/* Copyright (c) 2000, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0, as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is also distributed with certain software (including but not limited to OpenSSL) that is licensed under separate terms, as designated in a particular file or component or in included license documentation. The authors of MySQL hereby grant you an additional permission to link the program and your derivative works with the separately licensed software that they have included with MySQL. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License, version 2.0, for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ /** @file @brief This file defines all time functions */ #include "sql/item_timefunc.h" #include "my_config.h" #include #include #include #include #include "mysql_com.h" #include "sql/my_decimal.h" #include "typelib.h" #ifdef HAVE_SYS_TIME_H #include #endif #include "decimal.h" #include "lex_string.h" #include "m_string.h" #include "my_compiler.h" #include "my_dbug.h" #include "my_sys.h" #include "mysqld_error.h" #include "sql/current_thd.h" #include "sql/dd/info_schema/table_stats.h" #include "sql/dd/object_id.h" // dd::Object_id #include "sql/derror.h" // ER_THD #include "sql/sql_class.h" // THD #include "sql/sql_error.h" #include "sql/sql_lex.h" #include "sql/sql_locale.h" // my_locale_en_US #include "sql/sql_time.h" // make_truncated_value_warning #include "sql/strfunc.h" // check_word #include "sql/system_variables.h" #include "sql/table.h" #include "sql/tztime.h" // Time_zone #include "template_utils.h" using std::max; using std::min; /** Day number for Dec 31st, 9999. */ #define MAX_DAY_NUMBER 3652424L /** Check and adjust a time value with a warning. @param ltime Time variable. @param decimals Precision. @retval True on error, false of success. */ static bool adjust_time_range_with_warn(MYSQL_TIME *ltime, uint8 decimals) { /* Fatally bad value should not come here */ if (check_time_range_quick(*ltime)) { int warning = 0; if (make_truncated_value_warning(current_thd, Sql_condition::SL_WARNING, ErrConvString(ltime, decimals), MYSQL_TIMESTAMP_TIME, NullS)) return true; adjust_time_range(ltime, &warning); } return false; } /* Convert seconds to MYSQL_TIME value with overflow checking. SYNOPSIS: sec_to_time() seconds number of seconds ltime output MYSQL_TIME value DESCRIPTION If the 'seconds' argument is inside MYSQL_TIME data range, convert it to a corresponding value. Otherwise, truncate the resulting value to the nearest endpoint. Note: Truncation in this context means setting the result to the MAX/MIN value of TIME type if value is outside the allowed range. If the number of decimals exceeds what is supported, the value is rounded to the supported number of decimals. RETURN 1 if the value was truncated during conversion 0 otherwise */ static bool sec_to_time(lldiv_t seconds, MYSQL_TIME *ltime) { int warning = 0; set_zero_time(ltime, MYSQL_TIMESTAMP_TIME); if (seconds.quot < 0 || seconds.rem < 0) { ltime->neg = 1; seconds.quot = -seconds.quot; seconds.rem = -seconds.rem; } if (seconds.quot > TIME_MAX_VALUE_SECONDS) { set_max_hhmmss(ltime); return true; } ltime->hour = (uint)(seconds.quot / 3600); uint sec = (uint)(seconds.quot % 3600); ltime->minute = sec / 60; ltime->second = sec % 60; time_add_nanoseconds_adjust_frac(ltime, static_cast(seconds.rem), &warning, current_thd->is_fsp_truncate_mode()); adjust_time_range(ltime, &warning); return warning ? true : false; } /** Array of known date_time formats */ static constexpr const Known_date_time_format known_date_time_formats[6] = { {"USA", "%m.%d.%Y", "%Y-%m-%d %H.%i.%s", "%h:%i:%s %p"}, {"JIS", "%Y-%m-%d", "%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s", "%H:%i:%s"}, {"ISO", "%Y-%m-%d", "%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s", "%H:%i:%s"}, {"EUR", "%d.%m.%Y", "%Y-%m-%d %H.%i.%s", "%H.%i.%s"}, {"INTERNAL", "%Y%m%d", "%Y%m%d%H%i%s", "%H%i%s"}, {nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr}}; /* Date formats corresponding to compound %r and %T conversion specifiers */ static const Date_time_format time_ampm_format = {{0}, {"%I:%i:%S %p", 11}}; static const Date_time_format time_24hrs_format = {{0}, {"%H:%i:%S", 8}}; /** Extract datetime value to MYSQL_TIME struct from string value according to format string. @param format date/time format specification @param val String to decode @param length Length of string @param l_time Store result here @param cached_timestamp_type It uses to get an appropriate warning in the case when the value is truncated. @param sub_pattern_end if non-zero then we are parsing string which should correspond compound specifier (like %T or %r) and this parameter is pointer to place where pointer to end of string matching this specifier should be stored. @param date_time_type @note Possibility to parse strings matching to patterns equivalent to compound specifiers is mainly intended for use from inside of this function in order to understand %T and %r conversion specifiers, so number of conversion specifiers that can be used in such sub-patterns is limited. Also most of checks are skipped in this case. @note If one adds new format specifiers to this function he should also consider adding them to Item_func_str_to_date::fix_from_format(). @retval 0 ok @retval 1 error */ static bool extract_date_time(const Date_time_format *format, const char *val, size_t length, MYSQL_TIME *l_time, enum_mysql_timestamp_type cached_timestamp_type, const char **sub_pattern_end, const char *date_time_type) { int weekday = 0, yearday = 0, daypart = 0; int week_number = -1; int error = 0; int strict_week_number_year = -1; int frac_part; bool usa_time = 0; bool sunday_first_n_first_week_non_iso = false; bool strict_week_number = false; bool strict_week_number_year_type = false; const char *val_begin = val; const char *val_end = val + length; const char *ptr = format->format.str; const char *end = ptr + format->format.length; const CHARSET_INFO *cs = &my_charset_bin; DBUG_TRACE; if (!sub_pattern_end) memset(l_time, 0, sizeof(*l_time)); for (; ptr != end && val != val_end; ptr++) { /* Skip pre-space between each argument */ if ((val += cs->cset->scan(cs, val, val_end, MY_SEQ_SPACES)) >= val_end) break; if (*ptr == '%' && ptr + 1 != end) { int val_len; const char *tmp; error = 0; val_len = (uint)(val_end - val); switch (*++ptr) { /* Year */ case 'Y': tmp = val + MY_MIN(4, val_len); l_time->year = (int)my_strtoll10(val, &tmp, &error); if ((int)(tmp - val) <= 2) l_time->year = year_2000_handling(l_time->year); val = tmp; break; case 'y': tmp = val + MY_MIN(2, val_len); l_time->year = (int)my_strtoll10(val, &tmp, &error); val = tmp; l_time->year = year_2000_handling(l_time->year); break; /* Month */ case 'm': case 'c': tmp = val + MY_MIN(2, val_len); l_time->month = (int)my_strtoll10(val, &tmp, &error); val = tmp; break; case 'M': if ((l_time->month = check_word(my_locale_en_US.month_names, val, val_end, &val)) <= 0) goto err; break; case 'b': if ((l_time->month = check_word(my_locale_en_US.ab_month_names, val, val_end, &val)) <= 0) goto err; break; /* Day */ case 'd': case 'e': tmp = val + MY_MIN(2, val_len); l_time->day = (int)my_strtoll10(val, &tmp, &error); val = tmp; break; case 'D': tmp = val + MY_MIN(2, val_len); l_time->day = (int)my_strtoll10(val, &tmp, &error); /* Skip 'st, 'nd, 'th .. */ val = tmp + MY_MIN((int)(val_end - tmp), 2); break; /* Hour */ case 'h': case 'I': case 'l': usa_time = 1; /* fall through */ case 'k': case 'H': tmp = val + MY_MIN(2, val_len); l_time->hour = (int)my_strtoll10(val, &tmp, &error); val = tmp; break; /* Minute */ case 'i': tmp = val + MY_MIN(2, val_len); l_time->minute = (int)my_strtoll10(val, &tmp, &error); val = tmp; break; /* Second */ case 's': case 'S': tmp = val + MY_MIN(2, val_len); l_time->second = (int)my_strtoll10(val, &tmp, &error); val = tmp; break; /* Second part */ case 'f': tmp = val_end; if (tmp - val > 6) tmp = val + 6; l_time->second_part = (int)my_strtoll10(val, &tmp, &error); frac_part = 6 - (int)(tmp - val); if (frac_part > 0) l_time->second_part *= (ulong)log_10_int[frac_part]; val = tmp; break; /* AM / PM */ case 'p': if (val_len < 2 || !usa_time) goto err; if (!my_strnncoll(&my_charset_latin1, (const uchar *)val, 2, (const uchar *)"PM", 2)) daypart = 12; else if (my_strnncoll(&my_charset_latin1, (const uchar *)val, 2, (const uchar *)"AM", 2)) goto err; val += 2; break; /* Exotic things */ case 'W': if ((weekday = check_word(my_locale_en_US.day_names, val, val_end, &val)) <= 0) goto err; break; case 'a': if ((weekday = check_word(my_locale_en_US.ab_day_names, val, val_end, &val)) <= 0) goto err; break; case 'w': tmp = val + 1; if ((weekday = (int)my_strtoll10(val, &tmp, &error)) < 0 || weekday >= 7) goto err; /* We should use the same 1 - 7 scale for %w as for %W */ if (!weekday) weekday = 7; val = tmp; break; case 'j': tmp = val + MY_MIN(val_len, 3); yearday = (int)my_strtoll10(val, &tmp, &error); val = tmp; break; /* Week numbers */ case 'V': case 'U': case 'v': case 'u': sunday_first_n_first_week_non_iso = (*ptr == 'U' || *ptr == 'V'); strict_week_number = (*ptr == 'V' || *ptr == 'v'); tmp = val + MY_MIN(val_len, 2); if ((week_number = (int)my_strtoll10(val, &tmp, &error)) < 0 || (strict_week_number && !week_number) || week_number > 53) goto err; val = tmp; break; /* Year used with 'strict' %V and %v week numbers */ case 'X': case 'x': strict_week_number_year_type = (*ptr == 'X'); tmp = val + MY_MIN(4, val_len); strict_week_number_year = (int)my_strtoll10(val, &tmp, &error); val = tmp; break; /* Time in AM/PM notation */ case 'r': /* We can't just set error here, as we don't want to generate two warnings in case of errors */ if (extract_date_time(&time_ampm_format, val, (uint)(val_end - val), l_time, cached_timestamp_type, &val, "time")) return 1; break; /* Time in 24-hour notation */ case 'T': if (extract_date_time(&time_24hrs_format, val, (uint)(val_end - val), l_time, cached_timestamp_type, &val, "time")) return 1; break; /* Conversion specifiers that match classes of characters */ case '.': while (val < val_end && my_ispunct(cs, *val)) val++; break; case '@': while (val < val_end && my_isalpha(cs, *val)) val++; break; case '#': while (val < val_end && my_isdigit(cs, *val)) val++; break; default: goto err; } if (error) // Error from my_strtoll10 goto err; } else if (!my_isspace(cs, *ptr)) { if (*val != *ptr) goto err; val++; } } if (usa_time) { if (l_time->hour > 12 || l_time->hour < 1) goto err; l_time->hour = l_time->hour % 12 + daypart; } /* If we are recursively called for parsing string matching compound specifiers we are already done. */ if (sub_pattern_end) { *sub_pattern_end = val; return 0; } if (yearday > 0) { uint days; days = calc_daynr(l_time->year, 1, 1) + yearday - 1; if (days <= 0 || days > MAX_DAY_NUMBER) goto err; get_date_from_daynr(days, &l_time->year, &l_time->month, &l_time->day); } if (week_number >= 0 && weekday) { int days; uint weekday_b; /* %V,%v require %X,%x resprectively, %U,%u should be used with %Y and not %X or %x */ if ((strict_week_number && (strict_week_number_year < 0 || strict_week_number_year_type != sunday_first_n_first_week_non_iso)) || (!strict_week_number && strict_week_number_year >= 0)) goto err; /* Number of days since year 0 till 1st Jan of this year */ days = calc_daynr( (strict_week_number ? strict_week_number_year : l_time->year), 1, 1); /* Which day of week is 1st Jan of this year */ weekday_b = calc_weekday(days, sunday_first_n_first_week_non_iso); /* Below we are going to sum: 1) number of days since year 0 till 1st day of 1st week of this year 2) number of days between 1st week and our week 3) and position of our day in the week */ if (sunday_first_n_first_week_non_iso) { days += ((weekday_b == 0) ? 