# # WL#12138 -- Add Admin Port # # Create the user u1 CREATE USER u1; # Grant the user u1 the privilege SERVICE_CONNECTION_ADMIN GRANT SERVICE_CONNECTION_ADMIN ON *.* TO u1; # Create the user u2 CREATE USER u2; # Create the user u3 CREATE USER u3; # Grant the user u3 the privilege SERVICE_CONNECTION_ADMIN GRANT SUPER ON *.* TO u3; Warnings: Warning 1287 The SUPER privilege identifier is deprecated # Stop DB server which was created by MTR default # Test case 1 # Check that specially treated value :: is not allowed as part of # option admin-address. Pattern "Invalid value for command line option admin-address: '::'" found # Test case 2 # Check that specially treated value * is not allowed as part of # option admin-address. Pattern "Invalid value for command line option admin-address: '*'" found # Test case 3 # Check that specially treated value is not allowed as part of # option admin-address. Pattern "Invalid value for command line option admin-address: ''" found # Test case 4 # Check that non-existent host name specified as a value of the option admin-address results in error on server starting up. # option admin-address. Pattern "Can't start server: cannot resolve hostname" found # Starting up server with --admin-address= --max-connections=2 # restart: --admin-address= --admin-port=ADMIN_PORT --max-connections=2 # Test case 5 # Check that ordinary connection using tcp protocol can be established connect ordinary_tcp_con,localhost,root,,,,,TCP; SELECT CURRENT_USER(); CURRENT_USER() root@localhost disconnect ordinary_tcp_con; # Check error when starting a server having admin port which is busy Pattern "Can't start server: Bind on TCP/IP port: (Address .*in use|Only one usage of each socket address .* normally permitted)" found # Test case 6 # Check that ordinary connection using default connection method can be established connect ordinary_con,localhost,root,,,,,; SELECT CURRENT_USER(); CURRENT_USER() root@localhost disconnect ordinary_con; # Test case 7 # Check that admin connection using tcp protocol can be established connect admin_tcp_con,,root,,,$ADMIN_PORT,,TCP; SELECT CURRENT_USER(); CURRENT_USER() root@localhost # Check that a system message about the admin interface is written # to the error log Pattern "\[System\] \[MY\-[0-9]+\] \[Server\] Admin interface ready for connections, address: \'\' port: ADMIN_PORT" found disconnect admin_tcp_con; # Test case 8 # Check that the user u1 can establish connection to admin interface since # this user has the privilege SERVICE_CONNECTION_ADMIN connect admin_tcp_con_u1,,u1,,,$ADMIN_PORT,,TCP; SELECT CURRENT_USER(); CURRENT_USER() u1@% disconnect admin_tcp_con_u1; # Test case 9 # Check that the user u2 can't establish connection to admin interface since # this user doesn't have the privilege SERVICE_CONNECTION_ADMIN connect(,u2,,test,ADMIN_PORT,MASTER_SOCKET); connect admin_tcp_con_u2,,u2,,,$ADMIN_PORT,,TCP; ERROR 42000: Access denied; you need (at least one of) the SERVICE_CONNECTION_ADMIN privilege(s) for this operation # Check that the user u3 can't establish connection to admin interface since # this user doesn't have the privilege SERVICE_CONNECTION_ADMIN connect(,u3,,test,ADMIN_PORT,MASTER_SOCKET); connect admin_tcp_con_u3,,u3,,,$ADMIN_PORT,,TCP; ERROR 42000: Access denied; you need (at least one of) the SERVICE_CONNECTION_ADMIN privilege(s) for this operation connection default; # Show how many active connections currently exist SHOW STATUS LIKE 'Threads_connected'; Variable_name Value Threads_connected 1 # Test case 10 # Check that the parameter max_connections does affect to an ordinary # connection and doesn't affect to a connection made to admin interface connect ordinary_con_1,localhost,u1,,,,,; # Show how many active connections exist after the connection # ordinary_con_1 established SHOW STATUS LIKE 'Threads_connected'; Variable_name Value Threads_connected 2 # Since server was started with the option --max-connections=2 and # there are already two active connections (the first one is for # the default connection and the second one is for the connection # ordinary_con_1) an attempt to connect to the server results in # error ER_CON_COUNT_ERROR connect(localhost,u2,,test,MASTER_PORT,MASTER_SOCKET); connect ordinary_con_2,localhost,u2,,,,,; ERROR 08004: Too many connections # Check that attempt to establish the third connection to admin interface # doesn't result in error connect admin_con_3,localhost,u1,,,$ADMIN_PORT,,TCP; # Check that total number of concurrent connection made to admin interface # is not limited by the value max-connections + 1 connect admin_con_4,localhost,u1,,,$ADMIN_PORT,,TCP; connection ordinary_con_1; disconnect ordinary_con_1; connection admin_con_3; disconnect admin_con_3; connection admin_con_4; disconnect admin_con_4; connection default; # Test case 11 # Check that a dedicated thread for handling connection requests # on admin interface is not running in case a server started without # the option --create-admin-listener-thread=true SELECT name, type FROM performance_schema.threads WHERE name = 'thread/sql/admin_interface'; name type # Stop DB server # Starting up server with --admin-address=, # handle connections on admin interface by a dedicated thread # restart: --admin-address= --admin-port=ADMIN_PORT --create-admin-listener-thread=true # Test case 12 # Check that a dedicated thread for handling connection requests on # admin interface is running in case a server started with the option # --create-admin-listener-thread=true SELECT name, type FROM performance_schema.threads WHERE name = 'thread/sql/admin_interface'; name type thread/sql/admin_interface BACKGROUND # Test case 13 # Check that admin connection using tcp protocol can be established # when a server is started with option --create-admin-listener-thread=true connect admin_tcp_con,,root,,,$ADMIN_PORT,,TCP; SELECT CURRENT_USER(); CURRENT_USER() root@localhost disconnect admin_tcp_con; # Test case 14 # Check that admin interface is turned off # in case a server started with the --skip-networking option connection default; # Stop DB server # Starting up server with --admin-address= --skip-networking # restart: --admin-address= --admin-port=ADMIN_PORT --skip-networking connect(,root,,test,ADMIN_PORT,MASTER_SOCKET); connect admin_tcp_con,,root,,,$ADMIN_PORT,,TCP; # Test case 15 # Check that admin interface is turned off in case a server started # with the --skip-grant-tables option. If the server is started with # the --skip-grant-tables option to disable authentication checks, # the server enables --skip-networking automatically to prevent remote # connections. Therefore, listening on admin interface must be disabled too. connection default; # Stop DB server # Starting up server with --admin-address= --skip-grant-tables # restart: --admin-address= --admin-port=ADMIN_PORT --skip-grant-tables connect(,root,,test,ADMIN_PORT,MASTER_SOCKET); connect admin_tcp_con,,root,,,$ADMIN_PORT,,TCP; connection default; # Stop DB server # Test case 16 # Check that admin interface is not setup when the option # --admin-port is specified without --admin-address # restart: --admin-port=ADMIN_PORT connect ordinary_tcp_con,localhost,root,,,,,TCP; SELECT CURRENT_USER(); CURRENT_USER() root@localhost SELECT @@admin_address, @@admin_port; @@admin_address @@admin_port NULL ADMIN_PORT disconnect ordinary_tcp_con; connect(,root,,test,ADMIN_PORT,MASTER_SOCKET); connect admin_tcp_con,,root,,,$ADMIN_PORT,,TCP; # Test case 17 # Check that we can connect to the server if admin # interface is set up on loopback IPV6 address connection default; # restart: --skip-name-resolve --admin-address=::1 --admin-port=ADMIN_PORT connect admin_tcp_con_ipv6,::1,u1,,,$ADMIN_PORT,,TCP; SELECT @@admin_address, @@admin_port; @@admin_address @@admin_port ::1 ADMIN_PORT disconnect admin_tcp_con_ipv6; connection default; # Stop DB server # # Starting mysqld in the regular mode... # connection default; # restart # Cleaning up DROP USER u1; DROP USER u2; DROP USER u3;