PSI_FLAG_SINGLETON, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, #if !defined(_WIN32) { &key_LOCK_socket_listener_active, "LOCK_socket_listener_active", PSI_FLAG_SINGLETON, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, { &key_LOCK_start_signal_handler, "LOCK_start_signal_handler", PSI_FLAG_SINGLETON, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, #endif { &key_LOCK_status, "LOCK_status", PSI_FLAG_SINGLETON, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, { &key_LOCK_thd_data, "THD::LOCK_thd_data", 0, PSI_VOLATILITY_SESSION, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, { &key_LOCK_thd_query, "THD::LOCK_thd_query", 0, PSI_VOLATILITY_SESSION, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, { &key_LOCK_thd_sysvar, "THD::LOCK_thd_sysvar", 0, PSI_VOLATILITY_SESSION, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, { &key_LOCK_thd_protocol, "THD::LOCK_thd_protocol", 0, PSI_VOLATILITY_SESSION, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, { &key_LOCK_user_conn, "LOCK_user_conn", PSI_FLAG_SINGLETON, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, { &key_LOCK_uuid_generator, "LOCK_uuid_generator", PSI_FLAG_SINGLETON, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, { &key_LOCK_sql_rand, "LOCK_sql_rand", PSI_FLAG_SINGLETON, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, { &key_LOG_LOCK_log, "LOG::LOCK_log", 0, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, { &key_master_info_data_lock, "Master_info::data_lock", 0, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, { &key_master_info_run_lock, "Master_info::run_lock", 0, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, { &key_master_info_sleep_lock, "Master_info::sleep_lock", 0, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, { &key_master_info_thd_lock, "Master_info::info_thd_lock", 0, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, { &key_master_info_rotate_lock, "Master_info::rotate_lock", 0, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, { &key_mutex_slave_reporting_capability_err_lock, "Slave_reporting_capability::err_lock", 0, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, { &key_relay_log_info_data_lock, "Relay_log_info::data_lock", 0, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, { &key_relay_log_info_sleep_lock, "Relay_log_info::sleep_lock", 0, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, { &key_relay_log_info_thd_lock, "Relay_log_info::info_thd_lock", 0, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, { &key_relay_log_info_log_space_lock, "Relay_log_info::log_space_lock", 0, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, { &key_relay_log_info_run_lock, "Relay_log_info::run_lock", 0, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, { &key_mutex_slave_parallel_pend_jobs, "Relay_log_info::pending_jobs_lock", 0, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, { &key_mutex_slave_parallel_worker_count, "Relay_log_info::exit_count_lock", 0, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, { &key_mutex_slave_parallel_worker, "Worker_info::jobs_lock", 0, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, { &key_TABLE_SHARE_LOCK_ha_data, "TABLE_SHARE::LOCK_ha_data", 0, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, { &key_LOCK_error_messages, "LOCK_error_messages", PSI_FLAG_SINGLETON, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, { &key_LOCK_log_throttle_qni, "LOCK_log_throttle_qni", PSI_FLAG_SINGLETON, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, { &key_gtid_ensure_index_mutex, "Gtid_state", PSI_FLAG_SINGLETON, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, { &key_LOCK_query_plan, "THD::LOCK_query_plan", 0, PSI_VOLATILITY_SESSION, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, { &key_LOCK_cost_const, "Cost_constant_cache::LOCK_cost_const", PSI_FLAG_SINGLETON, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, { &key_LOCK_current_cond, "THD::LOCK_current_cond", 0, PSI_VOLATILITY_SESSION, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, { &key_mts_temp_table_LOCK, "key_mts_temp_table_LOCK", 0, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, { &key_LOCK_reset_gtid_table, "LOCK_reset_gtid_table", PSI_FLAG_SINGLETON, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, { &key_LOCK_compress_gtid_table, "LOCK_compress_gtid_table", PSI_FLAG_SINGLETON, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, { &key_LOCK_collect_instance_log, "LOCK_collect_instance_log", PSI_FLAG_SINGLETON, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, { &key_mts_gaq_LOCK, "key_mts_gaq_LOCK", 0, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, { &key_thd_timer_mutex, "thd_timer_mutex", 0, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, { &key_commit_order_manager_mutex, "Commit_order_manager::m_mutex", 0, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, { &key_mutex_slave_worker_hash, "Relay_log_info::slave_worker_hash_lock", 0, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, { &key_LOCK_default_password_lifetime, "LOCK_default_password_lifetime", PSI_FLAG_SINGLETON, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, { &key_LOCK_mandatory_roles, "LOCK_mandatory_roles", PSI_FLAG_SINGLETON, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, { &key_LOCK_password_history, "LOCK_password_history", PSI_FLAG_SINGLETON, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, { &key_LOCK_password_reuse_interval, "LOCK_password_reuse_interval", PSI_FLAG_SINGLETON, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, { &key_LOCK_keyring_operations, "LOCK_keyring_operations", PSI_FLAG_SINGLETON, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, { &key_LOCK_tls_ctx_options, "LOCK_tls_ctx_options", 0, 0, "A lock to control all of the --ssl-* CTX related command line options"}, { &key_LOCK_rotate_binlog_master_key, "LOCK_rotate_binlog_master_key", PSI_FLAG_SINGLETON, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME} }; /* clang-format on */ PSI_rwlock_key key_rwlock_LOCK_logger; PSI_rwlock_key key_rwlock_channel_map_lock; PSI_rwlock_key key_rwlock_channel_lock; PSI_rwlock_key key_rwlock_receiver_sid_lock; PSI_rwlock_key key_rwlock_rpl_filter_lock; PSI_rwlock_key key_rwlock_channel_to_filter_lock; PSI_rwlock_key key_rwlock_Trans_delegate_lock; PSI_rwlock_key key_rwlock_Server_state_delegate_lock; PSI_rwlock_key key_rwlock_Binlog_storage_delegate_lock; PSI_rwlock_key key_rwlock_Binlog_transmit_delegate_lock; PSI_rwlock_key key_rwlock_Binlog_relay_IO_delegate_lock; PSI_rwlock_key key_rwlock_resource_group_mgr_map_lock; /* clang-format off */ static PSI_rwlock_info all_server_rwlocks[]= { { &key_rwlock_Binlog_transmit_delegate_lock, "Binlog_transmit_delegate::lock", PSI_FLAG_SINGLETON, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, { &key_rwlock_Binlog_relay_IO_delegate_lock, "Binlog_relay_IO_delegate::lock", PSI_FLAG_SINGLETON, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, { &key_rwlock_LOCK_logger, "LOGGER::LOCK_logger", 0, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, { &key_rwlock_LOCK_sys_init_connect, "LOCK_sys_init_connect", PSI_FLAG_SINGLETON, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, { &key_rwlock_LOCK_sys_init_slave, "LOCK_sys_init_slave", PSI_FLAG_SINGLETON, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, { &key_rwlock_LOCK_system_variables_hash, "LOCK_system_variables_hash", PSI_FLAG_SINGLETON, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, { &key_rwlock_global_sid_lock, "gtid_commit_rollback", PSI_FLAG_SINGLETON, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, { &key_rwlock_gtid_mode_lock, "gtid_mode_lock", PSI_FLAG_SINGLETON, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, { &key_rwlock_channel_map_lock, "channel_map_lock", 0, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, { &key_rwlock_channel_lock, "channel_lock", 0, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, { &key_rwlock_Trans_delegate_lock, "Trans_delegate::lock", PSI_FLAG_SINGLETON, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, { &key_rwlock_Server_state_delegate_lock, "Server_state_delegate::lock", PSI_FLAG_SINGLETON, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, { &key_rwlock_Binlog_storage_delegate_lock, "Binlog_storage_delegate::lock", PSI_FLAG_SINGLETON, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, { &key_rwlock_receiver_sid_lock, "gtid_retrieved", PSI_FLAG_SINGLETON, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, { &key_rwlock_rpl_filter_lock, "rpl_filter_lock", 0, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, { &key_rwlock_channel_to_filter_lock, "channel_to_filter_lock", 0, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, { &key_rwlock_resource_group_mgr_map_lock, "Resource_group_mgr::m_map_rwlock", 0, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, #ifdef _WIN32 { &key_rwlock_LOCK_named_pipe_full_access_group, "LOCK_named_pipe_full_access_group", PSI_FLAG_SINGLETON, 0, "This lock protects named pipe security attributes, preventing their " "simultaneous application and modification."}, #endif // _WIN32 }; /* clang-format on */ PSI_cond_key key_PAGE_cond; PSI_cond_key key_COND_active; PSI_cond_key key_COND_pool; PSI_cond_key key_COND_cache_status_changed; PSI_cond_key key_item_func_sleep_cond; PSI_cond_key key_master_info_data_cond; PSI_cond_key key_master_info_start_cond; PSI_cond_key key_master_info_stop_cond; PSI_cond_key key_master_info_sleep_cond; PSI_cond_key key_master_info_rotate_cond; PSI_cond_key key_relay_log_info_data_cond; PSI_cond_key key_relay_log_info_log_space_cond; PSI_cond_key key_relay_log_info_start_cond; PSI_cond_key key_relay_log_info_stop_cond; PSI_cond_key key_relay_log_info_sleep_cond; PSI_cond_key key_cond_slave_parallel_pend_jobs; PSI_cond_key key_cond_slave_parallel_worker; PSI_cond_key key_cond_mts_gaq; PSI_cond_key key_RELAYLOG_update_cond; PSI_cond_key key_RELAYLOG_COND_done; PSI_cond_key key_RELAYLOG_prep_xids_cond; PSI_cond_key key_gtid_ensure_index_cond; PSI_cond_key key_COND_thr_lock; PSI_cond_key key_commit_order_manager_cond; PSI_cond_key key_cond_slave_worker_hash; /* clang-format off */ static PSI_cond_info all_server_conds[]= { { &key_PAGE_cond, "PAGE::cond", 0, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, { &key_COND_active, "TC_LOG_MMAP::COND_active", 0, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, { &key_COND_pool, "TC_LOG_MMAP::COND_pool", 0, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, { &key_BINLOG_COND_done, "MYSQL_BIN_LOG::COND_done", 0, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, { &key_BINLOG_update_cond, "MYSQL_BIN_LOG::update_cond", 0, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, { &key_BINLOG_prep_xids_cond, "MYSQL_BIN_LOG::prep_xids_cond", 0, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, { &key_RELAYLOG_COND_done, "MYSQL_RELAY_LOG::COND_done", 0, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, { &key_RELAYLOG_update_cond, "MYSQL_RELAY_LOG::update_cond", 0, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, { &key_RELAYLOG_prep_xids_cond, "MYSQL_RELAY_LOG::prep_xids_cond", 0, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, #if defined(_WIN32) { &key_COND_handler_count, "COND_handler_count", PSI_FLAG_SINGLETON, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, #endif { &key_COND_manager, "COND_manager", PSI_FLAG_SINGLETON, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, { &key_COND_server_started, "COND_server_started", PSI_FLAG_SINGLETON, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, #if !defined(_WIN32) { &key_COND_socket_listener_active, "COND_socket_listener_active", PSI_FLAG_SINGLETON, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, { &key_COND_start_signal_handler, "COND_start_signal_handler", PSI_FLAG_SINGLETON, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, #endif { &key_COND_thr_lock, "COND_thr_lock", 0, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, { &key_item_func_sleep_cond, "Item_func_sleep::cond", 0, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, { &key_master_info_data_cond, "Master_info::data_cond", 0, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, { &key_master_info_start_cond, "Master_info::start_cond", 0, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, { &key_master_info_stop_cond, "Master_info::stop_cond", 0, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, { &key_master_info_sleep_cond, "Master_info::sleep_cond", 0, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, { &key_master_info_rotate_cond, "Master_info::rotate_cond", 0, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, { &key_relay_log_info_data_cond, "Relay_log_info::data_cond", 0, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, { &key_relay_log_info_log_space_cond, "Relay_log_info::log_space_cond", 0, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, { &key_relay_log_info_start_cond, "Relay_log_info::start_cond", 0, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, { &key_relay_log_info_stop_cond, "Relay_log_info::stop_cond", 0, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, { &key_relay_log_info_sleep_cond, "Relay_log_info::sleep_cond", 0, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, { &key_cond_slave_parallel_pend_jobs, "Relay_log_info::pending_jobs_cond", 0, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, { &key_cond_slave_parallel_worker, "Worker_info::jobs_cond", 0, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, { &key_cond_mts_gaq, "Relay_log_info::mts_gaq_cond", 0, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, { &key_gtid_ensure_index_cond, "Gtid_state", PSI_FLAG_SINGLETON, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, { &key_COND_compress_gtid_table, "COND_compress_gtid_table", PSI_FLAG_SINGLETON, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, { &key_commit_order_manager_cond, "Commit_order_manager::m_workers.cond", 0, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, { &key_cond_slave_worker_hash, "Relay_log_info::slave_worker_hash_lock", 0, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME} }; /* clang-format on */ PSI_thread_key key_thread_bootstrap; PSI_thread_key key_thread_handle_manager; PSI_thread_key key_thread_one_connection; PSI_thread_key key_thread_compress_gtid_table; PSI_thread_key key_thread_parser_service; PSI_thread_key key_thread_handle_con_admin_sockets; /* clang-format off */ static PSI_thread_info all_server_threads[]= { #if defined (_WIN32) { &key_thread_handle_con_namedpipes, "con_named_pipes", PSI_FLAG_SINGLETON, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, { &key_thread_handle_con_sharedmem, "con_shared_mem", PSI_FLAG_SINGLETON, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, { &key_thread_handle_con_sockets, "con_sockets", PSI_FLAG_SINGLETON, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, { &key_thread_handle_shutdown_restart, "shutdown_restart", PSI_FLAG_SINGLETON, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, #endif /* _WIN32 */ { &key_thread_bootstrap, "bootstrap", PSI_FLAG_SINGLETON, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, { &key_thread_handle_manager, "manager", PSI_FLAG_SINGLETON, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, { &key_thread_main, "main", PSI_FLAG_SINGLETON, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, { &key_thread_one_connection, "one_connection", PSI_FLAG_USER, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, { &key_thread_signal_hand, "signal_handler", PSI_FLAG_SINGLETON, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, { &key_thread_compress_gtid_table, "compress_gtid_table", PSI_FLAG_SINGLETON, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, { &key_thread_parser_service, "parser_service", PSI_FLAG_SINGLETON, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, { &key_thread_handle_con_admin_sockets, "admin_interface", PSI_FLAG_USER, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, }; /* clang-format on */ PSI_file_key key_file_binlog; PSI_file_key key_file_binlog_index; PSI_file_key key_file_dbopt; PSI_file_key key_file_ERRMSG; PSI_file_key key_select_to_file; PSI_file_key key_file_fileparser; PSI_file_key key_file_frm; PSI_file_key key_file_load; PSI_file_key key_file_loadfile; PSI_file_key key_file_log_event_data; PSI_file_key key_file_log_event_info; PSI_file_key key_file_misc; PSI_file_key key_file_tclog; PSI_file_key key_file_trg; PSI_file_key key_file_trn; PSI_file_key key_file_init; PSI_file_key key_file_general_log; PSI_file_key key_file_slow_log; PSI_file_key key_file_relaylog; PSI_file_key key_file_relaylog_cache; PSI_file_key key_file_relaylog_index; PSI_file_key key_file_relaylog_index_cache; PSI_file_key key_file_sdi; PSI_file_key key_file_hash_join; /* clang-format off */ static PSI_file_info all_server_files[]= { { &key_file_binlog, "binlog", 0, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, { &key_file_binlog_cache, "binlog_cache", 0, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, { &key_file_binlog_index, "binlog_index", 0, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, { &key_file_binlog_index_cache, "binlog_index_cache", 0, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, { &key_file_relaylog, "relaylog", 0, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, { &key_file_relaylog_cache, "relaylog_cache", 0, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, { &key_file_relaylog_index, "relaylog_index", 0, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, { &key_file_relaylog_index_cache, "relaylog_index_cache", 0, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, { &key_file_io_cache, "io_cache", 0, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, { &key_file_casetest, "casetest", 0, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, { &key_file_dbopt, "dbopt", 0, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, { &key_file_ERRMSG, "ERRMSG", 0, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, { &key_select_to_file, "select_to_file", 0, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, { &key_file_fileparser, "file_parser", 0, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, { &key_file_frm, "FRM", 0, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, { &key_file_load, "load", 0, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, { &key_file_loadfile, "LOAD_FILE", 0, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, { &key_file_log_event_data, "log_event_data", 0, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, { &key_file_log_event_info, "log_event_info", 0, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, { &key_file_misc, "misc", 0, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, { &key_file_pid, "pid", 0, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, { &key_file_general_log, "query_log", 0, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, { &key_file_slow_log, "slow_log", 0, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, { &key_file_tclog, "tclog", 0, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, { &key_file_trg, "trigger_name", 0, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, { &key_file_trn, "trigger", 0, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, { &key_file_init, "init", 0, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, { &key_file_sdi, "SDI", 0, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, { &key_file_hash_join, "hash_join", 0, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME} }; /* clang-format on */ #endif /* HAVE_PSI_INTERFACE */ /* clang-format off */ PSI_stage_info stage_after_create= { 0, "After create", 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}; PSI_stage_info stage_alter_inplace_prepare= { 0, "preparing for alter table", 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}; PSI_stage_info stage_alter_inplace= { 0, "altering table", 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}; PSI_stage_info stage_alter_inplace_commit= { 0, "committing alter table to storage engine", 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}; PSI_stage_info stage_changing_master= { 0, "Changing master", 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}; PSI_stage_info stage_checking_master_version= { 0, "Checking master version", 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}; PSI_stage_info stage_checking_permissions= { 0, "checking permissions", 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}; PSI_stage_info stage_cleaning_up= { 0, "cleaning up", 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}; PSI_stage_info