0 : 7) - weekday_b + (week_number - 1) * 7 + weekday % 7; } else { days += ((weekday_b <= 3) ? 0 : 7) - weekday_b + (week_number - 1) * 7 + (weekday - 1); } if (days <= 0 || days > MAX_DAY_NUMBER) goto err; get_date_from_daynr(days, &l_time->year, &l_time->month, &l_time->day); } if (l_time->month > 12 || l_time->day > 31 || l_time->hour > 23 || l_time->minute > 59 || l_time->second > 59) goto err; if (val != val_end) { do { if (!my_isspace(&my_charset_latin1, *val)) { // TS-TODO: extract_date_time is not UCS2 safe if (make_truncated_value_warning(current_thd, Sql_condition::SL_WARNING, ErrConvString(val_begin, length), cached_timestamp_type, NullS)) goto err; break; } } while (++val != val_end); } return 0; err : { char buff[128]; strmake(buff, val_begin, min(length, sizeof(buff) - 1)); push_warning_printf(current_thd, Sql_condition::SL_WARNING, ER_WRONG_VALUE_FOR_TYPE, ER_THD(current_thd, ER_WRONG_VALUE_FOR_TYPE), date_time_type, buff, "str_to_date"); } return 1; } /** Create a formated date/time value in a string. */ bool make_date_time(Date_time_format *format, MYSQL_TIME *l_time, enum_mysql_timestamp_type type, String *str) { char intbuff[15]; uint hours_i; uint weekday; ulong length; const char *ptr, *end; THD *thd = current_thd; MY_LOCALE *locale = thd->variables.lc_time_names; str->length(0); if (l_time->neg) str->append('-'); end = (ptr = format->format.str) + format->format.length; for (; ptr != end; ptr++) { if (*ptr != '%' || ptr + 1 == end) str->append(*ptr); else { switch (*++ptr) { case 'M': if (!l_time->month) return 1; str->append( locale->month_names->type_names[l_time->month - 1], strlen(locale->month_names->type_names[l_time->month - 1]), system_charset_info); break; case 'b': if (!l_time->month) return 1; str->append( locale->ab_month_names->type_names[l_time->month - 1], strlen(locale->ab_month_names->type_names[l_time->month - 1]), system_charset_info); break; case 'W': if (type == MYSQL_TIMESTAMP_TIME || !(l_time->month || l_time->year)) return 1; weekday = calc_weekday( calc_daynr(l_time->year, l_time->month, l_time->day), 0); str->append(locale->day_names->type_names[weekday], strlen(locale->day_names->type_names[weekday]), system_charset_info); break; case 'a': if (type == MYSQL_TIMESTAMP_TIME || !(l_time->month || l_time->year)) return 1; weekday = calc_weekday( calc_daynr(l_time->year, l_time->month, l_time->day), 0); str->append(locale->ab_day_names->type_names[weekday], strlen(locale->ab_day_names->type_names[weekday]), system_charset_info); break; case 'D': if (type == MYSQL_TIMESTAMP_TIME) return 1; length = (uint)(int10_to_str(l_time->day, intbuff, 10) - intbuff); str->append_with_prefill(intbuff, length, 1, '0'); if (l_time->day >= 10 && l_time->day <= 19) str->append(STRING_WITH_LEN("th")); else { switch (l_time->day % 10) { case 1: str->append(STRING_WITH_LEN("st")); break; case 2: str->append(STRING_WITH_LEN("nd")); break; case 3: str->append(STRING_WITH_LEN("rd")); break; default: str->append(STRING_WITH_LEN("th")); break; } } break; case 'Y': length = (uint)(int10_to_str(l_time->year, intbuff, 10) - intbuff); str->append_with_prefill(intbuff, length, 4, '0'); break; case 'y': length = (uint)(int10_to_str(l_time->year % 100, intbuff, 10) - intbuff); str->append_with_prefill(intbuff, length, 2, '0'); break; case 'm': length = (uint)(int10_to_str(l_time->month, intbuff, 10) - intbuff); str->append_with_prefill(intbuff, length, 2, '0'); break; case 'c': length = (uint)(int10_to_str(l_time->month, intbuff, 10) - intbuff); str->append_with_prefill(intbuff, length, 1, '0'); break; case 'd': length = (uint)(int10_to_str(l_time->day, intbuff, 10) - intbuff); str->append_with_prefill(intbuff, length, 2, '0'); break; case 'e': length = (uint)(int10_to_str(l_time->day, intbuff, 10) - intbuff); str->append_with_prefill(intbuff, length, 1, '0'); break; case 'f': length = (uint)(int10_to_str(l_time->second_part, intbuff, 10) - intbuff); str->append_with_prefill(intbuff, length, 6, '0'); break; case 'H': length = (uint)(int10_to_str(l_time->hour, intbuff, 10) - intbuff); str->append_with_prefill(intbuff, length, 2, '0'); break; case 'h': case 'I': hours_i = (l_time->hour % 24 + 11) % 12 + 1; length = (uint)(int10_to_str(hours_i, intbuff, 10) - intbuff); str->append_with_prefill(intbuff, length, 2, '0'); break; case 'i': /* minutes */ length = (uint)(int10_to_str(l_time->minute, intbuff, 10) - intbuff); str->append_with_prefill(intbuff, length, 2, '0'); break; case 'j': { if (type == MYSQL_TIMESTAMP_TIME) return 1; int radix = 10; int diff = calc_daynr(l_time->year, l_time->month, l_time->day) - calc_daynr(l_time->year, 1, 1) + 1; if (diff < 0) radix = -10; length = (uint)(int10_to_str(diff, intbuff, radix) - intbuff); str->append_with_prefill(intbuff, length, 3, '0'); } break; case 'k': length = (uint)(int10_to_str(l_time->hour, intbuff, 10) - intbuff); str->append_with_prefill(intbuff, length, 1, '0'); break; case 'l': hours_i = (l_time->hour % 24 + 11) % 12 + 1; length = (uint)(int10_to_str(hours_i, intbuff, 10) - intbuff); str->append_with_prefill(intbuff, length, 1, '0'); break; case 'p': hours_i = l_time->hour % 24; str->append(hours_i < 12 ? "AM" : "PM", 2); break; case 'r': length = sprintf(intbuff, ((l_time->hour % 24) < 12) ? "%02d:%02d:%02d AM" : "%02d:%02d:%02d PM", (l_time->hour + 11) % 12 + 1, l_time->minute, l_time->second); str->append(intbuff, length); break; case 'S': case 's': length = (uint)(int10_to_str(l_time->second, intbuff, 10) - intbuff); str->append_with_prefill(intbuff, length, 2, '0'); break; case 'T': length = sprintf(intbuff, "%02d:%02d:%02d", l_time->hour, l_time->minute, l_time->second); str->append(intbuff, length); break; case 'U': case 'u': { uint year; if (type == MYSQL_TIMESTAMP_TIME) return 1; length = (uint)(int10_to_str(calc_week(*l_time, (*ptr) == 'U' ? WEEK_FIRST_WEEKDAY : WEEK_MONDAY_FIRST, &year), intbuff, 10) - intbuff); str->append_with_prefill(intbuff, length, 2, '0'); } break; case 'v': case 'V': { uint year; if (type == MYSQL_TIMESTAMP_TIME) return 1; length = (uint)( int10_to_str( calc_week(*l_time, ((*ptr) == 'V' ? (WEEK_YEAR | WEEK_FIRST_WEEKDAY) : (WEEK_YEAR | WEEK_MONDAY_FIRST)), &year), intbuff, 10) - intbuff); str->append_with_prefill(intbuff, length, 2, '0'); } break; case 'x': case 'X': { uint year; if (type == MYSQL_TIMESTAMP_TIME) return 1; (void)calc_week(*l_time, ((*ptr) == 'X' ? WEEK_YEAR | WEEK_FIRST_WEEKDAY : WEEK_YEAR | WEEK_MONDAY_FIRST), &year); length = (uint)(int10_to_str(year, intbuff, 10) - intbuff); str->append_with_prefill(intbuff, length, 4, '0'); } break; case 'w': if (type == MYSQL_TIMESTAMP_TIME || !(l_time->month || l_time->year)) return 1; weekday = calc_weekday( calc_daynr(l_time->year, l_time->month, l_time->day), 1); length = (uint)(int10_to_str(weekday, intbuff, 10) - intbuff); str->append_with_prefill(intbuff, length, 1, '0'); break; default: str->append(*ptr); break; } } } return 0; } /** @details Get a array of positive numbers from a string object. Each number is separated by 1 non digit character Return error if there is too many numbers. If there is too few numbers, assume that the numbers are left out from the high end. This allows one to give: DAY_TO_SECOND as "D MM:HH:SS", "MM:HH:SS" "HH:SS" or as seconds. @param args item expression which we convert to an ASCII string @param str_value string buffer @param is_negative set to true if interval is prefixed by '-' @param count count of elements in result array @param values array of results @param transform_msec if value is true we suppose that the last part of string value is microseconds and we should transform value to six digit value. For example, '1.1' -> '1.100000' */ static bool get_interval_info(Item *args, String *str_value, bool *is_negative, uint count, ulonglong *values, bool transform_msec) { String *res; if (!(res = args->val_str_ascii(str_value))) return true; const CHARSET_INFO *cs = res->charset(); const char *str = res->ptr(); const char *end = str + res->length(); str += cs->cset->scan(cs, str, end, MY_SEQ_SPACES); if (str < end && *str == '-') { *is_negative = true; str++; } while (str < end && !my_isdigit(cs, *str)) str++; long msec_length = 0; for (uint i = 0; i < count; i++) { longlong value; const char *start = str; for (value = 0; str != end && my_isdigit(cs, *str); str++) { if (value > (LLONG_MAX - 10) / 10) return true; value = value * 10LL + (longlong)(*str - '0'); } msec_length = 6 - (str - start); values[i] = value; while (str != end && !my_isdigit(cs, *str)) str++; if (str == end && i != count - 1) { i++; /* Change values[0...i-1] -> values[0...count-1] */ size_t len = sizeof(*values) * i; memmove(reinterpret_cast(values + count) - len, reinterpret_cast(values + i) - len, len); memset(values, 0, sizeof(*values) * (count - i)); break; } } if (transform_msec && msec_length > 0) values[count - 1] *= (long)log_10_int[msec_length]; return (str != end); } /*** Abstract classes ****************************************/ bool Item_temporal_func::check_precision() { if (decimals > DATETIME_MAX_DECIMALS) { my_error(ER_TOO_BIG_PRECISION, MYF(0), (int)decimals, func_name(), DATETIME_MAX_DECIMALS); return true; } return false; } /** Appends function name with argument list or fractional seconds part to the String str. @param[in] thd Thread handle @param[in,out] str String to which the func_name and decimals/ argument list should be appended. @param[in] query_type Query type */ void Item_temporal_func::print(const THD *thd, String *str, enum_query_type query_type) const { str->append(func_name()); str->append('('); // When the functions have arguments specified if (arg_count) { print_args(thd, str, 0, query_type); } else if (decimals) { /* For temporal functions like NOW, CURTIME and SYSDATE which can specify fractional seconds part. */ if (unsigned_flag) str->append_ulonglong(decimals); else str->append_longlong(decimals); } str->append(')'); } type_conversion_status Item_temporal_hybrid_func::save_in_field_inner( Field *field, bool no_conversions) { if (data_type() == MYSQL_TYPE_TIME) return save_time_in_field(field); if (is_temporal_type_with_date(data_type())) return save_date_in_field(field); return Item_str_func::save_in_field_inner(field, no_conversions); } my_decimal *Item_temporal_hybrid_func::val_decimal(my_decimal *decimal_value) { DBUG_ASSERT(fixed == 1); if (data_type() == MYSQL_TYPE_TIME) return val_decimal_from_time(decimal_value); else if (data_type() == MYSQL_TYPE_DATETIME) return val_decimal_from_date(decimal_value); else { MYSQL_TIME ltime; my_time_flags_t flags = TIME_FUZZY_DATE; if (sql_mode & MODE_NO_ZERO_IN_DATE) flags |= TIME_NO_ZERO_IN_DATE; if (sql_mode & MODE_NO_ZERO_DATE) flags |= TIME_NO_ZERO_DATE; if (sql_mode & MODE_INVALID_DATES) flags |= TIME_INVALID_DATES; val_datetime(<ime, flags); return null_value ? 