############################################################################## # # List the test cases that are to be disabled temporarily. This file is # used for MySQL Cluster tests only. # # Separate the test case name and the comment with ':'. # . [@platform|@!platform] : # [] # # Note: # - Do not use any TAB characters for whitespace. # - Length of a comment section must not be more than 80 characters. # ############################################################################## # ndb_big suite tests ndb_big.smoke : BUG#29110705 Not ready for automated testing yet. # ndb_rpl suite tests ndb_rpl.ndb_rpl_binlog_format_errors : BUG#26078612 PB2 TEST FAILURE ndb_rpl.ndb_rpl_ctype_ucs2_def : BUG#34661 rpl_ndb_ctype_ucs2_def fails in 6.2 ndb_rpl.ndb_rpl_mix_innodb : BUG#16321437 NDB_APPLY_STATUS START_POS ALWAYS EQUALS END_POS ndb_rpl.ndb_rpl_slave_lsu : BUG#29110717 SEAGULL ndb-force-binlog-format-statement ndb_rpl.ndb_rpl_slave_lsu_anyval : BUG#29110717 SEAGULL ndb-force-binlog-format-statement ndb_rpl.ndb_rpl_stm_innodb : BUG#16321437 NDB_APPLY_STATUS START_POS ALWAYS EQUALS END_POS # ndb suite tests ndb.ndb_insert : BUG#16021097 INSERT .. SELECT WITH KEY VIOLATION DOES NOT FAIL ndb.ndb_row_count : BUG#16021097 INSERT .. SELECT WITH KEY VIOLATION DOES NOT FAIL ndb.ndb_parallel_undo_log : BUG#28794807 FIX NDB.NDB_PARALLEL_UNDO_LOG TESTCASE FAILURE ndb.ndb_dd_schema_distribution : Bug#29871406 HANG IN ACQUIRE_LOCK WHEN ALTERING TABLESPACE # Problem with ndb_index_stat tables missing from DD ndb.ndb_statistics0 : BUG#27543602 NDB_INDEX_STAT* TABLES ARE MISSING FROM DD AFTER AN INITIAL SYSTEM RESTART # Clusterj fails in windows due to Bug#28532563 ndb.clusterj @windows: BUG#28532563 CLUSTERJ MTR TEST FAILS IN WINDOWS DUE TO NOT BEING ABLE TO LOAD LIBNDBCLIENT # Failure to acquire MDL lock properly during drop database with uppercase # database name, affects lower_case_table_names=2 platform ndb.ndb_addnode_restart @darwin: BUG#27307793 IDENTIFIERS AND LOWER_CASE_TABLE_NAMES=2 INCONCISTENCY ndb.ndb_addnode_restart2: Bug#29192097 IMPROVE ABORT HANDLING OF ALTER TABLE # The below two tests runs extra/rpl_tests/rpl_mixed_implicit_commit_binlog # which is maintained upstream and easily breaks due to the inherent # difference in binlog ouput depending on who's creating the binlog. # These tests should be merged and made much more stable by not having # to hardcode "magic" numbers into the test. Test should also be fixed # to switch binlog_format itself if that is necessary for the test to properly # test everything. rpl_ndb.rpl_ndb_mixed_implicit_commit_binlog : BUG#29284229 Unstable, magic numbers causes errors rpl_ndb.rpl_ndb_row_implicit_commit_binlog : BUG#12586131 Fails on SET PASSWORD # Below test disabled due to result content mismatch, test needs to be made more stable. ndb.ndb_read_location_domain : BUG#27935436 NDB_READ_LOCATION_DOMAIN FAILURE IN PB2. # Flaky test ndb.ndb_import2 : BUG#28239197 NDB_IMPORT2 FAILS SPORADICALLY IN 7.6 # Disabled due to Bug#29305977 which is waiting on Bug#29205142 to be fixed ndb.ndbinfo_upgrade: Bug#29305977 NDB.NDBINFO_UPGRADE TEST FAILS