#Get deafult engine value --let $DEFAULT_ENGINE = `select @@global.default_storage_engine` --disable_warnings drop table if exists t1,t2,v1,v2; drop view if exists t1,t2,v1,v2; --enable_warnings CREATE TABLE `t1` ( a int not null auto_increment, `pseudo` varchar(35) character set latin2 NOT NULL default '', `email` varchar(60) character set latin2 NOT NULL default '', PRIMARY KEY (a), UNIQUE KEY `email` USING BTREE (`email`) ) ENGINE=HEAP CHARSET=latin1 ROW_FORMAT DYNAMIC; set @@sql_mode=""; show variables like 'sql_mode'; #Replace default engine value with static engine string --replace_result $DEFAULT_ENGINE ENGINE show create table t1; set @@sql_mode="ansi_quotes"; show variables like 'sql_mode'; #Replace default engine value with static engine string --replace_result $DEFAULT_ENGINE ENGINE show create table t1; drop table t1; # # BUG#5318 - failure: 'IGNORE_SPACE' affects numeric values after DEFAULT # # Force the usage of the default set session sql_mode = ''; # statement for comparison, value starts with '.' create table t1 ( min_num dec(6,6) default .000001); #Replace default engine value with static engine string --replace_result $DEFAULT_ENGINE ENGINE show create table t1; drop table t1 ; # set session sql_mode = 'IGNORE_SPACE'; # statement for comparison, value starts with '0' create table t1 ( min_num dec(6,6) default 0.000001); #Replace default engine value with static engine string --replace_result $DEFAULT_ENGINE ENGINE show create table t1; drop table t1 ; # This statement fails, value starts with '.' create table t1 ( min_num dec(6,6) default .000001); #Replace default engine value with static engine string --replace_result $DEFAULT_ENGINE ENGINE show create table t1; drop table t1 ; # # Bug #10732: Set SQL_MODE to NULL gives garbled error message # --error 1231 set @@SQL_MODE=NULL; # #Replace default engine value with static engine string --replace_result $DEFAULT_ENGINE ENGINE # Bug #797: in sql_mode=ANSI, show create table ignores auto_increment # set session sql_mode=ansi; create table t1 (f1 integer auto_increment primary key, f2 timestamp not null default current_timestamp on update current_timestamp); #Replace default engine value with static engine string --replace_result $DEFAULT_ENGINE ENGINE show create table t1; drop table t1; # End of 4.1 tests # # test for # WL 1941 "NO_C_ESCAPES sql_mode" # # an sql_mode to disable \n, \r, \b, etc escapes in string literals. actually, to # disable special meaning of backslash completely. It's not in the SQL standard # and it causes some R/3 tests to fail. # SET @OLD_SQL_MODE=@@SQL_MODE, @@SQL_MODE=''; show local variables like 'SQL_MODE'; CREATE TABLE t1 (p int not null auto_increment, a varchar(20), primary key(p)) charset latin1; INSERT t1 (a) VALUES ('\\'), ('\n'), ('\b'), ('\r'), ('\t'), ('\x'), ('\a'), ('\aa'), ('\\a'), ('\\aa'), ('_'), ('\_'), ('\\_'), ('\\\_'), ('\\\\_'), ('%'), ('\%'), ('\\%'), ('\\\%'), ('\\\\%') ; SELECT p, hex(a) FROM t1; delete from t1 where a in ('\n','\r','\t', '\b'); select masks.p, masks.a as mask, examples.a as example from t1 as masks left join t1 as examples on examples.a LIKE masks.a order by masks.p, example; DROP TABLE t1; SET @@SQL_MODE='NO_BACKSLASH_ESCAPES'; show local variables like 'SQL_MODE'; CREATE TABLE t1 (p int not null auto_increment, a varchar(20), primary key(p)) charset latin1; INSERT t1 (a) VALUES ('\\'), ('\n'), ('\b'), ('\r'), ('\t'), ('\x'), ('\a'), ('\aa'), ('\\a'), ('\\aa'), ('_'), ('\_'), ('\\_'), ('\\\_'), ('\\\\_'), ('%'), ('\%'), ('\\%'), ('\\\%'), ('\\\\%') ; SELECT