0 : ltime.time_type == MYSQL_TIMESTAMP_TIME ? time2my_decimal(<ime, decimal_value) : date2my_decimal(<ime, decimal_value); } } bool Item_temporal_hybrid_func::get_date(MYSQL_TIME *ltime, my_time_flags_t fuzzy_date) { MYSQL_TIME tm; if (val_datetime(&tm, fuzzy_date)) { DBUG_ASSERT(null_value == true); return true; } if (data_type() == MYSQL_TYPE_TIME || tm.time_type == MYSQL_TIMESTAMP_TIME) time_to_datetime(current_thd, &tm, ltime); else *ltime = tm; return false; } bool Item_temporal_hybrid_func::get_time(MYSQL_TIME *ltime) { if (val_datetime(ltime, TIME_FUZZY_DATE)) { DBUG_ASSERT(null_value == true); return true; } if (data_type() == MYSQL_TYPE_TIME && ltime->time_type != MYSQL_TIMESTAMP_TIME) datetime_to_time(ltime); return false; } String *Item_temporal_hybrid_func::val_str_ascii(String *str) { DBUG_ASSERT(fixed == 1); MYSQL_TIME ltime; if (val_datetime(<ime, TIME_FUZZY_DATE) || (null_value = my_TIME_to_str(<ime, str, data_type() == MYSQL_TYPE_STRING ? ltime.second_part ? DATETIME_MAX_DECIMALS : 0 : decimals))) return NULL; /* Check that the returned timestamp type matches to the function type */ DBUG_ASSERT((data_type() == MYSQL_TYPE_TIME && ltime.time_type == MYSQL_TIMESTAMP_TIME) || (data_type() == MYSQL_TYPE_DATE && ltime.time_type == MYSQL_TIMESTAMP_DATE) || (data_type() == MYSQL_TYPE_DATETIME && ltime.time_type == MYSQL_TIMESTAMP_DATETIME) || data_type() == MYSQL_TYPE_STRING || ltime.time_type == MYSQL_TIMESTAMP_NONE); return str; } longlong Item_time_func::val_time_temporal() { DBUG_ASSERT(fixed == 1); MYSQL_TIME ltime; return get_time(<ime) ? 0LL : TIME_to_longlong_time_packed(ltime); } longlong Item_date_func::val_date_temporal() { DBUG_ASSERT(fixed == 1); MYSQL_TIME ltime; return get_date(<ime, TIME_FUZZY_DATE) ? 0LL : TIME_to_longlong_date_packed(ltime); } longlong Item_datetime_func::val_date_temporal() { DBUG_ASSERT(fixed == 1); MYSQL_TIME ltime; return get_date(<ime, TIME_FUZZY_DATE) ? 0LL : TIME_to_longlong_datetime_packed(ltime); } bool Item_date_literal::eq(const Item *item, bool) const { return item->basic_const_item() && type() == item->type() && strcmp(func_name(), down_cast(item)->func_name()) == 0 && cached_time.eq( down_cast(item)->cached_time); } void Item_date_literal::print(const THD *, String *str, enum_query_type) const { str->append("DATE'"); str->append(cached_time.cptr()); str->append('\''); } bool Item_datetime_literal::eq(const Item *item, bool) const { return item->basic_const_item() && type() == item->type() && strcmp(func_name(), down_cast(item)->func_name()) == 0 && cached_time.eq( down_cast(item)->cached_time); } void Item_datetime_literal::print(const THD *, String *str, enum_query_type) const { str->append("TIMESTAMP'"); str->append(cached_time.cptr()); str->append('\''); } bool Item_time_literal::eq(const Item *item, bool) const { return item->basic_const_item() && type() == item->type() && strcmp(func_name(), down_cast(item)->func_name()) == 0 && cached_time.eq( down_cast(item)->cached_time); } void Item_time_literal::print(const THD *, String *str, enum_query_type) const { str->append("TIME'"); str->append(cached_time.cptr()); str->append('\''); } longlong Item_func_period_add::val_int() { DBUG_ASSERT(fixed == 1); longlong period = args[0]->val_int(); longlong months = args[1]->val_int(); if ((null_value = args[0]->null_value || args[1]->null_value)) return 0; /* purecov: inspected */ if (!valid_period(period)) { my_error(ER_WRONG_ARGUMENTS, MYF(0), func_name()); return error_int(); } return convert_month_to_period(convert_period_to_month(period) + months); } longlong Item_func_period_diff::val_int() { DBUG_ASSERT(fixed == 1); longlong period1 = args[0]->val_int(); longlong period2 = args[1]->val_int(); if ((null_value = args[0]->null_value || args[1]->null_value)) return 0; /* purecov: inspected */ if (!valid_period(period1) || !valid_period(period2)) { my_error(ER_WRONG_ARGUMENTS, MYF(0), func_name()); return error_int(); } return static_cast(convert_period_to_month(period1)) - static_cast(convert_period_to_month(period2)); } longlong Item_func_to_days::val_int() { DBUG_ASSERT(fixed == 1); MYSQL_TIME ltime; if (get_arg0_date(<ime, TIME_NO_ZERO_DATE)) return 0; return (longlong)calc_daynr(ltime.year, ltime.month, ltime.day); } longlong Item_func_to_seconds::val_int_endpoint(bool, bool *) { DBUG_ASSERT(fixed == 1); MYSQL_TIME ltime; longlong seconds; longlong days; int dummy; /* unused */ if (get_arg0_date(<ime, TIME_FUZZY_DATE)) { /* got NULL, leave the incl_endp intact */ return LLONG_MIN; } seconds = ltime.hour * 3600L + ltime.minute * 60 + ltime.second; seconds = ltime.neg ? -seconds : seconds; days = (longlong)calc_daynr(ltime.year, ltime.month, ltime.day); seconds += days * 24L * 3600L; /* Set to NULL if invalid date, but keep the value */ null_value = check_date(ltime, non_zero_date(ltime), (TIME_NO_ZERO_IN_DATE | TIME_NO_ZERO_DATE), &dummy); /* Even if the evaluation return NULL, seconds is useful for pruning */ return seconds; } longlong Item_func_to_seconds::val_int() { DBUG_ASSERT(fixed == 1); MYSQL_TIME ltime; longlong seconds; longlong days; if (get_arg0_date(<ime, TIME_NO_ZERO_DATE)) return 0; seconds = ltime.hour * 3600L + ltime.minute * 60 + ltime.second; seconds = ltime.neg ? -seconds : seconds; days = (longlong)calc_daynr(ltime.year, ltime.month, ltime.day); return seconds + days * 24L * 3600L; } /* Get information about this Item tree monotonicity SYNOPSIS Item_func_to_days::get_monotonicity_info() DESCRIPTION Get information about monotonicity of the function represented by this item tree. RETURN See enum_monotonicity_info. */ enum_monotonicity_info Item_func_to_days::get_monotonicity_info() const { if (args[0]->type() == Item::FIELD_ITEM) { if (args[0]->data_type() == MYSQL_TYPE_DATE) return MONOTONIC_STRICT_INCREASING_NOT_NULL; if (args[0]->data_type() == MYSQL_TYPE_DATETIME) return MONOTONIC_INCREASING_NOT_NULL; } return NON_MONOTONIC; } enum_monotonicity_info Item_func_to_seconds::get_monotonicity_info() const { if (args[0]->type() == Item::FIELD_ITEM) { if (args[0]->data_type() == MYSQL_TYPE_DATE || args[0]->data_type() == MYSQL_TYPE_DATETIME) return MONOTONIC_STRICT_INCREASING_NOT_NULL; } return NON_MONOTONIC; } longlong Item_func_to_days::val_int_endpoint(bool left_endp, bool *incl_endp) { DBUG_ASSERT(fixed == 1); MYSQL_TIME ltime; longlong res; int dummy; /* unused */ if (get_arg0_date(<ime, TIME_FUZZY_DATE)) { /* got NULL, leave the incl_endp intact */ return LLONG_MIN; } res = (longlong)calc_daynr(ltime.year, ltime.month, ltime.day); /* Set to NULL if invalid date, but keep the value */ null_value = check_date(ltime, non_zero_date(ltime), (TIME_NO_ZERO_IN_DATE | TIME_NO_ZERO_DATE), &dummy); if (null_value) { /* Even if the evaluation return NULL, the calc_daynr is useful for pruning */ if (args[0]->data_type() != MYSQL_TYPE_DATE) *incl_endp = true; return res; } if (args[0]->data_type() == MYSQL_TYPE_DATE) { // TO_DAYS() is strictly monotonic for dates, leave incl_endp intact return res; } /* Handle the special but practically useful case of datetime values that point to day bound ("strictly less" comparison stays intact): col < '2007-09-15 00:00:00' -> TO_DAYS(col) < TO_DAYS('2007-09-15') col > '2007-09-15 23:59:59' -> TO_DAYS(col) > TO_DAYS('2007-09-15') which is different from the general case ("strictly less" changes to "less or equal"): col < '2007-09-15 12:34:56' -> TO_DAYS(col) <= TO_DAYS('2007-09-15') */ if ((!left_endp && !(ltime.hour || ltime.minute || ltime.second || ltime.second_part)) || (left_endp && ltime.hour == 23 && ltime.minute == 59 && ltime.second == 59)) /* do nothing */ ; else *incl_endp = true; return res; } longlong Item_func_dayofyear::val_int() { DBUG_ASSERT(fixed == 1); MYSQL_TIME ltime; if (get_arg0_date(<ime, TIME_NO_ZERO_DATE)) return 0; return (longlong)calc_daynr(ltime.year, ltime.month, ltime.day) - calc_daynr(ltime.year, 1, 1) + 1; } longlong Item_func_dayofmonth::val_int() { DBUG_ASSERT(fixed == 1); MYSQL_TIME ltime; return get_arg0_date(<ime, TIME_FUZZY_DATE) ? 0 : (longlong)ltime.day; } longlong Item_func_month::val_int() { DBUG_ASSERT(fixed == 1); MYSQL_TIME ltime; return get_arg0_date(<ime, TIME_FUZZY_DATE) ? 0 : (longlong)ltime.month; } bool Item_func_monthname::resolve_type(THD *thd) { const CHARSET_INFO *cs = thd->variables.collation_connection; uint32 repertoire = my_charset_repertoire(cs); locale = thd->variables.lc_time_names; collation.set(cs, DERIVATION_COERCIBLE, repertoire); set_data_type_string(locale->max_month_name_length); maybe_null = true; return false; } String *Item_func_monthname::val_str(String *str) { DBUG_ASSERT(fixed == 1); const char *month_name; uint err; MYSQL_TIME ltime; if ((null_value = (get_arg0_date(<ime, TIME_FUZZY_DATE) || !ltime.month))) return (String *)0; month_name = locale->month_names->type_names[ltime.month - 1]; str->copy(month_name, strlen(month_name), &my_charset_utf8_bin, collation.collation, &err); return str; } /** Returns the quarter of the year. */ longlong Item_func_quarter::val_int() { DBUG_ASSERT(fixed == 1); MYSQL_TIME ltime; if (get_arg0_date(<ime, TIME_FUZZY_DATE)) return 0; return (longlong)((ltime.month + 2) / 3); } longlong Item_func_hour::val_int() { DBUG_ASSERT(fixed == 1); MYSQL_TIME ltime; return get_arg0_time(<ime) ? 0 : ltime.hour; } longlong Item_func_minute::val_int() { DBUG_ASSERT(fixed == 1); MYSQL_TIME ltime; return get_arg0_time(<ime) ? 0 : ltime.minute; } /** Returns the second in time_exp in the range of 0 - 59. */ longlong Item_func_second::val_int() { DBUG_ASSERT(fixed == 1); MYSQL_TIME ltime; return get_arg0_time(<ime) ? 0 : ltime.second; } static uint week_mode(uint mode) { uint week_format = (mode & 7); if (!(week_format & WEEK_MONDAY_FIRST)) week_format ^= WEEK_FIRST_WEEKDAY; return week_format; } bool Item_func_week::itemize(Parse_context *pc, Item **res) { if (skip_itemize(res)) return false; if (args[1] == NULL) { THD *thd = pc->thd; args[1] = new (pc->mem_root) Item_int(NAME_STRING("0"), thd->variables.default_week_format, 1); if (args[1] == NULL) return true; } return super::itemize(pc, res); } /** @verbatim The bits in week_format(for calc_week() function) has the following meaning: WEEK_MONDAY_FIRST (0) If not set Sunday is first day of week If set Monday is first day of week WEEK_YEAR (1) If not set Week is in range 0-53 Week 0 is returned for the the last week of the previous year (for a date at start of january) In this case one can get 53 for the first week of next year. This flag ensures that the week is relevant for the given year. Note that this flag is only releveant if WEEK_JANUARY is not set. If set Week is in range 1-53. In this case one may get week 53 for a date in January (when the week is that last week of previous year) and week 1 for a date in December. WEEK_FIRST_WEEKDAY (2) If not set Weeks are numbered according to ISO 8601:1988 If set The week that contains the first 'first-day-of-week' is week 1. ISO 8601:1988 means that if the week containing January 1 has four or more days in the new year, then it is week 1; Otherwise it is the last week of the previous year, and the next week is week 1. @endverbatim */ longlong Item_func_week::val_int() { DBUG_ASSERT(fixed == 1); uint year; MYSQL_TIME ltime; if (get_arg0_date(<ime, TIME_NO_ZERO_DATE)) return 0; return (longlong)calc_week(ltime, week_mode((uint)args[1]->val_int()), &year); } longlong Item_func_yearweek::val_int() { DBUG_ASSERT(fixed == 1); uint year, week; MYSQL_TIME ltime; if (get_arg0_date(<ime, TIME_NO_ZERO_DATE)) return 0; week = calc_week(ltime, (week_mode((uint)args[1]->val_int()) | WEEK_YEAR), &year); return week + year * 100; } longlong Item_func_weekday::val_int() { DBUG_ASSERT(fixed == 1); MYSQL_TIME ltime; if (get_arg0_date(<ime, TIME_NO_ZERO_DATE)) return 0; return (longlong)calc_weekday(calc_daynr(ltime.year, ltime.month, ltime.day), odbc_type) + odbc_type; } bool Item_func_dayname::resolve_type(THD *thd) { const CHARSET_INFO *cs = thd->variables.collation_connection; uint32 repertoire = my_charset_repertoire(cs); locale = thd->variables.lc_time_names; collation.set(cs, DERIVATION_COERCIBLE, repertoire); set_data_type_string(locale->max_day_name_length); maybe_null = true; return false; } String *Item_func_dayname::val_str(String *str) { DBUG_ASSERT(fixed == 1); uint weekday = (uint)val_int(); // Always Item_func_daynr() const char *day_name; uint err; if (null_value) return (String *)0; day_name = locale->day_names->type_names[weekday]; str->copy(day_name, strlen(day_name), &my_charset_utf8_bin, collation.collation, &err); return str; } longlong Item_func_year::val_int() { DBUG_ASSERT(fixed == 1); MYSQL_TIME ltime; return get_arg0_date(<ime, TIME_FUZZY_DATE) ? 