/* Copyright (c) 2009, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0, as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is also distributed with certain software (including but not limited to OpenSSL) that is licensed under separate terms, as designated in a particular file or component or in included license documentation. The authors of MySQL hereby grant you an additional permission to link the program and your derivative works with the separately licensed software that they have included with MySQL. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License, version 2.0, for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include "sql/binlog.h" #include "my_config.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "lex_string.h" #include "map_helpers.h" #include "my_alloc.h" #include "my_loglevel.h" #include "my_macros.h" #include "my_systime.h" #include "my_thread.h" #include "sql/check_stack.h" #include "sql/clone_handler.h" #include "sql_string.h" #include "template_utils.h" #ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include "dur_prop.h" #include "libbinlogevents/include/control_events.h" #include "libbinlogevents/include/debug_vars.h" #include "libbinlogevents/include/rows_event.h" #include "libbinlogevents/include/statement_events.h" #include "libbinlogevents/include/table_id.h" #include "m_ctype.h" #include "mf_wcomp.h" // wild_one, wild_many #include "mutex_lock.h" // Mutex_lock #include "my_base.h" #include "my_bitmap.h" #include "my_byteorder.h" #include "my_compiler.h" #include "my_dbug.h" #include "my_dir.h" #include "my_sqlcommand.h" #include "my_stacktrace.h" // my_safe_print_system_time #include "my_thread_local.h" #include "mysql/components/services/log_builtins.h" #include "mysql/plugin.h" #include "mysql/psi/mysql_file.h" #include "mysql/service_mysql_alloc.h" #include "mysql/thread_type.h" #include "mysqld_error.h" #include "partition_info.h" #include "prealloced_array.h" #include "sql/binlog_ostream.h" #include "sql/binlog_reader.h" #include "sql/create_field.h" #include "sql/current_thd.h" #include "sql/debug_sync.h" // DEBUG_SYNC #include "sql/derror.h" // ER_THD #include "sql/discrete_interval.h" #include "sql/field.h" #include "sql/handler.h" #include "sql/item_func.h" // user_var_entry #include "sql/key.h" #include "sql/log.h" #include "sql/log_event.h" // Rows_log_event #include "sql/mysqld.h" // sync_binlog_period ... #include "sql/mysqld_thd_manager.h" // Global_THD_manager #include "sql/protocol.h" #include "sql/psi_memory_key.h" #include "sql/query_options.h" #include "sql/rpl_filter.h" #include "sql/rpl_gtid.h" #include "sql/rpl_handler.h" // RUN_HOOK #include "sql/rpl_mi.h" // Master_info #include "sql/rpl_record.h" #include "sql/rpl_rli.h" // Relay_log_info #include "sql/rpl_rli_pdb.h" // Slave_worker #include "sql/rpl_slave.h" #include "sql/rpl_slave_commit_order_manager.h" // Commit_order_manager #include "sql/rpl_transaction_ctx.h" #include "sql/rpl_trx_boundary_parser.h" // Transaction_boundary_parser #include "sql/rpl_utility.h" #include "sql/sql_backup_lock.h" // is_instance_backup_locked #include "sql/sql_base.h" // find_temporary_table #include "sql/sql_bitmap.h" #include "sql/sql_class.h" // THD #include "sql/sql_const.h" #include "sql/sql_data_change.h" #include "sql/sql_error.h" #include "sql/sql_lex.h" #include "sql/sql_list.h" #include "sql/sql_parse.h" // sqlcom_can_generate_row_events #include "sql/sql_show.h" // append_identifier #include "sql/system_variables.h" #include "sql/table.h" #include "sql/transaction_info.h" #include "sql/xa.h" #include "sql_partition.h" #include "thr_lock.h" class Item; using binary_log::checksum_crc32; using std::list; using std::max; using std::min; using std::string; #define FLAGSTR(V, F) ((V) & (F) ? #F " " : "") #define YESNO(X) ((X) ? "yes" : "no") /** @defgroup Binary_Log Binary Log @{ */ #define MY_OFF_T_UNDEF (~(my_off_t)0UL) /* Constants required for the limit unsafe warnings suppression */ // seconds after which the limit unsafe warnings suppression will be activated #define LIMIT_UNSAFE_WARNING_ACTIVATION_TIMEOUT 50 // number of limit unsafe warnings after which the suppression will be activated #define LIMIT_UNSAFE_WARNING_ACTIVATION_THRESHOLD_COUNT 50 static ulonglong limit_unsafe_suppression_start_time = 0; static bool unsafe_warning_suppression_is_activated = false; static int limit_unsafe_warning_count = 0; static handlerton *binlog_hton; bool opt_binlog_order_commits = true; const char *log_bin_index = nullptr; const char *log_bin_basename = nullptr; /* Size for IO_CACHE buffer for binlog & relay log */ ulong rpl_read_size; MYSQL_BIN_LOG mysql_bin_log(&sync_binlog_period); static int binlog_init(void *p); static int binlog_start_trans_and_stmt(THD *thd, Log_event *start_event); static int binlog_close_connection(handlerton *hton, THD *thd); static int binlog_savepoint_set(handlerton *hton, THD *thd, void *sv); static int binlog_savepoint_rollback(handlerton *hton, THD *thd, void *sv); static bool binlog_savepoint_rollback_can_release_mdl(handlerton *hton, THD *thd); static int binlog_commit(handlerton *hton, THD *thd, bool all); static int binlog_rollback(handlerton *hton, THD *thd, bool all); static int binlog_prepare(handlerton *hton, THD *thd, bool all); static xa_status_code binlog_xa_commit(handlerton *hton, XID *xid); static xa_status_code binlog_xa_rollback(handlerton *hton, XID *xid); static void exec_binlog_error_action_abort(const char *err_string); static int binlog_recover(Binlog_file_reader *binlog_file_reader, my_off_t *valid_pos); static void binlog_prepare_row_images(const THD *thd, TABLE *table); static inline bool has_commit_order_manager(THD *thd) { return is_mts_worker(thd) && thd->rli_slave->get_commit_order_manager() != nullptr; } bool normalize_binlog_name(char *to, const char *from, bool is_relay_log) { DBUG_TRACE; bool error = false; char buff[FN_REFLEN]; char *ptr = const_cast(from); char *opt_name = is_relay_log ? opt_relay_logname : opt_bin_logname; DBUG_ASSERT(from); /* opt_name is not null and not empty and from is a relative path */ if (opt_name && opt_name[0] && from && !test_if_hard_path(from)) { // take the path from opt_name // take the filename from from char log_dirpart[FN_REFLEN], log_dirname[FN_REFLEN]; size_t log_dirpart_len, log_dirname_len; dirname_part(log_dirpart, opt_name, &log_dirpart_len); dirname_part(log_dirname, from, &log_dirname_len); /* log may be empty => relay-log or log-bin did not hold paths, just filename pattern */ if (log_dirpart_len > 0) { /* create the new path name */ if (fn_format(buff, from + log_dirname_len, log_dirpart, "", MYF(MY_UNPACK_FILENAME | MY_SAFE_PATH)) == nullptr) { error = true; goto end; } ptr = buff; } } DBUG_ASSERT(ptr); if (ptr) { size_t length = strlen(ptr); // Strips the CR+LF at the end of log name and \0-terminates it. if (length && ptr[length - 1] == '\n') { ptr[length - 1] = 0; length--; if (length && ptr[length - 1] == '\r') { ptr[length - 1] = 0; length--; } } if (!length) { error = true; goto end; } strmake(to, ptr, length); } end: return error; } /** Logical binlog file which wraps and hides the detail of lower layer storage implementation. Binlog code just use this class to control real storage */ class MYSQL_BIN_LOG::Binlog_ofile : public Basic_ostream { public: ~Binlog_ofile() override { DBUG_TRACE; close(); return; } /** Opens the binlog file. It opens the lower layer storage. @param[in] log_file_key The PSI_file_key for this stream @param[in] binlog_name The file to be opened @param[in] flags The flags used by IO_CACHE. @param[in] existing True if opening the file, false if creating a new one. @retval false Success @retval true Error */ bool open( #ifdef HAVE_PSI_INTERFACE PSI_file_key log_file_key, #endif const char *binlog_name, myf flags, bool existing = false) { DBUG_TRACE; DBUG_ASSERT(m_pipeline_head == nullptr); #ifndef DBUG_OFF { #ifndef HAVE_PSI_INTERFACE PSI_file_key log_file_key = PSI_NOT_INSTRUMENTED; #endif MY_STAT info; if (!mysql_file_stat(log_file_key, binlog_name, &info, MYF(0))) { DBUG_ASSERT(existing == !(my_errno() == ENOENT)); set_my_errno(0); } } #endif std::unique_ptr file_ostream(new IO_CACHE_ostream); if (file_ostream->open(log_file_key, binlog_name, flags)) return true; m_pipeline_head = std::move(file_ostream); /* Setup encryption for new files if needed */ if (!existing && rpl_encryption.is_enabled()) { std::unique_ptr encrypted_ostream( new Binlog_encryption_ostream()); if (encrypted_ostream->open(std::move(m_pipeline_head))) return true; m_encrypted_header_size = encrypted_ostream->get_header_size(); m_pipeline_head = std::move(encrypted_ostream); } return false; } /** Opens an existing binlog file. It opens the lower layer storage reusing the existing file password if needed. @param[in] log_file_key The PSI_file_key for this stream @param[in] binlog_name The file to be opened @param[in] flags The flags used by IO_CACHE. @retval std::unique_ptr A Binlog_ofile object pointer. @retval nullptr Error. */ static std::unique_ptr open_existing( #ifdef HAVE_PSI_INTERFACE PSI_file_key log_file_key, #endif const char *binlog_name, myf flags) { DBUG_TRACE; std::unique_ptr header; unsigned char magic[BINLOG_MAGIC_SIZE]; /* Open a simple istream to read the magic from the file */ IO_CACHE_istream istream; if (istream.open(key_file_binlog, key_file_binlog_cache, binlog_name, MYF(MY_WME | MY_DONT_CHECK_FILESIZE), rpl_read_size)) return nullptr; if (istream.read(magic, BINLOG_MAGIC_SIZE) != BINLOG_MAGIC_SIZE) return nullptr; DBUG_ASSERT(Rpl_encryption_header::ENCRYPTION_MAGIC_SIZE == BINLOG_MAGIC_SIZE); /* Identify the file type by the magic to get the encryption header */ if (memcmp(magic, Rpl_encryption_header::ENCRYPTION_MAGIC, BINLOG_MAGIC_SIZE) == 0) { header = Rpl_encryption_header::get_header(&istream); if (header == nullptr) return nullptr; } else if (memcmp(magic, BINLOG_MAGIC, BINLOG_MAGIC_SIZE) != 0) { return nullptr; } /* Open the binlog_ofile */ std::unique_ptr ret_ofile(new Binlog_ofile); if (ret_ofile->open( #ifdef HAVE_PSI_INTERFACE log_file_key, #endif binlog_name, flags, true)) { return nullptr; } if (header != nullptr) { /* Add the encryption stream on top of IO_CACHE */ std::unique_ptr encrypted_ostream( new Binlog_encryption_ostream); ret_ofile->m_encrypted_header_size = header->get_header_size(); encrypted_ostream->open(std::move(ret_ofile->m_pipeline_head), std::move(header)); ret_ofile->m_pipeline_head = std::move(encrypted_ostream); ret_ofile->set_encrypted(); } return ret_ofile; } void close() { m_pipeline_head.reset(nullptr); m_position = 0; m_encrypted_header_size = 0; } /** Writes data into storage and maintains binlog position. @param[in] buffer the data will be written @param[in] length the length of the data @retval false Success @retval true Error */ bool write(const unsigned char *buffer, my_off_t length) override { DBUG_ASSERT(m_pipeline_head != nullptr); if (m_pipeline_head->write(buffer, length)) return true; m_position += length; return false; } /** Updates some bytes in the binlog file. If is only used for clearing LOG_EVENT_BINLOG_IN_USE_F. @param[in] buffer the data will be written @param[in] length the length of the data @param[in] offset the offset of the bytes will be updated @retval false Success @retval true Error */ bool update(const unsigned char *buffer, my_off_t length, my_off_t offset) { DBUG_ASSERT(m_pipeline_head != nullptr); return m_pipeline_head->seek(offset) || m_pipeline_head->write(buffer, length); } /** Truncates some data at the end of the binlog file. @param[in] offset where the binlog file will be truncated to. @retval false Success @retval true Error */ bool truncate(my_off_t offset) { DBUG_ASSERT(m_pipeline_head != nullptr); if (m_pipeline_head->truncate(offset)) return true; m_position = offset; return false; } bool flush() { return m_pipeline_head->flush(); } bool sync() { return m_pipeline_head->sync(); } bool flush_and_sync() { return flush() || sync(); } my_off_t position() { return m_position; } bool is_empty() { return position() == 0; } bool is_open() { return m_pipeline_head != nullptr; } /** Returns the encrypted header size of the binary log file. @retval 0 The file is not encrypted. @retval >0 The encryption header size. */ int get_encrypted_header_size() { return m_encrypted_header_size; } /** Returns the real file size. While position() returns the "file size" from the plain binary log events stream point of view, this function considers the encryption header when it exists. @return The real file size considering the encryption header. */ my_off_t get_real_file_size() { return m_position + m_encrypted_header_size; } /** Get the pipeline head. @retval Returns the pipeline head or nullptr. */ std::unique_ptr get_pipeline_head() { return std::move(m_pipeline_head); } /** Check if the log file is encrypted. @retval True if the log file is encrypted. @retval False if the log file is not encrypted. */ bool is_encrypted() { return m_encrypted; } /** Set that the log file is encrypted. */ void set_encrypted() { m_encrypted = true; } private: my_off_t m_position = 0; int m_encrypted_header_size = 0; std::unique_ptr m_pipeline_head; bool m_encrypted = false; }; /** Helper class to switch to a new thread and then go back to the previous one, when the object is destroyed using RAII. This class is used to temporarily switch to another session (THD structure). It will set up thread specific "globals" correctly so that the POSIX thread looks exactly like the session attached to. However, PSI_thread info is not touched as it is required to show the actual physial view in PFS instrumentation i.e., it should depict as the real thread doing the work instead of thread it switched to. On destruction, the original session (which is supplied to the constructor) will be re-attached automatically. For example, with this code, the value of @c current_thd will be the same before and after execution of the code. @code { for (int i = 0 ; i < count ; ++i) { // here we are attached to current_thd // [...] Thd_backup_and_restore switch_thd(current_thd, other_thd[i]); // [...] // here we are attached to other_thd[i] // [...] } // here we are attached to current_thd } @endcode @warning The class is not designed to be inherited from. */ class Thd_backup_and_restore { public: /** Try to attach the POSIX thread to a session. @param[in] backup_thd The thd to restore to when object is destructed. @param[in] new_thd The thd to attach to. */ Thd_backup_and_restore(THD *backup_thd, THD *new_thd) : m_backup_thd(backup_thd), m_new_thd(new_thd), m_new_thd_old_real_id(new_thd->real_id), m_new_thd_old_thread_stack(new_thd->thread_stack) { DBUG_ASSERT(m_backup_thd != nullptr && m_new_thd != nullptr); // Reset the state of the current thd. m_backup_thd->restore_globals(); m_new_thd->thread_stack = m_backup_thd->thread_stack; m_new_thd->store_globals(); } /** Restores to previous thd. */ ~Thd_backup_and_restore() { /* Restore the global variables of the thd we previously attached to, to its original state. In other words, detach the m_new_thd. */ m_new_thd->restore_globals(); m_new_thd->real_id = m_new_thd_old_real_id; m_new_thd->thread_stack = m_new_thd_old_thread_stack; // Reset the global variables to the original state. m_backup_thd->store_globals(); } private: THD *m_backup_thd; THD *m_new_thd; my_thread_t m_new_thd_old_real_id; const char *m_new_thd_old_thread_stack; }; /** Caches for non-transactional and transactional data before writing it to the binary log. @todo All the access functions for the flags suggest that the encapsuling is not done correctly, so try to move any logic that requires access to the flags into the cache. */ class binlog_cache_data { public: binlog_cache_data(bool trx_cache_arg, ulong *ptr_binlog_cache_use_arg, ulong *ptr_binlog_cache_disk_use_arg) : m_pending(nullptr), ptr_binlog_cache_use(ptr_binlog_cache_use_arg), ptr_binlog_cache_disk_use(ptr_binlog_cache_disk_use_arg) { flags.transactional = trx_cache_arg; } bool open(my_off_t cache_size, my_off_t max_cache_size) { return m_cache.open(cache_size, max_cache_size); } Binlog_cache_storage *get_cache() { return &m_cache; } int finalize(THD *thd, Log_event *end_event); int finalize(THD *thd, Log_event *end_event, XID_STATE *xs); int flush(THD *thd, my_off_t *bytes, bool *wrote_xid); int write_event(Log_event *event); size_t get_event_counter() { return event_counter; } virtual ~binlog_cache_data() { DBUG_ASSERT(is_binlog_empty()); m_cache.close(); } bool is_binlog_empty() const { DBUG_PRINT("debug", ("%s_cache - pending: 0x%llx, bytes: %llu", (flags.transactional ? "trx" : "stmt"), (ulonglong)pending(), (ulonglong)m_cache.length())); return pending() == nullptr && m_cache.is_empty(); } bool is_finalized() const { return flags.finalized; } Rows_log_event *pending() const { return m_pending; } void set_pending(Rows_log_event *const pending) { m_pending = pending; } void set_incident(void) { flags.incident = true; } bool has_incident(void) const { return flags.incident; } bool has_xid() const { // There should only be an XID event if we are transactional DBUG_ASSERT((flags.transactional && flags.with_xid) || !flags.with_xid); return flags.with_xid; } bool is_trx_cache() const { return flags.transactional; } my_off_t get_byte_position() const { return m_cache.length(); } void cache_state_checkpoint(my_off_t pos_to_checkpoint) { // We only need to store the cache state for pos > 0 if (pos_to_checkpoint) { cache_state state; state.with_rbr = flags.with_rbr; state.with_sbr = flags.with_sbr; state.with_start = flags.with_start; state.with_end = flags.with_end; state.with_content = flags.with_content; state.event_counter = event_counter; cache_state_map[pos_to_checkpoint] = state; } } void cache_state_rollback(my_off_t pos_to_rollback) { if (pos_to_rollback) { std::map::iterator it; it = cache_state_map.find(pos_to_rollback); if (it != cache_state_map.end()) { flags.with_rbr = it->second.with_rbr; flags.with_sbr = it->second.with_sbr; flags.with_start = it->second.with_start; flags.with_end = it->second.with_end; flags.with_content = it->second.with_content; event_counter = it->second.event_counter; } else DBUG_ASSERT(it == cache_state_map.end()); } // Rolling back to pos == 0 means cleaning up the cache. else { flags.with_rbr = false; flags.with_sbr = false; flags.with_start = false; flags.with_end = false; flags.with_content = false; event_counter = 0; } } /** Reset the cache to unused state when the transaction is finished. It drops all data in the cache and clears the flags of the transaction state. */ virtual void reset() { compute_statistics(); remove_pending_event(); if (m_cache.reset()) { LogErr(WARNING_LEVEL, ER_BINLOG_CANT_RESIZE_CACHE); } flags.incident = false; flags.with_xid = false; flags.immediate = false; flags.finalized = false; flags.with_sbr = false; flags.with_rbr = false; flags.with_start = false; flags.with_end = false; flags.with_content = false; /* The truncate function calls reinit_io_cache that calls my_b_flush_io_cache which may increase disk_writes. This breaks the disk_writes use by the binary log which aims to compute the ratio between in-memory cache usage and disk cache usage. To avoid this undesirable behavior, we reset the variable after truncating the cache. */ cache_state_map.clear(); event_counter = 0; DBUG_ASSERT(is_binlog_empty()); } /** Returns information about the cache content with respect to the binlog_format of the events. This will be used to set a flag on GTID_LOG_EVENT stating that the transaction may have SBR statements or not, but the binlog dump will show this flag as "rbr_only" when it is not set. That's why an empty transaction should return true below, or else an empty transaction would be assumed as "rbr_only" even not having RBR events. When dumping a binary log content using mysqlbinlog client program, for any transaction assumed as "rbr_only" it will be printed a statement changing the transaction isolation level to READ COMMITTED. It doesn't make sense to have an empty transaction "requiring" this isolation level change. @return true The cache have SBR events or is empty. @return false The cache contains a transaction with no SBR events. */ bool may_have_sbr_stmts() { return flags.with_sbr || !flags.with_rbr; } /** Check if the binlog cache contains an empty transaction, which has two binlog events "BEGIN" and "COMMIT". @return true The binlog cache contains an empty transaction. @return false Otherwise. */ bool has_empty_transaction() { /* The empty transaction has two events in trx/stmt binlog cache and no changes: one is a transaction start and other is a transaction end (there should be no SBR changing content and no RBR events). */ if (flags.with_start && // Has transaction start statement flags.with_end && // Has transaction end statement !flags.with_content) // Has no other content than START/END { DBUG_ASSERT(event_counter == 2); // Two events in the cache only DBUG_ASSERT(!flags.with_sbr); // No statements changing content DBUG_ASSERT(!flags.with_rbr); // No rows changing content DBUG_ASSERT(!flags.immediate); // Not a DDL DBUG_ASSERT( !flags.with_xid); // Not a XID trx and not an atomic DDL Query return true; } return false; } /** Check if the binlog cache is empty or contains an empty transaction, which has two binlog events "BEGIN" and "COMMIT". @return true The binlog cache is empty or contains an empty transaction. @return false Otherwise. */ bool is_empty_or_has_empty_transaction() { return is_binlog_empty() || has_empty_transaction(); } protected: /* This structure should have all cache variables/flags that should be restored when a ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT statement be executed. */ struct cache_state { bool with_sbr; bool with_rbr; bool with_start; bool with_end; bool with_content; size_t event_counter; }; /* For every SAVEPOINT used, we will store a cache_state for the current binlog cache position. So, if a ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT is used, we can restore the cache_state values after truncating the binlog cache. */ std::map cache_state_map; /* In order to compute the transaction size (because of possible extra checksum bytes), we need to keep track of how many events are in the binlog cache. */ size_t event_counter = 0; /* It truncates the cache to a certain position. This includes deleting the pending event. It corresponds to rollback statement or rollback to a savepoint. It doesn't change transaction state. */ void truncate(my_off_t pos) { DBUG_PRINT("info", ("truncating to position %lu", (ulong)pos)); remove_pending_event(); // TODO: check the return value. (void)m_cache.truncate(pos); } /** Flush pending event to the cache buffer. */ int flush_pending_event(THD *thd) { if (m_pending) { m_pending->set_flags(Rows_log_event::STMT_END_F); if (int error = write_event(m_pending)) return error; thd->clear_binlog_table_maps(); } return 0; } /** Remove the pending event. */ int remove_pending_event() { delete m_pending; m_pending = nullptr; return 0; } struct Flags { /* Defines if this is either a trx-cache or stmt-cache, respectively, a transactional or non-transactional cache. */ bool transactional : 1; /* This indicates that some events did not get into the cache and most likely it is corrupted. */ bool incident : 1; /* This indicates that the cache should be written without BEGIN/END. */ bool immediate : 1; /* This flag indicates that the buffer was finalized and has to be flushed to disk. */ bool finalized : 1; /* This indicates that either the cache contain an XID event, or it's an atomic DDL Query-log-event. In the latter case the flag is set up on the statement level, namely when the Query-log-event is cached at time the DDL transaction is not committing. The flag therefore gets reset when the cache is cleaned due to the statement rollback, e.g in case of a DDL post-caching execution error. Any statement scope flag among other things must consider its reset policy when the statement is rolled back. */ bool with_xid : 1; /* This indicates that the cache contain statements changing content. */ bool with_sbr : 1; /* This indicates that the cache contain RBR event changing content. */ bool with_rbr : 1; /* This indicates that the cache contain s transaction start statement. */ bool with_start : 1; /* This indicates that the cache contain a transaction end event. */ bool with_end : 1; /* This indicates that the cache contain content other than START/END. */ bool with_content : 1; } flags; private: /* Storage for byte data. This binlog_cache_data will serialize events into bytes and put them into m_cache. */ Binlog_cache_storage m_cache; /* Pending binrows event. This event is the event where the rows are currently written. */ Rows_log_event *m_pending; /** This function computes binlog cache and disk usage. */ void compute_statistics() { if (!is_binlog_empty()) { (*ptr_binlog_cache_use)++; if (m_cache.disk_writes() != 0) (*ptr_binlog_cache_disk_use)++; } } /* Stores a pointer to the status variable that keeps track of the in-memory cache usage. This corresponds to either . binlog_cache_use or binlog_stmt_cache_use. */ ulong *ptr_binlog_cache_use; /* Stores a pointer to the status variable that keeps track of the disk cache usage. This corresponds to either . binlog_cache_disk_use or binlog_stmt_cache_disk_use. */ ulong *ptr_binlog_cache_disk_use; binlog_cache_data &operator=(const binlog_cache_data &info); binlog_cache_data(const binlog_cache_data &info); }; class binlog_stmt_cache_data : public binlog_cache_data { public: binlog_stmt_cache_data(bool trx_cache_arg, ulong *ptr_binlog_cache_use_arg, ulong *ptr_binlog_cache_disk_use_arg) : binlog_cache_data(trx_cache_arg, ptr_binlog_cache_use_arg, ptr_binlog_cache_disk_use_arg) {} using binlog_cache_data::finalize; int finalize(THD *thd); }; int binlog_stmt_cache_data::finalize(THD *thd) { if (flags.immediate) { if (int error = finalize(thd, nullptr)) return error; } else { Query_log_event end_evt(thd, STRING_WITH_LEN("COMMIT"), false, false, true, 0, true); if (int error = finalize(thd, &end_evt)) return error; } return 0; } class binlog_trx_cache_data : public binlog_cache_data { public: binlog_trx_cache_data(bool trx_cache_arg, ulong *ptr_binlog_cache_use_arg, ulong *ptr_binlog_cache_disk_use_arg) : binlog_cache_data(trx_cache_arg, ptr_binlog_cache_use_arg, ptr_binlog_cache_disk_use_arg), m_cannot_rollback(false), before_stmt_pos(MY_OFF_T_UNDEF) {} void reset() { DBUG_TRACE; DBUG_PRINT("enter", ("before_stmt_pos: %llu", (ulonglong)before_stmt_pos)); m_cannot_rollback = false; before_stmt_pos = MY_OFF_T_UNDEF; binlog_cache_data::reset(); DBUG_PRINT("return", ("before_stmt_pos: %llu", (ulonglong)before_stmt_pos)); return; } bool cannot_rollback() const { return m_cannot_rollback; } void set_cannot_rollback() { m_cannot_rollback = true; } my_off_t get_prev_position() const { return before_stmt_pos; } void set_prev_position(my_off_t pos) { DBUG_TRACE; DBUG_PRINT("enter", ("before_stmt_pos: %llu", (ulonglong)before_stmt_pos)); before_stmt_pos = pos; cache_state_checkpoint(before_stmt_pos); DBUG_PRINT("return", ("before_stmt_pos: %llu", (ulonglong)before_stmt_pos)); return; } void restore_prev_position() { DBUG_TRACE; DBUG_PRINT("enter", ("before_stmt_pos: %llu", (ulonglong)before_stmt_pos)); binlog_cache_data::truncate(before_stmt_pos); cache_state_rollback(before_stmt_pos); before_stmt_pos = MY_OFF_T_UNDEF; /* Binlog statement rollback clears with_xid now as the atomic DDL statement marker which can be set as early as at event creation and caching. */ flags.with_xid = false; DBUG_PRINT("return", ("before_stmt_pos: %llu", (ulonglong)before_stmt_pos)); return; } void restore_savepoint(my_off_t pos) { DBUG_TRACE; DBUG_PRINT("enter", ("before_stmt_pos: %llu", (ulonglong)before_stmt_pos)); binlog_cache_data::truncate(pos); if (pos <= before_stmt_pos) before_stmt_pos = MY_OFF_T_UNDEF; cache_state_rollback(pos); DBUG_PRINT("return", ("before_stmt_pos: %llu", (ulonglong)before_stmt_pos)); return; } using binlog_cache_data::truncate; int truncate(THD *thd, bool all); private: /* It will be set true if any statement which cannot be rolled back safely is put in trx_cache. */ bool m_cannot_rollback; /* Binlog position before the start of the current statement. */ my_off_t before_stmt_pos; binlog_trx_cache_data &operator=(const binlog_trx_cache_data &info); binlog_trx_cache_data(const binlog_trx_cache_data &info); }; class binlog_cache_mngr { public: binlog_cache_mngr(ulong *ptr_binlog_stmt_cache_use_arg, ulong *ptr_binlog_stmt_cache_disk_use_arg, ulong *ptr_binlog_cache_use_arg, ulong *ptr_binlog_cache_disk_use_arg) : stmt_cache(false, ptr_binlog_stmt_cache_use_arg, ptr_binlog_stmt_cache_disk_use_arg), trx_cache(true, ptr_binlog_cache_use_arg, ptr_binlog_cache_disk_use_arg), has_logged_xid(false) {} bool init() { return stmt_cache.open(binlog_stmt_cache_size, max_binlog_stmt_cache_size) || trx_cache.open(binlog_cache_size, max_binlog_cache_size); } binlog_cache_data *get_binlog_cache_data(bool is_transactional) { if (is_transactional) return &trx_cache; else return &stmt_cache; } Binlog_cache_storage *get_stmt_cache() { return stmt_cache.get_cache(); } Binlog_cache_storage *get_trx_cache() { return trx_cache.get_cache(); } /** Convenience method to check if both caches are empty. */ bool is_binlog_empty() const { return stmt_cache.is_binlog_empty() && trx_cache.is_binlog_empty(); } /* clear stmt_cache and trx_cache if they are not empty */ void reset() { if (!stmt_cache.is_binlog_empty()) stmt_cache.reset(); if (!trx_cache.is_binlog_empty()) trx_cache.reset(); } #ifndef DBUG_OFF bool dbug_any_finalized() const { return stmt_cache.is_finalized() || trx_cache.is_finalized(); } #endif /* Convenience method to flush both caches to the binary log. @param bytes_written Pointer to variable that will be set to the number of bytes written for the flush. @param wrote_xid Pointer to variable that will be set to @c true if any XID event was written to the binary log. Otherwise, the variable will not be touched. @return Error code on error, zero if no error. */ int flush(THD *thd, my_off_t *bytes_written, bool *wrote_xid) { my_off_t stmt_bytes = 0; my_off_t trx_bytes = 0; DBUG_ASSERT(stmt_cache.has_xid() == 0); int error = stmt_cache.flush(thd, &stmt_bytes, wrote_xid); if (error) return error; DEBUG_SYNC(thd, "after_flush_stm_cache_before_flush_trx_cache"); if (int error = trx_cache.flush(thd, &trx_bytes, wrote_xid)) return error; *bytes_written = stmt_bytes + trx_bytes; return 0; } /** Check if at least one of transacaction and statement binlog caches contains an empty transaction, other one is empty or contains an empty transaction. @return true At least one of transacaction and statement binlog caches an empty transaction, other one is emptry or contains an empty transaction. @return false Otherwise. */ bool has_empty_transaction() { return (trx_cache.is_empty_or_has_empty_transaction() && stmt_cache.is_empty_or_has_empty_transaction() && !is_binlog_empty()); } binlog_stmt_cache_data stmt_cache; binlog_trx_cache_data trx_cache; /* The bool flag is for preventing do_binlog_xa_commit_rollback() execution twice which can happen for "external" xa commit/rollback. */ bool has_logged_xid; private: binlog_cache_mngr &operator=(const binlog_cache_mngr &info); binlog_cache_mngr(const binlog_cache_mngr &info); }; static binlog_cache_mngr *thd_get_cache_mngr(const THD *thd) { /* If opt_bin_log is not set, binlog_hton->slot == -1 and hence thd_get_ha_data(thd, hton) segfaults. */ DBUG_ASSERT(opt_bin_log); return (binlog_cache_mngr *)thd_get_ha_data(thd, binlog_hton); } /** Checks if the BINLOG_CACHE_SIZE's value is greater than MAX_BINLOG_CACHE_SIZE. If this happens, the BINLOG_CACHE_SIZE is set to MAX_BINLOG_CACHE_SIZE. */ void check_binlog_cache_size(THD *thd) { if (binlog_cache_size > max_binlog_cache_size) { if (thd) { push_warning_printf( thd, Sql_condition::SL_WARNING, ER_BINLOG_CACHE_SIZE_GREATER_THAN_MAX, ER_THD(thd, ER_BINLOG_CACHE_SIZE_GREATER_THAN_MAX), (ulong)binlog_cache_size, (ulong)max_binlog_cache_size); } else { LogErr(WARNING_LEVEL, ER_BINLOG_CACHE_SIZE_TOO_LARGE, binlog_cache_size, (ulong)max_binlog_cache_size); } binlog_cache_size = static_cast(max_binlog_cache_size); } } /** Checks if the BINLOG_STMT_CACHE_SIZE's value is greater than MAX_BINLOG_STMT_CACHE_SIZE. If this happens, the BINLOG_STMT_CACHE_SIZE is set to MAX_BINLOG_STMT_CACHE_SIZE. */ void check_binlog_stmt_cache_size(THD *thd) { if (binlog_stmt_cache_size > max_binlog_stmt_cache_size) { if (thd) { push_warning_printf( thd, Sql_condition::SL_WARNING, ER_BINLOG_STMT_CACHE_SIZE_GREATER_THAN_MAX, ER_THD(thd, ER_BINLOG_STMT_CACHE_SIZE_GREATER_THAN_MAX), (ulong)binlog_stmt_cache_size, (ulong)max_binlog_stmt_cache_size); } else { LogErr(WARNING_LEVEL, ER_BINLOG_STMT_CACHE_SIZE_TOO_LARGE, binlog_stmt_cache_size, (ulong)max_binlog_stmt_cache_size); } binlog_stmt_cache_size = static_cast(max_binlog_stmt_cache_size); } } /** Check whether binlog_hton has valid slot and enabled */ bool binlog_enabled() { return (binlog_hton && binlog_hton->slot != HA_SLOT_UNDEF); } /* Save position of binary log transaction cache. SYNPOSIS binlog_trans_log_savepos() thd The thread to take the binlog data from pos Pointer to variable where the position will be stored DESCRIPTION Save the current position in the binary log transaction cache into the variable pointed to by 'pos' */ static void binlog_trans_log_savepos(THD *thd, my_off_t *pos) { DBUG_TRACE; DBUG_ASSERT(pos != nullptr); binlog_cache_mngr *const cache_mngr = thd_get_cache_mngr(thd); DBUG_ASSERT(mysql_bin_log.is_open()); *pos = cache_mngr->trx_cache.get_byte_position(); DBUG_PRINT("return", ("position: %lu", (ulong)*pos)); cache_mngr->trx_cache.cache_state_checkpoint(*pos); } static int binlog_dummy_recover(handlerton *, XA_recover_txn *, uint, MEM_ROOT *) { return 0; } /** Auxiliary class to copy serialized events to the binary log and correct some of the fields that are not known until just before writing the event. This class allows feeding events in parts, so it is practical to use in do_write_cache() which reads events from an IO_CACHE where events may span mutiple cache pages. The following fields are fixed before writing the event: - end_log_pos is set - the checksum is computed if checksums are enabled - the length is incremented by the checksum size if checksums are enabled */ class Binlog_event_writer : public Basic_ostream { MYSQL_BIN_LOG::Binlog_ofile *m_binlog_file; bool have_checksum; ha_checksum initial_checksum; ha_checksum checksum; uint32 end_log_pos; uchar header[LOG_EVENT_HEADER_LEN]; my_off_t header_len = 0; uint32 event_len = 0; public: /** Constructs a new Binlog_event_writer. Should be called once before starting to flush the transaction or statement cache to the binlog. @param binlog_file to write to. */ Binlog_event_writer(MYSQL_BIN_LOG::Binlog_ofile *binlog_file) : m_binlog_file(binlog_file), have_checksum(binlog_checksum_options != binary_log::BINLOG_CHECKSUM_ALG_OFF), initial_checksum(my_checksum(0L, nullptr, 0)), checksum(initial_checksum), end_log_pos(binlog_file->position()) { // Simulate checksum error if (DBUG_EVALUATE_IF("fault_injection_crc_value", 1, 0)) checksum--; } void update_header() { event_len = uint4korr(header + EVENT_LEN_OFFSET); // Increase end_log_pos end_log_pos += event_len; // Update event length if it has checksum if (have_checksum) { int4store(header + EVENT_LEN_OFFSET, event_len + BINLOG_CHECKSUM_LEN); end_log_pos += BINLOG_CHECKSUM_LEN; } // Store end_log_pos int4store(header + LOG_POS_OFFSET, end_log_pos); // update the checksum if (have_checksum) checksum = my_checksum(checksum, header, header_len); } bool write(const unsigned char *buffer, my_off_t length) { DBUG_TRACE; while (length > 0) { /* Write event header into binlog */ if (event_len == 0) { /* data in the buf may be smaller than header size.*/ uint32 header_incr = std::min(LOG_EVENT_HEADER_LEN - header_len, length); memcpy(header + header_len, buffer, header_incr); header_len += header_incr; buffer += header_incr; length -= header_incr; if (header_len == LOG_EVENT_HEADER_LEN) { update_header(); if (m_binlog_file->write(header, header_len)) return true; event_len -= header_len; header_len = 0; } } else { my_off_t write_bytes = std::min(length, event_len); if (m_binlog_file->write(buffer, write_bytes)) return true; // update the checksum if (have_checksum) checksum = my_checksum(checksum, buffer, write_bytes); event_len -= write_bytes; length -= write_bytes; buffer += write_bytes; // The whole event is copied, now add the checksum if (have_checksum && event_len == 0) { uchar checksum_buf[BINLOG_CHECKSUM_LEN]; int4store(checksum_buf, checksum); if (m_binlog_file->write(checksum_buf, BINLOG_CHECKSUM_LEN)) return true; checksum = initial_checksum; } } } return false; } /** Returns true if per event checksum is enabled. */ bool is_checksum_enabled() { return have_checksum; } }; /* this function is mostly a placeholder. conceptually, binlog initialization (now mostly done in MYSQL_BIN_LOG::open) should be moved here. */ static int binlog_init(void *p) { binlog_hton = (handlerton *)p; binlog_hton->state = opt_bin_log ? SHOW_OPTION_YES : SHOW_OPTION_NO; binlog_hton->db_type = DB_TYPE_BINLOG; binlog_hton->savepoint_offset = sizeof(my_off_t); binlog_hton->close_connection = binlog_close_connection; binlog_hton->savepoint_set = binlog_savepoint_set; binlog_hton->savepoint_rollback = binlog_savepoint_rollback; binlog_hton->savepoint_rollback_can_release_mdl = binlog_savepoint_rollback_can_release_mdl; binlog_hton->commit = binlog_commit; binlog_hton->commit_by_xid = binlog_xa_commit; binlog_hton->rollback = binlog_rollback; binlog_hton->rollback_by_xid = binlog_xa_rollback; binlog_hton->prepare = binlog_prepare; binlog_hton->recover = binlog_dummy_recover; binlog_hton->flags = HTON_NOT_USER_SELECTABLE | HTON_HIDDEN; return 0; } static int binlog_deinit(void *) { /* Using binlog as TC after the binlog has been unloaded, won't work */ if (tc_log == &mysql_bin_log) tc_log = nullptr; binlog_hton = nullptr; return 0; } static int binlog_close_connection(handlerton *, THD *thd) { DBUG_TRACE; binlog_cache_mngr *const cache_mngr = thd_get_cache_mngr(thd); DBUG_ASSERT(cache_mngr->is_binlog_empty()); DBUG_PRINT("debug", ("Set ha_data slot %d to 0x%llx", binlog_hton->slot, (ulonglong) nullptr)); thd_set_ha_data(thd, binlog_hton, nullptr); cache_mngr->~binlog_cache_mngr(); my_free(cache_mngr); return 0; } int binlog_cache_data::write_event(Log_event *ev) { DBUG_TRACE; if (ev != nullptr) { DBUG_EXECUTE_IF("simulate_disk_full_at_flush_pending", { DBUG_SET("+d,simulate_file_write_error"); }); if (binary_event_serialize(ev, &m_cache)) { DBUG_EXECUTE_IF("simulate_disk_full_at_flush_pending", { DBUG_SET("-d,simulate_file_write_error"); DBUG_SET("-d,simulate_disk_full_at_flush_pending"); /* after +d,simulate_file_write_error the local cache is in unsane state. Since -d,simulate_file_write_error revokes the first simulation do_write_cache() can't be run without facing an assert. So it's blocked with the following 2nd simulation: */ DBUG_SET("+d,simulate_do_write_cache_failure"); }); return 1; } if (ev->get_type_code() == binary_log::XID_EVENT) flags.with_xid = true; if (ev->is_using_immediate_logging()) flags.immediate = true; /* DDL gets marked as xid-requiring at its caching. */ if (is_atomic_ddl_event(ev)) flags.with_xid = true; /* With respect to the event type being written */ if (ev->is_sbr_logging_format()) flags.with_sbr = true; if (ev->is_rbr_logging_format()) flags.with_rbr = true; /* With respect to empty transactions */ if (ev->starts_group()) flags.with_start = true; if (ev->ends_group()) flags.with_end = true; if (!ev->starts_group() && !ev->ends_group()) flags.with_content = true; event_counter++; DBUG_PRINT("debug", ("event_counter= %lu", static_cast(event_counter))); } return 0; } bool MYSQL_BIN_LOG::assign_automatic_gtids_to_flush_group(THD *first_seen) { DBUG_TRACE; bool error = false; bool is_global_sid_locked = false; rpl_sidno locked_sidno = 0; for (THD *head = first_seen; head; head = head->next_to_commit) { DBUG_ASSERT(head->variables.gtid_next.type != UNDEFINED_GTID); /* Generate GTID */ if (head->variables.gtid_next.type == AUTOMATIC_GTID) { if (!is_global_sid_locked) { global_sid_lock->rdlock(); is_global_sid_locked = true; } if (gtid_state->generate_automatic_gtid( head, head->get_transaction()->get_rpl_transaction_ctx()->get_sidno(), head->get_transaction()->get_rpl_transaction_ctx()->get_gno(), &locked_sidno) != RETURN_STATUS_OK) { head->commit_error = THD::CE_FLUSH_ERROR; error = true; } } else { DBUG_PRINT("info", ("thd->variables.gtid_next.type=%d " "thd->owned_gtid.sidno=%d", head->variables.gtid_next.type, head->owned_gtid.sidno)); if (head->variables.gtid_next.type == ASSIGNED_GTID) DBUG_ASSERT(head->owned_gtid.sidno > 0); else { DBUG_ASSERT(head->variables.gtid_next.type == ANONYMOUS_GTID); DBUG_ASSERT(head->owned_gtid.sidno == THD::OWNED_SIDNO_ANONYMOUS); } } } if (locked_sidno > 0) gtid_state->unlock_sidno(locked_sidno); if (is_global_sid_locked) global_sid_lock->unlock(); return error; } /** Write the Gtid_log_event to the binary log (prior to writing the statement or transaction cache). @param thd Thread that is committing. @param cache_data The cache that is flushing. @param writer The event will be written to this Binlog_event_writer object. @retval false Success. @retval true Error. */ bool MYSQL_BIN_LOG::write_gtid(THD *thd, binlog_cache_data *cache_data, Binlog_event_writer *writer) { DBUG_TRACE; /* The GTID for the THD was assigned at assign_automatic_gtids_to_flush_group() */ DBUG_ASSERT(thd->owned_gtid.sidno == THD::OWNED_SIDNO_ANONYMOUS || thd->owned_gtid.sidno > 0); int64 sequence_number, last_committed; /* Generate logical timestamps for MTS */ m_dependency_tracker.get_dependency(thd, sequence_number, last_committed); /* In case both the transaction cache and the statement cache are non-empty, both will be flushed in sequence and logged as different transactions. Then the second transaction must only be executed after the first one has committed. Therefore, we need to set last_committed for the second transaction equal to last_committed for the first transaction. This is done in binlog_cache_data::flush. binlog_cache_data::flush uses the condition trn_ctx->last_committed==SEQ_UNINIT to detect this situation, hence the need to set it here. */ thd->get_transaction()->last_committed = SEQ_UNINIT; /* For delayed replication and also for the purpose of lag monitoring, we assume that the commit timestamp of the transaction is the time of executing this code (the time of writing the Gtid_log_event to the binary log). */ ulonglong immediate_commit_timestamp = my_micro_time(); /* When the original_commit_timestamp session variable is set to a value other than UNDEFINED_COMMIT_TIMESTAMP, it means that either the timestamp is known ( > 0 ) or the timestamp is not known ( == 0 ). */ ulonglong original_commit_timestamp = thd->variables.original_commit_timestamp; /* When original_commit_timestamp == UNDEFINED_COMMIT_TIMESTAMP, we assume that: a) it is not known if this thread is a slave applier ( = 0 ); b) this is a new transaction ( = immediate_commit_timestamp); */ if (original_commit_timestamp == UNDEFINED_COMMIT_TIMESTAMP) { /* When applying a transaction using replication, assume that the original commit timestamp is not known (the transaction wasn't originated on the current server). */ if (thd->slave_thread || thd->is_binlog_applier()) { original_commit_timestamp = 0; } else /* Assume that this transaction is original from this server */ { DBUG_EXECUTE_IF("rpl_invalid_gtid_timestamp", // add one our to the commit timestamps immediate_commit_timestamp += 3600000000;); original_commit_timestamp = immediate_commit_timestamp; } } else { // Clear the session variable to have cleared states for next transaction. thd->variables.original_commit_timestamp = UNDEFINED_COMMIT_TIMESTAMP; } if (thd->slave_thread) { // log warning if the replication timestamps are invalid if (original_commit_timestamp > immediate_commit_timestamp && !thd->rli_slave->get_c_rli()->gtid_timestamps_warning_logged) { LogErr(WARNING_LEVEL, ER_INVALID_REPLICATION_TIMESTAMPS); thd->rli_slave->get_c_rli()->gtid_timestamps_warning_logged = true; } else { if (thd->rli_slave->get_c_rli()->gtid_timestamps_warning_logged && original_commit_timestamp <= immediate_commit_timestamp) { LogErr(WARNING_LEVEL, ER_RPL_TIMESTAMPS_RETURNED_TO_NORMAL); thd->rli_slave->get_c_rli()->gtid_timestamps_warning_logged = false; } } } uint32_t trx_immediate_server_version = do_server_version_int(::server_version); // Clear the session variable to have cleared states for next transaction. thd->variables.immediate_server_version = UNDEFINED_SERVER_VERSION; DBUG_EXECUTE_IF("fixed_server_version", trx_immediate_server_version = 888888;); DBUG_EXECUTE_IF("gr_fixed_server_version", trx_immediate_server_version = 777777;); /* When the original_server_version session variable is set to a value other than UNDEFINED_SERVER_VERSION, it means that either the server version is known or the server_version is not known (UNKNOWN_SERVER_VERSION). */ uint32_t trx_original_server_version = thd->variables.original_server_version; /* When original_server_version == UNDEFINED_SERVER_VERSION, we assume that: a) it is not known if this thread is a slave applier ( = 0 ); b) this is a new transaction ( = ::server_version); */ if (trx_original_server_version == UNDEFINED_SERVER_VERSION) { /* When applying a transaction using replication, assume that the original server version is not known (the transaction wasn't originated on the current server). */ if (thd->slave_thread || thd->is_binlog_applier()) { trx_original_server_version = UNKNOWN_SERVER_VERSION; } else /* Assume that this transaction is original from this server */ { trx_original_server_version = trx_immediate_server_version; } } else { // Clear the session variable to have cleared states for next transaction. thd->variables.original_server_version = UNDEFINED_SERVER_VERSION; } /* Generate and write the Gtid_log_event. */ Gtid_log_event gtid_event( thd, cache_data->is_trx_cache(), last_committed, sequence_number, cache_data->may_have_sbr_stmts(), original_commit_timestamp, immediate_commit_timestamp, trx_original_server_version, trx_immediate_server_version); // Set the transaction length, based on cache info gtid_event.set_trx_length_by_cache_size(cache_data->get_byte_position(), writer->is_checksum_enabled(), cache_data->get_event_counter()); DBUG_PRINT("debug", ("cache_data->get_byte_position()= %llu", cache_data->get_byte_position())); DBUG_PRINT("debug", ("cache_data->get_event_counter()= %lu", static_cast(cache_data->get_event_counter()))); DBUG_PRINT("debug", ("writer->is_checksum_enabled()= %s", YESNO(writer->is_checksum_enabled()))); DBUG_PRINT("debug", ("gtid_event.get_event_length()= %lu", static_cast(gtid_event.get_event_length()))); DBUG_PRINT("info", ("transaction_length= %llu", gtid_event.transaction_length)); bool ret = gtid_event.write(writer); return ret; } int MYSQL_BIN_LOG::gtid_end_transaction(THD *thd) { DBUG_TRACE; DBUG_PRINT("info", ("query=%s", thd->query().str)); if (thd->owned_gtid.sidno > 0) { DBUG_ASSERT(thd->variables.gtid_next.type == ASSIGNED_GTID); if (!opt_bin_log || (thd->slave_thread && !opt_log_slave_updates)) { /* If the binary log is disabled for this thread (either by log_bin=0 or sql_log_bin=0 or by log_slave_updates=0 for a slave thread), then the statement must not be written to the binary log. In this case, we just save the GTID into the table directly. (This only happens for DDL, since DML will save the GTID into table and release ownership inside ha_commit_trans.) */ if (gtid_state->save(thd) != 0) { gtid_state->update_on_rollback(thd); return 1; } else gtid_state->update_on_commit(thd); } else { /* If statement is supposed to be written to binlog, we write it to the binary log. Inserting into table and releasing ownership will be done in the binlog commit handler. */ /* thd->cache_mngr may be uninitialized if the first transaction executed by the client is empty. */ if (thd->binlog_setup_trx_data()) return 1; binlog_cache_data *cache_data = &thd_get_cache_mngr(thd)->trx_cache; // Generate BEGIN event Query_log_event qinfo(thd, STRING_WITH_LEN("BEGIN"), true, false, true, 0, true); DBUG_ASSERT(!qinfo.is_using_immediate_logging()); /* Write BEGIN event and then commit (which will generate commit event and Gtid_log_event) */ DBUG_PRINT("debug", ("Writing to trx_cache")); if (cache_data->write_event(&qinfo) || mysql_bin_log.commit(thd, true)) return 1; } } else if (thd->owned_gtid.sidno == THD::OWNED_SIDNO_ANONYMOUS || /* A transaction with an empty owned gtid should call end_gtid_violating_transaction(...) to clear the flag thd->has_gtid_consistency_violatoin in case it is set. It missed the clear in ordered_commit, because its binlog transaction cache is empty. */ thd->has_gtid_consistency_violation) { gtid_state->update_on_commit(thd); } else if (thd->variables.gtid_next.type == ASSIGNED_GTID && thd->owned_gtid_is_empty()) { DBUG_ASSERT(thd->has_gtid_consistency_violation == false); gtid_state->update_on_commit(thd); } return 0; } bool MYSQL_BIN_LOG::reencrypt_logs() { DBUG_TRACE; if (!is_open()) return false; std::string error_message; /* Gather the set of files to be accessed. */ list filename_list; LOG_INFO linfo; int error = 0; list::reverse_iterator rit; /* Read binary/relay log file names from index file. */ mysql_mutex_lock(&LOCK_index); for (error = find_log_pos(&linfo, nullptr, false); !error; error = find_next_log(&linfo, false)) { filename_list.push_back(string(linfo.log_file_name)); } mysql_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_index); if (error != LOG_INFO_EOF || DBUG_EVALUATE_IF("fail_to_open_index_file", true, false)) { error_message.assign("I/O error reading index file '"); error_message.append(index_file_name); error_message.append("'"); goto err; } rit = filename_list.rbegin(); /* Skip the last binary/relay log. */ if (rit != filename_list.rend()) rit++; /* Iterate backwards through binary/relay logs. */ while (rit != filename_list.rend()) { const char *filename = rit->c_str(); DBUG_EXECUTE_IF("purge_logs_during_reencryption", { purge_logs(filename, true, true /*need_lock_index=true*/, true /*need_update_threads=true*/, nullptr, false); }); MUTEX_LOCK(lock, &LOCK_index); std::unique_ptr ofile( Binlog_ofile::open_existing(key_file_binlog, filename, MYF(MY_WME))); if (ofile == nullptr || DBUG_EVALUATE_IF("fail_to_open_log_file", true, false) || DBUG_EVALUATE_IF("fail_to_read_index_file", true, false)) { /* If we can not open the log file, check if it exists in index file. */ error = find_log_pos(&linfo, filename, false); DBUG_EXECUTE_IF("fail_to_read_index_file", error = LOG_INFO_IO;); if (error == LOG_INFO_EOF) { /* If it does not exist in index file, re-encryption has finished. */ if (current_thd->is_error()) current_thd->clear_error(); break; } else if (error == 0) { /* If it exists in index file, failed to open the log file. */ error_message.assign("Failed to open log file '"); error_message.append(filename); error_message.append("'"); goto err; } else if (error == LOG_INFO_IO) { /* Failed to read index file. */ error_message.assign("I/O error reading index file '"); error_message.append(index_file_name); error_message.append("'"); goto err; } } if (ofile->is_encrypted()) { std::unique_ptr pipeline_head = ofile->get_pipeline_head(); std::unique_ptr binlog_encryption_ostream( down_cast(pipeline_head.release())); auto ret_value = binlog_encryption_ostream->reencrypt(); if (ret_value.first) { error_message.assign("Failed to re-encrypt log file '"); error_message.append(filename); error_message.append("': "); error_message.append(ret_value.second.c_str()); goto err; } } rit++; } filename_list.clear(); return false; err: if (current_thd->is_error()) current_thd->clear_error(); my_error(ER_BINLOG_MASTER_KEY_ROTATION_FAIL_TO_REENCRYPT_LOG, MYF(0), error_message.c_str()); filename_list.clear(); return true; } /** This function finalizes the cache preparing for commit or rollback. The function just writes all the necessary events to the cache but does not flush the data to the binary log file. That is the role of the binlog_cache_data::flush function. @see binlog_cache_data::flush @param thd The thread whose transaction should be flushed @param end_event The end event either commit/rollback @return nonzero if an error pops up when flushing the cache. */ int binlog_cache_data::finalize(THD *thd, Log_event *end_event) { DBUG_TRACE; if (!is_binlog_empty()) { DBUG_ASSERT(!flags.finalized); if (int error = flush_pending_event(thd)) return error; if (int error = write_event(end_event)) return error; flags.finalized = true; DBUG_PRINT("debug", ("flags.finalized: %s", YESNO(flags.finalized))); } return 0; } /** The method writes XA END query to XA-prepared transaction's cache and calls the "basic" finalize(). @return error code, 0 success */ int binlog_cache_data::finalize(THD *thd, Log_event *end_event, XID_STATE *xs) { int error = 0; char buf[XID::ser_buf_size]; char query[sizeof("XA END") + 1 + sizeof(buf)]; int qlen = sprintf(query, "XA END %s", xs->get_xid()->serialize(buf)); Query_log_event qev(thd, query, qlen, true, false, true, 0); if ((error = write_event(&qev))) return error; return finalize(thd, end_event); } /** Flush caches to the binary log. If the cache is finalized, the cache will be flushed to the binary log file. If the cache is not finalized, nothing will be done. If flushing fails for any reason, an error will be reported and the cache will be reset. Flushing can fail in two circumstances: - It was not possible to write the cache to the file. In this case, it does not make sense to keep the cache. - The cache was successfully written to disk but post-flush actions (such as binary log rotation) failed. In this case, the cache is already written to disk and there is no reason to keep it. @see binlog_cache_data::finalize */ int binlog_cache_data::flush(THD *thd, my_off_t *bytes_written, bool *wrote_xid) { /* Doing a commit or a rollback including non-transactional tables, i.e., ending a transaction where we might write the transaction cache to the binary log. We can always end the statement when ending a transaction since transactions are not allowed inside stored functions. If they were, we would have to ensure that we're not ending a statement inside a stored function. */ DBUG_TRACE; DBUG_PRINT("debug", ("flags.finalized: %s", YESNO(flags.finalized))); int error = 0; if (flags.finalized) { my_off_t bytes_in_cache = m_cache.length(); Transaction_ctx *trn_ctx = thd->get_transaction(); DBUG_PRINT("debug", ("bytes_in_cache: %llu", bytes_in_cache)); trn_ctx->sequence_number = mysql_bin_log.m_dependency_tracker.step(); /* In case of two caches the transaction is split into two groups. The 2nd group is considered to be a successor of the 1st rather than to have a common commit parent with it. Notice that due to a simple method of detection that the current is the 2nd cache being flushed, the very first few transactions may be logged sequentially (a next one is tagged as if a preceding one is its commit parent). */ if (trn_ctx->last_committed == SEQ_UNINIT) trn_ctx->last_committed = trn_ctx->sequence_number - 1; /* The GTID is written prior to flushing the statement cache, if the transaction has written to the statement cache; and prior to flushing the transaction cache if the transaction has written to the transaction cache. If GTIDs are enabled, then transactional and non-transactional updates cannot be mixed, so at most one of the caches can be non-empty, so just one GTID will be generated. If GTIDs are disabled, then no GTID is generated at all; if both the transactional cache and the statement cache are non-empty then we get two Anonymous_gtid_log_events, which is correct. */ Binlog_event_writer writer(mysql_bin_log.get_binlog_file()); /* The GTID ownership process might set the commit_error */ error = (thd->commit_error == THD::CE_FLUSH_ERROR); DBUG_EXECUTE_IF("simulate_binlog_flush_error", { if (rand() % 3 == 0) { thd->commit_error = THD::CE_FLUSH_ERROR; } };); if (!error) if ((error = mysql_bin_log.write_gtid(thd, this, &writer))) thd->commit_error = THD::CE_FLUSH_ERROR; if (!error) error = mysql_bin_log.write_cache(thd, this, &writer); if (flags.with_xid && error == 0) *wrote_xid = true; /* Reset have to be after the if above, since it clears the with_xid flag */ reset(); if (bytes_written) *bytes_written = bytes_in_cache; } DBUG_ASSERT(!flags.finalized); return error; } /** This function truncates the transactional cache upon committing or rolling back either a transaction or a statement. @param thd The thread whose transaction should be flushed @param all @c true means truncate the transaction, otherwise the statement must be truncated. @return nonzero if an error pops up when truncating the transactional cache. */ int binlog_trx_cache_data::truncate(THD *thd, bool all) { DBUG_TRACE; int error = 0; DBUG_PRINT("info", ("thd->options={ %s %s}, transaction: %s", FLAGSTR(thd->variables.option_bits, OPTION_NOT_AUTOCOMMIT), FLAGSTR(thd->variables.option_bits, OPTION_BEGIN), all ? "all" : "stmt")); remove_pending_event(); /* If rolling back an entire transaction or a single statement not inside a transaction, we reset the transaction cache. Even though formally the atomic DDL statement may not end multi-statement transaction the cache needs full resetting as there must be no other data in it but belonging to the DDL. */ if (ending_trans(thd, all)) { if (has_incident()) { const char *err_msg = "Error happend while resetting the transaction " "cache for a rolled back transaction or a single " "statement not inside a transaction."; error = mysql_bin_log.write_incident(thd, true /*need_lock_log=true*/, err_msg); } reset(); } /* If rolling back a statement in a transaction, we truncate the transaction cache to remove the statement. */ else if (get_prev_position() != MY_OFF_T_UNDEF) restore_prev_position(); thd->clear_binlog_table_maps(); return error; } inline enum xa_option_words get_xa_opt(THD *thd) { enum xa_option_words xa_opt = XA_NONE; switch (thd->lex->sql_command) { case SQLCOM_XA_COMMIT: xa_opt = static_cast(thd->lex->m_sql_cmd)->get_xa_opt(); break; default: break; } return xa_opt; } /** Predicate function yields true when XA transaction is being logged having a proper state ready for prepare or commit in one phase. @param thd THD pointer of running transaction @return true When the being prepared transaction should be binlogged, false otherwise. */ inline bool is_loggable_xa_prepare(THD *thd) { /* simulate_commit_failure is doing a trick with XID_STATE while the ongoing transaction is not XA, and therefore to be errored out, asserted below. In that case because of the latter fact the function returns @c false. */ DBUG_EXECUTE_IF("simulate_commit_failure", { XID_STATE *xs = thd->get_transaction()->xid_state(); DBUG_ASSERT((thd->is_error() && xs->get_state() == XID_STATE::XA_IDLE) || xs->get_state() == XID_STATE::XA_NOTR); }); return DBUG_EVALUATE_IF( "simulate_commit_failure", false, thd->get_transaction()->xid_state()->has_state(XID_STATE::XA_IDLE)); } static int binlog_prepare(handlerton *, THD *thd, bool all) { DBUG_TRACE; if (!all) { thd->get_transaction()->store_commit_parent( mysql_bin_log.m_dependency_tracker.get_max_committed_timestamp()); } return all && is_loggable_xa_prepare(thd) ? mysql_bin_log.commit(thd, true) : 0; } /** Logging XA commit/rollback of a prepared transaction. The function is called at XA-commit or XA-rollback logging via two paths: the recovered-or-slave-applier or immediately through the XA-prepared transaction connection itself. It fills in appropiate event in the statement cache whenever xid state is marked with is_binlogged() flag that indicates the prepared part of the transaction must've been logged. About early returns from the function. In the recovered-or-slave-applier case the function may be called for the 2nd time, which has_logged_xid monitors. ONE_PHASE option to XA-COMMIT is handled to skip writing XA-commit event now. And the final early return check is for the read-only XA that is not to be logged. @param thd THD handle @param xid a pointer to XID object that is serialized @param commit when @c true XA-COMMIT is to be logged, and @c false when it's XA-ROLLBACK. @return error code, 0 success */ inline int do_binlog_xa_commit_rollback(THD *thd, XID *xid, bool commit) { DBUG_ASSERT(thd->lex->sql_command == SQLCOM_XA_COMMIT || thd->lex->sql_command == SQLCOM_XA_ROLLBACK); XID_STATE *xid_state = thd->get_transaction()->xid_state(); binlog_cache_mngr *cache_mngr = thd_get_cache_mngr(thd); if (cache_mngr != nullptr && cache_mngr->has_logged_xid) return 0; if (get_xa_opt(thd) == XA_ONE_PHASE) return 0; if (!xid_state->is_binlogged()) return 0; // nothing was really logged at prepare if (thd->is_error() && DBUG_EVALUATE_IF("simulate_xa_rm_error", 0, 1)) return 0; // don't binlog if there are some errors. DBUG_ASSERT(!xid->is_null() || !(thd->variables.option_bits & OPTION_BIN_LOG)); char buf[XID::ser_buf_size]; char query[(sizeof("XA ROLLBACK")) + 1 + sizeof(buf)]; int qlen = sprintf(query, "XA %s %s", commit ? "COMMIT" : "ROLLBACK", xid->serialize(buf)); Query_log_event qinfo(thd, query, qlen, false, true, true, 0, false); return mysql_bin_log.write_event(&qinfo); } /** Logging XA commit/rollback of a prepared transaction in the case it was disconnected and resumed (recovered), or executed by a slave applier. @param thd THD handle @param xid a pointer to XID object @param commit when @c true XA-COMMIT is logged, otherwise XA-ROLLBACK @return error code, 0 success */ inline xa_status_code binlog_xa_commit_or_rollback(THD *thd, XID *xid, bool commit) { int error = 0; #ifndef DBUG_OFF binlog_cache_mngr *cache_mngr = thd_get_cache_mngr(thd); DBUG_ASSERT(!cache_mngr || !cache_mngr->has_logged_xid); #endif if (!(error = do_binlog_xa_commit_rollback(thd, xid, commit))) { /* Error can't be propagated naturally via result. A grand-caller has to access to it through thd's da. todo: Bug #20488921 ERROR PROPAGATION DOES FULLY WORK IN XA stands in the way of implementing a failure simulation for XA PREPARE/COMMIT/ROLLBACK. */ binlog_cache_mngr *cache_mngr = thd_get_cache_mngr(thd); if (cache_mngr) cache_mngr->has_logged_xid = true; if (commit) error = mysql_bin_log.commit(thd, true); else error = mysql_bin_log.rollback(thd, true); if (cache_mngr) cache_mngr->has_logged_xid = false; } return error == TC_LOG::RESULT_SUCCESS ? XA_OK : XAER_RMERR; } static xa_status_code binlog_xa_commit(handlerton *, XID *xid) { return binlog_xa_commit_or_rollback(current_thd, xid, true); } static xa_status_code binlog_xa_rollback(handlerton *, XID *xid) { return binlog_xa_commit_or_rollback(current_thd, xid, false); } /** When a fatal error occurs due to which binary logging becomes impossible and the user specified binlog_error_action= ABORT_SERVER the following function is invoked. This function pushes the appropriate error message to client and logs the same to server error log and then aborts the server. @param err_string Error string which specifies the exact error message from the caller. @retval none */ static void exec_binlog_error_action_abort(const char *err_string) { THD *thd = current_thd; /* When the code enters here it means that there was an error at higher layer and my_error function could have been invoked to let the client know what went wrong during the execution. But these errors will not let the client know that the server is going to abort. Even if we add an additional my_error function call at this point client will be able to see only the first error message that was set during the very first invocation of my_error function call. The advantage of having multiple my_error function calls are visible when the server is up and running and user issues SHOW WARNINGS or SHOW ERROR calls. In this special scenario server will be immediately aborted and user will not be able execute the above SHOW commands. Hence we clear the previous errors and push one critical error message to clients. */ if (thd) { if (thd->is_error()) thd->clear_error(); /* Send error to both client and to the server error log. */ my_error(ER_BINLOG_LOGGING_IMPOSSIBLE, MYF(ME_FATALERROR), err_string); } LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_BINLOG_LOGGING_NOT_POSSIBLE, err_string); flush_error_log_messages(); if (thd) thd->send_statement_status(); abort(); } /** This function is called once after each statement. @todo This function is currently not used any more and will eventually be eliminated. The real commit job is done in the MYSQL_BIN_LOG::commit function. @see MYSQL_BIN_LOG::commit @see handlerton::commit */ static int binlog_commit(handlerton *, THD *, bool) { DBUG_TRACE; /* Nothing to do (any more) on commit. */ return 0; } /** This function is called when a transaction or a statement is rolled back. @internal It is necessary to execute a rollback here if the transaction was rolled back because of executing a ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT command, but it is not used for normal rollback since MYSQL_BIN_LOG::rollback is called in that case. @todo Refactor code to introduce a MYSQL_BIN_LOG::rollback(THD *thd, SAVEPOINT *sv) function in @c TC_LOG and have that function execute the necessary work to rollback to a savepoint. @param thd The client thread that executes the transaction. @param all This is @c true if this is a real transaction rollback, and @false otherwise. @see handlerton::rollback */ static int binlog_rollback(handlerton *, THD *thd, bool all) { DBUG_TRACE; int error = 0; if (thd->lex->sql_command == SQLCOM_ROLLBACK_TO_SAVEPOINT) error = mysql_bin_log.rollback(thd, all); return error; } bool Stage_manager::Mutex_queue::append(THD *first) { DBUG_TRACE; lock(); DBUG_PRINT("enter", ("first: 0x%llx", (ulonglong)first)); DBUG_PRINT("info", ("m_first: 0x%llx, &m_first: 0x%llx, m_last: 0x%llx", (ulonglong)m_first, (ulonglong)&m_first, (ulonglong)m_last)); int32 count = 1; bool empty = (m_first == nullptr); *m_last = first; DBUG_PRINT("info", ("m_first: 0x%llx, &m_first: 0x%llx, m_last: 0x%llx", (ulonglong)m_first, (ulonglong)&m_first, (ulonglong)m_last)); /* Go to the last THD instance of the list. We expect lists to be moderately short. If they are not, we need to track the end of the queue as well. */ while (first->next_to_commit) { count++; first = first->next_to_commit; } m_size += count; m_last = &first->next_to_commit; DBUG_PRINT("info", ("m_first: 0x%llx, &m_first: 0x%llx, m_last: 0x%llx", (ulonglong)m_first, (ulonglong)&m_first, (ulonglong)m_last)); DBUG_ASSERT(m_first || m_last == &m_first); DBUG_PRINT("return", ("empty: %s", YESNO(empty))); unlock(); return empty; } std::pair Stage_manager::Mutex_queue::pop_front() { DBUG_TRACE; lock(); THD *result = m_first; bool more = true; /* We do not set next_to_commit to NULL here since this is only used in the flush stage. We will have to call fetch_queue last here, and will then "cut" the linked list by setting the end of that queue to NULL. */ if (result) m_first = result->next_to_commit; if (m_first == nullptr) { more = false; m_last = &m_first; } DBUG_ASSERT(m_size.load() > 0); --m_size; DBUG_ASSERT(m_first || m_last == &m_first); unlock(); DBUG_PRINT("return", ("result: 0x%llx, more: %s", (ulonglong)result, YESNO(more))); return std::make_pair(more, result); } bool Stage_manager::enroll_for(StageID stage, THD *thd, mysql_mutex_t *stage_mutex) { // If the queue was empty: we're the leader for this batch DBUG_PRINT("debug", ("Enqueue 0x%llx to queue for stage %d", (ulonglong)thd, stage)); bool leader = m_queue[stage].append(thd); if (stage == FLUSH_STAGE && has_commit_order_manager(thd)) { Slave_worker *worker = dynamic_cast(thd->rli_slave); Commit_order_manager *mngr = worker->get_commit_order_manager(); mngr->unregister_trx(worker); } /* We do not need to unlock the stage_mutex if it is LOCK_log when rotating binlog caused by logging incident log event, since it should be held always during rotation. */ bool need_unlock_stage_mutex = !(mysql_bin_log.is_rotating_caused_by_incident && stage_mutex == mysql_bin_log.get_log_lock()); /* The stage mutex can be NULL if we are enrolling for the first stage. */ if (stage_mutex && need_unlock_stage_mutex) mysql_mutex_unlock(stage_mutex); #ifndef DBUG_OFF DBUG_PRINT("info", ("This is a leader thread: %d (0=n 1=y)", leader)); DEBUG_SYNC(thd, "after_enrolling_for_stage"); switch (stage) { case Stage_manager::FLUSH_STAGE: DEBUG_SYNC(thd, "bgc_after_enrolling_for_flush_stage"); break; case Stage_manager::SYNC_STAGE: DEBUG_SYNC(thd, "bgc_after_enrolling_for_sync_stage"); break; case Stage_manager::COMMIT_STAGE: DEBUG_SYNC(thd, "bgc_after_enrolling_for_commit_stage"); break; default: // not reached DBUG_ASSERT(0); } DBUG_EXECUTE_IF("assert_leader", DBUG_ASSERT(leader);); DBUG_EXECUTE_IF("assert_follower", DBUG_ASSERT(!leader);); #endif /* If the queue was not empty, we're a follower and wait for the leader to process the queue. If we were holding a mutex, we have to release it before going to sleep. */ if (!leader) { mysql_mutex_lock(&m_lock_done); #ifndef DBUG_OFF /* Leader can be awaiting all-clear to preempt follower's execution. With setting the status the follower ensures it won't execute anything including thread-specific code. */ thd->get_transaction()->m_flags.ready_preempt = 1; if (leader_await_preempt_status) mysql_cond_signal(&m_cond_preempt); #endif while (thd->tx_commit_pending) mysql_cond_wait(&m_cond_done, &m_lock_done); mysql_mutex_unlock(&m_lock_done); } return leader; } THD *Stage_manager::Mutex_queue::fetch_and_empty() { DBUG_TRACE; lock(); DBUG_PRINT("enter", ("m_first: 0x%llx, &m_first: 0x%llx, m_last: 0x%llx", (ulonglong)m_first, (ulonglong)&m_first, (ulonglong)m_last)); THD *result = m_first; m_first = nullptr; m_last = &m_first; DBUG_PRINT("info", ("m_first: 0x%llx, &m_first: 0x%llx, m_last: 0x%llx", (ulonglong)m_first, (ulonglong)&m_first, (ulonglong)m_last)); DBUG_PRINT("info", ("fetched queue of %d transactions", m_size.load())); DBUG_PRINT("return", ("result: 0x%llx", (ulonglong)result)); DBUG_ASSERT(m_size.load() >= 0); m_size.store(0); unlock(); return result; } void Stage_manager::wait_count_or_timeout(ulong count, long usec, StageID stage) { long to_wait = DBUG_EVALUATE_IF("bgc_set_infinite_delay", LONG_MAX, usec); /* For testing purposes while waiting for inifinity to arrive, we keep checking the queue size at regular, small intervals. Otherwise, waiting 0.1 * infinite is too long. */ long delta = DBUG_EVALUATE_IF("bgc_set_infinite_delay", 100000, max(1, (to_wait * 0.1))); while ( to_wait > 0 && (count == 0 || static_cast(m_queue[stage].get_size()) < count)) { #ifndef DBUG_OFF if (current_thd) DEBUG_SYNC(current_thd, "bgc_wait_count_or_timeout"); #endif my_sleep(delta); to_wait -= delta; } } void Stage_manager::signal_done(THD *queue) { mysql_mutex_lock(&m_lock_done); for (THD *thd = queue; thd; thd = thd->next_to_commit) thd->tx_commit_pending = false; mysql_mutex_unlock(&m_lock_done); mysql_cond_broadcast(&m_cond_done); } #ifndef DBUG_OFF void Stage_manager::clear_preempt_status(THD *head) { DBUG_ASSERT(head); mysql_mutex_lock(&m_lock_done); while (!head->get_transaction()->m_flags.ready_preempt) { leader_await_preempt_status = true; mysql_cond_wait(&m_cond_preempt, &m_lock_done); } leader_await_preempt_status = false; mysql_mutex_unlock(&m_lock_done); } #endif /** Write a rollback record of the transaction to the binary log. For binary log group commit, the rollback is separated into three parts: 1. First part consists of filling the necessary caches and finalizing them (if they need to be finalized). After a cache is finalized, nothing can be added to the cache. 2. Second part execute an ordered flush and commit. This will be done using the group commit functionality in @c ordered_commit. Since we roll back the transaction early, we call @c ordered_commit with the @c skip_commit flag set. The @c ha_commit_low call inside @c ordered_commit will then not be called. 3. Third part checks any errors resulting from the flush and handles them appropriately. @see MYSQL_BIN_LOG::ordered_commit @see ha_commit_low @see ha_rollback_low @param thd Session to commit @param all This is @c true if this is a real transaction rollback, and @c false otherwise. @return Error code, or zero if there were no error. */ int MYSQL_BIN_LOG::rollback(THD *thd, bool all) { int error = 0; bool stuff_logged = false; binlog_cache_mngr *cache_mngr = thd_get_cache_mngr(thd); bool is_empty = false; DBUG_TRACE; DBUG_PRINT("enter", ("all: %s, cache_mngr: 0x%llx, thd->is_error: %s", YESNO(all), (ulonglong)cache_mngr, YESNO(thd->is_error()))); /* Defer XA-transaction rollback until its XA-rollback event is recorded. When we are executing a ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT, we should only clear the caches since this function is called as part of the engine rollback. In other cases we roll back the transaction in the engines early since this will release locks and allow other transactions to start executing. */ if (thd->lex->sql_command == SQLCOM_XA_ROLLBACK) { XID_STATE *xs = thd->get_transaction()->xid_state(); DBUG_ASSERT(all || !xs->is_binlogged() || (!xs->is_in_recovery() && thd->is_error())); /* Whenever cache_mngr is not initialized, the xa prepared transaction's binary logging status must not be set, unless the transaction is rolled back through an external connection which has binlogging switched off. */ DBUG_ASSERT(cache_mngr || !xs->is_binlogged() || !(is_open() && thd->variables.option_bits & OPTION_BIN_LOG)); is_empty = !xs->is_binlogged(); if ((error = do_binlog_xa_commit_rollback(thd, xs->get_xid(), false))) goto end; cache_mngr = thd_get_cache_mngr(thd); } else if (thd->lex->sql_command != SQLCOM_ROLLBACK_TO_SAVEPOINT) if ((error = ha_rollback_low(thd, all))) goto end; /* If there is no cache manager, or if there is nothing in the caches, there are no caches to roll back, so we're trivially done unless XA-ROLLBACK that yet to run rollback_low(). */ if (cache_mngr == nullptr || cache_mngr->is_binlog_empty()) { goto end; } DBUG_PRINT("debug", ("all.cannot_safely_rollback(): %s, trx_cache_empty: %s", YESNO(thd->get_transaction()->cannot_safely_rollback( Transaction_ctx::SESSION)), YESNO(cache_mngr->trx_cache.is_binlog_empty()))); DBUG_PRINT("debug", ("stmt.cannot_safely_rollback(): %s, stmt_cache_empty: %s", YESNO(thd->get_transaction()->cannot_safely_rollback( Transaction_ctx::STMT)), YESNO(cache_mngr->stmt_cache.is_binlog_empty()))); /* If an incident event is set we do not flush the content of the statement cache because it may be corrupted. */ if (cache_mngr->stmt_cache.has_incident()) { const char *err_msg = "The content of the statement cache is corrupted " "while writing a rollback record of the transaction " "to the binary log."; error = write_incident(thd, true /*need_lock_log=true*/, err_msg); cache_mngr->stmt_cache.reset(); } else if (!cache_mngr->stmt_cache.is_binlog_empty()) { if (thd->lex->sql_command == SQLCOM_CREATE_TABLE && thd->lex->select_lex->item_list.elements && /* With select */ !(thd->lex->create_info->options & HA_LEX_CREATE_TMP_TABLE) && thd->is_current_stmt_binlog_format_row()) { /* In row based binlog format, we reset the binlog statement cache when rolling back a single statement 'CREATE...SELECT' transaction, since the 'CREATE TABLE' event was put in the binlog statement cache. */ cache_mngr->stmt_cache.reset(); } else { if ((error = cache_mngr->stmt_cache.finalize(thd))) goto end; stuff_logged = true; } } if (ending_trans(thd, all)) { if (trans_cannot_safely_rollback(thd)) { const char xa_rollback_str[] = "XA ROLLBACK"; /* sizeof(xa_rollback_str) and XID::ser_buf_size both allocate `\0', so one of the two is used for necessary in the xa case `space' char */ char query[sizeof(xa_rollback_str) + XID::ser_buf_size] = "ROLLBACK"; XID_STATE *xs = thd->get_transaction()->xid_state(); if (thd->lex->sql_command == SQLCOM_XA_ROLLBACK) { /* this block is relevant only for not prepared yet and "local" xa trx */ DBUG_ASSERT( thd->get_transaction()->xid_state()->has_state(XID_STATE::XA_IDLE)); DBUG_ASSERT(!cache_mngr->has_logged_xid); sprintf(query, "%s ", xa_rollback_str); xs->get_xid()->serialize(query + sizeof(xa_rollback_str)); } /* If the transaction is being rolled back and contains changes that cannot be rolled back, the trx-cache's content is flushed. */ Query_log_event end_evt(thd, query, strlen(query), true, false, true, 0, true); error = thd->lex->sql_command != SQLCOM_XA_ROLLBACK ? cache_mngr->trx_cache.finalize(thd, &end_evt) : cache_mngr->trx_cache.finalize(thd, &end_evt, xs); stuff_logged = true; } else { /* If the transaction is being rolled back and its changes can be rolled back, the trx-cache's content is truncated. */ error = cache_mngr->trx_cache.truncate(thd, all); DBUG_EXECUTE_IF("ensure_binlog_cache_is_reset", { /* Assert that binlog cache is reset at rollback time. */ DBUG_ASSERT(binlog_cache_is_reset); binlog_cache_is_reset = false; };); } } else { /* If a statement is being rolled back, it is necessary to know exactly why a statement may not be safely rolled back as in some specific situations the trx-cache can be truncated. If a temporary table is created or dropped, the trx-cache is not truncated. Note that if the stmt-cache is used, there is nothing to truncate in the trx-cache. If a non-transactional table is updated and the binlog format is statement, the trx-cache is not truncated. The trx-cache is used when the direct option is off and a transactional table has been updated before the current statement in the context of the current transaction. Note that if the stmt-cache is used there is nothing to truncate in the trx-cache. If other binlog formats are used, updates to non-transactional tables are written to the stmt-cache and trx-cache can be safely truncated, if necessary. */ if (thd->get_transaction()->has_dropped_temp_table(Transaction_ctx::STMT) || thd->get_transaction()->has_created_temp_table(Transaction_ctx::STMT) || (thd->get_transaction()->has_modified_non_trans_table( Transaction_ctx::STMT) && thd->variables.binlog_format == BINLOG_FORMAT_STMT)) { /* If the statement is being rolled back and dropped or created a temporary table or modified a non-transactional table and the statement-based replication is in use, the statement's changes in the trx-cache are preserved. */ cache_mngr->trx_cache.set_prev_position(MY_OFF_T_UNDEF); } else { /* Otherwise, the statement's changes in the trx-cache are truncated. */ error = cache_mngr->trx_cache.truncate(thd, all); } } if (stuff_logged) { Transaction_ctx *trn_ctx = thd->get_transaction(); trn_ctx->store_commit_parent( m_dependency_tracker.get_max_committed_timestamp()); } DBUG_PRINT("debug", ("error: %d", error)); if (error == 0 && stuff_logged) { if (RUN_HOOK( transaction, before_commit, (thd, all, thd_get_cache_mngr(thd)->get_trx_cache(), thd_get_cache_mngr(thd)->get_stmt_cache(), max(max_binlog_cache_size, max_binlog_stmt_cache_size), false))) { // Reset the thread OK status before changing the outcome. if (thd->get_stmt_da()->is_ok()) thd->get_stmt_da()->reset_diagnostics_area(); my_error(ER_RUN_HOOK_ERROR, MYF(0), "before_commit"); return RESULT_ABORTED; } #ifndef DBUG_OFF /* XA rollback is always accepted. */ if (thd->get_transaction() ->get_rpl_transaction_ctx() ->is_transaction_rollback()) DBUG_ASSERT(0); #endif error = ordered_commit(thd, all, /* skip_commit */ true); } if (check_write_error(thd)) { /* "all == true" means that a "rollback statement" triggered the error and this function was called. However, this must not happen as a rollback is written directly to the binary log. And in auto-commit mode, a single statement that is rolled back has the flag all == false. */ DBUG_ASSERT(!all); /* We reach this point if the effect of a statement did not properly get into a cache and need to be rolled back. */ error |= cache_mngr->trx_cache.truncate(thd, all); } end: /* Deferred xa rollback to engines */ if (!error && thd->lex->sql_command == SQLCOM_XA_ROLLBACK) { error = ha_rollback_low(thd, all); if (!error && !thd->is_error()) { /* XA-rollback ignores the gtid_state, if the transaciton is empty. */ if (is_empty && !thd->slave_thread) gtid_state->update_on_rollback(thd); /* XA-rollback commits the new gtid_state, if transaction is not empty. */ else { gtid_state->update_on_commit(thd); /* Inform hook listeners that a XA ROLLBACK did commit, that is, did log a transaction to the binary log. */ (void)RUN_HOOK(transaction, after_commit, (thd, all)); } } } /* When a statement errors out on auto-commit mode it is rollback implicitly, so the same should happen to its GTID. */ if (!thd->in_active_multi_stmt_transaction()) gtid_state->update_on_rollback(thd); /* TODO: some errors are overwritten, which may cause problem, fix it later. */ DBUG_PRINT("return", ("error: %d", error)); return error; } /** @note How do we handle this (unlikely but legal) case: @verbatim [transaction] + [update to non-trans table] + [rollback to savepoint] ? @endverbatim The problem occurs when a savepoint is before the update to the non-transactional table. Then when there's a rollback to the savepoint, if we simply truncate the binlog cache, we lose the part of the binlog cache where the update is. If we want to not lose it, we need to write the SAVEPOINT command and the ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT command to the binlog cache. The latter is easy: it's just write at the end of the binlog cache, but the former should be *inserted* to the place where the user called SAVEPOINT. The solution is that when the user calls SAVEPOINT, we write it to the binlog cache (so no need to later insert it). As transactions are never intermixed in the binary log (i.e. they are serialized), we won't have conflicts with savepoint names when using mysqlbinlog or in the slave SQL thread. Then when ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT is called, if we updated some non-transactional table, we don't truncate the binlog cache but instead write ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT to it; otherwise we truncate the binlog cache (which will chop the SAVEPOINT command from the binlog cache, which is good as in that case there is no need to have it in the binlog). */ static int binlog_savepoint_set(handlerton *, THD *thd, void *sv) { DBUG_TRACE; int error = 1; String log_query; if (log_query.append(STRING_WITH_LEN("SAVEPOINT "))) return error; else append_identifier(thd, &log_query, thd->lex->ident.str, thd->lex->ident.length); int errcode = query_error_code(thd, thd->killed == THD::NOT_KILLED); Query_log_event qinfo(thd, log_query.c_ptr_safe(), log_query.length(), true, false, true, errcode); /* We cannot record the position before writing the statement because a rollback to a savepoint (.e.g. consider it "S") would prevent the savepoint statement (i.e. "SAVEPOINT S") from being written to the binary log despite the fact that the server could still issue other rollback statements to the same savepoint (i.e. "S"). Given that the savepoint is valid until the server releases it, ie, until the transaction commits or it is released explicitly, we need to log it anyway so that we don't have "ROLLBACK TO S" or "RELEASE S" without the preceding "SAVEPOINT S" in the binary log. */ if (!