p, hex(a) FROM t1; delete from t1 where a in ('\n','\r','\t', '\b'); select masks.p, masks.a as mask, examples.a as example from t1 as masks left join t1 as examples on examples.a LIKE masks.a order by masks.p, example; DROP TABLE t1; # Bug #6368: Make sure backslashes mixed with doubled quotes are handled # correctly in NO_BACKSLASH_ESCAPES mode SET @@SQL_MODE='NO_BACKSLASH_ESCAPES'; SELECT 'a\\b', 'a\\\"b', 'a''\\b', 'a''\\\"b'; SELECT "a\\b", "a\\\'b", "a""\\b", "a""\\\'b"; SET @@SQL_MODE=''; SELECT 'a\\b', 'a\\\"b', 'a''\\b', 'a''\\\"b'; SELECT "a\\b", "a\\\'b", "a""\\b", "a""\\\'b"; # # Bug#6877: MySQL should give an error if the requested table type # is not available # #set session sql_mode = 'NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION'; #--error 1289 #create table t1 (a int) engine=isam; #--error 1146 #Replace default engine value with static engine string --replace_result $DEFAULT_ENGINE ENGINE #show create table t1; #drop table if exists t1; # ## for comparison, lets see the warnings... #set session sql_mode = ''; #create table t1 (a int) engine=isam; #Replace default engine value with static engine string --replace_result $DEFAULT_ENGINE ENGINE #show create table t1; #drop table t1; # # Bug #6903: ANSI_QUOTES does not come into play with SHOW CREATE FUNCTION # or PROCEDURE because it displays the SQL_MODE used to create the routine. # SET @@SQL_MODE=''; create function `foo` () returns int return 5; show create function `foo`; SET @@SQL_MODE='ANSI_QUOTES'; show create function `foo`; drop function `foo`; create function `foo` () returns int return 5; show create function `foo`; SET @@SQL_MODE=''; show create function `foo`; drop function `foo`; # # Bug #6903: ANSI_QUOTES should have effect for SHOW CREATE VIEW (Bug #6903) # SET @@SQL_MODE=''; create table t1 (a int); create table t2 (a int); create view v1 as select a from t1; show create view v1; SET @@SQL_MODE='ANSI_QUOTES'; show create view v1; # Test a view with a subselect, which will get shown incorrectly without # thd->lex->view_prepare_mode set properly. create view v2 as select a from t2 where a in (select a from v1); drop view v2, v1; drop table t1, t2; select @@sql_mode; set sql_mode=2097152; select @@sql_mode; # BUG#14675 set sql_mode=4194304; select @@sql_mode; set sql_mode=32+(65536*4); select @@sql_mode; --error 1231 set sql_mode=4294967296*2; # that mode does not exist select @@sql_mode; # # Test WL921: Retain spaces when retrieving CHAR column values set sql_mode=PAD_CHAR_TO_FULL_LENGTH; create table t1 (a int auto_increment primary key, b char(5)); insert into t1 (b) values('a'),('b\t'),('c '); select concat('x',b,'x') from t1; set sql_mode=0; select concat('x',b,'x') from t1; drop table t1; SET @@SQL_MODE=@OLD_SQL_MODE; # # Bug #32753: PAD_CHAR_TO_FULL_LENGTH is not documented and interferes # with grant tables # create user mysqltest_32753@localhost; # try to make the user-table space-padded --connection default set @OLD_SQL_MODE=@@SESSION.SQL_MODE; set session sql_mode='PAD_CHAR_TO_FULL_LENGTH'; flush privileges; # if user-table is affected by PAD_CHAR_TO_FULL_LENGTH, our connect will fail # --error 1045 connect (user_32753,localhost,mysqltest_32753,,test,$MASTER_MYPORT,$MASTER_MYSOCK); select current_user(); # clean up --connection default set session sql_mode=@OLD_SQL_MODE; flush privileges; --disconnect user_32753 --connection default drop user mysqltest_32753@localhost; # # Bug#21099 MySQL 5.0.22 silently creates MyISAM tables even though # InnoDB specified. # SET @org_mode=@@sql_mode; SET @@sql_mode='traditional'; # Agreed change was to add NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION to TRADITIONAL sql mode. SELECT @@sql_mode LIKE '%NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION%'; SET sql_mode=@org_mode; # # Bug#45100: Incomplete DROP USER in case of SQL_MODE = 'PAD_CHAR_TO_FULL_LENGTH' # --disable_warnings DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t1,t2; --enable_warnings # Generate some prerequisites CREATE USER 'user_PCTFL'@'localhost' identified by 'PWD'; CREATE USER 'user_no_PCTFL'@'localhost' identified by 'PWD'; CREATE TABLE t1 (f1 BIGINT); CREATE TABLE t2 (f1 CHAR(3) NOT NULL, f2 CHAR(20)); # Grant privilege on a TABLE GRANT ALL ON t1 TO 'user_PCTFL'@'localhost','user_no_PCTFL'@'localhost'; # Grant privilege on some COLUMN of a table GRANT SELECT(f1) ON t2 TO 'user_PCTFL'@'localhost','user_no_PCTFL'@'localhost'; SET @OLD_SQL_MODE = @@SESSION.SQL_MODE; SET SESSION SQL_MODE = 'PAD_CHAR_TO_FULL_LENGTH'; DROP USER 'user_PCTFL'@'localhost'; SET SESSION SQL_MODE = @OLD_SQL_MODE; DROP USER 'user_no_PCTFL'@'localhost'; FLUSH PRIVILEGES; SELECT * FROM mysql.db WHERE Host = 'localhost' AND User LIKE 'user_%PCTFL'; SELECT * FROM mysql.tables_priv WHERE Host = 'localhost' AND User LIKE 'user_%PCTFL'; SELECT * FROM mysql.columns_priv WHERE Host = 'localhost' AND User LIKE 'user_%PCTFL'; # Cleanup DROP TABLE t1; DROP TABLE t2; --echo --echo # --echo # Test for Bug#12601974 - STORED PROCEDURE SQL_MODE=NO_BACKSLASH_ESCAPES --echo # IGNORED AND BREAKS REPLICATION --echo # --disable_warnings DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test_table; DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS test_function; --enable_warnings CREATE TABLE test_table (c1 CHAR(50)); SET @org_mode=@@sql_mode; SET @@sql_mode=''; PREPARE insert_stmt FROM 'INSERT INTO test_table VALUES (?)'; PREPARE update_stmt FROM 'UPDATE test_table SET c1= ? WHERE c1= ?'; DELIMITER $; CREATE FUNCTION test_function(var CHAR(50)) RETURNS CHAR(50) BEGIN DECLARE char_val CHAR(50); SELECT c1 INTO char_val FROM test_table WHERE c1=var; RETURN char_val; END $ DELIMITER ;$ SET @var1='abcd\'ef'; SET @var2='abcd\"ef'; SET @var3='abcd\bef'; SET @var4='abcd\nef'; SET @var5='abcd\ref'; SET @var6='abcd\tef'; SET @var7='abcd\\ef'; SET @var8='abcd\%ef'; SET @var9='abcd\_ef'; SET @to_var1='wxyz\'ef'; SET @to_var2='wxyz\"ef'; SET @to_var3='wxyz\bef'; SET @to_var4='wxyz\nef'; SET @to_var5='wxyz\ref'; SET @to_var6='wxyz\tef'; SET @to_var7='wxyz\\ef'; SET @to_var8='wxyz\%ef'; SET @to_var9='wxyz\_ef'; --echo # STRING LILTERAL WITH BACKSLASH IN PREPARE STATEMENT EXECUTE insert_stmt USING @var1; EXECUTE insert_stmt USING @var2; EXECUTE insert_stmt USING @var3; EXECUTE insert_stmt USING @var4; EXECUTE insert_stmt USING @var5; EXECUTE insert_stmt USING @var6; EXECUTE insert_stmt USING @var7; EXECUTE insert_stmt USING @var8; EXECUTE insert_stmt USING @var9; SELECT * FROM test_table; EXECUTE update_stmt USING @to_var1, @var1; EXECUTE update_stmt USING @to_var2, @var2; EXECUTE update_stmt USING @to_var3, @var3; EXECUTE update_stmt USING @to_var4, @var4; EXECUTE update_stmt USING @to_var5, @var5; EXECUTE update_stmt USING @to_var6, @var6; EXECUTE update_stmt USING @to_var7, @var7; EXECUTE update_stmt USING @to_var8, @var8; EXECUTE update_stmt USING @to_var9, @var9; SELECT * FROM test_table; --echo --echo # END OF CASE - STRING LILTERAL WITH BACKSLASH IN PREPARE STATEMENT --echo # STRING LILTERAL WITH BACKSLASH IN FUNCTION RETURNING STRING select