--source include/have_udf.inc # # To run this test, "sql/udf_example.cc" need to be compiled into # udf_example.so and LD_LIBRARY_PATH should be setup to point out where # the library are. The regular CMake build system takes care of this # automatically. # --disable_warnings drop table if exists t1; --enable_warnings # # Create the example functions from udf_example # --replace_result $UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB eval CREATE FUNCTION metaphon RETURNS STRING SONAME "$UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB"; --replace_result $UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB eval CREATE FUNCTION myfunc_double RETURNS REAL SONAME "$UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB"; --replace_result $UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB --error ER_CANT_FIND_DL_ENTRY eval CREATE FUNCTION myfunc_nonexist RETURNS INTEGER SONAME "$UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB"; --replace_result $UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB eval CREATE FUNCTION myfunc_int RETURNS INTEGER SONAME "$UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB"; --replace_result $UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB eval CREATE FUNCTION sequence RETURNS INTEGER SONAME "$UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB"; --replace_result $UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB eval CREATE FUNCTION lookup RETURNS STRING SONAME "$UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB"; --replace_result $UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB eval CREATE FUNCTION reverse_lookup RETURNS STRING SONAME "$UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB"; --replace_result $UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB eval CREATE AGGREGATE FUNCTION avgcost RETURNS REAL SONAME "$UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB"; --echo # Should get 7 rows 1 aggregate --replace_result $UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB eval SELECT * FROM performance_schema.user_defined_functions WHERE udf_library='$UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB' ORDER BY UDF_NAME; --echo # Should get an index lookup EXPLAIN SELECT udf_type FROM performance_schema.user_defined_functions WHERE udf_name = 'metaphon'; --error ER_CANT_INITIALIZE_UDF select myfunc_double(); select myfunc_double(1); select myfunc_double(78654); --error 1305 select myfunc_nonexist(); select myfunc_int(); --error ER_CANT_INITIALIZE_UDF select lookup(); select lookup(""); --error ER_CANT_INITIALIZE_UDF select lookup(127,0,0,1); select lookup("localhost"); --error ER_CANT_INITIALIZE_UDF select reverse_lookup(); # These two function calls should return "localhost", but it's # depending on configuration, so just call them and don't log the result --disable_result_log select reverse_lookup(""); select reverse_lookup(127,0,0,1); # This function call may return different results depending on platform, # so ignore results (see Bug#52060). select reverse_lookup("localhost"); --enable_result_log --error ER_CANT_INITIALIZE_UDF select avgcost(); --error ER_CANT_INITIALIZE_UDF select avgcost(100,23.76); create table t1(sum int, price float(24)); insert into t1 values(100, 50.00), (100, 100.00); select avgcost(sum, price) from t1; delete from t1; insert into t1 values(100, 54.33), (200, 199.99); select avgcost(sum, price) from t1; drop table t1; #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # BUG#17261 Passing a variable from a stored procedure to UDF crashes mysqld #------------------------------------------------------------------------ select metaphon('hello'); delimiter //; CREATE PROCEDURE `XXX1`(in testval varchar(10)) begin select metaphon(testval); end// delimiter ;// call XXX1('hello'); drop procedure xxx1; delimiter //; CREATE PROCEDURE `XXX2`() begin declare testval varchar(10); set testval = 'hello'; select metaphon(testval); end// delimiter ;// call XXX2(); drop procedure xxx2; # # Bug#19904: UDF: not initialized *is_null per row # CREATE TABLE bug19904(n INT, v varchar(10)); INSERT INTO bug19904 VALUES (1,'one'),(2,'two'),(NULL,NULL),(3,'three'),(4,'four'); SELECT myfunc_double(n) AS f FROM bug19904; SELECT metaphon(v) AS f FROM bug19904; DROP TABLE bug19904; # # Bug#21269: DEFINER-clause is allowed for UDF-functions # --error ER_PARSE_ERROR CREATE DEFINER=CURRENT_USER() FUNCTION should_not_parse RETURNS STRING SONAME "should_not_parse.so"; --error ER_PARSE_ERROR CREATE DEFINER=someone@somewhere FUNCTION should_not_parse RETURNS STRING SONAME "should_not_parse.so"; # # Bug#19862: Sort with filesort by function evaluates function