/* Copyright (c) 2012, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0, as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is also distributed with certain software (including but not limited to OpenSSL) that is licensed under separate terms, as designated in a particular file or component or in included license documentation. The authors of MySQL hereby grant you an additional permission to link the program and your derivative works with the separately licensed software that they have included with MySQL. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License, version 2.0, for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ // First include (the generated) my_config.h, to get correct platform defines. #include "my_config.h" #include #include "sql/field.h" #include "sql/sql_class.h" #include "unittest/gunit/fake_table.h" #include "unittest/gunit/field_temporal_utils.h" #include "unittest/gunit/test_utils.h" namespace field_date_unittests { using my_testing::Mock_error_handler; using my_testing::Server_initializer; class FieldDateTest : public ::testing::Test { protected: virtual void SetUp() { initializer.SetUp(); } virtual void TearDown() { initializer.TearDown(); } THD *thd() { return initializer.thd(); } Server_initializer initializer; Field_set *create_field_set(TYPELIB *tl); // Store zero date using different combinations of SQL modes static const int no_modes = 3; static const sql_mode_t strict_modes[no_modes]; static const type_conversion_status nozero_expected_status[]; }; const sql_mode_t FieldDateTest::strict_modes[no_modes] = { MODE_STRICT_TRANS_TABLES, MODE_STRICT_ALL_TABLES, MODE_STRICT_TRANS_TABLES | MODE_STRICT_ALL_TABLES}; const type_conversion_status FieldDateTest::nozero_expected_status[] = { TYPE_ERR_BAD_VALUE, TYPE_ERR_BAD_VALUE, TYPE_ERR_BAD_VALUE}; class Mock_field_date : public Field_newdate { private: uchar buffer[PACK_LENGTH]; uchar null_byte; void initialize() { ptr = buffer; memset(buffer, 0, PACK_LENGTH); null_byte = '\0'; set_null_ptr(&null_byte, 1); } public: Mock_field_date() : Field_newdate(0, // ptr_arg NULL, // null_ptr_arg 1, // null_bit_arg Field::NONE, // auto_flags_arg "field_name") // field_name_arg { initialize(); } void make_writable() { bitmap_set_bit(table->write_set, field_index); } void make_readable() { bitmap_set_bit(table->read_set, field_index); } }; TEST_F(FieldDateTest, StoreLegalStringValues) { Mock_field_date field_date; Fake_TABLE table(&field_date); table.in_use = thd(); field_date.make_writable(); field_date.make_readable(); { SCOPED_TRACE(""); test_store_string(&field_date, STRING_WITH_LEN("2001-01-01"), 0, "2001-01-01", 0, TYPE_OK); } { SCOPED_TRACE(""); test_store_string(&field_date, STRING_WITH_LEN("0000-00-00"), 0, "0000-00-00", 0, TYPE_OK); } { SCOPED_TRACE(""); test_store_string(&field_date, STRING_WITH_LEN("0001-00-00"), 0, "0001-00-00", 0, TYPE_OK); } } TEST_F(FieldDateTest, StoreIllegalStringValues) { Mock_field_date field_date; Fake_TABLE table(&field_date); table.in_use = thd(); field_date.make_writable(); field_date.make_readable(); thd()->check_for_truncated_fields = CHECK_FIELD_WARN; // Truncates time { SCOPED_TRACE(""); test_store_string(&field_date, STRING_WITH_LEN("2001-01-01 00:00:01"), 0, "2001-01-01", WARN_DATA_TRUNCATED, TYPE_NOTE_TIME_TRUNCATED); } // Bad year { SCOPED_TRACE(""); test_store_string(&field_date, STRING_WITH_LEN("99999-01-01"), 0, "0000-00-00", WARN_DATA_TRUNCATED, TYPE_ERR_BAD_VALUE); } // Bad month { SCOPED_TRACE(""); test_store_string(&field_date, STRING_WITH_LEN("2001-13-01"), 0, "0000-00-00", WARN_DATA_TRUNCATED, TYPE_ERR_BAD_VALUE); } // Bad day { SCOPED_TRACE(""); test_store_string(&field_date, STRING_WITH_LEN("2001-01-32"), 0, "0000-00-00", WARN_DATA_TRUNCATED, TYPE_ERR_BAD_VALUE); } // Not a date { SCOPED_TRACE(""); test_store_string(&field_date, STRING_WITH_LEN("foo"), 0, "0000-00-00", WARN_DATA_TRUNCATED, TYPE_ERR_BAD_VALUE); } } /** Strictness