#ifndef GEOFUNC_INTERNAL_INCLUDED #define GEOFUNC_INTERNAL_INCLUDED /* Copyright (c) 2014, 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0, as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is also distributed with certain software (including but not limited to OpenSSL) that is licensed under separate terms, as designated in a particular file or component or in included license documentation. The authors of MySQL hereby grant you an additional permission to link the program and your derivative works with the separately licensed software that they have included with MySQL. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License, version 2.0, for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ /** @file @brief This file defines common build blocks of GIS functions. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "sql/gis/srid.h" #include "sql/gis_bg_traits.h" #include "sql/item_geofunc.h" #include "sql/spatial.h" class String; #define GIS_ZERO 0.00000000001 extern bool simplify_multi_geometry(String *str, String *result_buffer); /// A wrapper and interface for all geometry types used here. Make these /// types as localized as possible. It's used as a type interface. /// @tparam CoordinateSystemType Coordinate system type, specified using // those defined in boost::geometry::cs. template class BG_models { public: typedef Gis_point Point; // An counter-clockwise, closed Polygon type. It can hold open Polygon data, // but not clockwise ones, otherwise things can go wrong, e.g. intersection. typedef Gis_polygon Polygon; typedef Gis_line_string Linestring; typedef Gis_multi_point Multipoint; typedef Gis_multi_line_string Multilinestring; typedef Gis_multi_polygon Multipolygon; typedef double Coordinate_type; typedef CoordinateSystemType Coordinate_system; }; namespace bg = boost::geometry; namespace bgm = boost::geometry::model; namespace bgcs = boost::geometry::cs; namespace bgi = boost::geometry::index; namespace bgm = boost::geometry::model; typedef bgm::point BG_point; typedef bgm::box BG_box; typedef std::pair BG_rtree_entry; typedef std::vector BG_rtree_entries; typedef bgi::rtree> Rtree_index; typedef std::vector Rtree_result; inline void make_bg_box(const Geometry *g, BG_box *box) { MBR mbr; g->envelope(&mbr); box->min_corner().set<0>(mbr.xmin); box->min_corner().set<1>(mbr.ymin); box->max_corner().set<0>(mbr.xmax); box->max_corner().set<1>(mbr.ymax); } inline bool is_box_valid(const BG_box &box) { return !(!std::isfinite(box.min_corner().get<0>()) || !std::isfinite(box.min_corner().get<1>()) || !std::isfinite(box.max_corner().get<0>()) || !std::isfinite(box.max_corner().get<1>()) || box.max_corner().get<0>() < box.min_corner().get<0>() || box.max_corner().get<1>() < box.min_corner().get<1>()); } /** Build an rtree set using a geometry collection. @param gl geometry object pointers container. @param [out] rtree entries which can be used to build an rtree. */ void make_rtree(const BG_geometry_collection::Geometry_list &gl, Rtree_index *rtree); /** Build an rtree set using array of Boost.Geometry objects, which are components of a multi geometry. @param mg the multi geometry. @param rtree the rtree to build. */ template void make_rtree_bggeom(const MultiGeometry &mg, Rtree_index *rtree); inline Gis_geometry_collection *empty_collection(String *str, gis::srid_t srid) { return new Gis_geometry_collection(srid, Geometry::wkb_invalid_type, NULL, str); } /* Check whether a geometry is an empty geometry collection, i.e. one that doesn't contain any geometry component of [multi]point or [multi]linestring or [multi]polygon type. @param g the geometry to check. @return true if g is such an empty geometry collection; false otherwise. */ bool is_empty_geocollection(const Geometry *g); /* Check whether wkbres is the data of an empty geometry collection, i.e. one that doesn't contain any geometry component of [multi]point or [multi]linestring or [multi]polygon type. @param wkbres a piece of geometry data of GEOMETRY format, i.e. an SRID prefixing a WKB. @return true if wkbres contains such an empty geometry collection; false otherwise. */ bool is_empty_geocollection(const String &wkbres); /** Less than comparator for points used by BG. */ struct bgpt_lt { template bool operator()(const Point &p1, const Point &p2) const { if (p1.template get<0>() != p2.template get<0>()) return p1.template get<0>() < p2.template get<0>(); else return p1.template get<1>() < p2.template get<1>(); } }; /** Equals comparator for points used by BG. */ struct bgpt_eq { template bool operator()(const Point &p1, const Point &p2) const { return p1.template get<0>() == p2.template get<0>() && p1.template get<1>() == p2.template get<1>(); } }; /** Utility class, reset specified variable 'valref' to specified 'oldval' when val_resetter instance is destroyed. @tparam Valtype Variable type to reset. */ template class Var_resetter { private: Valtype *valref; Valtype oldval; // Forbid use, to eliminate a warning: oldval may be used uninitialized. Var_resetter(const Var_resetter &o); Var_resetter &operator=(const Var_resetter &); public: Var_resetter() : valref(NULL) {} Var_resetter(Valtype *v, const Valtype &oval) : valref(v), oldval(oval) {} ~Var_resetter() { if (valref) *valref = oldval; } void set(Valtype *v, const Valtype &oldval) { valref = v; this->oldval = oldval; } }; /** For every Geometry object write-accessed by a boost geometry function, i.e. those passed as out parameter into set operation functions, call this function before using the result object's data. @param resbuf_mgr Tracks the result buffer @param [in,out] geout Geometry object @param [in,out] res GEOMETRY string. @return true if an error occurred or if the geometry is an empty collection; false if no error occurred. */ template bool post_fix_result(BG_result_buf_mgr *resbuf_mgr, BG_geotype &geout, String *res); #endif