twice # create table t1(f1 int); insert into t1 values(1),(2); explain select myfunc_int(f1) from t1 order by 1; drop table t1; # # Bug #21809: Error 1356 while selecting from view with grouping though # underlying select OK. # CREATE TABLE t1(a INT, b INT); INSERT INTO t1 values (1,1),(2,2); DELIMITER ||; CREATE FUNCTION fn(a int) RETURNS int DETERMINISTIC BEGIN RETURN a; END || DELIMITER ;|| CREATE VIEW v1 AS SELECT a, fn(MIN(b)) as c FROM t1 GROUP BY a; SELECT myfunc_int(a AS attr_name) FROM t1; EXPLAIN SELECT myfunc_int(a AS attr_name) FROM t1; EXPLAIN SELECT myfunc_int(a) FROM t1; SELECT a,c FROM v1; --error ER_WRONG_PARAMETERS_TO_STORED_FCT SELECT a, fn(MIN(b) xx) as c FROM t1 GROUP BY a; --error ER_WRONG_PARAMETERS_TO_STORED_FCT SELECT myfunc_int(fn(MIN(b) xx)) as c FROM t1 GROUP BY a; --error ER_PARSE_ERROR SELECT myfunc_int(test.fn(MIN(b) xx)) as c FROM t1 GROUP BY a; SELECT myfunc_int(fn(MIN(b)) xx) as c FROM t1 GROUP BY a; SELECT myfunc_int(test.fn(MIN(b)) xx) as c FROM t1 GROUP BY a; EXPLAIN SELECT myfunc_int(MIN(b) xx) as c FROM t1 GROUP BY a; EXPLAIN SELECT test.fn(MIN(b)) as c FROM t1 GROUP BY a; EXPLAIN SELECT myfunc_int(fn(MIN(b))) as c FROM t1 GROUP BY a; EXPLAIN SELECT myfunc_int(test.fn(MIN(b))) as c FROM t1 GROUP BY a; SELECT myfunc_int(MIN(b) xx) as c FROM t1 GROUP BY a; SELECT test.fn(MIN(b)) as c FROM t1 GROUP BY a; SELECT myfunc_int(fn(MIN(b))) as c FROM t1 GROUP BY a; SELECT myfunc_int(test.fn(MIN(b))) as c FROM t1 GROUP BY a; DROP VIEW v1; DROP TABLE t1; DROP FUNCTION fn; --echo End of 5.0 tests. # # Bug#24736: UDF functions parsed as Stored Functions # select myfunc_double(3); select myfunc_double(3 AS three); select myfunc_double(abs(3)); select myfunc_double(abs(3) AS named_param); select abs(myfunc_double(3)); select abs(myfunc_double(3 AS three)); -- error ER_WRONG_PARAMETERS_TO_NATIVE_FCT select myfunc_double(abs(3 AS wrong)); -- error ER_WRONG_PARAMETERS_TO_NATIVE_FCT select abs(myfunc_double(3) AS wrong); # # BUG#18239: Possible to overload internal functions with stored functions # --disable_warnings drop function if exists pi; --enable_warnings --error ER_NATIVE_FCT_NAME_COLLISION CREATE FUNCTION pi RETURNS STRING SONAME "should_not_parse.so"; # Verify that Stored Functions and UDF are mutually exclusive DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS metaphon; CREATE FUNCTION metaphon(a int) RETURNS int return 0; # this currently passes, and eclipse the stored function --replace_result $UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB eval CREATE FUNCTION metaphon RETURNS STRING SONAME "$UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB"; DROP FUNCTION metaphon; DROP FUNCTION metaphon; --replace_result $UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB eval CREATE FUNCTION metaphon RETURNS STRING SONAME "$UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB"; --error ER_UDF_EXISTS CREATE FUNCTION metaphon(a int) RETURNS int return 0; --error ER_UDF_EXISTS CREATE FUNCTION test.metaphon(a int) RETURNS int return 0; # End of Bug#18239 # Test that Item_sum::eq() works when using an aggregate UDF create table t1(sum int, price float(24)); select distinct avgcost(sum,price) from t1 order by avgcost(sum,price); drop table t1; # # Drop the example functions from udf_example # DROP FUNCTION metaphon; DROP FUNCTION myfunc_double; --error ER_SP_DOES_NOT_EXIST DROP FUNCTION myfunc_nonexist; DROP FUNCTION myfunc_int; DROP FUNCTION sequence; DROP FUNCTION lookup; DROP FUNCTION reverse_lookup; DROP FUNCTION avgcost; # # Bug #15439: UDF name case handling forces DELETE FROM mysql.func to remove # the UDF # select * from mysql.func; --replace_result $UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB eval CREATE FUNCTION is_const RETURNS STRING SONAME "$UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB"; select IS_const(3); drop function IS_const; select * from mysql.func; --error 1305 select is_const(3); # # Bug#18761: constant expression as UDF parameters not passed in as constant # --replace_result $UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB eval CREATE FUNCTION is_const RETURNS STRING SONAME "$UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB"; select is_const(3) as const, is_const(3.14) as const, is_const('fnord') as const, is_const(2+3) as const, is_const(rand()) as 'nc rand()', is_const(sin(3.14)) as const, is_const(upper('test')) as const; create table bug18761 (n int); insert into bug18761 values (null),(2); select is_const(3) as const, is_const(3.14) as const, is_const('fnord') as const, is_const(2+3) as const, is_const(2+n) as 'nc 2+n ', is_const(sin(n)) as 'nc sin(n)', is_const(sin(3.14)) as const, is_const(upper('test')) as const, is_const(rand()) as 'nc rand()', is_const(n) as 'nc n ', is_const(is_const(n)) as 'nc ic?