test_function(@to_var1); SELECT test_function(@to_var2); SELECT test_function(@to_var3); SELECT test_function(@to_var4); SELECT test_function(@to_var5); SELECT test_function(@to_var6); SELECT test_function(@to_var7); SELECT test_function(@to_var8); SELECT test_function(@to_var9); --echo --echo # END OF CASE - STRING LILTERAL WITH BACKSLASH IN FUNCTION RETURNING STRING DELETE FROM test_table; DROP FUNCTION test_function; SET @@sql_mode='NO_BACKSLASH_ESCAPES'; DELIMITER $; CREATE FUNCTION test_function(var CHAR(50)) RETURNS CHAR(50) BEGIN DECLARE char_val CHAR(50); SELECT c1 INTO char_val FROM test_table WHERE c1=var; RETURN char_val; END $ DELIMITER ;$ --echo # STRING LILTERAL WITH BACKSLASH IN PREPARE STATEMENT EXECUTE insert_stmt USING @var1; EXECUTE insert_stmt USING @var2; EXECUTE insert_stmt USING @var3; EXECUTE insert_stmt USING @var4; EXECUTE insert_stmt USING @var5; EXECUTE insert_stmt USING @var6; EXECUTE insert_stmt USING @var7; EXECUTE insert_stmt USING @var8; EXECUTE insert_stmt USING @var9; SELECT * FROM test_table; EXECUTE update_stmt USING @to_var1, @var1; EXECUTE update_stmt USING @to_var2, @var2; EXECUTE update_stmt USING @to_var3, @var3; EXECUTE update_stmt USING @to_var4, @var4; EXECUTE update_stmt USING @to_var5, @var5; EXECUTE update_stmt USING @to_var6, @var6; EXECUTE update_stmt USING @to_var7, @var7; EXECUTE update_stmt USING @to_var8, @var8; EXECUTE update_stmt USING @to_var9, @var9; SELECT * FROM test_table; --echo --echo # END OF CASE - STRING LILTERAL WITH BACKSLASH IN PREPARE STATEMENT --echo # STRING LILTERAL WITH BACKSLASH IN FUNCTION RETURNING STRING select test_function(@to_var1); SELECT test_function(@to_var2); SELECT test_function(@to_var3); SELECT test_function(@to_var4); SELECT test_function(@to_var5); SELECT test_function(@to_var6); SELECT test_function(@to_var7); SELECT test_function(@to_var8); SELECT test_function(@to_var9); --echo --echo # END OF CASE - STRING LILTERAL WITH BACKSLASH IN FUNCTION RETURNING STRING DROP TABLE test_table; DROP FUNCTION test_function; SET @@sql_mode= @org_mode; --echo --echo #End of Test for Bug#12601974 --echo # --echo # BUG#18311187 - SQL_MODE IS CHANGED TO WRONG VALUE AFTER DUMP/DATA --echo # UPGRADE FOR TRIGGERS --echo # SET @org_mode= @@sql_mode; --echo # NO_ZERO_DATE, NO_ZERO_IN_DATE and ERROR_FOR_DIVISION_BY_ZERO modes --echo # are removed in 5.7 and their functionality is merged with STRICT mode. --echo # Setting these modes in 5.7 will give warning and have no effect. SET sql_mode= 'NO_ZERO_DATE'; SELECT @@sql_mode; SET sql_mode= 'NO_ZERO_IN_DATE'; SELECT @@sql_mode; SET sql_mode= 'ERROR_FOR_DIVISION_BY_ZERO'; SELECT @@sql_mode; --echo # --echo # Restore sql mode --echo # SET sql_mode= @org_mode; --echo # --echo # Test for Bug#12601974 - STORED PROCEDURE SQL_MODE=NO_BACKSLASH_ESCAPES --echo # IGNORED AND BREAKS REPLICATION --echo # SET @org_mode=@@sql_mode; SET @@sql_mode=''; --echo # USER NAME CONTAINING BACKSLASH IN CREATE USER OPERATION CREATE USER 'user\'s_12601974'@'localhost'; --error ER_CANNOT_USER CREATE USER 'user\'s_12601974'@'localhost'; DROP USER 'user\'s_12601974'@'localhost'; CREATE USER 'user\"s_12601974'@'localhost'; --error ER_CANNOT_USER CREATE USER 'user\"s_12601974'@'localhost'; DROP USER 'user\"s_12601974'@'localhost'; CREATE USER 'user\bs_12601974'@'localhost'; --error ER_CANNOT_USER CREATE USER 'user\bs_12601974'@'localhost'; DROP USER 'user\bs_12601974'@'localhost'; CREATE USER 'user\ns_12601974'@'localhost'; --error ER_CANNOT_USER CREATE USER 'user\ns_12601974'@'localhost'; DROP