(error = mysql_bin_log.write_event(&qinfo))) binlog_trans_log_savepos(thd, (my_off_t *)sv); return error; } static int binlog_savepoint_rollback(handlerton *, THD *thd, void *sv) { DBUG_TRACE; binlog_cache_mngr *const cache_mngr = thd_get_cache_mngr(thd); my_off_t pos = *(my_off_t *)sv; DBUG_ASSERT(pos != ~(my_off_t)0); /* Write ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT to the binlog cache if we have updated some non-transactional table. Otherwise, truncate the binlog cache starting from the SAVEPOINT command. */ if (trans_cannot_safely_rollback(thd)) { String log_query; if (log_query.append(STRING_WITH_LEN("ROLLBACK TO "))) return 1; else { /* Before writing identifier to the binlog, make sure to quote the identifier properly so as to prevent any SQL injection on the slave. */ append_identifier(thd, &log_query, thd->lex->ident.str, thd->lex->ident.length); } int errcode = query_error_code(thd, thd->killed == THD::NOT_KILLED); Query_log_event qinfo(thd, log_query.c_ptr_safe(), log_query.length(), true, false, true, errcode); return mysql_bin_log.write_event(&qinfo); } // Otherwise, we truncate the cache cache_mngr->trx_cache.restore_savepoint(pos); /* When a SAVEPOINT is executed inside a stored function/trigger we force the pending event to be flushed with a STMT_END_F flag and clear the table maps as well to ensure that following DMLs will have a clean state to start with. ROLLBACK inside a stored routine has to finalize possibly existing current row-based pending event with cleaning up table maps. That ensures that following DMLs will have a clean state to start with. */ if (thd->in_sub_stmt) thd->clear_binlog_table_maps(); return 0; } /** purge logs, master and slave sides both, related error code convertor. Called from @c purge_error_message(), @c MYSQL_BIN_LOG::reset_logs() @param res an error code as used by purging routines @return the user level error code ER_* */ static uint purge_log_get_error_code(int res) { uint errcode = 0; switch (res) { case 0: break; case LOG_INFO_EOF: errcode = ER_UNKNOWN_TARGET_BINLOG; break; case LOG_INFO_IO: errcode = ER_IO_ERR_LOG_INDEX_READ; break; case LOG_INFO_INVALID: errcode = ER_BINLOG_PURGE_PROHIBITED; break; case LOG_INFO_SEEK: errcode = ER_FSEEK_FAIL; break; case LOG_INFO_MEM: errcode = ER_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; break; case LOG_INFO_FATAL: errcode = ER_BINLOG_PURGE_FATAL_ERR; break; case LOG_INFO_IN_USE: errcode = ER_LOG_IN_USE; break; case LOG_INFO_EMFILE: errcode = ER_BINLOG_PURGE_EMFILE; break; default: errcode = ER_LOG_PURGE_UNKNOWN_ERR; break; } return errcode; } /** Check whether binlog state allows to safely release MDL locks after rollback to savepoint. @param thd The client thread that executes the transaction. @return true - It is safe to release MDL locks. false - If it is not. */ static bool binlog_savepoint_rollback_can_release_mdl(handlerton *, THD *thd) { DBUG_TRACE; /** If we have not updated any non-transactional tables rollback to savepoint will simply truncate binlog cache starting from SAVEPOINT command. So it should be safe to release MDL acquired after SAVEPOINT command in this case. */ return !trans_cannot_safely_rollback(thd); } /** Adjust log offset in the binary log file for all running slaves This class implements call back function for do_for_all_thd(). It is called for each thd in thd list to adjust offset. */ class Adjust_offset : public Do_THD_Impl { public: Adjust_offset(my_off_t value) : m_purge_offset(value) {} virtual void operator()(THD *thd) { LOG_INFO *linfo; mysql_mutex_lock(&thd->LOCK_thd_data); if ((linfo = thd->current_linfo)) { /* Index file offset can be less that purge offset only if we just started reading the index file. In that case we have nothing to adjust. */ if (linfo->index_file_offset < m_purge_offset) linfo->fatal = (linfo->index_file_offset != 0); else linfo->index_file_offset -= m_purge_offset; } mysql_mutex_unlock(&thd->LOCK_thd_data); } private: my_off_t m_purge_offset; }; /* Adjust the position pointer in the binary log file for all running slaves. SYNOPSIS adjust_linfo_offsets() purge_offset Number of bytes removed from start of log index file NOTES - This is called when doing a PURGE when we delete lines from the index log file. REQUIREMENTS - Before calling this function, we have to ensure that no threads are using any binary log file before purge_offset. TODO - Inform the slave threads that they should sync the position in the binary log file with flush_relay_log_info. Now they sync is done for next read. */ static void adjust_linfo_offsets(my_off_t purge_offset) { Adjust_offset adjust_offset(purge_offset); Global_THD_manager::get_instance()->do_for_all_thd(&adjust_offset); } /** This class implements Call back function for do_for_all_thd(). It is called for each thd in thd list to count threads using bin log file */ class Log_in_use : public Do_THD_Impl { public: Log_in_use(const char *value) : m_log_name(value), m_count(0) { m_log_name_len = strlen(m_log_name) + 1; } virtual void operator()(THD *thd) { LOG_INFO *linfo; mysql_mutex_lock(&thd->LOCK_thd_data); if ((linfo = thd->current_linfo)) { if (!strncmp(m_log_name, linfo->log_file_name, m_log_name_len)) { LogErr(WARNING_LEVEL, ER_BINLOG_FILE_BEING_READ_NOT_PURGED, m_log_name, thd->thread_id()); m_count++; } } mysql_mutex_unlock(&thd->LOCK_thd_data); } int get_count() { return m_count; } private: const char *m_log_name; size_t m_log_name_len; int m_count; }; static int log_in_use(const char *log_name) { Log_in_use log_in_use(log_name); #ifndef DBUG_OFF if (current_thd) DEBUG_SYNC(current_thd, "purge_logs_after_lock_index_before_thread_count"); #endif Global_THD_manager::get_instance()->do_for_all_thd(&log_in_use); return log_in_use.get_count(); } static bool purge_error_message(THD *thd, int res) { uint errcode; if ((errcode = purge_log_get_error_code(res)) != 0) { my_error(errcode, MYF(0)); return true; } my_ok(thd); return false; } bool is_transaction_empty(THD *thd) { DBUG_TRACE; int rw_ha_count = check_trx_rw_engines(thd, Transaction_ctx::SESSION); rw_ha_count += check_trx_rw_engines(thd, Transaction_ctx::STMT); return rw_ha_count == 0; } int check_trx_rw_engines(THD *thd, Transaction_ctx::enum_trx_scope trx_scope) { DBUG_TRACE; int rw_ha_count = 0; Ha_trx_info *ha_list = (Ha_trx_info *)thd->get_transaction()->ha_trx_info(trx_scope); for (Ha_trx_info *ha_info = ha_list; ha_info; ha_info = ha_info->next()) { if (ha_info->is_trx_read_write()) ++rw_ha_count; } return rw_ha_count; } bool is_empty_transaction_in_binlog_cache(const THD *thd) { DBUG_TRACE; binlog_cache_mngr *const cache_mngr = thd_get_cache_mngr(thd); if (cache_mngr != nullptr && cache_mngr->has_empty_transaction()) { return true; } return false; } /** This function checks if a transactional table was updated by the current transaction. @param thd The client thread that executed the current statement. @return @c true if a transactional table was updated, @c false otherwise. */ bool trans_has_updated_trans_table(const THD *thd) { binlog_cache_mngr *const cache_mngr = thd_get_cache_mngr(thd); return (cache_mngr ? !cache_mngr->trx_cache.is_binlog_empty() : 0); } /** This function checks if a transactional table was updated by the current statement. @param ha_list Registered storage engine handler list. @return @c true if a transactional table was updated, @c false otherwise. */ bool stmt_has_updated_trans_table(Ha_trx_info *ha_list) { const Ha_trx_info *ha_info; for (ha_info = ha_list; ha_info; ha_info = ha_info->next()) { if (ha_info->is_trx_read_write() && ha_info->ht() != binlog_hton) return (true); } return (false); } /** This function checks if a transaction, either a multi-statement or a single statement transaction is about to commit or not. @param thd The client thread that executed the current statement. @param all Committing a transaction (i.e. true) or a statement (i.e. false). @return @c true if committing a transaction, otherwise @c false. */ bool ending_trans(THD *thd, const bool all) { return (all || ending_single_stmt_trans(thd, all)); } /** This function checks if a single statement transaction is about to commit or not. @param thd The client thread that executed the current statement. @param all Committing a transaction (i.e. true) or a statement (i.e. false). @return @c true if committing a single statement transaction, otherwise @c false. */ bool ending_single_stmt_trans(THD *thd, const bool all) { return (!all && !thd->in_multi_stmt_transaction_mode()); } /** This function checks if a transaction cannot be rolled back safely. @param thd The client thread that executed the current statement. @return @c true if cannot be safely rolled back, @c false otherwise. */ bool trans_cannot_safely_rollback(const THD *thd) { binlog_cache_mngr *const cache_mngr = thd_get_cache_mngr(thd); return cache_mngr->trx_cache.cannot_rollback(); } /** This function checks if current statement cannot be rollded back safely. @param thd The client thread that executed the current statement. @return @c true if cannot be safely rolled back, @c false otherwise. */ bool stmt_cannot_safely_rollback(const THD *thd) { return thd->get_transaction()->cannot_safely_rollback(Transaction_ctx::STMT); } /** Execute a PURGE BINARY LOGS TO @ command. @param thd Pointer to THD object for the client thread executing the statement. @param to_log Name of the last log to purge. @retval false success @retval true failure */ bool purge_master_logs(THD *thd, const char *to_log) { char search_file_name[FN_REFLEN]; if (!mysql_bin_log.is_open()) { my_ok(thd); return false; } mysql_bin_log.make_log_name(search_file_name, to_log); return purge_error_message( thd, mysql_bin_log.purge_logs( search_file_name, false, true /*need_lock_index=true*/, true /*need_update_threads=true*/, nullptr, false)); } /** Execute a PURGE BINARY LOGS BEFORE @ command. @param thd Pointer to THD object for the client thread executing the statement. @param purge_time Date before which logs should be purged. @retval false success @retval true failure */ bool purge_master_logs_before_date(THD *thd, time_t purge_time) { if (!mysql_bin_log.is_open()) { my_ok(thd); return 0; } return purge_error_message( thd, mysql_bin_log.purge_logs_before_date(purge_time, false)); } /* Helper function to get the error code of the query to be binlogged. */ int query_error_code(const THD *thd, bool not_killed) { int error; if (not_killed) { error = thd->is_error() ? thd->get_stmt_da()->mysql_errno() : 0; /* thd->get_stmt_da()->sql_errno() might be ER_SERVER_SHUTDOWN or ER_QUERY_INTERRUPTED, So here we need to make sure that error is not set to these errors when specified not_killed by the caller. */ if (error == ER_SERVER_SHUTDOWN || error == ER_QUERY_INTERRUPTED) error = 0; } else error = thd->killed; return error; } /** Copy content of 'from' file from offset to 'to' file. - We do the copy outside of the IO_CACHE as the cache buffers would just make things slower and more complicated. In most cases the copy loop should only do one read. @param from File to copy. @param to File to copy to. @param offset Offset in 'from' file. @retval 0 ok @retval -1 error */ static bool copy_file(IO_CACHE *from, IO_CACHE *to, my_off_t offset) { int bytes_read; uchar io_buf[IO_SIZE * 2]; DBUG_TRACE; mysql_file_seek(from->file, offset, MY_SEEK_SET, MYF(0)); while (true) { if ((bytes_read = (int)mysql_file_read(from->file, io_buf, sizeof(io_buf), MYF(MY_WME))) < 0) goto err; if (DBUG_EVALUATE_IF("fault_injection_copy_part_file", 1, 0)) bytes_read = bytes_read / 2; if (!bytes_read) break; // end of file if (mysql_file_write(to->file, io_buf, bytes_read, MYF(MY_WME | MY_NABP))) goto err; } return 0; err: return 1; } /** Load data's io cache specific hook to be executed before a chunk of data is being read into the cache's buffer The fuction instantianates and writes into the binlog replication events along LOAD DATA processing. @param file pointer to io-cache @retval 0 success @retval 1 failure */ int log_loaded_block(IO_CACHE *file) { DBUG_TRACE; LOAD_FILE_INFO *lf_info; uint block_len; /* buffer contains position where we started last read */ uchar *buffer = (uchar *)my_b_get_buffer_start(file); uint max_event_size = current_thd->variables.max_allowed_packet; lf_info = (LOAD_FILE_INFO *)file->arg; if (lf_info->thd->is_current_stmt_binlog_format_row()) return 0; if (lf_info->last_pos_in_file != HA_POS_ERROR && lf_info->last_pos_in_file >= my_b_get_pos_in_file(file)) return 0; for (block_len = (uint)(my_b_get_bytes_in_buffer(file)); block_len > 0; buffer += min(block_len, max_event_size), block_len -= min(block_len, max_event_size)) { lf_info->last_pos_in_file = my_b_get_pos_in_file(file); if (lf_info->logged_data_file) { Append_block_log_event a(lf_info->thd, lf_info->thd->db().str, buffer, min(block_len, max_event_size), lf_info->log_delayed); if (mysql_bin_log.write_event(&a)) return 1; } else { Begin_load_query_log_event b(lf_info->thd, lf_info->thd->db().str, buffer, min(block_len, max_event_size), lf_info->log_delayed); if (mysql_bin_log.write_event(&b)) return 1; lf_info->logged_data_file = 1; } } return 0; } /* Helper function for SHOW BINLOG/RELAYLOG EVENTS */ template bool show_binlog_events(THD *thd, MYSQL_BIN_LOG *binary_log) { Protocol *protocol = thd->get_protocol(); List field_list; const char *errmsg = nullptr; LOG_INFO linfo; DBUG_TRACE; DBUG_ASSERT(thd->lex->sql_command == SQLCOM_SHOW_BINLOG_EVENTS || thd->lex->sql_command == SQLCOM_SHOW_RELAYLOG_EVENTS); if (binary_log->is_open()) { LEX_MASTER_INFO *lex_mi = &thd->lex->mi; SELECT_LEX_UNIT *unit = thd->lex->unit; ha_rows event_count, limit_start, limit_end; my_off_t pos = max(BIN_LOG_HEADER_SIZE, lex_mi->pos); // user-friendly char search_file_name[FN_REFLEN], *name; const char *log_file_name = lex_mi->log_file_name; unit->set_limit(thd, thd->lex->current_select()); limit_start = unit->offset_limit_cnt; limit_end = unit->select_limit_cnt; name = search_file_name; if (log_file_name) binary_log->make_log_name(search_file_name, log_file_name); else name = 0; // Find first log linfo.index_file_offset = 0; if (binary_log->find_log_pos(&linfo, name, true /*need_lock_index=true*/)) { errmsg = "Could not find target log"; goto err; } mysql_mutex_lock(&thd->LOCK_thd_data); thd->current_linfo = &linfo; mysql_mutex_unlock(&thd->LOCK_thd_data); BINLOG_FILE_READER binlog_file_reader( opt_master_verify_checksum, std::max(thd->variables.max_allowed_packet, binlog_row_event_max_size + MAX_LOG_EVENT_HEADER)); if (binlog_file_reader.open(linfo.log_file_name, pos)) { errmsg = binlog_file_reader.get_error_str(); goto err; } /* Adjust the pos to the correct starting offset of an event after the specified position if it is an invalid starting offset. */ pos = binlog_file_reader.position(); /* For 'in-active' binlog file, it is safe to read all events in it. But for 'active' binlog file, it is only safe to read the events before get_binlog_end_pos(). Binlog rotation may happen after calling is_active(). In this case, end_pos will NOT be set to 0 while the file is actually not 'active'. It is safe, since 'end_pos' still expresses a correct position. */ my_off_t end_pos = binary_log->get_binlog_end_pos(); if (!binary_log->is_active(linfo.log_file_name)) end_pos = 0; DEBUG_SYNC(thd, "after_show_binlog_event_found_file"); for (event_count = 0; event_count < limit_end; event_count++) { Log_event *ev = binlog_file_reader.read_event_object(); if (ev == nullptr) { if (binlog_file_reader.has_fatal_error()) errmsg = binlog_file_reader.get_error_str(); break; } DEBUG_SYNC(thd, "wait_in_show_binlog_events_loop"); if (event_count >= limit_start && ev->net_send(protocol, linfo.log_file_name, pos)) { errmsg = "Net error"; delete ev; goto err; } delete ev; pos = binlog_file_reader.position(); if (end_pos > 0 && pos >= end_pos) break; } } // Check that linfo is still on the function scope. DEBUG_SYNC(thd, "after_show_binlog_events"); err: if (errmsg) { if (thd->lex->sql_command == SQLCOM_SHOW_RELAYLOG_EVENTS) my_error(ER_ERROR_WHEN_EXECUTING_COMMAND, MYF(0), "SHOW RELAYLOG EVENTS", errmsg); else my_error(ER_ERROR_WHEN_EXECUTING_COMMAND, MYF(0), "SHOW BINLOG EVENTS", errmsg); } else my_eof(thd); mysql_mutex_lock(&thd->LOCK_thd_data); thd->current_linfo = 0; mysql_mutex_unlock(&thd->LOCK_thd_data); return errmsg != nullptr; } bool show_binlog_events(THD *thd, MYSQL_BIN_LOG *binary_log) { if (binary_log->is_relay_log) return show_binlog_events(thd, binary_log); return show_binlog_events(thd, binary_log); } /** Execute a SHOW BINLOG EVENTS statement. @param thd Pointer to THD object for the client thread executing the statement. @retval false success @retval true failure */ bool mysql_show_binlog_events(THD *thd) { List field_list; DBUG_TRACE; DBUG_ASSERT(thd->lex->sql_command == SQLCOM_SHOW_BINLOG_EVENTS); Log_event::init_show_field_list(&field_list); if (thd->send_result_metadata(&field_list, Protocol::SEND_NUM_ROWS | Protocol::SEND_EOF)) return true; /* Wait for handlers to insert any pending information into the binlog. For e.g. ndb which updates the binlog asynchronously this is needed so that the uses sees all its own commands in the binlog */ ha_binlog_wait(thd); return show_binlog_events(thd, &mysql_bin_log); } MYSQL_BIN_LOG::MYSQL_BIN_LOG(uint *sync_period) : name(nullptr), write_error(false), inited(false), m_binlog_file(new Binlog_ofile()), m_key_LOCK_log(key_LOG_LOCK_log), bytes_written(0), file_id(1), sync_period_ptr(sync_period), sync_counter(0), is_relay_log(0), checksum_alg_reset(binary_log::BINLOG_CHECKSUM_ALG_UNDEF), relay_log_checksum_alg(binary_log::BINLOG_CHECKSUM_ALG_UNDEF), previous_gtid_set_relaylog(nullptr), is_rotating_caused_by_incident(false) { /* We don't want to initialize locks here as such initialization depends on safe_mutex (when using safe_mutex) which depends on MY_INIT(), which is called only in main(). Doing initialization here would make it happen before main(). */ index_file_name[0] = 0; } MYSQL_BIN_LOG::~MYSQL_BIN_LOG() { delete m_binlog_file; } /* this is called only once */ void MYSQL_BIN_LOG::cleanup() { DBUG_TRACE; if (inited) { inited = 0; close(LOG_CLOSE_INDEX | LOG_CLOSE_STOP_EVENT, true /*need_lock_log=true*/, true /*need_lock_index=true*/); mysql_mutex_destroy(&LOCK_log); mysql_mutex_destroy(&LOCK_index); mysql_mutex_destroy(&LOCK_commit); mysql_mutex_destroy(&LOCK_sync); mysql_mutex_destroy(&LOCK_binlog_end_pos); mysql_mutex_destroy(&LOCK_xids); mysql_cond_destroy(&update_cond); mysql_cond_destroy(&m_prep_xids_cond); stage_manager.deinit(); } delete m_binlog_file; m_binlog_file = nullptr; } void MYSQL_BIN_LOG::init_pthread_objects() { DBUG_ASSERT(inited == 0); inited = 1; mysql_mutex_init(m_key_LOCK_log, &LOCK_log, MY_MUTEX_INIT_SLOW); mysql_mutex_init(m_key_LOCK_index, &LOCK_index, MY_MUTEX_INIT_SLOW); mysql_mutex_init(m_key_LOCK_commit, &LOCK_commit, MY_MUTEX_INIT_FAST); mysql_mutex_init(m_key_LOCK_sync, &LOCK_sync, MY_MUTEX_INIT_FAST); mysql_mutex_init(m_key_LOCK_binlog_end_pos, &LOCK_binlog_end_pos, MY_MUTEX_INIT_FAST); mysql_mutex_init(m_key_LOCK_xids, &LOCK_xids, MY_MUTEX_INIT_FAST); mysql_cond_init(m_key_update_cond, &update_cond); mysql_cond_init(m_key_prep_xids_cond, &m_prep_xids_cond); stage_manager.init(m_key_LOCK_flush_queue, m_key_LOCK_sync_queue, m_key_LOCK_commit_queue, m_key_LOCK_done, m_key_COND_done); } /** Check if a string is a valid number. @param str String to test @param res Store value here @param allow_wildcards Set to 1 if we should ignore '%' and '_' @note For the moment the allow_wildcards argument is not used Should be moved to some other file. @retval 1 String is a number @retval 0 String is not a number */ static bool is_number(const char *str, ulong *res, bool allow_wildcards) { int flag; const char *start; DBUG_TRACE; flag = 0; start = str; while (*str++ == ' ') ; if (*--str == '-' || *str == '+') str++; while (my_isdigit(files_charset_info, *str) || (allow_wildcards && (*str == wild_many || *str == wild_one))) { flag = 1; str++; } if (*str == '.') { for (str++; my_isdigit(files_charset_info, *str) || (allow_wildcards && (*str == wild_many || *str == wild_one)); str++, flag = 1) ; } if (*str != 0 || flag == 0) return 0; if (res) *res = atol(start); return 1; /* Number ok */ } /* is_number */ /** Find a unique filename for 'filename.#'. Set '#' to the highest existing log file extension plus one. This function will return nonzero if: (i) the generated name exceeds FN_REFLEN; (ii) if the number of extensions is exhausted; or (iii) some other error happened while examining the filesystem. @return nonzero if not possible to get unique filename. */ static int find_uniq_filename(char *name, uint32 new_index_number) { uint i; char buff[FN_REFLEN], ext_buf[FN_REFLEN]; MY_DIR *dir_info = nullptr; struct fileinfo *file_info; ulong max_found = 0, next = 0, number = 0; size_t buf_length, length; char *start, *end; int error = 0; DBUG_TRACE; length = dirname_part(buff, name, &buf_length); start = name + length; end = strend(start); *end = '.'; length = (size_t)(end - start + 1); if ((DBUG_EVALUATE_IF( "error_unique_log_filename", 1, !(dir_info = my_dir(buff, MYF(MY_DONT_SORT)))))) { // This shouldn't happen my_stpcpy(end, ".1"); // use name+1 return 1; } file_info = dir_info->dir_entry; for (i = dir_info->number_off_files; i--; file_info++) { if (strncmp(file_info->name, start, length) == 0 && is_number(file_info->name + length, &number, 0)) { set_if_bigger(max_found, number); } } my_dirend(dir_info); /* check if reached the maximum possible extension number */ if (max_found >= MAX_LOG_UNIQUE_FN_EXT) { LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_BINLOG_FILE_EXTENSION_NUMBER_EXHAUSTED, max_found); error = 1; goto end; } if (new_index_number > 0) { /* If "new_index_number" was specified, this means we are handling a "RESET MASTER TO" command and the binary log was already purged so max_found should be 0. */ DBUG_ASSERT(max_found == 0); next = new_index_number; } else next = max_found + 1; if (sprintf(ext_buf, "%06lu", next) < 0) { error = 1; goto end; } *end++ = '.'; /* Check if the generated extension size + the file name exceeds the buffer size used. If one did not check this, then the filename might be truncated, resulting in error. */ if (((strlen(ext_buf) + (end - name)) >= FN_REFLEN)) { LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_BINLOG_FILE_NAME_TOO_LONG, name, ext_buf, (strlen(ext_buf) + (end - name))); error = 1; goto end; } if (sprintf(end, "%06lu", next) < 0) { error = 1; goto end; } /* print warning if reaching the end of available extensions. */ if (next > MAX_ALLOWED_FN_EXT_RESET_MASTER) LogErr(WARNING_LEVEL, ER_BINLOG_FILE_EXTENSION_NUMBER_RUNNING_LOW, next, (MAX_LOG_UNIQUE_FN_EXT - next)); end: return error; } int MYSQL_BIN_LOG::generate_new_name(char *new_name, const char *log_name, uint32 new_index_number) { fn_format(new_name, log_name, mysql_data_home, "", 4); if (!fn_ext(log_name)[0]) { if (find_uniq_filename(new_name, new_index_number)) { if (current_thd != nullptr) my_printf_error(ER_NO_UNIQUE_LOGFILE, ER_THD(current_thd, ER_NO_UNIQUE_LOGFILE), MYF(ME_FATALERROR), log_name); LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_FAILED_TO_GENERATE_UNIQUE_LOGFILE, log_name); return 1; } } return 0; } /** @todo The following should be using fn_format(); We just need to first change fn_format() to cut the file name if it's too long. */ const char *MYSQL_BIN_LOG::generate_name(const char *log_name, const char *suffix, char *buff) { if (!log_name || !log_name[0]) { if (is_relay_log || log_bin_supplied) strmake(buff, default_logfile_name, FN_REFLEN - strlen(suffix) - 1); else strmake(buff, default_binlogfile_name, FN_REFLEN - strlen(suffix) - 1); return (const char *)fn_format(buff, buff, "", suffix, MYF(MY_REPLACE_EXT | MY_REPLACE_DIR)); } // get rid of extension to avoid problems const char *p = fn_ext(log_name); uint length = (uint)(p - log_name); strmake(buff, log_name, min(length, FN_REFLEN - 1)); return (const char *)buff; } bool MYSQL_BIN_LOG::init_and_set_log_file_name(const char *log_name, const char *new_name, uint32 new_index_number) { if (new_name && !my_stpcpy(log_file_name, new_name)) return true; else if (!new_name && generate_new_name(log_file_name, log_name, new_index_number)) return true; return false; } /** Open the logfile and init IO_CACHE. @param log_file_key The file instrumentation key for this file @param log_name The name of the log to open @param new_name The new name for the logfile. NULL forces generate_new_name() to be called. @param new_index_number The binary log file index number to start from after the RESET MASTER TO command is called. @return true if error, false otherwise. */ bool MYSQL_BIN_LOG::open(PSI_file_key log_file_key, const char *log_name, const char *new_name, uint32 new_index_number) { DBUG_TRACE; bool ret = false; write_error = 0; myf flags = MY_WME | MY_NABP | MY_WAIT_IF_FULL; if (is_relay_log) flags = flags | MY_REPORT_WAITING_IF_FULL; if (!(name = my_strdup(key_memory_MYSQL_LOG_name, log_name, MYF(MY_WME)))) { goto err; } if (init_and_set_log_file_name(name, new_name, new_index_number) || DBUG_EVALUATE_IF("fault_injection_init_name", 1, 0)) goto err; db[0] = 0; /* Keep the key for reopen */ m_log_file_key = log_file_key; /* LOCK_sync guarantees that no thread is calling m_binlog_file to sync data to disk when another thread is opening the new file (FLUSH LOG or RESET MASTER). */ if (!is_relay_log) mysql_mutex_lock(&LOCK_sync); ret = m_binlog_file->open(log_file_key, log_file_name, flags); if (!is_relay_log) mysql_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_sync); if (ret) goto err; atomic_log_state = LOG_OPENED; return 0; err: if (binlog_error_action == ABORT_SERVER) { exec_binlog_error_action_abort( "Either disk is full, file system is read only or " "there was an encryption error while opening the binlog. " "Aborting the server."); } else LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_BINLOG_CANT_OPEN_FOR_LOGGING, log_name, errno); my_free(name); name = nullptr; atomic_log_state = LOG_CLOSED; return 1; } bool MYSQL_BIN_LOG::open_index_file(const char *index_file_name_arg, const char *log_name, bool need_lock_index) { bool error = false; File index_file_nr = -1; if (need_lock_index) mysql_mutex_lock(&LOCK_index); else mysql_mutex_assert_owner(&LOCK_index); /* First open of this class instance Create an index file that will hold all file names uses for logging. Add new entries to the end of it. */ myf opt = MY_UNPACK_FILENAME; if (my_b_inited(&index_file)) goto end; if (!index_file_name_arg) { index_file_name_arg = log_name; // Use same basename for index file opt = MY_UNPACK_FILENAME | MY_REPLACE_EXT; } fn_format(index_file_name, index_file_name_arg, mysql_data_home, ".index", opt); if (set_crash_safe_index_file_name(index_file_name_arg)) { error = true; goto end; } /* We need move crash_safe_index_file to index_file if the index_file does not exist and crash_safe_index_file exists when mysqld server restarts. */ if (my_access(index_file_name, F_OK) && !my_access(crash_safe_index_file_name, F_OK) && my_rename(crash_safe_index_file_name, index_file_name, MYF(MY_WME))) { LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_BINLOG_CANT_MOVE_TMP_TO_INDEX, "MYSQL_BIN_LOG::open_index_file"); error = true; goto end; } if ((index_file_nr = mysql_file_open(m_key_file_log_index, index_file_name, O_RDWR | O_CREAT, MYF(MY_WME))) < 0 || mysql_file_sync(index_file_nr, MYF(MY_WME)) || init_io_cache_ext(&index_file, index_file_nr, IO_SIZE, READ_CACHE, mysql_file_seek(index_file_nr, 0L, MY_SEEK_END, MYF(0)), 0, MYF(MY_WME | MY_WAIT_IF_FULL), m_key_file_log_index_cache) || DBUG_EVALUATE_IF("fault_injection_openning_index", 1, 0)) { /* TODO: all operations creating/deleting the index file or a log, should call my_sync_dir() or my_sync_dir_by_file() to be durable. TODO: file creation should be done with mysql_file_create() not mysql_file_open(). */ if (index_file_nr >= 0) mysql_file_close(index_file_nr, MYF(0)); error = true; goto end; } /* Sync the index by purging any binary log file that is not registered. In other words, either purge binary log files that were removed from the index but not purged from the file system due to a crash or purge any binary log file that was created but not register in the index due to a crash. */ if (set_purge_index_file_name(index_file_name_arg) || open_purge_index_file(false) || purge_index_entry(nullptr, nullptr, false) || close_purge_index_file() || DBUG_EVALUATE_IF("fault_injection_recovering_index", 1, 0)) { LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_BINLOG_FAILED_TO_SYNC_INDEX_FILE); error = true; goto end; } end: if (need_lock_index) mysql_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_index); return error; } /** Add the GTIDs from the given relaylog file and also update the IO thread transaction parser. @param filename Relaylog file to read from. @param retrieved_gtids Gtid_set to store the GTIDs found on the relaylog file. @param verify_checksum Set to true to verify event checksums. @param trx_parser The transaction boundary parser to be used in order to only add a GTID to the gtid_set after ensuring the transaction is fully stored on the relay log. @param partial_trx The trx_monitoring_info of the last incomplete transaction found in the relay log. @retval false The file was successfully read and all GTIDs from Previous_gtids and Gtid_log_event from complete transactions were added to the retrieved_set. @retval true There was an error during the procedure. */ static bool read_gtids_and_update_trx_parser_from_relaylog( const char *filename, Gtid_set *retrieved_gtids, bool verify_checksum, Transaction_boundary_parser *trx_parser, Gtid_monitoring_info *partial_trx) { DBUG_TRACE; DBUG_PRINT("info", ("Opening file %s", filename)); DBUG_ASSERT(retrieved_gtids != nullptr); DBUG_ASSERT(trx_parser != nullptr); #ifndef DBUG_OFF unsigned long event_counter = 0; #endif bool error = false; Relaylog_file_reader relaylog_file_reader(verify_checksum); if (relaylog_file_reader.open(filename)) { LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_BINLOG_FILE_OPEN_FAILED, relaylog_file_reader.get_error_str()); /* As read_gtids_from_binlog() will not throw error on truncated relaylog files, we should do the same here in order to keep the current behavior. */ if (relaylog_file_reader.get_error_type() == Binlog_read_error::CANNOT_GET_FILE_PASSWORD) error = true; return error; } Log_event *ev = nullptr; bool seen_prev_gtids = false; ulong data_len = 0; while (!error && (ev = relaylog_file_reader.read_event_object()) != nullptr) { DBUG_PRINT("info", ("Read event of type %s", ev->get_type_str())); #ifndef DBUG_OFF event_counter++; #endif data_len = uint4korr(ev->temp_buf + EVENT_LEN_OFFSET); if (trx_parser->feed_event(ev->temp_buf, data_len, relaylog_file_reader.format_description_event(), false)) { /* The transaction boundary parser found an error while parsing a sequence of events from the relaylog. As we don't know if the parsing has started from a reliable point (it might started in a relay log file that begins with the rest of a transaction that started in a previous relay log file), it is better to do nothing in this case. The boundary parser will fix itself once finding an event that represent a transaction boundary. Suppose the following relaylog: rl-bin.000011 | rl-bin.000012 | rl-bin.000013 | rl-bin-000014 ---------------+---------------+---------------+--------------- PREV_GTIDS | PREV_GTIDS | PREV_GTIDS | PREV_GTIDS (empty) | (UUID:1-2) | (UUID:1-2) | (UUID:1-2) ---------------+---------------+---------------+--------------- XID | QUERY(INSERT) | QUERY(INSERT) | XID ---------------+---------------+---------------+--------------- GTID(UUID:2) | ---------------+ QUERY(CREATE | TABLE t1 ...) | ---------------+ GTID(UUID:3) | ---------------+ QUERY(BEGIN) | ---------------+ As it is impossible to determine the current Retrieved_Gtid_Set by only looking to the PREVIOUS_GTIDS on the last relay log file, and scanning events on it, we tried to find a relay log file that contains at least one GTID event during the backwards search. In the example, we will find a GTID only in rl-bin.000011, as the UUID:3 transaction was spanned across 4 relay log files. The transaction spanning can be caused by "FLUSH RELAY LOGS" commands on slave while it is queuing the transaction. So, in order to correctly add UUID:3 into Retrieved_Gtid_Set, we need to parse the relay log starting on the file we found the last GTID queued to know if the transaction was fully retrieved or not. Start scanning rl-bin.000011 after resetting the transaction parser will generate an error, as XID event is only expected inside a DML, but in this case, we can ignore this error and reset the parser. */ trx_parser->reset(); /* We also have to discard the GTID of the partial transaction that was not finished if there is one. This is needed supposing that an incomplete transaction was replicated with a GTID. GTID(1), QUERY(BEGIN), QUERY(INSERT), ANONYMOUS_GTID, QUERY(DROP ...) In the example above, without cleaning the partial_trx, the GTID(1) would be added to the Retrieved_Gtid_Set after the QUERY(DROP ...) event. GTID(1), QUERY(BEGIN), QUERY(INSERT), GTID(2), QUERY(DROP ...) In the example above the GTID(1) will also be discarded as the GTID(1) transaction is not complete. */ if (partial_trx->is_processing_trx_set()) { DBUG_PRINT("info", ("Discarding Gtid(%d, %lld) as the transaction " "wasn't complete and we found an error in the" "transaction boundary parser.", partial_trx->get_processing_trx_gtid()->sidno, partial_trx->get_processing_trx_gtid()->gno)); partial_trx->clear_processing_trx(); } } switch (ev->get_type_code()) { case binary_log::FORMAT_DESCRIPTION_EVENT: case binary_log::ROTATE_EVENT: // do nothing; just accept this event and go to next break; case binary_log::PREVIOUS_GTIDS_LOG_EVENT: { seen_prev_gtids = true; // add events to sets Previous_gtids_log_event *prev_gtids_ev = (Previous_gtids_log_event *)ev; if (prev_gtids_ev->add_to_set(retrieved_gtids) != 0) { error = true; break; } #ifndef DBUG_OFF char *prev_buffer = prev_gtids_ev->get_str(nullptr, nullptr); DBUG_PRINT("info", ("Got Previous_gtids from file '%s': Gtid_set='%s'.", filename, prev_buffer)); my_free(prev_buffer); #endif break; } case binary_log::GTID_LOG_EVENT: { /* If we didn't find any PREVIOUS_GTIDS in this file */ if (!seen_prev_gtids) { my_error(ER_BINLOG_LOGICAL_CORRUPTION, MYF(0), filename, "The first global transaction identifier was read, but " "no other information regarding identifiers existing " "on the previous log files was found."); error = true; break; } Gtid_log_event *gtid_ev = (Gtid_log_event *)ev; rpl_sidno sidno = gtid_ev->get_sidno(retrieved_gtids->get_sid_map()); ulonglong immediate_commit_timestamp = gtid_ev->immediate_commit_timestamp; longlong original_commit_timestamp = gtid_ev->original_commit_timestamp; if (sidno < 0) { error = true; break; } else { if (retrieved_gtids->ensure_sidno(sidno) != RETURN_STATUS_OK) { error = true; break; } else { Gtid gtid = {sidno, gtid_ev->get_gno()}; /* As are updating the transaction boundary parser while reading GTIDs from relay log files to fill the Retrieved_Gtid_Set, we should not add the GTID here as we don't know if the transaction is complete on the relay log yet. */ partial_trx->start(gtid, original_commit_timestamp, immediate_commit_timestamp); } DBUG_PRINT("info", ("Found Gtid in relaylog file '%s': Gtid(%d, %lld).", filename, sidno, gtid_ev->get_gno())); } break; } case binary_log::ANONYMOUS_GTID_LOG_EVENT: default: /* If we reached the end of a transaction after storing it's GTID in partial_trx structure, it is time to add this GTID to the retrieved_gtids set because the transaction is complete and there is no need for asking this transaction again. */ if (trx_parser->is_not_inside_transaction()) { if (partial_trx->is_processing_trx_set()) { const Gtid *fully_retrieved_gtid; fully_retrieved_gtid = partial_trx->get_processing_trx_gtid(); DBUG_PRINT("info", ("Adding Gtid to Retrieved_Gtid_Set as the " "transaction was completed at " "relaylog file '%s': Gtid(%d, %lld).", filename, fully_retrieved_gtid->sidno, fully_retrieved_gtid->gno)); retrieved_gtids->_add_gtid(*fully_retrieved_gtid); /* We don't need to update the last queued structure here. We just want to have the information about the partial transaction left in the relay log. */ partial_trx->clear(); } } break; } delete ev; } if (relaylog_file_reader.has_fatal_error()) { // This is not a fatal error; the log may just be truncated. // @todo but what other errors could happen? IO error? LogErr(WARNING_LEVEL, ER_BINLOG_ERROR_READING_GTIDS_FROM_RELAY_LOG, -1); } #ifndef DBUG_OFF LogErr(INFORMATION_LEVEL, ER_BINLOG_EVENTS_READ_FROM_RELAY_LOG_INFO, event_counter, filename); #endif return error; } /** Reads GTIDs from the given binlog file. @param filename File to read from. @param all_gtids If not NULL, then the GTIDs from the Previous_gtids_log_event and from all Gtid_log_events are stored in this object. @param prev_gtids If not NULL, then the GTIDs from the Previous_gtids_log_events are stored in this object. @param first_gtid If not NULL, then the first GTID information from the file will be stored in this object. @param sid_map The sid_map object to use in the rpl_sidno generation of the Gtid_log_event. If lock is needed in the sid_map, the caller must hold it. @param verify_checksum Set to true to verify event checksums. @retval GOT_GTIDS The file was successfully read and it contains both Gtid_log_events and Previous_gtids_log_events. This is only possible if either all_gtids or first_gtid are not null. @retval GOT_PREVIOUS_GTIDS The file was successfully read and it contains Previous_gtids_log_events but no Gtid_log_events. For binary logs, if no all_gtids and no first_gtid are specified, this function will be done right after reading the PREVIOUS_GTIDS regardless of the rest of the content of the binary log file. @retval NO_GTIDS The file was successfully read and it does not contain GTID events. @retval ERROR Out of memory, or IO error, or malformed event structure, or the file is malformed (e.g., contains Gtid_log_events but no Previous_gtids_log_event). @retval TRUNCATED The file was truncated before the end of the first Previous_gtids_log_event. */ enum enum_read_gtids_from_binlog_status { GOT_GTIDS, GOT_PREVIOUS_GTIDS, NO_GTIDS, ERROR, TRUNCATED }; static enum_read_gtids_from_binlog_status read_gtids_from_binlog( const char *filename, Gtid_set *all_gtids, Gtid_set *prev_gtids, Gtid *first_gtid, Sid_map *sid_map, bool verify_checksum, bool is_relay_log) { DBUG_TRACE; DBUG_PRINT("info", ("Opening file %s", filename)); #ifndef DBUG_OFF unsigned long event_counter = 0; /* We assert here that both all_gtids and prev_gtids, if specified, uses the same sid_map as the one passed as a parameter. This is just to ensure that, if the sid_map needed some lock and was locked by the caller, the lock applies to all the GTID sets this function is dealing with. */ if (all_gtids) DBUG_ASSERT(all_gtids->get_sid_map() == sid_map); if (prev_gtids) DBUG_ASSERT(prev_gtids->get_sid_map() == sid_map); #endif Binlog_file_reader binlog_file_reader(verify_checksum); if (binlog_file_reader.open(filename)) { LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_BINLOG_FILE_OPEN_FAILED, binlog_file_reader.get_error_str()); /* We need to revisit the recovery procedure for relay log files. Currently, it is called after this routine. /Alfranio */ if (binlog_file_reader.get_error_type() == Binlog_read_error::CANNOT_GET_FILE_PASSWORD) return ERROR; return TRUNCATED; } Log_event *ev = nullptr; enum_read_gtids_from_binlog_status ret = NO_GTIDS; bool done = false; bool seen_first_gtid = false; while (!done && (ev = binlog_file_reader.read_event_object()) != nullptr) { #ifndef DBUG_OFF event_counter++; #endif DBUG_PRINT("info", ("Read event of type %s", ev->get_type_str())); switch (ev->get_type_code()) { case binary_log::FORMAT_DESCRIPTION_EVENT: case binary_log::ROTATE_EVENT: // do nothing; just accept this event and go to next break; case binary_log::PREVIOUS_GTIDS_LOG_EVENT: { ret = GOT_PREVIOUS_GTIDS; // add events to sets Previous_gtids_log_event *prev_gtids_ev = (Previous_gtids_log_event *)ev; if (all_gtids != nullptr && prev_gtids_ev->add_to_set(all_gtids) != 0) ret = ERROR, done = true; else if (prev_gtids != nullptr && prev_gtids_ev->add_to_set(prev_gtids) != 0) ret = ERROR, done = true; #ifndef DBUG_OFF char *prev_buffer = prev_gtids_ev->get_str(nullptr, nullptr); DBUG_PRINT("info", ("Got Previous_gtids from file '%s': Gtid_set='%s'.", filename, prev_buffer)); my_free(prev_buffer); #endif /* If this is not a relay log, the previous_gtids were asked and no all_gtids neither first_gtid were asked, it is fine to consider the job as done. */ if (!is_relay_log && prev_gtids != nullptr && all_gtids == nullptr && first_gtid == nullptr) done = true; DBUG_EXECUTE_IF("inject_fault_bug16502579", { DBUG_PRINT("debug", ("PREVIOUS_GTIDS_LOG_EVENT found. " "Injected ret=NO_GTIDS.")); if (ret == GOT_PREVIOUS_GTIDS) { ret = NO_GTIDS; done = false; } }); break; } case binary_log::GTID_LOG_EVENT: { if (ret != GOT_GTIDS) { if (ret != GOT_PREVIOUS_GTIDS) { /* Since this routine is run on startup, there may not be a THD instance. Therefore, ER(X) cannot be used. */ const char *msg_fmt = (current_thd != nullptr) ? ER_THD(current_thd, ER_BINLOG_LOGICAL_CORRUPTION) : ER_DEFAULT(ER_BINLOG_LOGICAL_CORRUPTION); my_printf_error( ER_BINLOG_LOGICAL_CORRUPTION, msg_fmt, MYF(0), filename, "The first global transaction identifier was read, but " "no other information regarding identifiers existing " "on the previous log files was found."); ret = ERROR, done = true; break; } else ret = GOT_GTIDS; } /* When this is a relaylog, we just check if the relay log contains at least one Gtid_log_event, so that we can distinguish the return values GOT_GTID and GOT_PREVIOUS_GTIDS. We don't need to read anything else from the relay log. When this is a binary log, if all_gtids is requested (i.e., NOT NULL), we should continue to read all gtids. If just first_gtid was requested, we will be done after storing this Gtid_log_event info on it. */ if (is_relay_log) { ret = GOT_GTIDS, done = true; } else { Gtid_log_event *gtid_ev = (Gtid_log_event *)ev; rpl_sidno sidno = gtid_ev->get_sidno(sid_map); if (sidno < 0) ret = ERROR, done = true; else { if (all_gtids) { if (all_gtids->ensure_sidno(sidno) != RETURN_STATUS_OK) ret = ERROR, done = true; all_gtids->_add_gtid(sidno, gtid_ev->get_gno()); DBUG_PRINT("info", ("Got Gtid from file '%s': Gtid(%d, %lld).", filename, sidno, gtid_ev->get_gno())); } /* If the first GTID was requested, stores it */ if (first_gtid && !seen_first_gtid) { first_gtid->set(sidno, gtid_ev->get_gno()); seen_first_gtid = true; /* If the first_gtid was the only thing requested, we are done */ if (all_gtids == nullptr) ret = GOT_GTIDS, done = true; } } } break; } case binary_log::ANONYMOUS_GTID_LOG_EVENT: { /* When this is a relaylog, we just check if it contains at least one Anonymous_gtid_log_event after initialization (FDs, Rotates and PREVIOUS_GTIDS), so that we can distinguish the return values GOT_GTID and GOT_PREVIOUS_GTIDS. We don't need to read anything else from the relay log. */ if (is_relay_log) { ret = GOT_GTIDS; done = true; break; } DBUG_ASSERT(prev_gtids == nullptr ? true : all_gtids != nullptr || first_gtid != nullptr); } // Fall through. default: // if we found any other event type without finding a // previous_gtids_log_event, then the rest of this binlog // cannot contain gtids if (ret != GOT_GTIDS && ret != GOT_PREVIOUS_GTIDS) done = true; /* The GTIDs of the relaylog files will be handled later because of the possibility of transactions be spanned along distinct relaylog files. So, if we found an ordinary event without finding the GTID but we already found the PREVIOUS_GTIDS, this probably means that the event is from a transaction that started on previous relaylog file. */ if (ret == GOT_PREVIOUS_GTIDS && is_relay_log) done = true; break; } delete ev; DBUG_PRINT("info", ("done=%d", done)); } if (binlog_file_reader.has_fatal_error()) { // This is not a fatal error; the log may just be truncated. // @todo but what other errors could happen? IO error? LogErr(WARNING_LEVEL, ER_BINLOG_ERROR_READING_GTIDS_FROM_BINARY_LOG, -1); } if (all_gtids) all_gtids->dbug_print("all_gtids"); else DBUG_PRINT("info", ("all_gtids==NULL")); if (prev_gtids) prev_gtids->dbug_print("prev_gtids"); else DBUG_PRINT("info", ("prev_gtids==NULL")); if (first_gtid == nullptr) DBUG_PRINT("info", ("first_gtid==NULL")); else if (first_gtid->sidno == 0) DBUG_PRINT("info", ("first_gtid.sidno==0")); else first_gtid->dbug_print(sid_map, "first_gtid"); DBUG_PRINT("info", ("returning %d", ret)); #ifndef DBUG_OFF if (!is_relay_log && prev_gtids != nullptr && all_gtids == nullptr && first_gtid == nullptr) LogErr(INFORMATION_LEVEL, ER_BINLOG_EVENTS_READ_FROM_BINLOG_INFO, event_counter, filename); #endif return ret; } bool MYSQL_BIN_LOG::find_first_log_not_in_gtid_set(char *binlog_file_name, const Gtid_set *gtid_set, Gtid *first_gtid, const char **errmsg) { DBUG_TRACE; LOG_INFO linfo; auto log_index = this->get_log_index(); std::list filename_list = log_index.second; int error = log_index.first; list::reverse_iterator rit; Gtid_set binlog_previous_gtid_set{gtid_set->get_sid_map()}; if (error != LOG_INFO_EOF) { *errmsg = "Failed to read the binary log index file while " "looking for the oldest binary log that contains any GTID " "that is not in the given gtid set"; error = -1; goto end; } if (filename_list.empty()) { *errmsg = "Could not find first log file name in binary log index file " "while looking for the oldest binary log that contains any GTID " "that is not in the given gtid set"; error = -2; goto end; } /* Iterate over all the binary logs in reverse order, and read only the Previous_gtids_log_event, to find the first one, that is the subset of the given gtid set. Since every binary log begins with a Previous_gtids_log_event, that contains all GTIDs in all previous binary logs. We also ask for the first GTID in the binary log to know if we should send the FD event with the "created" field cleared or not. */ DBUG_PRINT("info", ("Iterating backwards through binary logs, and reading " "only the Previous_gtids_log_event, to find the first " "one, that is the subset of the given gtid set.")); rit = filename_list.rbegin(); error = 0; while (rit != filename_list.rend()) { binlog_previous_gtid_set.clear(); const char *filename = rit->c_str(); DBUG_PRINT("info", ("Read Previous_gtids_log_event from filename='%s'", filename)); switch (read_gtids_from_binlog(filename, nullptr, &binlog_previous_gtid_set, first_gtid, binlog_previous_gtid_set.get_sid_map(), opt_master_verify_checksum, is_relay_log)) { case ERROR: *errmsg = "Error reading header of binary log while looking for " "the oldest binary log that contains any GTID that is not in " "the given gtid set"; error = -3; goto end; case NO_GTIDS: *errmsg = "Found old binary log without GTIDs while looking for " "the oldest binary log that contains any GTID that is not in " "the given gtid set"; error = -4; goto end; case GOT_GTIDS: case GOT_PREVIOUS_GTIDS: if (binlog_previous_gtid_set.is_subset(gtid_set)) { strcpy(binlog_file_name, filename); /* Verify that the selected binlog is not the first binlog, */ DBUG_EXECUTE_IF("slave_reconnect_with_gtid_set_executed", DBUG_ASSERT(strcmp(filename_list.begin()->c_str(), binlog_file_name) != 0);); goto end; } case TRUNCATED: break; } rit++; } if (rit == filename_list.rend()) { char *missing_gtids = nullptr; Gtid_set gtid_missing(gtid_set->get_sid_map()); gtid_missing.add_gtid_set(gtid_set); gtid_missing.remove_gtid_set(&binlog_previous_gtid_set); gtid_missing.to_string(&missing_gtids, false, nullptr); String tmp_uuid; mysql_mutex_lock(¤t_thd->LOCK_thd_data); const auto it = current_thd->user_vars.find("slave_uuid"); if (it != current_thd->user_vars.end() && it->second->length() > 0) { tmp_uuid.copy(it->second->ptr(), it->second->length(), nullptr); } mysql_mutex_unlock(¤t_thd->LOCK_thd_data); LogErr(WARNING_LEVEL, ER_FOUND_MISSING_GTIDS, tmp_uuid.ptr(), missing_gtids); my_free(missing_gtids); *errmsg = ER_THD(current_thd, ER_MASTER_HAS_PURGED_REQUIRED_GTIDS); error = -5; } end: if (error) DBUG_PRINT("error", ("'%s'", *errmsg)); filename_list.clear(); DBUG_PRINT("info", ("returning %d", error)); return error != 0 ? true : false; } bool MYSQL_BIN_LOG::init_gtid_sets(Gtid_set *all_gtids, Gtid_set *lost_gtids, bool verify_checksum, bool need_lock, Transaction_boundary_parser *trx_parser, Gtid_monitoring_info *partial_trx, bool is_server_starting) { DBUG_TRACE; DBUG_PRINT( "info", ("lost_gtids=%p; so we are recovering a %s log; is_relay_log=%d", lost_gtids, lost_gtids == nullptr ? "relay" : "binary", is_relay_log)); Checkable_rwlock *sid_lock = is_relay_log ? all_gtids->get_sid_map()->get_sid_lock() : global_sid_lock; /* If this is a relay log, we must have the IO thread Master_info trx_parser in order to correctly feed it with relay log events. */ #ifndef DBUG_OFF if (is_relay_log) { DBUG_ASSERT(trx_parser != nullptr); DBUG_ASSERT(lost_gtids == nullptr); } #endif /* Acquires the necessary locks to ensure that logs are not either removed or updated when we are reading from it. */ if (need_lock) { // We don't need LOCK_log if we are only going to read the initial // Prevoius_gtids_log_event and ignore the Gtid_log_events. if (all_gtids != nullptr) mysql_mutex_lock(&LOCK_log); mysql_mutex_lock(&LOCK_index); sid_lock->wrlock(); } else { if (all_gtids != nullptr) mysql_mutex_assert_owner(&LOCK_log); mysql_mutex_assert_owner(&LOCK_index); sid_lock->assert_some_wrlock(); } /* Initialize the sid_map to be used in read_gtids_from_binlog */ Sid_map *sid_map = nullptr; if (all_gtids) sid_map = all_gtids->get_sid_map(); else if (lost_gtids) sid_map = lost_gtids->get_sid_map(); // Gather the set of files to be accessed. auto log_index = this->get_log_index(false); std::list filename_list = log_index.second; int error = log_index.first; list::iterator it; list::reverse_iterator rit; bool reached_first_file = false; if (error != LOG_INFO_EOF) { DBUG_PRINT("error", ("Error reading %s index", is_relay_log ? "relaylog" : "binlog")); goto end; } /* On server starting, one new empty binlog file is created and its file name is put into index file before initializing GLOBAL.GTID_EXECUTED AND GLOBAL.GTID_PURGED, it is not the last binlog file before the server restarts, so we remove its file name from filename_list. */ if (is_server_starting && !is_relay_log && !filename_list.empty()) filename_list.pop_back(); error = 0; if (all_gtids != nullptr) { DBUG_PRINT("info", ("Iterating backwards through %s logs, " "looking for the last %s log that contains " "a Previous_gtids_log_event.", is_relay_log ? "relay" : "binary", is_relay_log ? "relay" : "binary")); // Iterate over all files in reverse order until we find one that // contains a Previous_gtids_log_event. rit = filename_list.rbegin(); bool can_stop_reading = false; reached_first_file = (rit == filename_list.rend()); DBUG_PRINT("info", ("filename='%s' reached_first_file=%d", reached_first_file ? "" : rit->c_str(), reached_first_file)); while (!can_stop_reading && !reached_first_file) { const char *filename = rit->c_str(); DBUG_ASSERT(rit != filename_list.rend()); rit++; reached_first_file = (rit == filename_list.rend()); DBUG_PRINT("info", ("filename='%s' can_stop_reading=%d " "reached_first_file=%d, ", filename, can_stop_reading, reached_first_file)); switch (read_gtids_from_binlog( filename, all_gtids, reached_first_file ? lost_gtids : nullptr, nullptr /* first_gtid */, sid_map, verify_checksum, is_relay_log)) { case ERROR: { error = 1; goto end; } case GOT_GTIDS: { can_stop_reading = true; break; } case GOT_PREVIOUS_GTIDS: { /* If this is a binlog file, it is enough to have GOT_PREVIOUS_GTIDS. If this is a relaylog file, we need to find at least one GTID to start parsing the relay log to add GTID of transactions that might have spanned in distinct relaylog files. */ if (!is_relay_log) can_stop_reading = true; break; } case NO_GTIDS: { /* Mysql server iterates backwards through binary logs, looking for the last binary log that contains a Previous_gtids_log_event for gathering the set of gtid_executed on server start. This may take very long time if it has many binary logs and almost all of them are out of filesystem cache. So if the binlog_gtid_simple_recovery is enabled, and the last binary log does not contain any GTID event, do not read any more binary logs, GLOBAL.GTID_EXECUTED and GLOBAL.GTID_PURGED should be empty in the case. */ if (binlog_gtid_simple_recovery && is_server_starting && !is_relay_log) { DBUG_ASSERT(all_gtids->is_empty()); DBUG_ASSERT(lost_gtids->is_empty()); goto end; } /*FALLTHROUGH*/ } case TRUNCATED: { break; } } } /* If we use GTIDs and have partial transactions on the relay log, must check if it ends on next relay log files. We also need to feed the boundary parser with the rest of the relay log to put it in the correct state before receiving new events from the master in the case of GTID auto positioning be disabled. */ if (is_relay_log && filename_list.size() > 0) { /* Suppose the following relaylog: rl-bin.000001 | rl-bin.000002 | rl-bin.000003 | rl-bin-000004 ---------------+---------------+---------------+--------------- PREV_GTIDS | PREV_GTIDS | PREV_GTIDS | PREV_GTIDS (empty) | (UUID:1) | (UUID:1) | (UUID:1) ---------------+---------------+---------------+--------------- GTID(UUID:1) | QUERY(INSERT) | QUERY(INSERT) | XID ---------------+---------------+---------------+--------------- QUERY(CREATE | TABLE t1 ...) | ---------------+ GTID(UUID:2) | ---------------+ QUERY(BEGIN) | ---------------+ As it is impossible to determine the current Retrieved_Gtid_Set by only looking to the PREVIOUS_GTIDS on the last relay log file, and scanning events on it, we tried to find a relay log file that contains at least one GTID event during the backwards search. In the example, we will find a GTID only in rl-bin.000001, as the UUID:2 transaction was spanned across 4 relay log files. The transaction spanning can be caused by "FLUSH RELAY LOGS" commands on slave while it is queuing the transaction. So, in order to correctly add UUID:2 into Retrieved_Gtid_Set, we need to parse the relay log starting on the file we found the last GTID queued to know if the transaction was fully retrieved or not. */ /* Adjust the reverse iterator to point to the relaylog file we need to start parsing, as it was incremented after generating the relay log file name. */ DBUG_ASSERT(rit != filename_list.rbegin()); rit--; DBUG_ASSERT(rit != filename_list.rend()); /* Reset the transaction parser before feeding it with events */ trx_parser->reset(); partial_trx->clear(); DBUG_PRINT("info", ("Iterating forwards through relay logs, " "updating the Retrieved_Gtid_Set and updating " "IO thread trx parser before start.")); for (it = find(filename_list.begin(), filename_list.end(), *rit); it != filename_list.end(); it++) { const char *filename = it->c_str(); DBUG_PRINT("info", ("filename='%s'", filename)); if (read_gtids_and_update_trx_parser_from_relaylog( filename, all_gtids, true, trx_parser, partial_trx)) { error = 1; goto end; } } } } if (lost_gtids != nullptr && !reached_first_file) { /* This branch is only reacheable by a binary log. The relay log don't need to get lost_gtids information. A 5.6 server sets GTID_PURGED by rotating the binary log. A 5.6 server that had recently enabled GTIDs and set GTID_PURGED would have a sequence of binary logs like: master-bin.N : No PREVIOUS_GTIDS (GTID wasn't enabled) master-bin.N+1: Has an empty PREVIOUS_GTIDS and a ROTATE (GTID was enabled on startup) master-bin.N+2: Has a PREVIOUS_GTIDS with the content set by a SET @@GLOBAL.GTID_PURGED + has GTIDs of some transactions. If this 5.6 server be upgraded to 5.7 keeping its binary log files, this routine will have to find the first binary log that contains a PREVIOUS_GTIDS + a GTID event to ensure that the content of the GTID_PURGED will be correctly set (assuming binlog_gtid_simple_recovery is not enabled). */ DBUG_PRINT("info", ("Iterating forwards through binary logs, looking for " "the first binary log that contains both a " "Previous_gtids_log_event and a Gtid_log_event.")); DBUG_ASSERT(!is_relay_log); for (it = filename_list.begin(); it != filename_list.end(); it++) { /* We should pass a first_gtid to read_gtids_from_binlog when binlog_gtid_simple_recovery is disabled, or else it will return right after reading the PREVIOUS_GTIDS event to avoid stall on reading the whole binary log. */ Gtid first_gtid = {0, 0}; const char *filename = it->c_str(); DBUG_PRINT("info", ("filename='%s'", filename)); switch (read_gtids_from_binlog( filename, nullptr, lost_gtids, binlog_gtid_simple_recovery ? nullptr : &first_gtid, sid_map, verify_checksum, is_relay_log)) { case ERROR: { error = 1; /*FALLTHROUGH*/ } case GOT_GTIDS: { goto end; } case NO_GTIDS: case GOT_PREVIOUS_GTIDS: { /* Mysql server iterates forwards through binary logs, looking for the first binary log that contains both Previous_gtids_log_event and gtid_log_event for gathering the set of gtid_purged on server start. It also iterates forwards through binary logs, looking for the first binary log that contains both Previous_gtids_log_event and gtid_log_event for gathering the set of gtid_purged when purging binary logs. This may take very long time if it has many binary logs and almost all of them are out of filesystem cache. So if the binlog_gtid_simple_recovery is enabled, we just initialize GLOBAL.GTID_PURGED from the first binary log, do not read any more binary logs. */ if (binlog_gtid_simple_recovery) goto end; /*FALLTHROUGH*/ } case TRUNCATED: { break; } } } } end: if (all_gtids) all_gtids->dbug_print("all_gtids"); if (lost_gtids) lost_gtids->dbug_print("lost_gtids"); if (need_lock) { sid_lock->unlock(); mysql_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_index); if (all_gtids != nullptr) mysql_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_log); } filename_list.clear(); DBUG_PRINT("info", ("returning %d", error)); return error != 0 ? true : false; } /** Open a (new) binlog file. - Open the log file and the index file. Register the new file name in it - When calling this when the file is in use, you must have a locks on LOCK_log and LOCK_index. @retval 0 ok @retval 1 error */ bool MYSQL_BIN_LOG::open_binlog( const char *log_name, const char *new_name, ulong max_size_arg, bool null_created_arg, bool need_lock_index, bool need_sid_lock, Format_description_log_event *extra_description_event, uint32 new_index_number) { // lock_index must be acquired *before* sid_lock. DBUG_ASSERT(need_sid_lock || !need_lock_index); DBUG_TRACE; DBUG_PRINT("enter", ("base filename: %s", log_name)); mysql_mutex_assert_owner(get_log_lock()); if (init_and_set_log_file_name(log_name, new_name, new_index_number)) { LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_BINLOG_CANT_GENERATE_NEW_FILE_NAME); return 1; } DBUG_PRINT("info", ("generated filename: %s", log_file_name)); DEBUG_SYNC(current_thd, "after_log_file_name_initialized"); if (open_purge_index_file(true) || register_create_index_entry(log_file_name) || sync_purge_index_file() || DBUG_EVALUATE_IF("fault_injection_registering_index", 1, 0)) { /** @todo: although this was introduced to appease valgrind when injecting emulated faults using fault_injection_registering_index it may be good to consider what actually happens when open_purge_index_file succeeds but register or sync fails. Perhaps we might need the code below in MYSQL_BIN_LOG::cleanup for "real life" purposes as well? */ DBUG_EXECUTE_IF("fault_injection_registering_index", { if (my_b_inited(&purge_index_file)) { end_io_cache(&purge_index_file); my_close(purge_index_file.file, MYF(0)); } }); LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_BINLOG_FAILED_TO_SYNC_INDEX_FILE_IN_OPEN); return 1; } DBUG_EXECUTE_IF("crash_create_non_critical_before_update_index", DBUG_SUICIDE();); write_error = 0; /* open the main log file */ if (open(m_key_file_log, log_name, new_name, new_index_number)) { close_purge_index_file(); return 1; /* all warnings issued */ } max_size = max_size_arg; bool write_file_name_to_index_file = 0; /* This must be before goto err. */ #ifndef DBUG_OFF binary_log_debug::debug_pretend_version_50034_in_binlog = DBUG_EVALUATE_IF("pretend_version_50034_in_binlog", true, false); #endif Format_description_log_event s; if (m_binlog_file->is_empty()) { /* The binary log file was empty (probably newly created) This is the normal case and happens when the user doesn't specify an extension for the binary log files. In this case we write a standard header to it. */ if (m_binlog_file->write(pointer_cast(BINLOG_MAGIC), BIN_LOG_HEADER_SIZE)) goto err; bytes_written += BIN_LOG_HEADER_SIZE; write_file_name_to_index_file = 1; } /* don't set LOG_EVENT_BINLOG_IN_USE_F for the relay log */ if (!is_relay_log) { s.common_header->flags |= LOG_EVENT_BINLOG_IN_USE_F; } if (is_relay_log) { /* relay-log */ if (relay_log_checksum_alg == binary_log::BINLOG_CHECKSUM_ALG_UNDEF) { /* inherit master's A descriptor if one has been received */ if (opt_slave_sql_verify_checksum == 0) /* otherwise use slave's local preference of RL events verification */ relay_log_checksum_alg = binary_log::BINLOG_CHECKSUM_ALG_OFF; else relay_log_checksum_alg = static_cast(binlog_checksum_options); } } if (!s.is_valid()) goto err; s.dont_set_created = null_created_arg; /* Set LOG_EVENT_RELAY_LOG_F flag for relay log's FD */ if (is_relay_log) s.set_relay_log_event(); if (write_event_to_binlog(&s)) goto err; /* We need to revisit this code and improve it. See further comments in the mysqld. /Alfranio */ if (current_thd) { Checkable_rwlock *sid_lock = nullptr; Gtid_set logged_gtids_binlog(global_sid_map, global_sid_lock); Gtid_set *previous_logged_gtids; if (is_relay_log) { previous_logged_gtids = previous_gtid_set_relaylog; sid_lock = previous_gtid_set_relaylog->get_sid_map()->get_sid_lock(); } else { previous_logged_gtids = &logged_gtids_binlog; sid_lock = global_sid_lock; } if (need_sid_lock) sid_lock->wrlock(); else sid_lock->assert_some_wrlock(); if (!is_relay_log) { const Gtid_set *executed_gtids = gtid_state->get_executed_gtids(); const Gtid_set *gtids_only_in_table = gtid_state->get_gtids_only_in_table(); /* logged_gtids_binlog= executed_gtids - gtids_only_in_table */ if (logged_gtids_binlog.add_gtid_set(executed_gtids) != RETURN_STATUS_OK) { if (need_sid_lock) sid_lock->unlock(); goto err; } logged_gtids_binlog.remove_gtid_set(gtids_only_in_table); } DBUG_PRINT("info", ("Generating PREVIOUS_GTIDS for %s file.", is_relay_log ? "relaylog" : "binlog")); Previous_gtids_log_event prev_gtids_ev(previous_logged_gtids); if (is_relay_log) prev_gtids_ev.set_relay_log_event(); if (need_sid_lock) sid_lock->unlock(); if (write_event_to_binlog(&prev_gtids_ev)) goto err; } else // !(current_thd) { /* If the slave was configured before server restart, the server will generate a new relay log file without having current_thd, but this new relay log file must have a PREVIOUS_GTIDS event as we now generate the PREVIOUS_GTIDS event always. This is only needed for relay log files because the server will add the PREVIOUS_GTIDS of binary logs (when current_thd==NULL) after server's GTID initialization. During server's startup at mysqld_main(), from the binary/relay log initialization point of view, it will: 1) Call init_server_components() that will generate a new binary log file but won't write the PREVIOUS_GTIDS event yet; 2) Initialize server's GTIDs; 3) Write the binary log PREVIOUS_GTIDS; 4) Call init_slave() in where the new relay log file will be created after initializing relay log's Retrieved_Gtid_Set; */ if (is_relay_log) { Sid_map *previous_gtid_sid_map = previous_gtid_set_relaylog->get_sid_map(); Checkable_rwlock *sid_lock = previous_gtid_sid_map->get_sid_lock(); if (need_sid_lock) sid_lock->wrlock(); else sid_lock->assert_some_wrlock(); /* purecov: inspected */ DBUG_PRINT("info", ("Generating PREVIOUS_GTIDS for relaylog file.")); Previous_gtids_log_event prev_gtids_ev(previous_gtid_set_relaylog); prev_gtids_ev.set_relay_log_event(); if (need_sid_lock) sid_lock->unlock(); if (write_event_to_binlog(&prev_gtids_ev)) goto err; } } if (extra_description_event) { /* This is a relay log written to by the I/O slave thread. Write the event so that others can later know the format of this relay log. Note that this event is very close to the original event from the master (it has binlog version of the master, event types of the master), so this is suitable to parse the next relay log's event. It has been produced by Format_description_log_event::Format_description_log_event(char* buf,). Why don't we want to write the mi_description_event if this event is for format<4 (3.23 or 4.x): this is because in that case, the mi_description_event describes the data received from the master, but not the data written to the relay log (*conversion*), which is in format 4 (slave's). */ /* Set 'created' to 0, so that in next relay logs this event does not trigger cleaning actions on the slave in Format_description_log_event::apply_event_impl(). */ extra_description_event->created = 0; /* Don't set log_pos in event header */ extra_description_event->set_artificial_event(); if (binary_event_serialize(extra_description_event, m_binlog_file)) goto err; bytes_written += extra_description_event->common_header->data_written; } if (m_binlog_file->flush_and_sync()) goto err; if (write_file_name_to_index_file) { DBUG_EXECUTE_IF("crash_create_critical_before_update_index", DBUG_SUICIDE();); DBUG_ASSERT(my_b_inited(&index_file) != 0); /* The new log file name is appended into crash safe index file after all the content of index file is copyed into the crash safe index file. Then move the crash safe index file to index file. */ DBUG_EXECUTE_IF("simulate_disk_full_on_open_binlog", { DBUG_SET("+d,simulate_no_free_space_error"); }); if (DBUG_EVALUATE_IF("fault_injection_updating_index", 1, 0) || add_log_to_index((uchar *)log_file_name, strlen(log_file_name), need_lock_index)) { DBUG_EXECUTE_IF("simulate_disk_full_on_open_binlog", { DBUG_SET("-d,simulate_file_write_error"); DBUG_SET("-d,simulate_no_free_space_error"); DBUG_SET("-d,simulate_disk_full_on_open_binlog"); }); goto err; } DBUG_EXECUTE_IF("crash_create_after_update_index", DBUG_SUICIDE();); } atomic_log_state = LOG_OPENED; /* At every rotate memorize the last transaction counter state to use it as offset at logging the transaction logical timestamps. */ m_dependency_tracker.rotate(); close_purge_index_file(); update_binlog_end_pos(); return 0; err: if (is_inited_purge_index_file()) purge_index_entry(nullptr, nullptr, need_lock_index); close_purge_index_file(); if (binlog_error_action == ABORT_SERVER) { exec_binlog_error_action_abort( "Either disk is full, file system is read only or " "there was an encryption error while opening the binlog. " "Aborting the server."); } else { LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_BINLOG_CANT_USE_FOR_LOGGING, (new_name) ? new_name : name, errno); close(LOG_CLOSE_INDEX, false, need_lock_index); } return 1; } /** Move crash safe index file to index file. @param need_lock_index If true, LOCK_index will be acquired; otherwise it should already be held. @retval 0 ok @retval -1 error */ int MYSQL_BIN_LOG::move_crash_safe_index_file_to_index_file( bool need_lock_index) { int error = 0; File fd = -1; DBUG_TRACE; int failure_trials = MYSQL_BIN_LOG::MAX_RETRIES_FOR_DELETE_RENAME_FAILURE; bool file_rename_status = false, file_delete_status = false; THD *thd = current_thd; if (need_lock_index) mysql_mutex_lock(&LOCK_index); else mysql_mutex_assert_owner(&LOCK_index); if (my_b_inited(&index_file)) { end_io_cache(&index_file); if (mysql_file_close(index_file.file, MYF(0)) < 0) { error = -1; LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_BINLOG_FAILED_TO_CLOSE_INDEX_FILE_WHILE_REBUILDING, index_file_name); /* Delete Crash safe index file here and recover the binlog.index state(index_file io_cache) from old binlog.index content. */ mysql_file_delete(key_file_binlog_index, crash_safe_index_file_name, MYF(0)); goto recoverable_err; } /* Sometimes an outsider can lock index files for temporary viewing purpose. For eg: MEB locks binlog.index/relaylog.index to view the content of the file. During that small period of time, deletion of the file is not possible on some platforms(Eg: Windows) Server should retry the delete operation for few times instead of panicking immediately. */ while ((file_delete_status == false) && (failure_trials > 0)) { if (DBUG_EVALUATE_IF("force_index_file_delete_failure", 1, 0)) break; DBUG_EXECUTE_IF("simulate_index_file_delete_failure", { /* This simulation causes the delete to fail */ static char first_char = index_file_name[0]; index_file_name[0] = 0; sql_print_information("Retrying delete"); if (failure_trials == 1) index_file_name[0] = first_char; };); file_delete_status = !(mysql_file_delete(key_file_binlog_index, index_file_name, MYF(MY_WME))); --failure_trials; if (!file_delete_status) { my_sleep(1000); /* Clear the error before retrying. */ if (failure_trials > 0) thd->clear_error(); } } if (!file_delete_status) { error = -1; LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_BINLOG_FAILED_TO_DELETE_INDEX_FILE_WHILE_REBUILDING, index_file_name); /* Delete Crash safe file index file here and recover the binlog.index state(index_file io_cache) from old binlog.index content. */ mysql_file_delete(key_file_binlog_index, crash_safe_index_file_name, MYF(0)); goto recoverable_err; } } DBUG_EXECUTE_IF("crash_create_before_rename_index_file", DBUG_SUICIDE();); /* Sometimes an outsider can lock index files for temporary viewing purpose. For eg: MEB locks binlog.index/relaylog.index to view the content of the file. During that small period of time, rename of the file is not possible on some platforms(Eg: Windows) Server should retry the rename operation for few times instead of panicking immediately. */ failure_trials = MYSQL_BIN_LOG::MAX_RETRIES_FOR_DELETE_RENAME_FAILURE; while ((file_rename_status == false) && (failure_trials > 0)) { DBUG_EXECUTE_IF("simulate_crash_safe_index_file_rename_failure", { /* This simulation causes the rename to fail */ static char first_char = index_file_name[0]; index_file_name[0] = 0; sql_print_information("Retrying rename"); if (failure_trials == 1) index_file_name[0] = first_char; };); file_rename_status = !(my_rename(crash_safe_index_file_name, index_file_name, MYF(MY_WME))); --failure_trials; if (!file_rename_status) { my_sleep(1000); /* Clear the error before retrying. */ if (failure_trials > 0) thd->clear_error(); } } if (!file_rename_status) { error = -1; LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_BINLOG_FAILED_TO_RENAME_INDEX_FILE_WHILE_REBUILDING, index_file_name); goto fatal_err; } DBUG_EXECUTE_IF("crash_create_after_rename_index_file", DBUG_SUICIDE();); recoverable_err: if ((fd = mysql_file_open(key_file_binlog_index, index_file_name, O_RDWR | O_CREAT, MYF(MY_WME))) < 0 || mysql_file_sync(fd, MYF(MY_WME)) || init_io_cache_ext(&index_file, fd, IO_SIZE, READ_CACHE, mysql_file_seek(fd, 0L, MY_SEEK_END, MYF(0)), 0, MYF(MY_WME | MY_WAIT_IF_FULL), key_file_binlog_index_cache)) { LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_BINLOG_FAILED_TO_OPEN_INDEX_FILE_AFTER_REBUILDING, index_file_name); goto fatal_err; } if (need_lock_index) mysql_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_index); return error; fatal_err: /* This situation is very very rare to happen (unless there is some serious memory related issues like OOM) and should be treated as fatal error. Hence it is better to bring down the server without respecting 'binlog_error_action' value here. */ exec_binlog_error_action_abort( "MySQL server failed to update the " "binlog.index file's content properly. " "It might not be in sync with available " "binlogs and the binlog.index file state is in " "unrecoverable state. Aborting the server."); /* Server is aborted in the above function. This is dead code to make compiler happy. */ return error; } /** Append log file name to index file. - To make crash safe, we copy all the content of index file to crash safe index file firstly and then append the log file name to the crash safe index file. Finally move the crash safe index file to index file. @retval 0 ok @retval -1 error */ int MYSQL_BIN_LOG::add_log_to_index(uchar *log_name, size_t log_name_len, bool need_lock_index) { DBUG_TRACE; if (open_crash_safe_index_file()) { LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_BINLOG_CANT_OPEN_TMP_INDEX, "MYSQL_BIN_LOG::add_log_to_index"); goto err; } if (copy_file(&index_file, &crash_safe_index_file, 0)) { LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_BINLOG_CANT_COPY_INDEX_TO_TMP, "MYSQL_BIN_LOG::add_log_to_index"); goto err; } if (my_b_write(&crash_safe_index_file, log_name, log_name_len) || my_b_write(&crash_safe_index_file, pointer_cast("\n"), 1) || flush_io_cache(&crash_safe_index_file) || mysql_file_sync(crash_safe_index_file.file, MYF(MY_WME))) { LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_BINLOG_CANT_APPEND_LOG_TO_TMP_INDEX, log_name); goto err; } if (close_crash_safe_index_file()) { LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_BINLOG_CANT_CLOSE_TMP_INDEX, "MYSQL_BIN_LOG::add_log_to_index"); goto err; } if (move_crash_safe_index_file_to_index_file(need_lock_index)) { LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_BINLOG_CANT_MOVE_TMP_TO_INDEX, "MYSQL_BIN_LOG::add_log_to_index"); goto err; } return 0; err: return -1; } int MYSQL_BIN_LOG::get_current_log(LOG_INFO *linfo, bool need_lock_log /*true*/) { if (need_lock_log) mysql_mutex_lock(&LOCK_log); int ret = raw_get_current_log(linfo); if (need_lock_log) mysql_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_log); return ret; } int MYSQL_BIN_LOG::raw_get_current_log(LOG_INFO *linfo) { strmake(linfo->log_file_name, log_file_name, sizeof(linfo->log_file_name) - 1); linfo->pos = m_binlog_file->position(); linfo->encrypted_header_size = m_binlog_file->get_encrypted_header_size(); return 0; } bool MYSQL_BIN_LOG::check_write_error(const THD *thd) { DBUG_TRACE; bool checked = false; if (!thd->is_error()) return checked; switch (thd->get_stmt_da()->mysql_errno()) { case ER_TRANS_CACHE_FULL: case ER_STMT_CACHE_FULL: case ER_ERROR_ON_WRITE: case ER_BINLOG_LOGGING_IMPOSSIBLE: checked = true; break; } DBUG_PRINT("return", ("checked: %s", YESNO(checked))); return checked; } void MYSQL_BIN_LOG::report_cache_write_error(THD *thd, bool is_transactional) { DBUG_TRACE; write_error = 1; if (check_write_error(thd)) return; if (my_errno() == EFBIG) { if (is_transactional) { my_error(ER_TRANS_CACHE_FULL, MYF(MY_WME)); } else { my_error(ER_STMT_CACHE_FULL, MYF(MY_WME)); } } else { char errbuf[MYSYS_STRERROR_SIZE]; my_error(ER_ERROR_ON_WRITE, MYF(MY_WME), name, errno, my_strerror(errbuf, sizeof(errbuf), errno)); } } static int compare_log_name(const char *log_1, const char *log_2) { const char *log_1_basename = log_1 + dirname_length(log_1); const char *log_2_basename = log_2 + dirname_length(log_2); return strcmp(log_1_basename, log_2_basename); } /** Find the position in the log-index-file for the given log name. @param[out] linfo The found log file name will be stored here, along with the byte offset of the next log file name in the index file. @param log_name Filename to find in the index file, or NULL if we want to read the first entry. @param need_lock_index If false, this function acquires LOCK_index; otherwise the lock should already be held by the caller. @note On systems without the truncate function the file will end with one or more empty lines. These will be ignored when reading the file. @retval 0 ok @retval LOG_INFO_EOF End of log-index-file found @retval LOG_INFO_IO Got IO error while reading file */ int MYSQL_BIN_LOG::find_log_pos(LOG_INFO *linfo, const char *log_name, bool need_lock_index) { int error = 0; char *full_fname = linfo->log_file_name; char full_log_name[FN_REFLEN], fname[FN_REFLEN]; DBUG_TRACE; full_log_name[0] = full_fname[0] = 0; /* Mutex needed because we need to make sure the file pointer does not move from under our feet */ if (need_lock_index) mysql_mutex_lock(&LOCK_index); else mysql_mutex_assert_owner(&LOCK_index); if (!my_b_inited(&index_file)) { error = LOG_INFO_IO; goto end; } // extend relative paths for log_name to be searched if (log_name) { if (normalize_binlog_name(full_log_name, log_name, is_relay_log)) { error = LOG_INFO_EOF; goto end; } } DBUG_PRINT("enter", ("log_name: %s, full_log_name: %s", log_name ? log_name : "NULL", full_log_name)); /* As the file is flushed, we can't get an error here */ my_b_seek(&index_file, (my_off_t)0); for (;;) { size_t length; my_off_t offset = my_b_tell(&index_file); DBUG_EXECUTE_IF("simulate_find_log_pos_error", error = LOG_INFO_EOF; break;); /* If we get 0 or 1 characters, this is the end of the file */ if ((length = my_b_gets(&index_file, fname, FN_REFLEN)) <= 1) { /* Did not find the given entry; Return not found or error */ error = !index_file.error ? LOG_INFO_EOF : LOG_INFO_IO; break; } // extend relative paths and match against full path if (normalize_binlog_name(full_fname, fname, is_relay_log)) { error = LOG_INFO_EOF; break; } // if the log entry matches, null string matching anything if (!log_name || !compare_log_name(full_fname, full_log_name)) { DBUG_PRINT("info", ("Found log file entry")); linfo->index_file_start_offset = offset; linfo->index_file_offset = my_b_tell(&index_file); break; } linfo->entry_index++; } end: if (need_lock_index) mysql_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_index); return error; } /** Find the position in the log-index-file for the given log name. @param[out] linfo The filename will be stored here, along with the byte offset of the next filename in the index file. @param need_lock_index If true, LOCK_index will be acquired; otherwise it should already be held by the caller. @note - Before calling this function, one has to call find_log_pos() to set up 'linfo' - Mutex needed because we need to make sure the file pointer does not move from under our feet @retval 0 ok @retval LOG_INFO_EOF End of log-index-file found @retval LOG_INFO_IO Got IO error while reading file */ int MYSQL_BIN_LOG::find_next_log(LOG_INFO *linfo, bool need_lock_index) { int error = 0; size_t length; char fname[FN_REFLEN]; char *full_fname = linfo->log_file_name; if (need_lock_index) mysql_mutex_lock(&LOCK_index); else mysql_mutex_assert_owner(&LOCK_index); if (!my_b_inited(&index_file)) { error = LOG_INFO_IO; goto err; } /* As the file is flushed, we can't get an error here */ my_b_seek(&index_file, linfo->index_file_offset); linfo->index_file_start_offset = linfo->index_file_offset; if ((length = my_b_gets(&index_file, fname, FN_REFLEN)) <= 1) { error = !index_file.error ? LOG_INFO_EOF : LOG_INFO_IO; goto err; } if (fname[0] != 0) { if (normalize_binlog_name(full_fname, fname, is_relay_log)) { error = LOG_INFO_EOF; goto err; } length = strlen(full_fname); } linfo->index_file_offset = my_b_tell(&index_file); err: if (need_lock_index) mysql_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_index); return error; } /** Find the relay log name following the given name from relay log index file. @param[in,out] log_name The name is full path name. @return return 0 if it finds next relay log. Otherwise return the error code. */ int MYSQL_BIN_LOG::find_next_relay_log(char log_name[FN_REFLEN + 1]) { LOG_INFO info; int error; char relative_path_name[FN_REFLEN + 1]; if (fn_format(relative_path_name, log_name + dirname_length(log_name), mysql_data_home, "", 0) == NullS) return 1; mysql_mutex_lock(&LOCK_index); error = find_log_pos(&info, relative_path_name, false); if (error == 0) { error = find_next_log(&info, false); if (error == 0) strcpy(log_name, info.log_file_name); } mysql_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_index); return error; } std::pair> MYSQL_BIN_LOG::get_log_index( bool need_lock_index) { DBUG_TRACE; LOG_INFO log_info; if (need_lock_index) mysql_mutex_lock(&LOCK_index); else mysql_mutex_assert_owner(&LOCK_index); std::list filename_list; int error = 0; for (error = this->find_log_pos(&log_info, nullptr, false /*need_lock_index*/); error == 0; error = this->find_next_log(&log_info, false /*need_lock_index*/)) { filename_list.push_back(std::string(log_info.log_file_name)); } if (need_lock_index) mysql_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_index); return std::make_pair(error, filename_list); } /** Removes files, as part of a RESET MASTER or RESET SLAVE statement, by deleting all logs referred to in the index file and the index file. Then, it creates a new index file and a new log file. The new index file will only contain the new log file. @param thd Thread @param delete_only If true, do not create a new index file and a new log file. @note If not called from slave thread, write start event to new log @retval 0 ok @retval 1 error */ bool MYSQL_BIN_LOG::reset_logs(THD *thd, bool delete_only) { LOG_INFO linfo; bool error = 0; int err; const char *save_name = nullptr; Checkable_rwlock *sid_lock = nullptr; DBUG_TRACE; /* Flush logs for storage engines, so that the last transaction is persisted inside storage engines. */ DBUG_ASSERT(!thd->is_log_reset()); thd->set_log_reset(); if (ha_flush_logs()) { thd->clear_log_reset(); return 1; } thd->clear_log_reset(); ha_reset_logs(thd); /* We need to get both locks to be sure that no one is trying to write to the index log file. */ mysql_mutex_lock(&LOCK_log); mysql_mutex_lock(&LOCK_index); if (is_relay_log) sid_lock = previous_gtid_set_relaylog->get_sid_map()->get_sid_lock(); else sid_lock = global_sid_lock; sid_lock->wrlock(); /* Save variables so that we can reopen the log */ save_name = name; name = nullptr; // Protect against free close(LOG_CLOSE_TO_BE_OPENED, false /*need_lock_log=false*/, false /*need_lock_index=false*/); /* First delete all old log files and then update the index file. As we first delete the log files and do not use sort of logging, a crash may lead to an inconsistent state where the index has references to non-existent files. We need to invert the steps and use the purge_index_file methods in order to make the operation safe. */ if ((err = find_log_pos(&linfo, NullS, false /*need_lock_index=false*/)) != 0) { uint errcode = purge_log_get_error_code(err); LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_BINLOG_CANT_LOCATE_OLD_BINLOG_OR_RELAY_LOG_FILES); my_error(errcode, MYF(0)); error = 1; goto err; } for (;;) { if ((error = my_delete_allow_opened(linfo.log_file_name, MYF(0))) != 0) { if (my_errno() == ENOENT) { push_warning_printf( current_thd, Sql_condition::SL_WARNING, ER_LOG_PURGE_NO_FILE, ER_THD(current_thd, ER_LOG_PURGE_NO_FILE), linfo.log_file_name); LogErr(INFORMATION_LEVEL, ER_BINLOG_CANT_DELETE_FILE, linfo.log_file_name); set_my_errno(0); error = 0; } else { push_warning_printf(current_thd, Sql_condition::SL_WARNING, ER_BINLOG_PURGE_FATAL_ERR, "a problem with deleting %s; " "consider examining correspondence " "of your binlog index file " "to the actual binlog files", linfo.log_file_name); error = 1; goto err; } } if (find_next_log(&linfo, false /*need_lock_index=false*/)) break; } /* Start logging with a new file */ close(LOG_CLOSE_INDEX | LOG_CLOSE_TO_BE_OPENED, false /*need_lock_log=false*/, false /*need_lock_index=false*/); if ((error = my_delete_allow_opened(index_file_name, MYF(0)))) // Reset (open will update) { if (my_errno() == ENOENT) { push_warning_printf( current_thd, Sql_condition::SL_WARNING, ER_LOG_PURGE_NO_FILE, ER_THD(current_thd, ER_LOG_PURGE_NO_FILE), index_file_name); LogErr(INFORMATION_LEVEL, ER_BINLOG_CANT_DELETE_FILE, index_file_name); set_my_errno(0); error = 0; } else { push_warning_printf(current_thd, Sql_condition::SL_WARNING, ER_BINLOG_PURGE_FATAL_ERR, "a problem with deleting %s; " "consider examining correspondence " "of your binlog index file " "to the actual binlog files", index_file_name); error = 1; goto err; } } DBUG_EXECUTE_IF("wait_for_kill_gtid_state_clear", { const char action[] = "now WAIT_FOR kill_gtid_state_clear"; DBUG_ASSERT(!debug_sync_set_action(thd, STRING_WITH_LEN(action))); };); /* For relay logs we clear the gtid state associated per channel(i.e rli) in the purge_relay_logs() */ if (!is_relay_log) { if (gtid_state->clear(thd)) { error = 1; } /* Don't clear global_sid_map because gtid_state->clear() above didn't touched owned_gtids GTID set. */ error = error || gtid_state->init(); } if (!delete_only) { if (!open_index_file(index_file_name, 0, false /*need_lock_index=false*/)) error = open_binlog(save_name, 0, max_size, false, false /*need_lock_index=false*/, false /*need_sid_lock=false*/, nullptr, thd->lex->next_binlog_file_nr) || error; } /* String has been duplicated, free old file-name */ if (name != nullptr) { my_free(const_cast(save_name)); save_name = nullptr; } err: if (name == nullptr) name = const_cast(save_name); // restore old file-name sid_lock->unlock(); mysql_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_index); mysql_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_log); return error; } /** Set the name of crash safe index file. @retval 0 ok @retval 1 error */ int MYSQL_BIN_LOG::set_crash_safe_index_file_name(const char *base_file_name) { int error = 0; DBUG_TRACE; if (fn_format(crash_safe_index_file_name, base_file_name, mysql_data_home, ".index_crash_safe", MYF(MY_UNPACK_FILENAME | MY_SAFE_PATH | MY_REPLACE_EXT)) == nullptr) { error = 1; LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_BINLOG_CANT_SET_TMP_INDEX_NAME); } return error; } /** Open a (new) crash safe index file. @note The crash safe index file is a special file used for guaranteeing index file crash safe. @retval 0 ok @retval 1 error */ int MYSQL_BIN_LOG::open_crash_safe_index_file() { int error = 0; File file = -1; DBUG_TRACE; if (!my_b_inited(&crash_safe_index_file)) { myf flags = MY_WME | MY_NABP | MY_WAIT_IF_FULL; if (is_relay_log) flags = flags | MY_REPORT_WAITING_IF_FULL; if ((file = my_open(crash_safe_index_file_name, O_RDWR | O_CREAT, MYF(MY_WME))) < 0 || init_io_cache(&crash_safe_index_file, file, IO_SIZE, WRITE_CACHE, 0, 0, flags)) { error = 1; LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_BINLOG_FAILED_TO_OPEN_TEMPORARY_INDEX_FILE); } } return error; } /** Close the crash safe index file. @note The crash safe file is just closed, is not deleted. Because it is moved to index file later on. @retval 0 ok @retval 1 error */ int MYSQL_BIN_LOG::close_crash_safe_index_file() { int error = 0; DBUG_TRACE; if (my_b_inited(&crash_safe_index_file)) { end_io_cache(&crash_safe_index_file); error = my_close(crash_safe_index_file.file, MYF(0)); } crash_safe_index_file = IO_CACHE(); return error; } /** Remove logs from index file. - To make crash safe, we copy the content of index file from index_file_start_offset recored in log_info to crash safe index file firstly and then move the crash safe index file to index file. @param log_info Store here the found log file name and position to the NEXT log file name in the index file. @param need_update_threads If we want to update the log coordinates of all threads. False for relay logs, true otherwise. @retval 0 ok @retval LOG_INFO_IO Got IO error while reading/writing file */ int MYSQL_BIN_LOG::remove_logs_from_index(LOG_INFO *log_info, bool need_update_threads) { if (open_crash_safe_index_file()) { LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_BINLOG_CANT_OPEN_TMP_INDEX, "MYSQL_BIN_LOG::remove_logs_from_index"); goto err; } if (copy_file(&index_file, &crash_safe_index_file, log_info->index_file_start_offset)) { LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_BINLOG_CANT_COPY_INDEX_TO_TMP, "MYSQL_BIN_LOG::remove_logs_from_index"); goto err; } if (close_crash_safe_index_file()) { LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_BINLOG_CANT_CLOSE_TMP_INDEX, "MYSQL_BIN_LOG::remove_logs_from_index"); goto err; } DBUG_EXECUTE_IF("fault_injection_copy_part_file", DBUG_SUICIDE();); if (move_crash_safe_index_file_to_index_file( false /*need_lock_index=false*/)) { LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_BINLOG_CANT_MOVE_TMP_TO_INDEX, "MYSQL_BIN_LOG::remove_logs_from_index"); goto err; } // now update offsets in index file for running threads if (need_update_threads) adjust_linfo_offsets(log_info->index_file_start_offset); return 0; err: return LOG_INFO_IO; } /** Remove all logs before the given log from disk and from the index file. @param to_log Delete all log file name before this file. @param included If true, to_log is deleted too. @param need_lock_index @param need_update_threads If we want to update the log coordinates of all threads. False for relay logs, true otherwise. @param decrease_log_space If not null, decrement this variable of the amount of log space freed @param auto_purge True if this is an automatic purge. @note If any of the logs before the deleted one is in use, only purge logs up to this one. @retval 0 ok @retval LOG_INFO_EOF to_log not found LOG_INFO_EMFILE too many files opened LOG_INFO_FATAL if any other than ENOENT error from mysql_file_stat() or mysql_file_delete() */ int MYSQL_BIN_LOG::purge_logs(const char *to_log, bool included, bool need_lock_index, bool need_update_threads, ulonglong *decrease_log_space, bool auto_purge) { int error = 0, no_of_log_files_to_purge = 0, no_of_log_files_purged = 0; int no_of_threads_locking_log = 0; bool exit_loop = 0; LOG_INFO log_info; THD *thd = current_thd; DBUG_TRACE; DBUG_PRINT("info", ("to_log= %s", to_log)); if (need_lock_index) mysql_mutex_lock(&LOCK_index); else mysql_mutex_assert_owner(&LOCK_index); if ((error = find_log_pos(&log_info, to_log, false /*need_lock_index=false*/))) { LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_BINLOG_PURGE_LOGS_CALLED_WITH_FILE_NOT_IN_INDEX, to_log); goto err; } no_of_log_files_to_purge = log_info.entry_index; if ((error = open_purge_index_file(true))) { LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_BINLOG_PURGE_LOGS_CANT_SYNC_INDEX_FILE); goto err; } /* File name exists in index file; delete until we find this file or a file that is used. */ if ((error = find_log_pos(&log_info, NullS, false /*need_lock_index=false*/))) goto err; while ((compare_log_name(to_log, log_info.log_file_name) || (exit_loop = included))) { if (is_active(log_info.log_file_name)) { if (!auto_purge) push_warning_printf( thd, Sql_condition::SL_WARNING, ER_WARN_PURGE_LOG_IS_ACTIVE, ER_THD(thd, ER_WARN_PURGE_LOG_IS_ACTIVE), log_info.log_file_name); break; } if ((no_of_threads_locking_log = log_in_use(log_info.log_file_name))) { if (!auto_purge) push_warning_printf(thd, Sql_condition::SL_WARNING, ER_WARN_PURGE_LOG_IN_USE, ER_THD(thd, ER_WARN_PURGE_LOG_IN_USE), log_info.log_file_name, no_of_threads_locking_log, no_of_log_files_purged, no_of_log_files_to_purge); break; } no_of_log_files_purged++; if ((error = register_purge_index_entry(log_info.log_file_name))) { LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_BINLOG_PURGE_LOGS_CANT_COPY_TO_REGISTER_FILE, log_info.log_file_name); goto err; } if (find_next_log(&log_info, false /*need_lock_index=false*/) || exit_loop) break; } DBUG_EXECUTE_IF("crash_purge_before_update_index", DBUG_SUICIDE();); if ((error = sync_purge_index_file())) { LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_BINLOG_PURGE_LOGS_CANT_FLUSH_REGISTER_FILE); goto err; } /* We know how many files to delete. Update index file. */ if ((error = remove_logs_from_index(&log_info, need_update_threads))) { LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_BINLOG_PURGE_LOGS_CANT_UPDATE_INDEX_FILE); goto err; } // Update gtid_state->lost_gtids if (!is_relay_log) { global_sid_lock->wrlock(); error = init_gtid_sets( nullptr, const_cast(gtid_state->get_lost_gtids()), opt_master_verify_checksum, false /*false=don't need lock*/, nullptr /*trx_parser*/, nullptr /*partial_trx*/); global_sid_lock->unlock(); if (error) goto err; } DBUG_EXECUTE_IF("crash_purge_critical_after_update_index", DBUG_SUICIDE();); err: int error_index = 0, close_error_index = 0; /* Read each entry from purge_index_file and delete the file. */ if (!error && is_inited_purge_index_file() && (error_index = purge_index_entry(thd, decrease_log_space, false /*need_lock_index=false*/))) LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_BINLOG_PURGE_LOGS_FAILED_TO_PURGE_LOG); close_error_index = close_purge_index_file(); DBUG_EXECUTE_IF("crash_purge_non_critical_after_update_index", DBUG_SUICIDE();); if (need_lock_index) mysql_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_index); /* Error codes from purge logs take precedence. Then error codes from purging the index entry. Finally, error codes from closing the purge index file. */ error = error ? error : (error_index ? error_index : close_error_index); return error; } int MYSQL_BIN_LOG::set_purge_index_file_name(const char *base_file_name) { int error = 0; DBUG_TRACE; if (fn_format( purge_index_file_name, base_file_name, mysql_data_home, ".