(n)', is_const(is_const('c')) as const from bug18761; drop table bug18761; --error 1241 select is_const((1,2,3)); drop function if exists is_const; # # Bug #25382: Passing NULL to an UDF called from stored procedures # crashes server # --replace_result $UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB eval CREATE FUNCTION metaphon RETURNS STRING SONAME "$UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB"; --replace_result $UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB eval CREATE FUNCTION myfunc_double RETURNS REAL SONAME "$UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB"; --replace_result $UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB eval CREATE FUNCTION myfunc_int RETURNS INTEGER SONAME "$UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB"; delimiter //; create function f1(p1 varchar(255)) returns varchar(255) begin return metaphon(p1); end// create function f2(p1 varchar(255)) returns double begin return myfunc_double(p1); end// create function f3(p1 varchar(255)) returns double begin return myfunc_int(p1); end// delimiter ;// select f3(NULL); select f2(NULL); select f1(NULL); drop function f1; drop function f2; drop function f3; drop function metaphon; drop function myfunc_double; drop function myfunc_int; # # Bug#28318 CREATE FUNCTION (UDF) requires a schema # --disable_warnings DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS mysqltest; --enable_warnings CREATE DATABASE mysqltest; USE mysqltest; DROP DATABASE mysqltest; --replace_result $UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB eval CREATE FUNCTION metaphon RETURNS STRING SONAME "$UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB"; DROP FUNCTION metaphon; USE test; # # Bug #29804 UDF parameters don't contain correct string length # CREATE TABLE const_len_bug ( str_const varchar(4000), result1 varchar(4000), result2 varchar(4000) ); DELIMITER |; CREATE TRIGGER check_const_len_trigger BEFORE INSERT ON const_len_bug FOR EACH ROW BEGIN set NEW.str_const = 'bar'; set NEW.result2 = check_const_len(NEW.str_const); END | CREATE PROCEDURE check_const_len_sp (IN str_const VARCHAR(4000)) BEGIN DECLARE result VARCHAR(4000); SET result = check_const_len(str_const); insert into const_len_bug values(str_const, result, ""); END | DELIMITER ;| --replace_result $UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB eval CREATE FUNCTION check_const_len RETURNS string SONAME "$UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB"; CALL check_const_len_sp("foo"); SELECT * from const_len_bug; DROP FUNCTION check_const_len; DROP PROCEDURE check_const_len_sp; DROP TRIGGER check_const_len_trigger; DROP TABLE const_len_bug; # # Bug #30355: Incorrect ordering of UDF results # --replace_result $UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB eval CREATE FUNCTION sequence RETURNS INTEGER SONAME "$UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB"; CREATE TABLE t1 (a INT); CREATE TABLE t2 (a INT PRIMARY KEY); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (4),(3),(2),(1); INSERT INTO t2 SELECT * FROM t1; SELECT sequence() AS seq, a FROM t1 ORDER BY seq ASC; SELECT sequence() AS seq, a FROM t1 ORDER BY seq DESC; SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE a = sequence(); SELECT * FROM t2 WHERE a = sequence(); DROP FUNCTION sequence; DROP TABLE t1,t2; # # Bug#31767 (DROP FUNCTION name resolution) # --disable_warnings drop function if exists test.metaphon; drop function if exists metaphon; --enable_warnings --replace_result $UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB eval CREATE FUNCTION metaphon RETURNS STRING SONAME "$UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB"; select metaphon("Hello"); # The UDF should not be dropped drop function if exists test.metaphon; select metaphon("Hello"); drop function metaphon; CREATE FUNCTION test.metaphon(a TEXT) RETURNS TEXT return "This is a SF"; create database db_31767; use db_31767; --replace_result $UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB eval CREATE FUNCTION metaphon RETURNS STRING SONAME "$UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB"; use test; # Uses the UDF select metaphon("Hello"); # Uses the SF select test.metaphon("Hello"); # Should drop the UDF, resolving the name the same way select does. drop function metaphon; # Should call the SF select metaphon("Hello"); # Drop the SF drop function metaphon; # Change the current database to none. use db_31767; drop database db_31767; drop function if exists