0 : (longlong)ltime.year; } /* Get information about this Item tree monotonicity SYNOPSIS Item_func_year::get_monotonicity_info() DESCRIPTION Get information about monotonicity of the function represented by this item tree. RETURN See enum_monotonicity_info. */ enum_monotonicity_info Item_func_year::get_monotonicity_info() const { if (args[0]->type() == Item::FIELD_ITEM && (args[0]->data_type() == MYSQL_TYPE_DATE || args[0]->data_type() == MYSQL_TYPE_DATETIME)) return MONOTONIC_INCREASING; return NON_MONOTONIC; } longlong Item_func_year::val_int_endpoint(bool left_endp, bool *incl_endp) { DBUG_ASSERT(fixed == 1); MYSQL_TIME ltime; if (get_arg0_date(<ime, TIME_FUZZY_DATE)) { /* got NULL, leave the incl_endp intact */ return LLONG_MIN; } /* Handle the special but practically useful case of datetime values that point to year bound ("strictly less" comparison stays intact) : col < '2007-01-01 00:00:00' -> YEAR(col) < 2007 which is different from the general case ("strictly less" changes to "less or equal"): col < '2007-09-15 23:00:00' -> YEAR(col) <= 2007 */ if (!left_endp && ltime.day == 1 && ltime.month == 1 && !(ltime.hour || ltime.minute || ltime.second || ltime.second_part)) ; /* do nothing */ else *incl_endp = true; return ltime.year; } longlong Item_timeval_func::val_int() { struct timeval tm; return val_timeval(&tm) ? 0 : tm.tv_sec; } my_decimal *Item_timeval_func::val_decimal(my_decimal *decimal_value) { struct timeval tm; if (val_timeval(&tm)) { /* Whatever is returned by this function SHOULD not matter, as null_value is surely true (set by val_timeval() when it returns true). Even a NULL ptr should be ok, as it should be unused. But returned ptr is used. Because: - make_sortkey() sees that maybe_null is false so ignores null_value and looks at return value (=> crash) - so for safety, for inconsistent cases like this, we return a zero DECIMAL instead of NULL ptr. Notice that val_str() returns NULL ptr! And filesort works around it, grep for "or have an item marked not null when it can be null" in filesort.cc... */ my_decimal_set_zero(decimal_value); return decimal_value; } return timeval2my_decimal(&tm, decimal_value); } double Item_timeval_func::val_real() { struct timeval tm; return val_timeval(&tm) ? 0 : (double)tm.tv_sec + (double)tm.tv_usec / (double)1000000; } String *Item_timeval_func::val_str(String *str) { struct timeval tm; if (val_timeval(&tm) || (null_value = str->alloc(MAX_DATE_STRING_REP_LENGTH))) return (String *)0; str->length(my_timeval_to_str(&tm, str->ptr(), decimals)); str->set_charset(collation.collation); return str; } bool Item_func_unix_timestamp::itemize(Parse_context *pc, Item **res) { if (skip_itemize(res)) return false; if (super::itemize(pc, res)) return true; if (arg_count == 0) pc->thd->lex->safe_to_cache_query = false; return false; } /** @retval true args[0] is SQL NULL, so item is set to SQL NULL @retval false item's value is set, to 0 if out of range */ bool Item_func_unix_timestamp::val_timeval(struct timeval *tm) { DBUG_ASSERT(fixed == 1); if (arg_count == 0) { tm->tv_sec = current_thd->query_start_in_secs(); tm->tv_usec = 0; return false; // no args: null_value is set in constructor and is always 0. } int warnings = 0; return (null_value = args[0]->get_timeval(tm, &warnings)); } enum_monotonicity_info Item_func_unix_timestamp::get_monotonicity_info() const { if (args[0]->type() == Item::FIELD_ITEM && (args[0]->data_type() == MYSQL_TYPE_TIMESTAMP)) return MONOTONIC_INCREASING; return NON_MONOTONIC; } longlong Item_func_unix_timestamp::val_int_endpoint(bool, bool *) { DBUG_ASSERT(fixed == 1); DBUG_ASSERT(arg_count == 1 && args[0]->type() == Item::FIELD_ITEM && args[0]->data_type() == MYSQL_TYPE_TIMESTAMP); /* Leave the incl_endp intact */ struct timeval tm; return val_timeval(&tm) ? 0 : tm.tv_sec; } longlong Item_func_time_to_sec::val_int() { DBUG_ASSERT(fixed == 1); MYSQL_TIME ltime; longlong seconds; if (get_arg0_time(<ime)) return 0; seconds = ltime.hour * 3600L + ltime.minute * 60 + ltime.second; return ltime.neg ? -seconds : seconds; } /** Convert a string to a interval value. To make code easy, allow interval objects without separators. */ bool get_interval_value(Item *args, interval_type int_type, String *str_value, Interval *interval) { ulonglong array[5]; longlong value = 0; memset(interval, 0, sizeof(*interval)); if (int_type == INTERVAL_SECOND && args->decimals) { my_decimal decimal_value, *val; lldiv_t tmp; if (!(val = args->val_decimal(&decimal_value))) return true; if (args->null_value) return true; int lldiv_result = my_decimal2lldiv_t(E_DEC_FATAL_ERROR, val, &tmp); if (lldiv_result == E_DEC_OVERFLOW) return true; if (tmp.quot >= 0 && tmp.rem >= 0) { interval->neg = false; interval->second = tmp.quot; interval->second_part = tmp.rem / 1000; } else { interval->neg = true; interval->second = -tmp.quot; interval->second_part = -tmp.rem / 1000; } return false; } else if (int_type <= INTERVAL_MICROSECOND) { value = args->val_int(); if (args->null_value) return true; /* Large floating-point values will be truncated to LLONG_MIN / LLONG_MAX LLONG_MIN cannot be negated below, so reject it here. */ if (value == LLONG_MIN) return true; if (value < 0) { interval->neg = true; value = -value; } } switch (int_type) { case INTERVAL_YEAR: interval->year = (ulong)value; break; case INTERVAL_QUARTER: if (value >= UINT_MAX / 3) return true; interval->month = (ulong)(value * 3); break; case INTERVAL_MONTH: interval->month = (ulong)value; break; case INTERVAL_WEEK: if (value >= UINT_MAX / 7) return true; interval->day = (ulong)(value * 7); break; case INTERVAL_DAY: interval->day = (ulong)value; break; case INTERVAL_HOUR: interval->hour = (ulong)value; break; case INTERVAL_MINUTE: interval->minute = value; break; case INTERVAL_SECOND: interval->second = value; break; case INTERVAL_MICROSECOND: interval->second_part = value; break; case INTERVAL_YEAR_MONTH: // Allow YEAR-MONTH YYYYYMM if (get_interval_info(args, str_value, &interval->neg, 2, array, false)) return true; interval->year = (ulong)array[0]; interval->month = (ulong)array[1]; break; case INTERVAL_DAY_HOUR: if (get_interval_info(args, str_value, &interval->neg, 2, array, false)) return true; interval->day = (ulong)array[0]; interval->hour = (ulong)array[1]; break; case INTERVAL_DAY_MINUTE: if (get_interval_info(args, str_value, &interval->neg, 3, array, false)) return true; interval->day = (ulong)array[0]; interval->hour = (ulong)array[1]; interval->minute = array[2]; break; case INTERVAL_DAY_SECOND: if (get_interval_info(args, str_value, &interval->neg, 4, array, false)) return true; interval->day = (ulong)array[0]; interval->hour = (ulong)array[1]; interval->minute = array[2]; interval->second = array[3]; break; case INTERVAL_HOUR_MINUTE: if (get_interval_info(args, str_value, &interval->neg, 2, array, false)) return true; interval->hour = (ulong)array[0]; interval->minute = array[1]; break; case INTERVAL_HOUR_SECOND: if (get_interval_info(args, str_value, &interval->neg, 3, array, false)) return true; interval->hour = (ulong)array[0]; interval->minute = array[1]; interval->second = array[2]; break; case INTERVAL_MINUTE_SECOND: if (get_interval_info(args, str_value, &interval->neg, 2, array, false)) return true; interval->minute = array[0]; interval->second = array[1]; break; case INTERVAL_DAY_MICROSECOND: if (get_interval_info(args, str_value, &interval->neg, 5, array, true)) return true; interval->day = (ulong)array[0]; interval->hour = (ulong)array[1]; interval->minute = array[2]; interval->second = array[3]; interval->second_part = array[4]; break; case INTERVAL_HOUR_MICROSECOND: if (get_interval_info(args, str_value, &interval->neg, 4, array, true)) return true; interval->hour = (ulong)array[0]; interval->minute = array[1]; interval->second = array[2]; interval->second_part = array[3]; break; case INTERVAL_MINUTE_MICROSECOND: if (get_interval_info(args, str_value, &interval->neg, 3, array, true)) return true; interval->minute = array[0]; interval->second = array[1]; interval->second_part = array[2]; break; case INTERVAL_SECOND_MICROSECOND: if (get_interval_info(args, str_value, &interval->neg, 2, array, true)) return true; interval->second = array[0]; interval->second_part = array[1]; break; case INTERVAL_LAST: /* purecov: begin deadcode */ DBUG_ASSERT(0); break; /* purecov: end */ } return false; } bool Item_func_from_days::get_date(MYSQL_TIME *ltime, my_time_flags_t fuzzy_date) { longlong value = args[0]->val_int(); if ((null_value = args[0]->null_value)) return 1; memset(ltime, 0, sizeof(MYSQL_TIME)); get_date_from_daynr((long)value, <ime->year, <ime->month, <ime->day); if ((null_value = (fuzzy_date & TIME_NO_ZERO_DATE) && (ltime->year == 0 || ltime->month == 0 || ltime->day == 0))) return true; ltime->time_type = MYSQL_TIMESTAMP_DATE; return 0; } void MYSQL_TIME_cache::set_time(MYSQL_TIME *ltime, uint8 dec_arg) { DBUG_ASSERT(ltime->time_type == MYSQL_TIMESTAMP_TIME); time = *ltime; time_packed = TIME_to_longlong_time_packed(time); dec = dec_arg; string_length = my_TIME_to_str(time, string_buff, decimals()); } void MYSQL_TIME_cache::set_date(MYSQL_TIME *ltime) { DBUG_ASSERT(ltime->time_type == MYSQL_TIMESTAMP_DATE); time = *ltime; time_packed = TIME_to_longlong_date_packed(time); dec = 0; string_length = my_TIME_to_str(time, string_buff, decimals()); } void MYSQL_TIME_cache::set_datetime(MYSQL_TIME *ltime, uint8 dec_arg) { DBUG_ASSERT(ltime->time_type == MYSQL_TIMESTAMP_DATETIME); time = *ltime; time_packed = TIME_to_longlong_datetime_packed(time); dec = dec_arg; string_length = my_TIME_to_str(time, string_buff, decimals()); } void MYSQL_TIME_cache::set_datetime(struct timeval tv, uint8 dec_arg, Time_zone *tz) { tz->gmt_sec_to_TIME(&time, tv); time_packed = TIME_to_longlong_datetime_packed(time); dec = dec_arg; string_length = my_TIME_to_str(time, string_buff, decimals()); } void MYSQL_TIME_cache::set_date(struct timeval tv, Time_zone *tz) { tz->gmt_sec_to_TIME(&time, (my_time_t)tv.tv_sec); time.time_type = MYSQL_TIMESTAMP_DATE; /* We don't need to set second_part and neg because they are already 0 */ time.hour = time.minute = time.second = 0; time_packed = TIME_to_longlong_date_packed(time); dec = 0; string_length = my_TIME_to_str(time, string_buff, decimals()); } void MYSQL_TIME_cache::set_time(struct timeval tv, uint8 dec_arg, Time_zone *tz) { tz->gmt_sec_to_TIME(&time, tv); datetime_to_time(&time); time_packed = TIME_to_longlong_time_packed(time); dec = dec_arg; string_length = my_TIME_to_str(time, string_buff, decimals()); } bool MYSQL_TIME_cache::get_date(MYSQL_TIME *ltime, my_time_flags_t fuzzydate) const { int warnings; get_TIME(ltime); return check_date(*ltime, non_zero_date(*ltime), fuzzydate, &warnings); } String *MYSQL_TIME_cache::val_str(String *str) { str->set(string_buff, string_length, &my_charset_latin1); return str; } /* CURDATE() and UTC_DATE() */ bool Item_func_curdate::itemize(Parse_context *pc, Item **res) { if (skip_itemize(res)) return false; if (super::itemize(pc, res)) return true; pc->thd->lex->safe_to_cache_query = 0; return false; } bool Item_func_curdate::resolve_type(THD *thd) { if (Item_date_func::resolve_type(thd)) return true; cached_time.set_date(thd->query_start_timeval_trunc(decimals), time_zone()); return false; } Time_zone *Item_func_curdate_local::time_zone() { return current_thd->time_zone(); } Time_zone *Item_func_curdate_utc::time_zone() { return my_tz_UTC; } /* CURTIME() and UTC_TIME() */ bool Item_func_curtime::itemize(Parse_context *pc, Item **res) { if (skip_itemize(res)) return false; if (super::itemize(pc, res)) return true; pc->thd->lex->safe_to_cache_query = 0; return false; } bool Item_func_curtime::resolve_type(THD *thd) { if (check_precision()) return true; cached_time.set_time(thd->query_start_timeval_trunc(decimals), decimals, time_zone()); set_data_type_time(decimals); /* Subtract 2 from MAX_TIME_WIDTH (which is 10) because: - there is no sign - hour is in the 2-digit range */ max_length -= 2 * collation.collation->mbmaxlen; return false; } Time_zone *Item_func_curtime_local::time_zone() { return current_thd->time_zone(); } Time_zone *Item_func_curtime_utc::time_zone() { return my_tz_UTC; } /* NOW() and UTC_TIMESTAMP () */ bool Item_func_now::resolve_type(THD *thd) { if (check_precision()) return true; cached_time.set_datetime(thd->query_start_timeval_trunc(decimals), decimals, time_zone()); set_data_type_datetime(decimals); return false; } void Item_func_now_local::store_in(Field *field) { THD *thd = field->table != NULL ? field->table->in_use : current_thd; const timeval tm = thd->query_start_timeval_trunc(field->decimals()); field->set_notnull(); return field->store_timestamp(&tm); } Time_zone *Item_func_now_local::time_zone() { return current_thd->time_zone(); } bool Item_func_now_utc::itemize(Parse_context *pc, Item **res) { if (skip_itemize(res)) return false; if (super::itemize(pc, res)) return true; pc->thd->lex->safe_to_cache_query = 0; return false; } Time_zone *Item_func_now_utc::time_zone() { return my_tz_UTC; } type_conversion_status Item_func_now::save_in_field_inner(Field *to, bool) { to->set_notnull(); return to->store_time(cached_time.get_TIME_ptr(), decimals); } /** Converts current time in my_time_t to MYSQL_TIME represenatation for local time zone. Defines time zone (local) used for whole SYSDATE function. */ bool Item_func_sysdate_local::get_date( MYSQL_TIME *now_time, my_time_flags_t fuzzy_date MY_ATTRIBUTE((unused))) { THD *thd = current_thd; ulonglong tmp = my_micro_time(); thd->time_zone()->gmt_sec_to_TIME(now_time, (my_time_t)(tmp / 1000000)); if (decimals) { now_time->second_part = tmp % 1000000; my_datetime_trunc(now_time, decimals); } return false; } bool Item_func_sysdate_local::resolve_type(THD *) { if (check_precision()) return true; set_data_type_datetime(decimals); return false; } bool Item_func_sec_to_time::get_time(MYSQL_TIME *ltime) { my_decimal tmp, *val = args[0]->val_decimal(&tmp); lldiv_t seconds; if ((null_value = args[0]->null_value)) return true; if (my_decimal2lldiv_t(0, val, &seconds)) { set_max_time(ltime, val->sign()); return make_truncated_value_warning(current_thd, Sql_condition::SL_WARNING, ErrConvString(val), MYSQL_TIMESTAMP_TIME, NullS); } if (sec_to_time(seconds, ltime)) return make_truncated_value_warning(current_thd, Sql_condition::SL_WARNING, ErrConvString(val), MYSQL_TIMESTAMP_TIME, NullS); return false; } bool Item_func_date_format::resolve_type(THD *thd) { /* Must use this_item() in case it's a local SP variable (for ->max_length and ->str_value) */ Item *arg1 = args[1]->this_item(); uint32 char_length; const CHARSET_INFO *cs = thd->variables.collation_connection; uint32 repertoire = arg1->collation.repertoire; if (!thd->variables.lc_time_names->is_ascii) repertoire |= MY_REPERTOIRE_EXTENDED; collation.set(cs, arg1->collation.derivation, repertoire); if (arg1->type() == STRING_ITEM) { // Optimize the normal case fixed_length = true; String str; char_length = format_length(arg1->val_str(&str)); } else { fixed_length = false; char_length = min(arg1->max_char_length(), MAX_BLOB_WIDTH) * 10; set_if_smaller(char_length, MAX_BLOB_WIDTH); } set_data_type_string(char_length); maybe_null = true; // If wrong date return false; } bool Item_func_date_format::eq(const Item *item, bool binary_cmp) const { if (item->type() != FUNC_ITEM) return false; if (strcmp(func_name(), down_cast(item)->func_name()) != 0) return false; if (this == item) return true; const Item_func_date_format *item_func = down_cast(item); if (!args[0]->eq(item_func->args[0], binary_cmp)) return false; /* We must compare format string case sensitive. This needed because format modifiers with different case, for example %m and %M, have different meaning. */ if (!args[1]->eq(item_func->args[1], 1)) return false; return true; } uint Item_func_date_format::format_length(const String *format) { uint size = 0; const char *ptr = format->ptr(); const char *end = ptr + format->length(); for (; ptr != end; ptr++) { if (*ptr != '%' || ptr == end - 1) size++; else { switch (*++ptr) { case 'M': /* month, textual */ case 'W': /* day (of the week), textual */ size += 64; /* large for UTF8 locale data */ break; case 'D': /* day (of the month), numeric plus english suffix */ case 'Y': /* year, numeric, 4 digits */ case 'x': /* Year, used with 'v' */ case 'X': /* Year, used with 'v, where week starts with Monday' */ size += 4; break; case 'a': /* locale's abbreviated weekday name (Sun..Sat) */ case 'b': /* locale's abbreviated month name (Jan.Dec) */ size += 32; /* large for UTF8 locale data */ break; case 'j': /* day of year (001..366) */ size += 3; break; case 'U': /* week (00..52) */ case 'u': /* week (00..52), where week starts with Monday */ case 'V': /* week 1..53 used with 'x' */ case 'v': /* week 1..53 used with 'x', where week starts with Monday */ case 'y': /* year, numeric, 2 digits */ case 'm': /* month, numeric */ case 'd': /* day (of the month), numeric */ case 'h': /* hour (01..12) */ case 'I': /* --||-- */ case 'i': /* minutes, numeric */ case 'l': /* hour ( 1..12) */ case 'p': /* locale's AM or PM */ case 'S': /* second (00..61) */ case 's': /* seconds, numeric */ case 'c': /* month (0..12) */ case 'e': /* day (0..31) */ size += 2; break; case 'k': /* hour ( 0..23) */ case 'H': /* hour (00..23; value > 23 OK, padding always 2-digit) */ size += 7; /* docs allow > 23, range depends on sizeof(unsigned int) */ break; case 'r': /* time, 12-hour (hh:mm:ss [AP]M) */ size += 11; break; case 'T': /* time, 24-hour (hh:mm:ss) */ size += 8; break; case 'f': /* microseconds */ size += 6; break; case 'w': /* day (of the week), numeric */ case '%': default: size++; break; } } } return size; } String *Item_func_date_format::val_str(String *str) { String *format; MYSQL_TIME l_time; uint size; DBUG_ASSERT(fixed == 1); if (!is_time_format) { if (get_arg0_date(&l_time, TIME_FUZZY_DATE)) return 0; } else { if (get_arg0_time(&l_time)) return 0; l_time.year = l_time.month = l_time.day = 0; } if (!(format = args[1]->val_str(str)) || !format->length()) goto null_date; if (fixed_length) size = max_length; else size = format_length(format); if (size < MAX_DATE_STRING_REP_LENGTH) size = MAX_DATE_STRING_REP_LENGTH; // If format uses the buffer provided by 'str' then store result locally. if (format == str || format->uses_buffer_owned_by(str)) str = &value; if (str->alloc(size)) goto null_date; Date_time_format date_time_format; date_time_format.format.str = format->ptr(); date_time_format.format.length = format->length(); /* Create the result string */ str->set_charset(collation.collation); if (!make_date_time( &date_time_format, &l_time, is_time_format ? MYSQL_TIMESTAMP_TIME : MYSQL_TIMESTAMP_DATE, str)) return str; null_date: null_value = 1; return 0; } bool Item_func_from_unixtime::resolve_type(THD *thd) { set_data_type_datetime(MY_MIN(args[0]->decimals, DATETIME_MAX_DECIMALS)); maybe_null = true; thd->time_zone_used = true; return false; } bool Item_func_from_unixtime::get_date( MYSQL_TIME *ltime, my_time_flags_t fuzzy_date MY_ATTRIBUTE((unused))) { THD *thd = current_thd; lldiv_t lld; if (decimals) { my_decimal *val, decimal_value; if (!(val = args[0]->val_decimal(&decimal_value)) || args[0]->null_value) return (null_value = true); if (0 != my_decimal2lldiv_t(E_DEC_FATAL_ERROR, val, &lld)) return (null_value = true); } else { lld.quot = args[0]->val_int(); lld.rem = 0; } // Return NULL for timestamps after 2038-01-19 03:14:07 UTC if ((null_value = (args[0]->null_value || lld.quot > TIMESTAMP_MAX_VALUE) || lld.quot < 0 || lld.rem < 0)) return true; const bool is_end_of_epoch = (lld.quot == TIMESTAMP_MAX_VALUE); thd->variables.time_zone->gmt_sec_to_TIME(ltime, (my_time_t)lld.quot); int warnings = 0; ltime->second_part = decimals ? static_cast(lld.rem / 1000) : 0; bool ret = propagate_datetime_overflow( thd, &warnings, datetime_add_nanoseconds_adjust_frac(ltime, lld.rem % 1000, &warnings, thd->is_fsp_truncate_mode())); // Disallow round-up to one second past end of epoch. if (decimals && is_end_of_epoch) { MYSQL_TIME max_ltime; thd->variables.time_zone->gmt_sec_to_TIME(&max_ltime, TIMESTAMP_MAX_VALUE); max_ltime.second_part = 999999UL; const longlong max_t = TIME_to_longlong_datetime_packed(max_ltime); const longlong ret_t = TIME_to_longlong_datetime_packed(*ltime); if ((null_value = (ret_t > max_t))) return true; } return ret; } bool Item_func_convert_tz::resolve_type(THD *) { set_data_type_datetime(args[0]->datetime_precision()); maybe_null = true; return false; } bool Item_func_convert_tz::get_date( MYSQL_TIME *ltime, my_time_flags_t fuzzy_date MY_ATTRIBUTE((unused))) { my_time_t my_time_tmp; String str; THD *thd = current_thd; if (!from_tz_cached) { from_tz = my_tz_find(thd, args[1]->val_str_ascii(&str)); from_tz_cached = args[1]->const_item(); } if (!to_tz_cached) { to_tz = my_tz_find(thd, args[2]->val_str_ascii(&str)); to_tz_cached = args[2]->const_item(); } if (from_tz == 0 || to_tz == 0 || get_arg0_date(ltime, TIME_NO_ZERO_DATE)) { null_value = 1; return 1; } { bool not_used; uint second_part = ltime->second_part; my_time_tmp = from_tz->TIME_to_gmt_sec(ltime, ¬_used); /* my_time_tmp is guranteed to be in the allowed range */ if (my_time_tmp) { to_tz->gmt_sec_to_TIME(ltime, my_time_tmp); ltime->second_part = second_part; } } null_value = 0; return 0; } void Item_func_convert_tz::cleanup() { from_tz_cached = to_tz_cached = 0; Item_datetime_func::cleanup(); } bool Item_date_add_interval::resolve_type(THD *) { maybe_null = true; /* The field type for the result of an Item_date function is defined as follows: - If first arg is a MYSQL_TYPE_DATETIME result is MYSQL_TYPE_DATETIME - If first arg is a MYSQL_TYPE_DATE and the interval type uses hours, minutes or seconds then type is MYSQL_TYPE_DATETIME. - Otherwise the result is MYSQL_TYPE_STRING (This is because you can't know if the string contains a DATE, MYSQL_TIME or DATETIME argument) */ enum_field_types