~rec~", MYF(MY_UNPACK_FILENAME | MY_SAFE_PATH | MY_REPLACE_EXT)) == nullptr) { error = 1; LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_BINLOG_FAILED_TO_SET_PURGE_INDEX_FILE_NAME); } return error; } int MYSQL_BIN_LOG::open_purge_index_file(bool destroy) { int error = 0; File file = -1; DBUG_TRACE; if (destroy) close_purge_index_file(); if (!my_b_inited(&purge_index_file)) { myf flags = MY_WME | MY_NABP | MY_WAIT_IF_FULL; if (is_relay_log) flags = flags | MY_REPORT_WAITING_IF_FULL; if ((file = my_open(purge_index_file_name, O_RDWR | O_CREAT, MYF(MY_WME))) < 0 || init_io_cache(&purge_index_file, file, IO_SIZE, (destroy ? WRITE_CACHE : READ_CACHE), 0, 0, flags)) { error = 1; LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_BINLOG_FAILED_TO_OPEN_REGISTER_FILE); } } return error; } int MYSQL_BIN_LOG::close_purge_index_file() { int error = 0; DBUG_TRACE; if (my_b_inited(&purge_index_file)) { end_io_cache(&purge_index_file); error = my_close(purge_index_file.file, MYF(0)); } my_delete(purge_index_file_name, MYF(0)); new (&purge_index_file) IO_CACHE(); return error; } bool MYSQL_BIN_LOG::is_inited_purge_index_file() { DBUG_TRACE; return my_b_inited(&purge_index_file); } int MYSQL_BIN_LOG::sync_purge_index_file() { int error = 0; DBUG_TRACE; if ((error = flush_io_cache(&purge_index_file)) || (error = my_sync(purge_index_file.file, MYF(MY_WME)))) return error; return error; } int MYSQL_BIN_LOG::register_purge_index_entry(const char *entry) { int error = 0; DBUG_TRACE; if ((error = my_b_write(&purge_index_file, (const uchar *)entry, strlen(entry))) || (error = my_b_write(&purge_index_file, (const uchar *)"\n", 1))) return error; return error; } int MYSQL_BIN_LOG::register_create_index_entry(const char *entry) { DBUG_TRACE; return register_purge_index_entry(entry); } int MYSQL_BIN_LOG::purge_index_entry(THD *thd, ulonglong *decrease_log_space, bool need_lock_index) { MY_STAT s; int error = 0; LOG_INFO log_info; LOG_INFO check_log_info; DBUG_TRACE; DBUG_ASSERT(my_b_inited(&purge_index_file)); if ((error = reinit_io_cache(&purge_index_file, READ_CACHE, 0, 0, 0))) { LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_BINLOG_FAILED_TO_REINIT_REGISTER_FILE); goto err; } for (;;) { size_t length; if ((length = my_b_gets(&purge_index_file, log_info.log_file_name, FN_REFLEN)) <= 1) { if (purge_index_file.error) { error = purge_index_file.error; LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_BINLOG_FAILED_TO_READ_REGISTER_FILE, error); goto err; } /* Reached EOF */ break; } /* Get rid of the trailing '\n' */ log_info.log_file_name[length - 1] = 0; if (!mysql_file_stat(m_key_file_log, log_info.log_file_name, &s, MYF(0))) { if (my_errno() == ENOENT) { /* It's not fatal if we can't stat a log file that does not exist; If we could not stat, we won't delete. */ if (thd) { push_warning_printf( thd, Sql_condition::SL_WARNING, ER_LOG_PURGE_NO_FILE, ER_THD(thd, ER_LOG_PURGE_NO_FILE), log_info.log_file_name); } LogErr(INFORMATION_LEVEL, ER_CANT_STAT_FILE, log_info.log_file_name); set_my_errno(0); } else { /* Other than ENOENT are fatal */ if (thd) { push_warning_printf(thd, Sql_condition::SL_WARNING, ER_BINLOG_PURGE_FATAL_ERR, "a problem with getting info on being purged %s; " "consider examining correspondence " "of your binlog index file " "to the actual binlog files", log_info.log_file_name); } else { LogErr(INFORMATION_LEVEL, ER_BINLOG_CANT_DELETE_LOG_FILE_DOES_INDEX_MATCH_FILES, log_info.log_file_name); } error = LOG_INFO_FATAL; goto err; } } else { if ((error = find_log_pos(&check_log_info, log_info.log_file_name, need_lock_index))) { if (error != LOG_INFO_EOF) { if (thd) { push_warning_printf(thd, Sql_condition::SL_WARNING, ER_BINLOG_PURGE_FATAL_ERR, "a problem with deleting %s and " "reading the binlog index file", log_info.log_file_name); } else { LogErr(INFORMATION_LEVEL, ER_BINLOG_CANT_DELETE_FILE_AND_READ_BINLOG_INDEX, log_info.log_file_name); } goto err; } error = 0; if (!need_lock_index) { /* This is to avoid triggering an error in NDB. @todo: This is weird, what does NDB errors have to do with need_lock_index? Explain better or refactor /Sven */ ha_binlog_index_purge_file(current_thd, log_info.log_file_name); } DBUG_PRINT("info", ("purging %s", log_info.log_file_name)); if (!mysql_file_delete(key_file_binlog, log_info.log_file_name, MYF(0))) { DBUG_EXECUTE_IF("wait_in_purge_index_entry", { const char action[] = "now SIGNAL in_purge_index_entry WAIT_FOR go_ahead_sql"; DBUG_ASSERT(!debug_sync_set_action(thd, STRING_WITH_LEN(action))); DBUG_SET("-d,wait_in_purge_index_entry"); };); if (decrease_log_space) *decrease_log_space -= s.st_size; } else { if (my_errno() == ENOENT) { if (thd) { push_warning_printf( thd, Sql_condition::SL_WARNING, ER_LOG_PURGE_NO_FILE, ER_THD(thd, ER_LOG_PURGE_NO_FILE), log_info.log_file_name); } LogErr(INFORMATION_LEVEL, ER_BINLOG_CANT_DELETE_FILE, log_info.log_file_name); set_my_errno(0); } else { if (thd) { push_warning_printf(thd, Sql_condition::SL_WARNING, ER_BINLOG_PURGE_FATAL_ERR, "a problem with deleting %s; " "consider examining correspondence " "of your binlog index file " "to the actual binlog files", log_info.log_file_name); } else { LogErr(INFORMATION_LEVEL, ER_BINLOG_CANT_DELETE_LOG_FILE_DOES_INDEX_MATCH_FILES, log_info.log_file_name); } if (my_errno() == EMFILE) { DBUG_PRINT("info", ("my_errno: %d, set ret = LOG_INFO_EMFILE", my_errno())); error = LOG_INFO_EMFILE; goto err; } error = LOG_INFO_FATAL; goto err; } } } } } err: return error; } /** Remove all logs before the given file date from disk and from the index file. @param purge_time Delete all log files before given date. @param auto_purge True if this is an automatic purge. @note If any of the logs before the deleted one is in use, only purge logs up to this one. @retval 0 ok @retval LOG_INFO_PURGE_NO_ROTATE Binary file that can't be rotated LOG_INFO_FATAL if any other than ENOENT error from mysql_file_stat() or mysql_file_delete() */ int MYSQL_BIN_LOG::purge_logs_before_date(time_t purge_time, bool auto_purge) { int error; int no_of_threads_locking_log = 0, no_of_log_files_purged = 0; bool log_is_active = false, log_is_in_use = false; char to_log[FN_REFLEN], copy_log_in_use[FN_REFLEN]; LOG_INFO log_info; MY_STAT stat_area; THD *thd = current_thd; DBUG_TRACE; mysql_mutex_lock(&LOCK_index); to_log[0] = 0; if ((error = find_log_pos(&log_info, NullS, false /*need_lock_index=false*/))) goto err; while (!(log_is_active = is_active(log_info.log_file_name))) { if (!mysql_file_stat(m_key_file_log, log_info.log_file_name, &stat_area, MYF(0))) { if (my_errno() == ENOENT) { /* It's not fatal if we can't stat a log file that does not exist. */ set_my_errno(0); } else { /* Other than ENOENT are fatal */ if (thd) { push_warning_printf(thd, Sql_condition::SL_WARNING, ER_BINLOG_PURGE_FATAL_ERR, "a problem with getting info on being purged %s; " "consider examining correspondence " "of your binlog index file " "to the actual binlog files", log_info.log_file_name); } else { LogErr(INFORMATION_LEVEL, ER_BINLOG_FAILED_TO_DELETE_LOG_FILE, log_info.log_file_name); } error = LOG_INFO_FATAL; goto err; } } /* check if the binary log file is older than the purge_time if yes check if it is in use, if not in use then add it in the list of binary log files to be purged. */ else if (stat_area.st_mtime < purge_time) { if ((no_of_threads_locking_log = log_in_use(log_info.log_file_name))) { if (!auto_purge) { log_is_in_use = true; strcpy(copy_log_in_use, log_info.log_file_name); } break; } strmake(to_log, log_info.log_file_name, sizeof(log_info.log_file_name) - 1); no_of_log_files_purged++; } else break; if (find_next_log(&log_info, false /*need_lock_index=false*/)) break; } if (log_is_active) { if (!auto_purge) push_warning_printf( thd, Sql_condition::SL_WARNING, ER_WARN_PURGE_LOG_IS_ACTIVE, ER_THD(thd, ER_WARN_PURGE_LOG_IS_ACTIVE), log_info.log_file_name); } if (log_is_in_use) { int no_of_log_files_to_purge = no_of_log_files_purged + 1; while (strcmp(log_file_name, log_info.log_file_name)) { if (mysql_file_stat(m_key_file_log, log_info.log_file_name, &stat_area, MYF(0))) { if (stat_area.st_mtime < purge_time) no_of_log_files_to_purge++; else break; } if (find_next_log(&log_info, false /*need_lock_index=false*/)) { no_of_log_files_to_purge++; break; } } push_warning_printf(thd, Sql_condition::SL_WARNING, ER_WARN_PURGE_LOG_IN_USE, ER_THD(thd, ER_WARN_PURGE_LOG_IN_USE), copy_log_in_use, no_of_threads_locking_log, no_of_log_files_purged, no_of_log_files_to_purge); } error = (to_log[0] ? purge_logs(to_log, true, false /*need_lock_index=false*/, true /*need_update_threads=true*/, (ulonglong *)0, auto_purge) : 0); err: mysql_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_index); return error; } /** Create a new log file name. @param[out] buf Buffer allocated with at least FN_REFLEN bytes where new name is stored. @param log_ident Identity of the binary/relay log. @note If file name will be longer then FN_REFLEN it will be truncated */ void MYSQL_BIN_LOG::make_log_name(char *buf, const char *log_ident) { size_t dir_len = dirname_length(log_file_name); if (dir_len >= FN_REFLEN) dir_len = FN_REFLEN - 1; my_stpnmov(buf, log_file_name, dir_len); strmake(buf + dir_len, log_ident, FN_REFLEN - dir_len - 1); } /** Check if we are writing/reading to the given log file. */ bool MYSQL_BIN_LOG::is_active(const char *log_file_name_arg) { return !compare_log_name(log_file_name, log_file_name_arg); } void MYSQL_BIN_LOG::inc_prep_xids(THD *thd) { DBUG_TRACE; #ifndef DBUG_OFF int result = ++m_atomic_prep_xids; DBUG_PRINT("debug", ("m_atomic_prep_xids: %d", result)); #else m_atomic_prep_xids++; #endif thd->get_transaction()->m_flags.xid_written = true; } void MYSQL_BIN_LOG::dec_prep_xids(THD *thd) { DBUG_TRACE; int32 result = --m_atomic_prep_xids; DBUG_PRINT("debug", ("m_atomic_prep_xids: %d", result)); thd->get_transaction()->m_flags.xid_written = false; if (result == 0) { mysql_mutex_lock(&LOCK_xids); mysql_cond_signal(&m_prep_xids_cond); mysql_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_xids); } } /* Wrappers around new_file_impl to avoid using argument to control locking. The argument 1) less readable 2) breaks incapsulation 3) allows external access to the class without a lock (which is not possible with private new_file_without_locking method). @retval nonzero - error */ int MYSQL_BIN_LOG::new_file( Format_description_log_event *extra_description_event) { return new_file_impl(true /*need_lock_log=true*/, extra_description_event); } /* @retval nonzero - error */ int MYSQL_BIN_LOG::new_file_without_locking( Format_description_log_event *extra_description_event) { return new_file_impl(false /*need_lock_log=false*/, extra_description_event); } /** Start writing to a new log file or reopen the old file. @param need_lock_log If true, this function acquires LOCK_log; otherwise the caller should already have acquired it. @param extra_description_event The master's FDE to be written by the I/O thread while creating a new relay log file. This should be NULL for binary log files. @retval 0 success @retval nonzero - error @note The new file name is stored last in the index file */ int MYSQL_BIN_LOG::new_file_impl( bool need_lock_log, Format_description_log_event *extra_description_event) { int error = 0; bool close_on_error = false; char new_name[FN_REFLEN], *new_name_ptr = nullptr, *old_name, *file_to_open; const size_t ERR_CLOSE_MSG_LEN = 1024; char close_on_error_msg[ERR_CLOSE_MSG_LEN]; memset(close_on_error_msg, 0, sizeof close_on_error_msg); DBUG_TRACE; if (!is_open()) { DBUG_PRINT("info", ("log is closed")); return error; } if (need_lock_log) mysql_mutex_lock(&LOCK_log); else mysql_mutex_assert_owner(&LOCK_log); DBUG_EXECUTE_IF("semi_sync_3-way_deadlock", DEBUG_SYNC(current_thd, "before_rotate_binlog");); mysql_mutex_lock(&LOCK_xids); /* We need to ensure that the number of prepared XIDs are 0. If m_atomic_prep_xids is not zero: - We wait for storage engine commit, hence decrease m_atomic_prep_xids - We keep the LOCK_log to block new transactions from being written to the binary log. */ while (get_prep_xids() > 0) { mysql_cond_wait(&m_prep_xids_cond, &LOCK_xids); } mysql_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_xids); mysql_mutex_lock(&LOCK_index); mysql_mutex_assert_owner(&LOCK_log); mysql_mutex_assert_owner(&LOCK_index); if (DBUG_EVALUATE_IF("expire_logs_always", 0, 1) && (error = ha_flush_logs())) { goto end; } if (!is_relay_log) { /* Save set of GTIDs of the last binlog into table on binlog rotation */ if ((error = gtid_state->save_gtids_of_last_binlog_into_table())) { if (error == ER_RPL_GTID_TABLE_CANNOT_OPEN) { close_on_error = m_binlog_file->get_real_file_size() >= static_cast(max_size) || DBUG_EVALUATE_IF("simulate_max_binlog_size", true, false); if (!close_on_error) { LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_BINLOG_UNABLE_TO_ROTATE_GTID_TABLE_READONLY, "Current binlog file was flushed to disk and will be kept in " "use."); } else { snprintf(close_on_error_msg, sizeof close_on_error_msg, ER_THD(current_thd, ER_RPL_GTID_TABLE_CANNOT_OPEN), "mysql", "gtid_executed"); if (binlog_error_action != ABORT_SERVER) LogErr(WARNING_LEVEL, ER_BINLOG_UNABLE_TO_ROTATE_GTID_TABLE_READONLY, "Binary logging going to be disabled."); } DBUG_EXECUTE_IF("gtid_executed_readonly", { DBUG_SET("-d,gtid_executed_readonly"); }); DBUG_EXECUTE_IF("simulate_max_binlog_size", { DBUG_SET("-d,simulate_max_binlog_size"); }); } else { close_on_error = true; snprintf(close_on_error_msg, sizeof close_on_error_msg, "%s", ER_THD(current_thd, ER_OOM_SAVE_GTIDS)); } goto end; } } /* If user hasn't specified an extension, generate a new log name We have to do this here and not in open as we want to store the new file name in the current binary log file. */ new_name_ptr = new_name; if ((error = generate_new_name(new_name, name))) { // Use the old name if generation of new name fails. strcpy(new_name, name); close_on_error = true; snprintf(close_on_error_msg, sizeof close_on_error_msg, ER_THD(current_thd, ER_NO_UNIQUE_LOGFILE), name); if (strlen(close_on_error_msg)) { close_on_error_msg[strlen(close_on_error_msg) - 1] = '\0'; } goto end; } /* Make sure that the log_file is initialized before writing Rotate_log_event into it. */ if (m_binlog_file->is_open()) { /* We log the whole file name for log file as the user may decide to change base names at some point. */ Rotate_log_event r(new_name + dirname_length(new_name), 0, LOG_EVENT_OFFSET, is_relay_log ? Rotate_log_event::RELAY_LOG : 0); if (DBUG_EVALUATE_IF("fault_injection_new_file_rotate_event", (error = 1), false) || (error = write_event_to_binlog(&r))) { char errbuf[MYSYS_STRERROR_SIZE]; DBUG_EXECUTE_IF("fault_injection_new_file_rotate_event", errno = 2;); close_on_error = true; snprintf(close_on_error_msg, sizeof close_on_error_msg, ER_THD(current_thd, ER_ERROR_ON_WRITE), name, errno, my_strerror(errbuf, sizeof(errbuf), errno)); my_printf_error(ER_ERROR_ON_WRITE, ER_THD(current_thd, ER_ERROR_ON_WRITE), MYF(ME_FATALERROR), name, errno, my_strerror(errbuf, sizeof(errbuf), errno)); goto end; } if ((error = m_binlog_file->flush())) { close_on_error = true; snprintf(close_on_error_msg, sizeof close_on_error_msg, "%s", "Either disk is full or file system is read only"); goto end; } } DEBUG_SYNC(current_thd, "after_rotate_event_appended"); old_name = name; name = 0; // Don't free name close(LOG_CLOSE_TO_BE_OPENED | LOG_CLOSE_INDEX, false /*need_lock_log=false*/, false /*need_lock_index=false*/); if (checksum_alg_reset != binary_log::BINLOG_CHECKSUM_ALG_UNDEF) { DBUG_ASSERT(!is_relay_log); DBUG_ASSERT(binlog_checksum_options != checksum_alg_reset); binlog_checksum_options = checksum_alg_reset; } /* Note that at this point, atomic_log_state != LOG_CLOSED (important for is_open()). */ DEBUG_SYNC(current_thd, "binlog_rotate_between_close_and_open"); /* new_file() is only used for rotation (in FLUSH LOGS or because size > max_binlog_size or max_relay_log_size). If this is a binary log, the Format_description_log_event at the beginning of the new file should have created=0 (to distinguish with the Format_description_log_event written at server startup, which should trigger temp tables deletion on slaves. */ /* reopen index binlog file, BUG#34582 */ file_to_open = index_file_name; error = open_index_file(index_file_name, 0, false /*need_lock_index=false*/); if (!error) { /* reopen the binary log file. */ file_to_open = new_name_ptr; error = open_binlog(old_name, new_name_ptr, max_size, true /*null_created_arg=true*/, false /*need_lock_index=false*/, true /*need_sid_lock=true*/, extra_description_event); } /* handle reopening errors */ if (error) { char errbuf[MYSYS_STRERROR_SIZE]; my_printf_error(ER_CANT_OPEN_FILE, ER_THD(current_thd, ER_CANT_OPEN_FILE), MYF(ME_FATALERROR), file_to_open, error, my_strerror(errbuf, sizeof(errbuf), error)); close_on_error = true; snprintf(close_on_error_msg, sizeof close_on_error_msg, ER_THD(current_thd, ER_CANT_OPEN_FILE), file_to_open, error, my_strerror(errbuf, sizeof(errbuf), error)); } my_free(old_name); end: if (error && close_on_error /* rotate, flush or reopen failed */) { /* Close whatever was left opened. We are keeping the behavior as it exists today, ie, we disable logging and move on (see: BUG#51014). TODO: as part of WL#1790 consider other approaches: - kill mysql (safety); - try multiple locations for opening a log file; - switch server to protected/readonly mode - ... */ if (binlog_error_action == ABORT_SERVER) { char abort_msg[ERR_CLOSE_MSG_LEN + 48]; memset(abort_msg, 0, sizeof abort_msg); snprintf(abort_msg, sizeof abort_msg, "%s, while rotating the binlog. " "Aborting the server", close_on_error_msg); exec_binlog_error_action_abort(abort_msg); } else LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_BINLOG_CANT_OPEN_FOR_LOGGING, new_name_ptr != nullptr ? new_name_ptr : "new file", errno); close(LOG_CLOSE_INDEX, false /*need_lock_log=false*/, false /*need_lock_index=false*/); } mysql_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_index); if (need_lock_log) mysql_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_log); DEBUG_SYNC(current_thd, "after_disable_binlog"); return error; } /** Called after an event has been written to the relay log by the IO thread. This flushes and possibly syncs the file (according to the sync options), rotates the file if it has grown over the limit, and finally calls signal_update(). @note The caller must hold LOCK_log before invoking this function. @param mi Master_info for the IO thread. @retval false success @retval true error */ bool MYSQL_BIN_LOG::after_write_to_relay_log(Master_info *mi) { DBUG_TRACE; DBUG_PRINT("info", ("max_size: %lu", max_size)); // Check pre-conditions mysql_mutex_assert_owner(&LOCK_log); DBUG_ASSERT(is_relay_log); /* We allow the relay log rotation by relay log size only if the trx parser is not inside a transaction. */ bool can_rotate = mi->transaction_parser.is_not_inside_transaction(); #ifndef DBUG_OFF if (m_binlog_file->get_real_file_size() > DBUG_EVALUATE_IF("rotate_slave_debug_group", 500, max_size) && !can_rotate) { DBUG_PRINT("info", ("Postponing the rotation by size waiting for " "the end of the current transaction.")); } #endif // Flush and sync bool error = flush_and_sync(0); if (error) { mi->report(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_SLAVE_RELAY_LOG_WRITE_FAILURE, ER_THD(current_thd, ER_SLAVE_RELAY_LOG_WRITE_FAILURE), "failed to flush event to relay log file"); truncate_relaylog_file(mi, atomic_binlog_end_pos); } else { if (can_rotate) { mysql_mutex_lock(&mi->data_lock); /* If the last event of the transaction has been flushed, we can add the GTID (if it is not empty) to the logged set, or else it will not be available in the Previous GTIDs of the next relay log file if we are going to rotate the relay log. */ const Gtid *last_gtid_queued = mi->get_queueing_trx_gtid(); if (!last_gtid_queued->is_empty()) { mi->rli->get_sid_lock()->rdlock(); DBUG_SIGNAL_WAIT_FOR(current_thd, "updating_received_transaction_set", "reached_updating_received_transaction_set", "continue_updating_received_transaction_set"); mi->rli->add_logged_gtid(last_gtid_queued->sidno, last_gtid_queued->gno); mi->rli->get_sid_lock()->unlock(); } if (mi->is_queueing_trx()) { mi->finished_queueing(); } mysql_mutex_unlock(&mi->data_lock); /* If relay log is too big, rotate. But only if not in the middle of a transaction when GTIDs are enabled. Also rotate, if a deffered flush request has been placed. We now try to mimic the following master binlog behavior: "A transaction is written in one chunk to the binary log, so it is never split between several binary logs. Therefore, if you have big transactions, you might see binary log files larger than max_binlog_size." */ if (m_binlog_file->get_real_file_size() > DBUG_EVALUATE_IF("rotate_slave_debug_group", 500, max_size) || mi->is_rotate_requested()) { error = new_file_without_locking(mi->get_mi_description_event()); mi->clear_rotate_requests(); } } } lock_binlog_end_pos(); mi->rli->ign_master_log_name_end[0] = 0; update_binlog_end_pos(false /*need_lock*/); harvest_bytes_written(mi->rli, true /*need_log_space_lock=true*/); unlock_binlog_end_pos(); return error; } bool MYSQL_BIN_LOG::write_event(Log_event *ev, Master_info *mi) { DBUG_TRACE; DBUG_EXECUTE_IF("fail_to_write_ignored_event_to_relay_log", { return true; }); // check preconditions DBUG_ASSERT(is_relay_log); mysql_mutex_assert_owner(&LOCK_log); // write data bool error = false; if (!binary_event_serialize(ev, m_binlog_file)) { bytes_written += ev->common_header->data_written; error = after_write_to_relay_log(mi); } else { mi->report(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_SLAVE_RELAY_LOG_WRITE_FAILURE, ER_THD(current_thd, ER_SLAVE_RELAY_LOG_WRITE_FAILURE), "failed to write event to the relay log file"); truncate_relaylog_file(mi, atomic_binlog_end_pos); error = true; } return error; } bool MYSQL_BIN_LOG::write_buffer(const char *buf, uint len, Master_info *mi) { DBUG_TRACE; // check preconditions DBUG_ASSERT(is_relay_log); mysql_mutex_assert_owner(&LOCK_log); // write data bool error = false; if (m_binlog_file->write(pointer_cast(buf), len) == 0) { bytes_written += len; error = after_write_to_relay_log(mi); } else { mi->report(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_SLAVE_RELAY_LOG_WRITE_FAILURE, ER_THD(current_thd, ER_SLAVE_RELAY_LOG_WRITE_FAILURE), "failed to write event to the relay log file"); truncate_relaylog_file(mi, atomic_binlog_end_pos); error = true; } return error; } bool MYSQL_BIN_LOG::flush() { return m_binlog_file->is_open() && m_binlog_file->flush(); } bool MYSQL_BIN_LOG::flush_and_sync(const bool force) { mysql_mutex_assert_owner(&LOCK_log); if (m_binlog_file->flush()) return true; std::pair result = sync_binlog_file(force); return result.first; } void MYSQL_BIN_LOG::start_union_events(THD *thd, query_id_t query_id_param) { DBUG_ASSERT(!thd->binlog_evt_union.do_union); thd->binlog_evt_union.do_union = true; thd->binlog_evt_union.unioned_events = false; thd->binlog_evt_union.unioned_events_trans = false; thd->binlog_evt_union.first_query_id = query_id_param; } void MYSQL_BIN_LOG::stop_union_events(THD *thd) { DBUG_ASSERT(thd->binlog_evt_union.do_union); thd->binlog_evt_union.do_union = false; } bool MYSQL_BIN_LOG::is_query_in_union(THD *thd, query_id_t query_id_param) { return (thd->binlog_evt_union.do_union && query_id_param >= thd->binlog_evt_union.first_query_id); } /* Updates thd's position-of-next-event variables after a *real* write a file. */ void MYSQL_BIN_LOG::update_thd_next_event_pos(THD *thd) { if (likely(thd != nullptr)) { thd->set_next_event_pos(log_file_name, m_binlog_file->position()); } } /* Moves the last bunch of rows from the pending Rows event to a cache (either transactional cache if is_transaction is @c true, or the non-transactional cache otherwise. Sets a new pending event. @param thd a pointer to the user thread. @param evt a pointer to the row event. @param is_transactional @c true indicates a transactional cache, otherwise @c false a non-transactional. */ int MYSQL_BIN_LOG::flush_and_set_pending_rows_event(THD *thd, Rows_log_event *event, bool is_transactional) { DBUG_TRACE; DBUG_ASSERT(mysql_bin_log.is_open()); DBUG_PRINT("enter", ("event: %p", event)); int error = 0; binlog_cache_mngr *const cache_mngr = thd_get_cache_mngr(thd); DBUG_ASSERT(cache_mngr); binlog_cache_data *cache_data = cache_mngr->get_binlog_cache_data(is_transactional); DBUG_PRINT("info", ("cache_mngr->pending(): %p", cache_data->pending())); if (Rows_log_event *pending = cache_data->pending()) { /* Write pending event to the cache. */ if (cache_data->write_event(pending)) { report_cache_write_error(thd, is_transactional); if (check_write_error(thd) && cache_data && stmt_cannot_safely_rollback(thd)) cache_data->set_incident(); delete pending; cache_data->set_pending(nullptr); return 1; } delete pending; } cache_data->set_pending(event); return error; } /** Write an event to the binary log cache. */ bool MYSQL_BIN_LOG::write_event(Log_event *event_info) { THD *thd = event_info->thd; bool error = 1; DBUG_TRACE; if (thd->binlog_evt_union.do_union) { /* In Stored function; Remember that function call caused an update. We will log the function call to the binary log on function exit */ thd->binlog_evt_union.unioned_events = true; thd->binlog_evt_union.unioned_events_trans |= event_info->is_using_trans_cache(); return 0; } /* We only end the statement if we are in a top-level statement. If we are inside a stored function, we do not end the statement since this will close all tables on the slave. But there can be a special case where we are inside a stored function/trigger and a SAVEPOINT is being set in side the stored function/trigger. This SAVEPOINT execution will force the pending event to be flushed without an STMT_END_F flag. This will result in a case where following DMLs will be considered as part of same statement and result in data loss on slave. Hence in this case we force the end_stmt to be true. */ bool const end_stmt = (thd->in_sub_stmt && thd->lex->sql_command == SQLCOM_SAVEPOINT) ? true : (thd->locked_tables_mode && thd->lex->requires_prelocking()); if (thd->binlog_flush_pending_rows_event(end_stmt, event_info->is_using_trans_cache())) return error; /* In most cases this is only called if 'is_open()' is true; in fact this is mostly called if is_open() *was* true a few instructions before, but it could have changed since. */ if (likely(is_open())) { /* In the future we need to add to the following if tests like "do the involved tables match (to be implemented) binlog_[wild_]{do|ignore}_table?" (WL#1049)" */ const char *local_db = event_info->get_db(); if ((thd && !(thd->variables.option_bits & OPTION_BIN_LOG)) || (thd->lex->sql_command != SQLCOM_ROLLBACK_TO_SAVEPOINT && thd->lex->sql_command != SQLCOM_SAVEPOINT && (!event_info->is_no_filter_event() && !binlog_filter->db_ok(local_db)))) return 0; DBUG_ASSERT(event_info->is_using_trans_cache() || event_info->is_using_stmt_cache()); if (binlog_start_trans_and_stmt(thd, event_info)) return error; bool is_trans_cache = event_info->is_using_trans_cache(); binlog_cache_mngr *cache_mngr = thd_get_cache_mngr(thd); binlog_cache_data *cache_data = cache_mngr->get_binlog_cache_data(is_trans_cache); DBUG_PRINT("info", ("event type: %d", event_info->get_type_code())); /* No check for auto events flag here - this write method should never be called if auto-events are enabled. Write first log events which describe the 'run environment' of the SQL command. If row-based binlogging, Insert_id, Rand and other kind of "setting context" events are not needed. */ if (thd) { if (!thd->is_current_stmt_binlog_format_row()) { if (thd->stmt_depends_on_first_successful_insert_id_in_prev_stmt) { Intvar_log_event e( thd, (uchar)binary_log::Intvar_event::LAST_INSERT_ID_EVENT, thd->first_successful_insert_id_in_prev_stmt_for_binlog, event_info->event_cache_type, event_info->event_logging_type); if (cache_data->write_event(&e)) goto err; } if (thd->auto_inc_intervals_in_cur_stmt_for_binlog.nb_elements() > 0) { DBUG_PRINT( "info", ("number of auto_inc intervals: %u", thd->auto_inc_intervals_in_cur_stmt_for_binlog.nb_elements())); Intvar_log_event e( thd, (uchar)binary_log::Intvar_event::INSERT_ID_EVENT, thd->auto_inc_intervals_in_cur_stmt_for_binlog.minimum(), event_info->event_cache_type, event_info->event_logging_type); if (cache_data->write_event(&e)) goto err; } if (thd->rand_used) { Rand_log_event e(thd, thd->rand_saved_seed1, thd->rand_saved_seed2, event_info->event_cache_type, event_info->event_logging_type); if (cache_data->write_event(&e)) goto err; } if (!thd->user_var_events.empty()) { for (size_t i = 0; i < thd->user_var_events.size(); i++) { Binlog_user_var_event *user_var_event = thd->user_var_events[i]; /* setting flags for user var log event */ uchar flags = User_var_log_event::UNDEF_F; if (user_var_event->unsigned_flag) flags |= User_var_log_event::UNSIGNED_F; User_var_log_event e( thd, user_var_event->user_var_event->entry_name.ptr(), user_var_event->user_var_event->entry_name.length(), user_var_event->value, user_var_event->length, user_var_event->type, user_var_event->charset_number, flags, event_info->event_cache_type, event_info->event_logging_type); if (cache_data->write_event(&e)) goto err; } } } } /* Write the event. */ if (cache_data->write_event(event_info)) goto err; if (DBUG_EVALUATE_IF("injecting_fault_writing", 1, 0)) goto err; /* After writing the event, if the trx-cache was used and any unsafe change was written into it, the cache is marked as cannot safely roll back. */ if (is_trans_cache && stmt_cannot_safely_rollback(thd)) cache_mngr->trx_cache.set_cannot_rollback(); error = 0; err: if (error) { report_cache_write_error(thd, is_trans_cache); if (check_write_error(thd) && cache_data && stmt_cannot_safely_rollback(thd)) cache_data->set_incident(); } } return error; } /** The method executes rotation when LOCK_log is already acquired by the caller. @param force_rotate caller can request the log rotation @param check_purge is set to true if rotation took place @note If rotation fails, for instance the server was unable to create a new log file, we still try to write an incident event to the current log. @note The caller must hold LOCK_log when invoking this function. @retval nonzero - error in rotating routine. */ int MYSQL_BIN_LOG::rotate(bool force_rotate, bool *check_purge) { int error = 0; DBUG_TRACE; DBUG_ASSERT(!is_relay_log); mysql_mutex_assert_owner(&LOCK_log); *check_purge = false; if (DBUG_EVALUATE_IF("force_rotate", 1, 0) || force_rotate || (m_binlog_file->get_real_file_size() >= (my_off_t)max_size) || DBUG_EVALUATE_IF("simulate_max_binlog_size", true, false)) { error = new_file_without_locking(nullptr); *check_purge = true; } return error; } /** The method executes logs purging routine. */ void MYSQL_BIN_LOG::purge() { if (expire_logs_days || binlog_expire_logs_seconds) { DEBUG_SYNC(current_thd, "at_purge_logs_before_date"); time_t purge_time = 0; if (binlog_expire_logs_seconds) { purge_time = my_time(0) - binlog_expire_logs_seconds; } else purge_time = my_time(0) - expire_logs_days * 24 * 60 * 60; DBUG_EXECUTE_IF("expire_logs_always", { purge_time = my_time(0); }); if (purge_time >= 0) { Is_instance_backup_locked_result is_instance_locked = is_instance_backup_locked(current_thd); if (is_instance_locked == Is_instance_backup_locked_result::OOM) { exec_binlog_error_action_abort( "Out of memory happened while checking if " "instance was locked for backup"); } if (is_instance_locked == Is_instance_backup_locked_result::NOT_LOCKED) { /* Flush logs for storage engines, so that the last transaction is persisted inside storage engines. */ ha_flush_logs(); purge_logs_before_date(purge_time, true); } } } } /** Execute a FLUSH LOGS statement. The method is a shortcut of @c rotate() and @c purge(). LOCK_log is acquired prior to rotate and is released after it. @param thd Current session. @param force_rotate caller can request the log rotation @retval nonzero - error in rotating routine. */ int MYSQL_BIN_LOG::rotate_and_purge(THD *thd, bool force_rotate) { int error = 0; DBUG_TRACE; bool check_purge = false; /* FLUSH BINARY LOGS command should ignore 'read-only' and 'super_read_only' options so that it can update 'mysql.gtid_executed' replication repository table. */ thd->set_skip_readonly_check(); /* Wait for handlerton to insert any pending information into the binlog. For e.g. ha_ndbcluster which updates the binlog asynchronously this is needed so that the user see its own commands in the binlog. */ ha_binlog_wait(thd); DBUG_ASSERT(!is_relay_log); mysql_mutex_lock(&LOCK_log); error = rotate(force_rotate, &check_purge); /* NOTE: Run purge_logs wo/ holding LOCK_log because it does not need the mutex. Otherwise causes various deadlocks. */ mysql_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_log); if (!error && check_purge) purge(); return error; } uint MYSQL_BIN_LOG::next_file_id() { uint res; mysql_mutex_lock(&LOCK_log); res = file_id++; mysql_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_log); return res; } int MYSQL_BIN_LOG::get_gtid_executed(Sid_map *sid_map, Gtid_set *gtid_set) { DBUG_TRACE; int error = 0; mysql_mutex_lock(&mysql_bin_log.LOCK_commit); global_sid_lock->wrlock(); enum_return_status return_status = global_sid_map->copy(sid_map); if (return_status != RETURN_STATUS_OK) { error = 1; goto end; } return_status = gtid_set->add_gtid_set(gtid_state->get_executed_gtids()); if (return_status != RETURN_STATUS_OK) error = 1; end: global_sid_lock->unlock(); mysql_mutex_unlock(&mysql_bin_log.LOCK_commit); return error; } /** Write the contents of the given IO_CACHE to the binary log. The cache will be reset as a READ_CACHE to be able to read the contents from it. The data will be post-processed: see class Binlog_event_writer for details. @param cache Events will be read from this IO_CACHE. @param writer Events will be written to this Binlog_event_writer. @retval true IO error. @retval false Success. @see MYSQL_BIN_LOG::write_cache */ bool MYSQL_BIN_LOG::do_write_cache(Binlog_cache_storage *cache, Binlog_event_writer *writer) { DBUG_TRACE; DBUG_EXECUTE_IF("simulate_do_write_cache_failure", { /* see binlog_cache_data::write_event() that reacts on @c simulate_disk_full_at_flush_pending. */ DBUG_SET("-d,simulate_do_write_cache_failure"); return true; }); #ifndef DBUG_OFF uint64 expected_total_len = cache->length(); DBUG_PRINT("info", ("bytes in cache= %" PRIu64, expected_total_len)); #endif bool error = false; if (cache->copy_to(writer, &error)) { if (error) report_binlog_write_error(); return true; } return false; } /** Writes an incident event to stmt_cache. @param ev Incident event to be written @param thd Thread variable @param need_lock_log If true, will acquire LOCK_log; otherwise the caller should already have acquired LOCK_log. @param err_msg Error message written to log file for the incident. @param do_flush_and_sync If true, will call flush_and_sync(), rotate() and purge(). @retval false error @retval true success */ bool MYSQL_BIN_LOG::write_incident(Incident_log_event *ev, THD *thd, bool need_lock_log, const char *err_msg, bool do_flush_and_sync) { uint error = 0; DBUG_TRACE; DBUG_ASSERT(err_msg); if (!is_open()) return error; binlog_cache_mngr *const cache_mngr = thd_get_cache_mngr(thd); #ifndef DBUG_OFF if (DBUG_EVALUATE_IF("simulate_write_incident_event_into_binlog_directly", 1, 0) && !cache_mngr->stmt_cache.is_binlog_empty()) { /* The stmt_cache contains corruption data, so we can reset it. */ cache_mngr->stmt_cache.reset(); } #endif /* If there is no binlog cache then we write incidents directly into the binlog. If caller needs GTIDs it has to setup the binlog cache (for the injector thread). */ if (cache_mngr == nullptr || DBUG_EVALUATE_IF("simulate_write_incident_event_into_binlog_directly", 1, 0)) { if (need_lock_log) mysql_mutex_lock(&LOCK_log); else mysql_mutex_assert_owner(&LOCK_log); /* Write an incident event into binlog directly. */ error = write_event_to_binlog(ev); /* Write an error to log. So that user might have a chance to be alerted and explore incident details. */ if (!error) LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_BINLOG_LOGGING_INCIDENT_TO_STOP_SLAVES, err_msg); } else // (cache_mngr != NULL) { if (!cache_mngr->stmt_cache.is_binlog_empty()) { /* The stmt_cache contains corruption data, so we can reset it. */ cache_mngr->stmt_cache.reset(); } if (!cache_mngr->trx_cache.is_binlog_empty()) { /* The trx_cache contains corruption data, so we can reset it. */ cache_mngr->trx_cache.reset(); } /* Write the incident event into stmt_cache, so that a GTID is generated and written for it prior to flushing the stmt_cache. */ binlog_cache_data *cache_data = cache_mngr->get_binlog_cache_data(false); if ((error = cache_data->write_event(ev))) { LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_BINLOG_EVENT_WRITE_TO_STMT_CACHE_FAILED); cache_mngr->stmt_cache.reset(); return error; } if (need_lock_log) mysql_mutex_lock(&LOCK_log); else mysql_mutex_assert_owner(&LOCK_log); } if (do_flush_and_sync) { if (!error && !