no_such_func; --error ER_SP_DOES_NOT_EXIST drop function no_such_func; drop function if exists test.no_such_func; --error ER_SP_DOES_NOT_EXIST drop function test.no_such_func; --error ER_NO_DB_ERROR drop procedure if exists no_such_proc; --error ER_NO_DB_ERROR drop procedure no_such_proc; use test; --echo # --echo # Bug#46259: 5.0.83 -> 5.1.36, query doesn't work --echo # CREATE TABLE t1 ( a INT ); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1), (2), (3); SELECT IF( a = 1, a, a ) AS `b` FROM t1 ORDER BY field( `b` + 1, 1 ); SELECT IF( a = 1, a, a ) AS `b` FROM t1 ORDER BY field( `b`, 1 ); DROP TABLE t1; --echo End of 5.0 tests. --echo # --echo # Bug#33546: Slowdown on re-evaluation of constant expressions. --echo # CREATE TABLE t1 (f1 INT); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(1),(50); --replace_result $UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB eval CREATE FUNCTION myfunc_double RETURNS INTEGER SONAME "$UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB"; EXPLAIN SELECT 1 FROM t1 WHERE f1=1 + myfunc_double(1); DROP FUNCTION myfunc_double; DROP TABLE t1; --echo # --echo End of 5.1 tests. --echo # --echo # Bug#53322 deadlock with FLUSH TABLES WITH READ LOCK and DROP FUNCTION --echo # --replace_result $UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB eval CREATE FUNCTION metaphon RETURNS STRING SONAME "$UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB"; --replace_result $UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB eval CREATE FUNCTION reverse_lookup RETURNS STRING SONAME "$UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB"; --echo # Connection con1 connect(con1, localhost, root); FLUSH TABLES WITH READ LOCK; --echo # Connection default connection default; --echo # Sending: --send DROP FUNCTION metaphon --echo # Connection con1 connection con1; --echo # Wait until DROP FUNCTION is blocked by GRL let $wait_condition= SELECT COUNT(*) = 1 FROM information_schema.processlist WHERE state = "Waiting for global read lock" AND info = "DROP FUNCTION metaphon"; --source include/wait_condition.inc SELECT metaphon("foo"); UNLOCK TABLES; --echo # Connection default connection default; --echo # Reaping: DROP FUNCTION metaphon --reap --echo # Connection con1 connection con1; FLUSH TABLES WITH READ LOCK; --echo # Connection default connection default; --echo # Sending: --replace_result $UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB --send eval CREATE FUNCTION metaphon RETURNS STRING SONAME "$UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB"; --echo # Connection con1 connection con1; --echo # Wait until CREATE FUNCTION is blocked by GRL let $wait_condition= SELECT COUNT(*) = 1 FROM information_schema.processlist WHERE state = "Waiting for global read lock"; --source include/wait_condition.inc # Can return different results depending on platform --disable_result_log SELECT reverse_lookup(""); --enable_result_log UNLOCK TABLES; disconnect con1; --source include/wait_until_disconnected.inc --echo # Connection default connection default; --echo # Reaping: CREATE FUNCTION metaphon ... --reap DROP FUNCTION metaphon; DROP FUNCTION reverse_lookup; --echo # --echo # WL#5825 Using C++ Standard Library with MySQL code --echo # --replace_result $UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB eval CREATE AGGREGATE FUNCTION my_median RETURNS INTEGER SONAME "$UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB"; SELECT my_median(1); CREATE TABLE t1(a INT, b INT); SELECT a, my_median(b) from t1 group by a; INSERT INTO t1 values (1, 1), (1, 2), (1, 200), (2, 1), (2, 200), (2, 200), (2, 1000), (3, 1), (3, 1), (3, 100), (3, 100), (3, 42) ; SELECT a, my_median(b) from t1 GROUP BY a; DROP FUNCTION my_median; DROP TABLE t1; --echo # --echo # WL8980 - Move udf metatable table from MyISAM to InnoDB. --echo # SET autocommit= 0; SET innodb_lock_wait_timeout= 1; # Create an auxiliary connection. --echo --echo # Connection: con1 --connect (con1, localhost, root,,) let $con1_id= `SELECT CONNECTION_ID()`; # Test Plan: # A. Check that UDF statements are not vulnerable to the lock-wait-timeout. # B. Check the implicit transactional nature of UDF DDL. # C. Check it's possible to change the UDF meta table storage engine via # ALTER TABLE. --echo --echo ####################################################### --echo # A.1. Checking lock-wait-timeout with CREATE USER --echo ####################################################### --connection default # Start a transaction and insert a new row into mysql.func. START TRANSACTION; --replace_result $UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB eval INSERT INTO mysql.func(name, ret, dl, type) VALUES ('metaphon', 0, '$UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB', 'function'); --echo --echo # Connection: con1 --connection con1 # CREATE FUNCTION is expected to wait for the transaction in the other connection. # to finish. --replace_result $UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB let $is_windows = `select convert(@@version_compile_os using latin1) IN ("Win32","Win64","Windows")`; if ($is_windows) { --replace_result udf_example.dll UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB --send CREATE FUNCTION metaphon RETURNS STRING SONAME "udf_example.dll"; } if (!