arg0_data_type = args[0]->data_type(); uint8 interval_dec = 0; if (int_type == INTERVAL_MICROSECOND || (int_type >= INTERVAL_DAY_MICROSECOND && int_type <= INTERVAL_SECOND_MICROSECOND)) interval_dec = DATETIME_MAX_DECIMALS; else if (int_type == INTERVAL_SECOND && args[1]->decimals > 0) interval_dec = MY_MIN(args[1]->decimals, DATETIME_MAX_DECIMALS); if (arg0_data_type == MYSQL_TYPE_DATETIME || arg0_data_type == MYSQL_TYPE_TIMESTAMP) { uint8 dec = MY_MAX(args[0]->datetime_precision(), interval_dec); set_data_type_datetime(dec); } else if (arg0_data_type == MYSQL_TYPE_DATE) { if (int_type <= INTERVAL_DAY || int_type == INTERVAL_YEAR_MONTH) set_data_type_date(); else set_data_type_datetime(interval_dec); } else if (arg0_data_type == MYSQL_TYPE_TIME) { uint8 dec = MY_MAX(args[0]->time_precision(), interval_dec); set_data_type_time(dec); } else { /* Behave as a usual string function when return type is VARCHAR. */ set_data_type_char(MAX_DATETIME_FULL_WIDTH, default_charset()); } if (value.alloc(max_length)) return true; return false; } /* Here arg[1] is a Item_interval object */ bool Item_date_add_interval::get_date_internal(MYSQL_TIME *ltime, my_time_flags_t) { Interval interval; if (args[0]->get_date(ltime, TIME_NO_ZERO_DATE)) return (null_value = true); if (get_interval_value(args[1], int_type, &value, &interval)) { // Do not warn about "overflow" for NULL if (!args[1]->null_value) { push_warning_printf( current_thd, Sql_condition::SL_WARNING, ER_DATETIME_FUNCTION_OVERFLOW, ER_THD(current_thd, ER_DATETIME_FUNCTION_OVERFLOW), func_name()); } return (null_value = true); } if (date_sub_interval) interval.neg = !interval.neg; /* Make sure we return proper time_type. It's important for val_str(). */ if (data_type() == MYSQL_TYPE_DATE && ltime->time_type == MYSQL_TIMESTAMP_DATETIME) datetime_to_date(ltime); else if (data_type() == MYSQL_TYPE_DATETIME && ltime->time_type == MYSQL_TIMESTAMP_DATE) date_to_datetime(ltime); if ((null_value = date_add_interval_with_warn(current_thd, ltime, int_type, interval))) return true; return false; } bool Item_date_add_interval::get_time_internal(MYSQL_TIME *ltime) { Interval interval; if ((null_value = args[0]->get_time(ltime) || get_interval_value(args[1], int_type, &value, &interval))) return true; if (date_sub_interval) interval.neg = !interval.neg; DBUG_ASSERT(!check_time_range_quick(*ltime)); longlong usec1 = ((((ltime->day * 24 + ltime->hour) * 60 + ltime->minute) * 60 + ltime->second) * 1000000LL + ltime->second_part) * (ltime->neg ? -1 : 1); longlong usec2 = ((((interval.day * 24 + interval.hour) * 60 + interval.minute) * 60 + interval.second) * 1000000LL + interval.second_part) * (interval.neg ? -1 : 1); // Possible overflow adding date and interval values below. if (usec1 > 0 && usec2 > 0) { lldiv_t usec2_as_seconds; usec2_as_seconds.quot = usec2 / 1000000; usec2_as_seconds.rem = 0; MYSQL_TIME unused; if ((null_value = sec_to_time(usec2_as_seconds, &unused))) { push_warning_printf( current_thd, Sql_condition::SL_WARNING, ER_DATETIME_FUNCTION_OVERFLOW, ER_THD(current_thd, ER_DATETIME_FUNCTION_OVERFLOW), "time"); return true; } } longlong diff = usec1 + usec2; lldiv_t seconds; seconds.quot = diff / 1000000; seconds.rem = diff % 1000000 * 1000; /* time->second_part= lldiv.rem / 1000 */ if ((null_value = (interval.year || interval.month || sec_to_time(seconds, ltime)))) { push_warning_printf( current_thd, Sql_condition::SL_WARNING, ER_DATETIME_FUNCTION_OVERFLOW, ER_THD(current_thd, ER_DATETIME_FUNCTION_OVERFLOW), "time"); return true; } return false; } bool Item_date_add_interval::val_datetime(MYSQL_TIME *ltime, my_time_flags_t fuzzy_date) { if (data_type() != MYSQL_TYPE_TIME) return get_date_internal(ltime, fuzzy_date | TIME_NO_ZERO_DATE); return get_time_internal(ltime); } bool Item_date_add_interval::eq(const Item *item, bool binary_cmp) const { if (!Item_func::eq(item, binary_cmp)) return 0; const Item_date_add_interval *other = down_cast(item); return ((int_type == other->int_type) && (date_sub_interval == other->date_sub_interval)); } /* 'interval_names' reflects the order of the enumeration interval_type. See item_timefunc.h */ const char *interval_names[] = {"year", "quarter", "month", "week", "day", "hour", "minute", "second", "microsecond", "year_month", "day_hour", "day_minute", "day_second", "hour_minute", "hour_second", "minute_second", "day_microsecond", "hour_microsecond", "minute_microsecond", "second_microsecond"}; void Item_date_add_interval::print(const THD *thd, String *str, enum_query_type query_type) const { str->append('('); args[0]->print(thd, str, query_type); str->append(date_sub_interval ? " - interval " : " + interval "); args[1]->print(thd, str, query_type); str->append(' '); str->append(interval_names[int_type]); str->append(')'); } void Item_extract::print(const THD *thd, String *str, enum_query_type query_type) const { str->append(STRING_WITH_LEN("extract(")); str->append(interval_names[int_type]); str->append(STRING_WITH_LEN(" from ")); args[0]->print(thd, str, query_type); str->append(')'); } bool Item_extract::resolve_type(THD *) { maybe_null = true; // If wrong date switch (int_type) { case INTERVAL_YEAR: max_length = 4; date_value = 1; break; case INTERVAL_YEAR_MONTH: max_length = 6; date_value = 1; break; case INTERVAL_QUARTER: max_length = 2; date_value = 1; break; case INTERVAL_MONTH: max_length = 2; date_value = 1; break; case INTERVAL_WEEK: max_length = 2; date_value = 1; break; case INTERVAL_DAY: max_length = 2; date_value = 1; break; case INTERVAL_DAY_HOUR: max_length = 9; date_value = 0; break; case INTERVAL_DAY_MINUTE: max_length = 11; date_value = 0; break; case INTERVAL_DAY_SECOND: max_length = 13; date_value = 0; break; case INTERVAL_HOUR: max_length = 2; date_value = 0; break; case INTERVAL_HOUR_MINUTE: max_length = 4; date_value = 0; break; case INTERVAL_HOUR_SECOND: max_length = 6; date_value = 0; break; case INTERVAL_MINUTE: max_length = 2; date_value = 0; break; case INTERVAL_MINUTE_SECOND: max_length = 4; date_value = 0; break; case INTERVAL_SECOND: max_length = 2; date_value = 0; break; case INTERVAL_MICROSECOND: max_length = 2; date_value = 0; break; case INTERVAL_DAY_MICROSECOND: max_length = 20; date_value = 0; break; case INTERVAL_HOUR_MICROSECOND: max_length = 13; date_value = 0; break; case INTERVAL_MINUTE_MICROSECOND: max_length = 11; date_value = 0; break; case INTERVAL_SECOND_MICROSECOND: max_length = 9; date_value = 0; break; case INTERVAL_LAST: DBUG_ASSERT(0); break; /* purecov: deadcode */ } return false; } longlong Item_extract::val_int() { DBUG_ASSERT(fixed == 1); MYSQL_TIME ltime; uint year; ulong week_format; long neg; if (date_value) { if (get_arg0_date(<ime, TIME_FUZZY_DATE)) return 0; neg = 1; } else { if (get_arg0_time(<ime)) return 0; neg = ltime.neg ? -1 : 1; } switch (int_type) { case INTERVAL_YEAR: return ltime.year; case INTERVAL_YEAR_MONTH: return ltime.year * 100L + ltime.month; case INTERVAL_QUARTER: return (ltime.month + 2) / 3; case INTERVAL_MONTH: return ltime.month; case INTERVAL_WEEK: { week_format = current_thd->variables.default_week_format; return calc_week(ltime, week_mode(week_format), &year); } case INTERVAL_DAY: return ltime.day; case INTERVAL_DAY_HOUR: return (long)(ltime.day * 100L + ltime.hour) * neg; case INTERVAL_DAY_MINUTE: return (long)(ltime.day * 10000L + ltime.hour * 100L + ltime.minute) * neg; case INTERVAL_DAY_SECOND: return ((longlong)ltime.day * 1000000L + (longlong)(ltime.hour * 10000L + ltime.minute * 100 + ltime.second)) * neg; case INTERVAL_HOUR: return (long)ltime.hour * neg; case INTERVAL_HOUR_MINUTE: return (long)(ltime.hour * 100 + ltime.minute) * neg; case INTERVAL_HOUR_SECOND: return (long)(ltime.hour * 10000 + ltime.minute * 100 + ltime.second) * neg; case INTERVAL_MINUTE: return (long)ltime.minute * neg; case INTERVAL_MINUTE_SECOND: return (long)(ltime.minute * 100 + ltime.second) * neg; case INTERVAL_SECOND: return (long)ltime.second * neg; case INTERVAL_MICROSECOND: return (long)ltime.second_part * neg; case INTERVAL_DAY_MICROSECOND: return (((longlong)ltime.day * 1000000L + (longlong)ltime.hour * 10000L + ltime.minute * 100 + ltime.second) * 1000000L + ltime.second_part) * neg; case INTERVAL_HOUR_MICROSECOND: return (((longlong)ltime.hour * 10000L + ltime.minute * 100 + ltime.second) * 1000000L + ltime.second_part) * neg; case INTERVAL_MINUTE_MICROSECOND: return (((longlong)(ltime.minute * 100 + ltime.second)) * 1000000L + ltime.second_part) * neg; case INTERVAL_SECOND_MICROSECOND: return ((longlong)ltime.second * 1000000L + ltime.second_part) * neg; case INTERVAL_LAST: DBUG_ASSERT(0); break; /* purecov: deadcode */ } return 0; // Impossible } bool Item_extract::eq(const Item *item, bool binary_cmp) const { if (this == item) return true; if (item->type() != FUNC_ITEM || functype() != down_cast(item)->functype()) return 0; const Item_extract *ie = down_cast(item); if (ie->int_type != int_type) return false; if (!args[0]->eq(ie->args[0], binary_cmp)) return false; return true; } void Item_typecast_datetime::print(const THD *thd, String *str, enum_query_type query_type) const { str->append(STRING_WITH_LEN("cast(")); args[0]->print(thd, str, query_type); str->append(STRING_WITH_LEN(" as ")); str->append(cast_type()); if (decimals) str->append_parenthesized(decimals); str->append(')'); } bool Item_typecast_datetime::get_date(MYSQL_TIME *ltime, my_time_flags_t fuzzy_date) { my_time_flags_t flags = fuzzy_date | TIME_NO_DATE_FRAC_WARN; if (current_thd->is_fsp_truncate_mode()) flags |= TIME_FRAC_TRUNCATE; if ((null_value = args[0]->get_date(ltime, flags))) return true; DBUG_ASSERT(ltime->time_type != MYSQL_TIMESTAMP_TIME); ltime->time_type = MYSQL_TIMESTAMP_DATETIME; // In case it was DATE int warnings = 0; return (null_value = propagate_datetime_overflow( current_thd, &warnings, my_datetime_adjust_frac(ltime, decimals, &warnings, current_thd->is_fsp_truncate_mode()))); } void Item_typecast_time::print(const THD *thd, String *str, enum_query_type query_type) const { str->append(STRING_WITH_LEN("cast(")); args[0]->print(thd, str, query_type); str->append(STRING_WITH_LEN(" as ")); str->append(cast_type()); if (decimals) str->append_parenthesized(decimals); str->append(')'); } bool Item_typecast_time::get_time(MYSQL_TIME *ltime) { if (get_arg0_time(ltime)) return true; my_time_adjust_frac(ltime, decimals, current_thd->is_fsp_truncate_mode()); /* For MYSQL_TIMESTAMP_TIME value we can have non-zero day part, which we should not lose. */ if (ltime->time_type != MYSQL_TIMESTAMP_TIME) datetime_to_time(ltime); return false; } void Item_typecast_date::print(const THD *thd, String *str, enum_query_type query_type) const { str->append(STRING_WITH_LEN("cast(")); args[0]->print(thd, str, query_type); str->append(STRING_WITH_LEN(" as ")); str->append(cast_type()); str->append(')'); } bool Item_typecast_date::get_date(MYSQL_TIME *ltime, my_time_flags_t fuzzy_date) { bool res = get_arg0_date(ltime, fuzzy_date | TIME_NO_DATE_FRAC_WARN); ltime->hour = ltime->minute = ltime->second = ltime->second_part = 0; ltime->time_type = MYSQL_TIMESTAMP_DATE; return res; } /** MAKEDATE(a,b) is a date function that creates a date value from a year and day value. NOTES: As arguments are integers, we can't know if the year is a 2 digit or 4 digit year. In this case we treat all years < 100 as 2 digit years. Ie, this is not safe for dates between 0000-01-01 and 0099-12-31 */ bool Item_func_makedate::get_date(MYSQL_TIME *ltime, my_time_flags_t) { DBUG_ASSERT(fixed == 1); long daynr = (long)args[1]->val_int(); long year = (long)args[0]->val_int(); long days; if (args[0]->null_value || args[1]->null_value || year < 0 || year > 9999 || daynr <= 0 || daynr > MAX_DAY_NUMBER) goto err; if (year < 100) year = year_2000_handling(year); days = calc_daynr(year, 1, 1) + daynr - 1; /* Day number from year 0 to 9999-12-31 */ if (days >= 0 && days <= MAX_DAY_NUMBER) { null_value = 0; get_date_from_daynr(days, <ime->year, <ime->month, <ime->day); ltime->neg = 0; ltime->hour = ltime->minute = ltime->second = ltime->second_part = 0; ltime->time_type = MYSQL_TIMESTAMP_DATE; return false; } err: null_value = 1; return true; } bool Item_func_add_time::resolve_type(THD *) { /* The field type for the result of an Item_func_add_time function is defined as follows: - If first arg is a MYSQL_TYPE_DATETIME or MYSQL_TYPE_TIMESTAMP result is MYSQL_TYPE_DATETIME - If first arg is a MYSQL_TYPE_TIME result is MYSQL_TYPE_TIME - Otherwise the result is MYSQL_TYPE_STRING TODO: perhaps it should also return MYSQL_TYPE_DATETIME when the first argument is MYSQL_TYPE_DATE. */ if (args[0]->data_type() == MYSQL_TYPE_TIME && !is_date) { uint8 dec = MY_MAX(args[0]->time_precision(), args[1]->time_precision()); set_data_type_time(dec); } else if (args[0]->is_temporal_with_date_and_time() || is_date) { uint8 dec = MY_MAX(args[0]->datetime_precision(), args[1]->time_precision()); set_data_type_datetime(dec); } else { set_data_type_char(MAX_DATETIME_FULL_WIDTH, default_charset()); } maybe_null = true; return false; } /** ADDTIME(t,a) and SUBTIME(t,a) are time functions that calculate a time/datetime value t: time_or_datetime_expression a: time_expression @retval 0 on success @retval 1 on error */ bool Item_func_add_time::val_datetime(MYSQL_TIME *time, my_time_flags_t fuzzy_date) { DBUG_ASSERT(fixed == 1); MYSQL_TIME l_time1, l_time2; bool is_time = false; long days, microseconds; longlong seconds; int l_sign = sign; null_value = false; if (data_type() == MYSQL_TYPE_DATETIME) // TIMESTAMP function { if (get_arg0_date(&l_time1, fuzzy_date) || args[1]->get_time(&l_time2) || l_time1.time_type == MYSQL_TIMESTAMP_TIME || l_time2.time_type != MYSQL_TIMESTAMP_TIME) goto null_date; } else // ADDTIME function { if (args[0]->get_time(&l_time1) || args[1]->get_time(&l_time2) || l_time2.time_type == MYSQL_TIMESTAMP_DATETIME) goto null_date; is_time = (l_time1.time_type == MYSQL_TIMESTAMP_TIME); } if (l_time1.neg != l_time2.neg) l_sign = -l_sign; memset(time, 0, sizeof(MYSQL_TIME)); time->neg = calc_time_diff(l_time1, l_time2, -l_sign, &seconds, µseconds); /* If first argument was negative and diff between arguments is non-zero we need to swap sign to get proper result. */ if (l_time1.neg && (seconds || microseconds)) time->neg = 1 - time->neg; // Swap sign of result if (!is_time && time->neg) goto null_date; days = (long)(seconds / SECONDS_IN_24H); calc_time_from_sec(time, seconds % SECONDS_IN_24H, microseconds); if (!is_time) { get_date_from_daynr(days, &time->year, &time->month, &time->day); time->time_type = MYSQL_TIMESTAMP_DATETIME; if (check_datetime_range(*time)) { // Value is out of range, cannot use our printing functions to output it. push_warning_printf( current_thd, Sql_condition::SL_WARNING, ER_DATETIME_FUNCTION_OVERFLOW, ER_THD(current_thd, ER_DATETIME_FUNCTION_OVERFLOW), func_name()); goto null_date; } if (time->day) return false; goto null_date; } time->time_type = MYSQL_TIMESTAMP_TIME; time->hour += days * 24; if (adjust_time_range_with_warn(time, 0)) goto null_date; return false; null_date: null_value = 1; return true; } void Item_func_add_time::print(const THD *thd, String *str, enum_query_type query_type) const { if (is_date) { DBUG_ASSERT(sign > 0); str->append(STRING_WITH_LEN("timestamp(")); } else { if (sign > 0) str->append(STRING_WITH_LEN("addtime(")); else str->append(STRING_WITH_LEN("subtime(")); } args[0]->print(thd, str, query_type); str->append(','); args[1]->print(thd, str, query_type); str->append(')'); } /** TIMEDIFF(t,s) is a time function that calculates the time value between a start and end time. t and s: time_or_datetime_expression @param[out] l_time3 Result is stored here. @returns @retval false On succes @retval true On error */ bool Item_func_timediff::get_time(MYSQL_TIME *l_time3) { DBUG_ASSERT(fixed == 1); longlong seconds; long microseconds; int l_sign = 1; MYSQL_TIME l_time1, l_time2; null_value = 0; if ((args[0]->is_temporal_with_date() && args[1]->data_type() == MYSQL_TYPE_TIME) || (args[1]->is_temporal_with_date() && args[0]->data_type() == MYSQL_TYPE_TIME)) goto null_date; // Incompatible types if (args[0]->is_temporal_with_date() || args[1]->is_temporal_with_date()) { if (args[0]->get_date(&l_time1, TIME_FUZZY_DATE) || args[1]->get_date(&l_time2, TIME_FUZZY_DATE)) goto null_date; } else { if (args[0]->get_time(&l_time1) || args[1]->get_time(&l_time2)) goto null_date; } if (l_time1.time_type != l_time2.time_type) goto null_date; // Incompatible types if (l_time1.neg != l_time2.neg) l_sign = -l_sign; memset(l_time3, 0, sizeof(*l_time3)); l_time3->neg = calc_time_diff(l_time1, l_time2, l_sign, &seconds, µseconds); /* For MYSQL_TIMESTAMP_TIME only: If first argument was negative and diff between arguments is non-zero we need to swap sign to get proper result. */ if (l_time1.neg && (seconds || microseconds)) l_time3->neg = 1 - l_time3->neg; // Swap sign of result calc_time_from_sec(l_time3, seconds, microseconds); if (adjust_time_range_with_warn(l_time3, decimals)) goto null_date; return false; null_date: return (null_value = 1); } /** MAKETIME(h,m,s) is a time function that calculates a time value from the total number of hours, minutes, and seconds. Result: Time value */ bool Item_func_maketime::get_time(MYSQL_TIME *ltime) { DBUG_ASSERT(fixed == 1); bool overflow = 0; longlong hour = args[0]->val_int(); longlong minute = args[1]->val_int(); my_decimal tmp, *sec = args[2]->val_decimal(&tmp); lldiv_t second; if ((null_value = (args[0]->null_value || args[1]->null_value || args[2]->null_value || my_decimal2lldiv_t(E_DEC_FATAL_ERROR, sec, &second) || minute < 0 || minute > 59 || second.quot < 0 || second.quot > 59 || second.rem < 0))) return true; set_zero_time(ltime, MYSQL_TIMESTAMP_TIME); /* Check for integer overflows */ if (hour < 0) { if (args[0]->unsigned_flag) overflow = 1; else ltime->neg = 1; } if (-hour > UINT_MAX || hour > UINT_MAX) overflow = 1; if (!overflow) { ltime->hour = (uint)((hour < 0 ? -hour : hour)); ltime->minute = (uint)minute; ltime->second = (uint)second.quot; int warnings = 0; ltime->second_part = static_cast(second.rem / 1000); if (adjust_time_range_with_warn(ltime, decimals)) return true; time_add_nanoseconds_adjust_frac(ltime, second.rem % 1000, &warnings, current_thd->is_fsp_truncate_mode()); if (!warnings) return false; } // Return maximum value (positive or negative) set_max_hhmmss(ltime); char buf[MAX_BIGINT_WIDTH /* hh */ + 6 /* :mm:ss */ + 10 /* .fffffffff */ + 1]; char *ptr = longlong10_to_str(hour, buf, args[0]->unsigned_flag ? 10 : -10); int len = (int)(ptr - buf) + sprintf(ptr, ":%02u:%02u", (uint)minute, (uint)second.quot); if (second.rem) { /* Display fractional part up to nanoseconds (9 digits), which is the maximum precision of my_decimal2lldiv_t(). */ int dec = MY_MIN(args[2]->decimals, 9); len += sprintf(buf + len, ".%0*lld", dec, second.rem / (ulong)log_10_int[9 - dec]); } DBUG_ASSERT(strlen(buf) < sizeof(buf)); return make_truncated_value_warning(current_thd, Sql_condition::SL_WARNING, ErrConvString(buf, len), MYSQL_TIMESTAMP_TIME, NullS); } /** MICROSECOND(a) is a function ( extraction) that extracts the microseconds from a. a: Datetime or time value Result: int value */ longlong Item_func_microsecond::val_int() { DBUG_ASSERT(fixed == 1); MYSQL_TIME ltime; return get_arg0_time(<ime) ? 0 : ltime.second_part; } longlong Item_func_timestamp_diff::val_int() { MYSQL_TIME ltime1, ltime2; longlong seconds; long microseconds; long months = 0; int neg = 1; null_value = 0; if (args[0]->get_date(<ime1, TIME_NO_ZERO_DATE) || args[1]->get_date(<ime2, TIME_NO_ZERO_DATE)) goto null_date; if (calc_time_diff(ltime2, ltime1, 1, &seconds, µseconds)) neg = -1; if (int_type == INTERVAL_YEAR || int_type == INTERVAL_QUARTER || int_type == INTERVAL_MONTH) { uint year_beg, year_end, month_beg, month_end, day_beg, day_end; uint years = 0; uint second_beg, second_end, microsecond_beg, microsecond_end; if (neg == -1) { year_beg = ltime2.year; year_end = ltime1.year; month_beg = ltime2.month; month_end = ltime1.month; day_beg = ltime2.day; day_end = ltime1.day; second_beg = ltime2.hour * 3600 + ltime2.minute * 60 + ltime2.second; second_end = ltime1.hour * 3600 + ltime1.minute * 60 + ltime1.second; microsecond_beg = ltime2.second_part; microsecond_end = ltime1.second_part; } else { year_beg = ltime1.year; year_end = ltime2.year; month_beg = ltime1.month; month_end = ltime2.month; day_beg = ltime1.day; day_end = ltime2.day; second_beg = ltime1.hour * 3600 + ltime1.minute * 60 + ltime1.second; second_end = ltime2.hour * 3600 + ltime2.minute * 60 + ltime2.second; microsecond_beg = ltime1.second_part; microsecond_end = ltime2.second_part; } /* calc years */ years = year_end - year_beg; if (month_end < month_beg || (month_end == month_beg && day_end < day_beg)) years -= 1; /* calc months */ months = 12 * years; if (month_end < month_beg || (month_end == month_beg && day_end < day_beg)) months += 12 - (month_beg - month_end); else months += (month_end - month_beg); if (day_end < day_beg) months -= 1; else if ((day_end == day_beg) && ((second_end < second_beg) || (second_end == second_beg && microsecond_end < microsecond_beg))) months -= 1; } switch (int_type) { case INTERVAL_YEAR: return months / 12 * neg; case INTERVAL_QUARTER: return months / 3 * neg; case INTERVAL_MONTH: return months * neg; case INTERVAL_WEEK: return seconds / SECONDS_IN_24H / 7L * neg; case INTERVAL_DAY: return seconds / SECONDS_IN_24H * neg; case INTERVAL_HOUR: return seconds / 3600L * neg; case INTERVAL_MINUTE: return seconds / 60L * neg; case INTERVAL_SECOND: return seconds * neg; case INTERVAL_MICROSECOND: /* In MySQL difference between any two valid datetime values in microseconds fits into longlong. */ return (seconds * 1000000L + microseconds) * neg; default: break; } null_date: null_value = 1; return 0; } void Item_func_timestamp_diff::print(const THD *thd, String *str, enum_query_type query_type) const { str->append(func_name()); str->append('('); switch (int_type) { case INTERVAL_YEAR: str->append(STRING_WITH_LEN("YEAR")); break; case INTERVAL_QUARTER: str->append(STRING_WITH_LEN("QUARTER")); break; case INTERVAL_MONTH: str->append(STRING_WITH_LEN("MONTH")); break; case INTERVAL_WEEK: str->append(STRING_WITH_LEN("WEEK")); break; case INTERVAL_DAY: str->append(STRING_WITH_LEN("DAY")); break; case INTERVAL_HOUR: str->append(STRING_WITH_LEN("HOUR")); break; case INTERVAL_MINUTE: str->append(STRING_WITH_LEN("MINUTE")); break; case INTERVAL_SECOND: str->append(STRING_WITH_LEN("SECOND")); break; case INTERVAL_MICROSECOND: str->append(STRING_WITH_LEN("MICROSECOND")); break; default: break; } for (uint i = 0; i < 2; i++) { str->append(','); args[i]->print(thd, str, query_type); } str->append(')'); } String *Item_func_get_format::val_str_ascii(String *str) { DBUG_ASSERT(fixed == 1); const char *format_name; const Known_date_time_format *format; String *val = args[0]->val_str_ascii(str); size_t val_len; if ((null_value = args[0]->null_value)) return 0; val_len = val->length(); for (format = &known_date_time_formats[0]; (format_name = format->format_name); format++) { size_t format_name_len; format_name_len = strlen(format_name); if (val_len == format_name_len && !my_strnncoll(&my_charset_latin1, (const uchar *)val->ptr(), val_len, (const uchar *)format_name, val_len)) { const char *format_str = get_date_time_format_str(format, type); str->set(format_str, strlen(format_str), &my_charset_numeric); return str; } } null_value = 1; return 0; } void Item_func_get_format::print(const THD *thd, String *str, enum_query_type query_type) const { str->append(func_name()); str->append('('); switch (type) { case MYSQL_TIMESTAMP_DATE: str->append(STRING_WITH_LEN("DATE, ")); break; case MYSQL_TIMESTAMP_DATETIME: str->append(STRING_WITH_LEN("DATETIME, ")); break; case MYSQL_TIMESTAMP_TIME: str->append(STRING_WITH_LEN("TIME, ")); break; default: DBUG_ASSERT(0); } args[0]->print(thd, str, query_type); str->append(')'); } /** Set type of datetime value (DATE/TIME/...) which will be produced according to format string. @param format format string @param length length of format string @note We don't process day format's characters('D', 'd', 'e') because day may be a member of all date/time types. @note Format specifiers supported by this function should be in sync with specifiers supported by extract_date_time() function. */ void Item_func_str_to_date::fix_from_format(const char *format, size_t length) { const char *time_part_frms = "HISThiklrs"; const char *date_part_frms = "MVUXYWabcjmvuxyw"; bool date_part_used = 0, time_part_used = 0, frac_second_used = 0; const char *val = format; const char *end = format + length; for (; val != end; val++) { if (*val == '%' && val + 1 != end) { val++; if (*val == 'f') frac_second_used = time_part_used = 1; else if (!time_part_used && strchr(time_part_frms, *val)) time_part_used = 1; else if (!date_part_used && strchr(date_part_frms, *val)) date_part_used = 1; if (date_part_used && frac_second_used) { /* frac_second_used implies time_part_used, and thus we already have all types of date-time components and can end our search. */ cached_timestamp_type = MYSQL_TIMESTAMP_DATETIME; set_data_type_datetime(DATETIME_MAX_DECIMALS); return; } } } /* We don't have all three types of date-time components */ if (frac_second_used) /* TIME with microseconds */ { cached_timestamp_type = MYSQL_TIMESTAMP_TIME; set_data_type_time(DATETIME_MAX_DECIMALS); } else if (time_part_used) { if (date_part_used) /* DATETIME, no microseconds */ { cached_timestamp_type = MYSQL_TIMESTAMP_DATETIME; set_data_type_datetime(0); } else /* TIME, no microseconds */ { cached_timestamp_type = MYSQL_TIMESTAMP_TIME; set_data_type_time(0); } } else /* DATE */ { cached_timestamp_type = MYSQL_TIMESTAMP_DATE; set_data_type_date(); } } bool Item_func_str_to_date::resolve_type(THD *thd) { maybe_null = true; cached_timestamp_type = MYSQL_TIMESTAMP_DATETIME; set_data_type_datetime(DATETIME_MAX_DECIMALS); sql_mode = thd->variables.sql_mode & (MODE_NO_ZERO_DATE | MODE_NO_ZERO_IN_DATE | MODE_INVALID_DATES); if (args[1]->const_item()) { char format_buff[64]; String format_str(format_buff, sizeof(format_buff), &my_charset_bin); String *format = args[1]->val_str(&format_str); if (!args[1]->null_value) fix_from_format(format->ptr(), format->length()); } return false; } /** Determines whether this date should be NULL (and a warning raised) under the given sql_mode. Zeroes are allowed in the date if the data type is TIME. @param target_type The data type of the time/date. @param time Date and time data @param fuzzy_date What sql_mode dictates. @return Whether the result is valid or NULL. */ static bool date_should_be_null(enum_field_types target_type, const MYSQL_TIME &time, my_time_flags_t fuzzy_date) { return (fuzzy_date & TIME_NO_ZERO_DATE) != 0 && (target_type != MYSQL_TYPE_TIME) && (time.year == 0 || time.month == 0 || time.day == 0); } bool Item_func_str_to_date::val_datetime(MYSQL_TIME *ltime, my_time_flags_t fuzzy_date) { Date_time_format date_time_format; char val_buff[64], format_buff[64]; String val_string(val_buff, sizeof(val_buff), &my_charset_bin), *val; String format_str(format_buff, sizeof(format_buff), &my_charset_bin), *format; if (sql_mode & MODE_NO_ZERO_IN_DATE) fuzzy_date |= TIME_NO_ZERO_IN_DATE; if (sql_mode & MODE_NO_ZERO_DATE) fuzzy_date |= TIME_NO_ZERO_DATE; if (sql_mode & MODE_INVALID_DATES) fuzzy_date |= TIME_INVALID_DATES; val = args[0]->val_str(&val_string); format = args[1]->val_str(&format_str); if (args[0]->null_value || args[1]->null_value) goto null_date; null_value = 0; memset(ltime, 0, sizeof(*ltime)); date_time_format.format.str = format->ptr(); date_time_format.format.length = format->length(); if (extract_date_time(&date_time_format, val->ptr(), val->length(), ltime, cached_timestamp_type, 0, "datetime") || date_should_be_null(data_type(), *ltime, fuzzy_date)) goto null_date; ltime->time_type = cached_timestamp_type; if (cached_timestamp_type == MYSQL_TIMESTAMP_TIME && ltime->day) { /* Day part for time type can be nonzero value and so we should add hours from day part to hour part to keep valid time value. */ ltime->hour += ltime->day * 24; ltime->day = 0; } return 0; null_date: if (val && (fuzzy_date & TIME_NO_ZERO_DATE) /*warnings*/) { char buff[128]; strmake(buff, val->ptr(), min(val->length(), sizeof(buff) - 1)); push_warning_printf(current_thd, Sql_condition::SL_WARNING, ER_WRONG_VALUE_FOR_TYPE, ER_THD(current_thd, ER_WRONG_VALUE_FOR_TYPE), "datetime", buff, "str_to_date"); } return (null_value = 1); } bool Item_func_last_day::get_date(MYSQL_TIME *ltime, my_time_flags_t fuzzy_date) { if ((null_value = get_arg0_date(ltime, fuzzy_date))) return true; if (ltime->month == 0) { /* Cannot calculate last day for zero month. Let's print a warning and return NULL. */ ltime->time_type = MYSQL_TIMESTAMP_DATE; ErrConvString str(ltime, 0); if (make_truncated_value_warning(current_thd, Sql_condition::SL_WARNING, str, MYSQL_TIMESTAMP_ERROR, NullS)) return true; return (null_value = true); } uint month_idx = ltime->month - 1; ltime->day = days_in_month[month_idx]; if (month_idx == 1 && calc_days_in_year(ltime->year) == 366) ltime->day = 29; datetime_to_date(ltime); return false; } bool Item_func_internal_update_time::resolve_type(THD *thd) { set_data_type_datetime(0); maybe_null = true; null_on_null = false; thd->time_zone_used = true; return false; } bool Item_func_internal_update_time::get_date( MYSQL_TIME *ltime, my_time_flags_t fuzzy_date MY_ATTRIBUTE((unused))) { DBUG_TRACE; String schema_name; String *schema_name_ptr; String table_name; String *table_name_ptr = nullptr; String engine_name; String *engine_name_ptr = nullptr; String partition_name; String *partition_name_ptr = nullptr; bool skip_hidden_table = args[4]->val_int(); String ts_se_private_data; String *ts_se_private_data_ptr = args[5]->val_str(&ts_se_private_data); ulonglong stat_data = args[6]->val_uint(); ulonglong cached_timestamp = args[7]->val_uint(); ulonglong unixtime = 0; if ((schema_name_ptr = args[0]->val_str(&schema_name)) != nullptr && (table_name_ptr = args[1]->val_str(&table_name)) != nullptr && (engine_name_ptr = args[2]->val_str(&engine_name)) != nullptr && !is_infoschema_db(schema_name_ptr->c_ptr_safe()) && !skip_hidden_table) { dd::Object_id se_private_id = (dd::Object_id)args[3]->val_uint(); THD *thd = current_thd; MYSQL_TIME time; bool not_used; // Convert longlong time to MYSQL_TIME format my_longlong_to_datetime_with_warn(stat_data, &time, MYF(0)); // Convert MYSQL_TIME to epoc second according to local time_zone as // cached_timestamp value is with local time_zone my_time_t timestamp; timestamp = thd->variables.time_zone->TIME_to_gmt_sec(&time, ¬_used); // Make sure we have safe string to access. schema_name_ptr->c_ptr_safe(); table_name_ptr->c_ptr_safe(); engine_name_ptr->c_ptr_safe(); /* The same native function used by I_S.PARTITIONS is used by I_S.TABLES. We invoke native function with partition name only with I_S.PARTITIONS as a last argument. So, we check for argument count below, before reading partition name. */ if (arg_count == 10) partition_name_ptr = args[9]->val_str(&partition_name); else if (arg_count == 9) partition_name_ptr = args[8]->val_str(&partition_name); unixtime = thd->lex->m_IS_table_stats.read_stat( thd, *schema_name_ptr, *table_name_ptr, *engine_name_ptr, (partition_name_ptr ? partition_name_ptr->c_ptr_safe() : nullptr), se_private_id, (ts_se_private_data_ptr ? ts_se_private_data_ptr->c_ptr_safe() : nullptr), nullptr, static_cast(timestamp), cached_timestamp, dd::info_schema::enum_table_stats_type::TABLE_UPDATE_TIME); if (unixtime) { null_value = 0; thd->variables.time_zone->gmt_sec_to_TIME(ltime, (my_time_t)unixtime); return false; } } null_value = 1; return true; } bool Item_func_internal_check_time::resolve_type(THD *thd) { set_data_type_datetime(0); maybe_null = true; null_on_null = false; thd->time_zone_used = true; return false; } bool Item_func_internal_check_time::get_date( MYSQL_TIME *ltime, my_time_flags_t fuzzy_date MY_ATTRIBUTE((unused))) { DBUG_TRACE; String schema_name; String *schema_name_ptr; String table_name; String *table_name_ptr = nullptr; String engine_name; String *engine_name_ptr = nullptr; String partition_name; String *partition_name_ptr = nullptr; bool skip_hidden_table = args[4]->val_int(); String ts_se_private_data; String *ts_se_private_data_ptr = args[5]->val_str(&ts_se_private_data); ulonglong stat_data = args[6]->val_uint(); ulonglong cached_timestamp = args[7]->val_uint(); ulonglong unixtime = 0; if ((schema_name_ptr = args[0]->val_str(&schema_name)) != nullptr && (table_name_ptr = args[1]->val_str(&table_name)) != nullptr && (engine_name_ptr = args[2]->val_str(&engine_name)) != nullptr && !is_infoschema_db(schema_name_ptr->c_ptr_safe()) && !skip_hidden_table) { dd::Object_id se_private_id = (dd::Object_id)args[3]->val_uint(); THD *thd = current_thd; MYSQL_TIME time; bool not_used = true; // Convert longlong time to MYSQL_TIME format if (my_longlong_to_datetime_with_warn(stat_data, &time, MYF(0))) { null_value = 1; return true; } // Convert MYSQL_TIME to epoc second according to local time_zone as // cached_timestamp value is with local time_zone my_time_t timestamp = thd->variables.time_zone->TIME_to_gmt_sec(&time, ¬_used); // Make sure we have safe string to access. schema_name_ptr->c_ptr_safe(); table_name_ptr->c_ptr_safe(); engine_name_ptr->c_ptr_safe(); /* The same native function used by I_S.PARTITIONS is used by I_S.TABLES. We invoke native function with partition name only with I_S.PARTITIONS as a last argument. So, we check for argument count below, before reading partition name. */ if (arg_count == 10) partition_name_ptr = args[9]->val_str(&partition_name); else if (arg_count == 9) partition_name_ptr = args[8]->val_str(&partition_name); unixtime = thd->lex->m_IS_table_stats.read_stat( thd, *schema_name_ptr, *table_name_ptr, *engine_name_ptr, (partition_name_ptr ? partition_name_ptr->c_ptr_safe() : nullptr), se_private_id, (ts_se_private_data_ptr ? ts_se_private_data_ptr->c_ptr_safe() : nullptr), nullptr, static_cast(timestamp), cached_timestamp, dd::info_schema::enum_table_stats_type::CHECK_TIME); if (unixtime) { null_value = 0; thd->variables.time_zone->gmt_sec_to_TIME(ltime, (my_time_t)unixtime); return false; } } null_value = 1; return true; }