(error = flush_and_sync())) { bool check_purge = false; update_binlog_end_pos(); is_rotating_caused_by_incident = true; error = rotate(true, &check_purge); is_rotating_caused_by_incident = false; if (!error && check_purge) purge(); } } if (need_lock_log) mysql_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_log); /* Write an error to log. So that user might have a chance to be alerted and explore incident details. */ if (!error && cache_mngr != nullptr) LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_BINLOG_LOGGING_INCIDENT_TO_STOP_SLAVES, err_msg); return error; } bool MYSQL_BIN_LOG::write_dml_directly(THD *thd, const char *stmt, size_t stmt_len) { bool ret = false; /* backup the original command */ enum_sql_command save_sql_command = thd->lex->sql_command; /* Fake it as a DELETE statement, so it can be binlogged correctly */ thd->lex->sql_command = SQLCOM_DELETE; if (thd->binlog_query(THD::STMT_QUERY_TYPE, stmt, stmt_len, false, false, false, 0) || commit(thd, false) != TC_LOG::RESULT_SUCCESS) { ret = true; } thd->lex->sql_command = save_sql_command; return ret; } /** Creates an incident event and writes it to the binary log. @param thd Thread variable @param need_lock_log If the binary lock should be locked or not @param err_msg Error message written to log file for the incident. @param do_flush_and_sync If true, will call flush_and_sync(), rotate() and purge(). @retval 0 error @retval 1 success */ bool MYSQL_BIN_LOG::write_incident(THD *thd, bool need_lock_log, const char *err_msg, bool do_flush_and_sync) { DBUG_TRACE; if (!is_open()) return 0; LEX_CSTRING write_error_msg = {err_msg, strlen(err_msg)}; binary_log::Incident_event::enum_incident incident = binary_log::Incident_event::INCIDENT_LOST_EVENTS; Incident_log_event ev(thd, incident, write_error_msg); return write_incident(&ev, thd, need_lock_log, err_msg, do_flush_and_sync); } /* Write the event into current binlog directly without going though a session binlog cache. It will update the event's log_pos and set checksum accordingly. binary_event_serialize can be called directly if log_pos should not be updated. */ inline bool MYSQL_BIN_LOG::write_event_to_binlog(Log_event *ev) { ev->common_footer->checksum_alg = is_relay_log ? relay_log_checksum_alg : static_cast(binlog_checksum_options); DBUG_ASSERT(ev->common_footer->checksum_alg != binary_log::BINLOG_CHECKSUM_ALG_UNDEF); /* Stores current position into log_pos, it is used to calculate correcty end_log_pos by adding data_written in Log_event::write_header(). */ ev->common_header->log_pos = m_binlog_file->position(); if (binary_event_serialize(ev, m_binlog_file)) return true; add_bytes_written(ev->common_header->data_written); return false; } /* Write the event into current binlog and flush and sync */ bool MYSQL_BIN_LOG::write_event_to_binlog_and_sync(Log_event *ev) { if (write_event_to_binlog(ev) || m_binlog_file->flush() || m_binlog_file->sync()) return true; update_binlog_end_pos(); return false; } /** Write the contents of the statement or transaction cache to the binary log. Comparison with do_write_cache: - do_write_cache is a lower-level function that only performs the actual write. - write_cache is a higher-level function that calls do_write_cache and additionally performs some maintenance tasks, including: - report any errors that occurred - write incident event if needed - update gtid_state - update thd.binlog_next_event_pos @param thd Thread variable @param cache_data Events will be read from the IO_CACHE of this cache_data object. @param writer Events will be written to this Binlog_event_writer. @retval true IO error. @retval false Success. @note We only come here if there is something in the cache. @note Whatever is in the cache is always a complete transaction. @note 'cache' needs to be reinitialized after this functions returns. */ bool MYSQL_BIN_LOG::write_cache(THD *thd, binlog_cache_data *cache_data, Binlog_event_writer *writer) { DBUG_TRACE; Binlog_cache_storage *cache = cache_data->get_cache(); bool incident = cache_data->has_incident(); mysql_mutex_assert_owner(&LOCK_log); DBUG_ASSERT(is_open()); if (likely(is_open())) // Should always be true { /* We only bother to write to the binary log if there is anything to write. @todo Is this check redundant? Probably this is only called if there is anything in the cache (see @note in comment above this function). Check if we can replace this by an assertion. /Sven */ if (!cache->is_empty()) { DBUG_EXECUTE_IF("crash_before_writing_xid", { if (do_write_cache(cache, writer)) DBUG_PRINT("info", ("error writing binlog cache: %d", write_error)); flush_and_sync(true); DBUG_PRINT("info", ("crashing before writing xid")); DBUG_SUICIDE(); }); if (do_write_cache(cache, writer)) goto err; const char *err_msg = "Non-transactional changes did not get into " "the binlog."; if (incident && write_incident(thd, false /*need_lock_log=false*/, err_msg, false /*do_flush_and_sync==false*/)) { report_binlog_write_error(); goto err; } DBUG_EXECUTE_IF("half_binlogged_transaction", DBUG_SUICIDE();); } update_thd_next_event_pos(thd); } return false; err: thd->commit_error = THD::CE_FLUSH_ERROR; return true; } void MYSQL_BIN_LOG::report_binlog_write_error() { char errbuf[MYSYS_STRERROR_SIZE]; write_error = true; LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_FAILED_TO_WRITE_TO_FILE, name, errno, my_strerror(errbuf, sizeof(errbuf), errno)); } /** Wait until we get a signal that the binary log has been updated. Applies to master only. NOTES @param[in] timeout a pointer to a timespec; NULL means to wait w/o timeout. @retval 0 if got signalled on update @retval non-0 if wait timeout elapsed @note LOCK_binlog_end_pos must be taken before calling this function. LOCK_binlog_end_pos is being released while the thread is waiting. LOCK_binlog_end_pos is released by the caller. */ int MYSQL_BIN_LOG::wait_for_update(const struct timespec *timeout) { int ret = 0; DBUG_TRACE; if (!timeout) mysql_cond_wait(&update_cond, &LOCK_binlog_end_pos); else ret = mysql_cond_timedwait(&update_cond, &LOCK_binlog_end_pos, const_cast(timeout)); return ret; } /** Close the log file. @param exiting Bitmask for one or more of the following bits: - LOG_CLOSE_INDEX : if we should close the index file - LOG_CLOSE_TO_BE_OPENED : if we intend to call open at once after close. - LOG_CLOSE_STOP_EVENT : write a 'stop' event to the log @param need_lock_log If true, this function acquires LOCK_log; otherwise the caller should already have acquired it. @param need_lock_index If true, this function acquires LOCK_index; otherwise the caller should already have acquired it. @note One can do an open on the object at once after doing a close. The internal structures are not freed until cleanup() is called */ void MYSQL_BIN_LOG::close( uint exiting, bool need_lock_log, bool need_lock_index) { // One can't set log_type here! DBUG_TRACE; DBUG_PRINT("enter", ("exiting: %d", (int)exiting)); if (need_lock_log) mysql_mutex_lock(&LOCK_log); else mysql_mutex_assert_owner(&LOCK_log); if (atomic_log_state == LOG_OPENED) { if ((exiting & LOG_CLOSE_STOP_EVENT) != 0) { /** TODO(WL#7546): Change the implementation to Stop_event after write() is moved into libbinlogevents */ Stop_log_event s; // the checksumming rule for relay-log case is similar to Rotate s.common_footer->checksum_alg = is_relay_log ? relay_log_checksum_alg : static_cast(binlog_checksum_options); DBUG_ASSERT(!is_relay_log || relay_log_checksum_alg != binary_log::BINLOG_CHECKSUM_ALG_UNDEF); if (!write_event_to_binlog(&s) && !m_binlog_file->flush()) update_binlog_end_pos(); } /* The following update should not be done in relay log files */ if (!is_relay_log) { my_off_t offset = BIN_LOG_HEADER_SIZE + FLAGS_OFFSET; uchar flags = 0; // clearing LOG_EVENT_BINLOG_IN_USE_F (void)m_binlog_file->update(&flags, 1, offset); } if (m_binlog_file->flush_and_sync() && !write_error) { report_binlog_write_error(); } /* LOCK_sync to guarantee that no thread is calling m_binlog_file to sync data to disk when another thread is closing m_binlog_file. */ if (!is_relay_log) mysql_mutex_lock(&LOCK_sync); m_binlog_file->close(); if (!is_relay_log) mysql_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_sync); atomic_log_state = (exiting & LOG_CLOSE_TO_BE_OPENED) ? LOG_TO_BE_OPENED : LOG_CLOSED; my_free(name); name = nullptr; } /* The following test is needed even if is_open() is not set, as we may have called a not complete close earlier and the index file is still open. */ if (need_lock_index) mysql_mutex_lock(&LOCK_index); else mysql_mutex_assert_owner(&LOCK_index); if ((exiting & LOG_CLOSE_INDEX) && my_b_inited(&index_file)) { end_io_cache(&index_file); if (mysql_file_close(index_file.file, MYF(0)) < 0 && !write_error) { report_binlog_write_error(); } } if (need_lock_index) mysql_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_index); atomic_log_state = (exiting & LOG_CLOSE_TO_BE_OPENED) ? LOG_TO_BE_OPENED : LOG_CLOSED; my_free(name); name = nullptr; if (need_lock_log) mysql_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_log); } void MYSQL_BIN_LOG::harvest_bytes_written(Relay_log_info *rli, bool need_log_space_lock) { #ifndef DBUG_OFF char buf1[22], buf2[22]; #endif DBUG_TRACE; if (need_log_space_lock) mysql_mutex_lock(&rli->log_space_lock); else mysql_mutex_assert_owner(&rli->log_space_lock); rli->log_space_total += bytes_written; DBUG_PRINT("info", ("relay_log_space: %s bytes_written: %s", llstr(rli->log_space_total, buf1), llstr(bytes_written, buf2))); bytes_written = 0; if (need_log_space_lock) mysql_mutex_unlock(&rli->log_space_lock); } void MYSQL_BIN_LOG::set_max_size(ulong max_size_arg) { /* We need to take locks, otherwise this may happen: new_file() is called, calls open(old_max_size), then before open() starts, set_max_size() sets max_size to max_size_arg, then open() starts and uses the old_max_size argument, so max_size_arg has been overwritten and it's like if the SET command was never run. */ DBUG_TRACE; mysql_mutex_lock(&LOCK_log); if (is_open()) max_size = max_size_arg; mysql_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_log); } /****** transaction coordinator log for 2pc - binlog() based solution ******/ /** @todo keep in-memory list of prepared transactions (add to list in log(), remove on unlog()) and copy it to the new binlog if rotated but let's check the behaviour of tc_log_page_waits first! */ int MYSQL_BIN_LOG::open_binlog(const char *opt_name) { LOG_INFO log_info; int error = 1; /* This function is used for 2pc transaction coordination. Hence, it is never used for relay logs. */ DBUG_ASSERT(!is_relay_log); DBUG_ASSERT(total_ha_2pc > 1 || (1 == total_ha_2pc && opt_bin_log)); DBUG_ASSERT(opt_name && opt_name[0]); if (!my_b_inited(&index_file)) { /* There was a failure to open the index file, can't open the binlog */ cleanup(); return 1; } if (using_heuristic_recover()) { /* generate a new binlog to mask a corrupted one */ mysql_mutex_lock(&LOCK_log); open_binlog(opt_name, 0, max_binlog_size, false, true /*need_lock_index=true*/, true /*need_sid_lock=true*/, nullptr); mysql_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_log); cleanup(); return 1; } if ((error = find_log_pos(&log_info, NullS, true /*need_lock_index=true*/))) { if (error != LOG_INFO_EOF) LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_BINLOG_CANT_FIND_LOG_IN_INDEX, error); else error = 0; goto err; } { Log_event *ev = nullptr; char log_name[FN_REFLEN]; my_off_t valid_pos = 0; my_off_t binlog_size = 0; do { strmake(log_name, log_info.log_file_name, sizeof(log_name) - 1); } while ( !(error = find_next_log(&log_info, true /*need_lock_index=true*/))); if (error != LOG_INFO_EOF) { LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_BINLOG_CANT_FIND_LOG_IN_INDEX, error); goto err; } Binlog_file_reader binlog_file_reader(opt_master_verify_checksum); if (binlog_file_reader.open(log_name)) { LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_BINLOG_FILE_OPEN_FAILED, binlog_file_reader.get_error_str()); goto err; } /* If the binary log was not properly closed it means that the server may have crashed. In that case, we need to call MYSQL_BIN_LOG::recover to: a) collect logged XIDs; b) complete the 2PC of the pending XIDs; c) collect the last valid position. Therefore, we do need to iterate over the binary log, even if total_ha_2pc == 1, to find the last valid group of events written. Later we will take this value and truncate the log if need be. */ if ((ev = binlog_file_reader.read_event_object()) && ev->get_type_code() == binary_log::FORMAT_DESCRIPTION_EVENT && (ev->common_header->flags & LOG_EVENT_BINLOG_IN_USE_F || DBUG_EVALUATE_IF("eval_force_bin_log_recovery", true, false))) { LogErr(INFORMATION_LEVEL, ER_BINLOG_RECOVERING_AFTER_CRASH_USING, opt_name); valid_pos = binlog_file_reader.position(); error = binlog_recover(&binlog_file_reader, &valid_pos); binlog_size = binlog_file_reader.ifile()->length(); } else error = 0; delete ev; if (error) goto err; /* Trim the crashed binlog file to last valid transaction or event (non-transaction) base on valid_pos. */ if (valid_pos > 0) { std::unique_ptr ofile( Binlog_ofile::open_existing(key_file_binlog, log_name, MYF(MY_WME))); if (!ofile) { LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_BINLOG_CANT_OPEN_CRASHED_BINLOG); return -1; } /* Change binlog file size to valid_pos */ if (valid_pos < binlog_size) { if (ofile->truncate(valid_pos)) { LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_BINLOG_CANT_TRIM_CRASHED_BINLOG); return -1; } LogErr(INFORMATION_LEVEL, ER_BINLOG_CRASHED_BINLOG_TRIMMED, log_name, binlog_size, valid_pos, valid_pos); } /* Clear LOG_EVENT_BINLOG_IN_USE_F */ uchar flags = 0; if (ofile->update(&flags, 1, BIN_LOG_HEADER_SIZE + FLAGS_OFFSET)) { LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_BINLOG_CANT_CLEAR_IN_USE_FLAG_FOR_CRASHED_BINLOG); return -1; } } // end if (valid_pos > 0) } err: return error; } /** Truncate the active relay log file in the specified position. @param mi Master_info of the channel going to truncate the relay log file. @param truncate_pos The position to truncate the active relay log file. @return False on success and true on failure. */ bool MYSQL_BIN_LOG::truncate_relaylog_file(Master_info *mi, my_off_t truncate_pos) { DBUG_TRACE; DBUG_ASSERT(is_relay_log); mysql_mutex_assert_owner(&LOCK_log); Relay_log_info *rli = mi->rli; bool error = false; /* If the relay log was closed by an error (binlog_error_action=IGNORE_ERROR) this truncate function should produce no result as the relay log is already in really bad shape. */ if (!is_open()) { return false; } my_off_t relaylog_file_size = m_binlog_file->position(); if (truncate_pos > 0 && truncate_pos < relaylog_file_size) { if (m_binlog_file->truncate(truncate_pos)) { mi->report(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_SLAVE_RELAY_LOG_WRITE_FAILURE, ER_THD(current_thd, ER_SLAVE_RELAY_LOG_WRITE_FAILURE), "failed to truncate relay log file"); error = true; } else { LogErr(INFORMATION_LEVEL, ER_SLAVE_RELAY_LOG_TRUNCATE_INFO, log_file_name, relaylog_file_size, truncate_pos); // Re-init the SQL thread IO_CACHE DBUG_ASSERT(strcmp(rli->get_event_relay_log_name(), log_file_name) || rli->get_event_relay_log_pos() <= truncate_pos); rli->notify_relay_log_truncated(); } } return error; } /** This is called on shutdown, after ha_panic. */ void MYSQL_BIN_LOG::close() {} /* Prepare the transaction in the transaction coordinator. This function will prepare the transaction in the storage engines (by calling @c ha_prepare_low) what will write a prepare record to the log buffers. @retval 0 success @retval 1 error */ int MYSQL_BIN_LOG::prepare(THD *thd, bool all) { DBUG_TRACE; DBUG_ASSERT(opt_bin_log); /* The applier thread explicitly overrides the value of sql_log_bin with the value of log_slave_updates. */ DBUG_ASSERT(thd->slave_thread ? opt_log_slave_updates : thd->variables.sql_log_bin); /* Set HA_IGNORE_DURABILITY to not flush the prepared record of the transaction to the log of storage engine (for example, InnoDB redo log) during the prepare phase. So that we can flush prepared records of transactions to the log of storage engine in a group right before flushing them to binary log during binlog group commit flush stage. Reset to HA_REGULAR_DURABILITY at the beginning of parsing next command. */ thd->durability_property = HA_IGNORE_DURABILITY; int error = ha_prepare_low(thd, all); return error; } /** Commit the transaction in the transaction coordinator. This function will commit the sessions transaction in the binary log and in the storage engines (by calling @c ha_commit_low). If the transaction was successfully logged (or not successfully unlogged) but the commit in the engines did not succed, there is a risk of inconsistency between the engines and the binary log. For binary log group commit, the commit is separated into three parts: 1. First part consists of filling the necessary caches and finalizing them (if they need to be finalized). After this, nothing is added to any of the caches. 2. Second part execute an ordered flush and commit. This will be done using the group commit functionality in ordered_commit. 3. Third part checks any errors resulting from the ordered commit and handles them appropriately. @retval RESULT_SUCCESS success @retval RESULT_ABORTED error, transaction was neither logged nor committed @retval RESULT_INCONSISTENT error, transaction was logged but not committed */ TC_LOG::enum_result MYSQL_BIN_LOG::commit(THD *thd, bool all) { DBUG_TRACE; DBUG_PRINT("info", ("query='%s'", thd == current_thd ? thd->query().str : nullptr)); binlog_cache_mngr *cache_mngr = thd_get_cache_mngr(thd); Transaction_ctx *trn_ctx = thd->get_transaction(); my_xid xid = trn_ctx->xid_state()->get_xid()->get_my_xid(); bool stmt_stuff_logged = false; bool trx_stuff_logged = false; bool skip_commit = is_loggable_xa_prepare(thd); bool is_atomic_ddl = false; DBUG_PRINT("enter", ("thd: 0x%llx, all: %s, xid: %llu, cache_mngr: 0x%llx", (ulonglong)thd, YESNO(all), (ulonglong)xid, (ulonglong)cache_mngr)); /* No cache manager means nothing to log, but we still have to commit the transaction. */ if (cache_mngr == nullptr) { if (!skip_commit && ha_commit_low(thd, all)) return RESULT_ABORTED; return RESULT_SUCCESS; } Transaction_ctx::enum_trx_scope trx_scope = all ? Transaction_ctx::SESSION : Transaction_ctx::STMT; DBUG_PRINT("debug", ("in_transaction: %s, no_2pc: %s, rw_ha_count: %d", YESNO(thd->in_multi_stmt_transaction_mode()), YESNO(trn_ctx->no_2pc(trx_scope)), trn_ctx->rw_ha_count(trx_scope))); DBUG_PRINT("debug", ("all.cannot_safely_rollback(): %s, trx_cache_empty: %s", YESNO(trn_ctx->cannot_safely_rollback(Transaction_ctx::SESSION)), YESNO(cache_mngr->trx_cache.is_binlog_empty()))); DBUG_PRINT("debug", ("stmt.cannot_safely_rollback(): %s, stmt_cache_empty: %s", YESNO(trn_ctx->cannot_safely_rollback(Transaction_ctx::STMT)), YESNO(cache_mngr->stmt_cache.is_binlog_empty()))); /* If there are no handlertons registered, there is nothing to commit. Note that DDLs are written earlier in this case (inside binlog_query). TODO: This can be a problem in those cases that there are no handlertons registered. DDLs are one example, but the other case is MyISAM. In this case, we could register a dummy handlerton to trigger the commit. Any statement that requires logging will call binlog_query before trans_commit_stmt, so an alternative is to use the condition "binlog_query called or stmt.ha_list != 0". */ if (!all && !trn_ctx->is_active(trx_scope) && cache_mngr->stmt_cache.is_binlog_empty()) return RESULT_SUCCESS; if (thd->lex->sql_command == SQLCOM_XA_COMMIT) { /* The Commit phase of the XA two phase logging. */ #ifndef DBUG_OFF bool one_phase = get_xa_opt(thd) == XA_ONE_PHASE; DBUG_ASSERT(all || (thd->slave_thread && one_phase)); DBUG_ASSERT(!skip_commit || one_phase); #endif XID_STATE *xs = thd->get_transaction()->xid_state(); if (DBUG_EVALUATE_IF( "simulate_xa_commit_log_failure", true, do_binlog_xa_commit_rollback(thd, xs->get_xid(), true))) return RESULT_ABORTED; } if (!cache_mngr->stmt_cache.is_binlog_empty()) { /* Commit parent identification of non-transactional query has been deferred until now, except for the mixed transaction case. */ trn_ctx->store_commit_parent( m_dependency_tracker.get_max_committed_timestamp()); if (cache_mngr->stmt_cache.finalize(thd)) return RESULT_ABORTED; stmt_stuff_logged = true; } /* We commit the transaction if: - We are not in a transaction and committing a statement, or - We are in a transaction and a full transaction is committed. Otherwise, we accumulate the changes. */ if (!cache_mngr->trx_cache.is_binlog_empty() && ending_trans(thd, all) && !trx_stuff_logged) { const bool real_trans = (all || !trn_ctx->is_active(Transaction_ctx::SESSION)); bool one_phase = get_xa_opt(thd) == XA_ONE_PHASE; bool is_loggable_xa = is_loggable_xa_prepare(thd); XID_STATE *xs = thd->get_transaction()->xid_state(); /* Log and finalize transaction cache regarding XA PREPARE/XA COMMIT ONE PHASE if one of the following statements is true: - If it is a loggable XA transaction in prepare state; - If it is a transaction being commited with 'XA COMMIT ONE PHASE', statement and is not an empty transaction when GTID_NEXT is set to a manual GTID. For other XA COMMIT ONE PHASE statements that already have been finalized or are finalizing empty transactions when GTID_NEXT is set to a manual GTID, just let the execution flow get into the final 'else' branch and log a final 'COMMIT;' statement. */ if (is_loggable_xa || // XA transaction in prepare state (thd->lex->sql_command == SQLCOM_XA_COMMIT && // Is a 'XA COMMIT one_phase && // ONE PHASE' xs != nullptr && // and it has not yet !xs->is_binlogged() && // been logged (thd->owned_gtid.sidno <= 0 || // and GTID_NEXT is NOT set to a // manual GTID !xs->has_state(XID_STATE::XA_NOTR)))) // and the transaction is NOT // empty and NOT finalized in // 'trans_xa_commit' { /* The prepare phase of XA transaction two phase logging. */ int err = 0; DBUG_ASSERT(thd->lex->sql_command != SQLCOM_XA_COMMIT || one_phase); XA_prepare_log_event end_evt(thd, xs->get_xid(), one_phase); DBUG_ASSERT(!is_loggable_xa || skip_commit); err = cache_mngr->trx_cache.finalize(thd, &end_evt, xs); if (err) return RESULT_ABORTED; if (is_loggable_xa) if (DBUG_EVALUATE_IF("simulate_xa_prepare_failure_in_cache_finalize", true, false)) return RESULT_ABORTED; } /* If is atomic DDL, finalize cache for DDL and no further logging is needed. */ else if ((is_atomic_ddl = cache_mngr->trx_cache.has_xid())) { if (cache_mngr->trx_cache.finalize(thd, nullptr)) return RESULT_ABORTED; } /* We are committing a 2PC transaction if it is a "real" transaction and has an XID assigned (because some handlerton registered). A transaction is "real" if either 'all' is true or 'trn_ctx->is_active(Transaction_ctx::SESSION)' is not true. Note: This is kind of strange since registering the binlog handlerton will then make the transaction 2PC, which is not really true. This occurs for example if a MyISAM statement is executed with row-based replication on. */ else if (real_trans && xid && trn_ctx->rw_ha_count(trx_scope) > 1 && !trn_ctx->no_2pc(trx_scope)) { Xid_log_event end_evt(thd, xid); if (cache_mngr->trx_cache.finalize(thd, &end_evt)) return RESULT_ABORTED; } /* No further action needed and no special case applies, log a final 'COMMIT' statement and finalize the transaction cache. Empty transactions finalized with 'XA COMMIT ONE PHASE' will be covered by this branch. */ else { Query_log_event end_evt(thd, STRING_WITH_LEN("COMMIT"), true, false, true, 0, true); if (cache_mngr->trx_cache.finalize(thd, &end_evt)) return RESULT_ABORTED; } trx_stuff_logged = true; } /* This is part of the stmt rollback. */ if (!all) cache_mngr->trx_cache.set_prev_position(MY_OFF_T_UNDEF); /* Now all the events are written to the caches, so we will commit the transaction in the engines. This is done using the group commit logic in ordered_commit, which will return when the transaction is committed. If the commit in the engines fail, we still have something logged to the binary log so we have to report this as a "bad" failure (failed to commit, but logged something). */ if (stmt_stuff_logged || trx_stuff_logged) { if (RUN_HOOK( transaction, before_commit, (thd, all, thd_get_cache_mngr(thd)->get_trx_cache(), thd_get_cache_mngr(thd)->get_stmt_cache(), max(max_binlog_cache_size, max_binlog_stmt_cache_size), is_atomic_ddl)) || DBUG_EVALUATE_IF("simulate_failure_in_before_commit_hook", true, false)) { ha_rollback_low(thd, all); gtid_state->update_on_rollback(thd); thd_get_cache_mngr(thd)->reset(); // Reset the thread OK status before changing the outcome. if (thd->get_stmt_da()->is_ok()) thd->get_stmt_da()->reset_diagnostics_area(); my_error(ER_RUN_HOOK_ERROR, MYF(0), "before_commit"); return RESULT_ABORTED; } /* Check whether the transaction should commit or abort given the plugin feedback. */ if (thd->get_transaction() ->get_rpl_transaction_ctx() ->is_transaction_rollback() || (DBUG_EVALUATE_IF("simulate_transaction_rollback_request", true, false))) { ha_rollback_low(thd, all); gtid_state->update_on_rollback(thd); thd_get_cache_mngr(thd)->reset(); if (thd->get_stmt_da()->is_ok()) thd->get_stmt_da()->reset_diagnostics_area(); my_error(ER_TRANSACTION_ROLLBACK_DURING_COMMIT, MYF(0)); return RESULT_ABORTED; } if (ordered_commit(thd, all, skip_commit)) return RESULT_INCONSISTENT; DBUG_EXECUTE_IF("ensure_binlog_cache_is_reset", { /* Assert that binlog cache is reset at commit time. */ DBUG_ASSERT(binlog_cache_is_reset); binlog_cache_is_reset = false; };); /* Mark the flag m_is_binlogged to true only after we are done with checking all the error cases. */ if (is_loggable_xa_prepare(thd)) { thd->get_transaction()->xid_state()->set_binlogged(); /* Inform hook listeners that a XA PREPARE did commit, that is, did log a transaction to the binary log. */ (void)RUN_HOOK(transaction, after_commit, (thd, all)); } } else if (!skip_commit) { if (ha_commit_low(thd, all)) return RESULT_INCONSISTENT; } return RESULT_SUCCESS; } /** Flush caches for session. @note @c set_trans_pos is called with a pointer to the file name that the binary log currently use and a rotation will change the contents of the variable. The position is used when calling the after_flush, after_commit, and after_rollback hooks, but these have been placed so that they occur before a rotation is executed. It is the responsibility of any plugin that use this position to copy it if they need it after the hook has returned. The current "global" transaction_counter is stepped and its new value is assigned to the transaction. */ std::pair MYSQL_BIN_LOG::flush_thread_caches(THD *thd) { binlog_cache_mngr *cache_mngr = thd_get_cache_mngr(thd); my_off_t bytes = 0; bool wrote_xid = false; int error = cache_mngr->flush(thd, &bytes, &wrote_xid); if (!error && bytes > 0) { /* Note that set_trans_pos does not copy the file name. See this function documentation for more info. */ thd->set_trans_pos(log_file_name, m_binlog_file->position()); if (wrote_xid) inc_prep_xids(thd); } DBUG_PRINT("debug", ("bytes: %llu", bytes)); return std::make_pair(error, bytes); } /** Execute the flush stage. @param[out] total_bytes_var Pointer to variable that will be set to total number of bytes flushed, or NULL. @param[out] rotate_var Pointer to variable that will be set to true if binlog rotation should be performed after releasing locks. If rotate is not necessary, the variable will not be touched. @param[out] out_queue_var Pointer to the sessions queue in flush stage. @return Error code on error, zero on success */ int MYSQL_BIN_LOG::process_flush_stage_queue(my_off_t *total_bytes_var, bool *rotate_var, THD **out_queue_var) { DBUG_TRACE; #ifndef DBUG_OFF // number of flushes per group. int no_flushes = 0; #endif DBUG_ASSERT(total_bytes_var && rotate_var && out_queue_var); my_off_t total_bytes = 0; int flush_error = 1; mysql_mutex_assert_owner(&LOCK_log); /* Fetch the entire flush queue and empty it, so that the next batch has a leader. We must do this before invoking ha_flush_logs(...) for guaranteeing to flush prepared records of transactions before flushing them to binary log, which is required by crash recovery. */ THD *first_seen = stage_manager.fetch_queue_for(Stage_manager::FLUSH_STAGE); DBUG_ASSERT(first_seen != nullptr); /* We flush prepared records of transactions to the log of storage engine (for example, InnoDB redo log) in a group right before flushing them to binary log. */ ha_flush_logs(true); DBUG_EXECUTE_IF("crash_after_flush_engine_log", DBUG_SUICIDE();); assign_automatic_gtids_to_flush_group(first_seen); /* Flush thread caches to binary log. */ for (THD *head = first_seen; head; head = head->next_to_commit) { std::pair result = flush_thread_caches(head); total_bytes += result.second; if (flush_error == 1) flush_error = result.first; #ifndef DBUG_OFF no_flushes++; #endif } *out_queue_var = first_seen; *total_bytes_var = total_bytes; if (total_bytes > 0 && (m_binlog_file->get_real_file_size() >= (my_off_t)max_size || DBUG_EVALUATE_IF("simulate_max_binlog_size", true, false))) *rotate_var = true; #ifndef DBUG_OFF DBUG_PRINT("info", ("no_flushes:= %d", no_flushes)); no_flushes = 0; #endif return flush_error; } /** Commit a sequence of sessions. This function commit an entire queue of sessions starting with the session in @c first. If there were an error in the flushing part of the ordered commit, the error code is passed in and all the threads are marked accordingly (but not committed). It will also add the GTIDs of the transactions to gtid_executed. @see MYSQL_BIN_LOG::ordered_commit @param thd The "master" thread @param first First thread in the queue of threads to commit */ void MYSQL_BIN_LOG::process_commit_stage_queue(THD *thd, THD *first) { mysql_mutex_assert_owner(&LOCK_commit); #ifndef DBUG_OFF thd->get_transaction()->m_flags.ready_preempt = 1; // formality by the leader #endif for (THD *head = first; head; head = head->next_to_commit) { DBUG_PRINT("debug", ("Thread ID: %u, commit_error: %d, commit_pending: %s", head->thread_id(), head->commit_error, YESNO(head->tx_commit_pending))); DBUG_EXECUTE_IF( "block_leader_after_delete", if (thd != head) { DBUG_SET("+d,after_delete_wait"); };); /* If flushing failed, set commit_error for the session, skip the transaction and proceed with the next transaction instead. This will mark all threads as failed, since the flush failed. If flush succeeded, attach to the session and commit it in the engines. */ #ifndef DBUG_OFF stage_manager.clear_preempt_status(head); #endif if (head->get_transaction()->sequence_number != SEQ_UNINIT) { mysql_mutex_lock(&LOCK_slave_trans_dep_tracker); m_dependency_tracker.update_max_committed(head); mysql_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_slave_trans_dep_tracker); } /* Flush/Sync error should be ignored and continue to commit phase. And thd->commit_error cannot be COMMIT_ERROR at this moment. */ DBUG_ASSERT(head->commit_error != THD::CE_COMMIT_ERROR); Thd_backup_and_restore switch_thd(thd, head); bool all = head->get_transaction()->m_flags.real_commit; if (head->get_transaction()->m_flags.commit_low) { /* head is parked to have exited append() */ DBUG_ASSERT(head->get_transaction()->m_flags.ready_preempt); /* storage engine commit */ if (ha_commit_low(head, all, false)) head->commit_error = THD::CE_COMMIT_ERROR; } DBUG_PRINT("debug", ("commit_error: %d, commit_pending: %s", head->commit_error, YESNO(head->tx_commit_pending))); } /* Handle the GTID of the threads. gtid_executed table is kept updated even though transactions fail to be logged. That's required by slave auto positioning. */ gtid_state->update_commit_group(first); for (THD *head = first; head; head = head->next_to_commit) { /* Decrement the prepared XID counter after storage engine commit. We also need decrement the prepared XID when encountering a flush error or session attach error for avoiding 3-way deadlock among user thread, rotate thread and dump thread. */ if (head->get_transaction()->m_flags.xid_written) dec_prep_xids(head); } } /** Process after commit for a sequence of sessions. @param thd The "master" thread @param first First thread in the queue of threads to commit */ void MYSQL_BIN_LOG::process_after_commit_stage_queue(THD *thd, THD *first) { for (THD *head = first; head; head = head->next_to_commit) { if (head->get_transaction()->m_flags.run_hooks && head->commit_error != THD::CE_COMMIT_ERROR) { /* TODO: This hook here should probably move outside/below this if and be the only after_commit invocation left in the code. */ Thd_backup_and_restore switch_thd(thd, head); bool all = head->get_transaction()->m_flags.real_commit; (void)RUN_HOOK(transaction, after_commit, (head, all)); /* When after_commit finished for the transaction, clear the run_hooks flag. This allow other parts of the system to check if after_commit was called. */ head->get_transaction()->m_flags.run_hooks = false; } } } #ifndef DBUG_OFF /** Names for the stages. */ static const char *g_stage_name[] = { "FLUSH", "SYNC", "COMMIT", }; #endif /** Enter a stage of the ordered commit procedure. Entering is stage is done by: - Atomically enqueueing a queue of processes (which is just one for the first phase). - If the queue was empty, the thread is the leader for that stage and it should process the entire queue for that stage. - If the queue was not empty, the thread is a follower and can go waiting for the commit to finish. The function will lock the stage mutex if it was designated the leader for the phase. @param thd Session structure @param stage The stage to enter @param queue Queue of threads to enqueue for the stage @param leave_mutex Mutex that will be released when changing stage @param enter_mutex Mutex that will be taken when changing stage @retval true The thread should "bail out" and go waiting for the commit to finish @retval false The thread is the leader for the stage and should do the processing. */ bool MYSQL_BIN_LOG::change_stage(THD *thd MY_ATTRIBUTE((unused)), Stage_manager::StageID stage, THD *queue, mysql_mutex_t *leave_mutex, mysql_mutex_t *enter_mutex) { DBUG_TRACE; DBUG_PRINT("enter", ("thd: 0x%llx, stage: %s, queue: 0x%llx", (ulonglong)thd, g_stage_name[stage], (ulonglong)queue)); DBUG_ASSERT(0 <= stage && stage < Stage_manager::STAGE_COUNTER); DBUG_ASSERT(enter_mutex); DBUG_ASSERT(queue); /* enroll_for will release the leave_mutex once the sessions are queued. */ if (!stage_manager.enroll_for(stage, queue, leave_mutex)) { DBUG_ASSERT(!thd_get_cache_mngr(thd)->dbug_any_finalized()); return true; } #ifndef DBUG_OFF if (stage == Stage_manager::SYNC_STAGE) DEBUG_SYNC(thd, "bgc_between_flush_and_sync"); #endif /* We do not lock the enter_mutex if it is LOCK_log when rotating binlog caused by logging incident log event, since it is already locked. */ bool need_lock_enter_mutex = !(is_rotating_caused_by_incident && enter_mutex == &LOCK_log); if (need_lock_enter_mutex) mysql_mutex_lock(enter_mutex); else mysql_mutex_assert_owner(enter_mutex); return false; } /** Flush the I/O cache to file. Flush the binary log to the binlog file if any byte where written and signal that the binary log file has been updated if the flush succeeds. */ int MYSQL_BIN_LOG::flush_cache_to_file(my_off_t *end_pos_var) { if (m_binlog_file->flush()) { THD *thd = current_thd; thd->commit_error = THD::CE_FLUSH_ERROR; return ER_ERROR_ON_WRITE; } *end_pos_var = m_binlog_file->position(); return 0; } /** Call fsync() to sync the file to disk. */ std::pair MYSQL_BIN_LOG::sync_binlog_file(bool force) { bool synced = false; unsigned int sync_period = get_sync_period(); if (force || (sync_period && ++sync_counter >= sync_period)) { sync_counter = 0; /* There is a chance that binlog file could be closed by 'RESET MASTER' or or 'FLUSH LOGS' just after the leader releases LOCK_log and before it acquires LOCK_sync log. So it should check if m_binlog_file is opened. */ if (DBUG_EVALUATE_IF("simulate_error_during_sync_binlog_file", 1, m_binlog_file->is_open() && m_binlog_file->sync())) { THD *thd = current_thd; thd->commit_error = THD::CE_SYNC_ERROR; return std::make_pair(true, synced); } synced = true; } return std::make_pair(false, synced); } /** Helper function executed when leaving @c ordered_commit. This function contain the necessary code for fetching the error code, doing post-commit checks, and wrapping up the commit if necessary. It is typically called when enter_stage indicates that the thread should bail out, and also when the ultimate leader thread finishes executing @c ordered_commit. It is typically used in this manner: @code if (enter_stage(thd, Thread_queue::FLUSH_STAGE, thd, &LOCK_log)) return finish_commit(thd); @endcode @return Error code if the session commit failed, or zero on success. */ int MYSQL_BIN_LOG::finish_commit(THD *thd) { DBUG_TRACE; DEBUG_SYNC(thd, "reached_finish_commit"); /* In some unlikely situations, it can happen that binary log is closed before the thread flushes it's cache. In that case, clear the caches before doing commit. */ if (unlikely(!is_open())) { binlog_cache_mngr *cache_mngr = thd_get_cache_mngr(thd); if (cache_mngr) cache_mngr->reset(); } if (thd->get_transaction()->sequence_number != SEQ_UNINIT) { mysql_mutex_lock(&LOCK_slave_trans_dep_tracker); m_dependency_tracker.update_max_committed(thd); mysql_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_slave_trans_dep_tracker); } if (thd->get_transaction()->m_flags.commit_low) { const bool all = thd->get_transaction()->m_flags.real_commit; /* Now flush error and sync erros are ignored and we are continuing and committing. And at this time, commit_error cannot be COMMIT_ERROR. */ DBUG_ASSERT(thd->commit_error != THD::CE_COMMIT_ERROR); /* storage engine commit */ if (ha_commit_low(thd, all, false)) thd->commit_error = THD::CE_COMMIT_ERROR; /* Decrement the prepared XID counter after storage engine commit */ if (thd->get_transaction()->m_flags.xid_written) dec_prep_xids(thd); /* If commit succeeded, we call the after_commit hook TODO: This hook here should probably move outside/below this if and be the only after_commit invocation left in the code. */ if ((thd->commit_error != THD::CE_COMMIT_ERROR) && thd->get_transaction()->m_flags.run_hooks) { (void)RUN_HOOK(transaction, after_commit, (thd, all)); thd->get_transaction()->m_flags.run_hooks = false; } } else if (thd->get_transaction()->m_flags.xid_written) dec_prep_xids(thd); /* If the ordered commit didn't updated the GTIDs for this thd yet at process_commit_stage_queue (i.e. --binlog-order-commits=0) the thd still has the ownership of a GTID and we must handle it. */ if (!thd->owned_gtid_is_empty()) { /* Gtid is added to gtid_state.executed_gtids and removed from owned_gtids on update_on_commit(). */ if (thd->commit_error == THD::CE_NONE) { gtid_state->update_on_commit(thd); } else gtid_state->update_on_rollback(thd); } DBUG_EXECUTE_IF("leaving_finish_commit", { const char act[] = "now SIGNAL signal_leaving_finish_commit"; DBUG_ASSERT(!debug_sync_set_action(current_thd, STRING_WITH_LEN(act))); };); DBUG_ASSERT(thd->commit_error || !thd->get_transaction()->m_flags.run_hooks); DBUG_ASSERT(!thd_get_cache_mngr(thd)->dbug_any_finalized()); DBUG_PRINT("return", ("Thread ID: %u, commit_error: %d", thd->thread_id(), thd->commit_error)); /* flush or sync errors are handled by the leader of the group (using binlog_error_action). Hence treat only COMMIT_ERRORs as errors. */ return thd->commit_error == THD::CE_COMMIT_ERROR; } /** Auxiliary function used in ordered_commit. */ static inline int call_after_sync_hook(THD *queue_head) { const char *log_file = nullptr; my_off_t pos = 0; if (NO_HOOK(binlog_storage)) return 0; DBUG_ASSERT(queue_head != nullptr); for (THD *thd = queue_head; thd != nullptr; thd = thd->next_to_commit) if (likely(thd->commit_error == THD::CE_NONE)) thd->get_trans_fixed_pos(&log_file, &pos); if (DBUG_EVALUATE_IF("simulate_after_sync_hook_error", 1, 0) || RUN_HOOK(binlog_storage, after_sync, (queue_head, log_file, pos))) { LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_BINLOG_FAILED_TO_RUN_AFTER_SYNC_HOOK); return ER_ERROR_ON_WRITE; } return 0; } /** Helper function to handle flush or sync stage errors. If binlog_error_action= ABORT_SERVER, server will be aborted after reporting the error to the client. If binlog_error_action= IGNORE_ERROR, binlog will be closed for the reset of the life time of the server. close() call is protected with LOCK_log to avoid any parallel operations on binary log. @param thd Thread object that faced flush/sync error @param need_lock_log > Indicates true if LOCk_log is needed before closing binlog (happens when we are handling sync error) > Indicates false if LOCK_log is already acquired by the thread (happens when we are handling flush error) */ void MYSQL_BIN_LOG::handle_binlog_flush_or_sync_error(THD *thd, bool need_lock_log) { char errmsg[MYSQL_ERRMSG_SIZE]; sprintf( errmsg, "An error occurred during %s stage of the commit. " "'binlog_error_action' is set to '%s'.", thd->commit_error == THD::CE_FLUSH_ERROR ? "flush" : "sync", binlog_error_action == ABORT_SERVER ? "ABORT_SERVER" : "IGNORE_ERROR"); if (binlog_error_action == ABORT_SERVER) { char err_buff[MYSQL_ERRMSG_SIZE + 27]; sprintf(err_buff, "%s Hence aborting the server.", errmsg); exec_binlog_error_action_abort(err_buff); } else { DEBUG_SYNC(thd, "before_binlog_closed_due_to_error"); if (need_lock_log) mysql_mutex_lock(&LOCK_log); else mysql_mutex_assert_owner(&LOCK_log); /* It can happen that other group leader encountered error and already closed the binary log. So print error only if it is in open state. But we should call close() always just in case if the previous close did not close index file. */ if (is_open()) { LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_TURNING_LOGGING_OFF_FOR_THE_DURATION, errmsg); } close(LOG_CLOSE_INDEX | LOG_CLOSE_STOP_EVENT, false /*need_lock_log=false*/, true /*need_lock_index=true*/); /* If there is a write error (flush/sync stage) and if binlog_error_action=IGNORE_ERROR, clear the error and allow the commit to happen in storage engine. */ if (check_write_error(thd)) thd->clear_error(); if (need_lock_log) mysql_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_log); DEBUG_SYNC(thd, "after_binlog_closed_due_to_error"); } } /** Flush and commit the transaction. This will execute an ordered flush and commit of all outstanding transactions and is the main function for the binary log group commit logic. The function performs the ordered commit in two phases. The first phase flushes the caches to the binary log and under LOCK_log and marks all threads that were flushed as not pending. The second phase executes under LOCK_commit and commits all transactions in order. The procedure is: 1. Queue ourselves for flushing. 2. Grab the log lock, which might result is blocking if the mutex is already held by another thread. 3. If we were not committed while waiting for the lock 1. Fetch the queue 2. For each thread in the queue: a. Attach to it b. Flush the caches, saving any error code 3. Flush and sync (depending on the value of sync_binlog). 4. Signal that the binary log was updated 4. Release the log lock 5. Grab the commit lock 1. For each thread in the queue: a. If there were no error when flushing and the transaction shall be committed: - Commit the transaction, saving the result of executing the commit. 6. Release the commit lock 7. Call purge, if any of the committed thread requested a purge. 