$is_windows) { --replace_result udf_example.so UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB --send CREATE FUNCTION metaphon RETURNS STRING SONAME "udf_example.so"; } --echo --echo # Connection: default --connection default let $wait_condition= SELECT count(*) = 1 FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PROCESSLIST WHERE state = "Waiting for table metadata lock" AND id = $con1_id; --source include/wait_condition.inc ROLLBACK; --echo --echo # Connection: con1 --connection con1 --reap # CREATE FUNCTION --echo --echo # Connection: default --connection default # Drop the created function (cleanup). DROP FUNCTION metaphon; --echo --echo ############################################################### --echo # A.2. Checking lock-wait-timeout with DROP FUNCTION. --echo ############################################################### --replace_result $UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB eval CREATE FUNCTION metaphon RETURNS STRING SONAME "$UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB"; START TRANSACTION; SELECT name FROM mysql.func WHERE name ='metaphon' FOR UPDATE; --echo --echo # Connection: con1 --connection con1 # DROP FUNCTION is expected to wait for the transaction in the other connection. --send DROP FUNCTION metaphon --echo --echo # Connection: default --connection default let $wait_condition= SELECT count(*) = 1 FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PROCESSLIST WHERE state = "Waiting for table metadata lock" AND id = $con1_id; --source include/wait_condition.inc ROLLBACK; --echo --echo # Connection: con1 --connection con1 --reap # DROP USER --echo --echo # Connection: default --connection default # Check the DROP FUNCTION was successful. SELECT name FROM mysql.func WHERE name = 'metaphon'; --echo --echo ############################################################## --echo # B.1 Check that CREATE FUNCTION does implicit commit. --echo ############################################################## --connection default CREATE TABLE t1(a INT); START TRANSACTION; INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(1),(2),(3); --replace_result $UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB eval CREATE FUNCTION metaphon RETURNS STRING SONAME "$UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB"; --echo --echo # Connection: con1 --connection con1 SELECT * FROM t1; --replace_result $UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB SELECT * FROM mysql.func; --echo --echo # Connection: default --connection default ROLLBACK; --replace_result $UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB SELECT * FROM mysql.func; DROP FUNCTION metaphon; DROP TABLE t1; disconnect con1; --echo # --echo # Bug #27270498: DROPPING A UDF FUNCTION DOES NOT REMOVE ENTRY FROM PFS TABLE --echo # --replace_result $UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB eval CREATE FUNCTION is_const RETURNS STRING SONAME "$UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB"; --error ER_OPERAND_COLUMNS SELECT is_const((1,2,3)); DROP FUNCTION is_const; --echo # Should return 0 rows. SELECT * FROM performance_schema.user_defined_functions WHERE udf_name = 'is_const'; --echo # --echo # BUG#29264874: ASAN ERROR WHEN ACCESSING INFORMATION SCHEMA TABLES FROM --echo # AGGREGATE UDF --echo # --replace_result $UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB eval CREATE AGGREGATE FUNCTION avgcost RETURNS REAL SONAME "$UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB"; CREATE TABLE t1(fld1 INT); let $query = SELECT avgcost(T.TABLE_ROWS, 0e0) FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES T, INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS C WHERE C.TABLE_SCHEMA = T.TABLE_SCHEMA AND C.TABLE_NAME = T.TABLE_NAME AND C.TABLE_SCHEMA = DATABASE(); # Without the patch, evaluating $query in a different session triggers an ASAN error. --connect (con1, localhost, root,,) --eval $query --connection default --disconnect con1 DROP TABLE t1; DROP FUNCTION avgcost; --echo # End of the 8.0 tests