mode test 1: Try storing dates with zeroes when no zero-restrictions apply (neither NO_ZERO_DATE or NO_ZERO_IN_DATE are set). There should be no errors, warnings or notes. */ TEST_F(FieldDateTest, StoreZeroDateSqlModeNoZeroRestrictions) { Mock_field_date field_date; Fake_TABLE table(&field_date); table.in_use = thd(); field_date.make_writable(); field_date.make_readable(); thd()->check_for_truncated_fields = CHECK_FIELD_WARN; for (int i = 0; i < no_modes; i++) { SCOPED_TRACE(""); store_zero_in_sql_mode(&field_date, STRING_WITH_LEN("0000-00-00"), "0000-00-00", TYPE_OK, strict_modes[i], 0); } for (int i = 0; i < no_modes; i++) { SCOPED_TRACE(""); store_zero_in_sql_mode(&field_date, STRING_WITH_LEN("0000-01-01"), "0000-01-01", TYPE_OK, strict_modes[i], 0); } for (int i = 0; i < no_modes; i++) { SCOPED_TRACE(""); store_zero_in_sql_mode(&field_date, STRING_WITH_LEN("2001-00-01"), "2001-00-01", TYPE_OK, strict_modes[i], 0); } for (int i = 0; i < no_modes; i++) { SCOPED_TRACE(""); store_zero_in_sql_mode(&field_date, STRING_WITH_LEN("2001-01-00"), "2001-01-00", TYPE_OK, strict_modes[i], 0); } } /** Strictness mode test 2: Try storing dates with zeroes when NO_ZERO_DATE flag is set. There should be no errors, warnings or notes unless the entire date is zero: "0000-00-00" */ TEST_F(FieldDateTest, StoreZeroDateSqlModeNoZeroDate) { Mock_field_date field_date; Fake_TABLE table(&field_date); table.in_use = thd(); field_date.make_writable(); field_date.make_readable(); thd()->check_for_truncated_fields = CHECK_FIELD_WARN; // With "MODE_NO_ZERO_DATE" set - Errors if date is all null for (int i = 0; i < no_modes; i++) { SCOPED_TRACE(""); store_zero_in_sql_mode(&field_date, STRING_WITH_LEN("0000-00-00"), "0000-00-00", nozero_expected_status[i], MODE_NO_ZERO_DATE | strict_modes[i], ER_TRUNCATED_WRONG_VALUE); } // Zero year, month or day is fine for (int i = 0; i < no_modes; i++) { SCOPED_TRACE(""); store_zero_in_sql_mode(&field_date, STRING_WITH_LEN("0000-01-01"), "0000-01-01", TYPE_OK, MODE_NO_ZERO_DATE | strict_modes[i], 0); } for (int i = 0; i < no_modes; i++) { SCOPED_TRACE(""); store_zero_in_sql_mode(&field_date, STRING_WITH_LEN("2001-00-01"), "2001-00-01", TYPE_OK, MODE_NO_ZERO_DATE | strict_modes[i], 0); } for (int i = 0; i < no_modes; i++) { SCOPED_TRACE(""); store_zero_in_sql_mode(&field_date, STRING_WITH_LEN("2001-01-00"), "2001-01-00", TYPE_OK, MODE_NO_ZERO_DATE | strict_modes[i], 0); } } /** Strictness mode test 3: Try storing dates with zeroes when NO_ZERO_IN_DATE flag is set. There should be no errors unless either month or day is zero. */ TEST_F(FieldDateTest, StoreZeroDateSqlModeNoZeroInDate) { Mock_field_date field_date; Fake_TABLE table(&field_date); table.in_use = thd(); field_date.make_writable(); field_date.make_readable(); thd()->check_for_truncated_fields = CHECK_FIELD_WARN; // With "MODE_NO_ZERO_IN_DATE" set - Entire date zero is ok for (int i = 0; i < no_modes; i++) { SCOPED_TRACE(""); store_zero_in_sql_mode(&field_date, STRING_WITH_LEN("0000-00-00"), "0000-00-00", TYPE_OK, MODE_NO_ZERO_IN_DATE | strict_modes[i], 0); } // Year 0 is valid in strict mode too for (int i = 0; i < no_modes; i++) { SCOPED_TRACE(""); store_zero_in_sql_mode(&field_date, STRING_WITH_LEN("0000-01-01"), "0000-01-01", TYPE_OK, MODE_NO_ZERO_IN_DATE | strict_modes[i], 0); } // Month 0 is NOT valid in strict mode, stores all-zero date for (int i = 0; i < no_modes; i++) { SCOPED_TRACE(""); store_zero_in_sql_mode(&field_date, STRING_WITH_LEN("2001-00-01"), "0000-00-00", nozero_expected_status[i], MODE_NO_ZERO_IN_DATE | strict_modes[i], ER_TRUNCATED_WRONG_VALUE); } // Day 0 is NOT valid in strict mode, stores all-zero date for (int i = 0; i < no_modes; i++) { SCOPED_TRACE(""); store_zero_in_sql_mode(&field_date, STRING_WITH_LEN("2001-01-00"), "0000-00-00", nozero_expected_status[i], MODE_NO_ZERO_IN_DATE | strict_modes[i], ER_TRUNCATED_WRONG_VALUE); } } } // namespace field_date_unittests