8. Return with the saved error code @todo The use of @c skip_commit is a hack that we use since the @c TC_LOG Interface does not contain functions to handle savepoints. Once the binary log is eliminated as a handlerton and the @c TC_LOG interface is extended with savepoint handling, this parameter can be removed. @param thd Session to commit transaction for @param all This is @c true if this is a real transaction commit, and @c false otherwise. @param skip_commit This is @c true if the call to @c ha_commit_low should be skipped (it is handled by the caller somehow) and @c false otherwise (the normal case). */ int MYSQL_BIN_LOG::ordered_commit(THD *thd, bool all, bool skip_commit) { DBUG_TRACE; int flush_error = 0, sync_error = 0; my_off_t total_bytes = 0; bool do_rotate = false; DBUG_EXECUTE_IF("crash_commit_before_log", DBUG_SUICIDE();); /* These values are used while flushing a transaction, so clear everything. Notes: - It would be good if we could keep transaction coordinator log-specific data out of the THD structure, but that is not the case right now. - Everything in the transaction structure is reset when calling ha_commit_low since that calls Transaction_ctx::cleanup. */ thd->tx_commit_pending = true; thd->commit_error = THD::CE_NONE; thd->next_to_commit = nullptr; thd->durability_property = HA_IGNORE_DURABILITY; thd->get_transaction()->m_flags.real_commit = all; thd->get_transaction()->m_flags.xid_written = false; thd->get_transaction()->m_flags.commit_low = !skip_commit; thd->get_transaction()->m_flags.run_hooks = !skip_commit; #ifndef DBUG_OFF /* The group commit Leader may have to wait for follower whose transaction is not ready to be preempted. Initially the status is pessimistic. Preemption guarding logics is necessary only when !DBUG_OFF is set. It won't be required for the dbug-off case as long as the follower won't execute any thread-specific write access code in this method, which is the case as of current. */ thd->get_transaction()->m_flags.ready_preempt = 0; #endif DBUG_PRINT("enter", ("commit_pending: %s, commit_error: %d, thread_id: %u", YESNO(thd->tx_commit_pending), thd->commit_error, thd->thread_id())); DEBUG_SYNC(thd, "bgc_before_flush_stage"); /* Stage #1: flushing transactions to binary log While flushing, we allow new threads to enter and will process them in due time. Once the queue was empty, we cannot reap anything more since it is possible that a thread entered and appointed itself leader for the flush phase. */ if (has_commit_order_manager(thd)) { Slave_worker *worker = dynamic_cast(thd->rli_slave); Commit_order_manager *mngr = worker->get_commit_order_manager(); if (mngr->wait_for_its_turn(worker, all)) { thd->commit_error = THD::CE_COMMIT_ERROR; return thd->commit_error; } if (change_stage(thd, Stage_manager::FLUSH_STAGE, thd, nullptr, &LOCK_log)) return finish_commit(thd); } else if (change_stage(thd, Stage_manager::FLUSH_STAGE, thd, nullptr, &LOCK_log)) { DBUG_PRINT("return", ("Thread ID: %u, commit_error: %d", thd->thread_id(), thd->commit_error)); return finish_commit(thd); } THD *wait_queue = nullptr, *final_queue = nullptr; mysql_mutex_t *leave_mutex_before_commit_stage = nullptr; my_off_t flush_end_pos = 0; bool update_binlog_end_pos_after_sync; if (unlikely(!is_open())) { final_queue = stage_manager.fetch_queue_for(Stage_manager::FLUSH_STAGE); leave_mutex_before_commit_stage = &LOCK_log; /* binary log is closed, flush stage and sync stage should be ignored. Binlog cache should be cleared, but instead of doing it here, do that work in 'finish_commit' function so that leader and followers thread caches will be cleared. */ goto commit_stage; } DEBUG_SYNC(thd, "waiting_in_the_middle_of_flush_stage"); flush_error = process_flush_stage_queue(&total_bytes, &do_rotate, &wait_queue); if (flush_error == 0 && total_bytes > 0) flush_error = flush_cache_to_file(&flush_end_pos); DBUG_EXECUTE_IF("crash_after_flush_binlog", DBUG_SUICIDE();); update_binlog_end_pos_after_sync = (get_sync_period() == 1); /* If the flush finished successfully, we can call the after_flush hook. Being invoked here, we have the guarantee that the hook is executed before the before/after_send_hooks on the dump thread preventing race conditions among these plug-ins. */ if (flush_error == 0) { const char *file_name_ptr = log_file_name + dirname_length(log_file_name); DBUG_ASSERT(flush_end_pos != 0); if (RUN_HOOK(binlog_storage, after_flush, (thd, file_name_ptr, flush_end_pos))) { LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_BINLOG_FAILED_TO_RUN_AFTER_FLUSH_HOOK); flush_error = ER_ERROR_ON_WRITE; } if (!update_binlog_end_pos_after_sync) update_binlog_end_pos(); DBUG_EXECUTE_IF("crash_commit_after_log", DBUG_SUICIDE();); } if (flush_error) { /* Handle flush error (if any) after leader finishes it's flush stage. */ handle_binlog_flush_or_sync_error(thd, false /* need_lock_log */); } DEBUG_SYNC(thd, "bgc_after_flush_stage_before_sync_stage"); /* Stage #2: Syncing binary log file to disk */ if (change_stage(thd, Stage_manager::SYNC_STAGE, wait_queue, &LOCK_log, &LOCK_sync)) { DBUG_PRINT("return", ("Thread ID: %u, commit_error: %d", thd->thread_id(), thd->commit_error)); return finish_commit(thd); } /* Shall introduce a delay only if it is going to do sync in this ongoing SYNC stage. The "+1" used below in the if condition is to count the ongoing sync stage. When sync_binlog=0 (where we never do sync in BGC group), it is considered as a special case and delay will be executed for every group just like how it is done when sync_binlog= 1. */ if (!flush_error && (sync_counter + 1 >= get_sync_period())) stage_manager.wait_count_or_timeout( opt_binlog_group_commit_sync_no_delay_count, opt_binlog_group_commit_sync_delay, Stage_manager::SYNC_STAGE); final_queue = stage_manager.fetch_queue_for(Stage_manager::SYNC_STAGE); if (flush_error == 0 && total_bytes > 0) { DEBUG_SYNC(thd, "before_sync_binlog_file"); std::pair result = sync_binlog_file(false); sync_error = result.first; } if (update_binlog_end_pos_after_sync) { THD *tmp_thd = final_queue; const char *binlog_file = nullptr; my_off_t pos = 0; while (tmp_thd->next_to_commit != nullptr) tmp_thd = tmp_thd->next_to_commit; if (flush_error == 0 && sync_error == 0) { tmp_thd->get_trans_fixed_pos(&binlog_file, &pos); update_binlog_end_pos(binlog_file, pos); } } DEBUG_SYNC(thd, "bgc_after_sync_stage_before_commit_stage"); leave_mutex_before_commit_stage = &LOCK_sync; /* Stage #3: Commit all transactions in order. This stage is skipped if we do not need to order the commits and each thread have to execute the handlerton commit instead. Howver, since we are keeping the lock from the previous stage, we need to unlock it if we skip the stage. We must also step commit_clock before the ha_commit_low() is called either in ordered fashion(by the leader of this stage) or by the tread themselves. We are delaying the handling of sync error until all locks are released but we should not enter into commit stage if binlog_error_action is ABORT_SERVER. */ commit_stage: /* Clone needs binlog commit order. */ if ((opt_binlog_order_commits || Clone_handler::need_commit_order()) && (sync_error == 0 || binlog_error_action != ABORT_SERVER)) { if (change_stage(thd, Stage_manager::COMMIT_STAGE, final_queue, leave_mutex_before_commit_stage, &LOCK_commit)) { DBUG_PRINT("return", ("Thread ID: %u, commit_error: %d", thd->thread_id(), thd->commit_error)); return finish_commit(thd); } THD *commit_queue = stage_manager.fetch_queue_for(Stage_manager::COMMIT_STAGE); DBUG_EXECUTE_IF("semi_sync_3-way_deadlock", DEBUG_SYNC(thd, "before_process_commit_stage_queue");); if (flush_error == 0 && sync_error == 0) sync_error = call_after_sync_hook(commit_queue); /* process_commit_stage_queue will call update_on_commit or update_on_rollback for the GTID owned by each thd in the queue. This will be done this way to guarantee that GTIDs are added to gtid_executed in order, to avoid creating unnecessary temporary gaps and keep gtid_executed as a single interval at all times. If we allow each thread to call update_on_commit only when they are at finish_commit, the GTID order cannot be guaranteed and temporary gaps may appear in gtid_executed. When this happen, the server would have to add and remove intervals from the Gtid_set, and adding and removing intervals requires a mutex, which would reduce performance. */ process_commit_stage_queue(thd, commit_queue); mysql_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_commit); /* Process after_commit after LOCK_commit is released for avoiding 3-way deadlock among user thread, rotate thread and dump thread. */ process_after_commit_stage_queue(thd, commit_queue); final_queue = commit_queue; } else { if (leave_mutex_before_commit_stage) mysql_mutex_unlock(leave_mutex_before_commit_stage); if (flush_error == 0 && sync_error == 0) sync_error = call_after_sync_hook(final_queue); } /* Handle sync error after we release all locks in order to avoid deadlocks */ if (sync_error) handle_binlog_flush_or_sync_error(thd, true /* need_lock_log */); DEBUG_SYNC(thd, "before_signal_done"); /* Commit done so signal all waiting threads */ stage_manager.signal_done(final_queue); DBUG_EXECUTE_IF("block_leader_after_delete", { const char action[] = "now SIGNAL leader_proceed"; DBUG_ASSERT(!debug_sync_set_action(thd, STRING_WITH_LEN(action))); };); /* Finish the commit before executing a rotate, or run the risk of a deadlock. We don't need the return value here since it is in thd->commit_error, which is returned below. */ (void)finish_commit(thd); DEBUG_SYNC(thd, "bgc_after_commit_stage_before_rotation"); /* If we need to rotate, we do it without commit error. Otherwise the thd->commit_error will be possibly reset. */ if (DBUG_EVALUATE_IF("force_rotate", 1, 0) || (do_rotate && thd->commit_error == THD::CE_NONE && !is_rotating_caused_by_incident)) { /* Do not force the rotate as several consecutive groups may request unnecessary rotations. NOTE: Run purge_logs wo/ holding LOCK_log because it does not need the mutex. Otherwise causes various deadlocks. */ DEBUG_SYNC(thd, "ready_to_do_rotation"); bool check_purge = false; mysql_mutex_lock(&LOCK_log); /* If rotate fails then depends on binlog_error_action variable appropriate action will be taken inside rotate call. */ int error = rotate(false, &check_purge); mysql_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_log); if (error) thd->commit_error = THD::CE_COMMIT_ERROR; else if (check_purge) purge(); } /* flush or sync errors are handled above (using binlog_error_action). Hence treat only COMMIT_ERRORs as errors. */ return thd->commit_error == THD::CE_COMMIT_ERROR; } /** MYSQLD server recovers from last crashed binlog. @param[in] binlog_file_reader Binlog_file_reader of the crashed binlog. @param[out] valid_pos The position of the last valid transaction or event(non-transaction) of the crashed binlog. valid_pos must be non-NULL. After a crash, storage engines may contain transactions that are prepared but not committed (in theory any engine, in practice InnoDB). This function uses the binary log as the source of truth to determine which of these transactions should be committed and which should be rolled back. The function collects the XIDs of all transactions that are completely written to the binary log into a hash, and passes this hash to the storage engines through the ha_recover function in the handler interface. This tells the storage engines to commit all prepared transactions that are in the set, and to roll back all prepared transactions that are not in the set. To compute the hash, this function iterates over the last binary log only (i.e. it assumes that 'log' is the last binary log). It instantiates each event. For XID-events (i.e. commit to InnoDB), it extracts the xid from the event and stores it in the hash. It is enough to iterate over only the last binary log because when the binary log is rotated we force engines to commit (and we fsync the old binary log). @retval 0 Success @retval 1 Out of memory, or storage engine returns error. */ static int binlog_recover(Binlog_file_reader *binlog_file_reader, my_off_t *valid_pos) { Log_event *ev; /* The flag is used for handling the case that a transaction is partially written to the binlog. */ bool in_transaction = false; int memory_page_size = my_getpagesize(); { MEM_ROOT mem_root(key_memory_binlog_recover_exec, memory_page_size); memroot_unordered_set xids(&mem_root); while ((ev = binlog_file_reader->read_event_object())) { if (ev->get_type_code() == binary_log::QUERY_EVENT && !strcmp(((Query_log_event *)ev)->query, "BEGIN")) in_transaction = true; if (ev->get_type_code() == binary_log::QUERY_EVENT && !strcmp(((Query_log_event *)ev)->query, "COMMIT")) { DBUG_ASSERT(in_transaction == true); in_transaction = false; } else if (ev->get_type_code() == binary_log::XID_EVENT || is_atomic_ddl_event(ev)) { my_xid xid; if (ev->get_type_code() == binary_log::XID_EVENT) { DBUG_ASSERT(in_transaction == true); in_transaction = false; Xid_log_event *xev = (Xid_log_event *)ev; xid = xev->xid; } else { xid = ((Query_log_event *)ev)->ddl_xid; } if (!xids.insert(xid).second) goto err1; } /* Recorded valid position for the crashed binlog file which did not contain incorrect events. The following positions increase the variable valid_pos: 1 - ... <---> HERE IS VALID <---> GTID BEGIN ... COMMIT ... 2 - ... <---> HERE IS VALID <---> GTID DDL/UTILITY ... In other words, the following positions do not increase the variable valid_pos: 1 - GTID <---> HERE IS VALID <---> ... 2 - GTID BEGIN <---> HERE IS VALID <---> ... */ if (!in_transaction && !is_gtid_event(ev)) *valid_pos = binlog_file_reader->position(); delete ev; } /* Call ha_recover if and only if there is a registered engine that does 2PC, otherwise in DBUG builds calling ha_recover directly will result in an assert. (Production builds would be safe since ha_recover returns right away if total_ha_2pc <= opt_log_bin.) */ if (total_ha_2pc > 1 && ha_recover(&xids)) goto err1; } return 0; err1: LogErr(ERROR_LEVEL, ER_BINLOG_CRASH_RECOVERY_FAILED); return 1; } void MYSQL_BIN_LOG::update_binlog_end_pos(bool need_lock) { if (need_lock) lock_binlog_end_pos(); else mysql_mutex_assert_owner(&LOCK_binlog_end_pos); atomic_binlog_end_pos = m_binlog_file->position(); signal_update(); if (need_lock) unlock_binlog_end_pos(); } inline void MYSQL_BIN_LOG::update_binlog_end_pos(const char *file, my_off_t pos) { lock_binlog_end_pos(); if (is_active(file) && (pos > atomic_binlog_end_pos)) atomic_binlog_end_pos = pos; signal_update(); unlock_binlog_end_pos(); } bool THD::is_binlog_cache_empty(bool is_transactional) const { DBUG_TRACE; // If opt_bin_log==0, it is not safe to call thd_get_cache_mngr // because binlog_hton has not been completely set up. DBUG_ASSERT(opt_bin_log); binlog_cache_mngr *cache_mngr = thd_get_cache_mngr(this); // cache_mngr is NULL until we call thd->binlog_setup_trx_data, so // we assert that this has been done. DBUG_ASSERT(cache_mngr != nullptr); binlog_cache_data *cache_data = cache_mngr->get_binlog_cache_data(is_transactional); DBUG_ASSERT(cache_data != nullptr); return cache_data->is_binlog_empty(); } /* These functions are placed in this file since they need access to binlog_hton, which has internal linkage. */ int THD::binlog_setup_trx_data() { DBUG_TRACE; binlog_cache_mngr *cache_mngr = thd_get_cache_mngr(this); if (cache_mngr) return 0; // Already set up cache_mngr = (binlog_cache_mngr *)my_malloc(key_memory_binlog_cache_mngr, sizeof(binlog_cache_mngr), MYF(MY_ZEROFILL)); if (!cache_mngr) { return 1; // Didn't manage to set it up } cache_mngr = new (cache_mngr) binlog_cache_mngr(&binlog_stmt_cache_use, &binlog_stmt_cache_disk_use, &binlog_cache_use, &binlog_cache_disk_use); if (cache_mngr->init()) { cache_mngr->~binlog_cache_mngr(); my_free(cache_mngr); return 1; } DBUG_PRINT("debug", ("Set ha_data slot %d to 0x%llx", binlog_hton->slot, (ulonglong)cache_mngr)); thd_set_ha_data(this, binlog_hton, cache_mngr); return 0; } /** */ void register_binlog_handler(THD *thd, bool trx) { DBUG_TRACE; /* If this is the first call to this function while processing a statement, the transactional cache does not have a savepoint defined. So, in what follows: . an implicit savepoint is defined; . callbacks are registered; . binary log is set as read/write. The savepoint allows for truncating the trx-cache transactional changes fail. Callbacks are necessary to flush caches upon committing or rolling back a statement or a transaction. However, notifications do not happen if the binary log is set as read/write. */ binlog_cache_mngr *cache_mngr = thd_get_cache_mngr(thd); if (cache_mngr->trx_cache.get_prev_position() == MY_OFF_T_UNDEF) { /* Set an implicit savepoint in order to be able to truncate a trx-cache. */ my_off_t pos = 0; binlog_trans_log_savepos(thd, &pos); cache_mngr->trx_cache.set_prev_position(pos); /* Set callbacks in order to be able to call commmit or rollback. */ if (trx) trans_register_ha(thd, true, binlog_hton, nullptr); trans_register_ha(thd, false, binlog_hton, nullptr); /* Set the binary log as read/write otherwise callbacks are not called. */ thd->get_ha_data(binlog_hton->slot)->ha_info[0].set_trx_read_write(); } } /** Function to start a statement and optionally a transaction for the binary log. This function does three things: - Starts a transaction if not in autocommit mode or if a BEGIN statement has been seen. - Start a statement transaction to allow us to truncate the cache. - Save the currrent binlog position so that we can roll back the statement by truncating the cache. We only update the saved position if the old one was undefined, the reason is that there are some cases (e.g., for CREATE-SELECT) where the position is saved twice (e.g., both in Query_result_create::prepare() and THD::binlog_write_table_map()), but we should use the first. This means that calls to this function can be used to start the statement before the first table map event, to include some extra events. Note however that IMMEDIATE_LOGGING implies that the statement is written without BEGIN/COMMIT. @param thd Thread variable @param start_event The first event requested to be written into the binary log */ static int binlog_start_trans_and_stmt(THD *thd, Log_event *start_event) { DBUG_TRACE; /* Initialize the cache manager if this was not done yet. */ if (thd->binlog_setup_trx_data()) return 1; /* Retrieve the appropriated cache. */ bool is_transactional = start_event->is_using_trans_cache(); binlog_cache_mngr *cache_mngr = thd_get_cache_mngr(thd); binlog_cache_data *cache_data = cache_mngr->get_binlog_cache_data(is_transactional); /* If the event is requesting immediatly logging, there is no need to go further down and set savepoint and register callbacks. */ if (start_event->is_using_immediate_logging()) return 0; register_binlog_handler(thd, thd->in_multi_stmt_transaction_mode()); /* Transactional DDL is logged traditionally without BEGIN. */ if (is_atomic_ddl_event(start_event)) return 0; /* If the cache is empty log "BEGIN" at the beginning of every transaction. Here, a transaction is either a BEGIN..COMMIT/ROLLBACK block or a single statement in autocommit mode. */ if (cache_data->is_binlog_empty()) { static const char begin[] = "BEGIN"; const char *query = nullptr; char buf[XID::ser_buf_size]; char xa_start[sizeof("XA START") + 1 + sizeof(buf)]; XID_STATE *xs = thd->get_transaction()->xid_state(); int qlen = sizeof(begin) - 1; if (is_transactional && xs->has_state(XID_STATE::XA_ACTIVE)) { /* XA-prepare logging case. */ qlen = sprintf(xa_start, "XA START %s", xs->get_xid()->serialize(buf)); query = xa_start; } else { /* Regular transaction case. */ query = begin; } Query_log_event qinfo(thd, query, qlen, is_transactional, false, true, 0, true); if (cache_data->write_event(&qinfo)) return 1; } return 0; } /** This function writes a table map to the binary log. Note that in order to keep the signature uniform with related methods, we use a redundant parameter to indicate whether a transactional table was changed or not. Sometimes it will write a Rows_query_log_event into binary log before the table map too. @param table a pointer to the table. @param is_transactional @c true indicates a transactional table, otherwise @c false a non-transactional. @param binlog_rows_query @c true indicates a Rows_query log event will be binlogged before table map, otherwise @c false indicates it will not be binlogged. @return nonzero if an error pops up when writing the table map event or the Rows_query log event. */ int THD::binlog_write_table_map(TABLE *table, bool is_transactional, bool binlog_rows_query) { int error; DBUG_TRACE; DBUG_PRINT("enter", ("table: %p (%s: #%llu)", table, table->s->table_name.str, table->s->table_map_id.id())); /* Pre-conditions */ DBUG_ASSERT(is_current_stmt_binlog_format_row() && mysql_bin_log.is_open()); DBUG_ASSERT(table->s->table_map_id.is_valid()); Table_map_log_event the_event(this, table, table->s->table_map_id, is_transactional); binlog_start_trans_and_stmt(this, &the_event); binlog_cache_mngr *const cache_mngr = thd_get_cache_mngr(this); binlog_cache_data *cache_data = cache_mngr->get_binlog_cache_data(is_transactional); if (binlog_rows_query && this->query().str) { /* Write the Rows_query_log_event into binlog before the table map */ Rows_query_log_event rows_query_ev(this, this->query().str, this->query().length); if ((error = cache_data->write_event(&rows_query_ev))) return error; } if ((error = cache_data->write_event(&the_event))) return error; binlog_table_maps++; return 0; } /** This function retrieves a pending row event from a cache which is specified through the parameter @c is_transactional. Respectively, when it is @c true, the pending event is returned from the transactional cache. Otherwise from the non-transactional cache. @param is_transactional @c true indicates a transactional cache, otherwise @c false a non-transactional. @return The row event if any. */ Rows_log_event *THD::binlog_get_pending_rows_event( bool is_transactional) const { Rows_log_event *rows = nullptr; binlog_cache_mngr *const cache_mngr = thd_get_cache_mngr(this); /* This is less than ideal, but here's the story: If there is no cache_mngr, prepare_pending_rows_event() has never been called (since the cache_mngr is set up there). In that case, we just return NULL. */ if (cache_mngr) { binlog_cache_data *cache_data = cache_mngr->get_binlog_cache_data(is_transactional); rows = cache_data->pending(); } return (rows); } /** @param db_param db name c-string to be inserted into alphabetically sorted THD::binlog_accessed_db_names list. Note, that space for both the data and the node struct are allocated in THD::main_mem_root. The list lasts for the top-level query time and is reset in @c THD::cleanup_after_query(). */ void THD::add_to_binlog_accessed_dbs(const char *db_param) { char *after_db; /* binlog_accessed_db_names list is to maintain the database names which are referenced in a given command. Prior to bug 17806014 fix, 'main_mem_root' memory root used to store this list. The 'main_mem_root' scope is till the end of the query. Hence it caused increasing memory consumption problem in big procedures like the ones mentioned below. Eg: CALL p1() where p1 is having 1,00,000 create and drop tables. 'main_mem_root' is freed only at the end of the command CALL p1()'s execution. But binlog_accessed_db_names list scope is only till the individual statements specified the procedure(create/drop statements). Hence the memory allocated in 'main_mem_root' was left uncleared until the p1's completion, even though it is not required after completion of individual statements. Instead of using 'main_mem_root' whose scope is complete query execution, now the memroot is changed to use 'thd->mem_root' whose scope is until the individual statement in CALL p1(). 'thd->mem_root' is set to 'execute_mem_root' in the context of procedure and it's scope is till the individual statement in CALL p1() and thd->memroot is equal to 'main_mem_root' in the context of a normal 'top level query'. Eg: a) create table t1(i int); => If this function is called while processing this statement, thd->memroot is equal to &main_mem_root which will be freed immediately after executing this statement. b) CALL p1() -> p1 contains create table t1(i int); => If this function is called while processing create table statement which is inside a stored procedure, then thd->memroot is equal to 'execute_mem_root' which will be freed immediately after executing this statement. In both a and b case, thd->memroot will be freed immediately and will not increase memory consumption. A special case(stored functions/triggers): Consider the following example: create function f1(i int) returns int begin insert into db1.t1 values (1); insert into db2.t1 values (2); end; When we are processing SELECT f1(), the list should contain db1, db2 names. Since thd->mem_root contains 'execute_mem_root' in the context of stored function, the mem root will be freed after adding db1 in the list and when we are processing the second statement and when we try to add 'db2' in the db1's list, it will lead to crash as db1's memory is already freed. To handle this special case, if in_sub_stmt is set (which is true incase of stored functions/triggers), we use &main_mem_root, if not set we will use thd->memroot which changes it's value to 'execute_mem_root' or '&main_mem_root' depends on the context. */ MEM_ROOT *db_mem_root = in_sub_stmt ? &main_mem_root : mem_root; if (!binlog_accessed_db_names) binlog_accessed_db_names = new (db_mem_root) List; if (binlog_accessed_db_names->elements > MAX_DBS_IN_EVENT_MTS) { push_warning_printf( this, Sql_condition::SL_WARNING, ER_MTS_UPDATED_DBS_GREATER_MAX, ER_THD(this, ER_MTS_UPDATED_DBS_GREATER_MAX), MAX_DBS_IN_EVENT_MTS); return; } after_db = strdup_root(db_mem_root, db_param); /* sorted insertion is implemented with first rearranging data (pointer to char*) of the links and final appending of the least ordered data to create a new link in the list. */ if (binlog_accessed_db_names->elements != 0) { List_iterator it(*get_binlog_accessed_db_names()); while (it++) { char *swap = nullptr; char **ref_cur_db = it.ref(); int cmp = strcmp(after_db, *ref_cur_db); DBUG_ASSERT(!swap || cmp < 0); if (cmp == 0) { after_db = nullptr; /* dup to ignore */ break; } else if (swap || cmp > 0) { swap = *ref_cur_db; *ref_cur_db = after_db; after_db = swap; } } } if (after_db) binlog_accessed_db_names->push_back(after_db, db_mem_root); } /* Tells if two (or more) tables have auto_increment columns and we want to lock those tables with a write lock. SYNOPSIS has_two_write_locked_tables_with_auto_increment tables Table list NOTES: Call this function only when you have established the list of all tables which you'll want to update (including stored functions, triggers, views inside your statement). */ static bool has_write_table_with_auto_increment(TABLE_LIST *tables) { for (TABLE_LIST *table = tables; table; table = table->next_global) { /* we must do preliminary checks as table->table may be NULL */ if (!table->is_placeholder() && table->table->found_next_number_field && (table->lock_descriptor().type >= TL_WRITE_ALLOW_WRITE)) return 1; } return 0; } /* checks if we have select tables in the table list and write tables with auto-increment column. SYNOPSIS has_two_write_locked_tables_with_auto_increment_and_select tables Table list RETURN VALUES -true if the table list has atleast one table with auto-increment column and atleast one table to select from. -false otherwise */ static bool has_write_table_with_auto_increment_and_select(TABLE_LIST *tables) { bool has_select = false; bool has_auto_increment_tables = has_write_table_with_auto_increment(tables); for (TABLE_LIST *table = tables; table; table = table->next_global) { if (!table->is_placeholder() && (table->lock_descriptor().type <= TL_READ_NO_INSERT)) { has_select = true; break; } } return (has_select && has_auto_increment_tables); } /* Tells if there is a table whose auto_increment column is a part of a compound primary key while is not the first column in the table definition. @param tables Table list @return true if the table exists, fais if does not. */ static bool has_write_table_auto_increment_not_first_in_pk(TABLE_LIST *tables) { for (TABLE_LIST *table = tables; table; table = table->next_global) { /* we must do preliminary checks as table->table may be NULL */ if (!table->is_placeholder() && table->table->found_next_number_field && (table->lock_descriptor().type >= TL_WRITE_ALLOW_WRITE) && table->table->s->next_number_keypart != 0) return 1; } return 0; } /** Checks if a table has a column with a non-deterministic DEFAULT expression. */ static bool has_nondeterministic_default(const TABLE *table) { return std::any_of( table->field, table->field + table->s->fields, [](const Field *field) { return field->m_default_val_expr != nullptr && field->m_default_val_expr->get_stmt_unsafe_flags() != 0; }); } /** Checks if a TABLE_LIST contains a table that has been opened for writing, and that has a column with a non-deterministic DEFAULT expression. */ static bool has_write_table_with_nondeterministic_default( const TABLE_LIST *tables) { for (const TABLE_LIST *table = tables; table != nullptr; table = table->next_global) { /* we must do preliminary checks as table->table may be NULL */ if (!table->is_placeholder() && table->lock_descriptor().type >= TL_WRITE_ALLOW_WRITE && has_nondeterministic_default(table->table)) return true; } return false; } /* Function to check whether the table in query uses a fulltext parser plugin or not. @param s - table share pointer. @retval true - The table uses fulltext parser plugin. @retval false - Otherwise. */ static bool inline fulltext_unsafe_set(TABLE_SHARE *s) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < s->keys; i++) { if ((s->key_info[i].flags & HA_USES_PARSER) && s->keys_in_use.is_set(i)) return true; } return false; } #ifndef DBUG_OFF const char *get_locked_tables_mode_name( enum_locked_tables_mode locked_tables_mode) { switch (locked_tables_mode) { case LTM_NONE: return "LTM_NONE"; case LTM_LOCK_TABLES: return "LTM_LOCK_TABLES"; case LTM_PRELOCKED: return "LTM_PRELOCKED"; case LTM_PRELOCKED_UNDER_LOCK_TABLES: return "LTM_PRELOCKED_UNDER_LOCK_TABLES"; default: return "Unknown table lock mode"; } } #endif /** Decide on logging format to use for the statement and issue errors or warnings as needed. The decision depends on the following parameters: - The logging mode, i.e., the value of binlog_format. Can be statement, mixed, or row. - The type of statement. There are three types of statements: "normal" safe statements; unsafe statements; and row injections. An unsafe statement is one that, if logged in statement format, might produce different results when replayed on the slave (e.g., queries with a LIMIT clause). A row injection is either a BINLOG statement, or a row event executed by the slave's SQL thread. - The capabilities of tables modified by the statement. The *capabilities vector* for a table is a set of flags associated with the table. Currently, it only includes two flags: *row capability flag* and *statement capability flag*. The row capability flag is set if and only if the engine can handle row-based logging. The statement capability flag is set if and only if the table can handle statement-based logging. Decision table for logging format --------------------------------- The following table summarizes how the format and generated warning/error depends on the tables' capabilities, the statement type, and the current binlog_format. Row capable N NNNNNNNNN YYYYYYYYY YYYYYYYYY Statement capable N YYYYYYYYY NNNNNNNNN YYYYYYYYY Statement type * SSSUUUIII SSSUUUIII SSSUUUIII binlog_format * SMRSMRSMR SMRSMRSMR SMRSMRSMR Logged format - SS-S----- -RR-RR-RR SRRSRR-RR Warning/Error 1 --2732444 5--5--6-- ---7--6-- Legend ------ Row capable: N - Some table not row-capable, Y - All tables row-capable Stmt capable: N - Some table not stmt-capable, Y - All tables stmt-capable Statement type: (S)afe, (U)nsafe, or Row (I)njection binlog_format: (S)TATEMENT, (M)IXED, or (R)OW Logged format: (S)tatement or (R)ow Warning/Error: Warnings and error messages are as follows: 1. Error: Cannot execute statement: binlogging impossible since both row-incapable engines and statement-incapable engines are involved. 2. Error: Cannot execute statement: binlogging impossible since BINLOG_FORMAT = ROW and at least one table uses a storage engine limited to statement-logging. 3. Error: Cannot execute statement: binlogging of unsafe statement is impossible when storage engine is limited to statement-logging and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. 4. Error: Cannot execute row injection: binlogging impossible since at least one table uses a storage engine limited to statement-logging. 5. Error: Cannot execute statement: binlogging impossible since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT and at least one table uses a storage engine limited to row-logging. 6. Error: Cannot execute row injection: binlogging impossible since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. 7. Warning: Unsafe statement binlogged in statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. In addition, we can produce the following error (not depending on the variables of the decision diagram): 8. Error: Cannot execute statement: binlogging impossible since more than one engine is involved and at least one engine is self-logging. 9. Error: Do not allow users to modify a gtid_executed table explicitly by a XA transaction. For each error case above, the statement is prevented from being logged, we report an error, and roll back the statement. For warnings, we set the thd->binlog_flags variable: the warning will be printed only if the statement is successfully logged. @see THD::binlog_query @param[in] tables Tables involved in the query @retval 0 No error; statement can be logged. @retval -1 One of the error conditions above applies (1, 2, 4, 5, 6 or 9). */ int THD::decide_logging_format(TABLE_LIST *tables) { DBUG_TRACE; DBUG_PRINT("info", ("query: %s", query().str)); DBUG_PRINT("info", ("variables.binlog_format: %lu", variables.binlog_format)); DBUG_PRINT("info", ("lex->get_stmt_unsafe_flags(): 0x%x", lex->get_stmt_unsafe_flags())); #if defined(ENABLED_DEBUG_SYNC) if (!is_attachable_ro_transaction_active()) DEBUG_SYNC(this, "begin_decide_logging_format"); #endif reset_binlog_local_stmt_filter(); /* We should not decide logging format if the binlog is closed or binlogging is off, or if the statement is filtered out from the binlog by filtering rules. */ if (mysql_bin_log.is_open() && (variables.option_bits & OPTION_BIN_LOG) && !(variables.binlog_format == BINLOG_FORMAT_STMT && !binlog_filter->db_ok(m_db.str))) { /* Compute one bit field with the union of all the engine capabilities, and one with the intersection of all the engine capabilities. */ handler::Table_flags flags_write_some_set = 0; handler::Table_flags flags_access_some_set = 0; handler::Table_flags flags_write_all_set = HA_BINLOG_ROW_CAPABLE | HA_BINLOG_STMT_CAPABLE; /* If different types of engines are about to be updated. For example: Innodb and Falcon; Innodb and MyIsam. */ bool multi_write_engine = false; /* If different types of engines are about to be accessed and any of them is about to be updated. For example: Innodb and Falcon; Innodb and MyIsam. */ bool multi_access_engine = false; /* Track if statement creates or drops a temporary table and log in ROW if it does. */ bool is_create_drop_temp_table = false; /* Identifies if a table is changed. */ bool is_write = false; /* A pointer to a previous table that was changed. */ TABLE *prev_write_table = nullptr; /* A pointer to a previous table that was accessed. */ TABLE *prev_access_table = nullptr; /* True if at least one table is transactional. */ bool write_to_some_transactional_table = false; /* True if at least one table is non-transactional. */ bool write_to_some_non_transactional_table = false; /* True if all non-transactional tables that has been updated are temporary. */ bool write_all_non_transactional_are_tmp_tables = true; /** The number of tables used in the current statement, that should be replicated. */ uint replicated_tables_count = 0; /** The number of tables written to in the current statement, that should not be replicated. A table should not be replicated when it is considered 'local' to a MySQL instance. Currently, these tables are: - mysql.slow_log - mysql.general_log - mysql.slave_relay_log_info - mysql.slave_master_info - mysql.slave_worker_info - performance_schema.* - TODO: information_schema.* In practice, from this list, only performance_schema.* tables are written to by user queries. */ uint non_replicated_tables_count = 0; /** Indicate whether we alreadly reported a warning on modifying gtid_executed table. */ int warned_gtid_executed_table = 0; #ifndef DBUG_OFF { DBUG_PRINT("debug", ("prelocked_mode: %s", get_locked_tables_mode_name(locked_tables_mode))); } #endif if (variables.binlog_format != BINLOG_FORMAT_ROW && tables) { /* DML statements that modify a table with an auto_increment column based on rows selected from a table are unsafe as the order in which the rows are fetched fron the select tables cannot be determined and may differ on master and slave. */ if (has_write_table_with_auto_increment_and_select(tables)) lex->set_stmt_unsafe(LEX::BINLOG_STMT_UNSAFE_WRITE_AUTOINC_SELECT); if (has_write_table_auto_increment_not_first_in_pk(tables)) lex->set_stmt_unsafe(LEX::BINLOG_STMT_UNSAFE_AUTOINC_NOT_FIRST); /* A query that modifies autoinc column in sub-statement can make the master and slave inconsistent. We can solve these problems in mixed mode by switching to binlogging if at least one updated table is used by sub-statement */ if (lex->requires_prelocking() && has_write_table_with_auto_increment(lex->first_not_own_table())) lex->set_stmt_unsafe(LEX::BINLOG_STMT_UNSAFE_AUTOINC_COLUMNS); /* A query that modifies a table with a non-deterministic column default expression in a substatement, can make the master and the slave inconsistent. Switch to row logging in mixed mode, and raise a warning in statement mode. */ if (lex->requires_prelocking() && has_write_table_with_nondeterministic_default( lex->first_not_own_table())) lex->set_stmt_unsafe( LEX::BINLOG_STMT_UNSAFE_DEFAULT_EXPRESSION_IN_SUBSTATEMENT); } /* Get the capabilities vector for all involved storage engines and mask out the flags for the binary log. */ for (TABLE_LIST *table = tables; table; table = table->next_global) { if (table->is_placeholder()) { /* Detect if this is a CREATE TEMPORARY or DROP of a temporary table. This will be used later in determining whether to log in ROW or STMT if MIXED replication is being used. */ if (!is_create_drop_temp_table && !table->table && ((lex->sql_command == SQLCOM_CREATE_TABLE && (lex->create_info->options & HA_LEX_CREATE_TMP_TABLE)) || ((lex->sql_command == SQLCOM_DROP_TABLE || lex->sql_command == SQLCOM_TRUNCATE) && find_temporary_table(this, table)))) { is_create_drop_temp_table = true; } continue; } handler::Table_flags const flags = table->table->file->ha_table_flags(); DBUG_PRINT("info", ("table: %s; ha_table_flags: 0x%llx", table->table_name, flags)); if (table->table->no_replicate) { if (!warned_gtid_executed_table) { warned_gtid_executed_table = gtid_state->warn_or_err_on_modify_gtid_table(this, table); /* Do not allow users to modify the gtid_executed table explicitly by a XA transaction. */ if (warned_gtid_executed_table == 2) return -1; } /* The statement uses a table that is not replicated. The following properties about the table: - persistent / transient - transactional / non transactional - temporary / permanent - read or write - multiple engines involved because of this table are not relevant, as this table is completely ignored. Because the statement uses a non replicated table, using STATEMENT format in the binlog is impossible. Either this statement will be discarded entirely, or it will be logged (possibly partially) in ROW format. */ lex->set_stmt_unsafe(LEX::BINLOG_STMT_UNSAFE_SYSTEM_TABLE); if (table->lock_descriptor().type >= TL_WRITE_ALLOW_WRITE) { non_replicated_tables_count++; continue; } } replicated_tables_count++; bool trans = table->table->file->has_transactions(); if (table->lock_descriptor().type >= TL_WRITE_ALLOW_WRITE) { write_to_some_transactional_table = write_to_some_transactional_table || trans; write_to_some_non_transactional_table = write_to_some_non_transactional_table || !trans; if (prev_write_table && prev_write_table->file->ht != table->table->file->ht) multi_write_engine = true; if (table->table->s->tmp_table) lex->set_stmt_accessed_table( trans ? LEX::STMT_WRITES_TEMP_TRANS_TABLE : LEX::STMT_WRITES_TEMP_NON_TRANS_TABLE); else lex->set_stmt_accessed_table(trans ? LEX::STMT_WRITES_TRANS_TABLE : LEX::STMT_WRITES_NON_TRANS_TABLE); /* Non-transactional updates are allowed when row binlog format is used and all non-transactional tables are temporary. Binlog format is checked on THD::is_dml_gtid_compatible() method. */ if (!trans) write_all_non_transactional_are_tmp_tables = write_all_non_transactional_are_tmp_tables && table->table->s->tmp_table; flags_write_all_set &= flags; flags_write_some_set |= flags; is_write = true; prev_write_table = table->table; /* It should be marked unsafe if a table which uses a fulltext parser plugin is modified. See also bug#48183. */ if (!lex->is_stmt_unsafe(LEX::BINLOG_STMT_UNSAFE_FULLTEXT_PLUGIN)) { if (fulltext_unsafe_set(table->table->s)) lex->set_stmt_unsafe(LEX::BINLOG_STMT_UNSAFE_FULLTEXT_PLUGIN); } /* INSERT...ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE on a table with more than one unique keys can be unsafe. Check for it if the flag is already not marked for the given statement. */ if (!lex->is_stmt_unsafe(LEX::BINLOG_STMT_UNSAFE_INSERT_TWO_KEYS) && lex->sql_command == SQLCOM_INSERT && lex->duplicates == DUP_UPDATE) { uint keys = table->table->s->keys, i = 0, unique_keys = 0; for (KEY *keyinfo = table->table->s->key_info; i < keys && unique_keys <= 1; i++, keyinfo++) { if (keyinfo->flags & HA_NOSAME) unique_keys++; } if (unique_keys > 1) lex->set_stmt_unsafe(LEX::BINLOG_STMT_UNSAFE_INSERT_TWO_KEYS); } } if (lex->get_using_match()) { if (fulltext_unsafe_set(table->table->s)) lex->set_stmt_unsafe(LEX::BINLOG_STMT_UNSAFE_FULLTEXT_PLUGIN); } flags_access_some_set |= flags; if (lex->sql_command != SQLCOM_CREATE_TABLE || (lex->sql_command == SQLCOM_CREATE_TABLE && ((lex->create_info->options & HA_LEX_CREATE_TMP_TABLE) || (table->lock_descriptor().type < TL_WRITE_ALLOW_WRITE)))) { if (table->table->s->tmp_table) lex->set_stmt_accessed_table( trans ? LEX::STMT_READS_TEMP_TRANS_TABLE : LEX::STMT_READS_TEMP_NON_TRANS_TABLE); else lex->set_stmt_accessed_table(trans ? LEX::STMT_READS_TRANS_TABLE : LEX::STMT_READS_NON_TRANS_TABLE); } if (prev_access_table && prev_access_table->file->ht != table->table->file->ht) multi_access_engine = true; prev_access_table = table->table; } DBUG_ASSERT(!is_write || write_to_some_transactional_table || write_to_some_non_transactional_table); /* write_all_non_transactional_are_tmp_tables may be true if any non-transactional table was not updated, so we fix its value here. */ write_all_non_transactional_are_tmp_tables = write_all_non_transactional_are_tmp_tables && write_to_some_non_transactional_table; DBUG_PRINT("info", ("flags_write_all_set: 0x%llx", flags_write_all_set)); DBUG_PRINT("info", ("flags_write_some_set: 0x%llx", flags_write_some_set)); DBUG_PRINT("info", ("flags_access_some_set: 0x%llx", flags_access_some_set)); DBUG_PRINT("info", ("multi_write_engine: %d", multi_write_engine)); DBUG_PRINT("info", ("multi_access_engine: %d", multi_access_engine)); int error = 0; int unsafe_flags; /* With transactional data dictionary, CREATE TABLE runs as one statement in a multi-statement transaction internally. Revert this for the purposes of determining mixed statement safety. */ const bool multi_stmt_trans = lex->sql_command != SQLCOM_CREATE_TABLE && in_multi_stmt_transaction_mode(); bool trans_table = trans_has_updated_trans_table(this); bool binlog_direct = variables.binlog_direct_non_trans_update; if (lex->is_mixed_stmt_unsafe(multi_stmt_trans, binlog_direct, trans_table, tx_isolation)) lex->set_stmt_unsafe(LEX::BINLOG_STMT_UNSAFE_MIXED_STATEMENT); else if (multi_stmt_trans && trans_table && !binlog_direct && lex->stmt_accessed_table(LEX::STMT_WRITES_NON_TRANS_TABLE)) lex->set_stmt_unsafe(LEX::BINLOG_STMT_UNSAFE_NONTRANS_AFTER_TRANS); /* If more than one engine is involved in the statement and at least one is doing it's own logging (is *self-logging*), the statement cannot be logged atomically, so we generate an error rather than allowing the binlog to become corrupt. */ if (multi_write_engine && (flags_write_some_set & HA_HAS_OWN_BINLOGGING)) my_error((error = ER_BINLOG_MULTIPLE_ENGINES_AND_SELF_LOGGING_ENGINE), MYF(0)); else if (multi_access_engine && flags_access_some_set & HA_HAS_OWN_BINLOGGING) lex->set_stmt_unsafe( LEX::BINLOG_STMT_UNSAFE_MULTIPLE_ENGINES_AND_SELF_LOGGING_ENGINE); /* XA is unsafe for statements */ if (is_write && !get_transaction()->xid_state()->has_state(XID_STATE::XA_NOTR)) lex->set_stmt_unsafe(LEX::BINLOG_STMT_UNSAFE_XA); DBUG_EXECUTE_IF("make_stmt_only_engines", { flags_write_all_set = HA_BINLOG_STMT_CAPABLE; };); /* both statement-only and row-only engines involved */ if ((flags_write_all_set & (HA_BINLOG_STMT_CAPABLE | HA_BINLOG_ROW_CAPABLE)) == 0) { /* 1. Error: Binary logging impossible since both row-incapable engines and statement-incapable engines are involved */ my_error((error = ER_BINLOG_ROW_ENGINE_AND_STMT_ENGINE), MYF(0)); } /* statement-only engines involved */ else if ((flags_write_all_set & HA_BINLOG_ROW_CAPABLE) == 0) { if (lex->is_stmt_row_injection()) { /* 4. Error: Cannot execute row injection since table uses storage engine limited to statement-logging */ my_error((error = ER_BINLOG_ROW_INJECTION_AND_STMT_ENGINE), MYF(0)); } else if (variables.binlog_format == BINLOG_FORMAT_ROW && sqlcom_can_generate_row_events(this->lex->sql_command)) { /* 2. Error: Cannot modify table that uses a storage engine limited to statement-logging when BINLOG_FORMAT = ROW */ my_error((error = ER_BINLOG_ROW_MODE_AND_STMT_ENGINE), MYF(0)); } else if (variables.binlog_format == BINLOG_FORMAT_MIXED && ((unsafe_flags = lex->get_stmt_unsafe_flags()) != 0)) { /* 3. Error: Cannot execute statement: binlogging of unsafe statement is impossible when storage engine is limited to statement-logging and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. */ for (int unsafe_type = 0; unsafe_type < LEX::BINLOG_STMT_UNSAFE_COUNT; unsafe_type++) if (unsafe_flags & (1 << unsafe_type)) my_error( (error = ER_BINLOG_UNSAFE_AND_STMT_ENGINE), MYF(0), ER_THD_NONCONST(current_thd, LEX::binlog_stmt_unsafe_errcode[unsafe_type])); } else if (is_write && ((unsafe_flags = lex->get_stmt_unsafe_flags()) != 0)) { /* 7. Warning: Unsafe statement logged as statement due to binlog_format = STATEMENT */ binlog_unsafe_warning_flags |= unsafe_flags; DBUG_PRINT("info", ("Scheduling warning to be issued by " "binlog_query: '%s'", ER_THD(current_thd, ER_BINLOG_UNSAFE_STATEMENT))); DBUG_PRINT("info", ("binlog_unsafe_warning_flags: 0x%x", binlog_unsafe_warning_flags)); } /* log in statement format! */ } /* no statement-only engines */ else { /* binlog_format = STATEMENT */ if (variables.binlog_format == BINLOG_FORMAT_STMT) { if (lex->is_stmt_row_injection()) { /* 6. Error: Cannot execute row injection since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT */ my_error((error = ER_BINLOG_ROW_INJECTION_AND_STMT_MODE), MYF(0)); } else if ((flags_write_all_set & HA_BINLOG_STMT_CAPABLE) == 0 && sqlcom_can_generate_row_events(this->lex->sql_command)) { /* 5. Error: Cannot modify table that uses a storage engine limited to row-logging when binlog_format = STATEMENT */ my_error((error = ER_BINLOG_STMT_MODE_AND_ROW_ENGINE), MYF(0), ""); } else if (is_write && (unsafe_flags = lex->get_stmt_unsafe_flags()) != 0) { /* 7. Warning: Unsafe statement logged as statement due to binlog_format = STATEMENT */ binlog_unsafe_warning_flags |= unsafe_flags; DBUG_PRINT("info", ("Scheduling warning to be issued by " "binlog_query: '%s'", ER_THD(current_thd, ER_BINLOG_UNSAFE_STATEMENT))); DBUG_PRINT("info", ("binlog_unsafe_warning_flags: 0x%x", binlog_unsafe_warning_flags)); } /* log in statement format! */ } /* No statement-only engines and binlog_format != STATEMENT. I.e., nothing prevents us from row logging if needed. */ else { if (lex->is_stmt_unsafe() || lex->is_stmt_row_injection() || (flags_write_all_set & HA_BINLOG_STMT_CAPABLE) == 0 || lex->stmt_accessed_table(LEX::STMT_READS_TEMP_TRANS_TABLE) || lex->stmt_accessed_table(LEX::STMT_READS_TEMP_NON_TRANS_TABLE) || is_create_drop_temp_table) { #ifndef DBUG_OFF int flags = lex->get_stmt_unsafe_flags(); DBUG_PRINT("info", ("setting row format for unsafe statement")); for (int i = 0; i < Query_tables_list::BINLOG_STMT_UNSAFE_COUNT; i++) { if (flags & (1 << i)) DBUG_PRINT( "info", ("unsafe reason: %s", ER_THD_NONCONST( current_thd, Query_tables_list::binlog_stmt_unsafe_errcode[i]))); } DBUG_PRINT("info", ("is_row_injection=%d", lex->is_stmt_row_injection())); DBUG_PRINT("info", ("stmt_capable=%llu", (flags_write_all_set & HA_BINLOG_STMT_CAPABLE))); #endif /* log in row format! */ set_current_stmt_binlog_format_row_if_mixed(); } } } if (non_replicated_tables_count > 0) { if ((replicated_tables_count == 0) || !is_write) { DBUG_PRINT("info", ("decision: no logging, no replicated table affected")); set_binlog_local_stmt_filter(); } else { if (!is_current_stmt_binlog_format_row()) { my_error((error = ER_BINLOG_STMT_MODE_AND_NO_REPL_TABLES), MYF(0)); } else { clear_binlog_local_stmt_filter(); } } } else { clear_binlog_local_stmt_filter(); } if (!error && !is_dml_gtid_compatible(write_to_some_transactional_table, write_to_some_non_transactional_table, write_all_non_transactional_are_tmp_tables)) error = 1; if (error) { DBUG_PRINT("info", ("decision: no logging since an error was generated")); return -1; } if (is_write && lex->sql_command != SQLCOM_END /* rows-event applying by slave */) { /* Master side of DML in the STMT format events parallelization. All involving table db:s are stored in a abc-ordered name list. In case the number of databases exceeds MAX_DBS_IN_EVENT_MTS maximum the list gathering breaks since it won't be sent to the slave. */ for (TABLE_LIST *table = tables; table; table = table->next_global) { if (table->is_placeholder()) continue; DBUG_ASSERT(table->table); if (table->table->file->referenced_by_foreign_key()) { /* FK-referenced dbs can't be gathered currently. The following event will be marked for sequential execution on slave. */ binlog_accessed_db_names = nullptr; add_to_binlog_accessed_dbs(""); break; } if (!is_current_stmt_binlog_format_row()) add_to_binlog_accessed_dbs(table->db); } } DBUG_PRINT("info", ("decision: logging in %s format", is_current_stmt_binlog_format_row() ? "ROW" : "STATEMENT")); if (variables.binlog_format == BINLOG_FORMAT_ROW && (lex->sql_command == SQLCOM_UPDATE || lex->sql_command == SQLCOM_UPDATE_MULTI || lex->sql_command == SQLCOM_DELETE || lex->sql_command == SQLCOM_DELETE_MULTI)) { String table_names; /* Generate a warning for UPDATE/DELETE statements that modify a BLACKHOLE table, as row events are not logged in row format. */ for (TABLE_LIST *table = tables; table; table = table->next_global) { if (table->is_placeholder()) continue; if (table->table->file->ht->db_type == DB_TYPE_BLACKHOLE_DB && table->lock_descriptor().type >= TL_WRITE_ALLOW_WRITE) { table_names.append(table->table_name); table_names.append(","); } } if (!table_names.is_empty()) { bool is_update = (lex->sql_command == SQLCOM_UPDATE || lex->sql_command == SQLCOM_UPDATE_MULTI); /* Replace the last ',' with '.' for table_names */ table_names.replace(table_names.length() - 1, 1, ".", 1); push_warning_printf( this, Sql_condition::SL_WARNING, WARN_ON_BLOCKHOLE_IN_RBR, ER_THD(this, WARN_ON_BLOCKHOLE_IN_RBR), is_update ? "UPDATE" : "DELETE", table_names.c_ptr()); } } } else { DBUG_PRINT( "info", ("decision: no logging since " "mysql_bin_log.is_open() = %d " "and (options & OPTION_BIN_LOG) = 0x%llx " "and binlog_format = %lu " "and binlog_filter->db_ok(db) = %d", mysql_bin_log.is_open(), (variables.option_bits & OPTION_BIN_LOG), variables.binlog_format, binlog_filter->db_ok(m_db.str))); for (TABLE_LIST *table = tables; table; table = table->next_global) { if (!table->is_placeholder() && table->table->no_replicate && gtid_state->warn_or_err_on_modify_gtid_table(this, table)) break; } } #if defined(ENABLED_DEBUG_SYNC) if (!is_attachable_ro_transaction_active()) DEBUG_SYNC(this, "end_decide_logging_format"); #endif return 0; } /** Given that a possible violation of gtid consistency has happened, checks if gtid-inconsistencies are forbidden by the current value of ENFORCE_GTID_CONSISTENCY and GTID_MODE. If forbidden, generates error or warning accordingly. @param thd The thread that has issued the GTID-violating statement. @param error_code The error code to use, if error or warning is to be generated. @param log_error_code The error code to use, if error message is to be logged. @retval false Error was generated. @retval true No error was generated (possibly a warning was generated). */ static bool handle_gtid_consistency_violation(THD *thd, int error_code, int log_error_code) { DBUG_TRACE; enum_gtid_type gtid_next_type = thd->variables.gtid_next.type; global_sid_lock->rdlock(); enum_gtid_consistency_mode gtid_consistency_mode = get_gtid_consistency_mode(); enum_gtid_mode gtid_mode = get_gtid_mode(GTID_MODE_LOCK_SID); DBUG_PRINT("info", ("gtid_next.type=%d gtid_mode=%s " "gtid_consistency_mode=%d error=%d query=%s", gtid_next_type, get_gtid_mode_string(gtid_mode), gtid_consistency_mode, error_code, thd->query().str)); /* GTID violations should generate error if: - GTID_MODE=ON or ON_PERMISSIVE and GTID_NEXT='AUTOMATIC' (since the transaction is expected to commit using a GTID), or - GTID_NEXT='UUID:NUMBER' (since the transaction is expected to commit usinga GTID), or - ENFORCE_GTID_CONSISTENCY=ON. */ if ((gtid_next_type == AUTOMATIC_GTID && gtid_mode >= GTID_MODE_ON_PERMISSIVE) || gtid_next_type == ASSIGNED_GTID || gtid_consistency_mode == GTID_CONSISTENCY_MODE_ON) { global_sid_lock->unlock(); my_error(error_code, MYF(0)); return false; } else { /* If we are not generating an error, we must increase the counter of GTID-violating transactions. This will prevent a concurrent client from executing a SET GTID_MODE or SET ENFORCE_GTID_CONSISTENCY statement that would be incompatible with this transaction. If the transaction had already been accounted as a gtid violating transaction, then don't increment the counters, just issue the warning below. This prevents calling begin_automatic_gtid_violating_transaction or begin_anonymous_gtid_violating_transaction multiple times for the same transaction, which would make the counter go out of sync. */ if (!thd->has_gtid_consistency_violation) { if (gtid_next_type == AUTOMATIC_GTID) gtid_state->begin_automatic_gtid_violating_transaction(); else { DBUG_ASSERT(gtid_next_type == ANONYMOUS_GTID); gtid_state->begin_anonymous_gtid_violating_transaction(); } /* If a transaction generates multiple GTID violation conditions, it must still only update the counters once. Hence we use this per-thread flag to keep track of whether the thread has a consistency or not. This function must only be called if the transaction does not already have a GTID violation. */ thd->has_gtid_consistency_violation = true; } global_sid_lock->unlock(); // Generate warning if ENFORCE_GTID_CONSISTENCY = WARN. if (gtid_consistency_mode == GTID_CONSISTENCY_MODE_WARN) { // Need to print to log so that replication admin knows when users // have adjusted their workloads. LogErr(WARNING_LEVEL, log_error_code); // Need to print to client so that users can adjust their workload. push_warning(thd, Sql_condition::SL_WARNING, error_code, ER_THD_NONCONST(thd, error_code)); } return true; } } bool THD::is_ddl_gtid_compatible() { DBUG_TRACE; // If @@session.sql_log_bin has been manually turned off (only // doable by SUPER), then no problem, we can execute any statement. if ((variables.option_bits & OPTION_BIN_LOG) == 0 || mysql_bin_log.is_open() == false) return true; DBUG_PRINT("info", ("SQLCOM_CREATE:%d CREATE-TMP:%d SELECT:%d SQLCOM_DROP:%d " "DROP-TMP:%d trx:%d", lex->sql_command == SQLCOM_CREATE_TABLE, (lex->sql_command == SQLCOM_CREATE_TABLE && (lex->create_info->options & HA_LEX_CREATE_TMP_TABLE)), lex->select_lex->item_list.elements, lex->sql_command == SQLCOM_DROP_TABLE, (lex->sql_command == SQLCOM_DROP_TABLE && lex->drop_temporary), in_multi_stmt_transaction_mode())); if (lex->sql_command == SQLCOM_CREATE_TABLE && !(lex->create_info->options & HA_LEX_CREATE_TMP_TABLE) && lex->select_lex->item_list.elements) { /* CREATE ... SELECT (without TEMPORARY) is unsafe because if binlog_format=row it will be logged as a CREATE TABLE followed by row events, re-executed non-atomically as two transactions, and then written to the slave's binary log as two separate transactions with the same GTID. */ bool ret = handle_gtid_consistency_violation( this, ER_GTID_UNSAFE_CREATE_SELECT, ER_RPL_GTID_UNSAFE_STMT_CREATE_SELECT); return ret; } else if ((lex->sql_command == SQLCOM_CREATE_TABLE && (lex->create_info->options & HA_LEX_CREATE_TMP_TABLE) != 0) || (lex->sql_command == SQLCOM_DROP_TABLE && lex->drop_temporary)) { /* When @@session.binlog_format=statement, [CREATE|DROP] TEMPORARY TABLE is unsafe to execute inside a transaction or Procedure, because the [CREATE|DROP] statement on the temporary table will be executed and written into binary log with a GTID even if the transaction or Procedure is rolled back. */ if (variables.binlog_format == BINLOG_FORMAT_STMT && (in_multi_stmt_transaction_mode() || in_sub_stmt)) { bool ret = handle_gtid_consistency_violation( this, ER_CLIENT_GTID_UNSAFE_CREATE_DROP_TEMP_TABLE_IN_TRX_IN_SBR, ER_SERVER_GTID_UNSAFE_CREATE_DROP_TEMP_TABLE_IN_TRX_IN_SBR); return ret; } } return true; } bool THD::is_dml_gtid_compatible(bool some_transactional_table, bool some_non_transactional_table, bool non_transactional_tables_are_tmp) { DBUG_TRACE; // If @@session.sql_log_bin has been manually turned off (only // doable by SUPER), then no problem, we can execute any statement. if ((variables.option_bits & OPTION_BIN_LOG) == 0 || mysql_bin_log.is_open() == false) return true; /* Single non-transactional updates are allowed when not mixed together with transactional statements within a transaction. Furthermore, writing to transactional and non-transactional engines in a single statement is also disallowed. Multi-statement transactions on non-transactional tables are split into single-statement transactions when GTID_NEXT = "AUTOMATIC". Non-transactional updates are allowed when row binlog format is used and all non-transactional tables are temporary. The debug symbol "allow_gtid_unsafe_non_transactional_updates" disables the error. This is useful because it allows us to run old tests that were not written with the restrictions of GTIDs in mind. */ DBUG_PRINT("info", ("some_non_transactional_table=%d " "some_transactional_table=%d " "trans_has_updated_trans_table=%d " "non_transactional_tables_are_tmp=%d " "is_current_stmt_binlog_format_row=%d", some_non_transactional_table, some_transactional_table, trans_has_updated_trans_table(this), non_transactional_tables_are_tmp, is_current_stmt_binlog_format_row())); if (some_non_transactional_table && (some_transactional_table || trans_has_updated_trans_table(this)) && !(non_transactional_tables_are_tmp && is_current_stmt_binlog_format_row()) && !DBUG_EVALUATE_IF("allow_gtid_unsafe_non_transactional_updates", 1, 0)) { return handle_gtid_consistency_violation( this, ER_GTID_UNSAFE_NON_TRANSACTIONAL_TABLE, ER_RPL_GTID_UNSAFE_STMT_ON_NON_TRANS_TABLE); } return true; } /* Implementation of interface to write rows to the binary log through the thread. The thread is responsible for writing the rows it has inserted/updated/deleted. */ /* Template member function for ensuring that there is an rows log event of the apropriate type before proceeding. PRE CONDITION: - Events of type 'RowEventT' have the type code 'type_code'. POST CONDITION: If a non-NULL pointer is returned, the pending event for thread 'thd' will be an event of type 'RowEventT' (which have the type code 'type_code') will either empty or have enough space to hold 'needed' bytes. In addition, the columns bitmap will be correct for the row, meaning that the pending event will be flushed if the columns in the event differ from the columns suppled to the function. RETURNS If no error, a non-NULL pending event (either one which already existed or the newly created one). If error, NULL. */ template Rows_log_event *THD::binlog_prepare_pending_rows_event( TABLE *table, uint32 serv_id, size_t needed, bool is_transactional, const unsigned char *extra_row_info, uint32 source_part_id) { DBUG_TRACE; /* Fetch the type code for the RowsEventT template parameter */ int const general_type_code = RowsEventT::TYPE_CODE; partition_info *part_info = table->part_info; auto part_id = get_rpl_part_id(part_info); Rows_log_event *pending = binlog_get_pending_rows_event(is_transactional); if (unlikely(pending && !pending->is_valid())) return nullptr; /* Check if the current event is non-NULL and a write-rows event. Also check if the table provided is mapped: if it is not, then we have switched to writing to a new table. If there is no pending event, we need to create one. If there is a pending event, but it's not about the same table id, or not of the same type (between Write, Update and Delete), or not the same affected columns, or going to be too big, flush this event to disk and create a new pending event. We do not need to check that the pending event and the new event have the same setting for partial json updates, because partialness of json can only be changed outside transactions. */ if (!pending || pending->server_id != serv_id || pending->get_table_id() != table->s->table_map_id || pending->get_general_type_code() != general_type_code || pending->get_data_size() + needed > binlog_row_event_max_size || pending->read_write_bitmaps_cmp(table) == false || !(pending->m_extra_row_info.compare_extra_row_info( extra_row_info, part_id, source_part_id))) { /* Create a new RowsEventT... */ Rows_log_event *const ev = new RowsEventT( this, table, table->s->table_map_id, is_transactional, extra_row_info); if (unlikely(!ev)) return nullptr; ev->server_id = serv_id; // I don't like this, it's too easy to forget. /* flush the pending event and replace it with the newly created event... */ if (unlikely(mysql_bin_log.flush_and_set_pending_rows_event( this, ev, is_transactional))) { delete ev; return nullptr; } return ev; /* This is the new pending event */ } return pending; /* This is the current pending event */ } /* Declare in unnamed namespace. */ namespace { /** Class to handle temporary allocation of memory for row data. The responsibilities of the class is to provide memory for packing one or two rows of packed data (depending on what constructor is called). In order to make the allocation more efficient for rows without blobs, a pointer to the allocated memory is stored in the table structure for such rows. If memory for a table containing a blob field is requested, only memory for that is allocated, and subsequently released when the object is destroyed. */ class Row_data_memory { public: /** Build an object to keep track of a block-local piece of memory for storing a row of data. @param table Table where the pre-allocated memory is stored. @param data Pointer to the table record. */ Row_data_memory(TABLE *table, const uchar *data) : m_memory(0) { #ifndef DBUG_OFF m_alloc_checked = false; #endif allocate_memory(table, max_row_length(table, data)); m_ptr[0] = has_memory() ? m_memory : 0; m_ptr[1] = 0; } Row_data_memory(TABLE *table, const uchar *data1, const uchar *data2, ulonglong value_options = 0) : m_memory(0) { #ifndef DBUG_OFF m_alloc_checked = false; #endif size_t len1 = max_row_length(table, data1); size_t len2 = max_row_length(table, data2, value_options); allocate_memory(table, len1 + len2); m_ptr[0] = has_memory() ? m_memory : 0; m_ptr[1] = has_memory() ? m_memory + len1 : 0; } ~Row_data_memory() { if (m_memory != 0 && m_release_memory_on_destruction) my_free(m_memory); } /** Is there memory allocated? @retval true There is memory allocated @retval false Memory allocation failed */ bool has_memory() const { #ifndef DBUG_OFF m_alloc_checked = true; #endif return m_memory != 0; } uchar *slot(uint s) { DBUG_ASSERT(s < sizeof(m_ptr) / sizeof(*m_ptr)); DBUG_ASSERT(m_ptr[s] != 0); DBUG_ASSERT(m_alloc_checked == true); return m_ptr[s]; } private: /** Compute an upper bound on the amount of memory needed. This may return an over-approximation. @param table The table @param data The server's row record. @param value_options The value of @@global.binlog_row_value_options */ size_t max_row_length(TABLE *table, const uchar *data, ulonglong value_options = 0) { TABLE_SHARE *table_s = table->s; /* The server stores rows using "records". A record is a sequence of bytes which contains values or pointers to values for all fields (columns). The server uses table_s->reclength bytes for a row record. The layout of a record is roughly: - N+1+B bits, packed into CEIL((N+1+B)/8) bytes, where N is the number of nullable columns in the table, and B is the sum of the number of bits of all BIT columns. - A sequence of serialized fields, each corresponding to a non-BIT, non-NULL column in the table. For variable-length columns, the first component of the serialized field is a length, stored using 1, 2, 3, or 4 bytes depending on the maximum length for the data type. For most data types, the next component of the serialized field is the actual data. But for for VARCHAR, VARBINARY, TEXT, BLOB, and JSON, the next component of the serialized field is a serialized pointer, i.e. sizeof(pointer) bytes, which point to another memory area where the actual data is stored. The layout of a row image in the binary log is roughly: - If this is an after-image and partial JSON is enabled, 1 byte containing value_options. If the PARTIAL_JSON bit of value_options is set, this is followed by P bits (the "partial_bits"), packed into CEIL(P) bytes, where P is the number of JSON columns in the table. - M bits (the "null_bits"), packed into CEIL(M) bytes, where M is the number of columns in the image. - A sequence of serialized fields, each corresponding to a non-NULL column in the row image. For variable-length columns, the first component of the serialized field is a length, stored using 1, 2, 3, or 4 bytes depending on the maximum length for the data type. For most data types, the next component of the serialized field is the actual field data. But for JSON fields where the corresponding bit of the partial_bits is 1, this is a sequence of diffs instead. Now we try to use table_s->reclength to estimate how much memory to allocate for a row image in the binlog. Due to the differences this will only be an upper bound. Notice the differences: - The binlog may only include a subset of the fields (the row image), whereas reclength contains space for all fields. - BIT columns are not packed together with NULL bits in the binlog, so up to 1 more byte per BIT column may be needed. - The binlog has a null bit even for non-nullable fields, whereas the reclength only contains space nullable fields, so the binlog may need up to CEIL(table_s->fields/8) more bytes. - The binlog only has a null bit for fields in the image, whereas the reclength contains space for all fields. - The binlog contains the full blob whereas the record only contains sizeof(pointer) bytes. - The binlog contains value_options and partial_bits. So this may use up to 1+CEIL(table_s->fields/8) more bytes. - The binlog may contain partial JSON. This is guaranteed to be smaller than the size of the full value. For those data types that are not stored using a pointer, the size of the field in the binary log is at most 2 bytes more than what the field contributes to in table_s->reclength, because those data types use at most 1 byte for the length and waste less than a byte on extra padding and extra bits in null_bits or BIT columns. For those data types that are stored using a pointer, the size of the field in the binary log is at most 2 bytes more than what the field contributes to in table_s->reclength, plus the size of the data. The size of the pointer is at least 4 on all supported platforms, so it is bigger than what is used by partial_bits, value_format, or any waste due to extra padding and extra bits in null_bits. */ size_t length = table_s->reclength + 2 * table_s->fields; for (uint i = 0; i < table_s->blob_fields; i++) { Field *field = table->field[table_s->blob_field[i]]; Field_blob *field_blob = down_cast(field); if (field_blob->type() == MYSQL_TYPE_JSON && (value_options & PARTIAL_JSON_UPDATES) != 0) { Field_json *field_json = down_cast(field_blob); length += field_json->get_diff_vector_and_length(value_options); } else length += field_blob->get_length(data + field_blob->offset(table->record[0])); } return length; } void allocate_memory(TABLE *const table, const size_t total_length) { if (table->s->blob_fields == 0) { /* The maximum length of a packed record is less than this length. We use this value instead of the supplied length when allocating memory for records, since we don't know how the memory will be used in future allocations. Since table->s->reclength is for unpacked records, we have to add two bytes for each field, which can potentially be added to hold the length of a packed field. */ size_t const maxlen = table->s->reclength + 2 * table->s->fields; /* Allocate memory for two records if memory hasn't been allocated. We allocate memory for two records so that it can be used when processing update rows as well. */ if (table->write_row_record == 0) table->write_row_record = (uchar *)table->mem_root.Alloc(2 * maxlen); m_memory = table->write_row_record; m_release_memory_on_destruction = false; } else { m_memory = (uchar *)my_malloc(key_memory_Row_data_memory_memory, total_length, MYF(MY_WME)); m_release_memory_on_destruction = true; } } #ifndef DBUG_OFF mutable bool m_alloc_checked; #endif bool m_release_memory_on_destruction; uchar *m_memory; uchar *m_ptr[2]; }; } // namespace int THD::binlog_write_row(TABLE *table, bool is_trans, uchar const *record, const unsigned char *extra_row_info) { DBUG_ASSERT(is_current_stmt_binlog_format_row() && mysql_bin_log.is_open()); /* Pack records into format for transfer. We are allocating more memory than needed, but that doesn't matter. */ Row_data_memory memory(table, record); if (!memory.has_memory()) return HA_ERR_OUT_OF_MEM; uchar *row_data = memory.slot(0); size_t const len = pack_row(table, table->write_set, row_data, record, enum_row_image_type::WRITE_AI); Rows_log_event *const ev = binlog_prepare_pending_rows_event( table, server_id, len, is_trans, extra_row_info); if (unlikely(ev == 0)) return HA_ERR_OUT_OF_MEM; return ev->add_row_data(row_data, len); } int THD::binlog_update_row(TABLE *table, bool is_trans, const uchar *before_record, const uchar *after_record, const unsigned char *extra_row_info) { DBUG_ASSERT(is_current_stmt_binlog_format_row() && mysql_bin_log.is_open()); int error = 0; /** Save a reference to the original read and write set bitmaps. We will need this to restore the bitmaps at the end. */ MY_BITMAP *old_read_set = table->read_set; MY_BITMAP *old_write_set = table->write_set; /** This will remove spurious fields required during execution but not needed for binlogging. This is done according to the: binlog-row-image option. */ binlog_prepare_row_images(this, table); Row_data_memory row_data(table, before_record, after_record, variables.binlog_row_value_options); if (!row_data.has_memory()) return HA_ERR_OUT_OF_MEM; uchar *before_row = row_data.slot(0); uchar *after_row = row_data.slot(1); size_t const before_size = pack_row(table, table->read_set, before_row, before_record, enum_row_image_type::UPDATE_BI); size_t const after_size = pack_row( table, table->write_set, after_row, after_record, enum_row_image_type::UPDATE_AI, variables.binlog_row_value_options); DBUG_DUMP("before_record", before_record, table->s->reclength); DBUG_DUMP("after_record", after_record, table->s->reclength); DBUG_DUMP("before_row", before_row, before_size); DBUG_DUMP("after_row", after_row, after_size); partition_info *part_info = table->part_info; uint32 source_part_id = binary_log::Rows_event::Extra_row_info::UNDEFINED; if (part_info) { uint32 new_part_id = binary_log::Rows_event::Extra_row_info::UNDEFINED; longlong func_value = 0; get_parts_for_update(before_record, after_record, table->record[0], part_info, &source_part_id, &new_part_id, &func_value); } Rows_log_event *const ev = binlog_prepare_pending_rows_event( table, server_id, before_size + after_size, is_trans, extra_row_info, source_part_id); if (part_info) { ev->m_extra_row_info.set_source_partition_id(source_part_id); } if (unlikely(ev == 0)) return HA_ERR_OUT_OF_MEM; error = ev->add_row_data(before_row, before_size) || ev->add_row_data(after_row, after_size); /* restore read/write set for the rest of execution */ table->column_bitmaps_set_no_signal(old_read_set, old_write_set); bitmap_clear_all(&table->tmp_set); return error; } int THD::binlog_delete_row(TABLE *table, bool is_trans, uchar const *record, const unsigned char *extra_row_info) { DBUG_ASSERT(is_current_stmt_binlog_format_row() && mysql_bin_log.is_open()); int error = 0; /** Save a reference to the original read and write set bitmaps. We will need this to restore the bitmaps at the end. */ MY_BITMAP *old_read_set = table->read_set; MY_BITMAP *old_write_set = table->write_set; /** This will remove spurious fields required during execution but not needed for binlogging. This is done according to the: binlog-row-image option. */ binlog_prepare_row_images(this, table); /* Pack records into format for transfer. We are allocating more memory than needed, but that doesn't matter. */ Row_data_memory memory(table, record); if (unlikely(!memory.has_memory())) return HA_ERR_OUT_OF_MEM; uchar *row_data = memory.slot(0); DBUG_DUMP("table->read_set", (uchar *)table->read_set->bitmap, (table->s->fields + 7) / 8); size_t const len = pack_row(table, table->read_set, row_data, record, enum_row_image_type::DELETE_BI); Rows_log_event *const ev = binlog_prepare_pending_rows_event( table, server_id, len, is_trans, extra_row_info); if (unlikely(ev == 0)) return HA_ERR_OUT_OF_MEM; error = ev->add_row_data(row_data, len); /* restore read/write set for the rest of execution */ table->column_bitmaps_set_no_signal(old_read_set, old_write_set); bitmap_clear_all(&table->tmp_set); return error; } void binlog_prepare_row_images(const THD *thd, TABLE *table) { DBUG_TRACE; /** Remove from read_set spurious columns. The write_set has been handled before in table->mark_columns_needed_for_update. */ DBUG_PRINT_BITSET("debug", "table->read_set (before preparing): %s", table->read_set); /** if there is a primary key in the table (ie, user declared PK or a non-null unique index) and we dont want to ship the entire image, and the handler involved supports this. */ if (table->s->primary_key < MAX_KEY && (thd->variables.binlog_row_image < BINLOG_ROW_IMAGE_FULL) && !ha_check_storage_engine_flag(table->s->db_type(), HTON_NO_BINLOG_ROW_OPT)) { /** Just to be sure that tmp_set is currently not in use as the read_set already. */ DBUG_ASSERT(table->read_set != &table->tmp_set); // Verify it's not used DBUG_ASSERT(bitmap_is_clear_all(&table->tmp_set)); switch (thd->variables.binlog_row_image) { case BINLOG_ROW_IMAGE_MINIMAL: /* MINIMAL: Mark only PK */ table->mark_columns_used_by_index_no_reset(table->s->primary_key, &table->tmp_set); break; case BINLOG_ROW_IMAGE_NOBLOB: /** NOBLOB: Remove unnecessary BLOB fields from read_set (the ones that are not part of PK). */ bitmap_union(&table->tmp_set, table->read_set); for (Field **ptr = table->field; *ptr; ptr++) { Field *field = (*ptr); if ((field->type() == MYSQL_TYPE_BLOB) && !(field->flags & PRI_KEY_FLAG)) bitmap_clear_bit(&table->tmp_set, field->field_index); } break; default: DBUG_ASSERT(0); // impossible. } /* set the temporary read_set */ table->column_bitmaps_set_no_signal(&table->tmp_set, table->write_set); } DBUG_PRINT_BITSET("debug", "table->read_set (after preparing): %s", table->read_set); } int THD::binlog_flush_pending_rows_event(bool stmt_end, bool is_transactional) { DBUG_TRACE; /* We shall flush the pending event even if we are not in row-based mode: it might be the case that we left row-based mode before flushing anything (e.g., if we have explicitly locked tables). */ if (!mysql_bin_log.is_open()) return 0; /* Mark the event as the last event of a statement if the stmt_end flag is set. */ int error = 0; if (Rows_log_event *pending = binlog_get_pending_rows_event(is_transactional)) { if (stmt_end) { pending->set_flags(Rows_log_event::STMT_END_F); binlog_table_maps = 0; } error = mysql_bin_log.flush_and_set_pending_rows_event(this, 0, is_transactional); } return error; } #if !defined(DBUG_OFF) static const char *show_query_type(THD::enum_binlog_query_type qtype) { switch (qtype) { case THD::ROW_QUERY_TYPE: return "ROW"; case THD::STMT_QUERY_TYPE: return "STMT"; case THD::QUERY_TYPE_COUNT: default: DBUG_ASSERT(0 <= qtype && qtype < THD::QUERY_TYPE_COUNT); } static char buf[64]; sprintf(buf, "UNKNOWN#%d", qtype); return buf; } #endif /** Auxiliary function to reset the limit unsafety warning suppression. */ static void reset_binlog_unsafe_suppression() { DBUG_TRACE; unsafe_warning_suppression_is_activated = false; limit_unsafe_warning_count = 0; limit_unsafe_suppression_start_time = my_getsystime() / 10000000; } /** Auxiliary function to print warning in the error log. */ static void print_unsafe_warning_to_log(int unsafe_type, char *buf, const char *query) { DBUG_TRACE; sprintf(buf, ER_DEFAULT(ER_BINLOG_UNSAFE_STATEMENT), ER_DEFAULT_NONCONST(LEX::binlog_stmt_unsafe_errcode[unsafe_type])); LogErr(WARNING_LEVEL, ER_BINLOG_UNSAFE_MESSAGE_AND_STATEMENT, buf, query); } /** Auxiliary function to check if the warning for limit unsafety should be thrown or suppressed. Details of the implementation can be found in the comments inline. @param buf Buffer to hold the warning message text @param unsafe_type The type of unsafety. @param query The actual query statement. TODO: Remove this function and implement a general service for all warnings that would prevent flooding the error log. => switch to log_throttle class? */ static void do_unsafe_limit_checkout(char *buf, int unsafe_type, const char *query) { ulonglong now; DBUG_TRACE; DBUG_ASSERT(unsafe_type == LEX::BINLOG_STMT_UNSAFE_LIMIT); limit_unsafe_warning_count++; /* INITIALIZING: If this is the first time this function is called with log warning enabled, the monitoring the unsafe warnings should start. */ if (limit_unsafe_suppression_start_time == 0) { limit_unsafe_suppression_start_time = my_getsystime() / 10000000; print_unsafe_warning_to_log(unsafe_type, buf, query); } else { if (!unsafe_warning_suppression_is_activated) print_unsafe_warning_to_log(unsafe_type, buf, query); if (limit_unsafe_warning_count >= LIMIT_UNSAFE_WARNING_ACTIVATION_THRESHOLD_COUNT) { now = my_getsystime() / 10000000; if (!unsafe_warning_suppression_is_activated) { /* ACTIVATION: We got LIMIT_UNSAFE_WARNING_ACTIVATION_THRESHOLD_COUNT warnings in less than LIMIT_UNSAFE_WARNING_ACTIVATION_TIMEOUT we activate the suppression. */ if ((now - limit_unsafe_suppression_start_time) <= LIMIT_UNSAFE_WARNING_ACTIVATION_TIMEOUT) { unsafe_warning_suppression_is_activated = true; DBUG_PRINT("info", ("A warning flood has been detected and the limit \ unsafety warning suppression has been activated.")); } else { /* there is no flooding till now, therefore we restart the monitoring */ limit_unsafe_suppression_start_time = my_getsystime() / 10000000; limit_unsafe_warning_count = 0; } } else { /* Print the suppression note and the unsafe warning. */ LogErr(INFORMATION_LEVEL, ER_BINLOG_WARNING_SUPPRESSED, limit_unsafe_warning_count, (int)(now - limit_unsafe_suppression_start_time)); print_unsafe_warning_to_log(unsafe_type, buf, query); /* DEACTIVATION: We got LIMIT_UNSAFE_WARNING_ACTIVATION_THRESHOLD_COUNT warnings in more than LIMIT_UNSAFE_WARNING_ACTIVATION_TIMEOUT, the suppression should be deactivated. */ if ((now - limit_unsafe_suppression_start_time) > LIMIT_UNSAFE_WARNING_ACTIVATION_TIMEOUT) { reset_binlog_unsafe_suppression(); DBUG_PRINT("info", ("The limit unsafety warning supression has been \ deactivated")); } } limit_unsafe_warning_count = 0; } } } /** Auxiliary method used by @c binlog_query() to raise warnings. The type of warning and the type of unsafeness is stored in THD::binlog_unsafe_warning_flags. */ void THD::issue_unsafe_warnings() { char buf[MYSQL_ERRMSG_SIZE * 2]; DBUG_TRACE; /* Ensure that binlog_unsafe_warning_flags is big enough to hold all bits. This is actually a constant expression. */ DBUG_ASSERT(LEX::BINLOG_STMT_UNSAFE_COUNT <= sizeof(binlog_unsafe_warning_flags) * CHAR_BIT); uint32 unsafe_type_flags = binlog_unsafe_warning_flags; /* For each unsafe_type, check if the statement is unsafe in this way and issue a warning. */ for (int unsafe_type = 0; unsafe_type < LEX::BINLOG_STMT_UNSAFE_COUNT; unsafe_type++) { if ((unsafe_type_flags & (1 << unsafe_type)) != 0) { push_warning_printf( this, Sql_condition::SL_NOTE, ER_BINLOG_UNSAFE_STATEMENT, ER_THD(this, ER_BINLOG_UNSAFE_STATEMENT), ER_THD_NONCONST(this, LEX::binlog_stmt_unsafe_errcode[unsafe_type])); if (log_error_verbosity > 1 && opt_log_unsafe_statements) { if (unsafe_type == LEX::BINLOG_STMT_UNSAFE_LIMIT) do_unsafe_limit_checkout(buf, unsafe_type, query().str); else // cases other than LIMIT unsafety print_unsafe_warning_to_log(unsafe_type, buf, query().str); } } } } /** Log the current query. The query will be logged in either row format or statement format depending on the value of @c current_stmt_binlog_format_row field and the value of the @c qtype parameter. This function must be called: - After the all calls to ha_*_row() functions have been issued. - After any writes to system tables. Rationale: if system tables were written after a call to this function, and the master crashes after the call to this function and before writing the system tables, then the master and slave get out of sync. - Before tables are unlocked and closed. @see decide_logging_format @retval 0 Success @retval nonzero If there is a failure when writing the query (e.g., write failure), then the error code is returned. */ int THD::binlog_query(THD::enum_binlog_query_type qtype, const char *query_arg, size_t query_len, bool is_trans, bool direct, bool suppress_use, int errcode) { DBUG_TRACE; DBUG_PRINT("enter", ("qtype: %s query: '%s'", show_query_type(qtype), query_arg)); DBUG_ASSERT(query_arg && mysql_bin_log.is_open()); if (get_binlog_local_stmt_filter() == BINLOG_FILTER_SET) { /* The current statement is to be ignored, and not written to the binlog. Do not call issue_unsafe_warnings(). */ return 0; } /* If we are not in prelocked mode, mysql_unlock_tables() will be called after this binlog_query(), so we have to flush the pending rows event with the STMT_END_F set to unlock all tables at the slave side as well. If we are in prelocked mode, the flushing will be done inside the top-most close_thread_tables(). */ if (this->locked_tables_mode <= LTM_LOCK_TABLES) if (int error = binlog_flush_pending_rows_event(true, is_trans)) return error; /* Warnings for unsafe statements logged in statement format are printed in three places instead of in decide_logging_format(). This is because the warnings should be printed only if the statement is actually logged. When executing decide_logging_format(), we cannot know for sure if the statement will be logged: 1 - sp_head::execute_procedure which prints out warnings for calls to stored procedures. 2 - sp_head::execute_function which prints out warnings for calls involving functions. 3 - THD::binlog_query (here) which prints warning for top level statements not covered by the two cases above: i.e., if not insided a procedure and a function. Besides, we should not try to print these warnings if it is not possible to write statements to the binary log as it happens when the execution is inside a function, or generaly speaking, when the variables.option_bits & OPTION_BIN_LOG is false. */ if ((variables.option_bits & OPTION_BIN_LOG) && sp_runtime_ctx == nullptr && !binlog_evt_union.do_union) issue_unsafe_warnings(); switch (qtype) { /* ROW_QUERY_TYPE means that the statement may be logged either in row format or in statement format. If current_stmt_binlog_format is row, it means that the statement has already been logged in row format and hence shall not be logged again. */ case THD::ROW_QUERY_TYPE: DBUG_PRINT("debug", ("is_current_stmt_binlog_format_row: %d", is_current_stmt_binlog_format_row())); if (is_current_stmt_binlog_format_row()) return 0; /* Fall through */ /* STMT_QUERY_TYPE means that the query must be logged in statement format; it cannot be logged in row format. This is typically used by DDL statements. It is an error to use this query type if current_stmt_binlog_format_row is row. @todo Currently there are places that call this method with STMT_QUERY_TYPE and current_stmt_binlog_format is row. Fix those places and add assert to ensure correct behavior. /Sven */ case THD::STMT_QUERY_TYPE: /* The MYSQL_BIN_LOG::write() function will set the STMT_END_F flag and flush the pending rows event if necessary. */ { Query_log_event qinfo(this, query_arg, query_len, is_trans, direct, suppress_use, errcode); /* Binlog table maps will be irrelevant after a Query_log_event (they are just removed on the slave side) so after the query log event is written to the binary log, we pretend that no table maps were written. */ int error = mysql_bin_log.write_event(&qinfo); binlog_table_maps = 0; return error; } break; case THD::QUERY_TYPE_COUNT: default: DBUG_ASSERT(0 <= qtype && qtype < QUERY_TYPE_COUNT); } return 0; } struct st_mysql_storage_engine binlog_storage_engine = { MYSQL_HANDLERTON_INTERFACE_VERSION}; /** @} */ mysql_declare_plugin(binlog){ MYSQL_STORAGE_ENGINE_PLUGIN, &binlog_storage_engine, "binlog", "MySQL AB", "This is a pseudo storage engine to represent the binlog in a transaction", PLUGIN_LICENSE_GPL, binlog_init, /* Plugin Init */ nullptr, /* Plugin Check uninstall */ binlog_deinit, /* Plugin Deinit */ 0x0100 /* 1.0 */, nullptr, /* status variables */ nullptr, /* system variables */ nullptr, /* config options */ 0, } mysql_declare_plugin_end;