stage_closing_tables= { 0, "closing tables", 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}; PSI_stage_info stage_compressing_gtid_table= { 0, "Compressing gtid_executed table", 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}; PSI_stage_info stage_connecting_to_master= { 0, "Connecting to master", 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}; PSI_stage_info stage_converting_heap_to_ondisk= { 0, "converting HEAP to ondisk", 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}; PSI_stage_info stage_copy_to_tmp_table= { 0, "copy to tmp table", PSI_FLAG_STAGE_PROGRESS, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}; PSI_stage_info stage_creating_table= { 0, "creating table", 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}; PSI_stage_info stage_creating_tmp_table= { 0, "Creating tmp table", 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}; PSI_stage_info stage_deleting_from_main_table= { 0, "deleting from main table", 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}; PSI_stage_info stage_deleting_from_reference_tables= { 0, "deleting from reference tables", 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}; PSI_stage_info stage_discard_or_import_tablespace= { 0, "discard_or_import_tablespace", 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}; PSI_stage_info stage_end= { 0, "end", 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}; PSI_stage_info stage_executing= { 0, "executing", 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}; PSI_stage_info stage_execution_of_init_command= { 0, "Execution of init_command", 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}; PSI_stage_info stage_explaining= { 0, "explaining", 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}; PSI_stage_info stage_finished_reading_one_binlog_switching_to_next_binlog= { 0, "Finished reading one binlog; switching to next binlog", 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}; PSI_stage_info stage_flushing_relay_log_and_master_info_repository= { 0, "Flushing relay log and master info repository.", 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}; PSI_stage_info stage_flushing_relay_log_info_file= { 0, "Flushing relay-log info file.", 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}; PSI_stage_info stage_freeing_items= { 0, "freeing items", 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}; PSI_stage_info stage_fulltext_initialization= { 0, "FULLTEXT initialization", 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}; PSI_stage_info stage_init= { 0, "init", 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}; PSI_stage_info stage_killing_slave= { 0, "Killing slave", 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}; PSI_stage_info stage_logging_slow_query= { 0, "logging slow query", 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}; PSI_stage_info stage_making_temp_file_append_before_load_data= { 0, "Making temporary file (append) before replaying LOAD DATA INFILE", 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}; PSI_stage_info stage_manage_keys= { 0, "manage keys", 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}; PSI_stage_info stage_master_has_sent_all_binlog_to_slave= { 0, "Master has sent all binlog to slave; waiting for more updates", 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}; PSI_stage_info stage_opening_tables= { 0, "Opening tables", 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}; PSI_stage_info stage_optimizing= { 0, "optimizing", 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}; PSI_stage_info stage_preparing= { 0, "preparing", 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}; PSI_stage_info stage_purging_old_relay_logs= { 0, "Purging old relay logs", 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}; PSI_stage_info stage_query_end= { 0, "query end", 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}; PSI_stage_info stage_queueing_master_event_to_the_relay_log= { 0, "Queueing master event to the relay log", 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}; PSI_stage_info stage_reading_event_from_the_relay_log= { 0, "Reading event from the relay log", 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}; PSI_stage_info stage_registering_slave_on_master= { 0, "Registering slave on master", 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}; PSI_stage_info stage_removing_tmp_table= { 0, "removing tmp table", 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}; PSI_stage_info stage_rename= { 0, "rename", 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}; PSI_stage_info stage_rename_result_table= { 0, "rename result table", 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}; PSI_stage_info stage_requesting_binlog_dump= { 0, "Requesting binlog dump", 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}; PSI_stage_info stage_searching_rows_for_update= { 0, "Searching rows for update", 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}; PSI_stage_info stage_sending_binlog_event_to_slave= { 0, "Sending binlog event to slave", 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}; PSI_stage_info