/* * Copyright (c) 2006-2022, RT-Thread Development Team * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 * * Change Logs: * Date Author Notes * 2006-08-31 Bernard first implementation * 2010-12-29 onelife Modify for EFM32 * 2011-12-20 onelife Add RTGUI initialization routine * 2012-02-21 onelife Add energy management initialization routine * 2012-05-15 onelife Modified to compatible with CMSIS v3 */ /***************************************************************************//** * @addtogroup efm32 * @{ ******************************************************************************/ /* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "board.h" /* Private typedef -----------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Private define ------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Private macro -------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* External variables --------------------------------------------------------*/ #ifdef __CC_ARM extern int Image$$RW_IRAM1$$ZI$$Limit; #elif __ICCARM__ #pragma section="HEAP" #else extern int __bss_end__; #endif /* Private variables ---------------------------------------------------------*/ /* External function prototypes ----------------------------------------------*/ /* Private function prototypes -----------------------------------------------*/ /* Private functions ---------------------------------------------------------*/ #ifdef RT_USING_DEBUG /***************************************************************************//** * @brief * Reports the name of the source file and the source line number where the * assert error has occurred. * * @details * * @note * * @param[in] file * Pointer to the source file name * * @param[in] line * Assert error line source number ******************************************************************************/ void assert_failed(uint8_t * file, uint32_t line) { rt_kprintf("\n\r Wrong parameter value detected on\r\n"); rt_kprintf(" file %s\r\n", file); rt_kprintf(" line %d\r\n", line); while (1) ; } #endif /***************************************************************************//** * @brief * Startup RT-Thread * * @details * * @note * ******************************************************************************/ void rtthread_startup(void) { /* init board */ rt_hw_board_init(); #ifdef RT_USING_HEAP #ifdef __CC_ARM rt_system_heap_init((void*)&Image$$RW_IRAM1$$ZI$$Limit, (void*)EFM32_SRAM_END); #elif __ICCARM__ rt_system_heap_init(__segment_end("HEAP"), (void*)EFM32_SRAM_END); #else /* init memory system */ rt_system_heap_init((void*)&__bss_end__, (void*)EFM32_SRAM_END); #endif #endif /* enable interrupt */ rt_hw_interrupt_enable(0x0UL); /* init drivers */ rt_hw_driver_init(); /* show version */ rt_show_version(); /* init timer system */ rt_system_timer_init(); /* init scheduler system */ rt_system_scheduler_init(); /* init finsh */ #ifdef RT_USING_FINSH finsh_system_init(); #if !defined(RT_USING_POSIX_STDIO) && defined(RT_USING_DEVICE) finsh_set_device(CONSOLE_DEVICE); #endif #endif /* Initialize gui server */ #ifdef RT_USING_RTGUI rtgui_system_server_init(); #endif /* init timer thread */ rt_system_timer_thread_init(); /* init idle thread */ rt_thread_idle_init(); /* init energy mode thread */ efm32_emu_init(); /* init application */ rt_application_init(); /* start scheduler */ rt_system_scheduler_start(); /* never reach here */ return ; } /***************************************************************************//** * @brief * Program entry point * * @details * * @note * ******************************************************************************/ int main(void) { /* disable interrupt first */ rt_hw_interrupt_disable(); /* init system setting */ SystemInit(); /* startup RT-Thread RTOS */ rtthread_startup(); return 0; } /***************************************************************************//** * @} ******************************************************************************/