# # Bug#20262654 INNODB: MYSQL IS TRYING TO PERFORM A CONSISTENT READ # BUT THE READ VIEW IS NOT AS # set sql_mode=""; create table t1(a int)engine=innodb; create table t2(b int)engine=innodb; create procedure p1() begin declare counter integer default 0; declare continue handler for sqlexception begin set counter = counter + 10;end; repeat if rand()>0.5 then start transaction; end if; if rand()>0.5 then select var_samp(1), exists(select 1 from t1 lock in share mode) from t1 into @a,@b; end if; if rand()>0.5 then select var_samp(1), exists(select 1 from t1 for update) from t1 into @a,@b; end if; if rand()>0.5 then insert ignore into t1 values (); end if; if rand()>0.5 then insert ignore into t2 values (); end if; if rand()>0.5 then delete from t1; end if; if rand()>0.5 then delete from t2; end if; if rand()>0.5 then commit; end if; set counter = counter + 1; until counter >= 100 end repeat; end $ connect con1, localhost, root; call p1(); # run this in two connections!; connection default; call p1(); connection con1; reap reap done disconnect con1; connection default; drop procedure p1; drop table t1,t2; set sql_mode=default;