stage_setup= { 0, "setup", 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}; PSI_stage_info stage_slave_has_read_all_relay_log= { 0, "Slave has read all relay log; waiting for more updates", 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}; PSI_stage_info stage_slave_waiting_event_from_coordinator= { 0, "Waiting for an event from Coordinator", 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}; PSI_stage_info stage_slave_waiting_for_workers_to_process_queue= { 0, "Waiting for slave workers to process their queues", 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}; PSI_stage_info stage_slave_waiting_worker_queue= { 0, "Waiting for Slave Worker queue", 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}; PSI_stage_info stage_slave_waiting_worker_to_free_events= { 0, "Waiting for Slave Workers to free pending events", 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}; PSI_stage_info stage_slave_waiting_worker_to_release_partition= { 0, "Waiting for Slave Worker to release partition", 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}; PSI_stage_info stage_slave_waiting_workers_to_exit= { 0, "Waiting for workers to exit", 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}; PSI_stage_info stage_rpl_apply_row_evt_write= { 0, "Applying batch of row changes (write)", PSI_FLAG_STAGE_PROGRESS, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}; PSI_stage_info stage_rpl_apply_row_evt_update= { 0, "Applying batch of row changes (update)", PSI_FLAG_STAGE_PROGRESS, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}; PSI_stage_info stage_rpl_apply_row_evt_delete= { 0, "Applying batch of row changes (delete)", PSI_FLAG_STAGE_PROGRESS, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}; PSI_stage_info stage_statistics= { 0, "statistics", 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}; PSI_stage_info stage_sql_thd_waiting_until_delay= { 0, "Waiting until MASTER_DELAY seconds after master executed event", 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}; PSI_stage_info stage_system_lock= { 0, "System lock", 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}; PSI_stage_info stage_update= { 0, "update", 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}; PSI_stage_info stage_updating= { 0, "updating", 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}; PSI_stage_info stage_updating_main_table= { 0, "updating main table", 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}; PSI_stage_info stage_updating_reference_tables= { 0, "updating reference tables", 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}; PSI_stage_info stage_user_sleep= { 0, "User sleep", 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}; PSI_stage_info stage_verifying_table= { 0, "verifying table", 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}; PSI_stage_info stage_waiting_for_gtid_to_be_committed= { 0, "Waiting for GTID to be committed", 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}; PSI_stage_info stage_waiting_for_handler_commit= { 0, "waiting for handler commit", 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}; PSI_stage_info stage_waiting_for_master_to_send_event= { 0, "Waiting for master to send event", 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}; PSI_stage_info stage_waiting_for_master_update= { 0, "Waiting for master update", 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}; PSI_stage_info stage_waiting_for_relay_log_space= { 0, "Waiting for the slave SQL thread to free enough relay log space", 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}; PSI_stage_info stage_waiting_for_slave_mutex_on_exit= { 0, "Waiting for slave mutex on exit", 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}; PSI_stage_info stage_waiting_for_slave_thread_to_start= { 0, "Waiting for slave thread to start", 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}; PSI_stage_info stage_waiting_for_table_flush= { 0, "Waiting for table flush", 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}; PSI_stage_info stage_waiting_for_the_next_event_in_relay_log= { 0, "Waiting for the next event in relay log", 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}; PSI_stage_info stage_waiting_for_the_slave_thread_to_advance_position= { 0, "Waiting for the slave SQL thread to advance position", 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}; PSI_stage_info stage_waiting_to_finalize_termination= { 0, "Waiting to finalize termination", 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}; PSI_stage_info stage_worker_waiting_for_its_turn_to_commit= { 0, "Waiting for preceding transaction to commit", 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}; PSI_stage_info stage_worker_waiting_for_commit_parent= { 0, "Waiting for dependent transaction to commit", 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}; PSI_stage_info stage_suspending= { 0, "Suspending", 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}; PSI_stage_info stage_starting= { 0, "starting", 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}; PSI_stage_info stage_waiting_for_no_channel_reference= { 0, "Waiting for no channel