# # test of ISNULL() # --disable_warnings drop table if exists t1; --enable_warnings create table t1 (id int auto_increment primary key not null, mydate date not null); insert into t1 values (0,"2002-05-01"),(0,"2002-05-01"),(0,"2002-05-01"); flush tables; select * from t1 where isnull(to_days(mydate)); drop table t1; # End of 4.1 tests --echo # --echo # Bug#53933 crash when using uncacheable subquery in the having clause of outer query --echo # CREATE TABLE t1 (f1 INT); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (0),(0); SELECT ISNULL((SELECT GET_LOCK('Bug#53933', 0) FROM t1 GROUP BY f1)) AS f2 FROM t1 GROUP BY f1 HAVING f2 = f2; SELECT RELEASE_LOCK('Bug#53933'); DROP TABLE t1; --echo End of 5.0 tests # # Bug #41371 Select returns 1 row with condition "col is not null and col is null" # CREATE TABLE t1 (id INTEGER UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, PRIMARY KEY(id)); INSERT INTO t1( id ) VALUES ( NULL ); SELECT t1.id FROM t1 WHERE (id is not null and id is null ); DROP TABLE t1; # End of 5.1 tests --echo # --echo # Bug#29027883 INCORRECT RESULT OF LEFT JOIN --echo # # test the special, documented behaviour of "not-nullable-DATE-column # IS NULL" CREATE TABLE t1 ( pk int NOT NULL, col_int_key INT NOT NULL, col_date_key date NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (pk), KEY col_int_key (col_int_key), KEY col_date_key (col_date_key) ) ENGINE=MyISAM; INSERT IGNORE INTO t1 VALUES (14,4,'0000-00-00'), (15,2,'2003-01-13'), (16,5,'2006-07-07'), (17,3,'0000-00-00'); CREATE TABLE t2 ( pk INT NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (pk) ) ENGINE=MyISAM; INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1), (2), (3); CREATE TABLE t3(pk INT NOT NULL); INSERT INTO t3 VALUES(3),(3); select * from t3 left join (t2 outr2 join t2 outr join t1) on (outr.pk = t3.pk) and (t1.col_int_key = t3.pk) and isnull(t1.col_date_key) and (outr2.pk <> t3.pk) ; select * from t3 join (t2 outr2 join t2 outr join t1) on (outr.pk = t3.pk) and (t1.col_int_key = t3.pk) and isnull(t1.col_date_key) and (outr2.pk <> t3.pk) ; delete from t3; INSERT INTO t3 VALUES(3); # Special behaviour is: # enabled in WHERE let $query= select * from t3, t1 where t1.col_date_key is null; eval EXPLAIN $query; eval $query; # disabled in [LEFT] JOIN ON let $query= select * from t3 join t1 on t1.col_date_key is null; eval EXPLAIN $query; eval $query; let $query= select * from t3 left join t1 on t1.col_date_key is null; eval EXPLAIN $query; eval $query; # Combine both: let $query= select * from t3 left join t1 on t1.col_date_key is null where t1.col_date_key is null; eval EXPLAIN $query; eval $query; # disabled in IS NOT NULL let $query= select * from t3, t1 where t1.col_date_key is not null; eval EXPLAIN $query; eval $query; # disabled in NOT (IS NULL) let $query= select * from t3, t1 where not (t1.col_date_key is null); eval EXPLAIN $query; eval $query; # enabled in (IS NULL) IS TRUE let $query= select * from t3, t1 where (t1.col_date_key is null) is true; eval EXPLAIN $query; eval $query; DROP TABLE t1,t2,t3;