# # Bug#21966802: MAKE OPERATIONS ON DD TABLES IMMUNE TO KILL # # Create a new connection. connect con1, localhost, root,,; # Create a table and Alter it, but stop executing right before the # object is stored persistently. CREATE TABLE t1 (pk INTEGER PRIMARY KEY); SET DEBUG_SYNC= 'before_storing_dd_object SIGNAL before_store WAIT_FOR cont'; ALTER TABLE t1 ADD fld1 INT, ALGORITHM=INPLACE; connection default; # From the default connection, get the thread id of the rename, and # kill the query. SET DEBUG_SYNC= 'now WAIT_FOR before_store'; SELECT ID FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PROCESSLIST WHERE INFO LIKE "ALTER TABLE%" INTO @thread_id; KILL QUERY @thread_id; SET DEBUG_SYNC= 'now SIGNAL cont'; connection con1; # Though KILL QUERY is executed when ALTER TABLE's THD is in the kill immune mode, # killed status for THD is set only while exiting from the kill immune mode. # Code checking THD::killed status outside kill immune mode reports an error. ERROR 70100: Query execution was interrupted connection default; # Disconnect and cleanup. DROP TABLE t1; disconnect con1; SET DEBUG_SYNC= 'RESET';