reference.", 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}; PSI_stage_info stage_hook_begin_trans= { 0, "Executing hook on transaction begin.", 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}; /* clang-format on */ extern PSI_stage_info stage_waiting_for_disk_space; #ifdef HAVE_PSI_INTERFACE PSI_stage_info *all_server_stages[] = { &stage_after_create, &stage_alter_inplace_prepare, &stage_alter_inplace, &stage_alter_inplace_commit, &stage_changing_master, &stage_checking_master_version, &stage_checking_permissions, &stage_cleaning_up, &stage_closing_tables, &stage_compressing_gtid_table, &stage_connecting_to_master, &stage_converting_heap_to_ondisk, &stage_copy_to_tmp_table, &stage_creating_table, &stage_creating_tmp_table, &stage_deleting_from_main_table, &stage_deleting_from_reference_tables, &stage_discard_or_import_tablespace, &stage_end, &stage_executing, &stage_execution_of_init_command, &stage_explaining, &stage_finished_reading_one_binlog_switching_to_next_binlog, &stage_flushing_relay_log_and_master_info_repository, &stage_flushing_relay_log_info_file, &stage_freeing_items, &stage_fulltext_initialization, &stage_init, &stage_killing_slave, &stage_logging_slow_query, &stage_making_temp_file_append_before_load_data, &stage_manage_keys, &stage_master_has_sent_all_binlog_to_slave, &stage_opening_tables, &stage_optimizing, &stage_preparing, &stage_purging_old_relay_logs, &stage_query_end, &stage_queueing_master_event_to_the_relay_log, &stage_reading_event_from_the_relay_log, &stage_registering_slave_on_master, &stage_removing_tmp_table, &stage_rename, &stage_rename_result_table, &stage_requesting_binlog_dump, &stage_searching_rows_for_update, &stage_sending_binlog_event_to_slave, &stage_setup, &stage_slave_has_read_all_relay_log, &stage_slave_waiting_event_from_coordinator, &stage_slave_waiting_for_workers_to_process_queue, &stage_slave_waiting_worker_queue, &stage_slave_waiting_worker_to_free_events, &stage_slave_waiting_worker_to_release_partition, &stage_slave_waiting_workers_to_exit, &stage_rpl_apply_row_evt_write, &stage_rpl_apply_row_evt_update, &stage_rpl_apply_row_evt_delete, &stage_sql_thd_waiting_until_delay, &stage_statistics, &stage_system_lock, &stage_update, &stage_updating, &stage_updating_main_table, &stage_updating_reference_tables, &stage_user_sleep, &stage_verifying_table, &stage_waiting_for_gtid_to_be_committed, &stage_waiting_for_handler_commit, &stage_waiting_for_master_to_send_event, &stage_waiting_for_master_update, &stage_waiting_for_relay_log_space, &stage_waiting_for_slave_mutex_on_exit, &stage_waiting_for_slave_thread_to_start, &stage_waiting_for_table_flush, &stage_waiting_for_the_next_event_in_relay_log, &stage_waiting_for_the_slave_thread_to_advance_position, &stage_waiting_to_finalize_termination, &stage_worker_waiting_for_its_turn_to_commit, &stage_worker_waiting_for_commit_parent, &stage_suspending, &stage_starting, &stage_waiting_for_no_channel_reference, &stage_hook_begin_trans, &stage_waiting_for_disk_space}; PSI_socket_key key_socket_tcpip; PSI_socket_key key_socket_unix; PSI_socket_key key_socket_client_connection; /* clang-format off */ static PSI_socket_info all_server_sockets[]= { { &key_socket_tcpip, "server_tcpip_socket", PSI_FLAG_SINGLETON, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, { &key_socket_unix, "server_unix_socket", PSI_FLAG_SINGLETON, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME}, { &key_socket_client_connection, "client_connection", PSI_FLAG_USER, 0, PSI_DOCUMENT_ME} }; /* clang-format on */ /* TODO: find a good header */ void init_client_psi_keys(void); /** Initialise all the performance schema instrumentation points used by the server. */ static void init_server_psi_keys(void) { const char *category = "sql"; int count; count = static_cast(array_elements(all_server_mutexes)); mysql_mutex_register(category, all_server_mutexes, count); count = static_cast(array_elements(all_server_rwlocks)); mysql_rwlock_register(category, all_server_rwlocks, count); count = static_cast(array_elements(all_server_conds)); mysql_cond_register(category, all_server_conds, count); count = static_cast(array_elements(all_server_threads)); mysql_thread_register(category, all_server_threads, count); count = static_cast(array_elements(all_server_files)); mysql_file_register(category, all_server_files, count); count = static_cast(array_elements(all_server_stages)); mysql_stage_register(category, all_server_stages, count); count = static_cast(array_elements(all_server_sockets)); mysql_socket_register(category, all_server_sockets, count); register_server_memory_keys(); #ifdef HAVE_PSI_STATEMENT_INTERFACE init_sql_statement_info(); /* Register [0 .. SQLCOM_CLONE - 1] as "statement/sql/..." */ count = (int)SQLCOM_CLONE; mysql_statement_register(category, sql_statement_info, count); /* Exclude SQLCOM_CLONE as it mutates and is registered as abstract. */ count = (int)SQLCOM_END - (int)SQLCOM_CLONE; mysql_statement_register(category, &sql_statement_info[(int)SQLCOM_CLONE + 1], count); category = "abstract"; mysql_statement_register(category, &sql_statement_info[(int)SQLCOM_CLONE], 1); init_sp_psi_keys(); init_scheduler_psi_keys(); category = "com"; init_com_statement_info(); /* Register [0 .. COM_QUERY - 1] as "statement/com/..." */ count = (int)COM_QUERY; mysql_statement_register(category, com_statement_info, count); /* Exclude COM_CLONE as it would mutate */ count = (int)COM_CLONE - (int)COM_QUERY - 1; mysql_statement_register(category, &com_statement_info[(int)COM_QUERY + 1], count); /* Register [COM_CLONE + 1 .. COM_END] as "statement/com/..." */ count = (int)COM_END - (int)COM_CLONE; mysql_statement_register(category, &com_statement_info[(int)COM_CLONE + 1], count); category = "abstract"; /* Register [COM_QUERY] as "statement/abstract/com_query" */ mysql_statement_register(category, &com_statement_info[(int)COM_QUERY], 1); mysql_statement_register(category, &com_statement_info[(int)COM_CLONE], 1); /* When a new packet is received, it is instrumented as "statement/abstract/new_packet". Based on the packet type found, it later mutates to the proper narrow type, for example "statement/abstract/query" or "statement/com/ping". In cases of "statement/abstract/query", SQL queries are given to the parser, which mutates the statement type to an even more narrow classification, for example "statement/sql/select". */ stmt_info_new_packet.m_key = 0; stmt_info_new_packet.m_name = "new_packet"; stmt_info_new_packet.m_flags = PSI_FLAG_MUTABLE; stmt_info_new_packet.m_documentation = "New packet just received from the network. " "At this point, the real command type is unknown, " "the type will be refined after reading the packet header."; mysql_statement_register(category, &stmt_info_new_packet, 1); /* Statements processed from the relay log are initially instrumented as "statement/abstract/relay_log". The parser will mutate the statement type to a more specific classification, for example "statement/sql/insert". */ stmt_info_rpl.m_key = 0; stmt_info_rpl.m_name = "relay_log"; stmt_info_rpl.m_flags = PSI_FLAG_MUTABLE; stmt_info_rpl.m_documentation = "New event just read from the relay log. " "At this point, the real statement type is unknown, " "the type will be refined after parsing the event."; mysql_statement_register(category, &stmt_info_rpl, 1); #endif /* Common client and server code. */ init_client_psi_keys(); /* Vio */ init_vio_psi_keys(); } #endif /* HAVE_PSI_INTERFACE */ bool do_create_native_table_for_pfs(THD *thd, const Plugin_table *t) { const char *schema_name = t->get_schema_name(); const char *table_name = t->get_name(); MDL_request table_request; MDL_REQUEST_INIT(&table_request, MDL_key::TABLE, schema_name, table_name, MDL_EXCLUSIVE, MDL_TRANSACTION); if (thd->mdl_context.acquire_lock(&table_request, thd->variables.lock_wait_timeout)) { /* Error, failed to get MDL lock. */ return true; } tdc_remove_table(thd, TDC_RT_REMOVE_ALL, schema_name, table_name, false); if (dd::create_native_table(thd, t)) { /* Error, failed to create DD table. */ return true; } return false; } bool create_native_table_for_pfs(const Plugin_table *t) { /* If InnoDB is not initialized yet, return error */ if (!is_builtin_and_core_se_initialized()) return true; THD *thd = current_thd; DBUG_ASSERT(thd); return do_create_native_table_for_pfs(thd, t); } static bool do_drop_native_table_for_pfs(THD *thd, const char *schema_name, const char *table_name) { MDL_request table_request; MDL_REQUEST_INIT(&table_request, MDL_key::TABLE, schema_name, table_name, MDL_EXCLUSIVE, MDL_TRANSACTION); if (thd->mdl_context.acquire_lock(&table_request, thd->variables.lock_wait_timeout)) { /* Error, failed to get MDL lock. */ return true; } tdc_remove_table(thd, TDC_RT_REMOVE_ALL, schema_name, table_name, false); if (dd::drop_native_table(thd, schema_name, table_name)) { /* Error, failed to destroy DD table. */ return true; } return false; } bool drop_native_table_for_pfs(const char *schema_name, const char *table_name) { /* If server is shutting down, by the time control reaches here, DD would have * already been shut down. Therefore return success and tables won't be * deleted and would be available at next server start. */ if (get_server_state() == SERVER_SHUTTING_DOWN) { return false; } /* During bootstrap error cleanup, we don't have THD. */ THD *thd = current_thd; if (thd == nullptr) { DBUG_ASSERT(get_server_state() == SERVER_BOOTING); return false; } return do_drop_native_table_for_pfs(thd, schema_name, table_name); } #ifdef _WIN32 // update_named_pipe_full_access_group returns false on success, true on failure bool update_named_pipe_full_access_group(const char *new_group_name) { if (named_pipe_acceptor) { return named_pipe_listener->update_named_pipe_full_access_group( new_group_name); } return true; } #endif // _WIN32 /** Get status partial_revokes on server @return a bool indicating partial_revokes status of the server. @retval true Parital revokes is ON @retval flase Partial revokes is OFF */ bool mysqld_partial_revokes() { return partial_revokes.load(std::memory_order_relaxed); } /** Set partial_revokes with a given value @param value true or false indicating the status of partial revokes turned ON/OFF on server. */ void set_mysqld_partial_revokes(bool value) { partial_revokes.store(value, std::memory_order_relaxed); }