USER 'user\ns_12601974'@'localhost'; CREATE USER 'user\rs_12601974'@'localhost'; --error ER_CANNOT_USER CREATE USER 'user\rs_12601974'@'localhost'; DROP USER 'user\rs_12601974'@'localhost'; CREATE USER 'user\ts_12601974'@'localhost'; --error ER_CANNOT_USER CREATE USER 'user\ts_12601974'@'localhost'; DROP USER 'user\ts_12601974'@'localhost'; CREATE USER 'user\\s_12601974'@'localhost'; --error ER_CANNOT_USER CREATE USER 'user\\s_12601974'@'localhost'; DROP USER 'user\\s_12601974'@'localhost'; CREATE USER 'user\%s_12601974'@'localhost'; --error ER_CANNOT_USER CREATE USER 'user\%s_12601974'@'localhost'; DROP USER 'user\%s_12601974'@'localhost'; CREATE USER 'user\_s_12601974'@'localhost'; --error ER_CANNOT_USER CREATE USER 'user\_s_12601974'@'localhost'; DROP USER 'user\_s_12601974'@'localhost'; --echo --echo # END OF CASE - USER NAME CONTAINING BACKSLASH IN CREATE USER OPERATION SET @@sql_mode='NO_BACKSLASH_ESCAPES'; --echo # USER NAME CONTAINING BACKSLASH IN DROP USER OPERATION CREATE USER 'user\"s_12601974'@'localhost'; --error ER_CANNOT_USER CREATE USER 'user\"s_12601974'@'localhost'; DROP USER 'user\"s_12601974'@'localhost'; CREATE USER 'user\bs_12601974'@'localhost'; --error ER_CANNOT_USER CREATE USER 'user\bs_12601974'@'localhost'; DROP USER 'user\bs_12601974'@'localhost'; CREATE USER 'user\ns_12601974'@'localhost'; --error ER_CANNOT_USER CREATE USER 'user\ns_12601974'@'localhost'; DROP USER 'user\ns_12601974'@'localhost'; CREATE USER 'user\rs_12601974'@'localhost'; --error ER_CANNOT_USER CREATE USER 'user\rs_12601974'@'localhost'; DROP USER 'user\rs_12601974'@'localhost'; CREATE USER 'user\ts_12601974'@'localhost'; --error ER_CANNOT_USER CREATE USER 'user\ts_12601974'@'localhost'; DROP USER 'user\ts_12601974'@'localhost'; CREATE USER 'user\\s_12601974'@'localhost'; --error ER_CANNOT_USER CREATE USER 'user\\s_12601974'@'localhost'; DROP USER 'user\\s_12601974'@'localhost'; CREATE USER 'user\%s_12601974'@'localhost'; --error ER_CANNOT_USER CREATE USER 'user\%s_12601974'@'localhost'; DROP USER 'user\%s_12601974'@'localhost'; CREATE USER 'user\%s_12601974'@'localhost'; --error ER_CANNOT_USER CREATE USER 'user\%s_12601974'@'localhost'; DROP USER 'user\%s_12601974'@'localhost'; CREATE USER 'user\_s_12601974'@'localhost'; --error ER_CANNOT_USER CREATE USER 'user\_s_12601974'@'localhost'; DROP USER 'user\_s_12601974'@'localhost'; --echo --echo # END OF CASE - USER NAME CONTAINING BACKSLASH IN CREATE USER OPERATION SET @@sql_mode= @org_mode; --echo --echo #End of Test for Bug#12601974 --echo --echo Bug#28546855 EXECUTE STATEMENT HAVE TO CHECK STRICT_TRANS_TABLES MODE --echo SELECT '\''; # restore Emacs SQL mode font lock sanity SET SQL_MODE=DEFAULT; CREATE TABLE test(id INT, count DOUBLE); INSERT INTO test VALUES (1,0), (2,0); --echo always worked --error ER_TRUNCATED_WRONG_VALUE UPDATE test SET count = count + 1 WHERE id = '1invalid'; PREPARE stmt FROM 'UPDATE test SET count = count + 1 WHERE id = ?'; SET @a = '1invalid'; --echo failed to give an error --error ER_TRUNCATED_WRONG_VALUE EXECUTE stmt USING @a; SET SQL_MODE=''; EXECUTE stmt USING @a; SELECT * FROM test; SET SQL_MODE=DEFAULT; DROP TABLE test; --echo # --echo # Bug#29287785: PASSWORD IS NOT UPDATED WITHOUT ERRORS WHEN --echo # SQL MODE IS PAD_CHAR_TO_FULL_LENGTH --echo # CREATE USER 'user1'@'localhost'; SET sql_mode= 'PAD_CHAR_TO_FULL_LENGTH'; SET PASSWORD FOR 'user1'@'localhost'= 'abc'; SELECT LENGTH(authentication_string) FROM mysql.user WHERE user= 'user1'; #Cleanup DROP USER 'user1'@'localhost'; SET sql_mode= DEFAULT;